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What did the devil dream, the hell, demon? Scary sleep - interpretation. Devil: What dreams sleep

One of the most difficult to interpret dreams. On the one hand, an old dream book definitely indicates that it is not to see the devil in a dream - not good. He was considered the master of the dark strength, any form of evil and fear. However, modern books are considered otherwise. The fact is that today the age-old ideas about morality have changed much. People have become relaxed, more oriented to survival than simply on generally accepted norms. Already no one will not surprise with free relations, open manifestation of sexuality or greed, meanness and revenge. Therefore, if you dreamed of the devil in a dream, it does not always mean that something happen is very bad. Yes, especially Satan in the male appearance, which personifies the scope of temptation, sexuality and vanity. It all depends on how much you are internally strong to cope with such information and opposition. Because Satan brings many people and benefits, although it may be very expensive to pick up what is really expensive. That's what it means to see the devil in a dream in various situations and dreams.

When sleep is not interpreted

Modern dream book does not intervene the pictures from movies, television shows, thrillers, militants and computer games. So those who constantly play bloody games, should not be surprised if the devil dreamed like one of the familiar characters. Those who are engaged in the practitioner of Tarot's cards, this Arkan does not expect anything good in a dream, as a future tip: Most likely, the gift of the fortune teller will not be forces. It seems that a person is simply not controlled with a magical force and can harm himself and others.

Also, the dream dream of the devil does not intervene those who are in a state of strong alcohol intoxication, suffers from mental illness, including white hot.

Magic it is believed that such people see hell already in life, so modern books indicate that to interpret the appearance of unclean power in a dream or in a semi-confined state, since this is not a sign indicating the future. The same writes a dream book, in which a similar vision saw a person in a state of high temperature over 40 and above, a drug addict or a child endowed with a rich imagination.

In other cases, it is necessary to pay attention to what dream of the devil in a dream, as it is always a sign.

How to interpret such a symbol

Most often, Satan performs in a dream as a risk or temptation. However, the same dream one person predicts the danger, temptation, trouble, and for someone else the same circumstances will be blessing.

However, in some cases, the Devil's dream book interprets to the fact that he will bring you a big misfortune, life will push the act, which will be very contrary to the moral principles. But it all depends on who exactly will dream of such a dream and in what situation.

What dreams the devil, who offers you a deal, money or some things? Dream Interpretation writes that there will be a temptation soon, a deed that will make the behave not in the best way and do what is contrary to the principles and concepts of good and evil. For example, a young woman will take care of a man who is married and she will not contradict it, even certainly knowing that he destroys the family because of her. Or a man will get a lot of money related to danger and risk. What dreams of the devil in such a dream should be extremely and not necessary: \u200b\u200bDream Interpretation writes that a similar dream predicts you a dangerous choice, flattery, which in the end can bring down a person with the right path or lead to fatal consequences.

What dreams the devil in the form of a man young girl, especially a virgin? The dream predicts for her temptation, a greater danger, trouble that will lead to very poor consequences. If the girl is religious and wants to marry a virgin, innocence, she can very easily lose as a result of deception, rape or just great love, in front of which she will not be able to resist. However, communication can lead to difficulties that a person will simply save and cannot cope. For example, a girl can understand that all her past principles are not needed completely to anyone and further choose the path, the difficulties of which may not be able to do it and physically, and psychologically. What dreams of the devil more relaxed and modern person? Here the dream book gives interpretation depending on what is very expensive at the moment.

Satan's gold lovers can provide in the life of temptation, which then will turn the bad consequences to those who are waiting for real love the lord of the dark forces can promise in love. However, the girl is likely to take for a real feeling the trick of a young man and his ability to beautifully present himself.

What dream of the devil married woman? This dream predicts the appearance of a seducer, flirting, a hobby, which can destroy a good family, which is already there. Most likely, the treason will be recognized, maybe even forgive, but it will be impossible to restore the past confidence.

If the woman lives in the house, everything is very bad, then the dream book writes that the attempt to escape from there will not lead to anything. The new fan will be a frivolous person who can hardly harm you and the woman will not feel with him as behind the stone wall. However, an attempt to change life will lead to scandals with her husband.

The man of the devil can predict the temptation associated with big money or treason leading to very poor consequences. Modern books indicate that dream can mean an adventure, excitement and risk.

However, then everything will be not so attractive as it could seem at the beginning. Remember that Satan can be not only a friend, but also a cunning enemy, skillfully playing other people's feelings. So beware.

Related records:

Meeting with unclean power is not a rare phenomenon in the Kingdom of Morpheus. What does the devil dream, can the evil who have seen seeming negative events? To answer this question, you should remember the details of sleep and refer to the proven sources.

See in a dream devil - not a very good sign

To see the devil - not a very good sign. Most often, this image reports that a close dream man leads a double game behind his back. According to the interpreter, the sleep must be met with the forces and take measures to calculate the traitor as soon as possible and minimize its influence on its family.

If the devil dreamed before a long trip, then sleeping is better to postpone the journey, because nothing but disappointment is not expecting it now. Sleep, the devil in which appears before the dream in the image of an elegant gentleman, indicates the possibility of deception on the part of business partners. Therefore, the sleep should be more attentive at work and try not to take part in dubious transactions.

Most often, this image reports that a close dream man leads a double game for his back

In the world of dreams, a person himself can reincarnate in the devil. According to the modern dream room, this plot suggests that the sleeping is trying to hide from someone compromising his details. However, do not forget that the truth always comes out, and sooner or later, the truth will become known.

What dream of the devil (video)

Dream Interpretation Tafleisi

According to the dream of Tafleysi, seen in a dream Lucifer is an exceptionally unfavorable sign, because it indicates that someone cursed a dream, and now in his life the failure will come. If it dreamed that a person tries to resist the devil and wins, then the Lord would sleep his blessing to him, and he will be able to cope with all the problems. A dream in which sleeping leaves before an evil spirit, indicates its inconsistency, inability to behave in difficult situations. The interpreter believes that he's time to stop hiding behind the backs of patrons, it is necessary to do something for improving your life.

If a person not only saw a devil in a dream, but he tried to give something to him, which means his property acquired with a dishonest way, and soon he could lose his wealth. Itself takes gifts from Lucifer means that sleep will lose faith in the Lord. The devil in human appearance dreams in the case when a two-room person appears surrounded by a sleeping person, which is only submitted by another, and in fact he has conceived some kind of dirty.

According to the dream of Tafleysi, seen in a dream Lucifer is an exceptionally unfavorable sign

Vintage french dream book

The French esoterics of a man who saw in the dream of the devil, considered an obsessed with some kind of idea that could harm his property and position in society. If a demon with big horns, claws and tail comes in night gold, then sleep will be in the desperate position, tormented from his impotence.

To find out what the devil's expulsion is dreaming, sleeping should remember its emotional state. If he was afraid of a demon and could not cope with him, it means that in reality he is hazardous. A dream, in which a person fearlessly struggles with evil spirits and many people came to admire this process, promises him getting a large amount of money. According to the dreams, exorcism in a dream may also mean that the dreams are fighting with its inner fears.

If he dreamed that the sleeping was dragged by the devil, then in reality it is waiting for a lot of happy events. Perhaps he will be raised in his position, or he will suddenly receive an inheritance from a practically unfamiliar person. A long and happy life promises a vision in which a dreaming of the devil is arguing in sleeping.

Dream Miller

The famous psychologist Gustav Miller believed that the peasant the devil could dreamed shortly before the crop death or livestock disease. If the image of Lucifer was greeted athlete, it means that he should be more careful because there is a high probability to get injured at competitions. The author is sure that if there is an opportunity, it is better to refuse to participate in the tournament.

Sometimes a person dreams of dreaming, in which the devil in the image of a young man calls them to the house. Miller believed that thus the highest strength warn the dream of a trap, which the hypocritical man broke.

He knows the dream book and about what the devil's obsession is dreaming. If the demon convinced the soul of the very dream, it means that he will have the opportunity to achieve fame and honors. A dream, in which an evil spirit united in another person, indicates that the sleeping is mistaken about the people around him. Probably, the dreams evaluate the person only in appearance, without taking into account his internal qualities, which he scares many friends from him. If a close relative of the dream was obsessed, it means that in reality he will threaten the danger, but the sleeping will be able to save him.

Trying to run away from the devil in a dream - to persecutions in real life. If the dream in a dream had to come to the Lucifer's lair and talk to him, it is likely that it will make an impermanent act, as a result of which unpleasant changes may occur in his life. Exelling the devil in a dream means that the sleeping can make a liar and save himself from trouble that this man prepared for him.

Vintage Russian dream book

The authors of the ancient Russian dreams do not give an unequivocal answer to the question, what dreams the devil in a dream. In their opinion, this image can foreshadow both positive and negative events. For example, if the sleeper was obsessed with a demon, it means that his financial condition improves significantly, but for this he will have to participate in the unjust file. Communicate with Lucifer as an old acquaintance - to loss of money, impoverishment, treason.

A married woman conversation with the devil predicts acquaintance with a hypocritical man. The authors do not exclude the possibility of appearing in her life to be a muster Uhager, who will first give her hope of happiness, and then brutally betray.

What dreams of the evil spirit, which came with sleeping in an intimate relationship? As a rule, close relationships with evil spirits are a bad sign indicating the betrayal of a loved one. Therefore, sleeping should be heard to the highest forces and try to calculate the hypocrite as soon as possible.

Is it possible in a dream to sell the soul to the devil (video)

Other interpretations

As the autumn dream book, Lucifer in human appearance, ghived in a dream - a sign that the sleeping need to think about how well he understands people. Probably, the dreams gathered around himself not too good people, while pushing truly devotees.

Summer Dream Interpretation of the evil spirit, having dreamed in a dream, explains how the desire of the sleeping is to frown at the expense of another person. The interpreter believes that the dreams should try to fight the temptation, otherwise the evil forces will worry his consciousness, and he will continue to perform bad actions for which in the future will have to answer.

As the modern dream book assures, the devil in a dream means that the sleeve will be tempted. If the dreams talked with evil spirits, it means that fake people will be able to deceive him. The dream, in which the sleeper saw the devil's eyes sparkle with a fiery flame - a very bad omen. As a rule, this vision indicates that the sleeve will affect the influence of an evil person, which will lead to a big trouble.

As the autumn dream book, Lucifer in human appearance, ghived in a dream - the sign that the sleeping need to think about how well he understands people

The fear of the dream, in front of the unknown, symbolizes the vision in which the devil united into some animal. A sexy scene with a demon in the appearance of an excellent young man unmarried lady dreams as a warning that she should more carefully treat the partner's choice. Probably her present elects use her feelings in their own interests, forgetting that she is also a person, thirsting for love and affection.

Dreaming in which the demon delays a girl in his home - a sign that she can contact a person suffering from a mental disorder. Also, this vision may indicate that there is a chance to become a victim of violence. Therefore, the dream is worth being more prudent and avoiding relationships with unfamiliar people.

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French dream book

What dream of the devil woman:

To see in a dream of a devil with horns, claws, tail, with a pitchfork - the forever of flour and despair. If in a dream you are struggling with the devil, it means. You are waiting for danger. If, in a dream you are fearless and easily chatting with him, - you will soon get rich. If you dream that the devil dragged you, then this dream is an omnant of higher happiness. If the devil settled in you in a dream, - you will be waiting for a long and happy life and maybe the royal grace. If you dream that the devil persecutes you, and you run away in horror from him, then it foreshadows the persecution of the strengths of this or prosecution. If you dream of a lot of devils with whips, then this is a sad omen for patients, but young people - such a dream promises love.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

See the devil in a dream means:

The devil is an interesting image in dreams. Regardless of how you perceive it - as a psychological image or an ominous display of reality - the very appearance of this terrible character in a dream is already a meaningful event. The subtext, which he brings in a dream, is interpreted through the prism of its influence on the other participants of your dreams.
The devil causes a sense of sense of sense and fear of violence, forcing him to violate socio-cultural and ethical taboos. It can be a symbol of retribution or complicity in some kind of matter, and then we see how in our moral or personal search and conquests we interfere or help supernatural forces.
If the devil helps you complete some business, this reflects the perception of the event your superago. The devil interferes with you in achieving something is the personification of evil, which is on your way in real life. If the Devil threatens people dear for you - then this is a reflection of your struggle aimed at protecting and protecting loved ones in this hostile world.
If you manage to get or achieve what you consider forbidden, try to reveal the motives that prompted you: they are seductive or, rather, disgusting?

Dream Miller

Sleep with the devil in the dream interpretation is extruded as:

Warning against excessive gullibility in communicating with strangers;
For a peasant - the death of crop, cattle diseases and other losses;
For athletes - prompting to cautious behavior;
The devil in the appearance of a perfectly dressed gentleman that calls you to his house - we are afraid of traps placed by hypocritical people.;
For young girls - be careful in your actions, again rely on friends;
The devil struck your imagination - you can get into some west;
Communicate with him - rapid acts.
Also see devils.

Dream of flowers

Sleep with the devil means:

Death in the family (one of the meanings).
Or the devil literally like a dream character.

English Dream

Sleep value Devil:

This is truly terrible sleep. He can dream of a man who, retreating from virtue, forgot about the danger and drank Satan too closely. Sleep reminds that the time has come to drag, return to the path of virtue and prevent dark forces to finally destroy you.

Old Russian dream book

What does it mean if a woman is dreaming the devil:

death in the family (one of the meanings).

Dream Khasse

What can the devil be dreamed of:

See - to be sophisticated; Talking to him - fake people deceive you.

Dream Khasse

Devil, in a dream means:

see - to be sophisticated
Talking to him - fake people deceive you.

Slavic dream book

If the girl dreams the devil, then that means:

Death in the family; Games - winnings.

Dream interpretation for men

Why dream devil woman:

Seen in a dream the devil foreshadows the miscarions of the lets; Perhaps the person close to you leads a double game for your back. If you are going to go abroad, having a trip, sleep foreshadows you and collapse of hopes. Communication with the devil in a dream - in reality you will try to circle around your finger. Beware of Pokhalimov and do not believe anyone on the word. If in your dream the devil struggles with an angel and wins it, try to be careful in discussions with the manual. They will not bring you success, you will not be able to prove your business qualities. If in a dream you see yourself in the appearance of the devil, your deception will be revealed, and the frauds that have a great hopes will suffer.

Dream Interpretation Alphabetic

Devil in a dream from Dream Interpretation Alphabetical

To see the devil - in reality to lead a risky game with the forces of evil. Talking with him means to make rapid acts that can lead to terrifying consequences, overnightfully destroying your well-being.

If the devil appeared to you in a dream in a terrible unearthly guise, I can have an inexplicable metamorphosis for you, who knows you well who know you will not recognize in you former people who would never have received the way you go in life of such sleep.

If the devil will appear in your dream in the appearance of a completely respectable gentleman, exquisitely dressed and fragrant the aroma of expensive cigars and perfumes, - in reality you should beware of meetings with people who look at you with a close look of unsightened eyes, for they are the essence of the messengers of Darkness.

Dream of 20th century

Devil in a dream from Dream interpretation of the 20th century

This is a reflection of your black thoughts or dangerous temptations.

Awesome or hostile kind of devil or feature: a sign that your hostility towards someone can pretty complicate and spoil your life. Try in touching the people softer, and you will see how your affairs will go to the way.

To make any deal with the devil in a dream: it suggests that some of your plans are far from purity, and it would be better to refuse them.

To resist the devil: a sign that you will be able to cope with any of your problems.

The devil signs the contract with you - to the shameful temptations that you do not resolve.

If you saw the devil in a dream in the appearance of an elegant gentleman, then Introduce the traps placed by hypocritical people. This is especially serious for young girls: they follow to be more prudent in their actions.

If the devil struck your imagination in a dream, then in real life you are threatened by the Western.

Communication with the devil in a dream promises you rash actions. In general, this dream is a warning against excessive gullibility in communicating with strangers.

Interpretation of dreams from psychological dream

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See the devil

Warning against excessive gullibility in communicating with strangers;
For a peasant - the death of crop, cattle diseases and other losses;
For athletes - prompting to cautious behavior;
The devil in the appearance of a perfectly dressed gentleman that calls you to his house - we are afraid of traps placed by hypocritical people.;
For young girls - be careful in your actions, again rely on friends;
The devil struck your imagination - you can get into some west;
Communicate with him - rapid acts.
Also see devils.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's dream book

What does dream dream

The devil is an interesting image in dreams. Regardless of how you perceive it - as a psychological image or an ominous display of reality - the very appearance of this terrible character in a dream is already a meaningful event. The subtext, which he brings in a dream, is interpreted through the prism of its influence on the other participants of your dreams.

The devil causes a sense of sense of sense and fear of violence, forcing him to violate socio-cultural and ethical taboos. It can be a symbol of retribution or complicity in some kind of matter, and then we see how in our moral or personal search and conquests we interfere or help supernatural forces.

If the devil helps you complete some business, this reflects the perception of the event your superago. The devil interferes with you in achieving something is the personification of evil, which is on your way in real life. If the Devil threatens people dear for you - then this is a reflection of your struggle aimed at protecting and protecting loved ones in this hostile world.

If you manage to get or achieve what you consider forbidden, try to reveal the motives that prompted you: they are seductive or, rather, disgusting?

Interpretation of dreams from Loffa Dream

Sleep about the devil

This is truly terrible sleep. He can dream of a man who, retreating from virtue, forgot about the danger and drank Satan too closely. Sleep reminds that the time has come to drag, return to the path of virtue and prevent dark forces to finally destroy you.

Interpretation of dreams from English dreams

What does the devil mean in a dream

To see in a dream of a devil with horns, claws, tail, with a pitchfork - the forever of flour and despair. If in a dream you are struggling with the devil, then. You are waiting for danger. If in a dream you are fearless and easily chatting with him, you will soon get rich. If you dream that the devil dragged you, then this dream is an omnant of higher happiness. If a devil was settled in a dream, you will be waiting for a long and happy life and maybe the royal grace. If you dream that the devil persecutes you, and you run away in horror from him, then this foreshadows the persecution of the strengths of this or prosecution. If you dream of a lot of devils with whips, then this is a sad omensing for patients, but young people such a dream promises love.

Interpretation of dreams from French dreams

Value of dreams Devil

One of the meaning of sleep is to death in your family.

Or the image of Satan should be perceived literally like a dream character.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Longo

Meaning Sleep Devil

See him in a dream - to temptation, humiliation and great trouble and experiences. Sometimes sleep warns about deception and even possible ruin, failure in the far road, loss of crop for a farmer, loss to business. The dream of the devil also warns you to be particularly careful with unfamiliar people. Do not conquer him - to profit and good luck. Talking to him in a dream - warning about danger. However, if in a dream you are not afraid of it, then I will reveal from a very difficult situation in the most unexpected way. Sleep also warns you about the need to show caution and vigilance regarding your environment, which is building a goat against you. To hit the devil in a dream, break out of him - to victory over powerful enemies. Blind Devil - the foresight of the fact that soon you will smile unexpected luck. Perhaps you will win on the jumps, in the card or make some favorable dark deal. The devil with sparkling fierce eyes is a big danger sign and a warning for you about the need to take all precautions to protect yourself from misfortunes, troubles or revenge of enemies. To be the devil in a dream - the sign of elevation, power, power. The dream in which you saw that the devil appeared in front of you in another kind is the elegant and kind, in reality is dangerous by the goats of enemies.

Interpretation of dreams from family dream

Interpretation of sleep devil

Seen in a dream the devil foreshadows the miscarions of the lets; Perhaps the person close to you leads a double game for your back. If you are going to go abroad, having a trip, sleep foreshadows you and collapse of hopes. Communication with the devil in a dream - in reality you will try to circle around your finger. Beware of Pokhalimov and do not believe anyone on the word. If in your dream the devil struggles with an angel and wins it, try to be careful in discussions with the manual. They will not bring you success, you will not be able to prove your business qualities. If in a dream you see yourself in the appearance of the devil, your deception will be revealed, and the frauds that have a great hopes will suffer.

Interpretation of dreams from dream interpretation

Interpretation of a dream devil

The devil, having dreamed of a young girl in the form of a handsome young man calling her in his house, means that she must be afraid of new acquaintances who can cause her trouble. She should rely on his old proven friends.

Interpretation of dreams from Love Dream

What predicts the dream of the devil

To see the devil - in reality to lead a risky game with the forces of evil. Talking with him means to make rapid acts that can lead to terrifying consequences, overnightfully destroying your well-being.

If the devil appeared to you in a dream in a terrible unearthly guise, I can have an inexplicable metamorphosis for you, who knows you well who know you will not recognize in you former people who would never have received the way you go in life of such sleep.

If the devil will appear in your dream in the appearance of a completely respectable gentleman, exquisitely dressed and fragrant the aroma of expensive cigars and perfumes, - in reality you should beware of meetings with people who look at you with a close look of unsightened eyes, for they are the essence of the messengers of Darkness.

Interpretation of dreams from the dream alphabet

The meaning of the dream of the devil

Satan, an analogue of the described demon, but a higher rank, often takes the image of an elderly powerful, powerful man, an elder in strict dark robes, medieval or modern, indicates a spiritual trap, sectological influences or life deadlock; self-destruction; The death of the soul or a large temptation.

Interpretation of dreams from mythological dreams

In a dream to see the devil

This is a reflection of your black thoughts or dangerous temptations.

Awesome or hostile kind of devil or feature: a sign that your hostility towards someone can pretty complicate and spoil your life. Try in touching the people softer, and you will see how your affairs will go to the way.

To make any deal with the devil in a dream: it suggests that some of your plans are far from purity, and it would be better to refuse them.

To resist the devil: a sign that you will be able to cope with any of your problems.

Interpretation of dreams

Dream Interpretation Devil

It is worth noting that the dreams in which we see an unclean power, quite rare. The evil spirits are in different pretties, scares and upset. What could see in Satan's dream? Does this mean that a person leads the wrong way of life, or it's just a game of imagination.

What dreams devil in a dream

It is very important for interpretation, according to dreams, in the form of whom is evil spirits. The devil in the image of a person or did the most natural feature appeared?

Dreamed the devil, according to dreams

To understand all the nuances of the dreams worth studying the interpreters of dreams.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

According to this dream book, the devil, means the misties of false people. A dishonest game leads someone from the close environment.

If in a dream the hell is talking to you - Beware of deception, do not believe anyone for the word.

Damn that comes into fighting your guardian angel - it means to try to avoid conflicts with the bosses. You can not prove anything, but such discussions can harm you strongly.

If dreamed of the devil

If you see yourself the devil - your deception will soon open if you hoped for some benefit, you can forget about it.

For people who gathered on a long trip, listen to the advice that gives a dream book - the devil means insurmountable obstacles and collapse of your plans.

French dream book

  • If Satan is in your dream with horns, tail, hooves and other attributes of unclean strength, it means that despair and spiritual flour will absorb you.
  • Encourage with him in the fight - the danger is already completely close, take all the measures available to you to avoid it.
  • If in a dream the feature acts as your friend, you are pleased to spend time with him - expect soon wealth.
  • The unclean who chases you, and you are trying to escape from him in a panic - you will be committed to the persecution by the authorities, or influential persons, lawsuits are possible.
  • What dreams of the devil, which drags you to hell of you - in real life you can experience the most real happiness and joy.

Vintage Russian dream book

  • To see the devil, it means that you should visit the church, repent not to move into the world another with a sinful soul.
  • Fighting with a feature and defeat him - you are waiting for perfection.
  • Satan, who speaks with you - a sign of treason, despair, grief.
  • Many devils see to feel a strong insult, anger, illness.

What dreams of the devil, opinions of recognized experts

Medium Hasse believes that the features dream before the upcoming temptation.

According to Miller, the hell in the image of a beautifully dressed man means that traps are arranged for you. It should be extremely careful not to get into them. Especially such a dream is dangerous for young, unmarried women, so as not to ruin themselves, rely on their friends and do not trust strangers.

Also Miller says that if in a dream the hell surprised or struck you, then you risk caught on the hook of evil personalities. The conversation with unclean talks about your gullibility, be careful, otherwise you can make bad actions.

The sorcerer of Medea believed that he was trying to seem better in a dream of the devil, then the man was trying better than in fact. You suppress your dark side, it does not always benefit.

What dream of the expulsion of the devil

If the devil was expelled

If you have to cast out a stranger's demise in a dream - in real life you will come across unique things that will be withdrawn of you and completely turn the worldview.

Issate an unclean of a familiar or native person - in reality you can come to the rescue to help you and protect it from mortal danger.

For a married woman, any friction with unclean, mean the appearance of a man who will inspire you from the family, but after brutally betray.

A fight with the devil means the struggle for his rights. If you could not defeat it, then suffer a defeat in the fact that it originally seemed win-win. But kill the trait in a dream, means. What to win the victory where there was only a little hope for it.

Himself be obsessed with glory and wealth. To see obsessed other people - inadequately perceive the world and reality.

Dreamed the devil, who is expelled from you - will pass a long way of spiritual cleansing from the negative, evil, bad.

What kind of influence appeared in

Miller believed that the demon, who tries to hit you with its best abilities, suggests that you pay too much attention to your appearance, while completely forget about spiritual food and development.

If the features look at you, and in his eyes plays the flame - someone will subjugate you with his will, make a lot of mistakes.

The devil in human appearance, exquisitely dressed, attractive and manits you - the thrust for a ragged life will soon play a joke with you.

If you learn a demon in human faults and provide him with resistance - the dream book interprets a dream as news about the treason of a loved one.

Other interpretations

To join a demon in an intimate connection - in real life you will be successful at the opposite sex, which will need only appearance, and not content.

Kissing with unclean - betrayal of your closest person.

To conclude a deal in a dream with a demon, sign a contract for the sale of my soul - expects a rampant life, lust, debauchery. With external fun, your soul will suffer without finding peace.

Kill the devil in a dream - heaven will not leave the good, the gift that will remain for life. The dream says you are boring around. Under no circumstances, you will stop doing it.

Many dream interpreters also mention that to see Satan in a dream - to the death of a close relative.