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Nona gaprindashvili personal life. Nona Gaprindashvili. Sports biography. Video about the life and game of the chess queen

    - (b. May 3, 1941 Zugdidi, Georgia), Georgian chess player, Honored Master of Sports (1964); the fifth world champion in the history of chess (1962 78), the first international grandmaster among women (1976) and the first woman to be awarded the title ... ...

    - (b. 1941) Georgian chess player, international grandmaster (1976), honored master of sports (1964). World champion (in 1962 78), USSR (1964, 1974, 1981, 1983, 1985). President of the National Olympic Committee of Georgia since 1989. The first ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (b. 3.5.1941, Zugdidi), Soviet chess player, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1964), International Master (1961). Graduated from the Tbilisi Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Member of the CPSU since 1966. Champion of the USSR (1964), 3 times world champion ... ...

    Gaprindashvili, Nona Terentyevna- GAPRINDASHVILI Nona Terentyevna (born 1941), Georgian chess player. 5 times world champion (1962 78), 5 times champion of the USSR (1964, 1973/74, 1981, 1983, 1985). The first woman to be awarded the title of International Grandmaster among ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (b. 1941), Georgian chess player, international grandmaster (1976), honored master of sports (1964). World champion (in 1962 78), USSR (1964, 1974, 1981, 1983, 1985). President of the NOC of Georgia (in 1989 96). The first woman to own a chess ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - ... Wikipedia

    Nona Gaprindashvili Nona Terentyevna Gaprindashvili (Georgian ნონა გაფრინდაშვილი; born May 3, 1941, Zugdidi, Georgia) Georgian chess player, Honored Master of Sports (1964); the fifth world champion in the history of chess (1962 1978), the first international ... ... Wikipedia

    Nona Terentyevna (born 1941) is a Georgian chess player. 5 times world champion (1962 78), 5 times champion of the USSR (1964, 1973/74, 1981, 1983, 1985). The first woman to be awarded the title of International Male Grandmaster (1978) ... Modern encyclopedia

    - (cargo. გაფრინდაშვილი) Georgian surname. Famous carriers: Gaprindashvili, Valerian Ivanovich (1888 1941) Georgian poet, translator. Gaprindashvili, Valerian (chess player) (born 1982) Georgian chess player, grandmaster (2001). Gaprindashvili, Nona ... Wikipedia

    I Gaprindashvili Valerian Ivanovich, Georgian Soviet poet. Graduated from the Law Faculty of Moscow University (1914). The first collection "Twilight" was published in 1919. G. is one of the founders ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Nona Terentyevna Gaprindashvili is considered one of the few women chess players who have held the world championship for many years. Her name is often placed on a par with the outstanding masters in this sport: Fischer and Karpov. Therefore, the life path of this extraordinary woman deserves attention.

Early life and the beginning of learning chess

The future champion was born in Georgia in 1941. Her father once taught accounting at a technical school in the city of Zugdidi, and her mother was engaged in housekeeping and raising children. In addition to Nona, the family had 5 more sons. All of them were older than their daughter, and the first began to get involved in chess, right up to participating in tournaments. Thanks to them, Nona herself introduced this game, which was the first step towards success.

For the first time, Nona Gaprindashvili tried her hand at a tournament when she replaced her brother in the competition, who could not participate due to illness. It was then that she achieved success, in a short time put a checkmate on an opponent who was older and more experienced than her. This victory did not go unnoticed by the professionals. Therefore, at the age of 12, Nonna was invited to study at a chess school. The trainings took place at the Tbilisi Palace of Pioneers.

The first mentor of the future champion was Vakhtan Ilyich Karseladze. It is believed that thanks to his efforts, the women's chess school in Georgia has achieved high results. When working with Nona, he skillfully combined the functions of a coach, guardian and defender. Sometimes it was necessary during the tournaments of a young chess player due to the particularly violent reaction of observers and fans.

As her skills grew, Nona Naprindashvili needed a change of mentor. To prepare for competitions at a higher level, she took advice from Mikhail Shishov, who was the most famous coach in the USSR. Grandmaster Aivar Gipslis also played his part in the development of the young chess player. As a result, at the age of 15, she becomes the champion of Tbilisi and Georgia.

Career milestones

A feature of Nona Gaprindanshvili's work in chess has always been the presence of a goal. And as soon as it was reached, a new one was immediately installed. This helped the chess player to remain the best for many years and not retire after reaching a venerable age.

Becoming the best in Georgia, Nona Gaprindashvili began to prepare to conquer the world. And already at the age of 19, she made her way to the Candidates Tournament in the Yugoslav city of Vrnjacka Banja (1961). Here she became the best, ahead of the second-placed chess player by 2 points.

A year later, Nona Gaprindashvili won the championship title for the first time, beating her predecessor, Elizaveta Bykova, at the tournament. Thus, she became the fifth woman to receive such a high status in the entire history of chess. Since that time, the Georgian chess player has consistently shown high results, confirming her champion title:

  • victory in fights with Alla Kushnir in Tbilisi and Riga (1965, 1969, 1972), with Nana Alexandria in 1975;
  • first places in the USSR chess championships held among women in 1964, 1973, 1974, 1981, 1983, 1985;
  • during her career, Nona Gaprindashvili became the winner of the World Chess Olympiads as a member of the USSR national team at least ten times;
  • after the collapse of the USSR, she was included in the Georgian national team, which became the best at the 1992 Chess Olympiad.

In addition to fights with strong chess players, Nona Gaprindashvili also tried her hand at games among men. This career direction has also borne fruit thanks to the versatile playing style of the chess player. In some cases, she uses openings. In other situations, intuition comes to the rescue. According to the observations of the chess player herself, this feeling sometimes prompted decisions that turned the course of the game. The most memorable games are described in a separate book by Nona Gaprindashvili.

Blitz has always been a strong point of the Georgian chess player. Therefore, she often took part in tournaments dedicated to this kind of chess. At the same time, the time during the fight on the chessboard was not always measured in hours. So, in the English competition, the move was made at the signal of the gong. And any delay of the player was automatically regarded as a loss. However, this was the indescribable atmosphere of the game on Foggy Albion.

Among the major events are victories at the side tournament in Hastings, the US Open in Lone Pine, Reggio Emilia, Wijk aan Zee. All this led to the fact that Nano Naprindashvili became the first woman to receive the international status of a grandmaster among men. This happened in 1978. A similar status among women was obtained two years earlier.

Until 1990, the Georgian chess player takes an active part in many major competitions. During this period of time, the victory in the interzonal tournament in Bad Kissingg and Kuala Lumpur, as well as the second place in a similar competition in Smeredevsk-Palanka, are considered important.

For numerous achievements in the field of chess, Nona Gaprindashvili was awarded government awards. So, in 1965, the medal "For Labor Merit" became the first regalia of a chess player, in 1966 she was awarded the Order of Lenin, in 1985 the grandmaster became the owner of the Order of the Badge of Honor. And three years earlier, the Georgian woman-grandmaster became the first to be awarded the "Chess Oscar" prize.

But even after 1990, Nona Gaprindashvili was not going to stop there. Over the past years, she has continued to play in veteran tournaments, earning new prizes. And many fans are sincerely happy that over the years chess does not fade into the background in her life.

In July 1987, the maximum rating of Nonna Gaprindashvili was recorded. It amounted to 2495 points. Now this figure is significantly lower than the record - 2305 points, but it still allows it to remain a favorite among modern chess players.

Social activities and personal life

After Georgia became an independent country, Nona Gaprindashvili began to take an active part in her public life. Until 1996, she headed the National Olympic Committee. Another major appointment was the presidency of the IOC. One of the goals of this work was to make decisions that would help develop and popularize chess in Georgia.

Nona Gaprindashvili directed her efforts to improve the lives of other people in another way. Since 2002, she has been elected as a deputy of the Tbilisi City Council. And in 2008, a woman grandmaster began to head the Democratic Party of United Georgia. In this capacity, she worked for several years.

Although Nona Gaprindashvili has always been a busy person, she tried to pay attention to her son David. From a young age, the boy accompanied his mother to all tournaments. He was always there when she received the next award.

Currently, David is an adult. He has his own family and work in the UK. And Nona Gaprindashvili became a good grandmother for her grandson and granddaughter. And although her schedule is still quite busy, she does not forget to devote more time to her family.

Chess Quotes

“I cannot imagine life without a checkered board and wooden figures, sometimes silent, indifferent and monotonous, and sometimes eloquent. temperamental and sharply unlike one another. "

“Compared to the rest of the participants (male tournaments), I was in unequal conditions. And not only because men are more enduring both physically and mentally. Not only because men are desperately fighting to their last breath, tenaciously taking advantage of any chance that comes along, which is rare in competition for women. Men are definitely ashamed to lose to a chess player, even if she is a world champion. They play with me with all their might, risking even losing the next game due to fatigue ... Do you think that grandmasters, when meeting a woman at the chessboard, show at least a drop of gallantry? No matter how it is! "

"I always had a thought inside me: I play because I want to fight only for the highest awards."

“I have nothing to hide and nothing to be modest: I have never done anything in my life that I could not explain. And I can be proud of that ”.

Video about the life and game of the chess queen

, Zugdidi, Georgian SSR) - Soviet and Georgian chess player, Honored Master of Sports (); the fifth world champion in the history of chess (1962-1978), the first international female grandmaster () and the first woman to be awarded the title of international male grandmaster (). Five-time champion of the USSR. Chairman of the FIDE Women's Commission (International Chess Federation, 1980-1986). The first winner of the "Chess Oscar" prize (). President of the National Olympic Committee of Georgia (-1996).

date rating
March 2362
March 2299


Nona was taught to play chess by her older brothers when she was 5 years old. From the age of 12 she studied chess at the Tbilisi Palace of Pioneers under the guidance of an experienced coach Vakhtang Karseladze (1919-1966), who is called the founder of the Georgian women's chess school. At the age of 15, she became the champion of Tbilisi and Georgia.

At the age of 19, she won the right to participate in the Candidates Tournament in Vrnjacka Banya (Yugoslavia), where she confidently took first place, gaining 13 points out of 16 possible and two points ahead of the second prize-winner.

For her achievements in the field of chess she was awarded the Order of Lenin () and the Order of the Badge of Honor (), the medal "For Distinction in Labor" ().

    - (b. May 3, 1941 Zugdidi, Georgia), Georgian chess player, Honored Master of Sports (1964); the fifth world champion in the history of chess (1962 78), the first international grandmaster among women (1976) and the first woman to be awarded the title ... ...

    - (b. 1941) Georgian chess player, international grandmaster (1976), honored master of sports (1964). World champion (in 1962 78), USSR (1964, 1974, 1981, 1983, 1985). President of the National Olympic Committee of Georgia since 1989. The first ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Gaprindashvili Nona Terentyevna- (b. 3.5.1941, Zugdidi), Soviet chess player, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1964), International Master (1961). Graduated from the Tbilisi Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages. Member of the CPSU since 1966. Champion of the USSR (1964), 3 times world champion ... ...

    Gaprindashvili, Nona Terentyevna- GAPRINDASHVILI Nona Terentyevna (born 1941), Georgian chess player. 5 times world champion (1962 78), 5 times champion of the USSR (1964, 1973/74, 1981, 1983, 1985). The first woman to be awarded the title of International Grandmaster among ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Gaprindashvili Nona Terentyevna- (b. 1941), Georgian chess player, international grandmaster (1976), honored master of sports (1964). World champion (in 1962 78), USSR (1964, 1974, 1981, 1983, 1985). President of the NOC of Georgia (in 1989 96). The first woman to own a chess ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Gaprindashvili Nona Terentyevna- ... Wikipedia

    Nona Terentyevna Gaprindashvili- Nona Gaprindashvili Nona Terentyevna Gaprindashvili (Georgian ნონა გაფრინდაშვილი; born May 3, 1941, Zugdidi, Georgia) Georgian chess player, Honored Master of Sports (1964); the fifth world champion in the history of chess (1962 1978), the first international ... ... Wikipedia

    GAPRINDASHVILI- Nona Terentyevna (born 1941), Georgian chess player. 5 times world champion (1962 78), 5 times champion of the USSR (1964, 1973/74, 1981, 1983, 1985). The first woman to be awarded the title of International Male Grandmaster (1978) ... Modern encyclopedia

    Gaprindashvili- (cargo. გაფრინდაშვილი) Georgian surname. Famous carriers: Gaprindashvili, Valerian Ivanovich (1888 1941) Georgian poet, translator. Gaprindashvili, Valerian (chess player) (born 1982) Georgian chess player, grandmaster (2001). Gaprindashvili, Nona ... Wikipedia

    Gaprindashvili- I Gaprindashvili Valerian Ivanovich, Georgian Soviet poet. Graduated from the Law Faculty of Moscow University (1914). The first collection "Twilight" was published in 1919. G. is one of the founders ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

In the near future, Tbilisi will host the founding congress of the new party "Democratic Party of United Georgia", backed by businessman Badri Patarkatsishvili. The party will be led by the five-time world chess champion Nona Gaprindashvili. In the famous residence of the oligarch, stretched out on the banks of the Kura River, the head of the RIA Novosti Representative Office in Georgia Besik Pipia held a conversation with the legendary chess player.

Nona Terentyevna, what paths brought you to this fashionable palace, what did the chess player and the disgraced oligarch have in common?

After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the formation of independent Georgia, I was asked, and I agreed to head the National Olympic Committee. She chaired the committee until 1996, but at the same time remained the honorary president of the NOC. In 2004, Badri Patarkatsishvili was elected President of the Olympic Committee. It should be noted that Mikhail Saakashvili really wanted to see him in this post. The President personally asked the businessman to take part in the revival of Georgian sports.

I can say without exaggeration that Badri turned out to be the savior of Georgian sports. He managed to stop the sports emigration. After all, before that, Georgian athletes left the country, changed their citizenship and at the Olympic Games played under the flags of other states. They did not just perform, but brought gold medals to the treasury of these states. So, at the Olympics in Greece in 2004, the Georgians won gold medals for Greece, Germany, Uzbekistan ... In a word, Badri managed to revive the Georgian sport, the athletes began to receive everything necessary for full preparation, including unprecedented monetary rewards on a Georgian scale. If the state paid an athlete 25 thousand dollars for the Olympic gold medal, then Badri gave 225 thousand dollars!

So Badri and I were brought together by a sports track. And in difficult moments for him, I felt obliged to be with him.

- Nona Terentyevna, which cat ran between Badri Patarkatsishvili and Mikhail Saakashvili?

This cat was the Imedi TV company, owned by Patarkatsishvili. The powers that be did not like the fact that they were criticized, moreover, constructive. TV journalists from Imedi did not pass by sensitive topics, drew public attention to high-profile murders, mass arrests, illegal deprivation of property of citizens and organizations, state business racketeering, and so on.

It turns out that "pink" revolutionaries like it when they are exclusively praised. The authorities made attempts to get involved in the editorial policy of the TV company, but Badri did not allow them. Then the representatives of the authorities offered very big money so that he would sell them Imedi, and they talked about exchanging Imedi for Georgian Railways. Then Badri answered them: “Imedi” is my brainchild, and they don’t sell children ”.

- What is the purpose of creating a new opposition party, which you agreed to head?

The current presidential elections have shown that hundreds of thousands of people sympathize with the program of Georgia's revival proposed by Badri Patarkatsishvili. And it would be impermissible on our part to leave these people to their fate. We continue our struggle. Badri's presidential program "Support - Breakthrough - Prosperity" remains in force and will be implemented.

Badri Patarkatsishvili promised to spend about one billion dollars within 18 months if he comes to power. But he did not become president. What people will he now cover the costs of gas, electricity, water, pay unemployment benefits, give money and considerable - 2-3 thousand dollars - for the birth of children? Members of your party? There are 2 million unemployed in Georgia alone.

A scheme for providing assistance to the population is being developed, and not only members of our party will be able to receive it.

Nona Terentyevna, are the authorities putting pressure on you? So that you, for example, leave Badri, do not engage in politics, but chess.

To pressurize, you need compromising evidence. But the authorities cannot dig up compromising evidence on me, because I do not have it. I have lived an honest and dignified life. The authorities cannot change my position. They can only kill me.

Nona Terentyevna, how did it happen that a girl from the little-known Georgian city of Zugdidi achieved record victories in chess, which have not yet been surpassed in the world? You are a five-time world champion, you have won the Olympics 11 times, and you have won the European Cup twice.

I was born in Zugdidi, in a city that I love very much, in the family of a teacher. My father Terenty taught accounting at the technical school, my mother Vera Grigolia was a housewife. She raised five boys and one girl. All my brothers played chess, I watched them, sometimes I was allowed to play. Once in the town house of pioneers a chess tournament among boys was held. One of my brothers, due to a cold, could not take part in it, they urgently looked for a replacement and offered me. I sat down at the board, and my opponent, who was several years older than me, quickly checkmated. The coaches paid attention to me.

- Do your followers, future champions grow up in a family?

I have a son, David, who is 36 years old and works in the office of a British demining company in conflict zones. There are two grandchildren - Leri is 12 years old, Nikoloz is a year and a half.

I don't see future champions in the whole country today. Maybe nature is resting now in Georgia. For 40 years, Georgian chess players have held leading positions in the world. Indeed, my record was not broken, but it was repeated by a friend, the Georgian chess player Maya Chiburdanidze.

- Nona Terentyevna, do you manage to find time for chess today?

I participate in various competitions, two years ago I took second place at the chess veterans tournament in Italy. Many invite me to Russia, recently I was at tournaments in Siberia, in the Urals. On the part of the Russians, I felt the same warm feelings towards myself, towards Georgia, the Georgian people that I had in Soviet times. It's not good when our rulers are in conflict. Will God forgive us for this, can we explain to the Almighty how the two Christian Orthodox countries have come to such a relationship?