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Finnish candle. Swedish or Finnish Candle: The easiest focus with your own hands Finnish bonfire from

Before you make a Finnish candle, prepare a saw, wire or sticky tape, nails and a log that will become candles. And then for the manufacture indian candles Follow the instructions:

1. Find a dry log in diameter of 10-40 cm without bitch. A tree can be any, just consider that each view has its own characteristics. For example, the Christmas tree and pine on burning sparkle, so it is better not to take them for heating. We need to be with a birch, because it burns very much, you can burn, and smoking a little about the designer located in the crust. Best option - Well dried aspen. When burning her flame smooth and colorless.

2. Cut it depending on the purpose of the candle (15-40 cm). If the fire will be breeding for cooking, take the log in the thick and short, so that you can put the dishes directly on it. Candle will be stable. For lighting, on the contrary, there will be a long and thin candle, which can be transferred if necessary. And for heating is needed fat and long to for a long time burn

3. Coline into four parts dry log. Of these, the Swedish fire will be gathering.

4. In each part, remove the middle so that when assembling the logs it turned out a hole with a diameter of 5-7 cm, and make small serifs. Perfect optionIf you find a sticky tree. You will need to squeeze the fired middle of the heap after cutting or ringing.

5. Fold 4 fully in a single log, swinging them with wire, trying to leave the slots as little as possible. So they will not break down and will not quickly burn through large gaps. Thus, you should have a one-piece log with an empty middle.

6. In the resulting opening for incitement, put the sawdust, which remained after stump of the middle or bark. The filling of the wooden primus and its location affects the degree of burning. Located at the top of the opening, the berst will burn for a long time, only weakly. Such a candle is more suitable for heating food or for heating. Well, if Beresto put on the bottom, the fire will be very strong, which is good for cooking or lighting, but the candles are not enough for a long time. Optimal option is her stay in the middle. Also watch the burning traction. For this candle put on stones or lamps.

That's the whole instruction how to make a taiga candle.

Scandinavian or Finnish candle is a very common fire design among the experienced hunters, fishermen and lilators lovers in nature. This design It is good because it is represented by one single vertically established log. At the same time, such a fire is ideal for cooking.

1. Make a Finnish Candle with an ax

For such a method, you will need ax and logs with smooth fibers without bitch. First we split it with 6-8 chumbachs. The wedge of each chumbach is shaped with an ax that the tube came at back assembly. We put the lamps of the "chamomile", we take the wire and collect it is full. Wire will hold the entire design. The chain remained from the scrabble can be used to extract Finnish candles.

2. Make a Finnish chainsaw candle

One of the most simple ways. We take our chainsaw and divide to 6 segments, making the slots about 2/3 of the height of the bore. That's actually all that needs to be done before ignition. It remains only to put a little dry chip in the very center and set fire. The only "but" is that the fuel in such a Scandinavian candle is not like so much. Therefore, you can fill a little gasoline directly from the tank saw.

3. Make a Finnish Candle Drill

Here we will need a feather drill on a tree with a diameter of 20-30 mm. The length of the drill must exceed 2/3 of the height of the Poland-blank. First drill one hole exactly in the middle. After that, one still has one side hole to be done so that it is connected to the first core-based core. Sorry for such a candle does not cause any difficulties.

How candles are burning

If the Finnish candle was made with an ax or chainsaws, it will very quickly flare up, will give a lot of heat and fire. Such a candle burns about 3-5 hours. The principal difference between the fires created by the first two (of the methods described here) - no. Another thing is the Finnish candle created by drilling. Such will burn almost twicear longer, however, the heat will give less. The latter flares is also slower.


In continuation of the campaign topic on the joy of traveler.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Finnish candle - A peculiar mini-bonfire made of a small stump or trimming a log. It is used for cooking in a boiler, water heating. It can become a good replacement of the usual fire when holding evening gatherings in nature. A Finnish candle is manufactured with their own hands in just 20 minutes, the duration of burning is about half an hour.

Features of the manufacture and use of the Finnish candle

For the workpiece of Finnish (Swedish, Indian) candles, a small stump or chubban will be required. Simple in the manufacture of the device can be used for lighting and even for a short decoration of open areas. Tourists are most often used as a portable light source or for cooking food. To create a candle, it takes a little time, but the duration of burning and the heat obtained from it is optimal for cooking porridge, boiling water in the campaign.

Features of the billet mini-fire

Convenient to spend the sawing chumbana will allow preliminary preparation: In its center, drill a hole with a diameter of about 2-3 cm.

The same procedure should be carried out with a bro or a log of larger and weight. A stick is inserted into the hole on the main chumbane (you can replace the branch). On the installed stick is rolled in a log with large parameters. Such a counterweight will make it possible to make a candle carefully and safely. After connecting logs and their laying on a goat for sawing firewood, work is carried out according to the following instructions:

1. The log crucifably is crucified with an electrical or gasoline saw. The depth of the cut should be no more than 2/3 from the height of the entire chumbana.

2. Using a conventional closed candle with paraffin (or wax), the side parts are covered, the bottom of the cut.

3. A small strip of paper is cut off (you can use the newspaper) with a length of 4-5 cm more depth Cut. It is folded in half, then unfolded, at the place of the fold, the paraffin chips are poured. It is important to take into account that the layer should be larger, but so that the paper is then easily folded, and the paraffin itself did not fall down.

4. Paraffin paper is longitudinally wrapped. And with a pencil, thick knitting needles or screwdriver pushes into a cruciform cut. It is important to carry out the procedure neatly so as not to damage the paper and do not scatter paraffin. 4-5 cm Paphin paper should remain over a log.

5. The resulting wick is fixed by molten paraffin. To do this, you need to set fire to the usual candle and fill over the melting composition of the peak of the wick to the tree. At this stage, Finnish candle will be fully ready.

To get a burning log, the performer will only need to set fire to the manufacturer. Due to the presence of inside paraffin, the log will be slower, and the temperature will be maintained. Finnish candle is made with your own hands in just 15-20 minutes. If the performer does not have an electrical or gasoline saw, then cuts should be performed manually. The manufactured mini-bonfire can be used in campaigns (it is important to take into account the weight of the candle) or for home camping.

Hello, dear users of this website. In the yard summer. The most convenient and good time for trips to nature, on picnics, fishing. In general - most best time For active leave.

Each time, leaving in nature, many people take a bunch of wood or coals with them, on which food will be prepared. Not always at the venue you can find a dry dry to use it as a combustible material. Therefore, I want to tell you how to make the so-called Finnish candle. It is good for the fact that for her manufacture does not need a lot of time and it burns long enough. For the manufacture of such a thing, you will need only a piece of log, drill with a drill and chainsaw.

The author of this master class initially took a small log and confused on it to be comfortable to cut. To do this, he drills the hole in a shorter blobach, drives the stick and in the second, a longer log also makes the hole. Little Fubbach and Long and already saws. This is how it happens and what it turns out.

Further, it takes a conventional paraffin candle and rolls the pearani pertils from the inside.

Then he takes a newspaper, a few centimeters longer than the depth of the slot in the log and crush the candle chips into it. The edges also cry out the molten paraffin. The resulting detail inserts a chumbachk slot.

Then this wick is ignited and the candle flares up.

This is just one of the options. Usually, in nature, I am friends, having made a blank of a candle, thicker logs and any candles with a phytylene. Excessive spending time. In our slots, small wood chips are embanked in nature, dry grass and is set on fire. Much faster and more convenient. The author, according to him, this candle is burning no more than half an hour. And the time of manufacture twenty minutes. In our case - the manufacture time is not more than five minutes. And burning longer. But it depends on the thickness of the log. Installed simply - either stands by itself if bottom part The logs are wide enough, either pulls into the ground. Grabs and ear to cook and boil the tea. So that's the case. But in general - quite comfortable and useful thing. Save time and strength!

The main advantage of such a fire is that you do not have to worry about it, even if there is a dirt and slush. In winter, it is possible not to worry that snow under the fire will start to melting and extinguish the fire. Finally, the Finnish Candle is safer than a conventional fire in those places where there are many dry herbs and leaves. Finally, such a bonfire can be simply transferred from place to place. The burn "Candle" will be all night, and at the same time it will be necessary for it. And the shape of the fire is such that it is convenient to use it when cooking - after all, a pan or a kettle can be simply put on top of it, like on the burner.

How to make a "Finnish candle"

In order to make a "Finnish candle", you need to have a thickness of 30-50 cm with a thickness, as well as a saw. The height is not so important. Colley is made in a depth of about three quarters. Most often pilant on 4, 6 or 8 parts. After that, a small hole will appear in the linen. It will be placed and extruded in it.

If there is no saw at hand (and it will most likely not be in the campaign), you can use the ax. In this case, make such a fire will be more difficult. It is necessary to split the four parts with an ax. Each part will have to run the middle so that when they get together, it turned out a hole. After that, it will only be left to tie a stripped stripper, and better - wire.

Finally, the "candle" can be done, simply folding several logs nearby. Each should be a thickness of 5-15 cm. Uses from 3 to 8 dodgers.

A spoon of tar

Finally, it is worth mentioning the minuses of the Finnish Candle. Preparation of such a fire requires a certain skill and experience. Also, as it has already become clear, you need tools. "Finnish candle" is not very well suited for heating. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that if the fire was sweating, then it will be extremely problematic to light it, it is almost impossible. It's easier to cook a new candle.