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Andrew the First-Called biography for children. Andrew the First-Called. Orthodox church in Greece

A short biography of Andrew the First-Called describes how a simple fisherman became the apostle of Christ. Together with other witnesses of the Resurrection of his Teacher, the apostle - which means a witness - re-fermented the entire universe with a new saving faith, unseen and unthinkable before. It was such an innovation that everyone who met Andrei was inflamed either with love and devotion to God, or with rejection and hatred. The Apostle Andrew the First-Called was the one who enlightened you and me - through his mission in modern Ukraine and Russia. Today, many places in Crimea still testify to this - even the temples that the apostle himself began to build have survived.

The Apostle Andrew was a Galilean, fellow countryman of the sons of Zebedee - the apostles John and James. First becoming a disciple of John the Baptist, he was the first to respond to the Savior's call to preach. Due to the fact that he was honored to be the first to follow Christ, he was nicknamed the First-Called. The future apostle follows the Messiah, preceding John and Peter.

The Life of Andrew the First-Called

Andrew the First-Called lived in the north of the Holy Land in an area called Galilee. Since the region bordered on Greece, there was a lot of communication between the two peoples. Therefore, Andrew got himself a Greek name, which means "Courageous". The future apostle from his youth retained his chastity and his ardent desire to serve God, he first responded to the preaching of John the Baptist and was one of his disciples. After the baptism of Christ and the instructions of the Forerunner about Him that “behold the Lamb of God who takes upon himself the sins of the world,” the Apostle Andrew, without hesitation, followed Him. With him was John, the future beloved disciple of Christ. This is how the first four apostles appeared: Andrew called his brother, the future Apostle Peter, and now just Simon, and John - James: "We have found the Messiah!"

Saint Andrew the First-Called was with Christ from the very beginning of his appearance on the sermon, and until the last: he was with him during the revelation of the Lord about the fate of the world, told who had five loaves of bread and two fish before the miracle of multiplication. He was with Him on the Mount of Olives, where Christ ascended to heaven after His Resurrection.

According to the Savior's promise, on the 50th day after His Ascension, the descent of the Holy Spirit took place on the apostles and the Mother of God. The apostles, after being enlightened by grace and filled with many Holy gifts, went out to preach. In the upper room of Zion they threw lots - to whom, to which country to go to preach. Apostle Andrew got our lands - the north of the Black Sea. In his wanderings, he reached the future Kiev, where he erected a cross and predicted that the Lord would enlighten this land with Holy Baptism and erect many churches on it.

After returning to Greece, for many healings and conversions to Christianity, the Apostle Andrew shared the fate of most of the other apostles: he was crucified by an impious pagan ruler. But he was crucified in such a way that his torment would last longer. To do this, they tied him to a cross, resembling the letter X, without nailing him down so that the saint would not die quickly. After two days of suffering, in prayer the apostle departed to the Lord and those present saw how a bright light illuminated the cross with the martyr and in this radiance he betrayed his soul.

Veneration of Saint Andrew the First-Called

The Apostle Andrew is considered the patron saint of the Russian Church, since she - the direct heir of Byzantium - took over the succession that the Church of Constantinople led from Andrew the First-Called.

In Russia, his memory was always solemnly celebrated - to a greater extent before the revolution. Peter 1, the highest award in his name, introduced special reverence and approved the St. Andrew's flag, under which many victories were made. The flag depicts an X-shaped cross - blue on a white background - on which the apostle was crucified.

The relics of Saint Andrew are kept in the Greek city of Patras, at the site of the crucifixion of the apostle. In 1974, a grandiose cathedral named after him, known all over the world, was erected here.

Andrew the First-Called: what are they praying for?

Andrew the First-Called is the patron saint of Ukraine and Russia, as well as other countries located on the territory where he preached: these are modern Greece, Turkey, Macedonia, Asia Minor. He also patronizes fishermen and sailors. Andreevsky battle banner is known all over the world: since the 17th century it has been the state flag of the Russian Navy. They pray to Andrew the First-Called for conversion to the holy faith, for success in the defense of the fatherland, for the well-being of sailors.

From Holy Tradition, there are known cases of not only trouble-free healing, but also of the resurrection of people by Andrew: like other apostles, he repeatedly used the gift of Christ and brought people back to life. Therefore, you can pray to him for healing from diseases.

At the place of his martyr's death, a spring with water, which has the ability to heal, was clogged. Now there is a huge cathedral named after him. Glorious for its splendor, it took almost 60 years to build.

Prayer to Andrew the First-Called

Prayer honors the memory of Saint Andrew the First-Called. Believers pray for healing and health.

Prayer to Saint Andrew the First-Called

First-Called Apostle of God and our Savior Jesus Christ, Church follower of the Supreme, all praises Andrew! We glorify and magnify your apostolic labors, sweetly commemorate your blessed coming to us, bless your honest sufferings, even for Christ you endured, kiss your sacred relics, honor your holy memory and believe that the Lord lives, your soul is alive, and with abide by him forever in heaven, where you do not leave us with your love, as our fathers loved you, when you received the sight of our land to Christ by the Holy Spirit. We believe, as if pray to God for us, in vain in the light of His all our needs. So we confess this faith of ours in your temple, and we pray the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, that by your prayers he will give us everything that is necessary for the salvation of us sinners: yes, as you are abiye to the voice of the Lord, leave your scum, you steadily followed that, bitch and every one from us is not looking for his own, but a hedgehog for the creation of his neighbor, and he thinks about the high title. Having the property of a representative and a man of prayer for us, we hope that your prayer can do much before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever befitting Him. Amen.

Troparion to Andrew the First-Called

Like the apostles, the first-called and supreme living brother, the Lord of all, Andrew, pray, the world of the universe to bestow great mercy on our souls.

Kondak to Andrew the First-Called

Let us praise the courage of the same name of the God-glorifier and the Church of the Protector of the Supreme Commander, Petrov's kinsman, as in the old days and now we have called out: come, having acquired the Desired.

Briefly examining the biography of Andrew the First-Called, a courageous man, fearless in the face of inhuman trials, opens up before us: preaching among wild, barbarian peoples was doubly courageous, if we recall the customs of wild pagans. But the love of Christ burned in his heart and, therefore, today we are enlightened by Christ's faith. Let us appreciate the merits of our patron, and remember his life, which is so instructive for us.

A short life of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ, is set out in this article.

Brief biography of Andrew the First-Called

Andrew the First-Called was born in Bethsaida around the 1st century AD. He was the brother of the apostle Peter. Before he became the first called disciple of Jesus Christ, Andrew went fishing like his brother. He spent his childhood in his hometown, and having reached adulthood, he moved to Capernaum with his brother. They built a house for themselves and took up fishing in earnest.

The thought of dedicating himself to the service of the Lord first appeared in his youth. Then he gave up creating a family, deciding to preserve chastity for a higher purpose. Once rumors reached him: John the Baptist on the Jordan River calls for sincere repentance and claims that the Messiah will soon come. The First-Called leaves his house, fishing and goes to the river. So he became the closest and most devoted disciple of John.

One day Jesus met Andrew and Peter, telling the brothers to follow him. They obeyed Christ and followed him. The First-Called was close enough to Jesus. It was to him and to the third apostles that the Messiah revealed the fate of the world. After such a revelation, the Apostle Andrew began to serve Christ even more faithfully, following on his heels and being with him until the end of his earthly life.

After the resurrection of Jesus Christ, he, like other apostles, were rewarded with the gift of the Holy Spirit - they began to receive the ability to heal, the gift of prophecy and the ability to speak freely in all languages ​​of the world.

After such gifts, the apostles divided the countries among themselves in order to carry the teachings of Christ to the people. The territories of Propontis, Bithynia, Thrace, Scythia, Macedonia, Thessaly, Achaia and Hellas fell to Andrew the Primordial by lot. He carried on his sermon, despite the fact that he was expelled from most cities, humiliated and insulted.

Saint Andrew the First-Called - the first of the apostles. You can find out more about this saint, see the icons with his image and read the life in this article!

Today, December 13, Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

APOSTLE ANDREW was from Galil e and. This northern part of the Holy Land was distinguished by fertility and picturesqueness, and its inhabitants - good nature and hospitality. The Galileans easily got along with the Greeks, who inhabited their country in large numbers, many spoke Greek and even bore Greek names. The name Andrew is Greek and translated means courageous.

When John the Baptist began to preach on the banks of the Jordan a on, Andrew, together with John Zebedeev (who happened to him from the same city - Bethsaida) followed the prophet, hoping to find an answer to his spiritual questions in his teaching. Many began to think that maybe John the Baptist is the expected Messiah, but he explained to people that he was not the Messiah, but was sent only to prepare the way for Him. At that time, the Lord Jesus Christ came to John the Baptist at Jordan for baptism, and he, pointing to the Lord, said to his disciples: "Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world."

Hearing this, Andrew and John followed Jesus. The Lord, seeing them, asked: "What do you need?" They said, "Rabbi (Teacher), where do you live?" “Go and see,” Jesus replied, and from that time they became His disciples. On the same day the Apostle Andrew went to his brother Simon Peter and said to him: "We have found the Messiah." So Peter joined the disciples of Christ.

However, the apostles did not immediately devote themselves entirely to the apostolic calling. We know from the Gospel that brothers Andrew and Simon Peter and brothers John and James had to return to their families for some time and do their usual work - fishing. A few months later the Lord, passing by the Lake of Galilee and seeing them fishing, said: "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Then they left their boats and nets and from that day on they became permanent disciples of Christ.

Andrew, who followed the Lord earlier than the other apostles, received the name of the First Call a nnogo. He was with Christ during the entire period of His public ministry. After the Resurrection of the Savior, the Apostle Andrew, along with other disciples, was rewarded with meetings with Him and was present at the Elya O woe, when the Lord, having blessed them, ascended into Heaven.

After the descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles cast lots who should go to which country to preach the Gospel. Saint Andrew inherited the countries lying along the Black Sea coast, the northern part of the Balkan Peninsula and Scythia, i.e. the land on which Russia was later formed. According to legend, the Apostle Andrew preached on the Tauride Peninsula, then climbed north along the Dnieper and reached the place where Kiev later arose.

“Believe me,” the apostle said to his disciples, “that the grace of God will shine on these mountains: a great city will be here, the Lord will enlighten this land with holy baptism and erect many churches here.” Then the Apostle Andrew blessed the Kiev mountains and erected a cross on one of them, foreshadowing the adoption of the faith by the future inhabitants of Russia.

Nikolay Lomtev. The Apostle Andrew the First-Called places the cross on the mountains

After returning to Greece, the Apostle Andrew stopped in the city of Patros, located by the Gulf of Corinth. Here, through the laying on of hands, he healed many people from ailments, including the noble Maximilla, who wholeheartedly believed in Christ and became a disciple of the apostle. Since many inhabitants of Patra believed in Christ, the local ruler Egeat was kindled with hatred against the Apostle Andrew and sentenced him to be crucified on the cross. The apostle, not in the least afraid of the verdict, in an inspired sermon revealed to the audience the spiritual power and meaning of the Savior's sufferings on the cross.

The ruler Egeat did not believe the apostle's preaching, calling his teaching madness. Then he ordered the apostle to be crucified so that he would suffer longer. They tied Saint Andrew to a cross like the letter X, without driving nails into his hands and feet, so as not to cause an early death. Egeat's unjust verdict aroused indignation among the people, nevertheless, this verdict remained in force.

Hanging on the cross, the Apostle Andrew prayed incessantly. Before the separation of his soul from his body, the heavenly light shone on Andrew's cross, and in its radiance the apostle departed into the eternal Kingdom of God. The martyrdom of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called followed about 62 years after the birth of Christ.

The Russian Church, having adopted the faith of Christ from Byzantium, whose bishops trace their succession from the Apostle Andrew, also considers itself to be his successor. That is why the memory of Saint Andrew the First-Called was so solemnly venerated in pre-revolutionary Russia. Emperor Peter I established the first and highest order in honor of the Apostle Andrew, which was given as a reward to dignitaries of the state. Since the times of Peter the Great, the Russian fleet made its banner the St.Andrew's flag, on a white background a blue X-shaped cross, under the shadow of which the Russians won many victories.


Like the first-called apostles / and the supreme living brother, / the Lord of all, Andrew, pray, / the world of the universe to bestow // and great mercy to our souls.

Apostle Andrew the First-Called:

We will praise the courage of the tesoimenitago of the God-worshiper / and the Church of the Protector of the Supreme, / Petrov's kinsman we praise, / as old as this / and now we call out: // come, acquired the Desired.

Prayer to Saint Andrew the First-Called

First-Called Apostle of God and our Savior Jesus Christ, Church follower of the Supreme, all praises Andrew! We glorify and magnify your apostolic labors, sweetly commemorate your blessed coming to us, bless your honest sufferings, even for Christ you endured, kiss your sacred relics, honor your holy memory and believe that the Lord lives, your soul is alive, and with abide by him forever in heaven, where you do not leave us with your love, as our fathers loved you, when you received the sight of our land to Christ by the Holy Spirit. We believe, as if pray to God for us, in vain in the light of His all our needs. So we confess this faith of ours in your temple, and we pray the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, that by your prayers he will give us everything that is necessary for the salvation of us sinners: yes, as you are abiye to the voice of the Lord, leave your scum, you steadily followed that, bitch and every one from us is not looking for his own, but a hedgehog for the creation of his neighbor, and he thinks about the high title. Having the property of a representative and a man of prayer for us, we hope that your prayer can do much before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever befitting Him. Amen.

Akathist in front of the icons of St. Andrew the First-Called

Kontakion 1

The First-Called Apostle of Christ, the Gospel of the Holy Preacher, the Russian country of the God-inspired enlightener Andrei the most glorious, we praise with songs, standing on the verge of the hill, where place the Cross, erect his right hand, and he, like the Supreme Herald of the Church, who has shown her the path to Christ in his trail: Rejoice, Andrew, the First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Ikos 1

The angel of the evangelist of the Lamb of Christ, taking away the sins of the world, was Andrew the Apostle, and with Him you will forever remain in Heaven; from now and look at the singing that is brought to you in your temple, in the place where you stand, and, as this is rich in God's grace, give us the word of good, so we call you: Rejoice, equal to the brother of the Supreme Peter. Rejoice, disciple of the great Forerunner of Christ; Rejoice first of all, the apostle called to the apostolic ministry from the Lord Himself. Rejoice, for you also cried out with joy to others: “Come, having found the desired Messiah”; Rejoice, and bring us to Him. Rejoice, Andrew, the First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kontakion 2

Teacher, where do you live? - you asked, Andrei, Savior of our souls and, having stayed one day with Him, you loved for all the days of your life the Messiah you gained, and you brought your elder brother to Him. The same and us, like your lesser brethren, do not come down to Him, and we, following your footsteps, cry out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Seeing in you, Saint Andrew, the flame of faith and love, the Lord will find you on the lake Gennisaretste, like a fisherman, together with your brother, sweeping the sea deep into the depths, and the speech of vama: "Coming after Me, and I will make you a fisherman by man." You abiye followed Him and with the inspired word, as if I cut people, you have caught Christ with them, and we are caught by you for salvation, we broadcast to you: Rejoice, for you have learned to catch spiritually from the Lord Himself; Rejoice, as on the same lake with the other apostles we were overwhelmed, by faith you were saved in the Lord, who forbids the wind and the sea. Rejoice, you who have acquired great faith, when you have seen the wonderful satiation of five thousand and five loaves; Rejoice, you have received a gift from the Lord to heal every ailment and every disease. Rejoice, for the voice from heaven was heard by the Hellen, who saw Christ by you; Rejoice, as on the Mount of Olives, the future was revealed to you at the end of the world. Rejoice, Andrew, the First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kontakion 3

Having enjoyed the wanderings of the Lord and the Immortal Meal in the High Place of Zion, as a faithful friend of Christ, together with the rest of the apostles, you saw the Lord and your God, from the Worthless and the Holy Spirit you received, in the hedgehog to knit and solve the sins of men. And paki, in the same room of Zionstey, was abundant in the outpouring of the promised Spirit into the fiery tongues. However, all the tribes wondered how you spoke the greatness of God in their language, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Let us receive the commandment from the Lord to preach the Gospel of all creation, you have flown around many cities and countries, to the Apostle Andrew, calling people to the knowledge of the True God and baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit; with them we will also be worthy of the grace of Baptism. For this, for the sake of thanksgiving, let us write: Rejoice, faithful proclaimer of Christ's miracles; Rejoice, resounding preacher of the Holy Gospel. Rejoice, idolatrous service to the consumer; rejoice, planter of true piety. Rejoice, for at your word people are reborn by the water and the Spirit; Rejoice, for through your faithfulness the Immortal Meals are partaking. Rejoice, Andrew, the First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kontakion 4

The power of God will fall on you, the First-Called Apostle, in the hedgehog to proclaim the power and glory of the Son of God and to establish all faith in the Holy Trinity of the called. The same for us, who worship the One God in Triech of Hypostases, observe Christ's faith in the dark pasture of the faith of Christ, and take out the sanctification by the grace of the Holy Spirit, we sing to Him loudly: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Bring your brother Simon Peter, the First Called, to Christ, you went with him to your apostolic ministry, first to Antioch and Sinop, having defeated the demons of the regiment there, you freed you from the bonds of the prison companion of your Apostle Matthias, and you baptized the former with him, to the Supreme Peter I’ll leave for the western countries, I’m flowing, you gave him a brotherly kiss, but you yourself fought for good. The same we, people of the Eastern Church, are blessed to thee: Rejoice, power of God, driving away the shelves of demons and breaking the bonds of dungeons; Rejoice, friend of the apostolic grace, secretly liberating us from the bonds of hell. Rejoice west and east with your God-wise brother, preaching for the word of God, dividing by lot; Rejoice, in the city of Sinope you have exposed the unbelief of the Jews by the power of your miracles. Rejoice as there was a tamo from the godless Christ for the sake of biens; Rejoice, for the healing of wounds has been bestowed upon you from the Lord Himself. Rejoice, Andrew, the First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kontakion 5

Twice you returned to the holy city, but you celebrate the tamo from the apostles on the fiftieth day, twice you walked from holy Zion, in the hedgehog of Christ to preach the universe, first with John the confidant of the Lord, therefore, with Simon the Canaanite and Matthias, and was named by lot, swiftly in the apostle and all the boundaries of Asia and Pontus have flowed around, announcing the word of salvation to all, may they sing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

From the Sea of ​​Galilee to the Pontus of the Apostolic Sea of ​​Euxine, your widespread and all the Pomorie around you announced with your gospel, you ascended, the First Called, and into the countries of Scythia, hoisting the Cross of Christ everywhere as a sign of our salvation. For this sake, even if we give birth later, listening to your gospel and remembering your deeds, we call you: Rejoice, in Nicaea, fierce robbers, tame and fierce dragon, slaying; Rejoice, the Cross of Christ in the midst of this city, hoisting, like the Forerunner, the father of the God-bearing twice collected there. Rejoice, for in Asia and Pontus the light of Christ ascends by you; Rejoice, as your apostolic rod has opened the foothills of the Caucasus to the light of Christ. Rejoice, illumined by the darkness of the Cimmerian; Rejoice, for the universe is alive with jets of water. Rejoice, Andrew, the First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kontakion 6

Obsessed with a storm of passions and, like the waters of the ocean, agitated, the tribes of people, who do not know God True, led you, the apostle, to the quiet haven of Christ and those hearts, like the fragile harmony of unbelief overwhelmed by unbelief, you have affirmed you on the anchors of the Orthodox faith. The same we, as children of the Orthodox faith, cry out to God with a grateful heart and grateful lips: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

On the Mount of Olives, your Divine Teacher sometimes with other apostles asked you, Andrew: "Rtsy us, what is the sign of your coming?" On the mountains of Kiev, as an organ of the grace of the Holy Spirit, you foretold the coming glory of this place; But we, foretold by the mercy of sowing, will be honored, affectionately cry out to you: Rejoice, for you brought us the gospel law from Mount Zion; Rejoice, for thou art the apostle of God to us through the waters of Vorisfen. Rejoice, grace of Jordan, for our baptism for the sake of this gift; Rejoice, on the mountains of Kiev you have set up the Cross of our salvation. Rejoice, for the abundant outpouring of the grace of God was foretold here; Rejoice, for the existence of the city is great and the churches of many here will be erected. Rejoice, Andrew, the First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kontakion 7

Today, in fulfillment of your prophetic voice, the glorious temple is flaunting in place, where you have foretold, as if it were, by the gift of the Holy Spirit; Around him, the great city with churches with golden-domed churches testifies to the truth of your words, to him even to this day, as from the high pulpit, you preach the gospel of the world. In the same way, we, the sale of your divinely inspired verb in sight, cry out to God with a great voice: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

From the luminous dawn, the First-Called Apostle, have received the light of the knowledge of God, Saint Olga of the Russian land as the day of our salvation, erecting after herself, like a radiant luminary, her grandson Vladimir, the enlightener of the entire midnight country. In the same way, we lift up our eyes to you, Andrei the God-wise, as to the initial evangelist of our salvation, we will write this praiseworthy: Rejoice, as the day of our salvation, Holy Olga, the light of Divine knowledge was given; Rejoice, for through her trust the Kingdom of Christ has been opened. Rejoice, for with your blessing the glorious luminary from the sowing day will come to us; Rejoice, for, according to your prediction to the Apostolic, the Equal-to-the-Apostles prince will appear to us. Rejoice, for through you holy Vladimir the earthly kingdom was joined to the Heavenly one; Rejoice, as the Dnieper and Pochayna, the Kievskaya rivers, we have known the saving font. Rejoice, Andrew, the First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kontakion 8

They preach the glorious city of Kiev and the whole Russian country a pastor and pasom the memory of your deeds, God-wise Andrew the Apostle; in the depths of the cave incorruptible saints of God, with Anthony and Theodosius, silent lips, as if you live a creature, they proclaim your glory for centuries and by birth, the Cross, like a blessed-leaved tree, will grow, in the hedgehog to bear the fruits of piety and holiness to us. We are your heavenly helicopter city, like the chicks of spirituality, by you teach me to chant to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Not exactly the one Russia was the herald of salvation, the First-Called the Apostle of Christ, but all the Slovenian tribes, like kokos, collect their chicks under the krill, I brought you to Christ; you despise the people there from Chersonis into the darkness of the midnight country, may they learn the word of God, wise teachers, Cyril and Methodius, you have prepared your preaching for many centuries; We, like the lips of our enlighteners, cry out loudly to thee: Rejoice, Slovenian tribes from time immemorial blessed; Rejoice, their word is reasonable by the word of God, wise. Rejoice, for the verb of God's obedience, the Church of the child was verbal; Rejoice, for in Chersonis, where you preached, the first Russian letter, Cyril, will find the saint and will be pleasant. Rejoice, for by those Alfa and Omega, the beginning and the end - you declared Christ the wisdom of God to them; Rejoice, for you have presented all these divinely inspired scriptures to us in the Slovenian language. Rejoice, Andrew, the First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kontakion 9

Deserted Scythia, not fearing, into the depths of the midnight country, you stretched out your apostolic wanderings, the First Called, from now on, and you came to old Rome, like then the head of the pagan world was; Both of the darkness for the sake of the idols, leave him, and came to the red bank of Ropos, tamo in the city of Byzantium, like the new Rome and the Christian mother was, you approved your apostolic throne. Yes, from him, the East and North will be illuminated with the light of faith, while the faithful children of the Church of Christ call God with one mind: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

Mother Sion - a person speaks in psalm, as if a person was spiritually born in him, but the new Zion is Kiev for us: in it the light and grace of God appear to all sons of Russia from the pulpit, you, the First-Called Apostle, approved you in Byzantium. In the same way, we, with the Unexpected Light of illumination, gratefully cry out to you: Rejoice, from Mount Zion, descended from Mount Zion and illumined by the heavenly light, Kiev, illuminating many hills; Rejoice, for this hail the spiritual blessing you have sent. Rejoice, for you have established your apostolic throne in the midst of the universe; Rejoice, for under its shade (in the new Rome) you have gathered all the languages ​​you have enlightened. Rejoice, for imzhe Orthodoxy is affirmed in their souls; Rejoice, as the darkness of the West is cut off from the East. Rejoice, Andrew, the First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kontakion 10

When is the time of your repose, blessed apostle, you came to the ancient Patras of Achaisk, but you will eat there, you have died for the current, you fought a good deed, preaching Christ to all, crucified by all the preaching of Christ, by a Jew a temptation, by a Greek madness, to us, called and saved - Christ, God's Power and God's Wisdom, from Neyazhe and learn to petit God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Everywhere in the name of the Lord Jesus, healing the sick, resurrecting the dead, casting out demons, and in Patras you approved your death preaching with miracles, the apostle of Christ, and you turned the Anfipata Blades to the knowledge of the truth, when you were quickly struck with resistance for the sake of an ulcer, you raised up from your bed; All people, having seen the power of God in you, have crushed their idols, therefore, the Lord appeared to you, like Paul sometimes in Corinth, and commanded to take your Cross, having designated yours in Patras, for His sake, suffering. In the same way, we, marveling at the great grace in you, reverently cry out: Rejoice, the great power of God almighty; Rejoice, precious treasure of wonders. Rejoice, enlightenment and adornment of ancient Patras; Rejoice, disbelief of Anfipat in faith. Rejoice, for the Lord appears to you tamo packi, calling thee to the feat of the god; rejoice, for the crown of righteousness is prepared for you. Rejoice, Andrew, the First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kontakion 11

Nero Caesar, as sometimes Herod, erected persecution of all the faithful, in Rome I will cut off Paul with the sword, but I crucified Peter on the cross, just like you can reach the hand of the tormentor in Patras, when instead of the meek Blade you put the judge Egeat lutago, who else do not tolerate the baptism of your brother, below, by the healing of his wife, he was softened; You are a yuznik, in a darker dungeon, as if in a bright temple, the brother of Anfipatov Stratoklis as Bishop Patrom you exclaimed, singing to God with all the faithful in the middle of the prison: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

In the place of the forehead, we erect the cross, having beheld the cross, on which you had crucified to be, you were not afraid, the apostle, even to death to testify to your beloved and beloved Christ, and to this sign of salvation, stretching out your hand, tenderly cried out: Rejoice, the Most Honorable Cross, before him standing with joy, knowing thee, my hope; Rejoice, Life-giving Cross, whose head has reached Heaven, but crush the foot of the gates of hell. Rejoice, venerable Cross, perceived by my Lord, as the sweetest bunch that has oozed our salvation; Rejoice, blessed Cross, saved the robber, and therewith the fruits of confession bestowed. Rejoice, for you were the fulfillment of my joy; so much the same rejoice, you, passion-bearer, on the Cross your faith in Christ sealed. Rejoice, Andrew, the First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kontakion 12

Come, witness of my joy! - Thou called the apostle to the performer of the will of Egeat, - do your will over me, crucify me and, like a lamb, sacrifice to the Creator who created me. And this river, you ascended to the cross, as if to a high pulpit, for three days and three nights you preached the word of God around a standing person, so they do not fear death, confessing the Lord Jesus. When thy face shines with the light of heaven, the tormentor is terrified, and command thee from the cross; both you, passion-suffering, did not want you to be resolved from the torment of the cross, until your end ceaselessly crying to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Glorifying your apostolic deeds, Andrew the First Called, we blessed your holy death, you glorified the Life-giving Passion of the Son of God, and in emotion of our hearts we cry to thee: Rejoice, friend of Christ, with joy on the Cross of suffering for Him, enduring; Rejoice, faithful apostle, preaching from the cross the verbs of the Eternal Life by the people. Rejoice, for at the hour of the removal of autumn from the cross, the light is like lightning from heaven; Rejoice, as you have promised great grace to those who confess Christ the Son of God you preach in the Orthodox faith. Rejoice, Apostolic foundation of the Mountain of Jerusalem; Rejoice, sit with the apostles on one of the twelve thrones, in the hedgehog judge all the tribes of Israel. Rejoice, Andrew, the First-Called Apostle of Christ.

Kontakion 13

O First-Called Apostle of Christ Andrew, look after all those who honor your holy memory for the praise of this, and as if you have erected the Tree of the Cross on the mountains of the city of Kiev, always overshadow us with this salutary sign, yes, with the Cross of the Lord God and our Savior guarded, we will reach the age of fulfillment Christ and let us be vouchsafed with you and with all the saints, in the voice of joy, forever petting God, our Savior: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1)

The Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called is the first of the twelve preachers whom the Lord chose to carry the gospel teachings to the people. Read about the glorious life, icons, temples erected in his honor, as well as how the memory of the righteous is honored, read further in this article.


The future holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was born in Galilee, in the city of Bethsaida. Over time, he moved to Capernaum, where he lived there with his brother Simon. Their home was near Lake Gennesaret. The young man earned his living by fishing.

Ever since childhood, the Apostle Andrew was drawn to God. He decided that he would never marry, and went to disciple to. Being on Jordan, the prophet pointed out to him the man whom he called the Lamb of God. It was Jesus Christ, whom Andrew followed immediately, as his Lord.

The Gospel says that the saint was the first to respond to the call of God, for which he received the name of the First-Called. In addition, he brought his brother Simon to Christ, who soon became. It was he who pointed out to Jesus a boy with two fish and five loaves, which soon multiplied in an amazing way, feeding a large number of people.

Visiting Russia

Andrew the First-Called was a witness of many miracles that Christ performed. The Holy Apostle visited the Kiev mountains, where he erected a cross, saying that God's grace will shine here and on this place a great city with many beautiful churches will stand. He also came to the Novgorod land, as described in some ancient manuscripts.

In 1030, one of the sons of Prince Yaroslav the Wise at baptism received the name Andrei. After 56 years, he decided to found a prince named him Andreevsky. In 1089, a new church was consecrated by the Pereyaslavl Metropolitan Ephraim. It was the church of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. Towards the end of the 11th century, another temple was erected in his honor, now in Novgorod. A lot of time has passed since then, but the good deeds of Andrew the First-Called are still honored and remembered by many people around the world.


For the last few years of his life, the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called lived in Patras. Here, however, as elsewhere, where he visited, the saint preached the faith of Christ. He managed to create a very impressive Christian community. In the city, he performed various miracles, including healing by the laying on of hands, and also resurrected the dead.

Around the year 67, the ruler Egeat, who was still worshiping pagan gods, ordered the execution of the apostle by crucifying him on the cross. Andrew the First-Called believed that he was not worthy to die in the same way as Jesus Christ. Therefore, the cross for his crucifixion had a rather unusual appearance, because it was beveled. It is now considered one of the most revered symbols in the Christian world. The cross in honor of the executed apostle began to be called "Andreevsky".

The ruler Egeat, who was in charge at that time in Patras, gave orders not to nail the saint to the cross, but only to tie him in order to prolong his suffering. However, the apostle preached from there for two more days. The people who came to listen to him began to demand an end to the execution. Fearing the anger of the people, Egeat ordered to remove the saint from the cross. But Andrew the First-Called here decided to accept his death for Christ's sake.

As warriors, and then ordinary people, did not try, but they could not untie his bonds. According to eyewitnesses, when the preacher was dying, he was illuminated with a bright light.

Now November 30 (December 13) is celebrated as the day of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. According to legend, soon a life-giving source was thrown into the place of his execution.

Orthodox shrine - St. Andrew's cross

In ancient written sources and, in particular, in the text of Hippolytus of Rome, dated from the 2nd century, it is directly stated that the apostle was crucified in the city of Patras. After the death of the saint, the cross on which he died was placed in a majestic ark repeating the same X-shaped configuration. Until now, fragments of this shrine are kept in a special icon case at the largest Greek Orthodox cathedral in Patras.

According to church tradition, St. Andrew's Cross was made from an olive tree that once grew in Achaia. After it was discovered in Massalia, scientists conducted a number of scientific studies. They found out that the cross really refers to the time period when the Apostle Andrew was executed.

Orthodox church in Greece

In 1974, the construction of a magnificent cathedral in Patras was finally completed in honor of the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called. It is known from the history of the temple that the competition for the development of this architectural project was announced back in 1901. 7 years later, by order of King George I, the foundation was laid.

Initially, the construction was supervised by Anastasios Metaxas, the most famous Greek architect, and after his death, the church of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was continued to be erected by Georgios Nomikos.

Since 1910 and for the next 20 years, no work was carried out due to the instability of the soil. In 1934, a dome was erected, and already in 1938, construction was again frozen, first because of the war, and then because of the dire economic situation in Greece. In 1955, the construction of the temple was continued by introducing a special tax for the townspeople.

Now the building is the largest Orthodox church in Greece. Next to it there is another temple dedicated to this apostle, the construction of which was completed back in 1843. There is a source not far from it. Presumably at this place Andrew the First-Called was once crucified.

Return of the shrine to Patras

In 1980, the priest Panagiotis Simigiatos visited the place where part of the Apostle Andrew's Cross had been for a long time. He decided to return it to the city of Patras, from where the shrine was once taken out. The local Metropolitan Nikodim, joining his efforts with the Roman Catholic Church, achieved the return of the shrine to its historical homeland.

In mid-January 1980, thousands of people, headed by the clergy and representatives of the city authorities, greeted her with great honors in Patras.

Highest award

The Order of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was established by his decree by Peter I in 1698. Most likely, the tsar was inspired by stories about a preacher who once carried out missionary work in Russia and died at the hands of pagans who crucified him on the cross.

The first award went to Count Fyodor Golovin, who received it in 1699. Over the next 100 years, more than 200 people were awarded this order, and in 2 centuries there were already about a thousand of them. Under Emperor Paul I, they began to be awarded to persons with clerical titles, and from 1855 - military men for feats of arms.

The Order of St. Andrew the First-Called was canceled in 1917. It was returned only in 1998 by a special decree of the President of the Russian Federation Boris Yeltsin. It is awarded to both its citizens and the heads of government of other states for services to Russia.

The meaning of the icon

The face of St. Andrew the First-Called can be found in almost any Orthodox church. On icons, he is usually depicted near the Cross. Most often, he blesses all believers with one hand, and holds a scroll in the other. Sometimes it can be portrayed in a different way. In some icons, the holy apostle's hands are folded across his chest, which speaks of his humility. When Jesus was dying, the apostle was near and saw all his torment, but, despite this, he decided to repeat the feat of his mentor, who was to convey the good news to people.

Every day, a large number of believers worship the shrines. They pray to the apostle, asking him for the health of their relatives and friends, as well as for assistance in solving the problems that have arisen.

Andrew the First-Called is the protector of sailors, fishermen and representatives of other maritime professions. Most of them pray to him before sailing. In addition, the saint is the patron saint of teachers of foreign languages ​​and translators, and the parents of unmarried girls ask him for a happy marriage for their daughters. follows like this:

First-Called Apostle of God and our Savior Jesus Christ, follower of the Church, all-praised Andrew! We glorify and magnify your apostolic labors, we sweetly commemorate your blessed coming to us, we bless your honest sufferings, you have endured even for Christ, we kiss your sacred relics, we honor your holy memory and believe that the Lord lives, your soul is alive and with Him abide forever in heaven, where you and love us with love, you loved us with it, when you received our sight by the Holy Spirit, your conversion to Christ, and not just love us, but pray for us to God, in vain in the light of His all our needs.

This is how we believe and this is how we confess our faith in the church, like in your name, Saint Andrew, gloriously created, where your holy relics rest: believingly, we ask and pray to the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, and with your prayers, he will listen to and accepts, will give us everything that is necessary for the salvation of us sinners: yes, as if you are abiye according to the voice of the Lord, leave your own screech, you steadily followed Him, sitsa and kiyzhda from us, and not looking for your own si, but hedgehog for the creation of your neighbor and for the high title yes thinks. Having a representative and a man of prayer for us, we hope that your prayer can do a lot before our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, all glory, honor and worship with the Father and the Holy Spirit and forever and ever. Amen.

The akathist to the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called can be heard in Orthodox churches around the world. He is the patron saint of Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Romania, Sicily, Scotland and Greece.

December 13 (new style) The Russian Orthodox Church honors the memory of one of the twelve apostles - the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called.

A saint by birth Apostle Andrew the First-Called was a native of Bethsaida of Galilee, and later, together with his brother Simon, he fished near the shores of Lake Gennesaret in the vicinity of Capernaum.

The Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was the first of the Apostles to follow Christ and brought to him his own brother, the Holy Apostle Peter (Simon).

The future apostle from a young age was distinguished by a prayerful aspiration to God, he did not marry, and became a disciple of the holy prophet John the Baptist, who announced the Incarnation.

On the banks of the Jordan, John the Baptist pointed out to Andrew the coming Lord of his Christ and Savior: "Behold the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!" Andrew did not hesitate any longer and followed to the Divine Teacher, from whom everyone for the first time heard the verbs of life. Andrew hastened to convey the good news to his elder brother Simon and became the first evangelist to exclaim: "We have found the Messiah, the spoken Christ!"

Andrew the First-Called brought his elder brother Simon to Jesus, who gave him a new name: Cephas, or Peter, that is, a stone.

The two brothers of the fisherman, Andrew and Peter, called by the Lord before the other apostles, followed the Lord for three years, when he preached about the kingdom of God, healing the sick and the paralyzed.

In the sacred tradition, the external the image of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called“He was not small and taller, but he was somewhat bent, his nose was aquiline, eyes full of grace-filled expression, slender eyebrows, thick hair and brada.

His word alone healed the sick at the laying on of hands; the relaxed and lepers he sprinkled with blessed water and returned to them the strength and bodily frequency; he gave sight to the blind through just one touch of his fingers; all were amazed not so much by his miracles as by the meekness and humility with which he uttered the words of divine wisdom. "

Preaching the Word of God, the holy Apostle Andrew made several journeys, during which he returned to Jerusalem three times.

He went through Asia Minor, Thrace, Macedonia, Scythia and the Black Sea region. The Apostle Andrew climbed up the Dnieper to the location of present-day Kiev, where he erected a cross on the Kiev mountains, addressing his disciples with the words: “Do you see these mountains? The grace of God will shine on these mountains, there will be a great city, and God will erect many churches ”.

St. Andrew's Church in Kiev.

Moving further north, the Apostle Andrew reached the settlements of the Slavs on the site of the future Novgorod and hoisted his rod near the present village of Gruzino. From here the Apostle Andrew headed back to Thrace, passing through the lands of the Varangians and Rome.

The Apostle Andrew the First-Called sets up a cross on the Kiev mountains.
N.P. Lomtev 1848

Having visited many cities and seaside villages, where churches were founded by him, he finally reached Byzantium. On the outskirts of Argyropole, or the Silver City, Saint Andrew made one of the 70 disciples of Christ Stachius bishop, who became the head of the hierarchy of the new Rome, just like the Apostle Clement was made the head of the old Rome from Peter.

Apostles from 70 Stachy, Amplius, Urvan, etc.

The last city where the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called came, and where he received a martyr's death in 62, was the city of Patras (Patras). Here, through the prayer of the apostle, a seriously ill noble citizen Sosiy recovered. Also, through prayer, by the laying on of the apostolic hands, the wife of the ruler of Patra Maximill and his brother the philosopher Stratokles were healed.

This prompted the inhabitants of Patras to receive holy Baptism from the Apostle Andrew, but the ruler of the city, the consul Egeat, remained an inveterate pagan. The holy apostle appealed to his soul with love and humility, striving to reveal to him the Christian mystery of eternal life and the miraculous power of the Holy Cross of the Lord.

The enraged Egeatus ordered the crucifixion of the apostle. With joy, Andrew the First-Called made the decision of the ruler and ascended to the place of execution. In order to prolong the torment of the holy apostle, Aegeatus ordered not to nail his arms and legs to the cross, but to tie them. According to legend, the cross on which the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called was crucified had the shape of the letter "X" and was named "St. Andrew's Cross".

For two days the apostle taught from the cross to the people gathered around the townspeople. The people who listened to him sympathized with him with all their hearts and demanded that the holy apostle be removed from the cross. Frightened by popular indignation, Egeat ordered an end to the execution. But the holy apostle began to pray that the Lord would honor him on death on the cross. No matter how the soldiers tried to remove the Apostle Andrew from the cross, their hands did not obey them. The crucified apostle praised God and said: "Lord Jesus Christ, receive my spirit."

Then the bright radiance of Divine light sanctified the cross and the martyr crucified on it. When the radiance disappeared, the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called had already surrendered his soul to the Lord. Maximilla, the wife of the governor, removed the apostle's body from the cross and buried it with honor.

The wanderings of the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called

Having set out to preach the teachings of Christ, baptizing believers and teaching them the divine mysteries, Saint Andrew, Peter and Matthew reached the city of Sinop in the Scythian lands, which was the capital of the Pontic kings, where there were many Jews.

The Jews of Sinop were divided among themselves into various heresies, and the most barbarous pagans who lived in Sinop were people of cruel and brutal disposition. The apostles did not ascend into the city, but stopped at the edge of the cape six miles from Sinope and they converted many of the Jews and pagans to Christianity, confirming their doctrine with ceaseless signs.

Coming out of Sinope, the apostles divided their paths - the Apostle Peter, taking Gaius with him, went west to preach the teaching of Christ, and the Holy Apostle Andrew with Matthew and other disciples went east with the educational teaching to the Slavs and Greeks to the east.

Western Christians look to Saint Peter as the foundation stone of their Church, who set up a supreme pulpit for them in Rome. Eastern Christians, with love, flock to Saint Andrew, who has bypassed their borders with the gospel message. Saint Andrew the First-Called installed the first bishop in Constantinople, in Byzantium, who became the head of all Eastern Christianity.

On the next Saturday, he went up to the synagogue of Synopa and preached to the Jews the word of truth, proving from Holy Scripture that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God. The Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, ascending a stone and stretching out his hand, made the sign of the cross, all the suffering and sick were healed. Surprised by his miracles, citizens brought donations, but the apostle distributed everything to poor people, and many, believing in the Lord Jesus through him, were baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity.

The Apostle Andrew preached and enlightened the inhabitants of the cities and villages of Pontus, confirming them in the faith of the Lord Jesus, with the help of converts he built a church, created an altar for a bloodless sacrifice and ordained priests and deacons.

Both poor people and rich nobles, men and wives, Jews and pagans, were baptized in the church, for then the rulers of the Roman Empire - Tiberius Caesar, Gaius and Claudius, did not interfere with the confession of the teachings of Christ. The Apostle Andrew taught all parishioners to pray, singing psalms, praise, sacred rites, commanding those who pray to stand facing the east, on their knees, overshadowing themselves with the sign of the cross. The Apostle Andrew taught the parishioners to fast and stay awake, not to read pagan mythology, but to study the Holy Scriptures.

He visited Trapezon, a city of rude and harsh ignorant morals, lying in the land of Laz, on the banks of the Pontus, and then went to Iberia, where he preached for a long time in its cities: Negliya, Klarjete and Artakan-Kolos. From here the Apostle Andrew went further to the land of the Parthians of Somkheti, and returned to Jerusalem for the feast of Passover.

The third wandering of the Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called around Pontus began from Edes, from where he, together with Matthew and Simon the Canaanite, went to the land of Iver, preaching Christ the Savior without hindrance, they passed part of the Trialeti region to the river called Chorokhi.
The Apostle Andrew preached "to the Scythians, Sogdians and Gorsians, he even reached the great city of Sevast and the Fasis River (now the Rioni River), where the Ivirs, Susa, Fustos and Alans live ..."

The apostles also visited mountainous Svaneti, the princess of Svaneti accepted their sermon, Matthew remained here at the head of the church, and the great Andrew and Simon Kananit climbed the mountains where the Ossetians lived, and reached the city of Phostofor, and converted many to Christianity.

More accurate and detailed information about the Apostle Andrew belongs to Nikita Paphlagon in the "Praise to the Apostle Andrew", IX century. "You, worthy of all my reverence, Andrew, having received the north as your inheritance, zealously bypassed the Iberians, Savromats, Taurus and Scythians, and flowed through all the regions and cities adjacent from the north to the south of Pontus Euxine."

Under the Taurus and Scythians, the inhabitants of the Crimea and the inhabitants of Lesser Scythia are mentioned here, the territory of which stretches from the city of Chersonesus to the Borisfena River (Dnieper River) and the Danube. The path of the holy Apostle Andrew went along the shores of the Black and Caspian seas.

Epiphanius of Cyprus collected many testimonies about Andrew the First-Called, and compiled a biography and the paths of the holy evangelist. The Apostle Andrew enlightened many Iberians in Iberia (Georgia), in Svaneti, in which the Pontic queen ruled, the widow of the murdered Pontic king. Svaneti received the Holy Gospel, the Apostle Matthias, the companion of the Apostle Andrew, was left here to establish the Christian Church.

From Svaneti Saint Andrew the First-Called went to Ossetia, and in the city of Phostofore he converted many to the Christian faith.
Epiphanius of Cyprus reports that “Apostle Andrew taught the Scythians, Kosogdians and Horses in Sevastopol the Great, where the fortification of Apsara and the harbor of Issa and the Phasis river; the Ivers, the Susa, the Fust, and the Alans live here. "

From mountainous Ossetia, his path led to Abkhazia, to the city of Sevast, where even more people accepted his sermon. From the works of the Holy Fathers, published by Mine, we learn that “Apostle Andrew walked around, evangelizing, all the seaside of Bithynia and Pontus, Thrace and Scythia, then arrived in Sevastopol the Great, where the fortification of Apsar and the river Phasis. The inhabitants of Sevast accepted the word of God, and the holy Apostle Simon remained at the head of the church.

According to the researchers, these geographical names refer to the territory of modern Abkhazia, where the city of Sukhum is the ancient Greek colony of Dioscuria, in the Roman era it was known as Sevastopolis and Sevastopol the Great, from here went the trade route to India and Asian countries. The Phasis River is the ancient name of the Rioni River.

The Holy Apostle Andrew set off along the sea to the land of cruel jigets, immersed in the darkness of wickedness. The jigets did not accept the sermon of the Apostle Andrew and looked for an opportunity to kill him, but the Lord saved him. Blessed Andrew, seeing their inflexibility and cruelty, withdrew from them, so the jigets remain in disbelief to this day.

From them Saint Andrew retired to the Upper Sundag, the inhabitants of which happily followed the teachings of Christ, then he set out with his sermon and miracles performed in the Name of God to the Bosphorus, where many townspeople were attracted to Jesus Christ.

Not far from Byzantium, in the Acropolis, or Vyshgorod, the Apostle Andrew set up a church near the city gates, called Augenon, and the church itself bears the name of Armason.

The Apostle Andrew preached to the Scythians who lived in the territory from the Balkans to the mouth of the Danube and beyond.
Then Andrew the First-Called went to the Thracian city of Heraclius and stayed there for a long time, sowing the seed of divine knowledge. Bishop Heraclius, as the oldest of the spiritual brethren, has the right to present the pastoral staff to the Patriarch of Constantinople himself.
Visiting the cities of Macedonia, the Apostle Andrew preached, consoled and healed the sick, baptized, and built churches, and ordained elders.

He remained in Thessalonica for a long time, teaching the people and confirming the believers who had been converted to Christianity by the preaching of the holy Apostle Paul. From Soluni he went to the Peloponnese and visited the Ahai city, ancient Patras - here was the limit of his apostolic deed.

In 357 the relics of the holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called were solemnly transferred to Constantinople and laid in the church of the Holy Apostles next to the relics of the holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke and the disciple of the Apostle Paul - Timothy. After the capture of Constantinople by the crusaders, in 1208 the relics of the holy Apostle Andrew were transported to Italy and placed in the cathedral in Amalfi.

Since 1720, by decree of Peter I, the St. Andrew's flag was established with the image of the St. Andrew's cross. This flag became the official flag of the Russian Navy.