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Indian candle. Indian candle or wooden primus - candle. Bonfire in a backpack. How to cook food in the campaign. Features of the manufacture of wooden primus, Indian candle, Finnish candle

Anyone who loves rest in nature (especially not a picnic, and active - hunting, fishing, hiking), knows how relevant a proper bonfire is correct. If you do not drag the brazier, you need to worry about security, so as not to run away from the forest fire and do not feel the criminal. And he to ignite the fire in the snow, and so as not to Gus every minute, and at all the vertex of the skill of the fire. However, experienced travelers know how to build a hearth with the observance of fire safety, so that he burned for a long time, not the tuh even in slush and did not require regular feeding. It is called everyone in different ways: the Finnish candle, the taiga candle, Indian or Swedish, but the essence remains unchanged. There is even a few ways to make it easily.


The most successful Finnish candle is obtained if you "landed" not far from sawn logs. No effort will be required: pick three sleeves of approximately the same height and diameter, put in a circle to the screen and incite in the middle of the fire. To bonfire burned smoothly and the rooting was the same in all directions, it is required to competently choose a scrabble in height. The Finnish candle holds the longest, the lamps should be long in two diameters. The power of such a fire is enough for a five-liter boiler for a third in one third, and it is not necessary to even hang it - it will rely on the logs themselves. As you burn, the chumbachs as it were for shalashik. If the Bonfire "Finnish Candle" needs you for a long time, at this stage you can support it as the most ordinary, lining of firewood.

If there is benzaw

In the absence of the need for a large focus and the presence of an appropriate tool in the hands of the appropriate tool. A piece of a thick log is taken to half a meter long and will be cut down (not to the end, somewhere on three quarters of the segment). If the diameter of the sleeve is large, you can work chainsaw a little more to get eight "poles". More propilov should not be made, because the already the sector, the faster your Finnish candle will be prohibiting. The log is firmly fixed on the ground (it is possible to peel or leaving the stones), the extracts are laid inside (from its own sawdust, or simply liquid ignition) - and several hours of fire at your service.

Field fashion

Suppose there are no saws, but I need Finnish it in this case? Well, there is an ax in nature in any case. The chorbak closed for this goal is to ourselves, as on ordinary firewood, only slightly prigidize so that the lamps are not too different in thickness. Then they are going to the original log, only around a thick branch - it will be a hearth. Below, closer to Earth, and approximately in the middle of the Finnish candle is dragging, preferably wire - she definitely does not fall. But if it is not, the twine, and a fishing line, and flexible rods are suitable. Especially reliably you need to pull down at the bottom, because in the middle of the lamps will run faster, and without good fixation near the soil your fire will fall apart. The central twig of three-quarters is pulled out from below and drank, after which the Finnish candle is put on the ground. By the way, if the source chumbach is not too massive, you can use this branch as a leg and just stick to the ground.

Manual candle

If there is no nearby (or a suitable dry object for spill, or saws and even a normal ax), then Finnish is somewhat different. There are quite thick porshi in the district, at least centimeters in five diameters, and they are collected in a bundle again around the center branch. The side of the jelia that will be inside, you need to lie a little a knife - it will be better. The remaining manipulations - as when creating "Ficks" from the lane.

Candle Primus

It is used precisely as a stove for cooking. Highlights - as in the manufacture of a campfire with a field in a field. Nuances two:

  1. The initial log must be partially retired from the inside. Alternatively, you can not greet the core, but split it on the haul and clean them already. Such a bonfire is assembled on the snow in the same way, around the branch, but the cavity inside must be made artificially, and the outer walls are closed whenever possible without cracks.
  2. From two opposite sides of the lamps or less trimmed, or stronger put forward upwards, centimeters for five or six. Due to such a design in the center, the fire will bloom with air, and its languages \u200b\u200bwill be directed primarily upwards.

For heating, such a Finnish candle is not suitable - the fire is all focused inside. But the food is preparing much faster.

What can the Finnish Candle come in handy?

In addition to cooking and heating (except for "primus") such a fire is simply indispensable as a lighthouse. Experienced fishermen walking on the evening dawn, leave on the shore as a signal for rapidly - in the dark it can be seen from afar.

It is very convenient when using the Finnish candles and the fact that almost to complete exercise you can easily move from place to place. A considerable plus can be considered the long-term fire: medium sized chumbach gives the light and the heat of four. A maxi-bonfire without additional fuel can perform their functions all night.

If you are not a fan of "wild" tourism and fishing, but love to celebrate the New Year at the cottage, Finnish candles placed along the tracks will bring romance and decorate the garden is not worse than the garlands and Chinese lanterns.

This is a wooden device, with which in the field you can make food, and heated or illuminate yourself. According to the legend, the colonizers of Christopher Columbus were seen and borrowed from the North American Indians. That is why the Indian candle got the name, and now it is also called it - a wooden primus, Swedish fire, Finnish candle and the like. On the peculiarities of manufacturing and inciting such a Finnish candle and will be discussed below.

For such a Finnish candle, as in the photo below, with a diameter of 8 cm and 10 cm long, it will take about 15-20 minutes to manufacture, and it will work for 30-35 minutes. During this time, due to a good efficiency, this wooden primus allows you to boil up to 2.5 liters of water. And in general, in such small sizes, this product is controversial and an amateur. Much more efficiently for the work of the Finnish candle will be the diameter of 12 cm at a length of 18 cm. However, in this case, the dimensions were selected based on the fact that there was only a knife. Make something more would be possible, but somewhat difficult.

The variety of wood from which the wooden preims will be made of much importance does not matter. However, it should be remembered that such as spruce or during burning "shoot" and give a lot of sparks, so the use of such a Finnish candle for heating will not be quite comfortable and comfortable. Birch burns well and hot, not "shoots", but she has a little smoking, especially at the end of the burning. The dry aspen is most suitable, which burns smooth and colorless flame. In any case, in the manufacture of Indian candles, it is necessary to use if possible, as dry, but not a rotten tree.

Features of the manufacture of wooden primus, Indian candle, Finnish candle.

The external proportions of the Finnish candle depends on the intended use - for example, for cooking the most suitable, but thick, but thick, for lighting - the long and thin so that it was comfortable to wear. But for heating - fat and long, it will burn for several hours. The process of manufacturing a wooden primus itself is very simple. First we spill the workpiece of the desired length.

We split the wooden rounding in half and then half once again in half. I would like to notice that it is not necessary to split the workpiece into four parts at all. The smaller the slots will be the same later, the Indian candle will progrit. However, cut the core of two halves of the workpiece for a long time, more tediously and more difficult than cutting the corners of Quarters.

Cut the core from Quarters and make notches on them so that it is like that.

Tightly connect the wires of the wooden quarters of our future Finnish candle, seeking as much as possible fitting them to each other, and press the middle of small pieces of barks, lady or remaining with planing sawdust so that it is not blocked by the free passage of air through the channel, otherwise There will be thrust. If there is an opportunity, the Indian candle should be installed on stones or hauls, so that its lower end has a small gap for air access. If not, it should be cut in advance at the bottom of the workpiece with a small side duct.

Small video of the finished Finnish candle.

Features of incitement of a wooden primus, Indian candle, Finnish candle.

Groide the manufactured wooden primus. It should be borne in mind that if the main focus of the fire focuses in the upper part of the Indian candle channel, then it will burn for a long time, but weak flame, and if you have a light flame, it burns faster, but the flame will be strong. The problem of incitement requires some skills and practices, but every time it will be faster.

Small video inciting wooden primus.

Adjusting the strength of the flame of a wooden primus, american candle, Finnish candle.

Wooden primus flame force is enough to simply adjust the air flow overlap below. For cooking, the height of the flame is 8-10 cm. When using the Finnish candle as a torch, it is even strongly burning, you can keep the tree a good thermal insulator.

Small video combustion of wooden primus ..

With a complete blocking of air access to the bottom of the Indian candle, it goes into the intensive heating mode, which is convenient for heating already ready, but cooled food. In addition, the Indian candle is not necessary to survive from the beginning to the end. As soon as it disappears, it disappears simply by overlapping air access at the same time and from above. But for example, the same wooden primus, but made in larger sizes.


Among the problems that accompany lovers of campaigns, fishing and picnics is the problem of fast food or heating using the minimum amount of fuel. In the unplaced area or in winter on the ice, the fire does not intersect. Do not decompose it in a tent and even in close proximity to it. The bonfire is voracious, not very effective and distinguished by the stability of burning. It saves, then barely crashes, firewood "shoot", sparks in all directions. In these cases, some specific or special ways of burning fuel, especially the rebirth, i.e. firewood

I have already described two options for the so-called. Indian candle, "classic" and modern. (Indian Candle or Wooden Primus and Indian Candles or Bonfire without a fire) Alas, both options are inherent in some unreasonable flaws. The classic Indian candle has a rather high complexity of manufacturing. Site find the finished dry blade with a weak core ... And to prick a chumbach, to hollow out and most importantly - again tightly connect the halves on hiking conditions is also a little interesting occupation. The second option for its manufacturing generally requires a chain saw. Here even the hacksaw will not fit - the cuts should be wide, so that the air would pass. Almost joinery ... and both options are distinguished by the low burning stability, the flame is quite quickly from under control. Sometimes you do not have time and cook food. And you won't call them miniature. It does not always require such a strong flame. In general, something more stable and predictable, controlled, possible in various "weight categories", is required.

Mankind is already somewhat known to the brand. Conditionally - some vessel in which coals are lit or smolder. In order for the zone of burning the oxidizing agent (air, or rather oxygen in it in it), the vessel or is done very flat, or in its walls make holes. But the brazier is also not the best solution for the campaign. Requires specific fuel - coal. And throw it there just wood - turns into a banal bonfire.

Is it possible to find a compromise, I thought that I would not have serious flaws, but would combine the advantages of the Indian candle and the mangala? It turned out to be! And the decision was extremely simple.

The brazier has a housing, but does not have the stability of the combustion of ordinary fuel (firewood). Candles have some stability of burning, but the absence of the body makes them and fire hazardous, and this stability deteriorate. And what if you make a housing for the Indian candle? Then the hardest part - the connection of the split mubachka we will not need. Yes, and the candle itself can be "gather" from just ordinary fields. In order to burn firewood to be controlled, stable in intensity and long, it is necessary to limit the access of oxygen into the combustion zone. Its amount will determine the intensity of burning.

For the experiment, I picked up a canning jar in the form "higher than widespread." Those. Similar to a tall glass. To make it "Mangal" I broke through a few holes for air access. Only not from the sides, but in the bottom, and it is precisely in the center of the bottom, but not throughout the area. It was necessary to make so that the holes in the bottom coincided with the channel for air in the Indian candle. I just didn't do the round hole, so that the coals then did not fall out of the bank. (Capacities of banks about 350-400 ml. Total!)

I ran into the bank of small chmochoks (and they can be called them with a stretch, into a finger thick and 10 cm long), then took out central. The air canal was formed as in the classic Indian candle. I put a little Beresto there, set fire ... In a few minutes, the "stove - a candle" was burning with a flat flame and burned for fun 20-25 minutes! The flame was quite stable by intensity, almost without smoke, low and even. And so far practically all the firewood has burned down and did not turn first in the hustrine of coal, and then the pinch of ash. And the time and power was more than enough to warm up the can of canned and boil the mug of boiling water and brew tea. And the stove is - can fit in my pocket! And the fuel is required "Handful of Slice" in the literal sense of the word!

Improved success I made a stove more. He took the 3-liter tin and the holes did in her day. After that, a small chorbacker was split, hollow out in it the heartset, put in the stove and pressed both halves to each other squeezing them with other sins. Miscele ...

In the campaign or journey "Dickarem", on a picnic or fishing there is always a question of cooking hot food. Someone breeds a big bonfire, someone drags a primus or a pack of dry fuel.

I want to introduce you to one old way, or rather the device with which you can cook, heating or illuminate yourself. According to the legend, it was borrowed from the North American Indians with Colonizers of Christopher Columbus. Because of the name "Indian Candle".

The principle of an Indian candle is extremely simple. As in the samovar, the burning occurs in the furnace, and the thrust provides a pipe. Such a mini oven. But in the Indian candle, the role and fireboxes and pipes perform the fuel itself - it is covered, hollow inside. The inner walls of the very poleno are burning.

In my tourist experience, I can safely say that the Indian Candle is one of the most effective and cheap cooking methods of hot food.

Make an Indian candle can each in a few minutes.

For its manufacture, you need to take any log, with a diameter of 10 cm and more. Up to 30-40 cm. Preferably without bitch, whatever it could be split enough. The tree variety does not matter much, but it should be remembered that resinous trees - "shoot" and give a lot of sparks. Use the candle from the Christmas tree and pine is not recommended for heating. Birch is burning hot and does not shoot, but she has a strong flame and need to be careful. In addition, in the birch kore, a lot of tar and flame smoke a little smoking, especially at the end of the burning. Almost the perfect candle is obtained from well dried aspen. It burns extremely smoothly, light and colorless flame.

In any case, it is good to use a dry (but not a rot). Otherwise, the candle or its workpiece will have to dry for a long time.

So, from the log cut out the blank of 15-40 cm long. If you use the candle, it is planned for cooking, it is better to take short but thick blanks. Then it will be possible to put the dishes directly on the candle, and it will be steadily standing on the ground. If the lighting is important, then it is better to take the workpiece is authentic and fond. What would be comfortable to wear it. And if heating is required, you need to take a thick and long blank. Such a candle can burn for many hours.

1. The log split along in the middle. That is why it is important to use a part of a log without bitch. They are very easy to split. If you get a dumpy log - this is generally the perfect option! This is a finished Indian candle, it is enough to simply cut into parts 20-30 cm long and cleaned the fired inside of the hollow.

With the help of the toporist, the core of the tree is cut down so that the channel was subsequently formed with a diameter of 5-7cm.

2. Both halves are again folded and fasten with each other in any way. For example, wire, sticky ribbon, nails, glue ... So we got a wooden pipe. It is important to provide minimality of gaps at the scene of the halves. Otherwise, it is on these slits a candle will quickly proceed.

3. To incite the candle to the pipe, a little birch bark (barks) are stuffed. At the same time, it is followed that the free passage of air through a pipe would not be blocked, otherwise there will be no traction. If there is no bark, you can use several meshes. The candle itself is installed so that its lower end had a small gap for air intake. For example, on stones or a couple of lane.

4. Beresto is set on and pushed by rasching inside the pipe approximately at its center. If it is in the top of the pipe, the candle will burn for a long time, but weak flame. Such a mode is good for heating or warming up a minor number of food. And if you push the Berest to almost the bottom (or ignite the candle from the bottom), the candle burns faster, but the flame will be strong. This mode is good for cooking or lighting.

5. When burning candles, the flame force is enough to simply adjust the air access overlap below the candle (for example, ground or snow). For cooking, the height of the flame is 10-15 cm.

6. The candle can be used as a torch. The tree is an excellent heat insulator and even a strongly burning candle can be free to keep your hand, lighting the road or set several such torches to illuminate the camp of tourists.

7. For heating of food, maintaining it in a hot condition or for heating it is important to be able to translate the candle to the intensive heating mode. In this case, the candle is smoldering from the inside almost without flame. In this case, it turns out enough hot smoke. This is achieved by overlapping air access to the bottom of the candle.

8. For warming up, for example, canned banks even in winter, it takes only a few minutes. It is enough to put the jar on the candle so that there remained a small gap to exit smoke. If you want to cook food in a saucepan, then it is put on a pair of pinch - pads, like on the burner of the gas stove. If there is a bowler, it is simply suspended above the candle at an altitude of 5-10 cm.

Sometimes for access air and for the release of gases, they simply make the corresponding cuts on the ends of the candle. But this is possible only in the candles with a diameter of 20-25 cm or more. High and thin candles are not stable and should not risk.

When using a candle as a heater in a tent, you must take care of the burning of combustion products.

And completely correct heating looks like this. The burning candle is left outside. A short metal pipe is suspended above it. A higher end pipe is inserted into the tent. The candle heats the pipe and, accordingly, the air in it, which enters the tent. Thus, the tent is heated with hot, but fresh clean air, and not smoke.

Once the candle is not necessary to survive to the end, before her death. As soon as food is prepared, the candle is quenched by overlapping air access both below and on top. For example, by closing with some non-flammable item like a cap and a wet rag covering. Thus, with the help of one Indian candle, you can cook food several times.

Of course, such a candle is much harder to primus or dry fuel package. But dry fuel is quite expensive. And unlike the preims, which must be carried in both ends of the journey, as well as messing down with the smelting of the Kanish terry for him, the candle has a one-way ticket. She dies, providing us with hot food, warm and light.

But with automotive or other motorized travels on wild, and especially flavored and mountainous places - the candle will serve you faithfully. Spend some time on its manufacture and you will always be and fed and warmed.

Updated 11/29/2019

India is a country of smells. And as soon as you cross the airplane, the flow of smells will be chasing you always and everywhere. Where are so many saturated flavors, from which it is impossible to hide in any corner of India? The entire fault of Indian incense or aromatic sticks.

Where are the incense and what are they needed for?

Locals use incense in their lives for many years. Previously, they were used for various rituals and ceremonies in the form of roots, leaves, fragrant flowers, essential oils, as well as cake. They were thrown into the sacred fire to die the gods and goddesses.

Incenses cleared the space of their homes. Also in antiquity and in our time in India they are used by. It would seem, what could be the benefits of fragrances? In fact, they have a very beneficial effect on the human body, but not as medication. Yes, one aroma will not cure a launched cold or intestinal problems, not to mention more serious diseases such as heart disease, liver, lungs and many others.

When buying Indian incense, it is worth considering their quality should not think that if they are from India, then the very nor to eat high-quality. But if we are talking about high-quality flavors, you can emphasize that they still have any effect.

Harm and the benefits of aroma workers, which should be considered when buying

So what is the benefit of aromatic sticks? Indian incense exudes incredible exotic odors. It can be a pleasant, soft flavor of vanilla, or musk, sweet, spicy, mint, fresh, their huge amount.

Modern manufacturers took care that people when buying could choose the fragrance which they like. Filling the room with a beloved man with aroma, sandal sticks create a pleasant atmosphere. Clean consciousness, thoughts put in order, restore, soothe, create the spirit of peace. Especially often used during and others.

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But you should not forget that aromaways, can also cause harm to your body. If you do not take into account their quality when buying incense, then the result will not wait. Low-quality wands exude too sharp fragrances, which can be felt without opening the packaging. Of course, such a product is not desirable, since artificial flavors are present in the composition of incense.

Ideally, high-quality incense is made from natural components such as: sandalwood, oils, aromatic herbs, flowers, spices, roots, as well as leaves of trees.

From here, of course, the conclusion is not worth buying sticks with such aromas, for example, like strawberries, vanilla or roses.

Such Indian incense can lead to diseases of respiratory systems, head pains, and also cause allergies, disrupt your sleep. Allergies can also cause their use too frequent. So do not overdo it.

Of course, the main indicator when buying aromatic sticks will be their price. The incense with a low price tag of course leaves much to be desired, because artificial flavors are used in their composition.

It is also worth considering that incense is based on a bamboo stick, and unduminarious. Homeless is much better because they exude clean, natural fragrance.

Types of incense

Incense are different and ways of their production too. There are both traditional and modern. It depends on this, then where and how they will apply.

  1. Indian incense with bamboo base. These are the most common types. They consist of bamboo sticks and a mixture of coal dust and sometimes some herbs. Of course, such a type of sticks is not distinguished by special quality and apply them in poor smelling dirty rooms. In addition, coal incense distinguish too much smoke that often distortes the fragrance that we expected to feel.
  2. Chip incense. They are more close to natural and natural oils are used more often. They possess a pronounced floral smell. Most often, such incense is used in the temples.
  3. Homeless. The positive quality of this type is of course the absence of a bamboo base. Fragrance clean, natural. Unlike other species, they are very fragile. Most often, this type of incense is used in Buddhist monasteries and temples.
  4. Plasticine incense. They are very popular in India, as they exude intense aroma and are able to lay the room with a large area. Minus - they smoke very much.

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How to use them

Everything is simple enough. But before using aromatic sticks, it is important to take care of the so-called stands. For bamboo sticks, a horizontal holder is needed (in the photo on the left), and for the undoubted version (cone) you need another type of holder (in the photo on the right). It is extremely important to be able to quickly ventilate the room if you suddenly feel that the smell you too much.

To date, the use of incense in the life of Indians is considered ordinary, as well as sleep and eating. And what to conceal, we all perfectly understand that the fragrance of incense perfectly overlaps the unpleasant smell that are present on the streets of India.

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