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The Americans will not fly to Mars. The Americans have not been to the Moon, have not been to Mars, and soon they will not be just as easy on Jupiter

Oh, Schiaparelli's apparatus crashed! .. What a surprise

This is Mars ... Oh no, this is the Mauna Loa volcano. Taken on the Web.

The Schiaparelli spacecraft, sent to Mars as part of the ExoMars mission "to search for biological traces of life on this planet," crashed on the surface of the Red Planet. Detached from the parachute early, ESA head Jan Werner grieves, “and the engine braking lasted too little. The device was falling at a much higher speed than it should ”...

It's sad. But not surprising. For some reason.
Usually, the program is designed in such a way that the engines work as long as it is necessary for a normal descent, and the parachutes do not unfasten ahead of time. If such failures occur, then, apparently, there are some reasons. What kind?

In a strange way, Schiaparelli suffers a catastrophe at the very moment when the American rover Curiosity is on Mars, which has already become a legend for its photo reports from the surface of the Red Planet.

At first, greeted by a storm of emotions, photographs of creatures very similar to earthly, distant lights, rocks, very similar to monuments, over time, they began to cause, let's say, distrust. It was not so unfounded anymore.

To begin with, from the first day Curiosity appeared on Mars, amateur researchers exposed NASA for insincerity: by comparing the coloring of the rover before sending it on a space trip, with the coloring of the parts of the device already on the surface of Mars. It turned out that the details of the rover in the photographs published by NASA, for some reason, do not match the colors taken on Earth. When the rover was returned to its natural color, the photographs of the planet's surface suddenly took on a different color: instead of dull, gray and light brown, desert landscapes, the researchers saw a blue sky, areas covered with something green.
For what purpose the American scientists issued such a substitution, there is no need to guess. For some reason, NASA really wanted Mars to match the existing legend about its lifelessness and hostility to humans.
Every day of the rover's work, inquisitive amateurs-ufologists found more and more oddities: in the photographs sent, more and more often objects came across, surprisingly similar to the silhouettes of terrestrial animals, and even people. And once the photo brought a sensation: the shadow of an astronaut repairing the rover.

These oddities have become increasingly suspicious of meticulous researchers. Moreover, there was a reason for this.
Expeditions to the moon by American astronauts, who actually turned out to be a bluff: it turned out that the comrades did not fly anywhere, and filmed the heroic breakthrough into space in the pavilions of Hollywood. Well, and film frames, photos and film frames from the Moon, as well as tens of kilograms of samples, as you know, were unexpectedly lost. So, just lost! Priceless materials were taken and thrown away by some caretaker or someone else ...

Now they are already giving us Mars with strange photographs of landscapes, very similar to those on Earth.

Moreover, there is reason for doubt if you look at the reports of the experiment, which lasted a whole year on the northern slope of the sleeping volcano Mauna Loa in Hawaii, which was conducted by NASA, studying "psychological and physiological problems that the participants of a future manned flight to Mars might face." ...
Photos of the Hawaiian test site were surprisingly similar to those that the Curiosity rover took and sent to Earth.

Of course, critical ufologists, and simply readers of the Web, immediately began to put forward versions of another forgery of American scientists, now associated with Mars.

The crash of the Schiaparelli spacecraft, in my opinion, confirms this version, which is not too unexpected today.

Schiaparelli - the brainchild of Russian and European scientists, it is quite possible that with his photographs of the surface of Mars, he could expose another NASA fake. A scandal of this magnitude, of course, could not but worry American researchers. And that's why…

Is it difficult to sabotage today by stopping the experiment, putting a comma or ellipsis in the program instead of a period ... Well, the programmer forgot, distracted by reaching for a cup of coffee brought by a colleague, who never happens to.
By the way, several accidents with Russian missiles took place precisely because of programmers' mistakes. Why, in this case, not think about the sabotage that stopped the opportunity to catch a new NASA scam?

While experts only speculate about the possibility of a manned flight to Mars, information appears in the media that the expedition to the Red Planet has allegedly already taken place. Moreover, not only scientific bases were built there, but also Martians were found ... This was recently told to foreign journalists by the captain of the American Marine Corps, retired Jeremy Kay.

According to Kay, for the last 17 years he served ... on Mars, commanding one of the units of the secret space fleet, which is under the command of an international organization called Earth Defense

Force ("Earth Protection Service"), which included representatives from the United States, China and Russia. Their task was to protect earthly colonists from the "unfriendly local population".

Under the protection of Kay's unit, there were five research bases built by earthlings. Before serving, Jeremy had to undergo special three-year training at a secret base located on the moon. It was called Lunar Operations Command. As a result, the captain learned how to fly three types of space fighters and three types of bombers, designed for warfare in airless space.

The service was not easy. The fact is that the indigenous population of Mars was hostile and aggressive towards the aliens from Earth, and the earthly guard constantly had to be on the alert. In the end, Kay was so tired guarding the earth bases that he asked to resign. The command even arranged a pompous farewell ceremony in his honor.

It is clear that this story, told by the Exonews portal, most of all looks like an ordinary "duck". But the fact is that there is also other information related to the Martian bases. For example, about twelve years ago, the Western press published a snapshot called a frame from a video filmed in 1962 and telling about the landing on Mars of some expedition - either American, Russian, or joint ... In a vaguely taken photograph, you can distinguish a small figure in a spacesuit that is drilling the soil. The date was also indicated - May 22, 1962.

But how could a flight to Mars have taken place in 1962? After all, then none of the largest space powers - neither the United States nor the USSR - had a launch vehicle with the power needed for such missions. True, the Korolev Design Bureau was developing a project for the landing of Soviet cosmonauts on Mars, scheduled for 1985. But, according to official data, by this time, mankind was not yet ready for such travels.

In June 2011, an American amateur astronomer David Martinez discovered a strange object over 210 meters long and about 45 meters wide on satellite images of the Red Planet in the Google Earth program, which he mistook for a research station. Assumptions were made about its origin: either it is a station of an extraterrestrial civilization, or earthlings have long settled on Mars ... Martinez even came up with his own name for the object - "Biostation" Alpha "". He repeatedly appealed to NASA with demands to comment on the find, but in response, only one comment was received from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, of an extremely skeptical nature ...

The other day space agency directorNASA Charles Bolden speaking live on the most famous British channelITV News stated that life on Mars was, is now and, probably, in the near future there will be a personal meeting of earthlings with the inhabitants of the Red Planet. According to him,before Mars was almost identical to Earth, and some similarities are still preserved - this is evidenced by signs discovered in the Mars Science Laboratory project.

Charles Bolden's speech certainly deserves attention. Firstly, he is a recognized expert in the space industry: he was previously an astronaut, four times went into orbit - in two missions as a crew commander. Then Bolden made a brilliant administrative career: under his leadership, NASA has been successfully operating for five years. And secondly, the statement of the head of NASA indicates that the Americans have successfully advanced in the exploration of Mars. The fact is that recently NASA has been carefully filtering information coming from the Red Planet. The public was given exclusively "routine" facts, such as: the Curiosity rover drilled wells in a section of rocky rock, the rover discovered rounded pebbles and other data of no particular scientific value.

But a device worth more than $ 2 billion, equipped with super-expensive modern equipment, has been on Mars since August 2012. At its launch, it was stated that the main tasks of the Curiosity mission are to carry out detailed geological and geochemical studies, study the atmosphere and climate of the planet, search for water or traces of its presence, organic substances. This data should determine whether there was once and whether there is life on Mars. The program included a route about 22 km long and even an ascent of Mount Sharp 5.5 km high in the center of Gale Crater. Of course, the world was expecting a flurry of information, but so far the Americans have not reported anything sensational.

During all this time, it was possible to find out that the water content in the soil of the Gale crater is small and is only about 2%. This water is not free, it is part of the red iron hydroxides and one should look for water not here, but at the bottom of the Mariner gorge. The analyzes of methane in the atmosphere as an indicator of life, carried out by American scientists, also turned out to be unreliable - it turned out that it still does not exist. So nothing outstanding.

At the same time, many experts in the field of space are convinced that americans hide really interesting finds, because the previous American probes and rovers almost every month gave out sensations: they found the valleys of huge rivers, grandiose volcanoes, the giant Mariner gorge, various sedimentary and igneous rocks, an abundance of the rare mineral maghemite on Earth, as well as clear traces of the past life. But the current Curiosity is a super-perfect model, which has embodied the best space technologies of our time. In particular, the apparatus is equipped with a set of chemical analyzers, with the help of which man-made objects can be identified and conclusions can be drawn about the possibility of their belonging to a highly developed civilization.

But it all started very well. Curiosity's first shots were very promising: they photographed an object that looked like a sandal sole, a serpentine rusty wire, a mysterious dome on the horizon. It was clear that by examining only these objects, one could learn a lot of interesting things. But suddenly the information stopped flowing. It can be assumed that American researchers were faced with undeniable proof of the existence in the past or present of the remnants of a technogenic civilization, but for some reason they decided not to advertise it. It seems that NASA representatives are playing for time, trying to hide really sensational data behind the flow of insignificant information.

And the current speech of the head of the space agency, Charles Bolden, is clear evidence that the Americans have long known about the presence of civilization on Mars. They know, but they are silent - perhaps because they do not want the whole world to receive their discoveries, in which they have invested billions, for free.

The blogosphere and serious publications are still discussing a month ago as a completed experiment to simulate a flight to Mars. The Internet was flooded with beautiful pictures of a special training complex on the slope of the sleeping volcano Mauna Loa, and lengthy statements Ilona Mask about the inevitability of the conquest of the Red Planet. The only pity is that this epic will be limited to pictures and streams of words. For lack of funds, as they say.

Moreover, technically, the United States cannot even repeat the expedition to the moon, and this was said back in 2011. Where, you ask, are the results of the Constellation-Constellation program, on which a lot of money was spent in 2004-2010, and which was canceled Barack Obama in 2011? This was the program for the creation of lunar bases by 2018-2020! It turned out that this is technically impossible and financially absurd.

Meanwhile, the Moon has been explored very little. NASA only launched the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) and the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) in 2009 and The Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) in 2011 to study the lunar surface and its gravitational field. Until 2009, the United States did not even have a map of the territories where there could be a landing for a new lunar expedition. And the exploration of the Van Allen belts between the Moon and the Earth? Only in 2012, research began (RBSP (Radiation Belt Storm Probes)). The Americans abandoned landing on the moon back in 2011 - they do not pull. They cannot repeat the successes of the Apollo program!

If we accept that the United States is not in a position to send an expedition even to the moon, then how can they carry out an expedition to Mars ten times more difficult, and most importantly - for what? What's a man to do there? Five robotic vehicles (three of them American) are already operating in Mars orbit, plus rovers. There is already a certain amount of information that makes it possible to judge that the landing of people there is useless. Yes, and it is impossible (there is a huge risk that the astronauts may not be taken back).

Worse, America is simply not capable of such an expedition.

To begin with, the United States does not even have a launch vehicle capable of supporting a flight to Mars (and to the Moon, too). It was in the last century that the Americans riveted interplanetary delivery vehicles like on an assembly line. In the 60s of the last century, the United States managed in just five years to create and send on a test flight a unique super-heavy carrier rocket Saturn-5 (1962−1967), and in just 7 years it managed to reach the Moon with its help (1962− 1969). In total, the United States produced in a short time as many as 15 such unique launch vehicles, 13 of which flew into space in 1967-1973.

In addition, in 1961-1965, the United States produced and launched 10 Saturn-1 carrier rockets into space, and in 1966-1975, 9 more launches were made by Saturn-1B carrier rockets. In total, in 1961-1975, the United States manufactured 36 such rockets practically in-line, of which 32 were in space. Another 2 Saturn-1B missiles were unfinished. This is to talk about the "non-serial" of these missiles!

In the 21st century, the United States, already at a higher technical and technological level, has been working for more than 12 years to create a similar carrier of a similar class, but so far the results are more than modest - there is nothing even in test form. In 2004-2011, within the framework of the Constellation program (the landing of the Americans on the Moon and the creation of bases on it in 2018-2020 with the aim of further flight to Mars in 2035-2036), the Ares-5 launch vehicle was developed, but then the program was curtailed and the rocket was not created.

Since 2011, the United States has launched a program to create a super-heavy class Space Launch System, capable of launching from 70 tons of payload to LEO. It is assumed that it is this rocket that will send an expedition (in one direction) to Mars. The first test launch of this launch vehicle was originally planned for 2014, now talking about the end of 2018. The rocket itself, of course, does not exist.

But the world was shown a picture and visualization of the SpaceX Interplanetary Transport System, and people happily began to jump. And why? Any design studio is even cooler. There are no launch vehicles, no technologies, no ships, there are not even calculations for such expeditions.

To summarize:

1. For flights to the Moon and Mars, a super-heavy rocket is needed, capable of launching into low-earth orbit from 70-100 tons of payload (minimum) and on a flight path to the Moon or Mars up to 40-60 tons (minimum).

2. In the history of the Earth, there have been two successful attempts to create such carriers. These are the Saturn-5 rocket, with which the Americans flew to the Moon, and the Energia rocket, created in the USSR and made 2 flights into orbit. That's all (I don't mention H-1).

3. Attempts to create a similar missile of this level have been made by the United States since the early 2000s according to the Constellation program. Under this program, in 2004, it was planned to fly to the Moon in 2018-2020 and even create some bases there. In 2011, the program was closed, for 7 years no work has been done in terms of creating a super-heavy class carrier rocket "Ares-5". That is, the Americans could not even repeat their "successes" of the 60s.

4. Since 2011, the United States has been running a program to create a space launch system, which does not exist in nature yet, moreover, it does not even have working and tested engines for it. The first test flight of this rocket is still scheduled for the end of 2018.

That's all you need to know for now about whether the Americans will fly to Mars and the Moon, and whether they will be able to repeat their own achievements of half a century ago. Although the videos are beautiful, yes.