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How to make a Finnish candle. Finnish candle with your own hands. Video instructions for the manufacture of Finnish candles

The original mini bonfire is also called Taiga, Indian, Swedish candle. Due to the peculiarities of the manufacture of Finnish candles and the use of intensive flame, they successfully replace traditional bonfires in hikes, on picnics and evening gatherings in the yard. We need a minimum of tools and skills, 5-20 minutes of simple effort, and you will receive a source of vertical flame with a burning distance from half an hour to 7 hours.

4 ways to make a Finnish candle

With any method, the Finnish candle is made with their own hands from chureok.sometimes replace chubban lena. Permissible to use small PuliIf only one log trimming is required. The duration of burning depends on the length and diameter of the blanks.

Method 1. Candle with paraffin phylet

  • Duration of burning: from 30 minutes.
  • Manufacturing time: 20 minutes.

Tools and materials:

  • drill with a drill of 20-30 mm;
  • saw (manual, with electric or diesel engine);
  • cutting goats;
  • lighter;
  • churban for a candle;
  • churban larger diameter for counterweight;
  • paraffin or wax;
  • paper or newspaper.

To get a bonfire with vertical burning enough to set fire to the wick. We recommend installing the Finnish candles away from the trees to the paved or concrete platforms, cleared the ground, fire-resistant tile, metal stand, to exclude the fire of surrounding vegetation.

Method 2. Candle of Fine

  • Duration of burning: up to 2.5 hours.
  • Making time: 7-10 minutes.

Tools and materials:

  • ax;
  • churban or four is full.

Production sequence

Whole chocks are split into four identical parts. Length is installed vertically in the form of source chocks. When the Finnish candle is made of finished wood, pick up the lamps of the same length and section, which together form a whole chubban. The design provides a good air flow, but not sufficiently resistant to the wind.

Method 3. Three Churban

  • Duration of burning: from 7 hours.
  • Manufacturing time: 5 minutes.

Necessary materials: 3 chocks are the same height. Tools are not required.

Production sequence

Simplest The way to make your own hands Finnish candle with prolonged burning. Churbans are installed in a circle with a small interval. Then in the domestic "well" fire fire. Having unhindered oxygen access contributes to an intensive flame, and due to the large diameter, the burnt duration is extended.

More heat is distinguished than with other constructions of taiga candles. Also ensured the greatest stability of the disposable furnace. Disadvantage (the flame can blown the wind. Tip: As burnout, shift chocks to the center to maintain the intensity of burning.

Method 4. Primus

  • Duration of burning: up to 3 hours.
  • Manufacturing time: 20 minutes.

Tools and materials:

  • ax;
  • saw (not necessarily);
  • wire;
  • chock or a few lamps.

Production sequence

This design provides Intensive roast flames. In the first two hours after the ignition on the mini-oven can be prepared, boiling water. The optimal dimension is considered when the length of the chocks is twice the diameter. You can create mini-fires with a height of 20-30 cm.

Tip: If you plan to cook, then make a Finnish candle with two shorter lanes to improve the inflow of air to the flame. The use of a disposable furnace in the farm

Construction represents vertical furnace pyrolysis burning. The peculiarity of this type of flame is the simultaneous combustion and firewood, and the secreted wood gas. As a result, the soot and ash are formed less, and the heat transfer of the flame is higher. Even the two-hour application of the Finnish candle helps to solve many tasks of arrangement and recreation.

Culinary use of the Finnish candle

In the absence of summer kitchen and in hikes, one-time furnaces are easy to adapt for the following tasks:

  • preparation of food in Kazanka;
  • outline of carcass of poultry, game;
  • boiling water;
  • food warming.

Unlike stationary summer cuisine, the Finnish candle can be used anywhere in the plot, take with you on a picnic or on a trip.

Landscape decoration

Mini fires are conveniently used for temporary lighting of dark sections without landscaped luminaires. They create a warm cozy atmosphere and can complement the decoration of open areas of recreation to special events. Finally, the candles will replace street foci and fireplaces, help relax by the fire during evening holidays.

Repair and construction

Concentrated burning has led to the advantage of the application of the Finnish candle compared to conventional bones during the following works:

  • firing, heating metal;
  • melting rubberoid or lump bitumen;
  • firing and drying of various surfaces and blanks.

Simple in the manufacture of disposable furnaces are distinguished by compactness, simple device, intense burning and easy transportation. It enhances the attractiveness of Finnish candles for home or tourist use.

Video instructions for the manufacture of Finnish candles

The Swedish or Finnish Candle is a simple and convenient alternative to the trinity with a kitel or in general in a stationary street oven.

Talk about such a simple, but very effective method to build a fire, a real torch for lighting and cooking, like a Swedish candle. This method has other names: "Finnish Primus", "Hunting Candle", "Indian Candle", "Canadian Torch". The option is simple, but very interesting.

How to make a Finnish Primus

For the Finnish Primus, candles are not needed at all! All that is required to create a Swedish candle - a suitable trimming of a log, is fully.

Wood for such an original hearth can be any. According to reviews, pine and spruce are often used as the most accessible options, but these breeds of wood sparkle during burning, caution should be taken. Bereza burns very much and smoking at the same time. But the aspen is the perfect tree for the Swedish candle.

A piece of wood is needed a height of the half-meter height, although sometimes takes it a little higher or lower. The main thing is that it was smooth, it might stand vertically. The diameter of the Pole can be from 10 to 40 cm.

Dimensions are fully dependent on what purpose you will use it. If you want to cook on an open fire, it is possible to take a thicker, but relatively short, stable. For lighting it will be customized with higher, but more subtle, it can be transferred if necessary.

Important! A slice of a log must be dry! Wet Polysee burns very badly, heavily smokes, most likely, the fire will not turn out at all.

In the pole make cuts using chainsaws. You can use a conventional saw, but the process will be much more long, you will have to make more effort. Cuts must be about three quarters from the height of the PLAN. They are made crosswise. It is very similar to the cutting of the cake, the pieces of top look like this.

How much to make cuts - to solve you. Four is a minimum, you can do six, and eight. Remember that the more cuts, the faster your crawl burns!

To start the combustion process, we advise to splash into the center of propyl a little gasoline, and then set fire. The Swedish candle is burning much more economical than a conventional fire. Long, the flame is even, and you can put the kettle, butter, frying pan. Just time to cook food on live fire.

The second way to make a Swedish candle - saw, split the chumbach completely into four parts. The core is slightly removed so that empty space remains inside. Then four are folded again into one log, secure, wedged with wire. In this case, the hole can be put in the hole in the center, which will serve for extractors.

To make a Swedish candle or Finnish Primus on its own very simple, although you can buy blanks with cuts if you go to nature and are not sure that you can find the right hand in the forest.

Simple, but comfortable, bright and long burning fire can be built on any flat site, sometimes put on stones or another stand.

With the help of a Swedish or Taiga candle, even kebabs are prepared. We are confident that you will appreciate this option to create a focus, especially if they are often chosen on nature. However, during a picnic in his own yard, you can also surprise guests in this way of breeding a fire. Published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project.

Reading time ≈ 3 minutes

Finnish candle - a kind of mini-bonfire made of a small stump or trimming a log. It is used for cooking in a boiler, water heating. It can become a good replacement of the usual fire when holding evening gatherings in nature. A Finnish candle is manufactured with their own hands in just 20 minutes, the duration of burning is about half an hour.

Features of the manufacture and use of the Finnish candle

For the workpiece of Finnish (Swedish, Indian) candles, a small stump or chubban will be required. Simple in the manufacture of the device can be used for lighting and even for a short decoration of open areas. Tourists are most often used as a portable light source or for cooking food. To create a candle, it takes a little time, but the duration of burning and the heat obtained from it is optimal for cooking porridge, boiling water in the campaign.

Features of the billet mini-fire

It is convenient to spend the sawing of the Churban will allow preliminary preparation: in its center it is necessary to drill a hole with a diameter of about 2-3 cm.

The same procedure should be carried out with a bro or a log of larger and weight. A stick is inserted into the hole on the main chumbane (you can replace the branch). On the installed stick is rolled in a log with large parameters. Such a counterweight will make it possible to make a candle carefully and safely. After connecting logs and their laying on a goat for sawing firewood, work is carried out according to the following instructions:

1. The log crucifably is crucified with an electrical or gasoline saw. The depth of the cut should be no more than 2/3 from the height of the entire chumbana.

2. Using a conventional closed candle with paraffin (or wax), the side parts are covered, the bottom of the cut.

3. A small strip of paper is cut off (you can use the newspaper) with a length of 4-5 cm more than the depth of the cut. It is folded in half, then unfolded, at the place of the fold, the paraffin chips are poured. It is important to take into account that the layer should be larger, but so that the paper is then easily folded, and the paraffin itself did not fall down.

4. Paraffin paper is longitudinally wrapped. And with a pencil, thick knitting needles or screwdriver pushes into a cruciform cut. It is important to carry out the procedure neatly so as not to damage the paper and do not scatter paraffin. 4-5 cm Paphin paper should remain over a log.

5. The resulting wick is fixed by molten paraffin. To do this, you need to set fire to the usual candle and fill over the melting composition of the peak of the wick to the tree. At this stage, Finnish candle will be fully ready.

To get a burning log, the performer will only need to set fire to the manufacturer. Due to the presence of inside paraffin, the log will be slower, and the temperature will be maintained. Finnish candle is made with your own hands in just 15-20 minutes. If the performer does not have an electrical or gasoline saw, then cuts should be performed manually. The manufactured mini-bonfire can be used in campaigns (it is important to take into account the weight of the candle) or for home camping.

The fact that the manufactured Finnish candle will burn brightly, you will help make sure the included photos and video materials will help. But the performer must take into account that the cuts in the log should not be too deep: in this case, it will very quickly. No less important before the ignition to install a chubban on a tile or metal plate. This will exclude the danger of fire to the surrounding dry vegetation. In the absence of special supports, you can set the candle to the Earthy Square earlier from the grass and leaves.

Finnish candle - simple and efficient for boiling water and cooking in the field.

Its essence lies in the fact that there are two longitudinal cuts, perpendicular to each other, as a result of which the X-shaped crossing is formed on the end. The depth and number of saws depends on the desired time and intensity of combustion. The positive of this configuration is also that you can independently choose the total length of the log and the depth of saws, thanks to which you have the opportunity to raise the burning log above the surface or snow to the required height, if you do not want your fire to fall into the snow, or Leave noticeable fallen on the ground. Commercial, and the field representatives of this configuration often cut by chainsaw, the chain of which has a sufficient width so that such a Finnish candle is later easily ignited.

Nevertheless, my attempts to make it with the help of a folding tourist saw were not crowned with success, and I see the reasons for that:

  • The small thickness of the saw, which is why the available cuts do not provide a proper air flow to ignite the internally.
  • The absence of the possibility of influence on the processes occurring inside is full. Called with cuts is a kind of monolith, which can neither push out or look inside. Everything that falls into the cutting back is already unlikely to be extracted, again because of their last width. If one is mistaken - it is not possible to fix the opportunity and, most likely, bring it to breaking the available or sawing another fully.
  • Smooth wood sections inside the saws, because of which it is badly flared. To ignite on the tangent flame, the extruded in the early stages of burning, not enough, and the burning of the fibers will lack the combustion temperatures.
  • With a dense filling of cutting cut (sawdust, leaves, bark fragments, etc.), air flow is even more blocked, thereby disrupting the balance.

In addition to the attempts of the primary ignion (the ignition of the extras inside the saws), I also tried both secondary (with the help of coal from another fire), but the success is at least rising, but such a Finnish candle requires the presence of another fire, as well as the impressive amount of time for burning and inflating. Not that it was a pleasant and 100% reliable option.

In general, this configuration consider not the best. If there is chainsaws - yes, but only with a tourist saw - it is better to use other configurations. Wider openings theoretically, it can be obtained from each side not one by one, but two cuts at a distance of approximately a centimeter from each other, with further removal of wood between them. But labor costs in this case consider too significant and ineffective to continue to engage in this. In addition, for this configuration, it is generally necessary to have a drink with me, otherwise it is not possible to do longitudinal cuts in the lounge and is not possible at all.

Finnish Candle - Configuration 2

This configuration deprives you of most problems with narrow cuts and the need for sawing, because For its creation, you can do with an ax, and even just a knife, if other tools did not turn out with you. With that, for this configuration, not only exactly disconnected is used, but also a cut off its analogue, which will not have such a flat surface.

An ax, or a knife using and \\ or, is linked to a quarter. If they are not quite smooth - not critical, because We are interested in, first of all, the possibility of installing the dishes on top of the Finnish candle, and not an appearance.

Next, on the inner surfaces of each quarter, with the help of the same ax or knife, a plurality of scubons should be done, peeling part of the wood in the form of a pinch and feathers. Their direction must be the opposite direction of the movement of fire, i.e. The fire inside the Pole must flare up not along the pinch, but "against wool". This chip will continue to play the role of extracts for the Finnish candle, significantly accelerating and simplifying its ignition.

The next stage, the treated quarters are usually drawn by the earth, they are tightened with wire or rope at the bottom, which ensures the necessary support and stability when installing the dishes on top of it. After fixing, the gaps between the quarters are filled with extroduction and small combustible materials (sawdust, leaves, coniferous needles, bark fragments, etc.)

The essential advantage of this configuration over the previous one consists in the following positive points:

  • The ability to influence the width of the lumen between the quarters is full. Tortured too many extras, and the air intake was blocked - a quarter can always be moved out and remove part of the materials, after which it is again sealing the soil and return a step back. Such a Finnish candle forgives some errors that does not allow the previous configuration.
  • Scores on the inner surface of quarters flare up much faster and easier than the even walls from the previous configuration due to the increased contact surface. Due to this, there is less than a third-party extract.

Among other things, this configuration is equally flared by the use of primary (ignition of the clock and extracts) and secondary ignition (coals from another campfire). So, in the photo above inside the Finnish candle, several coals were just abandoned, and then everything happened by itself. To inflate nothing it took, because To control the air inflow, it is enough to simply push the quarter to the required width. Cubes inside Polyan quickly raise the flame over its surface, and the Finnish candle goes into its work mode.

Finnish Candle - Configuration 3

To create this configuration, you will need most of all materials, but it has it, according to my observations, the highest efficiency and time of work.

For the third configuration of the Finnish candle, you will need as many three of the same length. Fortunately, it is almost always possible to drink them from one tree trunk. Length and diameter of the lane are chosen on the basis of the desired time of operation and the duration of the preparation of certain dishes.

Try to choose crawled without a bark, or further circle it before continuing. The bark is the natural protection of the tree from many negative factors, including the fire, because lamps with the bark, due to increased density, are worst worse. On the outside of three of the six half of the flights, you will need to make scubons already familiar to you on the previous configuration. They, as in the previous case, will perform the role of extracts and help with the spread of a flame on a large area inside the future Finnish candle.

After the knots are done, in becoming halves with them in the form of a triangle, wrigs inside. Remember also that the flame inside the Finnish candle should go against "wool" formed by scubs. The remaining three halves bring half with scubons as shown in the photo above.

Next, the channel inside the three halves should be filled with a cloud and extract and ignite them. Until the moment when the lamps themselves ignite themselves, you will have a kind of similarity inside the frontiers, because in the early stages you will observe a predominantly large amount of smoke coming out of the depths of the Finnish candle.

But as the temperature and accumulation of the coal base increases, the lamps themselves will light up, and your Finnish candle will switch to its working mode, accompanied by a high flame. This design resembles eternal flame, with long flame languages \u200b\u200band a clearly distinguishable hum when working. But this configuration is not only good, and not so much with this, as the possibility of replacing the lanes as they are extinguished. This is not a monolith (as a configuration 1), there are no connected or twisted elements (as in configuration 2), because you can virtually at any time replace any of the struggling inner beds of one of the half-strings. All that this is necessary is to raise dishes from the Finnish candle, take one of the backups, place it in place with a rotten inner linen and omit the bowler or the pan. The backup place can take the next half, prepared for the next replacement of the lane.

According to the degree of labor costs, efficiency, success and flexibility of the organization, the Finnish candle in this configuration seemed to me the most efficient. You do an independent choice, and do not hesitate to share your experience in organizing Finnish candles in the comments.

Hello, dear users of this website. In the yard summer. The most convenient and good time for trips to nature, on picnics, fishing. In general, the best time to conduct an active leave.

Each time, leaving in nature, many people take a bunch of wood or coals with them, on which food will be prepared. Not always at the venue you can find a dry dry to use it as a combustible material. Therefore, I want to tell you how to make the so-called Finnish candle. It is good for the fact that for her manufacture does not need a lot of time and it burns long enough. For the manufacture of such a thing, you will need only a piece of log, drill with a drill and chainsaw.

The author of this master class initially took a small log and confused on it to be comfortable to cut. To do this, he drills the hole in a shorter blobach, drives the stick and in the second, a longer log also makes the hole. Little Fubbach and Long and already saws. This is how it happens and what it turns out.

Further, it takes a conventional paraffin candle and rolls the pearani pertils from the inside.

Then he takes a newspaper, a few centimeters longer than the depth of the slot in the log and crush the candle chips into it. The edges also cry out the molten paraffin. The resulting detail inserts a chumbachk slot.

Then this wick is ignited and the candle flares up.

This is just one of the options. Usually, in nature, I am friends, having made a blank of a candle, thicker logs and any candles with a phytylene. Excessive spending time. In our slots, small wood chips are embanked in nature, dry grass and is set on fire. Much faster and more convenient. The author, according to him, this candle is burning no more than half an hour. And the time of manufacture twenty minutes. In our case - the manufacture time is not more than five minutes. And burning longer. But it depends on the thickness of the log. It is installed simply - either itself, if the bottom of the log is wide enough, or is added to the ground. Grabs and ear to cook and boil the tea. So that's the case. But in general, a fairly comfortable and useful thing. Save time and strength!