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How to poke fun at a friend when he sleeps. How to scare a friend in an original and unexpected way? The funniest horror stories ever. Stories with unexpected endings

A meeting of a group of friends is rarely complete without jokes and practical jokes. For example, there are a lot of methods to laugh at a sleeping person. Some of them are quite harmless, while others can powerfully hurt a person.


1. Move the sleeper to another place Carefully take him and put him in another room or on another bed. It is more comfortable for everyone to do this by holding the mattress. Carry carefully so as not to wake you up. It will be fascinating to follow his reaction upon awakening, only if he is informed that he was in that place and went to bed.

2. Tie the sleeper to the bed. Better than anyone to do this with the support of toilet paper - an inexpensive material, one that also tears easily. If you wrap a sleeping friend from head to toe, he will become like a mummy.

3. The old-fashioned old method is to tie together the laces of his shoes. Do it diligently. This method especially effective when a person sleeps in shoes. Then, waking up, he, more likely than anyone, will not suspect a dirty trick.

4. Other draws are also carried out with shoes. For example, it is allowed to change the shoes of the sleeping person to the same ones, but a couple of sizes smaller. When, upon waking up, he will be perplexed to put on shoes, assume that his legs have grown during sleep. This joke was especially popular in Soviet times when the choice of shoes was not very diverse.

5. Another shoe trick is to put something in it. Let's say eggs or peas. In general, this joke is not distinguished by its humanity and can lead to damage to shoes, therefore it is better not to use it.

6. Put on an eye patch or dark glasses. In this case, when he wakes up, he will be initially amazed and a little scared.

7. Spread something sleeping - one more typical draw. Use for this, say, a dental or tomato paste. Waking up in ketchup, he might think he's bleeding. However, remember that a long stay of toothpaste on the skin causes a burn.

8. Turn the sleeper into a funny position, put something meaningless next to him, dress him up in strange clothes and take a picture. Print out a photo in a couple of days and give it to him, preferably in a frame. The draw is obtained only with hefty soundly sleeping people.

Pranks - that's what helps to strengthen relationships in the company. In addition, the organizers and the “victim” can laugh heartily and get a lot of positive emotions.

Frozen computer

A great prank for those people whose friends often use the computer. While your friend is not looking, take a screenshot of the desktop with support for the CTRL + PrtScn combination, save the resulting image somewhere (primitively paste it into Paint and save it on your hard drive) and set it as a background. After that, remove all shortcuts from the desktop. For a better result, it is also possible to remove the taskbar. Your friend will be at a loss when he tries to run one or the other shortcut. Later, after you and your friend laugh together, easily go to the basket and click on "Restore All Items".

A train

This prank will require three people (one of them is the "victim"). Walk along railway. Two walk on the sides, and the victim in the middle. By chance, as if by agreement, the two turn around sharply and take a step to the side. The victim sees this and understands that a train is rushing behind. The person is lost and does not know where to go.


Walking in the company, unexpectedly exclaim: “Guys, look, there is a dead bird in the sky!” and point your finger to the sky. Unusually, all friends will rigorously raise their heads up.


Your friend stayed at your house for the night. Everyone knows that the plastic tubes in which toothpaste, very easy to empty and fill. Empty one tube and fill it with ordinary mayonnaise with the help of a syringe without a needle. Mayonnaise is difficult to distinguish from traditional pasta, so your friend, going to the bath in the evening, will be amazed.

strange cigarettes

This draw is suitable for a company in which there really would be one smoking person. Get an ordinary pack of cigarettes, peel off the label and give them to your smoking friend with the words: "A friend gave me new cigarettes here, try it." After that, you are obliged to do anything that seems unusual: get dirty with paint, sing songs and other things. Other friends, having agreed in advance with you, will not pay any attention to this, while the smoking friend will be confused.

Reliable comrades

In the early morning, call your comrades and in an agitated voice ask everyone to come to you with a huge bucket (with or without water). It will be joyful to follow the picture: in the yard early in the morning there will be a bunch of guys with buckets. Some may come by car. Conclusion: there are a lot of cars and people with buckets at your entrance.

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Do not go too far in the draws, try to imagine yourself in the place of the sleeping person.

Every person should have friends. They are needed in order to support in difficult times and be there in moments of success, to help and amuse. However, sometimes a rather boring period begins in the relationship of friends, which must be quickly expelled. How to do it? It's simple, you need to make fun of a friend.


What can be done to mock a friend in the good sense of the word? How to make fun of a friend in order to amuse and not offend him? Everything is quite simple - you need to give him something special, fun. However, you should know the measure and not go too far. So, a book that turns out to be a safe for cognac or a thong in the form of an elephant (for boys) is perfect. You can also drop into a sex shop and give a lonely comrade a lover doll, but first you need to make sure that such a gift does not anger or offend a friend.

rigged situations

How to poke fun at a friend? You can try to adjust a rather unexpected situation, play your friend. To do this, most likely, you will have to connect a few more people. As an option: the situation with a girl whose husband is announced and strives to figure everything out; a case on the road when a dummy traffic cop will demand a lot of money, etc. There are a huge number of options, you just need to know when it is better to stop before the situation gets out of control and everything is completely unfun.


How to make fun of a friend in such a way as to make him nervous? Schoolchildren or students can steal an important note, have a friend called to the blackboard or asked at a lecture, it’s easy to just say that there will be an important control now and not admit your lies for the whole change. Let the comrade crammed with fright. At work, you can hide an important report or throw a note on the table in which the boss allegedly summons an unlucky worker to his “carpet”.

How to poke fun at a friend when he is sleeping? There are many options. You can just paint it, and then, in a hurry, pick it up and put it on the street, they say, you need to decide something quickly. Also good is the old joke with the pouring of water over the head of the sleeping person. It is believed that he should subscribe. You can also pull a blanket over your head and wake up with cries of “the ceiling is falling”. The comrade will definitely be frightened, and those around him will laugh heartily.

Photo and video production

How else can you poke fun at your friends? Here great helpers will be photo and video cameras. With the help of them you can do a lot of interesting and fun things. The most successful shots are obtained when a person is a little bit in. Then he can do anything. And nimble friends, having filmed all this on camera, will tell almost the whole world about it.

How can you make fun of a friend "VKontakte"? There are several options. You can mark it in a picture or video of not too decent content, or send it to encrypt, and then there will be some kind of nonsense. You can also throw some compromising evidence (a certain photo, video) on the wall. Let those who visit the page laugh heartily. And the comrade will just have to blush in front of the screen of his computer.

However, you should always know the measure in jokes. When choosing a way to make fun of a friend, think carefully and weigh everything so that your friendship does not suffer from this!


Move the sleeper to another place Gently pick him up and put him in another room or on another bed. The most convenient way to do this is by holding the mattress. Carry carefully so as not to wake you up. It will be interesting to observe his reaction upon awakening, especially if you tell him that he was in that place and went to bed.

Tie the sleeper to the bed. The best way to do this is with toilet paper. cheap material which also breaks easily. If you wrap a sleeping friend from head to toe, he will look like.

The old-fashioned way is to tie his shoelaces together. Do it carefully. This method especially effective when a person sleeps in shoes. Then, waking up, he most likely will not suspect a dirty trick.

Other draws are also carried out. For example, you can change the sleeper's shoes for exactly the same, but a couple of sizes smaller. When, upon waking, he will be perplexed, assume that during sleep his legs grew. This joke was especially relevant in Soviet times, when the range of shoes was not very diverse.

Put on an eye patch or dark glasses. In this case, when he wakes up, he will be initially surprised and a little scared.

Spread something sleeping - one more classic version draw. Use for this, for example, toothpaste or tomato paste. Waking up in ketchup, he might think he's bleeding. However, remember that prolonged exposure to toothpaste on the skin causes a burn.

Turn the sleeping person into a funny position, put something ridiculous next to him, dress him up in unusual clothes and take a picture. Print out a photo in a couple of days and give it to him, preferably in a frame. The draw works only with very soundly sleeping people.


Do not go too far in the pranks, try to imagine yourself in the place of the sleeping person.

Jokes and pranks are a great way to defuse the atmosphere at work and at home. Laughter prolongs life - take care of your colleagues, friends and loved ones, make them laugh at work, at a party and at home. It's good to have 2-3 like-minded people so that your jokes are distinguished by great variety and fiction.

You will need

  • - markers;
  • - paper;
  • - a box of confetti;
  • - a pot of water.


In a building with many different offices, hang a sign with the words "Toilet" on the door of one of them. It's good if workers rarely leave the room - so the sign will hang longer. Of course, in the end, they will be interested in why such anxious people run to them. You can change the signs with the names of companies in places - there will be confusion for the whole day. In this case, the most important thing is not to catch the eye of your superiors, otherwise it will not be a laughing matter.

Pour confetti and various small tinsel into a box without a lid. Stick on it some attractive, but completely unrelated to work, name - "Intimate Office", for example. Cover the top of the box with a thick sheet, turn it over and place it on top of the cabinet. Pull out the sheet of paper slowly. When the boss sees the box hidden from him, naturally, he, intrigued, will climb to get it. The result is a confetti surprise all over the office! It is possible that you will have to clean up the office.

If you're walking with a group of friends from a party, start a conversation about who is the most sober among you. Usually, absolutely everyone begins to assert that no matter how much they drink, they still remain not subject to alcohol. Invite them to make a smooth beautiful "". Everyone will begin to portray birds, and you will declare that they are absolutely insane, since sober people will never clow around like that in a crowded place.

Make a joke for your wife or mom. Pour water into a saucepan, cover with a sheet of paper, turn over and place on a flat table. Pull out the paper. When the hostess enters the kitchen and sees an incorrectly standing dish, she will lift it up to put it in its place. The water will pour out and (probably) become funny. spilled water You will wipe, of course.

Husband, when he falls asleep, paint nails with colored markers or felt-tip pens, fix the result with varnish. It is unlikely that he will have time to get rid of your art before work. You can discreetly attach a woman's brooch to his jacket. An absent-minded man will walk around like this all day long until his colleagues take pity on him.

In a company at a party, it’s good to arrange such a prank: take the “victim” aside and ask others to portray an animal in front of others. Tell the rest of the guests in advance not to guess this beast. A person diligently remembers and shows all the habits, movements and habits of the mysterious little animal, but the public calls anything, but not what is needed. In the end, the victim of the joke will lose his temper with despair and fatigue.

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Pranks and jokes that you arrange for relatives, friends or colleagues should be kind and harmless. There is no need to expose gullible people in an unfavorable light, because resentment spoils a person’s mood for a long time. Consider your jokes so that they are only fun and bring joy to others.

You will need

  • - dumplings with unexpected stuffing;
  • - dried or smoked fish;
  • - walnuts and gelatin worms;
  • - bubble;
  • - a person who will play the new boss;
  • - coin and glue.


This delicious and harmless practical joke perfect for the caring mom. Getting up early on April 1, cook “funny” dumplings for breakfast for the whole family. Take as a filling not cottage cheese and cherries, but something unexpected, but very tasty. These can be dried fruits, marmalade, pieces of fruits and berries unusual for dumplings (mango, banana, kiwi, pineapple, orange, etc.). Everyone will have fun and wonder what will be the filling in the next dumpling.

The draw for avid fishermen is as follows: having gathered for fishing with friends, hide five smoked or dried fish among your belongings. When everyone is settled in their places and begins to concentrate on waiting for a bite, put one of your fish on the hook and “catch” it. Start to be surprised loudly at such a natural phenomenon and call your friends to evaluate the catch. Of course, you will be exposed, but it will be fun and hardly anyone will be offended.

Another delicious prank can be arranged at home or at work. Buy some walnuts, carefully open the shells and remove the kernels. Put inside small gelatin worms, which are sold in bags. Connect the shells by dipping them in melted sugar. Your family and friends will be very surprised by such voracious "surprises".

Try to prank colleagues with the appearance of a "new boss". One fine day, the office door will open and a respectable person will appear, declaring himself the new owner. He begins to read out the new requirements for employees. At first they will be a little strange, and at the end, write absolutely ridiculous points. One of the colleagues must sooner or later discover the catch and expose the impostor.

On the first of April, look on the street, at work, anywhere for a person in white clothes and quite sincerely tell him that his whole back is white.

In the corridor of the building, where there are many offices and cabinets, attach a tempting little thing or a coin to the floor with very strong glue. Watch how people will try to pick it up to make this prank not offensive, after futile attempts, treat people with candy.

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  • April Fool's jokes and pranks for the whole team

Pranks - that's what helps to strengthen relationships in the company. In addition, the organizers and the "victim" can laugh heartily and get a lot of positive emotions.

Frozen computer

A great prank for those people whose friends often use the computer. While your friend is not looking, take a screenshot of the desktop using the CTRL + PrtScn combination, save the resulting image somewhere (just paste it into Paint and save it to your hard drive) and set it as a background. Then remove all shortcuts from the desktop. For best effect You can also remove the taskbar. Your friend will be at a loss when he tries to run this or that shortcut. After you and your buddy have a good laugh, just go to the trash and click on "Restore All Items".

A train

This prank will require three people (one of them is the "victim"). Walk along the railroad. Two walk on the sides, and the victim. Suddenly, as if by agreement, the two turn around sharply and take a step to the side. The victim sees this and understands that the train is rushing. The person is lost and does not know where to go.


Walking in a company, suddenly exclaim: “Guys, look, it’s dead in the sky!” and point your finger to the sky. Oddly enough, all friends will definitely raise their heads upstairs.


Your friend stayed at your house for the night. Everyone knows that plastic tubes that store toothpaste are very easy to empty and. Empty one and fill it with regular mayonnaise using a syringe without a needle. Mayonnaise is difficult to distinguish from ordinary pasta, so your friend, going to the bath in the evening, will be very surprised.

strange cigarettes

This draw is suitable for a company in which there is at least one smoking person. Buy an ordinary pack of cigarettes, tear off the label and present them to your smoking friend with the words: "A friend gave me new cigarettes here, try it." After that, you have to do everything that seems strange: get dirty with paint, sing songs and other things. Other friends, having previously agreed with you, will not pay any attention to this, while the smoking friend will be confused.

Reliable comrades

In the early morning, call your comrades and in an alarmed voice ask everyone to come to you with a large bucket (with or without water). It will be fun to watch the picture: in the yard early in the morning there will be a crowd of guys with buckets. Some may come by car. Bottom line: there are a lot of cars and people with buckets at your entrance.

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A sleeping person is relaxed and defenseless, which is why it is so fun to play a trick on him: he is completely unaware of what he is doing and saying when he is on the verge between dream and reality. However, in such jokes you need to be very careful, because you can unwittingly frighten a person. After such jokes, he may experience great stress or heart problems, nightmares will begin. It is better not to bring to such a state, especially if we are talking about a joke on a girl. They are fragile creatures and often touchy, so you need to joke with them in a kind way.

Draw her mustache. In a dream, it is easiest to draw something funny on her face, such as a mustache. When she wakes up, at first she will not feel anything unusual and will not understand why those around her are laughing at her. But when he reaches the bathroom, he will immediately understand everything. If a girl has a sense of humor, then you are guaranteed a couple of minutes of laughter together. For a joke, choose only a well-washed pencil or pen, otherwise, after trying to wash the permanent marker, you will no longer be laughing.

The stomach can also become a place for creativity. One of the guys draws something quite cute that the girl herself may like - a funny muzzle or face of a little one. And someone makes very possessive drawings, like stamps "My girlfriend" or "Extraneous entry". The fantasy of young people is sometimes very violent. In this case, perhaps, it should be borne in mind that the stomach of some ladies is a very sensitive place, so if a girl wakes up and finds you in the process of drawing, awkward explanations will not be avoided.

It will be quite funny to make a funny hairstyle on the head of your chosen one. To do this, you need to take hair gel and varnish, gently give your hair desired shape, for example, strands sticking out to the sides, and how to fix it. Waking up with such a hairstyle and seeing yourself in the mirror, the girl, of course, will not be laughing, but you will have fun from the heart.

Makeup and cosmetics are the realm of women, however, they will find something for you when you want to play a prank on your girlfriend. Take the shadows brighter or, conversely, darker and apply them thickly on the eyelids. Do the same with blush on the cheeks. For nails, use different varnishes. You will almost certainly have a hard time in the morning when the girl flies out of the bathroom screaming, but it will be fun to look forward to and then see her reaction to your cute pranks.

You can come up with many more jokes about a sleeping girl. For example, early in the morning put a large doll or mannequin next to her, throwing a blanket over him and presenting everything as if it were her young man. Imagine her surprise when, during a tender morning kiss, she finds something plastic. But the best surprise for a girl will be something completely opposite: nice care for her when you bring her breakfast in bed or flowers that she finds on the table in the morning along with a note from you.

Sometimes you want to diversify boring school and work days, dull everyday life with some bright and unforgettable event. In addition to noisy parties and picnics in nature, there are many other ways for yourself and others. For example, prank your friends. The prank can be funny, funny or scary. If you still decide to opt for the latter, remember that truly causing a chilling fear and a frantic heartbeat is not at all easy. It takes time, preparation, the right moment. And the way you choose to scare a friend should be original, really scary and at the same time safe for the life and health of the “victim”. We bring to your attention the 5 most frightening pranks that you can arrange at home, on the street, in the office, day or night.

"Spiders in Bed"

The prank is intended for Take the threads, build a semblance of a lump out of them and hide it under the sheet of the person being played, taking the other end of the thread (spool) to your bed. The light, of course, must be turned off. After the unsuspecting neighbor lies down in his bed with the goal of safely going to the world of dreams, your mission is to slowly pull the strings towards you. The effect will be amazing - a neighbor, feeling something crawling under him, will certainly imagine spiders and be terribly frightened. If the fear of insects is also a “victim” phobia, you will enjoy the prank!

"Ghost in the Dark"

If played out more than anything else (which is common to many people at any age), you have many variations on the theme of “how to scare a friend”. Why not make him even more afraid? Invite a friend to your place and turn off the lights in the house at the moment when he is least ready for it. After that, hide from him, leaving your friend in complete bewilderment and a creepy environment. Further, the scenario can develop in two directions:

  1. Wear a creepy glow-in-the-dark mask.
  2. Or, throwing a white sheet on, bring a flashlight to your mouth.

Assuming the appropriate form, stand quietly in the darkest corner of the room, trying not to make a sound. The "victim", looking around in the dark in bewilderment and gradually starting to panic, will soon see you and ... the effect will exceed all expectations! You can enjoy the wild screams and chilling horror of your friend.


For this draw, the participation of several people is desirable. If your funny company I thought for a long time about how to scare a friend all together - a joke with an earthquake is ideal for this purpose. Its essence lies in the fact that a sheet is pulled over, and then he is actively awakened by wild cries that an earthquake has begun, everything is collapsing, the ceiling is falling.

A sleepy person will be terribly frightened and will probably begin to hold the "ceiling" or quickly run out of the room. Definitely, the horror of the prank victim, laughter and pleasant memories are guaranteed!


Another night joke that will help answer the question of how to scare a friend in the dark is as follows: put on dark glasses on a peacefully sleeping person, put out the light, and then wake him up. The subject, waking up in complete darkness and not realizing that he is wearing glasses, wakes up and imagines that he is blind and will survive several terrible minutes until he guesses to remove the “salt” of the joke. The draw is for people who are fast asleep.

Stories with unexpected endings

The prank is based on the effect of surprise, rather primitive, but it can scare a person, and even very much. A horror story for a friend is to tell an unsuspecting "victim" any story - at first glance harmless, ordinary or intriguing - to your taste.

The main thing at the same time is not to smile or laugh, look into his eyes, without giving the appearance that something unusual is waiting for a friend. The story should end with your sharp cry, followed by a jump or pounce on a friend. A friend who is unaware of such a trick will yell wildly and possibly hit you with something heavy. But is the joke worth it?

Of course, the draw is designed to cheer up and leave pleasant memories. But before scaring a friend, make sure that he has strong nerves and a healthy heart, otherwise the results can be disastrous.