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How to protect a girl from insults. How to react to an insult. principle contributing to the successful confrontation of rudeness and insults

There are a lot of people in the world who differ from each other. The differences are in their character, the manner to go, speak, is, dressing, in the rules of culture, development as a person. All these moments are very influenced by a person. It often happens that people who do not have an idea of \u200b\u200bculture and communication rules are found.


Most people can often be sophisticated, to present another not in the best light. These situations may occur with people of different ages, starting from early childhood And ending with quite mature years. Not all people may insult and rude. There are those that simply do not know how to enroll in such situations. What if you were offended? This question I worry everyone who at least once in life insulted. He makes you think about my actions and actions for other people.

Why do people Hamyat? What are the reasons for their behavior?

In order to understand how to act in such situations, it is important to deal with the reasons for the occurrence of such behavior of another person. After all, knowing the cause, it is possible and not seriously perceiving the words of a person. On the insult immediately can be answered beautifully and without the development of further conflict. People can heat and humiliate the dignity of another person for the following reasons:

  1. A man is unhappy and cannot fully enjoy himself. In this situation, he may insult others for the reason that he considers himself unhappy. That is, he has nothing to rejoice in life. At the same time, screams to another help him feel happy.
  2. No reason for insulting. There are people who just feed negative energyAnd their screams are an ordinary condition that does not allow to live in a normal way. He spends his nerves, his emotions, because he has pain inside.
  3. Lowering the significance of another person, many people raise their ego. As you know, the ego is a state of the soul that helps a person feel the person. But this feeling should know the measure. Since otherwise it will simply be towering over another person, clinging him for petty misconduct. It is important to remember that everyone has its drawbacks.

How to do if you offend you?

What if you were offended? In such a situation, it is important to behave as it requires the behavior and norms of communication. It is not always necessary to descend to the same level and offend it with your words and actions. After all, insults a weak and unsure of the person. There are a lot of such people in life, it is impossible to get rid of them. Therefore, it is worth not to perceive seriously and not pay attention to it.

But how to be, if you were hurt? What to do in such a situation? Exists a large number of Cases when you can naughty. A conflict situation may occur, and during her insults will emerge. This is perhaps the most common case in life, and it can occur almost with each.

If you offender ...

It happens that a person did not want to do this. But, alas, it turned out in a rush of strong emotions. Then, many it becomes interesting to know how to behave if a person hurt? What to do in such a situation? It is easier here. After all, it is enough just to stop talking nonsense and just ask for an apology, explaining his impulse that these are just emotions.

School. What if in an educational institution peers offend your child?

Insult is always unpleasant words. They may sound in the address of another person. What if you were offended? You can act in this situation in different ways. Depending on the person who is Hamit, and on what moment the case occurred.

there is different spheres The life of a person who will also distinguish the occurrence of conflicts and insults. For example, school. This is the place where children come to study. of different ages. They spend a large amount of time in it, gain knowledge of objects, as well as sometimes life experience.

If at school, what should parents and children do? First of all, it is important to remember that if you offended the child, then only parents should be followed by Chado. Each person understands the word "offend" in different ways. Its essence comes to children in various ways.

The boys inclined to frequent offended, which at the moment of the game can say offensive words, make any deed. His child does not need to be learn that it is necessary to repeat the same movement and pronounce the same words. After all, children often have so that after half an hour they are already playing again. And when adults will learn to respond to bad actions with bad actions, then these scandals will only become growing.

So what to do if they are offended at the school school? We'll see now. Parents are important to solve the problems of children from their own early age, More precisely, to help them cope in difficult situations. Children are from various families, with different abilities and the ability to behave. Therefore, it is worth focusing on their upbringing. If often the child will hear bad words in his address, then he will simply clicter and stop developing as a person, because he will have fear. Unfortunately, it can happen once and for life. Therefore, from the very early age, it is important to teach the child to the possibility of aggression from other people, words of insult.

Parents should clearly separate the words and actions of classmates. If it's just verbal insults, then the child is important to teach to react correctly and respond to them. But it happens that it takes a different turn, namely the child can hit. In this case, parents are simply obliged to pop up for him.

What if you offended your spouse?

Unfortunately, insults can occur even in the walls of their own home. This is a feeling that can be caused in the process of quarrel, scandal. Most often, such aggressive deeds may be between husband and wife. Spouses often swear and allow themselves to pronounce bad words.

If a husband offends, what to do in that case? Of course, it is important to understand that if you come to your address of insults, then this guilt every person in a pair. Rarely spouse or spouse can pronounce the words humiliation of the second half just like that. Most often it happened, which provokes to the manifestation of such emotions. Adults must calm down, find a compromise in solving a conflict dispute. There are some species of cases when a husband offends seriously, and in this case, in this case can not do. It is worth looking for the cause of this and rather to solve the problem.

What to do if you offended a man?

Causes and so that a man. What to do in such a situation? Here is a little simpler. The reason is that a woman can offend and immediately be able to easily and simply change his guilt. After all, it is full of charm and attractiveness than and can take advantage. In fact, just, especially when you know weak spots And just cling to them. In the modern world, men are no longer those knights on the horses that can stand up for themselves and for the interests of their women.

Now you know what to do if you are offended. And here it is important to make key points. First of all, you should be smart more who offend. And this means that it is sometimes necessary to silent and ignore a person. Of course, not always to lower your hands and silence. Since there are situations that do not allow repeat. Then it is beautiful and clearly answering an insult.

Remember it is necessary that the loss is already the one who offends. Such people need to regret. After all, they are unhappy in life, they have no own happiness and cases that would simply distract from negative thoughts. Can be responsible for insulting by the same actions and words. A person will understand that it is not right and, perhaps, apologize for his actions. At the time of insult, it is necessary to disable emotions. After all, sometimes they will simply spoil the whole picture and lead only to a negative result. It is important to perceive yourself as a person, behave as a person and understand that around the same people who want to live, rejoice in every day, to raise children and be happy. But they have their own character and behavioral features. Therefore, it is important to treat them as well as they.

Little conclusion

It is only for a minute to imagine what will happen if every person will respond to insult and hard behavior - this is the end of peace and good on Earth. Each psychologist argues that it is necessary to change initially himself. As soon as the habits are offended by a person go away, everything will be in place. Then the children will not be heard, but after repeating adult people.

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With the rudeness, humiliating the human dignity of "emissions", in Hamski expressed to their address comments to face everyone. And the question of how to respond to aggression and insults is the topic of the sore, which has repeatedly discussed, but not increasing relevance.

While our society has not matured for devoid of emotional negative, between its members.

Insulting attacks: the essence and causes of the phenomenon

Regularly exercising in the teaching of the humiliation of others to argue, based on the facts that are rarely capable of statements. Do not understand this, we are offended and responding to inadequate outbreaks of Grabians not as it should be. Although a set of recommendations how to react to insults and respond to the offender was developed for a long time - and it is effective.

Lovers insult others - who are they?

  1. 1. Weak, unhappy people, illuminating an excess of anger and insecurity on those who are near.
  2. 2. Energy vampires, seeking to cause response emotion - for the sake of self-energous energy.
  3. 3. Hams and insoles, poorly educated and not puzzled by this gap to fill.
  4. 4. Agressors and congenital zabies, which live without disassembling and demonstrating "bad strength" is bored.
  5. 5. Executed empty vanity of individuals who are treated their "ego" by humiliation of the fall in sight.
  6. 6. Unrestrained, inclined to emotional explosions of the individual who do not know how to curb their nature.
  7. 7. Drins, drug addicts and idiots, lost the ability to think.

React or silent - what is better?

To learn to skillfully respond to rudeness useful - no matter what genetics and motivation of this kind of manifestations, in which social environment and under what circumstances do you encounter such a nuisance. Since the official ways to cope with the Balamom-provocator in our conditions is not enough (although legally punishment for violations of this kind is envisaged), it remains to master the "Course of the Fighter".

But before you decide on the strategic line, think about whether it is worth it to injure the psyche because of some nonsense. Agree, for each occasion to spend nerves and break your head over how it is wiser to "destroy" the situation - the occupation is not always justified. Often ignoring tirada-loner tirada, hardly ready to appreciate your wit and the skill of the controversy is the most rational choice.

Humiliation nature - type of criticism - a worthy answer

We were unmarried interrelated concepts to the chain - the success of the attack reflection, which may look and interpreted in different ways depends on their analysis and competent application. Have time to figure out if there is no reasonable claims under sharply unpleasant phrases, and fertilize the blow in a timely basis - the fundamental rule of the attack object. If there is no confidence in the real database for attacks, ask a question: "Do you have a specific offer?"

From the prompts how to respond to insults at work such a move - the most winning method to figure out, with which the rough form of the phrase-provocator is connected. An adequate author of an offensive verbal beam is forced to justify the sharpening opinion or change the tone of the conversation. In a situation where the accusation sounded publicly, but justly only in some part of it, it sounds good way "Yes, today I missed / late / I was mistaken, but it was not always."

If the phrase reproach is absolutely unjust and sounds frankly roughly, it makes sense to apply counter-tactics. Species of their several.

  • - clarifying. "What is the conversation?", "What exactly are you interested in?", "What exactly did you want to say?". An attempt to clarify the thought pounds the initiator in a dead end. But the response "and do not guess yourself?" Or the next deposit accusation will push colleagues that Grubian will not please.
  • - actual. This requirement to present facts-evidence. It is formulated as follows: "I will ask you to confirm", "I would like to hear examples." Since the examples are not destined to wait, it will remain summarized: "There is nothing to say in the case."
  • - Alternative. Their function is to push the interlocutor to the wording of counter-protected or, on the contrary, to admit that there is nothing to prevent you. The question of alternative sounds like this: "Maybe you don't like how I dress or how I communicate with customers?" This is a direct hit in the target.
  • - empty. A typical sample: "You do not suit you, as I make plans, my appearance, the manner of talking. What else don't you like? " This question is suitable for recommendations how to respond to an insult to the boss - if your boss-tyrant is deserved.

With managers, of course, we need caution. The optimal method of fighting the rude chief is to leave, granting that you will not support the conversation in such a spirit. Or pretend that the humiliating words did not hear, ascending: "How-like? Repeat - distracted, did not catch the essence. " Repeat sounds for surely softer. In any case, to allow the boss to wipe the legs cannot be wiped.

If you do not consider it necessary to restrain the way for you, talk to him perfectness. Not at the time of conflict, but in a quiet, which has an atmosphere. The ability to arrange over "and" points is extremely necessary for those who are valid and intends to continue them. To the question of how to react to insults from a woman, a guy should be approached with understanding: and prone to the change of moods biologically.

Most men with this problem copes well and does not need it in the liberation. The number of wives over which, was and remains critical. Helping a female audience to cope with such a misfortune, we recall: to start the conversation how to respond to the insults of the husband should be with the analysis of the relationship between the mother-in-law and mother-in-law. Lack of respect for mother woman in the family of parents to violence over the future wife.

If you have enough softness, clock, patience "rebuild" the views of your "strong half" to the marriage and the true role of the head of the family in it - praise and honor your efforts. This is observed, and quite often. Otherwise, the normal atmosphere in the family does not reach - not only to you, but also your descendants. Think about it, appreciate your strength - and make a decision.

This is one of the first wishes arising after insulting. But the response is appropriate, only if he:

  • witty;
  • occurs in a circle of relatives or friends;
  • rather, discharges the situation than the conflict exacerbates.

In all other cases, even if you consider yourself a sharp, Oscar Wilde, respond to an insult to an insult - not best exit. So you go to the level of Hama-opponent and let's understand that his words trembled you, that is, there may be some truth in them.

2. Jold

The difference between witty insult and the joking answer is that in the second case you are ridicuing the situation itself. The advantages of this strategy are obvious: an insult loses its toxicity, voltage, and the audience (if there is) takes your side.

In this case, you can also take a pseudo-sensitive position. So you will somete the opponent and disguise sarcasm.

Example 1: Colleague says you have prepared an ugly presentation.

Answer: "Perhaps you're right. The next time I will not ask for help from your five-year-old son. "

Example 2: An unfamiliar man calls you.

Answer: "Thank you, it is very valuable information. You opened my eyes to my shortcomings. Will be thinking about dinner. "

3. Accept

In some cases, analyze the words that seem offensive to you really stands. Especially if they come from close and respected people. In this case, perceive their replicas not as an insult, but as criticism that can make you better.

We will not know about the motives of people, find out what exactly forced them to use sharp expressions. Perhaps it stormy reaction Not an angelic behavior on yours.

4. Reply to the intention, not on words

Any insult always has a hidden goal. Make a secret explicit: mark it.

For example, in response to rude words, tell me: "Wow! Between us happened something really serious, since you decided to hurt me. "

So, on the one hand, you will be able to knock out the opponent from the rut, and on the other - to find out the reason for his negative attitude.

5. Save calm

If an insult is not coming from a loved one, and from a colleague, a familiar or even a stranger, never show that you have been treated. Most likely, the insecurity lies behind them, dissatisfaction with their own life and the desire to just recoup on you. Do not allow the trick to work, react calmly and with a smile.

If necessary, continue to bend your line: ask what exactly caused a person with such a reaction, not paying attention to his words.

6. ignore

Often the best answer is his absence. If we are talking about Internet trolls, you can simply not respond to their comments or send Hamov. Well, "In Offline" you can always miss an insult by ears or leave. You have full right.

An example from ancient Roman history ... Once in public baths, someone hit Katon's policies. When the offender came apologized, Caton replied: "I do not remember the blow."

This phrase can be interpreted as: "You are so insignificant that I not only do not care about your apologies, but did not even notice the insult."

7. Use the law

You can attract an offender to justice or at least treat it to him. The punishment for insult is spelled out in the Code of Administrative Offenses, but the slander is already in the field of criminal law. In case of insults from the head, you can contact the personnel department.

The main thing - remember: no one has the right to encroach on your honor, dignity and reputation. But you must answer people in the same way. Otherwise, any recommendations are meaningless.

Humiliation is a serious blow to the well-being of a person and his self-esteem. Do you endure a bad attitude at work or in a family? Can you say about yourself "me humiliate me"? Many of us succumb to such manipulations, but if you seriously intend to stop it, you must begin to act decisively. How to stop to humiliate and raise self-esteem? Several psychologist tips will help you with this.

Many have come across their lives with the problem of humiliation of misunderstanding from others. Basically, this phenomenon is distributed in the children's team. Sometimes he is reflected in adulthood.

First of all, it is necessary to remember that insults are not informational. You are not actually as you want to inspire. When you humiliate you, you just want to convey aggressive bad energy and provide bad mood.

We will understand in more detail in the question: what to do if you humiliate you. First, remember that the goal of the aggressor to knock out from under the legs of the soil, enter you into a state of confusion, pour out, disrupt the integrity of your mental state.

Do not give in to the provocation, do not show that you got it. In no case can you cry when the offender is crying, falling into hysterics and "psych". Showing such signs, you will give a bitechik to understand that he was able to achieve his goal.

Take yourself by self-analysis

Write down on paper a list of your positive and negative qualities. It is advisable to replenish the list regularly as they are manifest. Think about each item (especially negative traits) And observe, in what situations they are expressed. What prevents you from getting rid of them? What provokes?

You can also ask for loved ones and friends to analyze your behavior. Let them indicate the features that require correction. Now, understanding what is the main problem, it will be easier to fight it. Larcticity, impactivity, fear of communication and even kindness are the causes of what you humiliate.

Understand yourself, suits you such a game or not, and then you can draw conclusions, how to do if you are humiliated. You can always find an output. It is only necessary to watch the offender a little bit, find its weaknesses. Highlight a number of ways to get out of conflict situation: The most correct will go away, referring to urgent cases.

At the same time, do not forget to give the expression of a business view and hide offense. If you agree to the provocation and in response will also begin to humiliate the offender, it means that you have losses and hooked you for living.

Get out of the conflict situation calmly, with proud independent views. It is best to say that you will give the answer to all questions tomorrow. Return to the conversation when a person starts talking to you without threats and humiliation.

How to stop humiliated

If Ignore does not help and if you humiliate you, the bully continues, calmly inform the person that you consult the police. Do not explain anything, do not threaten in response, just tell me that you have anyone to stand.

In situations where you are humiliated and it seriously prevents you from living, it makes sense to really turn to the one who can stand for you - parents, senior brothers or sisters, leadership, police. As the famous character Gosha said from the movie "Moscow does not believe in tears," such people should know that there is another force for any power.

You should not immediately refuse from professional assistance of a psychologist, if you are constantly humiliated. People prefer not to spend time and money on psychologists, and in vain. After all, success in life in large part depends on psychological attitude And the ability to manage your bad features. Trainings are good way Find friends in misfortune. In addition, they are performed completely anonymous.

Notes that improvements came, you no longer humiliate, do not rush to relax. If you reduce the pace - the effect comes down to zero. Therefore, never stop, work and work again on yourself. Digging once, you give a reason for the second, etc. It is better to develop immunity to humiliate from the very beginning.

Improve internally, but do not forget about your appearance, because modernity makes meet it. Do not be afraid to change. Beautiful stylish hairstyle and clothing can make from you a completely different person, confident in yourself and their strength.

Do not forget that you are not alone with such a problem! Saw how to humiliate your colleague? It is necessary in not a rough form to inform him about it. Chat with him about what you had to go through. In this way, it will be possible to conquer the confidence of a person, soon he will start listening to your recommendations.

Do not forget to be proud of yourself for all the results achieved. Not so important, in which area you will be improved, never stop!

Husband insults and humiliates - what to do

"Hello! I need your help. I am humiliates my husband and it seems to me that I start to go crazy from life in constant fear. The problem is that. We met him six months later, got married, but then broke up.

The reason for the rupture of our relationship is that he wanted to drain me under his friends. I stopped in time, not allowing myself to humiliate. This person is disseminated to me, but I'm not able to forgive this. In addition, I understand that I don't need it.

But he does not leave me alone. He distributed my room to all familiar with the mark "Girl of Easy Behavior", made the installation of my photos and posted a portal and dating site.

He calls me every day and follows me, no matter how much I change phone numbers. I'm really scared. Please advise how to be further. Thanks in advance. Olga Borisova. "

Psychologist Elena Pryvayev answers

Of course, you were in a very unpleasant situation - it seems close person, but does so hurt ... These were the relationship where you were humiliated. And you write that he fell half a year ago.

But let me assume that your relationship is still going on. In the sense that you continue to humiliate, and you tolerate it. What for? Live in constant fear - How much of this in your life (family, work, communication)?

Typically, psychologists of advice do not give, leaving the right to choose a person. I break this tradition. If I were in your place, I would try to take care of myself. At first I would make it a warning.

If this does not help, it would have turned to the police - its actions are punishable. Know that you have a complete right (moral, civil and so on) to defend yourself private life, borders, dignity. The only question is why you do not use them.