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Dark spots in intimate places. Whitening of intimate zones at home. Whitening ascorbic acid

Each girl tries to monitor beauty, well-groomed appearance should touch and delicate zones. Therefore, it is so important to know how to clarify the skin in intimate places. The procedure can easily spend at home. Consider in order simple and effective techniques whitening the bikini area.

How to clarify the skin in intimate places - 20 best methods

If you think about how to whiten the intimate zone, it is important to take into account the possible allergic reaction to the components that are part of the tools. Following simple instructions, you can achieve the desired result at home.


Take 60 ml. Acquelcompact product and enter 15 ml. Lemon Freasha, 5 olive oil drops. A combination of such products lightes skin cover and prevents tissue screaming. Any pigment stains disappear. Wrap a homogeneous composition and wait a third hour. Rapid water, repeat the procedure after 2-3 days if necessary.

Cottage cheese

Peretrate 50 gr. Hypered fatty cottage cheese. Let's mix 3 ml. hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 3%. After that, enter the egg yolk into the kashitz. Turn the components into a homogeneous mass by means of a blender. Apply a mask on problem areas. After a third of an hour, remove water.


Since it is possible to clarify the skin in intimate places using the presented product, it is worth using a simple recipe at home. Connect 60 ml in the container. Washed milk, 20 gr. yeast and 10 ml. Lemon juice. The homogeneous mass is recommended to be applied immediately before bedtime. After waking, rinse.


Enter a 3% hydrogen peroxide into powder. Get the components of the creamy thick. Distribute massaging movements. Leave the remedy for half an hour. Rush and moisten the skin with cream.

Herbal collection

To understand how to whiten the skin in intimate places with medicinal plants, you must follow the instructions. Take 6 grams. Dry harvesting, chamomile, hop cones, yarrow and currant leaves. Fill 300 ml components. Boiling water and insist 1 hour at home. Next, strain and enter egg yolk, 30 ml. Lemon Freasha. Mix the tool and wipe them problem places every day.


Sattail the medium sized cucumber on the fine grater. Connect Cashitz with 30 grams. Nutrient cream. Turn the components into a homogeneous mass. Take a gauze tissue and fold it in 2 layers. Apply a tool on the napkin and attach to the problem area. After half an hour, wipe the intimate place with a dry napkin.

White clay

Divide 30 gr. Clay with fresh cucumber juice. Turn the components in a thick composition with a homogeneous structure. Next, the mixture is also recommended to introduce 10 drops of lemon freasses. Distribute the mask on the intimate area and wait 10-12 minutes. After that, remove the composition of cool water.


It is easy to guess how you can brighten the skin in intimate places with simple products. Mix 15 ml in container. Parsley juice, the same amount of lemon juice and 30 grams. Fat sour cream. Mix up to homogeneity. Apply a mask for half an hour. The procedure must be carried out 3 days in a row at home.

Coffee grounds

Connect the number of lemon juice and coffee thickness. Proceed by a ready-made problem places with massage movements. After 5-7 minutes, wash. In mandatory, treat the skin with a nutrient cream.


Peretrate the 1 apple of the green variety and the root of Khrena on the shallow grade. The number of components should be equal. Active acids in the composition of the presented products effectively eliminate pressing problems. Slip the composition into the skin for 5 minutes. After that, wash.

Infusion Petrushki.

Turn into Kashitsa 30 gr. Fresh parsley. Pour 200 ml. boiling water. Insist the means to complete cooling. Perfect the composition and moisten it gauze napkins. Apply to darkened areas. Wait half an hour. Such a procedure is allowed to conduct twice a week.


Thinking how to brighten the skin in intimate places, it is worth using the presented recipe at home. Take a medium-sized root, wash and overtake on fine grater. Enter 30 gr in Cashitz. Flower honey and 30 ml. milk. Apply a homogeneous composition on skin, wait for half an hour. Such a procedure can be carried out 2 times a week.


Connect in a suitable capacity of 30 ml. 3% - Pinexi and 10 ml. Summer alcohol. The finished solution is applied 2 times a week. The procedure lasts about 5 minutes. In order not to encounter a possible allergic reaction, spend a test in a separate skin section in advance.


High beekeeping product on a steam bath up to 30 degrees. Enter an equal number of lemon freush. The tool must be distributed on clean and dry areas of the body. Wash the mask after 15 minutes.

Moisturizing cream

Skip the medium sized cucumber through a blender. Connect thick with 30 gr. Nutrient cream. Such a means must be applied on napkins and apply to problem places. Expect the order of half an hour. Remove the mixture with the usual way. Use the cream three times a week.


Solving how to clarify the skin in intimate places, it is worth considering the use of dairy products at home. Peretrate 70 gr. Cottage cheese and 30 ml. cream. Enter 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Such a means is very efficient and suitable for any type. Distribute it on the problem area for 20 minutes.

Apple vinegar

To prepare an effective paste, you do not need to possess special knowledge. Connect apple vinegar with soda in such a quantity so that the result is a thick mass. Distribute tool on darkened places and expect drying. Rock pasta, spend the procedure daily for 1 week.

Black currant

To create an effective tool requires about 30 grams. unripe berries. Turn the raw material to homogeneous Cashitz. Enter 25 gr. liquid honey. As a result, a homogeneous thick should turn out. Wrap the composition into the skin and wait half an hour. Remove and process the intimate zone with cream.

A tomato

Make a cross-piece incision on the peel of the tomato and send to the cubic with steep boiling water. Wait 1 minute, then move the vegetable in cold water. Remove the shell from the fetus, turn the flesh to porridge. Add 90 grams. Red currant, 20 gr. Strawberries and 40 gr. Flower honey. Skip the components through a blender. Distribute the mask on the darkened places for half an hour. Wash the classic way.


Wash the citrus fruit and pour into pieces of small size together with the zest. Send raw materials in a blender. Enter 40 gr in finished Cashitz. Honey. Place the finished composition in the glass container for several hours. After insistence, dispense the remedy for dark skin areas. Wait 10-12 minutes, wash.

If you adhere to simple instructions, it is easy to understand how to light the skin in intimate places in simple ways at home. To achieve the desired result, the procedure must be carried out regularly. Do not forget that an allergic reaction can manifest on some products.

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Hello! In this article we will tell about whitening the intimate zone. Today you will learn how to choose a cream and what homemade means of whitening the bikini zone exist.

It's no secret that the skin of intimate places darkens many people. Someone does not pay attention to it, and someone complexes, especially if the contrast of the main color of the skin and the crotch skin is great. However, not many know that the problem of skin darkening in the intimate area can be eliminated.

Why is the darkening of an intimate zone?

Increased pigmentation in the crotch, genital and anus occurs due to melanin production in large quantities, which is known to perform protective functions for our skin. The reasons why the skin begins to darken, there may be a lot of:

  1. Age. In the aging process, the skin invariably starts to darken.
  2. Excess weight. Excess kilograms can also be caused by pigmentation: friction in the crotch area, increased sweating, reelhead, etc.
  3. Underwear. Non-quality materials and uncomfortable models lead to constant friction and flaws of the skin, as a result of which the skin begins to be rude.
  4. Injury to leather. Permanent epilation or shave cause irritation, which over time can grow into pigment spots.
  5. Failures in the work of the endocrine system. Damage may indicate more depth problems, especially if the skin began to darken not only in the crotch area, but also on the elbows, armpits, chest.
  6. Fungal diseases and infections.
  7. Pregnancy. Sometimes the skin changes color due to hormonal rearrangements in the body. Do not worry. If the problem really arose against the background of pregnancy, it will pass three or four months after childbirth.
  8. Genetics.
  9. Influence of drugs. Sometimes the cause of pigmentation becomes a long use of medicines: antibiotics or other potent drugs.
  10. Oral contraceptives. Contraceptive pills, selected incorrect, can cause a hormonal failure.
  11. Phlebeurysm. During this disease, there is a violation of blood supply in small pelvis and the skin of reproductive organs.
  12. Ultra-violet rays. Often on the beach or girls neglected protection in the field of intimate zones. And in vain. The crotch also needs sunscreen with a level of protection at least 25.
  13. Negroid acantosis. This disease manifested in the darkening of the sex and anus.
  14. Diseases of internal organs. Especially kidneys and liver.
  15. Lack of vitamins. In particular, PP, C, A, B9.

Whitening of intimate zones in the cabin

Salon methods of intimate intimate probes are popular among girls today. Cosmetologists offer various options to solve the problem of skin darkening.


In essence, skin grinding is a peeling with small particles. It allows you to remove dead dark cells, because of which the skin becomes lighter. This procedure is sufficiently painful and sensations are similar to the friction of sandwich sandbags. If you are ready for such a test, then this procedure is for you.


All manipulations in this procedure occur due to the light: outbreaks, various impulses. Due to the light effects in the skin, different biochemical processes occur. This method of skin lightening is absolutely painless and comfortable. However, he has contraindications:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Diabetes;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Skin inflammation;
  • Inflammatory processes in the body.

Despite an unlimited amount of advantages, this method has a minus that becomes decisive for many: high price.

Laser bleaching

Laser whitening intimate zone is popular among stars, publicants, dancers and models.

An anesthetic cream is applied to the intimate zone procedure so that during whitening there is no painful and unpleasant sensations. After the anesthetic will work, laser grinding begins. The procedure takes on average fifteen minutes. Redness on the skin after the procedure is a normal phenomenon that passes with time.

Four days later, the skin will begin to peel. As soon as the whole dead skin tears, the zone treated with a laser will become markedly lighter.

To achieve the result, about three procedures may need. You need to do with the interval in one or two months.

Whitening of intimate zones at home

Many girls refuse salon services in favor of home procedures. This solution dictates a financial situation to many, constraints to an unfamiliar person who will conduct a procedure or distrust of cosmetology as a whole. One way or another, you can whiten the skin at home. However, you need to understand what happens this is not as fast as I would like, so it is necessary to gain patience.

Before proceeding with active actions, it is worth contacting a dermatologist. It is necessary to eliminate the presence of fungus and other skin diseases. Only after the doctor's consultation, you can proceed to bleaching procedures. All of them consist of three main stages:

  1. in any convenient way;
  2. Peeling (no earlier than a day from the moment of epilation);
  3. Procedures aimed at reducing the number of melanin in the skin.

Throughout the period of whitening the intimate zone, you need to remember about and regularly apply it on the skin if you decide to go to the beach or put on short shorts.

Creams for bleaching intimate zone

The beauty industry offers a colossal set of various drugs for whitening the skin, but not all of them can be used in the crotch area without fear of consequences. The skin on our intimate parts of the body is very sensitive. The nerve endings in it focuses much more than anywhere else. Therefore, the choice of bleaching cosmetics is to approach responsibly. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Refuse ordinary whitening creams. Nothing but irritation, pain and burning pathment, it will not bring you.
  2. The cream should not have acids. The exception is acidic acid, for example, a mixing acid.
  3. Choose creams whose composition includes natural components: cucumber, licorice, tolnaya, yarrow, parsley, etc. It is good if the cream contains waterbutin. This substance also has a natural origin and helps to reduce the amount of melanin produced.
  4. If during the use you will feel unpleasant sensations (itching, burning, pain, etc.), stop using the tool.
  5. Check in advance whether you have an allergic reaction: apply the cream on the wrist and leave for 20 minutes. If there is no discomfort, you can use the means. The same applies to home recipes.
  6. Do not wait for a quick result. The first changes can be noticed only after one or two weeks of the daily use of the cream.
  7. Before use, familiarize yourself with the instructions and stick to it.
  8. Avoid getting cream in the eyes.
  9. Do not sunbathe.
  10. Apply a cream with a thin layer to avoid allergic reactions, irritation, etc.
  11. Do not use the cream if there are damage on the skin: abrasions, scratches, cuts.

Folk recipes

If you think that only modern girls is worried about the problem of pigmentation of intimate zones, then you are mistaken. Women at all times sought perfect beauty and self-confidence and their body. And therefore, on the Internet you can find a lot of recipes, how to cope with the problem of skin darkening in delicate places.

Composition of funds Arrival time on the skin Notes
Hydrogen peroxide - 1 tbsp. l.
Summer alcohol - 0.5 h.
5 minutes10-12 procedures, no more than 1 time per week.
The grated cucumber is 1 pc.
Nourishing cream - 1 tbsp. l.
10 minutesApply the composition on the bandage or gauze, attach to the desired zone.
Petrushki juice - 1 tsp.
Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
Sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
20 minutesRepeat the mask within 4 days. After sure to break.
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Lemonic acid - 1 tsp.
Olive oil - 1 tsp.
10 minutes
White clay - 1 tbsp. l.
Cucumber or parsley juice (dilute clay juice to thickness of oily sour cream)
Lemon juice - 2-3 drops
10 minutes
Terched Tamarind15 minutesApply to gauze and apply.
Boiling water - 100 ml
White clay - 30 grams
Dried yarrow grass (or Hypericum) - 20 gr.
10-15 minutesBrew grass and leave for half an hour. Strain. Mix with clay to homogeneous mass.
Apply the mask by the course two or three times a week for a month.
Tomato - 1 pc.
Red currant - 100 gr.
Honey - 40 gr.
Ripe strawberries - 15 gr.
30 minutesRelease tomato from the peel. All components mix and grind with a blender.
Coffee thickness - 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
5 minutesUse 2 times a week. Before such a mask, you can not use scrub or peeling.
Apple vinegar (less than 6%) - 3 parts
Water - 1 part
A mixture wipe the darkened areas.

Is it worth getting rid of darkening on the skin? For this question, every woman should answer independently. If this is not a trifle for you, if pigmentation prevents you in sexual life, delivers a lot of inconvenience and adds complexes - it is definitely worth it!

In the intimate zone, pigment stains often appear, which can create a "dirty" effect. To date, in beauty salons, the bleaching procedure is considered extremely popular. It affects the area of \u200b\u200bthe germ lip, the axillary depression, nipples, anus, scrotum and the stomach line. The directional complex provides careful clarification without harm to the epidermis. To reproduce technology at home, you need to have basic knowledge to carry out the procedure.

Why the skin in the intimate area darkens

  1. Friction. Many girls do not think about the fact that the underwear can mechanically damage the delicate dermis of the intimate zone. The permanent sock of cramped and synthetic clothing contributes to the emergence of damaged scales, which are darker over time. To correct the situation, it is necessary to choose panties in size, and give preference to natural materials.
  2. Violation of the activities of the endocrine system. The skin in intimate places may indicate the development of various pathologies that are directly related to the extraction of hypophysia. Also, the reason is often changing the work of the adrenal glands for the worse. In such cases, pigmentation appears not only in intimate places, but also on elbows, stomach, knees, armpits. Fix the situation will help me measure the hormones in the blood and subsequent treatment if necessary.
  3. Skin injury. The consequence of incorrect depilation or epilation can be the darkening of the epidermis. Over time, irritation develops into pigment spots, which black with each subsequent procedure.
  4. Pregnancy period. On all over the disintegration of the baby, many girls experience discomfort, which manifests itself in changing the shade of the germ lips. Also significantly darken the nipples, the inner surface of the hip. Such a feature is due to hormonal imbalance, the body is rebuilt on other ways. In most cases, the defect disappears automatically 3-4 months after the birth of the baby.
  5. Excess body weight. People with overweight are often noted accelerated sweating in the groin area, the inside of the hip. If you add to this, constant friction of the skin and the "delight" between fat folds, pigmentation develops in the intimate zone. In addition to the use of directed tools for clarification, it is recommended to sit on a diet.
  6. Exposure to UV rays. The skin in delicate zones is not recommended to expose to ultraviolet. Many girls forget about it when sunbathe into the sun or attend the solarium without the use of special cosmetics with SPF protection. Such actions provoke the strongest generation of melanin and, as a result, the formation of darkening.
  7. Varicose. The extension of the veins often provokes a blood circulation violation in the groin zone. Such a phenomenon is accompanied by swelling of the sexual lips and excess pigmentation, since the stagnation of the circulatory system provokes changes in each body system. If a person suffers from varicose veins, it is recommended to cut pills, tonic blood flow 1 times in half a year.
  8. Diseases of the kidneys, liver. If the body is noted in the body, pathological changes that affect the gallbladder, stomach, liver and kidneys, the metabolism of cell pigments can slow down. The neoplasms on the walls of the internal organs provoke darkens, so it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive examination and eliminate the reasons.
  9. Age. The skin in intimate zones has an unpleasant feature to darken in the process of aging. If the age-related changes to add a period of menopause, the result is obvious. Insufficient generation of sex hormones provokes the appearance of pigment spots.
  10. Skin fungus. The infection that struck the inguinal area can lead to a change in melanin level. Pathogenic bacteria develop well in a wet environment. If you do not fix the fungus on time, the production of pigments will disturb. To eliminate the problem, it is recommended to refer to the dermatologist.
  11. Intoxication. The result of a long acceptance of antibiotics and other potent drugs is often becoming a change in the level of pigments in tissues. It is worth attentively to use the substances of chemotherapeutic effects and sulfonamides.
  12. Contraception. The skin in the field of bikini darkens due to hormonal imbalance. If the contraceptives were chosen incorrectly, as well as during the reception, the dosage often exceeded, pigmentation will soon give himself to know. Contact your female doctor if the darkening in the intimate area is caused by contraceptive pills or drugs of other purposes.

It is important to understand that home resources do not have an instant result. Sometimes, to achieve effect, it is required to carry out procedures regularly within 1-2 months. Follow the patience and clearly follow the instructions.

  1. St. John's wort and clay. Buy in the pharmacy dry grass of the Hypericum, take 25 gr. And scrape 100 ml. boiling water. Let it stand, strain. Pour the liquid mixture 45 gr. Dry white or green clay, mix. You need to get a pasty mass. Distribute it on the dark spots of the bikini area, stand up to solidification. Remove with warm water, use the moisturizing lotion.
  2. Cucumber and yogurt. Rinse the cucumber and cut off the "ass", turn the fetus in Cashitz using a combine. Connect the product with 60 gr. thick natural yogurt or sour cream. Distribute the mask on the darkened areas of the skin, leave one third of the hour. Remove with water, repeat the manipulations 2 times a week.
  3. Tomato and currant. Wash the ripe tomato, wipe. Make a cruciform incision in the center of the fetus, send a tomato in steep boiling water. After 1 minute, remove the noise, dip in the cold liquid. Remove the peel, turn the fruit into porridge. Add 100 gr. Red currant, 40 gr. Honey, 15 gr. Ripe strawberries. Move the composition in the blender and grind. Distribute to the dark areas of the intimate zone, wash after half an hour.
  4. Honey and lemon. Wash the citrus fruit, remove the "ass", charge the pieces. Grind in a blender to the state of Cashitz, add 45 grams. liquid honey. Move the mixture into a glass dark jar, let it stand for 3 hours. After this period, you jump out a bit of content, apply for problem areas. Do not wash off the mask for 10 minutes.
  5. Cream and cucumber. Remove the peel from the vegetable, grind any convenient way. Add 35 gr. Nutrient or moisturizing cream, pour 10 gr. gelatin. Leave the lot to swell. When this happens, mix the mixture. Distribute a thin layer on problem zones. Hold 25-35 minutes, dumb carefully. Use the composition every other day.
  6. Cucumber and cottage cheese. Mix 30 grams. High fat cream (from 22%) with 60 gr. Homemade cottage cheese. Grind the cucumber into the meat grinder, add to the previous mass. Make a mask, applying a mixture to the darkened areas of the groin zone and the armpits. Leave for 25 minutes, remove water. Optionally, you can replace the cream cream.
  7. Parsley and kefir. Wash the bundle of fresh parsley, grind in a blender or skip through the meat grinder to spoke. Pour 45 ml. High degree of fatty kefir, add 20 ml. Lemon juice or chipped citrus pulp. Bring the mask to homogeneity. Lubricate the darkening composition in the groin zone and the axillary depressions, wait 10 minutes. Remove the composition of warm water, repeat the manipulations 1 time in 3 days.
  8. Yeast and grapefruit. Suggest juice from one fetus of the citrus, do not get rid of the pulp. Patch 20 gr. Bakery yeast, leave up to swell. When the mixture is raised, stirred it up to a homogeneous state. Make a mask for the darkened areas of the skin, hand over a quarter of an hour. Remove the excess cosmetic sponge, spend the procedure once every 5 days.
  9. Radish and oil. Natural oils have astounding clarifying properties. Choose the composition taking into account personal preferences. It will suit the ray, olive, corn, castor, almond. Connect 30 ml. Selected product with 50 gr. crushed into porridge radish. Distribute the problem areas, massage with circular motions. Rock the surplus in 20 minutes.
  10. Lemon and coffee. Take 45 gr. Exhaust coffee grouse of extra-fine grinding. Connect the products with lemon juice in such a way as to get a thick scrub. Make a peeling line of bikini (non-deep area), massaging the skin with circular light movements. After 3 minutes, wash, be sure to use a delicate cream.
  11. Medicinal plants. Prepare the collection of herbs from which you need to make an infusion. You will need a thousandth, chamomile pharmacy (inflorescences), St. John's wort, bumps of hops, strawberry or currant leaves. Take 7 gr. Each component, fill with hot water and let stand 1 hour. After this period, add egg yolk and 30 ml. Lemon juice, mix. Wipe the mixture of problem skin every day.
  12. Apple vinegar. You will need a product whose concentration does not exceed 6%. Divide vinegar with water in a 3: 1 ratio. Wash the axillary depressures and let them dry. Distribute the composition of the cosmetic sponge, leave until soak up. Do not wash off, repeat manipulations every other day for crescent.
  13. Lemon juice and peach. Grind peach in a puree, pre-removing the fruit and bone. Add 35 ml. Lemon juice, 4 gr. Potato starch, 3 ml. Vitamin A in ampoules. Stir the mass, distribute it with a cosmetic brush on problem areas. Release about 20 minutes, wash.
  14. Potatoes and milk. Rinse with water 1 tuber, cut the peel from it. Sutitate the fruit on the shallow grain section, add 25 ml. milk and 30 gr. Honey. Distribute the resulting cleaner on dark areas in the intimate area, leave for half an hour. Remove with water, repeat the actions 1 time in 4 days.
  15. Peroxide and cottage cheese. Wipe through the sieve 45 gr. Grease cottage cheese, add 2 ml. 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is separate to separate 1 chilled egg yolk, take a lot of blender. Make a mask, evenly distributing the mixture on problem areas. Hold up for about 10 minutes, remove the remnants of water.

Find out the true causes of skin darkening in the intimate area, eliminate them. Take advantage of folk remedies using lemon juice, parsley, cucumber, medicinal plants, hydrogen peroxide, apple vinegar. Do not exceed the exposure time, after the procedure, apply cream.

Video: leather whitening in the intimate bikini zone

The darkening of the skin in intimate places in women is not such a rare problem, it is simply not usual about it to say out loud. The zone between the legs is dark color may have for various reasons. In delicate places, the color of our skin, namely, in the area around the anus, the crotch, directly depends on how many pigments in it are available. For this, special skin cells are responsible - melanocytes. These structures produce a dark pigment called melanin. Sometimes it happens that cells begin to work more active and melanin is produced in excess - such a phenomenon is called hyperpigmentation. This leads to the emergence of aesthetically ugly dark spots on the skin between the legs or the entire bikini zone.

Enhanced skin pigmentation between legs and deep bikini can cause contradictory emotions from girls. Some do not pay attention to it, as this is not accompanied by nicknames with unpleasant sensations and visually noticeably noticeably due to clothes. And, despite the fact that the surplus of the pigment in most cases does not harm health, the dark crotch for many is a real aesthetic problem - after all, it is impossible to look an intimate place in a modern girl should be equally impeccable not only in the season of tan and swimsuits, but also in everyday life - in bed, fitness club, sauna, etc. Situations. We consider it ugly, sometimes hesitate to nose before their young man, in the beauty salon in front of the beautician and even in front of the doctor a gynecologist.

In addition, there are situations where in the shower, changing rooms of fitness clubs and other places an unusual range of genital organs and the dark color of the intimate zone and skin near it becomes the subject of increased attention and discussion among the girlfriends or just around. Therefore, interest in the procedure for whitening the zone between the legs is stable in women at any time of the year, regardless of age, religious views and sexual preferences.

Why the crotch is dark

1. Genetics

Bikini pigmentation in humans depends only on whether Southerners or Northerners were in distant ancestors. Northerners are lighter and skin, and the mucous membranes, the southerner is darker, and their descendants can be so, and the EDAC. The color of the sexual lips is usually approximately the same as the color of the Area of \u200b\u200bthe nipples of your chest. If the distillers are dark, then sexual lips and anus will also be such, although there are exceptions. According to some observations, the skin color between the legs of the brunettes is often dark and even dark brown, while the blondes are usually bright, like all the skin. The reason is quite understandable - different genetics in brunettes and blondes.

2. Hormonal imbalance

The pronounced darkness of the skin in an intimate place and, first of all, large and small sexual lips - a common phenomenon during pregnancy and is called "chloasm". Hyperpigmentation is not only not only on genitalia, but also on nipples, face, neck. A splash of production of hormones of progesterone and estrogen "interferes" by the synthesis of melanin, but this state is usually normalized after delivery, but not always.

3. Age Changes

Climax in women, one of the characteristic signs of which there is a hormonal imbalance in the body and, as a result, the skin between the legs becomes darker. Skin aging causes an increase in the number of pigments - this also applies to the reasons for hyperpigmentation, the so-called. "senile spots." Also, over the years, acquiring an increasingly dark shade of anus is a logical confirmation of human natural physiological physiological physiological needs.

4. Some diseases

First of all, the liver disease, the main organ provocateur in the body, in the fault of which can appear in the fault of the skin in the intimate zone, is caused by the skin of the skin in the intimate zone. Chloat may appear in diseases of the ovaries with a violation of their function - chronic inflammation, dysfunctions, some congenital pathologies. The culprit of dark spots in the perineum may be diabetes, Cushing syndrome, causing a sharp increase in adrenal hormones, ovarian polycystic diseases.

5. Excess weight

Overweight is always accompanied by friction on each other's inner surfaces. And, as a result, in the friction zone, scuffs and rash, which can lead to increased production of the pigment of melanin, responsible for the shade of the skin, appear.

6. Reception of medicines

Treatment with hormonal preparations, protection with the help of contraceptives - Kok - in 1/3 women using oral contraceptives, melanosis was found, that is, the accumulation of melanin in the tissues of internal organs and the skin. Bikini skin darkens may also appear as a result of chemicals, sulfonamides, arsenic, antipyrin, tetracycline, fabric containing in the body of chemicals. The use of deodorants in the intimate zone inevitably leads to darkening in this area.

7. Vitamins

The lack of vitamins in the body leads to serious violations. In particular, this is the insufficiency of vitamin C, A, RR, folic acid and many other elements capable of strengthening melangegenesis.

How to remove skin darkening in an intimate zone

The flow of dark skin between the legs and in other intimate places includes two main elements - exfoliation of the horn layer of the skin and reduce the production of pigment melanin. Leather exfoliation contributes to the removal of melanin from the epidermis, which leads to the lightening of pigment spots. For this purpose, various types of peelings are used in the cabin or clinic. Reducing the mining of melanin fixes the effect obtained from peeling. These goals are special original cosmetics, allowing to get rid of the dark color between the legs in conditions of home applying.

Have a desire to try to remove dark skin between legs and get rid of hyperpigmentation? Go to the hands of professionals - we will try to do everything in the shortest possible period of time!

The whitening of the zone between the legs in one row with intimate plastic of genitals and regular epilation will make it possible to turn around both in the most frank dresses, and completely without anyone at any time and in any place and not feel at least a little coward!

Beautiful, harmonious appearance is not only the absence of acne, cellulite and sequent hair. Over the external beauty, an affordable look, one low-attractive feature may hide - hyperpigmentation of the skin of intimate zones. In cosmetology centers, highly efficient lightening procedures have been practiced - laser grinding and phototherapy. However, such procedures have some contraindications. In addition, the salon sessions are not for everyone to pocket. How to whiten the skin in intimate places at home, high quality and inexpensive?

You can whiten the skin yourself

Most often, the problem of dark skin in the field of genital organs, the armpits and the anal zone are dissatisfied with women. This creates a peculiar sense of disharmony of his own body, and the girls always sought to be perfect beauty. But and sometimes men sometimes want to make the skin between legs, especially in the scrotum area, was lighter. The surface of the crotch, nipples, the armpits zones and the inside of the beeder often darker than the other parts of the human body, and there are reasons:

Pregnancy - Frequent cause of hyperpigmentation

Before starting procedures

Before you familiarize yourself with the options of how to quickly whiten the skin in intimate places, it is important to understand that sometimes skin lightening in this area is meaningless. For example, the epidermis darkened during pregnancy will independently restore a few months after childbirth. If the skin is infected with fungus, it is necessary to start consult a doctor for starters, and only after recovery to engage in bleaching if it is necessary. To eliminate issues with the endocrine system, it is also desirable to survey before the start of the procedures so that the efforts are not in vain.

It is important to deal with the darkened skin on the inside of the hip and in the groin zone

Choose than and how to whiten the skin in intimate locations quickly - the task is not difficult, but even the folk methods of getting rid of hyperpigmentation have several contraindications:

  • pregnancy or breastfeeding;
  • inflammation on the skin;
  • diabetes;
  • owned dermatitis.

Preparation for the Clarification Procedure

Home methods There are many. But Z.apass patience, because sometimes to achieve the desired result you have to do several procedures. Sometimes well whiten the skin in intimate places at home is only two months from the beginning of the first session.

For whitening the skin at home will need several procedures

What rules are important to observe when preparing for the application of bleaching:

  • Mustocate the epidermis from UV rays. You can sunbathe, but only with the use of a cream or lotion with an SPF content of 25 units. If the skin is particularly sensitive, from the solarium and the bright sun on the beach it is better to refuse.
  • Clean the troubled layer of the problem space by peeling. Ideal options here are the means with glycolic, lactic, citric acid.

While whiten the skin at home - the desire is absolutely natural. The top layer of the skin in this zone looks like an unpleasant, dirty spot. Soft peeling before clarification removes part of melanin from skin cover, which allows the main tool to act more efficiently.

Method number 1.

Many wonder how to whiten the skin between the legs using peroxide. It will take 1 tbsp. hydrogen peroxide and 0.5 ppm Summer alcohol. The solution of these two components should be lubricated the surface of the groove zone from 3 to 5 minutes no more than 1 time per week.

Try an effective way to lighten the delicate area with hydrogen peroxide

It is important to be careful here, processing gentle places with recipe with peroxide - there is a risk of getting a burn.

Pre-perform a sensitivity test in the elbow bend area. If itching, painful sensations or redness, this way of bleaching does not fit you.

Remember that the accumulating course consists of 12 or less sessions, otherwise you risk getting damaged or burns.

Method number 2.

Take one cucumber and finely soda it. Add a little cream with nutritional or moisturizing properties to cucumbers. Lay out the mixture for gauze, turn in the form of a compress and attach to problem areas for 10 minutes. Lighten the skin with cucumber - the occupation is absolutely harmless, therefore, in the absence of side effects, such compresses can be made often and until the result becomes noticeable.

Method number 3.

You can use the prescription based on ground coffee and freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Lemon is considered excellent homemade clarification

Before the clarifying procedure, it is not necessary to use peeling, as the coffee is without that is an excellent exfoliating. Use this method in this order:

  • Distribute a mixture of coffee grounds and lemon juice on dark sections of the groin area with circular motions.
  • Continue the procedure for at least 5 minutes.
  • Remove a mixture with warm water.
  • Lubricate the processed bodies with nutritional properties.

This whitening procedure can be performed a couple of times a week.

Method number 4.

It will take a white clay and fresh cucumber juice. Mix these components before the formation of thick porridge. Apply the resulting mask for darkened places, after adding a bit of lemon juice to the mixture. Hold the mask for at least 10 minutes. It will only be left to wash off the cut cassea and moisten the problem areas with cream. Instead of cucumber juice in this recipe, many use milk.

Based on bleaching - organic acids

Fresh fruits and berries are saturated with acids, which are often used in cosmetic purposes for lightening the face. Intimate zones can also be whiten.

Fruit acids safely and effectively clean delicate places from dark spots

Wipe with strawberry juice, lemon, strawberries, grapefruit, pomegranate or apple problem areas, and the result will not make yourself wait.

Cosmetologists express a positive attitude to the use of parsley juice, birch or saturated apple vinegar. Fruit juice or pulp can be mixed with kefir or sour cream - combine various methods, especially if the skin does not react to natural products with irritation or dryness. For successful removal of stains, casheans from the pulp of tolokanyanka, licorice or thousands of thousands are helped.


Using clarifying agents at home, there is a chance to harm your health. Therefore, you need to adhere to several rules:

  1. When using peeling, clarifying ointments, creams and other acid-containing masks, avoid getting products on the mucous membrane of the genitals.
  2. Do not increase the recommended time for processing sensitive places - such experiments lead to burns, which can only worsen the position.
  3. After any whitening masks necessarily moisturize the skin with saturated vitamins with cream.
  4. Immediately after the procedures, do not wear close and synthetic linen - try to ensure free air circulation in the problem area.

Not every woman under the power of overcome showerness and go to the beautician to whiten the skin of intimate places. Choose one of the budgetary lightening methods at home, where you do not need to be afraid of painful sensations and embarrassing prying eyes. But keep in mind that home-made bleaching procedures should be achieved no earlier than in a month of painstaking work.