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What sedatives can you drink nervousness and anger. Ten best sedatives for the nervous system. Types of medications

The concept of sedatives combines a large number of drugs that are completely different in composition, which can have a sedative effect on the central nervous system of a person. In order to get rid of stress as quickly and effectively as possible, you should choose the right sedative so that you can save your nerves and save your strength for important things.


All the ailments and health problems due to stress, this has long been a proven fact. Today, stress is considered the same pathology as influenza, gastritis or arthritis - that is, it also requires attention, medical supervision and full treatment using various means.

Unfortunately, even the most balanced person from time to time can not cope with an unfavorable situation that has arisen at work or in the family. There is nothing reprehensible in this - the rhythm of modern life simply leaves no choice and it is not always possible to remain calm, control yourself and avoid nervous shocks.

If, in general, a person does not suffer from any nervous disorders, then factors such as:

  • stressful situations;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • a change in the weather that upsets the nervous system;
  • insomnia;
  • mental stress at work or school;
  • pregnancy and related experiences.

All sedatives are divided into several groups according to their composition, effect and pharmaceutical form. Each of them is designed to solve a different problem.

If you choose the wrong medicine, then at best it just won't help. And at worst, it will harm even more and lead to the development of additional pathologies. This is why it is so important to understand what categories of sedatives for the nervous system of an adult exist and what they are for.

Important! Improper use of medicines of this group can lead to serious and sometimes irreversible consequences for human health and psyche.


There are a huge number of sedatives in pharmacies, the choice is often quite difficult to make. According to the pharmacological action, all sedatives are divided into several groups.

Vegetable (lungs)

Soothing herbal mild remedies have great benefits: they are not addictive and do not accumulate in the body.

In addition, side effects are rare and generally limited to allergic manifestations. Herbal medicines reduce the rate of excitation processes in the cerebral cortex, as well as in the subcortical structures.

Basically, all the effects of herbal products are associated with the action of the esters, essential oils, alkaloids and organic acids they contain. At the same time, herbal preparations are well tolerated in almost all individuals, and are successfully used for neuroses and depressive conditions.

In nature, there are a large number of plants with the above properties. Most Popular:

  • valerian and motherwort;
  • passionflower;
  • Linden;
  • Stephanie;
  • chamomile;
  • cherry laurel;
  • Melissa;
  • clematis and lettuce.

TOP-10 drugs

These sedatives are sold over-the-counter by pharmacies, as these drugs have little or no potential for side effects.

  1. Neuroplant
    On a vegetable basis, contains as an active component dry extract of the herb St. John's wort. It has antidepressant, anxiolytic and sedative effects.
  2. Relaxosan
    A plant-based drug, indicated for use with increased nervous excitability, insomnia (sleep disturbance). And also as part of the combined therapy of functional disorders of the cardiovascular system, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Lotuson
    It has a tonic effect. Mild sedative. The extracts of lotus, Chinese date, euphoria, thuja, erythrins, which are part of the preparation, have a pronounced sedative effect. It also helps to reduce irritation and tension, manifested in mental overwork, or neurasthenia.
  4. Theanine Evalar
    Contains the natural amino acid L-theanine, a unique natural relaxant and antidepressant. It has been experimentally established that after taking L-theanine, the human brain changes its nature of activity within 30 minutes: instead of “stressful” beta waves, it begins to emit “relaxed” alpha waves.
  5. Doppelherz Nervotonik
    Contains St. John's wort, which has a positive effect on the state of the organs of the central and autonomic nervous system. This leads to an increase in mood, mental and physical activity, and normalization of sleep.
  6. Fito-Novossed
    It has a strong sedative effect, anxiolytic effect. These effects are achieved by improving blood circulation in the brain. Increases the body's resistance to excessive physical and mental stress.
  7. Valerian dragee
    Restores the normal sleep cycle, promotes the onset of natural sleep, if a constant optimal dosage is observed, the drug has a persistent sedative effect. It is worth remembering that valerian dilates the coronary vessels and calms the heart rhythm.
  8. Nervoflux
    Combined herbal remedy, promotes relaxation and tranquility, the formation of normal sleep. The active components of the plants that make up the drug have a calming effect on the nervous system and reduce excitability.
  9. Novopassit
    A medicinal product based on herbal ingredients, which, when taken orally, has a calming effect. This is manifested by a decrease in irritability and anxiety, as well as an easier process of falling asleep. A drug is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of various diseases associated with increased nervous excitability.

Sedatives (medium)

To suppress internal anxiety, agitation and irritability, doctors prescribe sedatives. Simply put, these are medications that calm the nervous system. They allow you to overcome neuroses and other disorders that worsen the quality of life and negatively affect mood.

The action of sedatives is aimed at stimulating the calm activity of the nervous system and weakening the excitation impulses in the brain.

First of all, these funds restore the functions of the central nervous system. Regulation of the processes of excitation and inhibition is manifested in this way:

  • the feeling of anxiety goes away;
  • a person quickly falls asleep, sleeps soundly, and wakes up really rested;
  • mood improves.

Sedatives can enhance the effects of sleeping pills and pain relievers.

TOP-10 drugs

Sedatives in medicine are used to treat neuroses and neurasthenia. They are widely used to treat problems with falling asleep.

It is possible to correct hypertension at the initial stages of its development by taking sedatives. Sometimes they are prescribed for menopause, for irritable bowel syndrome, for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

  1. Glycine
    It is an affordable nootropic drug widely used in both adults and children. Effectively improves mental activity, mood, sleep becomes strong, soothes and relieves irritation.
  2. Tenoten
    Belongs to the class of nootropics. Soothes, relieves anxiety, helps to endure physical activity, improves brain activity, protects against stress and depression.
  3. Quattrex
    A popular broad-spectrum drug related to nootropics. It is used with a decrease in mental activity, memory impairment and concentration. It is indicated for stuttering, tics and enuresis in children. They help people well during insomnia, manifestation of anxiety, fear. Used by doctors as an adjuvant drug for the treatment of alcohol addiction. However, the drug causes drowsiness, nausea, headache, and sometimes a skin rash.
  4. Negrustin
    An anti-anxiety drug without a hypnotic effect must be used in a course of 1 month or more. It does not negatively affect mental abilities and does not reduce concentration, but it will not be able to stop anxiety immediately. The effect after its application is observed only after a few weeks.
  5. Deprim
    Herbal preparation based on St. John's wort extract is the most natural antidepressant. Deprim must be used for at least 3 weeks to achieve a lasting effect. The recommended dosage is 3 tablets per day.
  6. Phenibut
    The most effective drug for the treatment of neurasthenia at home. It is prescribed for asthenic and anxiety states, insomnia, anxiety, fear and anxiety. Helps with mild depression and dizziness caused by dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus. The course of treatment is from 2 weeks and depends on the mental state of the person. Consume 0.5 g 3 times a day. The maximum single dose is 0.75 g.
  7. Antistress
    Plant-based capsules for the treatment of anxiety and sleep disorders. Antistress is recommended to be used during the period of psycho-emotional and physical overload. The duration of treatment is 1 month, after which a break is taken for the same period and the course is repeated. The drug has a minimum of contraindications and is well tolerated.
  8. Persen
    A preparation with soothing properties and a completely natural composition. Made on the basis of extracts of valerian, mint and lemon balm.
  9. Mexidol
    It has antioxidant, tranquilizing, nootropic properties. Relieves neurosis-like and neurotic states.
  10. Tsipramil
    The sedative effect of the tablets is achieved by increasing and maintaining a sufficient concentration of serotonin in the central nervous system. The tool does not reduce the speed of psychomotor reactions, does not cause drowsiness. A noticeable improvement in the condition is observed 10-12 days after the systematic intake of the tablets.

Tranquilizers (strong)

Tranquilizers are a group of medicinal substances that have the ability to eliminate nervous tension, fear and anxiety. They create a lethargic feeling when stressful circumstances arise.

Tranquilizers have a calming effect and facilitate falling asleep, some of the drugs are successful in complex therapy for seizures of various etiologies.

The tranquilizers currently used are mostly derived from the benzodiazepine group and are characterized by low toxicity and generally fairly good tolerance.

However, drugs in this group can cause a number of unpleasant symptoms, such as drowsiness, confusion, disorientation and lack of coordination, muscle weakness, less often muscle pain, dry mouth, blurred vision.

TOP-10 drugs

Most tranquilizers, with long-term use, are addictive to taking the drug, so treatment should be carried out in short courses.

  1. Freezium
    A benzodiazepine derivative, it has a powerful anxiolytic and anticonvulsant effect, it is indicated in conditions accompanied by an acute feeling of fear (panic attacks), as well as in anxiety neurosis. It is prescribed orally at 10-20 mg / day.
  2. Bromazepam
    A powerful sedative drug, used to treat panic attacks as a means of normalizing sleep in neuroses. Less effective in treating obsessive-compulsive disorder. The dosage is up to 5-6 mg / day.
  3. Chlordiazepoxide
    The first of the benzodiazepine tranquilizers. It has a pronounced anti-anxiety, anxiolytic and muscle relaxant effect. Has an eugipnic effect. It is used in the treatment of obsessive states of a different nature, neuroses to relieve emotional stress, panic attacks. The dosage of the drug is 30-50 mg / day for oral administration.
  4. Diazepam
    It has the properties that chlordiazepoxide detects, relieves all types of anxiety with neuroses, panic attacks, insomnia, obsession, is used for Gilles de la Tourette's syndrome, normalizes night sleep, and can be used for relieving status epilepticus. Doses of the drug in tablet form - up to 40-50 mg / day, are often prescribed parenterally for the treatment of persistent obsessive-compulsive disorders (intravenously - up to 50-60 mg / day).
  5. Lorazepam
    It has a powerful antiphobic and hypnotic effect, is effectively used for all types of neuroses, for the treatment of hypochondriacal, senestopathic disorders, and helps to stabilize the autonomic nervous system.
  6. Phenazepam
    Domestic drug with a wide spectrum of action, refers to highly active tranquilizers. It has an anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant effect. Phenazepam is prescribed for various neurotic, psychopathic, psychopathic conditions, accompanied by fear, anxiety, increased irritability, emotional lability.
  7. Oxylidine
    Does not apply to benzodiazepines, has a moderate sedative, antihypertensive effect, under its influence the effect of hypnotics is enhanced, and cerebral circulation is improved. The drug is administered orally at 0.02 mg per dose, 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is one to two months.
  8. Alprazolam
    It belongs to the triazolamic derivatives of benzodiazepine, it is used as a drug that most actively relieves panic attacks and acts as a vegetative stabilizer. It is rapidly absorbed, the peak concentration in the blood plasma is after 2 hours. It is prescribed by mouth, the initial dose is 0.25 mg / day, it may increase to 3 mg / day.
  9. Atarax
    The drug, to which there is no addiction, is used to treat asthenia, mild phobic manifestations. The recommended doses are from 25 to 100 mg / day in tablets, in addition there is a 0.2% syrup (200.0), 5 ml contains 10 mg of atarax. The course of treatment is one to two months.
  10. Buspirone
    A relatively "mild" tranquilizer, because it is not addictive and does not sedate. It even has an antidepressant effect to some extent. It can be used for a long time (several months).


There are states of the body when taking drugs of this kind is strictly prohibited, a medical specialist can indicate this, having studied all the individual characteristics of the body and the history of diseases.

  1. Pregnant women... The very state of expectation of the baby is associated with great experiences and stresses, however, the independent use of drugs can harm the child. It is better to consult a doctor, who will select a suitable remedy based on medicinal herbs such as motherwort or Valerian officinalis.
  2. Children... Doctors do not recommend the use of sedatives in children who do not suffer from a disorder of the nervous system. Periodic whims, tantrums, mood swings are quite normal behavior for a child. If the parents suspect that the child's behavior does not correspond to the norms, then a specialist should be consulted.
  3. People prone to allergies and hypersensitivity... At the doctor's appointment, it is imperative to voice all the allergic reactions of the body that caused the medications, the medical professional will select the appropriate drug. However, before use, you should read the instructions for the medicine yourself.
  4. Traumatic brain injury... Postponed brain damage can provoke adverse reactions, therefore, stress medications should be used with caution.
  5. Serious illnesses. It is not recommended to calm the nerves with medication in the presence of epilepsy, brain tumor, alcohol and drug addiction.

Folk recipes

Not only the pharmaceutical industry is able to relieve irritation and fatigue, relieve anxiety and fear, and normalize the psycho-emotional background.

  1. Motherwort
    15 g of chopped herbs per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for 30-40 minutes, take a tablespoon 3-5 times a day.
  2. Thyme (creeping thyme)
    15 g of dry chopped herbs per 1 glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour, drink a tablespoon 3 times a day.
  3. Infusion of creeping thyme herb
    1 tbsp. a spoonful of dried herbs should be poured with 0.5 liters of boiling water and insisted in a sealed container, wrapped well, for 40 minutes. Strain, add 30 drops of Astragalus root tincture. Drink this infusion in 4 doses during the day.
  4. Sagebrush
    A teaspoon of dry crushed herbs for 2 cups of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, drink a quarter of a glass 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals.
  5. Knotweed (bird highlander)
    20 g of dry chopped herbs per glass of boiling water. Insist 2 hours. Drink a tablespoon 2-5 times a day.
  6. Bearberry (bear ears)
    10 g of dry leaves in 1 glass of water. Boil for 15 minutes, drink 1 tablespoon 5-6 times a day.
  7. Citrus honey
    Peel 2 lemons, 2 oranges. Pass them through a meat grinder. Add 4 tbsp. spoons of honey. Take this mixture in 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day before meals.
  8. Beet
    Beet juice mixed in half with honey, take 100 ml 3-4 times a day for 10 days or long-term - 200 ml a day for 3-4 weeks.

The rhythm of our life can unsettle even the most stress-resistant personality. The delicate and sensitive nervous system is especially affected. She reacts with neuroses, arrhythmias, depression, insomnia and severe mental breakdowns.

What to do? Hiding from the realities by fleeing to quiet villages? Why, when there are pharmacies. The world of pharmaceuticals offers to help people a variety of soothing pills for nerves. And how to choose the right product without harm to health? Let's figure it out.

Modern life is rich in excitement and stress, how can you help?

Although many anti-anxiety medications are available on vacation and do not require a doctor's prescription, don't take such medications lightly! Such medicines can provoke serious complications and negatively affect human health.

You can prescribe yourself a sedative on your own if the discomfort is temporary, caused by passing exams, an emergency at work, or a noisy and important event. But in this case, you should know a number of contraindications when taking anti-anxiety drugs is prohibited or requires special care:

Pregnancy... Almost every woman in this difficult period is faced with nervous shocks, the causes of which are the restructuring of the hormonal background. It is extremely contraindicated for the expectant mother to take any chemical preparations to relieve anxiety. And it is imperative to obtain a doctor's permission to use any medicines.

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use mild sedatives based on Motherwort and Valerian

During pregnancy, it is allowed to use light herbal sedatives. Created on the basis of motherwort or valerian.

Individual intolerance... Many people suffer from congenital allergies to the ingredients in sedatives. If this person has even the slightest tendency to allergic manifestations, the appropriate medicine for the nerves should be selected especially carefully.

Childhood... Mommies need to know that it is strictly forbidden to give anti-anxiety drugs to young children without a pediatrician's appointment. It is forbidden to use them for prophylactic purposes, if the baby does not have neurological and psychiatric problems.

Children's tantrums, whims are not a reason for raiding a pharmacy in search of a sedative for a little inaudible. All such medicines for children are prescribed only by a doctor!

Traumatic brain injury... Doctors strongly discourage taking anti-anxiety drugs after various (even minor) head injuries. According to doctors, taking such medications provokes the development of dangerous side reactions. Pills that calm the nervous system should not be taken by persons who have been diagnosed with the following diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • neoplasms of the brain;
  • alcohol and drug addiction.

All drugs designed to restore nerves are a large group of different medicines, different in their effect on the nervous system. Their main task is to restore balance between the centers of inhibition / excitation.

Excitation and inhibition of the central nervous system

According to their pharmacology, all anti-anxiety medicines are divided into four major classes. Let's get to know them.


Drugs in this group are the oldest drugs from the category of sedatives. The group's name comes from the Greek words for "dissolving anxiety." Such funds are also called anxiolytics. The group of modern tranquilizers has over 100 drugs.

Properties of tranquilizers

The main task of these medicines is to relieve the state of depression, fear, anxiety and panic.... Tranquilizers have the following effects on a person:

  1. Anticonvulsant. Relief of convulsive activity.
  2. Muscle relaxant. Decreased muscle tension.
  3. Anxiolytic. Reducing the level of anxiety and tension.
  4. Hypnotic. Restoring sleep, increasing its duration and quality.
  5. Sedative. Decrease in psychomotor overexcitation by arresting the speed of mental and motor reactions.
  6. Vegetative stabilizing. Normalization of the activity of the vegetative system: stabilization of pressure, heart rate, reduction of sweating.

All of these effects can be reported to varying degrees for different drugs. This must be taken into account when choosing a tranquilizer.

An important feature of such drugs is the lack of their effect on the cognitive functions of the body. They also do not act on the stabilization of the mental state. Tranquilizers are helpless in the fight against hallucinations, delusional ideas.

Therefore, the main indications for the use of tranquilizers are:

  • acute stress;
  • withdrawal symptoms;
  • VSD (vegetative vascular dystonia);
  • panic and anxiety disorders;
  • obsessive compulsive disorder;
  • neuroses accompanied by insomnia and fears;
  • excitement before major surgical operations.

A good sedative for the nerves of a number of tranquilizers has a potentiating effect. These medications enhance the effects of sleeping pills and pain relievers.

Potentiating drugs

The most effective tranquilizers include benzodiazepine drugs. But they are addictive. Modern drugs have a more gentle effect and do not have side effects.

Popular tranquilizers

Name the effect
Diazepam (or Valium, Seduxen, Sibazon, Relanium) Muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant
Phenazepam Sedative
Chlordiazepoxide Sedative, muscle relaxant
Gidazepam Anxiolytic
Atarax (Hydroxyzine) Moderate anxiolytic
Afobazol Hypnotic, anxiolytic
Benactisin Sedative, hypnotic
Meprobamate Anticonvulsant, hypnotic, sedative
Adaptol Vegetative stabilizing, muscle relaxant
Trioxazine Vegetative stabilizing, hypnotic

Sedative medicines

The mildest sedatives in their effect. The name itself (translated from Latin, sedation means "tranquility") speaks of the sparing effect of drugs on the body.

Sedatives are excellently tolerated and non-addictive. They are prescribed by doctors for admission to children, pregnant women and the elderly.

If you go to the pharmacy and ask what to drink from nerves and stress, the pharmacist will offer you exactly sedative medications. Such drugs can be taken until the problem is completely eliminated. They do not cause addiction.

The sedative effect of drugs

Medicines of the sedative group have the following effects on the human body:

  1. Reduces feelings of anxiety.
  2. Contributes to the normalization of sleep, making it calm and deep.
  3. They enhance the effect of other drugs (sleeping pills, painkillers).
  4. Improve the autonomic functions of the body (stabilize blood pressure, heart rate).
  5. They stimulate the processes of excitation (or stop them), which occur in the cerebral cortex.
  6. Stabilize the work of higher nervous activity. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the central nervous system.

Sedative pills for nerves and stress: a list of names

Name Indications
Bromides (based on sodium and potassium)

Potassium bromide solution



Adonis bromine

Neurasthenia, neuroses, hysteria, initial stages of hypertension, insomnia
Combined (based on plant components with the inclusion of chemical compounds)



Irritability, insomnia, internal tension, stress, overwork, neurasthenia
Of plant origin



Hysteria, insomnia, arrhythmias, neuroses, stress during menopause, hypertension and angina pectoris


Or antipsychotics are the most powerful, powerful in their effect, a sedative for the nerves. Such drugs have appeared in the pharmaceutical world relatively recently.

Antipsychotics - powerful drugs

All drugs in this series have a strong suppressive effect on productive symptoms. Such medicines are removed from the patient:

  • delusional, obsessive ideas;
  • hallucinations (visual / auditory);
  • behavioral disorders (aggressiveness, mania, agitation).

Antipsychotics are prescribed by physicians for the treatment of serious psychoemotional disorders (autism, schizophrenia, emotional flattening, desocialization, severe neuroses, psychosis).

The ban is based on the fact that all drugs of this kind have serious side effects. This is expressed in the appearance of muscle stiffness, tremor, hypersalivation (salivation), oral hyperkinesis (cramps of the tongue, cheek muscles).

The name of the antipsychotic sedative pills

Typical (classic) drugs Atypical (more gentle) remedies
Antipsychotic effect










Azaleptin (Leponex)

Rispolept (Riste or Speridan)


Sedative effect








Azaleptin (or Leponex)

Hypnotic effect



Thioridazine (Sonapax)



Azaleptin (or Leponex)

Activating effect (relief of behavioral disorders)



Rispolept (Risset, Speridian)

Normotimic effect (mood stabilizer)






Corrective behaviors



Thioridazine (Sonapax)



Antidepressant effect


Trifluoperazine (Stelazin, Triftazin)



Rispolept (Risset or Speridan)

Anti-manic effect




Thioridazine (Sonaprax)




Rispolept (Risset, Speridan)

Restoration of cognitive functions





These are psychotropic drugs, the main task of which is to regulate mood in people with a diagnosed mental disorder. In addition to stabilizing the emotional background, normotimics (or thymoisoleptics) stop the risk of a possible relapse of the disease.

Mood stabilizers have the following effects:

  • stop bouts of irritability;
  • reduce impulsivity, quarrelsomeness and irascibility;
  • remove the effect of dysphoria (decreased mood) in people with mental illness.

Normotimics are used for complex therapy in the case of diagnosed severe disorders. These are schizophrenia, mood disorders, manic-depressive psychosis.

What are normotimics

The thymoisoleptics are based on lithium and carbazepine derivatives, lamotrigine and valproate. When taking such medications, you should be especially careful.

Reception of normotimics is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Abrupt cessation of the use of drugs in this group leads to the rapid onset of an affective state.

To understand which sedative tablets are the most effective in this category, you need to be a doctor or the patient himself. These drugs can only be purchased with a medical prescription.

List of normotimics

Sedative homeopathy

It is best to take anti-anxiety medications only as directed by your doctor. But there is a subgroup of funds that you can focus on. These are homeopathic preparations based on herbal ingredients:

  • Nott;
  • Leovit;
  • Sedalia;
  • Calm down;
  • Gelarium;
  • Neurosed;
  • Nervohel;
  • Avena comp;
  • Edas 306 and 111;
  • Valerianahel.

It is better to dissolve such drugs slowly by placing the pill under the tongue. The active substances, absorbed into the sublingual veins, begin to act instantly.

Remember that the quality of human life primarily depends on the emotional background. But to abuse, unreasonably to take any sedatives is fraught with health deterioration. Everything should be competently and in moderation.

Stresses and worries happen to every person. The reason for this may be: a bad environment at work and at home, a personality trait, and much more. Some people resort to sedatives or antidepressants to combat feelings of anxiety and fear. Below we take a look at some of the best sedatives from customer reviews.

What kind of sedatives are there?

The modern pace of life is forcing people to increasingly resort to the help of drugs. This article will help you not to make a mistake in choosing a sedative.

So, all sedatives sold in the pharmacy are divided into 2 types: vegetable and synthetic origin.

Herbal preparations (herbs, fees, tinctures)

Tinctures, herbs and preparations can be bought at almost any pharmacy, and they are dispensed without a doctor's prescription. The effect of the application does not occur earlier than after a week of stable intake (1-2 times a day, depending on the remedy).

As a rule, all herbal preparations have less harmful effects on the human body, and the result remains for a long time. The most popular herbal sedatives are valerian, motherwort extract, peony extract, St. John's wort, and so on.

Valerian is one of the first in our rating. According to customer reviews, Valerian does an excellent job of relieving the excitability of the nervous system, has a calming effect on it. It also helps with headaches, reduces intestinal cramps, and much more.

Preparations of synthetic origin and others

Long-term use of synthetic sedatives can cause addiction and numerous side effects. That is why we recommend that you consult with your doctor before using them!

Synthetic drugs are also divided into 3 types:

  • Tranquilizers- psychotropic drugs that relieve anxiety, fear and other similar symptoms in patients.
  • Antipsychotics- psychotropic drugs that effectively affect depression, delirium, hallucinations and the like.
  • Normotimics- drugs to stabilize mood.

Strong sedatives cause irreversible changes in the body, including the brain, if taken indiscriminately or without medical supervision.

Non-prescription sedatives

Before purchasing medicines, you should always consult with the appropriate doctor. Ignoring a visit to the doctor can lead to unwanted side effects and addiction.

Some people are used to self-medication, so many sedatives are available over the counter without a prescription. A short description on our website will help you to choose the right drug.

Carefully study the composition, indications for use, method of application and side effects. These points will help you quickly get rid of symptoms and avoid complications.


Category Name Rating (based on user reviews) Price
Best sedatives for adults 4.9 / 5 270 ₽
4.6 / 5 40 ₽
4.8 / 5 190 ₽
4.6 / 5 220 ₽
4.9 / 5 140 ₽
4.3 / 5 160 ₽
4.2 / 5 350 ₽
4.7 / 5 270 ₽
5 / 5 70 ₽
Best sedatives for children 4.5 / 5 200 ₽
4.7 / 5 490 ₽

Sedatives for adults

Below are the most popular products for men and women according to customer reviews. Description, method of application and side effects taken from official sources.

Afobazol (Aphobazolum)

An effective remedy for dealing with anxiety and stress. Has no effect on memory, attention and muscle activity, does not cause drowsiness in patients and loss of concentration. The dose is assigned to each person individually (on average - 30 mg per day), and the course of treatment ranges from one week to a month. The effect of the action of Afobazole can be seen after 5-7 days of daily use.

Indications for use: anxiety disorders, adjustment disorders, asthma, irritable bowel syndrome, after smoking cessation disorder, and the like. The drug is recommended for use by persons over 18 years of age.

pros :

  • Can be purchased from pharmacies without a prescription.
  • Reduces anxiety, normalizes sleep, improves mood.
  • There is no “withdrawal syndrome” after application.
  • Not addictive.
  • Inexpensive.

Minuses :

  • Side effects.


The active ingredient is dry valerian extract. This drug is intended for direct effects on the central nervous system. It reduces nervous irritability, effectively fights insomnia, and helps with certain disorders of the cardiovascular system. We recommend taking 1-2 Valerian tablets 3-4 times a day. The duration of treatment is individual in each case, and is prescribed by the attending physician.

The drug does an excellent job with the task (normalizes the functioning of the nervous system). In order for the effect of the drug to become permanent, you need to drink the full course for several weeks.

Advantages :

  • An excellent remedy for insomnia.
  • Can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription.
  • The effect comes pretty quickly.
  • Vegetable origin.
  • Inexpensive.

disadvantages :

  • Side effects.
  • Contraindicated in pregnant women.


The main active ingredients in the preparation Valemidin: valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, mint. Valerian and motherwort have a calming effect on the central nervous system. Hawthorn affects the cardiovascular system, normalizes the heartbeat rhythm. Peppermint dilates blood vessels, improving blood flow to the brain.

The drug is great for insomnia, stress, anxiety and the like. The herbal components of the preparation are well absorbed by the body. The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor, often the course is prescribed for 10-15 days.

Advantages :

  • Helps with sleep disorders and insomnia.
  • Retains memory and concentration.
  • Convenient drip dispenser.
  • Vegetable origin.
  • Inexpensive.

disadvantages :

  • Side effects.
  • Contains diphenhydramine.

Deprim forte

A sedative to improve the condition of the nervous system. The main active ingredient is the herb St. John's wort. Deprim Forte has a positive effect on brain activity, reduces emotional and physical fatigue, improves mood, and improves sleep quality. The drug is also prescribed for people who are hypersensitive to weather changes.

Pros according to customer reviews :

  • Herbal remedy, active ingredient St. John's wort.
  • Helps relieve stress, fatigue.
  • Improves mood and sleep quality.
  • Helps people with meteosensitivity.
  • Inexpensive.

Minuses :

  • Side effects.


Motherwort tincture is a mild sedative that helps calm nerves and relieve stress. In addition, this drug is recommended for the treatment of a number of other diseases (asthma, shortness of breath, flatulence, and so on). It contains essential oils, tannins, flavonoids.

Due to its composition, the medicinal plant helps to lower blood pressure, normalize the heart rate, has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect.

Advantages :

  • A good sedative for little money.
  • Natural preparation.
  • Effectively helps against a number of diseases.
  • It has a mild sedative effect.

disadvantages :

  • Not found.


The drug is used by patients with an increased sense of anxiety, constant irritability, stress, and the like. This remedy does not have a sedative effect on the body (does not cause drowsiness and fatigue), and it can be used with other medicines.

The drug has an effect on the processes of "excitation-inhibition", which means that it does not depress the nervous system. After applying Tenoten, the effect lasts for one month.

Benefits according to user reviews :

  • Does not cause drowsiness and inhibition of reactions.
  • Improves mood, efficiency, improves quality of life.
  • Alcohol free.
  • Not addictive.
  • For children and adolescents, there is Tenoten for children.

disadvantages :

  • Side effects.

Persen (Persen)

Persen is a herbal sedative that contains valerian, lemon balm and peppermint. These ingredients help to cope with stress, anxiety, insomnia, and decreased attention. If you take pills during the day, then drowsiness will not appear. After the end of the course of treatment, patients do not develop a "withdrawal syndrome".

You should be careful about taking Persen with other drugs, as it enhances the effect of sleeping pills and other drugs that affect the central nervous system.

pros :

  • Contains ingredients of natural origin.
  • Well relieves irritability and anxiety.
  • Helps to fall asleep during insomnia (does not cause drowsiness during the day).
  • Suitable for adults and children (from 12 years old).
  • Inexpensive.

Minuses :

  • Side effects.


One of the most popular sedatives is Novo-passit. It contains 7 medicinal plants and a semi-synthetic component, guaifenesin. Thanks to such a diverse composition, Novo-passit is successfully used for a wide range of indications. This medicine soothes and relieves anxiety after the first use. The drug can be used once.

Novo-passit is suitable for adults and children from 12 years of age. According to the manufacturer, this drug is prescribed for the following complaints: "manager's syndrome", fear, fatigue, anxiety, stress, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, some types of insomnia.

Advantages :

  • Effectively combats stress and anxiety.
  • A wide range of indications (insomnia, migraines, gastrointestinal diseases).
  • Begins to act after the first dose.
  • A wide range, you can choose a package of any size.
  • Inexpensive.

disadvantages :

  • Side effects.

Phytosedan No. 2 and No. 3

Phytosedan is a multi-component collection that contains only natural herbs (valerian, motherwort, soul, thyme). It is used mainly for the treatment of hyperexcitability, sleep disorders and arterial hypertension.

After using a sedative, drowsiness does not appear, but you need to be careful when engaging in hazardous activities. Despite the combination of various herbs, tea has a pleasant taste and aroma.

Advantages :

  • It has a mild sedative effect.
  • It consists of 100% natural ingredients.
  • Low packaging price.
  • Nice taste and smell.
  • Packaged release form, convenient to brew.

disadvantages :

  • Not found

Sedatives for children

It is very important for children to choose a natural product that will have a mild soothing effect. Below we take a look at the best sedatives for children according to customer reviews.


This drug has a positive effect on metabolic processes in nerve cells. The drug helps to reduce tension, anxiety, fear. It is also recommended to use it for insomnia and nightmares. For the treatment of tics, stuttering and bedwetting in children.

Under the influence of the active substance phenibut, attention, memory, and the speed of sensory-motor reactions improve. The absorption of the drug is high. User reviews of the drug are mostly positive.

Advantages :

  • Quickly soothes after ingestion.
  • Relieves insomnia and anxiety.
  • Improves attention and memory.
  • Relatively low price.
  • Helps with severe excitability in a child.

disadvantages :

  • Not suitable for everyone.


Stress is the reaction of the human body to an external situation that he considers dangerous. This reaction is programmed by nature and is the same for all people, it is associated with the instinct of self-preservation. But people behave differently in such cases. Some panic or start scandals, others pretend that everything is in order and withdraw into themselves, and still others use sedatives for stress.

A person is not able to rid himself of trouble, but he has a choice. His physical and mental health depends on this: no matter what comes from the outside, the attitude is important.

What sedatives are best to take in case of anxiety and stress, nervous diseases. What medicines and drugs are more effective for the body.

The attitude towards an emergency can be different.

  • Negative: I do not accept what is happening, it is unfair (the search for the guilty begins).
  • Zero: I don't care, let it be anything (such a reaction is unnatural, an unpleasant situation is driven inside).
  • Positive: "I have no luck at cards - I will be lucky in love" (the search for a way out begins).

A negative attitude to the situation (suppose it was a fall on a slippery street) causes a negative reaction: the brain sends a signal of danger, the stress hormone cortisol is released, fats turn into sugar, the pressure rises - the body is ready for action: a person waves his hands, scolds everyone from the janitor to the minister, then calms down, depleting his energy reserves.

Stress can lead to alcoholism, nervous breakdown, and other illnesses

In the second case, the same changes occur in the body, but there is an internal experience of their humiliation against the background of increased pressure and blood sugar levels.

In the third option, you can laugh at your clumsiness, sprinkle sand on a slippery place - the main thing is to calm down. Energy costs in this case will be the lowest.

Every day a person experiences more than one similar situation, a habit is formed in a certain way to respond to troubles. And if this is always a negative reaction, the body constantly goes through two initial phases of stress: the phase of anxiety and adaptation, during which energy consumption continues.

When a great misfortune comes (death of loved ones, ruin, loss of job, divorce) or troubles follow for a long time (lack of money, failures at work, problem children), people with a negative and zero attitude to nervous experience quickly enter a phase of exhaustion. The body burns all available fat stores, blood sugar and blood pressure rise, nerves become loose, and a strong sedative is required. Payback comes for the wrong way of behavior, the person experiences, experiencing.

Stress trap

It is difficult to get out of such a trap situation without sedatives and drugs.

The inability (or unwillingness) to adequately relate to life's trials sooner or later leads us to a dead end, from which it is impossible to get out without medical help. A person cannot independently stop negative processes in the body. If you do not use anti-anxiety medications to relieve stress on time, this can lead to the following consequences:

  • sudden death;
  • severe, poorly treatable somatic diseases;
  • nervous and mental illness.

Unexpected death occurs most often in men over the age of 40. Causes of death: extensive heart attack or stroke - the result of an incorrect response to nervous experiences. Creating the impression of external control over the situation, a person drives anxiety inward. The brain, on the other hand, gives danger signals and triggers a stressful mode of work of the body. As a result, many years of life with high blood pressure, when the heart does not receive adequate nutrition, because resources are spent on something else. In fact, death in the prime of life can be avoided. Sedatives relieve feelings of anxiety, enable the body to restore its vitality.

Another variant of the consequences is psychosomatic diseases, which are "from the nerves." A long time of the body's work in a stressful situation leads to a constant release of adrenaline into the blood, the conversion of all fats into sugar, and then proteins. A person becomes defenseless against any infection.

The most common diseases:

  • hypertension,
  • diabetes,
  • infectious diseases (from influenza to tuberculosis),
  • stomach and intestinal ulcers,
  • inflammation of internal organs,
  • nervous allergy.

Moreover, neither the psychologist nor the therapist will be able to provide effective treatment until the alarm signal, which destroys the internal regime of the body, is "turned off". If stress is the cause of the illness, a neuropathologist or psychotherapist is the first to prescribe anti-anxiety medications.

The third option for the development of this situation is nervous and mental illness.

  • Neurasthenia is the lot of those who are used to not restraining their emotions. In the phase of exhaustion, any little thing begins to irritate, a person cannot cope with himself, does not know how to relieve stress. Resentment, anger constantly spills out, all this is accompanied by tears, migraines, poor appetite, insomnia, loss of working capacity. Anxiety drugs work well, but only with an adequate attitude to problems.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome is a new disease of our time. It differs from ordinary fatigue in that it has no apparent reason: the person has not yet worked, but already feels mortally tired, the whole body aches, as after hard work. Sleep does not give rest, because it is replaced by insomnia, food does not restore strength, a person loses weight dramatically. Stress leads to immune and hormonal failure, disruption of the autonomic nervous system.
  • Depression is a disease or situation in which the aggression generated by the nervous system turns a person on himself. Life turns from black and white to gray, you constantly feel a feeling of depression, melancholy, inhibition of thoughts and movements. The condition is very dangerous, as it can end in suicide. With latent depression, different organs begin to hurt in a person, although examinations show that the body is healthy. Such people can only be helped by a psychiatrist by choosing the appropriate anti-anxiety medication.

So, those caught in a stress trap cannot restore their health without the help of drugs, but sedatives must be used competently.

From stress and nerves

It is easy to get lost in the sea of ​​psychotropic drugs available in pharmacies today. It is dangerous to appoint them yourself or on the recommendation of acquaintances, but it does not hurt to have a general idea of ​​them. Different types of sedatives are prescribed for stressful situations. By their origin, they are divided into synthetic drugs.

Herbal preparations

Cure for Nervous Diseases

Herbal preparations have a mild sedative effect and have no side effects for the body. Most often, drugs are produced in the form of tinctures or dry raw materials, less often in tablets. In pharmacies, they are sold without a prescription and are inexpensive.

  • Valerian is the most famous nerve medicine. The alkaloids and essential oils in its roots serve as raw materials for the tincture, which helps with various diseases. Valerian treatment should be carried out in courses, it does not give a quick effect. Take 25 drops 3 times a day. The course of admission is prescribed by the doctor.
  • Peppermint is one of the most common soothing plants. It is used in the form of alcoholic tincture or tea for nervous breakdowns and insomnia.
  • Melissa is a heart medicine that helps with palpitations, lowers blood pressure, relieves itching, does not cause drowsiness.
  • Common chamomile - apigenin contained in its composition has a strong sedative effect and is able to suppress strong nervous shocks. It is used in the form of a tincture and a decoction. Has contraindications: gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Peony - contains alkaloids and substances that stimulate the production of endorphins. The use of peony tincture not only calms the nerves, but also has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

Motherwort, watch, hop cones, mint, lemon balm, valerian - this is the optimal composition of the medicinal sedative collection for decoction or tea.

Synthetic psychotropic drugs

Synthetic nerve sedatives

Synthetic drugs for stress are produced only in tablets: therapeutic substances in this form are more concentrated, their dissolution in the body occurs gradually. The substances of the pills for depression interfere with biochemical processes, affect the functioning of the brain, and restore nerves. Therefore, not only the composition of the preparations is important, but also the ratio of active substances and the speed of their assimilation. It is necessary to take anti-stress medications strictly according to the rules:

  • carry out treatment in courses, the duration of which is determined by the doctor;
  • do not suddenly stop taking psychotropic drugs;
  • compatibility with other sedative medications should be determined in advance.

Pregnant and lactating mothers, children, persons with craniocerebral trauma and brain tumors, epilepsy, drug and alcohol addiction have contraindications to taking sedatives.

According to their action, sedative synthetic drugs are divided into several classes.

  1. Antipsychotics - act on areas of the brain and inhibit the activity of the nervous system.
  2. Antidepressants - keep the body high in serotonin and prevent negative emotions from developing.
  3. Tranquilizers - suppress emotions, have a strong sedative effect.
  4. Nootropic drugs - activate the intellectual work of the brain.
  5. Normotimics - they restrain the development of seizures, make the psyche more stable.
  6. Sedatives - created on the basis of bromine, enhance the inhibition processes.

Review of popular anti-stress medications

ClassDrug nameApplicationSide effects
AntipsychoticsSonapax "," Tiaprid "," Azaleptin "," Trisedil "They extinguish fear, aggression, treat schizophrenia, mental disorders, schizophrenia. They are used in especially severe cases and only with a prescription.Suppress the work of the brain and central nervous system. Can lead to loss of personality.
Antidepressants"Azafen", "Befol", "Fevarin" "Moklobemide", "Pirazidol",Relieve apathy, negative emotions improve sleep and appetite; treat depression, panic fears. Popular in the treatment of depression (especially in the West). Accepted by prescription.May cause hallucinations and paranoia.
TranquilizersAfobazol, Phenazepam, Atarax, Lorazepam, Adaptol.Relieve feelings of anxiety, irritability, improve the emotional background; retain thinking ability; treat neuroses, insomnia. Best anti-anxiety medications for stress
Take under medical supervision and in short courses.
Addictive and addictive, dangerous to take on their own.
NootropicsPhenibut, Mexidol, Glycine, TenotenStimulates mental activity, cerebral circulation; treat neuroses, insomnia. They are used without a doctor's prescription."Phenibut" has contraindications for gastrointestinal diseases
Normotimics -"Lamotrigine" "Quetiapine" "Olanzapine", "Risperidone".Stabilize mood, relieve nervousness, irritability, help with manic depression. Can be used without a prescription.Not seen
Sedatives"Barboval", "Validol", "Valokordin", "Valoserdin", Persen.They have a mild sedative effect, treat neuroses, hysteria. Can be used without a prescription.Not seen

Folk sedatives

There are many recipes for traditional medicine to overcome neuroses and depressive conditions, here are a few of them.

  • To overcome feelings of anxiety, you need to eat a banana every day. It contains mescaline - the "drug of happiness", an excellent sedative for the body.
  • 40 grams of chocolate can lower blood cortisol levels and reduce anxiety.
  • The spirit of lemon balm is a tincture recipe from a German monastery. In 1 liter of vodka, insist 10 g of lemon balm leaves, 2 clove buds, zest of one lemon, 1 g of ground angelica root, a pinch of chopped coriander and nutmeg. After 2 weeks of infusion, filter and drink in small doses, adding to tea. Such a remedy increases vitality, relieves depression.
  • Dissolve the juice of half a lemon and a teaspoon of honey in a glass of water. Drink three times a day. Helps in a situation of overexcitation, insomnia.

Is it possible to relieve stress without medication

From me it was

Deeply religious people do not have stress and depression, they have sorrows and temptations. Behind every blow of fate, the voice of the Savior is heard: "It was from Me." Patience, humility, prayer, Church Sacraments help to overcome adversity.

Medicines for men and women

Sports, sex and a delicious lunch will help the male body overcome stress. Nature, rearrangement of furniture, aerobics and love of loved ones will not let a woman break down.

If mom is alive

Talking to your mother, even on the phone, can calm you down and reduce stress.

Help another

If you feel bad, do someone good and you will feel better.

And finally, as a conclusion: improper behavior in stressful situations leads to depletion of the body's vital resources. The consequences of stress: death, illness, depression. Sedatives and medications prescribed by a specialist will help restore lost health.

Stress has become an integral part of our lives. Chronic stress, anxiety and fears drive us into a corner, contributing to the manifestation of insomnia, neuroses and depression. Acute and chronic stress can provoke all kinds of diseases, among which the most dangerous is cancer.

Causes and manifestations

In modern life, there are many reasons that can trigger the onset of neurosis. If you dig deeper, then stress and neuroses arise on the basis of a conflict between a person's inner desires and the ability to realize them in life. A trigger factor can be either one traumatic situation of great strength or chronic troubles that unsettle a person.

The main causes of neuroses and stress include failures at work (men suffer more), unfavorable marriage, unconscious internal conflicts, stressful work (doctors, teachers, hospice staff), chronic diseases, and many others.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the type of temperament and mental stability, however, even the most persistent of us sometimes need help to successfully cope with stress.

Neuroses are the most common type of mental disorder, but most of these patients seek help from family doctors or therapists, or try to treat their illness on their own.

Stressful states are characterized by the occurrence of the following conditions:

  • insomnia, superficial and intermittent sleep;
  • increased appetite or decreased (up to absence);
  • feeling of depression, fatigue, emptiness, physical weakness; headaches, loss of memory and attention;
  • increased irritability, depression, high sensitivity to stress factors, excessive vulnerability;
  • tearfulness, tearfulness, melancholy, increased anxiety, emotional lability;
  • fatigue and inability to concentrate;
  • decreased libido.

Autonomic disorders can also join: palpitations, sweating, hand tremors, fluctuations in blood pressure, bowel problems.


It is necessary to treat stressful conditions in a comprehensive and competent manner, since self-medication in this case is not the best choice, since it is very easy to suppress the symptoms, but not get rid of the very cause of stress: do not try to fight yourself - this will not help you cope with the problem, but will only aggravate the situation !

There is a certain list of drugs that help get rid of neurosis and stress.

AfobazolA synthetic drug, the action is aimed at combining anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and easily stimulating effects. Afobazol reduces anxiety, tension, vegetative manifestations. This medication comes in pill form and is not addictive. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.RUB 300
AtaraxThe drug is a daytime tranquilizer (anxiolytic). Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. Atarax tablets have a moderate sedative, antiemetic, antihistamine effect. This drug improves memory and attention, relieves anxiety, helps get rid of itching in eczema and dermatitis. Penetrates the blood-brain barrier, is not prescribed during pregnancy.270 RUB
GrandaxinA daytime traquilizer, which belongs to the group of benzodiazepine derivatives, mainly has an anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) effect, does not have a sedative (sedative), muscle relaxant, anticonvulsant effect. It is used to normalize psycho-vegetative reactions, eliminate vegetative disorders. It has an average stimulating activity on the higher centers of the nervous system. Dispensed in the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.From 203 to 607 rub.
AdaptolIt is a mild tranquilizer, it does not have a hypnotic effect, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and also increases efficiency and mental activity. It can be used as a daytime tranquilizer. Adaptol is available in tablets.RUB 600
TenotenNootropic drug with antixiolytic activity. It has a calming and anti-anxiety effect without causing hypnogenic and muscle relaxant effects. It is mainly used for chronic intoxications, hypoxia, and various circulatory disorders of the brain. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.196 r
PhenibutNootropic drug, has a moderate tranquilizing, psychostimulating effect, reduces the manifestations of nervous asthenia and vagovegetative symptoms, moderately increases physical activity and mental activity. Phenibut tablets help to reduce anxiety, tension, anxiety and fear, and normalize the physiology of sleep. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. This drug is used in the treatment of acute and chronic stress.123 r
NovopassitThe preparation of plant origin, in its composition contains extract of valerian rhizomes, hop cones and old flowers. Well removes nervous excitement, restores sleep.280 RUB
PersenSedative (sedative) drug, has a plant origin, has a sedative and antispasmodic effect. Contains extract of valerian rhizomes, lemon balm and peppermint leaves.320 RUB
AzafenThe drug is from the group of tricyclic antidepressants. It improves mood and has a mild sedative effect. Dispensed by prescription of the attending physician.192 RUB
AmitriptylineThe drug is from the group of inhibitors of neuronal uptake of monoamines. Helps get rid of depression of any etiology, as well as with severe neurosis with a predominance of anxiety componentFrom 38 to 62 rubles.

When prescribing any of these drugs, it is very important to take its full course as prescribed by the attending physician. This should be done to consolidate the effect and prevent possible relapses.

Patients with severe cases of neuroses must be treated in a hospital under the supervision of specialists.

Separate groups of drugs

The main drugs for treatment are divided into two groups - these are of plant and synthetic origin. Medicines from the group of psychotropic drugs are prescribed by a psychiatrist, these include antidepressants, neuroleptics, nootropics and tranquilizers.


Antidepressants are drugs that belong to the group of psychotropic drugs. They are used to eliminate the symptoms of depression, reduce the feeling of melancholy, anxiety, relieve the feeling of apathy and lethargy, reduce internal emotional stress, normalize sleep and appetite. The basic antidepressants include the following drugs - fluoxetine (Prozac), paroxetine (Paxil), fevarin and azafen. Antidepressants are prescribed by a psychiatrist, starting with small doses, the duration of treatment is several months to consolidate the effect. Antidepressants also have side effects - hypotension, arrhythmia, dry mouth, pruritus, weight gain, and more. These medicines are available at the pharmacy only with a doctor's prescription.


Nootropics are drugs that have a specific effect on the nervous system and are neurometabolic stimulants. Nootropics stimulate human mental activity, activate the cognitive function of the brain, increase the ability to learn, and also increase the resistance of the brain to damaging factors (for example, to hypoxia). A prominent representative of this group is piracetam. The group of nootropics also includes glycine, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), phenotropil, mexidol. These drugs (except for GABA) are available without a doctor's prescription. Glycine is available in tablets and is successfully used to treat stress and neuroses.


This is a group of drugs that are used to reduce symptoms of anxiety, irritability, fear, and emotional stress. This is due to a decrease in the processes of excitation in the subcortex of the brain. There is also a mild hypnotic and sedative effect.


Antipsychotics are antipsychotic drugs. They affect the higher centers of the brain. The group of neuroleptic drugs includes chlorpromazine, eglonil, clopixol, sonapax. Antipsychotics have different effects on the body - they soothe, lower the threshold of reactions to stimuli, help reduce the symptoms of psychomotor agitation and tension, and reduce the level of fear, anxiety and aggression. They suppress productive symptoms in schizophrenia (delusions, hallucinations). Appointed only by a psychiatrist and dispensed at the pharmacy on a prescription form with doctor's prescriptions.

Herbal preparations

Sedative herbal medicines can be produced in the form of various herbal preparations and in tablets, capsules, syrups. Herbs with a sedative (calming) effect: chamomile, sage, lemon balm, valerian, motherwort. There are tablet forms of motherwort and valerian release.