Repairs Design Furniture

Flight characteristics of the helicopter 2. Helicopter control. Catastrophes and accidents



The first flight:

Start of use:

Total built:

The diameter of the carrier screw:

The diameter of the steering screw:

Length with rotation. screws:

Fuselage Length:

Fuselage width:

Height with rotation. screws:

Norm. Bullet:

Max. Harbor

Power point


2 GTD Klimov GTD-350





10 passengers or up to 8 soldiers (military option) people.

Cruising speed:

Max. speed:

Range of flight:

Practical ceiling:



Mass production

Mi-2 in Le Bourget

Export supplies


Power point

Fuel system

Carrier system

Cabin crew


Optional equipment

Electrical equipment




Countries where Mi-2 is used

Catastrophes and accidents

Interesting Facts

Mi-2 in movies

Mi-2. (according to NATO classification - Hoplite.) - Soviet multi-purpose helicopter, developed by OKB M. L. Mile in the early 1960s. In 1965, mass production was expanded in Poland. It is widely used to perform a variety of civil and military tasks. Until the end of production in 1992, over 5,400 units were built. Even at present, Mi-2 takes part in tenders, competing with its successors Ka-226 and "AnSat".


In the late 1950s, in the Armed Forces and the People's Household of the Soviet Union, a small, light helicopter Mi-1 was widely widespread. It was equipped with a piston engine AI-26B, which no longer complied with the requirements of the period. The projects of improving the MI-1 helicopter (including with one gas turbine engine) appeared, but they did not receive approval. During design work, OKB-329 workers led by Mikhail Leontievich Mil, the idea of \u200b\u200buse was born on a new helicopter of the power plant, which would consist of two gas turbine engines. It would significantly increase reliability and safety during the flight. This project later became known as AT 2.

Initially, the leaders of the GWF showed the most important initiative on working on B-2, but later the military were interested in creating a new light helicopter. As a result, on May 30, 1960, the creation of a helicopter in agricultural, passenger, transport and sanitary and educational modifications was requested the design bureau of Mil. The new helicopter was supervised by the deputy chief designer V. A. Kuznetsov. A. Kh. Serman (later he was replaced by A. A. Rotor), V. V. Makarov was appointed the leading engineer for flight tests. When creating and finishing in-2, the Mile OKB workers were trying to apply the parts and the Mi-1 units as possible, in particular the carrying screw, the nodes of the main gearbox, transmission, etc.

Works on the design of the power plant for B-2 were charged with the Leningrad OKB-117 led by S. P. Mesotov. For him, the development of so small gas turbine engines was completely unusual. OKB created a 400 liter GTD-350 engine. from. In terms of its characteristics, GTD-350 strongly inferiorized by foreign engines, but its creation made it possible to design a new light helicopter of the second generation as soon as possible, equal to Mi-1's dimensions, but having a large passenger capacity (8 people instead of 3) and more superior Its powdered technical parameters. In January 1961, the State Commission approved the B-2 layout, and at the end of the summer of the same year, Plant No. 329 completed work on the creation of the first experimental instance.


On October 7, 1961, the tester pilot G. V. Alferes made the first hanging on the Earth and a 15-minute flight at low speed. Already next month helicopter entered government tests.

In December of the same year, the tester-tester B. A. Tester experienced the second experienced B-2, and in early 1962 this helicopter was already sent for government tests. During the flight tests on May 14, 1963, the Tester-tester B. A. Anopov and the test engineer GVF L. Babajanov on the second prototype was established a speed record among helicopters of this class (253.818 km / h at a distance of 100 km). For a record flight, special equipment was removed to reduce the windshield, the wheels of the main chassis racks were replaced by rollers, and the nasal wheels. Later, in 1965, the pilot T. V. Rusian on the same machine was put on a new record - 269.38 km / h.

In September 1962, the first experienced copy was submitted to members of the Soviet government and representatives of the Polish People's Republic. After this demonstration, it was decided to start the serial release of Mi-2 in Poland, the forces of the PZL concern (Polish. Państwowe Zakłady Lotnicze, State aircraft facilities). Unlike other Soviet aircraft, the production of Poland received a license (AN-2, MiG-15BIS, MiG-17F / PF), this car has not yet been produced in the USSR.

Mass production

Negotiations of representatives of the aviation industry of both states at the expense of mass production of the Mi-2 helicopter were started in 1963. In early 1964, an agreement was concluded on the transfer of licenses to the construction of new helicopters and engines to them. Under this agreement, the Soviet Union gave a guarantee for procurement in Poland a sufficient number of these machines, as well as engines and spare parts for them.

Plants in Svidnik and Razhuba had to master new production technologies in a short time. The Soviet Union has assisted in the organization of manufacturing equipment and spare parts. Soviet designers and specialists were sent to Poland.

On August 26, 1965, the first serial Mi-2, made from Soviet parts, was raised in the Swidnik. The first flight of the Mi-2, which was completely built in Poland, took place on November 4, 1965; The helicopter was driven by the crew in the composition of the pilots V. Merzica, K. Moskovich and X. Yarovsky.

The first helicopters were transferred to the USSR for test flights. The appearance of the serial Mi-2 had differences from the finalized second prototype (B-2): they did not have a kille surface on the tail beam and the shape of the holes in the front of Kaban was distinguished under the air intake of the oil radiator (they were not oval, but rectangular). In addition, the location of the antennas of the radio station and flashing fire was changed.

Next year, the mass production of the Mi-2 was started at full capacity. The first serial helicopter was returned to Poland Air Force on December 29, 1966. Four-month-old factory tests. Unfortunately, this instance has not been preserved.

For help in mastering the manufacture of Mi-2, the employees of the Moscow helicopter plant received Polish state awards, and the General Designer M. L. Miles and N. S. Department, who made a significant contribution to the introduction of Mi-2 into production - Commander Crosses of the Renaissance of Poland .

The mass production of Mi-2 helicopters was completed in 1992, over 5400 units were built by the time.

Mi-2 in Le Bourget

In 1967, an international premiere took place, and the new helicopter was not the Soviet Union, but Poland. Serial Mi-2P of Polish manufacturer (registration of SP-PSC, head. No. 530322047) was shown at the 27th International Aviakosmic Exhibition in Le Bourget at the N-152.1 number in connection with this, the NATO Committee on harmonization of aviation standards (ASCC) gave Mi -2 Code name "Hoplite" (Hoplite - Goplit). In Poland, Mi-2 gave the name "Marabut" (Marabou), but it did not get distribution.

Export supplies

In 1965, Mi-2 began to be exported, mainly in the USSR and other countries of the socialist community. In addition to the Soviet Union, Mi-2 bought Burma, Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR, Egypt, Iraq, DPRK, Cuba, Lesotho, Libya, Nicaragua, Romania, Syria, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. In 1978, one Mi-2 in the agricultural version was even in the United States, receiving the registration number N51946.

Later, thanks to the re-export, Mi-2 appeared in other states - Djibouti, Turkey, Venezuela and others.



The Mi-2 fuselage has a half-layer all-metal design, consists of three parts: the nose, where the crew cabin is located, the central - with the passenger compartment, and the tail, which includes a tail beam with a control stabilizer.

Power point

The power plant is in a great superstructure over the fuselage of the helicopter - the so-called "boa" (from FR. Cabane - Slash). In front of the three-step main gearbox are two engine GTD-350, and from above-fighter, cooling oil radiator motors and the main gearbox, as well as aggregates on the chief criminal generator.

Fuel system

The fuel system of the helicopter includes one fuel tank with a capacity of 600 liters, located under the cabin floor, also provides for the installation of two additional tanks on the sides of the fuselage, a capacity of 238 liters. The oil system of separate engines, includes 2 oil clock with a capacity of 12.5 liters each and air-oil radiators with a fan for cooling them.

Carrier system

The carrier system includes a three-blade carrying screw with rectangular blades and a two-bladed steering tail. Hydraulic dampers are installed on the carrier. Management of the common and cyclic pitch of the carrier screw is carried out using hydraulic motors. In the case of refusal, manual control can apply manual control.

Cabin crew

The crew cabin is single-double, most often, the pilot sits on the seat on the left, in the training modification, the pilot and cadet sit nearby, in this case, the control of the helicopter is duded.


The pilot and passenger places are placed in the front of the fuselage, the batteries and various equipment are located there. Behind is a cargo-passenger cabin with a door on the left side. It has dimensions of 2.27 × 1.2 × 1.4 m and is equipped with a ventilation system running both in the heating mode with warm air from engines and in cooling mode by intricate air. The fuel tank container is attached to the cabin floor, simultaneously serving the attachment point for two trifle sofas. For another (eighth) passenger to the rear wall of the case, a folding seat is attached. When transporting goods, passenger seats can be removed. In the sanitary model in the cabin, up to four stretchers can be installed, and there is also a place for the accompanying health worker.


Bulk equipment on the Mi-2 helicopter standard and includes a radio compass, gyrocompass, radio suiteromer, SV and SV radio station. A radar receiver is mounted on military options in the nose.

Optional equipment

Two additional cylindrical fuel tanks can be installed on both sides of the fuselage. The helicopter is equipped with a loader-coating boom and an external suspension system with a lifting capacity of up to 800 kg. On the tail beam is a controlled stabilizer; The angle of its rotation changes automatically according to the change in the steps of the carrying screw blades.

In the agricultural embodiment, the spraying system of liquid chemicals is installed, it includes: tanks on the sides of the fuselage, a total capacity of 1000 liters, and a sprayer bar of 14 m long, with 128 nozzles that provide spraying of chemicals on an area with a width of 40-45 m, or spraying dry chemicals The total weight of 750 kg, which are contained in two containers with sprayers.

On the search and rescue modification there is an electric winch with a carrying capacity of 120 kg, and on the transport version - a hook for external cargo suspension weighing up to 800 kg. In an option intended for environmental control, ASA thermal imaging equipment has.


Three-dried uniform chassis consists of two pyramidal main supports and two-wheeled front support with lever suspension. On the chassis racks are installed single-chamber liquid gas shock absorbers. In winter, a ski or wheeled chassis can be installed. The chassis allows a helicopter to carry out a taxiing, and also take off and landing by airplane.

Electrical equipment

DC sources: two 24 V batteries, and two starter-generator generator STG-3 3 kW, 27 V. Sources of AC: 16 kW generator, 208 V, 400 Hz, operating from the main gearbox. AC 36 V and 115 V networks in regular mode are powered by converters that are powered by DC network. In emergency mode - from the alternator of the AC through the transformer. The most powerful consumer is an anti-icing system - powered by an alternator.


Military options intended for combat operations can be equipped:

  • gun NS-23 and 6 machine guns;
  • gun NS-23 and 2 × 16 Nar C-5;
  • gun NS-23, 2 machine guns and 4 anti-tank controlled missiles "Baby";
  • the ns-23 gun, 2 machine guns and 4 self-controlled anti-aircraft missiles "Arrow-2M".

Mi-2 compared to other multipurpose helicopters

Mi-1 in comparison with other multipurpose helicopters


The diameter of the carrier screw

Fuselage length

Maximum take-off mass


Crew + passengers

Cruising speed

Max. speed

Range of flight

Practical ceiling


The first flight

OKB Kamov

OKB M. L. Mile


At the moment, hundreds of Mi-2 helicopters are permanent operation in more than two dozen countries. Helicopters were successfully used both in civil, and for military purposes and for many years aimed at the Aeroflote and Armed Forces of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

In Aeroflot, Mi-2 began to receive registration numbers in series 14, 15, 20 and 23 (for example, USSR-14089, -15207, -20320 and -23309), but there were helicopters with numbers in the 81500 series. In connection with The collapse of the USSR and a significant limitation of Mi-2 armaments, which are in the Air Force, began to translate into civil aviation and to private owners. After 1973, the original red-white-gray and green and white color coloring were replaced with a blue-white-gray on a new Unified Aeroflot standard. Mi-2, flying at the Far North and the Far East, were painted in orange-blue color for greater visibility on the background of snow and ice in case of forced landing.

Mi-2 can be used both in agricultural purposes (for spraying and pollination of forest and agricultural land) and for cargo-massage transportation. There are also search and rescue and polar options - they have radiotechnical and navigation equipment for work in complex meteo conditions. Especially for the special services, a patrol option was created, it is used to take place the boundaries and is equipped with a loudspeaker. In marine aviation, the Mi-2 was used on ice-growing icebreakers, as well as for communication between ships. In addition, on the basis of the Mi-2 there are helicopters of firing support and helicopters of deck basing.

Thanks to the resale of Mi-2, it turned out to be in different countries, thus, it began to be used in Algeria, Djibouti, Turkey, Venezuela, etc. The most mass modification was cargo-passenger, but others were used. In 1974, the one-year-old acquired Mi-2 with special equipment for road control. In Bulgaria, Mi-2, equipped with radar equipment, were used to control the pollution of the Black Sea water area. The agricultural option was also widespread, it was used in the USSR, Poland, Hungary, GDR, Iraq, Iran, Yugoslavia and Lebanon.

Mi-2 was also used as a combat helicopter, for example, during the 1973 Arab-Israeli war, a little was used in the war in Afghanistan, armed conflict of Peru with Ecuador (1995), the armed forces of Djibouti against separatists, against drug addict in Peru, Mexico, Myanmar, against marine pirates in Indonesia. In 1986, a number of Mi-2 was used during the elimination of the consequences of the catastrophe at the Chernobyl NPP.

In addition, since 1978, Mi-2 takes part in the world championships on helicopter sports, including the 2005 Championship held in France.

On the territory of Russia is in operation more than 120 Mi-2. At least 300 helicopters are used in other CIS countries. Dozens of these machines are listed in air fleets of far abroad. The studies of the state of the Mi-2 helicopters park show that most of these helicopters have developed today only about half of their resource and service life. Only in Russia over three hundred of these machines are able to serve another 10-15 years with the development of 5000-7000 rare hours. When a complex of technical work on the extension of resources and calendar periods of service, about 400 of these machines will be able to serve from 18 to 25 years, and on average their work will be 10,000-12000 lurps.

In 2006, 12 Mi-2 helicopters were delivered to Iraq, for the needs of agriculture (spraying pesticides over the fields). In two weeks, these helicopters were able to spray pesticides on an area of \u200b\u200bover 28,000 hectares.

Mi-2 different options are located in museums in Moscow, Monino, Ulyanovsk, Mineral waters, Kiev, Kotbus, etc. As monuments, Mi-2 installed in Kurgan, St. Petersburg, Vorkuta, Moscow, Yakutsk, Nizhnevartovsk, Tolyatti (Pioneerlagen "Star").



The Mi-2A helicopter is an upgraded version of the Mi-2 helicopter. It is built according to a simultaneous diagram with a three-blade bearing screw and a two-bladed knitting screw.

Instead of engine GTD-350, two AI-450 turbo engines were used on the MI-450 helicopter, designed in Ukrainian Progress ZMKB, or "Arrius-2mi" developed by the French company "Turbomka". As a result of the installation of these engines, the light-technical characteristics of the helicopter were noticeably improved.

New engines, compared to GTD-350, have a smaller specific fuel consumption, greater resource and reliability, less noise and emission of pollutants. In connection with the installation of new engines, the transmission of the helicopter was changed. New gearboxes are installed - the main G-2A and the combining OR-2A, as well as the connecting shaft for transmitting torque from OR-2A to the G-2A. Transmission shafts, intermediate and tail gearboxes have not changed.

At the helicopter there is a modern instrument and radio equipment: KB Radio Station "Crystal", VHF Radio Station "Yuri", Automatic Radio Compasses, Radio Shotomer, Intercoming Device, Airplane Responel SO-94, P-503B tape recorder, GPS-195 satellite navigation system, Borne -Cl1. Electro-, radio and instrument equipment allows you to use a helicopter in complex meteorological conditions, at any time of the day.

The fuel system, oil system, cooling system, fire system, power supply system were also improved. The rest - remained unchanged.


Mi-2P (MI-2R, Polish. pasażerski.) - Passenger modification of the helicopter. Differs from the transport Mi-2t, the lack of cargo | winch and the presence of a passenger cabin. Another option of this helicopter was MI-2P "Salon", a service with increased comfort for the transport of particularly important persons.


Transport modification of the Mi-2 helicopter. It was developed by the Polish company "PZL śWidnik". Mi-2T (MI-2t, Polish. transportowy) It is a basic transport helicopter intended for transporting eight people or cargo. In the central part of the fuselage are placed by the backs of each other two trifle sofas. Another passenger can accommodate next to the pilot, and the other - on the right side of the cargo cabin (opposite the door). Over the door of the cargo cabin there is a capable of lifting 100-200 kg of cargo. The helicopter can carry the load weighing up to 700 kg in the cargo compartment or up to 800 kg on an external suspension.


Mi-2r (MI-2R, Polish. rozpoznawczy.) - An intelligence option intended for tactical photo exploration. Also can perform a planned and promising photography of the area. The prototype Mi-2r was the onboard number 0607 (head. No. 570607127). In addition, a reconnaissance modification was also created with the MI-2RS designation (MI-2RS).


An option designed for fire support for troops, development "PZL świdnik". Mi-2URP (MI-2UP, Polish. uZBROJONY W RAKIETY PRZECIWPANCERNE"Armed with anti-tank missiles") is equipped with a gun NS-23KM, two PKK two-parameters and four anti-tank controlled 9M14M "Baby" missiles on an external suspension. Ptti is thrown over the wire and operated by the operator from the console, which is located on the dashboard. The operator's seat is placed on the right of the pilot.


Sanitary modification (MI-2S, Polish. sanitarny.). It is intended for transportation to four patients on stretchets in two tiers on both sides of the fuselage. Also, the helicopter has containers with oxygen cylinders, disinfecting drugs and a bag with medicines. The passenger cockpit has a universal lifting seat for the accompanying health worker. Poland's Sanitary Aviation (Lotnicze Pogotowie Ratunkowe) received the first two Mi-2s on August 25, 1972; They were used in Warsaw and Katowice. Until October 13, 1981, 49 helicopters were delivered to sanitary aviation, which completely replaced SM-1 ISM-2.


Deck search and rescue (MI-2RM, Polish. ratowniczy Morski., "Sea Rescue"). Equipped with electric labeled capacity of 120 kg. The external distinguishing feature of this modification is the large cylindrical cylinder of the laboratory motor detector, which is over the door of the passenger cabin, and the bracket for the transport of discharged containers with inflatable rescue dams on the left side. Mi-2rm used Poland and GDR Navy; There, he was sometimes designated as MI-2 SEE (Mi-2 "Sea"). Polish machines had a special orange-white-green color, but in the late 1990s, some Mi-2rm were painted in red-white-blue color, like the US coastal helicopters.


Helicopter Chemical Exploration, or "Mi-2 Chemical" ( MI-2 Chemicalzny), It is intended for maintaining radiation-chemical intelligence, for this it has been installed special equipment for selection and analysis of air samples. In the USSR, this car was called Mi-2rch.

There was also another modification of this helicopter - Mi-2x (MI-2CH) - an option for the formulation of the smoke curtain to camouflage the ground forces; The means of performing Dymzaiss in the Soviet Army traditionally belonged to Chemicals. The long pipes are attached to the exhaust pipes of this helicopter, which are directed down long pipes, where from the modified suspended tanks placed on the sides of the fuselage, diesel fuel is supplied. As it evaporates in hot exhaust gases, thick white smoke is formed.


Upgraded version Mi-2. Equipped with two turbo engines GTD-350P with a capacity of 450 liters. from. (331 kW). Produced in four modifications: agricultural, training and a helicopter for aerial photography.


Mi-2, upgraded by the Ukrainian company "Motor Sich", with installed AI-450M1 engines. In 2013, one helicopter is presented at the aviation exhibition.

PZL Kania.

Polish upgraded version Mi-2. Equipped with two gas turbine engines (Allison) 250-C20V with a capacity of 426 liters. from. (314 kW). This modification has increased the size of the cabin, the equipment has been improved, the light characteristics are improved. The mass is increased to 3550 kg. Produced in the following options: transport, agricultural, sanitary, patrol, rescue and intelligence.

Countries where Mi-2 is used

  • Afghanistan
  • Albania
  • Algeria
  • Azerbaijan
  • Belorussia
  • Bulgaria
  • Indonesia
  • Czech Republic
  • Djibouti
  • Estonia
  • Ethiopia
  • Cambodia
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Ukraine
  • Latvia
  • Armenia (9 military Mi-2)
  • Lesotho
  • Libya
  • Lithuania
  • Mexico
  • Moldova (2 military Mi-2)
  • Mongolia
  • Myanmar (20 military Mi-2)
  • Nicaragua
  • Poland
  • Peru (6 military Mi-2)
  • Russia
  • Slovakia
  • Syria
  • Yugoslavia
    • 4 Mi-2 helicopters are available at the Cold War Museum, Vdallas, Texas.
    • Another 13 Mi-2 helicopters are privately owned, only 3 of them are in good condition.

Catastrophes and accidents

On-board number

Place of catastrophe

Short description

Yakutsk ASSR, 40 km west of Olekminsk

helicopter, going on the edge of the cliff and losing a "airbag", decreased and hurt the tailguard coast.

Georgian SSR, Gomborsky Pass

during the uniform events, he was shot down by Zenitka, the service of the Department of Internal Affairs was not known and the area was not closed for flights.

a / P Cherepovets

reasons are unknown

Ukrainian SSR, Kharkiv region, 3 km west der. Efremovka

error crew

Finnish bay, between Vasilyevsky Island and Petrodvoret

error crew

Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Cool

Probable cause - fuel generation.

Moscow region, near Pos. Cherusti, Shatursky district

reasons are unknown


engine failure with height set

a / P TERVER (Zmeevo)

error crew

Amur region, 25 km southeast Evychan, Selemdzhinsky district

failure of technology

Republic of Bashkortostan, near the der. Kanakaevo, Ishimbay district

failure of technology, hard landing

Ulyanovsk region

During the turn, the pilot lost spatial orientation and the helicopter ran into the ground.

Irkutsk region, near the village. White Winter, Tulunsky district

The helicopter was the row on the shore of the lake and fell into the water

Arkhangelsk region, NAO, near. Dresry

The crew of the helicopter began to approach the day at the helicopter platform of the oil-producing company. It was then discovered destroyed and burned 2 km from her.

Yekaterinburg, near the microdistrict a small source

When landing at an altitude of 20 m, declining, the crew of the helicopter entered the lane of the surface fog and lost visual contact with the Earth. The pilot has decided to leave the second round, but the helicopter has rigidly landed and fell on the side.

Tyumen region, KhMAO, near the village. Mamontovo, Nefteyugansky district

When entering the landing, collided with the surface of the lake in 1500 m from the landing site

a / p Ussuriysk

By performing a series of maneuvers at low height, Mi-2 collided with two other helicopters - Mi-2 and Mi-8

Chukotka Sea, near the village of Neshkan, Chukotka JSC

After take-off from the helicopter platform on board the icebreaker "Ermak" at 04:29 MSK MI-2 hung up the carriage boom crane on the right side of the vessel. Having lost control, the helicopter fell into the sea near the icebreaker and plunged into the water in an inverted position at a depth of 20 m 5 km from the coast.

Khabarovsk region, near the village. Bremenihaylovskoe, ulch district

crew error, refusal of technology

Murmansk region, near Kandalaksha

The crew produced a self-war takeoff. The helicopter faced a tree and failed a catastrophe.

Tyumen region, KHMA, 100 km south-east of October, Oktyabrsky district

non-standard reasons [ what kind?]

penza Airport (Sosnovka)

sunset, crew error

plungeskaya District Lake

reasons are unknown

Kamchatka region, near the village of Nikolaevka, Elizovsky district

error crew

02629 Floor of the Russian Federation

Leningrad region, near Priozersk, Vyborg district

Arkhangelsk region, near the village. Varnake, Vaigach Island

error crew, weather conditions

Khabarovsk region, 140 km north-west Khabarovsk

error crew, weather conditions

Krasnodar region, near Hut. Hankov, Slavic district

During the flight to AhR, the pilot began to search for a suitable landing place and sawp right at the rate. When performing a maneuver with a tavering beam at an altitude of about 15 m, the helicopter groveled the wire power supply. The beam breakdown and the helicopter fell to the ground, remaining on board.

Krasnodar Territory, state farm "Light way", Temryuk district

During reversal at an altitude of about 8 m, both engine lost power. The helicopter faced the Earth and collapsed. Pilot died.

Tyumen region, KhMAO, near N.P. October

error crew

a / p Ust-bigger

error crew

Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr AO, 18 km north-west Dudinka

crew error, refusal of technology

Yaroslavl region, near Sela Brovko, Gavrilov-Yamsky district

crew error, refusal of technology

Vologda region, between the village. Nefedovo and Baklanka

failure of technology

Perm region, Lysvinsky district, 90 km from a / p Perm

reasons are unknown

Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Nefteyugansky district, in the area Dukes Yuganskaya Ob, 22 km west of Ust-Yugan

Investigation is underway.

Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan

Investigation is underway.

Republic of Kalmykia, 15 km south of Varyn Huduk, Chernozemiel district

Investigation is underway.

Krasnoyarsk Territory, Selion Tokucp, Boguchansky district

Investigation is underway.

Krasnodar Territory, Kalininsky district

Investigation is underway.

Sumy region, Konotopsky district

The Mi-2 helicopter fell and caught fire during the private gas pipeline.

The accident occurred at 14:40 near the village of Oktyabrskoye and Captain. Investigation is underway.

KHMAO, Surgut District

Made a forced landing due to engine fire. Burned completely. There are no victims.

Orenburg region, Orenburg

I caught fire when taken, I made a hard landing and overturned. Burned completely. There are no victims.

Rostov region, proletarian district

Fell during the commitment of agricultural work. Pilot died.

Ivanovo region, Komsomolsky district, six kilometers from the settlement of Oktyabrsky

Made a hard landing. The helicopter was not registered, the flight was incurred illegally.

Krasnodar region, Seversky district

During the execution of agricultural works, it clinched over the power line.

Kherson region, Bowls

During the landing, as a result of a strong stream, the wind fell on the side and burned down, there are no victims.

Sakhalin region, Dolinsk

During the air monitoring of the rivers, the engines refused. The FCC decided to return to the airfield of the departure. After the reversal of the reverse course Mi-2 fell on the coastline, caught fire. There were 3 people on board: 1 crew member and 2 passengers. All died.

  • The world records of speed were installed on the Mi-2 helicopter: 100 km of the route in the spring of 1963 - 254 km / h, in the summer of 1965 - the female record 269 km / h.
  • Mi-2 is the only Soviet helicopter that was not produced in the USSR.
  • On Mi-2, the first escape from the places of detention using a helicopter on the territory of the former USSR was committed.

Mi-2 in movies

  • At the beginning and end of the Comedy Mimino, Valentin Konstantinovich Mizandari flew in a rural outback on the Mi-2 helicopter.
  • Mi-2 was used in a fantastic film "It's hard to be God", whose action takes place in the distant future on another planet.
  • In the film "To survive" the plot ends with a chase and shooting of heroes on the Mi-8 and Mi-2 helicopters.
  • In the film "Crew", the main character of Valentin Nsenarokov flies on the Mi-2 helicopter.
  • Unforgettable flight on the helicopter Lucy and Petopki Maksimkina - the heroes of the comedy film "Play for millions".
  • In the film "The train outside the schedule" from the Mi-2 helicopter for burning diesel locomotive firefighters.
  • Also, Mi-2 can be seen at the very beginning and end of the film "Vacation of a Strict Regime".
  • In the "Sniper 2" film, the main characters arrive at the Mi-2 helicopter task and they are evacuated after its execution.
  • In the movie "Day D".
  • In the series "Citizen Head-1" 15 series, the persecution of the Afghan.
  • In the series "Golden Drick".
  • In the movie "Dark World" MES rescuers fly on Mi-2, after playing them, the pilot tries to fly away, but the helicopter is knocked down from the rifle.
  • In the film "Spy Games" Tony Scott The helicopter crew interferes with the fulfillment of the task to the chief hero in the execution of Brad Pitt.
  • In the film "Hotel" at the deceased mountaineer "" with Mi-2, performed in the shock version, destroy the aliens.
  • In the film "Piranha Hunt" two episodes: one in the middle of the film and the second in the final, after the protagonist once again "saved the world."

Mi-2 multipurpose helicopter. Aviator 2018-09-12T14: 08: 02 + 00: 00

Mi-2 multipurpose helicopter.

Developer: Mile OKB
Country: USSR
First flight: 1961
By the end of the 50s, a light helicopter Mi-1 with a piston engine AI-26B no longer answered the requirements of time was widely used in the Armed Forces and National Economy of the USSR. A number of Mi-1 modernization projects (including one gas turbine engine) remained on paper. During the design work in designers of OKB-329, the head of which was Mikhail Leontievich Miles, an idea of \u200b\u200buse on a lung helicopter of a power plant from two gas turbine engines appeared. It ensured significantly greater reliability and safety of flight. The project of the new two-door multipurpose helicopter was notged in-2.

In a new helicopter, not only GVF, but also the Air Force were interested. On May 30, 1960, a government decree was published, according to which OKB-329 (now - the Moscow helicopter plant named after M. Mile) was entrusted by the development of a light helicopter in several versions: passenger, agricultural, transport and sanitary and training. The helicopter work was supervised by the deputy chief designer V.A. Kuznetsov, and directly headed by their lead designer A.X.Serman (later - A.A. Litvin).

During the development of B-2, designers tried to maximize the use of nodes, aggregates and parts Mi-1 (in particular, the nodes of the main gearbox, transmission, carrying the screw and other parts). But in general, it turned out a completely new car, and the approval of some Western authors, that "Mi-2 is a two-alone version of the Mi-1, they are able to cause an indulgent smile at best.

Leningrad OKB-117 was responsible for the power plant under the guidance of Sergey Petrovich Isotova (now - NPP them. V.Y. Climova), which designed for a helicopter B-2 turbocharged engine GTD-350 with a capacity of 400 hp Its application allowed to quickly introduce a new light, small on the dimensions of the second generation helicopter, significantly superior Mi-1 in flight characteristics.

The new helicopter had a all-metal design. The power plant was located in an impressive superstructure over the fuselage - the so-called Kabana (from FR. Cabane). Ahead of the three-stage main gearbox was located two engine GTD-350, and above them - the cooling fan of the oil radiator and the main gearbox. The pilot and passenger places were placed in the front of the fuselage, accumulators and equipment were located there. Then there was a cargo-passenger cabin with a door on the left side; The fuel tank container was fastened to the cabin floor, simultaneously served as the attachment point for two trifle sofas. For another (eighth) passenger to the back of the cabin, a folded seat was attached. In the sanitation in the cabin could be placed up to four patients on the stretcher and the accompanying health worker.

On the sides of the fuselage, two additional cylindrical fuel tanks could be attached. The helicopter was equipped with a cargo boom and the outer suspension system with a lifting capacity of up to 800 kg. Closer to the end of the tail beam, a controlled stabilizer was attached; The angle of its installation changed automatically in accordance with the change in the steps of the carrying screw blades.

Three-dried chassis consisted of two pyramidal main supports and a two-wheeled front support with lever suspension. On the chassis racks applied single-chamber pneumatic oil shock absorbers. In winter, a ski or wheelchair chassis could be installed.

The carrier system consisted of a three-sabotic carrier screw with rectangular blades in terms of and a two-blade pushing tail screw. The carrying screw was equipped with hydraulic dempheses. The general and cyclic pitch of the carrying screw was carried out with the help of hydraulic agents, and when the hydraulic system fails, the pilot could use direct (manual) control; At the same time, efforts on the handle were quite acceptable.

In January 1961, the State Commission signed an act on the B-2 layout. In August of the same year at factory No. 329 in punk near Moscow (pilot production of M. L. Mile), the construction of the first experimental copy (factory No. 0101, i.e. first series, first instance in the series). Factory tests began literally in a month. V.V. Makarov appointed the leading engineer. On September 22 of the same year, the tester pilot G.V. Alferes first touched the B-2 from the Earth and after a short ones, a 15-minute flight at low speed was produced.

During the factory tests, the helicopter was equipped with a three-sided tail screw of increased thrust, but he did not justify himself and was replaced by a two-bladed (but different design). In October, an experienced B-2 was transferred to joint state tests. At first, the first prototype did not have any designations, but during the tests received the registration number of the USSR-06152 (according to other data - the USSR-01617). The Air Force was calculated to use the new helicopter mainly as a transport, sanitary and connected. The first two options could be applied to the GMF, but the most necessary modification for the needs of civil aviation was considered an agricultural. It was in this version that Plant No. 329 completed at the end of 1961 an assembly of second experienced B-2 (factory No. 0102). It was intended for spraying and pollination of agricultural and forest land. Chemicals were placed in two metal tanks with a capacity of 400 liters, attached on the sides of the fuselage. Spraying chemicals was performed using long transverse rods by means of special fans and pumps installed at the bottom of the tanks. In addition, the second prototype was distinguished from the first presence of a killese plane on the tail beam to improve travel stability (in the series they refused), the design of glazing the pilot cabin, the placement of the antennas and the addition of a flashing lighthouse.

In December, the tester pilot V.I.anopov raised the second experienced B-2 in the air, and in February 1962 this car was also transferred to state test. During flight trials on May 14, 1963, the test pilot V.I.anopov and the test engineer GVF L. Babajanov installed on the second prototype the speed record for light helicopters (253.818 km / h on the basis of 100 km). For a record flight, agricultural equipment was dismantled, in order to reduce the windshield resistance of the main chassis racks were replaced by rollers, and the nasal wheels are a skiing. Later, in 1965, this record was broken on the same car by the pilot T.V.Rusyan (269.38 km / h).

In 1963-1965, the second experienced B-2 participated in special works in the Kolkhoz "Wortrest" (Moscow region), and then demonstrated at the international exhibitions "Chemistry" and "Modern Agricultural Equipment and Machines". Like the first prototype, at first it was without a room, but by 1965 the USSR-061801 was registered. By that time, the helicopter was finalized (in particular, the glazing area of \u200b\u200bthe passenger cabin increased). This machine was actively used in the OKB for testing new equipment (for example, 600-liter fiberglass tanks for chemicals), as well as for experiments with color schemes.

Despite the successful tests, the finishing and improvement of agricultural equipment took a lot of time as in OKB ML. MILE, as well as the Polish designers in the modernization of the helicopter.

In the process of testing experienced B-2, some drawbacks were revealed. The problems primarily concerned the power plant. The engine GTD-350 needed adjustment; In addition, the construction of the power plant had to be modified to improve the convenience of service: the engines "spread", which resulted in a partial alteration of the transmission and fuselage. Accordingly, the shape of the boar changed somewhat: its front part was steeper down and was not convex, but concave. A slightly decreased by the fairing near the sleeve of the carrying screw, and stepped out from each side of the engine before the forked exhaust pipes became not angular, and the drop-like. Instead of horizontal blinds below the okeadiator's round air intake, attached to the prototypes of B-2, the appearance of a sort of wrinkled elder, two oval holes, pocked with a metal mesh, appeared, and the air intake itself was deprived of chrome edging; The exhaust hole of the oil radiator was moved forward.

The carrier screw was completely redesigned due to the increase in the number of its revolutions. A new steering screw was created with a greater burden. To test all these innovations in the middle of 1966, the second prototype was finalized (USSR-06180), now this machine serves as a teaching manual at the Moscow Aviation Institute.

Advanced of the helicopter and engines tightened the tests of B-2, which ended only in 1967. Nevertheless, the tests have shown that the helicopter not only significantly exceeds the Mi-1 for flight and technical characteristics, but also has advantages over reliability and safety in front of many foreign one-moving helicopters of a similar class. In its capabilities, B-2 could be fully replaced in the national economy and the army not only Mi-1, but partly and more severe Mi-4. On September 20, 1963, the State Commission recommended a new light helicopter to launch into mass production under the designation Mi-2.

The first information about the new Mi-2 helicopter was published on the eve of the opening of the XXII CPSU Congress as a "gift Congress". In those days, such "gifts" were in the order of things.

The creation of a helicopter B-2 (Mi-2) became an important stage in the continuation of the Soviet-Polish cooperation initiated in the 50s of the Soviet-Polish cooperation in the licensing industry. In September 1962, the first experienced car was demonstrated by members of the Soviet government and representatives of the Polish People's Republic. After this show, it was decided to deploy the serial production of Mi-2 in PNC forces by the Concern "Patestel" (PZL - Parlstwowe Zaklady Lotnicze, state aircraft facilities). It is curious that, unlike other Soviet aircraft, for the production of Poles received a license (An-2, MiG-15BIS, MiG-17F / PF), this car has not yet been produced in the USSR.

Negotiations of representatives of the aircraft industry of the two countries on the subject of mass production of the Mi-2 helicopter began in 1963. In January 1964, an agreement was signed on providing the Polish side of the license for the production of Mi-2 helicopters and engines to them. Under this agreement, the Soviet Union guaranteed procurement in Poland a sufficient number of helicopters, engines and spare parts.

In those days, such issues were solved quickly, since over again. Therefore, before signing the Agreement, at the end of 1963, the development of the mass production of Mi-2 began on one of the branches of the "Patestel" concern - a helicopter factory in the town of Lublin Voivodeship (WSK Swidnik, i.e. Wytworma Sprzetu Komumkacyjnego - Vehicle Plant ).

Earlier at the same factory under the designation SM-1 (from the word smiglowiec - Schumglbvets - helicopter is pronounced under the license of the MI-1 helicopter, as well as its modification developed in Poland - SM-2. Engine production GTD-350 and BP-2 gearboxes commissioned a branch of the concern "Patestel" in Rzezow (WSK Rzeszdw).

Usually, licensing proceedings are based on serial production documentation, in the case of Mi-2, Polish specialists have had only drawings of the prototype, and the technological and organizational part had to be developed in the factory CB. Initially, the helicopter was the designation of SM-3, but then they decided not to wonder the custody and returned to the designation "Mi-2".

Plants in the Schuvdnik and Razhubi had to master new technological processes in a short time. The Soviet Union assisted in organizing the production of equipment and materials, Soviet specialists were sent to Polish plants.

On August 26, 1965, the first Mi-2, collected from Soviet components, rose to the air in the Schuvdnik. The first flight of the Mi-2, fully made in Poland (the factory number, was brought as 320001), took place on November 4, 1965, the car piloted the crew in the composition of V. Mertsik (W. Mercik), K. Moskovich (K. Moskowicz) and X. Yarovsky (N. Jarowski).

The first cars (zero series) were transferred to the Soviet Union for trial operation. Outwardly, the serial Mi-2 was different from the finalized second prototype with the absence of a keil surface on the tail beam and a different form of holes in the front of the boar under the air intake of the oil radiator (they were not oval, but rectangular). There was also the location of the antennas of the radio station and flashing flames (from the middle of the tail beam, it was transferred to the end of it).

Already next year, production has unfolded at full capacity. The first serial copy (onboard No. 101, factory No. 520101086) was transferred to the PND Air Force on December 29, 1966 after four-month factory tests. Alas, this car is not preserved: she was written off after the accident, and its tail beam was installed on another Mi-2 Polish Air Force (board No. 2026, factory No. 552026101).

In 1967, an international premiere took place, and the car was not the USSR, but Poland. Serial Mi-2P of Polish production (registration of SP-PSC, head. No. 530322047) was shown at the 27th International Aviakosmic Salon in Le Bourget with the H-152.1 Exhibition Room After that, the NATO Committee in coordination of aviation standards (ASCC) assigned a code name to the helicopter "Hoplite" (Hoplite - Goplit, hiking in the army of ancient Greece). In Poland, Mi-2 was called "Marabut" (Stork Marabu), but it did not fit. And it is very good that so - Maraba, after all, as you know, a nasty bird, feeding to the Padalu ...

Since 1974, the plant in the school began to be fully responsible for the design and quality of the produced helicopters. Since then, Polish designers with the help of Soviet colleagues conducted great work on modernization and improving the helicopter. In particular, by the 20th series (October 1971), the sliding window in front-left was replaced with a sliding door to facilitate landing and pilot landing. Fiberglass blades of the carrier and steering screws were developed, new agricultural equipment (including 600-liter fiberglass tanks for chemicals instead of the metal 550-liters), improved design and production technology of many nodes and parts. In 1971, on one of the first serial machines, the constructors of the Moscow Helicophetic Plant were first established and tested dust protection devices (ROMs), reduced engine wear when working from soil sites; Subsequently, the ROM was put on some of the Polish Mi-2.

For help in mastering the production of Mi-2, a number of employees of the Moscow Helicophetic Plant received the Polish government awards, and the General Designer M.L.Mil and N.S. Subjectors, who made a significant contribution to the introduction of a helicopter into production - the Commander Crosses of the Renaissance of Poland.

Over the course of several years, Mi-2 was the only two-dead light helicopter produced by serial. Only six years later, in 1971, I went to the series american helicopter of a similar class Bell 212, equipped with paired PTTT and Whitney Canada PT6T-3 TUN PT6T-3 TUN (RT6T-3 TWIN RA).

In 1965, the exports of Mi-2 began. Most of the helicopters of this type were delivered to the USSR and other socialist countries. In addition to the Soviet Union, Mi-2 purchased Burma, Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR, Egypt, Iraq, DPRK, Cuba, Livo, Libya, Nicaragua, Romania, Syria, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. In 1978, one Mi-2 in the agricultural version came even in the United States, receiving registration No. 51946.

Later, at the expense of the resale of the Mi-2 appeared in other countries (for example, in Djibouti, Turkey, Venezuela, etc.). The main export modification was cargo-passenger, but was supplied to customers and specials. In 1974, Czechoslovakia acquired Mi-2 with special equipment for road control. In the same year, Mi-2 was delivered to Bulgaria, equipped with radar equipment for controlling the pollution of the Black Sea water area. Agricultural option was used in the USSR, Poland, Hungary, GDR, Iraq, Iran, Yugoslavia and Lebanon.

In OKB Mile, Mi-2 Polish production helicopters received a high rating. True, there were sometimes excesses. Poles mostly belonged to us, to put it mildly, not Ahti (why is a completely different story), and periodically this attitude has become even more than AHTI. It is said that in one of the new, just from the factory, Mi-2 our pilots found a note of the following content: "In this helicopter there is a non-resistant defect, but you will find it hello!"

In the USSR, Mi-2 was operated in three main versions: a passenger transport and passenger (which could be re-equipped in a connected, sanitary, rescue, patrol or aerial photomotive), agricultural and training with double-controlled. We were designated these options, respectively, Mi-2T, Mi-2CX and Mi-2U. "Two" was actively used as ship helicopters on icebreakers for exploration of ice furnishings and communication between the courts. Used Mi-2 and in polar aviation.

From the very beginning of operation, the Mi-2 became a popular machine in the civil aviation system. As a rule, Aeroflotovskii Mi-2 received registration numbers in series 14, 15, 20 and 23 (for example, USSR-14089, -15207, -20320 and -23309), but there were cars with numbers in the "An-Fourteenth" Series 81500. Already after the collapse of the USSR, "dismissed" from the Air Force, copies with numbers in the 00 series began to appear, and one Mi-2U had an "An-Twelfth" number of the USSR-11074 (according to the factory No. 548811074). After 1973, the original red-white-gray and green and white color schemes were replaced with blue-gray on a new Unified Aeroflot standard. Mi-2, flying at the Far North and Far East, received an orange-blue coloring for greater visibility on the background of snow and ice in the event of a forced landing.

Modifications developed by the Polish company PZL Swidnik on the basis of a multi-purpose helicopter of OKB MILA MI-2:

Helicopter Mi-2 Air Force of the USSR in the parking lot.

Mi-2 DOSAAF of Russia on takeoff.

Mi-2 plants Marz in flight.

Mi-2 CSK Air Force in flight.

Mi-2 Agriculture with equipment for spraying fields.

Mi-2 in the tower ship "Nina Sagaidak". Strait Long, 08-09.10.1983

Unloading the Mi-2 helicopter.

Training helicopters Mi-2U on Arodrome Swimul.

MI-2 helicopter dashboard.

View from the cab of Mi-2.

The monument is established in the Moscow region, next to the refueling of the traceneft at the 58th kilometer of the federal highway M2 "Moscow-Belgorod".
Nearby there is a cafe "Donuts-pancakes" with free parking.
The helicopter serves as a promotional construction and a guideline.
Access is free, you can touch, climb. There is no security.
The state of the monument is good.
Date of shooting - July 31, 2015.


All photos are clichel to 3648x2736.

02. This helicopter is well noticeable from the track, stands at the ground level without pedestal and enclosing structures.
In the cafe near the baked good pancakes and there was a free toilet.
Therefore, every time I drove from Moscow or airports by car, stayed there.
In March 2016, the cafe closed for reconstruction.

03. Helicopter model - Mi-2.
This is a Soviet multipurpose helicopter developed by OKB M. L. Mile in the early 1960s.
In 1965, mass production was expanded in Poland.
It is widely used to perform a variety of civil and military tasks.
Until the end of production in 1992, over 5,400 units were built.

04. In the late 1950s, in the Armed Forces and the People's Economy of the Soviet Union, a small, light helicopter Mi-1 was widespread.
It was equipped with a piston engine AI-26B, which no longer complied with the requirements of the period.

Therefore, the designers of the OKB-329 were born an idea of \u200b\u200buse on a new helicopter of a power plant, which would consist of two gas turbine engines.
It would significantly increase reliability and safety during the flight.
This project later became known as B-2.

05. On October 7, 1961, the tester pilot G. V. Alferes made the first hanging on the Earth and a 15-minute flight at low speed.
Already next month helicopter entered government tests.

06. In September 1962, the first experienced copy was submitted to members of the Soviet government and representatives of the Polish People's Republic.
After this demonstration, the Mi-2 serial release was decided in Poland, the PZL concern (Polish. Panstwowe Zaklady Lotnicze, state aircraft facilities).
Unlike other Soviet aircraft, the production of Poland received a license (AN-2, MiG-15BIS, MiG-17F / PF), this car has not yet been produced in the USSR.

07. In 1967, an international premiere took place, and the Soviet Union was not a new helicopter, but Poland.
Serial Mi-2P Polish manufacturer (registration of SP-PSC, head. No. 530322047) was shown at the 27th International Aviakosmic Exhibition in Le Bourget at the number N-152.1.
In this regard, the NATO Committee on harmonization of aviation standards (ASCC) gave Mi-2 code name "Hoplite" (Hoplite - Goplit).
In Poland, Mi-2 gave the name "Marabut" (Marabou), but it did not get distribution.

08. In 1965, Mi-2 began to be exported, mainly in the USSR and other countries of the Socialist Commonwealth.
In addition to the Soviet Union, Mi-2 bought Burma, Bulgaria, Hungary, GDR, Egypt, Iraq, DPRK, Cuba, Lesotho, Libya, Nicaragua, Romania, Syria, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia.
In 1978, one Mi-2 in the agricultural version was even in the United States, receiving the registration number N51946.
Later, thanks to the re-export, Mi-2 appeared in other states - Djibouti, Turkey, Venezuela and others.

09. MI-2 can be used both in agricultural purposes (for spraying and pollinating forest and agricultural land) and for cargo-massage transport.
There are also search and rescue and polar options - they have radiotechnical and navigation equipment for work in complex meteo conditions.
Especially for the special services, a patrol option was created, it is used to take place the boundaries and is equipped with a loudspeaker.
In marine aviation, the Mi-2 was used on ice-growing icebreakers, as well as for communication between ships.
In addition, on the basis of the Mi-2 there are helicopters of firing support and helicopters of deck basing.

10. The Mi-2 fuselage has a half-layer all-metal design, consists of three parts: the nasal, where the crew cabin is located, the central - with the passenger interior, and the tail, which includes a tail beam with a control stabilizer.

11. The carrier system includes a three-blade carrying screw with rectangular blades and a two-bladed steering tail.
Hydraulic dampers are installed on the carrier.
Management of the common and cyclic pitch of the carrier screw is carried out using hydraulic motors.
In the event of a pressure of the hydraulic system, the pilot can apply manual control.

The aircraft management is a movement in three planes.

To control the aircraft there are sets of steering wheels (ailerons - roll - rotation along the flight line), the vertical plane of the tail (the direction of the direction - turns to the left-right), the horizontal plane of the tail (stabilizer - the control of the tangle - turns up and down).
Fourth control channel - engine turnover - fly faster or slower.

This is a rough view describing the process of managed flight by plane.

Helicopter control is even more curious "magic".

At the pilot of the helicopter, in general, there is no steering of direction, no steering of height, nor Alerones.
And there is only carrying screw, steering screw and engine.

Special mechanism - a skewer automatic - allows you to rotate the blade of the screw so that they are "rowing" in the desired pilot side - forward, back, left, right, up, down.

That is, the skewer automatically provides the control of the vertical movement of the helicopter, as well as its inclination by roll and pitch, which leads to a movement in the appropriate direction.
For this, the machine periodically changes the installation angle of each blade, depending on where the blade turns out at a certain point in time during the rotation of the screw.

The pilot controls the handle of the skewer, the lever, the gas gas and two pedals.

The screw rotates and at the same time each of his blade not only rotates with others, but also leans and turns depending on whether it is from the helicopter, side or behind.
This determines the direction of movement in the horizontal plane.

Step-gas changes the installation angle of the blades and the engine thrust.
This determines the direction of movement in the vertical plane.

Pedals change the step of the steering screw.
This determines the direction of rotation of the helicopter in the horizontal plane.

On the video, you can consider the process of moving the screw and blades on all axes:

12. In the photo of the sleeve of the carrier and the slot machine.
It can be seen fastening the blade.

13. The steering screw of the helicopter is the air screw, designed to compensate for the reactive moment and control at the rate (lying).
The helicopter in the flight "rests" only to the air.
Accordingly, pushing the blades of the carrier screw from the air, the helicopter seeks to turn in the opposite direction.
To eliminate this phenomenon, the steering screw is designed vertically on the tail beam, connected to the transmission engine.
It compensates for the reactive rotation of the helicopter, as well as allows you to rotate to the left and right.

From the point of view of the survivability, the steering screw failure or damage to the transmission often leads to an unmanaged drop of helicopter.

14. Mechanism change steering steering.
The step of the screw is the corner of the blade.
If the slope of the blade to the rotation plane to make zero, the screw will stop repelled from the air and the helicopter will start rotating.
If the blade is perpendicular to the plane of rotation, the screw will start intensively slowing down, but the tail will stop pulling and the helicopter again will start rotating.
In the flight, the step of the steering screw depends on the speed of rotation of the carrier screw and the desire of the pilot turn the helicopter around its axis.

15. The power plant is in a great superstructure over the helicopter fuselage - the so-called "boar" (from Fr. Cabane - Chalash).
In front of the three-stage main gearbox are two engine GTD-350, and from above - a fan, cooling engine oils and the main gearbox, as well as aggregates on the main gearbox.

On this instance of the Mi-2, the engines are missing, and their locations are closed with a grid.

16. The crew cabin is one-double, most often, the pilot sits on the seat on the left, in the training modification, the pilot and cadet sit nearby, in this case, the control of the helicopter is dd.

17. The places of the pilot and the passenger are placed in the front of the fuselage, accumulators and various equipment are located there.
Behind is a cargo-passenger cabin with a door on the left side.
It has dimensions of 2.27x1.2x1.4 m and equipped with a ventilation system operating both in the heating mode with warm air from engines and in cooling mode by intricate air.
The fuel tank container is attached to the cabin floor, simultaneously serving the attachment point for two trifle sofas.
For another (eighth) passenger to the rear wall of the case, a folding seat is attached.
When transporting goods, passenger seats can be removed.
In the sanitary model in the cabin, up to four stretchers can be installed, and there is also a place for the accompanying health worker.

The Mi-2 helicopter is equipped with two engines (gas turbines) at once, the capacity of each of them is 400 hp. Breaking and steering (tail) screw, respectively, three- and two-blade. This constructive solution provides a helicopter excellent performance and high security. Mi-2 is able to continue the flight with the subsequent safe landing, working even on one engine.

Capacity of the main fuel tank is 600 liters. For flights to distant distance, the helicopter is retracted by two more suspended tanks with a total capacity of more than 300 liters (weight is included in the payload). Chassis uniform, three-wheeled. Controlled by one pilot. Piloting facilitates the hydraulic system, it also increases the stability of the helicopter. Thanks to radio-electronic equipment, the helicopter is successfully operated in difficult meteo conditions, both during the daytime and at night.


Being a multi-purpose machine, Mi-2 exists in more than 20 modifications, including:

One of the advantages of Mi-2 is an opportunity to easily and quickly convert it to perform certain work. In the presence of components, it can be done even in airfield (field) conditions.

Passenger configuration provides for accommodation in the cab 8 passengers. To ensure comfort, the cab is effectively soundly insulated. In the cargo version, the helicopter transports a weight of 700 kg in the cockpit, or on an external suspension of 800 kg.

Equipped with a boom with a swan, in the Mi-2 hanging mode performs rescue work, both above the ground and above the aqueous surface. The load capacity of the winch is 120 kg.

The updated and equipped with the most modern equipment, Mi-2 continues to be actively operated, remaining one of the most profitable helicopters in the aircraft market.

Mi-2. (according to NATO classification Hoplite.) - Soviet multi-purpose helicopter, developed by OKB M. L. Mile in the early 1960s.

Start of use 1965.

Total built 5400 pcs


The diameter of the carrier screw 14.50 m

The diameter of the steering screw is 2.70 m

Length with rotation. 17.42 M. screws

Fuselage length 11.40 m

Fuselage width 3.25 m

Height with rotation. 3.70 meters screws


Empty 2372 kg

Norm. Top 3500 kg

Max. Top 3659 kg

Power point

Engine 2 GTD Klimov GTD-350

Power 2x400 l. from.

E.cypge 1 person.

Passengers 10 passengers or up to 8 soldiers (military option) people.

Cruising speed 194 km / h

Max. Speed \u200b\u200b210 km / h

Flight range 580 km

Practical ceiling 4000 m

Spearness 270 m / min


Mi-2. - Passenger helicopter for transportation of 8 passengers;

Mi-2T. - transport, for the transport of goods weighing up to 700kg in the cabin or 800kg on an external suspension; A sanitary helicopter was produced for the carriage of four patients on stretcher and sanitation;

Mi-2r. - search and rescue, with electric winch with a loading capacity of 120kg;

Mi-2Upn. - an intelligence helicopter with weapons from two blocks of 16 ND C-5 caliber 57mm;

Mi-2UP. - anti-tank helicopter with 4 pethi 9m14m "Baby" on the pylons;

Mi-2us - Helicopter of fire support with a gun of 23mm caliber or with installations with machine guns Calibrom 7.62mm on pylons and in the cabin;

Mi-2km. - deck multi-purpose helicopter;

Mi-2m - upgraded version of the Mi-2 helicopter, is equipped with two GTD-350P of the take-off power to 331kW; Made the first flight on July 1, 1974, was produced in the following options:

- Agricultural helicopter for spraying liquid or dry chemicals;
- Training and training helicopter;
- helicopter for aerial photography;
- Helicopter for monitoring the state of the environment.

On August 26, 1965, the first Mi-2, collected from the Soviet components, rose to the air in the soul. The first flight of the MI-2, fully made in Poland, was held on November 4, 1965; The car piloted the crew as part of V. Mercik (W. Mercik), K. Moskovich (K. Moskowicz) and X. Yarovsky (N. Jarowski).

The first cars (zero series) were transferred to the Soviet Union for trial operation. Outwardly, the serial Mi-2 was different from the finalized second prototype with the absence of a keil surface on the tail beam and a different form of holes in the front of the boar under the air intake of the oil radiator (they were not oval, but rectangular). There was also the location of the antennas of the radio station and flashing flames (from the middle of the tail beam, it was transferred to the end of it).

Already next year, production has unfolded at full capacity. The first serial copy was transferred to the PND Air Force on December 29, 1966 after four-month factory tests. Alas, this car is not preserved: it was written off after the accident, and its tail beam was installed on another Mi-2 Polish Air Force.



The Mi-2 fuselage has a half-layered design, it includes three parts: the nose part where the crew cabin is located, the central - with the passenger compartment and the tail, it includes a tail beam with a controlled stabilizer.

Power point

Mi-2 has a all-metal design. The power plant is in a great superstructure over the fuselage of the helicopter - the so-called "boa" (from FR. Cabane - Slash). The front of the three-step main gearbox is two engine GTD-350, and from above - a fan, cooling oil radiator and the main gearbox.

Fuel system

The fuel system of the helicopter includes one fuel tank with a capacity of 600 liters, located under the cabin floor, also provides for the installation of two additional tanks on the sides of the fuselage, a capacity of 238 liters. The oil system includes an oil carrier with a capacity of 25 liters and oil radiator with a cooling fan.

Carrier system

The carrier system includes a three-blade carrying screw with rectangular blades and a two-bladed steering tail. Hydraulic dampers are installed on the carrier. Management of the common and cyclic pitch of the carrier screw is carried out using hydraulic motors. In the event of a pressure of the hydraulic system, the pilot can apply manual control.

Cabin crew

The crew cabin is single-double, most often, the pilot sits on the seat on the left, in the training modification, the pilot and cadet sit nearby, in this case, the control of the helicopter is duded.


The pilot and passenger places are placed in the front of the fuselage, batteries and various equipment were located there. Behind is a cargo-passenger cabin with a door on the left side. It has dimensions of 2.27 x 1.2 x 1.4 m and is equipped with an air conditioning system. The fuel tank container is attached to the cabin floor, simultaneously serving the attachment point for two trifle sofas. For another (eighth) passenger to the rear wall of the case, a folding seat is attached. When transporting goods, passenger seats can be removed. In the sanitary model in the cabin, up to four stretchers can be installed, and there is also a place for the accompanying health worker.


Bulk equipment on the Mi-2 helicopter standard and includes a radio compass, gyrocompass, radio suiteromer, SV and SV radio station. A radar receiver is mounted on military options in the nose.

Optional equipment

Two additional cylindrical fuel tanks can be installed on both sides of the fuselage. The helicopter is equipped with a loader-coating boom and an external suspension system with a lifting capacity of up to 800 kg. On the tail beam is a controlled stabilizer; The angle of its rotation will be changed automatically in accordance with the change in the steps of the carrying screw blades.

In the agricultural embodiment, a system of spraying of liquid chemicals is installed, it includes: tanks on the sides of the case, a total capacity of 1000 liters and a sprayer rod of 14 m long, with 128 nozzles that provide spraying of chemicals on an area of \u200b\u200b40-45 m wide, or spraying dry chemicals Weight 750 kg, which are contained in two containers with sprayers.

On the search and rescue modification there is an electric winch with a lifting capacity of 120 kg, and on the transport option - with a hook for external cargo suspension, weighing up to 800 kg. In an option intended for environmental control, ASA thermal imaging equipment has.


The three-drum chassis consists of two pyramidal main supports and two-wheeled front support with lever suspension. On the chassis racks are installed single-chamber, pneumatic oil shock absorbers. In winter, a ski or wheeled chassis can be installed. The chassis allows a helicopter to carry out a taxiing, and also take off and landing by airplane.

Electrical equipment

DC sources: two 24 V batteries, and two starter-generator generator STG-3 3 kW, 27 V. Sources of AC: 16 kW generator, 208 V, 400 Hz, operating from the main gearbox. AC 36 V and 115 V networks in regular mode are powered by converters that are powered by DC network. In emergency mode - from the alternator of the AC through the transformer. The most powerful consumer is an anti-icing system - powered by an alternator.


Military versions intended for combat operations can be equipped with a gun ns-23 and 6 machine guns, a gun NS-23 and 2x16 Nar C-5, a gun of NS-23, 2 machine guns and 4 anti-tank controlled missiles "Baby", a gun NS-23 , 2 machine guns and 4 self-equipped anti-aircraft missiles "Strela-2M".