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Tal, Mikhail Nehemevich. Tal Mikhail Nehemievich Biography Tal

Mikhail Tal's name was always surrounded by a halo of mysticism, he was called a demon, Paganini Chess, hinting for the similarity of appearance and the devilish skill to play "on one string", that is, to create such positions on the board, the fate of which depended on one course.

Genius attacks and combinations, he always acted according to the postulate of another chess philosopher Tartakover - "Dismoli, not to become a victim!" His philosophical attitude towards victory has harmonized in it with a philosophical attitude towards defeats. The Tal was a man deprived of any practical vein, but terribly loved the company, hit everyone with his wit and erudition.

Perhaps the nontriviality of this person should be sought in his birth and in the illness that the baby suffered. Mom - Ida Grigorievna - in the young years he had a stormy novel with her cousin Nehamem Thalem. Then the fate separated them: she went to Berlin to learn at artistic courses, and Nechemia - in Leningrad to the Medical Institute. She later fell into Paris, where a young educated and attractive woman joined the elite Parisian society, was friends with Ilya Ehrenburg, Louis Aragon, Pablo Picasso. At the beginning of the 30s of the last century, Ida returns to Riga, where he marries Nechemia, who has already become a famous doctor, and gives rise to Son Yakov. But then Dr. Tal suffers a serious illness that caused him a male tragedy - he became an impotent. And here Robert appears, an old familiar Ida from Paris, who begins to live in the family Taly. It was Robert and became the father of Mikhail, the future of the famous chess player, although in all documents his father calls Nehemia.

Mikhail was born a painful child, he did not have two fingers on the right handle. When mom showed a baby, she lost consciousness, milk lost, and the son did not know the taste of maternal milk. At six months, Mikhail suffered severe infection with high temperature, convulsions and bright meningial phenomena. The doctor said that the child would hardly live, but, if it was cleared, the great people grow after such diseases ...

In three years, Mikhasik began to read, in five skillfully multiply three-digit numbers, and seven - went immediately into the third class. Fifteen became a university student, and twenty defended a diploma on the topic of humor and satire in the works of Favorite writers Ilf and Petrov.

Chess Tal "infected" at seven years and from that time did not imagine the day without a chessboard. Chess for him became a holiday, and the strength of the Spirit of this physically weak with constant diseases of her husband defeated grief. The chess swings of Talle passed with adventures, however, like his family life. With all its disadvantages and sores, there was always a favorite of women. Officially had three women, but in marriage was not a monochombus. With his first wife - the pop singer Sally - he peacefully lived 12 years old, she gave him the son of Gera (German), but they diverged enough quickly when they saw that both were not able or could not observe the wedding loyalty. In the 60s, Tal had a ardent novel with the famous actress by Larisa Sobolevskoy, who was seven years older. She was known for roles in the films "Big Family", "Oleko Dundic", "Return Fauwly" and others. Already much later, it became known that the beautiful actress Larisa Kronberg (Sobolevskaya) was an agent of the KGB, which was seduced by the French ambassador in Moscow Maurice Dezhana, through which several years needed the work of influence on French politics. Dejan was a close friend of France President Charles de Gaulle. Of course, the Tal of this did not know this, was captured by the popularity of his lady, who was friends with the Moscow filmmaker - Nonaya Mordyukova, Alla Larionova and Nikolai Rybnikov, who adored Mikhail and fought it to play a party with him. Colleagues-grandmasters who left the Thale abroad to international tournaments, said that he had a huge list of things that Larisa's wife ordered. And he walked in the old jacket and ripped shoes ... when he lacked money, called Riga and asked Robert to send the right amount. Robert, who was "shishkoy" in the Latvian trade, did not refuse the biological son. Therefore, we still needed money for medicines, because kidney pains became so strong that Tal practically became a drug addict.

When Sobolevskoy was tired of care and treat her man, they divorced at the beginning of the 70s. Mom, knowing that Mikhail needs a woman, launched him with the Georgian Prince, to which he moved to Tbilisi. But moderate family life did not succeed in this romance, and he ran away to his mother. And there, unexpectedly, melted on the gel, which worked in the Riga chess club. She became his next wife. Angelina devoted himself to family duties, she accompanied her husband to all competitions, cared for him as a child, gave him daughter to Jeanne. All three were in Lviv in June 1981 at the international tournament in which Mikhail Tal and won.

For a while, Angelina managed to keep the unpredictable husband "in his hands." But the ex-champion of the world could not sit in the four walls of the family comfort and sleep in the same bed. What to do, the Tal was not created for family life!

In the end, Angelina, along with Jeanne, went to Germany, where the daughter received a musical education. Tal visited them more than once, supported the family materially.

In recent years, Mikhail Tal has received a happy minute, when they began to engage in a young woman from Leningrad Marina. The last tragic months of 1992, she behaved extremely devotion to himself, shouted and saved the patient and took the duties to be close to him. After the death of his beloved person, she married her son, who called Mikhail, and immediately sorted up with her husband. She was no longer needed anymore, because now she had her Mihasik, in which her life focused.

Mikhail Tal died on June 28 at the Moscow Hospital, and with it in this last minutes of the genius of Chess was Marina. Of the same day, Sally flew from the Netherlands. In Riga, where he was buried, the coffin met the first and third women who loved him most, - Sally and Angelin.

Sally, who was already a widow of the Dutch jeweler, after six years, put a monument at the Riga cemetery in the Riga cemetery and published a book of memories - "Eliya Mikhail Tal".

Mikhail Nehemevich Tal.(November 9, 1936, Riga - June 28, 1992, Moscow) - Soviet and Latvian chess player, grandmaster (1957), the eighth world champion in Chess (1960-1961), the eight-time winner of the World Chess Olympiads and Six Color European Champion in the USSR national team, first World Champion in Blitz (1988).

Tal Mikhail Nehemevich (1936-1992) - Russian athlete, chess player, 8th Chess Champion, International Grandmaster (1957), Honored Master of Sports (1960). World Champion (I960- 61), Six-time Champion of the USSR (1957-78), journalist.

Grew in a brilliant child. Already seven years old multiplied three-digits and was able to repeat the father's lecture - a doctor known in Riga. Training began with the third class. At the age of 15, received a maturity certificate and entered the Faculty of Philology of the University of Riga.

Mikhail began to play chess from ten years. At the age of 17 became the champion of Latvia, and at the age of 21 won the USSR Championship (1957). For his game, the speed of thinking, the accuracy of calculations of options, puzzle combinations with a cascade of victims were characterized. In 1958, he confidently led to the interzonal tournament in the portor (Yugoslavia) and received the right to participate in the world championship. Particularly successfully held a party in Yugoslavia, where there were several chess clubs during the life of the athlete. In 1959, he won the challengers tournament, which was held in three cities - Bled, Zagreb, Belgrade. Tal scored 20 points from 28 possible and ahead in the final of his opponent - P. P. Kerez - by a half points.

In 1960, Moscow held a match for the world championship with M. Botvinnik, won it with a result of 12.5: 8.5. And he became eighth in history and the youngest world champion. In a year (1961), a match-revenge was held between Botvinnik and Thalem. The latter was not ready for the duel psychologically and lost him with a score of 8: 13.

In 1961, he won the victory at a large international tournament in Bled. For almost a quarter of a century (1962-85), the chess player remained among the applicants for the world championship. Successfully combined his sports career with journalistic activities. He starred in the scientific and popular film "Seven Steps for the Horizon" (1969), which described about its session of the simultaneous game blindly on 10 boards with chess players - first developers.

Tal was the winner of about 40 international tournaments, 8 times in the USSR national team became the leader of the World Chess Olympiads (1958-1982). In 1988 he won the first informal world championship in Blitz (every chess player was 5 minutes for completing the party), the world's winning world champion Kasparov and the ex-champion of the world A. Karpov.

He was the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Shahe" in Riga from 1960 to 1970. In recent years of life, the athlete was seriously ill, but it did not affect the quality of his game, which became even more professional. For achievements in the Chess Tal, Tal was awarded the orders of the Hall Sign (1960) and Peoples Friendship (1981).

Brief biographical dictionary

"Tal Mikhail" and other articles from the section

Mikhail Nehhemevich Tal was born on November 9, 1936 in the city of Riga. He received the world celebrity, thanks to the excellent game of chess. Tal is the 8th. He also became the champion not only the USSR, but also Europe. In addition to the career of Grandmaster, Mikhail Tal was a journalist and for ten years was the chief editor of the Chess magazine.

Children's and Youth Years

Mikhail Tal was born in the family of medical workers. According to one of the versions, his parents were to each other cousin relatives. Therefore, the boy at birth received a genetic anomaly - on one hand he had only 3 fingers. By the second version, the father of the chess player was a Frenchman named Robert, who lived with them. Therefore, it is believed that the chess player had two fathers. But his father Mikhail considered only Nehemia Tal.

Almost from the very birth, fate experienced a boy for persistence. In 1.5 years, he fell ill with a serious disease, very similar to meningitis. Doctors practically did not give the boy a chance of life, but he still smoked. It was after the disease that parents began to notice the extraordinary abilities of Tal.

In three years, he readily read, and in five years it could easily multiply three-digits. In addition, he demonstrated phenomenal long-term memory, reading a fairly large passage, he could easily repeat it. Showing such rare abilities, the boy was taken to school at once in the 3rd grade, and he entered the university at age 15. For myself, Tal chose the Faculty of Philology in one of Riga Universities.

The first meeting with a chessboard has occurred in 6 years, but she did not cause a special delight. Everything changed the case when a long-range relative came to them at 9 years old and put Mikhail "Children's Mat". From 10 years, the grandmaster began to actively engage in a circle of chess located in the Poland of Pioneers of the city of Riga. Mentor Talya spoke Janis Kruzkops.

Career Grossmeister

At the age of 13, Mikhail Tal first came to the Republican junior team. And at the age of 17 won the championship of Latvia. In 1957, Mikhail Tal after the victory in the Union Championship received the title of grandmaster. His rivals in this fight were David Bronstein and Alexander Tolush.

The next victory was waiting for him at the European Championships. After that, the grandmaster dies father, and his legs refuse his nervous soil. The tal of the slightest depression, refused food and absolutely lost interest in life. At that time, Mikhail helped Mother, she contributed to his participation of the young blitz tournament. In it, he received 17 points and 17 possible. It was this victory that Gossmaster of the stimulus stand up on his feet and move on.

In 1958, he won on the Union Championship. The next bar in the quarry was the necessary victory or 2nd place on the interzone tournament in the portor. But Tal remained faithful and became the best chess player among his compatriots. A little later showed the best result on the 13th Olympics in Munich.

In 1959, at the tournament in Yugoslavia, grandmaster did not consider a serious opponent. But every match of Riganin was magnificent in a professional sense. For example, in the match with the meanness, he sacrificed the queen, thereby forcing the opponent to surrender to 26 go.

From 1960 to 1961, Mikhail Tal received the rank of 8 world champion and eight-round champion in chess. Also grandmaster Six-time champion of the USSR. He became the winner in more than 20 sole victories, for example, in: Blee, Miskolc, Reykjavik, Wike An-See, Malaga and others. Mikhail Nehhemievich Tal became the winner of the six championships in Europe and the three interzal competitions.

Personal life

In 1959, during the celebration of the New Year's offensive, Tal meets the singer and actress of Latvian origin - Sally Landau. In order for the beloved to pay attention to him, he was in every way looking to meet her and even subsided his friends. As a result, the girl surrendered, and the young couple got married. And soon in 1960 the son of Georgy was born in the family. Mikhail Souls did not kowala in his son and even invented him a variety of funny nicknames, the most beloved was the guzzle. But their family existed not long, in 1970 they divorced.

Soon Mikhail Tal signed a fictitious marriage with Georgian Irina. The initiative was a girl, and the grandmaster decided to help.

After the second divorce, he met the future wife. At the USSR Championship, Tal was a commentator, and his stenographer - Angelina. Between them ran spark, a wedding was held soon, and in 1975 a beautiful daughter Zhanna was born. Angelina fully took over the care of the life in which the chess player was completely helpless.

In 1980, Tal is hard to transfer depression, he ponders for his fate and career for a long time. Insomnia comes, the time of poker comes, complete non-compliance with the power and sleep mode, as well as about 5 repurchased packs of cigarettes per day. Angelina could not look at it for a long time and went to Germany soon, taking a daughter with him.

A little later in the life of the grandmaster, the last woman appears - Marina.

In general, the stories about his love novels always walked around him. He was attributed to the Roman with Larisa Sobolevskaya, Bella Davidovich and the Miroy Koltsova. But Tal himself said that his only biggest love would forever be Sally Landau. Tenderness and trepacy to her, he retained until the end of life.

The last days

On May 5, 1992, Mikhail Nehhemevich Tal held his last duel with Vladimir Akopyan in Barcelona. He won the party, although he was already seriously sick. But on May 28, the chess player took the 3rd place, giving the first two Kasparov and Barev. In the plans, Tal was participating in Manila for independent Latvia, but the conceived preserved a sharply deteriorating health.

In 1992, on June 28, in 15 Moscow hospital, Mikhail Nehhemevich Tal died. The cause of death was profuse bleeding, provoked by varicose veins of the esophagus. The outstanding chess player is buried at the Jewish cemetery Shmerley in Riga.

When the grandmaster's mother was 7 months old pregnancy, he lived at the cottage. And late in the evening I woke up from the sound of the rats ran near her. It was then that she thought it was a sign of over. Therefore, after giving birth, seeing three fingers on the hand of the Son, she again remembered the fateful rat.

A very famous journalist Yakov Damsky once doubted in the phenomenal memory of the chess player. Therefore, he decided to check him, taking one of the read books of Tal, he opened it on the first page and read the first line. After, Mikhail repeated the entire text from the page without a single error. After that, the doubts are that the Tal can easily remember more than 1 thousand pages, there was no longer.

Mikhail Tal has always been distinguished by strange actions. For example, he could easily confuse shoes or put his wife a question about the correct sequence of water procedures.

After the chess player divorced Sally's first wife, he continued to treat her with a special tenderness and during a telephone conversation ranked words from the song: "I'm not all the words told you ...".

In 2014, Opera appeared in Riga in honor of the famous chess match between Thalem and Botvinnik "Mikhail against Mikhail".

Quotes of chess player

"There are two types of victims: Correct and mine."

"I am the only person who read his necrologist in life."

"Princess cannot be a former, if there can be no former Senbernar. This is breed, mommy, and not. "

"Chess - for each of their own. For one - this is an art, for those who appreciate the systematization, logic, accurate verified analysis, is probably science, well, for the third - first of all, the struggle, excitement, risk. "

Video about the life of the great grandmaster

November 2011.

He was a universal favorite and could not hold on in the conventional framework. He played, loved, drank, smoked, having fun. And all this - in doses, unbearable mortal. Recently, 75 years old since the birth of this talented chess player.
The eighth world champion in Chess Mikhail Nehemievich Tal was born in Riga on November 9, 1936 in the doctor's family. At seven years, the boy has already multiplied three-digit numbers in the mind, could the word for the word to repeat the lecture on the medical theme. At 15, Misha graduated from the 22nd secondary school and entered the Faculty of Philology of the Latvian State University. The graduate work The future grandmaster wrote on the topic "Satira in Ilf and Petrov's novels."
Misha Tal chess began to engage in the Poland of Pioneers under the guidance of an experienced master Janice Kruzkops and found a good ability, but only a coach believed in his huge future achievements. They spoke about the talent of Tal only in 1957, when in the USSR championship Rigan with glitter won the gold medal champion, ahead of many mastty chess players. The style of his games and victories caused hot spores: Tal risked as it seemed unthinkable after the long domination of the school lascape-lasker-capplant. After the parties of the analysts found the refutation of some of its combinations, wondered about the strange views of the rivals of Tal, they built all sorts of guesses, and Tal I didn't notice all this: continued to play without a shadow of fear before defeat, sacrificed without a look, surprisingly skillfully tie complications, expecting options unusually far and fast. It could be refuted in the analysis, but too hard - behind the board.
Tale's successes flew as out of abundance horns. In 1958, he was once again the Champion of the USSR, then the first in the interzonal tournament, a year later overtook everyone in the tournament of applicants, including sense, Cerez, Petrosyan, Young Fisher.
As part of the national teams of the USSR M. Tal eight times became the winner of the World Olympiad, occupying, as a rule, 1st place on its board; Three times showed an absolutely better result at the Olympics, participated in matches with the team of selected chess players of the world (1970 and 1984) - 9th and 7th board. He is a six-time European champion and three-time world champion among students in the team competition. Won the 1st unofficial world championship in the lightning game (1988).
An adventure style brought him amazing popularity and attracted a lot of new fans to chess art. He was called the "Macolator of Calm", the "Masters of Chess", "Mozart of Chess Arts". Grossmaster Paul Benko once came to a party with a thale in sunglasses - he believed in the speculation of some journalists, that Tal hypnotizes opponents ...
In the spring of I960, the Botvinnik in the match with the Thalem first ran into the "Musketeer" style of the 20th century and ... Chess science could not resist! Six wins of the tale against two defeats with thirteen draws was the result. Rezhanina admirers were adequate, especially youth: Lee joke, student defeated the professor! Twenty-year-old world champion! There was a legend in front of her eyes. But a year later, the match was revenge, and the Tal could not imagine that Botvinnik's loser would be able to recover.
It is terribly unfair that the todyha challenged only a year to be on top. A frivolous young genius was not prepared for the match-revenge with Botvinnik and actually did everything to lose. Well, how could we agree to start the match with the patient? Mikhail agreed in everything with his older namesque, giving him in the talks literally for each item. Alas, such angelic behavior could not be successful. No matter how sad, in the struggle for high titles, you just need to be tougher and calculating.
Alas, Tal was not so. And Mikhail Moiseevich Botvinnik began to prepare for the match-revenge literally the day after losing. He found vulnerable places in the game of Tal and managed to prepare such debut schemes, where the combination art of Tal did not find space. Logic took the top! Tal won five parties - only one less than in the last match, but lost ten. And became the youngest in the history of the ex-champion of the world.
By the way, about one side of the activities of M. Tale should not be mentioned: in many tournaments he combined the game with journalistic activities. As a rule, he dictated his correspondence by phone, and they were in a set without any edit. Since 1960, over the next ten years, he was the editor-in-chief of the Latvian magazine "Chess". He starred in the scientific and popular film "Seven Steps for the Horizon", in which his session of simultaneous game was shown blindly on 10 boards with primary chess players.
In the early 90s, rumors went on Riga that Tal sits on the suitcases and gather in Israel, but he was not repatriated to Israel, although he was located there in early 1990. But his son Gera is living in Beer Shev, works by a dentist. They say that Gera somehow called the Father in Riga:
- Dad, how do you feel?
- Never mind. But my abscess is in great shape.
"You need to come to our Israel to get to them," Son advised.
- But I'm not an Arab to create an additional headache to Israel! - answered Tal ...
After losing the title of the strongest, Mikhail Nehhemeyvich was never able to rise to the former height. Mikhail Nehhemievich Tal in Moscow died in Moscow on June 28, 1992, buried at the Jewish cemetery in Native Riga.
August 10, 2001, on the days of the celebration of the 800th anniversary of Riga in the Verper Park and in honor of the 65th anniversary of the Great Chess player, a monument to Mikhail Taly (Sculptor Oleg Skranis, Architects Guntis Sakna and the Lelda Stern) were opened. It is here, on the terrace of the former club of the valve, he spent a clock behind a chessboard. The last coach of the monument was attended by the last coach of Tal Valentin Kirillov, the deputies of the Riga Duma, Oleg Tongsov, and the President of the Latvian Chess Society Valdis Kalnozols, Poet Janis Peters, Entrepreneurs Haim Kogan, Victor Krasovitsky, Julius Kruminsh. The first spouse of Tal Salley Landau came to the opening ceremony, Grossmasters Boris Spassky, Alexey Shirov, Tale's student, and the Lithuanian champion Victoria Cmilite.
In honor of the eighth world champion in a number of countries, postal souvenirs were issued. Portraits Mikhail Tal can be seen on the brands of Yugoslavia (1995), Cambodia (1996), African republics of Benin and Chad (1999), DPRK (2000), on the postal block of Mongolia (1986).

He perfectly approached the stereotypes of the genius: a burning look, negligence in the appearance, a complete concentration on the most important and inattention to the trifles of life. Mikhail Tal occupied the world throne a very short time, but still considered a real genius of chess, the personification of the highest meaning of their meaning as a game based on both Azart, improvisation, insight and on the methodical error of the options.

The mainly of his human achievement was the fact that he fully maintained optimism and goodwill to others, despite the suffering and ailments, accompanying him all the short life.

Not like everyone

The originality accompanied him from birth - the right hand was a three-pall, which friends jokingly called evidence of alien origin of Tal. More practical biographers see the reason for such an abnormality in the fact that his parents were blood relatives - cousins \u200b\u200band sister, which is fraught with genetic failures.

Mikhail Tal was born on November 9, 1936 in Riga, in the family of doctors. As he said later: "I played black figures with fate." Her first move was dangerous: six months after birth, the boy fell ill with infection, similar to meningitis. Parents, like doctors, understood the memority of chances for survival, and they also knew that such inflammation affects the brain in an unexpected way, sometimes reinforcing the effectiveness of its work with a successful outcome of the disease. The child survived.

Shortened childhood

By five years, he could multiply in the mind three-digits, and read from three years. War Family Taly spent in evacuation, in the Perm region. The boy was accepted immediately into the third class, and the University of Riga, Mikhail Tal, was enrolled in the form of exception, from 15 years.

The memory of the Tal was phenomenal. The guy listedly reproduced the texts of the book, which seemed to be surrounding, he looked through for a minute. The information he considered particularly valuable remained in his memory forever.

At the same time, Mikhail did not consider himself in advance. His boyish interests did not differ from the hobbies of peers - he loved to play football and spent a lot of time, running with the ball, despite the early pathology in the work of the kidneys. But gradually the main meaning of chess appeared in his life.

The beginning of the way

At 6 years old, Mikhail Tal, whose biography will now be connected forever with this ancient game, first saw the board with figures. It happened when the child was at work at his father and waited in the reception of his medical office. Patients spent time for playing chess, waiting for the reception. Father showed him how the figures walk, and introduced to the basic rules. At first, the boy took the game calmly. The excitement, which was then distinguished by a future chess champion, boiled in it, when at 9 years he received from the "Children's Mat" cousin.

From 10 years he began to go to the chess circle at the Riga Poland of Pioneers. At the age of 12, he received the 2nd category, at the first 14th, at the age of 17 he became a master. The first chess teacher Talo - Janis Cruzkops - himself was a supporter of a combination, active game. In the case of Mikhail, it was imposed on outstanding abilities and fiery temperament. Tal chess player has never been afraid of risky continuations complicating the position. The legendary "incorrect" victims of Talo is also in many ways from his "pioneer" childhood.

Literature teacher

Interesting for the study of literature and history, obviously, it originated from Mikhail under the influence of the mother - Ida Grigorievna, in his youth, who had acquaintance with Erenburg, Picasso, other humanities. The topic of the thesis, after which the young teacher Mikhail Tal was released from the university, was "satire and humor in the works of Ilya Ilf and Yevgeny Petrov." Obviously, the brilliant sense of humor, inherent in the todya, celebrated by all - and long-known people, and barely familiar - had a solid foundation.

After receiving a diploma, he worked for some time at school, but by that time chess became the main profession. Philological preparation was very helpful in his classes by journalism, in particular, when he edited the Chess Magazine published in Riga, highly appreciated worldwide.


In his game, he always was looking for a fingerprint of the influence of supernatural, demonic forces - too bright, extraordinary, complete risk, limitless fantasy and unpredictable intuitive insights was the style of Mikhail Tal. The losers were looking for an explanation of their failures in the hypnotic look of the Master, in its extrasensory abilities. For those who knew Mikhail closer, these attempts caused a smile - the case was in the other.

Just the Tal chess player was the generation of his general attitude to life. The desire to seek to succeed, to know all the completeness of sensations, incontinence in desires and means for their incarnation was accompanied by his whole life.

When there was a preparation for the most important fight with Botvinnik, who decided to the fate of the world champion of the world, he conducted a whole operation to conquer the heart of the Riga Beauty Sullamife Landau. Both goals were achieved: Sally became his wife, and he is the champion of the world.

Path to Olympus

The rapid climb of Tal to the chess vertex, as well as the quick opportunities of the World Championship console, - Legendary Pages in the world in 1957, the young Riganin becomes the champion of the USSR in Chess, ahead of the Mastydnaya David Bronstein and Paul Kerez - contenders for the world crown. In the future, he won the All-Union Chess Championship for another 5 times.

The following stages of the path to Chess Olympus were international tournaments. Victory followed in the interzorone tournament of applicants in the portor, in Slovenia (1958) and on the 13th Chess Olympiad in Munich (1958). Tal won the International Chess Tournament in Zurich (1959) and held in the same year in Yugoslavia the tournament of applicants, among which were all the then stars in this sport: meanings, Glygaric, Petrosyan, F. Olafson, Cerez and Fifteen-year

The match for the title of world champion took place from March 15 to May 7, 1960 and ended in the early victory of the 24-year-old Tal, which won 6 parties, loser 2 and the first one who had reached 12 and a half points.

The youngest world champion

The young and charismatic, witty and intelligent, who had unprecedentedly bold and energetic style of the game Tal became a cumier of chess lovers around the world. When professional masters have passed surprise from the unexpected appearance of "attracting" when they learned a closer champion, a sense of sympathy for him was widespread and universal. Even famous among grandmothers and chess public Misanthrop and Sociopath easily spent the whole day alone with a thale, playing blitz.

In Riga, Tal met a huge crowd, carrying a car with a young champion from the station on his hands. He willingly met with lovers of chess of different ages in Riga and around the Union. Soon, few people left in the USSR, who would have a surname of Tal. Mikhail Nehememievich earned respect for the fact that he did not change the place of residence even in the most severe times, never allowed himself to look cloudy, where he was born, although the courage of his statements abroad was constant interest in him by state structures - at the same time he was non-rigid.

Subsequent life

In the spring of 1961, the aggravation of the renal problems of Tal intervened in the spring of 1961 with Botvinnik in the spring of 1961. He was also offered to even ask for the transfer of the match, but he agreed from respect to the opponent to all the conditions of Botvinnik. As a result, the Tal was not ready for a new struggle for the title and lost.

Subsequently, he repeatedly entered the struggle for the global chess crown, but unsuccessfully. He participated in the team A. Karpova when preparing it for matches with a revortion and Fisher, making a significant contribution to the acquisition of the championship title.

Despite the increasing health problems, he did not want to reduce the pace of life. After the birth of the son, divorce from Sally, the second and third marriage, the birth of her daughter, he remained an expensive person for everyone, who met in a life path, behaving with women in good and easy. He did not want to lose sight of simple and natural pleasures - delicious, but harmful food, good alcohol, smoked a lot ... True, sometimes it was explained to the need to drown a constant pain. To relieve pain, I had to resort to strong drugs.

Gone undefeated

In 1988, M. Tal wins the World Chess Championship with the shortened regulations and becomes the first world world champion. In his creative biography in 1970-80, there were periods when the win-win series in various tournaments numbered 90 parties in a row, which is an impressive achievement for any master.

The last official party in tournaments on classic chess Tal also won, this happened on May 5, 1992 in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bhis opponent was Vladimir Hakobyan. And shortly before death, he literally escaped from the hospital to participate in the Moscow Championship in Blitz, where he won from the then world champion of Harry Kasparov. It was his last chess tournament. He left his life on July 28, 1992.

Mikhail Nehhemevich Tal remained in history not only by a brilliant chess player, one of the last romantics of this ancient game, but also an outstanding person in his personal qualities, about whom the good memory is a lot of people with us and abroad.