Bedroom design Materials House, garden, plot

Construction of the Church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye. A marvelous temple in honor of the formidable king - the Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomenskoye. Characteristic features of the tent-roofed temple

After Dmitry Donskoy, who defeated Khan Mamai on the Kulikovo field in 1380 and made Moscow the center of unification of anti-Horde forces, several princes were replaced on the Moscow throne, making their state ever stronger. The great-grandson of Dmitry Donskoy, IvanIII in 1476, he refused to pay tribute to the weakened Horde, after which, within two decades, the Tatar yoke was completely eliminated. The Moscow princes received well-deserved fame and domination in Russia. Zthe country residence of the Moscow princesKolomenskoye, like the Kremlin, has since become a symbol of state power; it is given an increasingly ceremonial look.

However, the Tatars' raids on Moscow continued. Most often these were not Volga Tatars, but Crimean Tatars. Their cavalry detachments burst into cities and villages, plundered, burned, killed, captured prisoners and carried away. They also did not bypass Kolomenskoye, which was acquiring the importance of a front line defending Moscow from the south.
In 1521, the Crimean Khan Mahmet Girey, according to the chroniclers, unhindered "Kolomenskaya places having fought" and "Many villages and holy churches of Pojegosha"... But six years later, in September 1527, the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily III with his brothers, having gathered an army in Kolomna, set out on a campaign against the 40-thousandth horde of the Crimean prince Islam Giray. Having crossed the Oka, the Russian warriors defeated the Tatar army. It was a great victory.

Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily III

In August 1530 in Kolomenskoye with the Grand Duke VasilyIII , great-grandson of Prince Dmitry Donskoy, son Ivan was born. This boy was to become the first Russian tsar, nicknamed (for his tough temper) Grozny. At the moment of his birth, a storm began, a terrible thunderstorm broke out, lightning flashed, thunder rumbled ... But the happy parents considered it a good sign. The boy was welcome.
His birth was preceded by dramatic events ...

Vasily III introduces his bride Elena Glinskaya into the palace

Vasily III For twenty years he lived in a childless marriage with Solomonia Saburova, then forcibly forced her to take monastic tonsure, exiled to a monastery and married the Polish princess Elena Glinskaya in the hope that the young wife would finally give an heir. There were rumors in Moscow that the unfortunate princess Solomonia arrived at the monastery pregnant and gave birth to a son there, but the boyars, sent by the grand duke to investigate, did not find out anything (or they kept everything secret). However, Elena was not immediately able to fulfill her mission - the couple waited for several years for when they would have a child ... They prayed fervently, gave alms, visited monasteries, asked for help from miraculous icons and laid a new church in Kolomenskoye with a prayer for childbirth.
The site for the church was chosen on the high bank of the river.
It was built by the Italian architect Peter Francesco Annibale (Hannibal), who in Russian chronicles was called Peter Fryazin or Petrok the Small. Italians were usually called Fryazins in Russia (that is why so many namesakes were among visiting architects and other specialists).

Mother of Basil III , the Byzantine princess Sophia Palaeologus, grew up in Rome and brought to Russia classical ideas about architecture, based on ancient samples and buildings of the Renaissance. She managed to instill her tastes in two Moscow rulers - her husband and son. It was to her that Moscow owed the appearance of Italian architects. Petrok Maly Fryazin arrived in Moscow when the "Roman princess" Sophia Palaeologus was no longer alive, at the invitation of her son Vasily. According to the personal request of the Grand Duke of Moscow, Pope ClementVii in 1528 he released the architect Annibale to his court. The most important building of the architect was considered the fortress Kitay-gorod, and the most beautiful was the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye. The same master built a new palace of Vasily here.III , unfortunately not preserved.
Either the construction of the prayer church helped, or the princely alms, but Elena soon felt the signs of pregnancy, and after the due date she had a boy, the heir to the throne. The Grand Duke, who by that time had crossed the fifty-year mark, was immensely happy. The new church was completed after the birth of the grand ducal son Ivan and dedicated to this event. So in Kolomenskoye, the oldest surviving architectural monument appeared - the Church of the Ascension of the Lord. In 1532, this church is already mentioned as active.

In the same 1532, Khan Safa Girey invaded the Moscow state. Vasily III, remembering his past victory over the Tatars, again advanced to Kolomenskoye and began to gather an army. The chroniclers told: “Having left, the great prince began in Kolomenskoye to wait for Prince Ondrei Ivanovich, his brother, and the governor with many people, and the same days came news ... to Kolomenskoye from the governor from Rezan, that Safa Kirey the king ... and other princes with many people came to Rezan yes and the plantations were burned; and the great prince ... ordered to send over the Oka-river ... to extract tongues, and the governors of those Tatars sent to the great prince to Kolomenskoye "... The Grand Duke personally interrogated the Tatar "languages" taken beyond the Oka River in Kolomenskoye. The miniature of the annals of the middle of the 16th century, dedicated to this event, depicts not only the many-topped princely chambers, but also the Church of the Ascension. By August 21, 1532, the hordes were defeated.
The Church of the Ascension in many respects was the standard - perfect in design and execution, it became the first tent-roofed stone temple in Moscow land and for a long time determined the style of Russian church architecture. But at the same time it remained the one and only. Before its construction, architects usually reproduced the Byzantine cross-domed composition, and there was no question of a departure from the canon. And suddenly Kolomna Church of the Ascension, devoid of a bulky dome, shot up into the heavens like an arrow! "In the Church of the Ascension, as a focus, all the architectural streams of Christian countries met, and they also served as a starting point in the formation of Russian national architecture," said the architect Leonid Belyaev.
Before the erection of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower in the Kremlin, the Kolomna Church of the Ascension was the tallest structure in Moscow and the Moscow region - its total height with the dome and the cross exceeded 60 meters (in the interior - more than 40). Researchers find in the architecture of the temple elements inherent in the Gothic and early Renaissance, but at the same time the church turned out to be surprisingly Russian, there is nothing in it that the Orthodox Church would not accept and that would be alien to the inhabitants of Moscow in the sixteenth century. And the general appearance of the church, a "single pillar" resembling a tower, cut like a crystal, and "Italian" pilasters and pylons, and galleries surrounding the church building, and Gothic decorative elements - all aroused the delight of both contemporaries and descendants. It is no coincidence that this temple was called “Russian prayer in stone”. The chronicler noted: “ Be the same church that Velma is wonderful in height and beauty, such has not been before this in Russia ".

Only Patriarch Nikon, when carrying out church reform in the seventeenth century, tried to resist the construction of hipped-roof churches, but later the architects returned to this form anyway.

“Nothing struck me so much as a monument of ancient Russian architecture in the village of Kolomenskoye.
I saw a lot, I admired a lot, a lot amazed me, but time, an ancient time in Russia,
which left its monument in this village was for me a miracle of miracles.
I saw the Strasbourg Cathedral, which was built for centuries, I stood near the Milan Cathedral,
but apart from the adhered decorations, I did not find anything. And then beauty appeared before me
whole. Everything in me trembled. It was a mysterious silence. Harmony of beauty of finished forms.
I've seen a new kind of architecture. I saw the aspiration upward, and for a long time I stood, stunned. "
Hector Berlioz, French composer.

Soon after the completion of the construction of the Church of the Ascension, a separate building of the bell tower, consecrated in honor of St. George the Victorious, appeared not far from it. It served as a reminder of the ancient St. George Church that once stood here, erected by princes Dmitry Donskoy and Vladimir the Brave, and, at the same time, the birth of his younger brother Ivan George. Alas, this boy turned out to be seriously ill, did not live long and did not leave a noticeable trace in history. The Church of the Ascension, the bell tower and the small church of St. George, which appeared here in XIX century, make up a single harmonious ensemble.

Bell tower of St. George and the church built in the nineteenth century

During the restoration of 1914-1916, the tent of the Church of the Ascension was re-faced with bricks specially made according to old models with the stamp: "1914".
With the exception of individual, careful restoration work, during its history, the Ascension Church has not undergone significant alterations and has retained its ancient appearance, which makes it a unique phenomenon among other medieval buildings. In 1994, UNESCO included the Church of the Ascension of the Lord, as an outstanding architectural monument, in the World Heritage List (along with the Kremlin and Red Square).Currently, in agreement with the Patriarchate, the Church of the Ascension is in the common use of the Kolomenskoye Museum and the Patriarchal Compound.
Unfortunately, the ancient paintings that adorned its walls have not survived in the church. They were cherished for a long time and carefully "renovated" in the seventeenth century and in the nineteenth, after the military events of 1812. In 1834, during the next renovation, the architect E.D. Tyurin took care of their savings. Preserved, for example, his order regarding the image of the Ecumenical Saints and Moscow wonderworkers, located above the "royal place" in the church:"The image of the saints, written on the porch wall above the royal place, should be preserved in all its integrity, for which purpose it is temporarily sealed with carpentry shields."
But by the end of X I In the 10th century, the parishioners decided that it was time to paint the temple anew, "more beautiful". The old frescoes were destroyed in 1884. The walls of the temple were covered with zinc sheets and modern oil paintings were applied to them. Without a doubt, this is a terrible loss for the national culture.

The Church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye is rightfully considered one of the masterpieces of not only Russian, but also world architecture. Created in the second quarter of the 16th century, the temple became the most striking example of stone hipped-roof architecture, an amazing example of the boundless possibilities of man.

A bit from the history of Kolomenskoye

The ancient village of Kolomenskoye has long attracted the attention of the ruling dynasty in the Moscow principality as an excellent place for a country residence. A quiet, cozy place, hidden from prying eyes by a pine forest, located on the banks of a picturesque river - all this made the choice in favor of this village. Particular attention was paid to it by the notorious Prince Vasily III, during whose reign both a stately wooden palace and the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye were built. The temple impressed the ruler so much that at the end of its construction the feasts and solemn events lasted for three days.

Contrary to architectural tradition

The church in Kolomenskoye is remarkable in that it became the first stone building made in a hipped roof style. Prior to this, only wooden churches were built using this technique, and if they used stone, then they adhered to the cross-domed project, which was brought from Byzantium during the reign of Vladimir the Holy. Having decided on such an experiment, an unknown master could incur the wrath of his high customers, but the result surpassed the wildest expectations. For many years this temple became a kind of model and measure of the activity of Russian architects.

Power directed upward

The Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye has a height of 62 meters, and its tent reaches 28 meters. This construction gives the whole structure airiness, lightness and upward aspiration. This, without a doubt, was the special meaning of the architect's plan: with his creation he wanted to express the impulse of the human soul upward, towards God. This can be achieved only by throwing away everything earthly and unnecessary, only by fully devoting oneself to serving Christ.

Features of the design solution

If you look at the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye from above, then in plan it will be like a cross, all ends of which are equal to each other. This style, which is characteristic precisely for the 15th-16th centuries, was supposed to indicate the ever-increasing strength of Orthodox teaching: any person who was in a church found himself, as it were, under the protection of a vaulted cross. There are no internal supports in the temple, everything is supported by a powerful foundation and a tent structure, the weight is evenly distributed over the base. The arrangement of the windows should be recognized as very successful: an unusual shading effect is created, coupled with bright light islands.

The meaning of the temple in the past and today

The Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye, among other things, also served as an observation post for a long time. When the nomads appeared, the guards were obliged to light a signal fire and warn Muscovites about the impending danger. Today the temple, albeit in a slightly modified form, continues to personify not only the strength of Russian Orthodoxy, but also the great achievements of Russian culture.

Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomenskoye erected in the last years of the reign of the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily III. It became a kind of monument to his reign, and today it is a masterpiece of world architecture, the temple in Kolomenskoye is one of the first stone hipped roofs.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 10.02.2017 09:52

The history of the creation of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomenskoye is not known for certain. Various sources indicate that the construction of the church was completed in 1532. But it is unclear how long the construction took. According to legend, Grand Duke Vasily III ordered the construction of a new temple on the occasion of the birth of his long-awaited heir - the future Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 10.02.2017 09:55

The height of the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye is 62 meters, the height of the tent is 20 meters. The area of \u200b\u200bthe interior of the temple is 8.5 by 8.5 meters. The thickness of the walls in some places reaches four meters, in other places - two to three meters. Large-sized brick was used as a building material. The unique foundation deserves special mention. This is a large artificial rock. ... ...

Sasha Mitrakhovich 10.02.2017 10:45

The Church of the Ascension in the village of Kolomenskoye underwent the first renovation back in the 1570s. Then the flooring was redone, and reddish ones appeared among the white and gray tiles. Perhaps, at the same time, the floor on the porches was lost. If you believe the later documents concerning the original painting, then it included images of hosts and saints - both ecumenical and "Moscow". Ver. ... ...

Sasha Mitrakhovich 10.02.2017 11:07

By the time of the fall of Soviet power, a terrible threat hung over the Ascension Church. Back in the 1970s, it was decided to raise the water level in the Moskva River, thereby improving conditions for navigation. In the process of strengthening the bank, a concrete embankment was built right under the temple and ancient springs were filled up. As a result, the shore was swamped, gullies appeared, landslides occurred under the temple in 1981 and 1987.

The country was going through hard times in the late 1980s. There were not enough funds, and no one was going to carefully study the state of the descent to the river. It was decided to fill the cracks with bricks, but the risk of the masterpiece of Russian architecture sinking into the water did not disappear.

The main task of the last twenty years has been the salvation of the Kolomna Church of the Ascension of the Lord. Fortunately, in 1994 the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, which helped preserve the famous Ascension Cathedral for posterity.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 10.02.2017 11:20

Despite its majestic appearance, the interior of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord looks very modest. This fact is quite understandable: the temple was built as a house church, only members of the royal family and its entourage went to it. During their absence, the temple was simply closed. It was inactive all winter time, which is why heating never appeared in it.

There are no columns and pillars inside the church. The walls are painted in white, because in the course of various studies it was established that it was he who prevailed in the room initially. In the corners there are powerful pilasters. The windows in the lower part of the church are located in an unusual way - not on the walls, but in the corners of the quadrangle. There are the same number of window openings on different sides of the tent. They are located on different cardinal points. In addition, the windows of the staircase fringing it from the south-western side open into the octagon. The floor is paved with triangular ceramic tiles in black and brown.

The ancient iconostasis of the 16th century and the original wall paintings have not survived. Today, you can see only the notches in the wall, on which the tyabla rested - horizontal rods that served as supports for the iconostasis in the old days. The current iconostasis was installed in 2007 and consecrated a year later. It was made on the basis of the preserved iconostasis of the Antoniev Monastery in Veliky Novgorod, which dates back to the 16th century. Today the iconostasis contains icons of the Ascension of the Lord, the Mother of God "Smolenskaya", John the Baptist, the Mother of God "Tikhvin". However, it was not possible to establish whether they were actually in the old iconostasis.

The peculiarity of the Kolomna church is its extensive basement (especially against the background of the not very spacious main room). Previously, there were utility rooms. Today in the basement there is an exhibition devoted to the history of the creation and restoration of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord. It also contains a list of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Reigning", which was found in the basement of the church in 1917.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 10.02.2017 11:38

Significant changes in the status of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomenskoye took place in 1994. Then it, together with the ensemble of the Moscow Kremlin and Red Square, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is curious that in the same year in the church, after a long break, services were resumed, and it received the status of a Patriarchal courtyard.

The next consecration of the Ascension Church took place in 2000. Today it is under the general jurisdiction of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve and the Church. Services in the temple are held only on major church holidays.

Already in the 21st century, the Church of the Ascension has undergone another renovation. In 2003, the Moscow government adopted a comprehensive development program and allocated funds for the restoration of a unique church on the high bank of the Moskva River. 40 thousand bricks were used for re-facing. Unfortunately, the wooden structures of the roofs over the porches, which the church inherited from the demolished palaces, were not preserved.

At the same time, upon completion of the work, the interior of the temple was almost completely recreated. Within the framework of the museum exposition, deployed in the basement, the royal doors, made for the Ascension Church at the end of the 19th century in the icon-painting workshop of the merchant N.A. Akhapkina. Anyone can visit this exposition. In addition, there is an exhibition “Archeology and restoration of the Church of the Ascension of the Lord” in the basement. There you can see old drawings and photographs of the temple, newsreels from different years.

As for the main premises of the church, access there in order to protect the temple from new damage and destruction is open only from May to September. The temple is closed during the cold season.

The Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomenskoye has experienced numerous repairs and threats of collapse. A huge amount of effort and money had to be spent to preserve the monument in different eras. But thanks to this, the light silhouette of the temple, striving to the sky, still pleases the eyes of numerous guests of the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve.

On one of the hot days of the first half of June, a trip was made to the Kolomenskoye estate museum to get acquainted with the unsurpassed monument of religious architecture of the first half of the 16th century.

The history of the magnificent world-class architectural monument is well-known, I will only note that the official title of "the first stone tent-roofed temple" has been questioned by honored historians of ancient Russian architecture V.V. Kavelmakher and his son S.V. Zagraevsky.

The temple was built in the summer residence of the Moscow princes by the Italian architect Petrok Maly by order of Vasily III, as a house church. According to the chronicle, the consecration of the church took place on September 3, 1532 by Metropolitan Daniel in the presence of the customer with his wife and two-year-old son Ivan.

As befits a masterpiece, the temple has been repeatedly researched and described from the scientific literature, but I suggest that you familiarize yourself with its description of a century ago, given by I.E. Grabar in The History of Russian Art, who saw tent-roofed wooden churches as the prototype of a remarkable architectural monument, which, in principle, was confirmed by the chronicler: "Prince the great Vasiley put the church on a stone. The ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ up to the woodwork"and, at the same time, compare the current views of the temple with photographs of the late 19th - early 20th centuries.

And so, this is what Igor Emmanuilovich writes: Small in size inside, the church, due to its height and wide-spread galleries of the basement, gives an impression of grandeur and importance. The idea of \u200b\u200breproducing the wooden church was excellent.

From the outside, the structure of the Kolomna temple clearly reveals its prototype, created in the tree. The main quadrangle, covered with a steep hipped roof, serves as the foot of an octagon resting on two rows of kokoshniks; to the main quadrangle, on the sides, there are ledges, corresponding in the tree to the cuttings covered with a "barrel". Even the rectangular shape of the altar, which is so inherent in a wooden baptismal church, is retained.

The bold thought - to put a vast octagon on the baptismal bottom - could arise only when looking at the identical building technique, made of wood, where it is so simple and light in a combination of octahedral and square log cabins with cuttings, giving a cruciform plan. It is difficult to fulfill such a task in brick and stone, and one must be surprised how decisively and courageously the architect of the Kolomna church coped with it without losing the general structure and proportions inherent in a wooden church.

In twilight evening lighting, when the difference in color is lost, the similarity between the Kolomna temple and the northern wooden hipped-roof churches - the descendants of its prototype - becomes stronger. The circular open gallery of the basement with three wide-spread staircases adds a lot to this similarity.

The Kolomna temple seems like a direct splinter from one of the many wooden churches of the Russian north. This is especially striking when comparing it with the church in Varzuga. While retaining in itself all the decorativeness of the top of the wooden church, it also retains the Old Testament light dome, accompanying both with strictly thought-out designs.

The extraordinary celebration of the consecration of the church "by the whole cathedral" sufficiently indicates the reception given to the innovative venture of the Grand Duke. “Beth, the same church of the nobility, is marvelous in height and beauty and lordship,” the chronicler notes, saying that such was not yet in Russia. The encouragement and favor given to the new method of stone church building inspire the aspirations of innovator artists on the path of reproducing traditional folk forms.

Having got acquainted with the exterior decoration, let's look inside the upper church (on the right, a pre-restoration photo) ...

... where, in addition to the 2007 iconostasis ...

... only white walls and a tent of a similar color extending more than 40 meters upward.

Let's go down to the basement, where there is a museum that tells about the history of the temple.

The first room contains archival photographs of the restoration of the early 20th century ...

First mention 1532 year Construction - years Status Object of cultural heritage of the Russian Federation № 7710007015 № 7710007015 Website Official site Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomenskoye at Wikimedia Commons

Coordinates: 55 ° 40′02 ″ s. sh. 37 ° 40'15 "in. etc. /  55.667222 ° N sh. 37.670833 ° E etc. (G) (O) (I)55.667222 , 37.670833

Temple Tower

Unesco mark

Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Kolomenskoye - Orthodox Church of the Danilov Deanery of the Moscow Diocese.


Legend connects the construction of the temple with the birth of Ivan IV, the long-awaited heir to the Grand Duke. From the legend, one can only glean that the temple was somehow connected with the birth of the heir, but they could not build a structure of such complex structures and a large volume in two years, which passed from September 1530 to August 1532. According to SA Gavrilov, the foundation of the church took place two years before birth and the church could not be laid in gratitude to God for the birth of an heir, that is, it could not be a vow. The temple was erected as a prayer house, to pray for the childbirth of the grand ducal couple.

Immediately after the end of the two-year term of penance, begged by Basil III for cleansing from the sin of bigamy, the ambassadors of the Grand Duke came to the Pope. At his request, Clement VII sent the architect Anibale to Moscow to build prayer churches in accordance with the prayer program. The architect arrived in Moscow at the beginning of the summer of 1528 and after 2-3 weeks he had already started work.

The site for the Church of the Ascension was chosen on a steep bank, at the base of which a spring, considered miraculous, gushed. This corresponded to the Italian treatises on the choice of a place, according to which the key was attributed to especially healing, since it was located in the "winter east". Initially, a "T" -shaped foundation was laid for the temple without a basement, but with a three-altar. A similar layout has been implemented in the villages of Ostrov and Besedi.

On the western side, a belfry was laid, similar to that of the Diakovskaya. Foundations of different depths were laid under the volumes of different heights. According to the treatises, they were supposed to make up one-sixth of the height of the building's volumes. A hypothetical reconstruction can be made based on the depth of the foundations. The height of the main temple is determined at 42.5 meters, the height of the side-altars is 24.6 meters. The height of the western vestibule is 14.4 meters.

The foundation was probably completed in the fall of 1528. Upon completion of the foundation, the original plan was abandoned, since the church would have been hidden from the spring by a steep bank, and the spring would not be visible from the church. For visual communication, it was necessary to put the temple on a high basement. This entailed a radical revision of the layout. In connection with the appearance of the basement, the side chapels and the western version of the belfry were abandoned. Ladders were required to enter the second tier. From the fall of 1528 to the spring of 1529, the layout was probably altered.

In 1529, a basement was made according to a refined plan. At the beginning of summer, they began to lay out the belfry, combined with the north porch, but they refused the second option, as well as the first western option. Perhaps the general layout of the estate has not yet been decided. By the middle of the summer of 1529, all general decisions had been made. The wooden clergy's church with the thrones of the Conception of John the Baptist, the Conception of Anna and Constantine and Helena was already almost finished (it was consecrated, the first of all prayer churches, until the end of 1529). Only from the end of 1529, when the first prayer church of the Conception of John the Baptist appeared, in which prayers for childbirth began to be performed, could one think about the appearance of an heir. The lower march of the southern porch of the Church of the Ascension was oriented to the diakovo church, turning the axis of the porch from the axis of the Church of the Ascension by 4 degrees. The belfry was finally installed on this main axis.

Probably in 1530 they built a quadrangle. The next year they made kokoshniks and an octagon. In the final year of 1532, a tent was made. Probably, only at the end of the tent were pillars of the second tier of porches with carved capitals erected, the porches were covered with plank roofs, a belfry was erected on the south porch, floors were laid in a rustic pattern from triangular ceramic tiles in churches and from square tiles on porches. All these works were completed by the end of the summer of 1532: 62. According to chronicle sources, the consecration of the church took place on September 3, 1532 by Metropolitan Daniel in the presence of Prince Vasily III, Princess Elena and son Ivan: 65.

From the beginning of 1530, preparations began for the birth of an heir. In connection with the birth of Ivan the Terrible in August 1530, a "royal place" was created on a white-stone oval base. It was replaced in 1532, together with the flooring of the porch. When installing the "royal place" for its carved back in the already finished wall of the quadrangle, it was necessary to make a recess in half a brick.

In the 17th century, the icons in the iconostasis and a small fresco on the eastern façade above the "royal place" were renovated. It is difficult to imagine from the references from different years what kind of painting was originally here. The images of the Ecumenical Saints, the Moscow miracle workers, the Sabaoth are mentioned. The painting remained intact until 1884, when the frescoes were destroyed, and in their place, on the wall covered with zinc sheets, oil painting appeared.

The next major renovation was probably carried out simultaneously with the construction of the palace of Catherine II, the rebuilding and superstructure of the Front Gate ensemble under the direction and according to the drawings of Prince P.V. Makulov in 1766-1767. During this renovation, the Renaissance white-stone carved capitals were removed from the pillars of the second tier of the galleries, and parapets with flies were made (reconstructions of the "original" view of the church with these parapets are still being published). At the same time, a brick floor "in a fir-tree" appeared and the best preserved carved blocks from the capitals were laid upside down in the base of the canopy of the "royal place". On the Renaissance capitals, a new brick parapet was erected with white stone faceted posts and a flat lid that did not obscure the window opening above the "royal place".

In 1836, a barrel with a plaster eagle, a forged lattice and plaster details on the parapet appeared over the "royal place" by the drawing of the architect E. D. Tyurin. The barrel closed half of the window, hiding the original idea from us.

In 1866-1867, renovations were carried out under the direction of the architect N.A.Shokhin. Then, for the first time, a break was made in the southern face of the upper octagon and a door was made. The legend of the existence of the premises there in antiquity was not confirmed, but continues to be repeated in almost all publications on the Church of the Ascension. Under Shokhin, the original white-stone head was dismantled and a flatter metal head was made over an iron frame. The original chapter was made of three rows of white stone blocks. It was more convex, but not much. According to Shokhin's measurements, the head was only about 30 cm higher. At the same time, a step-ladder was removed from the base of the cross and passed through a new breach into the upper octagon.

Under the architect NF Kolba in 1873, the walls of the basement were re-faced with new bricks (mark "ShM"), new floors were laid on the porches of large arshin white stone slabs. At the same time, the roofs over the porches were redone. Planks and timber taken from the palace of Alexander I dismantled in 1872 were used as material. During the construction of the palace of Alexander I in 1825, material was used from the dismantling of the palace of Catherine II, which also included materials from the dismantling of the palace of Alexei Mikhailovich.

In 1840, construction began on the stone St. George Church, and the iconostasis from the previous wooden one was placed on the western porch of the Church of the Ascension. However, the throne on the porch has never been here.


Top view of the church complex

In the temple, along with the tent, wall pylons were used, which made it possible to construct a huge building of unprecedented proportions, with "flying" architectonics. The construction was carried out on a grand scale and significant material costs. In the history of Russian architecture, the temple has remained a work, from the point of view of its formal perfection, unique and inimitable.

The church is made of bricks with numerous white-stone decorative elements in the form of a centric temple-tower; its height is 62 meters. The plan is an equal-ended cross. The internal space of the temple is relatively small - just over 100 square meters. Around the temple there is a two-tiered gallery-gulbische with three high staircases-shoots. On the facades, the corners of the church are decorated with elongated flat pilasters with capitals in the spirit of the early Renaissance. Between the Renaissance pilasters, pointed Gothic vimpergs are made. An octagon is placed on the main cruciform volume of the church, in the lower part it is decorated with rows of large keeled arches in the traditional Moscow style, and above it is decorated with double Renaissance pilasters. The temple is covered with a tent with clearly defined ribs.

Was rededicated on December 8, 2000; since 1994, in ecclesiastical terms, it has the status of a temple of the Patriarchal Compound. At the end of 2007, the restoration was completed, and the basement tier of the temple was opened to the public.


In the basement of the church on March 2, 1917, according to the report of the Metropolitan of Moscow Tikhon to the Holy Synod, an icon of the Mother of God "Reigning" was found, which has been located in the neighboring Kazan church since 1990.



  • Gavrilov S. A. About the beginning of the construction of the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye
  • Gavrilov S.A. Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye - research 1972-1990
  • Gavrilov S.A. Iconostasis of the Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye - (based on the historical reference of 1996 as amended in 2010)