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Chronic fatigue syndrome Virus Epstein Barra. How to hand over PCR to Epstein-Barr virus (VEB) and for what they do. Congenital Epstein Barr virus infection

The Epstein Barr virus refers to the family of herpesviruses (Herpes of the 4th type) and is the most common and high-incorporate viral infection.

According to the results of statistics, up to 60% of children and almost 100% of adults are infected with this virus. The Epstein Barr virus is transmitted by air-droplet (with kisses), contact-domestic (general household items), less often through blood (transmissive) and from mother to the fetus (vertical path).

The source of infection is only a person, most often these are patients with hidden and asymptomatic forms. The Epstein-Barr virus enters the body through the upper respiratory tract, from which penetrates the lymphoid fabric, causing lesions of lymph nodes, almonds, liver and spleen.

What diseases cause

Epstein-Barr virus is dangerous not so much acute infection of man, and the tendency to cause tumor processes. The uniform classification of viral infection Epstein-Barr (VEB) does not exist, the following is proposed for use in practical medicine:

  • by infection time - congenital and acquired;
  • in the form of the disease - typical (infectious mononucleosis) and atypical: erased, asymthopmy, damage internal organs;
  • in the severity of the flow - light, moderately and severe;
  • by the duration of the flow - acute, protracted, chronic;
  • according to the activity phase - active and inactive;
  • complications;
  • mixed (mix) infection - most often observed in combination with cytomegalovirus infection.

Diseases caused by Epstein-Barr virus:

  • filatov disease (infectious mononucleosis);
  • hodgkin's disease (lymphogranulomatosis);
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • malignant nasopharynx formation;
  • lymphoma, including Berkitt lymphoma;
  • general immune failure;
  • systemic hepatitis;
  • damage to the head and spinal cord (sclerosis);
  • tumors of the stomach and intestines, salivary glands;
  • hairy leukoplakia oral cavity and others.

Symptoms with Epstein-Barr virus

Acute infection (OVIEB)

OVIEB is infectious mononucleosis.

The incubation period is from 2 days to 2 months, an average of 5-20 days.

The disease begins gradually, from the production period: the patient complains of indisposition, increased fatigue, throat pain.

Temperature of the body is slightly increased or within the normal range. After a few days, the temperature rises to 39-40 ° C, the inxication syndrome is attached.

The main feature of the acute viral infection of Epstein-Barr is polyenopathy. Basically, the front and rear cervical lymph nodes are increasing, as well as occipital, submandibular, permissible, subclavian, axillary, elbow, femoral and inguinal lymph nodes. The dimensions are reached 0.5-2Cm in diameter, they are sisted to the touch, moderately or weakly meathed, are not laugmented with each other and surrounding tissues. Skin covers do not change over them. The maximum expression of polyadenopathy is diagnosed on 5-7 days of the disease, and after 2 weeks, lymph nodes begin to decrease.

Sky almonds are involved in the process, which is manifested by signs of angina, the process is accompanied by a violation of nasal respiration, voices with voices, the presence of a purulent separated on the rear wall of the pharynx.

The increase in the spleen (splenomegaly) is one of the late signs, to normal sizes of the spleen returns after 2-3 weeks of the disease, less often in 2 months.

The increase in liver (hepatomegaly) is less common. In some cases, there is a light jaundice, darkening of urine.

Under acute infection, the Epstein-Barr virus rarely suffers the nervous system. It is possible to develop serous meningitis, sometimes meningoencephalitis, encephalomyelitis, polyradiculoneuritis, but all processes end with the full regression of focal lesions.

There is a place and rash that may be different. These can be spots, papulas, roseolates, points or hemorrhage. Exanthema keeps about 10 days.

Chronic infection of Epstein-Barr virus

Hivab is characterized by a long duration and periodic recurrences of the disease.

Patients complain of general fatigue, weakness, increased sweating. Perhaps the occurrence of pain in the muscles and joints, Exanthem (rash), permanent cough in the form of poking, impaired nasal breathing.

Headaches are also noted, discomfort in the right hypochondrium, psyche disorders in the form of emotional lability and depression, weakening memory and attention, reducing mental abilities and sleep disruption.

Generalized lymphadenopathy, hypertrophy of peligence and palatine almonds, the increase in liver and spleen. Often, a chronic infection of Epstein-Barr virus is joined by bacteria and mushrooms (genital herpes and herpes lips, thrush, inflammatory processes of the digestive tract and respiratory system).


The diagnosis of acute and chronic infections Epstein-Barr is raised on the basis of complaints, clinical manifestations and laboratory data:

  • < 20 Ед/мл - отрицательно;
  • \u003e 40 U / ml - positively;
  • 20 - 40 U / ml - doubtful *.
  • < 20 Ед/мл - отрицательно;
  • \u003e 20 U / ml - positive *.

according to the independent laboratory Invitro

5. DNA diagnostics

Using the method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR), the presence of DNA of the Epstein-Barr virus is determined in various biological materials (saliva, spinal fluid, smears from the mucousa of the upper respiratory tract, biopsy internal organs).

6. According to the testimony, other research and advice

Consultation of the ENT doctor and immunologist, the chest radiography and the apparent sinuses of the nose, the ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, the assessment of the blood coagulation system, the consultation of the oncologist and the hematologist.

Treatment of Epstein Barr virus infection

Specific treatment of viral infection Epstein-Barr does not exist. Treatment is carried out by a physical infectious person (with acute and chronic infection) or an oncologist when developing tumor-like tumors.

All patients, especially with infectious mononucleosis, are hospitalized. Appropriate diet is prescribed in the development of hepatitis and peace.

Various groups of antiviral drugs are actively used: Isoproprosis, Valtrex, Acyclovir, Arbidol, Viferon, Interferons intramuscularly (Referon-EU, Rooferon).

If necessary, therapy includes antibiotics (tetracycline, Sumamed, cefazolin) - for example, with an angina with extensive deposits for 7-10 days.

Immunoglobulins intravenously (intraglobin, pentaglobin), complex vitamins (Sanasol, alphabet), anti-allergic drugs (Tuevel, Phenkarol) are also prescribed.

The correction of immunity is carried out by the appointment of immunomodulators (lycopid, derinat), cytokines (leukeinferon), biological stimulants (actovegin, solkosryl).

Facilitation of various symptoms of the disease are carried out by antipyretic (paracetamol) with increasing temperature, with cough - antitussive agents (libexin, mucaltine), with difficulties with the nasal breathing in the nose (osivin, adrianol) and so on.

The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the flow and form (acute or chronic) disease and can be from 2-3 weeks to several months.

Complications and forecast

Complications for acute and chronic infection of Epstein-Barr virus:

  • peritonzillit;
  • respiratory failure (tonsils and soft tissue swelling);
  • hepatitis;
  • spleen breaking;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • liver failure;

The forecast for acute infection with the Epstein-Barr virus is favorable. In other cases, the forecast depends on the severity and duration of the disease, the presence of complications and the development of tumors.

Epstein Barra virus, or VEB, is included in the category of herpesviruses (herpes of fourth-type). It represents the most common viral infection, which also pointed out Einstein. According to the results of statistical studies, up to 60% of children and almost 100% adults faced the virus presented.

What are the transmission paths of the virus and sources of infection

The Epstein-Barr virus in a child or an adult will be transmitted primarily by air-droplet (for example, when performing kisses). In addition, the transfer of WEB may be general items, which is a contact-household transfer path. We should not forget about the transmissible version - through blood, as well as from the mother to its future child (vertical path). After all, it can also be formed a disease in a child.

The source of the presented viral infection may be exclusively a person. In the overwhelming majority of cases, we are talking about patients with a hidden form or asymptomatic. Epstein-Barr virus penetrates the human body through the upper respiratory tract. From there it falls directly into lymphoid fabric, provoking various lesions. As a result of WEB, lymphatic components, almonds, the region of the liver and spleen are affected - both in an adult and a child. Before starting treatment, it is recommended to conduct a number of analyzes to confirm the disease so that the viral ailment does not continue.

Virus classification

Unified classification of Epstein-Barr virus (VEB) does not exist. The following gradation is offered to use in the field of practical medicine due to illness:

  • according to a temporary segment of infection, for example, a congenital or acquired form, regardless of the reasons;
  • in the form of the disease - typical (mononucleosis of infectious type) and atypical: erased, asymptomatic, damage in the internal organs;
  • due to the peculiarities of the flow - light, moderately or aggravated.

The Epstein Barr virus can be classified by the duration of the flow, the activity phase, as well as the presence or absence of complication.

We should not forget that VEB in a child and an adult can relate to mixed (mix) infection. Such a damage in the overwhelming majority is identified in combination with cytomegalovirus infection. Before starting treatment and test analyzes, it is strongly recommended to pay attention to the symptoms of the disease in an adult and child. We suggest familiarizing yourself with what does the genital herpes look like here.

Symptoms of the pathological condition in adults

Noting signs of Epstein-Barra virus, it is strongly recommended to pay attention to four leading symptoms. The first of these is fatigue, then an increase in body temperature indicators, as well as painful sensations in the area of \u200b\u200bthe throat and the change in regional (most often precisely) lymph nodes. For their verification, certain analyzes will be needed.

Typically, the disease begins with the feeling of holistic malaise. It can continue at least seven days, after which the body temperature increases - up to 38-39 degrees. It is identified to change the size of lymph nodes to two or three cm.

It is noteworthy that as the Epstein-Barra virus develops, the liver is always begins - be it an adult or child.

It can be associated with a feeling of gravity in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right hypochondrium or darkening of urine, speaking about Steinbar. In addition, the defeat of the spleen is diagnosed, which will increase in size.

On the photo Symptoms of Epstein-Barr virus

The disease will continue not longer than one or two weeks, after which a planned recovery is planned. Changing the size of lymph nodes and total weakness can be maintained for three weeks. Special attention deserves the symptoms of VEB in a child.

Manifestations in children

Most often, children complain about a variety of disorders whose treatment may be difficult. In particular, it may be an increase in lymph nodes or, for example, mental disorders. Talking more details about the Epstein Barra virus in a child, it is strongly recommended to pay attention to the fact that:

  1. in a child of younger age, a collision with the Epstein-Barr virus will be much stronger and varied than the older children;
  2. a particular threat to the presented disease is identified due to the failure of the impact, which may be caused;
  3. WEB can provoke prolonged processes in the field of kidneys, liver.

The child can be combined even with the symptoms of the chronic flow of infectious mononucleosis. Temperature indicators are identified within 37.5 degrees (for many months). We should not forget that symptoms may be accompanied by rapid fungal diseases, pathologies of the nervous and digestive system. That is why the treatment of Epstein-Barra virus is recommended to begin as early as possible. Before that, you will need to pass certain analyzes to accurately determine exactly how to treat syndrome.

Diagnosis of virus in adults and children

The diagnosis in suspected the attachment of acute or chronic infection of the Epstein-Barr virus can be made on the basis of complaints. Clinical manifestations and laboratory data obtained as a result of analyzes should also be taken into account. Exclusively after that it will be possible to begin treatment with a child and adult.

Speaking directly about the diagnosis, pay attention to the implementation of the overall analysis of blood and biochemical analysis to identify the antibody. In addition, the diagnosis of Einstein spoke should include an immunological study, within which the state of the interferon system and even immunoglobulin is identified. Also, diagnostic analyzes should include serological reactions and DNA testing. Exclusively after this can be carried out correctly treatment of such a disease as VEB in an adult and child.

How treatment is carried out

Specialized treatment of Epstein-Barr virus is not envisaged. Therapy is carried out by a infectious physician, subject to the attachment of acute or chronic pathology. The recovery rate may even conduct an oncologist, in particular when the formation of tumors and other neoplasms can be carried out. All patients, especially with WEB of infectious type, must be hospitalized. Adults strongly recommended a certain diet in the formation of hepatitis and, of course, absolute peace. It is necessary to draw attention to the fact that:

  • in the framework of treatment, it may be necessary to re-pass tests;
  • actively use various categories of antiviral compositions, but it is important to apply them solely in connection with the recommendations of the attending physician;
  • if necessary, the treatment of adults from VEB disease includes antibiotic components.

Therapy can be carried out at the expense of tetracycline, cefazolin and other components. For example, this is necessary if the Epstein Barra virus is combined with an angina with extensive raids. In this case, treatment according to the results of analyzes is carried out by a holistic course and ranges from seven to 10 days. This article is all about.

Features of therapy in children

Each child has therapy for the disease should not be carried out as in adults. In particular, the use of immunoglobulin intravenously and complex vitamins is recommended. Antallergic drugs can be appointed to cope with WEB at the initial stage. The adjustment of symptoms and immunity is carried out due to the purpose of immunomodulators, cytokines and even biological stimulants.

An important stage of the recovery course should be considered to facilitate the most different symptoms of the pathological condition. Speaking about this, pay attention to the use of the antipyretic component with increasing temperature indicators.

Tip: When coughing, the child must necessarily use the compositions against this process, for example, Mukaltin.

In addition, the treatment of Epstein-Barra virus in difficulties with breathing through the nose should imply the use of droplets.

Forecast and complications of Epstein Barra Virus

Complications in the presence of Epstein-Barr virus can be in the development of otitis, peritonzillitis, as well as respiratory failure. We are talking about edema in the field of almonds and soft tissues of the o'clock. Complications of WEB in a child or an adult can be in the development of hepatitis, breaking the spleen, as well as hemolytic anemia.

In addition, if the disease has not been treated for a long time or analyzes, can be exacerbated by thrombocytopenic purple, hepatic insufficiency. It is strongly recommended to draw attention to the fact that:

  1. in no less likely options for exacerbating the state, pancreatitis and myocarditis can be considered;
  2. forecast for Epstein-Barr virus, as a whole, can be assessed as favorable;
  3. in other situations, it will depend on the severity and duration of the disease.

We should not forget about the probability of accession of complications and the formation of various neoplasms. In this text, most importantly due to what to do if it was formed herpes in men on the head.


What diseases provokes the Epstein Barra virus?

Diseases associated with Epstein-Barr virus are as follows: infectious mononucleosis, Hodgkin's disease (lymphogranulomatosis), polyadentopathy. We should not forget about the likelihood of the development of chronic fatigue syndrome, malignant formations in the field of nasopharynx. Experts pay attention to the fact that the Epstein Barr virus in a child and an adult can provoke lymphomas and even general immune failure. In order to avoid all this, it is strongly recommended to pass all the required analyzes in time and exercise treatment.

What is the incubation period during Epstein Barra's disease?

The incubation period of the presented illness, on average, will be from 30 to 50 days. Depending on the characteristics of the patient's condition, oscillations are in the range of four days to two months. Then only the most necessary pro herpes on the skin of the body.

How long does the virus treatment lasts?

The duration of treatment is directly dependent on the severity of the flow and form (acute or chronic) disease. The WEB recovery course can be from two to three weeks to several months.

Data 06 Apr ● Comments 0 ● Views

Doctor Dmitry Sedykh

Epstein Barr - a virus that meets more often than others. According to statistics, they are sick 100 percent of adults. Symptoms of Epstein-Barr virus includes a tumor formation.

Epstein Barr refers to the category of viruses. It is not dangerous not by what causes a person from a person, but what gives the impetus to the appearance of tumors. Epstein Barr shares the following categories:

  • in time when the infection fell into the body, it happens the acquired and congenital;
  • in the form, it can be typical - expands lymph nodes, and causes problems with a blood system, spleen and liver, as well as apathetic - externally signs of the disease is not visible, because it affects the internal organs;
  • in gravity - light, medium and heavy;
  • activities are active and not active;
  • for course - acute, chronic and protracted;
  • by the combination of Epstein-Barr and other diseases. Most often, it is combined with a virus that changes the structure of the body.

If you get into the body, symptoms may not appear, until the immunity is reduced. The cells do not die from Epstein-Barr. Instead, it increases the amazed fabrics. That is why neoplasms appear.

Symptoms of the disease that is caused by the Epstein-Barr virus most often - infectious mononucleosis: Incubation period, symptomatics (rash, lymph nodes, throat pain).

General symptoms of the presence of Epstein-Barr in the body in acute form

After Epstein-Barr appears in the body, it will begin to develop. For this, he needs from several days to two months. Most often, it develops in two to three weeks.

Symptoms of Epstein-Bar virus appear gradually. At first, the patient begins to complain about weakness, malaise, nausea, fast fatigue and throat pain. The temperature may be normal, or elevated - below 38 degrees. But after a while it rises to 40 degrees, and symptoms of intoxication appear.

The main sign of the presence of this virus in the body is an increase in lymph nodes. The following nodes can be increased: on the neck (front and rear), occipital, submantle, above the clavicle and under it, elbow, axillary, femoral, inguinal. Their size can be up to two centimeters in diameter. They can be fascinated, they become a little harder. A weak pain syndrome may be present. The maximum pronounced lymph nodes become in a week, after the appearance of the first symptoms, and after 15 days, they begin to gradually decrease.

In addition to the listed symptoms, almonds are also inflamed in the patient, which leads to an angina, respiratory impairment through the nose, voices hoarry. Appearance on the throat of ulneys or wound.

Also one of the symptoms is an increase in spleen. It comes to normal after 20-30 days. The liver is rarely increasing. With some complications, a light shape of jaundice and darkening of urine can appear.

The nervous system is rarely affected. But still there is a risk of the following diseases: serous meningitis. I am striking the head and spinal cord, but an unmarital nature. Encephalomyelitis. I am striking the brain, causing pathology in the nervous system. Polyradiculoneuritis. Destroys the nerve endings, causes numbness, muscle weakness and temporary paralysis.

A rash can also be shown on the body: stains, thighs, points, hemorrhages. It will hold around two weeks.

Diseases provoked by the virus and their symptoms

How to distinguish the Epstein-Barr (VEB) virus from HIV, Cytomegalovirus, Angina.

Epstein-Barr virus causes the following diseases and symptoms of these diseases:

  • filatov's disease is constant problems with lymph nodes, a circulatory system, liver and throat. 90 percent of cases appear in chronic form;
  • hodgkin's disease - the appearance of a tumor on the lymphatic system;
  • constant fatigue syndrome;
  • tumor on the nasopharynk;
  • berkitta lymphoma - She has a very high degree of malignancy;
  • constant immune failure;
  • hepatitis - causes inflammation of the liver, most often chronic;
  • the damage to the spinal and brain can lead to sclerosis;
  • herpes - the emergence of growths on the lips and genitals;
  • tumor on one of the organs of the digestive system;
  • the disease of the mucous membrane is a hairy leukoplakia;
  • otitis - inflammation of the ear;
  • breaking the spleen due to excessive increase;
  • respiratory failure, because there was an echo of almonds;
  • violation of the functionality of the kidneys;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura - increased bleeding;
  • pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas;
  • myocarditis - heart inflammation;
  • cancer kidney, ovarian, one of the organs of the lymphatic system or digestion.

Signs of chronic VEB infection

Chronic, erased and asymptomatic (latent) course of Epstein-Barr virus (VEB).

Chronic form means that the course of the disease increases, and the risk of recurrence appears. The symptoms are as follows:

  1. Strong weakness, fatigue and increased sweating.
  2. Pain in muscles and joints.
  3. Cough and breathing problems through the nose.
  4. Headache, pain in rubers, emotional instability, stress, sclerosis, inattention, bad sleep.
  5. The size of the spleen and the liver increases.
  6. Strong increase in almonds, which is accompanied by pain.

Very often, Epstein Barr contributes to the appearance of bacteria, fungi and toxins, which leads to a violation of the functionality of the digestive system, herpes on the lips and genitals, thrush, and other problems associated with the genital system.

About the increase in liver and spleen with Epstein-Barr virus (VEB). Symptoms of spraying spray.

If you have found one of the symptoms listed above, it is recommended to consult a doctor. If Epstein-Barr is confirmed, you are hospitalized. Treatment will be prescribed, overwhelming virus development. No self-treatment, as this may lead to negative consequences.

This also read

Herpentine Epstein Virus - Barr refers to common infections, does not have a specific method of prevention. WEB is striking in lymphocytes, which causes them uncontrolled reproduction, contributes to the formation of autoimmune diseases, tumor growth of lymphoid tissue.

Epstein - Barr virus was allocated in 1964 from the Lymphoma of Berkitt, a malignant tumor caused by a violation of cellular division and ripening in lymphocytes. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV or VEB infection) is a slightly affected disease, such a disease causes epidemics, due to the fact that 55 - 60% of children and 90% of adults have antibodies.

The disease is named after scientists who highlighted the virus. Another recognized international name of Epstein-Barr infection is infectious mononucleosis.

VEB refers to the DNA-containing herpesviruses Herpesviridae, has 4 varieties of antigens (protein receptors), at the expense of which exhibits pathogenic activity. According to antigens (AG), the Epstein virus - Barra is not different from the simple herpes.

Specific antigens are used to diagnose the Epstein virus - Barra on blood test and saliva. On the ways of recognizing the Epstein-Barr virus, analyzes for web infection, symptoms and treating it in children and adults, can be found on the site.

Distinguish 2 strains of Epstein-Barr virus:

  • strain A is found everywhere in the world, but in Europe, the United States is more often manifested in the form of infectious mononucleosis;
  • the strain in - in Africa is manifested as Lymphoma Berkitt, in Asia - as a native-like carcinoma.

What fabrics are affected by the virus

Epstein Virus - Barr has tropiness (ability to interact) to:

  • lymphoid tissues - causes an increase in lymph nodes, liver, spleen;
  • In lymphocytes - multiplied in in lymphocytes, without destroying them, but accumulating inside the cells;
  • epithelium respiratory tract;
  • epithelium of the digestive tract.

The uniqueness of the Epstein Virus - Barr is that it does not destroy infected cells (in lymphocytes), and provokes their reproduction and exploration (proliferation) in the body.

Another feature of the VEB lies in the ability of life existence in infected cells. This process is called persistence.

Methods of infection

Epstein Virus - Barr refers to anthroponous infections, is transmitted through people. WEB is often found in saliva in people with immunodeficiency, for example, with HIV.

Epstein - Barr virus survives in a wet environment, which facilitates the penetration into the body, is transmitted, like herpes:

  • airborne droplet;
  • tactile through hands, saliva with a kiss;
  • when blood transfusion;
  • a transplantary method - infection by the fetus from a woman occurs intrauterine, and the child is already born with the symptoms of Epstein-Barra virus.

VEB dies when heated, drying, processing with antiseptics. Infection occurs in childhood in children from 2 to 10 years. The second peak of Epstein infection - Barr falls at age 20-30 years.

Especially much infected in developing countries, where by 3 years all children are infected. The disease lasts 2-4 weeks. Acute symptoms of infection with the Epstein-Barra virus are manifested in the first 2 weeks.

Mechanism of infection

The epstein-barra viral infection enters the body through the nasopharynx mucous membrane, is striking in lymphocytes in lymph nodes, causing in adults and children the appearance of the first clinical symptoms.

After 5-43 days of the incubation period, the infected in-lymphocytes go into the blood, where they are separated throughout the body. The duration of the incubation period of the Epstein virus - Barr on average is 7 days.

In in vitro experiments (in the tube) in lymphocytes infected with EBV infection, differ in "immortality". They acquire the ability to multiply dividing infinitely long.

It is assumed that this property underlies the malignant changes in the body when infection with VEB.

The immune system opposes the spread of infected in-lymphocytes with the help of lymphocytes of another group - T-killers. These cells react to viral aging, which appears in an infected in-lymphocyte on the surface.

NK cells are also activated. Natural killers. These cells destroy infected in lymphocytes, after which the VEB becomes available for inactivating antibodies.

After recovery, immunity to infection is created. Antibodies in VEB are detected throughout life.


The outcome of VEB infection depends on the state of the human immune system. The symptoms of infection with the Epstein-Barr virus in adults can manifest itself only by the moderate activity of liver enzymes and not demand treatment.

Epstein-Barra viral infection is able to flow with erased symptoms, manifested by an increase in cervical lymph nodes, as in the photo. But with a decrease in the immune reactivity of the body, especially with insufficient activity of T-lymphocytes, infectious mononucleosis of varying degrees of severity can develop.

Infectious mononucleosis

The Epstein-Barra virus infection proceeds in light, moderate, severe form. With atypical form, the disease can be asymptomatic in a hidden (latent) form, recurring while reducing immune reactivity.

In young children, the disease proceeds, as, begins sharply. Adults are characterized by a less acute start when infected with Epstein-Barra virus, the gradual development of symptoms.

The following forms of the virus are distinguished by the nature of the course:

  • sharp;
  • protracted;
  • chronic.

Epstein-Barr infection is found at a young age. For manifestations, it resembles, accompanied by strong edema of the almonds.

Purulent follicular angina with a dense flaw on almonds can develop. What an ahg neglen looks like in the photo, see the article as an angina looks like in adults and children.

Characterized with VEB nasal congestion, eyelids.

The first symptoms of infection with the Epstein-Barra virus are signs of intoxication:

  • head, muscular pain;
  • lack of appetite;
  • sometimes nausea;
  • weakness.

Symptoms of infection are developing during the week. The throat pain appears and increases, temperatures up to 39 degrees increase. Increased temperature is observed in 90% of patients, but, unlike ORVI, the rise of temperature is not accompanied by a chill or a strengthening of sweating.

High temperatures can hold more than a month, but more often lasts from 2 days to 3 weeks. After recovery, there may be a subfebrile temperature for a long time (up to six months).

Characteristic signs

Typical manifestations of infection serve:

  • the increase in lymph nodes - first increase the almonds of the pharyngeal ring, cervical lymph nodes, then axillary, inguinal, mesenterical;
  • angina - the virus affects the respiratory tract on this site;
  • skin rash caused by allergic reactions;
  • pain in the joints due to the action of immune complexes arising in response to the introduction of viruses;
  • abdominal pain caused by an increase in mesenterial lymph nodes.

One of the most typical symptoms is a symmetric increase in lymph nodes, which:

  • achieve the magnitudes of the pea or walnut;
  • freely shift under the skin, do not match it;
  • to the touch are dense;
  • do not catch up;
  • do not dump each other;
  • some painful, surrounding fabrics can be edema.

The dimensions of lymph nodes are decreasing after 3 weeks, but sometimes they remain exhausted.

Typically for infection, the appearance of pain occurs due to increased almonds, which are hyperemic, covered with a white bloom.

Not only glands are inflated, but also other almonds of the pharyngeal ring, including, because of which the voice becomes bent.

  • In case of infection, Epstein-Barr is characterized by an increase in the 2 weeks of the liver size, the appearance of jaundice skin color. The size of the liver is normalized after 3-5 weeks.
  • The spleen is also increasing, and even more than the liver, but after 3 weeks of the disease, its sizes come back to normal.

Infection of Epstein-Barr viruses is often accompanied by signs of allergies. In a quarter of patients, infection is manifested by the appearance of rash, swelling.

Chronic form of infectious mononucleosis

Chronic infection of WEB leads to an immunodeficiency, which is why fungal or bacterial infection is joined by viral infection.

The patient is constantly experiencing:

  • headache;
  • discomfort in muscles and joints;
  • attacks;
  • weakness;
  • psyche disorders, memory deterioration;
  • depression;
  • permanent feeling of fatigue.

Signs of Limphoma Berkitta

The malignant disease of the Lymphoma of Berkitt is often developing in children from 3 to 7 years, men of young age, is a tumor of the lymph nodes of the upper jaw, the small intestine, the abdominal cavity. The disease often occurs in persons who have undergone mononucleosis.

Biopission of affected tissues is carried out for the diagnosis. In the treatment of Limphoma Berkitta use:

  • chemotherapy;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • immunomodulators.

NoseParingeal carcinoma

The nasopharynk carcinoma is more often a man of 30-50 years old, a disease is common in China. The disease manifests itself in the throat, changing the voice of the voice.

Carcinoma is treated by a surgical operation, during which increased lymph nodes are removed. Operation combined with chemotherapy.


Treatment is aimed at improving immune reactivity, for which isoprinosyl, Viferon, Alpha interferon is used. Against viruses apply tools that stimulate the production of interferon in the body:

  • Neovir - from birth;
  • Anaferon - from 3 years;
  • Cycloferon - from 4 years;
  • Amixin - after 7 years.

The activity of the virus inside the cells is suppressed by drugs from the group of anomalous nucleotides, such as Valtrex, Famvir, Tsimezen.

To increase immunity assign:

  • immunoglobulins, interferons - intraglobin, reaferon;
  • immunomodulators - Timogen, Likopid ,;
  • cytokines - leukinferon.

In addition to a specific antiviral and immunomodulatory treatment, the Epstein-Barr virus uses:

  • antihistamines - Fencarol, Tueva, Zirtek;
  • glucocorticosteroids with severe disease leakage;
  • antibiotics in the thumbnail of the group of macrolides, such as Summen, erythromycin, a group of tetracycline, cefazolin;
  • probiotics - bifiform, probeiform;
  • hepatoprotectors for maintaining the liver - Essecial, hepaben, Carsil, Ursosan.

With fever, cough, nasal congestion and other symptoms of viral infection Epstein-Barra prescribe treatment, including antipyretic agents ,.

Despite the variety of drugs, a single scheme, as and how to treat infectious mononucleosis in adults and children when infected with Epstein-Barra virus, not developed.

Clinical forms of Epstein-Barr virus

After recovery, patients are on dispensary accounting for six months. Once every 3 months, blood and the rotoglotum mucus on VEB.

The disease rarely causes complications. But with severe VEB forms, the infection goes into a plug-in state, and can manifest itself:

  • hodgkin's lymphoma - lymph nodes cancer;
  • systemic hepatitis;
  • autoimmune diseases - scarmed sclerosis, systemic red lupus;
  • tumors of salivary glands, intestines, leukoplakiy language;
  • lymphocytic pneumonia;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.


Forecast when infected with Epstein-Barr viruses are favorable. Complications leading to death are extremely rare.

Danger represents virusia. Under adverse conditions, which, among other things, can be associated with a decrease in immunity, they are able to cause recurrence of chronic infectious mononucleosis, to manifest themselves with various malignant forms of Epstein-Barr infection.