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The difference between Persians and Arabs. Persia - What is the country now? Ancient Persia and modern Iran in which part of the world Persians live

Persians, Indo-Eulation. The people who lived southwards. Elama. The founder of the Persian kingdom (dependent on the Midwood) in Anshan is considered to be Chishpish, the son of Ahemen, and therefore by Dr. Persian. CAR. The dynasty was entrenched the name of the Ahemedida. See Cyrus II Great (559,530 to p ... Biblical Encyclopedia Brockhausa

Modern encyclopedia

Persians, Persians, units. Persian, Persian, husband. The people constituting the main population of Iran (as the same name of Persia). Explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

Persians, s, units. PERS, A, Husband. and (statute) Persian, and, husband. The former name of the Iranians; Now the name of the nation of Farce, which is about half of Iran's population. | wives. Persian, and. | arr. Persian, Aya, OE. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Obgov ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

Population of Persia. A dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910 ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

SUT., Number of synonyms: 1 persian (1) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

Persians - (self-calving Farce, Irani) people with a total number of 28,750 thousand people, living, mainly in Iran (28,000 thousand people). Other settlement countries: Iraq 150 thousand people, USA 130 thousand people, Saudi Arabia 100 thousand people, Kuwait 85 thousand ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

Farce (Samonazv. Irani, MN. Number Iranian), a nation that is approx. Halves of the population of Iran (according to the 1st general census of the country's population in Con. 1956, P. approx. 9 million, according to 1963, 10.5 million). Speak on Persian (Farsi) language, ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

S; MN. Nation, the main population of Iran (Persia); Representatives of this nation. PERS, A; m. Persian, and; MN. Rod. Nok, dates. NAC; g. Persian (see). * * * Persians (Farsi, Samupport Irani), People in Iran (about 21.3 million people). Total ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

persians - Persians, OV, MN (Persian Persian, A and the statute. Persian, A, M). The people, the main population of the Central and Eastern part of Iran (until 1935 of Persia), the state in the South Zap. Asia; People belonging to this people, Farce; Persian Yaz. Farsi, Iranian group ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns


  • Persians. The first historical novel "Scythians", Nikolai Vasilyevich Sokolov. The first book of the historical novel "Scythians" describes the state coup of 522 to our era in Persia. After the murder of Tsar Bardia in the country began and rebellion, and ... electronic book
  • Wild Persians, Panov Vadim. Mysterious disappearances, strange deaths, cruel revenge of criminals ... St. Petersburg swept the wave of loud, at first glance not related to each other of crimes whose traces of ...

Persians became one of the greatest peoples in the history of mankind thanks to engineering achievements and a developed military business. They managed to create an empire superior to all the rest. The contribution of the Persian people to world culture cannot be overestimated, because it was he who created the palaces, engineering structures and one of the first mastered the shipbuilding.


The history of Persia is divided into several stages, the most important of which was the formation of the capital Persepol. However, history teaches that one war is impossible to achieve prosperity. That is why Persian kings sought to build cities and water channels. And they have achieved tremendous success.

Having learned about the achievements of Persians, the neighboring tribes decided to swear to the loyalty to Ahemedu, which was then the great people. In the 6th century BC Persians began to rule the Great, in which the Persian Empire reached the highest prosperity. The power of this ruler was not only in the knowledge of military affairs, but also politics. His influence recognized the Jewish people, and the Greeks and Ionians considered Kira with a true benefactor.
Historians converge that the Empire, created by Kirome Great, was the largest in the ancient world. The ruler plans to conquer the whole world. Before that, he decided to build the Pasargada capital (also Pasargad), in which all the most bold projects were implemented.

A feature of Kira was unthinkable by the standards of that time attitude towards the conquered peoples. Conquering new lands, the ruler did not told to invite people into slavery. People had the right to preserve their own faith, the obsessions are observed. Such political regulation is explained by foresight - while maintaining comfortable living conditions and the lack of restrictions in religion, people had no need to resist. On the contrary, they only contributed to strengthening the power of the Persian king. In the future, Kira managed to conquer Babylon, although his residents themselves recognized King the liberator. Babylon was required by the Persian king as a buffer state to approach Egypt. Interestingly, the Jewish people considered Kira Messiah. However, being a commander, he had to constantly participate in hostilities, which ultimately led him to death.

With the death of Kira Great in the history of Persia, grim time comes. The throne could not empty long, so the fierce struggle begins for it. Not only Persia was scared, but everyone who had any relationship with the empire. Again, the ruler's place occupies a commander, which is a distant relative of Kira. We are talking about Daria, famous for all Persias not only as a great warrior, but also a brilliant king. Without exaggeration, he was a worthy successor of Kira.

The first thing Darius commands overripes the desires, which turns into one of the most beautiful cities of the Persian kingdom, which even the Bible mentions. Darius decides to build a new capital - Persepol, which has become unique at the time of the city, embodied amazing engineering ideas. And again the Persian kings show themselves complacently, paying reward workers for their work. When paying, gender, qualifications and physical abilities were taken into account. As a result, with Darius, the Persian Empire becomes huge and extends from Egypt to India. To tie the country together, the road from rubble and gravel is created. Persians learned the need to lay the embankment to eliminate the negative impact of groundwater.

During the reign, Darius faced uprisings. So, athens and Corinth resisted him, which were united by the troops. Oddly enough, the Persian army loses, and Darius himself decides to return to the native edges. As a result, he comprehends the same fate as a relative - 486 BC. It becomes the last year of the reign of Darius, which dies during the campaign. However, the king turns out to be quite wise to name the successor in advance. They become the famous xerx.

He continues to fight with the Athenians, but tolerates a crushing defeat, and his successor Artaxerxes decides not to go by military campaigns, but to express itself as a builder's king. However, the enemies of Persia time did not lose, and in Egypt, an uprising has already begun. 4th century BC I marked the end of the Persian Empire. After the death of Artaxerks, there was a period of beamlessness. Finally, Darius Third comes to power, meanwhile, a new great ruler appears to the light - Alexander. It was he who conquers Persia and gloriously glorifies her, taking the daughter of Darius of the third in his wife. The influence of Persia on Alexander is so strong that he proclaims itself with a part of the Ahemenide dynasty. In total, the Persian Empire existed for about 2,700 years.


Persians glanced great conquerors and engineers, but they had to take culture from other peoples. For example, the writing of the Persian people borrowed from the Assyrians, and the language used the Aramaic. Modern options for Persian, called Farsi and Farsi Kabuli (Dari), formed thanks to the Arab letter. A significant role in their life was played by the religion and the book "Avesta", which has the same greater importance as the Quran or the Bible for modern peoples.

Persians understood that it was impossible to survive without water, so the sources found were needed to transfer. It was impossible to get it from the rivers and the lakes, so they came up with unique structures, with which they swung water from the mountains. By building underground channels, they used the elementary laws of physics, understanding the features of the gravity action. Water came from the foothill Elbrus. Having a natural bias, it allowed water to flow through the canals and reach the Persian Gulf. For the construction of the channels used vertical mines, then built tunnels. The overall length of the tunnels could be from 20 to 40 kilometers. These are incredibly complex structures that are even difficult to realize without knowledge of the material and technical base. Persians had to take into account that water is capable of blurring the base, so the angle of inclination of the channels should not exceed a certain mark. If the angle was too small, then the water would be stood. A competent approach allowed them to create such a system in which the water was abundant in the arid climate.


The most significant achievements of Persians are palaces and all kinds of architectural structures. A bright proof is the Persepol, in which stone tents and huge columns were erected. It was Persians first to begin to use glazed tiles, they decorated the palaces with gold and silver, used reliefs for decoration. Persian engineers independently invented the sewer system, built a canal connecting the Mediterranean and Red Sea. For the invasion of Greece, a pontoon bridge was used, capable of withstanding 70 thousand soldiers. Thus, in the construction of them, it still does not remain equal.

The conquest of Persians allowed them to gain a lot of experience - they studied the construction technology and developed the engineering business. That is why in the cities of Persia you can see signs of the influence of Assyria, countries of Malaya Asia and the Egyptian Empire. For the construction of Pasargada, the master came to the king with the whole empire. Thanks to them, the capital became a city in which it was possible to enjoy magnificent paradisia parks. Many gardens and canals, luxurious facing, numerous pools - all this splendor decorated the capital. Persians considered landscape design geniuses using live hedges as decorations.
According to the description of contemporaries, in the palace of King Kerks, you could see excellent sculptures, and the palace himself was a huge structure. Only his main hall had an area of \u200b\u200b3,600 square meters and was called the hall of a hundred columns. The stairs had skill bas-reliefs showing the processions of the people and the settlement of states.


The ancient Persians worshiped the great God of Ahuramazd, who personified the light and good. It was often portrayed as a solar disk with large wings. Ariman became an irreconcilable enemy of Ahuramazda - the embodiment of evil. Interestingly, Ariman also personified nomads.
An important role in the formation of religion was played by the prophet Zarathustra, from whom Zoroastrianism did the teaching. In the Persian society, the priests read, following the instructions of which, our planet at the time of the heyday of the Persian kingdom was 12 thousand years. According to the belief of Persians, initially the world of the rules of Ahuramazda. Its reign lasted almost 3 thousand years and became the "golden age" in history. Then Ariman, brought hunger, illness and death. A number of historical scientists believe that in the eyes of Persians, their kings carried the world, seeking to save him from eternal suffering and give light.
There have been among the Persians and the pagan gods who command the sky, water and land. The most significant of them became a miter, personifying the sun.

A life

The life of the ancient Persians was obeyed by a strict life lane. Political regulation in the empire was quite well established. Society shared on a number of estates. It was the basis of peasants, artisans and merchants.

An important role in the Persian kingdom was played by education. There were many schools in which future masters were engaged in engineering. Details are not preserved to this day about how the training system was built, however, it is known that people from the highest estate became rulers of the provinces. In Persia, not only construction was studied, but also comprehended medicine. The main role was played by the army, which was gained by young men for regular training and preparations for military campaigns.

Men often dedicated their army life, conducting whole days in training. The shock force of the troops was to use equestrian archers who drove on the chariot. A total of 360,000 soldiers and a special formation of elite soldiers who were called "immortal" with the KSDCsa.

The most important thing in the life of each Persian was considered to adhere to customs. Noble people were very proud of their origin and strongly sought him to emphasize him. Among the dynasty of Aheremenidov, the Behistunsk inscription began to appear, which pointed to the greatness of the kings. For example, Darius I indicated that the king of countries inhabited by all nations. Moreover, the king was proud of its achievements and constantly indicated that this or that object was built. For example, the Darius canal.

An interesting fact for historians is that Persians and their kings called themselves arias. Therefore, later the area where Persia was originally formed, began to call Iran.



Persian clothes were comfortable and warm enough. She had to close the whole body, as Persia was originally located in the mountainous area.
Men put on leather and fur pants, caftans, tied with a belt. During the Board of Kira, the Great Official was a midded suit. It was sewed from wool using thin threads. Persians also used silk, and the main colors for a long time remained dark red and purple. Wide caftan had long floors that needed to sweep. A characteristic feature of such an office was very wide sleeves, sometimes different in color from the main part. The midded costume was available only to the highest ranks and courtiers. Get a suit as a reward was considered honorable - he was perceived as the royal reward.
According to Herodot's records, the Persians sought to create unique outfits, admiring the costumes of the leaders, Babylonians and Assyrians. A sign of approximity to the king was a white-blue bandage, which was worn on a headdress.
The assumption of female outfits is based on images deposited on vases found in ancient Greece. It is believed that women wore clothes with a motley color, a characteristic feature of which was border. The women close to the king decorated with gold and wore royal tiara.
Notable delights allowed themselves to be decorated with pearls of Kafta, pointed hats-caps with beautiful patterns. The girls over the outfits wore transparent capes. The shoes chose shoes or leather boots. Men's shoes were characterized by simplicity, while women's skillfully decorated with embroidery.
The main headdress of the courtiers was a hood. It was believed that he must necessarily close his mouth, otherwise the breath will reach the king, which was extremely undesirable. Thiara depicted multi-treat flowers, symbolizing the sun. Tiara with such a sign could only wear a king, a kidaris served as an alternative option, which is a pointed hat. A white-blue tape is wound around her. From the Egyptians, the Persians inherited the custom wearing beards and wigs. Separate attention should be given to the costume of the warriors. He has undergone significant changes at Cyre Great. It was the Cyrus commanded to wear warriors in the armor, which served as a hybrid of the uniforms of neighboring peoples.
The Persian warrior wore a shell, helmet, and military leaders covered it with the finest layer of gold and decorated with feathers.


The customs and traditions of the ancient Persians were a lot. We give the most important:

  • The king's servants could commit single crimes. No one has the right to caraa them for it, even the king himself;
  • Father did not have the right to see his child before the occurrence of 5 years of age;
  • The hosts had no right to be angry with servants, if they behaved, so the poor mood of Mr could not be considered a reason for bad behavior against the servant;
  • Noble men could have concubines and several wives;
  • The customs and instructions for holding funeral rites should be kept in the strictest mystery;
  • In Persia, there were sacrifices, however, for fun or from anger, people did not kill the living being of the right;
  • Persia existed magicians who identify themselves with the priests. They were not in honor of the population and even in court, but many were afraid of them, because they did not touch;
  • In Persia, it was forbidden to give money into debt;
  • Persians believed that human sins are able to cause diseases and badly influence fate.

Persians had a good neighborly relationship. They relate to neighboring peoples with interest, sought to establish trade and even create families. To strangers, about which "did not hear in the world," were suspected. So, the existence of Indian tribes for many has become news, although they did not hurry to get acquainted with the Indians. With those whom the Persians respected, greet a kiss. That is how they confirmed each other their status, meeting on the street.


Persian cuisine has absorbed recipes for many nations. It even has a number of recipes of Macedonians who took advancing Persion thanks to Alexander. Persian cuisine is divided into categories, the first of which is the Iranians. They call the Persian cuisine courtier, and its main feature is sauces.

  1. The most common Persian dish became a goulash with cinnamon, mint, pomegranate fruits.
  2. Thanks to a large number of gardens, Persians could afford to eat the freshest fruits. They were served to the table with meat and other dishes.
  3. Fruits and vegetables could stuff, add cinnamon, saffron or cardamon.
  4. Among the garnings, the Persians preferred rice, cooked on the brain milk. This allowed to get a golden crust, and Saffron attached a unique fragrance. Now the Persian rice is served in many Iranian restaurants.
  5. Desserts are prepared using pink water. Pistachios, fruit assorted and nuts were added to them.
  6. Fruit juice and pink water used for the preparation of sherboet.
  7. The effect of Persian cuisine is difficult to overestimate. It formed the appearance of Moroccan, Indian and Iranian cuisines. As for sauces and spices, they are used everywhere. For example, for cooking soups, falaphs, kebabs, fish, dollars.
  8. Ancient recipes partially managed to preserve, so the famous chefs of all over the world use recommended portions of spices to give dishes of exquisite taste.
  9. Iranians often prepare Persian sweets, including nuts in the glaze, Pahlav, Nuuu gas, ice cream with saffron.

The power of the Persian Empire was immense. Her people admit to hardly the greatest of all that ever existed in the history of mankind. Unfortunately, war with the Athenians completely wanted once mighty civilization. Until this day, only a small part of the achievements of the Persians remained. Their empire clearly shows that even the strongest warriors and ingenious politicians may be destroyed by an evil rock. However, the greatness of Persia will still inspire the whole world for a long time.

Very much secrets remained unsolved. The history of the ancient Persia remains very mysterious, so we suggest view the video below, which tells about the most significant moments in the life of ancient Persians.

Persia (what is the country now, you can learn from the article) there existed more than two thousand years ago. She is known for its conquest and culture. Many nations ruled on the territory of the ancient state. But they could not eradicate the culture and traditions of Arii.

From the middle of the sixth century to our era, Persians appeared on the arena of world history. Residents of the Middle East before this time heard very little about this mysterious tribe. It is known about them only after they began to capture the earth.

Cyrus Second, the king of Persov from the Ahemenide dynasty, was able to seize the mussel and other states in a short time. His well armed army began training to oppose Babylon.

At this time, Babylon and Egypt had friends with each other, but when a strong enemy appeared, they decided to forget about the conflict. Preparation of Babylon to war did not save him from defeat. Persians captured the cities of the description and Sippar, and after without a fight, they were taken by Babylon. Cyrus The second decided to advance to the east. In war with nomadic tribes, he died in 530 to our era.

The successors of the deceased king, Cambissa second and giving the first, managed to capture Egypt. Darius was able not only to strengthen the eastern and western borders of the powers, but also to expand them from the Aegean Sea to India, as well as from the land of Central Asia to the banks of the Nile. Persia absorbed the well-known global civilizations of the ancient world and owned them to the fourth century to our era. The empire was able to conquer Alexander Macedonian.

Second Persian Empire

The Macedonian soldiers revenged Persians for the ruin of Athens, sewing Persepol. On this, the dynasty of the achemenidov stopped exist. Ancient Persia fell under the humiliating power of the Greeks.

It was possible to drive out the Greeks only in the second century to our era. Made it to Parfyan. But they were not given to rule for a long time, their convolution of Artaxerks. The history of the second Persian power began with him. In a different way, it is customary to call the powers of the Sassanid dynasty. With their rule, the empire of the achemenides is reborn, although in a different form. Iranian comes to replace Greek culture.

In the seventh century, Persia lost its power and was included in the Arab Caliphate.

Life in ancient Persia's eyes of other nations

About the life of Persians is known from works that have been preserved to the present day. Basically, these are the compositions of the Greeks. It is known that Persia (what is the country now, can be found below) very quickly won the territories of ancient civilizations. What were the Persians?

They differed in high growth and were physically strong. Life in the mountains and steppes made them hardened and hardy. They were famous for their courage, cohesion. In everyday life, Persians were moderately, did not use wines, were indifferent to precious metals. They wore clothes, sewing from the skin of animals, the head was covered with felt caps (tiarai).

During the coronation, the ruler had to fit into clothes that was worn before becoming a king. He was also supposed to eat dried fig and drink sour milk.

Persians had the right to live with several wives, not counting concubines. Correct bonds were allowed, for example, between uncle and niece. Women should not have been shown out. It concerned and wives and concubines. The proof of this is the preserved reliefs of Persepol, on which there are no images of representatives of the fine sex.

Achievements of Persians:

  • good roads;
  • chacking of own coins;
  • creating gardens (paradisis);
  • cylinder Kira Great - a prototype of the first charter of human rights.

Previously, Persia, and now?

It is not always possible to say exactly what state is located on the site of an ancient civilization. The world map has changed hundreds of times. Changes occur even today. How to understand where Persia was? What is the country now in her place?

Modern states in whose territory there was an empire:

  • Egypt.
  • Lebanon.
  • Iraq.
  • Pakistan.
  • Georgia.
  • Bulgaria.
  • Turkey.
  • Parts of Greece and Romania.

This is not all countries that are related to Persia. However, Iran is most often associated with an ancient empire. What is this country and its people?

Mysterious past Iran

The name of the country is a modern form of the word "Ariana", which is translated as "Country Arya". And indeed, from the first millennium to our era, the Ariye tribes settled almost all the lands of modern Iran. Part of this tribe moved to Northern India, and the part went to the northern steppe, called Skifmi, Sarmati.

Later in Western Iran, strong kingdoms were formed. One of these Iranian formations was the mussel. Her subsequently and captured Kira's army second. It was he who united the Iranians in his empire and led them to conquer the world.

How modern Persia lives (what is the country now, it became clear)?

Life in modern Iran's eyes of foreigners

For many ordinary people, Iran is associated with a revolution and nuclear program. However, the history of this country covers more than two thousand years. She absorbed various cultures: Persian, Islamic, Western.

Iranians erected pretense in real art of communication. They are very consistent and sincere, but this is only the outside. In fact, behind their worship lies the intention to learn all the ideas of the interlocutor.

Former Persia (now Iran) was captured by the Greeks, Turks, Mongols. At the same time, the persian was able to preserve their traditions. They know how to get along with strangers, their culture is characterized by a certain flexibility - to take the best of the traditions of strangers without refusing their own.

Iran (Persia) of the centuries was under the rule of Arabs. At the same time, its inhabitants were able to save their language. Poetry helped them. Most of all, they are honored by the poet Firdusi, and the Europeans remember Omar Khayama. The preservation of the culture was facilitated by the teachings of Zarathustra, which appeared long before the invasion of Arabs.

Although in the country now the leading role is allocated to Islam, the Iranians did not fade a national self-awareness. They remember well about their centuries-old history.

At about the 6th century BC In the arena of world history, the Persians arose. With a phenomenal speed, they from anyone who is not a famous tribe managed to turn into a formidable empire that existed several hundred years.

Portrait of ancient person

As there were ancient Iranians, it can be judged by the submission of peoples who lived next to them. For example, Herodotus wrote that initially Persians wore clothes from the skins, as well as felt caps, which were called tiara. Wine did not drink. They ate as much as they had. Gold and silver were indifferent. They differed from neighboring peoples with high growth, force, courage and incredible cohesion.

Interestingly, Persians, even turning into a great power, tried to follow the covenants of their ancestors.

For example, during the coronation rite, the new king was supposed to wear simple clothes, eat a little dried FIG and put them with sour milk.

At the same time, the Persians could take so many women in his wives as necessary. And this is excluding concubines and slaves. Interestingly, the fact that the laws did not prohibit marry even in close relatives, be it sisters or nieces. In addition, there was a custom for which the man did not show his women outsiders. It was still writing about it to Plutarch, pointing out that the Persians were hidden from other people's eyes not only wives, but even concubines and slaves. And if they had to be transported somewhere, closed carts were used. This custom was reflected in art. So, for example, in the ruins of Persepol, archaeologists could not detect a single relief with the female image.

Dynasty Ahemenidov

The era of the omnipotence of Persians began with King Kira II, who belonged to the genus of the achemenides. He managed to quickly subjugate the mighty mussel and somewhat smaller states. After that, the eyes of King fell on Babylon.

War with Babylon turned out to be the same fast. In 539 BC Cyrus spoke with his army and fought with the army of the enemy at the city of a description. The battle ended with a complete defeat of Babylonian. Then a large Sippar was captured, and the Babylon himself soon.

After that, the triumph of Cyrus decided to curb wild tribes in the east, which their raids could disturb the boundaries of his power. With nomads, the king fought for several years, until he himself died in 530 BC.

The next kings - Cambis and Darius - continued the case of their predecessor and even more expanded the territory of the state.

So, Cambissa managed to capture Egypt and make it one of the satrapy.

By the time Darius (485 BC), the Persian empire occupied a huge territory. In the west of her borders rested in the Aegean Sea, in the East - to India. In the north, the power of Ahemenide extended to the deserted deserts of Central Asia, and in the south - to the thresholds of the Nile. It is safe to say that Persia at that time was subordinated to himself almost the entire civilized world.

But as any empire, which possessed such a huge territory, her constantly tormented the inner disarray and the uprisings of conquered peoples. The Agemenidov dynasty collapsed in the IV century BC, without preparing the test of the army of Alexander Macedon.

Sassanid Power

The Persian Empire was destroyed, and its capital - Persepol - looted and burned. The last of the kings of the Ahemedian dynasty Darius III with his retinue went to Bactria, hoping to collect a new army there. But Alexander managed to catch a fugitive. In order not to be in captivity, the Darius ordered his satrapa to kill him, and himself - run on.

After the death of the king, the era of Hellenism came in the conquered Persia. For ordinary Persians, it was like death.

After all, it happened not just a change of Lord, they were captured by hated Greeks, which quickly and hard began to replace the original Persian customs with their, and therefore completely alien.

Even the arrival of the Pearfian tribe, which occurred in the II century BC Nothing changed. The nomadic Iranian tribe managed to be expelled from the territory of the ancient Persia Greeks, however, the very affected by their culture. Therefore, even with the power of Parfyan on coins and in official documents used exclusively Greek.

But the worst thing was that the temples were erected in the Greek image and likeness. And most Persians considered it blasphemy and sacrifices.

After all, Zarathushtra bequeathed their ancestors that it is impossible to worship idols. Only the restless flame should be considered as a symbol of God, he shoulded to bring sacrifices. But something to change the Persians were unable.

Therefore, from the powerless mallen, they were all the buildings of the Ellinsky period called the "dragon buildings".

Persians suffered a Greek culture until 226 AD. But, in the end, the bowl overflowed. The uprising raised the ruler of Parsh Ardashir, and he managed to overthrow the dynasty of Parfyan. This moment is considered to be the birth of the second Persian power, headed by representatives of the Sassanid dynasty.

Unlike Parfyan, they strongly tried to revive the very, ancient culture of Persia, the beginning of which lasted more. But it turned out to be not easy, since the Greek domination was almost completely erased in memory of the heritage of the achemenides. Therefore, as a "travel star", a society, which was told by Zarástrian priests was chosen. And it so happened that Sasanids tried to revive such a culture, which in reality never existed. A religion got up at the head of the corner.

But the people of Persia with enthusiasm perceived the ideas of new rulers. Therefore, with Sasanids, all Ellinsky culture began to quickly dissolve: the temples were destroyed, and the Greek language ceased to be official. Instead of the statues of Zeus, Persians began to build altars of fire.

With Sasanids (3rd century AD) there was another clash with a hostile western world - the Roman Empire. But this time this confrontation ended with the victory of Persians. In honor of the significant event, King Shapur I ordered to carve on the cliffs of the bas-relief, where his triumph was depicted over the Roman emperor Valerian.

The capital of Persia was the city of Ktesiophon, erected by once parfyans. But the Persians are significantly "combed" to become their newfound culture.

Persia began to grow rapidly due to the competent use of the land irrigation system. In case of sussanids, the territory of ancient Persia, as well as the Mesopotamia, becomes literally permeated underground water pipes from clay pipes (carries). Their purification was carried out with the help of wells dug in the interval of ten kilometers. Such modernization allowed Persia to successfully cultivate cotton, sugar cane and develop winemaking. At the same time, Persia became hardly the main world supplier of a wide variety of tissues: from wool to silk.

The death of the empire

The history of the Sassanid dynasty broke off after a fierce and bloody war with Arabs, which lasted without a small twenty years (633-651). The last king of Yasebehet III is difficult to reproach something. He fought with the invaders to the very end, and not going to give up. But I died Ilissegging ingloriously - a Melnik slaughtered him in a dream, having stuck on the jewel of the king.

But even after the official victory, Persians, now and then raised the uprisings, the truth is unsuccessful. Even the inner disgrace in the calipheat did not allow the ancient people to gain freedom. Only Gugan and Tabarist lasted the longest - the last fragments of the once great power. But they were captured by the Arabs in 717 and in the 760s, respectively.

And although Iran's Islamization was successful, the Arabs could not assimilate the Persians who managed to preserve self-identity. Closer to 900th, with a new samanid dynasty, they managed to gain independence. True, again, the Great Power, Persia could not so much.

In the middle of the VI century. BC e. Persians - a mysterious tribe, about which previously civilized peoples of the Middle East knew about the previously civilized peoples of the Middle East.

About the nravas and customs ancient Persians It is known from the writings of the peoples who lived next to them. In addition to the mighty growth and physical development, the Persians possessed the will, hardened in the fight against the harsh climate and the dangers of nomadic life in the mountains and the steppes. At that time, they were famous for their moderate lifestyle, the abstinence, force, courage and cohesion.

According to Herodota, persians wear Clothes from animal skins and felt tiara (caps), did not use wine, but they were not as much as they wanted, and how many. They were indifferent to silver and gold.

Simplicity and modesty in food and clothes remained one of the main virtues and at the time of the domination of Persians above, when they began to climb into luxury musual outfits, wearing gold necklaces and bracelets when they were delivered to the table of Persian kings and knew the fish from the remote seas Fruits from Babylonia and Syria. Even then, during the rite of coronation of the Persian kings, the Ahemedid joining the throne was to wear clothes, which was not taking a king, eat a little dried FIG and have a cup of sour milk.

Ancient Persians were allowed to have a lot of wives, as well as concubines, marry close relatives, for example, on nieces and one-country sisters. The ancient Persian customs forbade women to appear outsiders (among numerous reliefs in Persepola there is not a single female image). The ancient historian of Plutarch wrote that wild jealousy was characteristic of the Persians not only in relation to the wives. Even the slaves and concubines were kept locating, so that the outsiders did not see them, and drove into closed carts.

History of Ancient Persia

Persian King Cyrus II from the genus Ahemenidov in a short time won the mussel and many other countries and had a huge and well-armed army, which began to prepare for the campaign against Babylonia. In front Asia, a new force appeared, who managed in a short time - in just a few decades - Fully change the political map of the Middle East.

Babylonia and Egypt abandoned many years of hostile policies in relation to each other, for the rulers of both countries well realized the need to prepare for war with the Persian Empire. The beginning of the war was only the matter of time.

The campaign against the beginning began in 539 BC. e. Determined Battle Between Persians and Babylonians occurred at the city of described on the Tiger River. Cyrus won a complete victory here, soon his troops took a well-fortified city of Sippar, and the Persians were selected without a combat.

After that, the eyes of the Persian ruler appealed to the East, where for several years he led the exhaust war with nomadic tribes and where in the end died in 530 BC. e.

The successors of Kira - Cambis and Darius completed the case started by him. In 524-523 BC e. Cambiss's campaign took place to Egypt, as a result of which the power of Ahemenide was established On the shores of the Nile. turned into one of the satrapy of the new empire. Darius continued to strengthen the Eastern and Western borders of the Empire. By the end of the darity of Darius, who died in 485 BC. er, the Persian Power dominated on a huge territory From the Aegean Sea in the West to India in the East and from the desert of Central Asia in the north to the Nile thresholds in the south. Agemenides (Persians) united almost all the civilized world known to them and owned it to IV century. BC E. When their powers were broken and conquered by the colonical genius of Alexander Macedonsky.

The chronology of the rulers of the Ahemenide dynasty:

  • Akemen, 600s. BC.
  • Tespes, 600s BC BC
  • Cyrus I, 640 - 580. BC.
  • Cambiss I, 580 - 559. BC.
  • Cyrus II Great, 559 - 530. BC.
  • Cambiss II, 530 - 522 GG BC.
  • Bardia, 522 g BC
  • Darius I, 522 - 486 BC BC.
  • Xerxes I, 485 - 465 GG BC.
  • Artaxerxes I, 465 - 424 GG BC.
  • Xerxes II, 424 BC
  • Studyan, 424 - 423 BC.
  • Darius II, 423 - 404 BC BC.
  • Artaxerks II, 404 - 358 BC BC.
  • Artaxerxes III, 358 - 338 GG BC.
  • Artaxerxes IV ARS, 338 - 336 BC
  • Dariya III, 336 - 330 GG BC.
  • Artaxerks V Beszew, 330 - 329 BC

Map of the Persian Empire

The tribes of Ariyev - the eastern branch of Indo-Europeans - by the beginning of the I millennium BC. e. Prayed almost all the territory of the current Iran. Self the word "Iran" It is a modern form of the name "Ariana", i.e. country ary. Initially, it was the militant tribes of half-blooded pastorals, fought on battle chariots. Part of the Arievs had moved even earlier and captured her, giving the beginning of Indoary culture. Other Aryan tribes, closer to Iranians, remained waging in Central Asia and the Northern Steppes -, Saki, Sarmatians, etc. The same Iranians themselves, the axes on the fertile lands of Iranian Highlands, gradually abandoned the nomadic life, took up agriculture, adopted skills. High level has already reached the XI-VIII centuries. BC e. Iranian craft. His monument is the famous "Luristan bronze" - skillfully performed weapons and household items with images of mythical and truly existing animals.

"Luristan Bronze" - Monument of the culture of Western Iran. It is here, in the immediate neighborhood and confrontation, the strongest Iranian kingdoms have developed. First of them mordia intensified (in northwest Iran). The Midiy Tsari participated in the crushing of Assyria. The history of their state is well known from written monuments. But mussel monuments of the VII-VI centuries. BC e. Studied very bad. Not yet found even the capital of the country - the city of Ekbataan. It is known only that she was in the vicinity of the modern city of Hamadan. Nevertheless, the two mussel fortresses of the time of fighting Assyria have already studied by archaeologists speak of a rather high culture of mussels.

In 553 BC e. Against the Middians rebelled Cyrus (Kurush) II, the king of the suspended tribe of Persians from the kind of achemenidov. In 550 BC e. Cyrus united Iranians under their power and behaved them on the conquest of the world. In 546 BC e. He conquered small Asia, and in 538 BC. e. Pal. Son Kira, Cambis, conquered, and with Carn Darius I at the turn of the VI-V centuries. before. n. e. Persian Power Reached the greatest expansion and heyday.

The monuments of her greatness are excavated by archaeologists the royal capitals - the most famous and best studied monuments of Persian culture. The most ancient of them is Pasargada, the capital of Kira.

Sassanid Revival - Sassanid Power

In 331-330 BC e. The famous conqueror Alexander Macedon destroyed the Persian Empire. In retaliation for the once razoring Persians, Athens Grekomactedonian soldiers cruelly plundered and burned Persepol. The dynasty of Ahemenide stopped. The period of Greco-Macedonian dominion over the East, which is usually referred to as the ellinism era.

For Iranians, the conquest was a catastrophe. At the change of power over all neighbors, humiliated submission came to the long-standing enemies - Greeks. The traditions of Iranian culture, already cherished by the desire of the kings and nobility to imitate in luxury defeated, now they were finally pop. Little changed and after the liberation of the country to the Nomad Iranian tribe of Parfyan. Parthian expelled the Greeks from Iran in II century. BC er, but they themselves borrowed a lot from Greek culture. On coins and inscriptions, their kings are still used by the Greek. Temples are still erected with numerous sculptures, according to Greek samples, which seemed to many Iranian blasphemy. Zarathushtra in antiquity banned the worship of idols, drove to read as a symbol of the deity is a restless flame and to bring sacrifices. It was the religious humiliation that was the greatest, and no wonder of the city, built by the Greek conquerors, in Iran later called the "dragon buildings".

In 226 N. e. The rising master of the Parse, who wore the ancient royal name Ardashire (Artaxerks), schurli Parfyan dynasty. The story of the second began persian Empire - Power SasanidovDynasty to which the winner belonged.

Sassanids sought to revive the culture of ancient Iran. The story of the Agemenid Power by that time became a vague legend. So as an ideal, a society was put forward, which was described in the legends of Zoroastrian priests-mobedov. Sassanids built, in fact, never existing in the past culture, through the imbued with a religious idea. It had little in common with the epoch of the achemenids, who wouldingly adopted the customs of the conquered tribes.

In case of Sasanids, Iranian resolutely trembled over Hellensky. Greek temples completely disappear, the Greek language comes out of official use. To replace the broken status of Zeus (which, with Perfians, identified with Ahura-Mazda) come faceless satellites of fire. New reliefs and inscriptions are decorated with Naksh-I-Rustem. In the III century. The second Sassanid king Shapur I ordered his victory on the rocks over the Roman emperor Valerian. On the reliefs of the kings there is a poultry farn - a sign of divine patronage.

The capital of Persia became the city of Ktesihon, built by more Parfyans next to the empty Babylon. In the Sasanids, new palace complexes are being built in KTesifon and there are huge (up to 120 hectares) tsarist parks. The most famous from Sassanid Palaces - so-and-kisra, the Palace of King Josrova I correcting in the VI century. Along with the monumental relief, the palaces are now decorated with a thin carved ornament on a limestone mixture.

During the Sasanids, the Iranian and Mesopotamian Land irrigation system was improved. In the VI century The country covered the network of caries (underground water pipes with clay pipes), stretching to 40 km. Cleaning carizis was carried out through special wells, dug through every 10 m. Carries served a long time and provided the rapid development of agriculture in Iran in the Sassanid era. It was then that in Iran began to grow cotton and sugar cane, gardening and winemaking developed. At the same time, Iran became one of the suppliers of his own fabrics - both woolen and flax and silk.

Sassanid Power it was much less Agemenid, covered only Iran, part of the land of Central Asia, the territory of the current Iraq, Armenia and Azerbaijan. She had to fight for a long time with Rome, then with the Byzantine Empire. Despite all this, Sasanids lasted longer than the achemenids - more than four centuries. Ultimately, the state exhausted by continuous wars in the West was covered by the struggle for power. This took advantage of Arabs, the new faith of weapons - Islam. In 633-651 After the fierce war, they won Persia. So it was finished with the ancient Persian state and the ancient war crop.

Persian control system

The ancient Greeks, who became acquainted with the organization of public administration in the empire of Ahemenides, were enthusiastic with the wisdom and foresight of the Persian kings. In their opinion, this organization was the top of the development of the monarchical form of the Board.

The Persian kingdom was divided into large provinces, called satrapy on the title of their rulers - satrapses (PERS, "Kshatra-Pavan" - "oblast of the region"). They were usually 20, but this number hesitated, since sometimes the control of two or more satrapy was instructed to one person and, on the contrary, one region was divided into several. It pursued mainly the purpose of taxation, but sometimes the features of the peoples who populated them and historical features were also taken into account. Satraps and rulers of smaller areas were not the only representatives of local government. In addition to them, in many provinces there were hereditary local kings or provincial priests, as well as free cities and, finally, "benefactors", who received in life, and even the hereditary possession of the city and district. These kings, the rules and high priests on the situation were different from satrapses only because they were hereditary and had historical and national relationship with the population who saw the carriers of ancient traditions. They independently carried out internal management, maintained local law, the system of measures, language, was imposed on the basis and duties, but were under the permanent control of satrapses, which often could intervene in the affairs of the areas, especially during the troubles and unrest. Satrapses also solved border disputes between cities and regions, taxes on cases, when participants were citizens of various urban communities or various vassal regions, regulated political relations. Local rulers, like satrapy, had the right to be directly demolished with the central government, and some of them, such as the kings of the Phoenician cities, Kilicia, Greek tyras, contained their army and fleet, who were personally commanded, accompanying the Persian army in large campaigns or fulfilling the military orders of the king. However, Satrap could at all times demand these troops on the royal service, put their garrison in the possession of local rulers. The main command of the provincial troops also belonged to him. The satrapy was allowed even on their own and at his own expense to recruit the soldiers and mercenaries. He was, as it were, he would call him into a closer epoch, the governor-general of his satrapia, providing her inner and external security.

The highest command of the troops was carried out by the heads of four or, as during the subordination of Egypt, five military districts to which the kingdom was divided.

Persian control systemit gives an example of amazing respect for the winners of local customs and the rights of conquered peoples. In Babylonia, for example, all the documents of the times of Persian rule in legal terms do not differ from those that relate to the period of independence. The same was in Egypt and Judea. In Egypt, Persians left the previous not only division into nomes, but also the dominated surnames, the location of troops and garrisons, as well as the impressive inviolability of temples and priesthood. Of course, the central government and satrapy, at all times, could intervene and decide on their discretion, but mostly they were enough if they were calm in the country, the troops are in order.

Such a management system has developed in the Middle East. For example, initially on conquered territories relied only for the power of weapons and intimidation. The areas taken "with the battle" were included directly into the house of Ashshura - the central region. The winner surrendered to the mercy often retained their local dynasty. But over time, this system turned out to be a little adapted to manage the growing state. Reorganization of the management conducted by the king Toglatpalasar III in CNT. BC E., In addition to the policy of violent resettlement, also changed the management system of the Empire regions. The kings tried to prevent the emergence of the too powerful childbirth. In order to prevent the creation of hereditary possessions and new dynasties among the rural ruler, the most important posts often, Enuhi was prescribed. In addition, although major officials received tremendous land ownership, they did not constitute a single massif, but were scattered throughout the country.

But still the main support of the Assyrian domination, as well as the Babylonian subsequently, was the army. Military garrisons literally shied the whole country. Taking into account the experience of its predecessors, the achemenides to the power of weapons joined the idea of \u200b\u200bthe "kingdom of countries", i.e., a reasonable combination of local singularities with the interests of the central government.

The extensive state needed funds to control the central authorities over local officials and rulers. The language of the Persian Office, which even the royal decrees was published, was Aramaic. This is explained by the fact that in fact he was commonly used in Assyria and Babylonia still in Assyrian times. The conquest of Western regions, Syria and Palestine, the conquests of Western regions, Syria and Palestine, has further promoted him. This language gradually took the place of ancient Akkadian clinopy in international relations; It was used even on the coins of the Majual Asian Satrapses of the Persian Tsar.

Another admiring Greek feature of the Persian Empire there were lovely expensivedescribed by Herodotus and Xenophon in the stories about the camps of the king Cyrus. The so-called Tsarskaya, who went from Ephesus in Malaya Asia, the coast of the Aegean Sea, to the east - in the desire, one of the capitals of the Persian Power, through Euphrates, Armenia and Assyria along the Tiger River; The road leading from Babylonia through the mountains to the east to another capital of Persia - Ekbataan, and hence the Bactrian and Indian border; The road from the Isa Bay of the Mediterranean Sea to Sinop on the Black Sea, crossed by Malny Asia, etc.

These roads were laid not only by Persians. Most of them existed in Assyrian and even earlier time. The beginning of the construction of a royal road, which was the main artery of the Persian monarchy, is likely to relate to the era of the Hattt kingdom, which was in Malaya Asia on the way from Mesopotamia and Syria to Europe. Sardy, the capital of the conquered mussels of Lydia, were connected by an expensive with another big city - Pteryi. From him the road went to Euphrates. Herodotus, speaking of the leaders, calls them the first benches, which was natural for the owners of the road between Europe and Babylon. Persians continued this path from Babylonia further to the east, to their capitals, improved it and adapted not only for trading purposes, but also for state needs - mail.

The Persian Kingdom took advantage of the other invention of the leaders - coin. Before the VII century BC e. In all the east, natural economy dominated, the money circulation was just beginning to be born: the role of money was performed in the ingots of a metal of a certain weight and form. It could be rings, plates, mugs without chasing and images. The weight was different everywhere, and therefore, outside the place of origin of the ingot just lost the value of the coin and should have been weighed every time, that is, was made by the usual product. At the border between Europe and Asia, the Lidiorsky kings were the first to move to the chasing of the state coin of clearly defined weight and dignity. From here, the use of such coins has spread throughout Maja Asia, Cyprus and Palestine. Ancient shopping countries - and - still retained the old system for a very long time. They began to minimize the coin after the campaigns of Alexander Macedonsky, and before that they used coins made in Asia Minor.

By establishing a unified tax system, the Persian kings could not do without a coin chasing; In addition, the needs of the state that kept mercenaries, as well as the unprecedented flowering of international trade caused the need for a single coin. And a gold coin was introduced in the kingdom, and only the government had the right to minimize it; Local rulers, cities and satrapy for payment by mercenaries received the right to be minted only by silver and copper coins, which outside of their area remained an ordinary commodity.

So, by the middle of the I millennium BC. e. In the Middle East, civilization arose in the Middle East, which even freedom-loving Greeks it was considered ideal. This is what the ancient Greek historian Xenophon wrote: "Wherever the king would eat, wherever goes to go, he cares, so that the gardens called themselves, called paradis, are full of all beautiful and good from what earth can produce. In them, he holds most of the time if this does not interfere with the time of year ... Some say that when the king gives gifts, first the distinguished in the war are called, because it is useless to plow a lot, if you have no one to protect, and then - the best processing land, For they could not exist strong if there were no practicing ... ".

It is not surprising that this civilization has been in West Asia. She not only arose before others, but also developed faster and energeticThere were the most favorable conditions for its development due to constant contacts with neighbors and innovation exchanges. Here, more often than in other ancient foci of world culture, new ideas arose and important discoveries were made hardly in all areas of production and culture. Potionic Circle and Wheel, Bronze and Iron Production, Battle Chariot How fundamentally new means of warfare, various forms of letters from icons to the alphabet - all this and much more genetically rises to Western Asia, from where these innovations applied to the rest of the world, including other foci of primary civilization.