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From what drug Kagocel. What helps Kagocel tablets. Storage conditions and shelf life


"Kagocel"(Kagocel) is a Russian antiviral drug. It belongs to the group of interferon inducers that stimulate the production of its own interferon in the human body. The main active ingredient is a copolymer of gossypol (one of the pigments of cotton, a natural polyphenol, which is toxic in free form) with carboxymethyl cellulose

Chemical name: Sodium salt of copolymer (1 → 4) - 6- 0- carboxymethyl - β-D-glucose, (1 → 4) - β-D-glucose and (21 → 24) -2,3,14,15, 21,24,29,32-octahydroxy-23- (carboxymethoxymethyl) -7, 10-dimethyl-4, 13-di (2-propyl) - 19,22,26,30,31 - pentaoxahep-tacyclo dotriaconta-1, 3.5 (28), 6.8 (27), 9 (18), 10, 12 (17), 13,15-decaene)


The results of clinical studies showed a decrease in the incidence of influenza / ARVI in the main group compared to the control group by 3.4 times; a 2-fold decrease in the number of complicated forms, a decrease in the circulation of respiratory viruses in collectives, as well as the absence of side effects and good tolerability of the drug.


Kagocel is a laureate of a number of Russian and international awards: BRAND OF THE YEAR / EFFIE 2011, winner of the All-Russian open competition of pharmaceutical industry professionals “Platinum Ounce” in the nominations “Drug of the Year” and “Vector of the Year”. In the course of a nationwide vote of the popular confidence award "Brand No. 1 in Russia-2012" in the category "Antiviral agent", Russians voted for Kagocel.

The mechanism of action of the drug

The main mechanism of action of Kagocel is the ability to stimulate the production in the body of a family of its own proteins - interferons (alpha and beta), which provide the antiviral and immunomodulatory effects of the drug.

Pharmacological properties


The main mechanism of action of Kagocel is the ability to induce the production of interferon. Kagocel causes the formation in the human body of the so-called late interferon, which is a mixture of α- and β-interferons with high antiviral activity. Kagocel causes the production of interferon in almost all populations of cells involved in the antiviral response of the body: T- and B-lymphocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells. When one dose of Kagocel is taken orally, the interferon titer in the blood serum reaches its maximum values ​​after 48 hours. The body's interferon response to the introduction of Kagocel is characterized by prolonged (up to 4-5 days) circulation of interferon in the bloodstream. The dynamics of the accumulation of interferon in the intestine when ingested Kagocel does not coincide with the dynamics of the titers of circulating interferon. In the blood serum, the production of interferon reaches high values ​​only 48 hours after taking Kagocel, while in the intestine, the maximum production of interferon is noted already after 4 hours.


24 hours after its introduction into the body, Kagocel accumulates mainly in the liver, to a lesser extent in the lungs, thymus, spleen, kidneys, and lymph nodes. Low concentration is observed in adipose tissue, heart, muscles, testes, brain, blood plasma. The low content of Kagocel in the brain is explained by the high molecular weight of the drug, which makes it difficult for its penetration through the blood-brain barrier. In blood plasma, the drug is mainly in a bound form.

With daily repeated administration of Kagocel, the volume of distribution varies widely in all the studied organs. The accumulation of the drug in the spleen and lymph nodes is especially pronounced. When taken orally, about 20% of the administered dose of the drug enters the general bloodstream. The absorbed drug circulates in the blood, mainly in the form associated with macromolecules: with lipids - 47%, with proteins - 37%. The unbound part of the drug is about 16%.

Excretion: the drug is excreted from the body mainly through the intestines: after 7 days after administration, 88% of the administered dose is excreted from the body, including 90% through the intestines and 10% - by the kidneys. The drug was not detected in the exhaled air.

Kagocel, when administered in therapeutic doses, is non-toxic, does not accumulate in the body. The drug does not possess mutagenic and teratogenic properties, is not carcinogenic and does not have an embryotoxic effect.

The greatest efficiency in the treatment of Kagocel is achieved when it is administered no later than the 4th day from the onset of an acute infection. For prophylactic purposes, the drug can be used at any time, including immediately after contact with the infectious agent.

Indications for use

As a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), as well as a therapeutic agent for herpes in adults.

As a preventive and therapeutic agent for influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in children aged 3 years and older.

Prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI)

With a single use of the drug Kagocel, interferons circulate in the body for 1 week, which allows not only treatment, but also the prevention of influenza and ARVI. For prophylactic purposes, Kagocel can be used at any time, including immediately after contact with the source of infection.

Scheme of taking Kagocel: Prevention of influenza and ARVI in children from the age of 3 years is carried out in 7-day cycles: two days - 1 tablet once a day, a break for 5 days, then repeat the cycle. The duration of the preventive course is from one week to several months.

Prevention of influenza and ARVI in adults is carried out in 7-day cycles: two days - 2 tablets once a day, a break for 5 days, then repeat the cycle. The duration of the preventive course is from one week to several months.

Treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI)

Scheme of taking Kagocel: Children aged 3 to 6 years are prescribed in the first two days - 1 tablet 2 times a day, in the next two days - one tablet 1 time a day. In total, the course - 6 tablets, the duration of the course - 4 days.

Children over the age of 6 years are prescribed in the first two days - 1 tablet 3 times a day, in the next two days - one tablet 2 times a day. In total for the course - 10 tablets, the duration of the course - 4 days.

Adults are prescribed in the first two days - 2 tablets 3 times a day, in the next two days - one tablet 3 times a day. In total, the course - 18 tablets, the duration of the course - 4 days.

A / H1N1

Kagocel is recommended by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation for the prevention of influenza in adults and the treatment of adult patients with moderate and severe forms of influenza caused by the type A / H1N1 virus of the Russian Federation. Interim guidelines for the treatment and prevention of influenza caused by highly pathogenic H1N1 virus type A for adults.

Herpes treatment

According to the classification of toxic substances generally accepted in toxicology (according to Hodge and Sterner), Kagocel belongs to the class of low toxic substances, for which it has been established that oral administration of the drug to experimental animals at a dose of up to 5 g / kg of body weight does not cause death of animals. The study of subchronic toxicity in young rat pups showed that the administration of the substance Kagocel in doses up to 100 mg / kg of body weight for 4 weeks did not cause pathological changes in experimental animals.

In the course of special studies of the possible negative effect of Kagocel on reproductive functions when assessing the effect on the course of pregnancy in rats and on postnatal development, it was found that Kagocel at a dose of 100 mg / kg of body weight, administered daily throughout pregnancy, did not show a negative effect on during pregnancy, intrauterine development of embryos and postpartum development of offspring. In studies of reproductive toxicity on rats of both sexes, it was shown that Kagocel administered into the stomach at doses up to 100 mg / kg of body weight did not have a negative effect on the generative function of animals, recorded by the number of pregnancies that occurred, and did not affect the development of offspring, as in time of the prenatal period and during the postnatal period.

During the period from 2000 to 2012, repeated clinical placebo-controlled studies conducted with the permission of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation involving a total of more than 2000 both adult patients and children aged 3 years and older did not reveal any side effects when using the drug Kagocel. Taking into account the results of numerous preclinical and clinical studies of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, Kagocel tablets are approved for use by children aged 3 years and older, and an over-the-counter form of dispensing from pharmacies has been established for it.

For more than 10 years of free circulation on the pharmaceutical market, more than 5 million patients have received Kagocel. To date, the health authorities and the manufacturer, carrying out the pharmacovigilance of the produced and distributed drug, established by the requirements of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, have not registered a single case of a serious adverse reaction Kagocel has demonstrated a high safety profile and has received wide recognition from both patients and medical workers in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus ...

According to the technology used for the production of the drug, the content of chemically modified bound gossypol in the Kagocel substance does not exceed 3% by weight. Thus, one tablet of Kagocel * (contains 12 mg of the substance) contains less than 0.36 mg of bound gossypol. Taking into account the maximum recommended dose of taking the drug Kagocel® for therapeutic purposes for an adult (2 tablets 3 times a day), the daily dose of the drug associated low-toxic derivative of gossypol contains no more than 2.16 mg.

The European Commission for Food Safety (EFSA) has established the minimum values ​​for the acceptable dose of ADI and the acceptable dose of TDI for free gossypol for possible adverse effects on spermatogenesis at 0.12 mg / kg and 0.35 mg / kg body weight, respectively. Thus, the permissible harmless daily intake of free gossypol for an adult is on average from 8.4 to 24.5 mg. As indicated above, the maximum daily dose of the drug Kagtsoel, calculated on the bound gossypol, is 2.16 mg or 0.33 mg / kg of body weight for an adult. Consequently, in terms of gossypol (which, as indicated above, is in the Kagocel preparation in a tied non-toxic form), a daily dose of the drug can enter the body when taking the tablets of the drug, which is not less than 4 times lower than the daily dose allowed by international norms. free gosypol.

Therefore, the use of the drug Kagocel is safe from the point of view of negative effects on the reproductive functions of women and men.


Individual hypersensitivity, pregnancy, age up to 3 years, lactase deficiency, lactose intolerance, glucose-galactose malabsorption.

Notes (edit)


  1. Galegov G. A., Narovlyansky A. N., Mezentseva M. V., Nesterenko V. G., Ershov F. I. "Kagocel suppresses the reproduction of the herpes virus in vitro." // Russian Journal of Immunology. Official Journal of Russian Society of Immunology. 2004, 9 (suppl. 1): 44.
  2. Galegov G.A., Narovlyansky A.N., Sarymsakov A.A., Mezentsev M.V., Polonsky V.O., Gomes L.A., Nesterenko V.G., Ershov F.I. Kagocel on the reproduction of the herpes virus ”. // Questions of virology. 2002, 47 (4): 42-44.
  3. Grigoryan S. S., Ershov F. I. "The interferon system and interferon inducers in herpesvirus infections". // Materia Medica. 2003, 40 (4): 34-45.
  4. Ershov F. I., Tazulakhova E. B. "Interferon inducers - a new generation of immunomodulators". // Terra Medica. 1998, 2: 2-7.
  5. Mashkova S. A., Kolobukhina L. V., Ospelnikova T. P., Merkulova L. N., Ershov F. I. "Interferon inducers Kagocel and Cycloferon - pathogenetic therapy of acute tonsillitis against the background of influenza". // Physiology and pathology of the immune system. 2004, 6 (1): 66.
  6. Mashkova S. A., Kolobukhina L. V., Ospelnikova T. P., Merkulova L. N., Ershov F. I., Malyshev N. A. “Interferon inducers Kagocel and Cycloferon - immunorehabilitation in complicated forms of ARVD (parainfluenza, adenoviral disease) ". // Allergology and Immunology. 2004, 5 (1): 69-70.
  7. Mashkova S. A., Kolobukhina L. V., Ospelnikova T. P., Merkulova L. N., Polonsky V. O., Isaeva E. I., Ershov F. I., Malyshev N. A. “Therapeutic efficacy kagocel and cycloferon in patients with influenza ”. // Materials of the third international conference "Clinical trials of drugs". Moscow, 2003, 264-265.
  8. Merkulova L.N., Kolobukhina L.V., Kisteneva L.B., Isaeva E.I., Burtseva E.I., Lukyanova N.A., Komarova T.D., Kudryashova O.V., Mashkova S A., Polonsky V. O., Ospelnikova T. P., Narovlyansky A. N., Ershov F. I. "Therapeutic efficacy of Kagocel in the treatment of patients with uncomplicated influenza and influenza complicated by angina." // Clinical pharmacology and therapy. 2002, 11 (5): 21-23.
  9. Narovlyansky A. N., Polonsky V. O., Mezentseva M. V., Ospelnikova T. P., Kolobukhina L. V., Merkulova L. N., Ershov F. I., Nesterenko V. G. “Kagocel increases sensitivity of blood leukocytes of patients with influenza, acute respiratory viral infections and patients with genital herpes to the priming effect of interferon preparations ”. // Russian Journal of Immunology. Official Journal of Russian Society of Immunology. 2004, 9 (suppl. 1): 45.
  10. Nesterenko V.G., Narovlyansky A.N., Semenova E.N., Kolobukhina L.V., Merkulova L.N., Kisteneva L.B., Isaeva E.I., Braginsky D.M., Mashkova S A., Ospelnikova T. P., Polonskiy V. O., Ershov F. I. "The effectiveness of the drug Kagocel in the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral diseases (ARVD) in adults." // Russian Journal of Immunology. Official Journal of Russian Society of Immunology. 2004, 9 (suppl. 1): 174.
  11. Nesterenko V. G., Ospelnikova T. P., Lovenetsky A. N. "Kagocel is a new oral interferon inducer based on components of natural origin for the treatment and prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections." // Family medicine (Kiev, Ukraine). 2004, 4: 22-25.
  12. Ospelnikova T. P., Polonsky V. O., Narovlyansky A. N., Tutushkina T. V., Shulzhenko A. E., Ershov F. I. "The effectiveness of Kagocel in chronic recurrent genital herpes". // Clinical pharmacology and therapy. 2004, 13 (2): 74-76.
  13. Polonsky V. O., Ospelnikova T. P., Tutushkina T. V., Shulzhenko A. E., Narovlyansky A. N., Ershov F. I. "Clinical and laboratory studies of the drug Kagocel as a means of treating genital herpes." // Materials of the congress "Modern problems of allergology, immunology and immunopharmacology." Moscow, 2002, Collection of works. 2: 635.
  14. Tutushkina T. V., Shulzhenko A. E. “The structure of immune changes in patients with genital chronic recurrent herpesvirus infection (HRVI) during therapy with Kagocel”. Russian Journal of Immunology. Official Journal of Russian Society of Immunology. 2004, 9 (suppl. 1): 182.
  15. Tutushkina T. V., Shulzhenko A. E., Narovlyansky A. N., Ershov F. I. "Clinical and immunological features of the course of the genital form of chronic recurrent herpesvirus infection during therapy with Kagocel". // Materia Medica. 2003, 4 (40): 80-91.
  16. Tutushkina T.V., Shulzhenko A.E., Narovlyansky A.N., Pavlov V.I., Shcherbenko V.E., Mezentseva M.V., Ershov F.I. "Kagocel therapy of genital chronic recurrent herpesvirus infection" ... // Cytokines and inflammation. 2005, 4 (2): 59-65.


The main mechanism of action of Kagocel® is the ability to induce the production of interferon. Kagocel® causes the formation in the human body of the so-called late interferon, which is a mixture of a- and b-interferons with high antiviral activity. Kagocel® induces the production of interferon in almost all populations of cells involved in the antiviral response of the body: T- and B-lymphocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells. When a single dose of Kagocel® is taken orally, the interferon titer in the blood serum reaches its maximum values ​​after 48 hours. The body's interferon response to the introduction of Kagocel® is characterized by prolonged (up to 4-5 days) circulation of interferon in the bloodstream. The dynamics of the accumulation of interferon in the intestine when ingested Kagocel® does not coincide with the dynamics of the titers of circulating interferon. In the blood serum, interferon production reaches high values ​​only 48 hours after taking Kagocel®, while in the intestine, the maximum production of interferon is noted already after 4 hours.

Kagocel®, when administered in therapeutic doses, is non-toxic and does not accumulate in the body. The drug does not possess mutagenic and teratogenic properties, is not carcinogenic and does not have an embryotoxic effect.

The greatest efficiency in the treatment of Kagocel® is achieved when it is prescribed no later than the 4th day from the onset of an acute infection. For prophylactic purposes, the drug can be used at any time, including immediately after contact with the infectious agent.


24 hours after its introduction into the body, Kagocel® accumulates mainly in the liver, to a lesser extent in the lungs, thymus, spleen, kidneys, and lymph nodes. Low concentration is observed in adipose tissue, heart, muscles, testes, brain, blood plasma. The low content of Kagocel® in the brain is explained by the high molecular weight of the drug, which makes it difficult for it to penetrate the blood-brain barrier. In blood plasma, the drug is mainly in a bound form.

With daily repeated administration of Kagocel®, the volume of distribution varies widely in all the examined organs. The accumulation of the drug in the spleen and lymph nodes is especially pronounced. When taken orally, about 20% of the administered dose of the drug enters the general bloodstream. The absorbed drug circulates in the blood, mainly in the form associated with macromolecules: with lipids - 47%, with proteins - 37%. The unbound part of the drug is about 16%.

Excretion: the drug is excreted from the body mainly through the intestines: after 7 days after administration, 88% of the administered dose is excreted from the body, including 90% through the intestines and 10% - by the kidneys. The drug was not detected in the exhaled air.

Kagocel - antiviral effect, instructions for use (tablets) for adults, for children, drug analogues, reviews, price


The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

Kagocel represents antiviral drug, intended for the treatment of herpes, as well as the prevention and treatment of influenza and acute respiratory diseases (ARI).

Release form, description, dosage and active substance

The drug Kagocel is produced in a single dosage form - oral tablets... The tablets are round, biconvex. The color varies from white with a brown tint to light brown; blotches of a clear brown color are visible on the tablet. Kagocel is packed in carton packs of 10, 20 or tablets.

Kagocel tablets have a shelf life of 4 years from the date of release, and should be stored in a dark, dry place at an air temperature not exceeding 25 o C. Violation of storage conditions leads to the loss of the drug's properties, as a result of which it becomes ineffective and unsuitable for use. Kagocel is produced by Russian pharmaceutical companies - Nearmedic Plus LLC, Hemofarm LLC and Nearmedic Pharma LLC.

As an active substance, Kagocel tablets contain a complex chemical, which is completely called as follows: sodium salt of a copolymer (1 → 4) -6-0-carboxymethyl-beta-D-glucose, (1 → 4) - beta-D-glucose and ( 21 → 24) -2.3,14,15,21,24,29,32-octacydroxy-23- (carboxymethoxymethyl) -7,10-dimethyl-4,13-di (2-propyl) -19.22, 26,30,31-pentaoxaheptacyclodotriaconta-1,3,5 (28), 6,8 (27), 9 (18), 10,12 (17), 13,15-decaene. This substance has only the specified chemical name, and it does not have a simpler international one. Therefore, the manufacturer in the instructions in the INN column (international non-proprietary name), which means the active substance of any drug, writes either "Kagocel", or puts a dash and below indicates the full chemical name of the substance.

Each tablet of Kagocel contains 12 mg of active substance. That is, the dosage for Kagocel is only one - 12 mg.

As auxiliary components, Kagocel contains the following substances:

  • Potato starch;
  • Calcium Stearate;
  • Ludipress (mixture of lactose monohydrate, povidone (Kollidon 30) and crospovidone (Kollidon CL)).

Therapeutic action and effects

Kagocel tablets have two main pharmacological effects - immunomodulatory and antiviral. Moreover, the antiviral effect is, as it were, a consequence of the immunomodulatory, since the drug is able to lead to the destruction of viruses in the body indirectly, by activating the immune system.

So, Kagocel stimulates the production of interferons - special substances that ensure the interaction of various cells of the immune system, allow them to detect viruses and destroy them. Moreover, Kagocel promotes the production of so-called late interferons, which have a very high antiviral activity, and therefore very effectively destroy viral particles that have entered the body.

The drug stimulates the production of interferons not by any one type of cells of the immune system, but by almost all immunocompetent cells, such as T-lymphocytes, B-lymphocytes, macrophages, granulocytes (neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils), fibroblasts and endothelial cells (cells of the internal shells of blood vessels). Due to this effect, under the action of Kagocel, many types of cells of the immune system are simultaneously activated, which take part in the destruction of viruses.

After taking one dose of Kagocel, the concentration of interferons in the blood reaches the maximum possible values ​​after 48 hours (two days). And the duration of active production of interferons by the body under the influence of Kagocel is 4 - 5 days. That is, after taking one dose of the drug, the maximum of interferons in the blood will be in two days, and the increased production of these substances will continue for 4 - 5 days.

Under the action of Kagocel, interferon is produced not only by cells circulating in the blood, but also in tissues, mainly in the intestines, where there are many lymphatic formations related to the immune system. Moreover, after taking a dose of Kagocel in the intestine, the maximum possible amount of interferon is produced after four hours.

Thus, being an interferon inducer, Kagocel literally forces the cells of the immune system in various tissues and organs to produce interferons. And then, under the influence of interferon, immune cells become very active and quickly find both the viruses themselves and the cells affected by them, destroying both.

When taken in the recommended therapeutic dosages, Kagocel is non-toxic, does not accumulate in the human body, but is completely excreted. In addition, Kagocel does not cause mutations in cells of various organs and tissues, therefore, it does not cause the development of oncological and genetic diseases, and also does not provoke deformities or fetal death during pregnancy (no mutagenic, teratogenic, carcinogenic and embryotoxic effects).

The maximum effectiveness of the Kagocel drug is noted if the drug treatment began no later than the fourth day from the onset of an infectious disease (influenza, ARVI, herpes). For the purpose of prevention, Kagocel can be taken at any time, including immediately after contact with a person suffering from influenza, ARVI or herpes.

After taking the drug, it first enters the bloodstream, and, together with the blood, is carried to organs and tissues, in which it accumulates and exerts its therapeutic effect. 24 hours after ingestion, Kagocel accumulates mainly in the liver, to a lesser extent it enters the lungs, thymus, spleen, kidneys, and lymph nodes. In a small amount, the drug accumulates in adipose tissue, heart, muscles, testes, brain, blood plasma. Only 20% of the taken dose of Kagocel circulates in the blood.

However, Kagocel does not accumulate in tissues for a long time - after 4 - 5 days after entering the body, it is excreted. The excretion of the drug is carried out mainly through the intestines with feces (90%) and a little by the kidneys with urine (10%). By the end of the seventh day, 88% of the drug that has entered it is excreted from the body.

Indications for use

Kagocel is indicated for use in the following cases:
  • Prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in adults and children over the age of three;
  • Treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in adults and children over the age of three;
  • Treating herpes in adults.

Instructions for use

Kagocel tablets are taken orally, swallowed whole and washed down with a sufficient amount of water (at least half a glass). The drug can be taken at any time in relation to food, that is, before, during or after a meal.

The dosage and duration of therapy depend on the age and purpose of using Kagocel.

So, for the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), adults should take 2 tablets 3 times a day for the first two days, and then for another two days - one tablet 3 times a day. Thus, for a course of treatment of an adult for influenza or an acute respiratory viral disease, 18 tablets will be needed, which are drunk in 4 days. To start taking Kagocel to obtain a therapeutic effect, you need to no later than the fourth day from the onset of the disease.

For the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in adults, Kagocel should be taken as follows: for two days, drink 2 tablets once a day, then take a break for five days. After this five-day break, you can again drink 2 tablets once a day for two days, and again take a break for 5 days. You can do as many such cycles - 2 days of taking pills and five days of a break. It is recommended to take the drug in this way for the entire period of time while there is a high risk of contracting influenza or ARVI.

For the treatment of herpes in adults, Kagocel is taken 2 tablets 3 times a day for five days. The course of therapy will require 30 tablets. And the duration of the course of treatment for herpes is, respectively, 5 days. It is advisable to start treatment of herpes with Kagocel from the moment the first precursors of a future ulcer appear (itching on the lip, etc.), since in this case the drug will act as efficiently as possible. However, you can start herpes therapy before the fourth day from the onset of the disease in order to get the desired effect.

Treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in children aged 3 - 6 years is carried out as follows: in the first two days, the child should be given Kagocel one tablet 2 times a day, and in the next two days - one tablet once a day. day. Thus, the duration of the course of therapy is 4 days, and the number of tablets required for treatment is 6 pieces.

Treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) in children over 6 years old is carried out according to the following scheme: in the first two days, one tablet is given 3 times a day, and in the next two days - one tablet 2 times a day. The course of therapy, which lasts 4 days, will require 10 Kagocel tablets.

For the treatment of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in children, Kagocel should be given no later than the fourth day after the development of the disease. Starting treatment at a later date makes it ineffective.

In order to prevent influenza or acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI), children over 3 years old are given Kagocel according to the scheme: for two days, one tablet once a day, then a five-day break. Then again, within two days, one tablet is given once a day, and again a five-day break. Such cycles, consisting of taking pills for two days and the following five-day break, can be carried out as much as you like. It is optimal to give children Kagocel in preventive cycles during the entire period of seasonal epidemics of influenza and ARVI.

If, against the background of Kagocel therapy, the condition does not improve, the disease does not go away, or it becomes worse and new symptoms appear, then you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor to revise the treatment plan.

How to use?

Kagocel should be taken orally, swallowing the pill whole, without biting, chewing or crushing it in other ways, but with a sufficient amount of water (at least half a glass). The tablets can be taken with or without food, that is, before, during and after meals.

Kagocel for children

Kagocel is approved for use for the treatment and prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in children from the age of three. Therefore, parents can give the drug to children both for the prevention of infection with influenza or ARVI, and for the treatment of an already developed disease. For the purpose of prevention, it is optimal to give children Kagocel during seasonal epidemics of influenza and ARVI, as well as when they visit places where they can easily get infected (for example, a trip to the clinic for a routine examination).

For the purpose of prophylaxis, Kagocel can be given to children at any time, including immediately after contact with a sick flu or ARVI. And for the purpose of treatment, the drug should be started no later than the fourth day from the moment the first signs of ARVI or influenza appear.

Children are given a pill whole, without crumbling, cutting or crushing, but asking the baby to swallow it and drink at least half a glass of water. Instead of water, the child can be given fruit drink or compote to drink.

For the prevention of influenza and ARVI, Kagocel is given to children of any age (3 - 18 years old) in the same dosage. So, prophylactic reception is carried out in a kind of weekly cycles, which consist of two days of taking Kagocel, one tablet once a day, and a subsequent five-day break. These prophylactic weekly drug cycles can be carried out continuously for several months. You can also do only one prophylactic cycle if, for example, you need to protect a child from possible infection during a one-time visit to crowded places of people suffering from influenza or ARVI. It is optimal to give the child Kagocel for the prevention of influenza and ARVI during the entire period of seasonal epidemics.

For the treatment of influenza and ARVI, the dosage of Kagocel depends on the age of the child, and is the following values:

  • Children aged 3 - 6 years - Kagocel is given one tablet twice a day for two days, and then for another two days - one tablet once a day;
  • Children 6 - 18 years old - Kagocel is given in the first two days, one tablet three times a day, and in the next two days - one tablet twice a day.

Application during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Due to the fact that the drug Kagocel, for obvious ethical reasons, did not undergo clinical trials on volunteers from among pregnant women and lactating mothers, it should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. After all, the safety of Kagocel for the fetus and baby is not known with 100% accuracy.


Currently, during the period of use, there were no reports of the development of any vivid clinical symptoms of an overdose of Kagocel. However, if a person accidentally overdosed with Kagocel, then vomiting should be induced and fluids containing various salts should be drunk abundantly (for example, compotes, fruit drinks, diluted juices, teas, pharmacy rehydration solutions (Humana Electrolyte, Trisol, Regidron, etc.)).

Influence on the ability to control mechanisms

At present, it is not known for certain whether Kagocel affects the functioning of the central nervous system and, accordingly, the ability to control mechanisms. Therefore, against the background of the use of Kagocel, one should refrain from any activities that require a high speed of reactions and concentration of attention, including driving a car. Of course, if a person feels good, then he can operate the mechanisms while taking Kagocel, but in this case, one should be ready to leave such work at any time.

Interaction with other medicinal products

Kagocel combines well with other antiviral drugs, antibiotics and immunomodulators, as these agents enhance each other's effectiveness.

Side effects

As a side effect, Kagocel can cause allergic reactions in children and adults. There were no other side effects during the trial period. But if, while taking Kagocel, a person develops any symptoms that can be attributed to side effects, then you should stop using the drug and inform your doctor about them.

Contraindications for use

The drug Kagocel is contraindicated for use if a person has the following diseases and conditions:
  • Any gestational age;
  • Breastfeeding period;
  • Age less than three years old;
  • Individual hypersensitivity or allergic reactions to any components of the drug;
  • Lactase deficiency;
  • Glucose-galactose malabsorption.


Usually, drugs have two types of analogs - they are synonyms and, in fact, analogs. Synonyms are those medicines that contain exactly the same active ingredient. Analogs are considered to be funds that contain various active components, but have a similar therapeutic effect.

Currently, there are no Kagocel synonyms on the pharmaceutical market that contain the same active substance. There are only analogue drugs that also have an antiviral effect, but contain completely different active components.

The closest to Kagocel effect is provided by antiviral drugs that promote the active production of interferon (interferon inducers) or themselves contain interferon as an active component. Accordingly, it is the preparations of the groups of interferon inducers and those containing interferon that can be considered the closest analogs of Kagocel.

The analogs of Kagocel from the groups of interferon inducers and containing interferon include the drugs listed in the table below:

Analogs of the Kagocel group of interferon inducers Kagocel's analogs containing interferons as an active substance
Indinol FortoAlfaferon
IndoproloneBinnoferon alpha
Sodium salt of double-stranded ribonucleic acidGrippferon
Meglumine Acridone AcetateInteral-P
ORVIS ImmunoInteral
TilaxinInterferon alpha-2b-human recombinant
TiloramHuman leukocyte interferon
TiloronHuman leukocyte interferon liquid
CycloferonHuman leukocyte interferon in suppositories
ErgoferonIntron A

In addition to the above, Kagocel also has other analogues (not containing interferon and not interferon inducers) among antiviral drugs that have an effect that is effective in the treatment and prevention of ARVI and influenza. Such analogs of Kagocel include the following drugs:
  • Algirem;
  • Amizon;
  • Amizonchik;
  • Arpeflu;
  • Afludol;
  • Aerus;
  • Bonafton;
  • Vitaglutam;
  • Hyporamine;
  • Influcein;
  • Yodantipyrine;
  • Lacrinath;
  • Lomagerpan;
  • Nobasite;
  • Nomides;
  • Oxolin;
  • Orvirem;
  • Oseltamivir;
  • Relenza;
  • Rimantadine;
  • Seltamivir;
  • Triazavirin;
  • Helepin-D.

Kagocel's analogs are cheaper

Cheaper analogues of Kagocel are the following drugs:
  • Bonafton;
  • Hyporamine;
  • Ingavirin;
  • Interferon alpha-2b-human recombinant;
  • Human leukocyte interferon;
  • Human leukocyte interferon liquid;
  • Human leukocyte interferon in suppositories;

Kagocel ®


Pharmacological groups

  • Antiviral (excluding HIV) drugs
  • Interferon inducers

Nosological classification (ICD-10)

  • B00 Herpes simplex virus infections
  • J06 Acute upper respiratory tract infections of multiple and unspecified sites
  • J11 Influenza, virus not identified

Dosage form and composition

Description of the dosage form

Tablets from cream to brown, round, biconvex, interspersed.

pharmachologic effect

pharmachologic effect- immunomodulatory, antiviral.


The main mechanism of action of Kagocel ® is the ability to induce the production of interferon. It causes the formation in the human body of the so-called. late interferon, which is a mixture of alpha and beta interferons with high antiviral activity. Kagocel ® causes the production of interferon in almost all populations of cells involved in the antiviral response of the body: T- and B-lymphocytes, macrophages, granulocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells. When a single dose of Kagocel® is ingested, the interferon titer in the blood serum reaches its maximum values ​​after 48 hours. The body's interferon response to the administration of Kagocel® is characterized by prolonged (up to 4-5 days) circulation of interferon in the bloodstream. The dynamics of the accumulation of interferon in the intestine when ingested Kagocel ® does not coincide with the dynamics of the titers of circulating interferon. In the blood serum, the production of interferon reaches high values ​​only 48 hours after taking Kagocel®, while in the intestine the maximum production of interferon is noted already after 4 hours.

Kagocel ®, when administered in therapeutic doses, is non-toxic, does not accumulate in the body. The drug does not possess mutagenic and teratogenic properties, is not carcinogenic and does not have an embryotoxic effect.

The greatest efficiency in the treatment of Kagocel ® is achieved when it is prescribed no later than the 4th day after the onset of an acute infection. For preventive purposes, the drug can be used at any time, incl. and immediately after contact with the infectious agent.


24 hours after the introduction into the body, Kagocel ® accumulates mainly in the liver, to a lesser extent - in the lungs, thymus, spleen, kidneys, lymph nodes. Low concentration is observed in adipose tissue, heart, muscles, testes, brain, blood plasma. The low content of Kagocel ® in the brain is explained by the high molecular weight of the drug, which makes it difficult for its penetration through the BBB. In blood plasma, the drug is mainly in a bound form.

With daily repeated administration of Kagocel ® V d of the drug varies within wide limits. The accumulation of the drug in the spleen and lymph nodes is especially pronounced. When taken orally, about 20% of the administered dose of the drug enters the general bloodstream. The absorbed drug circulates in the blood, mainly in the form associated with macromolecules: 47% - with lipids, 37% - with proteins. The unbound part of the drug is about 16%.

Derivation: the drug is excreted from the body mainly through the intestines: 7 days after administration - 88% of the administered dose, incl. 90% through the intestines and 10% through the kidneys. The drug was not detected in the exhaled air.

Indications of the drug Kagocel ®


prevention and treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI);

herpes treatment.


treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in children aged 3 years and older;

prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in children aged 3 years and older.


increased individual sensitivity;

lactase deficiency;

lactose intolerance;

glucose-galactose malabsorption;


age up to 3 years.

Side effects

Development of allergic reactions is possible.


It combines well with other antiviral drugs, immunomodulators and antibiotics (additive effect).

Method of administration and dosage


For the treatment of influenza and SARS for adults appoint 2 tables. 3 times a day in the first 2 days, in the next 2 days - 1 table. 3 times a day. Total for the course of treatment - 18 tablets, the duration of the course - 4 days.

Prevention of acute respiratory viral infections in adults carried out in 7-day cycles: 2 days, 2 tables. 1 time per day, then a break for 5 days, and the cycle is repeated. The duration of the preventive course is from 1 week to several months.

For the treatment of herpes in adults appoint 2 tables. 3 times a day for 5 days. In total for the course of treatment - 30 tablets, the duration of the course - 5 days.

For the treatment of influenza and ARVI for children aged 3 to 6 years appoint 1 table. 2 times a day in the first 2 days, in the next 2 days - 1 table. 1 per day. In total for the course - 6 tablets, the duration of the course - 4 days.

Formula, chemical name: Kagocel is a copolymer of carboxymethylcellulose and gossypol (1,6,7-trioxy-3-methyl-5-isopropyl-8-naphthaldehyde).
Pharmacological group: Immunotropic agents / immunomodulators / interferon inducers;
antiviral (with the exception of HIV) drugs.
Pharmachologic effect: antiviral, immunomodulatory.

Pharmacological properties

Kagocel is able to induce the formation of interferon. It causes the production of late interferon, which is a mixture of beta and alpha interferons, which have strong antiviral activity. Kagocel leads to the formation of interferon in almost all cell populations that are involved in the antiviral response of the body: macrophages, B- and T-lymphocytes, granulocytes, endothelial cells, fibroblasts. After ingestion of one dose of the drug, the content of interferon in the blood becomes maximum after 2 days. The body's interferon response to the intake of Kagocel is characterized by a long (up to 5 days) circulation of interferon in the blood. The dynamics of the accumulation of interferon in the intestine after taking the drug does not coincide with that in the blood (in the blood, the content of interferon becomes maximum after 2 days, and in the intestine after 4 hours). The drug in therapeutic doses is non-toxic, does not accumulate in the body. It also does not possess teratogenic, embryotoxic and mutagenic properties, and is not carcinogenic. The maximum efficiency in therapy with Kagocel is possible when it is taken no later than the 4th day from the onset of the disease. For prophylaxis, the drug can be used at any time, including immediately after contact with the source of infection. A day after taking kagocel, it accumulates mainly in the liver, in the lesser - in the thymus, lungs, spleen, lymph nodes, kidneys. Low concentration is found in adipose tissue, muscles, heart, testes, blood plasma, brain. In the blood, the absorbed drug circulates in a form associated with macromolecules: 37% - with proteins, 47% - with lipids, 16% circulates in an unbound form. It is excreted from the body mainly through the intestines 90%, through the kidneys - 10%.


Treatment and prevention of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections in children (from 3 years old) and adults; treatment of herpes (in adults).

Method of application of Kagocel and doses

Kagocel is taken orally, regardless of food intake. Adults: for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza: the first 2 days, 24 mg 3 times a day, the next 2 days, 12 mg 3 times a day; for the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections: 2 days, 1 time per day, 24 mg, break for 5 days, repeat the cycle; for the treatment of herpes: 5 days 3 times a day, 24 mg. Children: for the treatment of ARVI and influenza from 3 to 6 years: the first 2 days, 2 times a day, 12 mg, the next 2 days, 1 time a day, 12 mg; for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza from 6 years: the first 2 days 3 times a day, 12 mg, the next 2 days, 2 times a day, 12 mg; prevention of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza in children from 6 years of age: 2 days 1 time per day 12 mg, break 5 days, repeat the cycle. 12 mg = 1 tablet.
If you skip the next intake of kagocel, take it as you remember, the next intake should be performed after a set time from the last use.
To achieve a therapeutic effect, the drug should be taken no later than 4 days after the onset of the disease.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity, under 3 years of age, pregnancy.

Restrictions on use

No data.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

The use of Kagocel is contraindicated during pregnancy. During lactation, when taking Kagocel, it is necessary to stop breastfeeding.

Side effects of kagocel

Allergic reactions are possible.

Interaction of Kagocel with other substances

Kagocel combines well with immunomodulators, antiviral drugs and antibiotics (an additive effect is observed).


In case of an accidental overdose with Kagocel, it is necessary to drink plenty of fluids, induce vomiting; if necessary, symptomatic therapy.