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Games May Little Pony Girl Equestria. Games Girls from Equestria

Girls from the elite school are so similar to the girlfriends sparkle, behind which she misses, barely pick up. But how is she herself? Will not surprise ordinary people Pony and dragon at school, is it not a computer game? Everything is simple - magic. With her help, passing through the magic mirror, the sparka becomes the same girl as everyone else, others, and the spike turns into a cute dog. Of course, first everything is unacceptable - walking on two legs, for example, but gradually the sparka gets used to being a girl, although it's not long - after fulfilling the mission, she will again become a pony again, although this is often not shown in games.

What is the purpose of its arrival in this world? The fact is that pony-villainage, and not becoming a princess, kidnapped the magic crown, which provided the defense of the beloved Equestrian - on this plot, by the way, many games of the girl Equestria were founded. The sparker rushes into pursuit of the distress, which hid in the world of people and the crown hid in a cunning way - now to get it, you need to become a princess of school. However, everything is not used to sparkle - even computer games It is often suited to pass the way from the usual pony to the princess. But can she do it without his magic?

Friendship is…

Yes, because friendship magic works in any world, even so where there is no magic of unicorns. So, despite the attempts to pour everything to spoil everything, the spark is doing everything to make friends with those girls who are so similar to her favorite friends - Fluttersay, Rariti, Rainbow and everyone else. Many Games Girls from Equestria are dedicated to this part of the full length. Of course, without obstacles, it will not cost and then, but the magic of friendship is already working - and in this people are very similar to Pony - so everyone together to get the crown will be much simpler, both in the game and in the cartoon.

And what about the pilant thieves, the former pupil of the princess, Sansset Shimmer? This pony, hitting the world of people, also became a girl. She offends Robust Fluttershai (a spark is on the defense of which a spark is built) and builds all sorts of goats - after all, to get a magic crown, it should become a princess of school. On this, by the way, the plot of games about girls from Equestria is often built - girlfriends must overcome all the obstacles that the seal Sansset shimmer comes up with them.

What can magic - a real victory

But will the enemy be defeated - it is sure to destroy it? The pony repeatedly showed that the biggest victory is to teach not a very good character to be friends (it is worth remembering at least a discard - a series of "friendship" and games with him). At first, of course, you need to win in the competition - for the second time the sparkor proves that the princess is worthy of the title - and then everything else. The same way is offered to pass and many games about girls.

When the magic of real friendship, which is so familiar to us on the cartoons about the pony, it works even in the world of girls - this is the most real miracle, which will help Sanste Shimmer become a princess if not by title, in the call of heart and behavior. On this games, girls from Equestrian usually end, but a full-length cartoon shows the logical completion of the adventures of the princess sparkle - it returns to the native world of ponies.

End - and the beginning

Adventures who are dedicated to many popular Games, finished, but much just begins. The creators of the cartoon give fans a unique opportunity to continue the story about girls to think of themselves, only hinting and predicting.

The remaining girls in the world, as similar to the well-known pony and character, and the details of the appearance, will never be formerly - they are connected by the most strong magic in the world, which they will continue to generously share with each who will meet them. True, for some reason there are no games on this topic - apparently, everything is ahead.

But at the pony, which was in their world, too much ahead. Leaving his cute fan in the wincaler, in his world a sparka finds no less cute pony with a blue mane - how to know, maybe it is still her destiny - to face him, whatever the appearances have taken romantic feelings. Since there is no continuation of history in the "reality", it would be nice to get it in the form of a computer game ...

"Girls from Equestria" are estimated not by all fans of the original series of cartoons and games, yet the main characters in full-length are not loved and familiar pony, but, we must pay tribute - the spirit of the original has been fully preserved, so it deserves and recognition, and Even praise.

Parallel worlds hide many interesting things and with one of these magic places will get acquainted gamers in games about Equestrian girls. The story begins with adventures of girlfriends, which arrive in one of the empires of the fabulous world. At night, when small horses went to relax after long expenseThe evil pony named Sunset stole the magic crown of sparking and escaped into the magic mirror. The pursuit was not crowned with success and friends went to the princess. Celestia told the spark that Sunset Shimer moved to a parallel world and now Equaint in danger, her harmony collapses. Bold pony decides to follow the thief to the world of people and save their measurement, but she has a little time. The main character should have time to pick up the crown for three days otherwise the portal closes. Despite the prohibition of the princess, Spike is poisoned into a dangerous journey along with his girlfriend to help her in difficult moments. Sparkling is transformed from the pony to the girl, and the spike reincarnates into the PSA. Going on the trail of Sunset, friends get to school. As it turned out, the crown came to the director of the educational institution and the winner of the autumn score will receive it. The guys will have to help good sparks to defeat the competition, despite the meanness, which has prepared shimmer.
Guys will get acquainted with friends main heroine - Pinki Pink, Rariti, Apple Jack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttersay. Also kids will learn about the love story of the sparkle and Flash Sentri. The guy and the girl met at school and attered to each other from the first acquaintance, after that the guy began to help the mysterious student. The gloomy sparkle made friends with many students and gained new friends, but Shimmer gathered a compromising on the girl and undermined her authority. Thanks to the friends who arranged a big party, all students voted for beauty and sparkor deserved the cherished crown, but Sunset did not accept the development of events. She selected the crown and reincarnated in a terrible demon, promising to capture Equestria with the help of the army of zombie students. Naturally at the specified time, the pony did not meet and the mirror portal closed. Spike and sparkle remained in the world of people for another thirty moon. Dining forces, girlfriends won Sansset and soon get home. Their adventures continue and gamers can take part in them. Girls are able to move any of the heroines and pick it up on a grand party. Decorations and other accessories turn girls in unsurpassed beauties, and comfortable shoes allows you to dance all evening. Entertainment allow you to create a unique makeup for magnificent girls, taking into account their character and features. Soon, the kids will witness the unusual transformation of Shimmer, because the girl intends to go to the side of good and make friends with everyone. Naturally, the path of reconciliation is long and not everyone wants to forgive the abuser, but Sunset will show her good side.
Girls about girls come from Equestria teach children to support, help and trust each other. Bold ponies go to their goal despite difficulties, and the kids take an example from their favorite heroes. Gamers pass unusual quests and puzzles for a while, learn to quickly solve the task set before them. The guys can learn how to prepare delicious pies along with magnificent Pinki Pink. In order for the dough to be air and fragrant all ingredients must be added in the specified quantity. It is enough to follow the recipe and memorize all nuances of cooking. The oven should be preheated, and the shape is lubricated with oil so that the dough does not stick. For little kids, a simple puzzle with magic pony is offered, in which a picture of small parts will be drawn up of different shapes. Puzzles with favorite heroes develop thinking and care to kids. In one of the adventures, cheerful pony created their own group and prepare for rock performance. Each heroine must choose the appropriate outfit. Also, girls will have to choose a tool and an image for all rock stars so that their concert become unforgettable. At the same time, new opponents of the inhabitants of the Magic World appear, which build cunning plans against good pony. Dance lovers are invited to visit the dance studio together with popular Pony girls. To begin with, the player chooses the type of dance and the heroine, which will teach movement. After that, a long and fun dance lesson begins, throughout which the girl remembers needed elements For performance. At the end, a wonderful pony demonstrates his skills on stage along with their friends, and players make memorable photos. Games for attentiveness offer small gamers to find all hidden asterisks in the picture with magnificent pony. The guys explore different images and develop patience during the search process.

Every girl, like cute pony from friendship this miracle dreams of having a magical, fabulous, unique style. And it is surprising that he will give it to be amazingly attractive and charming. Not exceptions are the heroine of our exciting and rather original equancy gamesAnd always, at any moment, you can find exactly on our website. We hope that it is the game of girls of Equestria to help you know the amazing game world and understand all the variety of trendy rods of clothing. The main characters of this game are the female floor. All of them, beautiful, trendy and stylish, attract attention to mysterious unusualness and even an unexpected face. All of them, of course, come from Equestrian Gerls. The main desire of all these beauties and fashionistas - it looks almost flawless, and to the views of passersby on the street or just people with whom they are constantly facing life, they have always been chained only to their charming appeal.

So they, despite the fact that they had already had a spectacular appearance, they constantly sought and change appearance. For example, in the game it is pretty easy to achieve, if you experiment a little with those things that they have in the wardrobe, or the same to do with accessories. Probably like this task and every child interests and then the participant of the game about girls of Equestry is easy to cope with such an incredible, but still an interesting task. Having worked out a little over the image of your young lady, you will create new fashion glances for them again. But who will better work with whom it will be better to choose yourself. By the way, probably, it is worth paying attention to the color of the hairstyle, and the way your ward looks like. Do not forget about those huge opportunities that you can always find in the Games of Equisten Gerls and you are offered this game.

For example, in the plot it is provided that at any time you can take a tiny magic wandAnd she will immediately help you in changing the color of the pony, you liked. Twilight, Eppladjack, Pinki Pin, Rainbow Dash or someone else can become a new type, although this will be needed your photo. As in another entertainment programThis has its own unique highlight, allowing you to play for a long time and rejoice in every such moment. Simply games for girls Equaint Herls Allows a lot: not only to change the appearance of girls, but also work with those images that you yourself really could upload. And after the work done in the game, the photos of Pony Evuestia can not only save on their own computer, but also print.

Of course, a suddenly, in a not familiar place for us, anyone can be confused. But Equestrian girls who are the main characters of the game turned out to be quite bold that with eases equipped in it, sowing even reincarnate in the appearance. In the world where they live and familiar to the setting for them are colorful, not similar to the pony possessing magic magic. You and I will easily learn them from characteristic features. Sparkling and her friends love to dress up and try different things, walking around the hairdresser and master with interest new kitchen. Our pony descend, something new, so they happily and interest new accommodation. They are very loved by travel, entertainment and fun. And if you suddenly want to draw with our, we advise you to get the most bright colors.

Girls Equestria - only the most interesting, complicated and easy games

Equestrian girls are a huge and fascinating collection of games with cartoon characters "Friendship is a miracle." Not so long ago, our mischievous heroines were bright, colorful ponies, but who would have thought that they would fall into a completely different world, where they were waiting for such reincarnation. Changed their appearance, clothing, behavior manner and much more! One day a spark wanted to return the crown that belonged to her, which she stole Sanste Shimmer. From this point on, the fascinating and mysterious journey of our pony to another world began.
"Fighting for the Crown" - the most demanding game. It is in this game that you can penetrate the atmosphere of Equestria and feel all the charms of this place. In this category, you will meet the many famous "My Little Pony" heroes, which will certainly get involved and will interest you with their woven.

Mysterious world truly drives crazy

Games of Equestrian Girls show you a magic country with her sacraments of riddles, where the magic is familiar and everyday business. But if you are attentive and look at her inhabitants, you begin to think about the lacaround that we are not so much shares. Living in this mysterious country The girls also love things like us. Therefore, being in the world of people, the girls pony easily joined their lifestyle. Sunset Shimme did not do beautifully, staging the crown and running into the world of people from Twilight. Pony Tiatite could not lose the crown and therefore headed after Sunset, where in turn he also becomes a person. An unpleasant loss, marked the beginning for a fantastic, exciting journey.

The best games for girls in one place

During the time spent on the play of Pony Evuestriy, you make friends with all friends who look like a pony in their world, but to find out in the country of people, immediately become people. But for our heroes it does not matter where to be, because they quickly might carry themselves with something new and unusual. No doubt that the best way Learn new, get experience and unforgettable feelings and emotions. The adventures of the Pony girls with the world of people begins with reincarnation to a new image, since with each girl you get into the hairdresser and fashion store, where you can reincarnate your girlfriend. Let's try to transform Rariti together, looking into the store or beauty salon. On the game field under each icon there are many different things. Exploring each alternately, you will open a section with the innovations of this season.

Let's summarize - these games about the girls of Equestry will make everyone take a look at the world in a new way!

Sparkling and all her girlfriends fell into the Castle of Princess Celestia. Sparkor belonged to the Crown, which stole Pony Sanset Shimmer and moved it to another world. As a result of this, Princess Celestia said sparkle to go to the world of people, through her magic mirror the window opening the window to another dimension and find the crown belonging to it. Having passed through the magic window, she reincarnated into the girl and now the entire fate of Equestria depends on her. Having lost, the crown they lose the elements of harmony protecting all their world. Together with the sparky went to seek the crown of her girlfriends, which also passed a reincarnation. Together they begin their amazing and mysterious adventure.
Of course, our other heroines were left without attention, such as: Pinki Pink, Sparkling, Fluttershai and many others who also love to reincarnate. No doubt you will help you find them bright image And happy to spend time with them.
Cut the time together with the Equaint Herls and fantasize over the way and the style of each heroine. Together they are a friendly cohesive team and just charming girlfriends!

Free Online Games Girls Pony from Equestria

Girls Pony from Equestria: Picnic on the grass. Game for girls and girls! In Equestria, school holidays and wonderful weather. Girls Pony from School of Countrylot decided to take advantage of such a great case. They go to the forest to arrange a cool picnic on the grass there. After a long search, a comfortable glade for a picnic was still found, but it turned out to be lit by different garbage. Girls so that our heroes do not deteriorate the mood, you must help them in the arrangement of a picnic space. Start with clearing the clearing. Once you will handle this task, you can split the tent, decorate a parking space, and organize a great dinner. To control the game "Girls Pony from Equestria: Picnic on the grass" You will need a mouse. Good luck!

Girls Pony from Equestria: Picnic on the grass

New hairstyle for EPL Jack. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you have to be transferred to the fabulous country of Equestria, in the small town of Ponenell. There lived the famous heroine of the children's animation series, friendship is a miracle "named Epl Jack. A pony girl without tired worries on his farm, where she grows sweet apples. Do not think that EPL Jack besides his farm knows anything else. Like all the girls of her age, Epl Jack adores outfits and parties. That's today she is going to have fun in the noisy company girlfriends. And you know, girls, our cute heroine has one feature. In such companies, EPL Jack always prefers to be in sight. At today's party, she is going to fight the public with his new hairstyle. Such a cool hairstyle for EPL Jack will make a rainbow Dash and you, girls, will help her. Good luck! Play the mouse.

New hairstyle for EPL Jack

In Equestria, at the Schollorota School graduation. Game for girls and girls! In Equestria, at the Schollorota School graduation. Girls Pony - Twilight, Epl Jack and Rainbow Dash - Must last time to go to the honorary scene of their educational institution to get a diploma of education. Of course, in this commemorative day, every girl's little glance wants to look as best as possible. Girls, if you are ready to help them, arrange the mouse and, without any shy, explore their wardrobes. We are confident, there you will find everything you need for dressing them. But the main attribute of clothing for today's event should be a black manta and a confederate hat, testifying to the successful end of the university. Good luck!

In Equestria, in the school of the graduation

Pinky Pink becomes mommy. Game for girls and girls! ATTENTION! To enter the game, click on the pink strip first, and then on the yellow button with a white joystick inside. Pinki Pinka becomes mommy - the best game for girls from a series of games about the hospital, in which girls, you will help you to help the pregnant girl Pony from Equestria in the birth of her child. Time does not stand still. Familiar girls pony grow up, get married. As it should be, children are born. Here and Pinki Pay came to give birth. Girls, urgently prepare her necessary things for the hospital. Do not forget to check whether the stroller is ready for her baby. And now you will take Pinki Pink to the hospital. In the hospital, first of all, make sure that with mom and her who have not yet born with a child is all right: listen to the heartbeat of the child, measure the temperature and pressure in mommy. Everything is fine! Girls, has come the most important moment. Make the mammy stimulating injection, offer her an oxygen mask and start controlling the mothers of contractions. You will succeed! Pinky Pay will have a healthy daughter. Now, girls, you just have to perform for crumbs all the procedures necessary in such cases. Play the mouse.

Pinkies Pay becomes mommy

Beauty salon for G Pony Girls from Equestria. Game for girls and girls! In the Fabulous Country of Equestrea at the School of Countryloid today. Epl Jack and Twilight Sparkle dream at a party to look like real lady - stylish and beautiful. They decided to cut the beauty from the head. For this reason, they are here in your beauty salon. Girls, try not to deceive their hopes. Care for their hair, make it stylish hairstyles. And then select the most fashionable outfits and accessories for them. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Beauty Salon for Girls Pony from Equestre

Cute pegasists. Game for girls and girls! "Cute Pegasists" - a fascinating game for girls about dress up in the style of Gon's Girls from Equestria. As you remember from the numerous cartoons of the series "Friendship - this is a miracle" Pegasi is a pony, endowed with wings who can fly and manage the weather. And Pegasists are people who love Pegasov for their beauty and dignity. At the right hour for Equestrian Pegasy passed through the magic mirror and turned into girls pony. Our heroines, cute little sisters, delighted with the fragrance of Gon Fluttershai, who is distinguished by its shy, but at the moment when you need to protect your friends, it becomes unpredictable by the feet and decisive. And even constantly something broke down, trying to help even those who do not ask her about it, causes them sympathy. Being such as hiding, sincere, fun and faithful not everyone can. Such qualities are very important especially in friendship. That's why gathering on thematic party Our cute pegasists decided to decide there in the form of favorite Pegasov - Flutters and Hand. Now, girls, it's about you. Choose sisters hairstyles, outfits and accessories in the desired style. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Cute pegasists

Pinki Pay and Rainbow Dash: My modern little pony. Game for girls and girls! "Pinki Pay and Rainbow Dash: My modern little pony" is the best game for girls from a series of games about GD Games, their modern gaders and makeup. In the fabulous country of Equestria in girls Pony - Pinki Pin and Rainbow Dash - today is a big party. As you know, for a number of circumstances, pony girls had to live in the world of people. Since then, their wardrobe has changed beyond recognition. There is no more place for old-fashioned outfits. clothing modern girls Pony has become much graceful. Girls, you did not forget that Pinki Pink and Rainbow Daes go to a party? Something we were fascinated by chatter. It's time to do business! Arm yourself and make a choice for Pinki Pink and Rainbow Dash Stylish hairstyles and modern, super fashionable outfits. But, first of all, make them really beautiful, modern makeup. Good luck!

Pinki Pay and Rainbow Dash: My modern ma

Rainbow DESH ( Rainbow Dash): The coolest. Game for girls and girls! In this game, the girls, you will have to meet with the famous student of the School of Kanterlota, a resident of the town of Poeville, located in the fairy-tale country of Equestria - Ginger Pony Rainbow Daes (Reinbow Daes). Being a Pegasus with a rainbow grivy and the tail-rainbow Daes later transformed and acquired the traits of man. By the nature of the rainbow Dash is the real Patzanka. It is not very concerned about the appearance, although, if desired, it is easily turning into fashionistas and beauty. This girl adores sports, fighting for victory and especially flight. Guitar game and fantastic blister in flight - its weakness. She herself and all the inhabitants of the Imperilly declare that in Equestria Rainbow Dash is steeper than everyone. This is a pony girl from Equestrian to you, girls, to now wear her next contest. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Rainbow Daes (Reinboou Dash): Complete all

Daring Du: dressing for a girl pony. Game for girls and girls! Daring Du: Girl Dressage Pony - a fascinating game for girls on dressing a brave Ginger Girl, the heroine of the animated children's series\u003e - Pegasus named Dering Du. Her name contains a certain semantic load - courage and adventurism at the same time - which is already saying for itself. In Equestria, at the Scharlotta School, where this brave girl learns, she always instructs the most important things. Here and today, a responsible mission is entrusted to Dering do. She must go to the expedition to the wild jungle to continue there once started searching for traces of ancient civilizations. Girls, pick up cute pony outfits, suitable for such an important mission - your task. To do this, you need a mouse. Good luck!

Daring Du: Dressman for Girl Pony

Girl Pony from Equestrian Flattershai: Dressack. Game for girls and girls! Hi girls! We suggest you to go with us to the fabulous country of Equestria, where small ponies live, who passed through the magical transformation from tiny pony horses in wonderful girls - Girds from Equestria. Meet one of them. Her name is Fluttershai. Fluttersay Pony Pegasus. Fluttershai - kindness itself. She adores animals and take care of them. Our cute little girl is fond of dancing and today she is going to win a dance competition with her girlfriends. Girls, help her choose a beautiful and stylish outfit for this event. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Girl Pony from Equestrian Flattershai: Owel

Girl Pony Rainbow Daes: Dressage. Game for girls and girls! In the fabulous country of Equestria, a small town of Poeville lives a cool pony girl named Rainbow Dash (Reinboy Dash). This girl is famous for which she is responsible in his country for sunny weather. And she is famous for his cheerful temper. Her incendiary, cheerful character is reflected in its behavior, as in the mirror. At the School of Countryside, no party does not do without it. Bright style of her dresses invas many girlfriends. It can be seen that this girl is not in vain names of the Rainbow Dash. Take a look at her wardrobe and you will understand why so, and not otherwise. Its outfits and even hairstyle are so bright and beautiful that they always resemble real rainbow paints. Meanwhile, girls, this is her style in which, as in the mirror, its cheerful character is reflected.

Girl Pony Raduga Daes: Dressack

Equistry: Fighting for the Crown. Game for girls and girls! Equistry: Fighting for the Crown - a game for girls and girls in Russian. Girls, of course, remember a fascinating story from the life of the pony girls from the fabulous country of Equestria. One of them is insidious Sansset Shimmer - stolen the crown at Twilight Sparkle (twilight spark) and all other glance girls had to go to the world of people to help Twilight find Shimmer and pick up her stolen. Girls, you in this game have to play for the girl Pony Twilight Sparkle. Follow the Gift Pony everywhere and help her cope with the tasks. Special attention is paid to the organization of the ball. Sansset Shimmer will surely want to paint on the ball in the crown and then Twilight Sparkle will be able to return the crown. To control the game, you will need the arrow keys and the space key. Good luck!

Equancy: Fighting for the Crown

EPL Jack, Twilight Sparkle, Pinki Pin, Reinebo Chud - Students higher School. Game for girls and girls! Summer ended in Equestry. Girlfriends - Girls Pony Twilight Sparkle, Pinky Pay, Rainbow Dash and Epl Jack - became students of the Higher School. Girls, imagine how important the first school day to declare yourself so that you notice you? Of course, in the best sense of the word! That's why girls, helping the heroines of this game in preparing for such an important event, you will need to be very trying today to pick up for our young ladies the most stylish, the most fashionable, the most elegant outfits and accessories. Good luck! Play the mouse.

EPL Jack, Twilight Sparkle, Pinki Pay, Rhine

Girls Pony - Higher School Students. Game for girls and girls! In Equestry, fresh news. Girls Pony - Twilight Sparkle, Pinki Pay and Rainbow Dash became students of the Higher School. Girls, imagine how important it is in the first school day to declare yourself so that you notice? Of course in the best sense of the word! That's why girls, helping the heroines of this game in preparing for such an important event, you must today very try to pick up for the young lady the most stylish, most fashionable, the most elegant outfits and accessories. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Girls Pony - Higher School Students

Equister: Grand Cleaning with Pony Girl Epl Jack. Game for girls and girls! In Equestria, in the house of the girl Pony Epl Jack, today a grand party was held. Guests have fun and drove around the houses, and a pretty hostess after them got a real chaos. Girls, it is to you together with Epl Jack now have to make order in the house, and at the same time to arrange a big wash. Start cleaning with kitchen. Click on the crane and washing so that EPL Jack turns to the washing and help her wash the dirty plates. Then, with the help of a mop, put in order floors. The cleaning agent will help you cope with Nagar on the stove. Now you can move to the bedroom. Here you will need to collect garbage and scattered throughout the room clothes, as well as place some things in place. After that, you have to do washing. As you can see, among dirty clothes there are multi-colored things, to wash which is not allowed together. Sorting things into three baskets, you can proceed to their wash, and then to dry. To implement all operations you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Equistria: Grand Cleaning with Pony Girl

Twilight sparkle follows new fashion trends. Game for girls and girls! In the school of Kanterlot, which is located in Equestria, a grand party will take place tonight. Girl Pony Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Sparkle), trying to find a perfect way for a party for myself, for several days in a row it looks for fashion bloggers. But everything is in vain! The tempting offers are so much that it is very difficult to make a choice. Girls, apparently, help our beauty will have to you. Choosing to sparkle outfits do not forget to be guided by the latest trends in the fashion of its fabulous country, and then everything will be perfect. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Twilight sparka follows new trend

Barbie in the style of Gon's Girls from Equestria. Game for girls and girls! Barbie admits girls a pony from Equestry and today, girls, with your help she decided to try on their image. Barbie's transformation Start with makeup and hairstyles. And then go to the selection of outfits in the adorable style of Modnitz Equestria. Good luck!

Barbie in the style of girls ponies from Equestry

Competition mod in Equestria. Game for girls and girls! In the fabulous country, Equestria, in the city of Poeville, today a class event is arranged for students to school - a fashion contest. On the finish line lead the two most famous student. This is Reinbow Dash (Rainbow Daes) and Twilight Sparkle (Twilight Spark). Each of them dreams to win the competition. Girls, at this stage of the game in her events to intervene to you. Help the rainbow Daes and Twilight Sparkle with the choice of outfits, hairstyles and accessories. And then wait for the results. To fulfill your duties, you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Hairstyles for girls pony from Equestria. Game for girls and girls! Girls, in this game you will have to play the role of the famous hairdresser for GHIDs from Equestria. Meet, the most successful students of the School of Kanterlota - Epl Jack and Rainbow Daes were pressed to you in the hairdresser. In the Ecwork, girlfriends are also famous and concerts. Like all creative personalities, Gon's girls are in constant search for a stage image. Today, the Rainbow Daes and Epl Jack is not satisfied with the naughty much of his magnificent hair and want to doubt them into hairstyles. Cute hairdressers, customer desire - law. Arm yourself with the mouse and take up work. And having helped with hair, help with a cute girlfriend to pick up stylish outfits to their new hairstyles. Good luck!

Hairstyles for girls pony from Equestria

Fashion Gonds Rainbow Dash. Game for girls and girls! Girls, of course, are familiar with the girl Pony from Equestria named Rainbow Daes. This clockwork girlfriend is responsible in the soybell for sunny weather. And if you knew how incendial she plays on the bass guitar! But that's not all. In Equestria, the rainbow is homeless as its style. This charming girl is not in vain names with the Rainbow Dash. Pay attention to her head. Take a look at her wardrobe. In the hairstyle, outfits and even in her eyes you will see colors, surprisingly similar to the paints of the rainbow, which appeared at the amazingly clean sky after warm rain. This is the style of the rainbow Khe, who has managed to become trendy far beyond the limits of the rampant and Equestria. Girls, do you want to offer something new for her? Try! Change her eye color, hair. Choose her a new hairstyle and make a completely different makeup. As a result, you still make sure that her style is the best that could be chosen for such a bright beauty, like a rainbow Dash. And change it to nothing!

Fashion Girl Pony Rainbow Dash

Equity: Fashionable Girl Pony Competition. Game for girls and girls! In Equestrian hot! Not in the sense that there is a terrible heat. Just at the school of Chanterlot Girl ponies staged a fashionable battle. You, girls, in this fascinating competition got the role of the stylist. You can play in this game alone or together. Your wards there will be the two coolest girls Impelilly - Twilight Sparkle and Reinely Dash. They have now hid behind the screen. Choose for each of them the most fashionable, the most stylish, most beautiful outfits. When your work is completed, Shirma will open, and you can see who won. To control the game you will need a mouse. Good luck!

Equistri: Fashionable Girl Girls Competition

Twilight Sparkle and Pinki Pai go to school. Game for girls and girls! Vacation ended in Equestry. It's time to gather to school. Girls Pony Twilight Sparkles and Pinkies Pay are now already students of senior classes, so they, more than ever, excited. After all, today, after a long vacation, they will meet again with their classmates, among which there are boys who really like them. Girls, help Twilight and kicks to appear in front of their friends with cool girls. First, do not forget to fold all the necessary school supplies in the backpack. And then select stunning outfits for them. To do this, you need a mouse. Good luck!

Twilight Sparkle and Pinki Pai go to school

Equaintry. Dressman for the girl pony Svity Bel. Game for girls and girls! The older sister of Svita Beliti is famous in Equestria in that it is perfectly disassembled in fashion. Her wardrobe is jealous of almost all girls from the School of Canterlot. Her younger sister Svitty Belle One of them. Emotional Sweets are simply delighted with the excellent sense of style of his sister and would like her wardrobe also distinguished by ideally selected clothing. We think that you, girls, in the dresses are no less experienced than Rariti. Turn the cute little girl pony with my attention and help her with the choice of outfits in which she will look no worse than the recognized fashionista Equestrian - Rariti. Play the mouse. Good luck!

Equaintry. Dressman for Girl Pony Sweat

Surprise. Dance party Twilight Sparkle. Game for girls and girls! Surprise. Dance party Twilight Sparkle - Game for girls in Russian. Girl Pony Twilight Sparkle decided to arrange for his girlfriends at the Surprise School School. It will be a dance party. Your task in the game: Help pony girls when performing dance songs. To do this, you will need to work as a mouse. Press the right or left button when the incident logos are torn. There was a small trick here: it is much more convenient to press the keyboard buttons with the same arrows. In the performance of each song, you must try to score as much points and stars as possible, because it will allow you to join a dance party and other pony girls. If you get the right amount of points, you can open a new song. Among falling logos, quiz logos will come across. Successfully answering them, you will receive extra glasses. Good luck!

Surprise. Dance party Twilight with

Sansset Shimmer - Girl Pony from Equestria. Game for girls and girls! For you, girls, the dressing game created by the motives of the animated children's series, friendship is a miracle. " Meet - It is Sansset Shimmer - a pony girl who prepared to receive everything and immediately, and even the crown of princesses. In this beautiful girl Pony some mysterious ways have stuck together such contradictory qualities as self-confidence and naivety. Playing the role of a steep girl, naive sannet, not even guess that the dream can not be stealing, it is necessary to go to her, it must be achieved. But Sunset will understand it. It will definitely happen! In the meantime, girls, you have to dress here such proud, self-confident young lady. Choose her hairstyle, outfit, accessories. Good luck!

Sansset Shimmer - Girl Pony from Equestry

Naughty girl Pony Twilight. Game for girls and girls! In the fabulous country of Equestria, a music lesson is a music lesson at the Scharlot. But a naughty girl Pony Twilight Sparkle next to the musical floss not to lessons! Twilight adores this boy and in the manifestation of his feelings wants to draw in his notebook flaming scarlet hearts. Girls, help in love with the GDI girl to do it imperceptibly or flash, training tweel game on the guitar, will get angry with her. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Naughty girl Pony Twilight

Children's lessons for Fluttershai daughter. Game for girls and girls! Hi girls! We suggest you to go with us to the fabulous country of Equestrey to help Mama Fluttershai in her cognitive, developing, teaching classes with daughter. In this game, you first have to offer a fascinating lesson for the baby with a book - coloring, from which she learns a lot of new things from the life of Equestrian girls. Then you will take care of the baby origami - crafts from ordinary paper. Play the mouse.

Children's lessons for Fluttershai daughter

Girl Pony Pinki Pay cleans the room. Game for girls and girls! Attention! The girl pony Pinki Pay in Equestry today will be a party. The idea is excellent, but without your help, girls, she simply will not take place. Before the arrival of guests, there is so little time left, and in the room Pinky Pay terrible chaos. Girls, help out cute pinkies. First of all, find the necessary things, and then create in the room comfort and order. Good luck! Play the mouse.

Girl Pony Pinki Pay removes the room

Beach dressing clothes for Pinki Pink and Rainbow Dash. Game for girls and girls! In the fabulous country, Equestria, in the city of Poeville, is very hot today, so this day is best to spend on the beach. Girds Pony Pinki Pay and Rainbow Dash and decided. They go to the beach. Girls, for cute beauties on the beach, it was comfortable, take care of their beach outfits and, of course, on this occasion, help them pick up cool hairstyles. Play the mouse.

Beach dresoms for Pinki Pink and Rainbow Dee

Hellish party with Pinki Pink. Game for girls and girls! Today Pinki Pini in his house is satisfied with the bachelorette party. Visiting her will be Twilight Sparkle, Apple Jack, Rariti, Fluttershai, Reinely Daes. In order not to miss, the glans of the pony came up with a cool game of attention. Each of them will take turns to make you, girls, a puzzle for the search for some subject. You will need to find it in just 20 seconds. If you are ready to demonstrate your super abilities, then do not delay. Forward! For records! Play the mouse.

Hebetner with Pinki Pay

Get to the cover of a steep magazine in the image of the rock star Equestria. Game for girls and girls! Girls, if you are ready to get on the cover of a steep magazine in the image of rock stars from Equestria, then act as this game advises you. First of all, boot your photo and then place it in the style of your chosen pony girl, rock stars from Equestria. Having finished this work, you will need to give useful advice Readers of the magazine, answering this to the proposed 5 questions. And you still need to enter your name. Made?! Now, look: on the cover of the steady magazine, Rainbow Rock Shop "You, in the image of your chosen rock stars.