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Written communication of the psychologist with the client. Letters in psychotherapy of traumatic events

Written communication psychologist from client

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Written communication psychologist from client

Bulkina E.S.

Hearing the word "psychologist", many represent a person speaking or listening, but not writing. Traditionally, we consider oral, "spoken" communication psychologist from client The most productive: it is possible to quickly evaluate the response of the interlocutor, change the tactics, dispening information, etc. - These advantages are obvious. But since written speech There is, and it can be an excellent tool for working practical psychologist.

Written communication psychologist from client It has a number of advantages:

1. The written information is almost always "filtered" much more than oral - a person writes what it seems to be needed to write. This is a very significant information for him, or vice versa, insignificant (wants to "hide"). The psychologist, analyzing the text of the client, has the opportunity to pay attention to the style, the handwriting, think about the explicit and hidden meaning of the written, and, in turn, addressing the client the text can "close" such a letter that corresponds to the personal features of the addressee and the purpose of writing.

Psychologist using written communication from client, I must freely own the speech and "feel" it, because it is not easy to empathize to a person without being direct contact with him. In addition, written can be perceived client As a document, diagnosis or something like this, therefore, a psychologist is highly responsible for every word written to them. Customer should be warned that this information is not a certificate, not a document, but rather a letter.

2. Written text is perceived often clienthow more intimate than oral. Especially the game in the correspondence captures adolescents, whom all the new, unusual, shrouded secret.

It happens that they (adolescents) are much easier to come to a consultation to a psychologist with a girlfriend or friend than alone. In such cases, the conversation is often not turned out to be frank, even if the girlfriend is behind the door - confuses its invisible presence. Seeing similar difficulties, you can offer the client to use the paper to transfer your thoughts.

3. Written text can be stored and dispose of them at wishes. There are cases when the client stores the text written by him by a psychologist if this information is significant for him, similar to how the letters of expensive people are stored.

It happens, the client takes a piece of leave - did not see him anyone else except psychologist? As a rule, this does not mean that the text will be hidden forever. After reading the meaningful information, a person seeks to show it to someone, discuss. Of course, most often show friends, relatives and familiar letter psychologist Teens, less often - junior schoolchildrenAdults are more willing to tell "about it" than the leaf itself show.

The psychologist on the nature of the information of handling of information can judge its significance - whether its client keeps, loses, tear, throws, if it shows, then to whom, etc.

A psychologist can also keep samples of written creativity of customers, compare and analyze them.

4. For a person, the text written exactly for him is significant. Therefore, people are so rejoicing with letters, so congratulations write on postcards, so the doctor in the clinic writing the name for us the name of the medicine on a piece of paper seems to us very attentive.

A person who voluntarily applied for help to a psychologist often has an understated self-esteem, and real confirmation. In fact, it is his problem that is interesting for psychologist, very important.

The written form of communication is to be applied in cases where personal contact is impossible (for example, due to distance range). It is inconvenient, but sometimes necessary.

We recently asked to write a letter to one of the proposed people who have certain difficulties. I wrote a letter of a boy of 15 years, who hates people. And now, I would like to ask those who will read this post, leave their opinion about this letter in the comments.

Sergey, I understand your condition like no other. Previously, I myself suffered from insomnitz, because the idea that I needed to get up and go to school in the morning, tormented me. Please do not consider that I'm just trying to calm you, no, of course, too, but I know how badly you. I know that it is not controversial, your problem is torturing you, as tormented by me.

15 years. Everyone says "difficult age". And at least someone wondered what his difficulty was. In the body there are complex restructuring, as in 15 you are already far from a child, but also not an adult: endocrine changes, leap in growth, restructuring of the engine device, imbalance in the growth of the heart and blood vessels (the heart grows faster than the blood system as a whole And it brings sometimes to failures in the cardiovascular system). And as a result: sharp changes of states, reactions, moods (impassableness, irritability, excitation, periodic lethargy, apathy, asthenicity - weakness), awkwardness, angularity, insufficient coordination of movements, fussiness, violent and direct expression of emotions. And the surrounding sees only "an uncompatible ugly adolescent, whom little stroke in childhood".

But he himself does not want to be angry, annoyance, this does not give pleasure, but it is impossible to do anything with you. How not to restrain, and often the emotions take the top. It would seem like a teacher, a good person and the subject knows well, the first day in the classroom, so that the reasons to allocate someone or dislike, he does not have, but some of his intonation, looks annoying, make them feel lower. And it is wrong! Perhaps he did not mean anything like that, but the feeling of this will not change, and the feeling of injustice is not duck.

Adults do not want to recognize equal, and on any attempts to prove the opposite react to aggressively or condescendingly, which is not better at all, as it is annoying incredibly and causes a desire to only attack so to erase this expression with their faces.

And how infuriates, when mom goes to school and flashes a harmful teacher, if only her Krovochka did not spoil the certificate. And the fact that it is a Merzko, but a teacher and himself should put those assessments that you deserve, does not care anyone. And it is wrong! Not fair! Not fair! Yes, and a lot of things. Adults often lie and hypocrite. You look around and understand - around one lies and injustice, so I don't want to grow already, you will also have to participate in this farce. Fu, even watch disgusting, what respect can we talk about? They did not deserve it, no one deserved. Take part in family affairs? Better immediately help! There, too. Which of them listens to your opinion? After all, no one perceives seriously. Well, let, better talk to friends, they will understand, they have the same in the family, well, or almost the same.

I understand you very well, Seryozha. Sometimes I want to be alone and not to see anyone. It happens, you can not even move your hand, you can't have enough strength. It would seem where did you leave them? After all, nothing hard did anything. You are asked about something, and you are not able to answer. Think that you just ignore them, trying to withdraw them. Well, let them think. And you are tired. From all tired. From adults, from friends, from small (brothers, sisters; relatives, cousins). Friends? Friends are also annoying. Only the word friends, but in practice? We will come to school with a rude iPhone and brag. Asks, and why do you brag so? Is it really earned? Dad after all bought. But it is necessary to show them that they are better, richer, and in general everyone must admire them. For what? What did they do? Nothing. Someone brags, someone tries to humiliate, someone calmly looks at mockery. What! After all, if the word will say across, it can switch to it, and so ... it's not humiliated and okay. Merzko. Gadko. Disgusting. Not a family, not a school, not a class, and some kind of jungle! Not. Worse. Animals do not know how to lie and hypocrite, do not humiliate each other just like that only people are capable of such adhesion. Therefore hate them. So?

If so, then you are right. This point of view has the right to exist. But I want to please you: the world will not always be so. It will take place a little time, you will meet interesting people, you will find a lesson in the shower, and the world will play with paints. Yes, people are influxed, evil, false, but there is good. The world consists not only from black, there is still white and gray in it. Gray, by the way, more. After all, there are no absolutely good or bad people and actions. Everything is worn in every thing. The man is a cocktail and most importantly find a cherry in it, and whatever he left a pleasant aftertaste. Each of us has its drawbacks and will definitely have people who can terms with them or not to notice them at all. And you will meet them. Just do not destroy faith in a good future and real friends now. Not hot. Look. After all, probably there are people in your environment, which have a certain dignity: honest, smart, kind, fun. And if not, do not worry. You will definitely find such, because the main thing is to look for.

Try to change your attitude to the world. Who knows, perhaps and the world will change.

With sincere sympathy.


When you do not have the opportunity to use full-time psychological advice or telephone conversation and ask a question to a psychologist, it is possible to write a letter to a psychologist on email Or send a message to a psychologist directly from the site by filling out the form presented at the end of the page.

Of course, the answer to the email will not replace live communications with a psychologist or psychological consultation. However, there is an opportunity to get enough full and open response to your question to a psychologist.

** Check the correctness of the filing email address.

About personality, personality development, personality

In this section, we publish some letters, the main theme which are personal problems, the problems of personality development and everything connected with the inner, spiritual world. Problems of development, individuality often worry us, causing thinking about who we are and what happens to us. Here you can write a psychologist by filling out the form at the bottom of the page.

About love, relationships, thoughts

In this section, we publish some letters with answers to them, the main topic in which love is, relationships. As the classics said: "Love all ages are submissive" and were right! But the relationship is also not smooth and smooth. But how to get out of negative situations - can be found in this section. Here you can write a psychologist by filling out the form at the bottom of the page.

About family, family relationships, children

In this section, we publish some letters with answers to them, the main topic in which are family, family relationships. At the initial stage family life Spouses form the concept of "we". Family is "we". At the same time, it is important not to forget that we are two different individuals, individuality, two creative people. Here you can write a psychologist by filling out the form at the bottom of the page.

About the beginning of a career, work, relationship at work

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Write a letter to psychologist

You can write a letter to a psychologist by filling out this form.

** Check the correctness of the filing email address to respond

Now I will talk about psychological technique, which is so safe and universal, that psychologists recommend it as " homework"To its customers. She will help you let go of some feelings and emotions that give you discomfort, respond to them and realize. This technique is effective in losses, partings, offense, guilt, and other" social "feelings.

It can always be used when you think that you need it.

Technique writing letters

You need a minimum - 15 minutes of free time. At this time, no one should pull and disturb you. Dedicate this time exclusively and this exercise.

Prepare a few empty sheets of paper and handle. It is best to write with your hand, and not print on a computer. So the effect is better.

Focus on your feelings and on who is "wine". On that man with whom they are connected. Stay a little in it.

Now start writing. Contact this person and write everything you want to say right now. the main task - Express your feelings. The less censorship and control will be in your letter - the better. Suppose and encourages mat, ultimatum, accusations, angry guards, calls. All you want to say right now, even if you usually do not say anything like that in life. Remember that this is not just a letter, but a psychological technique. The better you will reveal, the better it will work.

The phrases in the spirit are welcome "You had to" or "I demand," "You owe me," "I hate you" and so on.

Compliment on hand to handle. Do not go to extensive reflections "On how" or "that". For example, if the appearance of writing a letter - treason - should not argue that "treason undermines confidence in pairs and, according to the research of blah blah blah." Write "You're a goat, I believed you, and you are a dog!"

It is important to add a letter to a person. Address your statements to man. Tell him what you feel. What he had to do what he should do now. Check it with all words what will want. It is important to "exhale" a letter. And a good exhalation of the one that is completely.

When you feel that there is nothing more to say - put the handle. Now re-read letter. Re-read as many times as you consider it necessary. Reside emotions that splashed until they lose force. And then destroy the letter. Two ways of destruction are recommended:

  • Burn. (Remember the fire safety);
  • break into small pieces and flush to the toilet (remember the anger of plumbing).

Methods are equivalent - choose any. The main thing is never under any circumstances, do not let this letter addressee! It is very fraught. If you already need it, then it is better to learn the content then to him. The letter itself is solely splashing your emotions, and not a personal message to communicate. You need to understand this.

Versions of writing techniques

The various techniques for writing such letters are usually based on the narrowing of the field of opportunity and emphasis on some aspect.

For example, you can write a letter out of 40 proposals, each of which begins with the phrase "I am grateful to you ...".

Phrases can be different. For example, "You must ...", "I miss ..." or the like.

An important condition in this case is limited to quantity. It is important to type the desired number of proposals, but also not to write more of the laid (it is better to repeat the technique a little later). Focus on the number 40. I do not know why, you can - on.

Of course, after writing the letter, it should also be destroyed. Even if it is thankful. Believe it is better.

You can write such letters ever. Then when you have something to say. I know that in the sharp moments, some people are able to write several such letters per day. What proves that it gives them relief.

Option of use of technology

Some people "do not trust paper." That is, they still try to arrange in a beautiful, despite the fact that no one will see and not recognize. Someone is just hard to entrust the paper flow of emotions.

For such people you can make the same technique, but in the version of pronouncing.

  1. Provide yourself calm. Without posting interventions, without distracting factors. It is important that no one has seen and heard you.
  2. Place the chair in front of yourself any toy, photo or subject.
  3. Imagine that this toy is the person with whom you want to complete the situation.
  4. Speak by voice, then as you want.

For some people, this option is suitable better.