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Konstantin Stasyuk: Cerebral palsy is curable! Healer Konstantin Stasyuk - really helps with complex diseases, including cerebral palsy. Considers himself a Cossack characterist

The example of Konstantin Stasyuk, who is the author of the biogravitational concept of human transformation, shows the incompleteness and flawedness of official data on physiology using a particular example.

Fragment of an interview with Konstantin Stasyuk:

- Konstantin Vasilievich! What do you remember in 2012?

It so happened that I had to travel a lot. Spain, Israel, Egypt, Bulgaria, many regions of Ukraine and Russia. Meetings were held with famous and outstanding people of our era. I understood a lot, learned a lot. This year was the beginning of the development of new directions in the field of knowledge of the ability of the human body to stop the processes of biological aging.

There are real technologies that allow the body to enter a state of physiological rejuvenation. An evidentiary base of fixed positive facts is being formed, allowing to affirmatively state the achieved transformations!

Namely: a global improvement in blood circulation throughout the body, an increase in mobility and range of motion of all joints.

- You are the President of the Human Renewal Charitable Foundation. What are the plans?

The main and the most important thing is to say in the affirmative: PEOPLE - THERE ARE NO INCURABLE DISEASES! Because there are real opportunities to get rid of almost all existing diseases! Based on the change in the physiology of the state of the body tissue and the transformation of the biodynamics of human movement. The Foundation will present the “Healthy People Club of Konstantin Stasyuk”. Applications are accepted from people over 60 who do not agree with the irreversible aging process!

After all, our ancestors calmly lived up to 900 years, dying on the battlefield with weapons! 2012 - the era of Aquarius - the era of Man - new opportunities! Time to think, analyze, believe - the road has been found! The path must be passed!

year 2001. K. Stasyuk ran 43 km. with a load of 46 kg with a dead weight of 60 kg

2002 year. Transcarpathian 240 km winter race

2003 - on the "Inter" TV channel in the "Guinness Shock" program, he set a Guinness record by lifting a 24 kg weight (46% of his own body weight) with one finger, bottom up.

2004 - K. Stasyuk boxed for an hour with a load of 10 kg on each arm. At the end of the one-hour marathon, the cardiologist attested the blood pressure and heart rate as in a person at rest.

2005 year. In the program "Eccentrics" (TRK "Tonis") K. Stasyuk ran in the "eight" with a load that exceeded his own weight, while he had 10 kg of load on each leg.

2007 - in Konotop, Konstantin carried out a race at a distance of 300 m in a closed circle, having a load of 5 kg on each leg, 12 kg on the body and holding 40 kg in his hands. At the end of the race, the cardiologist testified to absolutely calm breathing, and blood pressure was normal.

year 2009. Endurance competition with the European champion in athletics S. Lobanov for the most popular program "Parallel World" STB. K. Stasyuk ran 250 laps along a complex trajectory at the finish line, blood pressure and heart rate indicators decreased relative to the start of the race, which was officially recorded by a professional doctor. The medical performance of a professional athlete, 15 laps, has improved significantly.

2010 year. As part of the program, the embodiment of the latest running technologies in modern football, K.V. Stasyuk, competing with the 20-year-old forward of the major league in mini-football in dynamics of movement and endurance, won with extraordinary indicators. The young athlete, having run 15 distances, got off her, cardiac indicators before the race were 120-80, after a forced stop - 200-100. 55-year-old Stasyuk easily walked the entire distance! Indicators for the race 130-80. After - 140-90. There is no shortness of breath.

2010 year. K1 TV channel in the program "Brahma Vremya" recorded K. Stasyuk's race with a load of 16 kg on only one leg at a distance of 500 meters. The dynamics of movement during the run were perfectly coordinated. At the finish, shortness of breath was completely absent. The master of sports in alpine skiing, who opposed Stasyuk (25 years old, weight 95 kg) could not move at all with such a load.

- You have passed a difficult life path. We were very sick. Have experienced clinical death. Lost a wife, left with two children. Got a disability. Left without means of subsistence. How did you manage to overcome all those hardships, restore your own health, and even learn how to help people, healing them in almost zero-point situations?

Vera!!! Into the Higher powers, into ourselves, into our own capabilities, kindness, future, knowledge, truth ...

The revived run of the Cossacks-characterists (record record)

Famous Ukrainian healer, record holder, unique Konstantin Stasyuk met with journalists in Kiev. Konstantin Vasilievich is reputed to be the author and implementer of the biogravitational concept of human transformation.

On his account there are thousands of unprecedented healings, records, achievements in the field of physics of movements related to the indicators of heart function.

The press wrote a lot about the miraculous healings of those affected with ankylosing spondylitis, Parkinson's (for the first time in the world, positive public results were obtained), cerebral palsy, scoliosis (up to the third degree), Wilson's disease, post-stroke rehabilitation and other terrible and officially incurable ailments.

-Konstantin Vasilievich! What do you remember in 2012?

It so happened that I had to travel a lot. Spain, Israel, Egypt, Bulgaria, many regions of Ukraine and Russia. Meetings were held with famous and outstanding people of our era. I understood a lot, learned a lot. This year was the beginning of the development of new directions in the field of knowledge of the ability of the human body to stop the processes of biological aging.

There are real technologies that allow the body to enter a state of physiological rejuvenation. An evidentiary base of fixed positive facts is being formed, allowing to affirmatively state the achieved transformations! Namely: a global improvement in blood circulation throughout the body, an increase in mobility and range of motion of all joints.

-You are the President of the Human Renewal Charitable Foundation. What are the plans?

The main and the most important thing is to say in the affirmative: PEOPLE - THERE ARE NO INCURABLE DISEASES! Because there are real opportunities to get rid of almost all existing diseases! Based on the change in the physiology of the state of the body tissue and the transformation of the biodynamics of human movement. The Foundation will present "Healthy people club of Konstantin Stasyuk"... Applications are accepted from people over 60 who do not agree with the irreversible aging process! After all, our ancestors calmly lived up to 900 years, dying on the battlefield with weapons!

2012 - the era of Aquarius - the era of Man - new opportunities! Time to think, analyze, believe - the road has been found! The path must be passed!


year 2001. K. Stasyuk ran 43 km. with a load of 46 kg with a dead weight of 60 kg

2002 year. Transcarpathian 240 km winter race

2003 - on the "Inter" TV channel in the "Guinness Shock" program, he set a Guinness record by lifting a 24 kg weight (46% of his own body weight) with one finger, bottom up.

2004 - K. Stasyuk boxed for an hour with a load of 10 kg on each arm. At the end of the one-hour marathon, the cardiologist attested the blood pressure and heart rate indicators, as in a person at rest.

2005 year. In the program "Eccentrics" (TRK "Tonis") K. Stasyuk ran in the "eight" with a load that exceeded his own weight, while he had 10 kg of load on each leg.

2007 - in Konotop, Konstantin carried out a race at a distance of 300 m in a closed circle, having a load of 5 kg on each leg, 12 kg on the body and 40 kg in his hands. At the end of the race, the cardiologist testified to absolutely calm breathing, and blood pressure was normal.

year 2009. Endurance competition with the European champion in athletics S. Lobanov for the most popular program "Parallel World" STB. K. Stasyuk ran 250 laps along a complex trajectory at the finish line, blood pressure and heart rate indicators decreased relative to the start of the race, which was officially recorded by a professional doctor. The medical performance of a professional athlete, 15 laps, has improved significantly.

2010 year. As part of the program, the embodiment of the latest running technologies in modern football, K.V. Stasyuk, competing with the 20-year-old forward of the major league in mini-football in dynamics of movement and endurance, won with extraordinary indicators. The young athlete, having run 15 distances, got off her, cardiac indicators before the race were 120-80, after a forced stop - 200-100. 55-year-old Stasyuk easily walked the entire distance! Indicators for the race 130-80. After - 140-90. There is no shortness of breath.

2010 year. K1 TV channel in the program "Brahma Vremya" recorded the race of K. Stasyuk with a load of 16 kg on only one leg at a distance of 500 meters. The dynamics of movement during the run were perfectly coordinated. At the finish, shortness of breath was completely absent. The master of sports in alpine skiing, who opposed Stasyuk (25 years old, weight 95 kg) could not move at all with such a load.

You have gone through a difficult life path. We were very sick. Have experienced clinical death. Lost a wife, left with two children. Got a disability. Left without means of subsistence. How did you manage to overcome all those hardships, restore your own health, and even learn how to help people, healing them in almost zero-point situations?

Vera!!! To the Higher powers, to yourself, to your own capabilities, kindness, future, knowledge, truth ...

The press wrote a lot about the numerous fantastic records of the levitator Konstantin Stasyuk. Neither journalists, nor doctors, nor experts could find a scientific explanation for the phenomenal abilities of his body.

A 40-kilometer cross with kettlebells, many hours of boxing with chains on his arms, a race with a 20-kilogram load on one leg ... And after these crazy loads, the cardiologists present recorded a slowdown in the pulse, calm breathing, no fatigue ... In fact, Kostya demonstrated something unusual for an earthly person body work.

Many perceive him as an unusual record holder. However, his main activity is somewhat far from sports. K.V. Stasyuk - Head of the Rehabilitation Center for the seriously ill and disabled. And the results of the work are amazing.

Crimea. Girl 9 years old. Cerebral paralysis. Did not go. I couldn't even sit. Inhibition of speech. After the first hour and a half session, for the first time in her life she sat down, got up and walked away.

Kiev. Mild stage of cerebral palsy for a 15-year-old child. After the session - restoration of all lost functions.

Sumy region. Healing a cancer patient after a session.

Lviv. The paralyzed guy learned to walk and even made a 16-kilometer race with a pound kettlebell, which, by the way, was reported in the Facts and Comments newspaper.

We have known Konstantin for many years. We remember his passion for martial arts, daring experiments on his own body. We have witnessed many records and amazing facts. Already accustomed to the skeptical smiles of doctors who perceive information about Kostya's capabilities as science fiction. And their shock after setting another record or healing. Modern science turned out to be not ready for the realization of new knowledge and adequate perception of people who demonstrate it.

What is the essence of Konstantin Stasyuk's method?

The main cause of many diseases is overdensified areas of body tissue, - says Konstantin Vasilyevich, - Increased muscle tone, spasms, hematomas, impaired blood flow - are the main causes of cerebral palsy, dystrophy, Parkinson's disease, nervous and oncological diseases ... The body of a modern person in the traditional form of work, subject to hyperpressure of the Earth's gravitational field, which provokes the formation of overconsolidated areas. It is possible to reduce the effect of gravity both physiologically and physically. The physiological transformation of a person is carried out in the form of an energy massage. Vibration changes occur at the cellular level - density decreases and tissue volume increases. The molecular structure of the entire body fluid changes. Banal rejuvenation of blood begins.

Physical transformation is based on the principle of correct functioning of the musculoskeletal system. A person is trained in correct biodynamics by an instructor.

Konstantin Vasilyevich wrote a lot about levitation, studying the processes of the influence of the Earth's gravity on the health and lifestyle of people. Modern medicine tries to fight diseases without considering the root causes of their occurrence.

Stasyuk's technique is a global cleaning of the body, training in ultra-light movements while walking and running. Recommendations for optimal nutrition.

We understand that these principles of healing cause aggressive rejection by doctors and some scientists. They cannot agree that an expensive operation with long-term rehabilitation, high risk and minimal therapeutic effect can be replaced with a half-hour massage. No pain, no special equipment ... A simple touch of human hands with a special energy impact.

In the 21st century, traditional businessmen from medicine will be replaced by new people who will be able to solve all health problems, due to the still poorly studied bioenergetic forces. Perhaps the hospitals will only provide first aid for injuries ...

Doctors-ascetics, possessing the superpower of their own body, must become a new medical elite.

Unfortunately, humanity has gone down the wrong path, led by transnational pharmaceutical corporations.

The author of these lines is periodically asked to confirm or deny numerous rumors about Stasyuk's rejuvenation technique. There are really many rumors. Even a joke was born - women get younger, men fall into childhood ... But seriously, there are results. And they are encouraging. Gray hair goes away. Hair revives. Sexual functions are restored in men. Women who have experienced menopause return to their monthly cycles. Not cosmetic, but physiological rejuvenation of the skin of the face and body is observed.

Now Konstantin Vasilyevich is constantly traveling Ukraine. Conducts seminars in Lviv. Consults athletes. I am always ready to help the “hopeless”, according to the official medicine, the sick. Especially for children.

Prepares students.

We live at the turning point of eras. The world is changing rapidly. And perhaps those new knowledge, unexplored human capabilities, which now sound like sensations, will become everyday reality in a few years ...

Victor Trigub, editor of the international Cossack magazine "Nova Sich", for the newspaper "SecondUSA"

Inevitability. Doom. Crippled destinies. Diagnosis: infantile cerebral palsy. It seems that this is the final verdict of official medicine. However, do not rush to give up! Introducing the unique technique of the famous record holder, rehabilitation therapist Konstantin Stasyuk.

Konstantin Vasilievich Stasyuk. Founder of a new biogravitational concept of human rehabilitation. Author of dozens of incredible records and demonstrations of the body's capabilities. Figurant of the Guinness Book of Records. Recently, publicly demonstrates the process of getting rid of patients with cerebral palsy from spasticity.

Konstantin Stasyuk emphasizes that there is nothing supernatural in his methodology, which was confirmed by the physicians, scientists, journalists present at the experiments, parents from Poland, Slovenia, Lebanon, Russia ...

The editors of several online publications that regularly cover the multifaceted activities of Konstantin Stasyuk receive many letters and appeals from desperate mothers, courageous researchers of alternative knowledge with a request to tell in more detail about the health-improving method of K.V. Stasyuk. Unfortunately, the number of sufferers who dream of a personal meeting with Constantine exceeds all reasonable limits. We could only meet on New Year's Eve ...

-Konstantin! Talking with mothers of cerebral palsy patients who attended your sessions, we came to an almost unanimous conclusion - procedures that are absolutely painless for a child remove muscle tone before our eyes! Children begin to control the seemingly atrophied organs! How do you do it?

The traditional method of dealing with spasticity is based on stretching the affected muscle fibers. At the same time, the structure, physiological state of the tissue does not change! Simple mechanical stretching takes place, the effectiveness of which is minimal! My method drastically changes the structure of the tissue by increasing the cellular vibration. In a split second, a hard, clamped muscle turns into elastic, tender, healthy tissue. Captured joints gain a degree of freedom. What is the basis for the restoration of all the lost functions of the musculoskeletal system.

-In addition to cerebral palsy, you managed to save a person from incurable rheumatoid arthritis in a few sessions. Are the principles the same?

In addition to restoring the function of the musculoskeletal system, with cerebral palsy, there is a psychological factor of disruption of the central nervous system. In cases with arthritis, arthrosis, scaliosis, treatment is much easier - slagged, compressed joints are easily curative. And amazing results are visible literally immediately.

-We understand that the treatment of arthritis is easier for you than the battle for the health of virtually hopeless children with mental disorders. Not everyone dares to throw such a daring challenge to cerebral palsy. What drives you?

When mothers who carry their hardest cross in life turn to me, it is impossible to refuse them help! I am grateful to those mothers, I cannot look at it without tears, when they believe when there is practically nothing to believe in! This is the highest degree of maternal divine love! And in spite of any degree of defeat, I am trying to help everyone! And fortunately, and Divine Providence, I succeed! Unfortunately, only in those cases when mothers are ready to go with me to the end ...

-Let's ask the "original" question - how are relations with official medicine developing?

From the administrative side - nothing. Some "big bosses" from doctors are called a charlatan, and practitioners who have seen results even recommend them to their patients. Some people quietly bring their sick children and grandchildren ... I remember the statement of one of the mothers: "Why, how can you like it?"

-You - took place. How many years did it cost you?

Held? It is loudly said! The knowledge of the truth is endless! And that level of current achievements is just the beginning. We open knowledge to people. Others will follow us ... And God forbid that this direction be developed, become the salvation of the suffering, including at the state level!

Konstantin Vasilievich Stasyuk is a researcher, rehabilitologist.He developed his own coordinated running system, which changes all ideas about a person's capabilities while running.He invented a system of biogravity massage, which really helps with complex diseases, including cerebral palsy.He considers himself a Cossack characterist.

Information sheet

year 2001. K. Stasyuk mileage 43 km.with a load of 46 kg with a dead weight of 60 kg
2002 Rick Transcarpathian 240 km Winter Race
2005 year. In the program “Eccentrics” (TRK “Tonis”) K. Stasyuk ran in the “eight” with a rope that exceeded its own weight, while having 10 kg of load in each leg.
year 2009. Endurance competition with the European champion in athletics S. Lobanov for the most popular program "Parallel World" STB.K. Stasyuk, 250 laps run along a complex trajectory at the finish line, blood pressure and heart rate indicators decreased relative to the start of the race, which was officially recorded by a professional physician.The medical performance of a professional athlete, 15 laps, has improved significantly.
2010 year. As part of the program, the embodiment of the latest running technologies in modern football, K.V. Stasyuk, competing with the 20-year-old forward of the major league in mini-football in dynamics of movement and endurance, won with extraordinary indicators.The young athlete, having run 15 distances, got off her, cardiac indicators before the race were 120-80, after a forced stop - 200-100.55-year-old Stasyuk easily walked the entire distance!Indicators for the race 130-80.After - 140-90. There is no shortness of breath.
2010 year. K1 TV channel in the program "Brahma Vremya" recorded K. Stasyuk's race with a load of 16 kg on only one leg at a distance of 500 meters.The dynamics of movement during the run were perfectly coordinated.At the finish, shortness of breath was completely absent.The master of sports in alpine skiing, who opposed Stasyuk (25 years old, weight 95 kg) could not move at all with such a load.

On February 17 this year, in the city of Vyshgorod, Kiev region, the first stage of the All-Ukrainian charitable program for the rehabilitation of children with cerebral palsy was completed.The sessions were conducted by the famous record holder, bio-gravitator doctor Konstantin Stasyuk.For four days, rehabilitation sessions were held for the children of the patients of the Vyshgorod regional special school "Nadezhda".
K. Stasyuk with doctors and teachersselected sick children, received permission from their parents.
Before the sessions, the children were examined by doctors.
For four days Konstantin did biogravity massages.
-Konstantin Stasyuk literally works wonders!- Says the Chairman of the Vyshgorod Regional State Administration Alexander Prikhodko - I know him for many years.Therefore, when such an opportunity presented itself, he did everything so that Konstantin could really help the kids.I hope the healer and record holder will be a frequent visitor to our area.Apparently this is, albeit small, but a real good deed!
Doctors talked to the journalists, who noted the improvement in the condition of children, teachers, parents.

The article is based on the materials of the journal "Nova Sich ",
(Victor Trigub, editor general of the Cossacks)

Inevitability. Doom. Crippled destinies. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy. It seems that this is the final verdict of official medicine. However, do not rush to give up! Introducing the unique technique of the famous record holder, rehabilitation therapist Konstantin Stasyuk.

Konstantin Stasyuk emphasizes that there is nothing supernatural in his methodology, which was confirmed by the doctors, scientists, journalists, parents from Poland, Slovenia, Lebanon, Russia present at the experiments ...

The editors of several online publications that regularly cover the multifaceted activities of Konstantin Stasyuk receive many letters and appeals from desperate mothers, brave researchers of alternative knowledge with a request to tell in more detail about the health-improving method of K.V. Stasyuk. Unfortunately, the number of sufferers who dream of a personal meeting with Constantine exceeds all reasonable limits. We could only meet on New Year's Eve ...

Konstantin! Talking with mothers of cerebral palsy patients who attended your sessions, we came to an almost unanimous conclusion - procedures that are absolutely painless for a child remove muscle tone before our eyes! Children begin to control the seemingly atrophied organs! How do you do it?

The traditional method of dealing with spasticity is based on stretching the affected muscle fibers. At the same time, the structure, physiological state of the tissue does not change! Simple mechanical stretching takes place, the effectiveness of which is minimal! My method drastically changes the structure of the tissue by increasing the cellular vibration. In a split second, a hard, clamped muscle turns into elastic, tender, healthy tissue. Captured joints gain a degree of freedom. What is the basis for the restoration of all the lost functions of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition to cerebral palsy, you managed, in a few sessions, to save a person from incurable rheumatoid arthritis. Are the principles the same?

In addition to restoring the function of the musculoskeletal system, with cerebral palsy, there is a psychological factor of disruption of the central nervous system. In cases with arthritis, arthrosis, scaliosis, treatment is much easier - slagged, compressed joints are easily curative. And amazing results are visible literally immediately.

We understand that treating arthritis is easier for you than fighting for the health of virtually hopeless children with mental disorders. Not everyone dares to throw such a daring challenge to cerebral palsy. What drives you?

When mothers who carry their hardest cross in life turn to me, it is impossible to refuse them help! I am grateful to those mothers, I cannot look at it without tears, when they believe when there is practically nothing to believe in! This is the highest degree of maternal divine love! And in spite of any degree of defeat, I am trying to help everyone! And fortunately, and Divine Providence, I succeed! Unfortunately, only in those cases when mothers are ready to go with me to the end ...

m: " H

I will ask an "original" question - how are relations with official medicine developing?

From the administrative side - nothing. Some "big bosses" from doctors are called a charlatan, and practitioners who have seen results even recommend them to their patients. Some people quietly bring their sick children and grandchildren ... I remember the statement of one of the

oh, how about like, do not like? "

You have succeeded. How many years did it cost you?

Held? It is loudly said! The knowledge of the truth is endless! And that level of current achievements is just the beginning. We open knowledge to people. Others will follow us ... And God forbid that this direction will be developed, become the salvation of the suffering, including at the state level!

V.Trigub, for the newspaper "Pravda CIS"