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Frozen boletus. How to freeze boletus mushrooms: all methods You can freeze boletus mushrooms raw

Boletus mushrooms are fragrant and tasty mushrooms. To preserve their useful properties for a long time, you just need to freeze them correctly. Consider all the ways to freeze mushrooms at home.

First, sort out the mushrooms brought from the forest. Remove forest debris, rot, and wormy specimens. Small young mushrooms are most suitable for freezing entirely.

Freezing raw mushrooms

Freezing fresh mushrooms is the easiest and fastest way.

Spread the prepared mushrooms on a flat surface. Place in the freezer and freeze well. Then, collect them in a plastic bag or plastic container. Boletus mushrooms can be stored in this form for 1 year.

Watch also the video how to freeze fresh boletus boletus:

Freeze boiled mushrooms

Boletus boletus can be boiled before freezing. Thus, you will get a ready-made semi-finished product for a quick mushroom dish. To freeze mushrooms, follow these steps in sequence:

  1. cut the peeled mushrooms into slices;
  2. transfer them to a saucepan and cover with water. Put on medium heat and cook until tender, about 30 minutes;
  3. fold the boletus in a colander and let the broth drain;
  4. pack the boiled mushrooms into a prepared container and transfer to the freezer. The shelf life of mushrooms with such heat treatment should not exceed three months.

Freeze fried mushrooms

It makes no sense to specially freeze fried mushrooms. But it happens that after frying a large amount remains uneaten, there is nowhere to put it, but it is a pity to throw it away. In this case, place the mushrooms in a colander to remove excess oil. Place them in plastic containers. Place in the freezer and store for no more than three months.

As you can see, boletus mushrooms can be frozen in different ways, but the fastest and longest-lasting is fresh freezing.

Kira Stoletova

Boletus mushrooms are delicious mushrooms, the dishes of which are famous for their unique aroma. Fresh, unfortunately, they are not stored for a long time. To preserve the useful qualities of the product, you need to learn how to freeze it correctly. Frozen boletus is one of the best preparations for the winter.

Preparatory stage

In order for the freezing to be correct, all preparation rules must be observed:

  1. The collected specimens are carefully sorted out, wormy and rotten, as well as all forest debris, are removed from them.
  2. Small boletus mushrooms can be put whole in the freezer.
  3. The product is washed 3-4 times with warm water so as to avoid water getting on the bottom surface of the cap.
  4. It is better to dry the mushrooms on a cotton towel or regular paper towels. Do not use newspapers, because fruiting bodies can absorb ink.

This is where the preparatory stage ends.

Freezing methods

Mushroom pickers are familiar with the 3 main freezing products:

  • raw;
  • fried;
  • boiled.

Each of these options has its own advantages. Freezing raw boletus boletus preserves dietary fiber. Fried is used as a side dish. Boiled mushrooms are used as an independent product or added to salads.

Raw mushrooms

This option is one of the most economical. To freeze boletus boletus raw, you need to do the following:

  1. Spread the prepared product on a small surface (wooden board) covered with plastic wrap so that the mushrooms can be easily separated later.
  2. Select damaged mushrooms from the total amount. They can be frozen in another way.
  3. Place the board with the workpiece in the freezer and leave the product to freeze. (The amount of time to freeze can be calculated based on the temperature of the refrigerator and the mass of mushrooms).
  4. After that, the finished product is collected in a plastic container or bag.
  5. Frozen is stored at –17 ° C.

To prepare a dish of fresh mushrooms, you need to defrost them. This is done in the refrigerator on the lowest shelf. So the product will gradually thaw, so the integrity of the mushrooms will not be compromised. Usually mushrooms are thawed in this way throughout the night.

Irina Selyutina (Biologist):

There are several ways to defrost mushrooms in addition to defrosting in the refrigerator compartment:

  • At room temperature: in this case, it is better to send them into a colander so that the water drains immediately and the mushrooms are not watery. This is about 2-3 hours.
  • In the microwave: not the most useful way, but as a last resort, it will do. After loading the product into the chamber, set the "Defrost" mode.
  • And the best option for the hostess - if you are convinced that your mushrooms are absolutely clean, then just throw them into the pan without defrosting. Please note! Thawed mushrooms must be processed immediately, because they are a "cozy nest" for the reproduction of microorganisms and the development of mold spores.

If you bought frozen fresh forest mushrooms in the supermarket, then you need:

  • Pour cold water into a deep bowl and rinse the purchased product thoroughly;
  • Change the water and repeat the procedure.

It will be enough to repeat it a total of 2-3 times in order to completely rid the mushrooms of sand or needles.

Fried mushrooms

If there is no desire to additionally process the product after defrosting, then the right solution would be to put it away for storage in a finished form. It is not difficult to freeze fried boletus mushrooms if you follow these instructions:

  • take the washed fruit bodies and cut into small pieces (the size of the slices depends on how much time will be spent on frying);
  • prepare a frying pan, wipe it and heat up sunflower oil;
  • lay out the sliced \u200b\u200bproduct, because after heat treatment, it decreases, many pieces are placed in the container;
  • take a wooden spatula and stir the dish periodically;
  • do not add salt, salt tends to retain liquid inside the tissue;
  • bring the process to readiness, allow to cool;
  • prepare plastic containers and pour mushrooms into them;
  • freeze in a refrigerator.

Fried mushrooms are stored for no more than 2.5-3 months. Further, it becomes unusable. Try to freeze in portions, because re-freezing of the product is completely excluded.

Boiled mushrooms

Boiled boletus mushrooms should be frozen for the winter a little longer than other types of mushrooms. But the end result is a ready-made semi-finished product that can be defrosted in winter and added to the main dish. To freeze such mushrooms, you need the following:

  1. Peel and cut the product.
  2. Transfer everything to a saucepan and cover with cold water.
  3. Boil until tender over medium heat (this will take about 25-35 minutes).
  4. Using a colander, drain the mushroom broth and let the remaining liquid drain;
  5. Cool the product and pack it in portions into prepared dishes.
  6. Transfer to a freezer.

The shelf life of mushrooms after processing, if they are frozen well, does not exceed 3 months.

How to freeze forest mushrooms

How to freeze mushrooms for the winter! Step-by-step instruction

Boletus frozen for the winter - video recipe


Boletus mushrooms are mushrooms with a unique composition. They are rich in highly digestible proteins. Regular use of the product regulates blood glucose levels, improves the functioning of the NS. They serve as a source of phosphoric acid, without which the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system is impossible. This is a low-calorie product, so dishes made from it are suitable for those who carefully monitor their figure and weight.

The freezing rules governing the technology for working with any workpieces are uniquely configured: only fresh and clean food can be frozen.

This also applies to the use of mushrooms in general, and to more specific issues - for example, how to freeze boletus.
Initially, you should carefully sort out the boletus, clean them of adhering leaves and dirt traces. Naturally, make sure that those chosen by the worms do not get caught. Only young, strong mushrooms are ideal for freezing purposes.

How to freeze boletus mushrooms: only the right steps

Freeze raw

Nothing prevents boletus from freezing raw, because they have few equal in strength and hardness.

First it follows rinse the mushrooms with waterto get rid of any dirt. But if there is confidence in the quality of self-collected forest gifts, you can do without this stage - you just need to remove the grass and leaves from the pulp.

If the mushrooms are washed, preferably in the future dry them on a clean towel or napkin to avoid possible clumping during further steps.

If the mushrooms remain dry, you just need put them in a food bag cellophane in one layer and carefully place it in the freezer.

Further defrost raw mushrooms it is necessary by placing them on the refrigerator shelf. Then they obviously will not lose their freshness.

Freeze boiled boletus

How to freeze boletus boletus raw is already clear. But if the fear of their further use remains after such a simple processing, you can resort to a more proven method.

Prepared boletus you need boil for 5 minutes in water... There is no longer a strict requirement for the preference of only strong small mushrooms. If the mushrooms are large, you can cut them into small pieces - both caps and legs.

Boiled mushrooms should be allowed to cool slowly, then discarded in a colander, stirring to get rid of excess liquid.

After that, you can divide it in portions (per 1 time of use, without additional storage) into food bags and tie it tightly, releasing excess air that will not bring any benefit, and will take up extra space in the freezer.

Freeze fried

With this method, clean, prepared boletus must be fried in vegetable oil (20 minutes, until excess moisture evaporates). When the mushrooms are completely cool, place them in food bags and freeze.

It just so happened: summer passes quickly. But autumn and winter with cold weather, slush and disease seem to last forever. So long that the shelves with blanks from the most diligent hostess are empty. Pickles, jams, and dried mushrooms, vegetables, berries and fruits are also used.

Freezing is especially popular with hostesses. The advantage of this particular method of preparing food for the winter is that we freeze berries, vegetables and fruits fresh, that is, most vitamins and other useful substances are preserved. Mushrooms can also be frozen fresh, but I prefer to boil them first: frozen boletus mushrooms still have to be boiled before cooking. But in winter, when defrosting, we will already skip this stage and will be able to immediately start frying or other mushroom recipes. For example, I really appreciate the opportunity to save my time.

Boletus for the winter already,. Now is the time to freeze boletus mushrooms for the winter.

Let's sort out the boletus. Let's remove the wormy parts. We will clean the boletus legs.

We will cut the mushrooms into such parts as will be convenient for us. If the mushrooms are strong, then you can cut them into smaller ones. Old boletus boletus are loose. We will cut such mushrooms larger. It is necessary to wash the mushrooms for a long time and thoroughly, changing the water several times. Cook boletus boletus in salted water for 40 minutes from boiling. We collect the foam.

We put the boiled mushrooms in a colander, rinse again and leave the excess liquid to glass, otherwise it will turn into ice in the refrigerator.

That's all the preliminary preparation. We just have to put the boletus in the right container for storage in the freezer. For this it is good to use plastic containers - disposable or reusable.

We close tightly. In order not to absorb extraneous odors, you can additionally pack it in a plastic bag.

That's all. We just have to wait for winter to cook delicious and healthy dishes from frozen boletus mushrooms.

Boletus mushrooms are very tasty mushrooms with a wonderful aroma. Many dishes are prepared from them: soups, pies, preparations for the winter. And they are also frozen for the winter in order to preserve the taste and aroma of mushrooms for a long time. Let's consider how to freeze the birch trees correctly: what needs to be taken into account when doing this.

Recipe for freezing raw boletus

The fastest and easiest way to harvest forest fruits is to freeze mushrooms raw for the winter, that is, you do not need to boil them. This way you can freeze any other mushrooms, such as boletus.


Servings: - + 30

  • Boletus mushrooms 3 Kg

Per serving

Calories: 32 kcal

Proteins: 2.3 g

Fats: 0.9 g

Carbohydrates: 3.7 g

10 min.Video Recipe Print

    Thoroughly wash the mushrooms, cut off the defective spots. Place the boletus boletus on a paper towel to dry. When all the liquid is absorbed, we remove the fruits.

    We remove the container in the freezer.

    When the mushrooms are frozen, they will need to be folded into a bag. It is more convenient to do this in portions: divide into small piles, place them in plastic bags and send them to the freezer. In winter, all that remains is to remove a small bag from the refrigerator and use it without defrosting the entire volume of mushrooms.

    The recipe for freezing boiled boletus

    This type of mushroom can be frozen not only fresh, but also boiled and even fried. If you freeze the last two methods, then during the subsequent use of the mushrooms, you do not need to additionally subject them to heat treatment. There are also recipes for cooking boletus and fried.

    Important:boiled mushrooms can be stored frozen for no more than 3 months.


    Cooking time:40 minutes

    The energy value

    • calorie content - 16.1;
    • proteins - 1.2;
    • fats - 0.5;
    • carbohydrates - 1.9.


    • mushrooms - 3 kg;
    • water - 3 l.

    Step by step cooking

    1. You need to prepare the fruits: peel, rinse and cut the mushrooms into pieces.
    2. We put them in a saucepan, add water. Cook over medium heat for half an hour. How much to cook boletus before freezing? It depends on the further use of the workpiece. If mushrooms are to be used for pie, soup and they are supposed to be cooked, they can be cooked for a short time; if not, the cooking time should be increased.
    3. Next, fold the boletus into a colander to remove excess liquid.
    4. We put the mushrooms in bags, plastic containers or other containers and put them in the freezer.

    Recipe for freezing fried boletus

    Fried mushrooms are usually frozen for later use in gravies, sauces, and pastes. In this case, additional heat treatment will not be needed.

    Servings: 20

    Cooking time:30 minutes

    The energy value

    • calorie content - 321.1;
    • proteins - 1.5;
    • fats - 33.9;
    • carbohydrates - 2.5.


    • mushrooms - 2 kg;
    • vegetable oil - 1 l;

    Step by step cooking

    1. My mushrooms, we clean. We cut off defective spots.
    2. Pour oil into a frying pan, put mushrooms in it and fry for 10-12 minutes. Be sure to let it cool down to room temperature - hot mushrooms cannot be placed in the refrigerator!
    3. We distribute the boletus into containers and put them in the freezer.

    How to freeze stumps: features of the workpiece

    Harvesting this type of mushroom for the winter differs from the previous ones in that the stubs cannot be washed, because it is a spongy fungus, and it absorbs moisture extremely quickly. Wipe dry mushrooms with a rag or paper towel. Then peel the legs of the fruit, but it is better not to cut off the caps. Place the mushrooms on a cellophane-wrapped cutting board and place in the freezer. After a few hours, the lumps can be removed and distributed in portioned containers.