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Chamomile-like flowers: a description of common species. Snow-white garden chamomile can decorate any area Yellow chamomile looks like a chamomile

Everyone knows chamomile, so many people confuse other flowers with it. The characteristic shape of the petals, the elongated stem give similarities to various plants... In addition, chamomile itself has many varieties. To understand and find out interesting information about such similar colors, a small educational program will help.

Chamomile and most similar plants belong to the Aster family. Its representatives are easy to identify by:

  • herbaceous stem;
  • elongated petals;
  • a basket framed with petals;
  • weak aroma.

Relatives of chamomile are sunflower, thistle and dandelion. They also belong to the Aster family and have similar characteristics.

The most common is pharmacy... In flower beds, most often there is a large or decorative one. Asters, some varieties of chrysanthemums and gatsanias also have large inflorescences.

Multicolored daisies

The first sign by which you can distinguish them is the color of the petals. In chamomile pharmacy or decorative, they are white. There are similar flowers with various shades of petals..


Blue color indicates that they have grown or... In the latter, the petals are sometimes colored half white, which creates a pleasant decorative effect.


Colored daisies, which have petals in different colors and shades, called Anemone Blenda or Anemone Coronal... Echinacea varieties have a similar color.


Doronicum (goat) is most often confused with yellow... You can also find Pyrethrum with lemon-colored petals, this variety is very similar to Chrysanthemum due to the double petals and the shape of a small shrub.

Purple and lilac

, Osteospermum with purple petals looks very beautiful in borders and bouquets... This also includes lilac daisies, the brightness and type of shades varies depending on the variety of a particular type of plant.

Despite the similarity, each flower is unique. They differ not only in appearance, but also in life expectancy., susceptibility to disease, unique medicinal or simply beneficial properties. What are the names of such flowers and how do they look?


Anacyclus or anacillus is a perennial plant with creeping stems and large flowers. Used to decorate alpine slides, as it is low (up to 5 cm)... The buds are colored dark pink, but the petals are white inside.

Perennial plant in the form of a short (up to 10 cm) and a wide bush (up to 50 cm)... The leaves and stems are gray, the petals are tightly packed together, white.

Perennial plant with bright yellow petals and pith, grows from 0.3 to 1 m in height... The leaves are triangular and deep green.

Flowers of all varieties of Doronicum do not lose their appearance for a very long time after cutting. They dry out over time and remain just as beautiful.

- perennial plant, forms a bush with a height of 0.3-0.8 m... The blooms are large, with dense oblong white petals, the core is bright yellow. There is only one corolla on one stem, unlike chamomile.

Calendula or marigold is an annual herb 0.5-0.6 m high... petals are orange or rich yellow. The leaves are green in the form of an elongated oval.

Most often, a perennial plant is found in ornamental crops. The flowers are stuffed, the petals are pink, white, lilac, the heart is pale yellow. A neat bush grows up to 20 cm tall... The leaves are oblong, located at the base of the stem.

or Dolmatian, Persian chamomile - a perennial herb with a height of 0.4-0.6 m... The flowers are large, but there are varieties with small and stuffed corollas. The color of the petals ranges from white to burgundy.

Pyrethrum flowers repel ixodid ticks.


Annual or perennial plant 0.20-0.3 m high. On a bare stem, inflorescences with a diameter of 5-10 cm, depending on the variety... The color of the petals is white or pale yellow. Light silvery bloom on dark green leaves.

or gazania (African chamomile) Grows up to 30 cm in height, inflorescence with a diameter of 5-9 cm... The color of the petals is different, but the red and pink varieties are popular. The leaves are dark green, curly.

Perennial. Bare stems 0.4-0.6 cm high, tough... The rosette has long petals (up to 0.35 m) and dense, with a diameter of 0.05-0.15 m. Gerberas can be of any color, with the exception of blue.


Venidium grows up to 0.8 m. The petals are elongated with pointed ends, the rosette is not stuffed. Venidium comes in pink, white, orange and yellow.... The core is brown or burgundy.

Kosmeya is an annual or perennial 50-150 cm high. The stems are tender, the leaves are thin, resembling the shape of a pharmaceutical chamomile or dill... The petals are long, painted in one or two colors (border effect), they are white, red, pink or purple. Inflorescence up to 12 cm in diameter.

Perennial or annual plant. Bush height 0.5-0.9 m, thin leaves... Flowers of rich shades of yellow, there are specimens with a burgundy base of the petals.

Osteospermum is a perennial plant, but cultivars are grown as annuals. Grows in the form of a bush 0.25-1 m high, inflorescence diameter 4-10 cm... The color of the petals is white, various shades of red, purple.


Decorative sunflowers differ significantly from their counterparts. Depending on the variety, they are:

  1. Miniature.
  2. With double and dense blooms.
  3. Multi-colored.

Some of them, especially the tuberous sunflower, look like a giant yellow chamomile. Such plants grow up to 3 m in height., and the inflorescences are 3-5 cm in diameter.

Jerusalem artichoke or earthen pear is a perennial plant with stems 0.50-4.0 m high. Blossoms are yellow, their diameter is up to 10 cm.

Ursinia is an annual or perennial with a height of 30-60 cm. The flowers are bright yellow, white or purple, glossy, up to 5-6 cm in diameter... Ursinia leaves are dark green in color.


Chrysanthemum is a perennial with many flowers... It is most often found with thin stiff stems, delicate light green leaves and flowers 2-5 cm in diameter. Chrysanthemum petals can be of a wide variety of shades and scales: from white to purple.

Echinacea - a perennial with medicinal properties... On stems with leaves, one flowering with a core protruding upward. The petals are pink or purple, oblong with pointed ends.

Erigeron is a perennial that grows up to 40 cm in height... The petals are elongated, rounded, color: white, pink, yellow, violet, purple. Inflorescence is 2-5 cm in diameter.

Among the listed variety, every camomile lover will find a suitable option. The choice depends on the properties of the varieties, color preferences and plant size. Chamomile flowers come in different colors, heights and even types (grass, shrubs)... They are selected for any ensemble in a flower bed and they will last more than one year, delighting with bright colors and long flowering.

It is impossible to know all cultivated plants. But it so happens that somewhere in someone else's flower bed you will like bright flower baskets with petals, like u, and you don't know how to tell about them in a seed shop.

To facilitate your search, we bring to your attention a selection of the names of the most popular flowers, similar to daisies, with a detailed description and photos.

Despite their "military" common name, these herbaceous plants from the genus Compositae characterized by variegated juicy flowers of large size and endurance. Depending on, they can be of different tones, simple, semi-double or terry. Thanks to breeders, varieties with low stems (up to 30 cm), medium (up to half a meter) and high (up to 1 m) appeared on sale.

In the wild, majors form chaotic shrubs with white, pink, red, yellow, purple, burgundy and purple flowers. In the cultivated version, it is a long-flowering annual that keeps the bouquet fresh for weeks.
In the garden, he will be very comfortable in damp areas, where it is warm and a lot of light. Surprisingly, this flower can withstand any heat and drought without losing its appeal.

If you ever come across non-allergic, multi-colored daisies, don't bother asking what they are called. Undoubtedly it is. Their uniqueness lies not only in beautiful peduncles that bloom from to deep without losing their freshness, but also in their versatility and the absence of allergens. Perhaps this is the only plant that can be given to everyone.

The flower belongs to the genus Astrov, its native environment is the warm South African and Asian coasts. Respectively, the plant prefers well-lit areas and loves warmth very much.

In appearance, the flower basket of a gerbera really has many similarities to a chamomile, but still differs in its large size and flower diameter. Its petals can be curly, tubular, or spiky. Today, about a hundred species of gerberas are known, among which there are many double and simple varieties, moreover, their colors are amazing. It can be anything other than blue.

It won't take long to remember what these multi-colored perennial "daisies" are called, since they are known to everyone for their healing properties. Their roots, stems and flowers are used by folk and official for the stimulation of immunity, as well as for the treatment of lymphocytic leukemia, the central nervous system and reproductive organs, viral and bacterial infections.
The straight stem, which extends up to 1.5 m, has oval or linear-lanceolate leaves with serrated ends and flowers resembling chamomile. The peculiarity is also in the variety of petals: on the extreme inflorescences they are long-lingual, barren, and on those that are closer to the stem, they are tubular, bisexual.

The plant begins to bloom in July and pleases with new buds until October. In nature, there are 9 species of this culture, but only Echinacea narrow-leaved and pale are used for medicinal purposes. For garden beds, varieties with pink and yellow petals are more often used.

The flowers of this herbaceous perennial are actually very similar to chamomile. They are also often confused with. A distinctive feature of the plant is a lush core and brightly colored petals. Pyrethrum is known for its ability to repel harmful fleas, bedbugs, and other insects. Therefore, flower growers adore them. Most often, scarlet flaunts.
has a medium-sized stem up to 60 cm tall, bright green pinnately dissected leaves and a small flower basket, up to 6 cm in diameter. Petals are smooth and ruled. There are raspberry, lilac, white, yellow and pink shades. Recently, breeders have delighted lovers of variegated, always blooming, rich terry varieties.

Did you know? Pyrethrum petals are widely used in households for the cultivation of a special powder from dry raw materials, which is used to treat fleas from livestock.

The culture is characterized by winter hardiness and unpretentiousness to growing conditions, but does not tolerate damp soils. Loves light and adapts well to partial shade.

The name of these annuals and perennials, in many ways similar to chamomile, comes from the ancient Greek "golden-colored" and is inextricably linked with the yellow color of the petals. But today scientists have moved far from the classic version of chrysanthemums and offered flower growers new full-color, double-colored with various shades. The cultivation of garden forms of this plant has long been a world tradition that botanists still cannot figure out the origin of some popular hybrids, for example, Dendranthema morifolium and Dendranthema indicum.
A unique decoration is the beloved variety of "Bakaddi", which, like chamomile, has a yellow core and white petals. There are also purple, cream, scarlet, purple and yellow colors on sale. The plant does not fade for a long time, looks good in bouquet arrangements. Prefers sunny areas in the garden.

It’s hard to believe that the modern one can have something in common with daisies. After all, through the efforts of breeders, this variety of the genus Compositae has changed beyond recognition. But nevertheless, if you delve deeply into the richness of a flower, then there is something pleasant for lovers of daisies.
Most often, growers sow the Margarita variety, which is characterized by a yellow middle and elongated marginal petals of blue, pink, purple, yellow and white shades.

The undersized small-flowered varieties "Waldersee", "Pepito", "Edelweiss" also cause admiration. Their stems do not grow higher than 30 cm, and the flowers reach about 3-5 cm in diameter. In addition, the inflorescences are located in the same plane. In contrast, they are struck by the large sizes of flowers of the Madeleine and Zonenstein varieties.
The plant is picky, loves warmth and moderate moisture. Perfect for single and group plantings. Depending on the height of the stem, it is used for, discount, and. Also looks good on summer terraces.

Important! All asters are very sensitive to fusarium and blackleg. To prevent these fungal diseases from spoiling yours, disinfect the sowing with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkle the soil around the flowers with river sand.

Every owner, even a small one, dreams of this modest flower. It resembles a classic chamomile, but is distinguished by the catchiness of elegant golden petals and pinnately dissected bright foliage. Perennial is characterized by hardiness to cold and unfavorable conditions, blooms until frost.
The peculiarity of ursinia lies in flower baskets, which open singly or in inflorescences. The color of fragrant flowers can only be warm yellow-terracotta tones. It is characteristic that their inner side is always lighter, and the back is filled with a brown-purple tint. Peduncles are collected in a basal rosette that grows in breadth, but is easily controlled.

This plant can be used to decorate any garden ensemble. is a low-growing perennial with dark smoky green basal leaves collected in a rosette and large inflorescences consisting of single baskets. The culture has no stem. The dense foliage on the back side is covered with thick gray pile, which protects the flower from the cold and retains moisture, forming an additional reserve of nutrition in drought.

Up to 35 inflorescences can open from one root. In addition, their diameter reaches 10 cm. Gatsania petals can be purple, orange, cream, lilac, pale lemon and deep yellow, striped, bicolor and monochromatic. Instances in which one color gently flows into another look very beautiful.
The first gatsania buds open in and stay until autumn frosts. Among the positive characteristics of the plant, florists call winter and drought resistance, undemandingness to soil characteristics.

Those flower growers who already have coreopsis call it "garden sun", and beginners, having seen it once, ask experienced ones what these flowers, similar to daisies, are called, only large and multi-colored.
Perennial easily tolerates long-term lack of moisture and blooms before the onset of cold weather. Its bushy stems develop up to 50–90 cm, and large flowers of bright yellow tones merge into a solid velvety wall of petals.

Important! For abundant flowering of all Asteraceae, remove the discolored buds in time.

Whorled and large-flowered varieties have become favorites of Compositae lovers. Like other brethren, they require personal space, so when planting, it is advisable to leave 50-60 cm between the bushes.
A feature is its adaptability to growing conditions: it will bloom generously in a sunny area, in partial shade it will diminish growth, but will not lose its decorative effect. And flower growers like the indifference of the flower to the soil and ease of care.

The varietal diversity of the culture allows you to create different compositions from it: the maximum height of the stems of arctotis reaches 1.5 m, and the minimum is only 20 cm.The petals of a classic flower are painted white, and hybrids can flaunt orange, crimson, scarlet and cream tones.
The plant does not require much attention, it can do without regular watering, while presenting it with bright flowering throughout the summer season. Its specificity lies in the sun's rays. Arctotis is so thermophilic that it opens its buds only during the day, and the petals close at night.

Did you know? "Erigeron" in translation from Greek means "early old man". The name is associated with the imminent ripening of seed pods, decorated with a gray tuft.

Popularly, this flower is called "small-petal", which is due to the many of its needle and reed petals. The plant is a herbaceous perennial, which is a representative of the Astrov family. Stems are straight, rough to the touch, poorly branched, prone to lodging.
The foliage is elongated, collected in a basal rosette. The lower specimens reach 20 cm in length, and the upper ones - 10 cm. Flower baskets, depending on the variety, can be single or paniculate. Erigeron's core is always yellow, and the marginal petals can be purple, purple, pink, white, purple, cream. They often grow in 2-3 rows.
In the flower beds, the most common tall Erigeron speciosus and dwarf Erigeron alpinus, the colors of which are very diverse.

In temperate latitudes, a thermophilic culture that came to us from African areas, only one season can grow. But this nuance is fully compensated by the beautiful large flowers of orange, purple, white, crimson, pink, purple and yellow colors. In tandem with brown or burgundy peduncles and bright green foliage, they look amazing. In addition, each stem and leaf of the plant is densely covered with a hard nap.

Important! It is recommended to plant Venidiums near decorative fences or to install special supports under their stems. The fact is that the fragile stems of the flower are not able to withstand their weight, as a result of which, as they grow, they lie down and break in the wind.

In some hybrids, the petals are arranged in several rows, in others they are attracted by intricate bends and waviness. The average diameter of a Venidium flower reaches 12 cm, and in some breeding creations - 15 cm.

In the garden, the plant is appropriate in the background of flower beds, since it grows to 80 centimeters in height. Prefers sunny areas with a light, moisture-permeable substrate. Loves moderate moisture and does not tolerate stagnant water.
The above specimens are only a small particle of the large Asteraceae family. But they fell in love with flower growers for their beauty, durability and undemanding cultivation. After all, every owner of a country house or a rural estate dreams of a constantly blooming courtyard with vegetation that causes admiration and adapts to any conditions.

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Growing, reproduction, photo.

Chamomile red - pyrethrum red (and there is also pink chamomile). A plant very beloved by flower growers. Originally from the Caucasus, but this does not prevent him from feeling great in flower beds in other climatic zones. Feverfew does not require much attention to bloom every year. For two centuries after its introduction into culture, he managed to adapt even to the heat.

Garden forms and varieties, descended from a wild species, are called hybrid pyrethrum. Among them you can find pyrethrum with double pink, dark red and even white flowers.

Red chamomile is a perennial rhizome plant with dissected feathery leaves and single flower baskets on long peduncles. Inflorescences-baskets up to 8 cm in diameter with yellow tubular and pink, dark pink, red, dark red, less often - white ligulate flowers. Feverfew blooms in late spring and, if the weather is not hot, it can bloom for several weeks.

A place for feverfew is chosen well-lit or slightly shaded. It will grow in the shade, but it will stretch out. It is not picky about soils, but clay soils need to be improved before planting: add river sand, compost. On heavy soils, especially in low places, flooded in spring or during winter thaws, pyrethrum does not live long. Not suitable for feverfew and poor sandy soils. But on fertile ones, it feels great, it looks spectacular during the flowering period. Often it is not necessary to water and fertilize feverfew: in nature it is accustomed to Spartan conditions. Covering for the winter is not only unnecessary, but contraindicated: under cover, the rhizome can vanish.

Red chamomile in a flower garden behaves intelligently: self-seeding rarely gives, the rhizome does not grow much. This, on the one hand, pleases, but on the other, makes you think that the plant does not disappear from the flower garden. If there is a need to transplant an adult pyrethrum plant, this can be done in spring, summer, and autumn. It is only important to dig up so that the earth does not crumble from the roots.

Chamomile red reproduction

Red chamomile propagates by dividing the bush, root and green cuttings, seeds. The bushes are divided once every four years. It is better to do this not in spring, but in early autumn, when it is no longer very hot, but there is still time for the plant to take root well before the onset of cold weather. Delenki are planted every 30-45 cm from each other (depending on the compactness of the variety). Water regularly. Root and stem cuttings can be rooted all summer long if they are humid and not too hot.

It is not difficult to grow feverfew from seeds. If there are not many of them in the purchased bag, it is better to sow in March-April on a windowsill or under a film on arches in the garden. The seeds of pyrethrum do not require stratification and germinate rather quickly if favorable conditions are created for them (temperature is about 20 degrees). True, seed germination is low - about half will rise. Therefore, you can sow thicker, and then open the seedlings. Seedlings of pyrethrum are planted in open ground in May - after preliminary hardening. For several days, the planted plants are shaded from the bright sun.

Didn't have time to grow seedlings? Sow feverfew right in the garden. If you make sure that the soil is moist all the time before germination, the seeds will sprout well. In the first year, a rosette of leaves is formed. And next year you will see pyrethrum blooming in your garden. With good care, it can bloom in the year of sowing.

Feverfew will decorate any flower garden. But they are especially effective next to the common daisy (they bloom at the same time). Just make sure that the daisy, which gives abundant self-seeding, does not survive feverfew over time. Eastern poppy, peach-leaved bell can be identified as neighbors to these two plants.

Feverfew is an insecticidal plant: it contains substances that kill harmful insects. They are not dangerous for humans and animals.

Probably, there is no such person who has not seen a chamomile. This is a very beautiful and at the same time simple flower that adorns almost any personal plot. But not everyone knows that ordinary chamomile has numerous "relatives" that look similar to it, but differ in size and shades. Flowers, similar to everyone's favorite daisies, were bred in the course of the work of breeders, each type of plant is beautiful and unique in its own way.

Many flower lovers do not know what such plantings are called, but would like to own this information in order to be able to plant daisy-like flowers on their site. It is worth learning better about the varieties that can easily decorate any summer cottage or garden plot.

The most common chamomile varieties grown by breeders

Among the many varieties of plants that are similar to chamomile, the following should be highlighted:

  1. Gerber.
  2. Gatsania.
  3. Yellow chamomile.
  4. Echinacea.

This is not a complete list of plants that resemble a common garden chamomile. This article will describe precisely these types of plantings, which are most often planted by lovers of flowering flower beds in their plots.

Flowers called gerbera can often be seen in bouquets sold at flower shops. The fact is that this type of chamomile has a unique property - to keep its freshness for a long time even without water. Gerbera flowers are found in several varieties:

  • terry look;
  • simple;
  • similar to ordinary chamomile;

The flower itself is capable of having inflorescences of different sizes. Depending on the variety, its size varies from 7 to 15 centimeters. Inflorescence color can be:

  • orange;
  • red;
  • yellow.

If desired, you can grow such flowers, similar to chamomile, in a regular pot, which must be placed on the sunny side. Flowering begins in late summer and lasts until the last month of autumn. Such green spaces are perennial plants, therefore they tolerate the winter period of the year well if the planting container with the material is stored at a temperature of at least 15 degrees.

Gatsania flowers belong to the African chamomile species. The plant is not tall, reaching a height of about 25 centimeters. The structure of the leaf is dense and strong, the diameter of the inflorescence reaches 12 centimeters. The most interesting thing about flowers that look like chamomile is their color, which simply amazes with its diversity. Gatsania flowers can be:

  • with a white tint;
  • purple;
  • cast in bronze;
  • be lemon or cream;
  • have a red or brown color.

Moreover, the inflorescences of the African analogue may not be in a monochromatic color, but provide for the presence of beautiful stripes of bright color. For example, the main color of the inflorescence is lemon, and the stripes located longitudinally are bright lilac. In nature, there are about fifty types of gatsania colors.

Chamomile yellow

Yellow chamomile (the correct name of which is doronicum) can often be seen in household plots. Flowers are yellow, flowering begins in early spring. Plant lovers often choose this type of chamomile, as it is not too whimsical, it can grow and develop excellently in the same place for several years in a row.

In nature, doronicum can grow up to 100 centimeters, the minimum plant height is 40 centimeters. The inflorescence reaches 12 centimeters in diameter, large and very beautiful. If you put a freshly cut, not quite blooming flower in a vase, then you can admire its beauty for a long time on your work or kitchen table.

Echinacea and rudbeckia

Echinacea and rudbeckia are very similar to chamomile, however, their size is much larger and the color is naturally different.

Rudbeckia gives flowers of yellow and rich orange shades, flowering begins at the end of the summer period. The plant reaches a height of 60 centimeters, the diameter of the inflorescences is 10 centimeters. Small bushes of plantings can perfectly decorate any site, flowers are kept compact and do not lean to the ground.

Echinacea can be white or deep pink. Flowering begins in summer and lasts until the last month of autumn. The diameter of the inflorescence reaches 16 centimeters, the core of the echinacea protrudes slightly, its color is much darker than the petals.

Arctotis, another relative of chamomile, occurs naturally in two varieties:

  • hybrid;
  • stochasolic.

An adult plant grows to a large size, grows up to 130 centimeters. However, if the flower is planted in an unfavorable place for growth, its height may be 25 centimeters. The inflorescence has a diameter of up to 10 centimeters, the color can consist of two shades. For example, the main color of the petal can be yellowish, and at the base it can be red or bronze. Such a relative of an ordinary chamomile opens its petals only if the sun is shining, and on a cloudy day, you simply won't be able to admire its flowering.

Garden chamomile (Chrysanthemum maximum) is a herbaceous perennial belonging to the genus of daisies and the Aster family. It is characterized by strong and resilient stems, the height of which, depending on the species, ranges from 30 to 100 cm.

Smooth sheets of dark green color have a two-pinned shape and a light ornament. The flower of most species reaches a diameter of two to 15 cm and consists of a bright yellow center and flat white or yellowish petals with a delicate, sweetish aroma. Ripe fruits are very small achenes. Do not confuse garden chamomile with meadow, medicinal or Chinese chamomile, which can also often be found in garden plots.

Garden chamomile: the birthplace of the plant and options for use in garden decor

The homeland of the modern large garden chamomile is considered to be the countries of the Mediterranean, South Africa and East Asia, where it grows in natural conditions. In our country, it is grown as an ornamental plant in gardens. Due to its unpretentiousness, discreet beauty and long flowering, it has found wide application in landscape design. With its use, flower beds, mixborders, lawns and borders are decorated.

The flower is especially suitable for rustic areas. In this case, they are planted at the porch of the house, around tall trees and in the recreation area. In flower beds and lawns, they are combined with mint, lemon balm, yarrow and calendula. They also look great against the background of tall decorative poppies and surrounded by marigolds.

Chamomile: characteristics of plant species

Ornamental garden chamomile has a large number of varietal varieties. The most common ones include:

  • North Star. It is a very common and popular variety among gardeners. A branchy strong bush grows up to seventy centimeters in height. The flowers are large enough, flowering lasts from the beginning of summer to the onset of autumn;
  • Garden princess. The most common chamomile in the garden. Its dense and resilient shoots reach up to thirty-five centimeters in height. Large inflorescences reach ten centimeters in diameter. This variety begins to bloom in mid-July and continues until early October;

  • Silver princess. This variety belongs to undersized plants, it reaches a height of no more than thirty centimeters. At the same time, the plant has rather large flowers, which begin to bloom in July. This species blooms before the onset of frost;
  • Alaska. This is the largest-flowered garden chamomile up to ninety centimeters high. Its flowers reach twelve centimeters in diameter. It is a drought tolerant variety that begins flowering briefly towards the end of summer;

  • Winner. The height of this varietal variety ranges from fifty to ninety centimeters, and the flowers reach a diameter of eight to twelve centimeters. Flowering begins in June and ends in August;
  • Aglaya. A very beautiful variety, the bushes of which grow up to eighty centimeters. Large double flowers have a chrysanthemum shape, around the bright yellow middle there are several rows of narrow petals of different lengths dissected at the ends. The flowering of this variety lasts from early summer to autumn;
  • Chamomile maiden Solar ball. This bushy, undersized varietal variety does not look like ordinary garden daisies. It is compact, the height of the bush reaches no more than thirty centimeters. Its small flowers up to two centimeters in diameter are like air cushions and are completely painted in bright yellow. Flowering continues throughout the summer.

Garden chamomile: technology of planting and care in the open field

Regardless of the variety and color of garden chamomile, the rules for caring for it are the same. They are not difficult and are quite within the power of even beginners in gardening. This flower is unpretentious, but if you pay little attention to it, then its development will go much faster, and flowering will be much more abundant.

Site selection

For planting garden chamomile, you should choose a sufficiently sunny area with well-drained sandy soil with neutral acidity. If the soil is strongly acidic, then dolomite flour and slaked lime should be added to it in the autumn.

Features of growing garden chamomile (video)


Before planting, you need to dig up the selected area well and fill it with humus at the rate of one bucket per square meter. After that, you need to dig it up again and make shallow holes at intervals of about thirty centimeters. Pour one glass of ash into each and plant seedlings. NS water the sediments and mulch with peat or sawdust. The gaps between the holes should be covered with ammonium nitrate, twenty grams per square meter. This will allow the plants to gain green mass quickly.

Watering and feeding

Since garden chamomile is a fairly large plant that loves moisture, watering should be regular and abundant. But waterlogging of the soil must not be allowed, which leads to decay of the root system.

Nutrition is of great importance for the proper development of the plant. The first time it is carried out during the budding period using complex mineral fertilizers. Then it is repeated every two weeks in order to obtain large inflorescences.

Weeding and shaping a bush

Garden chamomile does not tolerate the neighborhood with weeds, so it needs regular weeding and loosening, which will provide air to the roots. In order for the bush to have a neat shape, and the inflorescences are large, secondary stepsons should be regularly removed, which are formed in the axils of the leaves.


Garden chamomile can grow in one place for up to five years. But, usually, in the third year of growth, the bushes become too thick, and their inner part begins to die off. In order to preserve the spectacular and decorative appearance of the plant, it should be transplanted at this moment. It is advisable to do this in the autumn, after flowering ends. For transplanting, you need to choose a cloudy day, dig up a bush of garden chamomile and separate well-developed young shoots from it and plant them in a prepared area.

Preparing for winter

At the end of autumn, you need to prepare the garden chamomile for wintering. To do this, you need to cut off the entire ground part from the plant and mulch the area. After that, it should be covered with dry foliage and covered with spruce branches. In winter, you can additionally cover the planting with snow.

How to plant a chamomile (video)

Methods and technology for reproduction of chamomile in the garden

Garden chamomile propagates by dividing the bush and by seed. But in order to grow a full-fledged plant, you need to know how to do it correctly.

Seed propagation

Garden chamomile seeds can be sown directly into the ground in spring. But, in this case, the formation of a full-fledged adult plant will have to wait for a very long time, almost until the onset of autumn. therefore most often the seeds are used for growing seedlings.

To obtain seedlings, you need to prepare planting boxes with a good drainage layer and nutritious soil at the beginning of March. On its surface, it is necessary to evenly distribute the seeds, sprinkle them with a small layer of sand and water gently. The plantings should be covered with polyethylene and sent to a shaded room with an air temperature of twenty to twenty-five degrees. After the shoots appear, the shelter should be removed, and after the formation of the third leaf on them, it is necessary to pick the seedlings into separate small pots. It is necessary to plant seedlings in open ground only after the spring frosts have ended.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

Reproduction by dividing the bush is a more effective way to propagate garden chamomile, as it allows you to get an adult flowering plant in a short time. To do this, in mid-spring or early autumn, you should choose a well-developed large bush and carefully dig it up. After that, you need to clean the root system of excess soil, inspect it and remove dried and rotten roots. Divide the rhizome into several parts, and plant them in separate holes, into which a little mineral fertilizers and ash should be added before planting.

There are several types of plants that are very similar in type to garden chamomile, but have colored petals:

  • Feverfew or in another way Persian (Dalmatian) chamomile (Pyretrum parthenium). The plant is an unpretentious perennial, growing from fifty to one hundred centimeters in height. On strong long peduncles there are flowers with a diameter of six to twelve centimeters, with a bright yellow center surrounded by red petals. Currently, many hybrid forms of the plant have been bred with simple, semi-double and double inflorescences of pink, crimson, burgundy and yellow. Blossoming of maiden feverfew occurs in June and continues throughout the summer;
  • Erigeron or small petals (Erigeron). This perennial plant reaches a height of sixty to eighty centimeters. Its flowers are very similar to chamomile and are characterized by a yellow core and narrow densely spaced petals of blue, lilac, lilac, violet, red and pink colors. The diameter of the flower basket reaches five centimeters. This plant begins to bloom in early summer and continues until mid-August.

These plants can be harmoniously combined with garden daisies in a variety of garden compositions. In addition, they have similar conditions of detention and care rules.

Why is the daisy most confused with chamomile

There are other flowers that inexperienced gardeners mistake for garden chamomile. They are called nivyanik, or leucanthemum(Leucanthemum). This is due to the great external similarity of bushes and flowers. But if a comparative characterization of plants is carried out, then some differences can be seen. The flowers of the daisy are larger and more powerful than those of the garden chamomile. Unlike its thin, delicate, bright green leaves, the foliage is dark green, very dense and tough, and has a solid crenate shape. Chamomile bushes branch rather strongly, and there are several flowers on each shoot. One flower corresponds to one shoot of the nivyanik.

How chamomile reproduces (video)

Growing and caring for garden chamomile is not particularly difficult, and its discreet beauty allows you to refresh any garden landscape. Plus, it looks great in cut, blending beautifully with most other garden flowers. Bouquets made from it can decorate a room for up to ten days, while retaining their original appearance.