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The cult of hurray is true of Russia and Savrasov. Book three in the series “Primary Knowledge. When I finished playing, I asked

"CULT-URA Byl of Russia Book the third of the series" KNOWLEDGE OF THE FIRST ORIGINS "Chelyabinsk - 2013 BBK 74.2 ISBN 978-5-903618-31-6 С12 ..."

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Alexander Savrasov


Byl of Russia

Book three of the series


Chelyabinsk - 2013

ISBN 978-5-903618-31-6

Savrasov A.B.

C12 CULT-URA. Belief of Russia. Book three. Series "Knowledge of Primary Origins". - Chelyabinsk, 2013 .-- 150p.

In the book, using the life of one family as an example, the culture of life of the Russian people and the actual events that took place in the territory

Russia 1200 years ago. The Russians of that time still possessed the knowledge of the cosmic world order, understood their purpose, and through the holidays and everyday life they cherished and observed their culture, that is, the Cult-URA, thereby preserving harmony in their life and space.

Knowing the reality, which means the true life of his ancestors, a person will be able to form his correct life and understand his purpose.

The book is intended for a wide audience.

Book cover photo:

front side - dolmen Artazak (Knowledge about Man and his capabilities) reverse side - fragments of the destroyed dolmen Anastasia (Knowledge of how to give birth to happy, divine children) The use and publication of individual chapters and texts from A. Savrasov's books of the “Knowledge of the Origins” series is allowed on condition undistorted transmission of the text and full, accurate indication of the source of information: the title of the book (series of books), e author and links to the site - primary sources.rf.

ISBN 978-5-903618-31-6 The sun and the moon emit light, but their light is different.

He who does not know the truth is content with the light of the moon.

He who owns the truth kindles the sun.

URA is not a word, not a sound or a set of letters in a certain sequence. This is a living cosmic energy that belongs to the world of Rule. For our Universe was created in such a way that it is governed by a Man who is Truth, that is, Rule, and there is no other force that can replace Man.

The energy of the URA is the key to the door where the Ninth Plane, created by God, is located - the energetic complex node of all planes of existence. This energetic knot - that is, Man in its entirety, and not only in the earthly body - is the connecting link of the harmonious life of the Universe.

Each Rusich knew what Rod, Motherland, Relatives, to which people he belongs.

The word culture means Cult-URA.

The cult of the Vedrussians means adequate, conscious, unquestioning adherence to their knowledge, which guarantees the harmonious life of the Earth, the Universe and Man as a connecting link created by God for eternal life - that is, the Aryan Wheel of Eternity.

Hooray. It is written in three letters - URA.

Ur is an enlightened person who owns the knowledge of the original sources.

Knowledge of primary sources means from the primary source, that is, from God.

Ra - the Sun - is the Love of people.

Only reasonable, harmonious people can radiate love. Therefore, if a person is harmonious, this guarantees the eternal life of the Earth.

Today Ur is darkened, knowledge is lost, therefore people create disharmony - the Earth is sick, cataclysms and catastrophes.

Today, in order to change the hard energies on Earth to softer ones, we recommend planting gardens collectively for everyone. Mass pure striving will cleanse negative energies, heal the Earth itself, and people will feel healthier, more confident, and calmer.

School "Happiness" will really reveal human potential.

You can do as much as you can.

Your children can do everything.

*** If only a person could know how important it is to have the correct life aspiration - that is, a goal. Indeed, his joyful, happy life really depends on this.

Most people understand how worthless, empty and uninteresting life without a goal, and how important it is to find the right aspiration.

What is the goal? This is a dream that a person aspires to. But a true, real, non-illusory goal can be found only in one case - when a person knows the culture of his people, that is, his roots. Without such roots, a person cannot find the right goal and not be truly happy.

The good of Russia is what actually happened to your Clans, to your ancestors before. Knowing the Belief, which means the true life of his ancestors, a person will be able to determine his correct goal, his destiny.

Author's Preface This book tells the story of the life of Russia 1200 years ago. This is how the Vedruses lived on the territory of today's Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. It was here that our people kept the longest from the encroachments of darkness, they berg, preserved and cherished their culture, they defended their lands from invaders, with a sword in their hands as well.

I was embarrassed by the fact that the book turns out to be not entirely kind, but, on the contrary, harsh, there is a lot of war in it.

And when I decided to reduce the narrative about some kind of military action, I saw that the essence was immediately lost.

After all, this is the real life of our ancestors, it is not fiction. And I realized that I needed to leave everything as it is.

Russia suffered a lot of grief and shed a lot of blood, and this blood is not alien - it is the blood of our ancestors, our Clans, who lived in those days. Not sparing their lives, overcoming difficulties, they cherished the most sacred, the most significant - their culture, that is, the Cult-URA.

We, living now, and our descendants will return to our lives the culture and life aspirations of our ancestors. And their aspirations were the kindest - to preserve harmony in their lives, and therefore to joy and happiness.

Only people themselves can make themselves happy.

Happiness is the connection of the part with the whole. When a particle that has lost what it belongs to, that is, having lost the truth, its purpose, unites with its own and becomes whole, the truth immediately opens and its purpose becomes clear - this is HAPPINESS.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Earlier in the morning, the Vedrusian village had already woken up. Everyone goes about their usual business, and yet everyone is in high spirits, tomorrow is a holiday - the Savior of Honey. This is a big, significant holiday. The Russians of that time knew all the enormous usefulness of MDA, everyone had decks with bees. Until that day (Honey Savior) no one will open the deck and take a new harvest, because there is still no strength in it, it is empty. The Russians of that time did not consume a large amount of food, because their products, properly grown and harvested on time, possessed colossal energy.

People from all the nearby villages will come here, on the banks of the Litega River, to the fair. Fairs have been held here for a long time. Vast meadows allowed large numbers of people to gather. The young people met, and often then weddings (that is, weddings) happened. They had fun, they really celebrated - a lot of merry games, songs, round dances, big swings were made and so on.

Litega is a soft movement of hardness.

Fair. Yar is a fire inside a person, Mark is a distinctive sign of some human deed or deed that moves and develops all the time. Fair

- when people share the warmth of their hearts and their products of the material world.

Yaraslava and Svetogor were still sleeping. Little Miroslav, their son, slept next to them. He slept soundly and sweetly, arms outstretched. The warm energy of his mother and father made him sleep very calm, for the energy of his parents did not allow his sleep to disturb any forces.

And on the huge meadow where the fair will be held, movement has already begun. They made rope swings, merry-go-rounds, dug in poles for special games, marked out a place for horsemen - here the riders will show their skills. A place was being prepared for carts with goods - there would be an exchange of their products: who made horse harness well, rawhide belts, who could weave linen cloth better than others. No one has ever made products specially for sale in the Vedrusian family estates, because the aspirations of people were for the beauty of life, for joy, and not for material enrichment. Everyone had plenty of food, clothing, and building materials. At that time, they simply exchanged their products and often gave them wholeheartedly for the joy and health of others - this was a common thing.

But Russia of that time was attacked by foreign peoples, so the Russians had to be ready. Communication between the villages was established, and the young Vedrusses conducted frequent military exercises, and many girls studied military affairs. It began in early childhood in the form of a game for the general development of the body, gradually the child's thought was involved. Thought plus special breathing exercises made it possible for the human body to receive unearthly power: a person could transfer himself to another state of sensuality - this is when a person could use the Ninth Plan of Being, created by God, that is, some qualities that he possesses to use them in this particular life case. It was called

- to perform the Song of the Universe, that is, cosmic energies pass through a person. This was used not necessarily during the war, but in their other affairs.

Svetogor woke up, got up quietly, dressed and went out into the street. The air was filled with aromas and nectars, the sound of axes and the sound of drinking was heard. He took his instrument and went to help prepare for the fair.

For several days the men of the village have been preparing to meet the guests, today is the last day, you need to hurry.

Several carts stood in the distance - these are residents of distant villages, they are the first to arrive.

We did our carpentry quickly and skillfully. The work is familiar, the hands are accustomed to axes.

Miroslav and his mother Yaraslava woke up at the same time. The kid opened his eyes and saw his mother, their eyes met, and they both smiled tenderly and enthusiastically. A joyful state for people of this time was natural. Children almost never cried, the energy of Love and harmonious life were the reason for a good mood. Each new day brought joy, and the morning always began with smiles, with cheerful laughter. Now Yaraslava will feed her son and slowly start her housework.

Their house is small, log. When the trees were cut down, Svetogor explained to each of them why he was doing this, and the trees happily later served the man. The house was very warm and cozy.

Two years ago, Svetogor and Yaraslava were married by the Universe, that is, they performed the wedding ceremony in Russian. Their space of Love - the family estate - they chose together. Some of the trees that grew here went into the house and outbuildings. During the wedding, relatives and neighbors brought many seedlings, trees and shrubs and brought domestic animals, but not adults, but even small ones (foal, calf, and so on). A new young family will be created, and everything here should be young.

Living and growing together - people, animals and plants - created a single cosmic harmonious energy of family and nature, and this is the great meaning of cosmic eternal life. This guarantees the birth of children from their Family, and in the future also guarantees their embodiment on Earth. The Russians of that time knew about it.

Their culture and everyday affairs allowed them to be in a joyful mood every day, in a word, the Cult-URA ensured harmony, and this is happiness.

It is for happiness and in the name of happiness that man was created by the great Creator - God.

Little Miroslav still ate mother's milk, Yaraslava had plenty of milk. And still the kid loved to crawl on the lawn near the house in the grass and flowers. He played there until he was hungry, then he spoke up. The mother was always near, but never approached her son and did not interrupt his thought. In those days, they still understood the importance of the speed of thought. If the vedruss lacks a certain speed of thought, he will not be able to accept and carry the harmonious life of Eternity, that is, the Cult-URA. So today the baby was bathing in the morning dew, he was not cold, even though the body was naked. Nobody told him that it was cold, hot, warm or it was raining, which meant it was damp outside. On the contrary, my mother herself carried him outside in the rain, and they walked in the rain or played on the grass. The child was growing up and had never heard that the weather was bad and it was good. The weather was always good and was perceived by the Russians with goodness - they enjoyed life and all natural manifestations.

Yaraslava led three horses outside the hedge. They went in a common herd from all over the village to the meadow to the river.

They had a shepherd boy who skillfully played the pipe.

Each family had several horses. And if the family is large, then they kept a cow or several. The Russians did not use meat for food, and somehow it has become the custom for a long time - old animals, feeling their death, went into the forest and died there, they did not return home from the pasture.

Wild animals ate the carcasses. Everything is harmonious in nature, and there have never been any problems with what to do with old animals.

The house for young people and outbuildings were cut down in a few days by relatives and neighbors. Brvnas for the house were prepared in advance, they lay in the shelves, dried. It was discussed what size the house should be and where to build it. The foundation for the house was made of large stones, but lifting for people. With these stones, the owner of the future house Svetogor explained why they are needed, why they were brought here. Such a foundation will be strong, reliable, because harmony has been observed.

It was joyful and fun for Yaraslava to live here. The villagers were like relatives among themselves, there was no energy of envy, greed, cruelty or anger in them, and the energies of love, tenderness, care for loved ones raged in them with an unwise force. And the neighbors treated each other with sincere kindness and always helped - this was absorbed by the Russians with their mother's milk, because everyone understood that only good deeds guarantee a calm and happy life for himself and his offspring. And this is wisdom and truth, and not something else.

The energy of Love lived in every family, because all conditions were not created for there.

Yaraslava herself is from another village. She met Svetogor two years ago at the fair, when they were dancing in a round. The fairs were held for several days, and the young people had the opportunity to take a closer look at one another. The girls and boys of that time were pure in their thoughts. They strove to create a family - this was the upbringing, way of life of the Vedrus. Then they knew very well the cosmic meaning of the lullaby, and when the halves met (they understood this very well) - hearts filled with extraordinary bliss, the body melted in a kind of warm languor, the energy of Love ran between them as an imperceptible thread and forever made these people happy.

On the third day of the fair festival, a young man approached Yaraslava, he was tall, slender and handsome. He blushed violently. Yaraslava understood everything, she liked him herself. When I looked at him from the side, something burned inside, and my heart fluttered. The young man was not taller and looked down.

“My name is Svetogor,” he said.

The blood hit the girl in the head, her temples pounded strongly, she even swayed.

But Svetogor suddenly smiled with such a sincere, kind smile that she felt better, and she replied:

- My parents are called Yaraslava.

Svetogor took a half step back, took a breath and said:

- With you, beautiful Goddess, I could create Love Space for centuries.

Yaraslava was completely dizzy, and she simply answered:

- I agree. I will help, - and whispered: - My parents stopped at that edge of the meadow near the forest, - and indicated with her hand. She turned, trying not to run, she walked quickly.

In the evening, Svetogor and his mother found Yaraslava with his parents, and they agreed on everything. So she began to live in this village. Her older sister married a guy from this village five years ago, and at first it helped Yaraslava a lot, while she got used to the new place. And now it seemed to her that she had always lived here - everything was so close and dear to her.

She was so calm, easily happy that she sang a song in her clear high voice:

The sky is clean, the sky is bright, You are reflected in the heart of the mom, You bring us the light of the clear Sun, You bring us the rain alive.

Mother Earth is shrouded in slinky grass, Delicate beauty of oily flowers.

The day begins with a new song, And the sun lights up with joy.

My thoughts rush to kindness, And there is no sadness, and no fuss, And the world around is filled with beauty, The joyful laughter of children is heard.

There is one more sun in my life, I also have a native sprout, This is considered the holiest in our country, All this I call - family!

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

Svetogor worked in the sweat of his brow, he dumped bark from logs. Only his right shoulder still hurt after the injury.

Last autumn, the steppe inhabitants of the Zory - as the Rusichs called them - attacked a neighboring village, which was two days away. A resident of that village galloped up and said that they were attacked unexpectedly at dawn, they began to capture (captive) young girls and young boys, the rest were cut down mercilessly, houses were burned. There were a large number of other warriors with the zors, they were dressed in different clothes, spoke their own language, and the chief of this army were people in black robes. Such people came to the Russians before, told about God, what houses should be built for him and how to pray that they were sent by God himself for their own good. These people were given good shelter, fed, and they laughed at their speeches, so stupid and worthless they were. Then they began to frighten the inhabitants of the village that God would be angry and punish them cruelly.

But the Russians knew that God is good, and apart from great love he does nothing.

In those days, attacks on Russia began to occur more often. But the Russians bravely defended themselves and gave a worthy rebuff to the enemy. And all the same, great grief went for a walk in Russia.

Enemy. Vra - the rotation of the sun in the space of eternity, r - rotation, movement. In this case, the movement of the "z" sign destroys the harmony of the sun. The word enemy is read as the destruction of harmony.

When they learned the terrible news, they quickly gathered four hundred of the best soldiers, sent them to a neighboring village for help, and discussed the place where all the soldiers of the villages would unite.

Headed four hundred horsemen Svetogor - he has always been a leader at both military training and games. Each rider has two horses - this is necessary for long distance riding. The rider changed horses, and the horses did not get tired longer. On the second day they will be at the ravaged village. The horsemen and horses merged into one body, the live mass flowed at a fast gallop towards the south-west. In this mode, they will ride for a very long time, switching from time to time to "trot". "Lynx"

the horse can move for a very long time.

It was getting dark when they stopped. It was felt that the horses were tired. But there is a whole night ahead for rest - they will have time to recover, gain strength. The horses are young, trained, trained. Two people were left on patrol, the rest lay down to rest.

We woke up when dawn broke. Each had dried vegetables, fruits and honeycomb in a bag.

The vegetables were steamed in clay pots, then they were cut into pieces with wooden knives and dried - turnips, carrots, beets. This food possessed great energy, was easily digested and maintained a high tone of a person for a long time, so time was not spent at all on cooking. Saddled the horses and hit the road.

In the morning they were near the plundered village. A terrible picture appeared before the soldiers:

the chopped up, mutilated bodies of villagers, burnt houses. Women, old people, children - those who remained alive, began to tell how everything happened. But they could not really tell anything: smoke, fire and many enemy soldiers, the steppe inhabitants of the Zory were especially malignant.

The soldiers from this village all went to the aid of another village, and part of the enemy army, having covered a great distance during the night, attacked in the morning.

They sent in pursuit of the garnash to find out how many and where the enemy was located.


Garnache is invisible intelligently directed energy.

Garnash are people who could penetrate any environment, changing the energy of their body. Such people were selected from childhood by special wise men according to signs that were known only to these wise men.

Garnaches could enter the enemy's camp without changing their clothes, and stay there for some time, not very long, forcing their thoughts to treat them as their own.

They could pass through the enemy's barrier, for example, in front of the sentries, unnoticed. Garnache could approach a bear wounded by a man, and he would not touch him, and, as you know, such bears rush at people, wanting revenge. Garnaches could, in front of people, enter a small open forest on a scale of ten-fifteen meters, and they could not be found. In an open meadow, where even the grass is small, the audience was asked to turn away for one second and then immediately turn back.

Garnache was at a distance of about five meters from people, and they could not notice him, they were even allowed to approach the place where he had just stood.

The vision of the garnash was developed with special exercises for the eyes to such an extent that they could see well even on a moonless night. In the footsteps, they determined not only when and how many people passed, but even their age, height, weight, eye and hair color, and in what emotional state, that is, mood, people were in, were they in a hurry or, conversely, walked slowly , were internally depressed or, conversely, excited.

Garnash could drive fear into the souls of some people, for example, so that they leave their shelter or liberate this territory (note: this knowledge was used by the Vedrussa girl when Prince Svetoslav began to flirt with her - chapter "I'm going to" YOU " in the book "Family - a cosmic unit"). Garnaches could stay under water for a long time, breathing through a special straw. Putting their ears to the ground, they could tell at what distance the enemy was, in what number, on foot or on horseback, well-fed or hungry soldiers, they were going to attack or would not be today, what kind of nationality it was.

Such knowledge to a very small extent was possessed by the so-called plastuns in the Cossack troops, which means "invisible death".

Garnache, for example, could take the form of a stump, on which people could sit and not understand that this is a person. If it was necessary to find out the password from the sentry, the garnache came up and, meeting his eyes with the sentry, said: “Tell the password” - he called the password. Then the garnache looked up and, looking next to the sentry, pronounced the password.

The sentry let him through, not suspecting about the World Cup.

Physical capabilities of the garnache: catching on a tree branch with his hands, he could hang for a long time; on a steep wall, using only small notches, he could stay for a very long time.

There were no barriers for the garnaches, they could penetrate into any of the most hidden and protected places, as long as their body would fit there, and there was air for breathing.


Gradually soldiers arrived from all nearby villages, in total there were more than two thousand. This is a serious force and even a very serious one, because the Russians are skilled warriors.

They began to bury the murdered villagers, each in his family estate.

The Magi have long warned people and prepared them for such events: “The cosmic laws of Eternity and harmonious life have been violated,” they said, “too much evil has accumulated on Earth. This energy is aggressive, nothing good should be expected from it.

Get ready to defend your lands, your villages from attacks, and do not expect mercy - there will be no ”.

Svetogor thought about his wife Yaraslav and his son Miroslav. And if they attack their village - what will happen to them? A terrible picture appeared before Svetogor's mind's eye. The hitherto unknown energy of pain and hatred chained the heart - it began to beat hard and loudly, it became dim in the eyes. At that moment, he realized for himself - not a single enemy soldier would leave alive.

Garnaches returned at night. It was found that the alien army numbers about seven thousand soldiers: about three thousand zorov - they are all on horseback, the rest of the Romans - they are mostly on foot. The wagon train is large, the captive Russians are leading, they camped for the night near the swamp.

The elders of their squads gathered for a council. We decided to attack in the morning when it starts to dawn. A third of the Russian army bypassed the enemy and cut their path to retreat, that is, to flight. Enemies do not expect danger from an impenetrable swamp. Some of them tried to get through and fell headlong as soon as they were saved. But the buckets of that time could still change the gravitational field of the earth - they would pass through the swamp silently, and no one would fail.

Rusichi, like night ghosts, walked through the impenetrable swamp. They walked in quick, small steps, in long rows, one after the other. And only if you came close, you could hear their rapid breathing. It seemed as if they were floating in the air.

Coming out onto solid ground, they spread silently along the edge of the swamp and lined up in rows in a checkerboard pattern, ready for battle. They are not expected from here.

A spot rolled through the ranks with one word:

"HOORAY!". For Vedrus, this is the most significant word. During the war, it meant only one thing - to attack the enemy.

The enemy camp was waking up. There were no sentries from the side of the swamp. The Vedrusses came very close and attacked the enemy. The arrows pierced through the bodies of aliens, they fell like sheaves - dead bodies that no one needed. Panic began, a scream rose. Horns sounded, the enemy soldiers began to line up in regiments, maintaining the battle ranks, as taught. Rusichi moved quickly, many enemies were chopped down. Finally, there was a clash with the already built battle formations of the enemy army. The Rusichi possessed two swords - both right and left hand. Dexterously wielding them, they slashed fiends - bloody ghouls.

But the main surprise for the enemy was from the opposite side. There, holding the horses on the bit, were the warriors led by Svetogor. They were waiting for the signal to attack. When the enemy is fully involved in the battle with the Russians, a white dove will be released into the sky.

Taking off high, it will roll over in one place - this will be the signal for the cavalry.

The pigeon observers noticed. A thousand warriors rallied closer to each other, keeping their horses on the bit.

Now they will start singing the Song of the Universe. It begins with three letters: "URA" - a drawn-out U-u-u-u, turning into a drawn-out Ra-a-a-a. The Russians create a common spiral of thought - each warrior draws his own spiral of Eternity, and they unite into one powerful spiral of harmony and eternal life. To do this, you need to know a special rhythm, that is, a motive, a melody inherent only in their constellation. Melody plus energy in the form of the sound "URA"

create a movement of related universal energies.

The ninth plan, created by God, will respond to this energy spiral, and the warriors will receive such energy from space, thanks to which they will become invulnerable to the enemy. This can be done alone, but it is much more effective when many people are doing it at the same time. This special energy went to people, even horses felt it - they began to flare their nostrils and press their ears. The Song of the Universe sounded louder over the earth: "Oo-oo-oo-oo-ra-ah-ah!". The Spiral of Eternity was spinning at a breakneck speed.

The first ranks of horsemen moved. Already all the cavalry were walking with a gait, that is, "trot". The sound of "Hurray" was amplified. There was such an impression that the cavalry of the Rus by some unknown force was lifted above the ground and simply flew in a single elastic flexible lava. The sound of "Hurray" turned into a terrible hum.

The cavalry was approaching. Fear seized the enemy, they began to throw down their weapons and run wherever they could. Suddenly the Song of the Universe stopped abruptly, and the clink of swords was heard. The Rusichi settled themselves in such a way that the enemy could only retreat to the swamp - they were pushed there.

Sword. M - matter, E - preserving transition, H - soft Eternity. The sword is the preservation or protection of life in the material world.

Inhumans Svetogor on his black stallion, holding a sword in each hand, deftly chopped this gray mass. At first glance, these were ordinary people: a head, two arms, two legs. But is a person capable of committing such cruelty and possessing such hatred for people who live on their own land, in their homes and do no harm to anyone? No, a person is not capable of that.

The Magi immediately determined who these newcomers were, what kind of energy they represented and designated them with the word "non-human", and the forces of destruction rule all of this.

The Magi said so:

“Remember and pass on to your children:

Rus is the last island on Earth, where Prav lives

- that is, Truth, where the Cult-URA lives. Rusichi, you preserve culture - it lives on in your holidays, it lives on in your way of life, it lives on in your pure aspirations, it lives on the subconscious - this is your gene pool. You are the bearers of the URA cult, the rest of the nations have a cult of customs and traditions.

Save, take care of the knowledge of URA - only this will save energy with the name Human. It is this energy that you are: kindness, sincerity of your hearts, simplicity in communication and in relation to each other and with other peoples, the desire to help and give, and not inherent in you, to deceive and ask for yourself. You are the last energy on Earth that is healthy, viable. The earth is covered with darkness of sick, destructive energies. These energies are not inherent in the Earth.

The hearts of people will be filled with malice, deceit, the desire to take possession of someone else's - this is a disease, and this disease quickly covers the entire Earth, all of humanity. You preserve kindness, honesty, purity of thoughts, love. "

Disease. Bol - Divine Love, E - turn, turn, Z - a person energetically open, H - invisible energy, L - soft. Disease - a person turned from the true path, thereby abandoned the love of God, that is, from the energy of life, lost his harmony and became a destroyer, and himself is destroyed.

“Black time has come. Do not be afraid of it, for you are Eternity, you are that healthy cell in a sick organism, which will later allow the whole organism to recover. We know about this, for the star has lit up. Rus is not destined to perish. Many centuries will pass, a lot of water will leak. That water will pass its circle and the purified water will return. And Russia will declare itself, and the peoples will turn to face it, and they will see salvation for themselves, and Russia will show how to live in harmony and joy. And the Sun will change its energies, for the recovery of the Earth and all those who can recover will come. Protect the purity of your hearts - this is your great destiny! Everything is already predetermined, it remains to fulfill ”.

All this flashed in Svetogor's head, he again remembered his relatives: son, wife, mother, father, brothers, sisters. And before him, covered with shields and bristling with swords and spears, a gray living mass defended itself. Svetogor's soul was filled with disgust to this screaming, screaming and stinking carrion crowd.

Inhumans! Non-humans have come to our land! Do not expect any good from them, only death and destruction will be carried by this energy, and therefore it is necessary to destroy this muck. And the Magi warned, they spoke about it: “Don't negotiate with them about anything, no matter what they promise you. Sun is equally deceived. They came to destroy Russia ”.

And even the Magi said:

“Never fight evil, for direct your thought to the struggle - you yourself will begin to feed evil. You keep love on Earth - your thought in this case is directed to Eternity, you bring harmony. "

Svetogor, like all warriors, was in the state of the Song of the Universe, that is, he was in a different sensory perception. Everything around him had a slow movement, so he could easily repel enemy weapons and hit the enemy. His spiral of thought energy was spinning at a tremendous speed. In the heat of the battle, he did not notice how he cut too deep into the ranks of the enemy and found himself all alone. His horse suddenly began to roll to the side and fell, because he was seriously wounded. Svetogor managed to jump off so as not to fall with him - the horse could crush him with his body. At that moment, he felt a blow from behind in his right shoulder. Spinning his body sharply 180 degrees, he struck the enemy with his sword. The right hand began to obey poorly, but among the Russians, the left hand was developed no worse than the right. A few minutes later he heard the voice of his friend Ratibor: "Do not go so far alone, you are at great risk." Svetogor was delighted with the familiar voice, he himself realized his mistake.

And the battle was in full swing, everything was flaring up. The enemy had already been pinned down to the swamp, many began to fall through and drown. The Zorov cavalry was clamped down and did not give her the opportunity to escape. But still they managed to penetrate the ranks of the Russians. About five hundred horsemen at a frantic gallop rushed away from the battle, but the squad, which was in ambush, met them with arrows, the rest were chopped off with swords. Not a single enemy will leave alive. Having finished with the fugitives, the Russians went to the aid of their own.

The battle continued until the evening. The wounded were assisted, a roll call was held. The swamp swallowed up the dead flesh of the aliens.

Such a bitter memory came to Svetogor's mind from the pain in his shoulder blade. And around - smiles and joy on their faces. The holiday lived in the hearts of people, they were happy. Carts with guests drove up, the rowdy noise was increasing.

Thoughts of Yaraslava

Little Miroslav gave a voice, so it's time to feed him. He fell to his mother's chest, and Yaraslava concentrated and began to shape her son's happy life with her thought: “Here he is walking along the stars, joyful and happy, and a girl with long blond hair meets him, she also smiles. They stretched out their hands to each other and spun in a dance, and the stars whirled with them. And the Universe sang a song of Love. And here they are walking in the meadow - their beautiful son and the girl, already a beautiful girl, are holding hands. "

Miroslav looked up from his chest and looked at his mother.

Yaraslava smiled and said:

- You, my beloved son, will grow up wise, strong, beautiful, you will have a happy family, children will be born.

Miroslav smiled back and blinked from the warm sun, he felt so good - warm, cozy, nourishing.

Mother's love did not live on him and caressed him. From such bliss, his eyes began to close. He fell asleep, and his mother sang a lullaby.

- & nbsp– & nbsp–

The kid was fast asleep. Yaraslava put him in the cradle here, in the garden, and went about her business.

Cradle. K is movement, but not physical, but thoughts or souls, O is the wheel of Eternity, L is Love, Kol is the energetic movement of Love in the wheel of Eternity, that is, Kolovrat, ybel is a soft transition from small to large. Cradle - growth and strengthening of the wheel of Eternity.

- The son is growing, - thought Yaraslava, - strong, not whiny. It is necessary to correctly form his happy life. When he grows up, everything will turn out for him the way he wants. A person will live happily if he bathes in parental love, if he has not been deprived of affection, tenderness since childhood. Our son is not deprived of affection - Svetogor loves him and loves me, and I love both of them. How good it is for us to live! I want to hug the whole world, the whole Earth. And the soul is sweating in such high-high joy, I want to live forever on Earth. Beautiful Earth, good here. God has invented a planet for us, for people, and life has invented for us such a good, such a joyful one.

And so caught up in her thoughts Yaraslav. Already a song is oily sweat, and everything is arguing in the hands. I started a wash - I soaked the special roots in advance, they insisted. She uses them especially for children's clothing. This infusion makes the fabric soft and pleasantly smelling. Basically it washes with wood ash lye.

Their family lives calmly, joyfully. They have everything.

The garden is still growing, but the vegetables are growing well. Mdu in abundance. The neighbors keep cows - you can always take milk, cottage cheese, sour cream. In the house there is a small Russian oven made of clay, in which delicious pies are baked.

Nobody uses meat and fish for food. Animals, having lived their time cycle, fulfilling their destiny and serving man, feeling death, themselves go into the forest and die there. Wild animals do not attack domestic animals, for fertile energy emanates from the Vedrus villages. Animals and birds like this energy, they try to protect the person - the carrier of such energy. And people live with wild animals in peace and friendship, in a word, there is harmony. And if you kill animals, then the cosmic harmony created by the Creator is violated - a person turns from a creator into a destroyer. By doing so, he will increase the energy of destruction. But this concerns only the Aryan people, this is due to their cosmic destiny, he is a representative of such a universal energy, he is a keeper. Without this energy, the connection between the Ninth Plan, created by God - that is, Man - and all other planes collapses, for Man is the connecting link of the harmonious life of the Universe. All Vedrussians know about this, for the Magi teach this from childhood.

People often visited Yaraslav's thoughts about responsibility in raising children, about preserving their culture and their way of life: “The whole village talks about this, and we often talk with Svetogor about the same. Our enemies began to attack more and more often. Houses are burned, people are being killed. They want to instill some kind of faith in us so that we build big houses, and they are called temples, in them we need to somehow confess our love to God. But after all, God is in every blade of grass, bush, tree - everyone knows this from childhood. And the wise men say: "Take care of the culture of the ancestors." More and more our people began to study military affairs. So here in our village all young women learn to shoot from a bow and handle a sword. "

Yaraslava was a good master of the sword, for girls, like boys, at that time already learned this from childhood, but girls - at will.

These are the thoughts that most often visited the heads of the Vedrus. Black clouds were gathering over the last island of Light on Earth - over Russia. The darkness spread its bloody claws all the more insolent, all the fiercely.

Darkness is an inverted word for "mother". If the mother dates life, then the darkness takes it away, fights with it.

Evening came. Svetogor came. They hugged, went to their son on the lawn. They stood to the side and began to look at him, and he was looking at something in the grass, fingering with his pens. They did not call him - they waited for him to turn to them. So he, grasping the trunk of a young tree, got to his feet, but swayed and flew back, tumbling, did not cry, but began to look around and saw his parents, was delighted with them.

Svetogor took his son in his arms, pressed him quietly to him.

He was bored when he left home somewhere.

“Everything is ready for the holiday of the Savior of Honey,” Svetogor began to tell. - Tomorrow it will be fun. We must exchange the new horse harness, the old one is worn out.

- And I cooked two barrels of kvass, - said Yaraslava. - Kneaded the dough, tomorrow bake pies.

At that time, they treated everyone with food and drinks with all their hearts and rejoiced if people came to them more than once to have a snack or drink a drink. They did not make or use alcoholic beverages that change the subtle plan of a person and his consciousness. Such a phenomenon was absent among the Russians in principle. Nobody smoked tobacco, because such a phenomenon was also absent. Every Rusich knew the importance of a healthy body and healthy good thoughts. The Rusichi did not separate the life of the Universe from their own life. They knew very well that everything that grows and lives on Earth, and they themselves - thanks to a harmonious connection with cosmic bodies. And, moreover, the life of the planets depends on their thoughts and deeds. And none of the vedrusses wanted to harm the stars.

Svetogor and Yaraslava sat at home and drank a decoction of herbs with honey. Drowsy. The son was asleep. The sun was no longer visible, only a small scarlet strip remained.

The whole nature calmed down. How good it is to rest on a cool night! And tomorrow the sweet sun will rise again. What a happiness it is to live on Earth!

Miroslav's training

Miroslav is five years old. Two interesting and cheerful people came to their village, whom everyone called the Magi.

It was early summer. Miroslav with his peers ran around the outskirts of the village. Parents have long said that the Magi will soon come and teach their children their knowledge. And he wanted to have fun and play with friends.

And then one morning his parents took him to the edge of the village. There were several shady trees, and all his friends came with their parents. The adults already knew what knowledge the sorcerer-teacher possessed. He was an old man with a long beard, he spoke beautifully in a singsong voice, he wanted to listen to him, he was cheerful, he was smiling all the time.

Everyone bowed to him, and he also bowed in response, asked all the children to come closer.

- Come on, - he asked cheerfully, - which of you can dance?

Several children began to dance about who can do what.

“Okay,” he said, “I'll teach you a dance called squatting.

He picked up a stringed musical instrument (it reminded me of today's balalaika), and played it with such a flamboyant skill that everyone wanted to dance.

And the children cried out:

- Teach us to dance squatting!

And he began to show: he sharply bent his knees and squatted to the ground, and then springy rose to his full height. He repeated and repeated this movement, continuing to play his instrument.

When I finished playing, I asked:

- Who wants to try?

And in turn, the children began to show how they learned this paddle dance. Nobody could squat for a long time

- legs got tired quickly. Miroslav, having squatted several times, felt that his legs did not obey him, and he fell on one side, like many of his friends had fallen before.

- Yes, - he thought, - but how did this uncle squat for so long and not fall?

The adults slowly began to leave. And Miroslav's parents left, and he forgot about them - it was so fun and interesting for him.

The Magus was called Rostav. When the children were tired, he asked the question:

- What is the difference in the World Cup and the similarity between trees and grass?

Miroslav found the question strange and uninteresting, and he immediately forgot about it. The whole group moved through the meadow, none of the children had a desire to run away, everyone was wondering what would happen next. And then miracles began to happen.

They stopped by a small stream and drank some water. Growth started playing his own instrument, which was called an epic.

- Now I will stop playing, and you listen carefully to the stream, it will repeat my melodies.

Miroslav listened. But the brook sang its own melody.

Rostav played one more time, and, listening more attentively, Miroslav heard the stream repeat the melody.

- Yes! He shouted. - The brook repeated the melody, I didn't hear it!

And many children heard.

- Probably, the stream likes music, but he is not a person and cannot learn to play instruments, cannot perform his own melodies, but can only repeat, - said the sorcerer. - And a person can learn to play and come up with his own melodies, which he likes.

And Miroslav wanted to learn how to play the epic.

The sorcerer Rostav told and showed in an interesting way, danced merrily.

- Well, today is Sun. Go home, ”he said.

But I didn’t want to leave, I wanted to listen to this cheerful man. He talked to them as equals, asked questions. It was interesting to answer these questions.

“Tomorrow I’ll figure out the resemblance of trees to grass in the World Cup,” Miroslav reflected.

The children ran to the village to their parents. They wanted to tell what they were doing today. Tomorrow morning I have to go to Rostav early in order to stay with him longer, somehow interesting with him - he is cheerful, knows a lot.

The next morning Miroslav woke up earlier than usual. Nobody ever woke him up - he slept as much as he wanted. But in the evening he never went out late. In all families it was customary for children to return home before dark. Miroslav loved his parents very much, they never shouted at him and, moreover, they never punished him physically. He grew up free, independent, but at the same time obeyed his parents, and if they tell him to do something, he will definitely do it, and he will try to do it as best he can, because he really wanted to become smart, kind, strong, in one word , ready to meet the goddess - this is a girl who grows up somewhere. And if he is not like that, he will never meet this girl and will be the most unhappy, empty and useless person. And Miroslav really wanted to be happy and to be needed for everyone. Mom and Dad said: "You may not go to the sorcerer's classes, but this girl will know about it - she will be very upset that you cannot be worthy of her, and she will have a bad time, and life will not be joyful."

Miroslav did not want to upset anyone - he will answer questions better than anyone else and will dance better than others.

The girl will find out about this and will be happy. “I want everyone to be happy. Now I will get up earlier to learn more in the day. "

Classes were not held every day. But Miroslav was ready to walk every day - it was so interesting with this man. And he also wanted to learn more in order to be worthy of this girl.

The next day Rostav again asked about trees and grass:

- What are the similarities between trees and grass?

I looked at the Miroslav tree and at the grass, and did not find any similarities. The tree is large, strong, even houses are built from trees, and the grass is soft, horses and cows do not eat, it is small. Maybe the similarity in color?

The leaves on the tree and the grass are green. So he answered Rostav. The man laughed. He speaks:

- Correctly. And still in the World Cup?

But nothing came to Miroslav's mind anymore.

- Do you like to lie in the grass? - asked Rostav.

- I love. It is soft and smells delicious.

- Do you like to sit in the shade of a tree in hot weather?

- I love. It can be hot in the sun, hard, the head can hurt, and in the shade it is good - cool.

- So, grass and trees help you to make your life more pleasant, joyful?

- Yes, they do.

- So think and answer, in the World Cup their most important purpose? This will be the similarity.

And then all the children shouted: “Trees and grass grow in order to help us! This is their similarity. "

Rostov spent the night on the street. They made a canopy for him from the rain. He spent the holidays with the villagers. Everyone loved him and invited him to his home, but he did not just go to visit, and only to some of his students he went to families, talked for a long time with his parents and with the child himself. Advised parents on what topics to ask questions of their son or daughter. With the onset of cold weather, he will leave, and will come only next spring.

Thus, the warm season passed in joyful worries, cheerful games. Miroslav tried to help his parents in everything, because they had such an agreement, he himself asked them about it. When he helped with the housework, then his mother or father told him something very interesting and useful, because Miroslav was preparing himself for something very serious and big, although he himself did not fully understand, but he began to like it, he felt his responsibility ...

He told his mom:

- Mommy, somehow tell this girl, let her not worry: I will learn everything well and make her happy!

The true meaning of dancing among the Russians Seven years have passed. Miroslav is twelve years old. During this time, he had a brother Veleslav and a sister Vseslav. The brother was four years old, and the sister was in her first year. It would seem that Yaraslava should be hard with three children, but she did not feel tired, on the contrary, as if wings had grown. She had time for everything, she was so happy. Children gave her new strength, especially the daughter of Vseslav. Her soul rejoiced, and she sang songs all day.

Miroslav has already grown up, got stronger, became not childishly sensible, although he still remained the same cheerful and smiling. From that year on, another sorcerer began to teach them, his name was Poleslav. The mother felt that her son's classes had become more intense and serious.

Sometimes he came tired, but did not show it. And also Miroslav said that they would go to the forest and live there for many days. The sorcerer will teach them how to survive in the forest without food supplies, feeding on roots, herbs, how to make such an infusion of herbs that will quench their thirst and nourish the body, so that any fatigue will be removed as if by hand, a person will feel vigor of body and spirit.

And even Miroslav began to ask his father to sing the Song of the Universe with him - Rostav taught them this.

Miroslav grasped how this is done: each person has his own sound, has his own note, and this sound, that is, the energy of a person passes through any distance.

With the help of special breathing and your thoughts, you can achieve this state. The most difficult thing is to train your thought so that it does not run away, but easily concentrates on something one thing. And Miroslav enthusiastically trained for this.

Father allowed Miroslav to sometimes take his sword and practice with it. Children in the classroom have been practicing with wooden swords for several years. Rostav insisted that swords be held in both hands. It was a lot of fun, because the swords fell out of hand all the time. But everyone liked such activities very much. And then they ran to the river to swim.

Druzhby Narodov, Moscow Unity of Soul of the Person and Nature NA Agadzhanyan University of people "s friendship, Moscow The experience of considering culture as a way of reflecting Nature by means of literature, science, art, with the help of spiritual quests and revelations is presented. and / or cooperation th ... "

“Munich Personal RePEc Archive On the problem of the formalization of business processes of the banking Mikhail I. Rumyantsev Zakhidnodonbaskiy Private Institute of Economics and Management 17. December 2007 Online at MPRA Paper No. 48587, posted 24. July 2013 14:00 UTC Problems of material culture - ECONOMIC SCIENCES 137 Sources and literature 1. Odum Yu. Fundamentals of ecology. - M., 1976 .-- 740 p. 2. The prospect of creating a unified nature protection network of Crimea // ... "

"Our Contemporary" Literary-artistic and socio-political monthly magazine. Published since 1956 Founders - the Union of Writers of Russia, IPO Writers LLC, the International Foundation for Slavic Literature and Culture. Chief Editor - Stanislav Kunyaev Public Council: V.I. Belov, Yu.V. Bondarev, V.G. Bondarenko, V.N. Ganichev, G. Ya. Gorbovsky, G.M. Gusev, T.V. Doronin, S.N. Esin, D.A. Zhukov, L.G. Ivashov, S.G. Kara-Murza, V.N. Krupin, A.A. Likhanov, M.P. Lobanov, S.A. Nebolsin, V.G .... "

“Organization of project activities of students in the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. Presentation. Work according to the project method requires the teacher not so much to teach, but to create conditions for children to show interest in cognitive activity, self-education and the application of the knowledge gained in practice. In a certain sense, the teacher ceases to be a subject student, but becomes a general teacher. For this, as a project manager, he must have a high level of culture and some ... "

“Factor culture in translation, 2007, Natalya Valerievna Timko, 5883135625, 9785883135629, KSU, 2007 Published: 9th May 2008 Factor culture in translation DOWNLOAD In the perspective of cultural studies: everyday life, language, society, Oleg Konstantinovich Rumyantsev, Russian Institute for Cultural Studies, 2005, Culture, 524 pages .. Picture of the world and ways of its representation Collection of scientific. report [conf. National pictures of the world: language, literature, culture, education (April 21-24, 2003, ... "

"MІNІSTERSTVA CULTURE Respubliki Belarus NATSYYANALNAYA BІBLІYATEKA of Belarus Materyyaly Chatsvortyh Mіzhnarodnyh Knіgaznaўchyh chytannyaў" new tehnalogіі ¢ zahavannі dakumentalnyh pomnіkaў "Mіnsk 20-21 Listapad 2008 g. Mіnsk 2008 UDC 025.17 002.2 + 76.11 + 78.368 LBC M33 Navukovy redaktar S. R. M and m u l s k і, Doctar of pedagogical sciences, foreman A. A. Skladalnik. і n і h, candidate of pedagogical science, dacent, A. Ya. І in an o ... "

“1 Historical and architectural examination of the cultural heritage site of regional significance for raising its status to the federal (all-Russian) level. Name of the object: Experimental residential building (KS Melnikov's house-workshop) Years of design and construction: 1927-1929. Author: architect K.S. Melnikov Address: Moscow, Central Administrative District, Krivoarbatskiy lane, 10 Executor: N.O. Dushkin Moscow 2009 Residential house-workshop of architect K.S. Melnikov needs no introduction .... "

“Advertising workshop Polty and Propp Advertising Ideas № 2/2005 Plot-building: Andrey NADEIN from Polty to Propp Such a fundamental moment for culture as the laws of plot-building could not escape the attention of scientists. Aristotle was still engaged in plots, calling them "fables". By the way, twists and turns (from the Greek peripeteia - "sudden turn") is also a term of Aristotle. However, here we will talk about two other systems that left the greatest mark on the study of plot building - 36 ... "

"Questions for an interview in the magazine" Business-Klyuch ", prior to the start of the joint project" Financial culture "How do you assess the level of financial literacy in Russia? Today, the level of financial literacy of the population is terribly low, which is confirmed by numerous studies in 2006-2008. the level of financial literacy of various categories of the population, the practice of financial advisers - graduates of our institute, as well as, surprisingly, by simple observation ... "

“140 SOCIOLOGY UDC 316.73 + 316.723 + 37.01 OV Vlasova SOCIAL PRACTICES OF INTERACTION OF YOUTH SUBCULTURES AND EDUCATION * The basic social practices of interaction of youth subcultures and education are described; the attitude of participants of youth subcultures to formal education is considered; analyzed social practices of non-formal education of participants in youth subcultures. Key words: youth subculture; social practices; interaction; formal ... "

"Department of Education of the Administration of the Urban District of Revda Municipal State Educational Institution" Secondary School No. 29 "Section: Socio-cultural problems" Secrets of the taiga "miracle tree" Research project Executor: Tyurina Veronika, student of grade 2 "B" Supervisors: Mezentseva Alevtina Viktorovna, teacher primary grades of the first quarter. categories, Tyurina Oksana Mikhailovna, mother Revda Contents Introduction ... 3 1. My research "Taiga giant" .. 5 2. What ... "

“Reminiscences in the poetry of I. A. Bunin of the 1910s. In the Russian literary criticism of recent years, the study of the work of Russian writers in the context of Christian culture has become noticeably actual. The work highlights and analyzes the main New Testament reminiscences in the poetic heritage of I. A. Bunin of the indicated period, defines them ... "

“UDC 781.971 93/94 SAXOPHONE IN THE MUSICAL CULTURE OF GERMANY IN THE BEGINNING OF THE XX CENTURY IN THE ASPECT OF JAZZ STYLISM D.I. Zotov, Postgraduate Student, Department of Music Theory and Piano, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture (Poltava), Ukraine Annotation. The article analyzes the main stages of the emergence and development of saxophone art in the context of the German jazz art of the early 20th century. The creative portraits of the main leading performers and orchestras are characterized. For the first time in the domestic ... "

Russian State Russian Children's Fund Children's Library Directors of regional ministries (departments) of children's libraries in Russia. culture of the regions of the Russian Federation. Directors of regional Ministries (departments) of the Central Library Systems of Russia. education of the regions of the Russian Federation. Directors of schools with libraries, and employees of these libraries. Library managers working with children, regardless of departmental subordination. To the chairpersons of the Russian Children's Fund. Expensive..."

Alexander Savrasov

Cult-URA and occultism. Byl of Russia

Book 4 of the series

Book Four: \u003d Cult-URA and Occultism. Byl of Russia \u003d

Part I.

Changes in the life of the Russians

Change of tactics for the capture of Russia


Princess Lyubomila, nicknamed Olga

New campaign to Vedic Russia

The death of the body is the loss of an instant, the death of the spirit is the loss of eternity

Eternity of two inseparable hearts

Second battle

Balm and vodka

Prince Yaraslav

Russian life

Russian dance squatting and knees

History and Byl of Russia


"Milky way is affirmation of life"

Prince Svetoslav

Russian military strategy

Link of times

The world of crooked mirrors

Part II.

Makosh - Small Bucket

Russian folk tales

Tale of Emelya

Tale about Kolobok

The Tale of the Chicken Ryaba

Cult-URA and occultism

Byl of Russia

The book describes real events that took place in Russia about a thousand years ago, namely: how the great Vedrus culture, which originally existed in Russia, was destroyed and an ideology alien to the Russians was implanted. The appearance of princes in Russia hastened the general degradation and division of a single free people into estates. Knowledge of the true events of the past will help living people today understand the present and shape their happy future.
The book is intended for a wide audience.

There is no such evil
which is stronger than kindness
There is no such darkness
that darkens the light
There is no such cold
which will freeze the warmth
But in all ages
purity lives on earth -
which will dispel evil
dissolve the darkness
will melt the cold

Why is Byl of Russia needed? It is needed like air, like clean water, like solid soil on which a person stands.
Without the past, there is no truth today, and the people have absolutely no future like that.
We will tell you how it was, and the hostilities - not everything, but we will cover it, because the life of the Russians directly depended on this, and it was in the battles that fate was decided - whether the Russians would live or they would be exterminated.

When joy disappears
Or from the severity I bend -
The song will not subside in me
With a short name - Rus.
I squeeze the palms of my beloved
I cherish her smile
And the lightest name
I will write at the scarlet dawn.
That name nurtured me
That was the name of the mother
Just a short word
But nobody can take it away.
I won't get tired of repeating it,
I will smile towards fate
Let this song last forever
With a short name - Russia!

Light Russia

The Virgin was young, of extraordinary, sublime beauty with light brown hair and blue eyes. Suddenly she heard the sound of an eagle. She turned her head and saw: on a rock, not far from her, a stately, proud eagle was sitting. The eagle began to speak its own language. But this Virgin understood the language of birds, and she heard:
“You have reasons for sadness and fierce grief, but you drive them away from your heart, for great joy and happy eternity awaits you, for you will be able to overcome all trials and adversities. You have enough strength in you, and you will endure everything. Your path is as beautiful and straight as my flight! "
The eagle pushed off with its strong legs from the rock, flapped its powerful wings and began to glide along the air surface, clearly tracing a perfectly even flight - as if this beautiful bird was moving along a stretched invisible string, and disappeared behind the tops of the trees, and disappeared from sight.
The Virgin looked after the flying away bird and smiled with a kind bright smile. And the Earth was lit up by such a smile, and flowers bloomed, and birds sang, for this Virgin is Light Russia.
Rus woke up! With its beauty it will resurrect and warm the Earth, for Russia has kept God within itself.

And our Russia is strong,
And you are strong in divine spirit!
How light is grace
Eternity in your mind
And joy in blue eyes!
How beautiful is that distance
What stands before you
And the greatness of the stars
And the greatness of thoughts
And delight!
What worries you
And about whom are your secret thoughts -
Maybe about the past
Or maybe about tomorrow?
Having lived through the pain of loss
And black souls of traitors
Reflected your sadness
On a tired brow.
But our Russia is strong,
And the poets sing your songs
Eternity in your mind
And joy in blue eyes.
And in the gardens of the young
Our entire planet rejoices again
Love rejoices again,
And great Russia rejoices!


Changes in the life of the Russians

The year 850 of today's chronology has come, that is, from the so-called birth of Christ.
Miroslav and Zareslava had children - two sons - Borislav and Rastislav. The eldest son Borislav started a family and lived separately in his family estate. The youngest son Rastislav lived with his parents. He was very fond of singing, and often went for the whole day to the bank of the river - to a hillock, and there he sang his songs. He invented them himself, they were easily composed for him. He memorized many songs, and when he was asked to sing - he sang from memory, and his voice was surprisingly clear and high, and he also played along with the harp. Rastislav was famous throughout the region for his talent. But rather frequent military games and exercises tore Rastislav away from his favorite pastime. But he treated such gatherings, nevertheless, with joy - he liked physical exercises, the young body was filled with elastic strength. Flexible, tall, stately, with his agility and speed, he delighted his friends and everyone who saw him.
His older brother Borislav had already taken part in the battle. It was then that Miroslav and Zareslava, their parental hearts, truly experienced a feeling of grief. For more than a month, my son was not at home, a feeling of uncertainty enveloped our hearts in heavy pain. A large army came to Russia. Not all Rusichi fought with him. Some southern princes, who had already appeared in Russia, solved their problems peacefully - they made some concessions to the newcomers. They promised, in turn, all kinds of support and assistance to the princes: they supplied them with money, fabrics, gold jewelry. The princes paid their warriors - vigilantes - with this money, did not skimp so that they would not be distracted by their peasant worries about planting bread and vegetables. So in Russia, the princes had professional warriors. These warriors were called orderly, and their commanders were called orderlies. When several princes united together during the war, they chose one commander above all and called him "voivode". This is how future military units and military ranks began to form.
Closer to the north, the Russians lived freely in their villages. In every village there were elders - wise with experience and deep knowledge of the Vedic way of life. Matters were decided with the help of Veche. Also, the Magi always helped in everything. In such villages, harmony was preserved: a meaningful understanding of the essence of earthly life, the meaning of holidays, the meaning of creating a family, giving birth and raising children. There were no princes here yet, but the Russians, due to the rather frequent attacks of enemy troops, began to unite around the most numerous and glorious Clan for their deeds. Subsequently, such leaders were called boyars.
Boyarin- a big Aryan, that is, older than others.
Southern Princes ( these are Ukraine, Belarus, southern regions of Russia) increasingly made concessions to foreigners who brought their anti-culture to Russia - cruel, unequal, where there were rich and poor, where there was an imperious and bloody elite, and there were poor oppressed people and different classes. These peoples were no longer free, they obeyed a set of laws that were written by the ruling stratum. Disobedience or non-observance of such laws was punishable by death or hard labor, and imprisonment. After all, all foreign peoples had already degraded and lost their divine pure energies, but Russia still, by some miracle, kept its purity and preserved the Cult-URA - its culture.
Magi are great sages who owned energies, knowledge of a cosmic scale and skillfully used them in the life of people, in the life of the Earth. The Magi, according to their capabilities and purpose, were divided into several degrees: some gave knowledge to children, others helped adults, especially in the most extreme times, in particular, during the war they helped both the princes and those Russians who still preserved the Vedic foundations, preserved the culture of their ancestors , that is: all Rus are equal among themselves and before God, and the princely government for them was considered a corruption of the soul and the stench of thoughts. But there were wise men whom no one saw, and if they did, they would not understand what kind of person he really was. These wise men were different in strength from all the others. Other wise men came to them for guidance and knowledge - and even then not all, but only those who possessed the highest capabilities, possessed the power of energies: for example, they could cause rain, or vice versa - disperse clouds, could tell about the power of herbs for this particular year (the same herbs have different strengths in different years). And already to such wise men all other wise men could come at any time for help.
Only the secret magi knew what was happening to Russia, knew all the inevitability of what was happening, knew the beginning and knew the end of any human deeds, and knew the temporal laws of religions, and did not oppose what was happening, for this is a cosmic pattern foreseen by their ancestors, as the mildest manifestation of genocide on Earth, for the victory of darkness on an all-terrestrial scale was inevitable. The Magi understood that such a course of events would entail, first of all, bloodshed - both between the peoples and within the Slavic peoples, including within Russia, for they foresaw that the division between the Russians would occur, and that part of the Russians that would succumb to tricks dark forces and, partially rejecting the culture of their ancestors, will order and accept in their life such degradation and disharmony as the ruling class of "princes", subsequently they will also accept Christianity. When the forces of destruction achieved the appearance of princes in Russia, having spent almost millennia on this, they did the main thing in the destruction of the Cult-URA, then it was a matter of technology: to introduce occultism in the form of Christianity and gradually remove the Vedic culture from century to century.
Later, Russia adopted Christianity in the physical material world, while keeping the soul, the subtle invisible plane, that is, falling asleep on the subtle plane. The only thing such wise men regretted, and their hearts filled with pain, was that bloodshed could not be avoided. And even in the fact that blood was shed, there was a huge meaning, for the dates were set when it was Russia that would move from Vedicism to occultism. And Russia was able to meet all the deadlines, and even improved them (if we take the most optimal time period) thanks to the incredible will, self-sacrifice, courage, and military art of the Russians.
Therefore, the wise men who came to the villages said: “Take care of the culture of your ancestors and teach this to your children. And then what will happen - do not think about that, your descendants will take care of it. "
Today, living people, due to the fact that they live in the darkness of ignorance, will probably find it difficult to understand what the highest mental, energetic development were those Rusichs, what cosmic meaningfulness of the created being they had.
Rastislav stood on his favorite slope high above the river. The spring sun was warm and caressing. He sang a new song - a song to the sky, sun, earth, spring, birds, new life, new dream. He did not feel his body - together with his voice he hovered above the Earth. The rhythm, the melody carried him higher and higher beyond the clouds. The universe sang with him in unison:

The melody pours straight from the sky
It flows from sunny places
Lies softly on my heart
And it strives straight into the soul.
The herbs are green, the wind is playing,
The sky is high is a dream
In every blade of grass - desire
Each branch contains a dream.
The words are dangling with the wings of birds
And fly away under the clouds
Enjoying the dance of love
Merging with the music of the Sun
Great joy - to live on Earth!
This is the whole point, so clear to me.
I call love in my heart,
And light a new day!

His song took off and reached the planets of the Universe. He knew about it, because he felt their energies. The planets sang together with Rastislav - they amplified his voice, they vibrated in every blade of grass. The birds fell silent, they listened to the greatest songbook - Man. Birds could learn something from people and then use their melodies in their songs - they know how to do this, and they do it with pleasure.


The sun was getting warmer. The Rusichi were preparing for planting cereals, for planting vegetables. Especially many Rusichs grew turnips - this vegetable is the strongest and healthiest of all vegetables, just as the apple is the strongest among fruits. The Rusichi grew all the vegetables that are grown today, except for potatoes - there were no potatoes in Russia. If this product were useful, it would be present on the table of the Russians, but they knew about the harmful properties of potatoes and did not eat it: potatoes clog the body, slag it, and the energy content of potatoes - they negatively affect human energies, prevent it from being taken correctly decision, weaken the responsibility for the decision, in a word, slow down, interfere with the speed of thought. The Russians knew about the meaning of the speed of thought and developed it in every possible way, in this it plays a role, and a big role - what kind of food a person eats. It is also better to beware and even refuse to grow such fruits and vegetables that have never grown in these regions, in these latitudes - such an act is wrong, it is harmful, because it changes the blood composition of a person, and we will tell you what it is in the future.
And it was at this time, which is very important for the villagers - during the spring sowing, when everyone is busy ennobling the land, fertilizing it and loosening it with wooden devices (such as a plow) - among the Russians this lesson was held as a holiday: each family in their ancestral estates praised and glorified the earth, since everyone knew that the earth is really a dear Mother and nurse, giving abundant food for every day; planting seeds in the ground has always brought joy, and everyone did it with great desire; songs sounded from everywhere, and in the evening people gathered in one place, and danced in circles, and rapturous joy flew to all corners of the universe.

Oh, yes, I will plant a seed in Mother Earth,
Oh, yes, I will warm everyone around with joy, love,
And I will say a grain and a cherished word,
Yes, a cherished little word about your dream:
"You grow up, grain,
Become a rich fruit
And Mother Earth will give you a drink!
And Mother Earth will caress, dear,
Mother caresses
You grow, child!
The sun warms you
Stars shine for you
And the distant sister is the bright moon.
Serve you, dear,
To people with a bright thought,
Feed you, dear, little child,
And adult youths,
And adult girls
Both the old woman and the old husband.
Thank you dear
Thank you, glorious,
For tender care and wisdom of being! "

These are approximately the songs-conspiracies that formed the future fruits, filled with special energy, which grew among the Russians.
And it was at this most inappropriate, caring spring time that envoys from the prince of Rhodes arrived in the village: twenty people, all dressed in the military attire of the prince's squad, among them was the prince's close friend. They began talking to the elders of the village. The prince's envoy began to speak, his name was Vsevolod:
- We came to you with explanations, since we are brothers - our kindred blood, and our Clans from the same stars are asking for life on Earth. You live further from the edge of our common lands. We are the first to meet foreign peoples, and we are responsible - whether there will be peace or war. Five princes of our neighbors united with us and decided to meet in peace, not to fix military barriers to foreigners. You know - our prince accepts their faith in part. For this, foreigners bring their goods, conduct trade, but do not bargain much, prefer to exchange, but love more money. We like such an exchange, our villagers are happy. We suggest you make some concessions, there will be no harm from this. Our prince offers cooperation with us, does not require complete obedience, but in some issues there must be unanimity. You do not live like we do, you keep the old way of life, therefore, in order to avoid bloodshed, we ask you to make concessions: choose a boyar, build a small church - there sometimes their priests will conduct services to God, it is not necessary to go there, but there are no obstacles to fix.
This is how the elder of the village of Rosslav answered:
- We take into account that you live at the border, we can always understand our brothers and come to help if necessary. I do not know what Russia will undertake in the future, how the eventfulness of time and fate will be reflected on our descendants, but how can we abandon the rules of our fathers? Why should we cut down our oak groves like you, and build their temples from our ancestral trees? We have heard that your prince Rodoslav, by requests and persuasions, or even by force, forces the Russians to cut one family tree in their estates and from them to build churches for their god. Why has your prince completely forgot his ancestors? Why does he humiliate free people with such an evil deed? His father Veleslav did not allow himself to do such things, tried not to touch the foundations of our ancestors - the Vedas, and said: “Our parents are the essence of the Vedas, and in our souls - the essence of God, and our holidays are the true essence of the Universe and each star, for this the stars love us and help us in everything. " And his son Rodoslav forgot his father's words and succumbed to the entreaties of the newcomers. I cannot agree to such an act, because our people will laugh at me and decide that I am crazy, because everything you say looks like delirium, this happens when a person is in a heat, in a fever, and the demons overcome him. And I'm not sick yet, but completely healthy, which is what I wish for you. And if you do not perceive my words, I cannot influence that. So in the spring, fruit trees are covered with flowers, and the spruce is green even in winter - and there is great wisdom in this, and only man is free - and this is also great wisdom. We know well what a family tree means for Rusich, and in oak groves we hold merry festivities, for the oak is the tree of divine learning. For us, all trees are friends, in each tree there is great meaning and wisdom. But the oak grove has a special, mental power, our youth love to walk in them, and this has a deep meaning.
Vsevolod sat opposite, frowning, his eyes down to the ground. He listened attentively to Rosslav. He understood the meaning and essence of what was said. But the prince admonished him firmly to achieve agreement: “And if they don’t agree, then blame them for everything, and that they are quarreling with us, that they are confusing us, and that we have no other choice how to act our way. But you have forgotten that we are your brothers and that you are treating us not kindly, but evilly, and we have no choice how to answer you in kind. "
Vsevolod and Rosslav argued for a long time. And when Vsevolod saw all the futility of further negotiations, he launched a decisive offensive. He did everything as the prince taught him: he blamed the local Russians for everything, blamed all the blame on them, disclaimed all responsibility for further events, and they can be bloody, great grief: burnt villages and many deaths among the northern Russians.
The princes hoped that they would subordinate the rest of the Russians to their will, zelo (strong) they believed in it, cherished hope, because they understood that if it went on like this, then their feud would not escape, when the brother would go against the brother, but I did not want to.

Second battle

My sword, I beg you - don't get tired
And let your steel remain sharp
And if someone comes to Russia with a sword,
He will only achieve death for himself.
I met the gaze of the enemy who came -
He is not ashamed to mock kindness,
And I sing this song to victory,
So that life can be done in all ages

The professional, well-trained army of the Teutonic knights was defeated. About two thousand survived, half of them were wounded. The killed were dragged to one place by captive knights. They prepared dry branches, trees, then they will overlay this huge number of dead bodies and set them on fire.
The prisoners worked all day under the supervision of a small squad of Russians. The rest of the Russians were resting. By the end of the day and at night, Rusich soldiers from distant villages began to drive up, and not only men, there were women among them. Women mixed with men will be left in ambush, and they will strike behind enemy lines when the battle is already in full swing.
The enemy army was making their last night before the battle, but they did not know about it yet.
The Garnaches did exactly the same as they did with the Teutonic knights: at night they entered the sleeping camp of the enemy and destroyed several thousand soldiers.
Early in the morning, with two thousand cavalry, the Rusichi struck the enemy army. The calculation was as follows: to drag the enemy into battle, and then begin to retreat. Sensing the weakness of the Russians, the enemy will rush in pursuit - several thousand enemy cavalry will rush after the Russians and fall into an ambush - the Rus will quickly cope with a small number of enemies. And so it happened. In the end, the enemy realized that in vain he had rushed in pursuit, but it was too late. Having surrounded them on all sides, the Rusichi did not allow any enemy warrior to escape.
The main army of the enemy, meanwhile, lined up in battle formations, and they began to wait for the attack of the Russians. But no one attacked them. We stood until noon, then decided to move on. After some time, the paths stumbled upon those horsemen who went in pursuit - they were dead. But the Russians were not visible.
The sun was going down. We began to prepare for the night, because the soldiers need rest. They made fires and cooked food. They could not eat the same way as the Russians did without making fires - the meat had to be fried or cooked.
The Garnaches watched the enemy. Night has come.
From the side of the forest, bonfires burned brightly - they specially supported a large fire to illuminate the area. On the other hand, the army settled along a not very large river. They did not burn big fires here, because the water surface was visible, and if someone swims across the river on boats or on rafts, they will be immediately noticed. The sentries were sitting near small bonfires. None of them even thought that the Russians were capable of doing what they did that night.
The sentry was sitting near the fire. He knew that the Russians would not attack from the side of the river. The reflections of the fire played on the water, nothing disturbed its surface. Sometimes he listened to see if the oar would hit the water, but there was silence. “It's scary here in foreign lands. Yesterday almost three thousand of our people perished in pursuit of the pagans. They say that evil spirits help them, ”thought the sentry.
In some places the sentries walked along the river with torches, talking among themselves. A soldier called out to him, he was a fellow countryman. Two years ago, they joined the Foreign Legion together. They lived poorly, and there they paid good money in gold coins, did not skimp, said that they were hiring to guard roads and houses from robbers. But that summer they paid double the annual allowance, and they almost all agreed to participate in this trip.
Circles appeared on the water. The fire illuminated the water, the circles were clearly visible: "Probably, a large fish swims," \u200b\u200bthought the sentry, "disturbed the water surface with its tail."
Rusich swam very close to the shore. For several minutes, having drawn air into his lungs, he was under water. Here you need to be especially careful - the surface of the water is lit by bonfires. Rusich saw through the water an enemy sentry sitting near the fire. Then the following happened: the sentry noticed that some object had risen above the water, he did not even have time to be surprised, out of habit, he closed his eyes to reset his night vision - after all, he was tired during the day, he wanted to sleep. But he was no longer destined to open his eyes. A hand above the water rose above the elbow, and a skillfully thrown knife, emitting a small hiss in flight, pierced the throat. The sentry fell backward without making a sound. Very smoothly, the hand disappeared under the water. The air in the lungs was already running out, but for some time it was possible to be without breathing. From under the water Rusich watched: no one noticed the danger?
A hundred garnaches, having sailed under water as close as possible to the enemy shore, must imperceptibly neutralize the sentries, go ashore and hide, hiding under cover of night.
After a short time, the heads of the Russians began to appear from the water. In the morning, the enemy will miss more than one thousand of his soldiers.
The Russians very often used this method in the fight against the invaders - it acted on the enemy, first of all, psychologically: the invisible death of a large number of soldiers affected the mood of the soldiers, uncertainty and fear crept into the souls, "the earth burned under their feet", any sound frightened, and when night fell, the warriors saw an enemy in every bush and rustle of grass. The combat effectiveness of such an army fell sharply.
Morning has come. A rumor spread through the enemy camp: more than two thousand soldiers were killed that night. The attack came from the river. And the military leaders could not understand why the sentries did not notice the Russians on the water. The dead were dragged into several heaps. The army hastily moved on. We walked without making a halt in order to quickly get out of these dead wooded places.
The Rusichi walked alongside all the time, watching the army. They were waiting for the evening to attack with two squads from two sides. The enemy army did not suspect anything, their horse patrols were far ahead and covered the rear.
The first squad of the Russians struck from the side on the tail of the enemy troops. Song of the Universe "Hurray!" spread around the area. The blow was unexpected, the first rows were crushed. The Rusichi calculated everything - the battle would be short-lived, so they did not save their forces. The enemy army gradually recovered, and the soldiers began to form in battle formations. The second squad struck at the enemy cavalry, which was covering their troops from behind, when they tried to attack the Russians.
The fight was short, but very effective. Several thousand enemy soldiers were destroyed. The Rusichi suffered minor losses. It was already dark and they withdrew, turning their horses around as quickly as they attacked. The enemy was stunned, and the darkness of the night deepened. All night long, the warriors will not be able to sleep, waiting for an attack.
Future generations of Russians will choose exactly this tactic of fighting, attacking huge hordes of enemy troops, without being able to assemble a large army, for Russia will be divided, and the once united people will be at enmity with each other, being drawn into the games developed by the dark priests.
Rastislav took part in this battle, like his older brother. He missed his family and dreamed of returning home as soon as possible, hugging his family and never being separated again. But he understood that these were only dreams. The Magi explained long ago that they should prepare for the bad, but they did not lose heart and fulfilled their duty in full.
“Many Russians died when we fought with the Teutonic knights, their metal armor still ringing in our ears when the Russian sword hit them. And yet, our swords in strength and sharpness differ from all others and cut any metal armor. Knight's swords snapped with a crunch when they fought with a swag on ours. My sword did not even have a small notch on the edge. The fortress of our swords delights everyone. And we ourselves do not know the skill of the capital (casting) such. Either the Magi are special, and not alone, but with people who understand, they seek in special places where the earth has such a density and become (ore)... On a large fire, this flesh becomes liquid, it is poured into thin plates. They say that three plates from different places in one sword are connected when forged. Such a sword never breaks, but only bends. And to bend it, you need superhuman strength. But no matter how bent so (steel) such, all the same, then it returns to its original appearance, therefore it does not break. The Magi keep their secret, they don't tell anyone about it, but pass it on only to their disciples, and those disciples are faithful people, and there are few of them, because not everyone can accept such knowledge, here a special gift is needed, a special flair. Our visiting merchants pay for swords in gold, they do not skimp; how much the sword weighs, so much gold is given, and some even twice as much. But we do not do such an exchange - gold is not at all necessary in our daily life, and a sword is necessary to defend the Motherland. And they hunt for our swords, because the foreigners want to know the secret of the metal, and we have heard that for a long time already, but they just cannot solve the secret. And they have a lot of clever heads involved in this. But they will never be able to unravel the secret of our Magi, for the Magi communicate with an earthly article as with a living one, and this insult does not contain people, but loves them, and everything that is filled with love is Eternity.
I talked a lot with visiting merchants, I learned about their life, about their customs, the construction of their life, what interests among the people, what is their common aspiration, attraction. And their life, attraction, striving - not to my liking. There is no love, respect between them. Wage labor is used by poor people. Where do the poor come from? After all, they work, but for some reason they are poor. Only the slave has nothing. They have those. Fools! They do not understand that life only in general joy has a true meaning. And if a person lives next to you who is saturated with grief and misfortune of slavery or poverty, then the one who is rich from energies of such genuine longing is filled with and lives in hard thoughts - there will be no peace and joy in his heart. Well-to-do people get their protection - they are scared, suddenly someone decides to rob, and there are many robbers in those lands, for they live by deception. The last time I talked with the surviving soldiers of the Teutons - they all became mercenaries, because from poor families, and the knights were paid a lot, the family can live comfortably. These people are able to feed their families, kill and destroy other people's families. The cruelty in them is such that I cannot understand, one word - inhuman, ”- this is how Rastislav reasoned with himself, and he felt sad from such thoughts.
“Tonight the garnash will make a sortie into the enemy camp - one and a half to two thousand soldiers will not wake up. And at dawn we will strike with the whole squad on their army, and until noon we will fight, and then we will retreat. They no longer have provisions, the baggage train has been taken away from them. For several days they have been eating only horse meat, and these people are not used to horse meat, therefore their stomach rejects such food (stomach upset)... Not like the steppe people - here, for example, the Zory - prefer horse meat to any other food, and they feel great. We don’t eat horses, like any other meat, but we know how to eat meat without indigestion, for this we know special herbs. But we will not eat meat anyway, because each of us knows well that corpse food deprives us of the divine principle. Such food changes not only thoughts, but also changes the blood that fills the physical body. This body will carry the energy of death and fear. Fear destroys Eternity, and only good thoughts of people and joyful life rotate Kolo, that is, the center of the cosmic axis. Other nations have never even heard of it. The Magi say that there are peoples kindred to us, but they have forgotten the foundations of their ancestors, and they treat us not as brothers, but as strangers. And there are peoples who have never had a Cult-URA, that is, knowledge of the truth, because there are few divine energies in them. They can eat any food, they will not harm themselves from this, ”- such thoughts went through Rastislav's head. He woke up in the middle of the night, and never fell asleep.
The Rus camp began to stir. The warriors were preparing to attack the enemy army. We got together quickly - this distinguished the Russians from all the others. We drank a lot of a special drink with honey in combs. Horns sounded softly - a signal to perform. The cavalry began to move, the dawn star already lit up.
The hostile army was already waking up, making fires, preparing food.
The attack of the Russians was unexpected. They chopped down the enemy, using the confusion and panic that gripped them. The effect turned out to be such that the Russians did not expect: by noon two-thirds of the troops were destroyed, the rest threw down their weapons and fled.
The Rusichi defeated two enemy troops, but they themselves lost many of their people, and there were also many wounded.
Rastislav was wounded in this battle, lost a lot of blood, but healers helped in time, and he quickly got stronger and recovered.

Alexander Savrasov

CULT-URA. Byl of Russia

Book THREE of the series

Book three: \u003d Cult-URA. Byl of Russia \u003d

Part I. Russia 1200 years ago

Morning in the village

Remembrance of Svetogor


Thoughts of Yaraslava

Miroslav's training

The true meaning of the Rusich dances

Training in the forest

Energy "ONCE"

The vernal equinox

The cosmic meaning of round dances

Energy named HUMAN

Aria of life

The first fight of Miroslav and his friends

Fight of Miroslav

Meeting of Soulmates

Space of Love

Home construction

Miroslava and Zareslava are crowned by the Universe

Rank of Wife and rank of Husband


Part II.


The main conditions for creating a happy family

Family education

Wedding rings

Bride and groom

What kind of food did the Rusichi eat?

New Kolovrat and Kolyada holiday

Energy is RIGHT and energy is LIE

Russian writing

Semantic meaning and explanation of individual words

Deciphering the names used in the book

The sun and the moon are emitting light
but their light is different.
Not knowing the truth
content with the light of the moon.
Wielding truth
lights the sun.

URA is not a word, not a sound and not a set of letters in a certain sequence. This is a living cosmic energy that belongs to the world of Rule. For our Universe was created in such a way that it is governed by a Man who is Truth - that is, Rule, and there is no other force that can replace Man.
The energy of the URA is the key to the door, where the ninth plane, created by God, is located - the energetic complex node of all the planes of existence. This energy knot - that is, Man - in its entirety, and not only in the earthly body, is the connecting link of the harmonious life of the Universe.
Each Rusich knew what Rod, Motherland, Relatives, what nation he belongs to.
The word Culture means Cult-URA.
Cultfor vedrussians - it means adequate, conscious, unquestioning adherence to their knowledge, which guarantee the harmonious life of the Earth, the Universe and Man as a connecting link created by God for eternal life - that is, the wheel of Eternity of the Aryans.
It is written in three letters - URA.
Ur - an enlightened person who owns the knowledge of the original sources.
Primary knowledge- that means, from the original source, that is, from God.
Ra- The sun is the Love of people. Only reasonable, harmonious people can radiate love. Therefore, if a person is harmonious, this guarantees the eternal life of the Earth.
Today Ur it is darkened, knowledge is lost, therefore people create disharmony - the Earth is sick, cataclysms and catastrophes.
Today, in order to change the harsh energies on Earth to softer ones, we advise to plant gardens collectively for everyone. Mass pure striving will cleanse negative energies, heal the Earth itself, and people will feel healthier, more confident, and calmer.
School "Happiness" will really reveal human potential.
You can do as much as you can.
Your children can do everything.

If only a person could know how important it is to have the correct life aspiration - that is, a goal. Indeed, his joyful, happy life really depends on this.
Most people understand how useless, empty and uninteresting life without a goal, and how important it is to find the right aspiration.
What is the goal? This is a dream that a person aspires to. But a true, real, non-illusory goal can be found only in one case - when a person knows the culture of his people, that is, his roots. Without such roots, a person cannot find the right goal, and not be truly happy.
The good of Russia is what actually happened to your Clans, to your ancestors before. Knowing the Belief, which means the true life of his ancestors, a person will be able to determine his correct goal, his destiny.

This book tells the story of the life of Russia one thousand two hundred years ago. This is how the vedrusses lived on the territory of today's Russia, Ukraine, Belarus. It was here that our people kept all the longer from the encroachments of darkness, they took care, preserved and treasured their culture, they defended their lands from invaders, with a sword in their hands as well.
I was embarrassed by the fact that the book turns out to be not quite kind, but, on the contrary, harsh, there is a lot of war in it. And when I decided to shorten the story of some kind of military action, I saw that the essence was immediately lost. After all, this is the real life of our ancestors, it is not fiction. And I realized that I needed to leave everything as it is.
Russia suffered a lot of grief and shed a lot of blood, and this blood is not alien - it is the blood of our ancestors, our Clans, who lived in those days. Not sparing their lives, overcoming difficulties, they cherished the most sacred, the most significant - their culture, that is, Kult-URA.
We, who are living now, and our descendants, will return the culture and life aspirations of our ancestors to our lives. And their aspirations were the kindest - to preserve harmony in their lives, and therefore to joy and happiness.
Only people themselves can make themselves happy.
Happiness is the connection of the part with the whole. When a particle that has lost what it belongs to, that is, having lost the truth, its purpose, unites with its own and becomes whole, the truth immediately opens and its purpose becomes clear - here it is HAPPINESS.

The events described took place
in Russia 1200 years ago

Morning in the village

Earlier in the morning, the Vedrusian village had already woken up. Everyone goes about their usual affairs, and, nevertheless, everyone is in high spirits, tomorrow is a holiday - the Savior of Honey. This is a big, significant holiday. The Russians of that time knew all the enormous usefulness of honey, everyone had decks with bees. Until that day (Savior of Honey), no one will open the deck and take the honey of the new harvest, for there is still no strength in it, it is empty. The Russians of that time did not consume a large amount of food, because their products, properly grown and harvested on time, possessed colossal energy.
People from all nearby villages will come here, on the banks of the River Litega, to the fair. Fairs have been held here for a long time. Vast meadows allowed large numbers of people to gather. The young people got to know each other, and often then there were weddings (that is, weddings). They had fun, celebrated for real - a lot of fun games, songs, round dances, big swings were made and so on.
Litega- soft movement of hardness.
Fair. Yar- fire inside a person. Brand- a distinctive sign of some human business or deed that is constantly moving and developing. Fair- when people share the warmth of their hearts and their products of the material world.
Yaraslava and Svetogor were still sleeping. Little Miroslav, their son, slept next to them. He slept soundly and sweetly, arms outstretched. The warm energy of his mother and father made his sleep very calm, for the energy of his parents did not allow any forces to disturb his sleep.
And on the huge meadow where the fair will be held, movement has already begun. They made rope swings, merry-go-rounds, dug in poles for special games, marked out a place for horsemen - here the riders will show their skills. A place was being prepared for carts with goods - there would be an exchange of their products: who made horse harness well, rawhide belts, who could weave linen cloth better than others. No one has ever made products specially for sale in the Vedrusian family estates, because the aspirations of people were for the beauty of life, for its joy, and not for material enrichment. Everyone had plenty of food, clothing, and building materials. At that time, they simply exchanged their products and often gave them wholeheartedly for the joy and health of others - this was a common thing.
But Russia of that time was attacked by foreign peoples, so the Russians had to be ready. Communication between the villages was established, and the young Vedrusses conducted frequent military exercises, and many girls studied military affairs. It started in early childhood as a game for the general development of the body. Gradually, the child's thought was activated, the thought plus special breathing exercises made it possible for the human body to receive unearthly strength. A person could transfer himself to another state of sensuality - this is when a person could use the ninth plane of being created by God, that is, some qualities that he possesses, to use them in this particular life case. It was called to perform the Song of the Universe - that is, cosmic energies pass through a person. This was used not necessarily during the war, but in their other affairs.
Svetogor woke up, got up quietly, dressed and went out into the street. The air was filled with aromas and nectars, the sound of axes and the sound of drinking was heard. He took his instrument and went to help in preparation for the fair. For several days the men of the village have been preparing to meet the guests, today is the last day, you need to hurry.
Several carts stood in the distance - these are residents of distant villages, they are the first to arrive.
We did our carpentry quickly and skillfully. The work is familiar, the hands are accustomed to axes.
Miroslav and his mother Yaraslava woke up at the same time. The kid opened his eyes and saw his mother, their eyes met, and they both smiled tenderly and enthusiastically. A joyful state for people of this time was natural. Children almost never cried, the energy of Love and a harmonious life were the reason for a good mood. Each new day brought joy, and the morning always began with smiles, with cheerful laughter. Now Yaraslava will feed her son and slowly start her housework.
Their house is small, log. When trees were cut down, Svetogor explained to each of them why he was doing this, and the trees happily later served the man. The house was very warm and cozy.
Two years ago, Svetogor and Yaraslava were married by the Universe, that is, they held a wedding ceremony in Ved Russian style. They chose their space of Love - the family home - together. Some of the trees that grew here went into the house and outbuildings. During the wedding, relatives and neighbors brought in many seedlings, trees and shrubs and brought domestic animals, but not adults, but also small ones - a foal, a calf, and so on. A new young family is being created, and everything here must be young. Living and growing together - people, animals and plants - created a single cosmic harmonious energy of family and nature, and this is the great meaning of cosmic eternal life. This guarantees the birth of children from their Family, and in the future also guarantees their embodiment on Earth. The Russians of that time knew about it. Their culture and everyday affairs allowed them to be in a joyful mood every day, in a word, the Cult-URA ensured harmony, and this is happiness. It is for happiness and in the name of happiness that man was created by the great Creator - God.
Little Miroslav still ate mother's milk, Yaraslava had plenty of milk. And the kid also loved to crawl on the lawn near the house in the grass and flowers. He played there until he was hungry, then he spoke up. The mother was always near, but never approached her son and did not interrupt his thought. In those days, they still understood the importance of the speed of thought. If the vedruss does not have a certain speed of thought, it will not be able to accept and carry the harmonious life of Eternity, that is, the Cult-URA. So today the baby was bathing in the morning dew, he was not cold, even though the body was naked. Nobody told him that it is cold, hot, warm or it rains, which means it is damp outside. On the contrary, my mother herself carried him outside in the rain, and they walked in the rain or played on the grass. The child grew up and never heard that the weather was bad and it was good. The weather was always good and was perceived by the Russians with goodness, they enjoyed life and all natural manifestations.
Yaraslava led three horses outside the fence. They went in a common herd from all over the village to the meadow to the river. They had a shepherd boy who skillfully played the pipe. Each family had several horses. And if the family is large, then they kept a cow or several. The Russians did not use meat for food, and somehow it has become the custom for a long time - old animals, feeling their death, went into the forest and died there, they did not return home from the pasture.
Wild animals ate the carcasses. Everything is harmonious in nature, and there have never been any problems with what to do with old animals.
The house for young people and outbuildings were cut down in a few days by relatives and neighbors. Logs for the house were prepared in advance, they lay in racks, dried. It was discussed what size the house should be and where to build it. The foundation for the house was made of large stones, but lifting for people. The owner of the future house, Svetogor, explained to these stones why they are needed, why they were brought here. Such a foundation will be strong, reliable, for harmony has been observed.
It was joyful and fun for Yaraslava to live here. The villagers were like relatives among themselves, there was no energy of envy, greed, cruelty or anger in them, and the energies of love, tenderness, care for loved ones raged in them with an irrepressible force. And the neighbors treated each other with sincere kindness and always helped - this was absorbed by the Russians with their mother's milk, because everyone understood that only good deeds guarantee a calm and happy life for himself and his offspring. And this is wisdom and truth, and not something else. The energy of Love lived in every family, for there all conditions were created for it.
Yaraslava herself is from another village. She met two years ago with Svetogor at the fair, when they danced in round dances. The fairs were held for several days, and the young people had the opportunity to take a closer look at one another. The girls and boys of that time were pure in their thoughts. They strove to create a family - this was the upbringing, way of life of the Vedrus. Then they knew very well the cosmic meaning of the lullaby, and when the halves met (they understood this very well), hearts filled with extraordinary bliss, the body melted in some kind of warm languor, the energy of Love ran between them as an imperceptible thread and forever made these people happy.
On the third day of the fair festival a young man came up to Yaraslava, he was tall, slender and handsome. He blushed violently. Yaraslav understood everything, she liked him herself. When she looked at him from the side, something burned her inside, and her heart fluttered. The young man was taller than her and looked down.
“My name is Svetogor,” he said.
The blood hit the girl in the head, her temples pounded hard, she even swayed. But Svetogor suddenly smiled with such a sincere, kind smile that she felt better, and she replied:
- My parents are called Yaraslava.
Svetogor took a half step back, took a deep breath and said:
- With you, beautiful Goddess, I could create Love Space for centuries.
Yaraslava was completely dizzy, and she simply answered:
- I agree. I will help, - and whispered: - My parents stopped at that edge of the meadow near the forest, - and indicated with her hand. She turned, trying not to run, she walked quickly.
In the evening, Svetogor and his mother found Yaraslava with his parents, and they agreed on everything. So she began to live in this village. Her older sister five years ago married a guy from this village, and at first this helped Yaraslava a lot, while she got used to the new place. And now it seemed to her that she had always lived here - everything was so close and dear to her here. She was so calm, easily happy that she sang a song in her clear high voice:

The sky is clear, the sky is light,
You are reflected in my heart
You bring us the light of the clear sun,
You bring us the rain alive.
Mother Earth is shrouded in silk grass,
Delicate beauty of cheerful flowers.
The day begins with a new song
And everything ignites with joy.
My thoughts are directed towards kindness,
And there is no sadness and no fuss
And the world around is filled with beauty,
The joyful laughter of children is heard.
There is another sun in my life
I also have a dear sprout,
We consider this to be the most sacred,
I call all this - a family.

Remembrance of Svetogor

Svetogor worked in the sweat of his brow, he was cutting off the bark from the logs. Only his right shoulder still hurt after the injury.
Last fall, the steppe inhabitants of the zory, as the Russians called them, attacked a neighboring village, which was at a distance of two days' journey. A resident of that village galloped up and said that they were attacked unexpectedly at dawn, they began to capture in half ( captivity) young girls and young boys, the rest were cut down mercilessly, houses were burned. There were a large number of other warriors with the Zors, they were dressed in different clothes, spoke their own language, and the chief of this army were people in black robes. Such people came to the Russians before, told about God, what houses should be built for him and how to pray that they were sent by God himself for their own good. These people were sheltered with good, fed, and they laughed at their speeches, so stupid and worthless they were. Then they began to frighten the inhabitants of the village that God would be angry and punish them cruelly. But the Russians knew that God is good, and apart from great love he does nothing.
In those days, attacks on Russia began to occur more and more often. But the Russians bravely defended themselves and gave a worthy rebuff to the enemy. And, nevertheless, the great sorrow went for a walk in Russia.
Enemy. Vra - the rotation of the Sun in the space of eternity, r - rotation, movement. In this case, the movement of the sign " r»Destroys the harmony of the Sun. Word in rag reads as - destruction of harmony.
When they learned the terrible news, they quickly gathered four hundred of the best soldiers, sent them to a neighboring village for help, and discussed the place where all the soldiers of the villages would unite.
Headed four hundred horsemen Svetogor, he has always been a leader - both at military training and at the games. Each rider has two horses, this is necessary for long distance riding. The rider changed horses, and the horses did not get tired longer. On the second day they will be at the devastated village. The horsemen and horses merged into one body, the live mass flowed at a fast gallop towards the south-west. In this mode, they will ride for a very long time, switching from time to time to "trot". A horse can move at a trot for a very long time.
It was getting dark when they stopped. It was felt that the horses were tired. But there is a whole night ahead for rest - they will have time to recover, gain strength. The horses are young, trained, trained. Two people were left on patrol, the rest lay down to rest. We woke up when dawn broke. Each one had dried vegetables, fruits and honey in combs in a bag. The vegetables were steamed in clay pots, then they were cut into pieces with wooden knives and dried - turnips, carrots, beets. This food possessed great energy, was easily digested and maintained a high tone of a person for a long time, so time was not spent at all on cooking. Saddled the horses and hit the road.
In the morning they were near the plundered village. A terrible picture appeared before the soldiers: the hacked, mutilated bodies of villagers, burnt houses. Women, old people, children - those who remained alive, began to tell how everything happened. But they could not really tell anything: smoke, fire and many enemy soldiers, the steppe inhabitants of the Zory were especially malignant.
The soldiers from this village all went to the aid of another village, and part of the enemy army, having covered a great distance during the night, attacked in the morning.
They sent in pursuit of the garnash to find out how many and where the enemy was located.


Garnache- invisible intelligently directed energy.
Garnash are people who could penetrate any environment, changing the energy of their body. Such people were selected from childhood by special wise men according to signs that were known only to these wise men. Garnaches could enter the enemy's camp without changing their clothes, and stay there for some time, not very long, forcing their thoughts to treat them as their own. They could pass through the enemy's barrier, for example, in front of the sentries, unnoticed. Garnache could approach a bear wounded by a man, and he would not touch him, and, as you know, such bears rush at people, wanting to take revenge. Garnaches could, in front of people, go into a small open forest on a scale of 10-15 meters, and they could not be found. In an open meadow, where even the grass is small, the audience was asked to turn away for one second and then immediately turn back. Garnache was at a distance of about five meters from people, and they could not notice him, they were even allowed to approach the place where he had just stood.
The vision of the garnash was developed with special exercises for the eyes to such an extent that they could see well even on a moonless night. In the footsteps, they determined not only when and how many people passed, but even their age, height, weight, eye and hair color, and in what emotional state, that is, mood, people were in, were they in a hurry or, conversely, they walked slowly were internally depressed or, on the contrary, excited. Garnaches could drive fear into the souls of some people, for example, in order for them to leave their shelter or free this territory ( note: the Vedrussa girl used this knowledge when Prince Svetoslav began to flirt with her - the chapter "I am going to" YOU "in the book" Family is a cosmic unit "). Garnaches could stay under water for a long time, breathing through a special straw. Putting their ears to the ground, they could tell at what distance the enemy was, in what number, on foot or on horseback, well-fed or hungry soldiers, they were going to attack or would not be today, what kind of nationality it was.
Such knowledge to a very small extent was possessed by the so-called plastuns in the Cossack troops - which means "invisible death".
Garnache, for example, could take the form of a stump, on which people could sit and not understand that this is a person. If it was necessary to find out the password from the sentry, the garnache came up and, meeting his eyes with the sentry, said: "Tell the password," he called the password. Then the garnache looked up and, looking next to the sentry, uttered the password. The sentry let him through, not suspecting anything.
Physical capabilities of the garnache: catching on a tree branch with his hands, he could hang for a long time. On a steep wall, using only small notches, he could stay for a very long time.
There were no barriers for the garnaches, they could penetrate into any of the most hidden and protected places, as long as their body would fit there, and there was air for breathing.


Gradually soldiers arrived from all nearby villages, in total there were more than two thousand. This is a serious force and even a very serious one, because the Russians are skilled warriors.
They began to bury the murdered villagers, each in his family estate.
The Magi have long warned people and prepared them for such events:
“The cosmic laws of Eternity and harmonious life have been violated,” they said, “too much evil has accumulated on Earth. This energy is aggressive, nothing good should be expected from it. Get ready to defend your lands, your villages from attacks, and do not expect mercy, there will be no mercy. "
Svetogor thought about his wife Yaraslav and his son Miroslav. And if they attack their village - what will happen to them? A terrible picture appeared before Svetogor's mind's eye. The hitherto unknown energy of pain and hatred chained the heart, it began to beat strongly and loudly, it became dim in the eyes. At that moment, he realized for himself - not a single enemy soldier would leave alive.
Garnaches returned at night. It was found that the foreign army numbers about seven thousand soldiers: about three thousand zorov - they are all on horseback, the rest of the Romans - they are mainly on foot. The wagon train is large, the captive Russians are leading, they settled down for the night near the swamp.
The elders of their squads gathered for a council. We decided to attack in the morning, when it starts to dawn. A third of the Russian army bypassed the enemy and cut their path to retreat, that is, to flight. Enemies do not expect danger from an impenetrable swamp. Some of them tried to get through and fell headlong as soon as they were saved. But the buckets of that time could still change the gravitational field of the earth. They will cross the swamp silently, and no one will fail.
Rusichi, like night ghosts, walked through the impenetrable swamp. They walked in quick, small steps, in long rows, one after the other. And only if you came close, close, you could hear their rapid breathing. It seemed as if they were floating in the air. Coming out onto solid ground, they spread silently along the edge of the swamp and lined up in rows in a checkerboard pattern, ready for battle. They are not expected from here.
A whisper swept through the ranks with one word: Hurray. For Vedrus, this is the most significant word. During the war, it meant only one thing - to attack the enemy.
The enemy camp was waking up. There were no sentries from the side of the swamp. The Vedrusses came very close and attacked the enemy. The arrows pierced through the bodies of aliens, they fell like sheaves - dead bodies that no one needed. Panic began, a scream rose. Horns sounded, the enemy soldiers began to line up in regiments, maintaining the battle ranks, as taught. Rusichi moved quickly, many enemies were chopped down. Finally, there was a clash with the already built battle formations of the enemy army. The Rusichi possessed two swords - both right and left hand. Dexterously wielding them, they slashed fiends - bloody ghouls.
But the main surprise for the enemy was from the opposite side. There, holding the horses on the bit, were the warriors led by Svetogor. They were waiting for the signal to attack. When the enemy is fully involved in the battle with the Russians, a white inverted dove will be released into the sky. Having taken off high, it will roll over in one place. This will be the signal for the cavalry.
The pigeon observers noticed. A thousand warriors rallied closer to each other, keeping their horses on the bit. Now they will start singing the Song of the Universe. It begins with three letters "URA" - a drawn-out U-u-u-u, turning into a drawn-out Ra-a-a-a. The Russians create a common spiral of thought - each warrior draws his own spiral of Eternity, and they unite into one powerful spiral of harmony and eternal life. To do this, you need to know a special rhythm, that is, a motive, a melody inherent only in their constellation. Melody plus energy in the form of the sound "URA" will create a movement of related universal energies. The ninth plan, created by God, will respond to this energy spiral, and the warriors will receive such energy from space, thanks to which they will become invulnerable to the enemy. This can be done alone, but it is much more effective when many people are doing it at the same time. This special energy went to people, even horses felt it, they began to flare their nostrils and press their ears. The Song of the Universe sounded louder and louder over the earth: "Oo-oo-oo-oo-ra-ah-ah." The Spiral of Eternity was spinning at a breakneck speed.
The first ranks of horsemen moved. Already all the cavalry were walking with a gait, that is, "trot". The sound of "Hurray" was amplified. There was such an impression that the cavalry of the Rus by some unknown force was lifted above the ground and just flew in a single elastic flexible lava. The sound of "Hurray" turned into a terrible hum.
The cavalry was approaching. Fear seized the enemy, they began to throw down their weapons and run wherever they could. Suddenly the Song of the Universe stopped abruptly, and the clink of swords was heard. The Rusichi settled themselves in such a way that the enemy could only retreat to the swamp, and they were pressed there.
Sword. M - matter, E - preserving transition, H - soft Eternity. Sword - preservation or protection of life in the material world.


Svetogor on his black stallion, holding a sword in each hand, deftly chopped off this gray mass. At first glance, these were ordinary people - a head, two arms, two legs. But is a person capable of doing such cruelty and possessing such hatred for people who live on their own land, in their homes, and do no harm to anyone? No, a person is not capable of that.
The Magi immediately determined who these newcomers were, what kind of energy they represented and designated them with the word "non-human", and the forces of destruction rule all of this. The Magi said so:
“Remember and pass on to your children:
Russia is the last island on Earth, where Prav lives, that is, Truth, where the Cult-URA lives. Rusichi, you preserve the culture, it lives in your holidays, it lives in your way of life, it lives in your pure aspirations, it lives in the subconscious - this is your gene pool. You are the bearers of the URA cult, the rest of the nations have a cult of customs and traditions. Save, take care of the knowledge of URA, only this will save the energy with the name MAN. It is this energy that you are - kindness, sincerity of your hearts, simplicity in communication and in relation to each other and with other nations, the desire to help and give, and not inherent in you, to deceive and ask for yourself. You are the last energy on Earth that is healthy, viable. The earth is covered with darkness of sick, destructive energies. These energies are not inherent in the Earth. The hearts of people will be filled with anger, deceit, the desire to take possession of someone else's. This is a disease, and this disease quickly covers the entire Earth, all of humanity. You preserve kindness, honesty, purity of thoughts, love. "
Disease. Bol - Divine Love, E - turn, turn, 3 - a person energetically open, H - invisible energy, B - soft. Disease- a person turned from the true path, thereby abandoned the love of God, that is, from the energy of life, lost harmony and became a destroyer, and himself is destroyed.
“The black time has come. Do not be afraid of it, for you are Eternity, you are that healthy cell in a sick organism, which will later allow the whole organism to recover. We know about this, for the star has lit up. Rus is not destined to perish. Many centuries will pass, a lot of water will leak. That water will pass its circle and purified water will return. And Russia will declare itself, and the peoples will turn to face it, and they will see salvation for themselves, and Russia will show how to live in harmony and joy. And the Sun will change its energies, for the recovery of the Earth and all those who can recover will come. Protect the purity of your hearts - this is your great destiny! Everything is already predetermined, it remains to fulfill ”.
All this flashed in Svetogor's head, he again remembered his relatives - son, wife, mother, father, brothers, sisters. And before him, covered with shields and bristling with swords and spears, a gray living mass defended itself. The soul of Svetogor was filled with disgust to this screaming, screaming and stinking dead crowd. Inhumans! Non-humans came to our land. Do not expect any good from them, only death and ruin are carried by this energy, and therefore it is necessary to destroy this muck. And the Magi warned, they spoke about it: “Do not come to an agreement with them about anything, no matter what they promise you. They will be deceived anyway They came to destroy Russia ”.
And the Magi said this:
“Never fight against evil, for direct your thought to the struggle you yourself will begin to feed evil. You keep Love on Earth. Your thought, in this case, is directed towards Eternity - you bring harmony. "
Svetogor, like all warriors, was in the state of the Song of the Universe, that is, he was in a different sensory perception. Everything around him had a slow movement, so he could easily repel enemy weapons and hit the enemy. His spiral of thought energy was spinning at a tremendous speed. In the heat of the battle, he did not notice how he cut too deep into the ranks of the enemy and found himself all alone. His horse suddenly began to roll to the side and fell, because he was seriously wounded. Svetogor managed to jump off so as not to fall with him - the horse could crush him with his body. At that moment, he felt a blow from behind in his right shoulder. Spinning his body sharply 180 degrees, he struck the enemy with his sword. The right hand began to obey poorly, but among the Russians, the left hand was developed no worse than the right. A few minutes later he heard the voice of his friend Ratibor:
- Do not come off so far alone, you are at great risk.
Svetogor was delighted with the familiar voice, he himself realized his mistake.
And the battle was in full swing, flaring up more and more. The enemy had already been pinned down to the swamp, many began to fall through and drown. The Zorov cavalry was clamped down and did not give her the opportunity to escape. But, nevertheless, they managed to seep through the ranks of the Russians. About five hundred horsemen at a frantic gallop rushed away from the battle, but the squad, which was in ambush, met them with arrows, the rest were chopped off with swords. Not a single enemy will leave alive. Having finished with the fugitives, the Russians went to the aid of their own.
The battle continued until the evening. The wounded were assisted, a roll call was held. The swamp consumed the dead flesh of the aliens.
Such a bitter memory came to Svetogor's mind from the pain in his shoulder blade. And around - smiles and joy on their faces. The holiday lived in the hearts of people, they were happy. Carts with guests drove up, the cheerful noise was increasing.

Thoughts of Yaraslava

Little Miroslav gave a voice, so it's time to feed him. He fell to his mother's chest, and Yaraslava concentrated and began with her thought to form a happy life for her son: “Here he is walking through the stars, joyful and happy, and a girl with long blond hair meets him, she also smiles. They stretched out their hands to each other and spun in a dance, and the stars spun with them. And the Universe sang a song of Love. And here they are walking in the meadow - her beautiful son and the girl, already a beautiful girl, are holding hands. "
Miroslav looked up from his chest and looked at his mother. Yaraslava smiled and said:
- You, my beloved son, will grow up wise, strong, beautiful, you will have a happy family, children will be born.
Miroslav smiled back and blinked from the warm sun, he felt so good - warm, cozy, nourishing. Mother's love did not live on him and caressed him. From such bliss, his eyes began to close. He fell asleep, and his mother sang a lullaby.

You my son
you walk along the path
On the star track
Star Trek

This star
Flies up to you
In this star
The entire universe.

It's good there,
Everything is native there,
Your joyful path
Illuminated by a star.

Girl gently
Hugs you
Together now you
Together forever.

The kid was fast asleep. Yaraslava put him in the cradle here, in the garden, and went about her business.
Cradle. TO - movement, but not physical, but thoughts or souls, ABOUT - wheel of Eternity, L - Love, Number - the energy movement of Love in the wheel of Eternity, that is, Kolovrat, ybel - soft transition from small to large. Cradle- growth and strengthening of the wheel of Eternity.
- The son is growing, - thought Yaraslava, - strong, not whiny. It is necessary to correctly form his happy life. When he grows up, everything will turn out for him the way he wants. A person will live happily if he bathes in parental love, if he is not deprived of affection, tenderness from an early age. Our son is not deprived of affection - Svetogor loves him and loves me, and I love both of them. How good it is for us to live! I want to hug the whole world, the whole Earth. And the soul sings in joy so high, high, I want to live forever on Earth. Beautiful Earth, good here. God has invented a planet for us, for people, and life has invented for us such a good, such a joyful one.
And so caught up in her thoughts Yaraslav. Now she sings a merry song, and everything is arguing in her hands. I started a wash - I soaked the special roots in advance, they insisted. She uses them especially for children's clothing. This infusion makes the fabric soft and pleasantly smelling. Basically, it washes with lye from wood ash.
Their family lives quietly, joyfully. They have everything. The garden is still growing, but the vegetables are growing well. There is plenty of honey. The neighbors keep cows - you can always take milk, cottage cheese, sour cream. In the house there is a small Russian oven made of clay, in which delicious pies are baked. Nobody uses meat and fish for food. Animals, having lived their time cycle, fulfilling their destiny and serving man, feeling death, themselves go into the forest and die there. Wild animals do not attack domestic animals, for fertile energy emanates from the Vedrus villages. Animals and birds like this energy, they try to protect the person - the carrier of such energy. And people live with wild animals in peace and friendship, in a word, there is harmony. And if you kill animals, then the cosmic harmony created by the Creator is violated. Man turns from a creator into a destroyer. By doing so, he will increase the energy of destruction. But this applies only to the Aryan people, this is due to its cosmic destination. He is a representative of such universal energy, he is its keeper. Without this energy, the connection between the ninth plane, created by God - that is, Man - and all other planes collapses, for Man is the connecting link of the harmonious life of the Universe. All Vedrussians know about this, for the Magi teach this from childhood.
Increasingly, Yaraslav's thoughts about responsibility in raising children, about preserving his culture and his way of life came to him: “The whole village talks about this, and we often talk with Svetogor about the same. Our enemies began to attack more and more often. Houses are burned, people are being killed. They want to instill some kind of faith in us, so that we build big houses, and they are called temples, in them we need to somehow confess our love to God. But after all, God is in every blade of grass, bush, tree - everyone knows this from childhood. And the wise men say: "Take care of the culture of the ancestors." More and more our people began to study military affairs. So here in our village all young women learn to shoot from a bow and handle a sword. "
Yaraslava was a good master of the sword, for girls, like boys, at that time already learned this from childhood, but girls - at will.
These are the thoughts that increasingly visited the heads of the Vedrus-owls. Black clouds were gathering over the last island of Light on Earth - over Russia. The darkness spread its bloody claws more and more insolently, more and more furiously.
Darkness- the inverted word " mother". If the mother gives life, then the darkness takes her, fights with her.
Evening came. Svetogor came. They hugged, went to their son on the lawn. They stood to the side and began to look at him, and he was looking at something in the grass, fingering with his pens. They did not call him - they waited for him to turn to them. So he, grasping the trunk of a young tree, got to his feet, but swayed and flew back, tumbling, did not cry, but began to look around and saw his parents, was delighted with them. Svetogor took his son in his arms, pressed him quietly to him. He was bored when he left home somewhere.
- Everything is ready for the holiday of the Savior of Honey, - Svetogor began to tell. - Tomorrow it will be fun. The new horse harness must be changed, the old one is worn out.
- And I cooked two barrels of kvass, - said Yaraslava. - Kneaded the dough, tomorrow bake pies.
At that time, they treated everyone with food and drinks with all their hearts, and rejoiced if people came to them more than once to have a snack or drink a drink. They did not make or use alcoholic beverages that change the subtle plan of a person and his consciousness. Such a phenomenon was absent among the Russians in principle. Nobody smoked tobacco, because such a phenomenon was also absent. Every Rusich knew the importance of a healthy body and healthy good thoughts. The Rusichi did not separate the life of the Universe from their own life. They knew very well that everything that grows and lives on Earth, and they themselves, thanks to the harmonious connection with cosmic bodies. And, moreover, the life of the planets depends on their thoughts and deeds. And none of the vedrussians wanted to harm the stars.
Svetogor and Yaraslava sat at home and drank a decoction of herbs with honey. Drowsy. The son was asleep. The sun was no longer visible, only a small scarlet strip remained. The whole nature calmed down. How good it is to rest on a cool night! And tomorrow the sweet sun will rise again. What a happiness it is to live on Earth!

Miroslav's training

Miroslav is five years old. Two interesting and cheerful people came to their village, whom everyone called the Magi.
It was early summer. Miroslav with his peers ran around the outskirts of the village. Parents have long said that the Magi will soon come and teach their children their knowledge. And he wanted to have fun and play with friends.
And then one morning his parents took him to the edge of the village. There were several shady trees, and all his friends came with their parents. The adults already knew what knowledge the sorcerer-teacher possessed. He was an old man with a long beard, he spoke beautifully in a singsong voice, wanted to listen to him, was cheerful, smiled all the time.
Everyone bowed to him, and he also bowed in response, asked all the children to come closer.
- Come on, - he asked cheerfully, - which of you can dance?
Several children began to dance about who can do what.
“Okay,” he said, “I'll teach you a dance called squatting.
He picked up a stringed musical instrument (it resembled today's balalaika), and played it with such a flamboyant mastery that everyone wanted to dance. And the children cried out:
- Teach us to dance squatting!
And he began to show. He sharply bent his knees and squatted to the very ground, and then springy rose to his full height. He repeated and repeated this movement, continuing to play his instrument. When I finished playing, I asked:
- Who wants to try?
And in turn, the children began to show how they learned this fun dance. No one could squat for a long time - their legs quickly got tired. Miroslav, having squatted several times, felt that his legs did not obey him, and he fell on one side, like many of his friends had fallen before.
- Yes, - he thought, - but how did this uncle squat for so long and not fall?
The adults slowly began to leave. And Miroslav's parents left, and he forgot about them - it was so fun and interesting for him.
The Magus was called Rostav. When the children were tired, he asked the question:
- What is the difference and what is the similarity between trees and grass?
Miroslav found the question strange and uninteresting, and he immediately forgot about it. The whole group moved through the meadow, none of the children had a desire to run away, everyone was wondering what would happen next. And then miracles began to happen.
They stopped by a small stream and drank some water. Rostav played on his instrument, which was called - epics.
- Now I will stop playing, and you listen carefully to the stream, it will repeat my melodies.
Miroslav listened. But the brook sang its own melody. Rostav played again and, listening more attentively, Miroslav heard the stream repeat the melody.
- Yes! He shouted. - The brook repeated the melody, I heard it!
And many children heard.
- Probably, the stream likes music, but he is not a person and cannot learn to play instruments, cannot perform his own melodies, but can only repeat, - said the sorcerer. - And a person can learn to play and come up with his own melodies, which he likes.
And Miroslav wanted to learn how to play the epic. The sorcerer Rostav told and showed in an interesting way, danced merrily.
- Well, that's it for today. Go home, ”he said.
But I didn't want to leave, I also wanted to listen to this cheerful person. He talked to them as equals, asked questions. It was interesting to answer these questions.
“Tomorrow I’ll figure out what is the similarity between trees and grass,” Miroslav reflected.
The children ran to the village to their parents. They wanted to tell what they were doing today. Tomorrow morning I have to go to Rostav early to stay with him a little longer, somehow interesting with him - he is funny, knows a lot.
The next morning Miroslav woke up earlier than usual. Nobody ever woke him up, he slept as much as he wanted. But in the evening he never went out late. In all families it was customary for children to return home before dark. Miroslav loved his parents very much, they never shouted at him and, moreover, they never punished him physically. He grew up free, independent, but, at the same time, obeyed his parents, and if they tell him to do something, he will definitely do it and try to do it as best he can, because he really wanted to become smart, kind, strong - one in a word, ready to meet the Goddess - this is a girl who grows up somewhere. And if he is not like that, he will never meet this girl and will be the most unhappy, empty and useless person. And Miroslav really wanted to be happy and to be needed for everyone. Mom and Dad said: "You may not go to the sorcerer's classes, but this girl will know about it, she will be very upset that you cannot be worthy of her, and she will have a bad time, her life will not be joyful."
Miroslav did not want to upset anyone, he will be the best answer to questions and will dance better than others. The girl will find out about this and will be happy. “I want everyone to be happy. Now I will get up earlier to learn more in the day. "
Classes were not held every day. But Miroslav was ready to walk every day - it was so interesting with this man. And he also wanted to learn more in order to be worthy of this girl.
The next day Rostav again asked about trees and grass:
- What are the similarities between trees and grass? I looked at the Miroslav tree and at the grass, and no
did not find similarities. The tree is large, strong, even houses are built from trees, and the grass is soft, it is eaten by horses, cows, it is small. Maybe the similarity in color? The leaves on the tree and the grass are green. So he answered Rostav. The man laughed. He speaks:
- Correctly. And what else?
But nothing came to Miroslav's mind anymore.
- Do you like to lie in the grass? - asked Rostav.
- I love. It is soft and smells delicious.
- Do you like to sit in the shade of a tree in hot weather?
- I love. It can be hot in the sun, it is hard, the head can hurt. And in the shade it is good, cool.
- So, grass and trees help you to make your life more pleasant, joyful?
- Yes, they do.
- So think and answer, what is their most important purpose? This will be the similarity.
And then all the children shouted: “Trees and grass grow in order to help us. This is their similarity. "
Rostov spent the night on the street. They made a canopy for him from the rain. He spent the holidays with the villagers. Everyone loved him and invited him to his home, but he did not just go to visit, and only to some of his students he went to families, talked for a long time with his parents and with the child himself. Advised parents on what topics to ask questions of their son or daughter. With the onset of cold weather, he will leave, and will come only next spring.
Thus, the warm season passed in joyful worries and merry games. Miroslav tried to help his parents in everything, because they had such an agreement, he himself asked them about it. When he helped with the housework, then his mother or father told him something very interesting and useful, because Miroslav was preparing himself for something very serious and big, although he himself did not fully understand, but he began to like it, he felt his responsibility ... He told his mom:
- Mommy, somehow tell this girl, let her not worry - I will learn everything well and make her happy!

The book uses the life of one family as an example to convey the culture of life of the Russian people and the actual events that took place on the territory of Russia 1200 years ago. The Russians of that time still possessed knowledge of the cosmic world order, understood their purpose, and through the holidays and everyday life they cherished and observed their culture, that is, the Cult-URA, thereby preserving harmony in their life and space.

Knowing the reality, which means the true life of his ancestors, a person will be able to form his correct life and understand his purpose.

The book is intended for a wide audience.

Book cover photo:

front side - dolmen Artazak (Knowledge about Man and his capabilities)

the reverse side - fragments of the destroyed dolmen Anastasia (Knowledge of how to give birth to happy, divine children)

The book describes real events that took place in Russia about one and a half thousand years ago, namely: how the great Vedrusian culture, which originally existed in Russia, was destroyed and an ideology alien to the Russians was implanted. The appearance of princes in Russia hastened the general degradation and division of a single free people into estates. Knowledge of the true events of the past will help living people today understand the present and shape their happy future.

"Do not put your profession or position in society above your family. Nothing more significant and more important than a happy family on Earth does not exist, because only in a family a person is happy. This is the whole meaning of life. The most important science is the science of HAPPINESS."

/ From the third book by A. Savrasov "CULT-URA. Byl of Russia" /

How badly people have been deceived today, having changed their life priorities and aspirations. What a dear price humanity has paid for this imaginary comfort, prestige and its technogenic nature. How many lonely people, mental wounds, suffering, pain, broken families, unhappy children who are brought up by one of the parents, and often without parents ...

Our ancestors - Vedrusians - understood very well the importance of the family in their life and prepared for its creation, learned all the knowledge and wisdom necessary for this from childhood. And this training with them was deliberate, desirable, very serious and responsible.

And that's exactly what our ancestors knew and understood, how they lived, how and what they taught their children, how they spent the holidays, what they thought, what they aspired to and what events really took place on the territory of Russia (present-day Russia, Ukraine, Belarus ) one thousand two hundred years ago - and will be discussed in the third book of Alexander Savrasov: "CULT-URA". Byl of Russia "

The sun and the moon are emitting light

but their light is different.

Not knowing the truth

content with the light of the moon.

He who owns the truth kindles the sun.

A thousand two hundred years ago, people still lived in Russia who had the knowledge of the cosmic world order in full, understood their purpose, and through the holidays and everyday life they cherished and observed their culture, that is, the Cult-URA, thus preserving harmony in their lives.

People of that time still used the knowledge of primary sources in their daily lives. But the degradation has already begun. At this time, Russia - the last stronghold of Vedichestvo - was already under attack by dark forces and the Russians had to defend their land, their villages and their families, their culture.

But in spite of everything, people continued to live in joy, fell in love, created families, created family estates, planted gardens, built houses, gave birth to children, sang their kind, light songs, and were not afraid of anything or anyone. With their culture, way of life, they preserved the energy of Truth, that is, Rule.

In the 3rd book of Alexander Savrasov "CULT-URA". Belief of Russia "tells the true life of the Russians 1200 years ago, what events actually took place in Russia at that time.

Knowing the Belief, which means the true life of their ancestors, today living people will be able to more clearly understand their purpose and correctly form their harmonious, happy life.

We invite you to read this book, first of all, to those who are still only dreaming or by practical deeds are already creating their happy life, who are responsible for the time of their life and wish a happy, eternal life for their Family on a beautiful, blooming, happy Earth.

Read, comprehend, be inspired and create your own happiness!

"Only a person himself can make himself happy! No one can do this for him and has no right, even if he really wants to."

PART 1 7

Morning in the village 7

Flashback 15

Garnaches 17

Battle 19

Inhumans 23

Thoughts of Yaraslava 26

Training of Miroslav 31

The true meaning of dancing among the Russians 37

Training in the forest 43

Energy "ONCE" 45

Vernal equinox 51

The cosmic significance of round dances 52

Energy called MAN 57

Money 65

Aria of Life 67

The first fight of Miroslav and his friends 70

Soul Meeting 81

Space of Love 87

Building a house 89

Miroslava and Zareslava are crowned by the Universe 94

Chin Wife and Chin Husband 97

"Honeymoon" 104

PART 2 111

Creation 111

The main conditions for creating a happy family 112

Family formation 113

Wedding rings 114

Bride and groom 117

What kind of food did the Russians eat? 124

New Kolovrat and the holiday of Kolyada 127

Energy Rule and Energy Lie 131

Russian writing 133

Semantic meaning and explanation of individual words 136

Deciphering the names used in Book 142

Svyatogor worked in the sweat of his brow, he chewed bark from logs. Only his right shoulder still hurt after the injury.

Last fall, the Stepnik-Zors, as the Russians called them, attacked a neighboring village, which was two days away. A resident of that village galloped up and said that they were attacked unexpectedly at dawn, they began to capture (captive) young girls and young boys, the rest were cut down mercilessly, houses were burned. There were a large number of other warriors with the Zors, they were dressed in different clothes, spoke their own language, and the chief of this army were people in black robes. Such people came to the Russians before, told about God, what houses should be built for him and how to pray that they were sent by God himself for their own good. These people were sheltered with good, fed, and they laughed at their speeches, so stupid and worthless they were. Then they began to frighten the inhabitants of the village that God would be angry and punish them cruelly. But the Russians knew that God is good, and apart from great love he does nothing.

In those days, attacks on Russia began to occur more and more often. But the Russians bravely defended themselves and gave a worthy rebuff to the enemy. And, nevertheless, the great sorrow went for a walk in Russia.

When they learned the terrible news, they quickly gathered four hundred of the best soldiers, sent them to a neighboring village for help, and discussed the place where all the soldiers of the villages would unite.

Headed by four hundred horsemen of Svyatogor, he has always been a leader - both at military training sessions and at games. Each rider has two horses, this is necessary for long distance riding. The rider changed horses, and the horses did not get tired longer. On the second day they will be at the devastated village. The horsemen and horses merged into one body, the live mass flowed at a fast gallop towards the south-west. In this mode, they will ride for a very long time, switching from time to time to "trot". A horse can move at a trot for a very long time.

It was getting dark when they stopped. It was felt that the horses were tired. But there is a whole night ahead for rest - they will have time to recover, gain strength. The horses are young, trained, trained. Two people were left on patrol, the rest lay down to rest. We woke up when dawn broke. Each one had dried vegetables, fruits and honey in combs in a bag. The vegetables were steamed in clay pots, then they were cut into pieces with wooden knives and dried - turnips, carrots, beets. This food possessed great energy, was easily digested and maintained a high tone of a person for a long time, so time was not spent at all on cooking. Saddled the horses and hit the road.

In the morning they were near the plundered village. A terrible picture appeared before the soldiers: the hacked, mutilated bodies of villagers, burnt houses. Women, old people, children - those who remained alive, began to tell how everything happened. But they could not really tell anything: smoke, fire and many enemy soldiers, especially the stepnik-zors were malicious.

The soldiers from this village all went to the aid of another village, and part of the enemy army, having covered a great distance during the night, attacked in the morning.

They sent in pursuit of the garnash to find out how many and where the enemy was located.


Garnash are people who could penetrate any environment, changing the energy of their body. Such people were selected from childhood by special wise men according to signs that were known only to these wise men. Garnaches could enter the enemy's camp without changing their clothes, and stay there for some time, not very long, forcing their thoughts to treat them as their own. They could pass through the enemy's screen, for example, in front of the sentries, unnoticed. Garnache could approach a bear wounded by a man, and he would not touch him, and, as you know, such bears rush at people, wanting to take revenge. Garnaches could, in front of people, enter a small open forest 10-15 meters in size, and they could not be found. In an open meadow, where even the grass is small, the audience was asked to turn away for one second and then immediately turn back. Garnache was at a distance of about five meters from people, and they could not notice him, they were even allowed to approach the place where he had just stood.

The vision of the garnash was developed with special exercises for the eyes to such an extent that they could see well even on a moonless night. In the footsteps, they determined not only when and how many people passed, but even their age, height, weight, eye and hair color, and in what emotional state, that is, mood, people were in, were they in a hurry or, conversely, walked slowly , whether internally suppressed or, on the contrary, excited. Garnash could drive fear into the souls of some people, for example, in order for them to leave their shelter or liberate the given territory (note: the Vedrussa girl used this knowledge when Prince Svetoslav began to flirt with her - the chapter "I'm going to" YOU "in the book "The family is a cosmic unit"). Garnaches could stay under water for a long time, breathing through a special straw. Putting their ears to the ground, they could tell at what distance the enemy was, in what number, on foot or on horseback, well-fed or hungry soldiers, they were going to attack or would not be today, what kind of nationality it was.

Such knowledge to a very small extent was possessed by the so-called plastuns in the Cossack troops - which means "invisible death".

Garnache, for example, could take the form of a stump, on which people could sit and not understand that this is a person. If it was necessary to find out the password from the sentry, the garnache came up and, meeting his eyes with the sentry, said: "Tell the password," he called the password. Then the garnache looked up and, looking next to the sentry, uttered the password. The sentry let him through, not suspecting anything.

Physical capabilities of the garnache: catching on a tree branch with his hands, he could hang for a long time. On a steep wall, using only small notches, he could stay for a very long time.

There were no barriers for the garnaches, they could penetrate into any of the most hidden and protected places, as long as their body would fit there, and there was air for breathing.


Gradually soldiers arrived from all nearby villages, in total there were more than two thousand. This is a serious force and even a very serious one, because the Russians are skilled warriors.

They began to bury the murdered villagers, each in his family estate.

The Magi have long warned people and prepared them for such events:

“The cosmic laws of Eternity and harmonious life have been violated,” they said, “too much evil has accumulated on Earth. This energy is aggressive, nothing good should be expected from it. Get ready to defend your lands, your villages from attacks, and do not expect mercy, there will be no mercy. "

Svyatogor thought about his wife Yaraslav and his son Miroslav. And if they attack their village - what will happen to them? A terrible picture appeared before Svyatogor's mind's eye. The hitherto unknown energy of pain and hatred chained the heart, it began to beat strongly and boom, it became dim in the eyes. At that moment, he realized for himself - not a single enemy soldier would leave alive.

Garnaches returned at night. It was found that the foreign army numbers about seven thousand soldiers: about three thousand zorov - they are all on horseback, the rest of the Romans - they are mostly on foot. The wagon train is large, the captive Russians are leading, they settled down for the night near the swamp.

The elders of their squads gathered for a council. We decided to attack in the morning, when it starts to dawn. A third of the Russian army bypassed the enemy and cut their path to the step, that is, to flight. Enemies do not expect danger from an impenetrable swamp. Some of them tried to get through and fell headlong as soon as they were saved. But the buckets of that time could still change the gravitational field of the earth. They will cross the swamp silently, and no one will fail.

Rusichi, like night ghosts, walked through the impenetrable swamp. They walked in quick, small steps, in long rows, one after the other. And only if you come close, close, you could hear their rapid breathing. It seemed as if they were floating in the air. Coming out onto solid ground, they spread silently along the edge of the swamp and lined up in rows in a checkerboard pattern, ready for battle. They are not expected from here.

A whisper swept through the ranks with one word: Hurray. For Vedrus, this is the most significant word. During the war, it meant only one thing - to attack the enemy.

The enemy camp was waking up. There were no sentries from the side of the swamp. The Vedrusses came very close and attacked the enemy. The arrows pierced through the bodies of aliens, they fell like sheaves - dead bodies that no one needed. Panic began, a scream rose. Horns sounded, the enemy soldiers began to line up in regiments, maintaining the battle ranks, as taught. Rusichi moved quickly, many enemies were chopped down. Here, at the end, there was a clash with the already built battle formations of the enemy army. The Rusichi possessed two swords - both right and left hand. Dexterously wielding them, they slashed fiends - bloody ghouls.

But the main surprise for the enemy was from the opposite side. There, holding the horses on the bit, were the soldiers, led by Svyatogor. They were waiting for the signal to attack. When the enemy is fully involved in the battle with the Russians, a white inverted dove will be released into the sky. Having taken off high, it will roll over in one place. This will be the signal for the cavalry.

The pigeon observers noticed. A thousand warriors rallied closer to each other, keeping their horses on the bit. Now they will start singing the Song of the Universe. It begins with three letters "URA" - a drawn-out U-u-u-u, turning into a drawn-out Ra-a-a-a. The Russians create a common spiral of thought - each warrior draws his own spiral of Eternity, and they unite into one powerful spiral of harmony and eternal life. To do this, you need to know a special rhythm, that is, a motive, a melody inherent only in their constellation. Melody plus energy in the form of the sound "URA)) will create a movement of related universal energies. The ninth plan, created by God, will respond to this energy spiral, and the warriors will receive such energy from space, thanks to which they will become invulnerable to the enemy. This can be done alone, but it is much more effective when many people are doing it at the same time. This special energy went to people, even horses felt it, they began to flare their nostrils and press their ears. The Song of the Universe sounded louder and louder over the earth: "Oo-oo-oo-oo-ra-ah-ah." The Spiral of Eternity was spinning at a breakneck speed.

The first ranks of horsemen moved. Already all the cavalry were walking with a gait, that is, "trot". The sound of "Hurray" was amplified. There was such an impression that the cavalry of the Rus by some unknown force was lifted above the ground and just flew in a single elastic flexible lava. The sound of "Hurray" turned into a terrible hum.

The cavalry was approaching. Fear seized the enemy, they began to throw down their weapons and run wherever they could. Suddenly the Song of the Universe stopped abruptly, and the clink of swords was heard. The Rusichi settled themselves in such a way that the enemy could only retreat to the swamp, and they were pressed there.


Svyatogor on his raven stallion, holding a sword in each hand, deftly chopped this gray mass. At first glance, these were ordinary people - a head, two arms, two legs. But is a person capable of perpetrating such cruelty and possessing such hatred for people who live on their land, in their homes, and do no harm to anyone? No, a person is not capable of that.

The Magi immediately determined who these newcomers were, what kind of energy they represented and designated them with the word "non-human", and the forces of destruction rule all of this. The Magi said so:

“Remember and pass on to your children: Russia is the last island on Earth, where Prav lives, that is, Truth, where the URA Cult lives. Rusichi, you preserve the culture, it lives in your holidays, it lives in your way of life, it lives in your pure aspirations, it lives in the subconscious - this is your gene pool. You are the bearers of the URA cult, the rest of the nations have a cult of customs and traditions. Save, take care of the knowledge of URA, only this will save the energy with the name MAN. It is this energy that you are - the kindness, sincerity of your hearts, just that in communication and in relation to each other and with other peoples, the desire to help and give, and not inherent in you, to deceive and ask for yourself. You are the last energy on Earth that is healthy, viable. The earth is covered with darkness of sick, destructive energies. These energies are not inherent in the Earth.

The hearts of people will be filled with anger, deceit, the desire to take possession of someone else's. This is a disease, and this disease is rapidly taking over the entire Earth, all of humanity. You preserve kindness, honesty, purity of thoughts, love. "

“The black time has come. Do not be afraid of him, for you are Eternity, you are that healthy cell in a sick organism, which will later allow the whole organism to recover. We know about this, for the star has lit up. Rus is not destined to perish. Many centuries will pass, a lot of water will leak. That water will pass its circle and purified water will return. And Russia will declare itself, and the peoples will turn to face it, and they will see salvation for themselves, and Russia will show how to live in harmony and joy. And the Sun will change its energies, for the recovery of the Earth and all those who can recover will come. Protect the purity of your hearts - this is your great destiny! Everything is already predetermined, it remains to fulfill ”.

All this flashed in Svyatogor's head, he again remembered his relatives - son, wife, mother, father, brothers, sisters. And before him, covered with shields and bristling with swords and spears, a gray mass defended itself. The soul of Svyatogor was filled with disgust to this screaming, screaming and stinking dead crowd. Inhumans! Non-humans came to our land. Do not expect any good from them, only death and ruin are carried by this energy, and therefore it is necessary to destroy this muck. And the Magi warned, they spoke about it: “Do not come to an agreement with them about anything, no matter what they promise you. They will be deceived anyway They came to destroy Russia ”.

And the Magi said this:

“Never fight evil, for direct your thought to fight - you yourself will begin to feed evil. You keep Love on Earth. Your thought, in this case, is directed towards Eternity - you bring harmony. "

Svyatogor, like all warriors, was in the state of the Song of the Universe, that is, he was in a different sensory perception. Everything around him had a slow movement, so he could easily repel enemy weapons and hit the enemy. His spiral of thought energy was spinning at a tremendous speed. In the heat of the battle, he did not notice how he cut too deep into the ranks of the enemy and found himself all alone. His horse suddenly began to roll to the side and fell, because he was seriously wounded. Svyatogor managed to jump off so as not to fall with him - the horse could crush him with his body. At that moment, he felt a blow from behind in his right shoulder. Spinning his body sharply 180 degrees, he struck the enemy with his sword. The right hand began to obey poorly, but among the Russians, the left hand was developed no worse than the right. A few minutes later he heard the voice of his friend Ratibor:

Do not go so far alone, you are at great risk. Svyatogor was delighted with the familiar voice, he himself understood his mistake.

And the battle was in full swing, flaring up more and more. The enemy had already been pinned down to the swamp, many began to fall through and drown. The Zorov cavalry was clamped down and did not give her the opportunity to escape. But, nevertheless, they managed to seep through the ranks of the Russians. About five hundred horsemen at a frantic gallop rushed away from the battle, but the squad, which was in ambush, met them with arrows, the rest were chopped off with swords. Not a single enemy will leave alive. Having finished with the fugitives, the Russians went to the aid of their own.

The battle continued until the evening. The wounded were assisted, a roll call was held. The swamp consumed the dead flesh of the aliens.

Such a bitter memory came to Svyatogor's mind from pain in his shoulder blade. And around - smiles and joy on their faces. The holiday lived in the hearts of people, they were happy. Carts with guests drove up, the cheerful noise was increasing.