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Sun eaters or the sixth race of people. Sun-eaters: myths and reality Sun-eaters prano-eaters who are they

They say that there are more than 30 thousand such people on Earth now. Sun eaters, people who have not consumed food or even water for years, and at the same time feel great. It looks like they are absolutely normal people who do not have a single hint of dystrophy, but the centuries-old experience of mankind shows that you cannot live without food ...? The suspicion involuntarily arises: "Are they deceiving us?"

Another name for sun-eaters is autotrophs. These people are like plants. Literally speaking, autotrophs are organisms that synthesize organic matter from inorganic compounds, using the energy of the sun. True, people, unlike plants, do not contain chlorophyll in their bodies, which would process sunlight into organic matter. The question arises, how do they all live?

Back in 1925, the famous scientist Vladimir Vernadsky put forward the idea: "While mankind depends on flora and fauna for nutrition, it cannot be sufficiently provided ... Actually, it will no longer be a man, but some other rational being."

Sun eaters are people who have learned to transform the energy of sunlight into "life force" ("practical nutrition")

Specialists who have studied sun-eaters have come to the conclusion that this is a special type of transmutation. As a result, people have acquired the ability to assimilate moisture from the air, and energy from space. All the esoteric teachings of the world speak of the existence of the cosmic energy prana, or qi (which permeates the universe). So, only those people whose brains are tuned to certain vibrations can eat prana. When studying the brain of sun-eaters, it turned out that it does not work for them like in ordinary people. The state of the soul and body changes due to the fact that they catch everything at lower vibrations, and they also have an increase in the pineal gland.

According to the sun-eaters, all people feed on secondary solar energy, which had already been consumed by water, vegetables and fruits before them. Such examples are common all over the world. German psychic Teresa Neumann, assured that she had lived without food for 36 years. Hundreds of pilgrims flocked to her hometown every year to see the unique woman. She has always been in the attention of people.

Another living legend is the Australian Janmukhin. She has not taken any food for almost 20 years, but at the same time she raises children, is engaged in science. During her life, she has already written 18 books.

... Nowadays there are a lot of people who want to switch to a "new" way of life, but this idea cannot be taken literally: take and quit eating ... Not eating is life-threatening !!! There should be readiness and consistency for everything. The sun-eaters show us by their example the vector of forward movement for all mankind. The transition to "immaterial" food is just the beginning.

Sun eaters

There is! A certain transmutation (decompaction) of cells and organs, noted by scientists as "increased vibrational activity", is observed in the so-called sun-eaters, of which today there are already several tens of thousands.

Once talking in the ashram, Mother said: “The organs will be replaced by centers of conscious energy, activated by the conscious will. There will be no stomach, no heart, no blood circulation, no lungs; everything will disappear, and they will be replaced by a play of vibrations, reflecting what these organs symbolically represent ”89.

This is exactly what happens to the body of an amazing woman living in cold Russia - Zinaida Baranova, who has not eaten or drunk anything since 2000. This example (and others) is described in detail in our book "The Starry Sky Above Your Head" 52, so here we will only mention the most important.

ZG Baranova underwent research in Kiev and Sofia. The methods of alternative medicine allowed us to consider the work of the body at the Subtle level. The results were stunning. All organs, with the exception of those associated with digestion, had a high "vibration" activity. The biological age of Zinaida was determined at 30 years, the 67-year-old woman stopped menopause and established a normal menstrual cycle. The conclusion was made: she moved to a fundamentally new level of existence - vibrational! 90

Zinaida's body learned to synthesize organic substances necessary for life from inorganic substances.

This property is called autotrophy. This is exactly what we should strive for. Let us repeat once more: there are already several tens of thousands of people with this ability!

The idea of \u200b\u200bautotrophy received a weighty substantiation in the work of V. I. Vernadsky "Autotrophy of mankind". The scientist noticed a clear clue from Nature itself to man: the hemoglobin molecule (oxygen carrier through tissues) is almost completely identical to the chlorophyll molecule, which provides plants with solar energy. Noticing this correspondence, Vernadsky formulated the task of the future: "To change the form of food and energy sources used by man."

Those who say: "Everything returns, but at a higher level!" Are truly right!

People of the first race, and partly also of the second, fed on cosmic energy, and the earthly world of that time was an autotrophic world. However, over time, creatures appeared on Earth that feed on plants, and later on animals. Such creatures are called heterotrophs. A typical heterotroph is a person who uses plant and animal food for his life support.

And today the need has ripened to give up organic food and return to the use of cosmic energy.

It is no secret that every human body, and there are seven of them, has its own system of energy supply (power supply), capable of ensuring an uninterrupted supply of energy of the required level.

It has been established that organic (plant and animal) food of a person provides him with energy only 35–40% (moreover, low-frequency). The remaining 60–65% of the necessary subtle energy he receives from the Cosmos. We are not aware of this, because we control only the saturation of the stomach, and the “saturation” of our subtle bodies is independent of the control of our brain.

In connection with the transition of our physical body to a new level of vibration, higher than before, the old power source becomes unusable. Therefore, you need to learn how to feed on high-frequency cosmic energies.

Is this possible in principle? It turns out possible!

Back in the 80s of the last century, MNIIKA scientists came to the conclusion that there are two types of autotrophy. The autotrophy of the first kind, associated with the absorption of solar energy due to chlorophyll, is well known. But there is also autotrophy of the second kind associated with the assimilation of cosmic energy. This kind of autotrophy was experimentally discovered by Novosibirsk scientists under the guidance of Academician Kaznacheev.

He writes: “In the biosphere cover, there are simultaneously both heterotrophic purely oxidative processes, and autotrophic, existing due to solar radiation, and autotrophic of the second kind due to little-known assimilation of cosmophysical flows, which in modern physics are still estimated as spinor-torsion flows. We will become an autotrophic organism and learn to synthesize nutrients and life support without destroying the green mass of the biosphere, fresh water, atmosphere and oxygen content ”16.

This means that in the human body, at the level of cells, there are hidden mechanisms of autotrophy that can be restored and activated. This is exactly what is happening today with sun-eaters. By the way, this name is not entirely correct, since they feed on cosmic energies, that is, they are autotrophs of the second kind. It would be more accurate to call them "space eaters", but this is less beautiful than sun eaters.

We all need to switch to energetic nutrition, at least for those who are eager to go through a quantum transition in the physical body.

Giving up food is not easy. But no one is forcing us to starve from Monday or immediately give up solid food. The process of switching to energy nutrition is gentle, lengthy, but you need to prepare for it today. To begin with, you should switch to a healthy lifestyle - change the food structure towards a simpler and more natural food, you can switch to liquid food; move more and give yourself the opportunity to have regular good rest.

The Revelation says: “Most importantly, try not to force yourself to urgently change your eating habits; believe me, the body itself knows how to react to it and how to adapt to new energies - you should only listen to yourself and not force your body to switch from low-frequency energies to energies of high vibrations forcibly ”4.

Treat food more than calmly: if you do not feel like eating, do not eat; if your addictions have changed, do not be embarrassed; if instead of meat you suddenly wanted juice - rejoice. Adopt the slogan: "Down with the cook!" The proverb "God created food, and Satan is the cook" is correct.

The stages of transmutation. In the book Alchemy of the Human Spirit, Kryon says, “The new energy is an extremely increased vibration in the head - the third eye and crown chakra. All parts of your biology need to "catch up" with the new attunement of the crown chakra. Gradually, your biology will begin to catch up with your head, and all chakras will begin to catch up to the crown one ”3.

In the practice of Indian yoga, the flow of divine energy is considered, which, passing through the crown chakra, is decomposed into seven flows of energy: the energy of knowledge, purity, peace, love, happiness, bliss and strength.

The energy of knowledge feeds the brain, the energy of purity feeds our five senses and the immune system, the respiratory system feeds with the energy of rest, the cardiovascular system - with the energy of love, the digestive system - with the energy of happiness, the urogenital and endocrine system - with the energy of bliss, the musculoskeletal system is fed with the flow of force.

The first stage of transmutation is already taking place today, and for everyone it is different: for someone it is quite gentle (even outwardly imperceptibly), while for someone it is difficult and difficult. Now we are affected by streams of knowledge and purity, and these streams are primarily affected by the brain, senses and the immune system. Not everyone can withstand this - that's why there are so many strokes and heart attacks now (the result of rebuilding and transformation of brain structures, including the pituitary gland and pineal gland). Therefore, viral infections are so rampant.

The next stages of transmutation awaiting people who have passed the first stage: transformation of the respiratory system; the deepest transformation of the heart (a very crucial stage); circulatory and lymphatic systems and hematopoietic organs; the digestive and excretory systems and organs associated with them; spine and hard tissues (bones, joints, cartilage).

All of these stages can also be accompanied by painful or unusual sensations. A smoother passage of all stages is facilitated by the replacement of the energy source.

Transmutation processes will go on for everyone almost continuously. Be prepared for this, help yourself and others to pass them with the least loss. For those who have everything ahead, this text can become a hint. It is worth noting the timing of each of us passing this and all subsequent stages: for someone this stage has already ended, for someone it is close to completion, for someone - only at the beginning, for someone it will begin soon. We recommend that you write down your condition for a specific day, carefully listening to new sensations. And after 2-3 months, analyze the changes that have occurred to you.

Not only the physical body is transmuted, but all human bodies as a whole. Due to this, changes manifest themselves not only in the physical body in the form of short-term, periodic or prolonged pains at the locations of the endocrine glands, but also in the form of depression, memory lapses, dizziness, distraction, forgetfulness, irritability, tearfulness or inexplicable fear, pain in spine, temporary numbness of the limbs.

In Revelations, the state of inner depression and mental instability of a person, physical devastation and moral and mental stress is especially emphasized. This is due to a change in the energy state of the Divine Space. “Do not be embarrassed by your indisposition, it is a consequence of the excessive flow of energy from the Cosmos. Dressing up is not an easy process, not fast and not painless, so do not be embarrassed that everything hurts you, that everything is falling out of your hands, that the malaise seems to be akin to you, because this is the result of changes in your appearance, which begins with a change in your inner human condition! " 4

Transmutation of subtle bodies is also associated with an increase in the level of their vibrations. Almost all people dream of health, joy, harmony, selfless love, which means they want to achieve a high vibrational state. And, unfortunately, almost everyone continues to do what constantly lowers the frequency of vibrations, creates negative blocks that lead to illness in the physical body, to discord in the family, to wars in society.

Only the person himself and society itself can transfer relations in the family and society to a higher level of vibrations. But this requires a huge, all-consuming desire and an unconditional attitude towards a positive outcome. In general, it's time for us to understand that a person carries everything within himself. All troubles, problems, joys, absolutely everything is in him. And it only depends on his mood, his intentions, how he will make this world for himself.

This text is an introductory fragment.

SUNNISTS - PEOPLE OF THE SIXTH RACE Autotrophs are plant people, or sun-eaters. So in alternative science they call people who have not taken food for years and do not feel the need for it, but at the same time do not have a hint of any dystrophy or anorexia. It looks like

Who are the sun-eaters? In the West, these people are called autotrophs, that is, plant people. Autotrophs are literally organisms that synthesize organic matter from inorganic compounds using the energy of the sun. Sun eaters, unlike plants, do not have

How do sun eaters acquire their abilities? Living without drinking for sun-eaters became possible as a result of a special transmutation of their body: they gained the ability to assimilate moisture from the air, and energy - directly from space. Indian philosopher Yogananda

Cosmic energy, or What do "sun-eaters" eat? Cosmic energies are part of another, higher energy, which will be discussed later. This chapter is an attempt to lift the veil over one of the main mysteries of the Universe in which we live and of which we are.

How the Creator Created Man, and the "Sun-eaters" helped him. Perhaps, it can be argued that the human body, so perfect, was created by the Creator, and did not arise by itself as a result of evolution. Thus, by the will of the Creator, the soul received a biological

It is always so pleasing and surprising when we hear about the incredible capabilities of the human body. Someone may not breathe under water for a long time, someone is not afraid of the cold at all, and someone lives well without water and food.
Rumor has already managed to dub the so-called "sun-eaters" the sixth race or a new stage in human evolution.

But, as always, every coin has two sides. We know from school that a person can live without food for about eight weeks, without water - no more than two weeks. Let's try to figure out whether it is possible to refuse food at all and whether miracle people can exist.

So who feeds on the sun?

Sun-eaters or prano-eaters are people who claim that they can live without food and water for years and feed on the energy of space and the sun's rays, which they absorb through the skin.

These people changed their outlook and attitude towards the world. They meditate a lot and live in their own world.

Despite the fact that, according to the assurance, they do not eat, the sun-eaters look good - their skin, hair, teeth are in excellent condition, the body is absolutely not exhausted, the mood is fine, and they look younger than their age.

Looking at them, you might think that it is not a bad idea to completely give up food. What a saving of money and time!

And what will happen if ...

Let's imagine for a moment that, in theory, the world has given up food. People have become healthier, richer, they have a lot of time, there is much less garbage, because the earthlings stopped packing food and throwing away scraps.

But, on the other hand, think about the place in the world of the food industry and everything connected with it. How many people would be left without work and favorite business. But what about a tea party with sweets at your grandmother's or a bachelor party without beer?

Of course, we are still far from such global problems, but today there are already more than 30 thousand sun-eaters in the world.

How to refuse food?

The most famous sun-eaters assure that in order to permanently abandon the usual food for a person, desire alone will not be enough. You need to rebuild your thinking, meditate, look for inner energy and, most importantly, give up food gradually.

The most popular adherents of the theory of powering the energy of the Sun publish many books, video tutorials, and give lectures.

But this is also alarming. If you feel so good in a new healthy body with pure thoughts, then why make money on the problems of others - help for free!

The most unique - a scammer?

The most famous proponent of the no-food theory is Prahlad Jani. He was born in 1929 in India. The man says that he has not eaten or drunk since the age of 11.
He lives in a cave, receives pilgrims who come to him from all over the country.

To confirm his words, Prahlad twice agreed to spend several days in the hospital under the supervision of doctors. Doctors confirmed that during this period he really did not eat anything, did not even go to the toilet.

The doctors noted that his state of health was excellent, and he really lived without food.

But then many doubted his words, because the man sometimes went outside the hospital ward to meet with followers, where there were no CCTV cameras. Rumor has it that Prahlada Jani has patrons who make sure that no experiments are performed on live broadcasts. Many people believe that Prahlad Jani is still not as honest as he says.

"Shnobel Prize" pranoedism is not a hindrance

Another famous sun-eater for the whole world is australian Jasmukhin(Helen Greve). She assures that she can only drink tea or water in small quantities every few days, but does not take any other food.

Jasmukhin gives lectures and seminars, publishes books and video tutorials, where he teaches how to live without food.

But if there are still doubts about Prahlada Jani, then Jasmuhin was still caught in deception. An Australian television channel offered to make a reality show with her participation to demonstrate the superpowers of life without food.

In just a few days, her body became dehydrated, her speech slowed down, her pupils dilated, her pulse quickened, she lost a lot of weight, although she insisted that she felt great. But in order not to put the life of Jasmudin at risk, the experiment had to be interrupted.

The woman was awarded the "Shnobel Prize" and the "Curve Spoon" prize, which is given for the dubious achievements of people with unique opportunities.
But the worst thing is that three followers of Jasmudin died of hunger. But the woman, of course, did not see her guilt in this, but only stated that they did not follow the instructions correctly.

Don't get fat from solar energy

The most famous Russian pranoed woman - Zinaida Baranova... She also has fans and followers. But during one of the interviews, many people noticed swelling on Zinaida's legs and the fact that she gained enough weight. Is the sunlight so high in calories?

The followers of the sun-eaters fiercely defend their idols, arguing the exposure of the prano-eaters by a global conspiracy and the unwillingness of the authorities to put up with the people of the new branch of evolution.

What our body will tell us

There is one more aspect to think about. Our body is a huge chemical laboratory, where a process takes place every minute.

Whoever created us - God or evolution - they tried their best, because in the human body there is not a single extra organ.

Each vessel, cell, organ has its own responsibilities. And if a failure occurs in some place, our whole body suffers.

But how can one explain the fact that the organs of the sun-eaters have not changed at all - the kidneys, liver, stomach, digestive tract, excretory system no longer perform their functions, but they look the same as in ordinary people.

If you do not take food for a long time, irreversible processes will occur in the body. And even if the person comes to his senses, it may be too late.

Don't want to be deceived

Man is a gullible creature. We seem to understand everything intellectually, but we want to get what we want with minimal or no cost.

Is there no doubt that all sorts of healers, magicians, sun-eaters willingly share the secrets of their successes for a certain fee? Do "enlightened", spiritually rich people need money? How can they live in polluted cities where there is so much anger and vanity? Think many times before trusting charlatans.

So I don't want to be a skeptic and question the achievements of the human body. But so far there are more arguments "against" sun-eaters than facts "for". But I could be wrong. True?

You may have heard or read about the Breatharians (from the English breath - breath) or Pranoed, which are essentially the same thing. This is often called people who feed on air (in different variations: the energy of the sun, cosmic energy) and keep a fairly long fast.

This venture is quite dangerous, since several people have died trying to adhere to this lifestyle. The Independent recalls the case of Verity Linn, a 49-year-old Australian woman whose emaciated body was found in 1999 on a mountain in northwestern Scotland, along with a diary of a 21-day famine and a copy of a book on Breatharianism. But even so, the ranks of Bratarian adherents are only growing.

Research shows that short fasting may indeed have certain health benefits, but when it comes to life-long food avoidance, experts say that breatharians can be fooled into their righteousness.

The couple who haven't eaten for three years

Camila Castello, 34, and Akahi Ricardo, 36, are veteran Breatharians. They admit that they only eat three times a week, and each of these meals consists of only a few pieces of fruit or. At the same time, a couple living between California and Ecuador claims that they have forgotten what it means to be hungry.

What do they eat? Kamila and Akahi say that they draw everything they need for normal life from the energy that exists in the Universe and in each of us. "People can easily go without food if they find a way to connect with a higher power through breathing," explains Castello in an interview with The Independent. "For three years, Akahi and I have not eaten anything at all, and now we eat only occasionally, when we have lunch with friends or, for example, when we want to try some new fruit."

Camilla Castello and Akahi Ricardo met in 2005 and began practicing Breatharianism in 2008. During this time, they managed to go from the classic through veganism and frutorianism to the practice of eating energy.

“I love that Breatharianism gives freedom, which is not possible with a constant dependence on food,” Ricardo admits. The couple also notes that their living expenses are significantly less than other people, which allows them to spend money on what really matters. For example, traveling with the whole family.

Kamila and Akahi have a 5-year-old son and a 2-year-old daughter, but as responsible parents, they do not impose their Brittarian lifestyle on their children. “Our children know about Baretarianism, but we will never try to change them, unless they themselves want to. So as long as they eat whatever they want, be it vegetables, pizza or. We want them to explore different tastes and build, ”says Akahi Ricardo.

Interestingly, during her first pregnancy, Camilla continued to practice Bretarianism. “Hunger for me was a strange feeling, so I did not cheat on myself. Fortunately, my tests during each trimester were flawless, so I gave birth to a completely healthy boy, ”she recalls.

What the experts say

Dee Dawson, an eating disorder specialist, explains in an interview with The Guardian why some people think they can go without food. She suggests that people who believe in the existence of solar or cosmic energy tend to ignore some of the food they eat.

This is similar to what happens to people who. They come to a nutritionist and say: "Doctor, I eat almost nothing, why am I not losing weight?" But when a specialist asks to tell what they ate today during the day, it turns out that there were “only three sandwiches” for breakfast, “a few slices of sausage” for lunch in addition to the main dishes and, of course, “chips on the run” as a light snack ...

Returning to Camila Castello, who claims she ate nothing during pregnancy, it is important to understand that this is about "almost nothing." Additional questions revealed that she ate "only five times a week" because "it was necessary for certain social situations." Here is the answer.

Sun-eaters, prano-eaters

The sun-eater (synonyms: prano-eater, britarian) is a person who does not eat physical food - he only needs air for life. These are people who are able to transform prana, the energy of sunlight and the Cosmos into life force.

History has recorded many cases of prolonged living without food and water. Saint Angela of Foligno did not eat or drink for 10 years, Catherine of Siena - 8, Saint Ludwina for 20 years. Teresa Neumann - 30 years old. Seraphim Sorovsky for a thousand nights stood on a stone in the forest, crying out to God. The schemniks Efimiy of the Caves and the Monk Silouan refused food for a long time. A similar experience is known for Buddhists and yogis. Pralad Jani, Indian, yogi, has gone without food or drink for 70 years. Sri Ratan Manek, Indian, engineer, under the supervision of doctors did not eat anything for 411 days.

There are tens of thousands of followers of the sun-eaters around the world. Not so long ago, one of the most famous supporters of the teachings of the sun-eaters visited Russia. Mrs. Jasmukhin, according to her words, has not consumed food and water for over 12 years. She is the head of the international movement for the Awakened Society for Good. It is difficult to find her at home, as she is in constant motion: it travels across countries and continents with seminars and lectures. Believe it or not, Jasmukhin's main concern is fighting hunger. She believes that the solution to this problem can be very simple - everyone needs to switch to sunshine. Here is a seemingly simple, but at the same time very effective way of dealing with a rather pressing problem of our time - hunger. Jasmukhin believes that it is enough for all the hungry to switch to pranic nutrition, and this problem will be solved.

The life of the sun-eaters is a real spiritual feat, this is an existence without waste, in harmony with nature and the world, a true human without violence, complete superiority over all atrocities in oneself, this is an exit into space into the brotherhood of a higher mind, this is a life worthy of reason, which we all Dan.

Zinaida Baranova
Experience a lifestyle without food or drink

I breathe and receive food through energy centers (chakras), lungs and skin from the atmosphere. - says Zinaida Baranova. - Do not be surprised. Sunlight carries elementary particles. They can resonate with the particles of the body's cells and form all the chemical elements necessary for nutrition.

If a person enters a state of such a resonance, his energy centers begin to work. Its microcosm interacts with the macrocosm. Everyone has this ability. But people are so slagged with food, bad deeds and thoughts that this ability is practically lost.

In the early 90s, by chance, the book "Bhagavad - Gita" was in my hands. Then I read only a few sheets, I realized that God is energy, and the questions that tormented me: what is God, how He can be everywhere and in everything at the same time, to see and know everything, became clear.

Painstaking systematic work began to comprehend the Gospel. Living at this time in the foothills of the Caucasus in silence and solitude was very beneficial. I read the Gospel several times, alternating spiritual work with the most various types of physical labor of a rural dweller. At the same time, she mastered A. Klizovsky's "Fundamentals of the world outlook of a new era", Agni Yoga, books of the "Source" series.

Active work on myself began in October 1993, when after reading the "Appeal of the Higher Mind of the Universe to the People of the Earth" I gave up meat food. Living at the edge of the forest, I could eat vegetables, fruits, salads from the greenery growing around almost all year round.

I worked quite thoroughly on myself, "lived" all the methods for cleansing the body, proposed in Malakhov's book "Heal Yourself", v.1. At the same time, she used P.K. Ivanova's hardening-training system: dousing with cold water, walking barefoot from early spring to late autumn, unity with Nature, its Spirits and Angels.

Yes, it was the Spirits of Nature and Angels who took care of me and, in response to my striving to serve people, intensively helped me to improve my health. Energy (space) operations were performed to remove parts of the liver, pancreas, stomach, intestines, peritoneum, and bladder. There was also an energetic heart operation, after which I stopped feeling deviations from the norm in his work, which had worried me very much earlier (I was a disabled person of the 2nd group due to the state of the cardiovascular system).

With full confidence I relate to the Higher leadership and I was completely calm, receiving an awareness from above about the health-improving actions over me.

It should be emphasized that recovery was not an end in itself, but was engaged in it in order to have more strength to help people, to carry knowledge about the peculiarities of our time, the time of the Baptism of Fire. Many have read about him in various spiritual and religious literature. This is the period of the Apocalypse, Transfiguration, Transition to the New Age. The period of Fiery baptism with Divine Fire has already begun. We see this in everyday life by a sharp deterioration in the spiritual and physical condition of people, by the exacerbation of internal and external conflicts.

I tried to help people, Mother Earth and everything that exists on it with Christian prayers and decrees according to the "Science of the Spoken Word", being a member of the Society of Keepers of the Flame.

She did a lot of spiritual self-education, drew knowledge from various World teachings and religions.

In the process of my spiritual and physical cleansing, not only the physical, but also the energy bodies were transformed. The seven main chakras intensified their activity, and other energy centers began to ignite.

The ignition of the lung centers made it possible, on the recommendation from above, to test the water-broth diet. It lasted 40 days in July-August 1997. During the first 14 days, the weight decreased by 7 kg. Then the weight stabilized. During the entire time of such nutrition, the state was vigorous, efficient. At the same time, the transformation of the lungs, their transmutation began.

Three years later, on March 26, 2000, a recommendation was given from above to try to live without food, and on April 18 - without water.

The transition to living without food was familiar to me, and I easily adapted. But anhydrous life was given with difficulty: deep cleaning began in the cells of the body, which was accompanied by vibration throughout the body, weakness, dry mouth as a result of the release of toxins through the salivary glands.

There were also emissions on the skin in the form of peeling and "mosquito bites". This state lasted for about a month and a half. Only complete trust in the Teachers gave me strength and endurance.

And one more thing: living without drinking became possible as a result of transmutation-transformation of the lungs, they acquired the ability to assimilate moisture from the air.

Now this is my way of life. I'm just sharing my experience with you. And I want to draw special attention to the fact that everyone has this opportunity, but there is no need to specifically open centers, nothing needs to be forced. Only the Highest Teachers can determine a person's readiness to take one or another step in transformation. They will see and help ...

Baranova's body is absolutely healthy. There is work going on in it that can only be called a miracle. She is 70 years old, she was a disabled person of the 2nd group, but today she is completely healthy. The pressure is 120 to 80, the teeth are in perfect condition, breathing is 2 - 2.5 times slower than that of ordinary people, the body temperature does not rise to 36 degrees. In addition, in the body of Zinaida Grigorievna, an increased content of silicon was noted - thirty units instead of two standard ones.

In the scientific medical center of Zelinograd, Baranova was examined by the general director of the center, kmn Alexander Semeniy. According to the electromagnetic signals, Baranova's health status for all 32 measurements is NORMAL. For eight years of work, 5.5 thousand patients have been examined. Such health was found only in four.

I was a decrepit old woman with a disability with a whole bunch of heart diseases: ischemia, tachycardia, angina pectoris, - says Zinaida Grigorievna. - In addition, there were vision problems, sciatica tortured.

In order to somehow get out, I tried almost all health-improving methods: vegetarianism, contrast procedures, hardening. Then for 40 days she lived on a water-broth diet. And, probably, it has risen to a fundamentally new level of spiritual development. On March 26, 2000, a voice from above advised me to do without food at all. I tried. After 24 days, the same voice suggested: "Now give up the water." Refused. The hardest part was the first month and a half, when the initial, most painful and stormy stage of restructuring of the body was going on, - Zinaida Grigorievna continued. - At that time I could hardly move from weakness. Joints ached, strange rashes appeared on the skin. I felt some kind of vibration throughout my body, probably associated with the opening of new energy centers. The internal organs, especially the lungs and the gastrointestinal tract, were gradually transformed.

My digestive organs are now, as it were, in a conserved state, - says Zinaida Grigorievna. - They have not atrophied at all and can, if necessary, accept and process food. But why? Someone can eat a bull, but will assimilate from the meat only a tiny fraction of the valuable substances. I get everything I need directly - from the surrounding space. My energy centers are absorbing pure energy. And the pores of the skin and the transformed lungs supply the body with the moisture contained in the air. Vital microelements also come from the air.

Life on the energy of Light
The Interfax Time correspondent met the researcher Alexander Komarov, who developed his own method of abstaining from food through the stomach and for two years took only 100 grams of food every four days. At the same time, A. Komarov does not look emaciated, emaciated or excessively thin at all. According to him, he feels great and is full of energy.

Alexander Viktorovich, doesn't abstinence from ordinary food contradict human physiology?

No way. On the contrary, the amount in which a modern man eats is alien to his physiology. In humans, there are three types of food: through the skin, lungs and stomach. At present, the main type of food is eating through the stomach, then food through the lungs and only in the last place is food through the skin. But this is fundamentally wrong.

Since ancient times, the main type of human nutrition has been the assimilation of food or substances from the outside through the skin, additionally through the lungs and only lastly through the stomach. Compare people who eat very little and a lot. It is well known that in gluttons, the organs of the digestive tract are strongly stretched, thickened and deformed.

But despite all the abundance of what has been eaten, the body absorbs only about 1.5% of the food consumed, the rest is excreted in the form of feces or is a waste that settles in the body. In "little ones", the digestive organs decrease, become straighter, and the eaten food is removed from the intestines after 15-20 minutes. In fact, a person must take food through the stomach in very small quantities, and it can be achieved that all of its amount is completely absorbed by the body.

What is nutrition through the lungs and skin?

Nourishment through the lungs is the absorption of substances from the air necessary to cleanse our body. Since we introduce a lot of foreign substances through the stomach, the body's system tries to remove them. Inhaled oxygen enters the bloodstream and "burns" unnecessary substances, and their "corpses" are removed thanks to the red blood cells produced by the spinal cord.

If the body were absolutely free of toxins, then, ideally, the production of red cells completely stopped, and human blood was only lymph, which has a bluish color.

Nutrition through the skin, one way or another, occurs in the modern man-glutton, only much less productively than it could be. This type of food can almost completely replace food through the stomach or make it secondary, "spare". It allows a person to get from the environment all the necessary substances, including water, and, naturally, free him from spending on food and cooking.

Perhaps this statement will seem unconvincing, but the fact is a fact - a person, following certain methods, can take hundreds of times less food through the stomach and feel much better.

And yet people are dying of hunger and dehydration ...

The transition to nutrition through the skin should not occur abruptly, but gradually. You also need to know the transition technique. People who are dying of hunger or lack of water do not know how to do this, and since they are deprived of food, they are most likely in extraordinary conditions. The presence of fear, impending trouble, helplessness take away a huge amount of energy from them, which aggravates their situation.

In our case, a person voluntarily decides to refuse to eat food through the stomach, he gradually adapts his body to this. In the first week, he does not eat for only half a day, the next week - a day, then - 1.5 days. So gradually it comes to the fact that he can completely refuse food, only occasionally feeding himself with water.

The degradation of the digestive organs took place over a long period, and the physical body was transformed into the existing nutrition system. Our task is to make the body remember what has been in it since ancient times.

From what I understand, you have not completely abandoned food. For two years, you still ate once every four days, even though the diet was only 100 grams of food ... Why?

The fact is that, switching completely to nutrition through the skin, a person acquires unusual properties. His eyesight and hearing are not only sharpened, he begins to hear other people's thoughts, even his involuntary desires are fulfilled. It is necessary to be very prepared for such opportunities, since being among people, you can "break a lot of firewood." Therefore, having left at first to a complete refusal to eat, I decided to go back and limited myself to a 100-gram meal every four days.

By the way, the leading Indian neurologist Sudrikh Shah, who observed the state of health of the starving engineer Manek, does not exclude that in the process of such adaptation of the body, the frontal lobe of the brain is activated, which, apparently, is responsible for parapsychic activity. At the same time, all other parts of the brain, including the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, medulla oblongata, do not undergo any changes.

How can you explain that sunlight carries all the necessary substances for the active existence of a person?

Sunlight and the light of distant stars itself carries systems of paired elementary particles (parapositronium and orthopositronium). These particles can enter into resonance with the particles of the body cells and form all the chemical elements necessary for human nutrition. That is, the "factory" exists in the person himself, in the cells of his skin.

In general, there is one type of food in the universe. This is a redistribution of matter or energy. All systems with a higher energy absorb systems with a lower energy and thereby increase their mass and energy. So is the person. Either it absorbs energy and develops, or it loses it and dies. Natural selection takes place, and the fittest survive. Man, like all living and nonliving systems of the world around us, can develop only with the help of nutrition. Without an increase in mass or energy, there can be no development of systems.

Most people strive to reduce their weight. But in order to live actively, you need energy, which is directly related to body weight ...

Man, like any living system of the Universe, is a universal system that at certain moments can be closed or open. Indeed, without an increase in energy, any system will sooner or later disintegrate. Therefore, when applying various techniques, the question should not be about reducing a person's weight, but about reducing the volume of his physical body (while maintaining weight and, accordingly, energy).

Therefore, we, "sun eaters", do not look like malnourished people. Losing your weight drastically means "throwing out" your energy. The human body should not be loose, but dense, like the body of a small child.

When the diet is changed, an imbalance of the internal systems of a person occurs, will this not lead to illness?

With a correct, smooth, non-violent transition to another diet, imbalance does not occur. When we feel pain, illness, we feel the potential difference between the two systems of the body's cells, that is, the uneven distribution of energy between them. When the energy of light is fed through the skin, the energy, on the contrary, is leveled. By the way, let us recall yogis and everyone who is engaged in treatment according to oriental methods based on increasing the energy of the chakras.

According to statistics, absolutely all of these people die from cancer. Why is this happening? Chakras - nodes with increased energy - are physiologically located in the human body. In the chakras, there is already high energy (blood vessels and nerve endings thicken in their areas), and people, using various techniques, increase it even more. If the potential difference between certain cells reaches 75%, then the formation of cancer cells begins.

For the treatment of cancer, both massage and radiation are used, which increase the energy of the cells. But it is necessary to irradiate not just the diseased area, but neighboring, healthy cells in order to nourish them, that is, to align the energy, to reduce the potential between the sick and the healthy. Then diseased cells will be able to cross the barrier and give their "strength" to other cells, that is, to dissolve.

In such a situation, a person experiences painful sensations in a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe body. So it is with any other cells in the body. Leveling, smoothing, a general increase in energy is needed. And skin nutrition is one way to make the body healthy, clean, and strong.

Is anyone capable of becoming a "sun-eater"?

Physiologically, yes. If a person has a strong desire, a powerful impulse for action, then he will be able to limit himself in taking food through the stomach and switch to the original diet, natural for homo sapiens. Do not think that "sun-eaters" are something extraordinary. Australian Jasmukhin has published a book about her experience of switching to sunlight. The number of its supporters now reaches several thousand people. The technique is not painful for a person, the body wants to return to natural nutrition and itself will prompt when and what to eat and when to abstain from food.

But in developed civilized countries, cooking has always been part of the culture. The shift to solar power will lead to the disappearance of many wonderful traditions ...

No, it is rather a return to the old culture at a new stage of development. Remember Eden, the Garden of Eden and that apple of discord that brought humanity to its current state. Over the past time, a person has only degraded, going further and further from the normal state, returning to it only in dreams. And cooking at different times really was a part of culture and changed along with the degradation of society.

The meaning of all actions in the preparation of food and its reception in ancient times had a different meaning. Cooking food according to special rules raised its energy to a higher level. Creating an environment for eating is also raising energy and setting a person to eat. Prayer before meals is nothing more than a person's concentration. The higher the concentration, the higher the digestibility of food. In ancient times, people ate in very small quantities and much more time was allotted for complete assimilation than now.

People from many ancient cultures enjoyed the process of eating. And now it is more like swallowing on the go a huge amount of a substance that is completely unsuitable for humans, which reduces energy and leads to premature death. Subsequent emptying is an indicator of system overload, excess volume eaten.

Therefore, restriction of food through the stomach naturally leads to an increase in life expectancy. Numerous experiments of various scientific centers around the world confirm this even with simply limited nutrition.

Alexander Komarov