Repair Design Furniture

What happens if the swamp dries up. Methods for draining swamps. Important steps in the construction of a drainage system

If the purchased suburban area is located on a peat bog, its owners will have to perform a number of works to improve the soil on it. The land in such places, unfortunately, cannot be considered too suitable for growing various kinds of crops. The soil in peatlands contains very little oxygen, which replaces methane. Also, such areas in spring and autumn turn into a real swamp due to flooding. How to drain the peat allotment if necessary - we will talk about this later in the article.

Ways to improve

In some cases, the problem of swampiness of the allotment can be solved in a very simple way - by adding a certain amount of land brought from outside. But, of course, it is possible to use such a technique only when water is collected at the site due to the fact that it is located in a lowland and has a relatively small size. In all other cases, water has to be diverted from the dressing.

The answer to the question of how to drain the site, in this case, can be two technologies:


    with piping.

The first method is considered the easiest. Open drainage in a wetland with your own hands will be absolutely easy to do. But when using pipes, you can equip a more efficient drainage system.

Diversion with ditches

This method is a good answer to the question of how to drain a swamp on a peat bog. The advantage of this method, among other things, is that when it is used, the owners will not have to spend a penny to drain water from the site. For drainage, in this case, a ditch about 50 cm wide and at least 1 m deep is dug along the edge of the allotment on the side that is located below the others.

If there is a slightly higher, also swampy neighboring area nearby, a trench should also be made on the border with it. This will close access to water from someone else's allotment.

Subsequently, in the process of execution on the site, various kinds of channels will need to be filled with all kinds of construction and garden waste. It can be, for example, stones, broken bricks, weeds, etc.

Benefits of using pipes

The open method of draining water through ditches is simple and cheap. However, this technique is used only in not very wetlands. In all other cases, it is advisable to equip allotments with full-fledged drainage systems using perforated pipes.

The answer to the question of how to drain the swamp in the garden, such technology in most cases is just perfect. The advantages of such outlet networks, among other things, include:

    more uniform and faster regulation of the water balance in the soil;

    the ability to cover the entire area of ​​​​the site.

When using such sleeves pass underground. Due to this, the usable area of ​​​​the site is not reduced. When growing garden crops on such an allotment, it will be possible to make beds, including directly above the pipes.

How to set up a closed system

In this case, ditches are also dug on the site to drain water. In this case, the main trench is located along the perimeter of the allotment. Next, ditches are dug over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe site.

When using this method of drainage, a waterproofing agent is laid at the bottom of the dug trenches - a thick film or roofing material. Next, a layer of medium-sized rubble or pebbles is poured into the ditches. Perforated pipes are laid on top. In order to prevent the holes of such drainage lines from becoming clogged in the future, they are pre-wrapped with geotextiles.

Pipes are connected at the points of convergence or intersection of ditches using tees or fittings-corners. Above these network elements, manholes made of plastic or concrete are necessarily equipped. If there are such additions in the system, in the future it will be very easy to eliminate blockages that appear in the highways and clean them from accumulating sludge.

What you need to know

Of course, in order for the water to subsequently leave the section through the pipes by gravity, they must be laid at a slope. Otherwise, it will not work to dry the dressing. Unfortunately, it is impossible to mount the drainage network lines under too great a slope. In this case, the pipes will subsequently silt up very quickly. It is also not worth doing a very small slope of the drainage channels. Otherwise, the system will subsequently work inefficiently.

In most cases, when arranging garden sewage networks, pipes are laid at an angle of 0.5 to 3 cm per linear meter. It is not worth deviating from these parameters up or down.

receiving well

How to drain the site with pipes, we thus found out. But where can you put the excess water itself? You can drain it from the site, if it is located on the outskirts, simply beyond its aisles - into some ravine, stream or pond. But if neighboring plots are located next to the swampy garden, a special well will have to be equipped to receive wastewater. If desired, such a container can also be built on a site located on the outskirts. After all, the water collected during drainage can later be used to irrigate the same beds.

Receiving wells are being equipped at the lowest point of the suburban area using the following technology:

    a hole is dug in the ground, into which the main drainage trench is inserted;

    the bottom and walls of the pit are concreted with a layer of 5-10 cm.

Of course, in the concrete structures of the well, when pouring, holes should be provided for the installation of pipes.

Instead of a concrete structure, plastic can also be used when arranging the drainage system. It will not be difficult to purchase such a container from companies specializing in the supply of equipment for drain systems.

receiving pond

In most cases, the owners of vegetable gardens on peat bogs, of course, equip a well to drain water. But instead of it, if desired, you can make an artificial reservoir on the site - a beautiful decorative pond. In this case, a foundation pit is also dug in the ground, but wider.

The bottom and walls of the pit for arrangement on the site of an artificial reservoir are thoroughly cleaned of roots and stones. Further, the pit is lined with a durable waterproofing material - best of all with a thick film. Through the holes in the film, drainage pipes are led into the pond. You can disguise them at the bottom, for example, with beautiful stones or some kind of aquatic plants. In summer, it will be possible to release even unpretentious fish from the aquarium into this reservoir. Spectacular marsh plants are usually planted around the pond.

Main difficulty

In principle, as you can see, the answer to the question of how to drain the area from water with your own hands is quite simple. The most difficult task in this case is likely to be the physically demanding excavation work. After all, there are actually a lot of ditches on the site. However, in order for such a system to work as efficiently as possible, it is, of course, necessary to lay trenches on the site, first of all, in the right places.

It is best, of course, to entrust the project of arranging the drainage system of a wetland allotment to a specialist. A professional will be able to take into account all the nuances of the relief of a particular area. However, projects of drainage systems in suburban areas are, unfortunately, quite expensive. If there is no money to order a pipe laying plan, you can try to develop it yourself. In order to find out where it is best to dig drainage trenches, you will have to wait for the first heavy rain. Observing the streams flowing down the ground, it will be possible to accurately determine the optimal location of the trenches.

How to drain a swamp: using moisture-loving plants

Of course, in most cases, it is possible to drain a wetland only in cardinal ways - by arranging ditches or laying pipes. But as an additional measure in such a garden, it is also worth planting plants that draw a lot of water from the ground. It can be, for example, willows, birches or maples. Such trees, since they have a significant height, are planted, of course, usually on the north side of the allotment. Otherwise, in the future, they will block plantings, which, in turn, can easily lead to a decrease in the yield of horticultural and horticultural crops.

The high level of groundwater in the area can also be reduced with the help of shrubs. For example, a lot of water from the soil can be taken by hawthorn, wild rose, vesicle, irga. Such plants can be planted around the perimeter of the site to create a hedge.

Methane in soil

Of course, after draining by open drainage or by laying pipes, the land on the site will, in any case, become more suitable for growing garden and horticultural crops in terms of composition. But in order to further improve its quality, site owners will have to:

    scatter a mixture of clay and sand over the site with a thin layer;

    carefully dig the allotment using a shovel or, preferably, a motor cultivator.

Of course, a very good solution would be to scatter around the site, in addition to clay and sand, before digging, also manure mixed with sawdust. This will not only improve the structure of the soil, but also make it more fertile and nutritious. The introduction of various kinds of mineral fertilizers into the soil will also make it more suitable for growing garden and horticultural plants.

Advantages of peatlands

So, we figured out how to drain the area from water with our own hands and improve the soil on it. Such an allotment can, of course, cause a lot of trouble for its owner. However, peatlands, in comparison with other types of soils, have their own advantages. For example, in such areas, plants usually tolerate winters much better. The earth on peat bogs is frozen slowly, in thin layers. At the same time, the soil on such allotments never freezes too deep. So on such an allotment, after it has been drained, you can plant, for example, heat-loving roses, apricots, etc.

To drain the swamps, open main ditches are used, which are located along and along the perimeter of the central road. In addition, to ensure the general flow into the main drainage network along the boundaries of the garden plot, it is necessary to dig ditches 40 cm wide and 30 cm deep.

If it is possible to negotiate with a neighbor, a drainage ditch is made along its perimeter to drain the site. Another option is to dig a separate small pit, which is filled with MSW and construction debris. From above, it is covered with a layer of soil up to 30 m thick. Such a ditch helps to remove excess water and lowers its level in the soil. It is often used for planting. A well up to three meters deep can play the same role.

It is possible to drain the soil with the help of a "hedge" of shadberry, wild rose, hawthorn, willow, sea buckthorn, etc. It is advisable to plant fruit trees in low areas that have a superficially located root system.

If the site has not been used before, it must be mastered. To do this, the top layer of earth is removed, which can be used to build a house, a summer kitchen, a barn and other household premises, lay paths in the garden. This land is used for filling pits for berry and fruit crops, as well as for a garden plot.

If tree stumps are removed with the help of special equipment, then infertile layers of earth appear on the surface, which will lead to compaction of the site and force you to cultivate it for a long time. To reduce the amount of work in the stump, it is worth making a recess and filling it with ammonium nitrate. The opening is closed at the top. After 2-3 months, the wood is set on fire with kerosene. The roots and stumps of the trees will be burned, making the area suitable for planting.

Wetland drainage






Made by geography teacher

Kolomiytseva O.V.


Topic. Swamps. Discussion on the topic "Draining the swamps"

Target: to form knowledge about the nature of Ukraine; give an idea of ​​the swamps, their geography, conditions of formation and significance; show the relationship of the components of nature; develop the ability to debate, create an image of an object; to cultivate love and respect for nature, an aesthetic perception of the world around.

Lesson type: combined

Equipment: tables, map, cards with questions.


I.Organizing time

Children, I want to start the lesson with the question "What mood are you in?" Start your answers with "My mood today..."

I wish you good mood, creative work, interesting communication and mutual understanding.

The topic of our lesson Discussion on the topic "Draining of swamps",

Expected results:

After the lesson we will be able to:

- explain the meaning of terms on the topic;

-- characterize the positive and negative consequences of draining swamps;

- Express your own opinion.

II. Motivation

Do you remember the Waterman song from the cartoon "Flying Ship?" “I am a Vodyanoy, I am a Vodyanoy, no one hangs out with me ...” - this character complains about life in the voice of the wonderful actor Papanov. He is not satisfied with both living conditions and neighbors - he is surrounded by "only leeches and frogs." In short, well, her into the swamp, such a life! The idea of ​​a swamp as an unattractive, unnecessary and dangerous place has developed among people for a long time. And only when a person began to drain them, he realized that swamps perform very important functions in nature. In today's lesson, we will try to highlight some issues regarding the drainage of swamps.

III. Updating of basic knowledge

Before starting the discussion, let's give the floor to the experts who prepared information about the swamps and their origin, as well as about land reclamation.

Help number 1.

A swamp is an area of ​​land with excessive moisture. They are formed in areas with a humid climate and rocks close to the surface and do not pass water well (waterproof). A characteristic feature of the swamps is the presence of a layer of peat, which is formed during the decomposition of plant remains.

Marshes are formed as a result of swamping of forests and meadows, due to the overgrowth of reservoirs. Clearings and burnt places in the forest become swampy especially quickly; in the forest-steppe and steppe, they are more often formed in more or less deep relief depressions, in floodplains and sandy terraces of rivers.

Many swamps were formed as a result of swamping of reservoirs. This is due to the overgrowth of water bodies with aquatic and wetland plants that take root in the bottom. First, mineral and organic silt is deposited at the bottom of reservoirs. (Mineral sludge is represented by sand, clay, lake marl, and organic sludge is formed from the remains of microscopic organisms, this sludge is called sopropel). After, as the reservoir becomes shallow, plants with floating leaves (water lilies, water lilies) are replaced by reeds, horsetails. Their remains settle at the bottom, the reservoir gradually becomes shallower and turns into a swamp, on which swamp vegetation settles, as a result, the remains of large plants are added to the soprotel, and gradually the deposits acquire the character of peat. After the reservoir becomes shallow, its overgrowth begins.

Help number 2

There are 2 main types of swamps - upland and lowland. In raised bogs, moisture mainly comes from the atmosphere with precipitation. A characteristic feature of these swamps is a powerful carpet of mosses. Growth often occurs faster in the center, and therefore they are sometimes called convex, and the convexity can reach 10 meters.

Raised bogs are impassable, groundwater in them is separated from vegetation by a thick layer of peat.

Lowland swamps are formed in lowlands, often a river valley or lake shore, the middle of which is located below the outskirts or at the same level with it.

The vegetation here is rich and varied. Sometimes these swamps accumulate peat and after hundreds of years can turn into raised ones.

In Ukraine, the most swampy territory is Polesye, in some areas it exceeds 10%, in the forest-steppe the swampiness is 1-5%, and in the steppe part of Ukraine it does not exceed 1%.

For economic purposes, swamps are often drained, and therefore destroyed. Drainage of swamps occurs during land reclamation.

Help number 3

Land reclamation (from Latin melioration - improvement) is a set of organizational, economic and technical measures aimed at improving land, plant, water and climate resources. Land reclamation makes it possible to change the complex of natural conditions on land in the direction necessary for humans, to create, in many cases, favorable conditions for the existence of useful flora and fauna, to increase soil productivity, and to ensure sustainable crop yields. Land reclamation contributes to the formation of a fodder base for animal husbandry, improves the recreational qualities of the area and the natural environment in general, creates conditions for the intensification of agricultural production and the inclusion in economic circulation of large areas of wetlands, swamps, and other inconvenient lands and territories.

Help number 4

With the help of reclamation measures, it is possible to improve both individual components of nature, such as soils, water resources, and landscapes as a whole. There are several types of land reclamation. So, for lands that have received the harmful mechanical influence of wind or water, measures are provided to prevent soil from being washed away by surface waters, blowing them out by the wind, as well as to combat landslides and ravines.

In Ukraine, measures for hydrotechnical land reclamation are of great importance. They are aimed at improving the water-air regime of peat-bog and waterlogged soils. These activities include drainage, construction of reservoirs, sluices, bilateral regulation of the water regime and other activities that are usually combined with the collection of boulders, cutting bushes, planning the surface of the territory.

Depending on the water sources of the wetlands, various methods of drainage reclamation are used, for example: draining with the help of canals, damming the areas to be improved in order to prevent flooding by surface water, building canals that intercept water that enters the wetland, etc.

We will get acquainted with the concept of melioration in more detail when studying the topic “Soils and land resources”.

Blitz Poll

IV. Learning new material

The attitude towards the process of draining swamps in the modern world is ambiguous. Now we will witness a discussion on this issue, in which children who prepared for this in advance will take part. Your task is to listen and answer questions for the analysis of the discussion (questions in the cards on the cards). Questions of introspection are immediately given to the participants in the discussion.

(To organize the work, the “aquarium” method is used).

Presentation Materials

First student. Many animals live in the swamps. Moose and wolves live in raised bogs in summer. Among the birds there are wood grouses and white partridges, which are attracted by berry bushes, and cranes live during the nesting period. In lowland swamps, the fauna is much more diverse and richer. From mammals there are: water rat, voles; their usual inhabitants are muskrat, otter, ermine. But there are especially many birds here: many species of shorebirds, for example, snipe, common gull, godwit; there are marsh harriers, herons, bitterns. During the nesting period and during migrations, there is a haven for waterfowl - geese and many species of ducks.

Wagtails, reed buntings and many other birds are also typical of swamps. Lowland swamps serve as a favorite location in spring for elk, in winter for hare, wild boars are found here. In case of drainage of swamps, some of the animals are doomed to death, the rest will be forced to go to more remote areas.

In addition, huge reserves of peat lie in the swamps.

Second student. In order to use peat, it is necessary to drain the swamps or, in any case, disturb the area where animals live; under other conditions, peat extraction is impossible. Raised bog peat deposits are mined for fuel for power plants only after being drained, layers of less decomposed peat are used to make insulating building materials, as well as bedding for farm animals. Peat is also used as an organic fertilizer, and after processing it gives a number of valuable chemical products.

The implementation of land reclamation plans allows us to create agricultural land on the site of "harmful" swamps, here we sow grasses, grow vegetables, grain crops, such as wheat, as well as industrial crops, such as hemp, flax. The swamps need to be drained.

Third student. I also believe that it is necessary to drain the swamps. What are we losing? In the swamps, the animal and plant world is poor and monotonous, but there are many mosquitoes, gadflies and other bloodsuckers. The bog is a serious obstacle during the construction of roads, during any other construction, during the search and extraction of minerals.

Do not forget that many swamps are impassable and people have died in them more than once.

Fourth student. We will understand those processes that are invisible at first glance. Getting into the swamps, the water is cleared by vegetation and a layer of peat. Flowing swamps can be called a kind of natural water filter. This is a dirty, unpleasant job, but it is necessary in order for clean water to flow into the rivers. Excess waters, such as those that have fallen to the ground in the form of heavy precipitation, flow through the swamps in "transit" and fall into rivers.

Peat and mosses of swamps tend to accumulate moisture, so swamps regulate the flow of surface and groundwater, they act like a pool with two water taps: the river becomes shallow - the swamp opens one tap and gives clean water, excess water opens another tap and the swamp takes excess water .

The swamps release moisture gradually, so rivers flowing through wetlands have little reins and last long enough to prevent catastrophic flooding.

Bogs increase the humidity of the air, soften the climate of the surrounding areas. Berries, herbs and other plants grow here, including medicinal and honey plants. In addition, scientists have proved that the air above the swamps is of the highest standard: clean and rich in oxygen.

So why destroy these landscapes created by nature?

Fifth student. However, the economic benefits of dehumidification are visible. I will give an example from Belarus. Here, the drainage of swamps and waterlogged lands began to be applied more than a hundred years ago. The total area of ​​drained land in this state is about three million hectares, which is about 20% of agricultural land, provides about 30% of vegetables and 40% of fodder.

Very important, albeit indirect, consequences of land reclamation work - they favor a decrease in the number of midges, ticks and other diseases, a decrease or destruction of foci of tick-borne encephalitis and other diseases.

Sixth student. And why don't you talk about other results of land reclamation? For example, a decrease in the areas of berry fields, an increase in the number of mouse rodents, excessive drainage of peatlands?

Russian scientists have calculated that as a result of reclamation of raised bogs from each hectare, an additional 1 m 3 of low-grade wood per year is obtained, but 600 kg of cranberries are lost. During the exploitation of 1 hectare of raised bog, the income from cranberries is 5-7 times higher than the income from wood. Many swamps need to be drained in order to further use them for agricultural and forestry purposes due to their impassability, as well as for economic reasons.

Seventh student. I know that in some cases dehumidification does not bring sufficient economic effect. To solve this problem, it is necessary to introduce scientific research and create protected areas. And there are such facts. So in Russia, some cranberry swamps are preserved in their natural state to support the conditions for growing and reproducing cranberries, and rational use of their reserves. On protected cranberry swamps, it is forbidden to disturb the current state of landscapes: land reclamation work is not allowed; plowing of land, grazing livestock, allocating plots for development, conservation and use of berry fields, mineral fertilizers and mechanized transport, mining, including peat extraction. In order to preserve the swamps in their natural state, they form a buffer zone around them with a width of 0.5 to 1.0 km, depending on the terrain, and adhere to the same protection regime as in the swamp itself. It also prohibits all types of human economic activity associated with the violation of the natural complex or its individual elements.

Eighth student. Indeed, in order to preserve individual reference landscapes that are not subject to reclamation, reserves are created in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, reclamation work is limited or prohibited on them, but these protected areas are very small in area in order to prevent negative changes in nature.

We also pay attention to the following facts: frosts are more frequent on drained lands, the frost-free period is shorter, land reclamation can lead to a decrease in the water level in wells, a sharp change in the composition and structure of fauna and flora, a violation of natural links between the components of nature on lands where melioration.

Ninth student. As you correctly noted, swamps were drained in Polissya for a whole century, starting from the 80s of the XX century. These works led to a decrease in the level and flow of water in such large rivers as the Dnieper, Southern Bug, Pripyat, to a decrease in the level of groundwater, and the death of forests and meadows.

I believe that swamps should be preserved. They create ecological balance in natural landscapes. Swamps located on watersheds are of great importance; rivers and streams originate here. Let me remind you that it is the rivers that provide water for agriculture, industry and, to a large extent, the population of the country.

V. Consolidation of the studied

We will start the discussion of the discussion with an introspection of the participants (the speeches of the participants in the discussion).

And now the guys who watched the discussion will speak (children answer questions to analyze the discussion)

VI. Summary of the lesson.

1. Moreover, “I draw a conclusion.”

Have we achieved the desired results?

Did you like the lesson?

What do you remember in particular?

2. Evaluation

For work with advanced homework, all children receive 10-11 points. For active participation in the discussion of the discussion also positive marks.

VII. Homework

Paragraph 25, 26; solve the logic chain.

There are two main ways of draining swamps: drainage by open ditches and drainage by drainage.

Drainage of marshes with open ditches are used in cases where it is impossible to lay underground drainage in newly developed swamps (from the proper settlement of the swamp to the compaction of the peat deposit).

An open drainage system consists of a conductive and control network of ditches. The first includes main canals flowing into water receivers (rivers, streams, etc.) and transport collectors flowing into main canals.

The purpose of the conductive network is to receive and divert water from the regulating network of ditches.

The regulating network includes drainage ditches that divert water from the area being drained. In addition, if necessary, upland ditches are also arranged to intercept surface water flowing into the swamp from adjacent hills, as well as trapping ditches to intercept the flow of soil-ground and groundwater.

The distances between the drainage ditches (with an average working depth of 80-90 cm) are determined mainly by the climatic conditions of the zone, the type and type of swamp and the composition of cultivated crops. As you move north, these distances gradually decrease.

Often swamps need not only drainage, but also bilateral regulation of the water regime. A swamp that is sufficiently drained for the spring period often turns out to be overdried in the summer. In addition, as mentioned above, agricultural plants in different periods of their growth and development require different conditions for the water regime of the soil.

There are three methods of bilateral regulation of the water regime of peat soils: infiltration of water from open channels or ditches, regulation of drainage flow, and additional installation of molehill drains.

With bilateral regulation of the water regime on the drainage network, a system of locks is installed according to the developed project, with the help of which water in canals and ditches either lingers at a certain level, or descends into them partially or completely.

In deep marshes with good to moderately permeable peat, locking does not require a more frequent network of ditches than is necessary for drainage; in the same swamps, but with poorly permeable peat, locking is effective only with mole drainage.

The main lock is installed in the upper part of the main canal, smaller locks - at the mouths of the transport collectors flowing into it.

Based on three years of experiments on the study of swamp locking, carried out in the field on three different types of developed low-lying swamps (state farm "Zarechye" and collective farm "Will Fighter" of the Byelorussian SSR, state farm No. 17 of the Oryol region), we can draw the following conclusions (A.I. Ivitsky):

  • locking in swamps with low and medium permeability of peat, underlain by loam, has little effect on the groundwater level and, after a long and large water backwater in ditches, spreads away from them only by 10-15 m;
  • in swamps with a shallow depth of peat, cut through by dryers and underlain by sand, locking affects groundwater quickly and, with a large layer of water in dryers, affects the entire width of the drained strips (60-80 m);
  • in swamps with a thick peat deposit, with good water permeability of peat, locking affects groundwater quickly, causing fluctuations in their level in strips 80 m wide;
  • The use of mole drainage when locking bogs makes it possible (with a small distance between drains) to regulate the level of groundwater and the moisture content of peat soil within the required limits even in poorly permeable bogs.

However, drainage systems in developed swamps, consisting of an open network of ditches, do not meet modern agricultural requirements due to small distances between ditches, which makes it impossible to effectively use agricultural machines and tools due to the loss of a significant part of the usable area (up to 10-15 %); spread along ditches of weeds, as well as diseases and pests of agricultural crops; significant increase in the cost of operation of drainage systems.

In this regard, open drainage systems in swamps should be gradually replaced by more advanced - closed or combined systems.

Drainage of swamps by drainage. With closed drainage, almost the entire drainage network (except for the main canals, and sometimes some of the first-order collectors) is underground. In this regard, the disadvantages that are characteristic of an open drainage network are almost completely eliminated.

Underground drainage provides faster and more uniform regulation of the water regime of the soil over the entire area of ​​the drained strips than an open drainage network.

According to S. G. Skoropanov’s calculations, based on the experiments and production data of the Byelorussian SSR, each hectare of peat-bog soils drained by closed drainage yields an average of 20-25% more agricultural output than a hectare of arable land drained by a network of open ditches.

V. S. Linevich (1951) found that the cost of tractor work in areas with a closed network is 33% lower than in areas with a dense network of open ditches. Of the various types of drainage, pottery drainage, which consists of tubes with an inner diameter of 4-5 cm (diameters of collector drains 7-20 cm), occupies the first place so far. This drainage works well and is distinguished by longevity (40-50 years or more). It is laid after the settlement of the swamp and the compaction of the peat deposit.

Plank tubular and grooved drainage works well (pipes of a quadrangular section 5 × 5 or 7X7 cm, knocked down from boards 12-20 mm thick, or pipes made from a stock with a hole diameter of 5-8 cm; collector cross-sections from 8X8 to 18X18 cm). The service life of such drainage is 15-20 years.

Mole drainage has given positive results in draining bogs without stumps with weakly and moderately decomposed peat and is currently used in some areas of the non-chernozem zone.

The technological process of laying mole drains is as follows: the working body (knife, saw or cutter) cuts the soil vertically to the entire drainage depth; a drainer, that is, a metal cylinder with a pointed front end, mounted at the end of a knife, pushes the soil apart and forms a molehill-like passage in the peat; the expander, moving behind the drainer, expands the drain to the required dimensions.

In swamps, drainers with expanders are used, making a drain with a diameter of up to 20-25 cm; such a size of the drain is needed because peat, due to its elasticity, expands again and reduces the cavity by 1.5-2 times, and sometimes even more.

The depth of laying molehill drains on peatlands is 0.8-1 m, the distance between drains is 10-30 m, the length of drains is from 200 to 400 m. . The service life of mole drainage in poorly and moderately decomposed peatless peat is on average from 3 to 5 years, in some cases longer.

On stumpy peatlands, wormhole drainage can be used, which is laid with a drainage-disk machine DDM-5 or a drainage-screw DVM, created by the All-Union Institute of Peat Industry.

Recently, plastic drainage has been tested for draining low-lying swamps. Viniplast pipes and seamless pipes made of high density polyethylene are used.

Two-year experiments (1963-1964) of the Belarusian Institute of Land Reclamation and Water Management showed that plastic drainage can be used both on virgin and already developed lowland bogs; that its drainage action is not inferior to that of pottery drainage; but the cost of this drainage is still high (about 350-380 rubles/ha).

Research work in the direction of improving the design and technology of laying plastic drainage, as well as reducing its cost, continues.

Detailed questions about the structures, conditions and techniques for installing various types of drainage are set out in special guidelines for hydromelioration.

The distances between drains and the depth of their laying depend on the permeability of peat, the nature of the water supply of the swamp, the amount of precipitation, evaporation, and the required depth of lowering the groundwater level for cultivated crops.

The Novgorod Bog Experimental Station (Novgorod Region) for field crop rotations in transitional swamps recommends distances between drains of 20-25 m at a depth of 0.8-1 m. In the northern regions (Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions, Karelian ASSR and Komi ASSR) and close to them transitional swamps for the same crop rotations, the distance between drains is 15-20 m at the same depth of laying drains.

According to the Minsk Bog Experimental Station, high yields of field crops, including vegetable and industrial crops, were obtained in lowland bogs at a distance between drains from 20 to 50 m and a depth of their laying from 0.9 to 1.2 m.

When draining the swamps of the northern, northwestern and central regions of the non-chernozem zone of the European part of the Union, the following approximate distances between drains are recommended.

Large distances between drains should be taken on weakly and moderately decomposed peat, since it is more permeable. For the northern regions, the interdrains are smaller, and for other regions - larger.

Combined dehumidification, that is, the use of open ditches in combination with closed drains (collectors are open, and dryers are closed), allows you to drain areas of such sizes that can fully meet the requirements of mechanization of field work and pasture use of marsh lands.

Drainage by more rare open or closed ditches in combination with molehill drains is currently a fairly common method of draining swamps. Mole drainage, as mentioned above, is laid on stumpless, and mole-slit drainage is laid on stumpy peatlands with a thickness of at least 1 m. also from their correct device (choice of diameter, slope and outlets to the collectors).

Low-lying and transitional bogs with well-decomposed peat, which is unstable for mole drainage, can be drained by combined drainage using various types of tubular drains - plank, pottery, plastic, etc.

Drainage of groundwater bogs, located mainly in the terraced parts of floodplains, has its own characteristics. Here, the system of deep trapping open ditches or drains, located in the zone of wedging out of soil-ground and groundwater, is of great importance. With ground-pressure supply, in addition to regulating the water intake, an additional drainage network is required.

On drained low-lying swamps, the so-called aeration mole is sometimes used according to the Tyulenev-Rudich method. This enhances the drainage effect of the network of ditches, and, in addition, improves the thermal and nutrient regimes of soils.

Mole removal is carried out with the help of a five-body machine KDM-6, developed by UkrNIIGiM. The bodies of this machine are 1 m apart from each other and can go deep into the peat bog up to 50-60 cm. The diameter of the molehills is 10-20 cm. The productivity of the machine is 1-1.2 ha/hour.

As special studies have shown, aeration mole-filling in the low-lying floodplain bogs of the Ukrainian SSR has a favorable effect on the water-air, thermal and nutritional regimes of peat soil, makes it possible to speed up the sowing time and significantly increases the yield of agricultural crops.

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It happens that a summer resident gets a wetland for use. There is little joy from this, but do not despair, because many effective ways have been developed to deal with this shortcoming. Even the territory of the world-famous Versailles was once an impenetrable swamp, and many botanical gardens, for example, in Sukhumi, are located where even a hundred or two years ago it was impossible to even pass.

swampy areas

Many try to deal with excess moisture by filling the area with brought sand or earth - this is a gross mistake that will not bring results. The swamp is very tenacious, being the most resistant hydraulic system, so in just a year or two the land will again become swampy. For an effective fight, you need to resort to other, longer, more complex and costly technologies, but all the efforts are worth it.

The easiest way to get a beautiful front lawn

Of course, you have seen the perfect lawn in the movies, on the alley, and perhaps on the neighbor's lawn. Those who have ever tried to grow a green area in their area will no doubt say that this is a huge job. The lawn requires careful planting, care, fertilization, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative tool - liquid turf AquaGrazz.

First you need to decide on the type of swamp, because they are lowland and upland, and the differences between them are very significant, therefore the methods of struggle are different. Lowland swamps are located in relief depressions, excessive moisture is observed due to the close occurrence of groundwater. In such areas, the soil itself is very fertile, contains a large amount of nutrients and even peat, but plants, and especially fruit and berry bushes and trees, grow poorly, disappearing in just a couple of years, so in order to grow a real garden and vegetable garden, and not a flower bed with unpretentious annuals, you will have to put a lot of effort.

Pond in the garden

Plants disappear due to the fact that the moist earth does not allow enough oxygen to pass through, and the roots suffocate, and groundwater contributes to their decay. Also, toxic products (aluminum salt, nitrates, various types of gases, acids) are often formed in wet swampy soil, preventing plant growth.

Methods for draining lowland swamps

Drainage of lowland swamps is possible using the following methods:

Help from professionals

You can invite a team of specialists who, with the help of pumps, will almost instantly pump out all the excess water from the site, significant drainage can be observed on the same day. But it is quite expensive, and sometimes the problem of waterlogging comes back.


The introduction of sand in equal proportions with the parent rock improves the quality of the soil, and air exchange is also enhanced. In order to improve the yield of the resulting soil, it is recommended to add humus to it, which will allow you to grow vegetables and herbs on the site.


In order to effectively and permanently drain a swampy area, all experts recommend making drains or drainage. It is best done with a plastic pipe system with small holes in the walls. They should be laid in specially dug ditches with a depth of about 60-70 cm for clay, 75-85 for loam and up to a meter for sandy areas. Drains need to be pulled out with a slope, so the water in them will not stagnate, but will be able to drain into a sewer, well or pond, this should be the lowest point of the site.

Trees in the swamp

The most efficient way is to use a herringbone system, in which small pipes collect excess moisture from the entire area and carry it to the main pipe, which removes water from the area. In swampy garden farms, as a rule, there is already a common drainage ditch, in case of its absence, water can be diverted to the nearest reservoir. You can also dig a well, the lower boundary of which will be below the groundwater level, fill it with rubble, water will flow into it. With such an integrated approach, the drainage of the site will be noticeable in a couple of days - a week. The drains themselves can be covered with earth, but to facilitate their care, they can be covered with gravel or crushed stone.

open ditches

To remove excess moisture directly from the surface of the earth, open ditches can be made, the edges of which should be beveled by about 20 degrees to avoid shedding, but this method is not used in sandy areas, since the ditches quickly collapse and the sand is washed out. This method of drying is very common, it can be seen in almost every garden. The disadvantage of this method is the gradual sprinkling, clogging of the watercourse with plant particles and debris, and water blooming, so these structures must be regularly cleaned with a conventional shovel.

French ditches

In France, the drainage of wetlands is carried out using deep ditches covered with rubble. For the system to be effective, you must either dig trenches and lead them into a well, or dig ditches to a layer of sand that will let water through. Such ditches are more aesthetic, do not clog and do not bloom, but when they are clogged with earth, cleaning is very complicated. But the ditch can be disguised as a path, strewn with pebbles, rubble, or laid out wooden slices on top.


The technology of their work is similar to ditches, for this it is necessary to dig holes a meter deep, about half a meter in diameter at the bottom point and up to two at the top. They should be dug at the lowest points of the site, and then covered with rubble. All excess water will drain into such wells.

dig a pond

After the construction of a decorative pond, excess water will drain into it and evaporate, and soon there will be a significant draining of the site. For these purposes, the Cross Canal was built a long time ago in the French residence of the monarchs of Versailles - the effectiveness of the method is obvious.

Drainage of swampy areas

tree planting

Some tree species can save a wetland from waterlogging. The most useful for these purposes willow and birch, which can evaporate a large amount of moisture through the leaf blades. These trees qualitatively dry nearby soil areas, however, it may take several years to completely drain the area. You can think over the design of the site in advance, initially planting only moisture-loving crops, and when the trees have completed their task, move on to the desired plant species.

Raised beds

In order to be able to grow vegetables and herbs, wetland owners should make high beds, so excess moisture will collect in the ditches between the beds, and the areas themselves will become noticeably drier. Moreover, there is such a pattern: the higher the site is raised, the more diverse crops can be grown on it. Many people think that farming is impossible in waterlogged areas, but one need only look at photographs of a Dutch or Finnish garden surrounded by a complex system of canals to be convinced of the effectiveness of the method. Indeed, in these countries, with the help of technology and labor, almost everything is grown, and they also make good money on it.

imported soil

It is possible to raise the level of the site with the help of additionally imported land, which, after plowing, will mix with fertile, but heavy marshy soils, as a result, the site will become suitable for growing crops and very fertile, experts note that cultivated marshy lands do not require fertilization for several more years.


It is not necessary to fight the swampy area, it is interesting to beat the unusual moisture content of the summer cottage: dig a pond, plant it with moisture-loving plants, choosing the design of a traditional swamp corner. In such conditions, lingonberries, cranberries, iris, Volzhanka, hydrangea, rhododendron, spirea, thuja, chokeberry and cotoneaster feel great. Fern and girlish grapes will complement the beauty of the swamp garden. Perhaps you will like such beauty so much that you no longer want to change anything.

Arrangement of a reservoir

The raised swamp is formed on watersheds, that is, hills, and does not depend on the level of groundwater. Excess moisture in such areas is formed due to the fact that incoming precipitation is delayed, not being able to seep below due to the impermeable horizon, most often it is clay. The soil of raised bogs is not very fertile and rather acidic. To use such areas, it is necessary to reduce the acidity of the soil; dolomite flour, slaked lime and chalk are suitable for this. Also, fertile land and manure must be constantly brought to such places in order to get a plot suitable for growing vegetables in a couple of years.

Becoming the owner of a swampy area, do not despair, because if you know what and how to do it right, you can not only make this piece of land suitable for growing vegetables, berries and fruits, but also build a country house on it. It is only necessary to approach this important matter comprehensively, responsibly and wisely. From the foregoing, we can conclude that there are a huge number of ways to deal with a wetland, but it may turn out that even these effective methods will not help, and then it remains only to accept and equip such a site in the country. To do this, there are a huge number of different effective ways that will help even decorate such a site.