Repair Design Furniture

Doctors have learned to make benches out of used shoe covers. Strawberries from cases from kinder surprises and a plastic bottle What can be made from packages from shoe covers

Do not rush to throw away the used plastic container, because you can still find useful use for it. In the new review, the author has collected the most interesting and practical examples of what else you can use unnecessary plastic bottles for.

1. Decoration in a nautical style

To create a unique nautical-style jewelry, you will need a small plastic or glass bottle, which should be filled with plain water and the attributes of the seabed: sand, shells, large pearl-like beads, coins, shiny beads and shards of glass. When all the ingredients are folded, add a drop of blue food coloring, a few drops of vegetable oil and some glitter into the bottle. It remains only to screw the cork well and the stunning decoration is ready.

2. Stand for books and magazines

Simple manipulations will allow you to turn an unnecessary canister of milk or juice into a convenient stand for books, newspapers and magazines.

3. Tap nozzle

A convenient tap attachment can be cut out of the shampoo bottle, which will allow the child to wash his hands or wash himself without assistance, without flooding the entire floor.

4. Napkin holder

The detergent bottle can be used to create a bright and practical napkin holder, the design of which is limited only by your imagination.

5. Organizer for stationery

Instead of just throwing away your regular shampoo and shower gel bottles, make them bright and cheerful coasters in the form of funny monsters. To get started, simply cut off the bottlenecks and mark the future cuts. You can cut a variety of decorative items from colored paper or fabric, such as eyes, teeth, and ears, and attach them to bottles with super glue. The finished products are best attached to the wall using double-sided tape.

6. Containers for cosmetic accessories

Cut plastic bottles are perfect for making adorable storage containers for makeup brushes, makeup, ear sticks and more.

7. Poof

From a large number of plastic containers, you can make a charming pouf, the creation process of which is quite simple and straightforward. First you need to make a circle from plastic bottles of the same height and secure it with tape. The resulting structure must be well wrapped with a sheet of expanded polyethylene, securing all joints with tape. The base of the ottoman is ready, all that remains is to sew a suitable cover for it.

8. Bracelets

Plastic bottles are an excellent base for creating original bracelets. Use fabric, thread, leather, and any other material to decorate an unsightly plastic base.

9. Stand for sweets

The bottoms of plastic bottles of different sizes, painted in the desired shade, can be used to create an effective multi-level stand for convenient and beautiful storage of sweets.

10. Scoop and scapula

Plastic milk and juice canisters can be used to create a practical scoop and a handy little shovel.

11. Protective cap

A simple cap, which can be made in no time from an ordinary plastic bottle, will help protect your phone from snow or rain.

12. Lamp

A small plastic canister can be a wonderful base for creating an original lamp.

13. Organizer for jewelry

Awesome multi-level organizer that can be made from multiple bottoms of plastic bottles strung on a metal knitting needle.

14. Flowerpot

Storage tanks for spare parts.

Roomy containers made from unnecessary plastic canisters, which are perfect for storing small parts, nails, screws and other trifles, will help to clean and maintain order in the garage.

17. Toy

Armed with scissors, felt-tip pens and paints, you can turn unnecessary plastic containers into funny toys, the process of creating which, like the result itself, will undoubtedly attract the attention of children.

Continuing the theme with your own hands.

Doctors from Kemerovo Region patented a device for processing plastic medical waste

Benches, urns and landscape design elements are created from recycled shoe covers, gloves and disposable gowns for doctors in a hospital in the Kemerovo region. A creative, and most importantly, a useful way of waste disposal was developed and implemented by the employees of the medical institution themselves.

photo: Press Service of the Kemerovo Region Administration

Vahram Aghajanyan, chief physician of the regional center for the health of miners in Leninsk-Kuznetsky, told MK that the idea to use medical waste for the benefit of the environment and society came about when the employees estimated the scale of the garbage that remains after every day of the hospital's work. The management has developed its own waste processing technology, patented it and started to implement the plan. According to the chief physician, the bulk of the garbage is made up of products that are used daily at the Center: these are disposable gowns for operations, rubber gloves, shoe covers, sheets and other plastic consumables. The employees collect the waste in containers and then put it into a recycling machine. This device is a furnace: in it, at a temperature of 200 degrees, materials are melted into a blue liquid mass. Then this mass can be poured into the desired shape and used to create various objects. On average, it is possible to dispose of 10 to 20 bags of plastic waste profitably per day. The Center treats 600-700 people at the same time, and it turns out that each of them had a hand (or a leg) to protect the environment.

The hospital decided that the remelted recycled products should be of benefit to society. Therefore, most often, former shoe covers and dressing gowns are turned into comfortable benches, tables, trash cans and elements of street decor. These items are used not only on the territory of the hospital, but also in public parks. Due to the special strength of the material, they are not afraid of weather whims - plastic benches are able to withstand both snow and rain.

By the way, the device itself for processing medical waste is located on the territory of the hospital, but in a separate building. The heating process takes place without noise and smoke, so that the operation of the oven does not cause inconvenience to patients.

The site contains a number of materials on the reuse of seemingly unnecessary and useless things. In hospitals and clinics you can find vending machines for shoe covers. You put five rubles into the machine and you get a small plastic box with a pair of shoe covers stuffed into it. After using the shoe covers, an unnecessary container remains. One of the options for extending the life of the container is making a toy for a cat, cat or kitten. How to make such a toy?

The designs of homemade toys can be very diverse, but I will give two options for the leaven of thought. For making with our own hands, we need - a container from shoe covers, a shoe lace, a piece of soft wire in insulation or a piece of twine, a rattle on a clothespin for a fishing rod (costs 10 rubles). From tools, scissors with a sharp end are enough.

The first version of a toy for a cat

We make a small hole in the lid of the container with the tip of the scissors with our own hands. For other piercing methods, see the video. We thread a twine or a lace from a shoe into it and tie a knot on the inside of the lid so that the lace does not pop out. We put one ringing ball removed from the rattle inside the container. We close the container with a lid with a tail. We shorten the lace to a length of 10-20 cm. For decoration, draw the identification marks of the mouse's face on the container with a permanent felt-tip pen. We check the result on a cat or a cat.

The second version of a toy for a cat

We make a small hole in the container lid with the tip of the scissors. In this hole we tightly insert a spring with a rattle ball at the end (see photo), and the rattle can be hidden in a container or taken out. With this mount, the sound from the toy will be louder. The tail can also be added as an option. We also check the result on a cat or cat.

Spring rattle

A very nice craft can be made from a green plastic bottle and containers from kinder surprises. It will be almost a real mouth-watering strawberry that can decorate your home or summer cottage. A whole bush of such a luxurious strawberry with berries and flowers looks beautiful.

To make crafts, we need a lot of things:

  • wire,
  • kinder cases - 5 pieces,
  • green plastic bottle - 1 pc,
  • scissors (curly scissors can be used for leaflets),
  • acrylic paint in red, black and yellow,
  • paint brushes (medium and thin),
  • green insulating tape,
  • some styrofoam (so that it fits snugly in the pot you are using),
  • a small planter pot or any suitable jar,
  • a little green sisal,
  • candle,
  • pot decor - optional.

So, let's begin:

To begin with, I prepared a pot for planting our strawberries, which can be decorated in any way possible. First, put a piece of foam inside and decorate. I decorated with jute rope; for children's crafts, you can use corrugated paper and other suitable materials.

Each container from a kinder surprise must be pierced with scissors or an awl and a wire must be inserted into this hole, which must be slightly bent.

We close the container and so all 5 pieces.

These are the blanks ...

We paint with acrylic paint ...

The leaves must be cut with cuttings to make it easier to strengthen them on the stem.

Sepal blanks and a leaf can be slightly warmed over a candle so that they are slightly deformed and take on a lively appearance.

We pierce the sepals with an awl or scissors in the center and put them on the wire to each berry.

Then, with a green insulating tape in a spiral, we wrap the stem-wire, attaching the leaves. The insulating tape can be replaced with corrugated paper, tape or green yarn.

We make a bunch of such blanks, piercing the foam plastic in a pot with a wire.

Let's add some flowers for beauty.

They can be made from any material at hand, I have white felt and ready-made centers for flowers. You can use a white yogurt bottle or jars. We also use any suitable material as the center, you can even cut it out of a bottle and paint it with yellow acrylic paint.

We fix the flower on the wire ... Depending on the material used, the wire can be slightly bent at the tip, on top of the glue, stick the middle for a moment. We wrap the stem-wire with electrical tape and plant it in a pot.

An attractive strawberry bouquet of kinder surprises will look good both in the interior and on the garden plot. It can also become a wonderful handmade souvenir gift, for example, by March 8!

Create with pleasure!

I was glad to help!

Izhevsk shoe covers and capsules for them are distributed not only in the regions of Russia, but also in the CIS countries - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus. The city, founded as a factory and considered not environmentally friendly, is one of the leaders in the collection of plastic and recycling of raw materials.

20 to 220

Production from low-density polyethylene in Izhevsk, the capital of Udmurtia, was established back in 2010. In less than 10 years of operation, volumes have grown dramatically.

“We brought the first machines from China ourselves,” says Sergey Losin, head of Lokomotiv LLC. - At that time shoe covers just appeared on the market, pricing was not brought down, competition was not as widespread as it is now. We also thought that shoe covers are a good consumable. The most important raw material - polyethylene granules - was at hand.

According to Losin, since 2010 the number of manufactured products - medical shoe covers - has increased more than 100 times. This is due to the fact that at first the work was carried out only on one machine, and now there are 15 of them. And the number of employees from 20 people has increased to 220.

The difference between this enterprise and many others is that out of 220 employees, more than 160 are people with disabilities. And the founder of Lokomotiv LLC is the All-Russian Society of Disabled People of the Udmurt Republic.

At the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi, the company was recognized as the "Best Social Project" for 2018 for the employment of people with disabilities.

“On the labor market, we are already experts in the field of employment of people with disabilities,” says Sergey Losin, head of Lokomotiv LLC and deputy chairman of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People of the UR. -

As with waste processing, the country does not yet have a well-functioning system for employing people with disabilities. Therefore, we are often asked questions, because our organization has already developed its own methodology over the years of work.

Plastic to plastic discord

And more than two years ago, the enterprise also started processing.

“Until that time, no one thought about processing,” says Sergei Aleksandrovich. “We just took primary granules and made various types of products from them: shoe covers, medical masks, plastic gloves, raincoats and much more. And then we discovered PET.

We decided that we would no longer buy capsules for shoe covers, but we would start producing them ourselves. But making them in the conventional way is very expensive, and besides, the competition is high. We decided to make the capsules from PET, because it is lying under our feet. We set up collection, bought an extruder, started making a film, molding it. And we got capsules.

In fact, the capsule manufacturing process turned out to be not so simple and fast. It took Lokomotiv half a year and about 5 million rubles for commissioning.

“It was very difficult to make a lock that fastens one half of the capsule to the other,” continues Sergey Losin. - But we calculated and found out that such capsules are much cheaper than existing analogues.

Why? Injection molding machine melts raw materials and consumes a lot of electricity. We just heat it up, and the PET takes the form of a press. In this case, no more energy is spent than when ironing.

In addition, the cost of raw materials differs. So, polypropylene crumbs cost 115 rubles per kilogram - and this is in bulk, at a good price. And our raw materials, taking into account the collection, washing, drying and processing - about 60 rubles, that is, 2 times cheaper. And the quality is not inferior. If we talk about capsules, then PET capsules are even better than polypropylene ones, since their walls are harder.

But there is one more problem that, perhaps, stops entrepreneurs from choosing this type of production: it is quite easy to find employees for an injection molding machine, there are a lot of them. And on the extruder for processing PET - you can count on one hand, there are only 5-6 people in all of Russia, all are worth their weight in gold.

“Our extruder has a technical education, but he learned to work on the extruder from scratch: on the Internet, he studied Western sources,” says Sergey Alexandrovich. - And now we can say that we have learned how to make excellent PET sheets from waste - sheets with a thickness of 0.2 mm to 1.5 mm. This sheet can be given any shape, patterns. It is hard and durable. Even more budgetary options for plastic windows (for a summer residence, for example) are made from such sheets.

And if you compare PET and polycarbonate, PET is second only to heat resistance. Greenhouses made from it are not suitable for hot regions, they can begin to melt. For Moscow or for Udmurtia, for example, where the air temperature practically does not rise above 30 degrees, a PET greenhouse will not lose to polycarbonate, and will cost at least 2 times cheaper.

One and a half - for 1 ruble

In the future, the company plans only to increase production volumes, but now they are stopped by the lack of raw materials. The solution to the problem has already been invented.

- We started to organize collection points for bottles. In the USSR, I still remember, there were reception points everywhere. And it was considered the norm to hand over glass or plastic bottles. And there was less garbage on the streets then.

If you organize such reception points correctly - for money, for a reason, then everything should work out. It’s just that even I would not sort the garbage - and not because of laziness, but due to lack of time - it’s easier to put everything in one bag and throw it into one container.

And if some money will be given for the bottles, why not return it? We will accept a 1.5 liter bottle for 1 ruble. Thus, people who accumulate plastic bottles can do not just a conscious act, but also get some money for them and buy, for example, a loaf of bread.

The other day we opened the first reception point in Izhevsk. As soon as things go, we are ready to open the same points throughout the republic.

Not by volume, but by mass

By the way, the joint project of the Public Chamber of the UR and the public organization of consumers of housing and communal services "Association of Councils of Houses of the Udmurt Republic" can help Lokomotiv to get plastic bottles. So far, it is only experimental and will begin work this spring.

The organizers selected 10 Izhevsk apartment buildings, the residents of which will be asked to sort the garbage and put it in separate containers. The cost for garbage collection will be calculated not by volume, but by weight. And not according to the standard, but in fact. Most importantly, sorting will help to recycle some of the waste.

- This project is just an experiment so far. We still cannot say with certainty that this method of garbage disposal will be cheaper - it remains to be verified, - says Alexander Evseev, chairman of the public organization of consumers of housing and communal services "Union of Councils of Houses of the Udmurt Republic". - But if we talk about plastic bottles, you must agree that they are larger in volume than in weight.

Photos courtesy of Sergei Losin.