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Who are Masons and what do they do. Dictionary. Gallery "Famous Freemasons"

Freemasonry takes its roots from from the influence of the traditions of the work of guild masons and the postulates of medieval knightly orders ... The principle of education is the same - a closed elite association of people with specific goals and ideology. It is impossible to trace the exact date of the emergence of this ideology due to the fact that Freemasonry is surrounded by secrets, legends and mysticism .

It is only known for certain that first Grand Lodge was founded in England in 1717.

Bricklayers and builders (not necessarily literally masons - also people who participate in the spiritual construction of the universe, scientists, entrepreneurs, politicians and religious leaders) are endowed with a certain moral mission in Freemasonry. These people unite in a secret brotherhood, pledge to observe certain rules and esoteric rituals, participate in meetings, discussions and discussion of pressing issues. Which ones - the lodge decides.

In general, everything that concerns the immediate life of the Freemasons within the community remains in the strictest confidence. However, its freemasonry you can not hide it.

Thus, Freemasonry attracts educated people , not poor and able to influence world processes in the field of culture, economics, politics.

Freemasonry symbols

Since Freemasonry is a secret teaching, they have a lot of symbols and instruments of allegory. Perhaps the most common of these is crossed compasses and angle ruler ... There is no single interpretation of them, just as there are no Masonic dogmas. But often this stands for the possession of tools for accurately measuring and understanding one's position and influence on the world .

In Freemasonry a large number of symbols are used in the form of building materials, tools, many go back to architectural art. This refers to the comparison between the construction of buildings and the construction of man and society.

The most common symbols of Freemasonry:

  • A hammer;
  • Master OK;
  • Protractor;
  • Level;
  • Plumb line;
  • Stone slabs;
  • Apron;
  • Gloves;
  • Acacia flowers;
  • The "Radiant Delta" is a pyramid with an eye inside as a symbol of God.

Almost all masonic symbols have ancient analogues in religious treatises and legends, but their exact interpretation is impossible to find out.

Masons also have their own non-verbal language - gestures and handshakes with which they communicate with each other and exchange secret signals in public places.

Freemasonry FAQ

  • So what are Masons doing?

The main practical activity of the Masonic orders is charity and participating in financial transactions that, in their opinion, can change the world for the better. Everything else relates to spiritual activities - observance of the principles of the brotherhood of people, conducting rituals, discussions, studying philosophy and secondary sciences.

  • Are Masons sectarian or not?

Contrary to all theories, masons are not a sect ... In fact, they have nothing to do with religion at all, although the main symbols and legends have something in common with Christianity and Judaism. They are rather esoteric-philosophical associations.

Become a Freemason if you are an atheist it is impossible. Each member of the Masonic lodge professes one religion or another, of his choice. The Lodge does not interfere in this part of life, but any of the existing images of God is called only the Great Architect of the Universe. That is, in terms of religion in Freemasonry, pluralism and democracy - everyone is free to believe in what is close to him. There is no discussion of religion in principle.

We can also say that no “ zhidomasonov »Does not happen - the community does not consist exclusively of jews ... According to available data, they do not even have a numerical advantage.

  • Can a woman become a Freemason?

Freemasonry divided by european and American ... The differences between the two directions are in what rules are followed by visitors to the lodge. So in the European tradition women can enter in a brotherhood, in America it is absolutely impossible.

The only woman who tried to learn the secrets of Freemasonry and entered the building of the lodge in Kentucky was caught and held incaptivity for a month.

  • Do Masons have their own book or commandments?

Yes, there is - this set of principles and moral laws community called landmarks ("Land markings"). Masons do not have a dominant class, each lodge is self-governing, therefore any disputes or disagreements that arise are regulated precisely through the landmarks.

The catch is that their quantity and content varies in each box. In Europe, it is believed that there are 25 (formulated by Albert McKay in 1856) or 40 (by George Oliver, 1863). The Americans went further and established a different number of Landmarks in different states. So in the lodges of New Jersey there are 10 of them, and in Kentucky there are already 54.

  • What do Masonic lodges look like?

About, how do they look from the inside, we know little and only through the cinema - one cannot judge the reliability. But from the outside, these are unremarkable buildings, often in European style. Is that on the facade there may be depiction of symbols of Freemasonry .

Particularly distinguished is the building built in 1892 masonic lodge in chicago ... It was a 22-storey building that was considered the tallest in the world.

Lodge must be permanent location , that is, to occupy some structure. They have hierarchy , every new one first receives permission from a higher one and only after that can be considered masonic temple ... Often the lodges can differ from each other in contingent: there are those in which people of a certain profession gather, in some - living nearby.

There are no windows in the boxes to give mystery and some kind of mystery. Freemasons more familiar spend their events in the twilight. Doors, walls and all free space in meeting rooms are decorated with all kinds of paraphernalia:

  1. Masonic flags;
  2. Star of David;
  3. Banners;
  4. Kabbalistic symbolism.

It is worth saying that the sight is not the most fun, for a beginner with weak nerves it is a real shock.

In the most important rooms, reserved for the highest Masonic ranks, everything is saturated with luxury. They sit at a chic table and on chairs created by a skilled craftsman. The floors are covered with expensive carpets, the gilded frames of paintings sparkle.

Lodge has a separate room for masonic meal (agapy). In the dressing room, each member of the fraternity can put on special clothes, and with the help of a hairdresser and make-up artist apply the necessary makeup and comb his hair.

  • Are Freemasons and Illuminati the same thing?

No, illuminati is absolutely secret society "Enlightened in the secrets of the world" with German roots. Unlike Freemasons, members of the Illuminati community cannot divulge their affiliation, and the Illuminati do not officially exist.

Freemasonry - one of the parts american culture ... Getting into this society and asking questions yourself is not easy. But to come to the USA and study the issue on the spot - why not.

  • What is the diversity of American Masonic lodges?

In addition to the Rosicrucians, whose first emperor was Spencer Lewis, there are many others directions and ramifications freemasonry .

All American Freemasons are proud of their country, confidently believe that this “ great masonic superpower ».

In America, the headquarters of many societies of Freemasons of the following varieties are located:

  1. Order of the Knights Templar.
  2. Jewish brotherhoods of Jews , in which members on a national basis are allowed, that is, only Jews. All their deliberative activities are held in the strictest confidence.
  3. « Pilgrims of Zionism »Also refers to the national Jewish organization.
  4. Order " B'nai Brit "- the center of Jewish masons. Its members occupy the most responsible positions in government and business structures.

Freemason Henry Ford recognized Freemasonry as a strong foothold for the United States. The main criterion is that they know exactly what their children should learn.

  • How to build a career through Freemasonry?

No matter how mysterious and not fully explored masonic society , in America, being in its ranks means the likelihood of more successful career .

There is still a contradictory attitude towards the Freemasons, but their influence on the development of society is quite large. Only a few adherents of the order are ashamed of such membership. Basically, these are those who had to become freemason solely to make a career.

For most, this evokes pride and a sense of undisguised superiority. For example, representatives of this type freemasonry , as the Rosicrucians (their duties include the propaganda of occult literature), they are sure that they have a special exclusivity and significance. They carry high their right to possess the "great secrets".

For a person who has chosen the path of personal development, mastering the laws of magic and seeking to attract a lot of money with its help, it will not be superfluous to study the corresponding sections of history. A serious step towards this is the study of ancient magical orders and the secrets of their success. Indeed, it is in the age-old traditions of both the physical and the subtle world that the ancient magical secrets of attracting good luck are kept. What is the valuable secret of attracting money that the ancient masonic order ? What are their amazing achievements, and who are they really?

Freemasonry, according to the interpretation of the explanatory dictionary, it is a religious and ethical movement that arose in the XIII century, presumably in England, and is an ancient mystical secret organization with its own symbols, ceremonies and rituals. Although themselves masons prefer a different formulation: not "secret society", a "A society with secrets." In short, it is a special esoteric society aimed at comprehending unknown world laws and ways of managing reality. But what is their true ideology, origin, what their symbols mean , and what power does ancient Masonic amulet for money, capable of attracting good luck and wealth, read on.


There are many theories of the origin of the Masonic movement: from what started the movement takes king Solomon, to the point that under a secret organization hiding former "Knights of the Temple" ( templar) after their defeat by the French king Philip the Fair. Or, that under the guise of Freemasons from the government, at one time, radical philosophers and scientists were hiding. Or what order, now a world famous and influential Masonic organization, originates from the medieval elite brotherhood bricklayers gothic architecture.

The theory of the origin of the Masonic orders from the former knights Templar - one of the main and firmly rooted historical concepts, fanned by their mysterious connection. This hypothesis is based on two main points that scientists rarely challenge. First: after the actions of the French king Philip IV, who envied wealth, power and general success templar, not all were destroyed "Knights of the Temple". Only the ruling and especially radical persons of the great order were subjected to punishment. The rest of the representatives remained at large or entered other knightly orders, distributed throughout Europe. From this fact, it follows that templar could very likely keep and transfer their secret knowledge and traditions, right up to the 13th century, in the future going into order secret society - freemasonry.

Second positiondemonstrates the success and consistency of the secret organization at the time of the creation of the Masonic lodges and, in fact, to this day. Suspecting the imminent attack of Philip the Fair, including the reprisals of the Inquisition, templar managed to hide most of their money, and secret knowledge of the meaning of their symbols and amulets on money, on which in the future and began to develop influential Masonic organization.

The following hypothesis of the origin of Freemasonry is less mysterious, but no less reliable among the opinions of various scientists.

In the Middle Ages, the Gothic style of architecture flourished in Western Europe, due to which a special clan (group) "Free stone masons"(in translation - free - mason ) who built temples and palaces of striking size and beauty. "Free stones", unlike ordinary stones, at that time were called softer natural stones (marble and limestone), which were used in Gothic architecture for subtle, bas-relief processing. Special privilege "Free masons" gave the advantage of free movement across Europe for the construction of unique Gothic structures and the number money, which they received as payment. Even then, the first masons were very rich people.

Why exactly "clan" bricklayers? Not all builders possessed this unique skill, but only rare masters initiated into Gothic art. These secret knowledge was passed on only to those who passed special tests and a special test "for strength". Even then, the group of “free masons” began to have ceremonies and rituals of initiation into builders of this kind, as well as a statutory program and a special internal hierarchy. Since then, the modern freemasonry inherited hierarchy and degrees (degrees) "Apprentice - apprentice - master" and symbolism (apron, plumb line, level, square, compasses, hammer)... And on the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding Gothic temples, however, not in the physical, but in the spiritual plane - to this day, modern masons.

Subsequently, when the Gothic style lost its former significance, the differences between the groups of masons faded, but the reputation of the privileged "Freemasons" remained. Later, the so-called "Speculative (thinking) freemasonry». Speculative masons were not bricklayers-builders, but were honorary members of the Masonic lodges... The earliest record of attendance at a Masonic meeting lodges Honorary Freemason dates back to 8 June 1600, when the Lodge of Edinburgh received John Boswell, a landowner of Ochinleck from Scotland, within its walls. Like the stonemasons of the Middle Ages, modern representatives of the ancient order are working on processing "Wild stone" , trying to give it correct and perfect forms, only this stone is now symbolic - imperfect life and human soul.


One of the main principles of the ideology of Freemasonry is moral improvement, which implies belief in the impact on all things Higher power (God / Absolute). Great importance is attached to charity, strengthening friendship, brotherhood within lodges and following its constitution. Every Mason must certainly believe in one or another God, follow one or another monotheistic religion. At the same time, which religion is not important. In the Masonic bed it is not accepted to discuss religious and political issues and views, i.e. why this or that representative lodges believes in this God and follows this religion. Therefore, under the talk about Supreme essence, christian, can freely understand Holy Trinity, Muslim - Allahand a Hindu - Parabrahman etc. But it is important to understand that freemasonry - it's not a religion at all, and not a replacement. Masonic philosophy is based on the faith of the members lodges in God, but its main goal is moral and ethical relations between people. Masons are also loyal to the existing authorities and politics. The main focus and virtue of the Freemasons is to help society through charity. One side freemasonry - this "Revival" with its humanism, social utopia and attention to man as an individual, on the other - a pronounced religious consciousness, genuine interest in mysticism and belief in the supernatural and mysterious. Religions have undoubtedly left their mark on the philosophy of Freemasonry. Christianity brought the basic postulates into the ideology of Freemasonry - kindness, equality, peace and justice. Judaism - the fascination of some lodges hebrew Kabbalah (treatises: The Radiance (Zohar) and The Book of Creation (Sefer Shezir) dedicated to the interpretation Old testament. Islam reflected as a ban on the image of a deity and in the performance of obligatory alms (charity). A buddhism brought the search by the Masons "Middle way" and the pursuit of a general consensus.

Masonic society divided by three levels, or lodges. First level box - Blue, is divided into three degrees - of the type "private", "corporal", "junior sergeant".

Middle bed- Rite of York or Red Lodge has ten degrees. When the Mason reaches the highest level, he can already enter into the great Scottish rite, which is already thirty-two degrees. But it is not at all easy to get to high positions, and the ideas and tasks there are completely different.

Despite the seeming backstage, the influence of Freemasonry on the world process, according to some sources, is very great. No wonder, after all, practically all masons are successful, wealthy and highly intelligent people. And get into this order very difficult. Masons are located in almost all administrative structures of power around the planet and control almost everything: information coming to the masses, military actions and clashes, the economy, etc. In a word - everyone decides, but few people know about it.

Prominent figures of humanity, such successful and influential personalities as Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, Mozart, Voltaire, Duke Ellington, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Andrew Jackson, Franz Liszt, Joseph Haydn, Ludwig van Beethoven, Niccolo Paganini, Jacob Sibelius, writers Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Rabindranath Tagore, Walter Scott, Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, poets Alexander Pop, Robert Burns, Rudyard Kipling. Theodore Roosevelt and thirteen other American presidents. After all, it is masons created the American constitution and the first to put it at the head human rights.

And Russian Masons were no less outstanding persons who influenced the culture and science of our country - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov, Sumarokov, Novikov, Bazhenov Voronikhin, Levitsky, Borovikovsky, Zhukovsky, Griboyedov, M. Voloshin, M. Aldanov, M. Osorgin, Adamovich, Gazdanov and even Lev Tolstoywas involved in his views on Freemasonry.

From the foregoing, we can conclude that members of the Masonic order are truly influential, rich, successful, and most importantly, spiritually and intellectually developed individuals. Yes, this is a secret, ancient, and perhaps not known to everyone, society. But what these people possess the secrets of reality control, have access to valuable information accumulated over the centuries is not subject to the slightest doubt. Masonsare the elite of the world community and they know and control a lot.

Many associations emerge with the word "Mason" - the heroes of "War and Peace", secret brotherhoods and rituals, the interests of the cynical world elites. However, this is not just a 19th century veil - Masonic lodges are as real today as they were then. Moreover, they still influence politics. About whether there are still freemasons left and what goals they are pursuing, the writer, the founder of the magazine "Russian House" Yuri Vorobievsky told in the program "Radio Kuzichev".

Freemasonry - anti-religion?

Anatoly Kuzichev: Let's talk about this surprisingly popular and completely incomprehensible and underestimated concept. What is Freemasonry, who are Freemasons?

Yuri Vorobyevsky: You are absolutely right. This is really the antithesis of Orthodoxy. The fact is that we have such a strange system. You tell in the presence of some well-educated, sweet, normal father or someone from the Orthodox audience about this - and right away your interlocutor has a sore throat, which is trying to result in a sarcastic smile, a nervous tic arises, people climb right under the table. And, for example, on Athos, where I often visit, and in Greece - a completely different attitude.
Quite recently, a book by Archimandrite Epiphanius was published in Greece, which we have already translated into Russian, called "Freemasonry in the Light of Truth." She speaks of Freemasonry as an anti-religion. A cult, a cult object, a kind of supreme being.

A.K .: Anti-religion or independent, new religion? Or another religion?

Yu.V .: We can say that yes, this is a different religion. This is precisely a religion with all the signs, as indicated by this learned archimandrite.

A.K .: That is, Freemasonry is a religion? New, with different symbols of faith, with a different meaning, apparently. With a different perspective.

Yu.V .: Freemasonry is a religion with a huge number of stolen symbols, including Orthodox ones. For example, the 33rd degree in Freemasonry has a two-headed eagle as its symbol. 30th degree - the rider conquering the serpent.

A.K .: What degree?

Yu.V .: Hierarchy system.

A.K .: And, a hierarchical system - it is measured in degrees ...

Yu.V .: And, you know, there are places where the entrance is a ruble, and the exit is ten. In the first stages, the person is told that you are joining the sweetest community of brothers. Men's order. What's bad? Well, a lot of them. And then they begin to be called ...

How do masons lure people?

A.K .: Tell me, Yuri Yuryevich, this is very important. Suppose a person comes up to me. Famous freemason Bogdanov, who even ran for president of the Russian Federation. And he will say: "Anatoly Alexandrovich, there is a proposal." I tell him, "Interesting." - "Join our ranks." I say: "And in someone's ours?" He says: "Listen, the oldest order, male."

And I ask: "Well, what's the point, what? I understand what my faith, my religion, my Orthodoxy gives me. I understand what a job gives me, full-time, on a TV channel. And what does this give me?" - I ask him. What will he answer me, I wonder?

Yu.V .: There is a certain material qualification. If you are rich enough, then they will come to you. If they haven't come yet, they will. If you are influential, promising, of course, it can be.

When I became interested in this topic in the early 1990s, I also had a good broadcast, prime time on Channel One. I had copyright programs. And so, using my journalistic capabilities, I ended up in one Moscow apartment. A lovely couple, husband and wife, and in the future, in the near future, he will become the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Russia. She will receive initiation in Paris, in the women's box.

A.K .: Can we speak names or not? Or embarrassing?

Yu.V .: I think we can already say, because they are already former. Georgy Borisovich Dergachev. And his wife, Olga Sergeevna Gornostaeva, who just recently reposed as an Orthodox person, you can pray for her. Thanks to the fact that she understood where she ended up, she gave me her documents, her diaries, which resulted in a book later. There is also a film on this topic. The book is called The Fifth Angel Trumpet. Without false modesty, this is probably the only documentary book about modern Freemasonry in Russia and in the world.

A.K .: Yuri Yurievich, but still, what does Freemasonry offer?

Yu.V .: Freemasonry offers international solidarity relationships. Every person is offered success.

A.K .: Ah. It is a religion of success. If you say that it is a religion, it is a religion of success.

Yu.V .: Pride is encouraged. If a businessman, they will tell you, and this is actually the case. You come to any large city, take a Masonic reference book, dial the phone and say the necessary words there: "I am brother such and such." And they will help you. If you, say, a retired lieutenant colonel, did not complete the service, did not become a general. You enter a knightly order, a military, one might say, knightly order. And after a certain number of years, you are no longer just a general, you are a Kadosh Knight or someone else. These such pompous names in Freemasonry, in fact, they are sometimes funny. Here is the Knight Kadosh - in Hebrew "kadosh" means "saint." Imagine, a person says: "It's very nice, I'm a saint." They shake his hands and say: "And I am the prince of the East, very nice."

A.K .: Handsomely.

Yu.V .: Nice, but a little funny.

A.K .: Modernism is kind of simple. Now, Yuri Yuryevich, about some famous Russian masons.

Freemasonry in Russia


Alexander Pushkin. He joined the Freemasons in 1821. But it is unlikely that his attitude to the secret organization can be called serious - among the poet's papers were found the counting books of the Masonic lodge, which he filled with his poems.

General Alexander Suvorov was one of the very first Freemasons in St. Petersburg. In the capital box "Three stars" he achieved the degree of Master. And Suvorov brought his passion for organizing free masons from Konigsberg.

"Evergreen laurel" - this was the Masonic name M ikhail Kutuzov... He had the highest degrees of initiation and participated in the meeting of the lodges of St. Petersburg, Frankfurt and Berlin.
Historian and writer Nikolai Karamzin was a member of the Masonic lodge for only four years. However, he stood up for the former brothers during the arrest of members of the order in Moscow.

Philosopher and Decembrist Petr Chaadaev wore the eighth degree of initiation into the order out of nine possible. He was a member of the St. Petersburg lodge, but left it, disillusioned with meaningless rituals and empty conversations.

Alexander Griboyedov he was serious about participating in the order. The goal of the lodge, the writer and diplomat saw the enlightenment of Russia.

Participant in the collapse of the Russian Empire Alexander Kerensky was a member of the leadership of the Paramason organization "The Great East of the Peoples of Russia".

A.K .: Several amazing names indeed. Okay Kerensky, okay even Karamzin - but Suvorov, Pushkin, Kutuzov, Griboyedov ...

Yu.V .: Yes, this is the same clip that is prepared, that shoots ... And people of spiritual, ideal motivation. Of course, not all of us are businessmen, and not all of us are pragmatists. There are also humanities, candidates of science and aspiring writers. Of course, when a person is told that you are in the same company with Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Karamzin ... Good company, right?

A.K .: Also with Suvorov, Kutuzov, Griboyedov.

Yu.V .: By the way, the Bogdanov you mentioned, as I remember, just said in his election slogan: "I represent an organization whose members ..." - and their listing begins.
As for Suvorov, I had a special investigation - this is not the case. He was in Konigsberg when his dad was the governor-general of the new Russian region, let's say. He was simply directed by his father to the box, to probe. And in the Masonic books it remains that he was present at the meeting of the lodge. And off we go.

A.K .: Didn't you become a Master?

Yu.V .: No, as far as I know.

Yu.V .: This, of course, is the desire of the Freemasons - to pick up everything that is possible for themselves. Although, in fact, there are already a lot of people. Indeed, the XVIII-XIX centuries is such a fad.

A.K .: And what about the fad? Enlightenment, secrecy and terrible conspiracy? This is terribly interesting to everyone ...

Yu.V .: And all at the same time. Everything that we are talking about now reminds me of a plot from the life of Macarius the Great. He walks through the desert and meets the devil. The devil is all covered with some kind of bubbles. The saint asks the devil: "Where are you going?" - "I'm going to the brethren." - "What are you talking about?" - "For every taste".

For every taste. Indeed, the order has a very large experience, centuries-old. Therefore, for every taste. A retired officer, a promising businessman.

And it does. Once I came to Athos, to my good old acquaintance, Hieroschemamonk, who was our intelligence officer in Afghanistan, then he was a big businessman, he had factories abroad. Now he, in a shabby cassock, in sandals on his bare feet, says: "Listen, bring me your book about Masons." I answered him: "Father, why do you need this" Fifth Angel "here, on Athos?" “Yes, you know,” he says, “I still have businessmen friends in Bulgaria. When they became rich, they came to them and said:“ Guys, do you understand what we are? We are international solidarity, business. "" Well, yes, we will think about it, "they replied. They thought somehow so sluggishly. Six months pass, they come again, they say:" Guys, you probably did not understand our conversation. Bulgaria is a very small country. And cut off your oxygen, using international ... "And the guys start to get nervous, they say:" How is it, we are still Orthodox people ... "-" Oh, that. Yes you! We will introduce you to both priests and bishops. "Bluff? I will not comment on this moment now.

A.K .: No, you comment, it is fundamentally important, in fact. Is your version a bluff?

Yu.V .: You know, Comrade Brzezinski called Russian Orthodoxy America's main enemy. Remember this quote?

A.K .: Yes, we remember.

Yu.V .: In terms of war, "the main enemy". Agents are sent to the enemy's camp.

A.K .: Always.

Yu.V .: Therefore, at first I was shocked by his words. Bluff, not bluff? Then I thought: well ... It's unpleasant to go into this topic, to be honest. But I brought him this book. Because these guys were confused, all the cards were knocked out of their hands.

This archimandrite, he wrote: "Look what happens in these rituals. At a certain stage of initiation, some master of ceremonies there says, when they knock on the box:" Who are you, what do you want? "- We are children of Darkness, we want to enter and receive Shine". Imagine if these are Orthodox baptized people!

Is the secret revealed?

A.K .: In general, Masonic lodges are secret organizations?

Yu.V .: You know, as the Freemasons themselves say, this is not a secret organization, it is an organization that has secrets.

A.K .: Is there a directory of Russian Masons? View by name ...

Yu.V .: Yes, you know, there is Serkov's handbook.

A.K .: D de find it?

Yu.V .: Well, I think the circulation has passed.

A.K .: And on the Internet, you think?

Yu.V .: Probably you can.

A.K .: Directory of Russian Masons. But modern ones are mostly not indicated.

Yu.V .: But we know many, they have already given interviews.

A.K .: For example? Except for Bogdanov.

Yu.V .: Dergachev, for example. Earlier, when Dergachev was a Grand Master, he used to say: "Only, please, in no case, so that my name is not mentioned anywhere, this is not accepted here." Now, apparently, everything is getting easier. Ask another question. Names of famous politicians are named. They say to me: "Listen, you are there with the 33rd sign ..."

A.K .: I carefully and for a very long time led to this ...

Yu.V .: When they start calling names, I say: "My friends, if I cannot show a document, what can I say." But I know one thing. That back in the early 1990s in the system of the Scottish rite (the mighty world Masonic rite) in Moscow, a lodge "Aurora" was created for English-speaking foreigners working here. Then, as far as I know, certain Russian VIPs, recognizable people, began to enter this box.

A.K .: AND from the Russian media elite, you hint ...

Yu.V .: No, from the most diverse Russian elite, including the political one.
But there is another point. The fact is that in the Russian tradition it is still not accepted for a serious famous person to talk about this, in contrast to the American tradition. Everyone knows that Washington, the founder of the United States, was a Freemason. Great figure.

A.K .: We even know what architectural design Washington was built on. Don't know this story? A fantastically interesting story.

Yu.V .: Yes Yes. Masonic architecture.

We in Russia hide information about the Aurora bed ...

A.K .: Why?

Yu.V .: Yes, painfully unpleasant historical things. Look. "Golden Age" of Catherine, "Golden Age" of Freemasonry. Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov and his company were arrested at the very moment when Catherine realized: the epidemic was increasing, and a huge number of nobles close to her, the military and not only, it turns out, swear allegiance not only to her, the Empress, but also to that Great Master, which is located in Prussia. In Prussia, with which relations are terrible, it almost came to war. In modern terms, it smells of high treason. First wave of anti-Masonic government acts.
The second peak moment is the Decembrists. All had connections with some Masonic, Paramasonic organizations, almost all.

A.K .: Petr Chaadaev was remembered here, for example ...

Yu.V .: And most importantly, where did all the threads lead. The threads led, in particular, to Italy. This was the initiatory name of Nubius, a Mason was very famous. Everything went from there. From the Grand Lodge of England, of course.

Well, the February revolution. A remarkable Orthodox publicist, Archbishop Nikon Rozhdestvensky, wrote a lot about the dangers of Freemasonry before the revolution. And one day he wrote: "One well-known bishop approached me and said:" Vladyka, well, what are you writing all about these Masons? Who saw them at all, where are they? And are they even there? "These questions are often asked to me too.

And now several years have passed after this conversation - and suddenly the Provisional Government gets power in the huge country, where 99 percent are mythical, non-existent Freemasons.

A.K .: D a, headed by a very specific Freemason Alexander Kerensky.

Yu.A .: And Nikon Rozhdestvensky was not just killed - his head was cut off. And this is a ritual Masonic moment.

Masonic symbols

reference: Symbols around. Columns. The gate for the initiate and the exit to the light for the seeker.

Columns of the Temple of Jerusalem... The symbolic columns resemble obelisks inscribed with hieroglyphs, which towered in front of Egyptian temples.

Steps. Between the columns of the temple, steps can be depicted, which symbolize trials and cleansing by the elements when receiving Masonic initiation.

Mosaic floor. The pillars are followed by a mosaic floor with staggered white and black squares. The symbolism of alternation suggests that everything in the area of \u200b\u200bour senses is balanced with strict precision.

Cutter and hammer. To put his work into practice, the student is given tools - a chisel representing a settled thought, a decision made, and a hammer - the will that sets them into action.

A rock. A rough stone is placed next to one column, and a cubic stone on the other. Symbolically, the Masonic work is to refine the creations of nature by cutting rough stones.

Hammer of the Venerable Master. The hammer is used by the venerable Lodge Master, First Guardian of the Lodge and Second Guardian of the Lodge in performing ritual work.

Plumb line. Used by bricklayers to check the verticality of walls. For a Mason, the plumb line is a symbol of truth. Truth not as an abstract logical concept, but truth as the rightness of words and deeds before God and society. The level is used by masons to check the levelness of surfaces. Free masons is used as a symbol of equality between people.

Compass and square. In this emblem, the compass represents the vault of heaven, and the square represents the earth. A compass combined with a square is perhaps the most common of all Masonic emblems, symbols and signs.

Book of the Sacred Law. One of the three main lights of free masons. This is the main book of the religion that the brothers present in the meeting of the lodge profess. The radiant delta is the most important symbol of the Masonic temple.

All-seeing eye. A triangle with an eye placed inside it, a sign of enlightenment or the principle of consciousness.

A.K .: The listing of symbols immediately raises many more questions than understanding.

Yu.V .: The topic is very interesting.

A.K .: Immediately remember the coat of arms of the GDR.

Yu.V .: Yes, the hammer.

A.K .: Hammer. With this, as it is called ...

A.K .: And then we remember the dollar with that shining eye in the triangle. And then ... Whatever we just remember. And we think: "Lord my God."

Yu.V .: And you know, each of these symbols, just offhand, has the most important meaning for our conversation today. Look, these two columns, Yakhin and Boaz, are at the entrance to the temple.
In addition, it is an ancient Gnostic sign of the equivalence of good and evil. If good and evil are equal, then there is no Truth, Truth with a capital letter. If so, then there are, in fact, no criteria for morality or ethics. And there is a purely Masonic topic in this regard called "ethics in time." What was unethical yesterday is ethical today.
We already know about euthanasia for a child in Belgium. The so-called Overton windows.

A.K .: What was unacceptable suddenly becomes at first acceptable and then mainstream.

Yu.V .: A purely Masonic, by the way, theme.

A.K .: Yes? How interesting, listen. But still: all these signs and symbols, now on the coat of arms of the GDR, then on the dollar sign - is all this an accident?

Yu.V .: Well, sorry, Freemasonry was just creating the United States of America.

A.K .: And then? Disappeared from the foundation?

Yu.V .: And now, of course, the most influential. Although sometimes they say: "Well, Freemasonry was popular in the 19th century, now it is already a museum ..."

How many Masons and where are they?

A.K .: So, the Masons are among us, there are many of them. Another thing is that they mostly do not introduce themselves ...

Yu.V .: Little.

A.K .: Little? How do you assess their number?

Yu.V .: Well, I think that in Russia there are several hundred Masons of the regular rite, that is, the correct Masons.

A.K .: But on the other hand, these are all people, if I understand their logic correctly, of the highest echelon.

Yu.V .: Not all, of course, not all. If we talk about America, then this is a Masonic state.

Why, indeed, wherever America appears, war, revolution, chaos begins everywhere.

There is a purely Masonic formula - it is, in fact, at the head of all documents, as we wrote earlier: "Workers of all countries, unite!" And it says, "Order out of chaos." That is, you must first create chaos so that the exhausted peoples the world said: yes, how much is possible, wars, revolutions and everything else, immorality.

A.K .: And here I am - all in white ...

Yu.V .: Yes, and then someone comes out - all in white. In the language of Orthodox eschatology, we know who it is.

A.K .: Yes, listen, how interesting.

Yu.V .: And the project is Masonic. Devilish, of course.

A.K .: On the one hand, the conclusion is very simple, just shockingly simple. Yes, indeed, there is such a structure, like many others. Really powerful - many people join it, following their own pride, the religion of success. Moreover, they deliver what they promise. Like any deal with this power, it succeeds at some point. But for you and me this is awful. This is Satanism and devilry - that's all.

Yu.V .: Quite right. We talked about treason. About treason to your state. About treason to God. About betrayal of human nature itself. I appeal to our Orthodox patriotic audience. I would like to say: my friends, with God's help, will remain faithful.

A.K .: That couldn't be better. I thank, of course, Yuri Yuryevich, the author of the book "The Fifth Angel Has Trumped"? And a postscript about the dollar ...


let's take a look at the dollar.

Let's start with its front side: we immediately draw attention to the coat of arms of the US Treasury Department.

Then we move to the number 1 in the upper right. From behind the inner upper left corner of the shield, an owl peeps out behind the number - a symbol of the Satanic Bohemian Club, registered in the Bohemian Grove.

Next, we see a pyramid, at the top of which is an all-seeing eye, at the base of the pyramid are those same Roman numerals. We add them - and we get the number 666. Under the pyramid is the slogan: "Novus Ordo Seclorum". Literally means "New order of the ages". But more correct, especially today, is the "New World Order", which the world's elites often talk about.

Let's draw the pyramid up to the Jewish star. The corners point to the letters, forming the word "mason". Above the pyramid we see "Annuit Coeptis" - "He contributed to our endeavors", or "Time of the beginning". "He" is an architect (eye). According to other sources, it is translated as "God blesses our deeds."

13 leaves on an olive branch in the paw of an eagle. 13 olives in a branch. 13 lines and stripes. 13 arrows in the paw of an eagle. 13 five-pointed stars above the eagle's head. 13 letters in "E Pluribrus Unum". 13 stones in the pyramid. 13 letters in "Annuit Coeptis". In the center of the banknote there is a large letter N - the 13th in a row in the ancient Greek alphabet. 13 is the mystical number of Satan.

Fold the dollar in half. So much for the great double-sided seal of the United States. Priests on one side, Masons on the other.

Here is such an interesting gang, and the goal of this gang is simple - to make us a worldwide cosmopolitan herd without clan and tribe. The goal of the Freemasons is written on the ribbon in the eagle's beak on the right. Of course, this Latin is translated so that the people would not be frightened: "Unity in diversity." But in reality - "One people out of many". And the width of the dollar, by the way, is 66.6 millimeters.

Many legends have developed around the Masons - from the theory of the "world Zhidomason conspiracy" to blood-chilling stories about ritual murders. The masons themselves call themselves not a secret society, but a society with secrets. In our review, a selection of facts about this closed men's club of wealthy intellectuals.

1. About five million Masons

Freemasonry exists in various forms throughout the world. It is believed that there are about five million Masons in the world (including about 480 thousand in Great Britain and more than two million in the United States).

2. Masons - secret or not secret?

Contrary to popular belief, Freemasons are not a secret society. A Freemason can freely tell people that he is a Freemason. But they cannot divulge the secrets of their order.

3.June 24, 1717

4. Morality, friendship, brotherly love

The images of working tools in the symbolism of the Masons are an illustration of the morality, friendship and brotherly love of the members of the order.

5. Origin of symbolism

It is believed that the Freemasons use symbols due to the secrecy of the brotherhood. However, in fact, symbols began to be used in Freemasonry, since at the time of the foundation of the society, most of its members could not read.

6. Square and compass

The oldest Masonic symbol is the square and the compass. It is also the most common symbol of Freemasonry, although its exact meaning varies from country to country.

7. Masonic lodge - a community of people

The Masonic Lodge is a community of people, not just the name of a building. Each lodge must receive a letter from the "Grand Lodge", but after that they are mostly self-governing. There are also no generally accepted rituals for conducting meetings, they are different in each lodge.

8. Atheist? Means not a freemason

An atheist cannot become a Freemason. The first requirement is that potential members must believe in at least some higher power.

9. Two branches of Freemasonry

There are two branches of Freemasonry: the regular, which is subject to the "United Grand Lodge of England," and the liberal, which is subject to the "Grand Orient of France."

10. Secret signs

Masons traditionally greet each other with various "secret" signs, including wearing a ring with the Masonic emblem, various badges, and sometimes exchanging the so-called "Masonic handshake".

11. Anders Breivik

Anders Breivik, known for the 2011 Norwegian serial killings, was also a Freemason.

12. Ordered to perjure

Masons cannot give truthful testimony in court if the defendant is their brother in the order and he is guilty. They admit that this can be perjury, but in the brotherhood it is considered a much greater sin not to protect "their own."

13. Freemasonry has no single leader

Freemasons are a multitude of people in numerous organizations that are subordinate to the local Grand Lodge. None of these members of the fraternity and no organization can speak on behalf of the entire Freemasonry - this is only allowed to the Grand Lodge.

14. Statue of Liberty

Frederic Bartholdi, the man who created the famous Statue of Liberty, was a Freemason.

15. Handshakes and passwords

The secret handshakes and passwords currently associated with Freemasonry were previously used by Freemasons to get to know each other. This was essential for keeping the brotherhood secret.

16. Lunar module pilot

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin was a member of Clear Lake Loggia # 1417 in Texas. He was also the pilot of the lunar module on the Apollo 11 mission.

17. Ekaterina Babington

Catherine Babington so wanted to learn the secrets of Freemasonry that she hid during the meetings of the lodge in Kentucky inside the pulpit for a year. When she was found, she was held captive for a month.

18. The most famous masons

Charles Darwin, Mark Twain, Winston Churchill, J. Edgar Hoover, Benjamin Franklin, and the first president and founding father of the United States, George Washington, were all Masons.

19. Illuminati and Freemasons

Conspiracy theorists associate Freemasons with the Illuminati. However, this seems unlikely, because the Illuminati are a completely secret society (to the point that most people believe that this society does not exist today), while the Freemasons can divulge that they are members of the Freemason lodge.

20. Nazis destroyed the Freemasons

23. Masonic Temple in Chicago

The Masonic Temple in Chicago, Illinois, built in 1892, was the tallest building in the world at the time. It had 22 floors.

24. Masons at War

During the American Civil War, soldiers from enemy armies who recognized each other as Masons helped and saved each other's lives. Even during the war, the loyalty of the Freemasons to the brotherhood did not disappear anywhere.

In 2007, the world's most mysterious organization reopened its box in Russia. Today it already includes about 400 people. can be found in one of our reviews.