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Analysis of the poem "I do not like your irony" by Nekrasov. Nikolay Nekrasov - I do not like your irony: Verse

The theme of love is traditional in Russian literature. N.A.Nekrasov, too, could not pass by her and clothed his experiences in a weighty and straightforward Nekrasov style. The reader may notice how realistic the poet's love is, for example, in the poem "I do not like your irony ...".

The writer worked on the poem in 1850, in the midst of an affair with a married woman Avdotya Panaeva. Here's to whom the work is dedicated. With her he lived in civil marriage 16 years old, and cohabited with her and her husband in the same apartment. Lovers in that period suffered a terrible test: their son died. From that moment on, scandals and quarrels became more frequent, and Nekrasov himself began to be jealous of a woman even of her lawful spouse. Not surprising, because Avdotya was a beauty known throughout the capital. Even FM Dostoevsky was in love with her, but did not receive reciprocity.

Already in 1855, the poem "I do not like your irony" was published in the journal "Sovremennik", and was also included in the collection of poetry for 1856.

Genre and direction

The genre of the poem is a message, as it is one of the works included in the "Panaev's cycle" and addressed to A. Panaeva.

The poem refers to love lyrics... There is an unnatural rhythm for Nekrasov, and an atypical rhyme. The size is iambic pentameter. But you can also see pyrrhic. It is precisely because of him that the rhythm is lost, and the breath is lost.

Nekrasov also composed an unusual rhyme. Everywhere there is a different rhyme: if the first stanza is circular, then the second turns into a cross, the third cross, together with the adjacent rhyme.

Images and symbols

The author talks about the formation love relationship, and partly writes about his life: the relationship between Nekrasov and Panaeva was unbalanced. They either boiled passions, then they experienced a temporary cooling to each other. Therefore, the lyrical hero is an emotional nature with jealous anxieties, this is a temperamental and honest man who recognizes the inevitability of separation. His love burns with the last blush of autumn, there is a gap ahead, but he wants to share the last rays of fading attraction with his beloved, without rushing the gloomy denouement.

His chosen one is also experiencing separation, and therefore the lyrical hero is also worried about the state of his beloved. She invests her disappointment in irony - that is, scoffs at what was previously sacred. So she hides her melancholy, the pain of an impending loss, which she already realizes. But with an icy grin, the lady extinguishes those sparks of happiness that still remained in their meetings, and the lyric hero urges her not to do this. You need to be able to enjoy love to the end. A woman still loves him, because she prolongs dates and gives tenderness to a jealous, not ideal, but still close and desirable man.

The symbol of autumn is a sign of wilting and goodbye to love. The water is getting colder, and only the last spray retains the appearance of life. So love passes, and its final convulsions are an attempt to forget, warm and breathe life into a fading feeling.

Themes and mood

  • Love theme- the main theme of the poem. The culmination of the feeling has already passed. Before the lovers, parting looms ahead, but the last glimpses of happiness should warm them, because the joint path has not yet been passed. The poet tries to convey to the reader the whole authenticity of romantic relationships between people: how a spark flares up between them, how sometimes it is not easy for them, and how this spark can go out.
  • Jealousy theme... The author believes that jealousy is a clear manifestation of male passion. Nekrasov himself managed to show this emotion, even when he was a lover married woman... Therefore, it is not surprising that he sang his own manifestation of love.
  • Longing theme... The hearts of jaded people are full of boredom and coldness, their feeling of life, where the illusions of novelty have been lost, can be succinctly characterized by the word "melancholy".
  • Mood the poem can be called an autumn one, because its heroes clearly see off love, giving it the last honors. The reader feels a slight fatigue, nostalgia and involuntarily plunges into his send-off of passion, applying the words from the poem to himself.

Main idea

The poet talks about the reality of life, where feelings, even the most sublime, come to an end. the main idea his message is that you have to leave with dignity, without negativity. A person should be able to relate to another not only with love, but also with respect. The last tenderness, the last passion are no less sweet than the first kisses, you just need to taste them. Do not rush to leave if you can still stay.

The work "I do not like your irony" tells about the denouement of relations, which is close, and therefore it is so important for the heroes to enjoy the last bliss and be alone. The point is not to miss the last breath of a dying attraction, to drink the cup to the bottom. Nekrasov shares a piece of his personal experience, because he broke up with his chosen one after the death of her lawful spouse.

Means of artistic expression

Nekrasov has a lyrical hero throughout the entire poem experiencing various emotions. Thanks to exclamation marks, addresses, comparisons, the author does not allow him to relieve tension.

The main role in the transmission of emotions went to epithets. Thanks to them, people can not only feel the state of the lyrical hero, but also find out what the characters' relationships were like: “jealous anxieties and dreams”, “last thirst”, “inevitable denouement”, “secret cold”; "Dearly in love", "you wish shyly", "seething rebelliously." It is worth noting that the given epithets seem to go in opposition to each other, some are negative, the other are positive.

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Lyrics N. Nekrasov is largely autobiographical. In a cycle of poems addressed to his wife Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva (“I don’t like your irony ...”, “Struck by an irretrievable loss.”, “Yes, our life was rebellious.”, Etc.), the poet truly reveals his emotional experiences:

I suffered: I cried and suffered,

The frightened mind wandered in conjectures,

I was pathetic in severe despair ...

The lyrical hero does not soften, does not smooth out his own contradictions and torments, trying to analyze his innermost feelings:

And you and I, who loved so dearly,

Still retained the remainder of the feeling, -

It's too early for us to indulge in it!

In the love lyrics, the hero takes the blame for the onset of cooling, painfully repents of the break in relations, tragically experiencing the suffering of his beloved woman:

Jealous worries and dreams -

This moral height of feeling, the intense drama of the experiences have become a new page in Russian lyric poetry. Irony, subtle, hidden mockery - concepts, alien true love... And Nekrasov, being "people of high nobility of soul", appreciating moral principles real relationship, does not allow irony in the feelings awakened between a man and a woman. He gives it the status of a sign of the pre-final stage.

Having known victories and disappointments, at the age of thirty-nine, Nekrasov puts mutual understanding and sincerity in one of the first places in relationships. The poet puts these thoughts into the words of his lyrical hero. The latter talks with his beloved, realizing that feelings, the boundaries of which were violated by irony, are difficult to revive.

And is he trying to do it? The hero wants to convey to his chosen one that people who have the most precious thing in the world - life - should not waste it on empty words that carry only disappointment:

I do not like your irony,

Leave her outdated and undead

And you and I, who loved so sincerely,

It's too early for us to indulge in it!

He personifies his feelings with the element of fire, blazing with a hot, all-consuming flame, but continues to be "ardently in love", namely "in love", and not "in love." This means that there is no longer love between the heroes of the poem, only a "remnant of feeling" remained of it, and all the rest was filled with passion, which is also destined to leave:

Still shy and tender

You wish to extend the date

While still seething in me rebelliously

Jealous worries and dreams ...

Dreams of overcoming relationships, jealous anxieties of losing them - that's all that fills the hero's heart, but this is not enough for love.

Everyone sees different things under this concept, and I think it would be naive to rely only on their own point of view. The Bible says that love involves self-sacrifice. But in this situation there is no question of this, every man for himself. The lyrical hero thinks only about not losing the source of pleasure, and therefore the denouement becomes inevitable:

Don't rush the inevitable denouement!

And without that she is not far away ...

The lyrical hero understands perfectly well that the denouement of relations is inevitable, and nothing can be changed. He does not try to renew the relationship, because his mind knows that, now or later, the outcome is the same:

We boil harder, full of the last thirst,

But in the heart there is a secret cold and longing ...

So the stormy river in the fall,

But the raging waves are colder ...

Empty words, the fruits of irony, generated by the lack of true feelings ... They cause melancholy, resentment, one of the most powerful sins - despondency. They, like a litmus test, reveal the true picture of feelings, like a wise fortune-teller, talk about what will happen next.

Fifteen lines told us the story of two people who lost love, confusing high feelings with passion and clearly seeing the approach of separation.

Poem by N.A. Nekrasov "I do not like your irony ..." refers to the so-called Panaev's cycle, whose poems are inspired by relations with V. Ya Panaeva and form a single lyrical diary that reflects all the shades of the lyrical hero's feelings.

The poem refers to love lyrics and reflects the moment of a person's inner life, his experiences, therefore there is no detailed description of events that have a beginning and horses, the folded interaction of characters, plot motivation, so the poem begins without any "overture":

I do not like your irony,

Leave her outdated and not alive

And you and I, who loved so dearly,

Still the remainder of the feeling preserved -

Still shy and tender

You wish to extend the date

While still seething in me rebelliously

Jealous worries and dreams -

Do not rush the inevitable denouement.

The second stanza is very emotional. Anaphora contributes to this. The repetition of the word "bye" at the beginning of two lines receives a significant emotional load and enhances the parallelism of the structure of each sentence and its expressiveness.

In the last stanza - the culminating one - the lyrical hero assesses the relationship with his beloved woman as fading "boiling" dictated only by "the last thirst", but in his heart there is actually "secret cold and melancholy" ... "

So the river is more turbulent in autumn,

But the raging waves are colder ...

The poem "I do not like your irony ..." truthfully and accurately conveys the complex process of mental life, hence the intense drama of the lyrical confession.

We, the readers, know Nekrasov better as a singer of people's suffering, as a poet who dedicated the “lyre” to “his people”. In the poem being analyzed, he appears in a completely different perspective, very unexpected, and this once again confirms that Nekrasov's poetry is tightly connected with the classical tradition, and according to the literary critic V.V. Zhdanov, she "inherited Pushkin's clarity of expression of thought, and sometimes Pushkin's style."

The poem "I do not like your irony" was written by Nekrasov presumably in 1850, published in the journal "Sovremennik" No. 11 for 1855. It is included in the collection of poems in 1856.

The poem is addressed to Avdotya Panaeva, with whom Nekrasov was in love. Their romance, which began in 1846 and lasted almost two decades, never ended in legal marriage. In this sense, the poem "I do not like your irony" is prophetic.

Avdotya Panaeva was the wife of Nekrasov's friend Ivan Panaev, with whom they revived Sovremennik together. Since 1847, the trinity lived together, Nekrasov, with the consent of the windy Ivan, became the common-law husband of Panaeva. Both were weighed down by this connection, although they loved each other.

Relations between Nekrasov and Panaeva were uneven. There were stormy showdowns, temporary cooling to each other. The poem is about this.

Literary direction, genre

The poem “I don’t like your irony” refers to intimate lyrics and is part of the so-called “Panaev's cycle”. It tells about the development of love relationships, realistically explaining the internal reasons external changes in communication.

Theme, main idea and composition

The theme of the poem is the development of love relationships, the fading and cooling of feelings.

Main idea: only love is real life, therefore, love must be protected, one must take care of its preservation, having noticed the first signs of extinction.

A poem is an appeal to a beloved. The reason for the appeal was the mockery, the irony of the beloved in relation to the lyrical hero.

In the first stanza, the lyrical hero admits that his feelings are fading away, that once hot love only flickers in his heart. Irony, from the point of view of the lyrical hero, is characteristic of those who have outlived and have not lived, that is, those who did not love at all or no longer love.

In the second stanza, the lyric hero describes the current state of relations: the woman shyly and tenderly wants to prolong the date, in the heart of the lyric hero "jealous anxieties and dreams are boiling." But love is fading away, which is conveyed by the words "for now." The last line of the second stanza calls the extinction of love an inevitable denouement.

In the last stanza, the lyrical hero no longer harbors illusions, does not hope for the continuation of the relationship, which he calls for in the first two stanzas, using exclamation sentences. Scandals and conflicts are a sign of the end of a relationship, when there is already "secret cold and longing" in the heart.

Trails and images

The poem is based on the opposition of cold and hot, boiling and icing. Love is like a boiling stormy stream, which is described using metaphors: dearly in love, jealous anxieties and dreams are boiling, we are boiling stronger, full of the last thirst... Feeling opposed secret cold and longing hearts (a metaphor for indifference).

Feelings preceding cooling, Nekrasov compares with the river, which boils more in autumn, although it becomes colder. Thus, the strength of feelings (storminess) is not equivalent for the lyrical hero to their quality (warmth or coldness). The river will chill and freeze, so will love.

The poem has a complete thought without the last two lines, which are preceded by an ellipsis. Comparison of feelings with a stormy river is the last argument that the lyrical hero makes in order to achieve understanding of his beloved.

Epithets are of great importance in the poem. All of them are negatively colored: jealous anxieties and dreams, final thirst, inevitable denouement, secret cold... They are contrasted with adverbial epithets with a positive coloration: dearly loved, you wish shyly and tenderly, boil rebelliously... The lyrical hero perceives the actions of the heroes as a manifestation of love, but states ( anxiety, thirst, denouement) considers deprived of the desired feeling. This is how the idea of ​​the poem works at the linguistic level.

Size and rhyme

The poem has an unusual rhythmic organization and rhyme. The size is defined as iambic pentameter, but there are so many pyrrhichia that the rhythm is disturbed, like in a person who cannot even breathing out of excitement. The shortened last line in the first stanza contributes to this effect.

Each stanza consists of 5 lines, the rhyme in each stanza is different. In the first stanza it is circular, in the second it is cross, in the third, the cross alternates with the adjacent one. This disorder corresponds to the inner rebellion of the lyrical hero. The male rhyme alternates with the female one, too, randomly due to different rhymes.

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Nekrasov's poem "I do not like your irony ..." stands out from the list of the main topics on which the poet wrote. These are lyrics of an intimate plan, which tells about the relationship between Nikolai Alekseevich himself and his at that time beloved Avdotya Yakovlevna Panaeva.

The verse was written in 1850, five years after the beginning of a close relationship between the poet and Avdotya. Around this period, the first shoots of cooling appeared in their relationship, about which Nekrasov writes. The poem became available to the general public in 1855, when it was published in Sovremennik.

Main idea and theme

The main theme of Nekrasov's poem is the emergence of love in the past, its gradual dying in the present and the vision of complete cooling in the not so distant future. This is the story of two loving and beloved people who value and cherish what is between them, but who come to the conclusion that the relationship has passed into the stage of extinction and can be terminated.

At the beginning of the work, the author admits his rejection of irony on the part of his beloved. The hero attributes this attitude of his beloved to what he is doing as signs of fading feelings and asks not to behave like that, because irony is the lot of those who have already experienced a period of intense attraction. He asks his beloved to prolong the feelings and passion that are still in the relationship.

The second part of the verse is a visual demonstration of the behavior of the beloved hero and his own feelings. She is tender and shy on dates, she also wants them to last longer. He is full of jealous feelings and still burns with them. He asks his beloved not to bring the end of their relationship closer.

And, despite the requests, the end he already clearly sees what in question in the third part of the work. And this is precisely the culmination of the entire message. Emotions in the two of them, according to the hero, boil, but in a different way than at the beginning of the relationship. Now they are trying to quench the need for them, as if thirst, greedily swallowing the remaining feelings. Meanwhile, in the heart there is already a growing longing and coldness of future alienation.

Structural Analysis

The lyric poem "I do not like your irony ..." consists of three stanzas, each of five lines. The rhymes used by the author violate the seemingly strictly prescribed order, and, thereby, once again emphasize those contradictory feelings that are present in the poet's soul. Contrasts set against each other reinforce the impression. Passions in the heroes of the poem boil, but there is a secret cold in the heart.

In the first stanza, Nekrasov uses a circular rhyme, in the second - a cross, and in the third he turns to mixed. In his stanzas, Nekrasov skips stress, thereby conveying the emotion he is experiencing to the reader.

The emotional coloring is also very contrasting. Nikolai Alekseevich describes a number of his feelings tenderly and romantically: "dearly in love," "shyly and tenderly," "full of thirst." There is also a negative in the stanzas - these are "jealous anxieties", "inevitable outcomes", "secret cold".


In his work, the author sought to convey to the reader the idea that two loving people who gradually came to the brink of parting, when the first calls about cooling feelings appear, should not rush to a final decision or make hasty conclusions.