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The neurologist is responsible for what. Who is a neurologist? General characteristics of the direction


The site provides background information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. A specialist consultation is required!

Make an appointment with a Neurologist

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The operator will listen to you and redirect the call to the necessary clinic, or take an order for an appointment with the specialist you need.

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What kind of doctor is a neurologist?

Neurologist is a specialist in diseases of the nervous system. This is a very extensive area of \u200b\u200bmedicine, since the nervous system controls to one degree or another all the processes in the body. As a result, many diseases can be neurological in nature.

Currently, neurologists are considered a highly demanded and prestigious category among other medical professionals. Most often, they are not the first link with which the patient contacts. Other specialists are referred to a neurologist if there is a suspicion of disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system.

Neurology deals with the diagnosis and treatment of the following disorders:

  • diseases of the brain and spinal cord;
  • peripheral nerve diseases ( paralysis, sensitivity disorders);
  • some general disorders - hysteria, neurasthenia, etc.
  • sleep disorders;
  • disorders of cerebral circulation;
  • consequences of traumatic brain injuries;
  • congenital defects in the development of the nervous system.

What is the difference between a neurologist and a neuropathologist?

A neurologist and a neuropathologist are one and the same specialist. The specialty "neurology" comes from the Greek words "nerve" and "science", and neuropathology comes from "nerve", "disease" and "science". There is no difference between these specialists. It's just that in most countries the term "neurology" is used, and in the USSR the term "neuropathology" was used. Accordingly, many people in the post-Soviet space still call neurologists neuropathologists.

Categories of neurologists

Like other medical professionals, neurologists are divided into qualification categories. Categories are assigned based on the length of service and the results of special certification. The criteria for assigning a category may vary slightly from country to country.

Currently, there are 3 categories of doctors:

  • second category - at least 5 years of experience;
  • first category - at least 7 years of experience;
  • highest category - at least 10 years of experience.
In addition, specialists with scientific degrees ( candidate of science, doctor of science). A scientific degree means that the doctor was not only engaged in practical medicine, but also participated in various studies, wrote and published scientific articles. As a rule, such specialists deal with complex cases and rare diseases.

Types and specializations of neurologists

In neurology, there are several branches that deal only with certain types of disorders of the nervous system. Neurologists undergo additional specialization, gain experience and ultimately become narrower specialists who are able to help in the best way a certain category of patients.

Child and adolescent neurologist ( pediatrician)

In pediatric hospitals and clinics, a neurologist is a highly needed specialist. There are many neurological disorders that are characteristic of children of different ages. Specialists in pediatric neurology diagnose and treat these pathologies. The need for pediatric neurologists is also explained by the fact that these doctors monitor the development of the child as they grow up. In the first years of life, periodic consultations are necessary for all children.

Most often, pediatric neurologists are consulted for the following reasons:

  • minimal brain dysfunction;
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;
  • sleep disorders;
  • birth trauma;
  • delayed speech development.
In newborns, bulging fontanelles are a clear neurological symptom. When this symptom appears, you need to see a specialist.

Speech therapist

A speech therapist is not necessarily a neurologist and may not even be a doctor. This area is considered a section of pedagogy. She deals with various speech disorders in children. Neurological diseases can be one of the possible causes of such disorders. It is in these cases that neurology and speech therapy intersect. In principle, a pediatric neurologist can simultaneously be a speech therapist and deal in more depth with speech disorders. However, there is still no separate specialty "neurologist-speech therapist" in medicine. Speech impairments in children may just as well be dealt with by a pediatrician or therapist. Deep knowledge of neurology is usually not required for this.


Vegetarian is a relatively young branch in the development of neurology. Vegetative neurologists deal with diseases and various disorders in the work of the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the activity of many internal organs.

Diseases of the autonomic nervous system are most often manifested by the following symptoms:

  • sleep disorders;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • some personality changes, etc.
Of course, all these pathologies can be caused by other problems. However, if a cardiologist excludes heart problems in a patient with unstable blood pressure, you should contact a vegetative neurologist. It should be noted that ordinary neurologists can also deal with the treatment and supervision of such patients.


A parkinsologist is a narrow specialization of a neurologist. These specialists are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson's disease. Due to the fact that this pathology is very rare, it is usually difficult to find such a doctor. It may indeed be more effective in helping patients with Parkinson's disease. Since this pathology is considered incurable, the patient works with the chosen parkinsologist for a long time. Their task is to delay the progression of symptoms. In practice, neurologists-parkinsologists often admit patients with other neurological diseases.


An epileptologist is also a specialized neurologist. Its task is to diagnose, monitor and treat patients with epilepsy. Patients who have had a seizure can be referred to an epileptologist for an appointment ( leading symptom in epilepsy). However, there are many other diseases that can cause seizures. The epileptologist must be able to diagnose them, so as not to be mistaken with the diagnosis.


Physiotherapy studies the healing effects of various physical factors. It is widely used, including for neurological diseases. In particular, physiotherapy is often prescribed for stroke patients. In principle, a physiotherapist is a separate specialist, whose activities are in no way related to the work of a neurologist, but these doctors often cooperate to treat various disorders. The leading role is played by the neurologist, since it is he who decides whether the patient needs physiotherapy and what kind of treatment procedures are needed.


There are many different types of massage, most of which are cosmetic in nature. However, there is also a therapeutic massage that can speed up recovery in various pathologies. The specialty "neurologist-masseur", in principle, does not exist. However, many neurologists ( especially vertebrologists) really know the technique of therapeutic massage. If the doctor himself cannot conduct massage sessions, he will always refer the patient to a good specialist.

In neurologists, massage may be needed in the following cases:

  • paralysis and paresis;
  • sensitivity disorders;
  • chronic pain ( massage is not always needed);
  • many diseases of the spine;
  • cerebral circulation failure ( massage the neck to improve blood flow).


A vertebrologist is a specialist who deals with various disorders at the level of the spine. In fact, this is a neurologist, but his functions are not limited only to the nervous system. In addition to pathologies of the spinal cord and its roots, the vertebrologist can treat some tumors of the spine ( usually metastatic), back injuries. That is, he heals not only the nerves, but also the bones, muscles and ligaments of the spine, which are located near the spinal cord.

Patients with the following pathologies can be referred to a vertebrologist:

  • curvature of the spine ( lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis);
  • infringement of the roots of the spinal cord, etc.
Vertebrologists are highly demanded specialists. Injuries or age-related back problems sooner or later appear in almost every person.


There is no separate specialty "neurologist-therapist". A therapist is a general practitioner who can self-treat the most common conditions. However, its main task is to make the correct diagnosis after examining the patient and refer the patient to doctors of a narrower specialization. Most often, the therapist does not take care of the treatment of neurological pathologies himself. To do this, he prescribes primary tests and examinations, and then transfers them to a neurologist. If the pathology of the nervous system is not too serious, the neurologist will prescribe treatment, and you can regularly be observed by a therapist.


Reflexology is another name for acupuncture. This medical practice appeared a long time ago and belongs rather to alternative medicine. However, modern research is proving its effectiveness in many diseases. During the procedures, the nerve endings and centers are affected, therefore, a good neurologist, in principle, can also engage in reflexology, combining it with other therapeutic methods. Some specialists prescribe acupuncture for very serious neurological pathologies. However, not all reflexologists are neurologists.


Psychotherapy is a very separate area of \u200b\u200bmedicine that has little in common with other areas. The psychotherapist tries to identify the connection between psychological and somatic ( physical) disorders in the patient. Sometimes there is such a connection. Including some mental trauma can be the cause of a number of nervous disorders. However, the methods of diagnosis and treatment of a neuropathologist and a psychotherapist are completely different. One person cannot be qualified in both of these areas.


Orthopedics is more like surgery, as it deals with the correction of various defects in bones and muscles. It does not directly intersect with neurology, so the specialty of an orthopedic neurologist does not exist. These specialists often work in parallel. This mainly occurs with various congenital malformations in children.

Osteopath ( chiropractor)

Osteopaths and chiropractors are highly qualified massage therapists. However, if conventional massage involves an effect on soft tissues, then doctors in this specialty also work with bones and ligaments. They intersect with neurology when various problems with the spine appear. The displacement of the vertebrae often leads to the fact that the spinal roots are infringed. Chiropractors can solve this problem without surgery. Of the neurological specialties, vertebrologists are closest to them. However, neurology still deals with purely nervous disorders and has nothing to do with bones and ligaments. That is why the specialty "osteopathic neurologist" does not exist.

A vertebrologist or neurologist may refer a patient for treatment to a chiropractor in the following cases:

  • back, neck and limb injuries;
  • the recovery period after a stroke;
  • displacement of the vertebrae;
  • herniated disc;
  • entrapment of nerves.


Dermatology and neurology are two areas of medicine that have little in common. Most dermatological problems and symptoms are not associated with disturbances in the nervous system and are of a different nature. Diseases of the brain and spinal cord can sometimes increase or decrease skin sensitivity in different parts of the body. Because of this, patients sometimes mistakenly consult a dermatologist, thinking that the problem is in the skin. However, there is no separate specialty of neurologist-dermatologist. If necessary, these doctors simply refer the patient to colleagues to clarify the diagnosis.

Surgeon ( neurosurgeon)

Neurosurgery is a branch of surgery that deals with the surgical treatment of various pathologies of the nervous system. These specialists are in great demand. Neurosurgeons combine in their work the principles of diagnosis and treatment from surgery and neurology. They need the deepest knowledge in surgery directly to carry out operations. However, they are also well versed in the symptoms and manifestations of neurological pathologies, as they must observe the patient before, during and after the operation.

The help of a neurosurgeon may be needed for the following diseases:

  • stroke;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • spinal injury;
  • stitching of peripheral nerves;
  • some infections of the nervous system;
  • congenital developmental disorders of the central nervous system ( central nervous system);
  • tumor diseases;
  • vertebral hernias, etc.
Usually, patients do not go to neurosurgeons right away. These are highly qualified specialists who do not accept any patient. A referral for examination can be obtained after consultation with a neurologist, therapist, pediatrician ( when it comes to congenital problems).

Psychiatrist and psychologist

Psychiatric illness is not always the result of any structural problem in the central nervous system. That is why psychiatrist and neurologist are two different specialties and do not often overlap in terms of diagnosing and treating patients. For example, panic attacks or depression can be a manifestation of both neurological and mental disorders. There is no separate specialty "neurologist-psychiatrist" or "neurologist-psychologist", although these doctors quite often involve each other for advice.


In most cases, heart diseases are not associated with disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, although the work of this organ, of course, is controlled by a special section in the brain. The range of diseases that disrupt the work of this center is very small, so there is no need to single out a separate specialty "neurologist-cardiologist". Most often, patients turn to a regular cardiologist. If he suspects that the problem may not be in the heart itself, but in the nerves that control it, he himself will appoint a consultation with a neurologist.

Otorhinolaryngologist ( ENT)

There is no separate specialty "neurologist-otorhinolaryngologist", but there are some diseases that require consultation of both of these specialists. An ENT doctor, for example, can send patients with olfactory disorders to a neurologist ( dysosmia) or hearing ( auditory hallucinations). The fact is that the otorhinolaryngologist deals with pathologies affecting the ears, pharynx, larynx and nasal cavity. Here are the receptors and many senses. However, signals from these organs are sent to special parts of the cerebral cortex. If the ENT does not find problems with the senses themselves, he sends the patient for a neurological examination in order to exclude, for example, tumors in the corresponding areas of the brain. It should be noted that such cases are extremely rare in practice. That is why there is no need for a separate specialty "ENT neurologist".

Oculist ( ophthalmologist)

An ophthalmologist or optometrist is involved in the diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases. In the overwhelming majority of cases, they appear due to structural and functional disorders at the level of the eye itself and are not related to the nervous system. However, there are patients in whom the eye is healthy, but visual impairments are present. In these cases, we can really talk about the pathology of the nerves that transmit impulses to the brain, or about problems with the part of the cortex responsible for vision. Then the patient is referred to a neurologist. However, in general, neurology and ophthalmology have little in common, so “neurologists-ophthalmologists” simply do not exist.


Urologists are specialists in the field of diseases of the genitourinary system. The work of the kidneys and bladder is controlled by the brain, but the problem is not always a violation at this level. That is why there is no separate specialty "neurologist-urologist".

Consultation with a neurologist may be needed for the following urological problems:

Chronic lack of sleep, heavy mental and physical stress, stress, pursuit of promotion, unfavorable environmental conditions, unhealthy diet and bad habits - all this plagues the human nervous system, which eventually fails. We live in an age of technology and permissiveness, but, nevertheless, our bodies are weakening, and diseases are getting younger, and becoming more sophisticated.

However, diseases of the nervous system and problems of the brain and spinal cord were encountered even in ancient times, as evidenced by the works of Hippocrates and other scientists of those times. Of course, there were fewer of them, and they happened less often, but still there were. That is why there is a need for a separate science, which would study in detail the structure of the central nervous system, the functions of its constituent organs and structures, the mechanism of development of disorders in them, and also offer solutions for the pathologies that have arisen. They called it neurology, and doctors called it neuropathologists. In the eighties of the twentieth century, changes took place in the Ministry of Health, and the neuropathologist was renamed the neurologist.

Now you will find out what a neurologist treats, and with what symptoms to contact him, but first we will find out who he is.

Who is a neurologist?

A neurologist is a specialist who has graduated from a medical institute in general medicine, who is well versed in therapy, and at the same time has been retrained in the neurological direction.

The human nervous system is a complex set of structures, including:

  • Brain;
  • Spinal cord;
  • Nerve plexuses;
  • Beams;
  • Endings and fibers.

They are all made up of nerve cells called neurons. When their work fails, inflammation develops in the central nervous system, which is fraught with serious problems for the body as a whole.

The doctor of this profession must be able to find the right approach to patients, conduct a survey in order to reliably determine the cause of the violation, and choose a research plan, on the basis of which a diagnosis can be assumed. Let's see what the neurologist does and what he heals.

His competence extends to all kinds of neurological disorders. There are a huge number of them, and for each of them there are characteristic symptoms, contributing causes, predisposing factors, as well as probable complications.

Often, a disease of the nervous system can be characterized by the resulting paralysis, mental breakdowns, convulsions and loss of all sensitivity. The most common conditions to be treated by a neurologist are:

  • Migraine - attacks of severe headache. It is noted that about 70% of the world's population suffers from this phenomenon to a greater or lesser extent;
  • Nervous tic - muscle contractions on the face, repeating at a certain frequency;
  • Tremor - trembling of fingers and hands;
  • Paralysis - Most famous is Bell's palsy, which affects a nerve on one side of the face;
  • Osteochondrosis - against the background of dystrophic changes in the cartilage of the spine, nerve endings can be pinched;
  • Herniated disc - a similar situation associated with the proximity of the vertebral discs to the spinal cord and its processes;
  • Radiculitis is a disease in which the nerve roots in the spine become inflamed;
  • Epilepsy - refers to a serious disease of the central nervous system, which is chronic in nature, and is manifested by seizures, loss of consciousness and seizures;
  • Stroke - as a result of this acute disorder, the brain may not be adequately supplied with blood, due to which paralysis develops;
  • Consequences of injuries to the skull and back;
  • Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease - occurs due to the active death of neurons, which entails irreversible consequences for the nervous system and psyche.

This is not the entire list of pathologies, but the main list of what a neurologist treats in adults.

An experienced neurologist always tries to hear his patient, find out everything about complaints, examine him well, starting with gait and movements, ending with facial features, find out if his close relatives have had similar cases, and listen to the patient's assumptions about the possible causes of pathological disorders.

We can conclude that the first thing a neurologist does is diagnose a patient. If necessary, he resorts to various analyzes and other research methods. Based on their results, he develops a therapeutic course, monitors the patient's condition at all stages of treatment, helps the body recover, and gives the patient preventive advice.

What symptoms should I treat?

Disturbances in the work of the central nervous system occur slowly and imperceptibly. Because of this, a person is very often unaware of a serious danger until he develops paralysis, mental disorders, or weakness of his intellect. In older people, the risks of these diseases increase significantly.

Even such minor manifestations as tingling and numbness of the fingers should not be ignored, especially if they are combined with frequent dizziness, headaches and loss of consciousness.

What does a neurologist treat, and what symptoms to treat:

  • Weekly migraine attacks, accompanied by deterioration of the visual apparatus, surges in blood pressure and nausea;
  • Severe dizziness;
  • Short-term loss of vision or consciousness with their subsequent return;
  • Unconscious seizures with convulsions;
  • Progressive muscle weakness;
  • Stiffness in body movements;
  • Tremor of the arms and legs;
  • Painful sensations along the back (spine);
  • Numbness of tissues, tingling or loss of sensitivity in some areas;
  • Memory impairment;
  • Chronic insomnia, or vice versa, a sleepy state around the clock;
  • Hot flashes or chills;
  • Heart palpitations;
  • Panic attacks and depression;
  • Disorder of the taste buds and smell.

Neurologist - a doctor who is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system.

The central nervous system is represented by the brain and spinal cord, the peripheral - by various structures that connect the central nervous system with various organs and tissues. The nervous system regulates the activity of all systems of the body and the response to changes in the conditions of the internal and external environment.

The science of neurology studies diseases of the nervous system, and a neurologist diagnoses neurological diseases and prescribes methods for their treatment. The human nervous system is involved in the development of many diseases, which aggravates their clinical picture. It is for this reason that many doctors send their patients to a neurologist to adjust their prescribed treatment.

What does a neurologist treat

Diseases of the nervous system are very diverse. They are based on:

Most often, a neurologist is consulted about migraines. This disease is characterized by attacks of severe headache, which is often one-sided. More than 75% of residents of large cities regularly face this problem.

Diseases of the autonomic nervous system are also a very common problem. They manifest themselves in the form of surges in blood pressure, soreness in the left chest, chronic fatigue, dizziness, anxiety and fear. More than half of the world's population complains about these phenomena.

In addition, a neurologist deals with the treatment of intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis, radiculitis and vegetative-vascular dystonia; pinching of nerve fibers; concussions and their consequences. People who suffer from epilepsy, cerebrovascular accident, strokes, memory disorders, neuritis and polyneuropathies also turn to this specialist.

Another area of \u200b\u200bactivity of a neurologist is complications of osteochondrosis, encephalitis of various origins and neoplasms in the brain and other parts of the nervous system. Consult a neurologist for degenerative conditions of the NS, such as senile dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease.

What are the symptoms to see a neurologist

What diseases does a neurologist treat?

How is an appointment with a neurologist

At the first visit to a neurologist, the specialist will need to ask the person in detail about the complaints, that is, to collect an anamnesis of the disease. An experienced doctor can already assess the patient's condition only by gait and movement. But, a careful examination is necessary: \u200b\u200bvisual, tactile and with the help of instruments to make a diagnosis. To assess some reflexes, the condition of the muscles will require removing a piece of clothing. So, how is the appointment with a neurologist:

The specialist examines the patient's appearance for the presence of facial and body asymmetry.
To study the work of the optic nerve, you will need to follow the movements of the hammer without turning your head.
The doctor can check reflexes using your facial expressions. The neurologist will ask you to wrinkle your forehead, stick out your tongue, or say "A".
You can check the sensitivity of the face with a needle. Do not be afraid, you will need to concentrate as much as possible and answer the neurologist's questions about whether you experience the same sensations with injections in symmetrical zones.
To determine the state of the muscles, their tone and reflexes, the doctor will ask the doctor to shake his hand, to resist when trying to bend the elbow. Assessment takes place by awarding points from 1 to 5.
The deep reflexes of the arms and legs are checked by striking the tendons with a hammer.
Superficial reflexes are checked by irritating the skin of the abdominal wall with a needle.
A deep examination of the muscles and joints is carried out when the patient's eyes are closed, and the doctor takes his finger to him in different directions, and asks to name exactly in which direction he is doing it.
To determine the state of the spinal nerves and paravertebral pain points, drawing various figures, letters and numbers on the patient's back skin helps.
The coordination of movements is checked by the Romberg pose. The patient stands with legs together, arms extended forward, eyes closed. The neurologist will ask you to slowly bring your index finger to your nose (with each hand). In this study, the person should ideally not stagger to the sides.
You may need to answer specific questions about counting or dates to assess memory.

What diagnostic methods are used by a neurologist

  • examination of cerebrospinal fluid;
  • electrophysiological testing of muscle potentials (electroneuromyography);
  • x-ray of the skull and spine, other parts of the body;
  • angiography of cerebral vessels;
  • electroencephalography;
  • ultrasound (Doppler) examination of cerebral vessels;
  • cT scan;
  • magnetic resonance imaging.

What treatments are used by a neurologist

Methods of treating a patient by a neurologist, like any doctor, can be subdivided into medicinal, surgical, and additional. The drugs used for pathologies of the nervous system are different, depending on the cause and mechanism of the disease. Antibiotics, corticosteroids, anti-inflammatory drugs, antihistamines that improve blood circulation and microcirculation, affect memory, hypnotics, antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, sedatives and many others are used.

Neoplasms of the nervous system are surgically removed, in addition, neurosurgeons perform operations on altered vessels. Additional treatments include numerous physiotherapy techniques. For many diseases, psychotherapeutic sessions are necessary. Also, neurologists use very effective acupuncture, various types of massage (vacuum massage, acupressure), physiotherapy exercises.

Neurological diseases have not yet been fully studied by medical science and practice, the causes and mechanisms of development of many of them are unknown to specialists. However, a wide range of methods of influencing the nervous system can often cure the disease or significantly improve the patient's quality of life.

Questions and answers on the topic "Neurologist"

Question: Symptoms - at night, I wake up with anxiety, accompanied by tremors in the body. If you do not take the medicine it increases, I take afobazol 2 t * 3 times, it does not help less. I take a month. In the afternoon, a sudden hesitation begins after some physical activity, the forces have become sharply limited. What was simple is now difficult to do. What drug can you try? They prescribed Atarax, Glycine from them, excitability, increased heartbeat.

Answer: Hello. You need to find a psychotherapist who focuses on psychotherapy rather than trying all the pills on you just in case.

Question: Hello, I am 59 years old, my legs are swollen in the ankle area, the cardiologist said that this is not cardiac edema, but there is a hernia in the spinal section, who should I contact?

Answer: Therapist, phlebologist.


Answer: It is necessary to determine the cause, and for this one should consult a neurologist and phlebologist in person.

Question: Hello. I can not fall asleep. I wake up due to lack of air, a feeling of fear, panic begins. strong and rapid heartbeat. Light chills.

Answer: Perhaps a panic attack. You need an in-person consultation with a psychotherapist.

Question: Hello! I am 46 years old, major in the fire department. Half a year ago, I noticed difficulties in writing, namely it became problematic to write two or three words. After a minute or two, pain occurs in the middle of the hand and from the wrist to the elbow. On reading in the internet, according to the description it is "Writer's spasm". What should I do and how can I fix it?

Answer: You need to start with an in-person consultation with a neurologist to carry out the necessary diagnostic measures, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. Diseases with similar symptoms: myotonia, ulnar nerve damage, carpal tunnel syndrome, radicular syndrome, intervertebral hernia.

Question: I am 42 years old, my hands go numb to the elbow every day, then they start to ache, I can't do anything around the house. My head is spinning, and most importantly, what prevents me from living: when walking, it seems to me that I step on something soft, I feel that someone is pushing me to the sides, I am falling somewhere, there is a feeling that I am on the ship and me shakes. Nobody says anything, I don't know what to do.

Answer: Make an MRI of the cervical spine, bridging of the vessels of the cervical spine and the brain and, with the results of the examination, contact a neurologist and a chiropractor.

A neurologist (formerly a neuropathologist) is a doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents pathologies of the brain and spinal cord (CNS), nerve endings (PNS), as well as diseases of the spine and joints that affect the nervous system.

The neurologist deals with the elimination of neurological disorders of various origins: prenatal, genetically determined, traumatic, inflammatory, dystrophic.

Here are the common diseases that a neurologist treats:

  • Pain syndromes accompanying nerve damage.
  • Migraine and headaches.
  • Hand tremors, nervous tics.
  • Radiculitis, hernia of the spinal column, including post-traumatic ones.
  • Osteochondrosis and its complications.
  • Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's.
  • Meningitis and encephalitis.

In addition, a neuropathologist eliminates the consequences of strokes, treats CNS tumors, epilepsy, and encephalopathy.

The profession of a neurologist involves a close relationship with a pediatrician and general practitioner, neurosurgeon, psychiatrist and psychotherapist.

Specializations of neurologists

  • Children's neurologist - provides medical assistance to children under 18 years of age.
  • Chiropractor - treats diseases of bones, muscles and joints by physical impact on various areas of the body.
  • Neurologist-epileptologist - studies and treats epilepsy.

Places of work

The position of a neurologist (neuropathologist) is in polyclinics, hospitals, specialized ambulance teams, diagnostic centers, research institutes, sanatoriums.

History of the profession

The year 1860 is considered the starting point in the development of neurology, when the French physician J. Charcot opened the first neurological department and taught medical students and young doctors there. After 9 years, Charcot described multiple sclerosis, and in the late seventies - published two books: on diseases of the nervous system and their localization. This was the first guide to neurological diagnosis. The fact is surprising, since nerve fibers and cells were discovered at the same time, and the first pathways of the central nervous system and the theory of the structure of nervous tissue were discovered at the very end of the 19th century. With the discovery of X-rays in 1895, X-rays of the spinal column and skull became available. A new period in the development of science has begun.

It is believed that the Russian school of neuropathology was founded by A. Kozhevnikov, who opened the first neurosis clinic in Russia in 1869. S. Korsakov founded a direction for the separate study of each neurological pathology. Its nosological principle is recognized throughout the world.

V. Roth made a huge contribution to the development of neurology, who singled out children into a separate group and defended the need for sanatorium-resort treatment for them. G. Rossolimo laid the foundation for modern defectology, opened the first children's neurological hospital.

In the XXI century, methods of diagnostics and treatment of nervous diseases are being improved. Cerebrovascular disorders, demyelination of nerve fibers, neuroinfections, epilepsy, neuritis and neuroses are considered priorities.

A. Ya. Kozhevnikov (March 5, 1836 - January 10, 1902) - founder of the Russian school of neuropathology.

Responsibilities of a neurologist

The main responsibilities of a neurologist are:

  • Treatment and observation of patients (outpatient and inpatient).
  • Diagnostics and examinations (ultrasound, ultrasound, angiography).
  • Emergency and planned medical care for patients, including in intensive care.
  • Appointment add. examinations (electrolyte balance, PTI - prothrombin index, echocardiography).
  • Conducting medical examinations, professional examinations.
  • Work in the Commission for the issuance of weapons permits and vehicle management.
  • Issuance of sick leave, referrals to the ITU and other certificates.

Also, the functions of a neurologist include the management of patients with cerebral palsy, speech disorders, multiple sclerosis, correction of insomnia, and rehabilitation after strokes.

Requirements for a neurologist

The basic requirements for a neurologist are as follows:

  • Higher medical education, valid certificate in "Neurology".
  • Knowledge of PC and the ability to work with electronic ambulatory cards.
  • Knowledge of medicines.
  • Skills of manual therapy, osteopathy are desirable.

The task of pediatric specialists is to identify diseases of the nervous system at an early stage.

How to become a neurologist

To become a neurologist (neuropathologist), you need:

  1. To graduate from a university with a degree in General Medicine or Pediatrics.
  2. Receive an accreditation sheet along with a diploma by passing test tasks, an exam and passing an interview with a special commission consisting of doctors of sciences and professors. This will give the right to work independently at an outpatient or outpatient appointment.
  3. It is compulsory to work for a year in a polyclinic or an outpatient clinic, and then enroll in an internship (2 years) in the specialty "Neurology".

In the process of work, doctors are awarded qualification points confirming accreditation: for carrying out complex manipulations, participation in scientific and practical conferences and seminars, for the publication of scientific articles, books, and the defense of a dissertation. Every 5 years these points are summed up and evaluated by the accreditation committee. If a sufficient number of points is scored, then for the next five years you can work in your specialty further. In the absence of a sufficient number of points, the doctor is deprived of the right to treat. ...

The growth of professionalism, knowledge and experience of the doctor is usually reflected qualification category... All categories are assigned by the qualification commission in the presence of the doctor himself, based on his written research work containing a description of skills and knowledge.

Terms of assignment:

  • more than 3 years of experience - the second category;
  • more than 7 years - the first;
  • more than 10 years - the highest.

The doctor has the right not to qualify, but for career growth this will be a minus.

Scientific activity also contributes to career and professional growth - writing Ph.D. and doctoral dissertations, publications in medical journals, speaking at conferences and congresses.

Neurologist salary

The range of income is great: neurologists earn from 12,000 to 150,000 rubles a month. Osteopathic doctors are especially highly valued, their incomes exceed 200,000 rubles a month. Most of all, doctors are in demand in the Moscow, Leningrad, Sverdlovsk regions.

We found the minimum wage in Nizhny Novgorod - 12,000 rubles a month, and the maximum in Moscow - 150,000 rubles a month. At the same time, bonuses are often added to the salary.

The average salary of a neurologist is 36,000 rubles a month.

Where to get training

In addition to tertiary education, there are a number of short-term studies on the market, usually from a week to a year.

The Interregional Academy of Continuing Professional Education (MADPO) teaches in the specialization "" and issues a diploma and certificate.

The Medical University of Innovation and Development invites you to take distance courses for retraining or advanced training in the "" direction with obtaining a diploma or state certificate. The training lasts from 16 to 2700 hours, depending on the program and your level of training.

It is important for patients to know what the neurologist is treating. Having understood this issue, you can contact a specialist in time and prevent an aggravation of the situation. Not only adults but also children need the services of a neurologist. So that during the appointment there are no "surprises", it is important to figure out how the examination with the doctor goes.

Neurologist - who is this doctor?

This doctor diagnoses and treats a huge variety of pathologies. All of them are associated with the activity of the nervous system. The specialization of a pediatric doctor is slightly different from that of an adult. A neurologist treats the following diseases:

  • alzheimer's disease;
  • insomnia in its various manifestations;
  • stroke;
  • severe headaches;
  • sciatica;
  • lumbago pain;
  • myopathy;
  • polio;
  • tunnel syndrome;
  • hyperactivity;
  • violation of cerebral circulation;
  • willis disease;
  • neuropathy.

Tuberculous meningitis, encephalitis and meningitis can be added to what the neurologist treats. In fact, these infectious diseases are the specialization of an infectious disease specialist. However, after these diseases, serious consequences can occur that affect the functioning of the brain and spinal cord. All this is reflected in the coordination of movement, speech and memory. This specialist is engaged in the elimination of such consequences.

What is neurology?

This is a very capacious science. Neurology is a discipline that studies the relationship between a patient's well-being and the state of his nervous system. The following treatments are used here:

  • medication - involves taking medications;
  • drug-free (acupuncture, diet, reflexology, herbal medicine);
  • physical (magnetotherapy, myostimulation, laser therapy);
  • surgical.

Neurologist and neuropathologist - what's the difference?

In our country, there is no difference between these terms. Until recently, a specialist dealing with these pathologies was called a neuropathologist. However, the list of tasks assigned to such a doctor was revised. Along with this, the name of the specialization has also changed. In European countries, a neurologist and a neuropathologist are two different names. The duties of the first include the treatment of pathologies associated with a violation of the nervous system. In addition, this doctor helps to cope with sleep disorders. A neuropathologist specializes in vascular and brain pathologies. Basically, their responsibilities differ.

How is an appointment with a neurologist going?

On the first visit, the doctor will listen carefully to the patient's complaints. This will allow you to collect a medical history. A consultation with a neurologist also includes a tactile and visual examination. During the appointment, the specialist will check your basic reflexes. Some of them can be tested with special tools. To assess individual reflexes and muscle condition, the doctor may ask the patient to remove some of the clothing.

How is the examination by a neurologist going?

It is important for the patient to know what will happen in the doctor's office in order to prepare. Reception of a neurologist involves the following manipulations:

  1. Using a special hammer, the doctor will check the condition of the optic nerve. The patient needs to follow the instrument without turning the head.
  2. The doctor will be able to check some reflexes by facial expressions. In this case, you will need to wrinkle your forehead, say "A" or show your tongue.
  3. The doctor uses a needle to test the sensitivity of the face. During such a procedure, the neurologist asks the patient what sensations he is experiencing.
  4. To draw a conclusion about the state of muscles and reflexes, the doctor will ask the patient to bend his arm at the elbow. Based on the results of what he saw, the doctor gives a grade from 1 to 5.
  5. To determine the condition of the spinal nerves and pain points, drawing on the skin of the back is used.
  6. To test deep reflexes in the legs and arms, the doctor will tap the tendons with a hammer.
  7. Movement coordination is tested with the Romberg pose.

Neurologist diagnoses

In order to properly prescribe the treatment, the doctor will recommend that the patient undergo a complete examination. Thanks to this procedure, the doctor can accurately diagnose. Instrumental and laboratory studies can be used. Most often, the diagnosis of a neurologist is established after such research procedures:

  • electroencephalography;
  • x-ray;
  • electroneuromyography;
  • dopplerography;
  • laboratory analyzes.

When should you see a neurologist?

There are symptoms that indicate that the patient needs medical attention. Here's when to see a neurologist:

  • if seizures appear;
  • in cases where memory lapses are observed;
  • with sleep disturbance;
  • if there is double vision or the image is perceived distorted;
  • when coordination of movement is impaired;
  • with severe headaches;
  • if some muscles are tense, while others (symmetrically located) are relaxed;
  • with paralysis.

To strengthen the cardiovascular system and prevent the occurrence of VSD, osteochondrosis and other neurological pathologies, moderate physical activity is important. Swimming is especially effective. During these exercises, the nervous system relaxes and the pain subsides. In addition, the water reduces the load on the spine, joints and muscle corset. The stress accumulated during the day disappears.

For those who do not have the opportunity to visit the pool, a neurologist may advise to perform special exercises for joints and back according to the Pilates system. They are based on chest breathing, which helps to stretch and stabilize the spine. All exercises should be performed exclusively under the supervision of an experienced specialist, since an incorrectly calculated load can do more harm than good.

The advice of a pediatric neurologist is mainly aimed at normalizing sleep. Adults should sleep at least 8 hours a day. For children, the time needs to be increased to 9-10 hours (it all depends on the age of the baby). When sleep is disturbed, well-being, brain activity and the work of all organs and systems deteriorate. This is especially dangerous in childhood. Because of such a violation, babies may lag behind in growth and development. It is also important to stay in the fresh air for at least 2 hours a day.

  1. You need to revise your diet, enriching the menu with wholesome healthy food.
  2. You should also put your lifestyle in order. This means giving up bad habits, such as smoking, drinking alcohol, and so on.
  3. If alarming symptoms are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. Knowing what a pediatric neurologist (or a specialist for adult patients) is treating, it is possible, without waiting for the aggravation of the situation, to start therapy in a timely manner.