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Rocket day. When the day of missile troops and artillery of the Russian Federation is noted. Why the activities of rocket and artillery troops are so important

Undoubtedly, today there are many holidays that are related directly to the whole country. Military, as a rule, mark all the events associated with any kind of troops. The day of the rocket troops in 2017, what date and in which year they were created, are interested in many.

Day of rocket troops and artillery - a little holiday history

So, if we can touch our story to note that these troops found their name back in 1964. Immediately we can say that such a day is not a red number of calendar, based on what is not official. But in our country there are many professional holidays. This is the day of rocket troops and artillery, but what date in 2017 it is necessary to celebrate such an event can immediately specify that it is November 19 and the long-awaited and unusual day of the racket will come.

I would like to emphasize those facts that our country thanks to the combat readiness of this kind of troops has reliable protection and strong support for the Russian Federation. Strong and courageous troops are able to protect the country from any onslaught of world powers. Daily thousands of people are honored by their service in the army, and, of course, it would be unfair to forget about such a professional and honorable for all day, especially since the memorable date originated for a long time and proudly celebrates the whole country, although it is not official.

Artillery refers to one of the oldest genus of troops. In 1382, artillery implements were used for the first time, which were used exclusively for enemies. If you touch past years, we can feel boldly to note that such troops have experienced many changes, that is, reformed, merged and divided with other types of troops, but the tasks set themselves were unchanged.

Who marks the holiday of rocket troops

Professional day celebrate not only servicemen, as well as all who directly relate to the development of technology, specialists and scientists of equipment, as well as many other workers who work for the benefit of their homeland, developing various kinds of weapons and much more.

The day of rocket troops and artillery celebrates in the third autumn month, which date is also known, namely November 19. By this regard, specially prepared troops have their own history, which is transmitted to the new generation from year to year. The history of the holiday can tell how the industry has once a long time ago, as a rocket industry, and then a rocket and artillery has been formed.

Further, the state tried struggling to increase and lift the missile potential with a combination with prepared personnel. Which should have had the ability to manage their own, as well as to solve tasks regardless of the location of the object. And these forces were reliable, strong and endless, because otherwise it was simply impossible.

As you can mark a revered holiday

The solemn day of this holiday will certainly be noted with relatives and loved ones. Almost all servicemen spend this particular day in the circle of their family. After all, in connection with its difficult elegant profession, such people are often absent at home, so you want to stay with your relatives to your professional celebration.

Of course, men usually decide how to spend such a day and most often their choice falls on a festive dinner, who will be happy to prepare the hostess of the house, and they help her in this. After all, the 2017 missile troops day is already known to be the number and you can slowly prepare for this celebration.

The festive atmosphere must satisfy all the guests, so many do not rarely prepare various treats and entertainment. Although it is for such a holiday, men love to rest in nature, organizing the music at the same time. After all, every person probably knows that the best rest than in nature does not find. But here it is necessary to guess the weather, because in the frosty blizzard on the street will not be very comfortable.

The day of rocket troops and artillery, undoubtedly, is a male holiday, so cooked meals must be made of meat (for example,), and the treats cooked on the Mangal will clearly become crown masterpieces of culinary sizes, and also baked potatoes are suitable.

Such serious troops consist mainly of patriots, their business, where there is a clear head and severe reliable hands, so the holiday can be organized, inventing and playing the scenes, where humor will be present, as well as, if desired, everyone can participate in the draws.

If suddenly, weather conditions suddenly go out and leave the house on nature will not work, then you can organize a festive party in the restaurant. There you can invite your loved ones and relatives, and for a strong half of the solemn holiday, thus arrange a surprise. After all, they will surely take such an invitation with pleasure.

The day of the rocket troops of the strategic appointment (RVSN) is a memorable day celebrated in Russia in December and dedicated to the family of troops, which is the basis of the nuclear shield of our country.

When the day of the rocket troops of strategic appointment is celebrated - 2017

History of the day of RVSN

This memorable day was established on December 17, 1959, when the Rocket forces of strategic appointments were created as part of the Armed Forces of the USSR (RVSH). The first commander-in-chief of the RVSN became the hero of the Soviet Union The main marshal of artillery M. I. Dispensewho made a great contribution to the formation of this type of troops, as well as in the development, testing and adoption of rocket-nuclear weapons.

In 1995, RVSN was a professional holiday, according to the decree of the President of Russia "On the establishment of the Day of Rocket Forces of the Strategic Appointment and the Day of Military-Space Forces".

Today, the day of the rocket troops of the strategic appointment is a memorable day.

What is rocket troops of strategic appointment

Rocket troops of strategic appointment (RVSN) is the basis of the nuclear shield of Russia. RVSN consists of missile armies and military units, include spacerians, polygons, research stations and institutes, higher military schools, training centers for the preparation of junior specialists and schools, arsenals, repair factories, central bases and other objects.

RVSN is the main component of the strategic nuclear forces of Russia and are in direct submission of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

This is the troops of permanent combat readiness, intended for nuclear containment of possible opponent's aggression. RVSN independently and as part of strategic nuclear forces may affect massive, group or single missile-nuclear strikes strategic enemy objects. The RVSN is in service with all Russian terrestrial intercontinental ballistic missiles of mobile and mine basing with nuclear warheads. RVSN headquarters is located in the village of Vlasijah in the Moscow region. RVSN Commander - Colonel-General Sergey Karakaev.

Congratulations on the Day of Rocket Forces of Strategic Appointment

On guard of Mother Russia
Invisible for everyone stands,
Huge power, terrible power,
The thunderstorm of enemies is a rocket shield.

You choose our peace
Simple, brave guys.
Let us apart by the side
Our eternal opponent is NATO.

Today we want to congratulate -
Let it be known to all -
We hurry from my heart
Day of our brave RVSN!

All who service carries
In rocket troops
Strategic appointment
Today we helm wished good
And festive congratulations.
We wish that in life you did not happen
On the red button click,
So that in the world, peace of mind and silence
The planet could be abide.

For Rackets Day
Fell very nice
Because your holiday
From the military - the main one!

Congratulations to you, friends,
And from all who in a citizen
We wish you
Congratulations to the backup!

And also health sea,
And love big big
Get Congratulations
Poems with soul!

Until 1964, the Day of Artillery was celebrated in the Soviet Union. It was established in 1944 according to the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The date was not established by chance. On November 19, 1944, the counteroffensiveness of Soviet troops near Stalingrad began. In this largest operation, which became a turning point during not only the Great Patriotic War, but also of World War II, artillery played an outstanding role. In commemoration of the merit of Soviet artillerymen and a professional holiday was installed.
In 1964, rackets attached to artilleryrs, since these clans of the troops are quite a lot in common.

How to celebrate?

In rocket and artillery units on this day, it is customary to congratulate officers and military servicemen. Pass solemn rallies, concerts, meetings. If in the village where part is stationed, there is a warrior memorial, there are flowers to it. In some parts, veterans and schoolchildren are invited to the holiday.

As noted

The day of rocket troops and artillery can be celebrated in almost any settlement of Russia. Surely among the inhabitants of your city and the village there are veterans who served in these troops. This can be found in the city council of veterans or in the Social Protection Committee. It may well be that on the territory of your city or the village during the Great Patriotic War were fighting. Surely artillery participated in them. This can be written an article in a local newspaper, make a report on radio or television. Even if your city is far from the battleships, it is possible that someone from the countrymen served in these troops during the Great Patriotic War, in Afghanistan or hot spots. Maybe it is on the territory where you live now, made cannons or shells. All this can be made exhibition in the local lore museum or tell schoolchildren in the lessons of courage. The service of your fellow countrymen in missile troops and artillery can be the theme of the local history conference. You can also conduct the historical reconstruction of any battle in which artillery participated. In large military museums on this day, interesting exhibitions usually organize.
Exhibits of such an exhibition can be not only photographs, cutting from newspapers, but also toy models of guns, military cars with rocket weapons, etc.
Of course, the day of rocket troops and artillery is a professional holiday of those who served in these troops in a relatively recent time or even serves now. But the history of artillery has no one century. So exhibitions, historical reconstructions, conferences, thematic concert programs may concern not only the Soviet period and modernity. You can talk about artillery history in your parts, about famous military leaders who have developed guns and shells to them, on the use of artillery in famous battles, starting from the times of the Middle Ages.

Until 1995, RVSN Day was celebrated on November 19, as the day of missile troops and artillery, which was established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on November 17, 1964.

At the present stage of its development, three missile army in Vladimir, Omsk and Orenburg and the 12 missile deeds are constantly readily included in the rocket troops of the strategic appointment.

In service with RVSN missile divisions, there are six types of rocket complexes (RK), divided by types of basing for stationary and mobile. The basis for grouping stationary basing is the RK with the "heavy" missiles (RS-20B "Voevoda") and "Lung" (RS-18 "Stillet"), RS-12M2 ("Topol-M") classes. As part of a mobile base grouping there are a movable ground missile complex (PGRK) "Poplar" with a RC-12M rocket, "Topol-M" with a rocket of PC-12M2 monoblock equipment and PGRK "Yar" with a RC-12M2R rocket and a divided head part in the mobile and stationary basing options.

In the combat composition of the RVSN today there is about 400 launchers with ICBM. The share of new RK in the RVSN grouping will be constantly increasing. It is planned that by 2022 the RVSH will be 100% of the new RK.

For its history, the RVSN in direct appointment as military force has never been applied, but together with other components of the strategic nuclear power forces viewed with many military political problems.

More than two thirds of the nuclear carriers of the strategic nuclear power forces of Russia capable of solving the tasks of damage to objects in the enemy in the opponent in the enemy are concentrated in RVSN.

About six thousand people are located daily on combat posts in the on duty forces.

Since the formation of the RVSN, over five thousand launches of missiles, including about 500 educational and combat training and combat training for troops.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

November 19 - a significant day for everyone who does not know about artillery - "God of War". On November 19, 1942, the Operation of Uranium began with a soldering squall at the position of the enemy under Stalingrad. It was one of the most crushing defeats of the Hitler's troops in the Great Patriotic War.

We invite you to celebrate the Day of Rocket Forces and Artillery together November 21 Under Minsk in the historical and cultural complex "Stalin Line". The Festival "Artillery Day" will be held by the format of military historical reconstruction, and the entertainment program will be interested in the whole family!

The festival was organized with the support of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus, Wargaming is the information partner of the event. The beginning of the holiday - at 11:00, the end - at 17:00 on Minsk time.

The weather in the "Day of Artillerysta" is expected in autumn cool: we recommend our guests to dress warmer, as well as take umbrellas, raincoats and waterproof shoes with you. Additionally, the festival organizers provide places where it will be possible to warm up.

Preview Plan of the Festival "Artillery Day", time Minsk *

11:00 - The beginning of the event. Opening of interactive visitor zones:

  • Artillery exposition
  • Excursion route "Stalin Line"
  • Photosone
  • Master class "Weapon"
  • Master class "Kuznets"
  • Show-windows hot patch
  • Coloring tank
  • Fights on sword
  • Children's room
  • Helicopter skating
  • Skating on tanks
  • Lasertag
  • Shooting range

13:30 - Military-historical reconstruction, in which the artillery calculation of the XVII century will take part, artillery calculation of the war of 1812 and artillery calculation of the First World War.

14:00 - Military historical reconstruction of the combat of the Great Patriotic War.

15:00 - Modern artillery of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Belarus.

15:30 - Rewarding and presentation of diplomas.

16:30 - Festive salute.

17:00 - Completion of the holiday.

* The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the program.

Subscribe to our page in Instagram or, Make a photo from the event, place it in your profile with the #Worldoft banks.

How to get?

The historical and cultural complex "Stalin Line" is located on the 31st kilometer of the R28 Trail (Minsk - Molodechno), 20 km from the Minsk Ring Road.

For owners of personal cars there are two equipped parking lots of 800 seats. View the map to IKK "Stalin Line" can be on map.

For visitors who do not have personal vehicles, from the dispatch station "Friendly" with an interval in 20 minutes, route taxis "Molodechno", in which, paying the ticket, can be reached before Stalin Line.

According to the Memory of Afghan, the Festival "Artillery Day" caused an unprecedented interest among the general public, and the organizers expect a large number of visitors on this day. In this regard, the administration of the complex "Stalin Line" decided November 21 to organize the movement of additional buses With a paid passage - 15 thousand Belarusian rubles in one direction - on the route 448E "DS" Kuntsevshchina "- Stalin line - DS" Kuntsevshchyna "."

The first buses of a special flight will go from DS Kuntsevschyna at 10:01, then they will run with an interval of 40 minutes.

Schedule of the movement of the bus 448E "DS" Kuntsevichina "- Stalin line"

With the diagram and ways of travel to IKK "Stalin Line" can be found on the site.

Where to buy a ticket?

Everyone can purchase an entrance ticket to site ICC "Stalin Line" Either on the day of the event at the box office ICK "Line Stalin".

For up to 7 years old, the ticket is not needed, they can freely go to an event accompanied by adults. For visitors from 7 to 18 years old, a children's ticket is purchased.

How to pick up premium points and get souvenir for memory?

In the event during the "Artillery Day", fascinating animation programs will be conducted in special interactive zones. Among the time of visitors are waiting for contests consisting of tasks on the knowledge of the history of military affairs. Anyone can take part in entertainment programs.

When visiting interactive zones, visitors will receive premium points, which will continue to exchange in the souvenir shop on memorable gifts from Stalin Line.

Premium points can be obtained in the following interactive zones:

  • "Artillery Exposition". For the right answers to the questions of the guide every visitor receivesaward score, but not more than one.
  • "Coloring Tank" (near the playground). Drawing the thematic figure dedicated to the Day of Artillery, the visitor receives a premium score, but not more than one.
  • "Fighting on swords." For participation in the scenarios of the fight "Capture of the Flag" and "Tournament", the visitor receives a premium score, but not more than one for each scenario.
  • "Master class" Weapon ". For participation in the master class, the visitor receives a premium score, but not more than one.
  • "Master class" Kuznets "." For participation in the manufacture of the product with your own hands, the visitor receives a premium score, but not more than one.
  • "Lasertag". For participation in the competition, the visitor receives a premium score, but not more than one.
  • "Ready for labor and defense (GTO". For participation in this activity, the visitor receives a premium score, but not more than one for each stage.

Map of events will be revealed by clicking:

How to skate for free and fly on a helicopter?

The most active visitors over the age of 18, which will take a prize in one of the interactive zones, will be able to skate for free of charge on military equipment and fly on a helicopter.

Before participating in contests of interactive zones, you need to register with the instructor. In the future, the results of all registered participants will be marked in the infocenter, where the winners will be awarded with diplomas and prizes.

See you at the festival!