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Idea inspirer Old Believers Protopop Avvakum. Protopop avvakum. Biography. The history of life and death. Life of Protopopopa Avvakuma

« Circle of jealousness piety"- a circle of spiritual and secular persons who have grown in the late 40s and early 50s of the 17th century around the confessor of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Stephen Voniphava. It included: Fedor Mikhailovich Rtishchev, Novospassky Nikon (later - Patriarch), abbot of the Kazan Cathedral Cathedral - In the cult architecture, the Cathedral is called the main temple of the city or the monastery, where the Higher Self-serving is committed (Patriarch, Archbishop). The architecture of the cathedral is usually distinguished by the monumentality of forms, reflects the trends of the dominant architectural style of its time.

The most famous cathedrals of the Paris Mother of God, Saints Peter in Rome, Paul in London, Sofia Cathedrals in Kiev and Novgorod, Cologne Cathedral in Germany.

In cities there are several cathedrals, often the cathedral is called a big temple.

Ivan Nedon, Protopope Avvakum, Loggin, Lazar, Daniel.

Members "Mug ..." stand out for their education. They were united by the desire to raise the church and strengthen its influence on the folk masses People - The population of the state, a single socio-economic and political community, regardless of division into national community. In the general sense, the concept of "people" means separate from other national-cultural communities, the boundaries of the settlement of which usually do not coincide with state borders. In this sense, the term "people" is synonymized by the concepts of "nation" or "ethnic community". . The organization sets its purpose to combat disadvantages and vices among the revival of church Church (From Greek Kyriake (Oikia), literally - God's house) - the concept of the mystical community of believers ("faithful"), which is carried out by the unity of a person with God through joint participation in the "sacraments" (first of all the Eucharist).

Universal ("Ecumenical"), "Cafe" ("Cathedral") Character of the Church as a mystical "body of Christ" and "Fullness of the Holy Spirit" makes it impossible to identify any ethnic, political and other community (tribe, nation, state). sermons and other means of exposure to the masses. Thanks to the support of the king, who was carefully referred to the advice of his confessor, "Circle of Jealous Piece" actually became the ruler of the Russian Church. With the entry of Nikon to the patriarch (1652), the circle collapsed. Many of his members became active split figures.

The greatest defender of the old faith was a priest and a professioner Protopop Avvakum. He was born in 1620 in the village of Grigorovo in the family of the priest Peter. His countrymen were Patriarch Nikon and Bishop Paul.

Avvakum's father died early. Mother, humble landing and prayer room took up the education of children. When Avvakum turned seventeen years old, she decided to marry him. Then the young man prayed to the Mother of God, asking his wife - a helper to salvation.

The wife of Avvakum became a pious maiden Anastasia, the daughter of the Blacksmith Mark. She loved the Popovsky Son and prayed to marry him. So, by mutual prayers, they were combined with marriage. So Avvakum acquired a faithful companion, comforting and strengthened him in a serious godine.

From their native places, newlyweds moved to the nearby village of shovels. According to the custom of that time, the son of the priest inherited the ministry of his father, so in 22 years old Avvakum was delivered to Deacon, and two years later - Ieeem to the church of shovels.

The young, but zealous and beloved priest brought the wrath of rural chiefs who did not bother with intercession for sirah and poor. Avvakum was beaten, and then kicked out of the village.

With his wife and newborn son, the pop in Moscow is looking for protection. The metropolitan clergy has taken the heat of Avvakum. Protopop John Neroov presented him with Alexey Mikhailovich.

Having received a security certificate, Avvakum returned to the shovels, but here he was waiting for new troubles. And in 1652 the priest again went to look for truth in the capital. Here Avvakum was determined by Protopop to the cathedral of the small town of Yuryevts. But here it was expected to persecute. The local clergy, dissatisfied with the severity of a young protopopa, was swaying on him citizens. Already avoiding death, Avvakum went to Moscow again.

When, at the beginning of the Great Post of 1653, the Patriarch Nikon sent a decree on the introduction of new rituals on the temples, Avvakum wrote a petition in the defense of ancient church adolescence and filed her king. Scripture hit the Patriarch, who ordered to grab the protopopop and put in the dungeon.

Nikon wanted to deprive Avwakum Sana, but the king stood up not to touch his acquaintance. Then the Patriarch exiled a priest with his family to Siberia, to the city of Tobolsk. In the autumn of 1653, the Protopop was held with his wife and Chads in a crowded path.

In Tobolsk, Avvakum continued to preach, pouring and turning Nikon. And soon from Moscow, a decree came: Avvakum with his family to go to a more stringent link - to Yakutsky Ostrog. But halfway the protopopopa caught up with a new command: to go to a long trick with a governor Pashkov.

In the summer of 1656, Pashkov's detachment went down. For Avvakum, the most gravity of the treasures dropped out. It seemed that he would not survive in this hell: hunger, cold, unbearable work, illness, death of children, voevodskoy disfavor.

But in 1662 the Protopope came permission to return from the link. Two years, the priest with households traveled to Moscow. Seeing that everywhere serve on new books, Avvakum was upset. Grave Duma overwhelmed it. Jealousy about the faith came up with concerns about his wife and children. What to do? Protect the old faith or throw everything?

Anastasia Markovna, seeing her husband to poured, alarmed:

- What is wicked?

- Wife, what to do? Winter heretical in the yard. Talk to me or silence? Tied you

me! - In the hearts told Protopop.

But the spouse supported him:

- Lord have mercy! What are you, Petrovich, say? I bless you with children. Dare to preach the Word of God is still, but about us are not tales. While God will do, we live together, and when they will separate, then you do not forget our prayers. Look, go to church, Petrovich, give the heresy!

Engraved with support for a beloved person, Protopop all the way to Moscow, in all cities and villages, in churches and at the auction was preached by the Word of God and the innovation of Nikon's innovation.

In the spring of 1664, the exile reached the capital. Soon, rumor about him spread around the city. Universal respect and attention caused the resilience of the righteous, not broken by reference, and the greatness of his feat.

Alexey Mikhailovich himself took a protopopop and spoke to him with merciful words. Using this, Avvakum filed two petitions to the king, which urged to refuse new books and all the undities of Nikon.

The hardness of the priest annoyed the sovereign. And soon Avvakum was again sent to the link. At first, his family was lucky to the north, in the distant emotor officer. But from the road he sent a letter to the king, begging to spare his deubsions and soften the punishment. The sovereign donated Avvakum with his family to live in a large village of Mezen near the White Sea.

In the spring of 1666, Avvakum in custody was taken to Moscow for the court at the church cathedral. Protopopa to admit new rites and reconcile with their supporters to all the cathedral, but he was adamant:

- If God will die me to die, do not join with apostate!

After a long dispute about the faith of the Protopopa, San's deprived. Avvakum and three jealous defenders of Orthodoxy (Priest Lazar, Deacon Feodor and Inok Epiphany) were sentenced to imprisonment in the emotionist. In December 1667, the sufferers of Christ came to their last terrestrial journey, which became a terrible earthy prison.

For many years held a protopop in a gloomy dungeon, but did not fell in spirit. Sincere faith and unceasing prayer encouraged him. In the Epos, in the cold pit, in the pitch darkness, with the crimgum smoke of Luchin Avvakum wrote numerous messages to Christians, the petition king and other writings. Here, by the blessing of the confessor, the ink of the epiphany, the Protopope took up for his glorified "Life".

Ponya in these Scriptures live and loudly sounds throughout Russia's voice of Saint Avvakum:

- Let's, brothers, good, will be courageous, do not conquer the blessed. Although the Nikonian seeps us to overcome the flour and sorrows from Christ, and whether it is enough to humiliate Christ? Our glory is Christ! Our statement is Christ! Refuge our - Christ!

In 1681, Protopopa was accused of spreading scriptures against the king and the highest clergy. A Grozny order came to Eproyersk: "For the great on the royal house of Hula" burn in Sruba Avvakum and his comrades. In the Great Heels - April 14, 1682 - Protopop Avvakum, Pop Lazar, Deacon Feodor and Inok Epiphany were executed.

Avwakum Petrov (Petrovich) - Protopop of the city of Yuryevtsa-Volzhsky, one of the first and most remarkual figures of Russian old estate ("split"). Avvakum was born around 1620 in the village of Grigorov, Priniotinsky County, Nizhny Novgorod province, in the family of a priest. Early lost his father, he married a 19 year old at the instructions of the mother, finding his long-suffering life in his wife later. Around 1640, Avvakum Petrovich was appointed a priest village of Lopathiz, and then translated into the city of Yuryevts, from where it was to flee to Moscow, due to the branches of the parishioners and local authorities for sharp decisions in different vices. In Moscow, thanks to his friends, the royal confessor Stepana Vonfatyev and Protopopa of the Kazan Cathedral Ivan Neponov, Avvakum was brought to participate in the correction of liturgical books, which then Patriarch Joseph continued on the oldest old-line Slavic originals.

Protopop avvakum, Old Believer Icon

From 1652, after the death of Joseph, the book of book correction continued the new Patriarch Nikon, but now in Greek samples. For the revision of book texts to the detriment of Russian proverbs, many people from Malorossey, a student of the Kiev-Mogilyan bursa, who were considered then (but hardly fairly) more educated than local, Moscow beginners. Nikon made one of the main proverbes and the eastern agent of the Arseny of the Greek - personality, morally suspicious. Previously, during his life in Turkey, Arseny Greek under the pressure of Ottomans was denied Christianity and took the Muslim faith, even tricking. Now this recent decrave was made by one of the reform managers in order to give the Russian church "Right" liturgical texts. New provers also began to introduce strange, unusual features to church rituals, changing the clergy, the decoration of churches, the appearance of liturgical acts. Nikon initially desoped that his foreign employees were better formed than Great Most. However, the falsity of these statements turned out very soon. It has become noticeable that people of the Patriarchs do not know what texts are more reliable. The new editors of books in Nikon were almost annually, and every updated publication has changed not only the former Russian text, but very often those "edits", which were made in the books by Patriarch's employees shortly before.

The dominance of foreigners in the correction of the books of alien Russia of foreign Russia caused a sharp opposition from the prominent national church figures, including Avvakum Petrovich. New proverbes declared the previous great Russian saints (Sergius of Radonezh, Kirill Belozersky, Joseph Volotsky, Nile Sorsky, etc.) Hardly not heretic, who did not know the true faith. The most important national cathedrals (as passing under Ivan the Terrible Stroke) were now equated almost to heretic gatherings. Russian patriots not without reason began to fear the perversion of the purity of the ancient faith and piety. It was clear that Nikon himself started the reforms most of all in ambitious purposes: this coarse, unmarried, but energetic, ruthless and ambitious man wished to put himself with a creator of some great spiritual renewal (in which the Russian church, actually, did not need) to then exceed By his authority of the king of Alexei Mikhailovich, then another inexperienced young man.

Having a rare energy and burdens, being a resistant adherent of Russian national principles, Avwakum Petrov first made a decisive protest that did not stop until the end of his life, despite the harsh persecution, first from Nikon, and then in general secular and spiritual authorities. Already in September 1653, Avwakum for opposition to Patriarch was thrown into the basement of the Andronievsky monastery, and then Sylaned to Tobolsk. He did not cease to be "jealously scolding Yerez Nikonov", as a result of which he was translated further, in Yeniseisk, and then at the beginning of the rude and cruel governor Athanasia Pashkov, who had the commission to conquer Dauria (Transbaikal region). Six years spent Avwakum Petrov in Daursk Earth, reaching Nerchinsk, scolders and Amur. For the prepositions of the actions of the governor, he was repeatedly subjected to cruel deprivation and tortures.

Travel Avvakum in Siberia. Artist S. Miloradovich, 1898

Meanwhile, in Moscow, the Patriarch Nikon was discovered in Moscow, the Patriarch Nikon was defeated in a fight with secular authority. However, surrounding Alexei Mikhailovich Boyar, pushing the nicon himself, did not want to reject his reforms. Starting the struggle with the Poles for Malorosia, the king cherished then the utopian hope in the sooner time to expel the Turks from Europe, to free and unite the entire Orthodox world. Niconianism, replaceable russian Orthodoxy Orthodoxy nonationalational It seemed useful for this ghostly projit. The church "reform" was in line with the interests of the Moscow authorities, but they needed to finally eliminate from the Patriarchard Thron of the too rushing in personal claims of Nikon. It was decided to use some old-belt leaders against him. Among them, and Avvakum in 1663 allowed to return to Moscow, but after a year this non-prompt, not inclined to play the role of the toy in other people's hands Patriot was exiled from the capital to the Mezen, where a year and a half remained.

In 1666, during a trial of Nikon, with the participation of the Eastern Patriarchs brought together by the Moscow Government, Avvakum Petrov was brought to Moscow. The cathedral occurred there (who condemned Nikon's personally for attempts to become above the king, but approved and finally approved his reforms) tried to incline Avvakum to the abandonment of his Russian-national opposition. But Avvakum remained adamant and in 1667, along with other patriots - Pope Lazarem and Deca Feodor - was exiled to the emotionist in the Pechora. After a 14-year-old, complete harsh deprivation of the conclusion, during which he did not cease to teach like-minded Old Believers through the Messages, Avvakum Petrov was burned. The pretext of the execution was put by the Avvakum letter to the admirer of Nikon King Fedor Alekseevich, where the author again sharply condemned the church "reforms" and argued that the deceased Alexei Mikhailovich is now being tormented on that light. The burning took place in Popozersk on April 1, 1681. Avvakum and his comrades courageously accepted their martyrdom.

The burning of the Avvakum Protopopa. Artist P. Myesiedov, 1897

In the personality of Avvakum Petrova, a prominent figure of Russian old-believe, which now lives him traditions, is given an example of heroic standing for the idea. Avvakum was one of the greatest leaders of the Old Russian literature. It is attributed to more than 37 writings, mainly theological and polemical content, including amazing in the syllable and description of the Avtobiography experienced MUK ("Life"). Part of Avvakum's Scriptures is now lost. Instead of the image of the "fanatical obscurity", Avvakum Petrov appears in his books formed by the person by the person responsive soul and a sensitive conscience.

Books from Avvakum Petrov:

"Materials for the history of the Russian split" N. Subbotina (in the preface is given by the biography of Avwakum).

04/14/1682 (27.04). - KazNen Protopop Avvakum, the largest figure of early old-believe

Avvakum Petrovich (1620 or 1621-1682) - Protopop, an ideologist and one of the leaders, was distinguished by rare spiritual dating, energy and stubborn will (the opposite side of these qualities was a very difficult criticantic nature). Basic information about their lives Protopop Avvakum outlined in autobiographical "Life" and other writings.

Born in p. Grigorovo "in the Nizhizhsky Terminal" in the family of a priest. Early lost his father and brought up a manty mother. At the age of 19, he married a mother's instruction, finding a faithful friend of his long-suffering life in his wife; They had 5 sons and 3 daughters.

Having moved to with. The shovels of the same county, Avvakum in 1642 was ordained in Diacon, and in 1644 - in the priest. In the summer of 1647, he ran with his family from the persecution of the local "chief criticized by him" to Moscow, where he found support from the royal confessor Stephen Vonifatyev, the advocate of piety, after which he returned to his ruined house in shovels. From that time, Avvakum began to maintain active contacts with the Moscow "Circassian Jealous Circle" and consistently implement their plans for the correction of morals. Because of this, he entered the permanent conflicts both with flown and with the authorities, causing universal discontent. There was no bit and expelled with his wife and the juvenile son.

Looking for protection, in May 1652, Avvakum again headed to Moscow, was given the appointment in Yuryevts-Pobetsky, where he was put in Protopa. And in a new place, Protopop Avvakum also restored Mianyans and the clergy against himself, after 8 weeks it was cruelly beaten by a crowd and fled to Moscow. Here he began to serve in the Kazan Cathedral, whose protopopic was his patron - the head of the "jealousness of piety" Protopop John Neron. He introduced Avwakum.

Protopop Avvakum was brought to participate in the correction of liturgical books, undertaken by Patriarch Joseph (due to expansioned after 1564) and consistent with them with more ancient old-line Slavic originals. From 1652, after the death of Joseph, the case of book correction was continued, but in Greek originals, and previous proverbs, including Avvakum, who did not know the Greek, were removed. Kiev and Greek proverbs were caused to Russia, to whom the distrust arose due to the suspicion of the infection of Latin heresy (terrible Russia in the XV century was still alive in memory). The domineering Patriarch, who does not own Greek, completely trusted the Greeks and demanded that all the non-changeing obedience, without conducive to patient clarifications and persecution.

The new procedure for the correction of books caused opposition from adherents of the inviolability of the rite, which began to see in the authority of Nikon hidden encroachment for the purity of the ancient faith and piety. Possessing a huge energy and fanatic zador and being a stubborn adherent of the antiquity, Avvakum first spoke out against the "Firefloor Jealousy" ("It's necessary to have it, it is so in the eyelids!"), For which in September 1653 was concluded in the basement of Andronievsky The monastery, then exiled with his family to Tobolsk, but since it did not stop "Zeragene Nikonov," Jurso, I was translated into Yeniseisk, and then at the beginning of the Strict Governor Athanasi Pashkov, who had the commission to conquer Dauria (Transbaikalska obl.). Six years spent Avvakum in wandering over the Daurgy land, right up to Nerchinsk, chille and Amur, and for the crusions of actions, the governors have repeatedly subjected to punishments. During the years, two sons died from hunger and needs of Avvakum. In response to the active resistance of Avvakum and his associates, the Cathedral of 1656 betrayed Anathema and cursed all the disobedient churches of the followers of the couplers (finding in this connection with heresy of non-traditional), which aggravated the conflict.

In 1658, the relations of the king and the patriarch became conflict, and in 1661 the king allowed Avvakum to return to Moscow, possibly, hoping to attract him to his side as a famous opponent of Nikon. Returning through the entire Siberia was dragging until 1663. In Moscow, Avvakum was suled by the position of the Printed Crossroads and Money, but Avvakum did not come with his faith for the sake of "Sweetness of the century of this century and bodily joy." He argued with the royal confessor Lukyan Kirillov, prominent slanders and bishops - "On the addition of fingers, and about the Trega of Alliluya, and about other dogmas", became the spiritual father of the boyfriend F.P. Morozova, her sisters princess E.P. Urusova and many other Moscow "Starlomers". A year later, for this activity, as well as as a result of the petition, the all-Russian church was infused in the heresy, Soslant was at the meter, where he stayed about a year and a half.

It should be noted that the relationship between the king and the patriarch in 1658 was broken by the Boyar's miscarios, who prevented the severity of the Patriarch and who because he wrote indictment denunciations in the "encroachment on the rights and integrity of the royal power". The boyars encouraged the supporters of the old rite against demanding Nikon. Nikona, disagree with the actions of the king, had to leave the Patriarch throne and retire to the Resurrection Monastery on Istra. And after his care, the most cruel persecution of old-handers began (in which Nikon also unfairly accused).

In late 1665 - early 1666, in connection with the preparation for the Church Cathedral for the election of a new patriarch (began in February 1666), the leaders of the Old Believers opposition were arrested. On March 1, 1666, Avvakum was brought to Moscow, where in the cathedral held at this time they tried to make him abandon confrontation. Nikon was condemned, declared a simple monk and sent to a reference to Ferapontov and Kirillo-Belozersky monasteries. In addition, many bishops came to the Cathedral to the rightful opinion, which, claiming the "new rite", should not be announced by the heretical old one, because the differences are insignificant. But Avvakum, together with like-minded people, remained adamant in the rejection of the "new rite". After a stormy controversy on the Cathedral of the Avvakum Protopop and his like-minded people, Deacon Fyodor Ivanov and Suzdal Ieria Nikita Dobrynin, were on May 13, 1666. San and Anathematized in, after which they were chained in the chains, were placed in the Nikolsky Ugrel Monastery, where June 2 Fedor And Nikita repented and signed certificates required from them. Avvakum remained adamant and was transferred to the jail of the monastery.

The new cathedral of 1667 was more cruel: he announced the old rite of "heretical" and decided to punish the "heretics" civil executions, which was officially fixed officially. Avvakuum, Past Lazar and Solovetsky Inoka Epiphany for their perseverance was sentenced - reference to the emotionist in the Pechora, in the "place of the tundry, student and flavored", and the Lazarius and Epiphany cut the languages.

At first, they still had the opportunity to communicate freely to each other, as well as maintain links to the external mir. The devoid of literature necessary for work, Avvakum and his counterparts nevertheless continued to expose "Nikonian" innovations in their writings. In the same chamber sent at the same time, the King Avvakum wrote that they were in vain left from the church and called heretics, because, in this case, all the former previous Russian hierarchs and sovereigns who kept old rites deserve such fate. In his opinion, the main responsibility for all the decisions of the church lies on the king itself.

As a result of these Scriptures in 1670, a new wave of repressions began with respect to adherents of old rites. In March, the students of Avvakum Fedor Yurody and Luka Lavrentievich were hanged on Mezeni. The sons of Avvakum Ivan and the procopy were also sentenced to hanging, but they were "obeyed" and were planted with the mother in an earthen prison. On April 14 of the same year, the second "execution" of the empty "prison sedellets" (Lazari, Fyodor Ivanovo and Epiphany resented the languages \u200b\u200band struck their right hand), Avvakum was indicated "instead of the death penalty" to keep in a prison on bread and water. The deterioration of the position of the empty prisoners occurred due to the spread of their scriptures.

15 years old Avvakum lived in Sruba, in an earthen prison, where there was about 70 works, including the famous Orthodox autobiography experience in Russian literature, where the author's fate and Russia XVII is described in the Russian literature. This work has repeatedly translated into foreign languages.

Having survived Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the Protopop Avvakum turned to a new one with a muster petition, in which the son fastened with the death of the father for the indulgence of Nikonianam. And "for the Great to the royal house of Hula" Avvakum was burned in a litter together with three other prisoners.

The burning of the Avvakum Protopopa. G. Myatseedov. 1897

From the point of view of historical facts, Avvakum and his supporters were in many ways: not Russian, and the Greeks retreated from the tradition. Rus adopted Christianity in the studiosky charter (which in Greece was later ousted by Jerusalem), while retaining the old rites until the XVII century. An ancient form had the two of allilia's word. Two-percent crosses in the Orthodox East preceded two hundred. The "old" two hundred in Byzantium remained in the XII century.

At the same time, it should be noted that fierce disputes about the correctness of two-stop or three-in-law were only a tribute to the peculiarities of different historical eras, but the Godoslovski did not contradict each other. Here is the historian of the church N.F. Cappaev explained the meaning of the other custom.

"Why the Greeks an ancient first-grayster unioferine in the glory sign was replaced later (no later than the beginning of the IX century) two-way - it is clear. When the heresy of monophysites appeared, then she took advantage of the dotole of the resulting obstacle form - the only one for the propaganda of his teaching, since he saw in one-hour symbolic expression of his teachings about the unified nature in Christ. Then Orthodox, contrary to monophysites, began to consume two two in the procession, as the symbolic expression of the Orthodox teaching about two nature in Christ. It happened that one-portion in the procession began to serve as an external, visual sign of monophimitism, and two hundred and Orthodoxy ...

The struggle and permanent joint resident with Monophysitis explains the fact that the fact why two so long was kept in the Konstantinople church, and then between the Syrian Orthodox Christians, and why the three-flow, this, apparently, the most natural form of obstacles, could become in the Greek Church Mothering custom only in the later time, when the struggle with the monophimitism has already completed ...

If the appearance of two and the duration of its existence in the Orthodox Greek church depended exclusively from the monophimitis, only during the fight against it had its own special meaning and the importance, how soon the struggle against the monophimitis ceased, the Greek Constantinople Church, wanting the most form of obstacles not only from monophysites-single-propellers, but also from Nestorian, always strictly kept two-way, as they connected their heretical doctrine of the connection in Christ two natures, and in two two, they saw a symbolic expression and confirmation of their heretical teachings, - replaced two more natural And inceptive to each Christian, in addition to the religious features, three-work, as expressing the chief, the main dogma of Christianity is the doctrine of the Holy Trinity. This change in the Greeks of obstacles in the procession - from two-time in the three-perception occurred, as you can think, at the end of the XII century and lasted until the end of the XIII, when it was finally dominant ... "(Capteev N.F. Personal history ).

However, the Old Believers rejected and corrected obvious errors that have accumulated when rewriting books and contributed to the texts. And their main mistake was the anathematization of the official church and the identification of the royal power with the authorities of the Antichrist. The "split" movement was then about a quarter of all Orthodox, and they were in self-insulation from influence on the further fate of Russia. It was, unfortunately, Falstart in premature waiting for the arrival of an antichrist.

Discussion: 12 comments

    Great was Avvakum man, strong and courageous. Oh, Lord His Soul!

    Yeah. I doubt that the Lord will show grace to a relatively ass. How many seduced by the heading of Avvakum on suicide. And now the "Old Believer" evil and they are fascinating from it "Martyr" ...

    Well, about the fact that Nikon or King is an antichrist, there were different opinions in the old-supplied medium, and for and against. And how so - in everything they were the right of the old supplies, but not in the fact that anathematized the defending and randomly accounted for their misconceptions? And what kind of "official" church, apparently some other unlike Saint Orthodox?

    Eugene, do not judge for God, do not like to be antichrist.
    For the scum, please re-read the gospel of Matthew 5:22.
    Regarding suicide - self-immolation happened not just so at a random moment, and then the Sagittarius was approaching the anneamians, most often in the already besieged Srub. The Sagittarius came to arrest for the violent imposition of a recognized history of erroneous new proper innovations by torture, torment, murders. Doubting in their power to withstand torture, in fear of the betrayal of Christ burned themselves. This suicide is the same in essence, in the same circumstances, which were in the canonized holy martyrs who committed suicide: Hollmch. Maiden Pelagia (May 4), which did not wait until it burn, but he entered the fire, the other Hollmch. Virgo Pelagia (October 8), who committed suicide's life - dropping off the roof of the house, so that it is clean and immaculate Christ. There are also other examples, but I did not deal with their systematic search.

    It seems that it is written about the "Avvakumov": "There is no wonderful" and ".. if you are a bueen, then one will suffer" ... and then not always the suffer death of a sign of righteousness, because "death of the sinner of Luta" said

    Protopop Avvakum - Holy Sacred Martyer and confessor of faith Christ. Many sufferings in the struggle for the purity of Orthodoxy, but did not betray the faith of his and our great ancestors. Since he prayed sv. Alexander Nevsky, prep. Sergius Radonezh, Princes Dmitry Donskoy,
    Dmitry Pozharsky and MN. Dr. Great and saints who lived before the split. The church reform of the 17th century was carried out according to the plan of the Vatican and Uniats. Read B.P. Cutup Church "Reform" 17B. As an ideological sabotage and a national catastrophe.

    Evgeny, you are not afraid that your tongue will freeze. For someone to bite and nibble those for whom the Protopop is holy and roads. I'm sorry for you. The day of the memory of St. Sacred Martyer and the Avvakum Protopopa confessor burned for Orthodoxy in the mountains. Pullokersk, I pray for you, because the Avvakum Protopope prayes about the expulsion of the unclean strength helps very, the fact is tested. You do not touch the Council (Hula). It's unknown to you, that is, in the nose did not circle. Thanks to Nikon's Battyushka for driven by a powerful wedge between us Russians. He could not do it almost seven centuries. Therefore, we, so, we understand this church tragedy, the story of the Russian people, is very sorry for brothers, you should not rewrite or redo the story, such as countries of the West, 2 World War, His and only in your side. Their schoolchildren often do not know, on whose red army aside the red army. So we perceive in different ways and evaluate the lessons of history. Mira and good luck to all of you.

    Avvakum is not holy; He is a splitter, a rower and heretic. It is a sorry for those who have been seduced.

    But even if, at least one person followed the teachings of Avvakum, he would not save or the so-called "martyr" Avvakum.

    "... Inok Sergiy, live in Kergents, a student of Avvakum, according to Inaka Euphrosin's testimony, was a culprit of the W. Avvakum's letters, praising self-desirableIe: He asked Avwakum about self-suggestion special letter, and presented the case to false light. "There is a seven business of my wine, - after Sergian, - Az did not write Avvakum, how it is done by the province, but too tormenting the excessive luty, and the self-alone behavish and not former benevolence," did not say that they were going and mischievous They are acclated on themselves, but behavdered, "Yako from the hand to the torching is torn and coincided." So wrote Sergian Avvakum. "And therefore, Sergiy, the question and the response of the father sent", that is, Avvakum, approved self-interest, and I added (i.e. Avvakum) that his cuzniki was approved by the friend (Eposhin . ПР. 18-20. 110). And from Simeon's sentosyii to Simeon, it can be seen that the latter wrote V Napozersk questions and about the "tormenting luteness" and about the "benevolence" of self-help, why and the speech of Avvakum in response "sent in detail by the volume of these subjects: Avvakum is determined by the" Egress of Martyrs in Chin " burned, equally says about self-sustained. "Good cause was made, Choj Simeon," he here about the latter, -no-nothing! We were sentenced between themselves. " At the same time, the cause of self-help Avvakum describes it, as obviously, Simeon is announced: "And in the Nizhnya, it is presptuous: a sheer heretics faded, and Inii, I will dissolve and crying about Blagovevier, without waiting for the heretic condemnation, they dare themselves." For East. Sk. V, 204. 206-10) ... "(p. 91) in more detail:
    Disputes in the split on dogmatic issues in the XVII century.

    About suicide cohabitation.

    We twice set two of your huge text in responses. But this time and in the future are forced to urge you to moderation. Your text is reduced.

    It is very correct that the article begins the psychological characteristic of Avvakum: "differed ... Energy and stubborn will (the opposite side of these qualities was a very difficult criticant's failure)." It should be noted the same qualities and Nicon. What is called, found a braid on a stone. But they are from neighboring villages, and both are Mordvini. We have a lot of Mordvinov, and local, as always, in such cases, there was a certain averaged stereotype of Mordvin: Indeed, along with persistence and perseverance, characteristic, as it is believed to be the people, and persistence, urgentness, inability to compromise before Evils, maliciousness. I think, in many ways, the nature of such an implacable confrontation of Avvakum and Nikon on the secondary, "technical", the issues of faith is due to the national mentality. Incompoint view, intente, but - alas! - informed by the folk experience. Two Mordvin brought Russia to the centuries-old tragedy ... and the question arises: did they have Christians in the true sense of the word? Or more expensive than their Orthodox brothers for them was a personal pride? This is a lesson to all of us, today, who continues to be in the comments and the other. Both are good, I think! It's time to stop this svar. Sorry, Lord, all of us!

Special place in literature 2nd half of 17V. occupies old supplementary literature. As a socio-religious movement, the split will finally take shape after the church cathedral of 1666-1667. The reforms of Patriarch Nikon were reduced only to the external ritual side. The reform marked the new stage of subordination to the Church of the Secondary Power. It caused the appearance of a powerful antipodeal, anti-government movement - Old Believers. Active participation in the movement took part of the peasantry, rural clergy and informant boyars. Thus, the split united at the first pores of representatives of various classes and social groups. The ideologue of the Old Believers was the Avvakum Protopop - a talented writer of the 2nd half of 17V. (1621-1682). He fanatically defended his beliefs and died for them at the fire. The author of about 80 works, of which 64 were written during a 15-year imprisonment in the Earthly Siruba Naversk. He belongs to "Life", telling about the life of the author, "Book of conversations", petitions, messages.


Avvakum [Avvakum] Petrov (20.11.1620, p. Grigorovo Surrounding Mill of Nizhny Novgorodskogo W.- 14.04.1682, Pullochierz), Protopop (deprived of Sana), the largest figure of early old-believe, splitter. Basic information about His life A. Outlined in autobiographical "Life" and other writings. Rod. In the family of the priest Borisoglebskaya c. Peter († OK. 1636). Mother - Maria (in the atocacy of Martha) - was, according to A., "Postnice and a prayer" and had a great influence on the relig. Development of the Son. In 1638, A. married to the daughter of a local blacksmith Anastasia Markovna (1628-1710), who gave him 5 sons and 3 daughters. Having moved to with. The shovels of the same county, A. in 1642 was ordained in Diacon, and in 1644 - in the priest. In the summer of 1647, he ran with his family from the persecution of the local "chief" to Moscow, where he found support from the royal confessor Stephen Vonifatyev, after which he returned to his ruined house in the spatias. From this time, A. began maintaining active contacts with the circle of "jealousness of piety" and consistently implement them a program of correction of morals, because of which he entered into permanent conflicts both with fluff and with the authorities. In May, 1652, escaped by flight from angry parishioners, A. again headed to Moscow, received the appointment in Yuryevts-Pobetsky, where he was put in a protopopop. In a new place A. soon restored the laity and clergy against himself, was brutally beaten by a crowd and ran to Kostroma, from there to Moscow. Here he began to serve in the Kazan Cathedral, the Protopop of the Forest was his patron of the leader of the Bogolyubtsev, Ivan Nedon. Once in the very thick of events related to the church reform conducted by the Patriarch Nikonom, A. after Neronov's arrest (4 Aug. 1653) became at the head of the old-supplied opposition reform. Together with the Kostroma Protopope Daniel, he wrote an incomplete petition king Alexei Mikhailovich, where he asked for Neronov, he held the latter in the link, preached from the Parity of the Kazan Cathedral; deprived of the place, he served in C. sv. Averkia in Zamoskvorechye, and then demonstratively committed worship in the "Sushil" in Neronov's courtyard, where he was arrested on August 13. 1653 chained in the chain, A. was concluded in the dungeon of Andronikov Mont-Rya, where he was beaten and Morious hunger.

Savened from the absorption due to the intercession of the king, A. was transferred to the Siberian order, and 17 Saint. 1653 "For Evo, much desires" is exiled with his family to Tobolsk, where he lived with the con. Dec. 1653 At the end of July 1655, A. enjoyed the patronage of Tobolsky Voevpery V. I. Khilkova and the Siberian archite. Simeon, who achieved permission to serve for him to serve in the Cathedral Sofia and Voznesensky City Council. Nevertheless, as recalled. A., "For a half years, five words of sovereigns affected me" (i.e. 5 denunciations were sent on A.). Especially the acute clash happened with his Archbishopian Dekom I. V. Strust. And although thanks to the support of the Lord, the case ended in favor of the Protopopa, these events influenced its fate: it was ordered to translate A. with his family in custody to the Yakutsky Ostrog with the prohibition of serve as a liturgy. A. Reached only to Yeniseisk, since he received a new decree - send it to Dauraia together with the squad of Voevoda A. F. Pashkov. During the campaign, which began on July 18, 1656, between A. and the governor, which had a steep temper, had an extremely hostile relationship. Already 15 seconds. 1656 A. Was on the orders of the latter, he was punished by the whip on the long verge of "Small Pisyace", in K-Rom of the Voivode condemned for rudeness and cruelty. At the same time, the Cossacks and servilative people were compiled by the Pashkovaya Pashkovoy, accused of A. in the fact that he wrote a "thieves composite memory", "deaf, unnamed", directed against the "primary people" in order to teach the confusion. The teachers demanded the death penalty A. on arrival of Pashkov's detachment 1 Oct. 1656 In the Bratsky Ostrog A. was enclosed in a cold tower, where it was sitting until November 15. In May, 1657, the detachment moved further, through Baikal, in Selenghe and the Killet to Oz. Irgen, and from there with a wolf to r. Ingodes, then on ingold and shoe, reaching in the beginning. July 1658 The mouth of the river. Sneber. In the spring of 1661 A. on orders from Moscow with family and several. People went on the way back through the entire Siberia covered by the uprisings of indigenous peoples. In 1662-1663. He walked in Yeniseisk, with con. June 1663 in Ser. Fevr. 1664 lived in Tobolsk, where he was connected here in the link for commitment to the old rites of Romanovsky Pop Lazar and Patriarchal Sodak (IPodiakom) Fedor Trofimov, and once saw with the reference Yuri Krzhanic, which described this meeting in 1675. Not later than May 1664 A. arrived in Moscow. During the nearly 11-year-old Siberian reference, A. I happened to suffer incredible deprivation and hunger, overcome a lot of dangers, survive the death of 2 sons. Siberia was born in Siberia as a hero and martyr for the "old faith," his talent of the preacher developed. He later recalled that, returning to Moscow, "in all cities and villages, in the churches and at the auction", exposing Nikonian innovations. A lot of his students and followers remained in Siberia.

In Moscow, A. was very favorably accepted by the king and his closest surroundings, met and led the controversy with Simeon Polotsky and Epiphany (Slavinetsky), received gifts from the Tsaredtorstsev, talked with the royal confessor Lukyan Kirillov, Ryazan archive. Hilarion, R. M. Streshnev and F. M. Rtishchev, argued with them "On the addition of fingers, and about the Trega, Alliluya, and Other dogmas", became the spiritual father of the boyaring F. P. Morozova, her sister KNG. E. P. Urusova and MN. Dr. Moscow "Starlomers". Despite the sentences and worst from the authorities (including a promise to make him a printed trick in the printed courtyard), A., referring to new rites with the former intolerance, "Paki faded" - wrote the king of angry petrot, "So that he has recovered the old piety "And began to openly preach my views. In aw 1664 It was decided to Send A. with his family to emoter. From the road, from Holmogor, he wrote in Oct. 1664, the petition king with a request due to the difficulty of the winter way to leave him "Zea, on the holkem". Thanks to the intercession of Ivan Neronov, by that time he had already reconciled with the church, as well as due to the refusal of the Kesbrol and Verkhovsky peasants, give running money and the site of the reference site A. became a mezzan (arrived here with family and households 29 dec. 1664).

In con. 1665 - Nach. 1666 In connection with the preparation for the Cathedral (invested in February 1666), the leaders of the Old Believers opposition were arrested. On March 1, 1666, he was brought to Moscow and A., to the fourth of Krutitsky Mer. Paul. "He is in his yard in his yard," recalled me. "I am attracted to my adorable faith, Tomil in every five days, and sorry, and I have changed with me." March 9, A. Translated "under the beginning" in Pafnutiev Borovsky Mont-Pie. After a rapidly controversy at the Cathedral A. And his like-minded people, DIAC. Fedor Ivanov and Suzdal Sacred. Nikita Dobrynin, were on May 13, 1666. Lained San and Anathematized in the Assumption Cathedral, after which they were chained in the chains, placed in the Nikolsky Ugreshi Mont-ry, where June 2 Fedor and Nikita repent and signed the certificates required from them. In the beginning. Saint A. The Pafnutiyev Borovsky Mon-Ryu prison was again translated into prison, where he was unsuccessful to repent and reconcile with the church. A. S. Matveyev and Dyak D. M. Bashmakov took part in these guarantees.

On June 17, 1667, new unsuccessful guides and sharp disputes continued at the meetings of the Cathedral, and after a month A., Past Lazari and Solovetsky Inak, the final sentence was carried out for their persecution - "send to Graz to Grand Court." 26 Aug. According to the royal decree, A. Together with Lazar, the symbirsky bias. Nikifor and Epiphenia was sentenced to reference to the emotion ...

6 Jan. 1681- On the feast of the Epiphany - Moscow Old Believers, as reported in the announcement of the Synod of 1725, "Selfless and thieves Metali scrolls of blasphemy and royal dignity" and in the cathedrals "and the Cretors of the Tsariskiy Dehtems Maral ... I will bring the same splitter and slapago leader His "A." He himself ... On Berchinsky Charters, he stressed the royal person and the high spiritual leaders with great inscription and interpretation. " These events accelerated the junction. Feb 8. 1682 Tsar Feodor Alekseevich received the resolution of the cathedral to act with the splitters "on the sovereign discretion." The captain of the Streetsky Streamed Regiment I. S. Leshuk, the captain of the Streetsky Strengthened Regiment, held a rush cheer about the spread of A. from the earthen prison "malicious" and "evil" scriptures directed against the king and hierarchs. 14 Apr. 1682 A., Lazar, Epiphany and Fyodor Ivanov were burned in Srub "For the Great to the Royal House of Hula."

Life of Protopopopa Avvakuma

"The Life of the Avvakum Protopopa, they themselves written" - the best creation of Avvakum created in 1672-1673. This is the first in the history of Russian literature, the work of the autobiographical genre, which expressed trends to the realism. These trends were reflected in the domestic scenes of "Life", in landscape descriptions, in the dialogues of the heroes, as well as in the language of the work with its spaciousness and dialects.

The central theme of life is the topic of the personal life of Avvakum, inseparable from the struggle for the "arrears of piety" against nicon innovations. It is closely intertwined with the image of the brutality and arbitrariness of the "chiefs" - the governor, the chisys of Antichristov, and His minions, who claimed a new one, as they consider the faith "whip and gallows". On the pages of life, the image of an outstanding Russian person, extraordinarily persistent, courageous and uncompromising. The nature of Avwakum is revealed in life both in the family-household plan and in terms of its public relations. Avwakum manifests itself in relation to "Robin" and the faithful companion of life, devoted and resistant Anastasia Markovna, and in relation to the Patriarch, King, and the simple people, to their like-minded people, to combat. I am striking the extraordinary sincerity of his excited confession: the priest-protectopop, is doomed to death, there is nothing to smell, there is nothing to hide. He frankly writes about how resorted to deception, saving the lives of one "clutch" - a gentle man who threatened death. He recalls his grave thinking and fluctuations, he was ready to pray for a mercy and stop the struggle. In "Life" amazes, above all, the identity of the hero, his unusual resistance, courage, conviction, the desire for justice. Although Avvakum called his work "Life", with the traditional agiographic genre, he binds to a little. It prevails innovative features in the image of the human soul, its suffering, persistentness. Innovative techniques are manifested in the image of family-household relations, in the satirical chief of the spiritual and secular authorities, in the description of Siberia. If Avvakum is irreparable and merciless to his opponents, he is a bit and caring towards his family, to its devotees.

The image of life companions, his wife Anastasia Markovna is most significant in "Life". She, together with her husband, is badly going to the Siberian link and morally helps her husband to endure all the adversity, deprivation. She's badly coming together with her husband in a distant Siberian link: gives birth and buried on the road of children, saves them during a storm, for four bags of rye during hunger gives its only treasure - the Moscow one-order, and then digs of the root, the poverty of the pine bark, picks up unstilled Wolves smoke, saving children from hungry death. With sadness, he tells Avwakum about his sons of proof and Ivan, who, frightened death, accepted Nikonianhood and now suffer from her mother, wicked by alive in the ground (i.e. prisoners in the earthen dungeon). With love, Protopop says and about his daughter of his Agrafen, who was forced to go under the window to the Voivodskoy Snow and bring generous governments from it. Depicting himself in the situation of family-household relations, Avvakum seeks to emphasize the inseparable bond of household text with the church. Patriarchal structure guarded by the old ritual, and protects it. He seeks to prove that the old rite is closely connected with life itself, its national foundations, and the new rite leads to the loss of these basics. The passionate protection of the "Arm of Piece" turns life into a bright journalistic document of the era. It is not by chance that his livestock begins with the presentation of the main provisions of the "Old Faith", supporting their links to the authority of the "fathers of the church" and decisively stating: "Sita Az, Protopop Avvakum, believed, Sita confess, with Slim I live and dying." His own life is only an example of evidence of the truth of the provisions of the faith, the fighter and the propagandist of which he acts.

But the main thing is the originality of the "live" Avvakum - in its language and style. For style, a combination of a fabulous form with a sermon is characterized, which led to the close interaction of colloquially integral elements of the language with church-books. In the collision of church-book and spoken forms, a new stylistic unity was born, which he himself characterizes as "Spatrical". In the style of livestock, Protopop uses the form of a leisurely story from the first person, addressed to the elder to the Epiphany, but at the same time implying and the wider audience of its like-minded people. But, as noted by V.V. Vinogradov, in the style of life, the rude form is combined with the sermon, and this led to the close intertwining of church-book elements of the language with conversationally spacious and even dialects. For the style of Avvakum, the absence of a calm epic story is characteristic.

His life consists of a number of skillfully drawn truthful dramatic scenes, built always on sharp conflicts: social, religious or ethical order. These dramatic scenes are interconnected by lyric and journalistic retreats. Avvakum either grieves or indignant, either, or herrifies over opponents and himself, or so much sympathizes like-minded people and suffer about their fate. "Life" is imbued with the spirit of the struggle. The author passionately defends his convictions, rents enemies. Avvakum's activities were aimed at protecting the old goods, a split that was reactive. Big Talent Avvakum, his literary innovation makes his work with an outstanding phenomenon of Old Russian literature.

"Az Yes Avvakum Protopop"

Even came to the Shaman's threshold, people were saved to meetings other to us, and with them two widows - one years in 60, and the other and large; Plovyut tread into the monastery. And he, Pashkov, began to spoke them and want to marry. And I began to talk to him: "According to the rules, it does not bring those marry." And what would he listen to me and let go of the widows, and he decided to torment me, Hoping. On the other, the debt of the threshold became me from the stationery to knock out: "For you, the troubleshooter is bad! Heretic de You! Looking in the mountains, and do not go with the Cossacks! " Oh, grief has become! Mountains are high, the debrist is obstruction, the rock stone, and the wall stands, and look - a break of his head! In the mountains of those are acquired by the Snakes are great; In them, the geese and ducks - Periet Red, black crows, and daws are gray; In the same mountains, eagles, and falcons, and the rumbers, and smoke Indian, and women, and swans, and other wild - a lot of many, birds are different. In the mountains, many wild beasts are walking: goats, deers, and zubri, and moose, and wild boars, wolves, wilderbrais - in our cry, and it is impossible to take it! On those mountains knocked me Pashkov, with beasts, and with snakes, and with birds to turn. And I wrote a small written I wrote to him, Sita Start: "Human! I will be killed by God, Sedyashko on Cherubs and Cranious in Niceless, His heavenly strength tremble and all the creature with humans, one you despise and inconvenience ", - and so on; Multony is written there; And sent to him. And the man flee a person from fifty: they took my sleepy and rushed to him, - the top three stood from him. I caught the Cossacks of Kashvaril yes I feed them; And they, poor, and eat and tremble, and others, looking, crying for me, regret me. Led the troubleshooting; Palaces took me, led to him. He stands with a velocity and tremble; He began to say: "Pop Do you or Rospop?" And Az retracted: "AZ EVI AVVACUM PROTOPOP; Say: What do you care about me? " He snagged, Jaco a divine beast, and hit me on the cheek, the same on the other and packs in his head, and knocked me off his feet and, Checkan grabbed, Lyzhacheva hit the back three times and, sinking, on the same back seventy-two blows whip. And I say: "Lord Isus Christ, the Son of God, help me!" Yes, well, yes, it is inconspicuously saying. So bitter him, that I do not say: "Stepping!" I spoke to every blow to the prayer, yes, I cried to beat him to him: "Fully beat Tovo!" So he ordered to stop. And I wondered him: "Why do you beat me? Do you know? " And he Paka ordered to beat on the sides, and let go. I trembled, and fell. And he ordered me in the treasury retower to drag: the arms and legs and the legs were thrown onto Battle. Autumn was, the rain was on me, all the rustle under the drop was lying. As they beat, it did not hurt with the prayer; And lying on the mind, it was noticeable: "For what you, the Son of God, would you paint me so much to kill that? After all, I have become yours for widow! Who will give the judge between me and to you? When I stole, and you did not insult me \u200b\u200bso, but now we do not have sinned! " A friend of a kind man - another Pharisae with God, "I wanted a judge with the Lord! Sheev and said so, and he was righteous, not necessarily, and the Scriptures did not understand, out of law, in the country of Barbasque, he learned from the creature of God. And I'm the first - sinner, the second - I already redeement on the law and the Scripture with the turnondment by reinforcement, IKo, with many sorrow, it seems to be taken to the kingdom of heaven, and came to such insanity! Alas to me! How does the device-from into the water that is not mired with me? It became for me in those pores the bones are those to cheat and the veins of those pull, and the heart went on, and I became dying. I splashed in my mouth in my mouth, so sighed yes, I repented by Vladyka, and the Lord-Light merciful: does not commemorate our lawlessness of the first repentance for the sake; And again it did not become a nushto to hurt.