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Church of Ascension in Kolomensky Description. The church of Ascension in Kolomensky architecture. Study of the monument and restoration

Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomensky In the last years of the Great Prince of Moscow Vasily III in recent years. She became a kind of monument to his princess, and today it is a masterpiece of world architecture, the temple in Kolomensky one of the first stone tents.

Sasha Mitrahovich 10.02.2017 09:52

The history of the creation of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomensky is unknown. Different sources indicate that the construction of the church was completed in 1532. But it is not clear how much construction lasted. According to legend, the Grand Duke Vasily III ordered to build a new temple on the occasion of his birth, he has a long-awaited heir - the future king of Ivan IV Grozny.

Sasha Mitrahovich 10.02.2017 09:55

The height of the Ascension Church in Kolomensky is 62 meters, the tent height is 20 meters. The area of \u200b\u200bthe inner room of the temple is 8.5 to 8.5 meters. The thickness of the walls reaches four meters, in other places - three-meters. A largest brick was used as a building material. Separate mention deserves a unique foundation. This is a big artificial cliff of great. . .

Sasha Mitrahovich 10.02.2017 10:45

The first repair of the Church of Ascension in the village of Kolomna survived in the 1570s. Then the floor covering was redesigned, and reddish appeared among white and gray tiles. Perhaps, at the same time, the floor was lost on the poverty. If you believe later documents regarding the initial painting, it included images of Savaof and Saints - both universal and "Moscow". Ver. . .

Sasha Mitrahovich 10.02.2017 11:07

By the time of the fall of Soviet power over the Ascension Church, a terrible threat was hung. Back in the 1970s, it was decided to increase the water level in the Moscow River, thereby improving the conditions for shipping. In the process of strengthening the coast, a concrete embankment was built right under the temple and the ancient springs were covered. As the result - the coast is wondered, prominations appeared, in 1981 and 1987, under the temple there were landslides.

The country in the late 1980s experienced severe times. There was not enough funds, and no one was going to carefully study the condition of the descent to the river. Cracks decided to close the brick, but the risk of settling the masterpiece of Russian architecture into the water did not disappear.

The main task of the last twenty years was the salvation of the Kolomna Church of the Ascension of the Lord. Fortunately, in 1994, the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve was included in UNESCO World Heritage Site, which helped the case of preserving the famous Ascension Temple for descendants.

Sasha Mitrahovich 10.02.2017 11:20

Despite the magnificent appearance, inside the Church of the Ascension of the Lord looks very modest. This fact is quite explained: the temple was built as a house church, only members of the royal family went to it and its approximate. During their absence, the temple was simply closed. He was inactive all winter time, due to which heating never appeared in it.

Inside the church there are no columns and pillars. The walls are painted in white, because during various studies managed to establish what exactly he prevailed in the room initially. In the corners - powerful pilasters. The windows at the bottom of the church are located unusual - not on the walls, but in the corners of the ferechka. There are also the same window openings on different faces of the tent. They are placed on different sides of the world. In addition, the windows of the staircase, bordering it from the south-west side. The floor is posted with triangular ceramic plates of black and brown colors.

The ancient iconostasis of the XVI century and the original painting of the walls are not preserved. Today you can see only removing in the wall, which rested the timber - horizontal thrust that performed the role of the iconostasis supports in the old days. The current iconostasis was established in 2007, and sanctified a year later. It was made on the basis of the preserved iconostasis Antoniyev Monastery in Veliky Novgorod, which dated just the XVI century. Today in the iconostasis there are icons of the Ascension of the Lord, the Mother of the Smolenskaya Mother, John the Forerunner, the Mother of the Tikhvinskaya. However, whether they actually did not manage to establish in the old iconostasis.

The peculiarity of the Kolomna temple is extensive (especially against the background of not very spacious main premises). Earlier there were economic premises. Nowadays, an exhibition dedicated to the history of the creation and restoration of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord has been deployed in the package. There is also a list of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Power", which they found in the focus of the temple in 1917.

Sasha Mitrahovich 10.02.2017 11:38

Significant changes in the status of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomensky occurred in 1994. Then, it, together with the ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square, included on UNESCO World Heritage List. It is curious that in the same year in the temple, after a long break, worship resumed, and he received the status of the Patriarchal Opportal.

Another consecration of the Ascension Church took place in 2000. Today he is in general jurisdiction of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve and Church. Services in the temple are held only on large church holidays.

Already in the XXI century, the Ascension Church has experienced another repairs. In 2003, the Moscow Government adopted a comprehensive development program and allocated funds for the restoration of a unique temple, standing on the high bank of the Moscow River. For overflow used 40 thousand bricks. Unfortunately, the wooden structures of the roofs above the papers that got the "inheritance" church from disassembled palaces, could not be kept.

At the same time, at the end of the work, the interior of the temple was almost completely recreated. Within the framework of the museum exposition, the tsarist gates made for the Ascension Church at the end of the XIX century in the icon-painted workshop of the merchant N.A. Ahapkina. Visit this exposition can anyone. In addition, there is an exhibition "Archeology and restoration of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord". There you can see old drawings and photos of the temple, a newsreel of different years.

As for the main premises of the Church, then access to protect the temple from new damage and destruction is open only from May to September. In the cold season, the temple is closed.

The Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomensky experienced numerous repairs and threats of collapse. To preserve the monument in different epochs had to spend a huge amount of forces and means. But thanks to this, the silhouette of the temple's silhouette is still happy with the eyes of the numerous guests of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve.

On the banks of Moscow River in the Museum-Reserve Kolomenskoye is a miracle of medieval architecture: the Church of the Ascension of the Lord.

The temple was built for 4 years. From 1528 to 1532. As Solva says, he was erected in honor of the birth of the son of Vasily III Ivan Grozny. But this is more likely, given the fact that Ivan Grozny was born in 1530, because such a scale project was problematic for two years. Most likely, Vasily laid the construction in 1528, as tribute to God, so that the Lord would send him a long-awaited heir. After all, for a long time, the king and his wife remained a childless pair that during the times of the autocracy and continuity of power was a big problem.

In September 1532, its consecration took place, in this ceremony, the entire reigning family participated in this ceremony - grand Prince Vasily III, His young wife Elena Glinskaya and Ioan's infant.

Who built the temple

The name of the talented architect building built the temple has not yet succeeded. It can be assumed that the architect was Italian. Most historians believeThe church built a little-known architect Petro Annibal at the time. In Russia, he had a lot of names - Petrok Malaya, Peter Fryazin. And inviting him Vasily III to Moscow in 1528 makes this version of the most convincing. It was the name of Fryazin that convinced the many that this is a certain Pskov architect, built in the first-mate many masterpieces of architecture. In fact, this is a nickname. Thus, called all Italians in Russia.

Characteristics of style and features of building

Building is just a set of several architectural styles. There are also pilasters with the captors in the style of early rebirth, and gothic vimpergi, and classic Russian kokoshniki. Understand, what architectural stylist adhered to the architect complicated.

Among the elements of the Renaissance era can be highlighted as follows:

  • order;
  • portals with straight architects overlapping outlets;
  • drawing gothic vimpers.

The height of the tower church of the whole 62 meters. By the standards of those times it was an impressive indicator. The construction was the highest Orthodox structure. And at the expense of the flying architectonics, the feeling is created that the building is hardened over the earth.

There is no domestic support at the building, as well as the usual altar apse. It is installed on the submarine surrounded by Hulbish, and although the thickness of the walls from 2 to 4 meters, the church looks very easy. A stone throne survived on the east side. The legs are made in the form of lion's paws, and the armrests are decorated with intricate arabesque. From here, the Moscow rulers admired the immense wide, opening up by Moscow by the river.

The inner space of the building is not great, because he was a home princely temple. Here only members of the sovereign family and the closest, trusted servants could pray here.

The temple was erected as a summer, unheated. There was never a furnace or any heating. So he remains to this day. The Ascension Temple is considered the first tent church of the stone. In addition, the church had the function of the watchtower. In the thickness of one of the walls there is a narrow staircase, leading up straight to the tent. There is a special observation deck used to feed signals. If there was suspicious movements there, the movement of the troops, then the fire immediately lightathed. At night, it was a bright flame. In the afternoon the signal was served by smoke.

Gradually, with a loss of the village of Kolomna official status of the current royal residence, the temple lost the status of "house" and became parish. It was a summer church, where they served from Easter to the Intercession. And in Soviet times there were concerts of spiritual and classical music, if it was interesting from a historical point of view. Now the temple came to life: services are performed here.

At the bottom of the temple there is a composition dedicated to the history and restoration of the church. From the street, the visitor falls into the western tent. This room originated in the XVII century, when the space between the supporting pillars of the bypass gallery was laid with bricks. Here you can get acquainted with some constructive features of the temple and materials used in its construction, as well as old photos.

The following room is a church dump or subchart. The thickness of the walls here reaches five meters. Usually they stored the most valuable. Perhaps there was once the treasury of Ivan the Terrible.

The internal volume of the temple is open by 42 meters so that the possibility of ascension is created inside. The decoration of that time is not preserved, only the form of galleries has an initial look. As everything looked here in a distant 1532, it remains only to guess, but at the request of historians the situation was colorful and rich. And it is not surprising, because the temple was a prayer house for the royal family.

The most interesting thing is that according to the legend, somewhere in the temple there is a great library of Ivan the Terrible, who got into the inheritance from the Byzantine grandmother.

Changes after repairs and restorations

Throughout the existence, the structure of the following changes were made:

This is only a small part of the repair work. For its history, the building has undergone significant transformations.

Since 1994, the object is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List and is protected by this organization. This indicates that even the global cultural community highly appreciates this architectural structure.

The Ascension Church is an indisputable masterpiece of world architecture. Even a century later, she does not cease to surprise her perfect harmony and an excellent energy, which is saturated with everything around.

The Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomensky is a masterpiece of world architecture, one of the first stone tantle temples in Russia.

Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomensky - Orthodox church of the Danilovsky degree of the Moscow Diocese.

The temple is located in the area of \u200b\u200bNagatino-Gardeners, the Southern Administrative District of the city of Moscow, in the former village of Selom Kolomna.

Erected in Kolomensky in 1529-1532 (allegedly Italian architect Petrokom Small) on the right bank of the Moscow River. Ktittor Temple - Grand Duke Moscow Vasily III. Perhaps the temple was erected in honor of the birth of the Son of the Grand Prince, the future king of Ivan the Terrible.

Before the studies of V. V. Kavelmanmaker, in the 1990s, showed an earlier date of the Trinity Church in the Alexander Sloboda (1510s), Church of Ascension in Kolomensky It was considered the first stone tantle temple in Russia.

The initial decoration of the interior of the church was not preserved. Apparently, it was rich, because the church was intended for the royal family. Probably, the church was painted, as they say the information made in the XVII century update the "Wall Letter" and Iconostasis. Paul church changed, at least twice. During the construction, it was laid out with red and black ceramic triangular tiles, in the XVII century it was replaced by a brick floor, and in the XIX century a monochon square ceramic tile appeared. Church galleries, apparently, retained their original shape, changing only the coating.

During the 1996-1997 studies on the southern porch, the bells of the Ascension Church, which existed until the middle of the XVI century was found. When repairing galleries in the XVIII century over a stone throne ("tsarist destination") of the XVI century was made in Sen. On the side of the throne at that time there was a wall painting with the images of the Universal Saints and Moscow Wonderviews. At the other repairs in the 30s of the XIX century, a canopy barrel and a double-headed eagle was added to the sense over the "tsarist site". The painting around the throne remained untouched, but only until 1884, when the frescoes were destroyed, and zinc boards with oil painting appeared in their place.

At the end of the XIX and early 20th century, an update of the outer walls of the church, affected eight, tent, part of the etern, capitals, parapels of galleries and other details of the external decoration were made. During the work, "lost" parts of the masonry of walls and the tent were restored, as was considered at the time, in accordance with the initial appearance of the temple.

In the course of different alterations, the church has lost white-name carved portals. Most of the northern portal destroyed by one of the first (possibly in the XVII century) was discovered during the restoration of the 1930s. This allowed to restore the North and recreate the similarity of the South Portals Church of Ascension.

### page 2.

In the temple, along with the tent, a victim pylon was applied, which made it possible to build a huge building of unprecedented proportions, with the "flying" architectonics. The construction was carried out with a scope and considerable material costs. In the history of Russian architecture, the temple remained a work, from the point of view of its formal perfection, the only and unique.

Church of the Ascension of the Lord made of bricks with numerous white decor elements in the form of a centric church-tower; Its height is 62 meters. The plan is an equilway cross. The inner space of the temple is relatively small - just over 100 square meters. Around the temple is a bunk gallery with three high shooting stairs. On the facades, the corners of the church are decorated with an elongated flat pilasters with capitals in the spirit of early rebirth. Renaissance pilasters are made by pointed gothic vimpergi. Gights put on the main cruciform church, in the lower part, decorated with rows of large celoid arches in the traditional Moscow style, and above decorated with dual renaissance pilasters. The temple is blocked by a tent with clearly dedicated ribs.

Water Tower and Dyakovsky Gate in it (1675)

As S. S. Podyapolsky showed, numerous "Renaissance" elements (orders, portals with direct architects, renerable drawing of gothic wimpers, etc.) took place in the building. With respect to the gothic elements (total pilotness and many elements of the decor, first of all the vimpergov), the researcher believed that Petrifs small applied them as a stylization under the "local" architecture, since the Spirit of Gothic in preceding him. A monumental throne is located on the gallery, the church applied to the eastern wall and turned back to the altar.

Church of the Ascension of the Lord is included in the complex of the Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye"; UNESCO World Heritage (since 1994).

First mention 1532 year Building - years Status Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation № 7710007015 № 7710007015 Website Official site Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomensky on wikisklad

Coordinates: 55 ° 40'02 "p. sh. 37 ° 40'15 "in. d. /  55.667222 ° C. sh. 37.670833 ° C. d. (G) (O) (I)55.667222 , 37.670833

Temple Tower

Sign of UNESCO

Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomensky - Orthodox church of the Danilovsky degree of the Moscow Diocese.


The legend binds the construction of the temple with the birth of Ivan IV, the long-awaited heir of the Grand Duke. From the legend, you can only learn that the temple somehow was associated with the birth of the heir, but to build the construction of such complex designs and a large volume in two years, which have passed since September 1530, in August 1532 could not. According to S. A. Gavrilov, the bookmark of the Church took place two years earlier than birth and the church could not be laid out in gratitude to God for the birth of the heir, that is, could not be a common one. The temple has been erected as a prayer, for praying about chador-naughty couple.

Immediately after the end of the two-year period of the dope, the ambiguity of the Grand Duke was the ambassador of the Grand Duke to purify the sin of the Church. At his request, Clement VII went to Moscow an architect Anibal for the construction of a moth churches in accordance with a poor program. In Moscow, the architect came at the beginning of the summer of 1528 and after 2-3 weeks already started work.

The place for the Ascension Church was chosen on the steep coast, at the base of which beat the key considered miraculous. It corresponded to Italian treatises about choosing a place, the key on them is related to particularly healing, since it was located at the "Winter East". Originally laid "T" -dient foundation for the temple without a lined, but three-pertolous. Similar layout is implemented in the villages of the island and conversations.

From the western side, the belfry was laid similar to Dyakovsky. The foundations of different depths were laid under the pinches. According to treatises, they had to make one sixth of the height of the building volumes. The depth of the foundations can be made hypothetical reconstruction. The height of the main temple is determined by 42.5 meters, the height of the adhesives is 24.6 meters. The height of the Western Crane is 14.4 meters.

Probably, in the fall of 1528, the foundation was completed. Upon completion of the foundation, they abandoned the initial plan, since from Spring, the church would be hidden with a steep shore, and from the church, the spring is not visible. For a visual connection, it took the temple to put on a high dump. This led to the cardinal processing of the layout. Due to the advent of the subcounte, they abandoned the side chassions and from the western version of the belfry. To approach the second tier, the stairs were required. From autumn 1528 to spring 1529, the layout was probably reworked.

In 1529, a refined plan was made by a refined design. At the beginning of the summer began to post the belfry combined with the northern porch, but from the second option they refused, as from the first Western version. Perhaps the overall planning of the estate has not yet been solved. By mid-summer, 1529, all general decisions were adopted. The wooden Dyakov Church with the thrones of conception of John the Forerunner, the conception of Anna and Konstantine and Elena had already been almost ready (was consecrated, the first of all the moth churches, until the end of 1529). Only from the end of 1529, when the first generic church of the conception of John the Forerunner appeared, in which praying was made about Chadorodia, it was possible to think about the appearance of the heir. The lower march of the southern porch of the Ascension Church was centered on the Dyakov Church, unscrewing the axis of the porch from the axis of the Ascension Church by 4 degrees. On this main axis, and put the ringing completely.

Probably, in 1530 they built ferek. Next year they did Kokoshnikov and the eight. In the final 1532 year made a tent. Probably, only at the end of the tent, there were pillars of the 2nd tier of panels with carved capitals, the pellets were covered with trees in the south porch, the floors were placed on the module of Rusta from triangular ceramic tiles in the church and from square tiles on the poverty. All these works were completed by the end of the summer of 1532: 62. In the chronicle sources, the consecration of the church occurred on September 3, 1532 by Metropolitan Daniel in the presence of Prince Vasily III, Princess Elena and Son Ivan: 65.

From the beginning of 1530 began to prepare for the appearance of the heir. In connection with the birth of Ivan the Terrible in August 1530, the royal place was created on a white-named oval basis. It was put on his place in 1532 together with the flooring on Parity. When installing the "tsarist site" for its carved back in the already finished Wall of the Chetverka had to make a recess in Polkirpich.

In the XVII century, the icons are understood in the iconostasis and a small fresco on the eastern facade over the "tsarist ground". According to mentions of different years it is difficult to imagine what painting was originally here. The images of the Universal Saints, Moscow Wonderworkers, Savaof are mentioned. The painting was maintained untouched until 1884, when the frescoes were destroyed, and in their place, oil painting appeared on the wall, luxury zinc sheets.

The next large repair was probably carried out simultaneously with the construction of the Palace of Catherine II, the restructuring and superstructure of the anterior gate ensemble under the guidance and according to the drawings of Prince P. V. Makulov in 1766-1767. During this repair, Renaissance white-changing capitals from the pillars of the second tier galleries were removed, parapets with widths were made (the reconstruction of the "initial" species of the church with these parapets was published. At the same time, the brick floor "in the Christmas tree" appeared and in the foundation of the Song of the "tsarist site" were laid down the most surviving carved blocks from the capitals. On the Renaissance capitals, the new brick parapet with white-eyed faceted columns and a flat lid that did not observe the window opening over the "tsarist ground".

In 1836, a barrel with a gypsum eagle appeared above the "tsarist destination", a barrel with a gypsum eagle, a wrought grille and gypsum parts on Parapete. The barrel closed half the window, the initial intent from us.

In 1866-1867, a repair was carried out under the direction of architect N. A. Shokhin. Then, for the first time in the southern facet of the top eighth, it was made a break and the door was made. The legend of the existence there in antiquity of the premises was not confirmed, but continues to be repeated in almost all publications on the Church of Ascension. In Shokhin, the initial white-name chapter was disassembled and a flattering metal on the iron frame was made. The initial chapter was made of three rows of white-named blocks. She was more convex, but not much. According to Schokhin, the chapter was above all about 30 cm. Then the ladder-the stepladder was removed from the base of the cross and passed through a new break inside the top eight.

With the architect N. F. Kolbe in 1873 were overclied with new bricks ("Shm" stimples) walls of a lounge, new floors were assigned to papers from large arched white-eyed plates. At the same time, the roofs over the poverty were redested. As a material used boards and a bar taken from Alexander I palace disassembled in 1872. When building the Palace Alexander I in 1825, the material was used from the disassembly of the Palace of Catherine II, which also included materials from disassembling the Palace Alexei Mikhailovich.

In 1840, the construction of the Stone St. George Church began, and the iconostasis from the previous wooden was put on the Western Parity of the Ascension Church. However, the throne on the poverty was never here.


Top view of church compute

In the temple, along with the tent, a victim pylon was applied, which made it possible to build a huge building of unprecedented proportions, with the "flying" architectonics. The construction was carried out with a scope and considerable material costs. In the history of Russian architecture, the temple remained a work, from the point of view of its formal perfection, the only and unique.

The church is made of bricks with numerous white-changing elements of the decor in the form of a centric temple-tower; Its height is 62 meters. The plan is an equilway cross. The inner space of the temple is relatively small - just over 100 square meters. Around the temple is a bunk gallery with three high shooting stairs. On the facades, the corners of the church are decorated with an elongated flat pilasters with capitals in the spirit of early rebirth. Renaissance pilasters are made by pointed gothic vimpergi. Gights put on the main cruciform church, in the lower part, decorated with rows of large celoid arches in the traditional Moscow style, and above decorated with dual renaissance pilasters. The temple is blocked by a tent with clearly dedicated ribs.

Was consecrated on December 8, 2000; Since 1994, in church terms, the status of the Temple of the Patriarchal Foreigner has. At the end of 2007, the restoration was finished, and the tweet tier of the temple was opened for visits.


In the basement of the temple on March 2, 1917, according to the reporting of the Metropolitan of Moscow Tikhon, the Holy Synod, the Icon of the Mother of God "Power", since 1990, located in the neighboring Kazan Temple.



  • Gavrilov S. A. On the beginning of the construction of the Ascension Church in Kolomensky
  • Gavrilov S. A. Church of Ascension in Kolomensky - Studies 1972-1990
  • Gavrilov S. A. Iconostasis of the Church of Ascension in Kolomensky - (based on historical reference 1996. in the 2010 editorial office)

The Church of the Ascension of the Lord in the village of Kolomna in the Moscow River was built in 1532. This is the second stone chart temple in Russia, which began the beginning of a wonderful temple style that existed, alas, only before the reform of Nikon's Patriarch in the middle of the XVII century.

Address: Moscow, Prospect Andropova, 39, p.1

02 Village Kolomenskoye on the Moscow River, according to legend, was founded by several families from the city of Kolomna, who fled on the boat upstream of the river from the invasion of Khan Batya's troops in 1237. It is mentioned in the spiritual letter of Ivan Kalita in 1339, and from the beginning of the 15th century, he passed from Serpukhov Prince Vladimir (the grandson of Ivan Kalita) to the Moscow Great Prince Vasily I and became palace.

03 The princely and royal palaces changed several times, the most beautiful of which, built by Alexey Mikhailovich, stood before 1768.

04 Ascension Town Temple - the main thing and the most beautiful building of the palace village - was built in 1532. This is the first stone tent temple (there is an assumption that the wooden tent churches began to build only in the imitation of Kolomensky) in Russia, striking with its grandeur and at the same time harmony of forms.

05 He even seems not very high until people appear next to him - only then you understand how much this church is enormous. There was a temple either in 1529, or in 1530, on the command of Vasily III in honor of the emergence of the long-awaited son and the heir to the throne.

06 There is a high probability that the Italian architects built by the Ascension of the Temple is mild, who arrived in Moscow in 1528.

07 In favor of the "Italian" version, the decor, which did not meet before in Russian architecture, and the dates of the Arabic figures in the New Souls (from the Nativity of Christ), which in Russia at that time were not used in Russia.

08 The building was built from a large brick, during construction, forged iron bonds were laid in the lining laying. The composition of the temple is centric, even the altar part is not designated outside apse. Conducting at the base of the church is crowned with the eighth, which was put on a high tent. The transition from the lower part to the octa is hidden rows of triple kokosnovnikov, of which the octahedral pillar "grows".

09 At the bottom of the Temple of the Gulbing Gallery, relying on arcade; On the gallery lead indoor stairs. Initially, the Gulbii was open, and for the altar there was a royal place with a "terry" roof, in all likelihood, arranged with Alexei Mikhailovic. From there, the king distributed alms after worship.

10 is decorated with extremely skillfully and richly, while without excesses: the face of the lower volume is decorated with pilasters, a number of kokosnikov holds a series of tent, the gallery walls and stairs are also not smooth.

11 But the most interesting surface of the faces of the very tent: they are decorated with white-stone traction in the form of a "diamond rust", and at a time when the tent was painted in red, remained white. Inside the tent is open, which creates a feeling of space inside a small area of \u200b\u200bthe temple.

12 The initial characteristic iconostasis was disassembled under Nicolae I and was replaced by the iconostasis from the Kremlin Assistant Monastery.

13 Later, the iconostasis with preserved ancient icons was restored, although not in its original form.

14 In Soviet times, the Church of Ascension, together with the rest of the monuments of the village of Kolomensky, was transferred to the Museum-Reserve, organized in 1928. In 2007, a long restoration of the monument was completed, around which a serious discussion was on the topic of its quality. But anyway, the forests, for a long time hiding the oldest tent of Moscow, now removed, and the main vertical of the high shore of the Moscow River is again visible from everywhere.

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