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Museum of Political History of Russia: Interactive Exposition in the Modernist Mansion. State Museum of Political History of Russia Where is and How to get

The mansion in which today is the Museum of Political History, was built in 1906 by order of the ballerina Matilda Kshesinsky. Designed the building of the architect of the Imperial Yard Alexander von Gaugugen. He, by the way, led the construction of the Cathedral Mosque, which is located next to the mansion - both buildings relate to the North Modern style.

In fact, the museum takes not one, but two mansion united by a common corps. The second belonged to the entrepreneur Vasily Branta, who entered his just built mansion in 1911. Brand, according to rumors, was in love with Kshesin and moved to be closer to her.

In 1917, both mansions were abandoned by the hosts. The rooms where Sergey Dyagillev, Fyodor Shalyapin, Isadora Duncan and the Great Princes of Romanov, took the Bolsheviks - from the balcony, read the "April theses" Lenin. Ballerina tried to return the mansion through the court and even won the case, but the decision was not fulfilled, since the new guests simply refused to leave.

What to see in the museum

In 2013, after a decade of preparation, a new permanent exposition of the museum was opened - "Man and Power in Russia in the XIX - XXI centuries." The space is divided into 12 thematic sections dedicated to key events of domestic history from the Patriotic War of 1812 to the restructuring of the 1990s. In addition to historical documents and items, there are art objects and interactive elements in the exposition. For example, you can hear the recording of the voice of Lion Tolstoy or listen to the songs of the Civil War.

To get inside is also for the sake of interiors, which came up with Kshesin's herself. Behind the glass window-erker, which attracts the attention of passersby on the Kronverk Prospect, is the winter garden. It is located in front of him the main room of a mansion, where the ballerina arranged techniques - the White Hall. There were famous guests, and once in Rotonde, an elephant hidden between the hall and garden. Matilda invited Durov's trainer to give a christmas presentation for her son Volodya. Durov arrived in the mansion with the elephant coated in the checkered plaid.

With whom to go

With kids: The museum has programs both for the smallest and for schoolchildren of all ages. You can book a tour and a whole class to visit the Zemstvo School, you can sign up for one of the classes, and you can just take a walk in the museum with the whole family.

With parents, grandparents: A hike in this museum is a good reason to talk with the senior family members about their historical experience. There are halls dedicated to the Soviet era, the Great Patriotic War, Perestroika, so even the youngest parents will be, what to tell about your childhood and youth.

What else

On the site there are interesting museum velomarshrutes which start from the Kshesian mansion.

There are many events in the museum - concerts, excursions, lectures. Subscribe to the social network to find out about them.

What to see in the district

Right next door to the museum is the main Russian Empire, but a little away - and. If you want to continue immersion in political history, come to the house of poliskatorzhan on the Trinity Square: the constructivist house-commune was built for the families of the prisoners of tsarism. Many tenants later became victims of another regime - Stalinsky, in honor of them in 1990, Solovetsky stone was put on the square. And if we decided to deal with the North Modern style device, except for the mosque and the Kshesin's mansion, consider an income house on Kamennaostrovsky Prospekt, 1. The famous architect Fedor Lidval, the author of the Astoria Hotel, built it for his mother Ida Lidval.

Where to eat close to the museum

Some and cheap lunch after a long walk can be in. In the menu - Hincali (from 180 rubles. For 3 pcs), Ravioli (from 280 per 5 pcs), Yaki-Hedza (from 150 per 5 pcs) and other analogues of dumplings from around the world. Discuss the peripetics of domestic history over a cup of coffee is best in, located right in the grotto of the Alexandrovsky Park. And if you want something exotic, on Kuibyshev Street there is, where you can try, for example, Tokhodki (rice sticks in acute sauce with cheese, 260 rubles) or so Kanchon (acutely sweet roasted chicken fillet, 300 rubles).

If the policy in Russia is rather ambiguous, then the Museum of Political History - definitely impresses the time spent. How did the empire developed during his heyday? What did they say in the sidelines of the Kremlin? And why did Russia change the form of the board for one age twice?

Short description

State Museum of Political History of Russia It is located on Petrogradsky island and occupies two mansion at once - houses M. F. Kshesinskaya and V. E. Brand. Under the management of the museum is Huge museum collectionilluminating the political history of Russia Since the Board of Catherine II to this day. Also for visitors act Separate exhibition, dedicated to the ballerina Matilde KshesinWhose house witnessed speeches V. I. Lenin before the gathered people.

In the museum collection there unique exhibits such as the:

  • reich Marshal Portfolio Goring
  • dress E. A. Furtseva
  • concert Dresses M. F. Kshesin
  • the camera on which the video message was recorded M. S. Gorbachev to people in the "Faros Captivity"
  • portrait of Nicholas II, hanging in the Winter Palace and the Council of the Sturm


Museum of Revolution

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the museum of revolution originated long before the revolution itself. The first exhibit of the museum was the defective bill, one of many, which Bolsheviks faked in Europe and transported to Russia for the needs of the revolution. She was clogged in a bottle and buried near the conspiracy cottage of the Bolsheviks in Finland. Already in the 30s, N. Burnin, being in Finland, dug off a bottle with a banknote and handed it to the museum of revolution.

Behind the February Revolution was followed by the time of relative clutter, and in the Winter Palace, where the meetings of the Memory of the Decembrists were already held, was it was decided to make the palace of the revolution. However, the October Revolution came soon, and together with her and civil war, so the idea with the museum had to postpone until the best times, namely until 1919.

In the spring of 1919 in Petrograd, on which the army of the White General N. N. Yudenich was comked, a meeting was held, the title theme of which was the creation of the Museum of Revolution. According to the approved position, it was decided to create such museums. in two capitals - Moscow and Petrograd - and several in individual provinces across the country.

The tasks of these museums belonged:

  • collection, storage and exhibition of monuments of revolution
  • protection of the graves of revolutionaries, maintaining them clean
  • establishment of identification signs and tombstones

October 9, 1919. of the year consider Official happy discovery State museum of Revolution. Main Museum The most significant period of that era opened B. Historically significant for this place - Winter Palace. The collection of the museum was the monuments of the revolutionary activities of all parties, and not just the Bolsheviks. The exhibits flocked at the museum from all over the country, the masses were connected to this, and not just the ruling elite. The museums of the revolution began to open throughout the USSR, as well as in Moscow. Interestingly, the Moscow Museum of the USSR Revolution in the 70s became central, and Leningrad, thus became his branch.

The museum of revolution, not without help from the outside, collected a unique collection world revolutionary movement. Separate exposure showed visors of flags, posters and agitlesties Great French Revolution and Revolution in Germany. Also, the museum exposed the exposition of modern art objects reflecting the spirit of the time.

Ironically, the museum of the revolution saved many memorial and historical objects of Leningrad. Petropavlovskaya and Shlisselburg fortress, the estate of Count A. A. Arakcheev in Georgian and other cultural monuments were becoming branches of the museum. In 1923, the mansion of M. F. Kshesinskaya, where in 1917 V. I. Lenin lived 3 months after the February Revolution, opened the exhibition "Corner Ilyich". There in 1936 was created Museum S. M. Kirov.

The reforms of the 30s of the 20th century very seriously affected museums. The role of many revolutionary figures was revised, many became the "enemies of the people." All exhibits, in one way or another relating to them, were withdrawn without explaining the reasons.

The role of other parties in the revolution case was recognized as insignificant, museums were filled with the propaganda of the Soviet regime and the "theory of two leaders of the revolution" - Stalin and Lenin.

The historical interiors of the Winter Palace closed, Museum of Revolution at the expense of his authority and the direction for some time kept afloat, but after killing, Kirov was closed for 6 months. All exposure was revised to comply with the "proper reflection of historical events."

In the second half of the 1930s Each new exhibition took careful selection of party organs. All not corresponding to party propaganda, feasible, faces with photos and surnames from the documents were erased. There was a huge number of falsifications.

For example, sketch S. V. Spirin to the picture "Stalin in the link" required changes "in accordance with the present". At the meeting of the museum, on which representatives of the party were attended, they decided that it was necessary to show contempt for Kamenev on the canvas. The artist redid sketch.

Museum employees themselves forged data on exhibitsIn order to avoid their death in the underwear of the totalitarian regime. The number of people's enemies every day grew, museum repeatedly closed due to the inconsistency of the party program. Repressions were subject to not only the museum foundation, but also his staff. Some exhibits museum workers rescued with risk to life. Until some time, censors did not notice the corrected names on sculptures and did not distinguish the Menshevik leaflets from the Bolshevik because of their illiteracy in this matter.

Despite the resistance, the Revolution Museum gradually began to look like an illustration to the short course of the WCPR history. A huge number of exhibits was exported without proper inventory. Only during the Great Patriotic War, the party weakened the grip on the neck of museums. Museum during the war years spent 123 exhibitions and retained the monuments of the feat of the residents of the Blockade Leningrad.

After the war For the State Revolution Museum the Black Decade has come. Back in January 1945, an order was given to the museum to free all the premises, which he occupied, in the Winter Palace and transfer them to Hermitage. And although a special commission was created to search for the new building of the Revolution Museum, the building did not find it. Long ten years of exhibits dust innaste-collected Boxes in the backyards of the marble palace and the Petropavlovsk fortress.

And again, the collection was cleaning during the new wave of repression and criminal cases against the "enemies of the people." It is in this black decade Museum lost The main part of their own exhibits more than 100,000.

Museum of the Great October Socialist Revolution

But, as you know, the darker hour - before dawn. The Shrushchev Thaw came to change the Stalinist repression, and the museum was revived along with the building presented to him, or rather, with two: mansion M. F. Kshesinskaya and V. E. Brand. And immediately here the fresh intellectual frames broke. They soon headed the research museum departments and science on domestic history. And it was they who initiated the name shift on museum of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

The exhibition halls were filled and drawn up in the shortest possible time and, in the framework of the fight against a person's cult, the museum workers received monuments of repression: papers stored in family archives, affairs of political prisoners, etc. But this stream stopped together with the "thaw".

The Museum of the October Revolution enjoyed a huge folk confidence in him personal things came:

  • heroes and Commander-in-Chief of the Great Patriotic War
  • first cosmonauts
  • writers
  • singers
  • actors

The museum staff began to leave the expedition and collect exhibits from the archives of ordinary citizens.

Soon The political era of Khrushchev cameaccompanied by the suppression of dissenters, in particular, the recesses of Joseph Brodsky and Academician A. D. Sakharov from the country, persecuted by A. I. Solzhenitsyn. The memorable exhibits of this period began to replenish the museum fund only years later, and now they constitute a separate exposure indicating an overwhelming cultural surge in the ranks of the intelligentsia.

In the 1970s Museum The Great October Socialist Revolution has expanded and opened 2 branches. At the moment they are converted and are:

  • Children's Museum Center of Historical Education
  • Museum of the history of the political police and state security bodies of Russia XIX - XX centuries

In 1987, the Museum prepared the largest exhibition exposure in the seventieth anniversary of the Great October Revolution, consisted of 12 halls. With the fading of the heart, for the first time since the beginning of the century, the exposition includes the mention of Gregory Zinoviev, Leo Kamenev, Alexey Rykov and Lion Trotsky. Party bodies did not approve of such an entrance, but did not interfere with it, although the official political rehabilitation of these characters was not held in the USSR yet. Foreign radio stations in one voice have been soared: It's time for serious change in the USSR.

State Museum of Political History of Russia

First absolute the victory of the museum over the party occurred in 1988when the light saw the exposure "is permitted to Furnishing!". It includes archival materials prohibited for viewing with a general public. The propaganda department could not prevent this.

The following deafening success has become exhibition "Russia: Terror or democracy?"to which the audience lined up with huge queues. Thanks to exhibits from all over the USSR, transmitted from the personal archives of citizens, the light saw exhibitions dedicated to the "Non-returns", Stalin's terror, Gulag, raising virgins.

Even throwing up such a project before it was impossible, but now the Museum of the Great October Socialist Revolution felt his power over the minds of people

A few days before the August coup, the Minister of Culture of the USSR Nikolai Gubenko gave a museum a new name -State Museum of Political History of Russia.

The updated museum continued to collect exhibits - certificates of their time. Constant exposures dedicated to restructuring demonstrate Appearance in Russia:

  • multi-Parliament
  • freedom of speech and print
  • capitalism

The Museum of Political History of Russia today is a modern historical complex that demonstrates the evidence of the last centuries of the political life of Russia. No estimates are only facts and different points of vision of a particular era in the context of different people and different periods of history.

Here also actconstant exhibition, neat O. hostess mansion where the museum is located - ballerina Matilde Kshesinskaya.


Museum of Political History of Russia located in 2 buildings: Mansions M. F. Kshesinskaya and V. E. Branta. Both were built in the 1900s in fashionable then modern style, but different people were engaged in their design.

For rejo. ballerinaKshesinskaya Mansion built architect A. I. von Gogenwho created an elegant building with a bizarre asymmetry of the main objects. The external architectural solution corresponds to internal: the different height of individual rooms corresponds to the different height of the facades, the size and location of the windows also reflect the internal layout.

Entrepreneur V. E. Brand ordered the projectof his mansion Architect Robert Frederich Meltserwhich generously used in the decoration of the building wrought-iron elements, burners and stained glass windows. To the creation of stained glass, among other artists, K. S. Petrov - Vodkin was attracted.

With the transfer of these buildings to the museum to them lobby was attached. The architectural elements of the lobby are echoing with the architecture of the XX century mansions.


Title of excursionContentType of excursion
Sightseeing tourMain exhibitions of the museumOverview
Soviet era: between utopia and realityCreation and formation of the USSROverview
Revolution in Russia. 1917-1922.February and October 1917, who led to the Civil WarThematic
Russia, 1917The path from the Empire to SocialismThematic
Memory of the houseHouses of Kshesin and Brand in the thick of the XX centuryOverview
Man and power in Russia in the XIX-XXI centuriesMain exposure of the museumOverview
Matilda Kshesinskaya: Foute of FateLife path of the beloved ballerina of the Imperial HouseThematic
The story of one renunciationFailure to Emperor Nicholas II from the attractions on the throneAuthor
Lost Russian Ballet StarsFate of Russian ballet stars who fled from the revolutionAuthor
Pearls of St. Petersburg ModernArchitecture of Mansions of Brand and KshesinAuthor
Fate reformerLife and death of Alexander IIThematic

Check the schedule of excursions and you can sign up by phone:

Also in the museum you can order an individual and group excursion in Russian and foreign languages. More detailed information can be found on the website:

Ticket price and work hours 2019

Visitor categoryCost
Adult from 18 years250 rubles
Child up to 18 yearsIs free
Pensioner-citizen of the Russian FederationIs free
Russian student50 rubles
Guest card holder in St. PetersburgIs free
Photo and video shootingIs free

Ticket for excursionsspecified in the schedule of the museum 300 rubles.

Museum timetable:

  • Monday: 10.00 - 18.00
  • Tuesday: 10.00 - 18.00
  • Wednesday: 10.00 - 20.00
  • Thursday - day off
  • Friday: 10.00 - 20.00
  • Saturday: 10.00 - 18.00
  • Sunday: 10.00 - 18.00

Sanitary day - Last Monday of the month.

Where is


ul. Kuibysheva, 2-4



How to get

From the metro station Gorky in the Kronverksky Avenue towards Kuibyshev Street. Login can be from Kronverk Prospect.


  • 8 812-233-70-52
  • 8 812-313-61-63

The State Museum of Political History of Russia is one of the best and most interesting museums of St. Petersburg. Many come here for the first time to visit the famous Kshesian mansion, in which the museum is located. And then, they return again to exhibitions, meetings, lectures, every time found something new for mind and heart ...

History and general information

The birthday of the museum is considered to be on October 9, 1919, when the State Museum of Revolution was created by the decision of the Petrograd Council. The museum dedicated to the main event of the era was placed in the most significant place - in the Winter Palace, where he was more than a quarter of a century.

This museum that had to appear in Russia, dreamed of representatives of various revolutionary parties long before the overthrow of the tsarism. A kind of evidence is a unique exhibit, which is present in the exposition today.

So, in 1907, the famous Tiflis case thundered, which was successful "Expropriation" for the needs of the Bolsheviks party, a very large amount. The dying flare was perfectly under the windows of the headquarters of the Military District on the way of transporting money by collectors from the postal station to the bank. The numbers of large banknotes are worth 500 rubles (there were 200 of them) were known to the Security. On a conspiracy dacha in Finland, where I managed to send money, it was decided to remake their numbers, while one treasury ticket was spoiled. He was placed in a bottle and buried to keep specially for the future museum. At the beginning of the 1930s, one of the participants of the action found a cache, got the contents and, returning from the commissioning, handed the museum rarity.

In the history of the museum there are the most important dates when it was about his existence, but being on the verge and beyond survival - the museum was reborn every time.
The most dramatic were the first postwar years for the museum. The winter palace completely departed to the Hermitage, the company's company urgently packed the entire collection of the Museum of Revolution in the boxes and took it to storage in and.

During this period, events occur, at the same time sad and paradoxical: collections, with such labor stored during the years of Stalinist cleansing and under bombing in blockade, are being destroyed. According to the testimony of veterans of the museum business, those who were in those years with young employees, in the courtyard of Petropavlovka firing fires, resembling times of the Inquisition or Hitler's Pulling. According to the preserved accounting documents for ideological reasons, more than 93 thousand exhibits were burned, which were marked with a vulture "permitted to destroy." The museum turns out of the historical and political museum of one Party of the CPSU and one event - the October Revolution of 1917.

With the onset of Khrushchev thaws, the revival of the museum is connected, but after ten years of oblivion it was so incredible that a number of jokes and funny stories gave rise to a number of jokes. It is said that by making another visit to Leningrad, after visiting the Kirov plant Nikita Sergeevich drove in Kirovsky Avenue, and in the Kirov Bridge he was interested in a beautiful building - Kshesin's mansion. To the question of what is in him, accompanied by his first secretary of the regional registry replied that this is the Kirov Museum. The state leader was terribly indignant that the real cult of the personality of Kirov was divided, and ordered immediately to send him to his former apartment, and in the mansion to place the Revolution Museum.

True, this is or fiction, but in December 1954 it was decided to transfer to the museum of two buildings (Kshesinsky and Brandt's mansions), and on November 5, 1957, his second birth was held - the museum called the State Museum of the Great October Socialist Revolution opened its doors to visitors .
In subsequent years, the museum loses independence and becomes a branch of the Moscow Museum of Revolution.

With its third birth, the museum is obliged to change in the country during the restructuring, a bold initiative of the leadership and dedicated work of the whole team. In August 1991, literally a week before the coup of the GCCP, the order of the Ministry of Culture the Museum was awarded an independent status and the new name - the State Museum of the Political History of Russia. The first exhibition in the new capacity was called "democracy or dictatorship? Political parties and power in Russia from autocracy before restructuring. "

Museum location location

All familiar to the expression: Petrograd is the cradle of the Russian revolution. But not everyone knows or remembers that the cradle of the city itself on the Neva was not a palace embankment or Nevsky Prospect, but the Petrograd side. Hence the development of Petrovsky times began, here was the residence of Peter the Great and the first central highway was held. In such a context, the placement of the Museum of Revolution in the Petrograd district of the Northern Capital looks quite logical.

By the middle of the XVIII century, the center of the capital moved to the left bank, and the area turned into the outskirts turned into the outskirts of his wooden houses, where the streets borrowed a slush and dirt in the offseason, and in the summer they fell into their lives.

The introduced ban on the construction of enterprises in the center of the capital initiated the creation of large factories and factories on the Petrograd side. Industrial development of the area in the XIX century led to the emergence of scientific and cultural institutions, educational institutions here. On the basis of a pharmaceutical garden, created by the decree of Peter I for the cultivation of medicinal plants, was established by the Botanical Garden. The famous American Gorki and Zoo - one of the northernmost zoos of the world appeared in the Alexander Park, as well as the largest popular house, intended for cultural leisure to the wide masses of the population. The territory and living space is landscaped - plumbing and sewage are paved, an equestrian tram is paved on the main prospectus - "Konka".

Architecture and history of the building

This construction boom began after the opening of the Trinity Bridge in 1903, which connected the Petrograd side with the center. In the aristocratic and bourgeois circles of St. Petersburg, the area has become a fashionable place for the construction of houses, very soon turning out of the outback in a respectable area of \u200b\u200bresidence.

One of the first on the street of the Big Noblest (now Kuibyshev, 2), the mansion of Matilda Felixes Kshesinskaya on the project of architect A. I. von Gaugugen, awarded for this creation of silver medals from the city authorities. Made in the style of early northern modern, color and shapes resembling rocky northern shores and medieval castles, mansion has a number of distinctive features. Its main entrance is hiding in a small courtyard for the fence, original and free rhythm of window openings of various sizes.

Talented prima-ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater, a smart and beautiful woman, staying under the auspices of a special imperial house, Kshesinskaya in his own palace conducted techniques, balls, performances, concerts. Luxury internal interiors corresponded to the tastes of the hostess: the bedroom was performed in English style, a Russian ampir, strict and restrained neoclassicism of the Louis XVI era, was reflected in the cabin's decoration.

A successful entrepreneur, an offachaly honorary citizen of the forestman Vasily Emmanuilovich Brand turned out to be the closest neighbor. Architect Robert-Friedrich Melzer in 1911 finished the construction of a mansion on a big noble street (Kuibyshev, 4), mixing all fashionable styles: neoclassicism, modern and symbolism. The building is richly decorated with cores, cast-iron casting and stained glass - their authorship attribute to the famous artist K. S. Petrov-Vodkina. The narrow side facade with the arch is facing the street, the main part of the house is in the garden and is acquainted with a cast-iron fence, the pillars of which have an unusual decoration in the form of balls, accused by snakes.

After the February Revolution of 1917, the Bolsheviks were located in the Kshesinsky mansion, there was a headquarters of V. I. Lenin, he uttered his fiery speeches from the balcony, and in the White Hall, his famous April theses sounded. The house of Brand was taken by sailors who guarded the Bolshevik headquarters from the Temporary Government Junkers.

Ballerina left the country forever, in Paris, she opened a ballet school and married the Grand Duke Andrei Romanova. Having lived almost up to 100 years, she was drunk with her husband and son on the famous Cemetery of St. Genevieve de Boua. Family of Brantov left Petrograd in 1918 and their trace was lost.

In the Soviet years, various institutions were housed in these buildings, M. I. Kalinin, G. E. Zinoviev, stayed by the Children's boarding school, since 1938, the Museum of S. M. Kirov was located in the Kshesinskaya mansion.

The reconstruction of 1957 has connected both mansion on the project of the architect N. Nazkov. A certain act of historical justice was accomplished: the historical buildings in which the turbulent events of revolutionary years were boiling, departed to the possession of the Museum of Revolution. Cabinet V. I. Lenin and the Secretariat Room of the Central Committee of the RSDDP (b) were restored at the same place and look just like 100 years ago. Recreated interiors of the first floor of the first floor, giving an idea of \u200b\u200bthe magnificence of the apartments of his first mistress.

Exposure and attractions

The small part of the exposition and the thematic tour of Fuete Fate is dedicated to the life of Kshesin in this house, but, of course, the basic permanent exhibitions: "Man and power in Russia in the XIX - XXI centuries" and "Soviet era: between utopia and reality" correspond to The appointment of the museum, and tell about the political history of Russia, as well as immerse the atmosphere of those years.

Each age has its own calendar principle, the era begins with an epocal event. Such a momentous milestones in the political history of Russia are December 1825 and February-October 1917, 1941-1945, the thaw of the 1960s and the restructuring of the 1990s.

Turning from the hall to the hall - from the era to the epoch - one can trace the entire history of the transformation of the state and changes in the political system of the country.

The materials of the exhibitions tell how the socio-political movement in Russia emerged and developed, revolutionary and democratic parties were formed. Many interesting expositions and about the fate of outstanding historical personalities.

Almost all the political forces of modern Russia of the XXI century of the federal and regional level are presented here. This unique assembly in the breadth of the latitude reveals the activities of the leaders of various parties, members of the State Duma and the Russian Parliament.

The exhibitions are selected on topics, information is presented in a form convenient for perception, supplemented with appropriate musical accompaniment.

The collections of the museum contain almost half a million exhibits, while constantly updated with new materials brought as a gift and collected in scientific expeditions.

Museum Funds Store photos, objects of fine art, life and clothing of statesmen, banners and awards, party documents and much more.

Documentary monuments of the long-weed events, captured the legislative activities of Ekaterina Great, the reformist policies of Alexander II, the reforms of P. A. Stalypin and S. Yu. Witte, the testimony of three Russian revolutions.

Having a huge number of genuine historical materials, the creative team of the museum skillfully uses modern technologies and immerses visitors to the atmosphere of iconic events for the state. The museum sees his mission in the formation of political culture in society.

Where is and how to get

The Museum of Political History of Russia (formerly Museum of Revolution) is located in the historic center of the city in Petrograd district, on Kuibyshev Street, 2-4.

From the nearest metro station "Gorkovskaya" to walk through the Kronverk Prospectus.

No less interesting branches of the museum:

On the pea street, 2 can be found in the history of police and state security bodies of Russia. Getting conveniently on the subway. The nearest station - Admiralteyskaya is within walking distance, and the building itself is located opposite.

On Bolotnaya Street, 13 is a children's Museum Center for Historical Education. The nearest metro station is "Cummy Square", from which you can walk on the 2nd Murinsky Prospect for a few minutes, and then turn right to the Street of Bolotnaya.