Bedroom design Materials House, garden, plot

Fetish group. Treatment of chronic diseases with medicinal herbs. Specific signs of fetishism

An object that, according to the believer, symbolizes the spirit or is its container. For its owner, a fetish personifies the spirit and realizes a person's connection with the world of supernatural forces. Usually these are dolls or carved figurines, but it can also be a tooth of an animal, a vertebra of a snake, a beautiful stone, or even huts where a sorcerer communicates with otherworldly forces. Fetishes have been widely used in animist religions. They were often worn as ornamented talismans or amulets, but they were not in this case fetishes in the traditional sense, since they were not inhabited by spirits.

The word fetish comes from the Latin factitius - "artfully made after all" or the Portuguese feitico - "amulet, magic". This word is usually associated with West African juju, which means "sacred object". Juju could be derived from the European interpretation of the local expression "grou-grou" or refer to the French "joujou" meaning "doll" or "toy". In ancient times, European traders on the West African coast mistakenly mistook fetishes, which were sacred objects, for mere toys. A derivative of "grou-grou" is "gris-gris", the modern term for an amulet or talisman that brings good luck or protects from harm.


Ancient Egyptians in pre-dynastic times professed an animistic religion, had many gods and goddesses of fetish origin. They were mainly associated with magic, luck, health and life, fertility and sexual potency. Egyptian animism was a derivative of magical cults, as well as worship of animals, birds and trees, totemism and fetishism, which enabled the highest spirits to evolve into gods.

African American FETISHES

Africans, captured by slave traders, brought their fetishes with them to the New World. However, possession of them was called torture or death. These fetishes not only personified other gods than Christians, but also embodied tribal customs, which instilled fear in white slave owners. Eventually, the slaves began to carry pebbles or small bags filled with herbs or oil, hoping with their help to find good luck and protect themselves from all kinds of misfortunes. Most African American amulets today serve the same purpose.

In New Orleans, the traditional center of American waterism, many residents, including some police officers, wear similar amulets.

Legends about the famous New Orleans priestess Marie Laveau say that her talismans contained pieces of bone, graveyard soil, salt and pepper. More advanced amulets were made from tiny bird nests or woven from horsehair. A red flannel pouch containing a magnetic iron ore or magnet has been a favorite amulet among players who believe it brings good luck.

In Santeria, amulet bags were called resguardos, which meant "guarding". The typical talisman that puts its owner under the protection of the thunder god Shango was made of red velvet and filled with herbs, spices, sugar, aloe and other ingredients, and then sewn up with red threads. Then the finished talisman was attached to a tiny golden sword, the symbol of St. Barbara. Shango identified with this Catholic saint. And if the sword broke, Shango stood up for the owner of the amulet.

Fetishes are part of the traditions of many North American tribes. According to the customs of some of them, fetishes are individual, while in others they are viewed as collective. So, for example, the Crowe and Dakotas have imaginary community fetishes, and the Wisconsin Sokey and Foxes worship ancestral fetishes. Pawnee from Nebraska has a fetish for every settlement.
A highly developed tradition of fetishism has existed for centuries among the Pueblo tribes and, in particular, the Zuni tribe, among whom fetishes were most common. Fetishes of Zunya - figurines of animals, birds and reptiles, carved from stone, carved from horns or made from shells.

According to the ideas of the Indians, they possessed tremendous magical powers and were used only for religious worship ... The hunters carried them in leather pouches hung around their necks ...
Some fetishes personified Gods.
For medical purposes, the Zuni had many animal fetishes. The Acoma Indians used the Mother Corn fetish to cure disease ... The Zuni exchanged fetishes with the Navajo ...

One can talk for a long time about the disappeared Atlantis and the manuscripts of India and Tibet. For example: The myth of Atlantis has come down to us in the exposition of the Greek philosopher Plato. He spoke about her in two of his dialogues, in Timaeus and Critias.
Plato emphasized that this is not a fictional story, but a real country. In his dialogues, Plato mentions the war between Atlantis and the great-Athens, which happened 9000 years before our era. Plato draws a clear line between the two opponents: they lived on opposite sides of the Pillars of Hercules (in the Roman version of Hercules) (the current Strait of Gibraltar, which separates Europe from North Africa). But Atlandis (even if it's not a myth) can be anywhere, from the Bahamas off the coast of Florida, to the regions of Troy, Santorini, India ...

The Maya Indians, who inhabited the territory of Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, El Salvador between 2000 BC and 1500 AD, created a highly developed civilization and culture, left many mysteries to descendants. To this day, shamans of the modern Maya invoke the blessings of the ancient gods. At the same time, wooden altars symbolize the four cardinal points, and the cross is the personification of Life ... But these symbols of the Maya were used 4000 years BC ?!

At the end of the summer, in honor of the closing of the season, an old friend of mine suggested that I throw a party in my apartment. Well, as it should be in such cases, my apartment is his girlfriend, the treat is common. He invited his girlfriend Luda. She was a pretty girl, 23 years old, tall, with small breasts and beautiful hips. For a long time already I "licked my lips", looking at her, but I did not make any inclinations, respecting friendship with a friend. Luda, called her friend Lena. With long, black hair and a feline appearance, the skinny Lena was somewhat similar to Luda. When we met the girls near the metro, Lena was already pretty drunk and therefore, having come to my apartment, immediately sat down at the table and began to pour drinks.

My friend Lech, by the way, had an obvious "alcoholic" appearance, and did not know how to drink at all. That is, he knew how to drink, contriving to drink a whole glass in one gulp, but he quickly got drunk and fell. Lech drank vodka, and the girls and I drank Martini, because I cannot drink vodka. When we drank a couple of glasses, Lena suddenly said that something was not good for her and went to take a nap. We continued walking. When the vodka ran out, Lech asked for alcohol, which, as he knew, I have in decent quantities. Having persuaded me to get a bottle, he immediately opened it and, diluting alcohol with water, right from the tap, continued the "fun". In one of these "inside" tricks, while talking, he forgot to dilute the next portion of alcohol and drank it in one gulp. He bulged his eyes and began to cough terribly, then rushed to the toilet, from where eerie cries of "Be-e-" were heard. After that, he still wandered around the apartment with a terrible cough, dirtied my entire toilet, then completely "broke off" and Luda and I took him to another room, where he passed out.

Together with Lyuda, we decided to continue the evening. Word for word, and pretty soon we got into conversation on rather intimate topics.

No, do not think, I was not going to seduce my friend, my best friend, we really just talked, albeit very frankly. Lyuda and I had very similar interests and really rested for an easy conversation. At one point, I mentioned that I bought a "miracle vibrator" for playing with my girlfriend. Luda was intrigued by this, and she asked me to show her the toy. I went into the room and brought it. She took it in her hands and began to examine it with interest.

The vibrator was made in the form of a thick penis, under the transparent "skin" of which one could see a cunning mechanism and large beads were rolled to enhance the effect. At some point, when she squeezed it in her fist, I unexpectedly turned on the motor for her. Luda almost dropped the vibrator from surprise, because it suddenly vibrated strongly and, moreover, began to wriggle like a fat worm. Lyuda's eyes widened, she gasped in surprise and said - "Wow!" Having slightly turned the work of human thought in her hands, she returned it to me with some reluctance.

It was already late, and we decided to go to bed. Having wished each other good night, we went to our rooms. Lyuda went to the soundly sleeping Leha, and I went to bed with Lena, who was sleeping peacefully.

In a dream, Lena looked like a sleeping cat, comfortably tucking its legs.

I thought that it would be inconvenient for her or me to sleep on the coverlet (there was only one sofa) and I began to make the bed, carefully turning Lena Well, well, I reasoned, having finally made the bed - she couldn't sleep on bed in outerwear. After a little hesitation, I began to pull the jeans off the sleeping girl. And at the beginning, think bad, dear readers, I really thought about making it more convenient for her, besides, I am very tired. First. But then ... I didn't think it was so difficult to remove the clothes from the motionless girl, but finally I succeeded. White panties, nicely fitting the body, opened up to my eyes, and then for the first time desire stirred in me. Deciding not to stop there, I pulled off her sweater too. Now two lovely hemispheres opened up to me, barely holding onto a small bra. Licking my lips, but still posing as a gentleman, I covered Lena with a blanket and simply lay down beside her. Luda, even if she woke up, did not show it, although, perhaps, she was really asleep. But it didn't last long for me. It is difficult to lie next to a half-naked beauty, who, moreover, did not differ in chastity and do nothing. I moved closer and began to gently, barely touching, with my fingertips, stroking her body. I first stroked the narrow shoulders carefully. Then, listening to if she had woken up, stroked the smooth tummy and, plucking up courage, put his hand on the tender, elastic thighs. Her body gradually revealed its secrets to my hand. This lasted several minutes, and when my hand lay on her panties, gently penetrating between her legs and touching her plump lips, Lena suddenly grabbed me and, pressing mine with her hand, whispered to her crotch - "Continue, don't stop."

Later, she said that it turned out that she had not slept for a long time and waited for me to finally start seducing her. (female logic!) Then, standing up and taking a breath, I decided to invite her to play one interesting game. Lena told me that she does not play all the games, but when I briefly described the rules to her, she, after a little thought, agreed. It was an erotic bondage game. I took out the rope and, inviting her to roll over on her stomach, unbuttoned her bra and tied my hands behind my back, then turned it over on my back, and, gently pulling off her white panties, tied the legs together, wrapping them from ankles to hips.

Now the girl, helpless as a fish in nets, lay in front of me. For a few seconds I admired the tied girl. It was a wonderful sight, now I could fully see her high breasts free of her bra ... The sight exceeded all my expectations. Strong slender legs, a smooth tummy and a triangle between the legs simply beckoned with their openness.

I took off the remnants of my clothes, lay down on top so that our bodies touched every cell and began to kiss the girl, tickling her skin with my tongue. Her firm chest, nicely pressed against my chest. I gently grabbed her head in my hands and pressed my lips to my lips. It was probably the sweetest kiss in my life. Her lips opened to meet mine and our tongues touched. She ran a sharp little tongue over the gums, I answered her in kind. But at last I looked up from her lips and began to caress her neck. Her skin was velvet to the touch and gave me trembling caresses. Sinking lower and lower, I covered her neck, shoulders and collarbones with kisses. Finally, I got to her bare chest. I took one breast in my hand and squeezed it slightly, from which the tied girl bent a little in the back and sighed.

I bent down and took her brown nipple into my mouth, which immediately began to harden under my caresses. First I sucked him into my mouth, and then I began to tickle him with my tongue, not letting go of my mouth. Lena let out the first sigh of pleasure and I, inspired by the first victory, began to knead and caress her second breast.

Having played enough, I began to move lower, kissing and caressing the smooth girlish belly with my tongue. Finally I got to the inviting triangle of hair in the lower abdomen. At first I was afraid that because of the tightly tied, clenched legs, I would not be able to climb into her hidden places, which so attracted, but spreading my lips and penetrating my tongue into the opened crack, I felt her love berry. And he was amazed. Lena's clitoris was huge, it was the size of a ripe cherry and looked like a small penis, probably more than a centimeter in size. I touched him with my tongue and Lena sighed. I began to caress him and he quickly hardened. From my actions, Lena either arch or tried to pull her legs to her chest, her breathing became intermittent and moans began to break through it .. Lena's clitoris was not only very large, but also had a very high sensitivity. From literally every touch, Lena gasped and wriggled her whole body. After a while, I realized that she was most excited by a movement similar to a woman giving a man a blowjob. Which I began to do moving my head in different directions, trying to deliver as much pleasure as possible.

A minute later, Lena, strongly straining all over, finished violently. I let go of her, raised myself in my arms and listened to the rustling in the next room.

- “Luda! - I thought.

“Lena,” I asked, “maybe I can invite Luda to us, eh?

“Well, I don’t know,” Lena muttered thoughtfully.

Then I, having accepted the feminine "I don't know .." as "yes, of course!" - resolutely went into another room. Carefully opening the door, I called ...

- "Luda!"

Luda did not sleep and immediately opened her eyes. Lech slept soundly beside him, and he didn’t just sleep - he was asleep, lounging on the whole bed, forcing Luda to crouch in a corner ..

- "Uh-uh. Would you like to come to us, huh? " I asked carefully (who knows how she will react).

“I’m going,” she replied in a whisper, and immediately jumped up. It even seemed to me that she was waiting for this question.

She was wearing only a thin T-shirt and white panties, which almost did not hide anything, but Luda did not dress and what she was wearing, walked in front of me, shaking her hips very erotically. I admired the play of her round buttocks as I walked from behind.

When we approached the bed, Luda said to her friend a playful “Hello!”, Ran her hand over her naked body and immediately began to pull off her T-shirt.

I climbed onto the bed, lay down at Lena's feet and buried my face between her legs, parted my lips again looking for the cherished cherry.

Luda took off her panties and came up from behind. She took me by the hips and pulled me up, putting me on all fours, pressed her hot stomach against my bottom and leaned against my back. With her hand, she crawled under my stomach, felt for a long-standing member and began to drive her hand over it. She put her other hand under my chest, felt the nipple and began to play with it. This only added fuel to the fire. I began to suck Lena's clitoris with zeal, in unison with her movements, which, judging by the voluptuous sighs, was already close to a second orgasm. A few seconds later Lena finished again. I reluctantly pulled away from Lyuda lying on me, but Lena was waiting for me and I got up and began to untie her legs. But Luda stopped me ...

- "Well well. I understand, you are now going to untie her and apparently start fucking? ", - she whispered indignantly, and without giving me an answer, she continued, -" Most likely so. For half an hour, I’m lying in the room, almost wet, listening to your sighs. Well, I do not! Now it's my turn".

After finishing a stormy tirade, Luda climbed onto the bed, got on all fours over Lena, while appetizingly bent her back and stuck out her butt.

- "Well, my sweetie, let's see how sweet you are." - she said to her friend and put her face between her legs.

A woman, of course, knows better what another woman needs, and therefore Lena, at the first caresses of a heated clitoris, immediately screamed. Her chest began to heave more and more often, her breathing became intermittent, moans began to escape from her throat. Luda, caressing Lena, swung her pelvis in different directions, depicting lustful movements.

Admiring the action unfolding in front of me, I felt that I was very excited, without hesitation, climbed onto the bed closer to the appetizingly protruding buttocks and took hold of the buttocks with my hands. Luda was on her knees with her legs spread over her friend's body and because of this her crotch was open and simply beckoned with her availability. I ran my hand over the opened crack and found that it was simply dripping with juice. Without wasting another second, I thrust my cock into her with a swing. Luda screamed with surprise and pleasure, and even more arched her back. From this, the walls of the vagina tightly grabbed the penis.

With measured movements, I fucked Luda, who began to howl. In time with her sighs, I quickened my movements, hitting her buttocks with each thrust. I held her hips with my hands. At this time, Lena, inflamed by Luda's caresses, reached the third orgasm in the evening. Now nothing distracted Luda. The sharply tense body and cramps in the vagina told me about the upcoming finale. Her movements became intermittent, she tried to plant herself on me as deeply as possible, her moans became louder and I hugged her stronger, brought her to a climax. Lyuda, tensed, jerked for the last time and freed herself from a member, collapsed on her friend, who lay with her eyes closed and was silent.

After a while, Luda turned to me and found that I had not finished yet.

“Yeah,” she said strangely.

“Isn't it time to untie Lena?” I suggested.

- "No. I have one idea here, - Luda answered, thinking, and exclaimed, - get a pillow! "

I brought. She took the pillow, put it on the bed and turned Lena over, putting her belly on the pillow, Lena's ass protruded appetizingly, exposing smooth pink lips. Luda parted her friend's buttocks with both hands, exposing her open slit.

- "Come on!" - she said.

I immediately thrust my cock into her.

Lena oyknula and tensed, I began to move a member in her tight pussy, and Lyuda lay down next to her and began to push one hand under the belly of her friend. By the way Lena shuddered after a while and squeezed her buttocks strongly, I realized that Luda felt her clitoris.

She put her other hand on her protruding ass and spreading them apart, she began to penetrate into a small hole. Lena initially tried to protest, but because of her tied hands, she could not do anything. She could only bite her teeth into the blanket and hold back the cries of pleasure.

Such sophisticated caresses, she could not resist for a long time and finished, wriggling with such force that the member almost jumped out of her.

I, too, felt the approach of the eruption, and when he became very close, I shouted to Luda, and moved back to pull out a member. Jumping out, he plopped loudly on Lena's ass, but smart Luda understood me correctly, so she immediately grabbed the penis and began to jerk him off. She acted very skillfully and I immediately began to finish, sprinkling Lena's entire back. We untied Lena, and while she came to, I ran to the bath, and then the girls went there. I was sitting in the kitchen sipping a Coke, stunned by what had happened and listening to the cheerful laughter from the bathroom. When the girls left, we didn’t get dressed, drank a glass and went back to the room.

There Lena said that Luda told her about the vibrator that I showed the day before and that she also wants to look at it. I brought it and they began to consider it. Lena especially liked the fact that he moved as if he were alive. Suddenly Lena playfully threw Luda onto the bed, wrapped her arms around her and dug her lips into hers. Luda, after a second pause, also hugged Lena, grabbed her ass with her hands and they began to kiss passionately and rub against each other, with their slender bodies.

Lena looked up from her friend for a second and asked me to find a condom for now, after which she sank lower, spread her friend's legs and buried her face between her legs. I brought a prezik, opened it and gave it to her. Lena broke away from Lyuda, took a vibrator, put a condom on it, put the end in her mouth, licked it and began to insert it into the open womb of the girl who was lying with her eyes closed. She took a deep breath as the member penetrated deep. Her eyes widened with fright.

- "What are you doing? No, don’t, just don’t turn it on, ”she finished a hasty protest and grabbed the head of Lena, who, having turned on the vibrator, was already sucking Luda's clitoris.

Turning the wheel, Lena turned on the vibrator more and more, convulsions began to beat Luda, the hooligan's experienced tongue only intensified the sensations.

Only a few seconds have passed, and Luda has already reached its climax. Lena began to decrease speed, Lyuda's convulsions began to slow down, and finally she leaned back on the pillows.

- "Never ..., oh, do not ..., oh, do not do this again ... so, suddenly," - Luda said, breathing intermittently.

- “Of course, you would have to be tied up like me, but stronger, then you would know what and how…. And also in the ass, to insert something, then you would have known for sure, ”Lena answered her.

I found that from this sight, I was again excited and ready for action.

Then I lay down on the bed, piled Luda onto myself in one movement and grabbed her by the elastic ass, planted a member on a standing stake, immersing it to its full length.

Luda gasped in surprise and began to sway, sitting on me.

I wrapped my arms around her, bending her body to me, which made her ass protrude, beckoned Lena with my finger and pointed to the bulging ass of the girl sitting on me. Lena immediately realized what I wanted to tell her. She took a vibrator well-oiled with Luda's juices and began to insert it into her friend's ass. Lyuda began to resist, but I held her tightly and soon over the tense body of the girl, and even a member through a thin partition, I felt a vibrator coming inside. I began to move my hips, giving a little movement to the penis. Luda began to whisper pleadingly ...

- “Don't turn it on, I beg you, just don't turn it on. Oh please".

- “Yeah, right now!” - Lena answered and pressed the button. Lena set the vibrator movement to minimum, but vibration to maximum. Luda screamed and began to struggle again, but I held her tightly, and even with such a thing in the ass you don't really jump out. I continued to move, the vibration gave me great pleasure and I felt that I would soon finish again.

- "Can I get into you?" I asked. - - "Yes, you can," - Luda answered in a breathless voice and began convulsively helping me, sitting down with all her might. By the groans escaping from my chest, I realized that Luda was already on the verge and felt that he was already close to eruption. After a couple of movements, when tight streams of sperm began to beat into the girl's bosom, unable to withstand this tension with a drawn-out moan, it became limp on my chest.

On this our strength has dried up.

Luda kissed me goodbye and went to bed, to Leha, and we, embracing Lena, fell asleep.

29.03.2016 5936

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Two years ago in the same month, I was sitting on the couch in the living room by my Top. It was my birthday and we were going to the gym. “But first,” he said, “open your presents,” and put two packages on the coffee table in front of me.

By that time, we had been dating for over a year. At first it was passionate BDSM sessions about once a month; then the sex games stopped, but we continued to go to the gym together and helped each other lead a healthier lifestyle. Actually, our trips to the gym continue to this day, and I consider him one of my closest friends. He knows what I like - both in terms of sex, and in general - better than most of my friends, and his gifts are always special.

The first box contained a bottle of 12-year-old Glenlivet, one of my favorite single malts. And the second ... the Nasty Pig jock shorts. But not simple ones, but with a surprise. I sniffed. This distinctly musky, incomparable smell, which can only be found in dark rooms and in gyms, where it permeates literally everything. "I wore them for several days," he said. "Enjoy."

Used underwear is one of my fetishes.

You may be thinking: what is fetish and how is it different from a kink? Kink is an "unusual" sexual interest, such as bondage or spanking. Any object, material, item of clothing (like those very worn jock) can be a fetish - anything that turns you on. At the same time, the fetish is not associated with sex in itself, unlike dildos or BDSM paraphernalia such as whips. It is a simple object that becomes a sex object only for the fetishist.

You've probably heard of some weird fetishes: high-heeled shoes, rubber ducklings and all that. Lately, many fetishes have become a part of pop culture. This list of 35 fetishes - famous and lesser known - will help you understand the topic.

1. Leather

Leather is perhaps one of the most fetish materials around and is a fetish classic. Thanks to the drawings of Touko Laaksonen, aka Tom of Finland, bikers in tight-fitting leather pants have become firmly associated with gay culture.

Today, leather lovers are found in all countries and they come together at events such as the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco, International Mr. Leather in Chicago and Folsom Berlin.

What is such an event? Imagine a multitude of men in leather straps on their naked bodies, jock jackets, leather jackets, boots, aprons (of course, also leather), in different uniforms - in a word, who is in what. And since leather fetish goes well with many other fetishes and kinks, the leather lovers' community practically unites the entire kink community.

2. Latex

This is the second most common fetish material; fans of latex usually share all the fetishes and kinks of leather fetishists - only instead of leather they have, respectively, latex. They have their own big events like Mister International Rubber, also in Chicago.

Latex lovers usually wear more closed-off suits; harnesses, etc., are less often made of latex, but a good master will also find something to please you.

3. Ropes

This example is convenient to show the difference between kink and fetish. Not entirely obvious, since in colloquial speech many use these terms quite freely.

Bondage is a kink. Most often, ropes are used to immobilize a partner, but in general they are not the only ones; duct tape, leather handcuffs, strings, plastic ties, ties, etc. work just as well.

Ropes are a fetish. For many people who are into BDSM, ropes are especially exciting.

Rope is a simple material, and it is more romantic than duct tape, which is immediately associated with the howl of a police siren and a robbery. If you want to be hobbled with duct tape, you may be excited by the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing gagged in your mouth and left in the closet for several hours. The rope is more suitable for fulfilling youthful fantasies that you are captured by lustful pirates who tie you to the mast and do whatever they want with you.

4. Used underwear

Used lingerie is a fetish so common that famous escort models, pornstars, and other famous people from the sex industry usually make a good side job selling their unwashed panties.

5. Armpits

This fetish is also known as axillism.

It is difficult for the common man to explain how an armpit can turn someone on ... In our culture, armpits are considered a pretty vulgar part of the body, and most people use deodorants, especially before an important interview or date. However, some are turned on by sniffing and even licking their armpits.

6. Skateboarders

This fetish almost falls into the category of "uniforms", but the fact is that skateboarders, punks, and other alternatives do not have uniforms as such. For many gay men, the stereotypical skater image is a fetish: neck tattoos, lip piercings, and a Diamond Supply Co. T-shirt. and Vans boots.

7. Uniform

In most parts of the world, people are taught from childhood to treat uniformed people with respect - especially police, military and firefighters. A direct consequence of this admiration for uniformed people were strippers in fire and police suits; shape is a fetish for many people, regardless of their orientation.

8. Skinheads

Another popular (albeit less publicized) fetish is guys shaved "under the bone", skinheads. Typically, this fetish is paired with latex and / or punk or skateboarder clothing (see above). In some cases, they shave their heads to show their power or humiliate them.

Those who are fetishized by skinheads often love the so-called. golden shower and fisting.

9. Shavers

Shaving usually has nothing to do with sex - it is a routine personal care routine. But for some people, shaving (yourself or someone else) is extremely arousing.

Shaving itself as a sexual act should rather be classified as a kink. But trimmers, razors and other shaving accessories are fetish objects and deserve a separate mention. I've personally known guys who get turned on by the touch of an electric shaver - they often have to sit in a barber chair with inappropriate erections.

10. Urine

This fetish is also known as urolagnia. In this case, the fetish is the urine itself, and for obvious reasons these people usually like to urinate on partners (or when partners urinate on them), drinking urine, etc.

11. Adhesive tape

Ropes, as you may recall, are the most common bondage fetish. The duct tape comes in second with a small margin.

If you love being gagged, duct tape is your choice. Your fantasies probably feature abductions, dark corridors, and muffled, almost inaudible screams.

Note: The duct tape is of course very sexy, but at some point you will want to take it off and it will hurt. For a more humane alternative, I suggest trying a self-locking bandage.

12. Saliva

Saliva is another bodily fluid that is often fetishized. In this case, fetishists get pleasure when they spit on their partners, or partners spit on them. They get a special thrill when they use saliva as a lubricant ... and even drink it.

13. Gas masks

A classic fetish that has almost disappeared from pop culture these days.

Gas masks appeared in the trenches of the First World War, when all sides actively used chemical weapons, and remained relevant in the early years of the Cold War. Today, they can only be seen during mass demonstrations, when the police use tear gas. In this regard, gas masks have become a rebellious paraphernalia; in addition, graffiti artists use them so as not to breathe poisonous paint. The image of the rebel and the implacable spirit of freedom filled the old fetish with new meaning.

Gas masks are used in kink asphyxiation (erotic strangulation) and are often used to complement latex fetish.

14. Food

Don't confuse this fetish with eating aphrodisiacs like oysters and chocolate. Any product can be a fetish, from cheesecake to Tatar meat. Moreover, it doesn't even have to be eaten to satisfy the fetish.
If you have no idea how food can be a fetish, try chocolate sauce, honey, whipped cream and M&M "s next time you have sex.

15. Foot fetish

Many people are turned on by their feet: looking at them, touching, licking, massaging and tickling. They love to be penetrated with their toes - anally or vaginally. At the mention of foot fetish, many people also recall shoe fetish, but formally they are not related in any way. Many men adore sniffing, licking and touching shoes, boots or boots (I personally love to lick Upper Men’s leather shoes, but this is more of a submissiveness than a real fetish).

16. Hands

I recently hugged a guy and he found my compliment very strange. I said, "You have very sexy hands." His hands were small, smooth and strong. In other words, perfect hands for fisting. But in fact, this fetish has nothing to do with fisting (kink, when the entire hand is slowly inserted into the anus or vagina using a very large amount of lubricant).

Many people are simply turned on by their hands: the way they look, what shape they are, how they feel and how they feel when touched.

17. Amputees

No list of fetishes is complete without amputees. My ex-boyfriend thought guys with amputated arms, prosthetic legs and so on were sexy as hell. Every morning, just in case, I checked to see if he had cut me anything.

Alex Minksy owes much of his career to this fetish. The legless veteran became the inspiration for Los Angeles-based photographer Michael Strokes. Just in case, I'll clarify that "fetish" amputees is not the same as cutting off people's limbs for sexual gratification. The latter is already a kink, and so tough that the international kink community is doing all it can to disown it.

18. Medical fetish

Anything related to doctors and medical supplies (such as dilators and catheters) is so often fetishized that it has become a distinct genre of pornography. You've probably seen this: a doctor in surgical gloves examines a patient using the aforementioned items, and under a medical gown, the doctor is clearly naked.

19. Weapons

The weapon is considered to be a phallic symbol, and it gives power over other people. So is it any wonder that weapons are becoming a dangerous fetish all the time? There is a huge amount of porn with kidnapping and staged rape, where guys and girls are "forced" to have sex at gunpoint.

In case this article catches the eye of the director of such a movie, I will note: when the "victim" starts blowing a pistol, it looks monstrously absurd.

20. Enemas

This fetish is often used in amateur gay porn, and straight people are generally not far behind. This device helps to cleanse the anus, so everyone who loves anal sex without unpleasant surprises uses it. In addition, many doctors say that doing an enema from time to time is good for your health.

It was only natural that the enema became associated with sex.

21. Diapers

The fetish for "adult children" is difficult to distinguish from the common kinka, where adults behave like babies or small children (usually wearing a diaper to satisfy this kinka).

A question of terminology. If you like wearing diapers, this is kink. And when you are turned on by diapers by themselves, even if you are not wearing them, it is a fetish.

This fetish may be associated with a feces fetish (see paragraph 32).

22. Piercing

For many, piercing is a fetish. If a person is also excited by the process of piercing the skin, this is one of the varieties of kinka "body modification".

My personal fetish is Prince Albert - when a barbell is inserted into the head of the penis - but I don't have such a piercing. It excites me, but piercing the skin, my own or someone else's, does not make me happy. However, someday I will definitely make myself a "Prince".

23. Scars

Scars are sexy. They are suggestive of a battle-hardened warrior, a tough cowboy, a wounded soldier. For some, this turns it on seriously, and scars become a fetish for them.

Sometimes people with such a fetish inflict scars on themselves on purpose, and in general this can be attributed to the kink "body modification".

24. Plush toys and stuffed animals

You will no longer be able to look at your niece's plushies with your old eyes ... Some people are sexually turned on by plush toys, and this fetish is more common than you think!

25. Balloons

I myself did not believe that this could be a fetish, until I became seriously interested in the issue. It turned out that this really happens. People seem to be excited by the intense anticipation of the moment the balloon bursts - they find it very erotic.

26. Socks

Any item of clothing can be a fetish, but socks in this regard confidently take second place after underwear. As much as I love sniffing the worn underpants of handsome guys, someone else can be turned on by the smell of someone else's socks.

27. Beard (and generally facial hair)

You already know that razors and shaved heads are often fetishes. The fact that a beard can be a fetish is no surprise these days. Modern gays, especially if they themselves do not like to shave, often idealize beards and consider them unusually sexy. Now no one will remember that a beard is actually a fetish too.

28. School

"You misbehaved. Stay after school and be punished!"

Most of us are familiar with fetishes related to teachers, desks, rulers, chalkboards, and more. There is even a special kink where of all these fetishes, a special classroom is equipped for role-playing games with strict questions and corporal punishment.

29. Blood

Popular vampire novels and the pornographic interest in blood in modern literature and cinema have made blood a popular fetish.

Some kinks (piercings, flagellation, etc.) allow you to enjoy this fetish without much health risk, but at the same time there is a risk of contracting HIV, hepatitis C and other similar diseases. Both in everyday life and in sex, the same rule applies: if you see blood, then something went wrong. Therefore, games with blood (bloodplay) are unsafe and must be taken seriously. The Kink community discourages sexual practices that pose a risk to life and health.

30. Knives

Like a pistol, a knife aimed at a person can (and should) cause a sharp sensation of discomfort, and for many it is extremely exciting. This is an unsafe fetish; Knives, like firearms, must be handled with care.

31. Clowns

Yes Yes exactly. Last night I watched a clown porn movie specifically to make sure this fetish exists.

There is a common view that a fetish is a psychological reaction to something that would otherwise cause us too much disgust. Personally, I cannot say that I am completely satisfied with this explanation. But fact is fact: clowns, whom our descendants will surely declare to be one of the most vile inventions of humanity, often become fetishes. And here it is difficult to get rid of the feeling that in this way some are subconsciously trying to cope with childhood fears. The human brain is capable of the most amazing things, including turning pain into pleasure, stress into passion, and fear into excitement.

I can't say with certainty that any fetish is just disgust, driven into the depths of the subconscious, but it surprises me that clowns have become such a common fetish.

32. Feces

I promised my friend in Dallas that I would not ignore the coprophilia fetish. Usually people react very strongly to those who get sexual pleasure from bowel movements. But this fetish is also much more common than you might think, especially among the "dirty" sex, fisting and kink-prone skin lovers.

In general, this fetish is considered extremely unhygienic, because it is not safe to touch and absorb human excrement. My little experience in this matter suggests that it is also one of the most condemned fetishes, even in the kink community.

33. Sports equipment

How many of you have never longed for a famous athlete? Perhaps your interest in your university's sports team was not entirely innocent. Sports equipment and various sports-related spaces are so often fetishized that "locker room sex" has become a distinct genre of porn. Popular gay brands such as Nasty Pig and Cellblock 13 take inspiration from time-tested sportswear designs, and invitingly untied sweatpants will always be classics in the gay scene.

34. Mannequins

This fetish, also known as Pygmalionism, involves attraction to dolls, mannequins, statues, and other objects that look like but are not human. At the same time, I would not attribute sex dolls and inflatable toys with the faces of porn actors to this fetish, since these objects are specially created in order to cause sexual arousal.

35. Age

Fetishizing a particular age is also known as “chronophilia,” and in gay culture this phenomenon is often discussed (and often condemned). Moreover, this term equally applies to those whose fetish is younger people, and vice versa - to those who are attracted to older people.

For age to be a fetish, it doesn't even require that age be very different from yours. The main thing is that a particular age is an exciting factor for you in itself.

Some people say that fetishizing age or weight is no different from fetishizing hands or feet, which rarely gets anyone's complaints. Others notice that age-related fetishes, such as skin color and body type, are not fetishes at all. You just highlight some traits of a person for which you lust for or reject him, and thereby depersonalize him; it is not fundamentally different from racism or body shaming (when people are ashamed for certain traits, such as being overweight or freckles).

The controversy continues to this day. And the age fetish deserves to be included in this list just because this example clearly shows how harmless erotic attraction can become a serious topic that affects our culture and society. Anything from inflatable mattresses to ice cream can become a fetish - and our sexual aspirations will break out of the narrow boundaries that our culture drives them into.

But not all fetishes are equally useful: there is a line between popping balloons and bleeding, and the same is true for kinks. So when you do decide to research what turns you on - and it's worth it, trust me - never forget the motto "safe, smart, willing." And let your birthdays be special too!

Fetishism is a sexual orientation disorder based on sexual attraction to inanimate objects. Without them, the patient cannot achieve complete satisfaction in sex. On the other hand, fetishism is the peculiarity of a person to endow objects with special power or supernatural abilities. Thus, illness is a mental or conscious dependence on certain things or situations.

The subject of sexual symbolism that attracts anomalous human consciousness is fetish. They can be: part of the human body or its secretions (sweat, saliva ...), clothes, shoes or even furniture.

The term Fetishism was first introduced in the 18th century by the French researcher Charles de Brosses, who introduced this concept to describe the development of religious evolution. Then the phenomenon of fetishism and its nature began to interest researchers from other fields of science. Later, the phenomenon of anti-fetishism was discovered. It lies in the fact that certain objects (clothes, partner's smell) reduce or block sexual arousal.

Fetishism occurs most often in men and is one of the most common sexual perversions.

There are situations associated with fetishism that seem quite common and occur in everyday life: sexual interest in men in high-heeled shoes, stockings or in a woman's lush breasts; for women, a fetish is a thing that makes her feel safe, or is just a props. In fact, fetishes can be countless. And their use is not a disease if it is appropriate for both partners.

The difference between norm and pathology lies only in the fact that the object should be used as a stimulant to achieve sexual satisfaction, and not be an object of sexual interest.

Many doctors believe that fetishism is very deeply rooted in the human psyche, and it is almost impossible to cure it.

Reasons for fetishism

The reasons for fetishism remain not fully understood. Almost everyone has a certain stimulus to which they react very strongly. It follows from this that all people are born with a predisposition to fetishism.

Some scientists believe that the disease develops in early childhood and directly affects childhood experiences.

The development of fetishism is necessarily preceded by a situation associated with powerful sexual arousal or satisfaction. In contrast, other studies show that the disease begins in adolescence with the onset of adolescent masturbatory activity.

Symptoms (signs) of fetishism

Common signs:

Strong and unusual obsessions that significantly interfere with normal intercourse (for example, intercourse in only one position, after drinking a lot of alcohol).

Fetishists are not able to try new ways of satisfying, as they are used to associating everything with certain rituals. The disorder prevents them from fully enjoying the pleasure of sex.

Patients perform certain actions in relation to inanimate objects, accompanied by erotic fantasies of a sexual nature.

Over time, the importance of fetish increases, becoming the main condition for achieving sexual pleasure and satisfaction.

Specific signs of fetishism:

The use of devices designed for the purpose of tactile stimulation of the genitals (vibrators).

Addiction to masturbate with your reflection in the mirror. The fetish in this case is one's own body.

The tendency to dress in costumes of the same gender, but appropriate for a different time, social class, culture, etc.

Sexual arousal from wearing clothes belonging to another person of the same sex.

Addiction to role-playing games.

Patients may be attracted to various deformations of the human body (crippled, complete).

Sexual attraction to people with a different skin color is possible.

Arousal can be triggered by a partner's scent (natural skin odor or artificial fragrances).

Love for shoes and props made of leather.

When should you see a doctor?

Most sexologists believe that fetishism is very difficult to cure, and in some cases impossible, since, basically, patients turn to a sexologist with only one goal - to change or diversify sexual relations with a partner. Many, as a rule, are ready to accept the illness of a loved one. Such couples often do not want to see a sex therapist. Or they come only to get confirmation that there is nothing wrong with the partner's behavior. Patients often choose a life partner who agrees with their sexual interests. In such cases, fetishism is relatively safe.

But there are situations where the partner obsessively observes specific rituals and this is a serious problem. There is no need to try to "treat the patient with your love"; it is better to seek professional help. In this case, psychotherapy is most effective.

If the partner's fetishism is not acceptable in a relationship, is dangerous to others or is illegal, timely help is needed. Sometimes fetishism is found in conjunction with severe personality disorders or mental illness. Then the loss of satisfaction from sex is just one of the symptoms of serious psychological problems that require appropriate treatment.

Fetishism is a complex sexual dysfunction that borders on narcissism and transvestism.

The diagnosis of fetishism is made on the basis of a detailed history of the patient or by direct observation of him.

Fetishism treatment

Most patients with fetishism do not seek professional support, since for them it is something personal and intimate. In turn, societies are showing more and more tolerance for people - fetishists, thereby reducing the already minimal demand for treatment.

There are dangerous forms of fetishism (necrophilia - love of the dead, coprophilia - sexual interest in everything related to feces, masochism - beating) and the only way to avoid this is to see a doctor in time. Therapy helps to curb sexual desire, and in some cases extinguish it.

Types of psychotherapy for fetishism

Behavioral therapy - the specialist explains how to replace unusual (unreasonable) behavior with erotic fantasies, to develop imagination. Therapy has had limited success.

Disgust therapy - in response to sexual interest in the fetish, another stimulation is introduced (shock therapy), thus, dreams are given a negative connotation. This type of medical care is characterized as aggressive.

Reorientation method - is aimed at rebuilding the patient to "normal" sexuality.

Group psychotherapy or psychoanalysis - suitable for patients who are able to control their impulses of sexuality. It helps to acquire more skills in dealing with the disease.

The prognosis in the treatment of fetishism, most often, is not favorable, since most patients have no desire to change anything in their life. In most cases, therapy is ineffective.

But the personal prognosis for a person suffering from fetishism is good enough if the disease does not affect other areas of his life and does not pose a physical danger.

Prevention of fetishism

Some fetishes have their origins in random associations between a particular object or situation and obtaining sexual gratification. There is no way to predict where or when this relationship might occur. This means that there is no prevention of the disease.

Psychiatrist N.A. Kondratenko

Regional religions:


When the first Portuguese navigators in the 15th century. landed on the coast of West Africa, they faced a complex and unfamiliar world of representations of black natives. Attempts to convert them to the "true faith" failed, because the local population had their own faith, and the Portuguese inevitably had to study it. The further they advanced into the depths of the African continent, the more they were struck by the custom, widespread among local tribes, to worship various objects that were attributed to supernatural properties. The Portuguese called them fetishes (from the Portuguese fetiso - "amulet"). Later, this form of religion was called fetishism. Apparently, it is one of the earliest forms known to all the peoples of our planet.

Any object that somehow struck a person's imagination could become a fetish: a stone of an unusual shape, a piece of wood, parts of an animal's body (teeth, fangs, pieces of skin, dried paws, bones, etc.). Later, figurines made of stone, bone, wood, metal appeared. Often a randomly chosen object turned out to be a fetish. And if its owner was lucky, then the fetish has magical powers. Otherwise, he was replaced by another. Some peoples had a custom to thank and sometimes punish fetishes.

Many fetishes have survived to this day in the form of amulets, amulets. The amulet is an object that is credited with magical properties to ward off misfortune from a person and bring good luck. The amulet-amulet was supposed to protect its owner.

A part of something big sometimes became a fetish: for example, a stone from a revered mountain, a piece of a sacred tree, or an image of a revered animal (figurine of a whale, tiger, bear, bird, snake, etc.). The fetish could be just a drawing or even a tattoo on the body.

A special group of fetishes is associated with the ancestor cult widespread among many peoples of the world. Their images become fetishes to be worshiped. Sometimes they are idols - humanoid figurines made of wood, stone, clay, and sometimes the ancestor depicts a special sign, as was customary, for example, in China. A vivid example of a fetish associated with the cult of ancestors are the Yenisei Ketoy Aleles. Alel is a wooden doll with a large head, arms, legs, eyes made of beads or buttons, dressed in traditional Ket clothes made of cloth and deer skins. Usually, dolls depict old women who are called upon to help the family in all its affairs. They guard the house, watch children and livestock - deer, dogs. Aels are passed from parents to children. When migrating, they are carried in a special birch bark basket. According to the Kets, a person should take care of them, feed them, dress them, and treat them respectfully. Otherwise, family members are in danger of death.

Edward Tylor also refers to the field of fetishism and numerous forms of funeral rites that exist among different peoples. The custom of preserving some parts of the deceased's body, or even in a mummified form, his entire body as a repository of supernatural forces once existed in Peru and Egypt. In the first quarter of the XX century. he was suddenly reborn in Russia.

Skull fetishes are well known among many peoples. Guinean negros keep the bones of relatives in boxes and from time to time go to talk with them in small tomb huts. The women of one of the islands of the Philippine archipelago annually bring food to the skulls of their relatives and are able to chat for hours in the most affectionate way with the remains of their husbands and children. The existence of fetishes of this kind is based on the simple idea of \u200b\u200bthe real presence of the spirit in lifeless objects that were once alive.