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Palmistry in the palm of your hand. How to independently predict the fate of the hand. Reading other important lines

The eyes are considered the mirror of the soul. Then we can confidently say that the palms reflect the fate of their owner, his life. If you don't have much confidence in the lines and points, then you should read this review. It will describe palmistry for beginners with explanations.

To understand not only the basics of this science, but also in your destiny, you will need to learn how to correctly interpret almost every line in the palm of your hand, to be able to explain even those signs that are very rare. This will be helped not only by explanations, but also by some pictures, which can be viewed as you read the article.

Help for beginners

What do you need to figure out for yourself first? You should not try to analyze your life, guided by individual signs. The full picture can only be seen if all lines, both major and minor, are taken into account. Palmistry for beginners with explanations is based on this rule.

In the event that a fatal line was found on the palm of your hand, you do not need to immediately predict death or getting into a serious, dangerous situation. After all, even the shortest line of life can grow over time. Such cases in this science, although rare, did occur. In addition, the fatal line can be combined with softening stripes, which will differ in a shorter length. But it is precisely this factor that is capable of changing the situation radically.

If you are interested in palmistry for beginners with explanations, then you should understand that at first it will be quite difficult to find such lines on the hand. But if you are sure that a person is capable of getting into a dangerous situation in the near future, you should talk about it tactfully, carefully.

Beginner's Guide

Not only explanations, but also pictures will help novice researchers to interpret the lines located on the hand. And if interest in this lesson does not disappear, then after a while it will be possible to predict subsequent events, both in one's own and someone else's life.

If you are interested in palmistry for beginners with explanations, then it should be understood that for a right-handed person, all the basic information will be located on the left hand. And on the right palm you can see exactly how a person realizes his capabilities and abilities. In other words, the left limb tells about the past, the right one - about the future and the present. For a left-hander, accordingly, the opposite is true.

The most important criteria in science are considered to be not only the length, but also the shape of the lines, their location and combinations with other stripes. In addition, as mentioned above, do not lose sight of the big picture.

Similarity with another sphere of life

A science such as palmistry has some common features with medicine. This is due to the fact that both spheres of human life are trying to study the visible symptoms in the smallest detail, subject them to analysis and find a logical explanation in order to make a diagnosis.

Interested in palmistry for beginners with explanations? Then it should be understood that lines in the palm of your hand can appear and disappear. In medicine, symptoms of diseases have a similar feature. At the same time, a palmist, like a doctor, tends to warn his client about possible problems and critical events, simultaneously offering ways of "treatment".

What else should you consider?

Special attention should be paid to the clarity of the stripes on the palm, and even their color. In the optimal situation, the lines should be well-defined and of medium thickness. At the same time, there should be no breaks and "islands" at all. If there are pale thin lines, then something threatens human health. Perhaps it lacks vital energy in sufficient volume.

Main lines

According to palmistry for beginners with explanations, almost any event can be predicted by the hand. And one of the main roles in the interpretation is played by lines. There are a lot of them, but it is worth highlighting a few main stripes.

  1. The head, which is also known as the mind line.
  2. Heart.
  3. Mars.
  4. Life line.
  5. Family belt and Venus.
  6. Fate.
  7. Ring of Saturn.
  8. Solomon's ring.
  9. Children.
  10. Marriage.
  11. The sun.
  12. Intuition.
  13. Liver.
  14. Travels.

Life talk

What can palmistry for beginners tell about the life line with explanations? The photo demonstrates that this feature originates directly under the tubercle of Jupiter. Then she goes around the thumb hill in an arc.

This trait helps to determine fate, to understand how many years of life are assigned to its owner. The strip is characterized by stable constancy. Some parts of the pattern may be missing from the palm of your hand, this is normal. But the line itself will not disappear, being present on the hand of any person, regardless of the circumstances.

A clear, thin, straight fold without extraneous symbols or crosses, stars, dots and breaks is considered ideal. If there is, although a beautiful, but thin and well-defined strip is available, we can say that its owner is experiencing health problems, is characterized by constant nervousness.

What else can palmistry with clarifications for beginners say? The life line can be wide. In such a situation, its owner's physical strength is much more developed than emotional. The reddish tint of the line indicates the presence of not entirely positive intentions. Perhaps the person is often angry, violent, and capable of committing a crime.

The bifurcation of the end of the strip indicates good health. But the breaks do not predict anything good. There is a chance that you can catch a serious illness in the future. A significant gap in the gap portends an encounter with a serious danger on the path of life.

What does double palmistry for beginners say with explanations (the photo shows how such a strip looks like)? If there is a similar trait, not only success awaits its owner, but also material well-being. In the case of women, the line also communicates high sensuality.

Branches directed upwards serve as a harbinger of achieving financial well-being, wealth, being, among other things, a sign. Small lines directed downward, in most cases, are a sign of poverty. Most likely, one can only dream of stability. But there will be a lot of failures.

Let's talk about relationships

So, what about the other beginner palmistry strips with clarification? A marriage line is a trait that communicates how strong an emotional relationship with a person can become. It is also called the line of marriage or love. The name speaks for itself. The strip is located under the finger of Mercury. Under it passes You can talk about the power of love by analyzing the appearance of the folds, clarity, gaps and other signs (if any).

This trait signals not only feelings. She is also able to report on the presence of sexual desire, on how high the concentration of such a desire will be throughout life. First of all, the line reports whether the probability of a marital union is high or not. However, one should not judge feelings by this line alone. This is due to the fact that it is independent, so it should be assessed only in conjunction with other signs.

As palmistry for beginners informs with explanations (the photo also demonstrates), the signs can be very different, but they all play an important role in the interpretation of fate. For example, the presence of an asterisk predicts the appearance of false feelings for a loved one. Perhaps one of the partners is hiding something, hiding behind his emotional attachment.

What else will palmistry tell for beginners with explanations? with a small island, reports on difficulties in relationships, in which problems, misunderstandings and quarrels will play the main role. If you want to save your marriage, you have to work hard. Specks predict widowhood. If there is a cross on the line, you can expect serious interference in the relationship.

Will there be children?

Palmistry for beginners with explanations, the photos claim that the line of children originates on the hill of Mercury, quite often crossing the line of attachment or moving up from it. This strip is able to report how many children are expected (if they, of course, will be). She can predict the sex of the baby and even the time when he will appear. If the line is clear, long, then it is worth waiting for the birth of a boy. A short stripe predicts the birth of a girl.

The line is not only pronounced, but also subtle. In such a situation, a magnifying glass is required to view and analyze it. The total number of such stripes predicts exactly how many children there will be.

What else can palmistry for beginners say about this line with explanations? Children will be born to a person or not, how many there will be, what gender, time of birth - all this can be found out by studying the active hand. In other words, the right-hander has the right, the left-hander has the left. It should also be said that there are cases when this feature can be found under the lunar hillock.

What about material well-being?

What can be said about for beginners with explanations (see photo example below)? Usually, two stripes contribute to its formation - Fate and Mind. It is a dash that forms a triangle when connected to the above lines. If the figure turns out to be closed, a person can hope for a constant and significant cash flow. No problems are expected with accumulations.

Gaps, incomplete connections, holes - all this indicates that there will be problems with money. Of course, they can be credited to the account constantly and in large quantities. But they will also leave quickly and easily. In other words, you can only dream of accumulation.

If the triangle is located on the hill of Apollo, a person is able to earn money using his own abilities and talents, and nothing else. All other sources of income are likely to be closed.

The streak that determines fate

Are you interested in palmistry for beginners with explanations? Studying the hand in detail, in addition to the above lines, you can also see rock. Basically, it ends near the hill of Saturn, almost in the center of the palm. If it is located next to the hill of Jupiter, then good luck will accompany the person. A good career, a happy marriage, luck in money matters - all this and much more portends a streak in this situation.

If, after a heart line, the fold changes its structure, it means that a person risks forgetting about his own goals and aspirations. A deep, clear trait communicates that the person prefers to “go with the flow” rather than trying to change their life on their own.

What the mind line will tell

If you are interested in palmistry for beginners with explanations, photos of various stripes and hills will help in studying this interesting discipline. The future palmist needs to carefully study what the head line is talking about. A long stroke indicates ambition. Korotkiy says that intuition with intellect will help to cope with problems and difficulties. A clear stripe hints at a wonderful memory, a blurry one indicates forgetfulness. The owner of a broken strip quite often changed his life position due to constant disappointments.

The absence of a head line emphasizes the presence of such traits as laziness, idleness. Perhaps the person is unable to find a psychological balance. The presence of islets hints that at one time a serious stress was experienced, which left a similar mark after itself. Breaks warn of dangers.

A lot of information can be found in a manual such as palmistry for beginners with explanations. A lot can be said about a person by the right hand or left. But for this it is necessary to seriously engage in such a science. Beginners need to understand that the quality of the analysis plays a significant role. And it is necessary to start making predictions by hand only if all the subtleties of the theory have been studied. And experience in this area of \u200b\u200blife is completely irreplaceable.

Are you interested in palmistry for beginners with explanations? A book, information on the Web, photographs, magazines - no matter what will serve as a source of knowledge for you. A much more significant role is played by the desire to study all the subtleties and nuances of the theory. You can master perfectly only what really interests you.

In addition, one should mentally prepare for the fact that the art of palmistry will take more than a dozen years to comprehend. Only practice will teach you how to notice invisible lines on the palm, interpret them correctly.


This article described what palmistry is - with explanations for beginners, with examples and photographs. We hope that the information provided will help you understand the basics of this rather complex science. Remember that fortune telling on the hand is based on deep analysis, a careful study of all lines, signs and dashes. It is better to refuse hasty interpretations.

You can learn about a person's attitude to love and his main life priorities through the line of the heart. It originates under the little finger and runs horizontally across the palm.

  • The line of the heart is deep and clear, bends smoothly and ends between the index and middle fingers. This suggests that intimate life means a lot to a person. It also testifies to being in love, early puberty, a desire to please the opposite sex. As a rule, people with such a heart line in the palm of their hand are happily married.
  • A straight heart line indicates an idealist. A person with such a line on his hand puts family, romance and mutual understanding first. Usually, when choosing a partner, they are guided by very high requirements. They are always looking for the ideal and suffer from it. Very often, such people become hostages of their unrequited love. Intimate life does not play a major role for them.
  • The line of the heart, ending with a fork (trident), speaks of an adequate and objective attitude towards oneself and the opposite sex. Holders of such a heart line in palmistry are described as self-sufficient people. However, family and relationships are not in the first place for them. They are in no hurry to get married and have children as soon as possible. Self-realization first, then everything else.

When is the wedding

About when a person marries, you can find out by the lines of marriage, in another way they are called the lines of relationships. They are located on the rib part of the palm at the base of the little finger. Their number speaks about the number of serious love relationships in a person's life.

By the location of the marriage lines relative to the heart line, one can judge that. At what age a person will get married or in a serious relationship.

  • If the marriage line is located very close to the heart line, then this indicates a strong love relationship that will occur before the age of 25.
  • If the line of marriage is in the middle between the base of the little finger and the line of the heart, then this indicates a love affair between the ages of 25 and 40.
  • The marriage line located at the base of the little finger indicates late love and marriage after 40 years.

Will there be happiness in marriage

You can find out how family life will develop or develop by the clarity and shape of the marriage lines.

  • A clear line of marriage speaks of the influence of a partner on a person.

Palmistry - fortune telling by hand - is one of the most ancient systems of fortune telling, with the goal of guessing the fate of a person by the formation of lines on the hand and the shape of the hand, with the help of palmistry, chirology and other sciences, they learn the human character and the desire of instincts, palmistry is an open book about the secrets of the human fate.

The art of divination originated in ancient times and was passed down from generation to generation.

We invite you to take a look at your hand and find out what awaits you. You may not believe it, but this knowledge has not prevented anyone yet.

To read this card, look at your hands. Both of them, left and right, are not a bit alike. The lines on each are unique and inimitable

Now look only at the hand that is dominant. For a right-hander, this is the right, for a left-hander, the left. Focus on her. You have to find 4 main lines on the palm of your left hand: the lines of the heart, mind, destiny and life.

Pay attention to the heart line first. It should be read from the outer edge of the palm (the beginning of the path and your life) to the inner:

  • If the heart line rises from the outer edge and ends under the index finger, you are happy with your personal life.
  • If this line ends under the middle finger, then in love you are an egoist, and in a relationship everything is done for you.
  • If the heart line ends even earlier, between the middle and ring fingers, you are in love.
  • If the line is straight and short - you are not a romantic, you do not need these paraphernalia in a relationship.
  • If the heart line is right under your fingers, you are jealous and a very passionate partner.
  • If the line is long, you tend to hide your true feelings.
  • If the heart line crosses the life line, it's easy for you to break your heart.
  • If the line of the heart is rounded (understood upward) to the index finger, you are an affectionate person for whom tactile contacts in personal relationships are important.
  • If the line of the heart is parallel to the line of the mind, you know how to keep the heart cold and control the feelings with the help of the mind.
  • If the heart line is wavy, you have had many relationships in your life, but none of them were serious.
  • If this line is broken, you have experienced severe heartache or grief related to personal relationships.
  • If there are many small strokes on the line of the heart that cross it, then you can hardly remain faithful to your constant partner, constantly looking around.

Now we look at the line of the mind, it is located directly under the line of the heart (it is read from the inside of the palm to the outside):

  • If the line of the mind is short, then you are focusing on physical labor and achievement, rather than mental work.
  • A long line across the entire palm - you rely on logic in everything, love to think over and analyze events.
  • If the line is wavy or zigzags, you easily lose concentration, being distracted by extraneous things and external stimuli.
  • If the line ends at the bottom, then you are gullible and creative.
  • If the line of the mind does not cross the line of life - you are looking for adventure and new experiences, never sit still.
  • If there are curls or breaks on the line of the mind, you have experienced or will experience an emotional crisis.
  • If there are obvious intersections on the line with small strokes and especially crosses, these are places of fateful decisions that will be on your life path.

Now we look at the life line. It is correct to read it from above, i.e. from the place between the thumb and forefinger, to the wrist.

  • If the life line is long and deep, i.e. clearly visible throughout, then you try to feel the taste for life, not missing any opportunities.
  • If the line is short and faintly visible, you are not at all an ambitious person.
  • If your lifeline has a nice curve, you are a strong person. You have a will that is difficult to break.
  • If the line is almost straight, you are careful when dealing with new people.
  • If the life line is interrupted, you have had sudden changes in your lifestyle. And if curls or circles are visible on the line, there were serious injuries, injuries, hospitalizations.
  • If you have more than one such line, or your life line is constantly bifurcating, you are a very lively person, full of energy and strength.

And finally, we look at the line of fate. It reads from the bottom (from the wrist) up

  • If the line of fate goes straight and straight up, you are a careerist and your work is the main thing for you. You will be most successful in your career.
  • If the line is faintly visible, you are not happy with your job and choice of profession.
  • If there are many ramifications and strokes from your line of fate, you often started new businesses, changed jobs.
  • If your fate line kind of branches off at the base from the life line, you are a person who raised yourself, who influences the minds and actions of others and is able to inspire.
  • If the line of life and destiny intersect somewhere in the middle, then you will be forced somewhere along the path of life to sacrifice your interests for the sake of others.
  • If the fate line starts at the base of the thumb and then crosses the life line, you have strong family support, most likely even a family business, a common cause.

Each person who comes into this world must fulfill his inherent program at the karmic level. Despite this, we must live in harmony with God, and most importantly with ourselves and adhere to all spiritual and universal values.

All negative life phenomena are the result of wrong actions that were done in this or a past life. All stages of life are very vividly reflected in the palms of each of us. But it should be remembered that this is just a vector for self-knowledge.

Palmistry - everything about everything!

If you need to find answers to exciting questions, then with the help of a handbook on palmistry, you can easily look behind the scenes of your own life. The best is the system that determines fate with fingerprints and fully characterizes a person's personality.

The vocation of each person is very clearly reflected in the imprints, and palmistry can only help a person find himself in this life and find ways of development in various directions. The hand of every person is a mirror of his actions, soul and life values.

Palmistry will help us find a way out of any situation and give the right advice as a warning.

Most people mistakenly believe that the line of love on the hand is a thin line that extends from under the little finger and goes towards the middle or index finger. However, this is a common mistake.

There is no person who does not know where the life line is. Someone is short, someone is long, there are palms with a dashed thread. But how is this interpreted and what is the meaning of the life line on the hand, let's analyze ...

Among the four elements: fire, water, air, earth, the line of fate in the palm of your hand displays the first element of fire. It is visually located under the middle finger and runs vertically through the middle of the hand. It is considered the most extraordinary and changeable thread if we consider the four main lines on the palm.

In the palm of each person there are main and secondary "roads". The heart line is one of the main positions that reflects the situation about heart matters. The location of the soul trait can tell about affection, nobility and strength of spirit of the individual.

Not in all cases, the line of the head is able to absolutely correctly show that the person to whom they are guessing is really smart. People acquire wisdom not from the moment of birth, but during their life. If the line of the mind in the palm of your hand differs in its length, then this only signals that its owner has been given good abilities for analysis and special attention to small details.

Having started to study all the "roads", everyone knows that our palms are a kind of map of life in our hands. Each stroke and branch means something and can tell a lot to the owner of the hand. It is especially difficult for beginners to deal with additional traits. What is palmistry, lines on the hand, deciphering each detail, we will try to disassemble in part and help a novice palmist to gain simple knowledge in this matter.

Describing the main lines in the palm of your hand is not very difficult for an experienced palmist, but at the same time, you need the necessary experience for a beginner. As a rule, the palmist faces the main problem when reading unusual, additional lines and various signs.

If you look at the palm, you will notice that there are different bumps under each finger. Each hill is named after a planet in the solar system. Such bumps differ in varying degrees of expressiveness. Let's take a closer look at what palmistry, hills and bumps on the hand are. By the name of these combinations, it can be noted that palmistry has a great connection with astrological data.

Having started to study all the "roads", everyone knows that our palms are a kind of map of life in our hands. Each stroke and branch means something and can tell a lot to the owner of the hand. It is especially difficult for beginners to deal with additional traits. What is palmistry, lines on the hand, deciphering each detail, we will try to disassemble in part and help a novice palmist to gain simple knowledge in this matter.

As a rule, fortune-telling takes place on the dominant palm: for a left-hander - left, for a right-hander, respectively, right. First you need to focus on the 4 main stripes:

  1. Love or heart.
  2. Mind or head.
  3. Destiny.
  4. Life's road.

The road of heart or love

What roads of the heart meet and how they characterize the personality, deciphering the lines in the palm of your hand:

Long Speaks of an idealistic personality.
Short It is characteristic of an egocentric person.
Pronounced Characterizes a person prone to stress.
Poorly expressed It can mean a weak heart or a very delicate fortuneteller.
Simple straight line Represents a person with a strong sensitive character.
He says that a fortuneteller often has difficult relationships with people in his life.
Dotted or ragged line In life, a fortuneteller will face an intertwining relationship.
Curved line Propensity for intellectual development.
Chain Divorces and disappointments in relationships.
No heart streak at all Before you is a cruel, judicious person. He is guided by strictly logical thinking.
The line goes to the index finger Personal life is going well, the fortuneteller is happy with everything. Before you is an affectionate and tactful person.
The heart road goes to the middle finger A selfish person, in family life everything is for him.
End of line between middle and ring fingers Characterizes an amorous person.
Straight and short He talks about a non-romantic person, everything is simple in a relationship.
Heart road close to fingers A very passionate and jealous person.
Heart and life stripes intersect Warning signal, heart breaks easily.
Head and heart line parallel A person knows how to control his emotions.
Wavy road Talking about a lot of contacts.

You can learn more and clearly about combinations with a strip by watching the video in the article and get acquainted in detail with all the nuances.

Mental road

The mental strip is one of the main positions in the palm of your hand. You can learn a lot about a person from it. Roads meet different on them you can say a lot about the intellectual level and character of the fortuneteller.

How to decipher the lines on the hand and what they mean, let's take a closer look:

The line is clear and pronounced The fortuneteller has an excellent memory, the fortuneteller is guided by reason.
Weak trait speaks of poor memory. A person lives in some kind of illusion.
Straight, clear line Characterizes a person who pursues material wealth. Realistic outlook on life.
The mind road has a broken structure Before you sits a person who often has disappointments in his life.
The fortuneteller will have a career change.
Double dash A talented person.
Chain Muddy, confused mind.
Hands where there is no mental road Characterizes a lazy, sluggish personality. Laziness and complete imbalance in the psychological aspect.
The mental streak is short The person is practical, does not like preludes and goes straight to the point. The intellectual level is at a height and intuition is well developed.
Long road Here we will talk about a successful and concentrated person, but selfishness and ambition are not alien to him.
In the form of a wave There is anxiety, there is no concentration on what was conceived.
The line goes down Before you is a creative person.
The mind road starts from the life line Strong-willed personality.
Mind and life trait are separate from each other An adventurous character, a fortuneteller loves adventure.
Broken line There is no consistency in thoughts.
Road with intersections Depending on the additional bands, it means important decisions that will influence fate.
Islands and chains They characterize emotional conflicts within the personality itself.

What the mental road will tell us, you can find out in more detail by watching the video:

Examining the road of life

This trait determines the general physical condition, including the state of health, as well as various vital decisions of the client:

  1. Change of residence.
  2. Physical injury.
  3. Various cataclysms.

What is the road of life, palmistry, deciphering the line on the hand and which palms are found, let us consider in more detail:

Long Predicts excellent vitality and excellent health.
Short Vulnerable health and vitality.
Clear, well defined Characterizes a person who has a calm measured life.
Fuzzy line The person is not energetic enough.
Broken line This suggests that the fortuneteller will have a struggle and tangible losses all his life.
Forks The personality is very scattered and energy sharing is envisaged.
Two lines Next to the man is his Guardian Angel.
Complete absence of a life road A very disturbing life with experiences, guessing all the time on the nerves.

Palmistry of the line on the hand, transcript and additional information:

Long and deep Everything in life is great, including energy and health.
Deep and short Such a person will easily overcome physical ailment in life.
A very energetic person is sitting in front of you.
Straight and close to the edge of the palm Such a palm predicts caution. The personality carefully thinks through all life plans.
Life trait near the thumb This combination indicates rapid fatigue.
Semicircle around the thumb Strength, enthusiasm, energy.
Two or more roads of life A person has patrons nearby, which has a great effect on vitality and energy.
The gap in the life line At some point in life, serious changes will occur. If a tear occurs in both palms, it predicts injury or illness.

The life line reflects the most significant moments, which the video in this article will tell you about in detail:

What will the fate strip tell us, how to decipher the lines in the palm of your hand?

Excellent pronounced road Sustainable life rules and path. Such a person has no chance to change anything in his life, his fate is predetermined. This line begins at the very base of the palm and reaches the middle of the middle finger.
Weak, not clear In life, a person will face disappointments and setbacks.
Forked fate line A person has several destinies. Depending on the auxiliary signs, it can predict frequent conflict situations.
Torn line Characterizes not decisive, all the time warlike nature.
On the path of life, injuries and serious difficulties are possible.
The line of fate ends with a fork In life, there are frequent partings that arise for an unknown reason.

Detailed deciphering of the lines on the hand, palmistry of a fateful line

  1. What does the absence of a combination mean in palmistry... There is no unique personal path, goal. This situation occurs in people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol.
  2. A common trait, neither fragmentary nor long... It is present on the hand, but does not extend across the entire palm. This speaks of a person who has their own life path. And character is determined by the clarity of the road.
  3. The fateful road is assembled from various fragmentary lines... Predicts the distortion of fate due to the influence of some external factors on it: family, love, work, career growth. A person is subject to systematic stress, change of place of residence or work, and under the influence of informational influence.
  4. A clear and deep line... Symbolizes a strong self-confident person who is able to resist anyone who disagrees with him.

What is destiny?

Additional roads, without which reading by hand is indispensable

In addition to the main stripes on the palm, there are auxiliary, but no less important ones, which cannot be ignored when reading the palm. Let's take a closer look at what palmistry is, deciphering the lines on the hand: fame, road, marriage, money and travel.

Where are the auxiliary roads located?

  1. Health starts from the little finger and runs all the way down to the base of the thumb.
  2. The Streak of Glory runs from the base of the palm and goes up straight to the index finger, parallel to the fateful road.
  3. Marriage is characterized by small lines under the little finger.
  4. The money line can differ in the palm of your hand in different ways. Thus, the value can be defined in different ways.
  5. The journey goes from the edge of the palm to the hill of the thumb and runs horizontally.

All about family and marriage

Pronounced roads. The number of such dashes indicates a marriage or close relationship.
If the streaks are blurry and not clear. This characterizes common romantic attachments in relationships that do not really matter.
One line, crisp and straight. Talking about one long-term relationship.
Broken combination. Divorce or separation.
Double line. Says that a person will have a connection with two partners at the same time.
Fork at the very beginning. Initially, the relationship is extremely difficult.
Fork at the end of the road. Parting.
Lack of a marriage streak. Characterizes a person who does not show interest in family life.

Note. If at the end of the marriage "path", there are additional signs that cut off the main one, this confirms the break with the partner. But if, after the break, they lay on top of each other, then the partners will restore their relationship.

Video, what does the line of marriage and family talk about?

Health line: decoding the hand line

Clear pronounced trait It characterizes rapid body fatigue and poor physical health and resistance.
There is a line, but it is barely visible Characterizes the complete absence of vital energy.
Twisty Health Bar Talking about digestive problems.
Very deep and merges with the heart and the mind Will talk about inflammatory brain processes.
The health bar has divisions at the end He will tell about the achievements in science in medicine.
Warts found on the line Various internal diseases.
The health line touches the path of life He talks about a disease that will become a threat to human life.
Lack of stripes Good health and excellent physique.

Palmistry, lines on the hand, additional decoding of the health bar:

  1. A combination of layering of some fragments. This "scheme" means a serious fight against the attacks of the disease. But at the same time we can say that the struggle will be successful and the fortuneteller will cope with the illness.
  2. If the line is present in the palm of the hand, but disappears between the lines of the heart and head, then this sign speaks of liberation from the disease in a certain period of life. Then it should clearly go under the little finger.
  3. The road to health does not touch the life line, but runs separately. This indicates the high resistance of the body against various diseases.

Council. The health line should be interpreted along with the life line, this is the only way to correct all the signs and real details about health.

When studying a health trait, you need to pay attention to its pattern and color. For example, a road with a red chain characterizes a nervous, easily excitable person. You can learn more about the health line by watching the video:

What does the road of Glory or Success mean?

This trait determines for the most part success and life achievements. If we talk about the correct line, then it starts from the wrist and goes across the palm to the ring finger.

Details a beginner palmist should know about:

  1. The absence of a strip does not mean something terrible. Either it should be looked for in other traits, or a person can be successful, simply without attracting wide public attention.
  2. If the line has taken its correct position, but at the same time is interrupted in several places, then this indicates some falls and ups.
  3. There are hands where the line of Glory departs from the index finger, which indicates that a person can become famous in the field of art.
  4. The hand where the road departs from the mind and passes through the line of the heart speaks of great work that will bear fruit only in adulthood.

Videos about the signs of success:

Money line

The welfare streak does not indicate financial status, it only directs a person's ability to make a fortune or tells how it can be done.

Banknotes are identified by the palm card