Repair Design Furniture

Harvesting watermelon juice for the winter. Successful recipes for harvesting watermelon juice for the winter. How to make watermelon juice

Useful substances contained in watermelon juice: vitamins C, PP, E, A, B1 and B2, beta-carotene, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, sodium, potassium, as well as glucose, fructose, sucrose, organic acids, etc. etc.

Drinking watermelon juice has a beneficial effect on diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders. With the ability to remove excess fluid from the body, while providing it with easily digestible sugars, watermelon juice is effective for edema of any origin.

With kidney stone disease, watermelon juice brings patients a double benefit. First, the substances that make up the drink help to reduce the acidity of urine, which, in turn, leads to the dissolution of salts. Secondly, the powerful diuretic effect of the drink contributes to the rapid elimination of these salts from the body.

Due to the high content of the antioxidant lycopene, watermelon juice reduces the risk of oncological diseases and protects DNA from damage.

Another valuable substance that is part of watermelon juice is the amino acid citrulline. When ingested, citrulline is converted to arginine, which is essential for better supply of oxygen and nutrients to muscle tissue. Therefore, people who are actively involved in physical labor, it is useful to regularly drink watermelon juice.

Treatment with watermelon juice gives good results for cholelithiasis, atherosclerosis, chronic constipation, iron deficiency anemia, colds and joint diseases. Traditional medicine also recommends this drink as an effective remedy for strengthening immunity during the recovery period after surgery and infectious diseases, as well as for relieving nervous tension in case of irritability and insomnia.

Watermelon juice is also used in home cosmetology for the preparation of masks, lotions, tonics, etc. Baths with the addition of watermelon juice have anti-allergic and wound healing properties.

In order to make watermelon juice at home, you need to choose a ripe juicy watermelon, wash it thoroughly, cut it into several pieces and peel it off. Then cut the pulp into small pieces and squeeze out the juice using a juicer.

Just like other fruit and vegetable juices, you can prepare watermelon juice for future use. To get 5 liters of juice you need to take:

8-9 kg of watermelon pulp;
- 300 g of granulated sugar;
- 10 g of citric acid.

Add granulated sugar and citric acid to carefully chopped watermelon pulp. Bring to a boil and simmer for 3-4 minutes. Then pour the juice into dry sterilized jars and roll up.

One of the most beloved in late summer and autumn for many is the largest berry - watermelon. Watermelon is not only pleasant to the taste, but also very healthy and we eat it with pleasure. What about watermelon juice? How many people drink watermelon juice? But this is one of the most useful juices that can bring tremendous benefits to our body.

Watermelon belongs to the pumpkin family. Its closest relatives are melon, pumpkin, squash and other melon plants. Watermelon is more than 90 percent water. Contains watermelon and a number of vitamins and minerals useful for the body, which are fully preserved in watermelon juice.

Watermelon contains a number of B vitamins, which are necessary for the normal development and functioning of body systems.

Vitamin B1, or thiamine, is essential for the growth and maintenance of healthy muscle tissue and nervous system. One skillet of watermelon contains 6 percent of the daily value of this vitamin.

Riboflavin or vitamin B2 promotes tissue growth and repair, and is also involved in the function of cell division. It contains 4 percent of the required daily allowance in one skib of watermelon.

Niacin or vitamin B3 is involved in the functions of the nervous system.

Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine is necessary for the normal formation of red blood cells, and also participates in the formation of the nervous and immune systems.

Vitamin B9 or folic acid is involved in the formation of new cells, the main vitamin for pregnant women.

Pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 is involved in carbohydrate metabolism.

In addition to B vitamins, watermelon contains vitamin A, vitamin C - one of the main antioxidants.

Potassium, zinc, phosphorus, selenium, copper, magnesium, manganese, antioxidants, phytonutrients, amino acids - all these are rich in watermelon. All this makes watermelon and watermelon juice very beneficial for human health.

In addition, it should be noted that this sweet berry will satisfy the needs of those with a sweet tooth who are forced to keep an eye on their figure. Its sweet part consists mainly of sorbitol, a natural sugar substitute.

Watermelon juice will help satisfy not only thirst, but also clean glasses and liver, removing toxins and toxins from the body.

The watermelon rinds we usually throw away also contain beneficial vitamins and minerals. But besides that, they are also rich in chlorophyll. Therefore, when preparing watermelon juice, use them as well. Especially if the watermelon was grown by yourself and are sure of its quality.

The benefits of watermelon juice

Watermelons cleanse the body. It has diuretics, helping to cleanse the kidneys, liver and bladder. In addition, dietary fiber stimulates the intestines, relieving constipation.

All nutrients contained in watermelon juice are completely absorbed and assimilated by the body.

The alkalizing effect maintains the acid-base balance in the body, neutralizing toxic compounds that are formed in the body as a result of excessive consumption of acid-forming foods.

Antioxidants and amino acids also provide tremendous benefits to the human body.

For heart health, skin health, cancer prevention

Watermelon contains the powerful antioxidant lycopene. It is he who provides the red color of the pulp of the watermelon. Studies have shown that people who consume adequate amounts of foods containing lycopene are less at risk of heart disease.

But this is not the only benefit of this substance. Lycopene also protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation, which contributes to aging of the skin, the appearance of wrinkles, and also, there is a risk of skin cancer.

Drinking a glass of watermelon juice before going outside in the summer can provide additional UV protection.

Many studies also show that lycopene can also prevent other cancers of the intestine, stomach, prostate, pancreas, and lungs.

Improving blood circulation

Another unique substance found in watermelon is citrulline. This amino acid is found in large quantities in watermelon juice.

What is the uniqueness of citrulline? This amino acid in the human body is converted into the essential amino acid arginine, which improves blood circulation and improves vascular health.

Arginine is found in many supplements for athletes. It helps relax muscles and relieve pain after exercise.

Some studies suggest that citrulline, or rather arginine, may be a natural potency-enhancing natural product.

Weight loss

This same amino acid, citrulline, has been suggested by some studies to inhibit the accumulation of body fat. Anyway, a glass of watermelon juice contains very few calories, which can already be beneficial for weight loss. But at the same time, there are a lot of useful substances to nourish the body.

Reduces inflammation

Watermelon is rich in flavonoids, carotenoids (the redder the flesh, the more there are) and other compounds, including lycopene and citrulline, which have anti-inflammatory properties.

In addition, vitamins and minerals contribute to a strong immune system. By adding crushed watermelon seeds to the juice, you can give your body an extra dose of iron and zinc.

What other health benefits can watermelon juice have? Many people are familiar with one of the most common way of cleansing the kidneys at this time of the year with the help of watermelon juice. Watermelon juice will help flush uric acid compounds from the kidneys and break up and flush out some types of kidney stones.

The presence of powerful antioxidants in watermelon juice can help reduce asthma attacks.

Beta carotene and vitamin C reduce pain associated with arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, ostearthritis.

Possessing diuretic properties, watermelon juice has a healing effect on the urinary system, relieves inflammation of the bladder.

The diuretic properties and the potassium in watermelon will help flush excess fluid from the body. This is not only good prevention of edema, but also prevention of high blood pressure. In addition, watermelon juice will be useful for pregnant women who often suffer from swelling of the legs and arms, high blood pressure, especially in the last trimester.

There is no fat in watermelon, which means there is no cholesterol in it either. Watermelon juice serves as a good prevention of cholesterol plaque deposits and cleans blood vessels from cholesterol, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

A glass of watermelon juice is a good prophylaxis against constipation, it stimulates the intestines to evacuate.

The combination of folate and other elements plays an important role in reducing the risk of heart attacks, strokes, and colon cancer.

Since watermelon juice cleanses the body of toxins and toxins, the itching associated with the "contamination" of the body decreases accordingly.

Watermelon juice will benefit our beauty as well. An ice cube made from watermelon juice or rubbing your face with juice will improve your complexion and reduce age spots.

How to make watermelon juice

The quickest and easiest way to make watermelon juice at home is to use a juicer. Before squeezing the juice out of the watermelon, it must be washed well, possibly with a brush, so that there are no traces of soil and chemicals that may be applied to the top of the watermelon. Juice is prepared immediately before use, since it does not store for a long time, even in the refrigerator. Slice the watermelon into scissors and scrape out the seeds. Although you can make juice with seeds. But there are varieties of watermelons that have a lot of seeds. It is better to remove the excess so as not to spoil the juice.

If you are confident in the quality of the watermelon, add the watermelon rind to the juicer along with the pulp. Not sure, you better throw it away. After all, it is in it that the maximum amount of harmful substances accumulates.

If you don't have a juicer or don't want to waste the healing pulp as waste, grind the pulp first in a blender. Then strain through a fine strainer or cheesecloth. Everyone, enjoy a healthy tasty drink with watermelon juice!

Adults can drink up to three liters of juice during the day. For small children, watermelon juice will also be useful. Infants begin to give it during complementary feeding with a few drops, gradually increasing the amount. Make sure that the baby does not develop allergies. It is best to start giving juice to children separately from other new foods.

Watermelon juice for the winter

Watermelon juice for the winter is a useful preparation, which few people still do. Preparing watermelon juice for the winter is very simple and does not take much time.

There are several ways to prepare watermelon juice for the winter. The easiest one is to freeze the juice in the freezer. But that requires a large freezer, which many don't have.

Canned watermelon juice for the winter

Watermelon pulp - 8-9 kg

Granulated sugar - 0.3 kg

Citric acid - 10 grams

The second way is juice canning. To do this, peel the pulp of the watermelon and cut into cubes. Purée in a blender. Strain the puree into a saucepan and place on the stove. Then add sugar and citric acid.

Put the juice on the stove and heat slowly. Boil for 5 minutes and pour into clean prepared jars. Seal tightly with lids. Store, like all blanks for the winter, in a cool place.

Watermelon juice in a juicer

In a juicer, boiling the juice is not required, as it is obtained with the help of steam. Banks need to be well washed and dried in the oven, or sterilized and dried.

Cut the pulp of the watermelon into slices and put in a juicer. Pour water according to the instructions.

You can add a little sugar to the pulp, but from a juicer the juice is sweeter.

Place the juicer on the stove and heat. As soon as the jar is full of juice, immediately roll it up and turn the lid upside down.

Harm of watermelon juice

Watermelon juice is contraindicated for those with kidney stones, especially large ones.

Drinking a lot of juice is contraindicated in diabetes mellitus. Although sorbitol is a significant portion of the sugars in watermelon, there are other sugars as well. How much safe drinking watermelon juice can be discussed, such people need to consult a doctor.

Watermelon juice is contraindicated in the presence of adhesions in the intestines, as it stimulates the intestines.

You can not use watermelon juice for pancreatitis, urinary incontinence.

You need to be especially careful about the use of women who are breastfeeding. It can cause colic in young children.

Everyone knows that watermelon is a miracle berry from the tropical region. It is a rich source of carbohydrates, vitamins A and C, and potassium. It does not contain fats, so watermelon is considered an ideal fruit for consumption in the heat of summer. In this article, you will learn about the benefits and many health benefits of watermelon juice for skin, hair, and health.

Watermelon tastes neutral because it is 95% water and electrolytes, but it is sweet enough. Also, the fruit is high in fiber, making it an ideal dietary product.

Watermelons can be grown in tropical conditions at any time of the year, but they are mostly available during the summer season. Fresh watermelon juice is easy to make at home. This is not only a refreshing drink, but also a healthy treat!

So now you know all about the benefits of watermelon juice.

How to make watermelon juice at home

Consider its nutritional value.

Nutritional value of watermelon

One glass of watermelon juice (about 150 g) contains:

I hope you enjoyed the post on the benefits of watermelon juice. Drink this wonderful drink, enjoy its taste and beneficial properties! And be healthy!

What else is useful?

Watermelon juice

Watermelon juice

Watermelon therapy is indispensable if you have kidney problems or simply decided to lose weight.

Watermelon juice is an excellent and pleasant base for fasting days. This storehouse of vitamins and minerals will help to improve metabolism and improve complexion, and it is also so refreshing in the summer heat!

How to make watermelon juice at home?

First, choose a ripe, juicy watermelon. We clean the pulp from the peel and seeds, and pass it through a juicer, preferably an auger - it squeezes out the juice to dry cake. In the case of a conventional juicer, you can spin the pulp again and finally squeeze out the juice using cheesecloth. Watermelon juice should be drunk immediately, without leaving it "for later" even in the refrigerator. If you wish, you can add to it other juices, powdered sugar or mineral water with gas - you get a truly invigorating drink!

Watermelon juice recipe for the winter

Although it is not very common and not everyone knows about it, watermelon juice, like any other vegetable or fruit juice, can be canned and drunk in winter. Of course, most of the beneficial properties are inevitably lost, but its diuretic effect, taste and summer freshness remain.


  • watermelon pulp - 8 kg;
  • sugar - 300 g;
  • citric acid - 10 g.


Grind the pitted watermelon pulp in mashed potatoes, add citric acid and sugar, and send to the fire. Bring to a boil, reduce the gas to a minimum and cook, stirring for 5 minutes. Optionally, you can add apple, cranberry or plum juice, then you need to boil a little more. We pour it into sterilized jars and roll it up with metal lids. Watermelon juice is ready! From the amount indicated in the recipe, approximately 5 liters of juice are obtained at the exit.

How to make watermelon juice in a juicer?

Another way to preserve watermelon juice is to cook it in a juicer. To do this, pour at least 3 liters of water into the lower pan of the juicer, and load into the upper one with pitted watermelon pulp, cut into rather large pieces. If you wish, you can add a little sugar, but remember that the juice in a juicer always comes out sweeter and more concentrated than that obtained with a juicer. We put the unit on fire and after a while life-giving moisture will begin to be released through a special tube. Since this juice has been pasteurized, it can be stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time without changing its taste.

Watermelon Peel Juice

Let's make a reservation right away - juice from watermelon peels can be prepared only if you are absolutely sure of the origin of the fruits themselves. Otherwise, you risk getting a hefty dose of nitrates and other, not very useful additives instead of a vitamin cocktail.

And making such juice is very simple! Instead of throwing away the crusts, we put them through a juicer and get a fresh, green and unsweetened drink. You can mix it with celery juice in a 1: 1 ratio or add watermelon pulp chopped in a blender. In any case, it will turn out delicious and very healthy!

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Watermelon juice. Properties, composition, treatment and how to make watermelon juice

Watermelon juice for the winter- a complete set of vitamin and mineral complex, which is necessary to maintain the body in good shape. Such a natural drink made at home is beneficial due to the content of vitamins C, E, and folic acid. In addition, the benefits of watermelon juice come from the elements found in it, such as calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, potassium and phosphorus.

Many have probably noticed that homemade watermelon juice is extremely different from store-bought in its natural aroma. All this is because the homemade drink is prepared only from natural products without adding flavors.

Making watermelon juice for the winter is a great and unusual idea. Already in the process of preparing this wonderful homemade drink, you will be convinced that canned watermelon juice is an ideal preparation for the winter. In order for the homemade drink to be preserved until deep winter, it is necessary to properly sterilize the cans, and in the process of preserving it, close the lids tightly and hermetically.

Everyone knows that watermelon juice is more useful in a freshly squeezed state, but what to do if the body has a pronounced vitamin deficiency in winter? That's right - you need to stock up on a healthy drink for future use! We offer one of the many options for its preparation in the photo recipe, which describes in detail how to make watermelon juice at home for the winter and how to preserve most of the nutrients in it.

Let's get down to making a delicious homemade drink, and in this you will be instructed by step-by-step instructions with a photo described below.

Garbuz is not only cinnamon, but savory: with it you can gotuvati desserts, garnіri, pershі and other stravi, meat and ribu; the harmelon can be made, zapіkati, vіdvaryuvati, gotuvati with her boiled, candied and іnshi malt.

Brown talk in the harbor is deserted, ale, when warm, it means that part of it is consumed, and for sir harbor, it can be far from all, but all the price of vitamins and minerals are consumed in the harbor juice. , as well as in sum with other juices.

Fresh juices, vegetables and fruits, take in richly structured water: you can easily eat it in the kitchen and reduce the exchange of processes, and produce a drop, toxins and slags. To go, how fresh juices cleanse our organisms in the village - just say so at once about the most modern and effective drugs, taken from the new technologies.

DIVISE: Garbuz - cinnamon, contraindication, storing in cosmetology and kulinaria

Garbuz Juice Warehouse

The harbuz is brought to vegetables, and in some practical way it is not so rich in candies, as in the fruit, I want a rich variety of harbuz to finish the liquorice. Garbuzovy sic is rich in minerals: a whole lot of minerals, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, magnesium, sodium, sirka, zalizo, zinc, iodine, honey, manganese, fluorine, cobalt. Bilka, fat, carbohydrates and organic acids in harmelon juice are not even more abundant; є deyak a number of grub fibers і reach a large set of vitamins: beta-carotene, A, PP, C, E, group V. ... The corrosiveness of pectin for living organisms, and including for people, is great: it helps to reduce intestinal peristalsis, blood circulation, reduce instead of "lousy" cholesterol, to normalize the metabolic processes, so it is wonderful to cleanse our bodies. pesticides, important metal and radioactive substances. Pectin to clean our internal organisms, shelter and fabrics is even less effective, and with all the corny microorganisms get lost in the living, just like synthetic faces, which become stagnant for the cich's purposes, even more often.

It is not surprising that harbuzovy sіk is popular not only as a product of healthy eating, but also as a product of healthy eating, but also as a product of healthy food, but also as a product of a healthy diet, as well as an official medicine.

READ ALSO: Garbuzova for thinning: yak thin by 10 kg for 2 hours

Garbuzovy sik: corny power

In harbuz juice, there are even more medicinal effects: fever-lowering, lazy, wounds, anti-toxic, anti-arrhythmic, anti-microbial, immunostimulating, anti-sclerotic, anti-fatigue, hypoglycemic, hypoglycemic; yogo vzhivannya poperezhaє development of rickety in children, the knowledge of tediousness in vagіtny women, pudsiljuє viroblenja of milk in one-year-old mothers.

Garbuz і її sіk cooked up yaskravo, ale any allergic reactions in children do not suffer, that harbuzovy juices and mashed potatoes are infused with child products - you can give children already from 5-6 months, which are fed by children

I will paint the harbuza sic of exchange processes, relieving sleeplessness, calming the nervous system. Fakhivtsi recommend the implantation of the juice in case of heart disease, anemia, weakness, sugar diabetes and obesity. Do even better help the harbuz siq for heart-and-death diseases, especially supervise with quilts: one of the new and revised over-the-top recipes -? flasks of juice for 1 hour to 1 day. You can add to the harmelon juice, be it vegetable, fruit or berry juices.

Garbuzovy sik can be vikoristovuvati, as ziz likuvannya bagatiokh zhvoryuvan, in a complex with іnshie preparations and preparations.

READ ALSO: Vegetable-food: likuєmosya with a garbu

In case of sleepless and prolonged stress, the harmelon sic (1 bottle) cook with honey (2 tablespoons), bring to a boil and heat 20 quills in a water bath. Take 3 times a day, 2-3 tbsp. 20 khilin before їzhі; You can take such a drink for 2 days, in the refrigerator. It’s hard to carry a whole harbuzovy sik, it is possible to dilute it 1: 1.

With neurasthenia, p'yut svizhopreparations sik garbuz with honey, by? -? flasks before bedtime. It’s the afternoon hour, too. flasks 2 times a day for 15 khvili before їzhі, and then increase the dose up to 2-3 flasks for doba. Take a drink for 1.5-2 months, then (if necessary) take 2 hours break and repeat the course.

In case of cholecystitis, hepatitis, and bring cirrhosis of the liver to the end of the day until the main reaction, take the offensive recipe: use the harbuz to see the top, clean it up, and in the space, pour honey; Put the top on the place and coat it with dough, trim it. Put the garmel-pot in a darker colder place for 9 days. After the end of the hour, ridina came out 3 times a day, 1 tbsp each. to go.

Ailments nirok and sechostat system in folk medicine have long enjoyed harbuz juice. With a sachet ailment, sik p'yut lasting 10 days, by? flasks 3 times a day 30 minutes before іzhі, and repeat the course in 2 days. If you have a gum disease, you should use the same scheme.

For the choloviks, the harbuz sik is especially cinnamon: if the front of the mushroom is lit, it will last for 3 types, no less than a bottle for a day. In case of more serious problems: adenomas and cancer in front of the throat go down the harbor sic for 3-4 months, 2-3 times a day, with honey, or without honey, can you fix it? і brought up to 3 flasks per day.

In case of obesity, it’s a big day for a long time to drink up a big day: during the day, you need to drink 1.5 liters of fresh harmelon juice, and nothing more. Piti can clean water.

Zrozumіlo, harbuzoviy sіk miraculously help with constipation.

To bring etching back to normal, to improve immunity and to promote youth, it is necessary for the skin season, if you reach the harvesters, drink your heart on? bottles of juice for a day, 30 khvili before їzhі. Happily, the harbuz can still be kept in a fresh viglyad, so you can drink a fresh harbuz siq, and you can move a canopy - even if all the power of the winners is correct.

The level of cholesterol goes down with the regular implantation of harmelon juice, and the body of the sudin grows up - to drink 1-3 bottles per day.

Garbuz grows low in calories, so it’s possible to avenge few calories - close to 22-23 kcal per 100 rubles.

How to prepare watermelon juice for the winter at home?

It’s very important, if you can cook it with honey, for it’s with sugar, or it’s just with mycott in juice, it’s calorific value to move, but you can drink it, and before that, you can spend it, so it’s like a miracle. yak dopomagaє znizhuvati wagu. You can spend 2-3 times a day on the harbor juice, you can spend 2-3 times a day: you can carry the stench without any particular problems, you feel hungry, and the result appears to be as good as it gets - I am willing to put myself in the juice of the speech, I fix it, actively clean it up.

Preparing harmelon juice at home is not a difficult warehouse, as є a juicer - it’s how it’s prepared, like the juices of vegetables and fruits, rather than getting juice for the winter, it’s not easy to know.

Dozha cheerfully koristuvatya sokovarka, ale yakscho її dumb, pіdіyde і zvychayna emalyovana casserole. The meat of the harmelon - bazhano young brothers of the fruit - dice it with cubes, put it in a casserole, pour water - for 1 kg of the harmelon - a bottle of water, - і boil, do not grow; wipe it through a sieve, add sugar syrup (30%) - for 1 kg -? l, and a small amount of citric acid. Otrimanu sum_sh is heated up to 80 ° C, bottled in sterilized cans and corked. For 7-8 kg of garmelon, take about 10 liters of juice.

A pure harbuzovy sik, yak and a harbuz, can not be loved by all, however, the cinnamon is insane, and people, who live them in a professional and professional purpose, ring out to savor them. You can, however, zmіshuvati sіk harbuz 1: 1 with carrots or apple ones - so it goes, like for little children: the cornersiness of all things will get better, but the relish will take you.

Prototyping before implantation of a harmelon is not so rich in juice: in case of fever, the use of SCT does not require a drink, as in case of gastritis due to a decrease in acidity; through the penetrating diya of vin of contraindications in case of diarrhea. The intolerance of harmelon juice is even more rare, but it’s all the same.

Watermelon juice will be a great substitute for Coca-Cola, Sprite and other sugary drinks that we used to drink in the summer. Instead, make fresh watermelon juice that can be diluted with plain water.

Watermelon juice and watermelon drinks

It contains all the same vitamins as in the watermelon itself. It has a specific taste. Watermelon juice is very beneficial for the body. It contains vitamins E, C, B, PP, as well as beta cardboard. In addition, it is rich in trace elements such as phosphorus, iron, calcium and potassium. You need to drink the juice fresh, as long as it contains vitamins. They are well absorbed by the body, which will be very grateful to you for such a healing drink. Watermelon juice can be combined with other vegetable and fruit juices, such as carrot, apple, orange, and others.


Fasting days can be done on watermelon juice. To do this, you can drink only juice throughout the day. Watermelon juice can be combined with carrot juice. They combine well, promote weight loss, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

  • Make watermelon juice in season. In autumn, watermelons contain a minimum of nitrates.
  • Such juice, if desired, can be rolled into a jar for the winter. It turns out to be very aromatic and tasty.

I prepare watermelon juice for the winter at home in the most proven way. I tried it a couple of years ago - I liked everything, the juice is easy to prepare, although you have to spend a lot of time. But then it is perfectly stored. And this is a great opportunity not to throw away unsweetened or, say, not very ripe watermelon. Why throw it away when you can make a healthy drink out of it for the winter? I roll watermelon juice into three-liter jars, I don't have time to open it in winter - they drink it instantly. Try this wonderful way of harvesting watermelon too.


  • 1 watermelon weighing 6-7 kg;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 3 grams of citric acid.

You can increase the amount of sugar in the drink if desired. I recommend that you do this without fail if you are using a not very sweet watermelon. Be careful: only fresh fruits are suitable for harvesting, but not sluggish or rotten. The variety doesn't matter.


The most painstaking work is not at all cutting off the watermelon pulp from the rind. Although this will need to be done, after you thoroughly wash the watermelon, first with hot and then cold water. Remove all seeds from the pulp using a small knife. Put the peeled watermelon pulp into a bowl for beating, chop with an immersion blender and pass through a sieve. You can put cheesecloth on a sieve in one layer - in order to thoroughly filter the juice.

Basically, the drink is ready. Add sugar and stir. For example, I immediately chill a certain amount and drink it with pleasure. Well, for the preparation of juice for the winter, you will have to tinker.

Pour it into a saucepan, put it on low heat, wait until it boils and remove the foam. Add citric acid. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes, skim off the foam if it appears. Process clean jars for 4 minutes in a microwave oven at maximum power, adding water to them by a third of the volume. After sterilization, pour out the water, pour in boiling watermelon juice and roll up with lids scalded with boiling water. Turn it over, wrap it up, after a day take it to a permanent storage place.

Watermelon is almost always present on the table in late summer and early autumn. This delicious product is loved by both children and adults alike. Watermelon contains many useful substances and trace elements, it is actively used in folk medicine, as well as in cosmetology. This product can be eaten as an independent dish, or you can prepare aromatic juice or honey from it.

Composition of watermelon juice

Watermelon is a fairly low-calorie product; 100 g of red pulp contains only about 40 kcal. This indicator may vary slightly depending on the type of watermelon and its degree of maturity. The redder the watermelon, the more high-calorie juice it has, this is due to the high content of various sugars in the pulp. Almost all the nutritional value is achieved due to carbohydrates, of which up to 90% in watermelon juice, in addition, there is a small amount of proteins and dietary fiber in the composition. But there is absolutely no fat in watermelon juice.

Watermelon juice contains pectins and various organic acids, which normalize metabolism in the body and prevent the deposition of toxic substances. There are vitamins B, PP, A and ascorbic acid in this drink. Potassium, calcium, folic acid, phosphorus, iron and sodium are present in small amounts in watermelon juice.

Due to its composition, watermelon juice helps to eliminate excess fluid and harmful cholesterol from the body, and also significantly improves the condition of muscle tissue and makes the skin elastic.

What is the use of watermelon juice?

Due to its very rich mineral and vitamin composition, watermelon juice can be used in the treatment of certain diseases, which include:

  • Chronic liver and kidney disease during remission;
  • Intestinal pathologies in which peristalsis is impaired;
  • Atherosclerosis and hypertension. By drinking watermelon juice, you can reduce blood pressure by 10 points;
  • Urolithiasis disease . It should be borne in mind that watermelon juice can only remove urate and calcium oxalate stones from the bladder. In the event that phosphate stones are present in the urinary organs, there will be no effect from drinking the juice;
  • Chronic constipation. Striped berry juice improves intestinal motility, thanks to which the stool is normalized;
  • Gout, arthritis and sclerosis. Watermelon juice contains special substances that contribute to the elimination of salts from the body;
  • Chronic circulatory failure;
  • Anemia. In this case, you need to drink 2-3 glasses of watermelon juice a day;
  • Fertility dysfunction. Watermelon contains folic acid, which is essential for the normal conception and bearing of a child. Watermelon juice in moderation is good for pregnant and lactating women.

In addition, watermelon juice contains B vitamins, which are essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system. Vitamins of this group help prevent acne and other skin rashes.

Ascorbic acid, which is in this tasty, tonic drink, prevents premature aging of the body. By consuming watermelon juice regularly, you can preserve youth and attractiveness for a long time.

Harm of watermelon juice

Like any food, watermelon juice can be harmful if not prepared correctly. If there are small yellowish seals in the watermelon, similar to lumps ranging in size from 0.3 to 2 cm, then such a product cannot be eaten, as well as juice from it. The presence of such inclusions indicates that the plant was heavily fertilized with nitrates, which, if ingested, can lead to severe intoxication.

In diabetes mellitus, watermelon juice can also be harmful, but only if the patient eats such a product immensely and does not adjust the dosage of insulin. For people with type 2 diabetes, you can consume no more than a glass of watermelon juice per day.

Secrets of making watermelon juice

Only a few companies produce watermelon juice, but the taste of such a product is far from a freshly made drink. That is why it makes sense to prepare watermelon juice yourself at home.

Making fresh juice

To make fresh watermelon juice, you need to prepare one ripe watermelon, some fresh honey, and ice cubes. The cooking algorithm looks like this:

  • The watermelon is peeled and cut into small cubes, while removing the seeds;
  • Pour watermelon cubes into a blender, add a little liquid honey and beat until smooth. If you want to make a thicker juice, then add ice cubes to it;
  • If necessary, the resulting juice is filtered to remove pulp particles.

To make the watermelon juice more useful, you can add a little pomegranate or grape juice to it.

Harvesting watermelon juice for the winter

Fresh watermelon juice is stored for only a few days, but if you add certain ingredients to it and boil it, you can prepare the juice for the winter. To make watermelon juice for the winter, you need to take the following products:

  • Ripe watermelon pulp - 9 kg;
  • Sugar - 300 g;
  • Citric acid - 10 g.

Juice is squeezed out of the pulp, sugar and citric acid are added to it, and then boiled for 5 minutes and quickly rolled into clean jars. This juice can be prepared neat or combined with apple juice. Watermelon juice is very tasty if black currant juice is added to it.

In addition to juice, you can make a delicious delicacy - watermelon syrup, for its preparation they take:

  • 700 ml of watermelon juice without pulp,
  • 300 g sugar
  • 5 g citric acid.

The syrup is cooked over low heat until it thickens, after which it is poured into small jars and rolled up.

How to drink watermelon juice correctly?

Drink watermelon juice in small sips and always one hour before a meal. If you drink food with such juice, then it will not have time to assimilate in the body and ferment, due to which there will be strong gas formation. You can drink a glass of watermelon juice one hour before each meal. In the event that fasting days are held, such juice is drunk every hour for 1 glass.

In the summertime, it is best to consume freshly prepared juice. Although, if necessary, you can prepare the drink 2-3 times and store in the refrigerator.

Watermelon juice is also useful for small children, but in this case, the volume should not exceed a few teaspoons, while adults can drink up to 3 liters of watermelon juice a day. However, it should be borne in mind that it is not recommended to give watermelon juice to children under one year old. It is better to wait until the child's digestive system and kidneys are fully strengthened and will be able to endure such short-term stress that watermelon juice causes.


  • Individual intolerance to watermelon, which consists in the appearance of a strong allergic reaction;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of internal organs;
  • With caution, you should drink watermelon juice for pancreatitis, kidney stones and increased gas production in the intestines.

Video: how to make watermelon juice?

Watermelon juice has a beneficial effect on the entire body. It is advisable to prepare it immediately before use, so there will be more benefits from such juice. If a large harvest of watermelons is harvested, then you can preserve tasty and healthy juice or watermelon syrup, which in winter will become a tasty find and an unusual treat for guests.