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Is it necessary to wash your hair on Maundy Thursday. How to make Thursday salt. Maundy Thursday: what to do

How to conduct Maundy Thursday Holy week for the benefit of body and soul? What is customary to do on this day, what traditions and customs to follow?

On Maundy Thursday, believers begin active preparations for the bright holiday of Easter. Usually on this day it is customary to clean up and prepare the house for the holiday. At the same time, we must not forget about the essence and meaning of this day and about the soul and repentance.

Great (Holy) Thursday, according to Orthodox calendar, dedicated to the Last Supper, during which Jesus spent Holy communion and also washed the feet of his disciples.

Customs and traditions on Maundy Thursday

The rite of ablution. On this day, it is customary to get up early, preferably before dawn. The first step is to cleanse the body - take a bath, shower or go to the bathhouse. The ritual of washing is done in memory of how Jesus Christ washed the feet of the apostles. It is believed that on this day water has miraculous protective properties - it can cleanse not only of dirt, but also of sins, bad thoughts, negativity and diseases. While washing, try to think about good, light and kind, then water will materialize your thoughts.

A haircut. There are customs to have a haircut on Maundy Thursday. There is a sign that with cut hair on this day of Holy Week all evil, bad mood, ailments and the evil eye go away. At the same time, it is not necessary to cut a lot of hair - you can trim the ends, since, according to legends, it is in them that all the negative and unnecessary information and emotions are concentrated in them.

Communion and confession. After washing, it is customary to go to church for communion and confession. This is necessary in order to get rid of sins and cleanse yourself from all the bad things that lie on the soul. As a rule, even those who avoid these church rites come to communion on Maundy Thursday. This is no coincidence, because it is on Thursday that the sacrament rite has a special cleansing power. They say that on this day even the most terrible, mortal sins can be prayed away.

Cleaning the house. After returning from the church, you can start cleaning the house. On Maundy Thursday, it is customary to get rid of everything unnecessary and old. Do not feel sorry for the failed equipment, old furniture, broken dishes, torn clothes and little things dusty on the shelves. It is believed that along with unnecessary trash from the house on this day, everything bad leaves - illness, damage, troubles and problems. In addition, general cleaning on Maundy Thursday helps to attract wealth and money from the house. By getting rid of old things, you can attract new ones.

Easter cakes and eggs. On Maundy Thursday, you should bake cakes, cottage cheese Easter and paint eggs. By folk customs, preparation for Easter should be accompanied by prayers or just bright thoughts. It is forbidden to bake cakes in a bad mood. On this day, a kind and light atmosphere must reign in the house, then all the treats for Easter will be tasty and energetically clean.

Thursday salt. On Maundy Thursday, the hostesses make salt, called Thursday. To do this, it was hardened in a frying pan, and then wrapped in a cloth. Thursday salt is stored for a whole year. It is believed that she has a special power that can protect the house from troubles and diseases.

Signs on Maundy Thursday

  • It is believed that on Maundy Thursday, long-lost things can be found in the house. If there is a loss, then this is fortunately.
  • Do not lend on Maundy Thursday. On this day, it is also not pleasant to give something from your home to other people, otherwise the luck will go away.
  • In order for money to be found in the house, on Holy Thursday you need to count it three times.

Use this day of Holy Week to prepare for Easter, to cleanse your soul and body. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.04.2015 09:08

The healing powers of Thursday salt have been used from time immemorial. However, not all the ingredients that were before are now ...

What time do you need to swim on Maundy Thursday and how to spend this day. / Photo from open sources

For the Orthodox, it has come, every day of which is also called the Great.

it the last days before Easter, the main of which many consider Maundy Thursday and Good Friday.

In today's material - about the rituals, signs and traditions of Maundy Thursday.

When is Maundy Thursday in 2018

The date of Maundy Thursday is floating and depends on what date Easter is celebrated in a given year. In 2018, Maundy Thursday fell on April 5.

Maundy Thursday: what to do

This is the day of purification, both spiritual and material. V Maundy Thursday you definitely need to be in time:

  • swim before sunrise;
  • the whole family go to church to confess and receive communion;
  • do a general cleaning;
  • get rid of unnecessary things by clearing the living space;
  • on Maundy Thursday it is customary to burn. Ashes are not stored, but scattered in the wind or thrown into running water (best of all, into a river).

In addition, it is on Maundy Thursday that the hostess, according to tradition,.

What time do you need to swim on Maundy Thursday

It is imperative to swim before sunrise. In Ukraine, on April 5, the sun rises at 06:18 Kiev time.

Maundy Thursday: ceremonies

In order to stock up on health and beauty for a whole year, it is customary to wash with silver on this day. And the sick are washed with the "silver" borrowed from the neighbors. At the same time, the most powerful silver coin, according to legend, is considered a stolen coin: it is not only treated with it, but also bewitched and used to guess.

Maundy Thursday: signsand superstition

Beliefs strictly forbid giving anything from home on Maundy Thursday - up to the notorious salt to a neighbor. It is believed that otherwise you can give wealth and peace from your home.

Good and sunny weather on Maundy Thursday speaks of a warm remainder of spring, a rainy day predicts cold and dampness until summer.

On Maundy Thursday, the so-called passionate candle is brought from the church. The people believe that it helps in the treatment of various diseases.

Also on Maundy Thursday, Thursday salt is prepared - ordinary salt is baked in the oven, and then consecrated in the church. Such salt (like a candle) has healing properties.

Our ancestors believed that on Maundy Thursday a person can ask otherworldly forces about his future. To do this, they lit a candle brought from the evening service, and went to the attic (to the cloister of the brownie). There it was necessary to wait for a home spirit for some time. If the curled brownie was furry, then this predicted wealth for the family, and if bald, then poverty.

The devil was also asked about the future. They went into the forest, sat on a birch (a tree associated with the souls of the dead and female demons) or an aspen (a cursed tree on which Judas, who betrayed Christ, hanged himself), took off pectoral cross and the name of the forest spirit. It was believed that after such a goblin would certainly come and answer all the questions.

If you get out on this day - that is, there is a sign that you can find what you have been looking for for a long time. If the house is left uncleaned, you should not expect anything worthwhile from next year. At the same time, after Maundy Thursday, it is no longer possible to clean the house (the days remaining before Easter are spent in strict fasting and prayer).

Maundy Thursday: conspiracies for money and luck

Money conspiracy on Maundy Thursday read over the water with which they washed windows and doors, before throwing a handful of coins there: "Money, run around - do not translate, grow, multiply, do not get the enemy!"... After cleaning, the charmed trifle is put in a clean corner of the house for a week, and the water must be poured under any tree.

It is also believed that if you rearrange various objects in the house from one place to another on Maundy Thursday, then there will be no problems with money during the year.

Also, many believe that if you count all the money in the house three times during this day, then the money will not be transferred throughout the year. This should be done before sunrise, at noon and at sunset.

There is also good luck conspiracy to read while swimming on Maundy Thursday: "Water, water, you pour, pour, cleanse my face, cleanse my body and cleanse my soul, fill me with beauty and health"... And you need to finish bathing by pouring cool water from a bucket.

Everyone knows that "Clean Thursday" is a holiday when you need to wash and wash. But few people thought about what EXACTLY needs to be done on this day, and why it is so important.

Maundy Thursday is also called Maundy Thursday, which in itself emphasizes its importance for all Christians on Earth. They say that if dirt is left in the house on this day, then the whole year will pass under the sign of disorder, quarrels and dirt.

But let's get down to specifics.

From Thursday until Easter itself, nothing can be taken out of the house, especially on debt.

Do not give, no matter how anyone asks: neither money, nor any things "to use". This is a bad omen.

You cannot even share kitchen utensils or food with relatives or neighbors.

You cannot leave soaked laundry that you did not have time to wash, and not washed dishes overnight from Maundy Thursday to Good Friday.

As in the rest of the Holy Week, on the next Thursday you cannot guess, have fun, celebrate holidays, sing and dance.

You can't eat on this day fast food(from obsolete skorom, st. Slavic scrum - fat, butter).

But what, on the contrary, to do VERY it is desirable:

It is critical to start cleaning this day in the morning. So even if you have no time and you leave for work that day, first clean up at least something at home! You can, for example, wash the dishes and take out the trash ...

The bravest can swim on Maundy Thursday. Our ancestors believed that this ceremony would help "wash away all diseases."

Maundy Thursday is the best day of the year to have a haircut for young children for the first time. The peasants "for good luck" that day earlier sheared even livestock.

So that you have money for the future, count them all on this day, and three times!

If possible, you can also fire a gun or at least rearrange the furniture ...

This is the best day to get rid of the damage caused by enemies. You just need to wash up early in the morning, before dawn. At the same time, it is necessary to say the words of an elementary prayer: “I wash off what they let on me, what my soul and body toil with, everything is removed on a clean Thursday. Amen".

If you are a lonely woman, then in order to find your happiness, on this day, when washing your body, you need to say a prayer: “As bright and red as clean Thursday, so I will be a slave (name) for everyone. Amen".

A variety of people talk about when to wash on Maundy Thursday before Easter in the morning or evening. folk signs on Maundy Thursday. If we consider the church Christian tradition for this day, it is associated, first of all, with the establishment by Jesus Christ in the last days of his life on earth among people of the sacrament of the sacrament. This happened during the Last Supper - the last meeting with the disciples. But not only the sacrament of the sacrament was then given by Jesus Christ to the disciples.

At the end of the meal, Jesus washed the disciples' feet, and then the tradition and belief that water on Maundy Thursday has a special healing power comes to the fore. Especially if you say special prayers over it, take a dip, or just even wash your face. It is imperative that you wash yourself, but how to do it correctly from the popular point of view, we will consider further.

How to properly swim on Maundy Thursday

Bathing is not carried out at night, you need to deal with everything either at dawn, or later, during the day, how exactly it will turn out. It is recommended that this day go to the bathhouse or just take a bath or shower. Moreover, whether to wash or not, the answer will be rather positive. Because, often in popular beliefs on this day, you can find precisely the legends about the lush soap suds, which wash away not only dirt from the body, but also sins from the soul.

Folk tradition says that, even if you do not read certain prayers and conspiracies over the water, on this day a priori it will be healing, cleanse the body and protect the soul, wash away negativity and diseases. But it is important to accept water procedures with sincere faith in the soul, with a prayer to the Lord God, with joyful and kind thoughts.

How to speak water

If you need not just to wash, but be sure to give yourself youth and preserve beauty, then you will have to talk some extra water. There is nothing complicated about it. You will need to get up before the sun rises that day, collect cool water in a bowl and, speaking a special conspiracy, wash your face.

Confess and take communion

By washing on this day, of course, you can cleanse the body and even make specific important steps to cleanse the soul. But in the church they will say that it is possible to cleanse the soul from sin and negativity only if one takes part in the Sacraments of Christ. Therefore, it is on Maundy Thursday in churches that there are long queues for such important sacraments for every Christian throughout the year as communion and confession.

After the morning ablution on Maundy Thursday, the people necessarily went to church in order to confess and receive communion after the service. If during Great Lent the rules of strict nutrition were not observed, then on this day it is imperative to fast, which is an important preparation before these sacraments.

spring-cleaning in the House

In addition to the fact that on this day of Holy Week you need to cleanse your soul and body, in no case should you forget about the surrounding space. Because the things that surround a person in one way or another affect his energy. General cleaning on Maundy Thursday is a sure sign for the correct cleaning of the space, and not just getting rid of dust and debris.

She will bring a lot of joy and happiness. Clean house on the eve of Christ's Easter is also a religious moment. Because,
already since Good friday and then during the first holiday Easter week religious people don't clean their homes. Also, the people believed that cleaning this day will help find long-lost items. During cleaning, such gizmos are in the most unexpected places. Other

BATHING ON A CLEAN THURSDAY: RULES, SPELLS “If the thoughts of filthy and wicked ones begin to prevail over you, or evil witchcraft will be launched on you, wash your hands and your face in clean water. And the vigilant spirit will leap up, and you yourself will be clean, and live joyfully. ”This is what the Slavs said, emphasizing the special, sacred role of water. Swimming on Maundy Thursday during Holy Week (April 13 in 2017) is of particular importance. Our ancestors woke up on this day before sunrise to bathe, wash their hands and body clean water... Ablution performed on this day gives health to the soul and body. The ceremony should be performed at dawn, when dawn is just breaking on the horizon. It is better to do this by a river, lake, spring, well, or in a bathhouse. However, even if only over a basin of water or at the sink. They believed that water on Maundy Thursday relieves not only of the visible dirt that sticks to the body, but also of the dirt that lodges in the thoughts, in the soul, sent by the evil sorcerer. Bathing on Maundy Thursday should be started with hands, pouring water from palm into palm and saying: “Voditsa, our mother godmother! Wash the foolish thing from my hands, grant the purity of the dawn-charger. Amen". Only then can you wash your body and head. The main verdict on this day is this: “That the body and soul toil, the Pure Four washes away everything. Amen". The cult of water among the Slavs was so great that simple hand washing as an elementary act of washing away dirt was only a small fraction of human interaction with water. In everyday life, there were many magical ritual ablutions, in which the main role was assigned to the hands. "My right hand is honey, and my shuytsa is fiery," they said in the old days, implying the sacred power of the supreme gods, who with their right hand (right hand) sent fertility, abundance and prosperity to the earth, and with their left hand (shuytsa) - bodily, mental strength and victories over enemy. People accompanied washing their hands with magical whispers, remembering the holy veneration of water. Here is one of the options: “Water-water, earthly sap! Do not give me any filth by the way and send me God's grace. Amen". After washing, they usually did not wipe their hands, but exposed them to the wind or the sun, being sure that the right hand was right hand, and shuytsa - left hand will absorb the power of the wind and the warmth of the sun. Another option: hands will receive a particle of the power of such almighty gods as Stribog and Yarila. Through water, through water, in water, people carried out cleansing from diseases, the effects of witchcraft and even from sins. The ancestors hardly knew about the energy channels that go from the fingertips to the internal organs and regulate their work, but one thing is certain - they knew something like that. It is no accident that while performing a ritual washing of hands, designed to remove witchcraft (damage, evil eye, illness, mortal melancholy, or even death itself), a person turned to water with a request: “Spring water, seven times seven times blessed by the powers of heaven! Wash my hands, pull out bodily ailments through my fingers (evil corruption, black evil eye, fierce death, etc.). It was taken from the fingers, removed by water, crucified by the forces of heaven. Amen". Without wiping his hands, the man touched his forehead, chest and knees with his fingertips. Then he went home. If a disfigured or sick person could not come to the water on his own, relatives performed the ritual at home over a tub of clean water. Washing is not just a hygienic procedure, but a magic that gives youth and beauty. So, washing your face and neck in the morning, unmarried girls they said: “Whiteness - from a swan feather, blush - from the clear sun, from silk - smoothness, from pure water - a long youth, so that girlfriends marvel at me, and guys admire me. Amen". Older women whispered their own: “Voditsa-bell, take off old age from your face. I will be a white-faced, ruddy young lady from time immemorial. Amen". They wiped themselves off with a clean towel with a short sentence: "I drain the water, return the beauty." Water has long been revered as a talisman. And to this day, pouring clean water on young children after bathing, mothers are told: "Water off a duck's back, and with (name) all thinness." Bathing before dawn on Maundy Thursday is an important ceremony for every believer. In addition, on Maundy Thursday, you need to put things in order in your home and enter a new happy life cycle with cleanliness!