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Powerful and strongest world armies. Rating of the most powerful armies of the world 10 strong countries in the world

The army is an essential attribute of any state. Sooner or later, there is a conflict between neighboring countries or regions within the country, which often ends with armed clashes, carrying out the lives of thousands of people and destroying cities to the ground. Soldiers are designed to protect the interests of their country, beating the attacks of the aggressor or vice versa, to be an aggressor in relation to another country. Before you the strongest armies in the worldwhich no other know what real war is!

  • Active live strength: 410.5 thousand soldiers.
  • Army reserve: 185.63 thousand military-rich.
  • 13849 units.
  • Sea fleet: 194 units of naval ship.
  • Air fleet: 1007 attack aircraft, fighters and bombers.
  • Annual defense budget: 18.185 billion dollars.

Conflicts at the boundaries of the country forced Turkey to have strong armed forces. The total number of citizens who are ready to become more than half a million, which can serve as a sufficiently weighty argument to calm the inhabitants of this country.

  • Active live strength: 250 thousand servicemen.
  • Army reserve: 57.9 thousand military-rich.
  • Number of combat ground technology: 4329 units.
  • Sea fleet: 131 units of naval technology.
  • Air fleet: 1590 attack aircraft, fighters and bombers.
  • Annual defense budget: 40.3 billion US dollars.

After World War II, Japan fell into a very unfavorable position. Hundreds of uncomfortable contracts fell on her head. One such contract is a small document that prohibits Japan to gain more than a certain number of soldiers. The budget of the country is more than 40 million US dollars for 250 thousand servicemen.

  • Active live strength: 180 thousand servicemen.
  • Army reserve: 145 thousand military battles.
  • Number of combat ground technology: 6481 units.
  • Sea fleet: 81 units of naval technology.
  • Air fleet: 676 attack aircraft, fighters and bombers.
  • Annual defense budget: 36.3 billion US dollars.

Everyone remembers how strong this country was in the XX century and the Second World War it clearly showed. But the German army suffered a defeat and since then very much has lost its position. Those at least today this country plays an important role in global politics and has a well-equipped army.

7. Journal Korea

  • Active live strength: 625 thousand servicemen.
  • Army reserve: 2.9 million military-beacon.
  • Number of combat ground technology: 12619 units.
  • Sea fleet: 166 units of naval technology.
  • Air fleet: 1451 attack aircraft, fighters and bombers.
  • Annual defense budget: 33.2 billion US dollars.

The need to be a strong military power dictates the northern neighbor.

  • Active live strength: 205 thousand servicemen.
  • Army reserve: 195.77 thousand military-rod and more than one hundred thousand policemen.
  • Number of combat ground technology: 7888 cars.
  • Sea fleet: 118 units of naval ship.
  • Air fleet: 1282 attack aircraft, fighters and bombers.
  • Annual defense budget: 35 billion US dollars.

It remained one of the few armed groups that are fully equipped with weapons, equipment and means of protection against its own manufacturer. Another unique feature is a huge (against the background of other armies) the number of women, about 15%.

  • Active live strength: 150 thousand servicemen.
  • Army reserve: 182 thousand military-rod.
  • Number of combat ground technology: 6624 Tanks, BTR and BMP.
  • Sea fleet: 76 units of naval technology.
  • Air fleet: 879 attack aircraft, fighters and bombers.
  • Annual defense budget: 55 billion US dollars.

The number of the British army makes it one of the largest armed formations of the countries of the European Union. In fact, England's troops have always been considered a strong enemy that leads fear on all British enemies. It has kept this image today. Unfortunately, the main pride of England is her fleet, long ago ceased to be one of the best in the world, which lowered it on the fifth step of the rating of the top 10 of the most powerful armies of the world.

  • Active live strength: 1.325 million military personnel.
  • Army reserve: 2.143 million military-ridicated.
  • Number of combat ground technology: 21164 units.
  • Sea fleet: 295 units of naval technology.
  • Air fleet: 2086 attack aircraft, fighters and bombers.
  • Annual defense budget: 40 billion dollars.

Do not be surprised by such a huge number of live strength in India. In the country where more than a billion people get along, in no case can you lose vigilance. For such countries, you need a strong fist, ready for any minute to reflect the external threat or to suppress the danger within the country. No one is forced to serve anyone here, the service is held exclusively on a paid contractual basis by persons who have reached adult age.

  • Active live strength: 2.335 million servicemen.
  • Army reserve: 2.3 million military-ridicated.
  • Number of combat ground technology: 23664 units.
  • Sea fleet: 714 units of naval ship.
  • Air fleet: 2942 attack aircraft, fighters and bombers.
  • Annual defense budget: 155.6 billion US dollars.

Another giant country, which is simply necessary for the strongest army in the world. Relatively small costs of such a huge number of servicemen in no way affect the quality of their service. A huge size of the air fleet, considered the strongest after Russian. Almost 24 thousand units of military equipment and about 2.3 million soldiers at any minute are ready to defend the independence of their country.

  • Active live strength: 766.06 thousand servicemen.
  • Army reserve: 2.485 million military-ridden.
  • Number of combat ground technology: 61086 units.
  • Sea fleet: 352 units of naval technology.
  • Air fleet: 3547 attack aircraft, fighters, transport workers and bombers.
  • Annual defense budget: 46.6 billion US dollars.

1. Founded by the states of America

Before the collapse of the USSR, the army of the country was considered the strongest in the world and was not even the US teeth. But, alas, after the collapse, she significantly passed the position. But even despite this, gigantic reserves, almost ten thousand units of armored equipment and many other weapons make Russia a terrible enemy, which is not able to most of the countries of the world. All other Russian Federation has nuclear weapons (its presence is not taken into account in the rating), and with a serious conflict with another state it will be a very significant addition to military power. And I would also like to say that the main difference of the army of our country is, perhaps, the most severe will and spirit of soldiers. But, since in the ranking, the main role is played by the quantitative and high-quality equipment of the army, the number of servicemen and the costs of the defense, then, alas, the second line.

  • Active live strength: 1.4 million military personnel.
  • Army reserve: 1.1 million military-rich.
  • Number of combat ground technology: 54474 Tanks, BTR and other techniques.
  • Sea fleet: 415 units of naval technology.
  • Air fleet: 13444 combat and transport helicopters of aircraft.
  • Annual defense budget: 581 billion dollars.

First of all, the strongest army in the world of 2016 will affect you with not the number of soldiers or armored vehicles, but by its budget. If you take the top ten in the world of the armies, their total budget is hardly reaching the American. A huge amount of aviation, a powerful sea fleet and more than 54 thousand units of ground armored vehicles makes the United States with the strongest rival on the world stage.

Since ancient times, armed forces are the main and basic guarantor of independence of any country and the safety of its citizens. Diplomacy, interstate agreements are also important factors of international stability, but as practice shows when it comes to military conflict, they often do not work. Events in Ukraine are obvious evidence of this. Indeed, who want to shed the blood of his soldiers for other people's interests? Today we will try to answer the question - whose army is the strongest in the world whose military power is out of competition?

As the Russian emperor Alexander III said: "Russia has only two reliable ally - this is its army and fleet." And he is percent percent right. Naturally, this statement is fair not only for Russia, but also for any other state.

Today there are more than 160 armies of different numbers, weapons and military doctrines in the world.

One of the greatest commander in history, French emperor Napoleon I believed that "big battalions are always right", but in our time the situation has changed somewhat.

It should be understood that the strength of the modern army is determined not only by its number, in many respects it depends on the effectiveness of its weapons, the preparation of fighters, their motivation. The time of mass call army gradually goes into the past. Modern armed forces are very checked pleasure. The cost of the newest tank or fighter is calculated by tens of millions of dollars, and only very rich countries can afford a large and strong army.

There is another factor that emerged after the end of World War II - nuclear weapons. His power is so terrifying that it still holds the world from the beginning of the next global conflict. Nowadays, two states have the greatest nuclear arsenals - Russia and the United States. The conflict between them is guaranteed by the end of our civilization.

On the Internet, disputes often flared up on what the strongest army in the world. This question is somewhat incorrect, since only a full-scale war can conduct a comparison of the armies. There are too many factors that determine the strength or weakness of those or other armed forces. In the preparation of our rating, the number of armed forces, their technical equipment, the development of the military-industrial complex, army traditions, as well as the level of financing were taken into account.

When drafting the top 10 of the most powerful armies of the world, the factor in the existence of nuclear weapons was not taken into account.

So, meet the strongest army of the world.

10. Germany. Opens our rating of the top 10 of the strongest armies on the planet Bundeswehr - the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany. It includes land forces, navy, aviation, health service and rear service.

The number of the Armed Forces of the Bundeswehr is 186 thousand people, the German army is fully professional. The country's military budget is 45 billion dollars. Despite the rather modest dimensions (compared to other participants in our rating), the German army has very high training, equipped with the latest types of weapons, but the military traditions of Germany can only be envied. It should be noted the highest level of development of the country's military industrial complex - German tanks, airplanes, small arms are deservedly considered one of the best in the world.

Germany could count on a higher place in Top-10, however, the foreign policy of this country is peace-loving. Apparently, the Germans have enough enough in the past century, so they no longer pull them into military adventures. In addition, Germany for many years is a member of the NATO block, so in case of any military threats, it can count on the aid of the United States and other allies.

9. France. At the ninth place of our rating, France is located - a country with richest military traditions, very advanced MIC and significant armed forces. Their number is 222 thousand people. Military budget of the country - $ 43 billion. France's military industrial complex allows you to provide your army with almost all the necessary weapons - from small arms to tanks, airplanes and intelligence satellites.

However, it should be noted that the French also, like the Germans, do not seek to solve foreign policy issues by military means. There is no controversial territories with neighbors from France, as well as frozen conflicts.

8. United Kingdom. At the eighth place of our rating is the United Kingdom - a country faced to create a world empire in which the sun did not come. But it is in the past. Today, the number of British Armed Forces is 188 thousand people. Military budget of the country - 53 billion dollars. The British have a very worthy military-industrial complex, which is able to produce tanks, aircraft, warships, small arms and other types of weapons.

England has the second (after the USA) on the tonnage of the navy. It consists of atomic submarines, two light aircraft carriers are being built for the Navy.

The English forces of special operations are considered one of the best in the world.

The United Kingdom participates in almost all military conflicts, where the United States (first and second conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan) are present. So the experience of the English army does not occupy.

7. Turkey. The army of this country is considered the strongest among the Muslim armies of the Middle East. The descendants of militant Yanychars managed to create very combat-ready armed forces, which only the Army of Israel are inferior in the region in their own power. That is why Turkey is located at the seventh place of our rating.

6. Japan. In the sixth place of the ranking of our Top-10, Japan is located, which formally does not have an army at all, its functions are performed by the so-called "self-defense forces". However, let this name misleads you: the country's armed forces have 247 thousand people and are in fourth place in terms of population in the Pacific region.

The main rivals that the Japanese fear are China and North Korea. In addition, the Japanese has not yet been concluded a peace treaty with Russia.

Japan has serious air force, ground forces and an impressive navy, which is considered one of the strongest in the world. Japan has more than 1600 combat aircraft, 678 tanks, 16 submarines, 4 helicopters.

This country has a third economy in the world, so Japan is not difficult to allocate serious money for the content and development of its army. Japan's military budget is 47 billion dollars, which is quite good for the armed forces of this size.

Separately, it should be noted a high level of development of the country's military-industrial complex - by its technical equipment, the Japanese armed forces are considered one of the best in the world. Today in Japan, they are engaged in the creation of the fifth generation fighter, and probably in the coming years he will be ready.

In addition, Japan is one of the nearest US allies in the region. On the territory of the country there are American bases, the United States supplies Japan the latest types of weapons. However, despite this, Japan further plans to increase the appropriation for defense. Well, the experience and martial spirit descendants of samurai do not take.

5. South Korea. The fifth place of our top-10 rating is another state of Southeast Asia - South Korea. This country has impressive armed forces with a total number of 630 thousand people. It is in third place in the region, yielding only China and the DPRK. South Korea lives in a state of war for more than sixty years - the world between Pyongyan and Seoul was never concluded. The Armed Forces of the DPRK number almost 1.2 million people, the main enemy of the Northern Koreans consider their southern neighbors and constantly threaten them to them.

It is clear that in such a situation, South Korea has to pay much attention to the development of their own army. Every year, 33.7 billion dollars stand out on the needs of defense. The South Korean army is considered one of the most equipped not only in its region, but also in the world. South Korea is one of the closest and dedicated allies of the United States in the region, so the Americans supply Seoul the newest samples of weapons, in the territory of the country there are US bases. Therefore, if the conflict between the DPRK and South Korea still begins, is not a fact that Northerners (despite the numerical advantage) will come out of it the winners.

4. India. At the fourth place of our top-10 rating are the Armed Forces of India. This huge densely populated country with a rapidly developing economy has an armed forces with a number of 1.325 million people and spends approximately $ 50 billion for defense needs.

In addition to the fact that India is the owner of nuclear weapons, its armed forces are in third place in the world. And this is a simple explanation: the country is in a state of permanent conflict with its neighbors: China and Pakistan. In the modern history of India there were three bloody wars with Pakistan and a huge number of border incidents. There are also unsolved territorial disagreements with strong China.

India has a serious navy, which consists of three aircraft carriers and two atomic submarines.

Annually, the Indian government spends serious amounts for the purchase of new weapons. And if earlier, the Indians basically purchased the weapon made in the USSR or Russia, now they are increasingly preferred by better Western samples.

In addition, recently, the country's leadership pays a lot of attention to the development of its own MIC. A few years ago, a new development strategy was adopted, which takes place under the motto "Do in India". Now the Hindus when buying arms prefers to those suppliers who are willing to open production in the country and share the latest technologies.

3. China. At the third place of our rating, the top 10 of the strongest armies is the People's Liberation Army of China (NAK). These are the largest armed forces on the planet - their number is 2.333 million people. China's military budget is in second place in the world and is inferior only to the United States. It is 126 billion dollars.

China seeks to become a second superpower after the United States, and it is impossible to do this without powerful armed forces, it is definitely not to do without the biggest army in the world.

Today, the Chinese are in service with 9150 tanks, 2860 aircraft, 67 submarines, a large number of combat aircraft and salvo-fire systems. Already a long time ago, disputes are being conducted about how many warheads are available in the PRC: the official figure is several hundred pieces, but some experts believe that the Chinese have an order of magnitude large amounts.

China's army constantly improves its technical level. If ten-fifteen years ago, most types of military equipment that were in service with NAK were outdated copies of Soviet samples, today the situation has changed dramatically.

Currently, the PRC is working on the creation of a fifth generation fighter, its latest developments in the field of tankological and missile armament are little inferior to the samples made in Russia or in the West. Much attention is paid to the development of naval forces: the first aircraft carrier (former Varyag, purchased from Ukraine) appeared in the composition of the Navy PRC.

Given the huge resources (financial, human, technological), which has China, the armed forces of this country in the coming years will become a formidable rival for countries that occupy the first positions in our ranking.

2. Russia. In the second place of our top-10 rating there are armed forces of Russia, which in many positions remain the strongest on the planet.

By the number of personnel, the Russian army takes only fifth place, yielding the United States, China, India and the DPRK. Its number is 798 thousand people. The budget of the Defense Office of Russia is $ 76 billion. However, it possesses one of the most powerful land forces in the world: more than fifteen thousand tanks, a huge number of armored vehicles and combat helicopters.

1. USA. In the first place Top-10 is the United States of America. According to the number of personnel, the US Army is inferior only to China (though, significantly), its number is 1.381 million people. At the same time, the United States Military Office has a budget that can only dream of the generals of other armies - 612 billion dollars, which allows it to be the most powerful country of the world.

The strength of modern armed forces largely depends on their financing. Therefore, a huge American defense budget is one of the main components of its success. It allows Americans to develop and buy the most advanced (and most expensive) weapons systems, supply their army at the highest level, at the same time lead several military campaigns in different parts of the world.

Today, the US Army is 8,848 tanks, a huge number of armored vehicles and other military equipment, 3,892 military aircraft. If during the years of the Cold War, the Soviet strategists made the main emphasis on tanks, then the Americans actively developed combat aviation. Currently US Air Force

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More at the dawn of human civilization, people created armed formations to protect their borders. Then the war won thanks to the number of army and the ability of the commander. Today, the focus on modern technologies, which makes it even such a small country as Israel, have a powerful army. In our review it will be about the most modern and powerful armies of the world.

1. North Korea

The Korean People's Democratic Republic is known for its repressive government and its antagonistic relations with most of the world. Currently, 4,200 tanks are in service with North Korea, 944 aircraft, as well as 967 warships.

Despite the impressive figures, the weapons of North Korea are considered very obsolete. For example, out of 70 submarines, which are currently in service, 20 - rust ruins of the Romeo class, made on technology of the 1950s.

2. Saudi Arabia

The Royal Saudi Armed Forces consist of infantry, Air Force, Navy, Air Defense, National Guard, as well as a number of militarized divisions. In total in the army of this country, over 230,000 people are listed in the actual service. This is one of the richest military in the world.

3. Australia

The constant development of China led to the fact that Australia, as well as most countries of the Asia-Pacific region, began continuously modernizing their armed forces. Despite its small size, the Australian army is considered one of the best and most effective in the world.

4. Canada

Despite the fact that this country was one of the most peaceful and friendly throughout its history, Canada's army is among the strongest in the world. Currently, the Canadian consists of 181 tanks, 426 aircraft and 63 warships.

5. Iran.

The Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran are a total of about 545,000 people. Without a doubt, this is one of the most powerful and dominant forces in the Middle East.

6. Thailand

Historically, the military is the basis of unity and peace in Thai society. Although in service this country, the impressive number of military personnel and tanks is arguing, the most fascinating fact is that Thailand has an aircraft carrier, but there are no combat aircraft (since all AV-8S aircraft "Matador" were brought out of operation in 2006) .

7. Taiwan

Staying under the constant threat of invasion of the Giant Chinese Army, which still did not leave plans to invade and occupying their neighbor, Taiwan fully focused its military development at the construction of defense. That is why such a small island has more helicopters (307) than most countries of the world. Also, the number of tanks (2,005) and aircraft (815) in Taiwan is very impressive in relation to its size.

8. Poland.

The intense situation in Ukraine forced the Polish government to start spending huge amounts of money recently for the defense industry. As a result of this, the level of the Polish army increased significantly in just a few years.

9. Vietnam

The Vietnamese People's Army is considered one of the most prestigious and holy concepts in local culture. It was especially aggravated after the brave (and victorious, in the eyes of most historians) the People's Army struggled against such superpowers, like France and the United States in the twentieth century. The Vietnam Army is an integral part of the culture of this country and is considered one of the strongest in Asia.

10. Israel

Despite the small sizes, both through the territory and in the population, as well as their very short history, Israel can proudly argue that his defense forces are among the most active (if not the most active) in the world in the past five decades. Due to constant tension in the region, Israel created an incredibly strong and upgraded army.

11. Brazil

With the second largest armed forces in North and South America (after the United States) and the largest in Latin America, Brazil is currently in service with 486 tanks, 735 aircraft and 110 ships, as well as the composition of its armed forces serve 330,000 military personnel and officers. .

Although South America is a relatively peaceful continent, Brazil borders with 10 countries and, accordingly, it requires a significant number of servicemen.

12. Indonesia

The Indonesian army was formed during the Indonesian National Revolution, when she was engaged in the partisan war. Today, thanks to about half a million servicemen and modern technologies, it is considered one of the most powerful armies in Asia.

13. Pakistan

In Pakistan, the armed forces are 13th strength in the world due to the fact that the country is constantly improving its military technologies. In addition, the Armed Forces of Pakistan contributes the greatest contribution to the efforts of the United Nations peacekeeping efforts - more than 10,000 employees of the Pakistani army are constantly working abroad.

14. Egypt

Egyptian armed forces are not only the largest in Africa and the Middle East, but also one of the largest in the world - the active state is 470,000 people. In addition, it is one of the most ancient armies, since it was created in 3200 BC.

15. South Korea

The fact that this country borders with a dangerous unpredictable Northern neighbor (North Korea), forced South Korea to spend crazy money for military equipment and weapons, which makes her army of one of the most modernized and powerful in the world. Currently, Asians boasts a 625-thousand army, 2,381 tanks and 1,451 aircraft.

16. Italy

Italian armed forces consist of a regular army, navy, air force and carabiner (which also serve as a military police). As of the end of 2014, the 320-thousandth Italian army is the third largest in the European Union and the fifth among NATO countries.

17. Germany

The reform of the German Armed Forces today is the most radical revision of the Bundeswehr in the entire history of the country. The problem of international terrorism and global cooperation led to the fact that today is needed smaller in size, but a more flexible structure of troops, which will not have such a strong defensive function as in the past few decades.

18. Turkey

The Turkish armed forces are considered the second largest in NATO (after the US Armed Forces). The estimated number of the composition of the Turkish army is 495,000 people.

19. Japan

The self-defense forces of Japan were created after World War II. Despite the fact that they were inactive for most of the last fifty years, recently tensions in the area are constantly growing (in particular, because of North Korea). This forced Japan to conduct an urgent modernization of the army.

20. United Kingdom

Despite the relatively small sizes compared to countries such as the United States, Russia and China, as well as the fact that the British government plans to reduce its armed forces by 10% to 2018, once the United Kingdom's dominant United Kingdom "It has one of the strongest armies in the world."

21. France

France may not have such a powerful military power as once, but it is still the top ten of the strongest in the world. Its main fighting recently is the struggle against terrorism in Mali, Afghanistan, Libya, and at present - the struggle against the Islamic state (ISIL).

Army of the Russian Federation.

Global modernization and a huge military procurement program conducted by Putin over the past two decades led to the fact that the Russian military forces became one of the most powerful in the world.

25. United States

Despite the recent geopolitical misses and the conclusion of America's troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, the United States armed forces continue to hold the palm of the championship of the most powerful army in the world thanks to the largest defense budget in the world.

However, confusions occur in the most powerful armies. For example, such as the appearance.

Since the most long-standing, armed forces are the main and basic guarantor of the independence of any country and the safety of citizens inhabiting it. Diplomacy, interstate agreements are also important factors of international security, but as practice shows when it comes to military conflict, they often do not work.

International Analytical Company Globalfirepower Every year publishes on his portal the rating of the strongest armies of the world. The ranking presents 133 countries. The first ten of the most powerful armies of the planet, according to Global Firepower, looks like this:

10. Egypt

Opens the top 10 of the strongest armies on the planet Egypt, the total number of the armed forces of which is 380 thousand people. There are 3723 tanks, 60 warships (including rocket boats and landing ships), 1,107 aviation units and 4 submarines.

The scale of the influence of the Egyptian military to the economy of the country's economy of the secret: the Military budget of Egypt "is a secret, this industry, among other things, is not taxable"
As of 2015, the military budget of the country was 5.5 billion dollars.

The Egyptian army was in the ranking due to the number and number of equipment, although as shown by the war of the vessel's day, even three-year superiority in tanks is leveled by high combat skills and technical level of weapons. At the same time, it is known that about a thousand "Abrams" of Egypt Sun is simply canned in warehouses. Nevertheless, Cairo acquired two Mistral-type helicopters, not supplied by France in the Russian Federation, and about 50 combat helicopters Ka-52 to them, which made Egypt really serious military force in the region.

9. Germany

At the ninth place of the Bundeswehr - the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany. It includes land forces, navy, aviation, health service and rear service.

The number of the Bundeswehr is 186 thousand people, the German army is fully professional. The military budget is 45 billion dollars. Despite the rather modest dimensions (compared to other participants in our rating), the German army has very high training, equipped with the latest types of weapons, but the military traditions of Germany can only be envied. It should be noted the highest level of development of the country's military industrial complex - German tanks, airplanes, small arms are deserved considered the best in the world.

Germany could count on a higher place in Top-10, however, the foreign policy of this country is peace-loving. Apparently, the Germans have enough enough in the past century, so they do not pull them more on military adventures. In addition, Germany for many years is a member of the NATO block, so in case of any military threats, it can count on the aid of the United States and other allies.

8. Turkey

The army of this country is considered the strongest among the Muslim armies of the Middle East. The descendants of militant Yanychars managed to create very combat-ready armed forces, which only the Army of Israel are inferior in the region in their own power. That is why Turkey is located at the eighth place of the rating.

The number of Turkish Armed Forces is 510 thousand people, however, the military budget of this country is only $ 18 billion. Turks are the closest allies of the United States in the region, not counting, of course, Israel.

Turkey has a large number of armored vehicles (3370 tanks) and combat aircraft (more than 1 thousand units). True, most tanks are outdated. The Turkish Navy is the strongest on the Black Sea, it has modern surface ships and submarines. The country actively develops its military-industrial complex, in this US, Germany and France helps it.

7. Japan

At the seventh place of the Top-10 rating there is Japan, which formally does not have an army at all, its functions perform the so-called self-defense forces. However, let this name misleads you: the country's armed forces have 247 thousand people and are in fourth place in terms of population in the Pacific region.

The main rivals that the Japanese fear are China and North Korea. In addition, the Japanese has not yet been concluded a peace treaty with Russia.

Japan has serious air force, ground forces and an impressive navy, which is considered one of the strongest in the world. Japan has more than 1600 combat aircraft, 678 tanks, 16 submarines, 4 helicopters.

This country has a third economy in the world, so Japan is easy to allocate serious money for the content and development of its army. Japan's military budget is 47 billion dollars, which is quite good for the armed forces of this size.

Separately, it should be noted a high level of development of the country's military-industrial complex - by its technical equipment, the Japanese armed forces are considered one of the best in the world. Today in Japan, they are engaged in creating the fifth generation fighter and it is likely that in the coming years it will be ready.

In addition, Japan is one of the nearest US allies in the region. On the territory of the country there are American bases, the United States supplies Japan the latest types of weapons. However, despite this, Japan further plans to increase the appropriation for defense. Well, the experience and martial spirit descendants of samurai do not take.

6. United Kingdom

The sixth place of the rating is occupied by the United Kingdom - a country faced to create a global empire in which the sun did not come. But it is in the past. Today, the number of British Armed Forces is 188 thousand people. Military budget of the country - 53 billion dollars. The British have a very worthy military-industrial complex, which is able to produce tanks, aircraft, warships, small arms and other types of weapons.

England has the second (after the USA) on the tonnage of the navy. It consists of atomic submarines, today two light aircraft carriers are being built for the Navy.

The English forces of special operations are considered one of the best in the world.

The United Kingdom participates in almost all military conflicts, where the United States (first and second Iraq, Afghanistan) are present. So the experience of the English army does not occupy.

5. France

Freedy is the country with richest military traditions, a very advanced MIC and considerable armed forces. Their number is 222 thousand people. Military budget of the country - $ 43 billion. The Military Industrial Complex of France allows you to provide your army with almost all the necessary weapons - from small arms, to tanks, airplanes and intelligence satellites.

4. India

In the fourth place of the Top-10 rating are the Armed Forces of India. This huge densely populated country with a rapidly developing economy has an armed forces with a number of 1.325 million people and spends approximately $ 50 billion for defense needs.

In addition to the fact that India is the owner of nuclear weapons, its armed forces are in third place in the world. And this is a simple explanation: the country is in a state of permanent conflict with its neighbors: China and Pakistan. In the modern history of India there were three bloody wars with Pakistan and a huge number of border incidents. There are also unsolved territorial disagreements with huge China.

Annually, the Indian government spends serious amounts for the purchase of new weapons. And if earlier, the Indians basically purchased the weapon made in the USSR or Russia, now they are increasingly preferred by better Western samples.

In addition, recently, the country's leadership pays a lot of attention to the development of its own MIC. A few years ago, a new development strategy was adopted, which passes under the motto "Do in India". Now the Hindus when buying arms prefers to those suppliers who are willing to open production in the country and share the latest technologies.

3. China

In the third place of the rating there is a People's Liberation Army of China (NAK). These are the largest armed forces on the planet - their number is 2.333 million people. China's military budget is in second place in the world and is inferior only to the United States. It is 126 billion dollars.

China seeks to become the second superpower after the United States, and it is impossible to do this without powerful armed forces.

Today, the Chinese are in service with 9150 tanks, 2860 aircraft, 67 submarines, a large number of combat aircraft and salvo-fire systems. Already a long time ago, disputes are being conducted about how many warheads are available in the PRC: the official figure is several hundred pieces, but some experts believe that the Chinese have an order of magnitude large amounts.

China's army constantly improves its technical level. If ten-fifteen years ago, most types of military equipment that were in service with NAK were outdated copies of Soviet samples, today the situation has changed dramatically.

Currently, the PRC is working on the creation of a fifth generation fighter, its latest developments in the field of tankological and missile armament are little inferior to the samples made in Russia or in the West. Much attention is paid to the development of naval forces: the first aircraft carrier (former Varyag, purchased from Ukraine) appeared in the composition of the Navy PRC.

By the number of personnel, the Russian army takes only fifth place, yielding the United States, China, India and the DPRK. Its number is 798 thousand people. The budget of the Defense Office of Russia is $ 76 billion. However, it possesses one of the most powerful land forces in the world: more than fifteen thousand tanks, a huge number of armored vehicles and combat helicopters.

In service with the Air Force of Russia - 3,429 aircraft of various types and destination. Among which there are strategic bombers who can apply nuclear strikes on the enemy at a distance of thousands of kilometers.

Russia has a powerful navy, its submarines are especially dangerous. Their amount is 60 units. The Russian surface fleet is somewhat outdated and mainly represented by ships made in the USSR, but in recent years the country's leadership spends huge funds on its update.

It should be noted the most powerful military-industrial complex, which inherited Russia inherited from the Soviet Union. It is able to independently produce almost the entire nomenclature of weapons for the modern land army and the navy. Russia is one of the largest weapons exporters in the world, it is inferior only to the United States.

1. USA

In the first place Top-10 is the United States of America. According to the number of personnel, the US Army is inferior only to China (though, significantly), its number is 1.381 million people. At the same time, the United States Military Office has a budget that the generals of other armies can only dream of 612 billion dollars.

The strength of modern armed forces largely depends on their financing. Therefore, a huge American defense budget is one of the main components of its success. It allows Americans to develop and buy the most advanced (and most expensive) weapons systems, supply their army at the highest level, at the same time lead several military campaigns in different parts of the world.

Today, the US Army is 8,848 tanks, a huge number of armored vehicles and other military equipment, 3,892 military aircraft. If during the years of the Cold War, the Soviet strategists made the main emphasis on tanks, then the Americans actively developed combat aviation. Currently, the US Air Force is considered to be the strongest in the world.

The United States has the most powerful navy, which includes ten aircraft carrier, more than seventy submarines, a large number of aircraft and auxiliary ships.

Americans are leaders in the development of the latest military technologies, and their spectrum is very wide: from creating lasers and robotic combat systems before prosthetics.

And now about those who really want to be the most terrible, strong and dangerous, but something does not work.

As for the mighty Ukrainian army, which the head of an unhappy Petro Poroshenko, at the end of 2016, called "the strongest in Europe", then it was modestly attached ... in the 30th place (between forever neutral Sweden and from anyone not dependent Myanmar). And the brave army of Georgia dangles somewhere in the way of the ninth tent. Where the ports of Estonia Dwarf Army, Latvia and Lithuania are dried.

30. Ukraine

According to the rating of military power for 2017, the number of VSU is 160 thousand people, reservists - 1 million in service with the Ukrainian army, according to GFR, are 2809 tanks, 8217 combat armored vehicles, 1302 units of self-propelled artillery, 1669 units of the branch artillery and 625 Rocket systems of salvo fire. GFR experts counted 234 combat aircraft, including 39 fighters and 33 shock helicopters. In service with the Navy, according to GFR, there are one frigate ("Hetman Sagaidachny"), one mine trailer and three ships of coastal defense

82. Georgia

The structure of the Armed Forces of Georgia includes land forces, the forces of special operations, the national guard, as well as parts and institutions of central subordination. Until 2008, the Navy and Air Force were also included in themselves, but both of these types of armed forces were practically destroyed during the "five-day war". In the future, the Air Force (in a small volume) were revived as a division of land forces. As for the Navy, the leadership of Georgia decided not to restore it.

95. Lithuania

Ground troops are 8.2 thousand servicemen (one brigade of rapid response forces, two motor suitable battalions, two mechanized battalion, one engineering battalion, one military police battalion, one educational regiment and several divisions of territorial defense), were in service with 187 armored transporters M113A1; 10 BRDM-2; 133 105-mm guns of field artillery; 61 120 mm Mortar, up to 100 custom-effective 84-mm guns "Carl Gustaf", 65 PRK, 18 anti-aircraft guns and 20 portable anti-aircraft rocket complexes RBS-70, as well as over 400 anti-tank grenade launches of various systems.

Air force numbering 980 servicemen (three airbases and five squadrons), two L-39ZA aircraft, five transport aircraft (two L-410 and three C-27J) and nine transport helicopters Mi-8.

Naval forces are 530 people, one small anti-lowered ship "Project 1124m", three Danish patrols of the class "Fluufisken" (P11 "Zhemaitis", P12 "Dzukas", P14 "Aukshaityis"), one Norwegian patrol boat class "Storm" (R32 "Skalvis"), three patrol boats of other types, two travelers "Lindau" of the English building (M53 and M54), one boiler ship of the Minno-Melor's forces of the Norwegian building ("Jotongis"), one hydrographic vessel and one tug.
Coast Guard - 540 people and three patrol boats.

103. Latvia

Air Force numbers 319 servicemen, three aircraft (one L-410 and two AN-2) and six helicopters (four Mi-17 and two Mi-2)
Naval forces number 587 servicemen and five ships whose main task is to demining territorial waters.
The reserve of the armed forces constitutes the military service of Latvia (5,000 people). In case of universal mobilization, the army will receive another 14 light infantry battalions, one air defense battalion, one artillery battalion and several auxiliary units.

110. Estonia

The Estonian army the authors of the study found the least powerful among the Baltic countries, giving it the 110th line. For the year, despite the increase in real estate expenses, Estonia lost three positions in the ranking.
According to the draft state budget for 2017, military defense expenses increased to 2.17% of GDP, amounting to 477 million euros.

133. Butan.

The Army of Bhutan (about 6 thousand people) defends the Ariergard - she took the last position. It is strange that at the same time the armed forces of Moldova did not fall into the rating. They are clearly more accurate to Bhutan. In fact, such ratings always cause ardent disputes among military experts. Many of them believe that in today's world, the main criterion for the power of the army is the number and quality of nuclear weapons. And then, with the pairing between the United States and Russia who prevailed in this part, you can still argue about the place in the rating ...

© Photos from the Ministry of Defense

Military and economic experts regularly define the global military-power index - Global FirePower Index. Of course, to compare the world's armies according to statistical indicators - a nonideal decision, but more objective (for example, to check in conditions of real war) rating yet. GFP takes into account 66 different indicators: from the geographical location of the country to the degree of industry.

In November, a new report was released for 2018. This year, experts analyzed the armed forces of 136 states.

In compiling Global FirePower Index, there is not only a scrupulous counting of tanks, airplanes and warships, but also takes into account the number of personnel composition of the army and its reserve, the level of funding of the military sphere, the transport infrastructure of the country, oil production, the size of public debt, and even the length of the coastline - in a word All factors that can affect the combat capability of the National Army.

The presence of a nuclear arsenal is not taken into account, but states possessing nuclear weapons receive a "bonus". Troika leaders - the United States, Russia and China - remains unchanged for four years.

America has long been ahead of all at times by military expenditures. In second place in the military budget, also for many years, China. On the third - Russia. The Chinese Army is the most numerous in the world. Russia is the first in the world in the number of tanks.

This is how the top 10 most powerful countries in the world in 2018 looks like.

10. Germany

Defense budget - $ 45.2 billion

432 tanks

Aircraft carriers - 0.

714 aircraft

The number of the army is 20,8640 people.

9. Turkey

Defense budget - $ 10.2 billion

2446 tanks

Aircraft carriers - 0.

1056 aircraft

Army number - 710500

8. Japan

Defense budget - $ 44 billion

679 tanks

4 helicopter monitor

1508 aircraft

Army number - 310457

7. South Korea

Defense budget - $ 40 billion

2654 Tanka

1 aircraft carrier

1560 aircraft

Army number - 625000

6. United Kingdom

Prince Harry during military service. Photo Instagram Marine Corps Royal Navy.

Defense budget - $ 50 billion

227 tanks

2 aviance ships

832 aircraft

Army number - 279230

5. France

Photo: page The Armed Forces of France in Facebook.

Defense budget - $ 40 billion

406 tanks

1305 aircraft

Navy - 118 (1 aircraft carrier and 3 helicopters)

Army - 388635

4. India

Defense budget - $ 51 billion

4426 tanks

1 Aviator (Aviance Cruiser Project 1143, former "Admiral Gorshkov")

2185 aircraft

Army number - 1362500

3. China

Defense budget - $ 151 billion

7716 tanks

1 aircraft carrier (Liaoning - completed "Varyag")

3035 aircraft

Army number - 2663000

2. Russia

Photo: The site of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Defense budget - $ 47 billion

20300 tanks

3914 aircraft

Navy - 352 (the only aircraft carrier came out of operation)

Army number - 1013628.

1. USA

Photo site

Defense budget - $ 647 billion

5,884 tanks

20 aircraft carriers

13362 Airplane

Total number of courts Navy - 415

Army number - 1281900

It is worth noting that the most important criterion for assessing the army are fighting. And this parameter Global FirePower Index does not take into account. Russia and the United States also have an obvious advantage, for example, in front of China. Russia fought with Georgia and, how to say, probably with Ukraine. Plus conducts military operation in Syria. And the United States fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, and also participate in operations in Syria.

The GFP referring considers only the amount of spending states on defense, without considering what percentage of the country's GDP they constitute. The top three leaders of the rating are these figures (data of the Stockholm Institute for Peace Problems - SIPRI) for 2017 Such: China spends 1.9% of GDP, Russia - 4.3%, USA - 3.1%. More Russia (in the share of GDP) in the world, only Saudi Arabia spends defenses - 10%.