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In order not to bite mosquitoes and midges. Folk remedies from mosquitoes: how to scare insects what to do to mosquitoes do not bite at night

Summer is a wonderful time of vacation and country trips. Winter Handra ends, the sun shines brightly into the window, filling with energy and happiness. Urban residents are looking forward to this season, and even mosquito bites will not spoil the mood to anyone, but they will have a boring. How to protect yourself from these insects than such pests can be dangerous, how to protect themselves at home and is there any best tool from mosquitoes - let's talk in this article.

To understand how to deal with mosquitoes in the apartment, we will deal with their damasses and where you can face bloodsowing.

How mosquitoes fall into the house

The old legend that mosquitoes fly to the light are incorrect, otherwise they would spend all the time under the lamp as a moth. Little "vampires" felt "prey" on warmth. They feel coming from man or animal infrared radiation at a special level. Yes, and in the room insects appear more often in the summer.

Realizing that here you can enjoy, the Komar chooses the victim by the smell of sweat, and more precisely by its component - lactic acid. Insect is flying for the same reason: infrared vision in the dark catches small heat from the lamp or - so the bloodsowing fall into our rooms and at home.

Allergies to mosquito bites - the most frequent phenomenon that these insects can cause, of course, after normal discomfort and scratching. Less often mosquitoes are carriers of malaria, yellow fever and various kinds of viruses.

How to get rid of mosquitoes at home? To date, there are many drugs of impact on flying pests. Fumigants are available for use in the room - funds that act on the basis of smoke. One of these funds is the anti-mosquito spiral. The principle of its work is quite simple: one end of the spiral is ignited, and it gradually melts, highlighting the smoke. The substances contained in the smoke block the respiratory system of insects and kill them.

The following group of drugs - electrical fluids. Special networks operating from the network. They use either a special plate, or a gel that evaporates from heating and emits substances that kill mosquitoes into the air.

The main disadvantage of this group of protection means is a small radius of action. The most famous brands can ensure safety in rooms not more than 12 m2.

To avoid useless work in the apartment, either several fumigants and fumigators are used or more powerful models.

Evaliable Proper Operation:

  1. Turn on or burn the remedy in an empty room for half an hour.
  2. Stop it and ventilate its room.
  3. Close the windows. You can enjoy peace.

It is useful, and more pleasant to sleep with an open window and without itchy "neighbors", but it is undesirable to include the drug overnight and next to sleeping. In no case cannot be used by means next to children, nursing or pregnant women.

Many people have to use such protection equipment. So that this does not happen, you can resort to an alternative - homemade mosquito, which is made according to the principles of traditional medicine.

It is much easier for a person to use proven age-tested agent to protect the organism. Especially if he uses them in food. For this reason, protection from bloodsowing in the apartment will not only be useful, but in some cases even pleasant. Let's figure out how to escape from mosquito folk methods.


The basis of protection against bloodsows is essential oils and ordinary seasonings - what mosquitoes are afraid. For example, carnation, both dry and in the form of oil, is one of the most popular means of protection. If you have clove buds, fill with hot water about five grams, let it brew for 15-20 minutes and apply to the skin with a sprayer.

In the same list you can include:

  • lavender;
  • melissa;
  • eucalyptus;
  • mint;
  • basil;
  • geranium.

If the idea of \u200b\u200bapplied to the skin essential oil you are not on the floor - there are other outputs. One option is to drop the oil into a small medallion and carry it on the neck. Another way is to impregnate the napkin and put it in the saucer at the head of the head. And the dream will be strong, and no one will interfere. If you have an aroma lamp - just add butter there.

You can use carnation in combination with lemon as a fumigator. Cut the lemon in two, insert the carnation boutons inside and the resulting dish in bed or windows. A pleasant smell will be associated with you with New Year's holidays. But he will not like bloodsowing.

If there is no time to do cooking, and the defense is needed right now, get the cologner of the "carnation". Alcohol-containing mosquito solutions are also disliked, and in aggregate with the aroma of the carnation, this means will give a double effect.

The pleasant smell of Vanilla has long become an attribute of fresh baking. But the mosquitoes and annoying midges he is simply hateful. To protect against insects, spread the floor of the vanillina table in a mug of warm water, make a cotton disk in this solution and wipe the skin - a pleasant smell of the skin you get a bonus.

You can also mix 40-60 grams of vanillin powder with children's cream and apply after thorough mixing.

Another way to protect - the decoction of the roots of Valeriana. For its preparation, it is necessary to grind the root of Valerians, put in a pan and pour into it one and a half liters of water. Then put on the stove and bring to a boil. Next, the agent is transferred to hermetic container and insist within an hour. For better use, straighten the decoction and let it cool. Apply with cotton napkins or sprayers to the skin.

Of the minuses: there may be problems with homemade pets - you get rid of bloodsowing, but it will be more difficult to hide from cat affect.

The same effect as Valerian, give roots of wormwood and ray. And the cats are indifferent to them.

Which of us did not feel the wellness effect of the famous "asterisk"? We also thought that all the diseases could be treated with this magic tool. In matters of mosquito protection, it is. Differently apply balsam on the skin, and mosquitoes will not show the nose in your home.

If there is no allergy or such a means to be allergic, replace it with any camphor-containing. Apply it for the same points, and the effect will not wait.

How to protect your home from mosquitoes

Putting this efficient plant under its windows or a door, as well as putting it by the window inside, you will protect yourself from mosquito penetration. In addition, the smell of basil scares the flies. The convenience of this option lies in the large adaptability of the plant: it can grow even in a hot summer without much trouble. The smell of basilica is pleasant to a person, and the appearance is quite beautiful.

The same effect as Basil, Lavender has. Simply place it in the places of the presumptive appearance of insects - mosquitoes, butterflies and moths - and forget about their invasion.

By the number of insects scared and rodents, the mint occupies a leading place. Ants, flies, fleas, mosquitoes and mice will forever forgive the road to your home if you decompose the dried mint on your windowsill.

It is impossible to use swamp mint, since the plant is poisonous.

Burst branches also effectively scare mosquitoes. True, they will have to be changed periodically, but this is the only minus of this method. You can also put a plant under the windows or before entering the house.

Most often, the mosquitoes penetrate the rooms through open windows, because in the hot season of year the only way to refresh the room is ventilating. To correct this situation, there are several possible ways to protect, for example, a mosquito net, however, it does not allow one hundred percent warranty, since insects can penetrate even into a small gap, folding the wings. You can also avoid opening windows at all, for example, to purchase a brizer. This device constantly serves fresh air and has a number of concomitant advantages: silent operation, the ability to set the desired temperature and three air purification filters. Just configure the brizer on a convenient mode of operation for you, close the windows, and the risk of insects will be reduced to zero.

If, after the mosquito bite, you can not get rid of itching from it, you will help you a solution of soda, manganese or ammonia. Half of the teaspoon falls asleep into a glass with warm water, thoroughly mixed and applied to the place of interaction with insect. Also, the leaf of the plantain, mint, cherry or parsley acts applied to the place of bite. If there is no vegetation at hand, use kefir or spoke.

Other funds against mosquitoes

To finally deal with protection against bloodsows, we will analyze modern ways to affect them.

Ultrasound dischargers operate according to the following principle:

  1. The device makes an alarming peak of mosquito male.
  2. Hearing him, the female flies out the sideways.
  3. Your apartment is protected.

Manufacturers of such aggregates promise from one and a half to thirty meters clean from insect zones. At the same time, the human ear does not hear anything, that is, the device is absolutely silent. This is a plus.

Of the minuses: the universal signal for mosquitoes does not exist, since each of them is sicked in its range. This means that if some bloodsowing in your home will not fall, then this is not one hundred percent. In addition, mosquitoes almost do not hear - they are guided, as we have noted, on warmth and sweat. , exhaled by a person, also plays the role of the guide.

Is there any means so that the mosquitoes do not bite and how to smear bites so that they quickly passed ??? And got the best answer

Answer from Anna [Expert]
Itching after a mosquito bite, it can be eliminated if you moisten the skin by ammonic alcohol or a solution of drinking soda: 1/2 teaspoon on a glass of water.
The best way to avoid mosquito bites is to stay from them "away", in other words - just do not attract the attention of these annoying bloodsuckers! You should know something about the behavior of these insects, and, possibly, you can avoid the increased attention of the mosquitoes and, as a result, their bites.
Mosquitoes "watch out" their "sacrifice" in 3 indicators: in appearance, at high body temperature and smell. Try not to make physically active movements (training, mobile games, work in the garden, etc.) within a few hours when the mosquitoes are most active. Without unnecessary movements, you will be less visible at a distance.
The peak hours for mosquitoes is the time of twilight and dawn, during these few hours they are most active and "bloodthirsty." Reduce the number of highlighted devices on your site, especially in the evening (if possible, use yellow lamps).
During the day, try to wear light clothes, because dark clothing in the daylight attracts these little pests. A recent scientific study showed that mosquitoes fly mainly on blue and green colors, so you should be more carefully approaching the choice of colors, if you do not want to be a bitten mosquito, avoid yellow, red and orange colors.
Mosquitoes feel our sweat generation, high body temperature, carbon dioxide and lactic acid. All of them are produced in a person after sports, work in the garden, etc., so avoid any active televitations during the evening hours and at dawn. Our body produces lactic acid also after adopting certain products, so try to avoid dinners in the air. Food products attracting mosquitoes - bananas (and other rich in potassium products), as well as any saline food.
Do not use the spirits when you are on the plot. Also, do not apply the creams for hands and lotions with a sweet aroma - they can also attract mosquitoes. Try finding at the summer season as less fragrant variants of deodorants. Taking a shower, use a bad soap. Although it is completely washed off with water, the fragrance remains on your skin and attracts mosquitoes.
Keep the distance between themselves and mosquitoes is the easiest and most natural way to avoid mosquito bites. Do not forget to wear long sleeves clothes and long pants when you are outdoors, especially in the evening, or if there is a forest belt or a swampy area nearby. Also a good barrier for mosquitoes during the summer months will serve as a marlevary mesh on the doors and windows.
Many gardeners assure that marigolds, geranium (in order to protect against mosquitoes, it can be wiped with skin), rosemary, mint, daisy, lavender (except sweet French variety), basil, thyme, garlic, cedar and lemongrass, planted on your site, naturally scare insects. The planted eucalyptus is also considered an excellent tool from mosquito bites, but in view of its inaccessibility, eucalyptus oil can be used. You can make your own wonderful bags that protect against frequent mosquito visits: to dry the flowers and leaves the above plants and place them in small, cotton handbags - Sasha.
Eliminate the mosquito chatener - the place of reproduction of mosquitoes
Your first step in the fight against mosquitoes should be the elimination of the place of their reproduction. To postpone their eggs, mosquitoes use stagnant water, so dry all the similar water clots, if any ones are available on your site or next door.
Make sure that the water does not accumulate:
- In drainters, clogged with leaves or others.
- in puddles,
- in the drain ditch,
- in canisters, buckets and other tanks,
- in bird drinkers, etc.

Answer from julia Ap.[guru]
Personally, Moskitol helps me and the funds are not needed then from the bites

Answer from Just a very good man[guru]
Attach the cut-off bulk ...

Answer from sergey Stolyarenko[active]
so that the bites have passed there is a new means Moskitol gel after bites
in the pharmacy yesterday they took 55 rubles

Answer from Natali.[guru]
funds from mosquitoes right now a lot, come in the store, yes, choose, and bites can be anointed or phenyatil gel or psilobalzam

Answer from Natural[guru]
Ubuys aqueous vinegar.

Answer from Smile.[active]
Anti-member new remedy for comorov))!

Answer from KN[active]
Highly recommend. Verified in nature with overnight. "Cleansing wipes L.O.C. MINI WIPES", by the way, is a very useful thing in everyday life and in general. You can simply be a means L.O.C., but it is problematic to apply it. You can buy in the distributors of the network "Amway".))

Often the mosquito bite is able to deliver a strong discomfort to man, especially young children. Usually after that there are no dangerous consequences, but it should be said that due to a number of features of the body, an allergic reaction may occur, a sharp deterioration in state of health and other signs. Therefore, adults should be known that it is necessary to do after the appearance of an atypical reaction to the skin, how to get rid of mosquito bites using various drug and natural resources, as well as in what situations it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor.

Typically, the mosquito bite does not cause an acute reaction in humans. If a pair of areas with red-free skin appeared on the body, then this is not a reason for panic. However, with the onset of hot pores, people begin to travel more often to nature, and accordingly, the number of bites that appear on the body are growing. In the summer, these insects begin the active phase of vital activity, and they begin to attack all the warm-blooded creatures to quench the hunger.

The articulated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin begins to blush, and after some time, itch. The stronger you will rub it, the stronger it will get it. Therefore, it is very important, do not rub this place when reddening is detected. If a person does not have a special reaction to mosquito bites, then rash will pass fast enough.

The greatest mosquito activity can be observed near water bodies (for example, in a river or lake) during warm windless weather, especially in the evening and at night. At this time, insects begin the peak of activity, and the person is most susceptible to their attack.

If you like to walk or relax in nature, where mosquitoes are often found, try to choose closed dense clothes, as it is more difficult to contact and get to the skin. Otherwise, after the mosquito bite on the legs, hands and on the head, red dots may appear.

So how to distinguish bite of other bloodsucks from mosquito? Unlike lesions of the skin with clouds, lshami or fleas, such bites are less in size and not so acutely itch. For example, after bugs itching can become simply unbearable, therefore it is desirable to have antihistamine and anti-inflammatory agent in your home aid kit to eliminate the consequences faster.

Of course, you need to know how biting a mosquito, for sure to be confident in possible consequences. They can differ from the bugs by what is usually located on the body chaotically. To determine that you did not bite mosquitoes, namely bugs very simple - on the body you can find red traces that can pass the "track". Mosquitoes do not leave such signs, in addition, usually the blisters after them are not observed on the skin. Little kids more often than adults.

With the appearance of hyperemia and itching on a bite area, it is necessary to use special means to eliminate these symptoms. After removing irritation, you will not have a desire to comb skin. Thus, it is possible to prevent skin defeat where malicious microorganisms, bacteria or fungus could get.

Video "Itching from bite"

From the video you will learn what to do if the mosquito bites.


Of course, if adults often face it, they will always keep the antihistamine drugs at home, as well as take them with you to rest. Acute reaction to a similar stimulus is not rare, so you need to immediately know how to remove hyperemia. As practice has shown, antihistamine drugs have a better effect than ordinary ointments that cooled the skin.

Essential oils

Sometimes adults ask the question of what to do if the child bit a mosquer, and there is no necessary medicine in the house? Among the primary means you can find a lot of things, which will make it easier to facilitate the consequences.

Very by the way, if there are bottles with essential oils in your house. With the help of oil from a tea tree, eucalyptus and lavender, you can easily remove redness and itching. Essential oils will need to apply a thin layer on the skin, and then lying gently so as not to annoy this place. The effect must occur soon, and what is important, for a long time saves its action.


If you managed to recognize the mosquito bite on the body, then you can use the ammonia to eliminate his traces faster. The ammonia alcohol must be diluted in warm water, moisten a rag or handkerchief in it, and then apply to irritated skin. For children by age up to 3 years, this method is better not to apply, since they have very sensitive skin, and more acute irritation may appear.

You can also take the usual medical alcohol (96 degrees). If mosquito managed to arther an adult or child, you need to take a piece of the watt, and moisten it in alcohol. Then you need to lightly flush the damn item. This method will allow you to kill all bacteria that could accumulate on the skin, warning infection, and will also eliminate the feeling of itching. It is ultimately not recommended to use the usual alcohol for wiping the face and neck to small children.

Baking soda

To remove irritation on the skin, you can make a mixture of food soda. There are three teaspoons of food soda and one spoon of water is added. The mixture is well mixed, and then applied to the skin with a thin layer. When the soda is dry, it can be washed off with running water. The tool can effectively eliminate the effects of irritation, remove the swelling, redness.

This method is suitable for both pregnant women and little children.

Lemon juice

You can get rid of the effects of mosquito bites using lemon juice. It removes itching, and also has an antimicrobial effect, killing most of the pathogenic flora on the surface of the epithelium. Alternatively, you can use lime. However, remember that it is better not to use lemon juice if you are under sunshine. Otherwise, it can lead to the emergence of light burns.

Acetic Essence

Acetic essence will help to get rid of itching and swelling after the insect bite. It is enough just to apply a fine layer on the skin to forget about all the unpleasant sensations. With extensive bite, you can add a few drops of acetic essence into a bath with water.


Ice is a good tool, narrowing vessels and a reduction swelling. Just attach a piece of ice wrapped in fabric, to the place of crew bite. Together with an edema, itching and redness of the skin will come.

What can not be done?

It is impossible when the mosquito bites can be detected, immediately rub or scratch the skin. This can lead to severe irritation, as well as the increase in the feeling of itching. If the skin accidentally damage, then microbes and bacteria can enter this place, which are able to cause a strong allergic reaction due to the development of histamine.

Scars on the body from mosquito bites may appear when the victim is strongly drawn. Due to the unbearable feeling, it is very difficult to control it. In order not to worsen the condition, it is better to immediately use one of the listed method, alleviating the state of the affected area.

Mosquitoes are the annoying insects of a small size that feed on human blood.Some types of mosquitoes are safe and cause only temporary discomfort with their bite. Other species are carriers of deadly diseases. It is impossible to limit the spread of these insects, since their eggs and larvae are extremely small. Insects that fell into unusual climatic conditions quickly adapt them and begin to pose a threat to those people who do not have immunity to their bite. This article will consider folk ways to protect against mosquitoes, methods for their destruction in closed spaces and the principles of eliminating the uncomfortable sensations that appear after the mosquito bite.

Advantages of folk remedies

Unlike synthetic repellents, natural drugs for mosquito scareware, such as essential oils, spices and herbs, are absolutely safe for humans. They do not provoke allergic reactions, since they do not contain complex toxins. Natural means from mosquitoes can be used even to protect small children.They do not have side effects, can be applied directly to the skin.

Did you know? A squeak that we hear when a mosquito is in flight is the sound published by the wings of an insect. Wings of mosquitoes are spinning records. The sound is emerging with the fluctuations of the frequency more than sixteen times per second. The sound, which is published by mosquitoes, the highest among insects, since the frequency of oscillations of their wings is from 600 to 1000 crawls per second. For comparison, "buzzing" May Zhuk has time to wave with wings only 45-50 times in the same time.

Natural resources do not oppress the human nervous system. They act almost instantly. In addition to scaring insects, these substances eliminate redness and itching on the skin, normalize sleep, improve mood. Also, the cost of natural repellents compared to chemical products is low. They can be purchased in any pharmacy or supermarket.

Important! If you plan to use essential oils against mosquitoes, do not apply them to the skin in a concentrated form. Be sure to mix them with the base oil, such as olive or almond, in proportion 1: 3.

At the same time, many natural remedies require preliminary training. Depending on the type of repellent, they need to be dried, rub, mix with base oils or prepare from them for washing. Synthetic repellents are more convenient to use. They can be taken out of the packaging and immediately turn on the outlet or apply to the skin. Perhaps this is the only advantage of natural means from mosquitoes.

Myths and truth about mosquitoes

There are many common misconceptions about these insects. So, many believe that mosquitoes endure terrible diseases, such as hepatitis and HIV. In fact, it is the hepatitis and immunodeficiency viruses that are destroyed in the digestive system of insects.It is impossible to infected them through the bite of mosquito. But mosquitoes can carry meningitis, tularevia and several types of fever. Infecting man with these viruses tropical species of mosquitoes, which are found only in South America and Africa.

Having freezing mosquito with long legs and large wings, many people are frightened by taking it for a dangerous insect. In fact, this komar is called a hence. Long legs are needed to conveniently slide on the water and sit on the flowers, whose nectar is powered. This is a useful insect, which for a person danger is not caring.
Those who believe that from mosquitoes can be saved or constant foiling, they are mistaken. Active movements accelerate the blood flow in the human body, contribute to the release of sweat and increase the temperature. All this attracts an even more mosquito that flies on the smell of sweat and human heat. It will not work out its own smell of perfumery, as these insects also react on the fifters. Fans can get rid of these annoying creatures. They drive the air into a constant movement, thereby turning the surface of your skin and knocking the trajectory of the insect flight.

Did you know? Blood-axes are only female mosquitoes. From the drunk human blood, they receive a plasma needed to be offended by the offspring. Mosquito males, on the contrary, feed exclusively with floral nectar. Due to the features of the diet, the males live just a half or two weeks, while females can live more than a month in favorable conditions.

Another common misconception is the risk of blood infection due to the combing of bites. Random smashes to serious consequences will not lead, except to extend the lifetime of the bite healing. At the same time, a long-term calcination of the branched place with dirty nails can really lead to local infection. To avoid this, you need to impose cooling bandages to the place of bite and follow the cleanliness of the hands.

Last delusion, which emerged quite recently is confidence in the safety of ultrasound traps for insects. They are produced in the form of keyfobs and stationary devices. In fact, ultrasound has no effect on mosquitoes. But it can cause human headache and badly affect pets. Therefore, it will be reasonable to replace the ultrasonic trap to establish a fumigator with essential oil or several twigs of aromatic herbs.

How to protect yourself from mosquitoes

Best extracts and essential oils act in mixtures. They do not have an irritant impact on the skin and respiratory tract, improve mood and well-being.

Important! Before incorporate in the Aroma lamp with essential oil, output children and pets from the room. Excess esters in the air can provoke an acute allergic reaction from an unprepared organism.


You will need a pure vanilla extract. Vanilla sugar will not suit, as this is a conventional sugar treated with a synthetic flavor. Take one vanillin bag and one liter of water. Mix them well and apply to open skin with a pulverizer. The bitter taste and the resistant smell of vanilla will not give you a mosquito to bite you. There is such a means for an hour. To renew the effect of applying, you need to repeat. Also, the basis for Vanilla can serve as a children's cream. Components Mix at the calculation one portion of vanillina for ten portions of the cream.


The saturated aroma of the carnation disorientates bloodsuckers.They lose the ability to find a person by smell. To prepare a clove, take twenty grams of carnations, half liters of water. Mix them in a shallow saucepan, bring to a boil and cool down. The resulting decoction spray on clothes and open areas of the body. The decoction will effectively scare mosquitoes for two hours.


The easiest whole of the wormwood is preparing infusion. In this case, hide roots are going to move. Take fifty grams of dried roots, fill them with 500 ml of boiling water and cover the lid. Insist for half an hour. When the infusion cools, you can wash them and apply a small amount of clothes. This fresh bitter smell scares not only mosquitoes, but also other unpleasant insects.

Essential oils

The effect of these substances lasts for more than four hours when applied to the skin and two or three hours when fragranting clothing. Mosquitoes do not endure the smell of lavender, tea tree, eucalyptus, lemongrass. Wonderful repellent properties have essential oils of citrus stems: lemon, grapefruit, orange. Also, as protection, Gerani essential oil can be used. These oils scare the bloodsowing, remove redness and irritation on the skin.

Citrusy juice

The greater the acid juice, the higher its effectiveness.So that the mosquitoes do not approach you, apply lemon juice, diluted with water in proportion 1: 1 on the skin and clothing. It will also be effective orange juice in its pure form. Remember, only fresh juices will be able to protect you. The juice of mandarin or grapefruit from bloodsuit will not save.

Buzina as a means of mosquitoes

A characteristic blistering smell of elder swells scent insects. They lose the ability to distinguish odors and cannot identify humans. They scare mosquitoes as fresh branches put on the windowsill and lined under the windows of the bushes of this plant. With the advent of the first leaflets on these bushes, mosquitoes disappear from the paralisian.

How to protect the house from mosquitoes

To prevent the appearance of these insects in the house or apartment, spraying the premises of the decoction will not be enough.

Essential oils

The aroma lamp is effective in large rooms. Before pouring oil into the bowl, dissolve six or seven of his droplets in a tablespoon of water. Light the lamp so that it warms the bowl and the oil mixture evaporated. The aroma protects the room to 20 square meters. m. With closed windows. To increase the area of \u200b\u200bits action, put the fan at some distance or turn on another lamp. Keep the lamp on no longer forty minutes, after sure to make a two-hour break.

Similar effects have flavored candles oils.Store Candles use synthetic flavors to create odor, so buy a simple non-soldered candle. Light her and when the wax under the phyel melted, drop five or six drops of oil in hot wax. Such a portion of oil is enough for the whole one and a half hours of burning, then you need to add it again. Keep the candles on no longer than half an hour, then take a clock break.
Essential oils can be used as a filler for a fumigator. When the liquid ends in it, pour a mixture of ten drops of oil in the splash and two tablespoons of water. The mixture in the fumigator will begin to heat up and evaporate after connecting the fumigator to the outlet.

Did you know? The rate of reaction at mosquitoes is so high that they can fly in the rain and dodge from its drops. In addition, they have night vision- In the dark, the mosquitoes see an infrared picture.

Another way to use oils is a alcohol spray. To prepare it, mix 100 ml of warm water in the sprayer, 20 ml of ethyl alcohol and 15 drops of essential oil. Spray the mixture on the fabric surfaces of furniture, window sills and door slips at the entrance to the house. This spray is also suitable for clothing processing.

Plant branches

In order for the plant's action to be felt on the whole room, and not only near the bouquet, calculate the number of branches at the rate of one thing for seven square meters. Put them on the windowsill, at the entrance, in the foot of the bed. Fresh bins are well distilled off the mosquitoes, slightly wild juniper, blooming cherry. Also reliable protection will be crumpled walnut leaves and basil. Do not put bouquets for the night in the headboard. Strong fragrance will not let you relax and provoke a headache.

Pyrethrum as a scaretcher

Pyrethrum is a floral extract that is used in all modern fumigators.Pillrum powder can be bought in any pharmacy. To get rid of it from mosquitoes, apply powder on sticky tape. Secure the fragments of the tape at the entrance to the house and on the window slopes. Tapes need to be changed daily.

Important! If you do not have access to elder, use the tomato Botow. Diligently disarm it before the appearance of intense spicy smell and decompose on the windowsill at the window. You can put one or two twigs on the floor at the head of the bed, if you are going to depart to sleep.

Carboxylic acid

This is a substance that is part of the human sweat. Since mosquitoes are focused on this smell, make bait for them. Divide five grams of acid in three tablespoons of warm water. Pour the resulting mixture into the aromalamp bowl. Light the lamp and install it on the veranda or open balcony. The trap will distract mosquitoes from you for five to six hours.

Important! Alcohol compresses are especially effective in the first ten minutes after bite. They not only remove irritation, but also disinfect the place of puncture by the insect trunk, which will help to avoid possible suppuration. The alcohol evaporating from the skin will additionally cool the inflamed place of bite.

The sour-sweet smell of sauce only for people seems unbearable. Mosquitoes under its impact lose sense of smell and, as a result, the ability to teach a person. So that these insects do not disturb you at night, put a bowl with soy sauce in the headboard. It is recommended to change it daily.

Acetic mix

To make this simple tool, you will need: children's shampoo, table vinegar, olive oil. Mix all ingredients in equal proportions to obtain a homogeneous white mixture. Slim layer apply it to open areas of the skin. Vinegar will scare mosquitoes, olive oil will become a softening basis, and the shampoo will eliminate the unpleasant smell of vinegar. Such a mixture is easily washed off from the skin and provides reliable protection for three or four hours after applying.

Did you know?- Real "Werewolts" of the world of insects. In full moon their activity increases at five hundred percent compared to the new moon. Now you know when you should not leave the house.

What to do after a mosquito bite

Even if you keep all the precautions, the mosquito bite can not be avoided. To remove itching and pain, take advantage of the following tips.

How to remove itch

Important! Before processing the room with essential oil, make sure that no one in the house has individual intolerance to this substance. In poor ventilated areas, the oil evaporates to five days. A person prone to allergic reactions will be able to be in the processed room during the whole period.

How to get rid of pain after bite

Did you know? During the marriage dances, females look after themselves suitable for mapping males. In this case, preferences are given to individuals of medium-sized, which can stay in the air longer. The males prefer young individuals more mature females.

Folk remedies from mosquitoes have significant advantages over artificial chemicals. They are less aggressive, more accessible and do not harm people nor pet. You can protect yourself from mosquitoes using essential oils, fresh branches of plants, citrus juices and even culinary sauces. The validity of these funds is limited to several hours, while they can be used in poorly ventilated rooms and do not have contraindications. The same safe natural remedies can be used to remove unpleasant sensations after mosquito bites without harm to their health.

Video: How to get rid of mosquitoes by folk remedies

All mosquitoes for us look equally. Nevertheless, it is not. Komarov numbered 3 thousand different types And all of them attracts different mining. Some are happy to bite people, and others prefer birds more, for example.

Mosquitoes relate to us much more carefully than we are to them. Scientists counted 346 chemicals on one human hand. Each of these substances has its own unique smell. The combination of them all people is different, but the chances of you still have so-so - 277 of the 346 are very attractive for mosquitoes. So this is not a myth: there are really people in the world (about 20% of the population), which mosquitoes do not bite at all. there is hypothesis that the smell of these substances is determined by the type of blood bite. So, people with a zero group of blood bite twice as often.

Now quite unpleasant study who has proven that a man who drinks beer, mosquitoes will bite more often.

But a study conducted american scientists , proved that we and so knew that: especially the mosquitoes are reacting to the smell of human sweat. It is even more accurate - to acid smells that sweat smells in the bouquet. The rest of the mosquitoes are not interested.

If you just left the shower, the likelihood that you will immediately bite the mosquito, minimal.

We are more often attacked at night not only because we turned off the light and do not move, but also because a person sweats a lot of summer nights. It is quite difficult to avoid this, so said people again turned to scientists.

This time the Australians spent very useful research And they found out that the combination of lemon and eucalyptus oil smells reduces the number of bites by 95%.

Buy a jar of eucalyptus oil, squeeze one or two lemon on it, stirre and apply on the skin. You are saved.

Those who do not like these smells, European group of researchers I advises to smear cinnamon in any form. Perfume perfume, toilet water, any oil with an admixture of natural cinnamon. In extreme conditions, it is enough to just lose the skin of cinnamon wand.

Another tasty smelling option suggested American scientists. They advise to breed in any body oil vanilla sugar or pure vanillin. This method, by the way, is recognized as the most effective in the fight against Asian mosquitoes - keep in mind when you go on vacation.

Regular eating garlic also reduces the number of mosquito attacks, but there is a danger to scare away from themselves and people too.

If you don't want to fall anything at all, a simple fan will save you: a mosquito can not land on a person if the wind speed exceeds 10 km per hour.

But if you still bited, here are 8 ways to make sure that the bite is stopped.

As soon as you were bitten, you need to quickly smear the bite of any alcohol to reduce the number of mosquito discharges that hit the skin.

Divide two spoons of soda in water and pour this liquid to the bite. Clean water do not wash off. Let dry.

If you have not had time to comb the bite to the wound, apply a bit of vinegar on it.

Divide a little salt in warm water and rinse the place of bite.

Or, on the contrary, attach ice. This will help quickly, but unfortunately, for a short time.

But the tea bag caught from the hot cup of tea, and then chilled, will give a longer effect.

Strange but effective method. Take a tablet aspirin, a little wet it with water, so that it turns into a wet powder, and smear on the bite.

It will also be very helpful to apply a small amount of toothpaste. True, you first need to make sure that the wound is not open.