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Murom earth. Old Russian principalities. Great Kiev Princes

Murom Principality - Principality, which existed in Russia in the XI - XIV centuries. The capital is the city of Murom. Its name comes from the Finno-Ugric tribe of Murom, which is first mentioned in the Tale of Bygone Under 862 as part of Novgorod Russia. The Murom Principality occupied the territory of the Basins of the Motra rivers, the puzzles, flying and the lowering of the river Techi.

From the beginning of the XI century to 1127 (with breaks), the Murom Principality was the parish of Kiev and Chernigov princes, then the center of a special principality, which also included Ryazan and received a name in historiography Muromo Ryazan Principality . In the 1150s, the center of this principality in the 1150s moved from Murom to Ryazan, then in the 1160s, the Murom Principality alited from Ryazansky, but in historiography it is considered with him up to the Mongolian invasion.


In the X-XI centuries, Murom was a major shopping center. The first specific Murom Prince was Gleb Vladimirovich. After his death, the city first managed a grand jacker, and from 1024, when the Murom Earth entered the Chernihiv Principality, Chernihiv governors managed by Murom.

In 1088, for some time, Murom was captured by Volzhsky Bulgarians. At the end of the XI century, the Murom Land became the enemy's struggle of the Sons of Vladimir Monomakh with Oleg Svyatoslavich, by 1097, which he won and his brothers restore rights to Chernihiv and Murom lands.

Muromo Ryazan Principality

In 1127, after the expulsion of Yaroslav Svyatoslavich, Vsevolod Olgovich, from Chernigov, the Murom Principality aligned in the line of descendants of Yaroslav. After his death (1129), the Murom table was consistently occupied by his son, Svyatoslav and Rostislav. The latter, by going to the death of his brother in Murom, put in Ryazan his youngest son Gleb (1145), violating the very rights of Svyatoslavichi, and they were defended by Yuriy Dolgoruky Isvatoslav Olgovich. Rostislav entered into an alliance with the main opponent of Dolgoruky, Izyaslav Mstislavich, and the chronicle mentions the recognition of the senior brother of Izyaslav, Rostislav Smolensky, in 1147 and 1155 (when Rostislav Mstislavich after the death of Brother briefly became the prince of Kiev) for years.

In 1146, Rostislav invaded the Suzdal Land to distract Yuri Dolgoruky and allow Izyaslav Mstislavich to expel Svyatoslav Olgovich from Seversk Land. Rostislav and Andrei Yurevichi, at the head of the Suzdal troops, joined the Ryazan land, Rostislav was forced to escape to the steppe to Polovtsam, the Murom Throne occupied Vladimir Svyatoslavich, Ryazan - Davyd Svyatoslavich, and after his death (1147) - Igor Svyatoslavich. Rostislav managed to return Ryazan in 1148-1149, Murom - only in 1151-1152, and the restoration of his power in all of the Muromo-Ryazan principality became possible, according to different versions, as a result of the defeat of Yuri Dolgoruky in the battle on the r. Ruta (1151) or the price of recognition of dependence on Yuri, which was expressed in the participation of Rostislav in the latter campaign on Chernihiv (1152).

In 1153, during the lifetime of Izaslav Mstislavich, Yuri rose to another trip to the south, but Rostislav again invaded the Suzdal Earth. Yuri captured Ryazan, put the son of Andrei there, but soon Rostislav with Polovtsy kicked him out. After the death of Rostislav in 1153, the eldest in the family was Vladimir Svyatoslavich, and the Nikonovsky chronicle calls him great Ryazan Prince.

As part of Muromo-Ryazan Principality

After the death of Vladimir (1161), his descendants were established in Murom and did not claim Ryazan. In 1159-1237, Murom princes were invariably acted in alliance with Vladimirsky, including against Ryazan princes:

After Mongolian invasion

In the XIII century, the principality was subjected to numerous raids of the Tatars, the city was often ruined. In 1239, Tatars were first burned with Murom. In the period 1239-1344, nothing is known about Murom princes. In 1351, Murom Prince Yuri Yaroslavich restored Murom, launching during the Tatar invasions. However, in 1355, Fedor Glebovich driven him from his table. Prince Yuri drove to the Horde to sue Fedor Glebovich, but Khan gave a label Fedor.

In 1392, the Grand Prince Moscow Vasily I Dmitrievich received the label of the Murom Principality in the Horde, which was the official end of his political independence. The principality eventually was joined in Moscow.

Ancient Russian history to Mongolian yoke. Tom 1 Pododin Mikhail Petrovich

Murom Principality

Murom Principality

Murom, on the River Oka, belongs to the number of the most ancient cities in Russia, based, probably Novgorod, even before Rurik, among the Finnish tribe of Murom. This city had an overradulted trading intercourse with Bulgarians who lived in the Middle Volga.

By the time Vladimir of St. People's Songs include the feats of the famous Russian hero, Ilya Muromsz, whose name is still heard in many localities nearby the village of Karachair.

Vladimir gave Murom Gleb, devoted death in Smolensk, on the way from here to Kiev, accomplices of Svyatopolka.

According to the will of Yaroslav, Murom went to the second son, Svyatoslav, and his offspring.

After him, for a short time, he was taken by the son of Monomakhov, Izyaslav, but was forced to return to the arrived Oleg Svyatoslavich, - in the battle, which lost his life (1093).

According to the Lubash Congress, Moore approved for the sons of Svyatoslav, and his younger son, Yaroslav, is the founder here a civil device and the approved of the Christian faith, as his life testifies, - under the name of Constantine, after a stubborn control with the local idolatry.

In 1123, after the death of the elder brother Davyd, he received the right to the Chernihiv table and provided Moore, according to custom, nephew, Vsevolod Davydovich. In Chernigov, he cried for a short time: another nephew, Vsevolod Olgovich, attacked him surprise and broke his squad. The very same let go in Murom (1128).

Yaroslav turned from there to the great prince of Kiev Mstislav for the defense and help that he first promised, but after, a defendant as his son-in-law and convinced of the clergy, refused.

Yaroslav was supposed to return back in Murom, and the Murom Principality, thus, completely separated from Chernigov.

Yaroslav died in 1129, leaving three sons: Svyatoslav, Rostislav, George.

With them, the Murom Principality was divided into Murom and Ryazan.

Rostislav Yaroslavich, at the request of the Grand Duke Iaslav Mstislavich, sent by the field, fought (1146) the area of \u200b\u200bYuri, during his war in the south of Igor Olgovich to distract his strength.

Next year, he had to run from the attacked Yuryevich, Rostislav and Andrei, and, finally (1152), was forced to file help.

They are based on the banks of the city of Rostislavl (1153).

Murom Princes soon obeyed Suzdal, and their regiments are mentioned in all hikes of Grand Duke Andrei, Vsevolod and George to Kiev (1169, 1173), Novgorod (1170, 1181, 1215), Ryazan (1185, 1186), Chernigov (1190, 1207) Bulgarian (1164, 1172, 1182, 1184, 1220).

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Murom was a rather major shopping center, known far beyond his edge. He was territorially in Chernigovo-Severskaya Earth, legally entering the Kiev Rus.

Capital - Murom, modern district center of the Vladimir region of Russia, on r. Oka.

The exact time of the base of Murom is unknown. For the first time, he is mentioned in the "Tale of Bygone Years" under 862, but undoubtedly was laid significantly earlier. The name of the city comes from the Finno-Ugric ethnonym "Murom" (the people, close, judging by the annals, Mordve). Apparently, it was this nation that was laid by Moor, later colonized by the Slavs. In the X-XI centuries. Murom was a rather major shopping center, known far beyond his edge. He was territorially in Chernigovo-Severskaya Earth, legally entering the Kiev Rus. The first Murom Prince (from 989), known to us, became Gleb, the son of Vladimir Svyatoslavich. After his death and approval of the power of Yaroslav the wise city, at first he managed a great-resistant governor, and with the separation of Chernigov, the power in it passed to Chernigov Posadanm. At the beginning of the XI century. Behind Murom began a fierce princely dressed, complicated by the attacks of external enemies. In 1088, the city, located on the border of Russia, was plundered by Kamph Bulgarians. For the same year, Moor arrived at the reign of Izyaslav, the son of Vladimir Monomakh. He drove out Oleg Svyatoslavich from the town of Posalney and began to rule Murom himself, which caused a greater barrier between Kiev and Chernihiv princes.

In 1127, Moor, together with Ryazan, separated from the Chernigov principality, and later and Murom himself separated from the Ryazan land, forming an independent lot. When separating from Chernigov, Muromo-Ryazan land went to Yaroslav Svyatoslavich, and with his children it was rolled out on the dots. After the death of Yaroslav in Murom, they were sitting (1130-1146) of his sons Yuri, Svyatoslav and Rostislav; Then (up to 1174), the grandson, Yuri Vladimirovich, was contacted there. The sons of Yuri Vladimir and Davyd (Um.1.1238) were allies of Vladimir Princes and actively helped Vsevolod a large nest in his wars with Bulgarians and in the pacification of Ryazan princes.

In 1239, with Prince Yaroslav Yuryevich, Murom was plundered by Tatars.

In 1288, Moore is ruined by Mongol-Tatars, and in 1293, it is ruined as a result of civilians between Princes Andrei and Dmitry Alexandrovichi.

In 1351, Moore, who launched during the Tatar invasions, was restored by Prince Yuri.

In 1355, the KN was captured by Murom. Fedor Glebovich. Prince Yuri drove to the Horde to sue Fedor Glebovich, but the label went to Fyodor, who was planted by Yuri to Doktonititsa and worry.

In 1378, the Murom squad participates in the battle with the Tatars on the Punya River, and in 1385-86 - in the campaign of the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich Donsky to Novgorod the Great. In addition, the unfortunate campaign of the Moscow CN also includes. Dmitry Ivanovich on Ryazan and Murom.

Around 1392 (or 1393), Vasily I Dmitrievich received a label to the Murom Principality, which was the official end of his political independence. In 1408, the Moscow governor was already sitting in Murom, and in Vasil Dark Murom became one of the county cities of the Moscow Principality.

List of rulers

1010 - 1015 Gleb Vladimirovich Saint Murom

1095 - 1096 Izyaslav Vladimirovich Kursky

1096 - 1123 Yaroslav (Pancatria) Svyatoslavich Muromsky

1123 - 1124/7 Vsevolod Davydovich Muromsky

1127 - 1129 Yaroslav (Pancratius) Svyatoslavich Muromsky

1129 - 1143 Yuri Yaroslavich Muromsky

1143 - 1145 Svyatoslav Yaroslavich Muromsky

1145 - 1146 Rostislav Yaroslavich Ryazan

1146 - 1161 Vladimir Svyatoslavich Muromsky

1161 - 1174 Yuri Vladimirovich Muromsky

1174 - 1205 Vladimir Yurevich Muromsky

1205 - 1228 Davyd Yuryevich Muromsky

1228 - 1237 Yuri Davydovich Muromsky

1237 - 1248 Yaroslav Yurevich Muromsky

nach XIV. - Yaroslav Yurevich Muromsky

- 1345 Vasily Yaroslavich Muromsky

1345 - 1354 Yuri Yaroslavich Muromsky

1354 - Fedor Glebovich Muromsky

138? Vladimir Muromsky

138? - 1392 Andrey Muromsky

The genealogy of Russian norch

Encyclopedic YouTube.

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    Depositsov: Klim Zhukov about the Mongolian invasion on Russia, part two


I categorically welcome! Klim Sanych, Hello! Good evening! Hello everyone! Last time disassembled how much allegedly was the Mongol ... 500 thousand. Yes. How many of them could actually be ... Maximum thousand 40. How many dyason died, fighting. Frozen on our endless expanses. And in general, in some approximation it looks, I read the books of course, but not at all. I somehow think in a different way. These are yours, probably not yours, but still, I hear from you, so - yours ... and mine, including. I love to calculate. Just approach the horses, the size of Mongolian, take a roulette and see how much it takes. Do not hesitate, yes. Yes. Accordingly, learn from the owner how much she eats, how much she drinks, how much she eats in winter, by the way, it is very much different how much she drinks in winter how much she drinks when it works. Accordingly, you can estimate how much it will take place on the water-made river. To go to this rime, which, as we usually happen, one bank is a climbing, and the other coast is gentle, that is, from the side of the cliff, do not get on the water, and from the gentle side - it is possible, but there are also bushes, trees. See how much it is necessary to put it here, in the armor ... it is possible to put one hundred thousand horses. And yes, how many tens of kilometers of the river will be required to supply the hundredsmatic hordes. Even ten thousand from one river is very difficult to supply. Kicked out the Cossacks ... a hundred thousand horses ... yes. They were completely expelled ... I really liked the fact that it is still possible and desirable to look at times, for example, Napoleon, when it was already writing paper and everything was clear to everyone, what a horse wants, how much and how much it died from diarrhea from Napoleon, which is most important . Very interesting. Very informative. Never looked from such a part. About 30 kilometers, this is generally a song, damn. Which was not really. Which was four times shorter. What today? It is necessary, as I promised, talk about how finally the Mongols had arrived on Russia, which was arranged here as it happened. As Mongols got acquainted at first, then as they were forced to live, at least at the beginning of this process. About collaborators. And about the meaning for Russia, such a phenomenon, like the Mongolian IHO, in general, it was / not ... This is important. Let's start. In general, at first, I would suggest to briefly describe what the Russian land was represented when Mongols arrived, here by 1237 of about the year (well, by 1220-1230). Literally two strokes. Again, based on my favorite kilometers and kilograms, that is, something that you can just stand, because it is tremendously important, everything plays completely different colors. Here we imagine Kiev, we immediately imagine - Kiev, it's like now, well, can a little smaller. But everything was completely different. And when we calculated the inspected data of archeology, we fall out massively in one place, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe history is completely different paints ... Let's start from the southeast. There was the Murom Principality. This is the extreme southeast of Russia, it is known since the beginning of the XI century and until 1127, it was the parish of Kiev, then Chernigov princes. After 1097, when Vladimir Monomakh fought desperately with his relatives, when all these relatives gathered in 1097 at the congress in Lisher, the Dynasty of Chernigov Olgovichi was established there. And then she was changed (in 1127) close relatives of Svyatoslavichi from Yaroslav Svyatoslavich, the son of Svyatoslav Yaroslavich. Since 1159, it is approximately almost the permanent allies of the Vladimir principality against Ryazan, because Vladimirtsy, how do you remember from the previous conversations, all the time they tried Ryazan to bring to themselves to the nail, so to say to deprive them of political independence, the Ryazans naturally resisted, and the Muromers helped their Former neighbors in the same principality. Why is the same. Because from this common principality, the Ryazan principality with a center in Old Ryazan was distinguished. Here is the new Ryazan, which is now Ryazan, it used to be Pereyaslavl-Ryazan. Do you imagine how much re-painted? This is: Pereyaslavl-South, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Pereyaslavl-Ryazan ... And this, of course, it was due to the fact that displaceders from the south, for example, from that very Pereyaslavl-South (Russian) moved to the north and simply founded there another Pereyaslavl . His own. Your own yes. It is clear, it is located on average Oki - to the right influx of OCIs and the River River, well, and in the West, approximately the river reached. And in southern current, in the east, to the mouth. In the same place, in fact, there was a city of Prisry, which by 1237 was already a specific principality, the truth belonging to the Ryazansky vassal dependence on the vassal dependence. But there was a table. Svyatoslavichi ruled there, relatives of Olgovichi. Mongol's arrival on the throne was sitting Yuri Igorevich, died during the defense of the city on December 21, 1237. It was only in the Ryazan principality, judging by written sources and archeology, 14 cities that were actually cities, and not just fortified points. This is Belgorod-Ryazansky (by the way, another one), Borisoglebov, good honeycomb, Kolomna (then not Moscow yet), Izyaslav (by the way, another Izyaslav was also in the south in the Volkhov lands), Rostislavl, Prison, Pereyaslavl-Ryazan, Ozb and so on. Six cities are examined archeologically and it was established that Ryazan occupied the territory of about 53 hectares by that time. Little. Yes. If you present the maximum population density of 200 people per hectare, it is not difficult to calculate, considering that the whole territory could not be settled, because the streets, economic buildings, fortress structures, somewhere around 70%, that is, less than 10 thousand people lived there, in the city itself. Very little. To put it mildly. We have a quarterly quarterly quarter. We have for one precinct so much if I remember correctly. Here is about one plot and lived. Ocked. Yes, with the nearest hand. From the north, it was naturally adjoined to the Murom-Ryazan principality, and then - the Murom and Ryazan principality, the Grand Duchy of Vladimirskoye, the giant neighbor, about which we spoke several times in a row, which gave so much trouble with Ryazans and actually who only the arrival of Mongol could get relative independence. The Vladimir Grand Principality included specific principalitys: Yuryevskoye, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Uglich, is all the lands of Yuri Dolgoruky, as we remember, the first independent prince of these lands. Mongol's arrival was rejected there, as we remember, Yuri Vsevolodovich, the son of Vsevolod is a big nest, descendant Yuri Dolgoruky. He died in the battle on the Sieve River, after him, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich ruled, his younger brother. To the North-West - Novgorod, where he was not his dynasty, the princes changed, as we remember. This is the largest principality geographically and the most weakly mastered from an economic point of view. The second in size after Novgorod was of course Pskov, which was postponed, he joined the metropolis. Also, the old Rus (then just Rus), Torzhok, Great Luke, Olonets, Bezhetsk (then he was called), Vologda, Lamb Wolf (who later began to share with Muscovites, who will get), Izborsk, Koporye, Moravin, Yuriev (now Tartu), the Germans were taken away in the XIII century, and naturally Ladoga. And Pskov? I listened? I said. He constantly since the end of the XII century tried to postpone and he did it in general, it turned out very well. Well, Novgorod himself from seven approximately hectare X century to grow to 270-280 hectares by the XIII century. A large very large city, about the thirty thousandthly population, three times more Ryazan, so, a little bit of everything. For comparison: Pskov, together with pelvis and the near city - no more than 150 hectares. Rus, very large to the XV century (but this is by the XV century, we do not know how much he was in the XIII century), by the XV century 200 hectare occupied. Well, the Torzhok is 8.5 hectares, along with the Kremlin, that is, the devils. By the time of the arrival of Mongol, Alexander Yaroslavich, future Nevsky ruled there. Oh like. Yes. In fact, at a small age was the representative of his great Pope - Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, Bolshoi Embostein, Intrigan, the Great Warrior and in general a good man. South let's go further. Vladimir and Pereyaslavl Principality, there is further South Principality Smolenskoye. In addition to the metropolitan Smolensk there was Vasilyev, Dorogobuzh, Yelni, Zhyzz, another Izyaslav, only about 20 cities. Yes, and Toropets, who by the 30s of the XIII century was a separate county and there were quite independent princes, which were even invited to Novgorod to the reign. Naturally Smolensk Rostislavichi and Specifically, Prince Svyatoslav Mstislavich rule there. According to the pretty late live of St. Mercury Smolensky, in 1238, Smolyan broke the retreating Mongols, because something would not be divided in the end, Smolensk guys are very severe. More, however, nowhere will not say about it. Smolenitsa were so closely involved in the Western policy of Russian land, that they just pulled the Polotnsk to themselves and actually Mstislavichi returned to Smolensk after the battle on the river Kalka (they did not want to take them in Smolensk), but in general they returned back to Smolensk , Issted all the dissenters and they got at once and the Polotsk and Smolensk Principality at hand for a while. Naturally, everything ended badly, because there was Lithuania nearby and sooner or later both cities fell closely into the sphere of influence of Lithuanian politics. To West, North-West from Smolensk - Vitebsk. It is not very clear whether Vitebsk was independent principality in the first third of the XIII century. There is a mention that it was possible, we do not know exactly anything. Here, for example, Vladimir Prince Vsevolod is a big nest, as the chronicle tells us: "Vsevolod, he fought another wife, singing for Sia Vasilkovna, Prince Vitebskago dashch." That is, some prince was at this time in Vitebsk, the princely table was, but whether he was independent - not very clear. In addition, in 1245, Alexander Nevsky (it is clear, already in the midst of the Mongolian invasion), he fought at this time with Lithuanians, "... and the silence of his son from Vitebsk", that is, of course, Vasily's Son. Actually, he no longer quarreled with any sons and it was not necessary to catch them. Polotsk principality. The most ancient Dynasty of Rurikovich, except, actually, Dynasty Rurikovich, because the fighters of the grandmothers - this dynasty was not interrupted until the XIII century, when these dynasty were interrupted. During the heyday, the Polotsk principality included about 21 cities, very closely interacted with Lithuanians and was forced to cohabit the German Order and German cities, which caused a lot of problems, because the expansion from the West was serious. For comparison, Polotsk - it was 58 hectares, and, for example, Minsk - about three hectares at this time, also as part of Polotsky Principality. From the south Smolensk was the Principality of Chernihiv, also one of the outstanding places of ancient Russia. After Kiev, for a long time one of the main principalities of Russia in general. In total there were about 60 cities. What is the difference: Giant Novgorod - 20 cities and in general, very smaller Chernihiv - 60 cities, these are only those known on the annals, because they are actually archaeologically more, we just don't know some of the settlers that half auntar than that They were the name and whether it was possible, maybe they were called just a city and another town, the old town, a new town, the middle town, Rotina Gorodets ... Upper, Lower ... Yes. Great, small. Yes. There are such settlements, fenced by half a hectare, in hectare, two hectares, in general it is not always on a full-fledged city. And on the other hand, the state of written sources is that we do not know all names. But here, 60 cities, it is a lot. In the Chernihiv Principality included Bryansk, which is now not the Chernihiv territory at all. Here, for example, Bryansk, was a big city, about 6 hectares. Lyubim, the one where the princes loved to gather at the congresses, 4.5 hectares, though, the lovedness was not so much the city as the castle, differently not to call. This is the most powerful strengthening, on the merger of two rivers, almost on the island, on the peninsula, outstanding into the water. There is a very developed system of fortifications, it was even difficult to enter it, because there is one wallowing of the walls, the second wallowing of the walls, then you need to take a circular path in the male and in you constantly, if that, will shoot. Here is such a super cultivated princely residence. However, they still took it later ... In the city of Pskov, I really liked it when I was inspected that there was a so-called Zakham - the gate was built, and there such a corridor, a long enough, and then another gate and while you wish them, then you all ... yes, and in Ladoga, which is characteristic, the same, if you drew attention, turn under the right side always, that is, you can not close the shield if that, and there you will be punished with grateful partners on political process . Meeting. Yes, meeting a delegation. Just turn, and you can already say in heaven. And the actual Chernigov itself, the territory is investigated somewhere around 160 hectares and, for example, Putivl - 25 hectares, that is, these cities are from very large Chernigov to very small. Rules there are naturally Olgovichi. In 1223, Unhappy Prince Mstislav Svyatoslavich to fight with Mongols went from Chernigov, did not return. Then from 1235 years of Mstislav Glebovich, actually he met the Mongol there in the end. From the south of Chernigov, Pereyaslavl-South was located, and Pereyaslavl-Russian, modern Pereyaslavl-Khmelnitsky fraternal friendly of Ukraine. In total, 19 cities were in Pereyaslav-Russian, quite a large principality, but not primitive for South-Russian standards. In the same place, by the way, there was also a town-Poland, this is such a place where Vladimir-Suzdal princes was constantly climbed, where he was constantly put on their governors, it was such a point of the influence of Vladimirs in the south. From there, they constantly performed any, for example, military expeditions, with a support for this city-island, which was only 0.75 hectares, but there, however, there were approximately 5 hectares, but nevertheless small. And Pereyaslavl himself was about 80 hectares, that is, too, it is easy to calculate that there if thousands of 6-7 lived - it is a lot. In general, small of course education. Of course not. Well, naturally, the west of Pereyaslavl and Chernigov lay Kiev. We will not speak about it, we will not speak about it, everything is already said, we stayed on it in detail. And the rules there at this time from 1236 to 1238, just to the Mongolum, Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, who was the penultimate Grand Duke of Kiev from the Grand Duch of Vladimirsky. Even then it for some reason it was necessary, apparently, the clouds were very stubborn. And Kiev, once again, it should be noted, immediately in the X century began to decay on the dots. The first, for example, Vyshgorod is a specific principality that has received more and more independence. Actually, the Turovsky Principality was separated from the Kiev principality, which then fell apart on tours and Pinsk. Moreover, there is such a size of the city that if a thousand people lived, it is very good. And if you take the territory of the entire principality and estimate the attitude of the population of urban to the population of rural, then there if 5 thousand people were in the entire principality, then it is also good. 5-6, maybe 10, but still - this is the entire principality. Not good. Straight. But these such little princes, they as a distillation protrude, constantly joining it, then to this, they prevented, who are stronger with whom should be friends. It did not always have done, as we remember ... Well, nearby, Vladimir-Volyn Principality - west of Kiev. There, just at the time of the arrival of the Mongol rules, Roman Galitsky first, then Danila Galitsky ... Son. Son, yes. He, however, began his career with Volyn, then it turned out to be in Galich, because Galich, it was not far and there was very interesting and constantly there were some perturbations. This very rich was the principality, the most western principality of ancient Russia and with Galic the most integrated into Western European policy. As a result, we have what we have, because it turned out to be so much integrated that from the XIV century, all this land fell into the direct sphere of the influence of the Grand Duchy of Lithuanian and returned very soon. People there in Russian continued to talk, but in fact Russians, except for each other, were not seen for a very long time, in general. Galich. Adhes to Vladimiro-Volynsk from the south. A, yes, in Vladimir there were 53 cities - a large principality. Large, yes. Galich was united with Vladimir-Volynsky, he was disconnected. There were only about 32 cities. And I did not say about Bolkhovsky princes - so very small was the territory at the junction of Vladimir, Volyn and the Western territory of Kiev land. Bolkhov princes are such little limitals. Well, in fact, the Turov-Pin Principality. Thus, on the eve of Batiev invasion, we had 19 large state entities in Russia. And if with small, then all 25. Who, naturally, did not be friends with each other ... Yes, they were not very friendly with each other, they constantly founded some temporary coalitions, which were very quickly collapsed, because in feudal standards to betray an ally It was normal, in general, not even considered some betrayal. That did everything. In Western Europe, it was just constantly, because at this time the union is always as a rule very long. Union can only be in one case in one case, as did Andrei Bogolyubsky, for example, will give a force to Ryazan to her submission so that they are just afraid of death. Squeeze the city, so far, of course, yes, you will have a strong allied relationship. So far, since all the knowledge of the story of most citizens from the school course, it seemed to me that it was a purely Russian trait - all overgrowed, some specific principalities, all each other hate. While others could unite. Because if you united in the face of the Mongol-Tatar invasion ... But no, the princes were stupid - they could not unite. Well, of course, the princes were stupid, these are our princes! Who doubts. We have a genetic deformity! What to do ... Then then all were vocabulary and separaty. In fact, of course there is a small proportion of truth in this, because by the time of the arrival of the Mongol, of course, in many of the main countries of Western Europe, the centralization processes went down much further than in Russia. They just started these processes much earlier. Only, this suggests that people who live smart, civilized, and here are stupid scoops in Europe. Yes, but you just need to understand that the inheritance of the Roman Empire got a smart civilized people, which gave a good start. We had different points of start. Roughly speaking, we started from the twentieth place in the forest, they are with poultry in Monaco. And naturally, we need to do what? We need to curse Vyatichi, Drevlyan, Northerners, Radmich and Other Politans, who, instead of the III-iv of our era, instead of doing the construction of a single state, were engaged in the fact that they ran through the forests and killed each other sometimes even. Here, it is necessary to curse the ancestors ... You know, to curse Stalin - it's not interesting, it is necessary, I think, I think, go ... The root is not there, right? The root is much deeper. Moreover, Stalin is Georgian, well, that you, Lord ... Random figure. Clims should be sworn there. There are all the parasites there, because of which we are behind developed Europeans for 300 years, and still not everyone is still quite confidently tie their pants, as Professor Prankrazhensky said. So here. 25 principalities, counting with small, all "friends" with each other, as it should be in the feudal time, about 340 cities are known for written sources and, based on various methods of calculation, which I spoke in one of the previous reports on Vladimir Rus, real Cultures give us the general population of Russia no more than 3 million people. Anyway much. Three times more than in Mongolia itself, but at the same time in England it lived about five. Here in such an England (not counting Scotland, naturally) lived about five million. And throughout Russia - about three. That is, the blurring of the population was just a monstrous. And of course, we have now talked about princes, boyars, how were they friends with each other, what wars were arranged, we always forget that the main character in general all the Russian history, the main engine, and absolutely nameless and dumb in the sources, it was certainly Russian people, peasant. Because this is the most rural population, which was much more than 90% (somewhere about 3-4% lived in just the cities). These people are on the farms, the size of one or two or three, less often five houses, mastered all these gigantic endless forests with risk to life without any Mongols and Polovtsy, because there it was possible not to survive simply elementary at the first crop. We will hardly imagine how it looked at all, because these first plots ... Here's how we imagine a field of bread? We all see that the bread field, golden ears for the horizon ... hand, as in the film "Gladiator". This size is grain. Yes Yes. Wheat belt. Yes, almost on the shoulder. But how do you like the forest, between the trees of bread? But it was the reality of the Russian Middle Ages. So it all started. And now it is asked where we could have centripetal processes with such a level of development of the economy, which could not be different. Not because we had any ancestors or idiots. Simple low start conditions, an extremely low agriculture, due to the fact that we have all almost the earth with the rare exception of southern black mills and Vladimir-Suzdal Opolya, is a zone of scary risky agriculture. And these people, they pulled out everything - the colonization of unnecessary land, ensuring food of their principalities, ensuring military campaigns by food, by the power, and in the end, engineering and improper contingents, which were recruited from the peasants (which were digging ditches and other, other, other ), which provided the princely top of the surplus product with their scarce, from whom they collected all the tributes who paid tribute to the Mongols from their unfortunate. And these people - they brought all Russian history. No princes. Princes are just visible to us, and they are not. But you need to remember that the basis was exactly the Russian peasants. So, after taking Urgench in 1221, Genghis Khan sent his son - Juchi Teuzhinovich Bordzhiginov to Eastern Europe. And Juci did not go. For a passage of pass. So they took Urgench, and in those places where Urgench is the local historians, are they like, in the know, what was the Mongol-Tatar invasion? All aware. Everything? Before Hungary, everything is aware of what was. Czechs, however, invented in the XIX century, the chronicle, where they reported that they were called Mongols. But this is a fake. And so everything is aware of - in Urgench, in Bukhara, in Samarkand, even in Afghanistan they noticed them. Lions of Pandshera ... Something, by the way, the Mongols coped with the lions of the Pandshera very faster than the Americans. Just much faster. Neither Tomahawk missiles, nothing ... all with their good hands. For the year they won. God's word and kindness. And kindness ... for the year. On the whole of Afghanistan, no one could not touch there. Brave pashtuns. But this is true, it was already very later, it was already in Timur. So, in general, Djuci did not go anywhere and Genghis Khan ... Why didn't you go? But I did not go and that's it. Why did Dad wanted? World domination? Naturally. It was a humble dream of Genghis Khan - world domination. Two tummes went there - Neuon Jebe and the baggage subterns. We remember the subnedace since childhood. This is an amazing person who was not at all any Mongolian vest. It was just a steppe baggage, which from our Icelandic Pet of Grettir was distinguished by a greater social consistency, and was also a very dashing man. And he rose to the very heights of the imperial power. As Alexander Danilovich Menshikov, something similar. These were social elevators in the Mongolian Empire. And Rashid Ad-Dean, the truth is already much later, told us in his work "Jami At-Tavarich" that it was not just a campaign, it was a natural intelligence of the fight. Just sent only two tumem, that is, at the best case, 20 thousand people so that they pass from Urgench to the Volga. And they passed from Urgench to the Volga, along the way, distributing the pins to everyone who was able to catch, literally. In the Caucasus, in Dagestan, Chechnya, Circassia, everyone broke literally to pieces and only after they had already risen with Polovtsy several times, as they went to the river Kalku (they won naturally) and after that, the remains of these two Tumenes were broken in Volzh Bulgaria. And then they were broken, and not destroyed. They were in perfectly retreated home and reported Genghis Khan, as things are there: which roads can be approached, where you can steal horses where you can steal food, where trading routes pass in fact, where there are separatists with whom you can agree. In general, it was a carefully planned action. And we, that is, Russia, in general heard a lot about their approximation, because in 1222, first the Mongols attacked the Caucasian Alan, they had a world officially concluded, they were violated this world, they were attacked, they broke them into the debt and fell on Polovtsy. And the half, you need to understand, our relatives were, and very close. That's the actual Khan Kotyan Sutoevich was a close relative of Mstislav Mstislavich good, then Prince Galitsky. And naturally we reported about it - what is happening there, and who are these Mongols. And when the Mongols sent ambassadors to us (and actually agreed only about one thing - so as not to interfere in Mongolian-Polovetsky disassembly), our immediately entered the relatives, and the ambassadors were killed, because they were fairly believed to be their spies and provocaters. Goats ... spies and provocateurs, because they were spies and provocateurs. But they did not take into account one important thing - that, although it was spies and provocateurs, but these are spies and provocateurs that came from not quite a feudal society. This we, in normal civilized Europe, it was possible to calmly kill spies and provocateurs (and not only spies and provocateurs), in general, of course they were offended, but not much. And the murder of ambassador, the one who tried her life and came without weapons ... Mongols could not forgive them at all. And it served as a magnificent Casus Belli (that is, the reason for the war). Mongols, having learned about this, probably even delighted, said: "Oh-oh! Now it is clear why we will go there. If someone will be outraged, say, you look at what bastards are what they have done. " It sounds somewhat strange, that is, again, in an ordinary consciousness - this is some terrible horde, which attacked everyone, no one warns about anything, they always attack so much ... of course. Just from somewhere there is some kind of avalanche, which just rolled around the Russian land, and all these sit - what was it? .. Why do they have any reasons, it is not clear? This is primarily for yourself. Because if someone suddenly ask, besides, by that time there was a mass of Tsarevich, that's, for example, Juci, did not obeyed dad and did not go to Eastern Europe, I had to send tested military leaders. So, if someone now did not obey or demanded, the political officer would say to him: "Dear comrade, the blood of the fallen appeals to the obstacle" and "do not lower the bayonet until we pay and dismiss." And then everyone said, well, quite another thing, let's. Drive. Yes Yes. As the chronicle tells us, Mstislav Kievsky said: "While I am in Kiev, on this side of the Yaik and the Danube River, the Tatar saber - not to be." And coalition of 21 prince and plus joined the half and mercenaries from the patennnnikoms, this is such a very distant prototype of the Cossack, that is, just these outcasts that lived in the steppes maybe somewhere on the territory of Tmutarakani and so on, and fugitives not only With Russia, but also from the same Polovtsy, from anywhere, I say, this is some such a very distant prototype of the Cossack. That all this coalition went to fight on the river Kalka. It should be understood that twenty-one prince is a lot and of course represents an incredible army of incredible sizes. She really was big. This is, on the one hand. On the other hand, the princes were extremely unequal to their status and actually a large prince there was a maximum of seven people who could bring representative squads with them. It was naturally Mstislav Romanovich Old, Kiev Grand Duke, this naturally was Mstislav Svyatoslavich Chernigov and Daniel Romanovich Volynsky, the future Galitsky, Mstislav Mstislavovich removed (good), just the prince of Galitsky and Oleg Svyatoslavich Kursk, and of course Vsevolod Mstislavich Pskovsky, Pskov not Such a small city, he could completely bring the known number of military. About the strength of the parties. On average, if princely squads, given that large princes could bring with them 200-300 people, and small princes, such as Iaslav Ingvarevich Doroborovsky - could lead 30-50 ... platoon, in fact. Two. Yes, two platforms, somewhere. Yes, and completely incomprehensible - whether the city shelves participated. The fact that the squads participated - for sure, but the militia, the feudal equestrian militia went out of the cities - we do not know. But about this later, when we talk separately about the battle on the river Kalka, it is worth it. That's if the squads were on average person in a hundred, that's good, i.e. 21 Prince is somewhere 2100 people. Not good. To put it mildly. Horde Kotyan Sostoevich, when was broken by Mongols, discomfort in Hungary, it was numbered in it, according to Hungarian sources, 40 thousand people, together with old men, women, all. That is, if it was even littered, there were 80 thousand people in her (although, of course, it was hardly packed), but nevertheless, even if there were 100 thousand people, they could mobilize thousands of 3-4. Well, and mercenaries, phenomena, if a thousand has gained - this is a maximum that you can imagine, that is, 5-6 thousand people came there. It is terrible to somehow imagine, this is also a certain confrontation. 5-6 thousand people, 20 thousand Mongol arrived against them. Unambiguous diagnosis. I'm sorry, overwhelming, all the stories about some kind of brutal tactics, and we rushed there, and they were shooting out of the onions, bought off, picking the cavalry ... what is there, cavalry, if there is no one. With such a number in general, no special tactics needed to be applied, because there was simply no chance, given that if all these military were the same wonderful, as princely warriors, for example, Mstislav Kiev, then, of course, this A separate story is at all. But it was far from being right. It is clear that the Kiev conventionally speaking chivalry, it was such an elite, all the superprofessions, especially, very experienced professionals, because all these people fought all their life, and their dads fought all their life, and so, since 1136, they were continuously in State of hostilities. They knew how to fight perfectly, just great. But they were sharpened to a completely concrete type of war - on a local feudal war, which has always been conducted with limited targets, the goal was alone - to plant, for example, his prince for the Kiev throne. For what, what had to be done is to smash 300 people who are opposed to you. Yes, they don't even kill everyone. They can be captured, dispersed, scare, in the end, when you break them and put your prince, for example, in Kiev, this will be your own soldiers in the end, why kill them? In no case. Wars were bloodless at that time (relatively bloodless of course). And then they encountered a completely different military machine, because the Mongols always walked, first, with a single command, secondly, with a single goal. And all this army, very large, even 20 thousand is a lot, even if, given all these fights with Alans and so on, considering that of course the recruitment of the local population was difficult and mercenaries they could not hire in full, even if their It was 15 thousand, it's still three or four times more than the Russians, Polovtsy and Porodnikov combined together. Mongols always walked with one goal - total war. The Mongols did not recognize any limited feudal war, they had to lead to absolute submission all the local population - from Prince to Holop. For this, two funds were suitable: or you join them unconditionally, paying a general-amperist tax, deliver or military directly into the army, unless of course they are suitable, because they are not all suitable ... let's see ... Yes, let's see. Or feed, equipped, shift the imperial army itself, then of course no one will touch you. For this, the ambassadors were sat down. Sure. It immediately resembles our pets of the ancient Romans: either we will declare you by another Roman people ... either by the enemy. ... either we exeve you, yes. And after you refused to be a friend of the Roman people ... You do not want, as you want. Yes. Want - come on, as you want, and you don't want - so come on ... So, and then the sent ambassadors and you, it means that you do not want to fight with them, do not want to pay ... Then the plan B is total destruction. No one worried that these people will then be when you still join this principality or the kingdom, it doesn't matter whether you will feed your army and maybe they will fight in your army, no one worried. That's all that was caught, immediately washing at zero, all that saw or was taken captured and hijacked into slavery, the city was burned, crops were pulled out. In general, it was exactly the total war. These were the masters of the genocide of their time, they were simply afraid of them, because almost no one was ready to fight in such conditions. That's how you can fight, if you are instead of taking captivation, kill? Scary ... And what was the meaning? Horror. This is terror. Total war. That is this consciously? Yes. This was done specially. It was done to yourself so to speak economically to the detriment, but was done? But taking into account the fact that when the descendants of the remaining local, they will remember that it is better not necessary to quarrel with the Mongols. That is, it is better to work calmly, pay tax and not speak. And where did they do that? They themselves invented? Or did the Chinese have learned? This is also, apparently, inherited from Chiang, they got such a tradition, that is, from the population of those steppes, more ancient times and actually, as a military tactic got, apparently, also from Kidani. And you do not need to forget that again, they are not just watching, these people are deeply in the heads still barbarians, although they were not those barbarians, as they represent (as I said): In a laid Armenian, with some horses beristic bone , With the screams of "Khura-Khura-Khura-Khura!", there are very much such. No way. It was very beautifully dressed, brilliantly equipped warriors with beautiful onions, because the Mongolian onions - it was always a weapon just the elegant, the highest technology of his time, saber, sidl, decorated with gold from rich representatives of military estate, but it's still almost a tribal society . I always spin in the language that if you want to understand how the ancient soldier looked, a warrior, look at the modern demob - what is his beautiful. So there, do not doubt, everyone sought to look like - my respect. Exactly. When I asked the peasants, why do you go to themselves these monstrous accelers? These are the ones that hang ... bullet 12.7, sleeve ... ... self-propelled cartridge, this creepy. What they told me, Dima, you will go to your city where no one knows you, and I - the whole village accompanied and meet the same way. I should look appropriate. Therefore, everyone was beautiful and omnant. Naturally. Well, and when our collided with the Mongols on the river Kalka, it turned out immediately that no one wants to obey all the others from these twenty-one. Of course, yes. With what fright? Who are you? Yes. Our favorite Russian question arose - "Who are you?" Yes, the question of Kiev intellectual XIII century: Who are you who you know, what is so daring? From what area? Why is such a daring? Naturally, the command was gathered by Mstislav Romanovich old, because he is just a Kiev prince. But the Mstislav Mstislavovich removed there, because it was on his relative of Kotyan Sostoevich attacked Mongols and he seemed to be the initiator of the campaign, so he said, probably, I will command ... a phenomenon known to us as locality, yes? This is the future of locality, it is not yet selling far away, but this is just the basis, then from which locality has grown. Because then these relationships were transferred to a single state, when all these princes, already in the XVI century, were collected together in one Moscow. It was very good because they stopped the hurricane throughout Russia, they were all at the courtyard and simply beat each other's muzzles. The country sighed, yes? Yes. Well, immediately Daniel Romanovich, by the way, very competent military, he also claimed command. As a result, Mstislav Romanovich the old, Prince of Kiev, together with the whole Kiev squad did not eat at all. He stayed on the other side of the river in the camp, and looked from under the mittens, which is going on there. Strong. Because he refused to obey, and he was the Grand Duke of Kiev. I think this was a snag. Because the local rank, according to the status of the string law, he is the oldest of the princes, he must head and go, and actually a battle. They did not want to obey - he did not go anywhere and his own, by the way, the elite of all this troops, did not allow to fight. In short, a military organization ... was at the height, at the height. Yes. Then what happened is not very clear, because the chronicles tell us different. The Ipatiev Chronicle, which is Just South Russian, Galico-Volynsky Ladree, describes the feats of Daniel Romanovich very detail and where he fought, in the construction center and says that Chernigov ran, after which Mongols went off the flank and won everyone. The Novgorod first chronicle writes that they are just the Polovtsy who opened the battle, rolled to Mongol, shot down the avant-garde, they got to the main forces, there they were divided as naturally, after which they all ran and drove on the run to the Russian army, which, having lost order, It was just crumpled after that the superior forces of Mongol. After that, of course, everyone who could escape to the camp escaped to the camp. Yes, of course, our beautiful allies, like spontaneous, immediately moved to the side of Mongol. Excellent! This is generally, listen ... Well, what? Look, those three times more, so, and what, we are with you. This reminds me of the famous current hero of Russia - Marshal Mannerheim. At first, with Hitler attacked us, it looks like a Hitler on the header, I'm sorry, Hitler, you see, how is it? "We are not such, Life is so". Let's we wake with you. I thought Stalin is good, and he won. Or the opposite is bad, and it turns out to be won ... yes ... excellent spontaneums, yes. They switched calmly on the side of Mongol and strictly speaking, they were, as the recent allies, the ambassadors who were sent to the fortified camp, and who said, go out, no blood of your shed. After that, the Mongols took all the princes, which were there with Mstislav Romanovich the old, laid under the boards and sat on the boards to appeal, strangling them all to death. But blood was not shed. Did not deceive. Not. It is necessary to read the contract, which is written in small font always. As in the famous song: "Oh, people, oh, Russian people, oh, people, oh, your mother so ..." In general, twelve princes of twenty-one died. And the part did not go? Or those not set? These are those who were able to escape. They did not all escaped to the camp. Smart people did not run to the camp, but simply gave Drapa to the house. True, I must say the following: When they say that after rolling, the Kiev earth is depletion - a dog's nonsense. Even if there was, for example, the Kiev city regiment, then the great wisdom of the feudal organization is that it is never impossible to organize total mobilization, and it is simply impossible to bring everyone to bring to the field. Do you remember, we talked about battle under Ors? When 17 thousand feudal militias are deployed, and a thousand two hundred arrived. Well, how can I apply total damage? Yes, almost in no way. Normal genocide do not arrange. It is impossible. Even if you all kill them, then there will be 15,800 people. That is, you can always try again. That's here the same. Up to ten times you can still try. Up to ten times, so exactly. Because the family, it is clear that these are military corporations, family corporations, they always sent into battle, for example, dad and eldest son, think, can be sent to the middle sown, it turns out that this boyars son at this time with a caravan on shopping Affairs is somewhere in Sweden or in Poland and it is simply not to pull it on the war, because there is no connection tools when it comes - God knows him. And the youngest son is sick, for example. And someone else is sure when you leave for war, you need to leave on the farm so that you fight (or God forbid you will kill) so that it does not fall apart. Therefore, the maximum half can leave the family, maximum. And most likely, this is a third. That is, this family twice as minimum will be able to put the military, if that. That's right throughout the near future. Therefore, of course not. Well, even more so, from 1223 to the arrival of Mongol in Kiev, 17 years have passed, that is, the new generation was already born, grown. In general, Kiev recovered and not even noticed. Because after the defeat from the Mongol on the rod, our people quarrel and cut each other not only did not stop, but they began with a tripled force, because someone did not return, vacancies were opened, it was necessary to urgently move themselves and in general, this is good. And the smartest person in this situation turned out to be Vladimir Prince, who seems to be an invitation to war, but drove-drifted and did not reach. Simply, not the fact that as stupid Mstislav Romanovich old, came to war and did not fight. He simply did not reach the war. Something gathered-gathered ... and the Vladimir chroniclel on the battle on Kalka, it writes that we did not participate in all this. And in general, even Academician of Rybakov wrote that what kind of cynicism rows of the Vladimir Chronicler give. Well, what kind of cynicism! Who for Vladimir residents had all these Chernigov with somehow, I do not know, Galicians, Lucians and Troupechev. We do not understand where, do not understand why ... First, they were not the same country, they were not under the control of Kiev, they were under the control of Vladimir. Only Kiev was under the control of Kiev, and under the control of Vladimir - only Vladimir with specific cities. Now, if it were about my feudal possession, of course, they were Patriots, they would go for him to fight and walked, as we will see. But go somewhere, fight with all this strange company, in some steppe ... Why? For whom, for the sake of Polovtsy? So this is you relatives to them, we are not relatives them. There may be killed, which is characteristic. In the end, these are professional warriors, death in battle for them was a natural end of life. When they say "death from natural reasons", then the blow to the sword on the head is death from natural reasons. In general, they were ready for this. I guess, no one was in a hurry. It would be because of what. And therefore the chronicler was generally satisfied with what happened. The only positive character in the Vladimir Chronicles regarding the battle on Kalka is the Mongols that have punished godless polovtsy, well, and those fools, who against God's will went to these Polovtsy, for some reason help. The next time Mongols appeared later, as I said, a fair amount of time - in 1237. Again, they appeared certainly not immediately, because the first to visit they came to the Bulgaram to remember who someone broke in the match of the subcent and Jebe against Bulgar. In general, with the response, they arrived with the match, but with the other forces a little - there were no two tummes there, but there was a full, no longer a reconnaissance division, conventionally speaking, and already a full-fledged invasion army, with siege machines and other, and so on. Naturally, for the Bulgarians, it all did not end. Of course, we knew about it, because the Bulgars our closest neighbors, but again, did nothing. Because I repeat once again, somehow I have already said about it, you need to saccenate again, apparently, the Mongols did not take for something different from the Polovtsy - because with Polovtsy we learned to come true and moreover, the Polovtsy brought quite concrete Preferences to some princes with their appearance. Thought that there will be the same. And when Mongols appeared near the Ryazan principality on the Ryazan principality and demanded Dani, Yuri Ryazansky sent an embassy demanding help to Mikhail Chernigovsky and Vladimirsky Vsevolodovich. I gathered the shelves from Ryazan, gathered the shelves of Murom princes, who (I described specifically) were very next to each other and Muromchan understood that even the Ryazans, whom they could not tolerate, would have to help, because no one would pass by them. So, neither Chernigov nor Vladimir assistance and Ryazans with Muromsians went to the Voronezh River alone, where the strike of the entire invasion army fell on them. Naturally, all this is a miserable army that Ryazans could put, it was understandable, very much less than on the river Kalka, against a very big strength. It was all smathed immediately. Just after that, this famous scene, where the princess Eupraxia with a small child rushes from the fortress wall of Ryazan, which we know from school. This after exactly this battle was. Here Yuri Vsevolodovich sends Ryazan to the aid of his son Vsevolod Yuryevich with all the people and the Voyage Yeremy Glebovich. Ryazan retreats the remnants of the forces that could avoid Voronezh and what \u003d then Novgorod forces. Actually, Ryazan remained with a local garrison, six days of siege - Ryazan was captured, December 21, 1237. But these connected forces give the battle of Mongolas under Kolomna - then I remind you, the territory of the Ryazan Principality. What it is? Here we get a bombed army of Ryazantians, it is clear, there was a princely squad, and a city regiment, if a maximum of 10 thousand people lived in Ryazan, then 2% of the military, whom they could put out of ten thousand people, they have a maximum city regiment -300 people. Maximum. There is nothing to catch, in short. At all. Despite the fact that these were already beaten people. It is clear that the surrounding cities also put someone, well, if they collected together with Novgorod, again three or four, it was very good. Moreover, it is unlikely that they were so much ... there was nothing to catch there, they were broken. True, it clearly showed the difference in battle styles, because the Tatars are still 80% lightweight cavalry, which is engaged in the rifle fight. And most importantly, the commanders of Mongols have always stood behind and did not interfere in a fight. Feudal commander - always climbed ahead of everyone and led the personal example of the shelves. But the blow of a heavy twin cavalry that the Russians could provide for archers was intolerable, they had to scatter, because otherwise they would just be trampled. And in the battle, Tsarevich Kuulkhan died under Kolomny, that is, our, it turns out, they were able to drive through the entire construction of Mongol, get to the bet and kill a guarded person. From the soul. Subsequently, this will repeatedly affect, because it is the summing up of the Mongols to the blow of a heavy twist cavalry from now on and will forever become the most important means of fighting them. Another thing is that this tool needed to be able to use. Mongols were perfectly able to use their own means, ours - not always, at that time. Listen, but Ryazan took, how did you get it? Cutting guns that were fibers, they used there, did not apply? Yes. What information are preserved? It is described that the defects were used, stuck clouded from the wall (these are combat galleries). This is a wooden fortress, you can set fire to it. If used, actually, throwing guns, equipped with pots with naphtha, combustible mixture ... Human fat ... No! It does not burn very well, again, it needs to be very much. Special combustible mixtures developed by Chinese chemists, specialists in RHBS are much better. What have they had? Recipes are not preserved? Recipes are not preserved. Apparently, in the oil, something was set? Resin, oil, to come - it is mixed in special proportions, gives a dirty fuel mass like Napalm. Napalm, yes. Well, a wooden wall, whatever it be well selected, it will begin sooner or later. Well, the fire is all, the end of the defense, because in this place it is impossible to defend himself when it all burns, it will collapse and it can be cleaned with engineering parts, as which the Mongols do not hesitate to use prisoners who drove in front of them, the so-called Hashhar, who was gaining around cities in the surrounding villages and villages. Which is characteristic, Uzbeks are still so called when they get out to the whole world, to build a neighbor to build a house, it is also called Hashar. Yes. And in fact, there was simply no chance of Ryazan, although it was not the weakest fortress, but considering that the troops from her left, there was some kind of garrison. It's amazing that they have slept at all for so long. I think that Mongols simply did not rush surrounded the city, built field fortifications, rolled out the cars, gathered them and simply started a planned fire. Then, when the city lost part of the continuous fortress wall, they simply moved there and interrupted everyone to hell. Ryazan of course burned and in general, in fact, Ryazan received a terrible blow, because there some cities were revived only in the XVI century ... wow. ... and some were not revived at all. For example, Voronezh only in the XVI century became a pointer - just a border fortress. Well, there was no invasion, yes? No, what are you. Well, after Ryazan, you need to remember that Vladimirtsam had to be hung very much earlier - immediately after the battle on Kalka, because of course the Vladimir Principality was followed by Ryazan. Just then Mongol caught up by the Chernihiv Voivode Evpathy Kolovrat, when they entered the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, where the famous field battle happened, which is not known about. Personality is historical, no? He himself yes, the person is historical. It is not clear what happened there. Well, attacked the anrigard most likely. As my favorite (yours, probably, too), the Ochrichnik Dmitry Dmitry Rushostinin ... Yes. Our eagle. ... attacked the Tatar arjergard before the battle of young people. Our eagle, as a tiger attacked Tatar Gien. Yes. And he threw her hairy tentacles. Apparently, also defeated some kind of ariecargarte detachment, especially since the Mongols were constantly sent by the doses and forageric detachments about somewhere on the daily transition around themselves and, apparently, one of these detachments broke Evpathy Kolovrat, then the main forces came there and actually smashed Evpathy Kolovrat, especially since he could not bring a lot of people with him. It was physically not. Sure. It was just such a knightly feat with some limited forces that very quickly reached and attacked. That is, a larger army could not move at such a speed and here is the Mongola, given the well-established intelligence, would definitely notice. And there would be a not any arielicate detachment, but adequately comparable forces. Immediately answer the question of which will follow: Is it true that Evpathy Kolovrat was able to fill out only from Chinese chainsing machines? Resolutely deny this opportunity, because it's not the Roman field artillery, which in fact used in field battles, it is still siege cars, which in Russian was then called vices, that is, what the walls were broken. To bring it in the field per person or even a group of people was impossible, simply because they did not have operational means of horizontal and vertical tip, that's all. On January 20, five days resisting, the Moscow was defended by the younger son Yuri Vsevolodovich - Vladimir Yuryevich. And Yuri Vsevolodovich himself moved to the river to the River, where he began to collect troops, waiting for the brothers - Yaroslav and Svyatoslav. And Vladimir, at the same time, also left for a garrison, took it in February 1238 after a week siege, actually the whole family of Yuri Vsevolodovich died there. That is, he threw his own there in fact, simply because he again had no options - he needed to ride troops very quickly. And if you drag with me, it would slow down the whole thing. During this time, the Mongols managed to take almost all the significant cities of Vladimir-Suzdal land, ranging from Suzdal and Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, and ending with Yuri-Polish, Uglich, Kashin, Dimitrov and Laman's wolf. That is, it was divided literally everything. Well, on the river, there are already skipped Vladimir troops after the battle under Kolomna, given that something for sure was left in Vladimir himself, together with the allies were broken again to smithereens. All sorts tell such stories difficult that our people did not have time to be built there, they did not have time to make and the Mongols suddenly attacked ... Perhaps it was. But even if all the troops of the Vladimir-Suzdal land, together with his Novgorod, everyone would have gathered, still it was an army that was much smaller than Mongol. In one place, we could not oppose them at that time, just nothing. It was a giant invasion army, which, even divided into several parts, in each particular location was a multiple of the Russian forces opposing them. Still. So we saw that these cities, two or three-six hectares, how much could they set? Platoon? It is good if. And now they will be collected from Vladimir 5 thousand people, from all over Vladimir. They will not meet immediately, they will be less. Well, well, with allies there will be five, and Mongol is ten. These are children, reading the comics about Ilya Muromets and watching the cartoon, think that a rich man can of course one person of 15-20 Mongol is exactly uktrum, that's exactly completely. Children hurried to report disappointing to lead that the Mongols did not hurry to fight Russian heroes, they led to the last remote battle from the onions. Since we did not have massive protection of horses by armor, the horse population suffered. The knight without a horse is a pathetic and unreasonable sight. Like a hussar without a horse. After that, he followed the blow of a heavy cavalry on the upset enemy, which Mongol was also, it was simply less and on average it was worse of course, but nevertheless. Behind which lava raced a light cavalry, which was already upset finally the enemy and did not do anything. One against two people, even in a street fight, most likely do not like. Unless of course you are not a super prepared professional, and these are not any eliminated gopnik. If approximately in general, equal opponents (in general), then one against two is already a dramatic difference, just say. Moreover, when you just fired in from afar within an hour and you could not catch up with them, because try to catch up, no one will strive to fully fight them, but they will leave - still shoot, they will still move away - still shoot ... Came when Fish. Yes Yes. Well, again, the question will be followed: how much is the joy? Guys in the laps that taking the club of the People's War will be nagging so to speak the enemy until he cries. Forks, rake ... Again, disappointing lead: We have no one at all mentioning in any sources, synchronous I mean sources, of the very time, the XIII century, the use of walking militia from the middle of the XII century for sure. I think so if he is there without armor, without a normal weapon, then there is nothing to catch this - just on the right death ... That's it. Therefore, they are not mentioned. Yes. They could be used, all this is the militia, not from the word "regiment", because at that time the militant is the same thing that the princely warrior, but not in the squad, but in the regiment, that is, in the urban division. People's militia can protect the walls. In case, in fact, a serious campaign could be mobilized in order to drag by taking, dig channels. But as a real military force, he at this time, as in general, and mainly in Western Europe, it costs zero. Moreover, against Mongol, who would not rush into this thickness of the infantry, they would first have shot it, and then with disgust would go for the Chaviki corpses. And on March 5, 1238, Mongol's forces took the Torzhok (southern suburb of Novgorod), joined the remnants of the Burundai troops and did not reach a hundred kilometers to Novgorod himself. And turned back to the steppe. It is clear that they turned in general one of one reason - they began to get horses. Because it is March, horses held late autumn and all winter at the local fueser, their supplies began to end, how many local founds can be reinforced - obviously not enough. Began to get a horse, Mongol without a horse - it's even worse than the knight without a horse, I had to lift. Just then, 30 kilometers from Smolensk, they were allegedly smashed by Smolyan. I am very doubtful ... On the way back through Chernigov, buried the burdens ... (Just in the burden there was a wonderful protective half mask from the ancient Russian mid-like helmet type IV on bricks, she, however, refers to a much earlier time. So, by the way I remembered ...) His, by the way, saw and met him in general. With Popples? With bricks. A, with bricks! And I thought: with a half-man, helmet, plug or bricks. Did not guess. Until 1239, Mongols waited. And in 1239, simply because they were forced to press Polovtsy uprisings, as well as the uprising in the Volga Bulgaria - that's the matter and there, and there separatist performances broke out there, it was necessary to apply a limited military contingent that in general rapid strength unconditionally. That is, even their brutal cruelty still did not suppress finally? .. Not everywhere and not always. Simply, if with the Volga Bulgaria, it's not entirely clear, everything is clear with Polovtsy, because if bruters were suppressed by the Horde of Kotyan Sutoevich, so another Horde was not suppressed and these feel even even jigs. Not yet riddled. Yes. And it comes from every personfully tedious to run, each beat. And at this time, unauthorized such ancient Russia is located. As the chronicler tells us that until March 1, 1239 was peaceful. And by the first of March what, fresh pulled up? As the Lavrentievsky chronicle tells us: "The same summer for the winter, taking Tatarov Mordovskaya Earth, and Murom Furnaces and in Klyazma, the fight, and hail of the Mother of God, Gorokhovets Faiga, and ourselves ourselves in the middle of their own ..." That is, small raids took place. October 18, 1239 took Chernigov. After the fall of Chernigov, the Chernihiv principality began to rob, pretty easily taking these small fortresses, with rare exceptions. And in 1240, the Kiev campaign began in 1240, that is, for what the Mongolians came at all on Russia, because Kiev is the richest city, one of the biggest principalities and, as they suspected, the capital. Although, by this time, I think there were no such suspicions, it will be seen from the further course of events. Nevertheless, leave the biggest city just like that it would be just stupid. For a very long time, the corps stormed, especially since the Great Han, at that time he was withdrawn home very serious warlords of the Guyuk and Sturi, i.e. The Mongol in general, firstly, the forces were outwarded, and, secondly, experts left some. True, at this time they, apparently, have already begun gradually to replenish due to the local conquered population, apparently. True, we do not know in what quantity, in the big one can not be. But somehow replenishment, apparently, was received, possibly from the same Volga Bulgaria and possibly from the eastern Kipchak lands. Kiev resisted for a very long time, this is the longest siege, which the Russian city has resist. Kozelsk resisted whether seven, or eight weeks, Kiev - longer. But Kiev, it was indeed a giant first-class fortress for his time and he was of course the Achilles heel - it is wooden walls. If partially gates were taken into the stone towers, the walls still remained wooden. Although of course, it was still incredibly difficult to take them, because they were raised above the level of land, on the shaft, and the shaft was towering 12-15 meters ... wow. And the plus there was still ditch, about six meters of depth and fifteen-twenty meters width. That is, being in the Republic of Rail, it is inevitably needed to rise twenty meters along the slope of 45 degrees, which is still all over the Winter, and slippery in the autumn. Nine floors in fact. Nine floors. And there is another ten meters. Even if she burned down and half collapsed, damn it knows if there are some people sitting there, they can do you the same burner log on the head. And the tree was not borrowing no opportunity, because it was monstrously wide and wider, the higher, and it was founded on powerful wooden centers, covered with stones. That is, it was possible to pierce it, apparently, the efforts of the XVIII century artillery could be possible, if you shoot for a long time, to bring mines, so that all this exploded up, it simply scattered. With the help of a stone, it is not broken, it is impossible. Therefore, I had to dig the walls, storm for a long time, very long. Not easy ... very long siege. I want to say that the Mongols even the cities did not all take, because some cities or castles conventionally speaking, they saw what power there, they just ran around, preferring not to contact, because there were also reasonable people. What are such spending. The worst trouble of the medieval war, anyone is a long siege. Because the long siege is boring, people in a siege camp are a problem with sanitation, hence immediately dysentery, cholera ... diarrhea. Hence diarrhea and terrible losses. Even in general, you don't need to fight, you just need to reconstruct. But nevertheless, Kiev fell and, as the Carpini plan tells us, there are 200 houses left in him, by the time he arrived in Novgorod 1246. He wrote that the Jews and Armenians were running on ruins? Or someone else? Of course, there is a very suspicious moment one, on which our Kiev Ukrainian historians always pay attention - Carpini's plan There are two editions and in an early editorial office, which was written immediately at home, no information that 200 houses left in Kiev, no . On the contrary, there is information that there were some trade caravans with someone trading, something to negotiate. And for some reason, in later, in the last editorial board, there was no information about what Kiev was actually left there. Then it is not clear where the caravan came, why. True, there is a response replica: how much where the caravan came - because people were left without anything, they needed to just buy tools, produced tools, some kind of utensils and all the surrounding merchants knew that it was not bad to live well and just went On the roasted city, help so to speak by the methods of speculation to their neighbors. Perhaps, maybe not, but what we know objectively, this is the fact that Mikhail Konstantinovich Karger opened the traces of a monstrous fire during the excavations of Kiev, that is, the ruin was total. We cannot say whether two hundred houses left there, but I would not want to be in Kiev at the time of his take. And how did you get it? Also, the walls burned or on the other side? In general, this was done about the same - the Mongols surrounded the city, did not let any food there, if possible, did not give anyone from there to get out and constantly bombarded the city from the kamnites ... took Emory, right? ... And the protector of the walls shot. Moreover, since they were very bigger, they could afford to carry out the rotation of the personnel: the tired drove into the rear to relax, bring themselves in order, a fresh party treated the place. And they thus intimidated defenders. Just the defenders were very smaller, and they could not afford such rotation. But still the siege stretched in a monorarous time - 10 weeks and 4 days. Wow. Two and a half months. Yes. I must say that for the average European army of that time it would be enough to completely blow up. That is, the provision of Mattechressurs was not as well as Mongol, and the motivation was worse, and the mercenaries would eat, and the Knights would have left home during this time, because the feudal service life for the arierbana is 40 days. And here I'm sorry ... you do not buy with you ... you have mistakes in planning. What are you here? And at this time, Prince Daniel Romanovich was in Hungary, visiting King Bella IV. He prepared the marriage of his son Leo Danilovich and the Constance of Belovna, Hungarian Princess. Nothing, really failed. And the defense was led by a thousand thousand Dimitra. And Dimitra Mongols captured, but they did not kill him, but they used as a military specialist and Dimiter really helped them. Then they returned it back to Kiev and they were planted there with a thousand. And what did he remind them? We definitely do not know, we know that he actually collaborate with Mongols for some time. Three Tumemo Mongol invaded Poland and part that behaved itself actually and the subcent - in Hungary. That is, they are not even the main forces in one place walked, part - to Poland, part in Hungary. That, in general, was enough to bring the rustle and there, and there, because I say, they won all the battles in which they participated. Perhaps there were some clashes that they lost, I can not remember now, but they won all the basic battles. Moreover, with one-sided literally score. It came to the point that naturally, the king of Bela IV, King of Hungary, despite the help of the Polovtsy, who condenen to him, was forced to just escape from the country. He was there in the Border Castle, wrote panic letters to Pope Roman and all around. "Everything is gone, chef!" The great emperor Friedrich II Gogenstaofen reported that it would be necessary to somehow help. Gajenshtaofen wrote to him letters that I wrote to this Bat, that I wake up well with the falcons, I am ready to have falconed with him at the court, so deal with yourself. Friedrich II Gogenstaofen was not waged in contemporaries the nicknames of Stupor Mundi, i.e. "Surprise to the world," because he was an extremely eccentric person, apparently, kept in the protection of blacks, why were everyone in shock - he was also black, everyone was afraid. Instead of (well, this is true, I can understand) to live in Germany, lived in Sicily constantly, I was engaged in philosophy, I was bought ... with the blacks ... no, the negros were just guarded. I corresponded with different some Persians incomprehensible, Arabs, and so on. Including, he entered into correspondence with Batu Khan, where (of course, in a joke) informed him that I was able, I am good in Sokolniki hunt, I am ready to have falcon. I imagine how the damned battered ... I don't think he understood the joke, he said, ah, good man ... Well, somewhere by 1241, Bolkhov princes managed to avoid the ruin of their lands, because they agreed to pay tribute to Mongola. True, as a result, they still did not avoid their fate, because in 1251, when this famous Nursery was ruined these cities were burned. And in particular, the famous excavated Izaslavl Khmelnitsky settlement. A small town, a little less than hectare, 0.63 hectares - the Kremlin and about 4.5 hectares - the city itself. This city was destroyed simply completely, I told about him somehow. There's alive, of those, apparently, who did not have time to escape, in the city lively they did not leave anyone: neither the women, nor children, nor old men, nor, naturally, men were interrupted. And even more, they did not take the decorations from the dead, even the gold and silver jewelry did not take, they were simply so during the punitive campaign, taken at the initiative of Alexander Yaroslavlich, the saint, Nevsky, so overwhelmed were already the only ways that with some small The town of Take also seemed meaningless. Well, there are naturally archaeologically fixed traces of peaceful cohabitation and the absence of invasion, because just whole streets are paved literally chopped and shot by bodies. And I say, the whole population of the city lies. This is how archaeologists dug him out, so it lay there. Somewhere there began to live people again only in the XVI century. Ohnet. That is, this is just a total war, when after passing the horde there was not just nothing alive. They could and so do. What is surprising, and on the other hand, it is not surprising, Rus very quickly rebuilt. The monstrous blow of 1237-1241, and somewhere by 1245-1246, there are already cities in place. Of course, those who began to restore, except for those that simply brought under zero and they should not be restored. By the way, this was also your dialectical plus, because the mass of cities, for example, Chernihiv, Kiev, Pereyaslavl-Russian land contained a huge number of border fortresses, which were in the southern and southeastern borders of the principalities, to protect against polovtsy, these are natural fortresses They can not be any cities, they are very small. It is clear that there may have lived some kind of servants, and of course there were some garrisons there, which were defended, small guard. This is what was supposed to intercept the wave of Polovtsy from the steppe if they gather in a raid. Polovtsy did not possess so serious technique as Mongols and in general, well-strengthened small castle on the hill was irresistible for them, they just went around and left. And at that time I flew a postal dove or a metropoline messenger, reporting that your relatives drove here, do something. Keep in mind. Yes Yes. Relatives in the Middle Ages are always very dangerous. And they needed to keep, keep in order, keep a garrison there, they needed to feed them in the end. After the Mongols, they almost all disappear. That is, more from the steppe dangers were not waiting or waited, but it was clear that all these garrisers, all these fasteners against the Mongols, it's like a mosquito net against a good cobblestone. Does not save. There were very interesting relationships here, because of course the Russian princes began to actively try to use the Mongols in their own interests. And of course the most successful person in this respect was Yaroslav Vsevolodovich Rurikov, who managed to make friends with Batu, and then with all his heirs, ending in general Khan Burke. There is a question of collaborationism - wasn't our prince, Dad Alexander Yaroslavich, just separatyuga and a collaborationist? And Alexander Nevsky himself, he initiated, I apologize, a whole campaign on Russia to suppress uprises against Dani collectors, actually brought Novgorod under the arm of the Mongols. Which the Mongols themselves did not smash, did not precipitate, nothing, but, however they paid tribute, because Alexander Military force forced himself to "give a number", i.e. Capture - so that the Mongols know how many money from the city. Here's how they ... with patriotism, how are you? With patriotism, things are very good. Because to consider them with some kind of conquerors - this is a dog's nonsense. Mongols have been perceived by that time not just as conquerors (although of course, as conquerors, too), they were perceived as a third-party power to be considered. And where are you going? All interested in the question of the collaborationism Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, I want to ask a counter question: what could he do? He could collect the remnants of Vladimir-Suzdal regiments and once again delay on some sieve, after which Vladimir would have been burned again, and he had just rebuilt. Moreover, it was not entirely rebuilt, because for a long time Rostov, the old metropolitan city of Vladimir-Suzdal land, becomes the center of local liturgical life, that is, the bishopia moves there, because in Vladimir, it was not very comfortable in Vladimir. And, for example, when we are talking about Alexander Nevsky and that he loved Mongol very much, that's when his dad was still poisoned in Karakorum, and Unfortunate Yaroslav Vsevolodovich was very difficult to friendship with Mongols, he constantly lived in a triangle Vladimir-Kiev -Crackers, sorry, closer light. When he was still poisoned in Karakorum during his second trip there, at this time very important events occur in Horde, because the son of Juchi Berke - Berk, Bordzhiginov, decided to postpone from the central government. These, too, I didn't thank God everything was ... They had so much that I didn't thank God, that, first of all, he poisoned (apparently and most likely it was) Son Batu-Khan Sartak, so that he is not very who managed to cool exactly a year, after which the son had extended either Sartak, or the Batu himself, following inheritance, and himself took the throne. Immediately began to fight with Mongol Hulagulaida Iran, for which Alexander Yaroslavich demanded the troops. Alexander Yaroslavich was able to dissuade him. So, when in the 60s years, the Thawor Khan began to postpone from the central government in Karakorum, Alexander Nevsky wrote to everyone letters and appeal that this Mongolian bastard, Karakorum, must be filled, tribute to him not to pay, drive away Baskakov. And at that time, Berke very benevolently looked at Alexandra, because the Karakorum administration was already hostile to the Caracorum administration and now the capital has become Saray Batu, that is, Batu Palace on the Volga. "Sarai" is the "palace"? "Sarai" is the "Palace", yes, Persian. And of course I had to be friends with the Golden Horde, with Ulus Juchi, who was just closest. Here, of course, they immediately ask: what about the ROC? Because the ROC in the face of Metropolitan Kirill, the great Metropolitan of Kiev and All Russia ... then? Metropolitan Cyril, and not the Patriarch, we had no Patriarch. How is the ROC with the Mongols? Was it a resistance center or vice versa? First, you immediately need to say that simple Popov during the capture of cities cut off an incredible amount, because the last focus of defense was always the urban temple, where everyone was stuffed and they were usually burned to be so to say not to produce unnecessary entities. Simple Popov killed an incredible amount. But the Mongols, like the pagans standing on a rather low stage of socio-economic development, that is, like barbarians, there was a terrible faith of tolerance - if a local person was considered holy and authoritative in spiritual life, Mongols considered what he could help him too because your God, he is certainly his God, but he is far away, but here you need to be friends between others and with local gods too. And it was the main condition - so that the priests pray for the Great Khan, for which they were delivered from taxes, all, that is, the church of the number did not give. Not bad. And of course, Metropolitan Cyril began to be made immediately to be friends with Khan, apparently, Berke gave the Russian Orthodox Church a label, which freed the Russian Orthodox Church from all taxes and gave full integrity, whatever happened, until they were guarantees to their Khan . So it was. Russian Orthodox Church for a long time was a guarantee of loyalty to Khan, because every God's day, when worship worked, remembered, as well as now, "... about the Emirates of the Russian, Honor and the Herial of Herial, about the President of Vladimir ...", and then - "On Khan Burke. That is - about the king, as they called him, just the king. And the king in Russian is the emperor. The emperor is given only by God and more by anyone. That's because. We just had an emperor, the emperor of the whole Christian land - Emperor Constantinople. But in 1294, our friends of the Venetians led the crusaded fleet to the Holy Earth, but for some reason he led him first to the Zadar, the Catholic, who disappeared ... a little ... a little bit down this zadar, and then - in Constantinople, which was not the Catholic, and He was Orthodox, therefore ... In general, the Byzantine Empire ran out for a long time before Paleologovskaya Reconquisters in the second half of the XIII century. So, we did not become the emperor, we had a vacuum, including a vacuum ideological, who immediately filled the Mongols. The feudal medieval consciousness is extremely fatalistic - if they tried to resist, tried from the heart, really, repeatedly, nothing happened, it means that the Kara Lord, it means to endure. To accept. To accept. Moreover, there is a king ... And most importantly, he did not attend the Orthodox Church. And the Orthodox Church, despite the fact that she was friends with Mongols, became after our language and the general historical past in the Kiev so-called Russia's main fastening of the Russian people, who, if not these three factors, would have scattered, of course, who is where. Who would hit the Bulgarians when the horde broke up in the XIV century, who would actually collapse with the Horde (Ryazan, with Murom, would surely wait for this fate - they were too close to), Western lands would fly into the German Baltic, because to resist alone Neither Novgorod, nor Pskov, could not have long been a long German-Hanseatic expansion, well, and someone would be, as it turned out to be in the Grand Duch of Lithuanian. And to collect something after that, Russia would be just no one. The independent normal European Vladimir-Suzdal Principality would remain possible. Well, as it were, everything. We would like, yes, in a very large area, in size almost with France, maybe a little less, but it would be such, in general, a small European country, nothing represents in the end. Naturally, the Germans to the XVI-MU would have been made to the hands of the Germans, because they were developed to such a state that, in general, no one's own specific city (and even the capital city) could not resist them. Like this. Well, in addition, the Mongols basically finished all these separatist disassembly between the princes and the continuation of the Mongolian pogrom from the centrifugal forces became the reverse centriprem water, because everyone understood that it was impossible to resist the Mongols alone and the consolidation of Russian lands ended in the XIV century Moscow and the Grand Duchy of Vladimirsky. By the way, the Grand Duchy of Vladimir, as Mongols understood, turned out to be the real capital of Russia, not Kiev. Why? Because there was the strongest prince there. Although the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, they divided as the God to Turtle for one campaign (exactly for one - winter-spring 1237, everything), and Kiev and southern lands took: 1239-1240, 1240-1241, that is, two large campaigns are obtained, Almost three years. Because we saw how many cities there, they all had to be taken. 75% of the cities of all Russia were located exactly there, they all had to storm hard, take. It was hard, it was bloody and therefore sleeved there longer. But. Mongols saw that Vladimir is, firstly, an independent principality that does not obey Kiev in general and moreover, everyone obeys Vladimirtsam, because it is at this time the most powerful principality of all Russia. And now the label, the mandate on the board, which was given to the Vladimir renovation became one of the pressure levers at all on the whole Russian politics, because at first, as we know, the direct descendants of Yuri Dolgoruky dominated there, and by the XIV century, the Mongols began to use this very much Label in order to burst Russian princes with each other. Actually, from this a long-term fight of Moscow and Tver for the Grand Duchy of Vladimir. In addition, Mongols frightened our Western neighbors - Lithuanians and Germans. That is, the Lithuanians could not move to the East as far as I would like, in general, like the Germans. Everything, with only one mention, Mongol came to a quiet horror, it is clear that they were not all seen, but it was still worse, because they heard a lot. As Dr. Watson Baskerville Dog. (- Doctor, did you see a dog? - No, but I heard. - And how? - Very scary.) That's the same and the Mongols - not everyone saw, but it was very scary. Thus, Russia also partially got rid of danger from the West, of course, not completely, not to the end, but at least in some volume different from zero. And it was also very good, because our neighbors from the West, here they are just a language, and the religion was going to change to us, as they did always at the conquered territories. Because Mongols are nomadic people, they could not be an objective interest, they could not conquer her, there was nothing to do. Need not. There are no pastures almost. There is money ... they also pay. No, but if you do not pay, you can come with a punitive raid, it is always with pleasure. And walked, repeatedly. But it was not necessary to conquer us, because it is nomads. And this civilization that lives nearby, shaped and she slowly, but much more effectively climbed the lands. And in general, it was possible to oppose this slow crawling on the lady, in some local clashes, we won constantly, but we see that literally the barrier for the German barrier is not a direct military on-board, like Mongols - went avalanche riders, and no, no, they Just quietly taken these cities in the West. Here, Yuriev, for example, who founded Yaroslav Wise - took and turned out from him. Regarding how it all happened, I have one analogy. By the way, you are very good that I remembered the Roman Empire at the beginning of the conversation. And I will immediately remember it too. Here we have Russia, which in the XII century at the beginning of the XIII century reached just incredible heyday: these are beautiful cities, high culture, art - Vladimir enamel beautiful, Kiev silver and gold mine. This all begins to catch up gradually even Byzantia, but somewhere to distill, the magnificent icon is, just awesome, because such colorists, probably, we do not know anywhere else. The architecture is stunning ... and the Mongols appear nearly. Immediately I remember the fate of the Celts that were misfortune to be near the Roman Empire. There was the same - superbly built cities, in some places, than Roman (some), of course in their style, but nevertheless. More, more powerful fortifications ... Which Celts were warriors - the Romans themselves cried, what kind of warriors were wonderful. Celtic weapons were generally the best, in Europe for sure. The middle Celtic sword was better than the middle roman on the head, that is, it was an elite weapon. Actually, the Celts invented the mail in the end, not the Romans. What they did. The same, what we did - they cut each other simply because they did not have common economic interests and could not make friends with a permanent basis, because they did not have the foundation on which you can make friends. And the general basis is of course the economy is always. Although they also spoke in the same language, they had the same druids who preached, apparently, the same thing was a common story - they eventually once had ever won Rome for a long time ago. But everyone redesdown. And as soon as the Roman military car appeared there, all this did not survive one Caesar's campaign. Here is a number of empire and the fragmented states. The most developed, the best, literally every military - John Rambo, dressed as some hero from the "Lord of the Rings". It is impossible to resist the Military Machine of the Empire, when these most disparated cities and small principles are nearby. They will be revealed and included in orbit. So it happened to us, it happened to the Celts. Is it possible to tear my hair on this and say, how did everything happen? Yes, differently and could not work. So the card lay down ... This is not a map lay. This is an objective process, by which we could not pass, in no way. Because if not the Mongola - then someone else. So Mongols were. The poverty story does not know. About yoke. The term "IHO" himself came up with Jan Dulgosh. From the Latin "Jugom Barbaricum" - that is, the "yarm of the barbaric". Then he was picked up in the 60s of the XVII century, our Russian historians. In synchronous sources, the word "Tatar work" is used (from the word "slavery"), "Tatar difficulty" (that is, "work on") and so on. But nevertheless, IHO, we will use the late term, we recognize that it was previously authentic, it was not preserved from the XIII, XIV, XV, XVI century on our territory, foreign borrowing. But IHO was definitely because we regularly paid tribute to the end of the XV century, more precisely, the exit. And even after standing on the River Ugra, when Ivan III drove the Khan Ahmat, after nine years, Khan Ahmat wrote with surprise that I did not receive 9 years old with Russia, dear Ivan, what's the matter? War of war ... Where is the money?! We did not agree so ... no, no. Well, think, I have lost the war, you need to pay, they are so accustomed that they are paid ... Well, there are no longer a variety of hordes, but just tribute we paid up to Catherine Great. Wow. So far, the regular troops of the XVIII century have already come to them, and did not remind them that now there is a little bit of the XIV century, and already the XVIII ... awaken. I never heard about it. Well, they just had to pay them so that they were not engaged in banditry on the borders, because they were just obliging them throughout the steppe. These are all the descendants of the Golden Horde in the end. Atas. Well, how it happened next, you need to speak separately, next time. And I propose for some time to interrupt with the "milestones of the history of ancient Russia" and switch again to the "great battles". Correct solution. Thank you, Klim Sanych! To all lovers of Russian history, who say that no Mongol-Tatar was, it was a civil war, with bitterness once again convinced - what idiots you are. Yes ... about everything I can say about this. Thank you, Klim Sanych. Dmitry Yuryevich, always happy! Symmetrically. Thank you. And today everything! To new meetings.

Arriving in the second half of the 10th century. And ranked in 11 c. The norm is the practice of distribution by the rulers of the ancient Russian state (the great Kiev princes) lands in the conditional holding of their sons and other relatives led in the second quarter of the 12th century. To its actual decay. The conditional holders sought, on the one hand, turn their conditional holdings into unconditional and achieve economic and political independence from the center, and on the other, subjugate the local to know, establish full control over their possessions. In all regions (with the exception of the Novgorod Land, where, in fact, the republican regime was established and the princely authorities acquired a military-official character) Princes from the House of Rurikovich managed to become sovereign states with senior legislative, executive and judicial functions. They relied on the control apparatus, whose members constituted a special service class: they received or part of the income from the exploitation of the subject territory (feeding), or the land in the holding. The main vassals of Prince (boyars), together with the tops of the local clergy, formed a consultative body at it - the Boyar Duma. The prince was considered the supreme owner of all lands in the principality: some of them belonged to him for personal ownership (domain), and he ordered as a ruler of the territory; They were divided into the dominal possessions of the church and the conditional keeps of the boyars and their vassals (servants of Boyari).

The socio-political structure of Russia in the era of fragmentation was based on a complex system of suzerita and vassalitet (feudal staircase). The feudal hierarchy was headed by the Grand Duke (until the middle of the 12th century. The owner of the Kiev table, later this status acquired Vladimir-Suzdal and Galician-Volyn princes). Below, the rulers of large principalities (Chernihiv, Pereyaslavsky, Turovo-Pinsky, Polotsk, Rostov-Suzdal, Vladimiro-Volynsky, Rostov-Suzdal, Vladimiro-Volynsky, Galitsky, Muromo-Ryazan, Smolenskiy) are even lower - the rules are ruled within each of these principalities. At the lowest stage, there was a unwitted servant to know (boyars and their vassals).

From the middle of the 11th century The process of decaying large principalities began, which previously affected the most developed agricultural districts (Kyiv, Chernigovshchina). In the 12th half of the 13th century. This trend has become universal. Particularly intense crushing was in Kiev, Chernigov, Polotsk, Turov and Pinsky and Muromo-Ryazan Principles. To a lesser extent, it affected Smolensk Land, and in Galico-Volyn and Rostov-Suzdal (Vladimirsky), the Principles were alternating with periods of temporary merger of the devils under the rule of the "senior". Only Novgorod land throughout its history continued to maintain political integrity.

In the conditions of feudal fragmentation, the community and regional princely congresses were gained great importance, on which intra and foreign policy issues were solved (inter-jeightened distribution, the fight against external enemies). However, they did not become a constant, regularly operating political institute and could not slow down the dissipation process.

By the time of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion of Russia turned out to be divided into many small principalities and could not combine the forces to reflect the external aggression. Delivered by Horde Batya, she lost a significant part of its Western and Southwestern land in the second half of 13-14 centuries. Little Lithuanian (Town-Pinsky, Polotsk, Vladimiro-Volynskoe, Kiev, Chernigov, Pereyaslav, Smolensk Principality) and Poland (Galitsky). Only Northeast Russia (Vladimir, Muromo-Ryazan and Novgorod Land) managed to preserve his independence. In the 14th - early 16th century She was "collected" by the Moscow princes, who restored a single Russian state.

Kiev principality.

It was located in the Dnieper interference, the cases, Russia and Pripyat (Sovk. Kiev and Zhytomyr region of Ukraine and the South of the Gomel region of Belarus). Branched in the north with Turovo-Pinsky, in the East - with Chernigov and Pereyaslavsky, in the West with the Vladimir-Volyn Principality, and in the south rested in the Polovetsky steppes. The population was the Slavic tribes of Polyan and Drevlyan.

Fertile soils and mild climates contributed to intense agriculture; Residents also engaged in cattle breeding, hunting, fishing and beekeeping. Here it was too early to specialize crafts; Of particular importance acquired the "antodod", pottery and leather business. The presence in the Rounded land (included in the Kiev region at the turn of 9-10 centuries) of iron deposits favored the development of blacksmithing crafts; Many types of metals (copper, lead, tin, silver, gold) were brought from neighboring countries. Through Kiev, the famous trading path "From Varyag in Greeks" (from the Baltic Sea to Byzantium); Through Pripyat, she was connected with the Vistula and Neman's pool, through the gums - with the headwaters of Oka, through the Sejm with the Dona pool and the Azov Sea. In Kiev and nearby cities, an influential trade and craft layer was formed early.

From the end 9 to the end of 10 V. Kiev land was the central region of the ancient Russian state. Under Vladimir Saint, with the allocation of a number of semi-standing devices, it became the core of the grand mining domain; At the same time, Kiev turned into a church center of Russia (as a residence of Metropolitan); The Bishops of the Department was established in the nearby Belgorod. After the death of Mstislava, the Great in 1132 there was an actual disintegration of the ancient Russian state, and the Kiev region was constituted as a special principality.

Despite the fact that the Kiev Prince ceased to be the supreme owner of all Russian lands, he remained the head of the feudal hierarchy and continued to be considered "seniors" among other princes. This was done by the Kiev principality facility of a fierce struggle between the various branches of the Rurikovsky dynasty. In this struggle, the powerful Kiev boyars and a trade and craft population also took, although the role of the People's Assembly (Veche) to the beginning of the 12th century. significantly decreased.

Up to 1139 Kiev table was in the hands of Monomashic - Mstislav Great inherited his brothers Yaropolk (1132-1139) and Vyacheslav (1139). In 1139, Chernihiv Prince Vsevolod Olgovich took him. However, the Board of Chernihiv Olgovichi was short-lived: after the death of Vsevolod in 1146, the local boyars, a dissatisfied with the transfer of power to his brother Igor, called on the Kiev table Izaslav Mstislavich, a representative of the older branch of Monomashic (Mstislavichi). Defeating on August 13, 1146 from the Olgoy grave of the troops of Igor and Svyatoslav Olgovich, Izyaslav mastered the ancient capital; The Igor was taken to capture was killed in 1147. In 1149, the Suzdal branch of Monomashic in the face of Yuri Dolgoruky entered the struggle for Kiev. After the death of Izyaslav (November 1154) and his co-programmer Vyacheslav Vladimirovich (December 1154), Yuri established himself on the Kiev table and held it to his death in 1157. Spent inside the house of Monomashic helped Olgovichs Help Revenge: In May 1157, the princely power was captured by Izyaslav Davydovich Chernigovsky (1157 -1159). But his unsuccessful attempt to master Garym cost him a grand-road table, which returned to the Mstislavichi - Smolensky Prince Rostislav (1159-1167), and then to his nephew Mstislav Iaslavlich (1167-1169).

From the middle of the 12th century The political importance of the Kiev land falls. It begins its disintegration on the dots: in 1150-1170 Belgorod, Vyshgorodskoe, Trepolskoe, Kanevskoye, Torch, Kotelnical and Doroguery Principality are distinguished. Kiev ceases to play the role of the only center of Russian lands; In the northeast and in the south-west, there are two new centers of political attraction and influence claiming the status of great principalities - Vladimir on Klyazma and Galich. Vladimir and Galico-Volyn princes no longer seek to occupy a Kiev table; Periodically subjugate Kiev, they plant their depths there.

In 1169-1174, Vladimir Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky dictated her will: in 1169 he expelled Mstislav Iaslavich from there and gave the reign to his brother Gleb (1169-1171). When, after the death of Gleb (January 1171) and who changed him Vladimir Mstislavich (May 1171), the Kiev table without his consent occupied by another his brother Mikhalko, Andrei made him give way to Roman Rostislavich, the representative of the Smolensk branch of Mstislavichi (Rostislavichi); In 1172 Andrei proxied and novel and planted a large nest in Kiev in Kiev; In 1173 he forced to flee to Belgorod who captured Kiev Table Rüric Rostislavich.

After the death of Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1174 Kiev fell under the control of Smolensk Rostislavichi in the face of Roman Rostislavich (1174-1176). But in 1176, failed in a hike against Polovtsy, the novel was forced to abandon power than Olgovichi used. At the appeal of citizens, the Kiev table occupied Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich Chernigov (1176-1194 with a break in 1181). However, he failed to displace Rostislavichi from the Kiev land; In the early 1180s, he acknowledged their rights to the piglery and the Drevlyan land; Olgovichi strengthened in the Kiev district. Reaching agreement with Rostislavichi, Svyatoslav focused his efforts on the fight against the Polovtsy, sowing to seriously weaken their onslaught into Russian lands.

After his death in 1194, Rostislavichi returned to the Kiev table in the face of Rüric Rostislavich, but at the beginning of the 13th century. Kiev fell into the sphere of influence of the powerful Galico-Volyn Prince Roman Mstislavich, who in 1202 expelled Rüric and planted in his place his cousin ingvar Yaroslavich Doroborovsky. In 1203, Rurik in the Union with Polovtsy and Chernigov Olgovichi captured Kiev and with the diplomatic support for Vladimir Prince Vsevolod a large nest, the ruler of Northeast Russia, a few months held the Kiev prince for several months. However, in 1204, during a joint campaign of South Russian dominates against Polovtsy, he was arrested by Roman and bendered to the monks, and his son Rostislav was thrown into the dungeon; Ingvar returned to the Kiev table. But soon at the request of Vsevolod, Roman freed Rostislava and made it a Kiev prince.

After the death of the novel in October 1205, Rurik left the monastery and took Kiev at the beginning of 1206. In the same year, Chernihiv Prince Vsevolod Svyatoslavich Chermnaya joined the fight against him. Their four-year rivalry ended in 1210 by a compromise agreement: Rurik recognized Kiev for Vsevolod and he received Chernigov as compensation.

After the death of Vsevolod in the Kiev table, Rostislavichi was reaffirmed: Mstislav Romanovich Old (1212 / 1214-1223 with a break in 1219) and his cousin Vladimir Rurikovich (1223-1235). In 1235, Vladimir, the victims defeat from the Polovtsy under the second, got into captivity, and the power in Kiev first captured the Chernigov Prince Mikhail Vsevolodovich, and then Yaroslav, the son of Vsevolod is a big nest. However, in 1236, Vladimir, bought out of captivity, without much difficulty returned his grand-road table and remained to death to death in 1239.

In 1239-1240 in Kiev, Mikhail Vsevolodovich Chernigovsky, Rostislav Mstislavich Smolensky, and on the eve of the Tatar-Mongol invasion, he was under the control of the Galico-Volyn Prince Daniel Romanovich, who appointed the Voev of Dmitra. In the fall of 1240, the Baty moved to the South Rus and took and defeated Kiev in early December, despite the desperate nine-day resistance of residents and a small squad of Dmitra; He subjected the principality of a terrible devastation, after which it could no longer recover. Mikhail Vsevolodich returned to the capital in 1241 in 1246 was called in Horde and killed there. From the 1240s Kiev fell into a formal dependence on the Great Vladimir Princes (Alexander Nevsky, Yaroslav Yaroslavich). In the second half of the 13th century. A significant part of the population emigrated to the northern Russians. In 1299 from Kiev, the Metropolitan Department was postponed to Vladimir. In the first half of the 14th century. The weakened Kiev principality became the object of Lithuanian aggression and in 1362 at Olgere became part of Lithuanian Principality.

Polotsk principality.

It was located on average doubt and food and in the upper course of the Svislock and Berezina (the territory of the Sovar. Vitebsk, Minsk and Mogilev regions of Belarus and Southeast Lithuania). In the south, bordered by Turovo-Pinsky, in the East - with the Smolensky principality, in the north - from the Pskov-Novgorod Earth, in the West and the North-West - with the Ubro-Finnish tribes (Lovi, Latgals). It was located inhabited by Polochany (the name went from the river. Foods) - the branch of the East-Slavic tribe of Krivich, partially mixed with the Baltic tribes.

As an independent territorial formation, the Polotsk land existed even before the emergence of the ancient Russian state. In the 870s, Novgorod Prince Rurik laid the Polishman, and then they obeyed the Kiev prince Oleg. Under the Kiev Prince Yaropolk, Svyatoslavich (972-980), Polotsk region was dependent by him by the principality, which ruled Norman Rog Volodov. In 980, Vladimir Svyatoslavich captured her, killed a rogvoda and his two sons, and Rogned's daughter took his wife; From this time, Polotsk land finally entered the ancient Russian state. Becoming Kiev Prince, Vladimir handed part of it in the joint holding of Rogned and their older son Izyaslav. In 988/989, he made Iaslav Polotsky Prince; Izyaslav became a source of the local Prince of Dynasty (Polotsk Izyaslavichi). In 992, Polotsk diocese was established.

Although the principality was poorly fertile lands, it was placed by rich hunting and fishing grounds and was at the crossroads of important trade routes on Dvina, Neman and Berezine; Supplementary forests and water obstacles defended him from outside attacks. This attracted here numerous immigrants; Cities quickly growled, turned into trade and craft centers (Polotsk, Izyaslavl, Minsk, Dusk, etc.). Economic prosperity contributed to focusing in the hands of the smearing of significant resources to which they relied in their struggle for achieving independence from the power of Kiev.

Heir to Iaslav Bryachlila (1001-1044), using the princely internecakes in Russia, held an independent policy and tried to expand his possessions. In 1021, with his buddy and the detachment of the Scandinavian mercenaries, he captured and plundered the great Novgorod, but then defeated from the rule of the Novgorod land of the Grand Prince Yaroslav Wise on R. Sudoma; Nevertheless, to ensure the loyalty of Bryachland, Yaroslav gave him the Usier and Vitebsk parish.

Of particular power, the Polotsky Principality reached with the son of Bryachland at all (1044-1101), which turned expansion to the north and north-west. Danniki his steel and Latgals became. In the 1060s, he committed several trips to Pskov and Novgorod the Great. In 1067, Vseslav ruined Novgorod, but could not hold the Novgorod Earth. In the same year, the Grand Duke Izyaslav Yaroslavich inflicted his strengthened punch to his strengthened vassal: he invaded the Polotsk Principality, captured Minsk, broke his database at the river. Nemigi, he took him in captivity along with two sons and sent it to the imprisonment to Kiev; The principality became part of the extensive possessions of Izaslav. After the overthrow of the Izaslav rebels Kievans on September 14, 1068, Vseslav returned Polotsk and even for a short time a Kiev high-racing table took; During the fierce struggle with Izyaslav and his sons, Mstislav, Svyatopolk and Yaropolsky in 1069-1072, he managed to keep the Polotsk Principality. In 1078, he resumed aggression against neighboring regions: captured the Smolensk Principality and ruined the northern part of the Chernihiv region. However, in the winter of 1078-1079, the Grand Duke Vsevolod Yaroslavich carried out a punitive expedition to the Polotsk Principality and burned Lomotl, Logozsk, Druck and Polycksky suburb; In 1084, Chernihiv Prince Vladimir Monomakh took Minsk and subjected to a cruel defeat Polotsky Earth. All resources were exhausted, and he no longer tried to expand the limits of his possessions.

The death of Polotsk Principality begins with the death of Alsas in 1101. It disintegrates on the dots; The Minsk, Izyaslav and Vitebsk principality stand out of it. The sons of all the wrestling of their strength in civil workers. After the robber campaign of Gleb Veslavich to the Town-Pin Earth in 1116 and his unsuccessful attempt to master Novgorod and the Smolensky principality in 1119, the aggression of Iaslavaci against neighboring regions is almost stopped. The relaxation of the principality opens the way for the intervention of Kiev: in 1119, Vladimir Monomakh, without much difficulty shelters over Gleb Veslavich, captures his lot, and he himself enters the dungeon; In 1127, Mstislav Great devastates the southwestern regions of Polotsk Earth; In 1129, taking advantage of the refusal of Iaslavach to take part in a joint campaign of Russian princes in the Polovtsy, he occupies the principality and in the Kiev Congress seeks the conviction of five Polotsky rulers (Svyatoslav, Davyd and Rostislav Vyslavichi, Rogvolod and Ivan Borisovichi) and their expulsions to Byzantium. Mstislav passes Polotsk Earth to his son Izyaslav, and in cities puts his governors.

Although in 1132 Iaslavihov, in the face of Vasilko Svyatoslavich (1132-1144), it is possible to return the generic principality, they are no longer able to revive its former power. In the middle of the 12th century The fierce struggle for the Polotsky Prince's table between the Rogvoda Borisovich (1144-1151, 1159-1162) and Rostislav Glebovich (1151-1159). At the turn of 1150-1160s, Rog Volodov, Borisovich undertakes the last attempt to unite the principality, which, however, tolerates the collapse due to the opposition of other isaslavli and the interference of neighboring princes (Yuri Dolgorukova, etc.). In the second half of the 7th century. The process of crushing is deepened; Dutitive, Gorong, Log's and Strejevsky Principality arise; The most important areas (Polotsk, Vitebsk, Izyaslav) are in the hands of Vasilkovichi (descendants of Svyatoslavich Vasilko); The influence of the Minsk branch of Izaslavichi (Glebovichi), on the contrary, falls. Polotsk land becomes the object of expansion by Smolensky princes; In 1164, Davyd Rostislavich Smolensky even extracts the Vitebsk parish; In the second half of the 1210th of his sons, Mstislav and Boris are fixed in Vitebsk and Polotsk.

At the beginning of the 13th century. The aggression of German knights in the lower course of Western Dvina begins; To 1212, the swords will conquer the lands of Livov and South-West Latgale, Danikov Polotsk. With the 1230s Polotsky, the provinces also have to reflect the onslaught of the newly formed by the Lithuanian state; Mutual distinctions interfere with them to combine their strength, and to 1252 Lithuanian princes capture Polotsk, Vitebsk and Druck. In the second half of the 13th century. For Polotsk lands, a fierce struggle between Lithuania, the Teutonic Order and Smolensk Princes, the winner in which the Lithuanians turn out to be. Lithuanian Prince Viten (1293-1316) is selected in 1307 in German Knights Polotsk, and his successor Gedemin (1316-1341) subordinates the Minsk and Vitebsk principality. Finally, Polotsk Earth is part of the Lithuanian state in 1385.

Chernihiv Principality.

It was located east of the Dnieper between the Valley of the gums and the average course of the Oka (the territory of the Sovar. Kursk, Orlovskaya, Tula, Kaluga, Bryansk, Western part of the Lipetsk and southern part of the Moscow regions of Russia, the northern part of the Chernihiv and Sumy regions of Ukraine and the eastern part of the Gomel region of Belarus ). In the south, bordered by Pereyaslavsky, in the East - with Muromo-Ryazansky, in the north - with Smolensky, in the West - with the Kiev and Turkish Principles. It was populated by East Slavic tribes of Polyan, Northerners, Radmich and Vyatichichi. It is believed that it received its name either from a certain prince black, or from black gay (forests).

Having a mild climate, fertile soils, numerous rivers rich in fish, and in the north forests, complete game, Chernihiv Earth was one of the most attractive to settlements of the ancient Russia regions. Through it (according to the gum and coolant rivers), the main trading path from Kiev to Northeast Rus was held. Here, cities with a significant craft population arose. In 11-12 centuries. The Chernihiv Principality was one of the richest and politically significant regions of Russia.

To 9 c. Northerners, who previously inhabited on the left bank of the Dnieper, subdued by the radar, Vyatichi and part of the Pollas, distributed their power to the head of Don. As a result, a semi-state education emerged, which paid tribute to Khazar Kaganat. At the beginning of the 10th century. It recognized the dependence on Kiev Prince Oleg. In the second half of the 10th century. Chernihiv Earth entered the grandfather domain. Under Vladimir, the Chernihiv Diocese was established. In 1024 he fell under the power of Mstislava brave, Brother Yaroslav Wise, and became actually independent of the principality from Kiev. After his death in 1036 was again included in the Breaking Domain. According to the will of Yaroslav Wise Chernihiv Principality, together with the Muromo-Ryazan land, passed to his son Svyatoslav (1054-1073), who became the hence of the local Prince of Svyatoslavichi dynasty; They, however, managed to establish themselves in Chernigov only by the end of 11 V. In 1073, Svyatoslavichi lost the principality, which turned out to be in the hands of Vsevolod Yaroslavich, and from 1078 - his son Vladimir Monomakh (up to 1094). Attempts by the most active from Svyatoslavichie Oleg "Gorislavich" to return control of the principality in 1078 (with the help of his cousin Boris Vyacheslavich) and in 1094-1096 (with the help of Polovtsy) ended with failure. Nevertheless, by the decision of the Lishech Prince Congress, 1097 Chernihiv and Muromo-Ryazan land were recognized as victims of Svyatoslavichi; Chernigov Prince became the son of Svyatoslav Davyd (1097-1123). After the death of Davyd, the princely table was taken by his brother Yaroslav Ryazansky, who in 1127 was expelled with his nephew Vsevolod, the son of Oleg Gorislavich. Yaroslav retained the Muromo-Ryazan land, which since that time turned into an independent principality. Chernihiv Earth was divided among themselves the sons of Davyd and Oleg Svyatoslavichi (Davydovichi and Olgovichi), who joined the fierce struggle for put on the station and the Chernihiv table. In 1127-1139, it was occupied by Olgovichi, in 1139 they were changed by Davydovichi - Vladimir (1139-1151) and his brother Izyaslav (1151-1157), but in 1157 he finally moved to Olgovich: Svyatoslav Olgovich (1157-1164) and his nephews Svyatoslav (1164-1177) and Yaroslav (1177-1198) Verv Vrowch. At the same time, Chernihiv princes tried to subordinate to themselves Kiev: Vsevolod Olgovich (1139-1146), Kiev (1146) and Izyaslav Davydovich (1154 and 1157-1159). They also fought with varying success for Novgorod the Great, Turov and Pin Principality and even for distant Galich. In the inner gravestics and in wars with the neighbors, Svyatoslavichi was often resorted to the help of Polovtsy.

In the second half of the 12th century, despite the fading of the genus Davydovich, the process of crushing the Chernihiv land is enhanced. It makes it drawn up Novgorod-Severskiy, Putivsk, Kursk, Starodubsk and the Moscow Principality; Actually, the Chernihiv principality was limited to lower gums, from time to time, including the Moscow and Starobudsky parish. The dependence of the princes-vassals from the Chernihiv regulator becomes nominal; Some of them (for example, Svyatoslav Vladimirovich Virginia at the beginning of the 1160s) show the desire for full independence. The fierce distribution of Olgovichi does not interfere with them to lead an active struggle for Kiev with Smolensk Rostislavichi: In 1176-1194, Svyatoslav Vsevolodich rules, in 1206-1212 / 1214, in 1206-1212 / 1214 with interruptions - his son Vsevolod is cryper. They are trying to entrenched in Novgorod Great (1180-1181, 1197); In 1205, they manage to master the Galician Earth, where, however, in 1211 they are comprehended by a catastrophe - three princes of Olgovichi (Roman, Svyatoslav and Rostislav Igorevichi) were captured and hanged by the sentence of Galician boyars. In 1210, they even lose the Chernihiv table, which two years goes to Smolensky Rostislavichi (Rurik Rostyslavich).

In the first third of the 13th century. The Chernihiv principality disintegrates into many small lots, only formally obeys Chernigov; Kozelskoe, Laustansk, Ryll, Snovskoye, then Trubuchevskoe, Glukhovo-Novosilskoe, Karachevskoye and Tuskaya Principality are highlighted. Despite this, Chernigov Prince Mikhail Vsevolodich (1223-1241) does not stop active policies in relation to neighboring regions, trying to establish control over Novgorod Great (1225, 1228-1230) and Kiev (1235, 1238); In 1235, he masters the Galitsky principality, and later with a moving parish.

The waste of significant human and material resources in civil strife and in wars with neighbors, the fragmentation of the forces and the lack of unity among the princes contributed to the success of the Mongol-Tatar invasion. In the fall, 1239 Bati took Chernigov and exposed the principality to such a terrible defeat that it actually ceased to exist. In 1241, the son and heir to Mikhail Vsevolodich Rostislav left his victob and left to fight Galician land, and then fled to Hungary. Obviously, the last Chernihiv prince was his uncle Andrei (the middle of the 1240s - the beginning of the 1260s). After 1261, the Chernihiv principality became part of the Bryansky principality, founded in another 1246 novel, the other son of Mikhail Vsevolodich; In Bryansk, the Chernihiv bishop moved. In the middle of the 14th century. The Bryansk Principality and Chernihiv lands were conquered by the Lithuanian prince by Olgere.

Muromo-Ryazan Principality.

It was occupied by the South-Eastern outskirts of Russia - the Oka Pool and its tributaries, the sturgeon and the Tsnya, Riphew of Don and Voronezh (Sovr. Ryazanskaya, Lipetsk, Northeast Tambov and South of Vladimir regions). Bordered in the West with Chernigov, in the north with the Rostov-Suzdal principality; In the east, his neighbors were Mordovian tribes, and in the south of Polovtsy. The population of the principality was mixed: here they lived both Slavs (curvitis, vetchi) and threatening Finns (Mordva, Murom, Meshchera).

In the south and in the central regions of the principality, fertile (chernozem and apodoline) soils prevailed, which contributed to the development of agriculture. Its northern part of the densely covered forests rich in game, and swamps; Locals were predominantly hunting. In 11-12 centuries. On the territory of the principality there was a number of urban centers: Murom, Ryazan (from the word "Rowa" - a shaky swampy place, crouched by shrub), Pereyaslavl, Kolomna, Rostislavl, Prison, Zaraysk. However, in terms of economic development, it lasted from most other regions of Russia.

The Murom Land was attached to the ancient Russian state in the third quarter of 10 V. Under the Kiev Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich. In 988-989, Vladimir Saint included her in the Rostov utility of his son Yaroslav Wise. In 1010, Vladimir allocated her as an independent principality to another Gleb's son. After the tragic death of Gleb in 1015, it returned to the composition of the grand-road domain, and in 1023-1036 he was part of the Chernihiv dot of Mstislava brave.

According to the will of Yaroslav Wise Murom Land, as part of the Chernihiv Principality, passed in 1054 to his son Svyatoslav, and in 1073 he handed it to his brother Vsevolod. In 1078, becoming the Grand Kiev Prince, Vsevolod gave Moor's sons of Svyatoslav Roman and Davyd. In 1095, Davyd lost him to Izyaslav, the son of Vladimir Monomakh, having received Smolensk in return. In 1096, Davyd's brother Oleg Gorislavich expels Izyaslav, but then he himself was expelled by the eldest brother Isslav Mstislav Great. However, by the decision of the Lishech Congress, the Murom Land as the vassal possession of Chernigov was recognized as a victim of Svyatoslavichi: Oleg Gorislavich was given to the lot, and for his brother Yaroslav, a special Ryazan parish was allocated.

In 1123, Yaroslav, who took the Chernihiv table, handed over to Murom and Ryazan in keeping his nephew Vsevolod Davydovich. But after the expulsion from Chernigov in 1127, Yaroslav returned to the Murom table; From this time, the Muromo-Ryazan land became an independent principality, in which the descendants of Yaroslav (the youngest Murom branch of Svyatoslavichi) were established. They had to constantly reflect the raids of Polovtsy and other nomads, which distracted their strength from participating in the societary princely gravestics, but not from the inner distribution involved in the crushing process (already in the 1140th on its south-western outskirts of the Yelets Principality). From the middle of the 1140th Muromo-Ryazan land became the object of expansion from the Rostov-Suzdal rulers - Yuri Dolgoruky and his son Andrey Bogolyubsky. In 1146 Andrei Bogolyubsky intervened in the conflict of Prince Rostislav Yaroslavich with his nephews Davyd and Igor Svyatoslavichi and helped them capture Ryazan. Rostislav retained MUROM; Only a few years later he was able to regain the Ryazan table. At the beginning of the 1160s, his grand nephew Yuri Vladimirovich was established in Murom, who became the hedleander of the special branch of Murom princes, and since that time the Murom principality was separated from Ryazan. Soon (by 1164) it fell into a vassal dependence on Vadimiro-Suzdal Prince Andrey Bogolyubsky; With subsequent domineering - Vladimir Yurevich (1176-1205), Davyda Yuryevich (1205-1228) and Yuri Davydovich (1228-1237), the Murom Principality gradually lost its meaning.

Ryazan princes (Rostislav and his son Gleb), however, had the active resistance of Vladimir-Suzdal aggression. Moreover, after the death of Andrei Bogolyubsky in 1174, Gleb tried to establish control over the entire Northeast Rus. In the Union with the sons of Pereyaslav Prince Rostislav Yurevich Mstislav and Yaropolk, he began the fight against the sons of Yuri Dolgoruky Mikhalko and Vsevolod, a large nest for Vladimir-Suzdal Principality; In 1176 he captured and burned in Moscow, but in 1177 he was defeated on the R. Koloksha, he was captured to Vsevolod and died at 1178 in the dungeon.

The son and heir to Gleb Roman (1178-1207) brought the vasal oath to Vsevolod a big nest. In the 1180s, he made two attempts to deprive the lotion of his younger brothers and unite the principality, but the intervention of Vsevolod prevented the implementation of his plans. Progressing crushing of the Ryazan land (in 1185-1186, the prince and Kolomensk principalities were distinguished) led to an increase in rivalry inside the princely house. In 1207 novels of the novel Gleb and Oleg Vladimirovichi accused him of a conspiracy against Vsevolod a big nest; Roman was called in Vladimir and thrown into the dungeon. Vsevolod tried to take advantage of these straits: in 1209 he captured Ryazan, put on the Ryazan table of his son Yaroslav, and the remaining cities appointed Vladimir-Suzdal Planting; However, in the same year, Ryazans expelled Yaroslav and his gender.

In the 1210th struggle for put on the station even more aggravated. In 1217, Gleb and Konstantin Vladimirovichi were organized in the village of Isada (6 km from Ryazan) the murder of six of their brothers - one native and five cousins. But the nephew of Roman Ingvar Igorevich won Gleb and Konstantine, forced them to escape to the Polovtsy Steppe and took the Ryazan table. During his twenty-year-old board (1217-1237), the crushing process took irreversible.

In 1237, Ryazan and Murom Principality were defeated by Horde Batya. Ryazan Prince Yuri Ingvarevich died, Murom Prince Yuri Davydovich and most local princes. In the second half of the 13th century. The Murom Earth came to complete launch; Murom bishopia at the beginning of the 14th century. was transferred to Ryazan; Only in the middle of the 14th century. Murom's dominated Yuri Yaroslavich revived his principality for a while. The forces of the Ryazan Principality, who was subjected to permanent Tatar-Mongolian raids, were undermined by the civilian struggle of the Ryazan and Prime branches of the ruling home. From early 14th century It began to test pressure from the Moscow principality arose on its northwestern borders. In the 1301 Moscow Prince Daniel Alexandrovich seized Kolomna and captured Ryazan Prince Konstantin Romanovich. In the second half of the 14th century. Oleg Ivanovich (1350-1402) was able to temporarily consolidate the forces of the principality, to expand its limits and strengthen the central government; In 1353, he took away from Ivan II Moscow Baddan. However, in the 1370-1380s in the period of struggle, Dimitry Donskoy with Tatars, he failed to play the role of the "third force" and create his center for the association of northeastern Russian lands .

Turovo-Pin Principality.

It was located in the river basin (South Sovr. Minsk, East of the Brest and West Gomel regions of Belarus). Bordered in the north with Polotsk, in the south with Kiev, and in the east with the Chernihiv principality, reaching almost to the Dnieper; The border with his Western neighbor is the Vladimir-Volyn principality - was not stable: the jerks of Pripyati and the Goryni Valley moved to Tourovsky, then to the Volyn princes. Turovskaya Land inhabited the Slavic tribe of Dregovich.

Most of the territory covered hardwood and swamps; Hunting and fishing were the main classes of residents. For farming, only individual areas were suitable; There used to be the urban centers - tours, Pinsk, Mozyr, hem, Clems, who, however, for the economic significance and population of the population could not compete with leading cities of other regions of Russia. The limited resources of the principality did not allow him to rule on equal footing in the community civilians.

In the 970s, the land of Dregovich was a semi-broadcasive principality that was in vassal dependence on Kiev; His ruler was a certain tour from which the name of the region was. In 988-989, Vladimir Saint highlighted the "Treesheskaya Earth and Pinsk" in the satisfied with his nephew, Svyatopolki Okyannoe. At the beginning of the 11th century, after the disclosure of the convulsion of Svyatopolka vs. Vladimir, the Turov Principality was included in the Grand Dianess domain. In the middle of the 11th century Yaroslav Wise handed him to his third son Izyaslav, the prince of the local prince of dynasty (Torovskaya Isaslavichi). When in 1054, Yaroslav died and Izyaslav took a high-grade table, the turning began to be part of its extensive possessions (1054-1068, 1069-1073, 1077-1078). After his death in 1078, the new Kiev Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich gave the Turovskaya Earth to his nephew Davyda Igorevich, who kept her until 1081. In 1088, she turned out to be in the hands of Svyatopolka, the son of Iaslav, who was in 1093 at the grand-and-drying table. By decision of the Lishech Congress, 1097, the turnover was enshrined behind him and for his offspring, but soon after his death in 1113 she moved to the new Kiev prince Vladimir Monomakh. By the section that followed the death of Vladimir Monomakh in 1125, the Turov Principality moved to his son Vyacheslav. From 1132 it became the object of rivalry between Vyacheslav and his nephew Izyaslav, the son of Mstislav the Great. In 1142-1143, Chernihiv Olgovichi was owned by a short time (the Great Kiev Prince Vsevolod Olgovich and his son Svyatoslav). In 1146-1147, Izyaslav Mstislavich finally expelled Vyacheslav from Turov and gave him to his son Yaroslav.

In the middle of the 12th century The Suzdal Branch of Vsevolodichi intervened in the fight for the Tour Principality: in 1155 Yuri Dolgoruky, becoming the Grand Kiev Prince, put on the tours of his son Andrey Bogolyubsky, in 1155 - another of his son Boris; However, they could not be held on it. In the second half of the 1150s, the Principality returned to Torovsky Izyaslavichi: By 1158 Yuri Yaroslavich, the grandson of Svyatopolk Iaslavich, managed to unite the entire Turov land under his authority. With his sons of Svyatopolka (up to 1190) and Gleb (up to 1195), she broke up into several lots. By the beginning of the 13th century. Activated acting Tourovskoye, Pinskoye, Slutsk and Dubrovitsky Principality. For 13 V. The process of crushing is inexorable progressed; Tours lost its role in the center of the Principality; Percentwes to acquire Pinsk. Weak small moldeds could not organize any serious resistance to external aggression. In the second quarter of the 14th century. Turovo-Pin Earth turned out to be a light prey of Lithuanian Prince Gedemin (1316-1347).

Smolensk Principality.

It was located in the Upper Dnieper basin (Sovol. Smolenskaya, Southeast of the Tver regions of Russia and the East of the Mogilev region of Belarus). Granited in the West with Polotsky, in the south with Chernigov, in the East with the Rostov-Suzdal Principality, and in the north with Pskov-Novgorod Earth. He was inhabited by the Slavic tribe of Cervic.

Smolensk principality had an extremely advantageous geographical position. The jerking of the Volga, Dnipro and Western Dvina convened on its territory, and it lay at the intersection of the two most important trade routes - from Kiev to Polotsk and Baltic States (on the Dnieper, then the wolf to R. Kasplya, the influx of Western Dvina) and in Novgorod and the Upper Volga region ( through Rzhev and Lake Seliger). Here, the cities have emerged early, which have become important trade and craft centers (Vyazma, Orsha).

In 882, Kiev Prince Oleg subjugated Smolensk Krivichi and planted in their land, which became his possession, his governors. At the end of 10 c. Vladimir Saint highlighted it in the lot of his son Stanislav, but after some time she returned to the grandfather domain. In 1054, on the will of Yaroslav Wise Smolenshchina moved to his son Vyacheslav. In 1057, the Great Kiev Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich handed it to his brother Igor, and after his death, 1060 divided by the Other Svyatoslav and Vsevolod. In 1078, by agreement of Izaslav and Vsevolod, Smolensk Land was given to the son of Vsevolod Vladimir Monomakh; Soon, Vladimir moved to the reign in Chernigov, and Smolenshchina was in the hands of Vsevolod. After his death in 1093, Vladimir Monomakh put in Smolensk his eldest son Mstislava, and in 1095 - another saint of Iaslav. Although at 1095, Smolensk land was in the hands of Olgovichi (Davyd Olgovich), the Lubachestrian congress of 1097 recognized her by the victim of Monomashic, and in her the sons of Vladimir Monomakh Yaropolk, Svyatoslav, Gleb and Vyacheslav.

After the death of Vladimir in 1125, the new Kiev Prince Mstislav the Great highlighted Smolensk Earth into the lot of his son Rostislav (1125-1159), the degree of the local Prince of Rostislavichi dynasty; From now on, she became an independent principality. In 1136, Rostislav achieved the creation in Smolensk the Episcopian department, in 1140 reflected the attempt of Chernihiv Olgovich (the great Kiev prince Vsevolod) to seize the principality, and in the 1150s he entered into the struggle for Kiev. In 1154 he had to give the Kiev table by Olgovichi (Izyaslav Davydovich Chernigov), but in 1159 he established himself on it (owned it until his death in 1167). Smolensk table, he gave his son to Roman (1159-1180 with breaks), who was inherited by his brother Davyd (1180-1197), son Mstislav Old (1197-1206, 1207-1212 / 1214), Nibehans Vladimir Rurikovich (1215-1223 in 1219) and Mstislav Davydovich (1223-1230).

In the second half of the 12th early 13 V. Rostislavichi actively tried to put control of the most prestigious and richest areas of Russia. Sons of Rostislav (Roman, Davyd, Rurik and Mstislav Brave) led a fierce struggle for the Kiev land with the older branch of Monomashic (Iaslavichi), with Olgovichi and Suzdal Yurevichi (especially Andrei Bogolyubsky at the end of the 1160s - early 1170s); They were able to entrenched in the most important areas of the Kyiv region - in the satellite, Ovrich, Vyshgorod, Torch, Trepolskaya and Belgorod Magon. In the period from 1171 to 1210, Roman and Rurik eight times sat down on a grand-pendant table. In the North, the object of expansion Rostislavichi was the Novgorod land: Davyd (1154-1155), Svyatoslav (1158-1167) and Mstislav Rostislavichi (1179-1180), Mstislav Davydovich (1184-1187) and Mstislav Mstislavich is a good (1210-1215 and 1216-1218); At the end of the 1170s and in 1210, Rostislavichi kept Pskov; Sometimes they were able to even create independent from Novgorod's diets (at the end of the 1160s - early 1170s in Torzhok and Great Luki). In 1164-1166 Rostislavichi owned Vitebsk (Davyd Rostislavich), in 1206 - Pereyaslavl, Russian (Ryric Rostislavich and his son Vladimir), and in 1210-1212 - even Chernigov (Rurik Rostislavich). Their success contributed to both the strategically favorable position of Smolensk region and relatively slow (compared to neighboring principalities) the process of its crushing, although some devices (Toropetsky, Vasilevsko-Krasnoyan) periodically allocated from it.

In the 1210-1220th political and economic importance of the Smolensky principality increased even more. Smolensk merchants became important partners of Hanza, as their trade agreement shows 1229 (Smolensk trading truth). Continuing the struggle for Novgorod (in 1218-1221 in Novgorod, the sons of Mstislava Old Svyatoslav and Vsevolod) and Kiev lands (in 1213-1223, with a break in 1219 in Kiev, Mstislav old was sitting in Kiev, and in 1119, 1123-1235 and 1236-1238 - Vladimir Rurikovich), Rostislavichi also strengthened their own on West and southwest. In 1219, Mstislav Old Garym seduced, which then moved to his cousin Mstislav to a remote (up to 1227). In the second half of the 1210 sons of Davyd, Rostislavich Boris and Davyd subjugated Polotsk and Vitebsk; Boris Vasilko's sons and Vyachko fought vigorously with the Teutonic Order and Lithuanians for a counterfeit.

However, from the end of the 1220s, the weakening of the Smolensk principality began. The process of its crushing for the removal intensified, the rivalry of Rostislavichi for the Smolensky table was aggravated; In 1232, the son of Mstislav Old Svyatoslav took Smolensk storm and exposed him to terrible defeat. The influence of local boyars has increased, which began to interfere in the princely gravestics; In 1239, the boyars were planted on the Smolensk table of the Vsevolod, the brother of Svyatoslav. The decline of the principality predetermined failures in foreign policy. Already by the middle of the 1220s, Rostislavichi lost a move; In 1227, Mstislav remotely gave way to the Galician land to the Hungarian King Andrew. Although in 1238 and 1242 Rostislavichi managed to repel the attack of Tatar-Mongolian detachments to Smolensk, they could not resist the Lithuanians who at the end of the 1240s captured Vitebsk, Polotsk and even Smolensk himself. Alexander Nevsky knocked them out of the Smolensk region, but the Polotsk and Vitebsk lands were finally lost.

In the second half of the 13th century. Davyd Rostislavich's lines were established on the Smolensk table: he was consistently occupied the sons of his grandson Rostislav Gleb, Mikhail and Feodor. With them, the decay of Smolensk land became irreversible; From it, Vyazemsky and a number of other diets were distinguished. Smolensky princes had to recognize the vassal dependence on the Great Vladimir Prince and Tatar Khan (1274). At the 14th century Under Alexander Glebovich (1297-1313), his son Ivan (1313-1358) and the grandson of Svyatoslav (1358-1386) the principality fully lost its former political and economic power; Smolensk soldiers were unsuccessfully tried to stop Lithuanian expansion in the West. After the defeat and death in 1386 Svyatoslav Ivanovich in the battle with Lithuanians on R. Lotzra under Mstislavl, the Smolensk Earth had addicted to the Lithuanian Prince Vitovt, which began to prescribe and dismiss Smolensk princes at his own discretion, and in 1395 established his direct rule. In 1401, Smolyan rebelled and with the help of Ryazan Prince Oleg expelled Lithuanians; Smolensk table took the son of Svyatoslav Yuri. However, in 1404, Vitovt took the city, eliminated the Smolensk Principality and included his land into the Grand District of Lithuania.

Pereyaslav Principality.

It was located in the forest-steppe of the Dnieper Levobasya and occupied the gums, the Sejm, Vorskla and the Northern Donets (Sovr. Poltava, East of Kiev, South Chernigov and Sumy, West Kharkov regions of Ukraine). Bordered in the West with Kiev, in the north with the Chernigov principality; In the east and south, its neighbors were nomadic tribes (Pechenegs, Torka, Polovtsy). The southeastern border was not sustainable - she moved into the steppe, then retreated back; The constant threat of attacks forced to create a line of border fortifications and to settle along the borders of those nomads who moved to a settled life and recognized the power of Pereyaslavian dominors. The population of the principality was mixed: here they lived both Slavs (Polyana, Northerners) and descendants of Alan and Sarmatov.

Soft moderate continental climate and apodoline black soils created favorable conditions for intensive farming and cattle breeding. However, the neighborhood with militant nomadic tribes, periodically devastated the principality, had a negative impact on its economic development.

By the end of the 9th century. On this territory there was a semi-state formation with the center in Pereyaslavl. At the beginning of the 10th century. It fell into a vassal dependence on Kiev Prince Oleg. According to a number of scientists, the old town of Pereyaslav was burned with nomads, and in 992 Vladimir Saint, during a campaign against Pechenegs, founded a new Pereyaslavl (Pereyaslavl Russian) at that place where the Russian deleting Yang Usmosvet defeated in the fight of the Pechenezh's hero. Under it, and in the first years of the reign of Yaroslav Wise Pereyaslavschyna was part of a grand-road domain, and in 1024-1036 he became part of the extensive possessions of Brother Yaroslav Mstislava brave on the left bank of the Dnieper. After the death of Mstislav in 1036, the Kiev Prince again took possession of her. In 1054, on the will of Yaroslav Wise, Pereyaslav Land passed to his son Vosvolod; From that time, it was mediated from the Kiev principality and became an independent principality. In 1073, Vsevolod handed it to his brother Great Kiev Prince Svyatoslav, who may have planted to Pereyaslav his son Gleb. In 1077, after the death of Svyatoslav, the Pereyaslavschina again turned out to be in the hands of Vsevolod; Roman's attempt, Son Svyatoslav, capture it in 1079 with the help of Polovtsy ended in failure: Vsevolod entered the secret agreement with Polovtsy Khan, and he ordered to kill the novel. After some time, Vsevolod gave the principality to his son Rostislav, after which his brother Vladimir Monomakh began to pronomize in 1093 (with the consent of the new Grand Prince Svyatopolka Izaslavich). By decision of the Lishech Congress, 1097 Pereyaslavsky land was fixed behind Monomasci. From this time, she remained their victim; As a rule, the Great Kiev Princes from the family of Monomashic allocated her sons or younger brothers; For some of them, the Pereyaslav reign has become a step to the Kiev table (Vladimir Monomakh itself in 1113, Yuropolk Vladimirovich in 1132, Iaslav Mstislavich in 1146, Gleb Yurevich in 1169). True, Chernigov Olgovichi tried several times to put it under their control; But they managed to master only the Bryansky post in the northern part of the principality.

Vladimir Monomakh, committing a number of successful campaigns against Polovtsy, secured for the time the southeast border of the Pereyaslavd. In 1113, he conveyed the principality to his son Svyatoslav, after his death in 1114 - another son Yuropolku, and in 1118 - another son Gleb. According to the will Vladimir Monomakh, Pereyaslavskaya Earth again went to Yaropolk. When Yaropolk in 1132 left to pronomize in Kiev, the Pereyaslav table became an apple of discord inside the house of Monomashic - between Rostov Prince Yuri Vladimirovich Dolgoruky and his nephews in Vsevolod and Izyaslav Mstislavichi. Yuri Dolgoruky captured Pereyaslav, but he cried there only eight days: he was expelled by the Grand Duke Yaropolk, who gave the Pereyaslav table to Izyaslav Mstislavich, and in the next, 1133, - to his brother Vyacheslav Vladimirovich. In 1135, after the departure of Vyacheslav, Yuri Dolgoruky again took possession of the jurisdown in Turovalval, who set Andrei Dobly there. In the same year, Olgovichi in the Union with the Polovtsy invaded the limits of the principality, but Monomashi combined their strength and helped Andrey to repel the attack. After the death of Andrei in 1142, Vyacheslav Vladimirovich returned to Pereyaslav, who, however, soon I had to transfer the reign of Izyaslav Mstislavich. When in 1146, Izyaslav took the Kiev table, he planted in Pereyaslavl his son Mstislav.

In 1149 Yuri Dolgoruky resumed the struggle with Izyaslav and his sons for dominion in South Russian lands. For five years, the Pereyaslav Principality turned out to be in the hands of Mstislav Iaslavich (1150-1151, 1151-1154), then in the hands of the sons of Yuri Rostislav (1149-1150, 1151) and Gleb (1151). In 1154, Yuryevichi was approved in the principality: Gleb Yurevich (1155-1169), his son Vladimir (1169-1174), Brother Gleb Mikhalko (1174-1175), again Vladimir (1175-1187), Yuriy Dolgorukova Yaroslav Red (up to 1199 ) And the sons of Vsevolod is a large nest Konstantin (1199-1201) and Yaroslav (1201-1206). In 1206, the Great Kiev Prince Vsevolod Smemny from Chernigov Olgovichy was planted in Pereyaslavl His Son Mikhail, who, however, in the same year he was expelled by the new Grand Prince Rürik Rostislavich. From this time, the principality was kept then Smolensk Rostislavichi, then Yuryevichi. In the spring of 1239, Tatar-Mongolian hordes invaded Pereyaslav's land; They burned Pereyaslavl and subjected to a terrible defeat principality, after which it could no longer be revived; Tatars included it in a "wild field". In the third quarter of the 14th century. Pereyaslavshchyna entered the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.

Vladimir-Volyn Principality.

It was located in the West of Russia and occupied an extensive territory from the Horovyev South Bug, in the south to the Verkhovyev Narov (Vistula's influx) in the north, from the Valley of the Western Bug in the West to R. Sunda (Priva) in the East (Sovr. Volynskaya, Khmelnitskaya, Vinnitsa, North of Ternopil, northeast Lviv, most of the Rivne region of Ukraine, West Brest and South-West of the Grodno region of Belarus, East of the Lublin and South-East of the Belostok Voivodeship of Poland). Branched in the east with Polotsk, Turov and Pinsky and Kiev, in the West with Galitsky Principality, in the North-West with Poland, in the southeast with Polovtsy steppes. There were people inhabited by the Slavic tribe of dlebov, who were later called with junisians or volyanyans.

South Volyn represented a mountainous terrain formed by the Eastern Sprogs of the Carpathians, North - lowland and wooded Polesie. A variety of natural and climatic conditions contributed to the economic diversity; Residents were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, and hunting, and fishing. The economic development of the principality favored his unusually favorable geographical position: through it the main trading routes from the Baltic States in the Black Sea and from Russia to Central Europe were held; At their intersection, the main city centers - Vladimir-Volynsky, Doronuchin, Lutsk, Berestye, Shhisv arose.

At the beginning of the 10th century. Volyn together with the territory of the territory (future Galician land) from the south-west of the territory (the future Galician land) was dependent on Kiev Prince Oleg. In 981, Vladimir Saintly joined the Poleshelskaya and Cherberry parishes selected by the Poles, moving away the Russian border from Western Bug to R. San; In Vladimir-Volynsky, he established the Episcopal Department, and the Volyn Earth itself made a half-pointed principality, transmitting it to his sons to his sons - Zavisda, Vsevolod, Boris. During the civil war in Russia in 1015-1019, the Polish king of Boleslav I brave returned a moving and cherry, but at the beginning of the 1030s, they were walked by Yaroslav Wisely, who also joined Belz Volyn.

At the beginning of the 1050s, Yaroslav put on the Vladimiro-Volyn table of his son Svyatoslav. According to Yaroslav's will, in 1054, he switched to another his son Igor, who kept him up to 1057. According to some reports, in 1060, Vladimir-Volynsky was transferred to the nephew of Igor Rostislav Vladimirovich; He, however, owned them for a long time. In 1073, Volyn returned to Svyatoslav Yaroslavich's high-rise table, who gave her to his son Oleg Gorislavich, but after the death of Svyatoslav at the end of 1076, the new Kiev Prince Izyaslav Yaroslavich took this area from him.

When Izyaslav died in 1078 and the great reign went to his brother Vsevolod, he planted in Vladimir-Volynsky Yaropolk, Son Iaslav. However, after a while, Vsevolod separated from Volyn a recessful and thermal parish from Volyn, passing them to the sons of Rostislav Vladimirovich (the future of Galitsky Principality). Attempting by Rostislavichi in 1084-1086, the Vladimir-Volyn table in Yaropolk was not crowned with success; After the murder of Yaropolk in 1086, the Grand Duke Vsevolod made the Volyn rulelore of his nephew Davyd Igorevich. The Lubache Congress 1097 secured Volyn after him, but as a result of the war with Rostislavichi, and then with the Kiev prince, Svyatopolk Iaslavivich (1097-1098) Davyd lost it. By decision of the fetal congress, 1100 Vladimir-Volynsky went to the son of Svyatopolka Yaroslav; Davyda went to Buzhsk, Ostrog, Chartersk and Duben (later Dorogoguz).

In 1117, Yaroslav rose against the new Kiev prince Vladimir Monomakh, for which he was expelled with Volyn. Vladimir handed it to his son to Roman (1117-1119), and after his death to another son Andrei Dobro (1119-1135); In 1123, Yaroslav tried to return his lot with the help of Poles and Hungarians, but died at the Siege of Vladimir Volynsky. In 1135, the Kiev Prince Yaropolk put on the place of Andrei his nephew Iaslav, the son of Mstislav the Great.

When in 1139 Chernihiv Olgovichi mastered the Kiev table, they decided to displace Montomascular with Volyn. In 1142, the great prince of Vsevolod, Olgovich managed to land in Vladimir-Volynsky instead of the Izaslav of his son Svyatoslav. However, in 1146, after the death of Vsevolod, Izyaslav seized the Grand Diction in Kiev and removed Svyatoslav from Vladimir, having highlighted him in the goet of Buzhsk and six more Volyn cities. From this time, Volyn finally passed into the hands of Mstislavichi, the older branch of Monomashic, who ruled it to 1337. In 1148, Izyaslav conveyed to the Vladimir-Volyn table to his brother Svyatopolk (1148-1154), who was inherited by his younger brother Vladimir (1154-1156) and Son Izaslav Mstislav (1156-1170). With them, the process of crushing the Volyn Earth began: in 1140-1160, Bujskoye, Lutsk and Perestopnitsky Principality were distinguished.

In 1170, the Vladimir-Volyn table was taken by the son of Mstislav Iaslavich Roman (1170-1205 with a break in 1188). His reign was marked by the economic and political strengthening of the principality. Unlike Galician princes, Volyn regulators had an extensive princely domain and were able to focus in their hands significant material resources. Protecting his power within the principality, the novel in the second half of the 1180s began to conduct an active foreign policy. In 1188, he intervened in civil engineering in the neighboring Galitsky Principality and tried to master the Galician table, but failed. In 1195, he entered the conflict with Smolensk Rostislavichi and ruined their possessions. In 1199 he managed to subordinate to the Galician land and create a single Galician-Volyn Principality. At the beginning of the XIII century. Roman spread its influence on Kiev: in 1202 he expelled Ryric Rostislavich from the Kiev table and planted his cousin ingvar Yaroslavich on him; In 1204, he arrested and tonsured in the monks re-established in Kiev Rüric and restored there ingvar. Several times he was invited to Lithuania and Poland. By the end of his reign, the novel became the actual hegemon of West and South Rus and called himself "King of Russian"; Nevertheless, he failed to end with feudal fragmentation - with him, the old and even new driving (Drogichinsky, Belz, Cherven-Holmsky) continued to exist on Volyni.

After the death of the novel in 1205 in the campaign against the Poles, there was a temporary weakening of the princely power. His heir to Daniel already in 1206 lost Galician land, and then was forced to flee from Volyn. The Vladimir-Volyn table turned out to be the object of rivalry between his cousin Ingvarem Yaroslavich and the cousin Yaroslav Vsevolod, who were constantly referred to support for the Poles, then to Higrand. Only 1212 Daniel Romanovich was able to establish himself at the Vladimiro-Volyn reign; He managed to achieve the elimination of a number of diets. After a long fight against Hungarians, Poles and Chernigov Olgovichi, he subordinated to 1238 Galician land and restored the Unified Galico-Volyn Principality. In the same year, remaining his supreme domineering, Daniel passed Volyko's younger brother Vasilko (1238-1269). In 1240, the Volyn land was ruined by Tatar-Mongol Ords; Vladimir-Volynsky is taken and looted. In 1259, Tatar commander Burunday invaded Volyn and forced Vasilko to distort the strengthening of Vladimir Volynsky, Danilov, Kremenets and Lutsk; However, after an unsuccessful siege of the hill, he had to retreat. In the same year, Vasilko reflected the attack of Lithuanians.

Vasilko inherited his son Vladimir (1269-1288). In his rule, Volyn was subjected to periodic Tatar raids (especially devastating in 1285). Vladimir regained many ruined cities (bastard and others), built a number of new (Kamenets on the salmon), erected temples, patronized trade, attracted foreign artisans. At the same time, he led permanent wars with Lithuanians and Yatvägami and intervened in the distinction of Polish princes. This active foreign policy continued and inherited to him Mstislav (1289-1301), the younger son of Daniel Romanovich.

After death ok. 1301 Baby Mstislav Galitsky Prince Yuri Lvovich again united Volyn and Galician land. In 1315, he failed in war with the Lithuanian prince hedemin, who took Berestye, Drogichin and besieged Vladimir-Volynsky. In 1316, Yuri died (perhaps died under the walls of the besieged Vladimir), and the principality was again divided: most of Volyn received his eldest son Galitsky Prince Andrei (1316-1324), and Lutsky, the youngest son Lion. The son of Andrei Yuri (1324-1337) was the last independent Galico-Volynsky rulela (1324-1337), after the death of which the struggle for Volyn lands between Lithuania and Poland began. By the end of the 14th century. Volyn entered the Grand Principality of Lithuania.

Galitsky Principality.

It was located on the south-western outskirts of Russia to the east of the Carpathians in the upper reaches of the Dniester and Prut (Sov. Ivano-Frankivsk, Ternopil and Lviv region of Ukraine and Zhemevskaya Voivodeship of Poland). It bordered in the east with the Volyn principality, in the north - with Poland, in the West - with Hungary, and in the south resigned to the Polovetsky steppes. The population was mixed - the Slavic tribes occupied the Dniester Valley (tivers and streets) and the headwaters of Buga (Duleba, or Bujana); In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Misley, Croats (Herba, Carps, Chroops) were dwelling.

Fertile soils, mild climates, numerous rivers and extensive forests created favorable conditions for intensive farming and cattle breeding. On the territory of the principality, the most important trading routes were held - river from the Baltic Sea to Black (through the Vistula, Western Bug and Dniester) and land from Russia to Central and South-Eastern Europe; Periodically spreading its power to the Dniester-Danube Nizin, the principality also controlled the Danube Communications of Europe with the East. Large shopping centers have arisen here: Galich, Peremisl, Terebell, Zvenigorod.

In 10-11 centuries. This area was part of the Vladimir-Volyn Land. At the end of the 1070s - early 1080s, the Great Kiev Prince Vsevolod, the son of Yaroslav Wise, allocated a rejoysk and terboovskaya parish from it and gave her grandchildren to her grandchildren: the first Ryrik and Volodyary Rostislavichi, and the second - their brother Vasilko. In 1084-1086 Rostislavichi unsuccessfully tried to establish control over Volyn. After the death of Rurik in 1092, the Volodar became the sole dominative of the Misley. The Lubachest Congress of 1097 secured the Menchlskaya for him, and for Vasilko TEREBOVLY POSITION. In the same year, Rostislavichi, with the support of Vladimir Monomakh and Chernigov Svyatoslavich, they reflected the attempt of the Grand Kiev Prince Svyatopolka Izaslavich and Volyn Prince Davyd Igorevich to seize their possessions. In 1124, Volodar and Vasilko died, and their deaths were divided among themselves their sons: Movzlyl went to Rostislav Volodarevich, Zvenigorod - Vladimirko Volodarevich; Rostislav Vasilkovich received the TEREBOVL region, allocation of a special Galician parish from it for his brother Ivan. After the death of Rostislav Ivan joined Terebooval to his possessions, leaving a small Bowlaskiy lot to his son Ivan Rostislavichu (Bldnik).

In 1141, Ivan Vasilkovich died, and the Terbovil-Galician parish captured his cousin Vladimirko Volodarevich Zvenigorodsky, who made Galich's capital of his possessions (from now on Galitsky Principality). In 1144, Ivan Berladnik tried to take away Galich from him, but failed and lost his Berladskaya lot. In 1143, after the death of Rostislav Volodarevich, Vladimirko turned on the press of his principality; Thus, he united under his authority all the Carpathian lands. In 1149-1154, Vladimirko supported Yuri Dolgoruky in his fight against Izyaslav Mstislavich for Kiev table; He reflected the attack of the ally of the Izyaslav of the Hungarian King Heyza and in 1152 he seized the top spokenier belonging to Izyaslav (the cities of Buzhsk, Shumvish, Schoml, Intyshev and Junnom). As a result, he became the ruler of a huge territory from the headwinds of San and Goryni to the middle course of the Dniester and the low-level Danube. Under it, the Galitsky principality became the leading political force in South-Western Russia and entered into a period of economic prosperity; His connection with Poland and Hungary strengthened; It began to experience a strong cultural influence of Catholic Europe.

In 1153, Vladimirko inherited his son Yaroslav Osmomysl (1153-1187), in which the Galician principality had reached the peak of its political and economic power. He patronized trade, invited foreign artisans, erected new cities; Under it, the population of the principality increased significantly. The external policy of Yaroslav was successful. In 1157, he reflected the attack on Galich Ivan Blightenik, who settled in the view and the rippler Galician merchants. When in 1159 Kiev Prince Izyaslav Davydovich tried to plant the power of the weapons to put Berladnik at the Galician table, Yaroslav in Union with Mstislav Izaslavich Volynsky defeated him, he drove him out of Kiev and handed over to the Kiev proncess Rostislav Mstislavich Smolensky (1159-1167); In 1174, he made the Kyiv prince of his Vassal Yaroslav Iaslavich Lutsky. The international authority of Galich is extremely increased. Author Words about the regiment of Igori described Yaroslav as one of the most powerful Russian princes: "Galician Ommomysl Yaroslav! / You are sitting on your cereal throne, / Mount Hungarian Mountains with its iron regiments, / standing in the king path, defending the Gate Danube, / sword of gravity through the clouds, / the courts of the row to the Danube. Your thunderstorms are lying on the lands, / Answering the Kyiv Gate, / Shoot from the golden throne of Saltanov for the lands. "

On the Board of Yaroslav, however, local boyars intensified. Like his father, he, in an effort to avoid crushing, passed the cities and parish in keeping not their relatives, and Boyars. The most influential of them ("great boyars") became owners of huge estates, fortified castles and numerous vassals. Boyar land tenure exceeded the princely sizes. The power of Galitsky Boyar increased so much that they even intervene in the internal conflict in the princely family: they burned the coaster to the coaster of Yaroslav Nastasya and forced him to give an oath to return Olga's legitimate spouse, daughter Yuri Dolgoruky.

Yaroslav bequeathed the Principality of Oleg, his son from Nastasya; He allocated a rejoicing volost to Vladimir's legitimate son. But after his death in 1187 boyars, Oleg overthrew and built on the Galician table of Vladimir. Vladimir's attempt to get rid of boyars' custody and edit Self in the next 1188 ended with his flight to Hungary. Oleg returned to the Galician table, but soon he was poisoned by the boyars, and Galich took the Volyn Prince Roman Mstislavich. In the same year, Vladimir expelled the novel with the help of the Hungarian King of Bella, but he gave the reign not to him, and his son Andrei. In 1189, Vladimir fled from Hungary to the German Emperor Friedrich I Barbarosse, promising him to become his vassal and Danistan. By the order of Friedrich, the Polish king Casimir II fairly sent his army to the Galician land, when he approached the boyars, Galic overthrew Andrei and opened the gate to Vladimir. With the support of the ruler of the northeastern Russia of Vsevolod, the Big Nest Vladimir was able to subordinate the boyarism and hold out in power until his death in 1199.

With the death of Vladimir, the genus of Galician Rostislavichi ceased, and Galician land became part of the vast possessions of Roman Mstislavich Volynsky, the representative of the older branch of Monomascy. The new prince conducted a terror policy towards local boyars and achieved his significant weakening. However, soon after the death of the novel in 1205 his power broke up. Already in 1206, his heir to Daniel was forced to leave Galician land and go to Volyn. A long period of Troubles began (1206-1238). Galician table passed to Daniel (1211, 1230-1232, 1233), then to Chernigov Olgovichi (1206-1207, 1209-1211, 1235-1238), then to Smolensky Rostislavichi (1206, 1219-1227), then to the Hungarian Korolev (1207-1209, 1214-1219, 1227-1230); In 1212-1213, the power in Galich even usurped the boyar - Volodislav Kormichich (a unique case in ancient Russian history). Only in 1238 Daniel managed to establish himself in Galich and restore the Unified Galico-Volyn Power in the same year, while remaining her supreme dominator, allocated Volyn to Vasilko's brother.

In the 1240s, the foreign policy position of the principality was complicated. In 1242 it was devastated by Horde Batius. In 1245 Daniel and Vasilko had to recognize himself by the danutrics of Tatar Khan. In the same year, Chernigov Olgovichi (Rostislav Mikhailovich), having entered into an alliance with the Hungary, invaded the Galician land; Only with a large voltage of the forces, the brothers managed to reflect the invasion, won on the river. San.

In the 1250s, Daniel launched active diplomatic activities to create an antitarian coalition. He concluded a military-political alliance with the Hungarian King of Belaya IV and began negotiations with the Roman dad Innocent IV about church Ulya, a cross campaign of European powers against the Tatars and recognizing the royal title. In 1254 the papal legate coronated Daniel by the Royal Crown. However, the inability of the Vatican to organize the crusade has taken off the issue of Unia from the agenda. In 1257, Daniel agreed on joint actions against the Tatars with the Lithuanian prince Mindovg, but the Tatars managed to provoke a conflict between allies.

After the death of Daniel in 1264, the Galician land was divided between his sons of Lvom, who received Galich, Peremyshl and Drogichin, and Schwarne, to which the hill, Cherven and Belz switched. At 1269, Svarrian died, and all Galician principality passed into the hands of Leo, which in 1272 moved his residence to Novostonated Lviv. The lion intervened in internal political patterns in Lithuania and fought (though unsuccessfully) with Polish Prince Leshko black for a Lublin parish.

After the death of Leo in 1301, his son Yuri again united the Galician and Volyn lands and accepted the title "King of Russia, Prince of Lodiria (i.e. Volyni)." He entered into an alliance with the Teutonic Order against Lithuanians and tried to achieve the establishment of an independent church Metropolis in Galich. After the death of Yuri in 1316, Galician land and most of Volyn received his eldest son Andrei, who in 1324 he was inherited by his son Yuri. With the death of Yuri in 1337, the eldest branch of the descendants of Daniel Romanovich, and the fierce struggle of the Lithuanian, Hungarian and Polish applicants for the Galician-Volyn table began. In 1349-1352, the Polish king Casimir III seized Galician land. In 1387, with Vladislava II (Yagaylo), she finally entered the compulculation speech.

Rostov-Suzdal (Vladimir-Suzdal) Principality.

It was located on the northeast outskirts of Rus in the Upper Volga basin and her tributaries of Klyazma, Unzhe, Sheksna (Sovar. Yaroslavl, Ivanovo, most Moscow, Vladimir and Vologda, Southeast Tver, West of the Nizhny Novgorod and Kostroma regions); in 12-14 centuries. The principality was constantly expanding in the eastern and northeastern directions. In the West, it bordered with Smolensky, in the south - with Chernigov and Muromo-Ryazan principality, in the north-west - with Novgorod, and in the East - from Vyatka land and Finno-Ugro tribes (Merry, Marie, etc.). The population of the principality was mixed: it was both Finno-Ugric autochons (mainly Merry) and Slavic colonists (mainly curviti).

Most of the territory occupied forests and swamps; The farm played a large role. Numerous rivers have abounded by valuable fish species. Despite the rather harsh climate, the presence of podzolic and ferrous-podzolic soils created favorable conditions for agriculture (rye, barley, oats, garden crops). Natural obstacles (forests, swamps, rivers) securely defended the principality from external enemies.

In 1 thousand AD The Upper Volga Pool inhabited the Ubro-Finn's Tribe of Merry. In 8-9 centuries. The influx of Slavic colonists, who moved both from the West (from the Novgorod Land) and from the South (from Dneprovye); In the 9th century They founded Rostov, and 10 V. - Suzdal. At the beginning of the 10th century. The Rostov Earth fell into dependence on Kiev Prince Oleg, and with its closest successors, he became part of the grand-road domain. In 988/989, Vladimir Saint highlighted her to his son Yaroslav Mudrom, and in 1010 handed over to his son Boris. After the murder of Boris in 1015, the Svyatopolk Okayann was restored by direct management of Kiev princes.

According to the will of Yaroslav Wise in 1054, the Rostov land moved to Vsevolod Yaroslavich, who in 1068 sent there to pronounce his son Vladimir Monomakh; With him, Vladimir was founded on R. Klyazma. Thanks to the activities of the Rostov bishop of Sv.LEONTI in this region, Christianity began to actively penetrate; St. Abraham organized here the first monastery (Bogoyavlensky). In 1093 and 1095 in Rostov, Son Vladimir Mstislav Great was sitting. In 1095, Vladimir allocated Rostov land as an independent principality into a lot of his son Yuri Dolgorukhu (1095-1157). Lubache Congress 1097 secured her behind Monomasci. Yuri suffered a princely residence from Rostov to Suzdal. He contributed to the final approval of Christianity, widespalled settlers from other Russian principalities, founded new cities (Moscow, Dmitrov, Yuriev-Polsky, Uglich, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, Kostroma). In his rule, Rostov-Suzdal Land survived the economic and political flourishing; Boyars and trading and craft layer increased. Significant resources allowed Yuri to intervene in the princely crossbursions and spread their influence on neighboring territories. In 1132 and 1135, he tried (though unsuccessful) to control Pereyaslav Russian, in 1147 he made a campaign to Novgorod the Great and took Torzhok, in 1149 he began the struggle for Kiev with Izyaslav Mstislavovich. In 1155 he managed to establish themselves at the Kiev Grand Space Table and consolidate for his sons to reassess.

After the death of Yuri Dolgoruky in 1157, Rostov-Suzdal Earth broke up into several lots. However, already in 1161, Yuriy Andrei Bogolyubsky (1157-1174) restored her unity, depriving the possessions of the three of his brothers (Mstislav, Vasilko and Vsevolod) and two nephews (Mstislav and Yaropolki Rostyslavichi). In an effort to get rid of the guardianship of the influential Rostov and Suzdal boyars, he suffered the capital in Vladimir-on-Klyazma, where there was a numerous trade and craft dressing, and, relying on the support of citizens and a squad, began to hold absolutist politics. Andrei refused complaints about the Kiev table and accepted the title of the great Vladimir Prince. In 1169-1170, he subjugated Kiev and Novgorod the Great, conveying them according to Brother Gleb and its ally Rurich Rostyslavich. By the beginning of the 1170s, dependence on the Vladimir table was recognized by Polotsk, Torovskoye, Chernihiv, Pereyaslav, Murom and Smolensk Principality. However, his campaign of 1173 to Kiev, who fell into the hands of Smolensk Rostislavichi, failed. In 1174 he was killed by boyars, conspirators in p. Bogolyubovo under Vladimir.

After the death of Andrei, local boyars invited his nephew Mstislav Rostislavich to the Rostov table; Suzdal, Vladimir and Yuriev-Polsky received Brother Mstislav Yaropolk. But in 1175 they were expelled by the brothers Andrei Mikhalko and Vsevolod, a big nest; Mikhalko became Vladimir-Suzdal, and Vsevolod - Rostov domineering. In 1176, Mikhalko died, and Vsevolod remained the sole ruler of all these lands, for which the name of the Great Vladimir Principality was firmly approved. In 1177, he finally eliminated the threat from Mstislava and Yaropolk, making them a decisive defeat on the R. Koloksha; They themselves were captured and blinded.

Vsevolod (1175-1212) continued the foreign policy course of his father and brother, turning into the main arbitrator among the Russian princes and the dictation of their will Kiev, Novgorod Great, Smolensk and Ryazan. However, during his life, the process of crushing the Vladimir-Suzdal Land began: in 1208 he gave Rostov and Pereyaslavl-Zalessky in the lot of his sons Konstantin and Yaroslav. After the death of Vsevolod in 1212 between Konstantin and his brothers Yuri and Yaroslav broke out in 1214 war, ended in April 1216 Konstantin's victory in the battle on R. Lipica. But, although Konstantin and became the great Vladimir Prince, the unity of the principality was not restored: in 1216-1217 he gave Yuri to the city of Gorodets-Rodilov and Suzdal, Yaroslav - Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, and his younger brothers Svyatoslav and Vladimir - Yuriev-Polsky and Starodib . After the death of Konstantin in 1218, Yuriy (1218-1238) took the lands of his sons Vasilko (Rostov, Kostroma, Galich) and Vsevolod (Yaroslavl, Uglich) with the lands of his sons of Vasilko (Rostov, Kostroma, Galich). As a result, Vladimir-Suzdal Earth broke up for ten specific princesses - Rostov, Suzdal, Pereyaslav, Yuryevskoye, Starodubsk, Gorodetskoy, Yaroslavl, Uglich, Kostroma, Galitsky; The Great Vladimir Prince kept only formal supremacy over them.

In February-March, 1238 Northeast Russia became a victim of Tatar-Mongol invasion. Vladimir-Suzdal regiments were crushed on r. City, Prince Yuri fell on the battlefield, Vladimir, Rostov, Suzdal and other cities were terrible defeat. After the departure of Tatars, the high-rise table was taken by Yaroslav Vsevolodovich, who handed Svyatoslav and Ivan Suzdal and Starodubsk, the older son of Alexander (Nevsky) Pereyaslavsky, and the nephew Boris Vasilkovich, Rostov Principality, which was separated by Belozerskaya Run (Gleb Vasilkovich). In 1243, Yaroslav received a label from Batya to the Great Vladimir Prince (mind in 1246). With his successors, Brother Svyatoslav (1246-1247), Sons Andrei (1247-1252), Alexander (1252-1263), Yaroslav (1263-1271 / 1272), Vasily (1272-1276 / 1277) and Dmitry's grandchildren (1277-1293 ) And Andrei Aleksandrovichi (1293-1304) The crushing process was increasing. In 1247, Tver (Yaroslav Yaroslavich) was finally imposed, and in 1283 - Moscow (Daniel Alexandrovich) of the Principality. Although in 1299, the Metropolitan, head of the Russian Orthodox Church, is moved from Kiev, the value of him as the capital gradually falls; From the end of the 13th century. Great princes cease to use Vladimir as a permanent residence.

In the first third of the 14th century. Moscow and Tver, which come into rivalry for the Vladimirsky Various Table, are beginning to play a leading role in Northeast Russia: in 1304 / 1305-1317, Mikhail Yaroslavich Tverskaya occupies, in 1317-1322 - Yuri Danilovich Moscow, in 1322-1326 - Dmitry Mikhailovich Tverskaya, in 1326-1327 - Alexander Mikhailovich Tver, in 1327-1340 - Ivan Danilovich (Kalita) Moscow (in 1327-1331 together with Alexander Vasilyevich Suzdal). After Ivan Kalita, he becomes a monopoly of Moscow princes (with the exception of 1359-1362). At the same time, their main rivals are Tver and Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod Princes - in the middle of the 14th century. Also take the title of the Great. The struggle for control over Northeastern Russia within 14-15 centuries. Completed by the victory of Moscow princes, which include the unpaved parts of the Vladimir-Suzdal Land in the Moscow state: Pereyaslavl-Zalessky (1302), Mozhaisk (1303), Uglichskoe (1329), Vladimir, Starodubskoye, Galitsky, Kostromskoye and Dmitrovskoye (1362-1364), Belozerskoe (1389), Nizhny Novgorod (1393), Suzdal (1451), Yaroslavl (1463), Rostov (1474) and Tver (1485) principality.

Novgorod land.

He occupied a huge territory (almost 200 thousand square meters. Km.) Between the Baltic Sea and lower life of Ob. Its Western border was the Finnish Bay and the Church of the Lake, in the north she included the Ladoga and Onega Lakes and reached the White Sea, the Pechora pool was captured in the east, and in the south, it was neighboring Polotsky, Smolensky and Rostov-Suzdal Principles (Sovr. Novgorod. Pskov, Leningradskaya. Arkhangelsk, most of the Tver and Vologda regions, Karelian and Komi Autonomous Republic). It was populated by Slavic (Ilmenie Slavs, Curivichi) and Finno-Ugric tribes (water, Izhora, Korela, Chud, the whole, Perm, Pechora, the blades).

The unfavorable natural conditions of the North prevented the development of agriculture; Grain was one of the main import items. At the same time, huge forest arrays and numerous rivers favored fisheries, hunting, furry; Great importance received the extraction of salts and iron ore. The Novgorod Earth since sincerversion was famous for various crafts and high quality handicrafts. Its advantageous location at the intersection of paths from the Baltic Sea to Black and Caspian provided it with the role of an intermediary in the sale of the Baltic States and Scandinavia with the Black Sea and Volga. Craftsmen and merchants, combined into territorial and professional corporations, represented one of the most economically and politically influential layers of the Novgorod society. In international trade, the highest stratum has actively participated - large landowners (boyars).

Novgorod land was divided into administrative districts - five, directly adjusted to Novgorod (Valya, Shelonian, Obony, Slander, Bezhetskaya), and remote parishes: one extended from the tricks and a hair to the Suzdal border and the Neighborhood of Onega, the other included the cloud (Othey Meternreach and Mezeni), and the third - the Earth east of Mezeni (Pechora, Permian and Ugra Edge).

Novgorod land was the cradle of an ancient Russian state. It was here in the 860-870s that a strong political education emerged, uniting the Pliilmensky Slavs, Polotsky Curvic, measuring, all and partially. In 882, Novgorod Prince Oleg subjugated the Pollas and Smolensk Crovics and suffered the capital to Kiev. From this time, the Novgorod land has become the second in the meaning of the region of Power Rurikovich. From 882 to 988/989, she managed the governors sent from Kiev (with the exception of 972-977, when she was the lot of Vladimir Saint).

At the end of 10-11 centuries. Novgorod land as the most important part of a grand-road domain was usually transmitted by the Kiev princes in the holding of eldest sons. In 988/989, Vladimir Saint put in Novgorod his eldest son High, and after his death in 1010 - another his son Yaroslav Wise, who, having occupied in 1019, the Grand Dummy table, in turn he conveyed to his eldest son Ilya. After the death of Ilya Ok. 1020, the Novgorod Land captured Polotsky ruler Bryachliglav Izaslavich, but was expelled by the troops of Yaroslav. In 1034, Yaroslav conveyed Novgorod to his second son Vladimir, who kept him to his death in 1052.

In 1054, after the death of Yaroslav Wise Novgorod turned out to be in the hands of his third son of the New Grand Prince Izyaslav, who ruled them through his governors, and then put in him his younger son of Mstislav. In 1067, Novgorod captured Vislav Bryachlivich Polotsky, but in the same year I was exconnered by Izyaslav. After the overthrow of the Izaslav from the Kiev table in 1068, Novgorodians did not obey Polotsky in Kiev and turned for help from Brother Iaslav Chernihiv Prince Svyatoslav, who sent her eldest son Gleb. Gleb defeated in October 1069 all the troops of all the troops, but soon, obviously, it was forced to transfer Novgorod to the Izyaslav returned to the grand-road table. When in 1073, Izyaslav again was overthrown, Novgorod moved to the Chernigovsky Svyatoslav, who was planted in him by another son Davyd. After the death of Svyatoslav in December 1076, the Novgorod table again took Gleb. However, in July 1077, when Izyaslav returned to himself a Kiev prince, he had to give him the saint, the son of the Kyiv prince of Izaslav himself. In 1078, the great prince Brother Iaslav Vsevolod retained Novgorod, and only in 1088 replaced him with his grandson Mstislav Great, son of Vladimir Monomakh. After the death of Vsevolod in 1093 in Novgorod, Davyd Svyatoslavich again sat down, but in 1095 he entered the conflict with citizens and left the reign. At the request of Novgorod, Vladimir Monomakh, then the Chernigov, then returned to them Mstislava (1095-1117).

In the second half of the 11th century. In Novgorod, economic power has increased significantly and, accordingly, the political influence of the boyars and the trade and craft layer. Large boyars land tenure has become dominant. Novgorod boyars were hereditary landowners and were not served class; The possession of the Earth did not depend on the service of the prince. At the same time, the constant shift in the Novgorod table of representatives of different princely genera prevented the formation of at least any significant princely domain. In the face of the enhanced local elite, the position of the prince gradually weakened.

In 1102, Novgorod tops (boyars and merchants) refused to take on the reign of the son of the New Grand Prince Svyatopolka Iaslavich, wishing to preserve Mstislava, and Novgorod land ceased to be part of the grand-road possessions. In 1117, Mstislav handed the Novgorod table to his son Vsevolod (1117-1136).

In 1136, Novgorod rebelled against Vsevolod. By accuse him in the bad government and disregard the interests of Novgorod, they planted him with his family in conclusion, and after a month and a half he expected from the city. From this time, the republican system was actually established in Novgorod, although the princely power was not abolished. The Supreme Government was the National Assembly (Veche), which included all the free citizens. The vessel possessed broad powers - invited and shifted the prince, elected and controlled the entire administration, solved the issues of war and the world, was the highest judicial authority, put pressure and duty. Prince from the sovereign ruler turned into a higher officer. He was the Supreme Commander, could convene the eve and publish laws if they did not contradict the customs; From his behalf, the embassies were sent and accepted. However, when electing, the prince entered with Novgorod to the contractual relationship and gave an obligation to manage "according to Starne", to appoint only Novgorod residents to the parish parish and not impose a tribute on them, to lead the war and conclude the world only with the consent of Wehte. He had no right to displaced other officials without trial. His actions controlled the electoral landanner, without the approval of which he could not make judicial decisions and appoints.

A special role in the political life of Novgorod played the local bishop (Lord). From the middle of the 12th century The right to choose it passed from Kiev Metropolitan by the evening; Metropolitan only authorized the election. Novgorod Vladyka was considered not only the main spiritual person, but also the first dignitorn of the state after the prince. He was the largest landowner, had his own boyars and rolling shelves with the banner and governors, certainly participated in the negotiations about the world and about the invitation of the princes, was an intermediary in domestic political conflicts.

Despite the significant narrowing of the princely prerogatives, the rich Novgorod land remained attractive for the most powerful princely dynasties. For the Novgorod table, first of all, the eldest (Mstislavichi) and the youngest (Suzdal Yurevichi) branches of Monomashic are competing; Chernihiv Olgovichi was trying to intervene in this struggle, but they sought only episodic success (1138-1139, 1139-1141, 1180-1181, 1197, 1225-1226, 1229-1230). At 12 in. The advantage was on the side of the genus Mstislavichi and its three main branches (Iaslavichi, Rostislavichi and Vladimirovichi); They occupied Novgorod table in 1117-1136, 1142-1155, 1158-1160, 1161-1171, 1179-1180, 1182-1197, 1197-1199; Some of them (especially Rostislavichi) managed to create independent, but short-lived principles (Novotorzhskoye and Velikoluksky) in the Novgorod land. However, in the second half of the 12th century. The position of Yuryevichi began to strengthen the position of the influential party of Novgorod boyars and, moreover, periodically put pressure on Novgorod, closing the path of the bread of bread from Northeast Rus. In 1147, Yuri Dolgoruky made a trip to the Novgorod land and captured Torzhok, in 1155 Novgorod methows had to be invited to the reign of his son Mstislav (up to 1157). In 1160 Andrei Bogolyubsky imposed Novgorod to his nephew of Mstislav Rostislavich (up to 1161); He forced them in 1171 to return to the Novgorod table with them Rüric Rostislavich, and in 1172 transfer him to his son Yuri (up to 1175). In 1176 Vsevolod, a large nest managed to land in Novgorod of his nephew Yaroslav Mstislavich (up to 1178).

At 13th century Yuryevichi (Vsevolod Line is a big nest) achieved a complete prevalence. In the 1200th Novgorod table occupied the sons of Vsevolod Svyatoslav (1200-1205, 1208-1210) and Konstantin (1205-1208). True, in 1210, the Novgorod residents were able to get rid of the control of Vladimir-Suzdal Princes with the help of Toropetsky rulers of the Mstislav successful from the genus Smolensk Rostislavichi; Rostislavichi held Novgorod to 1221 (with a break in 1215-1216). However, they were finally ousted from the Novgorod Land in Yuryevichi.

Success in Yuryevichi contributed to the deterioration of the foreign policy situation of Novgorod. In the context of the increased threat to its Western possessions from Sweden, Denmark and the Livonian Order, Novgorod residents needed union with the most powerful Russian principality - Vladimir. Thanks to this Union, Novgorod managed to protect his borders. Called to the Novgorod table in 1236 Alexander Yaroslavich, the nephew of Vladimir Prince Yuri Vsevolodich, in 1240 defeated the Swedes at the mouth of the Neva, and then stopped the aggression of German knights.

The temporary strengthening of the Prince of Power under Alexander Yaroslavich (Nevsky) was replaced at the end of the 13th early 14 century. Its complete degradation, which contributed to the weakening of the external danger and the progressive decay of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality. At the same time, the role of the Wern has decreased. In Novgorod actually established the oligarchic system. The boyars turned into a closed ruling Casta, who delivered power with the archbishop. The elevation of the Moscow principality under Ivan Kalita (1325-1340) and its formation as the center of the association of the Russian land caused concern from the Novgorod Rights and led their attempts to use the powerful Lithuanian principality as a counterweight: in 1333 the Novgorod table was first invited Lithuanian Prince Narimun Ghedeminovich (though he lasted only a year on it); In the 1440s, the Great Lithuanian Prince provided the right to collect irregular Dani from some Novgorod volosts.

Although 14-15 centuries. Steel the rapid economic heyday of Novgorod, largely obliged to his close relations with the Hanseatic Trade Union, Novgorod tops did not take advantage of them to strengthen military-political potential and preferred to bother from aggressive Moscow and Lithuanian princes. At the end of the 14th century. Moscow began offensive against Novgorod. Vasily I captured the Novgorod city of Bezhetsky, the wolf Lamb and Vologda with surrounding areas; In 1401 and 1417, he tried, however, unsuccessfully, wiping widen. In the second quarter of the 15th century. The offensive of Moscow has suspended due to the internecial war of 1425-1453 Great Prince Vasily II with his uncle Yuri and his sons; In this war, Novgorod boyars supported the opponents of Vasily II. After establishing the throne, Vasily II imposed a tribute to Novgorod, and in 1456 he joined him to war. The victims of the defeat in Russa, the Novgorod residents were forced to conclude a humiliating Jelubitsky world with Moscow: they paid significant conference and pledged to not enter into an alliance with the enemies of the Moscow Prince; Legislative prerogatives of Weff have been canceled and the possibilities of conducting independent foreign policy are seriously limited. As a result, Novgorod fell dependent on Moscow. In 1460, under the control of the Moscow Prince, Pskov was Pskov.

At the end of the 1460s in Novgorod, the praolithic party led by Wordets. She made the conclusion of an allied agreement with the Grand Lithuanian Prince Casimir IV and invitations to the Novgorod table of his goldenman Mikhail Oleolkovich (1470). In response, Moscow Prince Ivan III sent a large army against Novgorod, which defeated them on r. Shelon; Novgorod had to cancel a contract with Lithuania, to pay huge contact and yield a part of the clouds. In 1472 Ivan III annexed the Perm region; In 1475, he arrived in Novgorod and made a disappearance with anti-mobility tuned boyars, and in 1478 eliminated the independence of the Novgorod Land and included it in the Moscow state. In 1570 Ivan IV Grozny finally destroyed Novgorod liberty.

Ivan Krivushin

Great Kiev Princes

(From the death of Yaroslav wise to the Tatar-Mongol invasion. Before the name of the prince - the year of his entry into the throne, the figure in brackets indicates that the prince took the throne at once, if it happened again.)

1054 Izyaslav Yaroslavich (1)

1068 Vslav Bryachlivich

1069 Izyaslav Yaroslavich (2)

1073 Svyatoslav Yaroslavich

1077 Vsevolod Yaroslavich (1)

1077 Izyaslav Yaroslavich (3)

1078 Vsevolod Yaroslavich (2)

1093 Svyatopolk Izyaslavich

1113 Vladimir Verevolodich (Monomakh)

1125 Mstislav Vladimirovich (Great)

1132 Yaropolk Vladimirovich

1139 Vyacheslav Vladimirovich (1)

1139 Vsevolod Olgovich

1146 Igor Olgovich

1146 Izyaslav Mstislavich (1)

1149 Yuri Vladimirovich (Dolgoruky) (1)

1149 Izyaslav Mstislavich (2)

1151 Yuri Vladimirovich (Dolgoruky) (2)

1151 Izyaslav Mstislavich (3) and Vyacheslav Vladimirovich (2)

1154 Vyacheslav Vladimirovich (2) and Rostislav Mstislavich (1)

1154 Rostislav Mstislavich (1)

1154 Izyaslav Davydovich (1)

1155 Yuri Vladimirovich (Dolgoruky) (3)

1157 Izyaslav Davydovich (2)

1159 Rostislav Mstislavich (2)

1167 Mstislav Iaslavich

1169 Gleb Yurevich

1171 Vladimir Mstislavich

1171 Mikhalko Yuryevich

1171 Roman Rostislavich (1)

1172 Vsevolod Yuryevich (large nest) and Yuropolk Rostislavich

1173 Ryric Rostislavich (1)

1174 Roman Rostislavich (2)

1176 Svyatoslav Vsevolodich (1)

1181 Ryric Rostislavich (2)

1181 Svyatoslav Vsevolodich (2)

1194 Ryric Rostislavich (3)

1202 Ingvar Yaroslavich (1)

1203 Ryric Rostislavich (4)

1204 Ingvar Yaroslavich (2)

1204 Rostislav Rurikovich

1206 Ryric Rostislavich (5)

1206 Vsevolod Svyatoslavich (1)

1206 Ryric Rostislavich (6)

1207 Vsevolod Svyatoslavich (2)

1207 Ryric Rostislavich (7)

1210 Vsevolod Svyatoslavich (3)

1211 Ingvar Yaroslavich (3)

1211 Vsevolod Svyatoslavich (4)

1212/1214 Mstislav Romanovich (old) (1)

1219 Vladimir Rurikovich (1)

1219 Mstislav Romanovich (old) (2), perhaps with the son of Vsevolod

1223 Vladimir Rurikovich (2)

1235 Mikhail Vsevolodich (1)

1235 Yaroslav Vsevolodich

1236 Vladimir Rurikovich (3)

1239 Mikhail Vsevolodich (1)

1240 Rostislav Mstislavich

1240 Daniel Romanovich


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