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One-connecting or double-circuit gas boiler Choose, the best two-door gas boilers heating. Double-circuit and single-mounted gas boilers heating The difference between one-contact and double-circuit boiler

The two-rounded heating boiler allows you to effectively solve the two most important problems for the owner of the countryside: heating and heat heating. Today there are many of the most diverse models of this equipment, differing from each other not only by parameters and price, but also the principle of the device.

This small libez will help to navigate to everyone who thinks about buying such a boiler, but does not yet know how to choose it.

The difference between the two-circuit boiler from one-contact

Heating boilers with one contour are intended only for heating the coolant circulating in the heating system. To heat the tap water, the owner of such a boiler has to buy and install another unit - a gas column or boiler. Comfort in this case costs quite expensive: first, the purchase of a separate gas column and the heating boiler requires considerable costs; Secondly, two installations occupy a lot of space. At the same time, it is necessary to build two chimns for each unit individually, since if they connect to one channel of smoke removal, the "exhaust" can be locked up from the other, which is why fuel burning products will fall into the room. The maintenance of two separate instruments is more complex.

The figure shows a diagram of a single-mounting boiler device.

In the two-circuit models, the flow water heater and the heating boiler are collected in one node. Thus, the homeowner decides at once two problems, buying only one device, compact and relatively inexpensive. Accordingly, the cutting, maintenance and device of the chimney simplifies.

Various models of double-circuit boilers (floor and wall-mounted) can differ significantly from each other, but the heating of water and the coolant in them is carried out according to the same scheme. If there is no hot water flow, the heat carrier heated by the gas burner circulates in the first circuit connected to the heating system. As soon as the user opens the crane with hot water, the boiler automatics switches the valves so that the coolant is redirected to the second circuit. This circuit is connected to a heat exchanger built into the boiler of the flow water heater, through which tap water is supplied. Thus, the working medium is coolant - it is used alternately for heating, then for DHW. From here it follows one of the disadvantages of the two-kilt: a significant consumption of hot water has a negative effect on the efficiency of the heating system.

Dual-circuit gas boilers can be equipped with a hot water cumulative capacity. Such devices consume more fuels and are more voluminous, but can maintain several water consumption points simultaneously, if, of course, hot water is not spent in them constantly. When the water supply in the tank is exhausted, the user will not have to wait for the heating of the new portion, as in the case of household electric boilers. The boiler will automatically switch to the flow of a flow water heater.

What are the two-circuit boilers?

Advantages of the model of the boiler from Viessmann.

Modern models of double-circuit gas boilers may differ in the following features.

The smoke removal system can be convection or condensation. In the first case, fuel combustion products, including water vapor, from the combustion chamber are directly in the chimney, from where they are thrown into the atmosphere due to convection or, as elsewhere called natural traction.

In the boilers of the condensation type between the combustion chamber and chimney there is a heat exchanger that is connected to the heating circuit. Such a scheme allows you to absorb additional thermal energy, most of which is formed when the water vapor condensation.

The advantages of convection boilers include: simplicity of design, low price (gases are discharged in a dry form, so there is no need to apply expensive corrosion-resistant materials), the convective thrust in the chimney allows you to do without a fan.

Disadvantages: Comparatively low efficiency: a substantial part of thermal energy literally flies into the pipe.

All disadvantages of condensation systems are high cost, complexity of the device, the presence of a fan-dependent electricity - with interest compensated by the main advantage: due to the condensation of steam efficiency, the boiler increases almost twice.

Circulation coolant in the system.

It should be noted that the installation of such a model on the usual heating circuit will be unjustified. The circuit of the connection of the two-circuit boiler of the condensation type is no different from the traditional, but in order for such an aggregate to function with maximum efficiency, the coolant entering the smoke removal system is cold. With an insufficient temperature difference of the coolant and the pair, the latter will not condense. And since the working medium is circulated in the heating circuit with a lower than in conventional systems, temperature, it has to be equipped with larger, therefore, and more expensive, radiators.

Fuel combustion chambers in gas boilers can be open or closed. Convection installations are equipped with chambers of both types, condensation - only closed.

What is "open furnace"? This is a combustion chamber using an oxygen from the air of the room in which the boiler is located. Closed - completely isolated from the environment. In such systems, coaxial chimneys are used or, simply speaking, the pipe in the pipe. Fuel combustion products are removed along the inner tube, and the absorption of clean air is carried out in external. Smoke from the camera of a closed type, regardless of whether the heat exchanger (condensing boilers) or not (convection boilers) is available in the smoke (convection boilers), is derived only by the coercion by the electric fan. Therefore, such boilers are called turbocharged.

The advantages of the boilers with an open furnace: low cost (price difference is quite significant), non-volatility (intelligent electrical energy).

Principle of operation of the heating system using a double-circuit boiler.

Disadvantages: Due to the lack of oxygen in the room where the boiler is installed, it becomes difficult to breathe, there is a danger of burning fuel combustion products into the room in case of violation of thrust, only vertical chimney is required.

Taking into account the shortcomings of boilers with open combustion chambers, they are usually installed in a separate room.

Advantages and disadvantages of turbocharged boilers

Two-integted turbocharged boilers are characterized by strictly opposite. Their advantages:

  • can be installed in any room;
  • absolutely safe;
  • smoke can be discharged in any direction.
  • high price;
  • cannot work without electricity.

Model of a turbocharged gas boiler.

Gas heating boilers are outdoor and wall. What is a wall boiler presents most of the buyers: such boilers can often be seen in urban apartments in which there is autonomous heating and DHW. The aggregates of this type have compact dimensions and low weight, but are limited in capacity and hot water performance. Outdoor boilers have to be installed in a more spacious or even separate room, but these units have high power and, accordingly, the performance of the DHW. The outdoor boiler has another important advantage: since his weight, unlike wall, is not limited, manufacturers equip it with a cast-iron heat exchanger, which is better and reliable in comparison with steel.

In addition to the listed, floor boilers may differ in the type of burner. The cheapest are atmospheric burners, but they cannot boast of high efficiency, have relatively small power and work too much. All these shortcomings are deprived of expensive upgrade burners.

How to choose a double-circuit boiler?

The main parameters for which the double-circuit boiler is selected are the power and performance of hot water. Consider each of the characteristics in detail.

Determining the required power

Components of the boiler.

To accurately determine the power sufficient to efficiently work the heating circuit, it is necessary to perform a thermal calculation. Its technique is quite complex, so only engineering engineer with certain experience and the base of special knowledge can cope with such a task. The thermal calculation takes into account the set of factors (area of \u200b\u200bwindow openings, heat thermal permeability, heat transfer of radiators, etc.) and allows you to choose the optimal model of the boiler without overpayment for extra kilowatts. But at the initial stage you can do without it. The required power is approximately estimated on the basis of empirical data: on average, the heating system consumes about 100 W of energy per 1 kV. M heated area. If one or more rooms border with unheated premises, this indicator can be increased to 150 W.

Determination of the desired hot water consumption

We remind you: if the intensive consumption of hot water is planned, it does not make sense to install a double-circuit boiler because heating in this case will be purely symbolic. To ensure the supply of hot water in the framework of ordinary household needs at the same time as the heating of the two-kilt is quite forces.

To determine the required hot water flow, it is necessary to simply summarize the water consumption on all points connected to the boiler. On average, from a conventional water tap at a pressure in a 2-to-3 atm system, 4 to 6 liters of water flows in one minute. During the reception of the soul - 10 - 12 liters. If the scheme involves connecting to the water supply more than three points, you can take the total consumption of not all, but only several of them.

Assembly scheme of the component of the heating system.

Please note: in the passport for the boiler, hot water performance is tied to the temperature difference before and after water heating. Therefore, to choose the optimal model, not only the consumption of hot water in your home, but also the temperature of cold water at entering the boiler. Suppose we have two cranes with a flow rate of 5 l / min of hot water, while the water temperature in the water supply station is 7 degrees. Therefore, we need a boiler that provides hot water performance 5 + 5 \u003d 10 l / min with a temperature difference between 40 - 7 \u003d 33 degrees (40ºС - a comfortable water temperature for washing dishes, reception of the soul, etc.).

The approximate calculation will allow you to determine whether it is worth spending time on the study of wall boilers or it is better to immediately look outdoor. The maximum limit on the heated area for wall-mounted models is 200 square meters. m, hot water - 14 l / min. If the values \u200b\u200byou receive exceed these indicators, only floor boilers will be suitable for you. In general, such aggregates are more popular than their wall competitors. Buyers even for small water consumption and heated area prefer precisely floor boilers, since such models are equipped with more reliable and durable cast-iron heat exchangers. In addition, they are less arrogant to the quality of power supply.

Factors affecting the durability of boilers

Wall boilers, being more modern and complicated, often fail at the slightest stress surges. At the same time, as a rule, the main board burns out, the replacement of which is very expensive. Another important point: Floor boilers are more adapted to working with low quality water. Heat exchangers of wall boilers, which manufacturers strive to make as easy and compact as possible, are a set of small diameter tubes that are very easily clogged.

If the tap water contains too much stiffery salts, pay attention to the floor boilers with a boiler. Such aggregates are not afraid of salt deposits and provide a supply of hot water even in peak hours when the pressure in the water supply system is significantly falling or disappeared.

Buyers often encountered with emergency disconnection of electricity should choose non-volatile dual-circuit boilers. Such, as a rule, are outdoor models with an open combustion chamber. In this case, the mechanism of ignition burner is important. A more convenient and economical electromotive in this case will be inappropriate, since it is also not capable of functioning without power supply. The optimal model will be the model with manual or piezorozhig. The burner in the boilers of this type lights up from constantly burning gas wick. The disadvantages of such systems are an increased gas consumption and the boiler inability to automatically resume work after a time drop in the gas supply system.

A double-circuit boiler is very complex equipment, and many features of a particular model can only manifest themselves during operation. Therefore, before buying this device, we recommend carefully learning user reviews published on the Internet.

Reading time: 52 min

As it says any medal has two sides. Almost any decision we take in life has its pros and cons. All this is true of choosing a type of boiler. A definite answer to the question of which heating boiler is better not. There are only advantages and disadvantages of these boilers, as well as your circumstances and opportunities. How to find a gold middle of this? Let's deal with together.

In the title of this review, the idea of \u200b\u200bcomparison is laid. Therefore, in the course of the case, we will compare both types of boilers among themselves and seek their differences to imagine more and understand their features.

So, the first and perhaps the most obvious difference is concluded in nameswhich fully reflect the essence of these devices.

Single-mounted boilers are designed only for room heating. To do this, it is enough to have a connection only to one chain (or contour) interconnected (parallel or sequentially) of radiators or other heat exchangers. The heating system in your home can be relatively simple, but her heart is a single-mounted boiler, it must necessarily look and work as a "burzhuyka". Modern single-circuit boilers are controlled by electronics, and their operating parameters can be configured quite thin.

Two-contact boilers, as follows from the name, maybe more than their one-contact fellow. Such boilers are capable of working on two independent branches of heat-generation, one of which is your batteries, the other - water faucets in the kitchen or in the bathroom. Our heart also works on two contours, running blood through the lungs and through the remaining body vessels. However, in contrast to the perfect work of the heart, the two-circuit boilers cannot work simultaneously on two contours. So, all that time you use hot water in the shower, the heat carrier in the heating pipes will not heat up. And as soon as you block the faucet with hot water, the heating of water in the heating system will resume.

Principle of operation of the two-kinning heating boiler.

Completeness and possibility of optional use of heating equipment are also different.

Usually, double-circuit boilers are supplied completely ready for work. and to fulfill their main tasks. It is impossible to connect any other water heating equipment. Yes, this, however, do not need to be done. Feed the boiler of the desired power (about it below). You immediately provide yourself with warmth and hot water. That is not much that you have to do is to organize fuel supply (gas), removal of combustion products and connecting pipes with water (coolant).

Of course, it will also be necessary to do when using a single-circuit boiler. In this case, you will also need to install the expansion tank, the pump, to improve the circulation of the coolant in the system and the safety valve. But even a single-circuit boiler can be used like a two-door, if a little "finish" the system.

Suppose the entire set of equipment and nodes needed to work for a single-circuit boiler you have. In order for the same boiler to heat water and for household needs, an indirect heating boiler is installed next to it, the blessing of many modern single-mounted boilers allows such a connection. Heating the heat carrier for the DHW in such a boiler is called indirect, since it does not occur with its work directly directly heating the fluid in the tank. Inside the boiler houses a snake (or several coils), according to which the heat carrier heated with a boiler. The snake himself, in turn heats the water in the boiler. It can be considered a minus that with indirect heating, a particularly high water temperature is not achieved. However, in order to comfortably take a shower or wash the dishes, it will be enough.

Connection and operation of a single-mounted boiler and a boiler of indirect heating.

Dimensions and power

It must be said that double-circuit boilers most often turn out to be more compactthan single-mounted. This is a weighty plus, if the dimensions of your housing are forced you to take into account every free centimeter. In view of this, single-mount boilers are more suitable for installation in a private house when the boiler can not be placed in the kitchen, but in a separate utility room.

Choosing a boiler, it is important to choose its power properly. In this case, you can contact the specialists, but you can calculate the power of the boiler and independently, because the calculation formula is extremely simple: for heating 1 m2, 100 W power is necessary, plus ten percent. Suppose your dwelling area is 75 square meters. We multiply this number 100 - we get 7500 W. We add ten percent of the power and get 8250 W. Consequently, your boiler must have power within close to 8.3 kW.

However, if you use a single-circuit boiler along with an indirect heating boiler, the boiler power must be significantly more and can be up to 20-24 kW. As a result, the water in the boiler will heat up quickly, and the coolant, which during the heating period of the boiler itself does not heat up, will not have time to cool.

Of course, all this is only averaged calculations. Much depends on what climatic zone you live, whether your home is insulated, what are your windows and in what condition they are and so on. It can be noted that with an increase in the dwelling area, the required boiler power is proportionally decreased. This happens, for example, due to the fact that the more house, the more rooms in it that do not have outer walls or windows. Accordingly, the heat loss in such rooms is an order of magnitude less.

Both among one-contacts and dual-circuit boilers, you can choose the one that will meet your needs. but single-mount boilers are generally more powerful than dual-circuit. Therefore, if you have to dock large areas, you can give preference to a single-mounted boiler.

At the end of this small excursion it is worth highlighting several nuances affecting the choice of boilers:

  • when using a double-circuit boiler, for a while you need wait until hot water flows (in this case, along with water in the sewer, your money is rehausted); Experts are recommended that the farthest point of water intake altered from the boiler for no further than 5-7 meters, otherwise the effectiveness of the DHW can be questioned. When using a single-mounted boiler with an indirect heating boiler, water from the crane flows hotly immediately, but if it is not all and not immediately exhausted, it turns out that most of the time the heating occurs in a frightened
  • the pressure (pressure) of hot water in the crane will change if, in addition to you in your home, someone else will open the crane of hot water; it can be strongly annoying, especially during the taking a shower, when not hot water flows from the mixer, and cold
  • the secondary heat exchanger (the one that heats the water for household needs) in a two-circuit boiler is more susceptible to mineral overgrown due to a small lumen and flowing, not saturated water
  • in general, to obtain hot batteries and hot water supply, installing a double-circuit boiler costs cheaperthan the system from a single-circuit boiler and an indirect heating tank serving the same goals
  • double-circuit boilers allow saving space and can be both outdoor and walls; For single-circuit boilers, most likely it is most likely to highlight the floor section in the kitchen or other room (although the wall variants have recently appear); In most cases, under a single-mounted floor boiler, it is necessary to organize a special platform (deepening or elevation)
  • single-mounted heating systems are easier to operate and cheaper in repair; The average fuel consumption (gas) of single-mounted boilers is less than that of dual-circuit

So what to choose, one-connecting boiler or double-circuit? Any of your decision should be based on your actual circumstances: the size of the housing area, the thermal conductivity of the exterior walls of the house, climatic conditions, your preferences in comfort. It is also impossible to unequivocally say that whatever the heating system is better, only because this is installed at your friends. Take into account all the advantages and disadvantages of each option, ask for specialists, interest at the points of sale of heating equipment. Be sure to take into account the performance of the system and not only its installation value, but also how much you will be operated.

What is the difference between a classroom and two-circuit boiler? Video

During the construction of a country house, giving and solving the issue of the heating system, the question of choosing a boiler.

In the area, where there is an opportunity to bring natural gas to the house, gas boilers are used not only for heating at home, but also for the organization of hot water supply.

Gas boilers are one of the most popular on the market, since the total cost of heating the room and hot water heated by gas is quite low. In addition, installation and available, and the cost of gas is much lower than electricity or coal.

Thinking about the acquisition of the boiler, it is easy to lose among the wealth of choice offered by the market. Condensation and conventional, single and dual-circuit, with different control systems and various conditions of installation and maintenance - make the selection is not so easy. Selecting the gas boiler, it should be repentable primarily on the needs of the family. Which area and how are planned to heat? What hot water volumes are planned to consume? From this will depend on the consumption of gas, the magnitude of the boiler and a number of other factors.

The indisputable advantage of most modern gas boilers is an automated control system, with which you can make the operation of the boiler not only convenient, but also economical.

Dual-circuit boilers have a large number of functions, while comfortable and compact. They are ideal for one-story and small two-storey houses, where there is only one bathroom. As a rule, they are installed in the kitchen, but at the same time not far from the bathroom. Highlight large areas with one double-circuit boiler is quite difficult. If there is a challenge to provide hot water at once two bathrooms, you will also need a mixer.

Outdoor and wall boilers

For a small house where one family lives, the ideal option is, as a rule, a wall-mounted boiler. It is compact, convenient to operate and, most importantly, does not occupy such a valuable living area. Often, wall boilers hang in the kitchen or in the bathroom at the head level or under the ceiling to freeze the place on the floor at the wall under the shopping needs.

If the consumption of hot water and the need of heating is very high, it is recommended to install an outdoor boiler. The aggregates with a capacity of over 30 kilowatts and the volume of more than one hundred liters exist only in the outdoor performance. The reason is quite simple - this weight will not withstand any wall, and the boiler is so great that it reminds the volume of a small refrigerator. Often, similar large-sized or separated by partition.

Scheme of heating system, DHW, Warm floor system with wall-mounted boiler

Why do you need such big floor boilers? They are capable not only to drop large areas and provide a significant amount of hot water, but they can also handle the large latitress of the coolant without establishing a boiler - that is, in fact, significantly save the place and installation costs.

Condensation and ordinary boilers - what to choose?

When, when choosing an aggregate, the question arises, the uninitiated in technical details are usually lost in the selection. The difference, meanwhile, is very simple. An ordinary boiler, producing energy when processing fuel, does not use the entire resource obtained. Part of the energy is lost "on the road", goes to heating the boiler and removed along with the combustion products, and without bringing benefits. Of course, a similar approach is a non-economic, therefore, if the amount of gas consumed by the boiler is fundamentally, it is better to give preference to condensation boilers.

The latter to use hot water vapor, resulting in the heating of the coolant, cooled the resulting gas and use the formative condensate steam. Thus, the efficiency of condensing boilers does not fall below the one hundred percent.

Manual and automatic adjustment - for and against

To be able to adjust the operation of the boiler under the temperature differences, a prerequisite for any unit is the ability to change the temperature regime. The easiest, but with the reliable method - use thermostat. When a certain temperature is reached, the boiler himself stops work, and it renews it, if the coolant cools. This method practically does not require human intervention and comfortable if there is a need to maintain a stable temperature in the room. There are certain to be observed.

But if it is necessary to vary the temperature of the batteries regarding the time of day or days of the week, the aggregates of the new generation come to the rescue - programmable gas boilers. Set the necessary temperature and its difference at different times can be manually or using sensors. The latest serve in order to read the weather changes and, accordingly, increase or lower the temperature of the coolant depending on warming or cooling. By the way, with the help of programs, you can set various temperature modes for wall batteries and floor heating, if such a function is provided.

Programmable gas boilers of the last generation are developed by learning systems like a "smart home". This means that you can ask them the program at a distance using a smartphone or control panel. Such a system is very convenient for country houses, in which they do not live constantly. Before you arrive at the weekend, you can give the system to the inclusion signal and set the desired temperature - to the arrival of the owners, the house has time to warm up, but the resource is not spent, as if the room warmed up all week.

As a rule, it takes place on the eve of the heating season, and therefore the settings set up for a long time do not change. Before the next heating season, the boiler should include inspection and maintenance by a specialist. It checks the integrity of all systems, if necessary - read the chimney and adjusts the boiler.

Choosing a boiler, you should consider not only your own needs and its economy, but also the possibility of its fast repair, the availability of service and the availability of parts of the aggregates of this type. Therefore, it is best to choose a reliable boiler of the average price category from the manufacturer with a proven reputation, and not chase to cheap.

When choosing a device for heating a private house or cottage it is important to understand that one-connecting and is still different devices. Which one is suitable specifically in your case, you need to decide on the basis of the characteristics and advantages of each boiler.

Someone needs a device strictly for heating, and in some homes it is also necessary to heat the water something. Therefore, the question arises about the type of gas boiler. What is better: one-connect or double-circuit gas boiler, each user chooses for itself. But the consultation of a specialist will not be superfluous.

Main differences

The main difference between the two-kinning and single-mounted gas boiler from each other is that one is intended strictly for heating, and the second has a flowing water flow system in its structure and, in addition to heating, also provides a house with hot water.

In terms of its structure, a double-circuit boiler is a double device. It, with the help of water heating, carries out hot water supply, while a single-mounted boiler can heat the water only with an additional connection of the boiler.

The name of these devices indicates their main difference. In one-mounted one - one contour of the coolant, and in a two-kinno, an additional source of water heating. At the same time, double-circuit boilers may have one or two heat exchanger. In the first embodiment, there is a switch that turns off the gas supply to heating and feeds it to heating. In the second case there are separate heat exchangers that heat water to heating and water supply.

After buying a house before buying a boiler, you need to make a gas project that will allow the placement of such equipment in the house. Then be sure to explore what is a single-mounted and double gas boiler, consult with a specialist, as well as weigh the need for a certain version of heating.

The two-circuit version is also divided into several types. It can have a heat exchanger that is several bent tubes with lamellar elements. There is also a bitter heat exchanger that looks like a cellular device. The last model is better to use where there is no high water hardness.

Benefits of both species

Each option of boilers has a number of features, both positive and negative. They need to be considered to make an adequate decision on installing a certain boiler model. Advantages of single-circuit models:

  1. Have an automatic security system. It is possible to configure the most acceptable gas flow mode and boiler operation.
  2. On the basis of such boilers, you can create various heating systems with wiring in all rooms.
  3. The presence of special climatic regulation sensors. They help increase or decrease the gas supply and heating, depending on the ambient temperature.
  4. Reliability and ease of operation.
  5. Long service life.

All these advantages allow many to make a choice in favor of a single-mounted version. In addition, it is cheaper than most dual-circuit models.

But do not forget about the advantages of the two-door boiler:

  • It will cost cheaper than one-connecting boiler and boiler at the same time. If you want to provide your housing with hot water, then in terms of value this option is more profitable.
  • Water heats up constantly and does not accumulate in the tank, such as in a boiler. It is exactly the quantity that you need, and there are no heat losses due to cooling.
  • The model has a small size and conveniently placed in a modest room. Under some conditions, you can install the device even on non-residential area.

Of course, everyone will choose a boiler depending on personal preferences, but it is better to calculate the necessary power in advance so as not to overpay for too powerful options.

This indicator depends on the area of \u200b\u200bheated premises, as well as from the necessary constant temperature and the number of people who live in this house. Many specialists recommend, if necessary, hot water supply, buy a single-circuit boiler and a cumulative tank for heating the water liters for 200. Someone advises combining a single-circuit boiler with a gas column for heating water.

Disadvantages of boilers of both species

That option that will suit one buyer, is completely unacceptable for another. Therefore, before choosing the best option of heating, you need to evaluate not only the advantages, but also the cons of all boilers.

Cons of the use of a single-circuit boiler:

  1. To heat the water, an additional device is necessary, which may cost much and occupy a lot of space. Very uncomfortable in small houses.
  2. When using an additional device for heating, a single-circuit boiler will constantly consume gas to maintain the water temperature in normal. As a result, gas will be stronger than gas, which will hit the consumer's wallet.

Disadvantages of a two-kinning device:

  • It is necessary to observe the balance between water consumption and heating, otherwise an unstable temperature occurs. If several cranes are immediately turned on, then a jet of hot water may not be satisfactory.
  • When using water with a high degree of rigidity, salt sediments can accumulate, which will result in the deterioration of the device.
  • The uneconomical consumption of water, because after switching on, it takes several minutes to heat it.

As a result, when comparing two devices, it is recommended to navigate the area of \u200b\u200bthe room. For example, for a small country house, it is better to buy a two-circuit compact model that will take little space and can provide such an area and heating, and water heated.

IMPORTANT: But if you have a big cottage in several floors, it is better to have a one-connecting boiler, and to him - a big cumulative boiler. This ensures a stable water temperature and its sufficient amount. You can read which boiler is better to choose for heating in a private house.

Owners of private houses have an eternal dilemma - what is better: the boiler is single-circuit or double-circuit? To understand this, you need to remember what contour is. In the world of gas boilers there are only 2 contours. All that transmits heat from the boiler to the house is the heating circuit. These may be radiators, a warm floor system or a warm plinth. No matter how many contours in your "warm field", it will still be only one heating circuit. In turn, everything that brings hot water to the house is either cold, is considered to be a hot water circuit.

So, we decided that there can be only two contours. If the boiler inside itself can heat like heating liquid and hot water, then the boiler is called a two-circuit, that is, two contours are located inside the boiler. At first glance it may seem that such a boiler is the perfect solution for our house. After all, inside one unit we get and heating, and cooking hot water. In addition, as a rule, double-circuit gas boilers are cheaper, but we will not hurry with conclusions. First you need to understand the internal device of the two-kilt.

One-connecting boiler It is designed so that it is designed to heat water for heating. But this type of boiler can be heated and hot water. True, for this you will need an indirect heating boiler.

The boiler of indirect heating is a large thermos that does not give heat out. The radiator is installed inside it in the form of a serpentine, in the cavity of which the heating fluid is supplied, and thus the water heats up. In fact, a single-mounted boiler prepares hot water in a remote boiler in the same way as a double-circuit boiler in a plate heat exchanger. Also, like an assembly with 2 contours, one-connecting allows you to choose the temperature of the DHW and maintain it at the required level. Connecting water to the boiler of indirect heating is carried out quite a large pipe with a diameter, at least 3/4 inches. So, with the same pressure through it, water can pass 3 times more than through a double-circuit boiler. Accordingly, the owner gets the opportunity to use simultaneously three points of water consumption. At the same time, no consumer will feel inconvenience.

Today, all modern boilers are equipped with devices for connecting an indirect heating boiler.

Two-kotel It is designed for heating water for heating and to ensure hot water supply. Good manufacturers install two heat exchanger. Primary works, heating heating system. Secondary (it is plate) heats hot water. If at the moment the person does not use the DHW, then the heating fluid, heating at the top in the primary heat exchanger, enters the heating system and heats the radiators or a warm floor. But as soon as the hot water fauce is open in the kitchen or in the bathroom, the heating fluid begins to move along a small circle inside the device, that is, after the primary heat exchanger enters the plate heat exchanger.

The design resembles a "puff pastry", one layer of which cold water is moving from the outside, towards it moves the heated liquid from the heating system. These layers are separated by thin stainless steel plates. The heating fluid transfers the thermal energy of incoming cold water, therefore, it cools, and rises up for the next heating. Incoming cold water, in turn, taking heat, comes out of the secondary heat exchanger already heated. This is how water is heated in the gas boiler with two contours.

Disadvantages of double-circuit boilers

There is a reasonable question: if we received and heating in the same boiler, and DHW, what is wrong in it? There are some interesting nuances.

The fact is that in such an unit, the connection of cold water, as well as the yield of hot, is made with a pipe, a diameter of 1/2 inches, and it is thin enough. Despite the fact that the carving at the entrance to the boiler can be 3/4, everything is left inside the boiler, that is, 1/2 inches. It means that a slight amount of both cold and hot water can undergo through such a pipe. If even increase the boiler power, it will not lead to another result - all the same input diameter remains unchanged.

As a rule, the mixer in the kitchen or in the bathroom suits exactly the same pipe. According to the laws of physics - water flows there, where it is easier. And this means that if someone takes a shower in the bath, and at this time it opens in the kitchen a crane to wash the dishes, on a man standing under the shower, cold water will go. The point here is not in the insufficient power of the boiler, but in its device. Due to the fact that the pipe in the boiler is narrow, go through a large amount of water according to it, unfortunately, will not be able. The owners of private houses should not listen to the stories of consultants that such a device is designed for 2-3 or even 4 points of the DHW. Remember, in reality, a double-circuit gas boiler is intended only for one hot water consumption.

In addition to restrictions on the amount of DHW, the 2-hontuatory boiler has a more serious minus - this is the need for expectation until hot water comes from the boiler to the crane. As mentioned earlier, the boiler is initially working on the heating system, and in the summer period it is simple. When opening a hot water crane, the cauldron "sees" that the water began to move and only at this moment, he "understands" that the water must begin to heat. In addition, it makes some pause, implying that if the consumer accidentally opened the crane, then it will be closed it now. If for 2-3 seconds, the closure has not happened, then the boiler is turned on on the supply of DHW.

After switching on, the device must be about 3-4 seconds to heat the secondary heat exchanger. Thus, it is lost a few seconds for waiting and for some time to warm the heat exchanger.

After that, hot water begins to enter the pipe, but she needs time to do the path from the boiler to the crane. Accordingly, the more distance from the bathroom or shower to the boiler room, the longer you have to expect hot water. So, in real conditions, in the presence of a double gas boiler, after the opening of the Crane of the DHW, you will get hot water in about 15-20 seconds.

Summing up: In this case, the consumer is forced to expect hot water receipt, while it is possible to fully use only one point of water consumption. Moreover, it will have to put up with this not one day, but the entire life of the unit (on average 10-15 years). It is worth thinking whether it will be comfortable?

About dimensions

Taking into account the fact that for a two-circuit boiler does not require a boiler of indirect heating and other equipment, then it takes the place it is significantly less.

Externally, that the dual-circuit that one-connecting boilers are comparable in size.

Two-round boiler you can safely install in the kitchen. Single to heat water and ensuring heating, you can hardly be able to deliver.

So comparing a single-mounted or double-circuit boiler in terms of dimensions, then parity.

About the service life

The likelihood that a double-circuit boiler fails is higher than that of one-circuit in mind more frequent use.

About savings

A double-circuit boiler is cheaper in the acquisition, due to the lack of need in the acquisition of additional water heating equipment.

As for the cost of energy resources, then everything is not so unequivocal. In theory, double-circuit boilers are more economical, because they are included only when you turn on hot water.

The same boiler requires constantly to warm the boiler of indirect heating. But at the same time modern boilers cooled very slowly. But the water consumed in the boiler must be warm again.

Comparing the one-connecting and double-circuit boiler in terms of efficiency, taking into account the heating of hot water, we tend to the fact that the house will be more economical.

About usability

What to choose those who are not used to putting up with discomfort, and wants to still use the benefits of civilization? For these purposes, single-circuit boilers are created in counterweight dual circuit. Such a device is designed to heat the heating fluid, but if you attach an indirect heating boiler to it, you can get a modern efficient DHW system.

Next, using a boiler, you can note the following: The boiler begins to heat the water only from the moment when it began to cool for any reason. This means it is possible to create a special recycling system, i.e. Movement of hot water in a circle. Water will bypass each crane, and return to the boiler for further heating. In this case, we get hot water immediately after the opening of the crane - because the water will already be there. It is very important if it is planned to build a big house in which there will be several bathrooms, and they are quite removed from the boiler room


On what boiler to stop your choice? Buy an inexpensive two-round boiler or invest money in a serious system, comfort and buy a single-circuit boiler with a boiler? The decision here will certainly remain for the consumer, but the following recommendations will not be taken into account:

  • if your home is less than 150 sq m and in it only one bathroom, then you can safely buy a 2-hour gas boiler. First, it will save a lot of useful space when installing. Secondly, in a small house, as a rule, the distance from the boiler room to the bathroom is small. Accordingly, it is possible to get hot water in the crane quite quickly. Again, when the system is already collected and designed for a double-circuit boiler, it will not be any advantages when installing a single-circuit with a boiler.
  • if you want to take care of the comfort of living for the next decades, the unequivocal choice is the "single-mounted boiler plus an indirect heating boiler." Let it stand a bit more expensive, but the comfort of the DHW in this case is provided. This is exactly the case when you should not save on yourself and your loved ones.

Video of the choice of the gas boiler