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Snow Maiden spring tale fragment summary. A.N. Ostrovsky "The Snow Maiden": description, characters, analysis of the work

The action takes place in prehistoric times in the kingdom of the Berendeys. Spring begins, but Krasnaya Gorka is still covered with snow. Not far away is Berendeyev Posad, the capital of Tsar Berendey. All houses and the palace itself are wooden, decorated with intricate carvings.

Goblin sits on Krasnaya Gorka and watches how Spring-Krasna descends on cranes, swans and geese. However, the country of the Berendeys meets her with cold - the birds freeze. Spring admits that all this is happening, since she once began to flirt with the old Frost and is now in his captivity. She would have to leave the old one, but they have a daughter - the Snow Maiden. Therefore, Spring, and with it the Berendeys, endure the whims of Frost: either heat or severe cold. And the “jealous Sun” frowns, which is why cruel winters and spring colds happen.

Spring invites the birds to warm up with dancing, but from the beginning of the fun the wind rises, snow falls and Frost appears. He says that he had a good time this winter, which the Berendeys will not forget. Spring invites Frost to go north. He replies that he will soon leave for Siberia, where his dominion is eternal, and here Yarilo interferes with him.

Spring is concerned about where their daughter Snegurochka will stay. Her father believes that her place in the deep forest is in a chamber among the animals of the forest, so that "neither on foot nor on horseback" there was no road. But the mother says that the Snow Maiden is alive, which means she needs girlfriends, funny Games, and then she will fall in love with one of the guys. Then Frost tells her a terrible secret: Yarilo swore to take revenge on Frost through his daughter. When the Snow Maiden truly loves, he will melt her. Spring does not want to believe it, and she and Frost quarrel, and then decide to give the girl to be raised in the family of a childless Bobyl.

Frost calls the Snow Maiden from the forest, and Spring asks her where she wants to live. The girl admits that she dreams of living among the Berendeys: she wants to sing songs with the girls and dance round dances to the music of the young shepherd Lel. Father asks to beware of Lelya, because "It is pierced through and through by the ardent sun". But the Snow Maiden replies that she is not afraid of either Lelya or the Sun, but will obey her father. And the mother says goodbye that if she becomes sad, let her come to the Yarilin Valley and call her, Spring.

Frost punishes Leshem to follow the Snow Maiden, and if a stranger or Lel sticks, he would confuse him in the forest thicket. Frost leaves along with snowstorms and blizzards, giving way to Spring. Berendey meet Shrovetide with a scarecrow of winter - folk festivals begin.

There is a quarrel in Bobyl's family: Bobylikh's wife swears that there is no firewood in the house, and he has to go to the forest. He notices the Snow Maiden, dressed as "hawthorn". He is surprised, amazed and Berendey. The Snow Maiden tells who she is and says that whoever found her first will become an adopted daughter. She says goodbye to the forest. The trees bow to her, and the Berendeys scatter in horror. Bobyl and his wife take the Snow Maiden away.

Act I

Soon in the settlement they learned about the beauty of the Snow Maiden, the guys quarreled with their girls and began to woo her. But the Snow Maiden refuses everyone, for which she is scolded by Bobyl and Bobilykha. They hoped that happiness had come to them, that now future suitors would give gifts to their adoptive mother, and give honey and homemade water to their foster father. But the Snow Maiden scared everyone away with her stern appearance. The girl explains that she will marry the one she loves, but she does not know what love is.

Lel stays at Bobyl's house to stay. The Snow Maiden asks to sing a song for her. Lel agrees and asks only for a kiss, but the girl does not agree. Then the shepherd offers to give him a flower and pins on his chest. He begins to sing, but the other girls beckon him and he runs away, throwing the withered flower on the ground. The Snow Maiden is offended, so she decides that her heart will be cold for everyone.

But the guys continue to look at the Snow Maiden, causing jealousy among the girls. Only Kupava is kind to the Snow Maiden. She says that she met a young man: handsome, handsome, ruddy. This is Mizgir, the son of a rich father, "trading guest from the royal town". Mizgir promised to marry Kupava, and she dreams of being a hostess in big house. She says that Mizgir will soon come to get acquainted, and invites the Snow Maiden to be happy for her.

Mizgir appears with two bags of gifts to ransom his bride Kupava. Everyone is having fun and joking, and Kupava leads Mizgir to the house of the Snow Maiden to introduce them and invite them to play on Red Hill for the last time before the wedding. But Mizgir, seeing the Snow Maiden, falls in love with her so much that he is ready to leave Kupava for her. Kupava curses her friend, but the Snow Maiden does not want to upset her and tells Mizgir that she cannot love him. He tries to appease her with expensive gifts, but the Snow Maiden replies that her love cannot be bought.

Only Bobyl and Bobilykha want to get hold of Mizgir's money in order to drink plenty of brew. Mizgir orders Lel to be driven away, and the Snow Maiden, forced to obey this demand, hears from him words that she, too, will find out why people cry. Kupava tells the Berendeys about the frivolity of Mizgir, and they demand an answer from ex-fiance Kupava. Mizgir explains that modesty and modesty are above all for him in a girl - he saw them in the Snow Maiden. A Kupava “I loved without looking back, hugged with both hands and looked merrily”, and Mizgir decided that she could replace him with another.

Kupava asks to protect her honor from natural forces: at the end she turns to the river and runs to her to drown herself, but Lel stops her, consoling her that the longing will soon pass. The Berendeys offer to turn to the king for help.

Act II

Tsar Berendey sits on a golden chair surrounded by buffoons and harpists. The king personally paints one of the pillars, and the buffoons argue about what is depicted. At some point, their quarrel comes to a fistfight, but the tsar separates them, and the nearby boyar Bermyata, who appears, drives them away.

Berendey asks how things are in the Berendey kingdom, and Bermyata claims that everything is fine. However, Berendey is not sure that everything is all right, because for fifteen years they have had a very short summer, cold springs, like autumn, and even in the middle of summer there is snow in the ravines. And the reason is that Yarilo is angry with the Berendeys: in the hearts of people there is no longer the former "hotness of love", people have ceased to serve beauty, there is no sublime love longing. Other feelings live now in the hearts: "vanity, envy of other people's outfits". Therefore, Berendey makes a disappointing conclusion: “For the cold of our feelings and angry at us, Yarilo-Sun takes revenge with a cold”.

He proposes his plan: tomorrow, on Yarilin Day, at dawn, all the brides and grooms should gather to unite in a marriage union. This will be the best victim of Yarile. However, Bermyata reports that this is impossible, since all the brides quarreled with their suitors because of the Snow Maiden, who settled in the settlement. Berendey does not believe and demands that his order be carried out. Then a boy appears who brings Kupava, and she tells how the Snow Maiden stole her fiancé Mizgir from her.

Berendey orders to bring Mizgir to "court of sovereigns". In front of all the honest people, the tsar accuses him of deceiving poor Kupava, and asks for advice on how best to punish Mizgir so that punishment does not fall on all the Berendeys. Bermyata proposes to force Mizgir to marry the bride he has abandoned, but he objects: now his bride is Snegurochka. Yes, and Kupava says that her heart is broken and now there will only be hatred for Mizgir in it. Then the king offers to expel him forever from the country of the Berendeys.

Mizgir invites the tsar to look at the Snow Maiden himself. When Bobyl brings his adopted daughter, the tsar is struck by her beauty and wants to find her a worthy groom so that this sacrifice will appease Yarila. But the Snow Maiden admits that her heart does not yet know love. Bermyata's wife, Elena the Beautiful, says that only Lel can melt the heart of the Snow Maiden. The shepherd calls the girl to make wreaths until morning: he promises that love will wake up in the heart of the Snow Maiden. But Mizgir also wants to get love from the Snow Maiden.


At the evening dawn, boys and girls lead round dances. In the center - Lel with the Snow Maiden. Berendey is amazed by Lel's singing and offers to choose a girl for him, who will reward him with her kiss. The Snow Maiden asks to choose her, but the shepherd chooses Kupava. The rest of the girls put up with their boyfriends, and the Snow Maiden cries. Lel says that this is not love, but resentment. If the Snow Maiden really loves him, then he is ready to take her to meet the Sun in the morning.

Mizgir confesses his feelings to the Snow Maiden, but frightens her with his passion and readiness to die. She is not attracted to priceless pearls either. Then Mizgir wants to achieve reciprocity by force. Goblin comes to the rescue, who takes Mizgir aside with the ghost of the Snow Maiden. Lel, with her singing, drives crazy not only Kupava, who confesses her love, but also Elena the Beautiful.

Ostrovsky's play The Snow Maiden, written in 1873, is based on a Russian folk tale. This is a poetic story stylized as Russian folklore, in which actors are lower and higher Slavic deities: Spring, Yarilo, Frost, Goblin.

main characters

freezing- a stern old man, the lord of cold and snowstorms.

Spring- a young beauty that brings warmth and joy.

Snow Maiden- the young daughter of Frost and Spring.

Lel- a carefree shepherd, able to charm anyone with his singing.

Mizgir- a young merchant, passionately in love with the Snow Maiden.

Other characters

Tsar Berendey- a kind and fair ruler of the magical kingdom.

Bobyl and Bobylikha- foster parents of the Snow Maiden.

Kupava- Snow Maiden's girlfriend, Mizgir's rejected bride.

Bermyata- the close boyar of the tsar.

Elena the beautiful- Bermyat's wife.

Yarilo- a powerful deity, the sun, which all Berendeys worship.


The first phenomenon

“Spring-Red descends to the earth”, only the “gloomy country” meets her completely unhappily - the fields are covered with snow, and the streams are ice-bound.

Vesna admits that sixteen years ago she showed her "fickle disposition, changeable and whimsical", and seduced Frost. Now they have a common daughter - the beautiful Snegurochka.

The second phenomenon

At the meeting, Spring asks the old man to quickly go north, "to the Siberian tundra." Upon learning that Frost leaves her daughter in a deep forest, she protests - the grown-up Snow Maiden needs "fun and games until midnight, spring parties and burners."

Frost admits that his main opponent - Yarilo - "swore a terrible oath to destroy" him, and melt the Snow Maiden as soon as she truly loves.

The third phenomenon

The girl confesses to her parents that she has long dreamed of going to the forest with her friends to pick mushrooms and berries, to dance with them to the sonorous trills of the young shepherd Lel.

Frost leaves the kingdom of the Berendeys, and Spring enters into its rightful possessions.

The fourth phenomenon

To celebrate, the Berendeys burn an effigy of winter and celebrate Maslenitsa.

Bobyl and Bobylikha notice on the road a hawthorn "in a sheepskin coat, in boots, in mittens" - the Snow Maiden, who becomes their named daughter.

Act I

The first phenomenon

The inhabitants of the kingdom receive a decree - to gather everyone "in the abyss, in the game, in the disgrace" and worship the bright Yarila.

In the meantime, Bobyl and his wife are twisting - grooms go after the Snow Maiden in "hordes, herds", but the beauty does not like anyone. Old people dream of a well-fed life with their future son-in-law, but the Snow Maiden wants to marry only for love. She just doesn't know what love is.

The second phenomenon

The inhabitants of the settlement offer payment to Bobyl to give him shelter for the young shepherd Lel. Many of them are afraid that a young handsome guy can turn the heads of their wives and daughters, and Bobyl's Snegurochka is not at all like a Slobozhanka.

The third phenomenon

The Snow Maiden asks Lelya to sing a song for her. As payment, the shepherd asks for a kiss, but the girl does not agree. Then Lel is ready to take a flower as a payment.

The shepherd boy begins to sing, but other girls call him, and the guy without hesitation throws away the withered flower and runs away.

The fourth phenomenon

The Snow Maiden is offended by Lelya's indifference - "annoyance squeezes her chest." The girl is offended by her father for having created her so cold, and decides to take "a little warmth of the heart" from her mother Spring.

Fifth phenomenon

A friend of the Snow Maiden named Kupava shares her joy with her - she met a rich, handsome young man Mizgir. The girl is looking forward to the holiday, because "on Yarilin's day, at sunrise" the chosen one promised to take her as his wife before the king.

The sixth phenomenon

Seeing Mizgir in the distance, Kupava asks her girlfriends to hide her, and give her to her betrothed only for a large ransom. Girls cheerfully bargain with the groom, and he gives them rich gifts. Kupava calls the Snow Maiden "for the last time, for the last" to dance round dances together and sing songs.

The seventh phenomenon

Seeing the Snow Maiden, Mizgir falls in love with her without memory. For her sake, he is ready to leave his bride Kupava, and shower the beauty with “priceless gifts”. Bobyl and his wife persuade the Snow Maiden to be favorable to such an enviable groom.

The eighth phenomenon

The humiliated Kupava comes with friends to Bobyl's porch and demands an answer from Mizgir. The rich merchant explains that Snegurochka's modesty is "most dear to him". Kupava, on the other hand, “loved without looking back, hugged her with both hands,” and Mizgir considered the girl to be unnecessarily windy.

In desperation, Kupava decides to drown herself in the river, but Lel stops her in time. The Slobozhans advise her to turn to Tsar Berendey for help.

Act II

The first phenomenon

Tsar Berendey sits on his golden throne, and personally paints one of the pillars to the songs of the blind harpists. Two buffoons are jokingly arguing among themselves about what is depicted there.

The second phenomenon

The ruler worries that in the hearts of the Berendeys there is no former "ardor of love". He proposes on Yarilin Day to unite all the gathered girls and boys with a marriage union. To which Bermyata reports that “the brides quarreled to the point of a fight with the grooms”, and the reason for this is the impregnable beauty Snegurochka.

The third phenomenon

Kupava comes to the king and complains about the unworthy behavior of Mizgir, who has dishonored her in front of all the Slobozhans. Berendey orders a young man to be brought to him "for the court of the kings."

The fourth phenomenon

Berendey offers the young man to "make amends" and marry Kupava, but he does not agree - he loves only the Snow Maiden. Yes, and Kupava refuses such a marriage, because "offended, heartbroken."

Berendey wants to expel Mizgir from his kingdom forever, but he asks the tsar only to look at the Snow Maiden, and then pass the verdict.

Fifth phenomenon

The Snow Maiden appears in the royal chambers, and the tsar cannot take his eyes off her. Berendey does not believe that the heart of the Snow Maiden is still silent, and none of the young men could charm her.

The king turns to Elena the Beautiful for advice, and she says that “only one can inspire love in a girl” - the young shepherd Lel. Mizgir asks the tsar to give him another chance to win the love of the Snow Maiden.

Act Three

The first phenomenon

At the evening dawn, young men and women begin to dance. The king looks with tenderness at the fun, and advises to forget about all the problems, because "there is a time for caring."

Berendey invites Lelya to choose a girl who will reward him with a kiss. The Snow Maiden asks the shepherd to choose her, but he prefers Kupava to her. In tears, the Snow Maiden runs away.

The second phenomenon

The Snow Maiden accuses Lel of choosing Kupava and not her. The pride of the girl is wounded, because she is much more beautiful than her rival. Lel promises that next time he will definitely choose her.

The third phenomenon

The Snow Maiden is found by Mizgir and tells her about “how the heart aches, what longing the soul is sick with.” He scares the girl with his frenzied passion. For the consent of the Snow Maiden to become his wife, he is ready for anything. In fear, the beauty runs away.

The fourth phenomenon

With his charming singing, Lel drives crazy not only the Snow Maiden and Kupava, but also Elena the Beautiful. She confesses her love to the shepherd, but does not "light a fire in Lel's chest."

Fifth phenomenon

Elena the Beautiful is jealous of Lelya by her husband, the boyar Bermyata. However, the beauty reassures him by the fact that “the young men are all arrogantly heartless, but the husbands are both sweet and kind.”

The sixth phenomenon

The Snow Maiden finds Lelya and asks him for protection from the persistent Mizgir. However, the shepherd, seeing Kupava running, leaves under a plausible pretext.

The seventh phenomenon

Kupava confesses her love to Lelya, who "saved the girl's pride". The shepherd agrees to declare Kupava his wife as soon as the sun rises.

This conversation is heard by the Snow Maiden, and in anger calls Lel a traitor, and Kupava - a homemaker. The girl replies that for the Snow Maiden, love is just a game, fun, and the shepherd confesses that he “does not need childish love.”

act four

The first phenomenon

Mizgir follows the ghost of the Snow Maiden deep into the forest - this Leshy tried to protect Frost's daughter from a persistent admirer.

The second phenomenon

The Snow Maiden resorts to her mother and complains that she wants to "love - but she does not know the words of love at all." She is tired of being cold, and wants to open her heart to a strong feeling.

However, Spring reminds the Snow Maiden of "father's fears" - love will cause her death. The girl is ready to die, just to experience "love in an instant."

Spring puts on her daughter a magic wreath and says that she will love the first person she meets with all her heart.

The third phenomenon

The Snow Maiden meets Mizgir and confesses her love to him. He does not believe his luck and looks forward to the sunrise in order to announce his betrothed to Tsar Berendey.

The fourth phenomenon

At dawn, boys and girls sing songs. The king blesses marriage unions, wishes young people happiness and prosperity.

With the advent of bright sun rays The Snow Maiden begins to melt. She is happy, because for the first time in her life "there is fire in the eyes ... and in the heart ... and in the blood all over the fire."

With grief, Mizgir throws himself into the lake, and Tsar Berendey says that the death of the lovers is not accidental, because "the sun knows whom to punish and pardon." Lel sings a laudatory song to Yarile.


Ostrovsky's work is built on the confrontation of opposites: Frost and Yaril, cold and heat, indifference and sensuality. main topic plays - life without love is meaningless.

A brief retelling of the "Snow Maiden" will be useful for reader's diary and in preparation for the lesson of literature.

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Snow Maiden

The action takes place in the country of the Berendeys in mythical times. The end of winter comes - the goblin hides in a hollow. Spring arrives on Krasnaya Gorka near Berendeyev Posad, the capital of Tsar Berendey, and birds return with it: cranes, swans - the retinue of Spring. The country of the Berendeys meets Spring with cold, and all because of Spring's flirtations with Frost, the old grandfather, Spring herself admits. They had a daughter - the Snow Maiden. Spring is afraid to quarrel with Frost for the sake of her daughter and is forced to endure everything. The "jealous" Sun itself is also angry.

Therefore, Spring calls all the birds to warm themselves with a dance, as people themselves do in the cold. But the fun is just beginning - the choirs of birds and their dances - as a blizzard rises. Spring hides the birds in the bushes until the new morning and promises to warm them. Meanwhile, Frost comes out of the forest and reminds Spring that they have a common child. Each of the parents takes care of the Snow Maiden in their own way. Frost wants to hide her in the forest so that she lives among obedient animals in a forest tower. Spring wants a different future for her daughter: for her to live among people, among cheerful friends and children who play and dance until midnight. The peace meeting turns into a spor. Frost knows that the god of the Sun of the Berendeys, hot Yarilo, vowed to destroy the Snow Maiden. As soon as the fire of love ignites in her heart, it will melt her. Spring does not believe. After a quarrel, Frost offers to give their daughter to be raised by a childless Bobyl in the suburb, where the guys are unlikely to pay attention to their Snow Maiden. Spring agrees.

Frost calls the Snow Maiden out of the forest and asks if she wants to live with people. The Snow Maiden admits that she has long yearned for girlish songs and a round dance ....

Title of the work: Snow Maiden
ON THE. Ostrovsky
Year of writing: 1873
Genre: play
Main characters: Snow Maiden- daughter of Frost and Spring, Lel- shepherd, Kupava- country girl Mizgir- merchant, groom Kupava, Tsar Berendey.


The Snow Maiden is bored in the deep forest, she wants to go to people in their world. Therefore, her parents send her to the settlement. The beauty of the girl drives all the local guys crazy, and they quarreled with their girlfriends. Mizgir, who came to the wedding, leaves his bride and also takes care of the Snow Maiden. Kupava rushes into the river, but Lel saves her. Then the offended girl goes with a complaint to the king. The tsar is concerned about the state of affairs in the state and demands that one of the young men win the love of the Snow Maiden and call her his wife at a holiday dedicated to Yarila - the Sun. The Snow Maiden has a cold heart, but now she wants love and therefore turns to her mother for help. Spring gives her a wreath that allows her to feel like people. And, having met Mizgir, the Snow Maiden falls in love with him. At dawn, Mizgir announces to the king about his marriage to a girl. But at that moment the sun rises and under its hot rays the Snow Maiden melts. Mizgir, unable to withstand such a blow, rushes down from the cliff. All villagers celebrate Yarilin Day and weddings with their loved ones.

Conclusion (my opinion)

The author, with his transcription of the Russian folk tale about the girl Snegurochka, I wanted to show that only living real people can achieve happiness in this life, fictions adorn our lives, but the basis of human existence is work, as well as loyalty to the traditions and customs of ancestors.

The whole spring fairy tale by A. N. Ostrovsky “The Snow Maiden” is covered with good romance. This play is the embodiment of the playwright's dream of a social future, of the peaceful life of the people, free from the power of arbitrariness and violence, that good must be done with my own hands. It depicts the kingdom of happy Berendeys, who do not know destructive strife and bloody wars:

Merry are the cities in the country of the Berendeys, Joyful are the songs in the groves and valleys. The world is red Berendey power.

In this country, the tsar, the wise Berendey, an artist and poet, “the father of his land”, a servant of the people, accessible to everyone and everyone, passing between the walking Berendeys and proud of their virtues, says:

The magnanimous people are great in everything, - they will not interfere with idleness; work, work like that, Dance and sing - so much - until you drop. Looking at you with a reasonable eye, you will say that you are an honest and kind people; For only the good and honest are able to sing so loudly and dance so bravely.

The Berendeys are not indifferent to the beauty of the nature around them, and the king says with admiration: Mighty nature is full of wonders! Sprinkling their gifts plentifully... Berendey sacredly honor and keep love. For them, it is “a blessing, a feeling, a great gift of nature, the happiness of life, its spring blossom!”.

Marriage among the Berendeys is free and "does not tolerate coercion." But it is associated with them with unbreakable loyalty and duty, with truth and conscience.

It was love that became the plot center of a wonderful fairy tale woven from folk poetic motifs. The Snow Maiden personifies the cold of the heart, the child of Frost and Spring. Protecting his daughter, Frost brought cooling to the relations of the Berendeys. And for the “coolness of the heart” Berendea Yarilo-Sun, angry, “takes revenge on the cold”. Yearning for loneliness, wanting to be happy, like all Berendeys, the Snow Maiden begs her mother for girlish love. - Having caught fire with the delight of seething passions, the Snow Maiden, as her father predicted, dies “from the sweet feelings of love”

With the death of the Snow Maiden, Frost's interference in the life of the Berendeys ceased. AND

Let us banish the last trace of cold From our souls and turn to the Sun. The tale ends with glory to the god Yarila: The Red Sun is ours! There is no more beautiful you in the world.

Describing the goals of literary and artistic creativity, A. N. Ostrovsky said: “The poet leads the audience to an unfamiliar country of grace, to some kind of paradise, in the subtle and fragrant atmosphere of which the soul rises, thoughts improve, feelings are refined.” This is “doing good” for its realization not only by the author, but also by numerous readers.

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