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Script writing and staging of the fairy tale “Spikelet. Scenario of the autumn entertainment "Spikelet"

Municipal Preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type No. 12 of Serdobsk

Autumn entertainment scenario "Spikelet"

prepared music director Kuznetsova Ludmila Viktorovna

Serdobsk 2013

Leading. What is this round dance?

Children. This is a fairy tale round dance!

Fairy tale clever and charming Lives next to us. Orchestra "Visiting a Fairy Tale", music. V. Dashkevich Leading. Children , Do you like to listen to fairy tales? And you, dear adults? All a moment's attention! I want to start the story... This fairy tale's name Hurry to guess. Is everyone ready to listen? There will be a fairy tale - give it time. “Here lives in one hut two mice and a cockerel ...” What is the name of this tale? Leading. We were in a hurry, we were in a hurry - it's time to start the fairy tale. I'll tell you: where I was, and what I saw in the morning. Petya gets up with the sun He sings songs loudly. Cockerel. Ku-ka-re-ku! WITH Good morning, eyes, You woke up? (Children rub their eyes) Good morning ears You woke up? (Children stroke their ears) Good morning feet You woke up? Good morning sunshine (All children) We woke up, (raise hands to the sun) (All children) Good morning! Happy clear day! - That's how nice we live! The song "The sun has friends", music. E. Tilicheeva, sl. E. Karganova Children. 1. Autumn comes after summer. The wind sings yellow songs to her. Leaves spread red underfoot. A white snowflake flies into the blue. 2. The leaves are all so beautiful on an autumn day Let's sing a song about golden leaves! The song "A Simple Song", music and lyrics by E. Shalamonova 3. In the morning we go to the yard, Leaves fall like rain Rustle underfoot And fly, fly, fly. Study with leaves, music. ( The cockerel takes a broom and sweeps the leaves, finds a spikelet). Cockerel. Cool, Vert, look what I found. (The mice run up to the Cockerel). Leading. Harvest time, not at all for laziness, Spikelets were born, just a feast for the eyes. Collect spikelets, thresh them, You quickly bring grain to the mill. Mice: 1. Not me! 2. Not me! Dance of spikelets, r.s.m. Cockerel(with a basket) Twirl, twirl, look how much grain came out. Well, who will take the grain to the mill? Mice: 1. Not me! 2. Not me! Child. A warm wind strokes the feathers on the way, Quickly lead the road to the mill. All children should help Petushka, After all, he needs helpers! Attraction. "Take the grain to the mill." Rules of the game: Children on a toy car carry grain to a designated place. Leading. Mill on a hummock She hung her mustache. Come on kids help me Call the violent winds. Exercise "Mill" Blow, blow, winds in the field, For the mills to grind To tomorrow from flour They baked pies for us. Cockerel(with a bag) Cool, Vert, look, I brought flour. Leading. Oh yes Rooster! Oh well done! Child. 1. Stop, stop! Right on time we need to bake a cake. You also need patience. To make a meal. 2. Do not forget about salt and sugar, I'll start kneading the dough And the cooks will help Very friendly guys. (Cooks in a cap come out). cooks. Here is the flour, and here is the filling, I try a little This is a raspberry That would be all lick! 2. We will bake cabbage pies for you today, So that the dough is small, and the filling is thick! Child. 3. We will help you, we will sift all the flour And we will be able to bring cabbage from the garden. Game "Harvest". Rules of the game. Children race to roll forks of cabbage. Leading. There are also pies with apples. Who will go to the autumn garden? Who will bring us apples? Mice: 1. Not me! 2. Not me! Children. The apples are ripening fast! How to collect them, really? Let's shake the trunk a little, Fruit, fall on the table! Apple game. Rules of the game. Children sort vegetables from fruits. Cockerel. Twist, twist, the dough needs to be kneaded, Serve everyone a pie. Mice: 1. Not me! 2. Not me! Leading. How do we teach mice a lesson And teach them to work? Children. 1. We need to call the cat To punish mice. 2. If someone moves, The kitten will jump on him. If something rolls The kitten will grab him. Jump-jump, tsap-scratch! Do not leave our paws! The game "Cat and Mice", music. S. Nasaulenko Mice. 1. Oh, and I'm hungry! 2. Oh, and I want to eat! Leading. Wait, wait Who found the spikelet? Mice. Just not us! Leading. Who threshed the spikelet? Just not us! Leading. Who carried the grain to the mill? Mice. Just not us! Leading. What did you do? Children. Oh! Wanted a pie. You have butter and flour. Knead the dough quickly. And bake a cake for everyone! Mouse. I'll gladly get down to business Although the task is not easy. To make the dough fluffy, white I need more than just flour. Leading. With an autumn song, the cake will be tastier. So let's all sing a song more cheerfully. Song "Rain", music. V. Gerchik, sl. P. Chumichev. The mice take out the pie. Child. Here is our pie Sweet and fragrant He is from sun rays Warm, golden. Leading. Here the fairy tale has come to an end We'll start it over Or start a new one But first let's rest.

List of used literature

1. Magazine "Musical Director" No. 6, 2007

2. Ukrainian folk tale "Spikelet"






Synopsis of a dramatization game

based on the Ukrainian folk tale "Spikelet".

Senior group.


S. G. Shtimenko


Continue to teach children to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale, comprehend the characters and actions of the characters, convey the mood of the characters by means of facial expressions and gestures;

Work on the expressiveness of gestures and facial expressions;- develop the skills of monologue and dialogical speech, attention, memory, ability to listen;

To cultivate the ability to feel and understand the fabulous image, the language of fairy tales; cultivate industriousness; to instill a love for the artistic word, a love for the book.

Material: box, toys (mouse, rooster), bell, mouse masks, rooster, spikelet, accordion, ball, bowl of grain, bag, plate with dummies of pies, table, chairs, cube, broom, benches, 3 shirts, sundress, scarf, handkerchief, tape recorder, audio recordingRussian folk melody "The moon shines".

Characters: Storyteller, Mice, Cockerel (children)

Preliminary work: examining spikelets of wheat and rye, illustrations on the topic “Who grows bread?”, “What is baked from flour”, guessing riddles about bread and bakery products, reading Ukrainian fairy tale"Spikelet", examining illustrations for the Ukrainian folk tale"Spikelet".

The course of the dramatization game:

Educator: Good day to you

Your day is clean

A day without pain and without evil,

And from all the good people

I bow to you, friends!

Guys! I walked along the path, I found a beautiful box. And the box is not simple, it is magical - that's what it is!

The teacher shows the magic box.

Educator: What a beautiful box, I wonder what's in it?

The teacher tries to open the magic box, but it does not open.

Educator: - Maybe a fairy tale? The story is hidden in a mystery. Well, try to guess. If the answer is correct, the fairy tale will come to us again!

The teacher makes riddles.

Educator: little animals,
gray coats,
long tails,
black eyes,
Sharp teeth.

Who is this?

Children: Mice.

The box opens and the teacher takes out a mouse toy.

Educator: Tail with patterns, boots with spurs,
He sings songs, counts time.

Who is this?

Children: Cockerel.

The teacher takes out a toy from the box - a cockerel and a spikelet.

Educator: Well done boys! All riddles solved! What fairy tale are these characters from?

Children: Spikelet.

Educator: How did you guess?

Children: Cockerel with spikelet.

Educator: Guys, do you want to play the fairy tale "Spikelet"?

Children: We want!

Educator: Who will be the Rooster? Who will be the mice? Who wants to be a storyteller? Hands up. Come to me, please.

The teacher helps the children put on costumes and masks.

Educator: The rest will be spectators. Hear the bell rang, it's time for the audience to take their seats in the auditorium, and the artists on the stage. The fairy tale begins!

The teacher rings the bell.

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Spikelet"

Narrator:Once upon a time there was a Cockerel - a vociferous neck, mice Krut and Vert. The cockerel loved to work, and the mice loved to have fun.

The rooster comes out of the house.

Cockerel: Crow! Crow! Cool, Vert! Wake up!

Mice come out of the house, lazily stretching.

Mice: What did you wake up so early?

Cockerel: Time to get to work. I'm going to sweep the yard.

Mice: And we will play ball.

The mice begin to play, and the Cockerel sweeps and suddenly finds a spikelet.

Cockerel: Cool, Vert! Come here! Look what I found!

Mice: Spikelet! Well done, Cockerel! Now he needs to be threshed.

Cockerel: And who will thresh?

Mice: Just not me! Just not me! We need to play, we don't have time.

Cockerel: Okay, I'll grind myself.

Narrator: The cockerel began to thresh, and the mice play leapfrog.

Cockerel: Cool, Vert! Look how many grains I have threshed.

Mice: Well done. Cockerel! Now we have to take it to the mill.

Cockerel: And who will bear it?

Mice: Just not me! Just not me! We need to dance, we have no time.

Cockerel: Okay, I'll take it myself.

Narrator: The Cockerel went to the mill, and the mice began to dance. Krut plays the harmonica, and Vert dances with a handkerchief around him (the Russian folk melody “The Moon Shines” sounds)

The cockerel leaves, Krut plays the harmonica, and Vert dances with a handkerchief.

Narrator: The cockerel came from the mill and calls the mice.

Cockerel: Cool, Vert! Look how much flour I brought!

Mice: Well done, Rooster! Now you need to knead the dough.

Cockerel: And who will knead?

Mice: Just not me! Just not me! We danced and tired, we need to rest.

Cockerel: Okay, I'll knead myself.

The mice go into the house, and the Cockerel sits down at the table and "kneads" the dough, puts a plate of pies on the table.

Narrator: The mice went home to sleep, and the Cockerel kneaded the dough, made pies, baked them in the oven, did not have time to put the ruddy pies on the table, how the mice are right there.

Vert: Cool, come here, it smells like pies.

Cool: Let's go eat.

The mice sit down at the table.

Narrator: They ran to the Cockerel and sat down at the table, and the Cockerel asked.

Cockerel: Wait, wait, who found the spikelet?

Mice: You, Rooster.

Cockerel: Who threshed him?

Mice: You, Rooster.

Cockerel: Who carried grains to the mill?

Mice: You, Rooster.

Cockerel: Who kneaded the dough and baked the pies?

Mice: You, Rooster.

Cockerel: There is nothing to feed lazy people with a pie.

The mice are sad, get up and leave the table.

Narrator: Mice sad and hungry left the table. Do you guys like to work or just like to have fun like mice? (Answers of children). Remember the proverb: "Who does not work, he does not eat."

Educator: Here is our whole story

And the guys have an order:

Who loves work

That people honor!

The cockerel worked hard, it was not easy for him, but what wonderful pies on the table. It is not for nothing that people say: “If you don’t work, you won’t get bread!”

Educator: The guys have been artists! They showed us the story! Artists and audience - all were good! Let's clap each other heartily!

The artists bow, the audience applauds.

Educator: Guys, what are we playing?

Children: In the fairy tale "Spikelet"

Educator: What was the Cockerel in the fairy tale?

Children: Caring, hardworking, diligent…

Educator: And what are the mice?

Children: Lazy, playful, playful..

Educator: And what was the narrator?

Children: Interesting.

Educator: And what were the audience like?

Children: Attentive, educated...

Educator: Guys, did we get a fairy tale?

Children: It turned out.

Educator: Guys, what fairy tale do you want to play next time? (children's answers)


Preschool educational institution of the combined type No. 8 "Kid"

musical fairy tale

with elements of economic education

"Spikelet on new way»

Prepared by:

music director

Preschool №8 "Baby"

Lanovskaya E.G.


    help develop children's interest in the world around, imagination, figurative thinking, understanding of economic phenomena;

    to form in children an idea of ​​the chain of connections in labor activity, to show the relationship of labor processes, the importance of a responsible attitude of the worker to the quality of labor products;

    develop the creative abilities of preschoolers (speech, theatrical, musical);

    arouse interest in deeper musical impressions, strengthen the love of music;

    to consolidate the understanding of the need for work, the importance of the division of household duties;

    graft positive attitude to friendship and mutual assistance.

Presenter: Three grannies in the evening

Gathered under the window

Praise your grandchildren.

One grandmother says:

1st: I can't get enough of Vikuley!

And dancing and singing

And sews dresses for dolls!

Presenter: The second one was talking here:

2nd: I have a granddaughter of Paradise -

And reads and counts

Nobody offends!

Presenter: The third only smiled,

And she turned to her friends.

3rd: Grandson Maxim - such a strong man!

Goes to kindergarten "Kid".

He writes and reads

And he's already counting to a hundred!

He dances and sings

And he is known as an artist.

And the computer knows

Studying economics!

Presenter: Two girlfriends were surprised:

1st: Being an artist is not a toy!

2nd: He knows the economy ...

Yes, this does not happen!

3rd: No, girlfriends, it happens!

Well my granddaughter knows

About natural resources

about the needs of the people,

In store how to buy

And pay with money.

What is a small business

And when there is a crisis.

How to calculate the budget

If you don't have a lot of money.

1st: Really? All? In fact?

2nd: We would look at him ...

3rd: Well, now come in,

Look at him.

He's with the boys now

You will be presented with a master class!

The fairy tale "Spikelet" will be shown,

And talk about the economy!

The curtain opens

Sounds like fabulous music

Presenter: In a clearing in the forest

There is a painted house.

They live in it now, do not grieve

Have fun, very friendly

Two mice twist and turn,

Very smart, believe me!

Musical insert for mice

“Song of the Cockerel” by E. Sokolova

Cockerel all day in worries -

He has a lot of work. (The cockerel wipes the window in the house)

Mice are too lazy to work -

Having fun all day. (Mice in front of the house, sitting on a bench, play "patties")

musical insert

Presenter: We are talking about these characters

We'll tell you a story...

The sun has just risen

The cockerel went to work.

Cockerel: Enough for me to lie in bed,

I'm going to sweep the trash.

Music insert for Petushka

Presenter: Cockerel swept the whole yard,

Bent over the fence

Raised a miracle sprout

He wheat ear.

Cockerel: Turn and Twirl, run quickly,

Look at the find.

Presenter: Turn and Turn as you saw,

They ran and shouted:

Cool: Oh, we have plenty of grain!

Vert: Pies to eat sweet ...

Cockerel: I want to discuss with you -

Who will thresh.

Cool: Oh, not me!

Vert: And not me!

I'm up to the job

Okay, I'll shut up.

Cockerel at work again

and mice want to play!

Spin and Spin: We are fun friends!

And we have one concern -

hunt to get into the Internet.

Cool: - First - me!

Vert: - No, the first one is me!

Host: Friends have come to life here.

The mice sit down at the computer and play.

Presenter: The mice have a lot of worries: what to play with, and how to play?

Only Petushka cares about buying toys for them.

He bought toys for them, and paid for the cars,

Cubes, bike...

And gave them the Internet.

Phonogram of a computer game

Presenter: They went to the Internet

A terrible virus was found there

"Dance of Computer Viruses"

Presenter: This is how they played games,

That the computer was broken.

Cool: Look, it's broken!

Left without a computer!

Vert: And we have things to do, or what?

Get the bike!

"Dance of the Happy Mice"

Cockerel is hardworking -

The spikelet threshed.

On the road he stood on the edge

And the mice again calls:

Twist and Twirl, quickly run,

Look at work.

Tell me how should I be?

How do we deal with grain?

To make a profit -

We can sell grain!

The market is nearby

In a moment the grain will be sorted out!

Well, if you're not lazy,

We turn to the miller,

To grind the grain for us -

Profit will grow that hour ...

Who will go to the miller

And the grain will be carried there?

Oh, not me!

Spin and Spin:

We are funny friends

And we have one concern -

Always willing to play.

So be it

I'll be glad to make you happy

And at the mill now

I'll make pain for us.

musical insert

The mice run noisily behind the house.

Presenter: And the road is far, and there are clouds in the sky

So they pull, so they beckon the Cockerel behind them!

Dance "Clouds"

Presenter: Here is the mill. The river gurgles merrily.

The miller came out of the gate and meets the people there

"The Miller's Song"

Miller: The mill must work,

Everyone needs my flour!

And the miller's rest is rare,

After all, the flow of those who want to grind flour does not decrease!

My business is fine. I will always be in abundance!

hello miller,

How's your work?

Grind flour hunting.

Things are going well!

Glad to help you always!

The miller takes the sack from Petushka. The two go behind the mill.

The music of wind

The wind here blew a little -

The millstones turned.

"Dance of the Wind"

He blew one more time -

And flour ground the bag!

Rooster took a bag of flour

And carried him home.

The rooster goes home to the music.

Twist and Twirl, quickly run,

Look at work.

We have a bag of flour -

Here's how to make a pie...

Why sculpt it?

We'd better buy it.

It's more expensive in the store

Yes, it tastes worse too!

Whether business itself has baked.

Immediately there is a good in the economy

Cheaper and tastier...

And even more useful!

Oh, not me!

Cool: We are funny friends

And we have one concern (yawns)

Vert: Rest now hunting.

The mice lie down in front of the house on a bench.

The melody "Tired toys sleep" sounds

Presenter: The mice just lay down, gape sweetly.

We dozed off slowly, and my stomach rumbles lightly.

On an empty stomach, you see, you can’t sleep well!

They dream of food in a dream: porridge is on fire,

Porridge boils, boils, bubbles and sizzles ...

The dance is cooked "Cook, cook porridge"

The soundtrack "Pies" sounds

The cockerel puts a bowl, performs actions on the text.

At this time, the Cockerel,

Poured out a sack of flour

Poured out the rest of the milk

And dozens of eggs.

The dough quickly kneaded

And made a big cake.

He put it in the oven

And I decided to lie down a little.

I did not have time to sit on the bench -

Like mice begging for food.

Light music sounds, mice, sniffing, rise from the bench.

How it smells, just a miracle,

Honestly, I don't know where.

Cockerel get up quickly

Feed and warm!

Pies and rolls

Take it out of the oven for us.

The rooster sat on a chair,

And then looked at them

And he said strictly to the mice.

Work and reward!

Who found the spikelet for you?

And then the grain was ground?

Didn't play or joke

Did the spikelet thresh?

Who kneaded the dough for you?

Who hasn't forgotten about the pie?

Come on, both naughty

Quick march from the table!

To chew pies

You need to get up early

Help with housework.

Oh how wrong we were

Oh, how embarrassing it immediately became.

What are we to do?

How can we be

How can we get a cake?

Let's not argue

And wash all the dishes.

We will sweep the floor in the house

Let's set the table together.

To the cheerful music, the mice clean up, set the table.

Oh, the mice ran

They put everything in order.

Spin and Spin:

Excuse us Cockerel

Give us a pie too.

Forget about laziness forever!

We will always help!

I ask you at the table mice -

Work and reward!

Presenter: So the fairy tale ended.

But laughter is everywhere!

The music is calling us all

Have fun, dance!

It is forbidden to be bored here!

General dance "Good mood"

Host: Every fairy tale comes to an end.

And who participated in it - well done!

In our fairy tale took part ...

Representation of children participating in a fairy tale.

Presenter: Our fairy tale is over,

In it, the heroes reconciled!

Let's say it again together:

All: Help each other!

To the music, the children leave the hall.


(teacher group No. 11)

Mice: Cool: parent Lazareva O.V.

Target: "Fairy tales teach us kindness and diligent work" .


Develop expressiveness of speech, attention

Be able to listen to music, speech, perform simple movements.

Give children an idea of ​​how hard it is to work.

Scenery: on the stage - a house, bushes, a bench, a table; spikelet on the floor.

Musical arrangement: Russian folk music is used:

mouse song - motive of ditties, cockerel song - motive "Ladies" .

The course of the theatrical performance:


Hello guys! Co-co-co Do you know who I am? I am Hen Ryaba:

Do you love fairy tales?

We'll tell the story now

And we'll tell and show

This fairy tale "Spikelet"

Do you know her? Silent!

Hush, children, don't make noise!

Do not scare our fairy tale!

Music sounds. Dancing, the mice come out: they run out on their toes, their hands in front of their chest; put a hand "visor" - look to the right - to the left; walk in all directions - twirl their tail - a rope, taking it in their hands; whirl, invite children to dance with them. Children stand scattered, spin around, stomp their feet, clap their hands, make a spring, Mice - wag their tails.

Cool. I am a mouse Krut, I like to spin very much. (spinning).

Twirl. I am a little mouse, I like to spin very much. (spinning).

Step aside, play in the bushes

Music sounds. A cockerel comes out, flapping its wings.

Cockerel. Hello!

I get up very early

I wake everyone to work.

I sweep the yard

I take out the trash. (sweeps, sings a song).

butter head,

Silk beard.

I get up early, I don’t let the children sleep.

The cockerel raises a wheat ear, rejoices and calls the mice:

Cool! Twirl! Look what I found!

Cool. This is a spikelet. You need to thresh him.

Cockerel. And who will do it?

Mice. Not me! Not me!

Cockerel. Then I. (leaves with a spikelet into the house).

Twirl. He found a spikelet, and he should thresh.

Music sounds. The mice are playing "bast shoes" - patties and invite the children to play with them.

The Cockerel comes out with a sack of grain..

Cockerel. Cool! Twirl! Look how much grain I have threshed!

Ryaba: The mice came running and squeaked in one voice:

Cool, Vert: Now you need to carry grain to the mill, grind flour!

Cockerel: And who will take the grain to the mill?

Cool: Not me!

Vert: Not me!

Cockerel: Okay, I'll take the grain to the mill.

Ryaba: He put the cockerel on his shoulders and went.

And the mice, meanwhile, are playing, having fun, inviting children to play a game "Traps" ; skill game.

Ryaba: The cockerel returned from the mill, again calling the mice:

Cockerel: Turn here, turn here! I brought flour.

Ryaba: The mice came running, they look, they don’t praise:

Cool: Oh, yes Cockerel!

Vert: Oh, well done!

Cool. Wow! Now you need to knead the dough and bake pies.

Cockerel. And who will do it?

Mice. Damn not me! Damn not me!

Cockerel. Apparently, I have to do everything myself. (leaves).

Ryaba: The cockerel kneaded the dough, dragged firewood, flooded the stove (performs all of these actions)

Ryaba: The mice don't waste time either. Songs are sung.

Mice. (sing).

We are happy mice!

We are always too lazy to work!

We are funny guys!

We play all day!


We are the mice Turn and Turn,

We love to sing songs!

Let's dance and sing

And let's start all over again!

dance: spread and close socks on "4" accounts - "harmonic" ,

walk around each other, changing places, continue to sing.

Chorus. They play with their hands.

Dance in pairs (mice and children).

Ryaba: The pies were baked, the Cockerel took them out, put them on the table, and the mice were right there and didn’t have to call them.

Cool: Oh! How you want to eat! (sit down at the table).

Vert: Oh! And I got hungry!

Cockerel. Wait! Wait! You first tell me: who found the spikelet and who threshed it?

Mice. (loud). YOU!

Cockerel. And who wore it to the mill?

Mice. (quiet). YOU!

Cockerel. And who kneaded the dough, cooked and baked the cake?

Mice. (whispers). All you! All you...

Cockerel. And what did you do?

Mice. Just sang and danced (head down, leave the table). Forgive us, Rooster! We understood everything. And now we will always help you!

The rooster hugs the mice. Music sounds.

Cockerel. (sings).

I found a spikelet and grinded flour,

Kneaded the dough well

Yes, and poured oil.

Everyone sings:

Got a pie

Paint his barrel!

You will go around the whole district,

And you won't find it!

Merry round dance (children and actors)

Ryaba: Fairy tales are loved by everyone in the world,

Adults and children love it!

Fairy tales teach us good

And diligent work

They say how to live

To be friends with everyone around.

Artist introduction:


Cool: parent Lazareva O.V.

Vert: Parent Maziya N.E.

Children - pupils of 2 ml. gr. #11

Presenter: Hen Ryaba - Oleshko T.I. (teacher group No. 11)

Artists, audience

everyone was good!

Let's pat each other heartily.

"Autumn Adventure Mice Turn and Turn"

Scenario autumn matinee according to the fairy tale "Spikelet"

To the music of the waltz, the children enter the hall. They have autumn leaves in their hands. Several movements are performed, after which the children arrange autumn leaf fall and scatter peas around the hall, facing the audience.

1st child: Autumn again

swirled by the wind,

Miracle paints she

All bewitched:

Look what carpet

Leaves at the door!

It's just a pity that bright days

A little in autumn.

The song "Carpet of leaves" is performed. Children sit on chairs.

2nd child: Summer flashed quickly,

Ran through the flowers

Somewhere behind the mountains

And misses us there.

Birds followed him

To a place where it's hot all year round.

Autumn is knocking at our door

Autumn is coming to visit us!

On the screen appears dancing Autumn.

Autumn: Hello my friends!
I came to you for the holiday!
I dressed everything around
Dark forest got rich!
It became as light as day,
The leaves are on fire!

Host: Autumn! Be our guest, we are very glad to have you! Here, listen to what poems the guys have prepared for you!

1st child.
Summer flew by quickly
migratory bird into the distance
Autumn wonderfully spread
Fading shawl!
2nd child.
Presented by the guest-Autumn
fruit crops,
drizzling rains,
A body of forest mushrooms!
3rd child.
So let's praise Autumn
Song, dance and play!
Meetings will be joyful
Autumn, this is your holiday!

Well, quickly get up in a circle,
Sing a song together!

Children sing the song "Autumn, autumn has come"

Autumn: I see you are not afraid of the rain?! But I’ll invite a cloud to visit you, I’ll see how you will hide from it ...

A cloud and the sound of heavy rain appear on the screen.

Leading: We are not afraid of rain, look at this Autumn ...

The number is being performed from junior group"The evil cloud was punished."

Autumn: I see you are not shy. Well done.
I give you a basket
Lots of leaves in it, friends.
These leaves are not simple,
They have a lot of tasks, children!
Sing, play merrily
And complete the tasks!
Only the basket is empty
I promise you all
What wonderful gifts
Waiting for you, friends!

And it's time for me to hurry on the road,

Meet your sister Zima.

When meeting, I will certainly

My friends will tell her about you.

FIRST SHEET - "Forest Story"

Leading: Rains are knocking harder and harder

Along the branches and along the path.

Katya picks mushrooms in the forest,

The bunny suddenly meets on the path.

Music sounds, a bunny jumps out.

Bunny: It's getting colder every day,

Very chilly in the rain!

I'm trembling all over, all wet,

Like an aspen leaf!

I would like a house, but drier,

There would warm paws, ears. Apchi!

Katya opens her umbrella.

Presenter: It opened up very handy

Umbrella in the hands of our Katya:

Katya (to Bunny): Climb under the umbrella, baby,

Warm your paws - run away!

Bunny hides under an umbrella, Chanterelle runs in.

Chanterelle: Your umbrella is so wonderful,

The three of us will not be cramped!

Katya (to Chanterelle): Come to us, Chanterelle, hurry up,

Dry the fluffy tail!

Chanterelle hides under an umbrella, Bear goes.

Bear: Good afternoon to you!

All: Hello, Mishka!

Bear: I treat you all with a bump!

So tnank you!

Bear: Can I get under the umbrella.

Warm up your nose and ears

Chanterelle (horrified): Oh-oh-oh!

Your growth is very great!

Do you remember my lush tail!

Katya: Enough space under the umbrella!

We are not crowded four! (Calling Mishka)

Sparrow is flying.

Sparrow: I flew in the rain,

I looked everywhere for grains.

Wings weighed down

I'm barely flying

Katya: To us, Sparrow, fly,

Enough room for all five!

Light, joyful music sounds.

Katya: Now the rain has stopped! (Closes umbrella.)

Bunny: Well, then I jumped! (Runs away.)

Chanterelle: Goodbye, I have to go,

There, in the forest, is my hole! (Runs away.)

Bear: Well, it's time for me to go,

I'm going to sleep in my lair! (Exits.)

Sparrow: Then I flew too,

Goodbye friends! (Flies away.)

Katya: Goodbye, animals!

I'll run to the guys.

From the autumn forest

I'll bring mushrooms to everyone!


  • The game "Color the picture" - paint the contour picture with crayons.


The host takes a spikelet from the basket

Host: Guys, do you know what it is and why?

Children's answers. They are followed by the ringing of a bell. The host puts the spikelet near the screen. Music for the dance "Spikelets" sounds in the hall.

The dance "Spikelets" is performed, after which the children lay the spikelets in random order around the hall. And the playing of the fairy tale "Twist and Turn" begins.

The music “Cats and mice” sounds and mice enter the hall on scooters, make several circles around the hall, leave the scooters and go to bed, dragging a blanket over each other.

A rooster with a whisk enters the hall to the music, sweeps.

Rooster: Cool, Spin, you pick up scooters.

Mice only snore loudly.

Rooster: Cool, Vert, look what I found!

Mice: What? What?

Rooster: We need to collect them...

Mice: We must ....

Rooster: And who will collect?

The mice run to the bed and hide under the bedspread, and from there they shout: “Not us! Not we!".

Leading: Don't worry Cockerel, our forest animals will help you.

Waltz music sounds and children dressed as hare, fox cubs collect spikelets and dance with them. Pass the Cockerel.

The mice run out and shout: “Hurrah! Everything is collected!"

Rooster: Now the grains need to be threshed. Who will thresh?

The mice run to the bed and hide under the bedspread, and from there they shout: “Not us! Not we!". Cautiously peeking out from under the blanket with the words

Cool: Petya, can we invite friends to visit?

Vert: Shall we play the bells?

Rooster: I am always happy to have guests.

The mice take the little mice by the hands and the number “Merry chime” is performed (a game on musical instruments). At the end of the mouse number, the little ones take the hammers and help the Cockerel “thresh” the spikelets. The rooster thanks them.

Rooster: Cause time - fun hour! It's time to take the grain to the mill. Who will bear.

The mice, yawning on the beds, say: “Not us! Not we!".

Leading : Bears will come to your aid Cockerel.

A mini-dance with bags is performed. At the end, which the bears, together with the Rooster, pour grain into the mill, grind. The rooster thanks them.

And from the mill he takes out a bag of flour.

Rooster: Cool, Vert! It's time to knead the dough, and bake pies.

Mice: Not us! Not we!

Reb. What is bread baked from?
What do we eat for lunch?
Bread is baked from flour
What do the spikelets give us.

Heavy rain recording.

Leading: Don't worry Rooster. Our girls will bring you water. Their magical umbrellas are not afraid of even the heaviest rain.

The “Dance with Umbrellas” is performed, at the end of which the girls “bring” water to Petushka.

Rooster: I'm going to bake pies. Cool, Vert are you with me?

Mice: No, we don't want to.

Leading: In the meantime, Petya picket pies, we will listen to a few more poems about autumn and gifts.

Additional verses

Here comes autumn

Here is autumn before us:

The field is compressed, the meadow is mowed.

And over the forest shoals

The geese are heading south.

Behind the barn a stack of straw

And rowan in the yard

From the window of my home

It can be seen by rural children.

Frequent rain in the window ringing.

Wind roaming everywhere

Golden leaves drives

By silver water.

V. Prikhodko

It is raining

Cloud-cat, tail pipe,

A cloud with a long beard

Cloud-horse, cloud-beetle...

And there are only two hundred of them.

The poor clouds are very crowded,

There is no place for clouds in the sky.

All two hundred will quarrel,

And then they will pay together.

And the people below shout:

"Run, it's raining!"

D. Lukic

A hedgehog curled up under a bush

Wet and prickly.

And the rain falls over the forest,

Dispersing clouds.

Dressed in red leaves,

Smiling stump.

Stayed dry all summer

And now it's soaking wet.

I. Mogilevskaya

Child: golden wheat
Millstones will be rubbed into a torment.
Knead dough from flour
She has a place in molds in the oven.
Blushed, firmer
Delicious in a hot oven bread .

G. Stetsenko

The rooster solemnly brings out a large loaf of bread and puts it on the table. The mice immediately sit down at the table and prepare large spoons. They shout: "We! Us!"

Rooster: Who found the spikelet?

Mice: (cheerfully) Not us.

Rooster: Who threshed him?

Mice-babies: We!

Rooster: Who took the grain to the mill?

Mice: (sadly) Not us.

Bears: We!

Rooster: Who brought water for the test?

Mice: (very quietly) Not us.

Girls: We!

Rooster: There is a wise proverb: "He who does not work does not eat."

Mouse: Please forgive us. We won't mess around anymore. We will always help.

We treat everyone with bread. The matinee is over.