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Cultural Revolution. Ege. history. briefly. Cultural Revolution in the USSR Cultural Revolution 1920 1930

The class approach to culture was primarily reflected in the activities of Proletkult. It is a massive organization with more than half a million people, 80,000 of them worked in studios. Proletkult published about 20 magazines, had branches abroad. The task was to create an independent proletarian culture, free from any "class impurities" and "layers of the past." Prolet-cult concepts denied the classical cultural heritage, with the exception, perhaps, of those works of art in which a connection with the national liberation movement was revealed. Decisive steps in the continuation of the mistakes of the proletcult were made in October 1920, when the All-Russian Congress of the Proletkults adopted a resolution rejecting incorrect and harmful attempts to invent a special, proletarian culture. Participation in the work of public education based on Marxism was recognized as the main direction in the work of proletarian organizations. A very influential creative group was the RAPP (Russian Association of Proletarian Writers). Calling for the struggle for high artistic skill, polemicizing with the theorists of Proletkult, RAPP at the same time remained on the point of view of proletarian culture. In 1932 the RAPP was disbanded. The artistic life of the country in the first years of Soviet power is striking in its diversity and abundance of literary and artistic groups. In April 1932, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) adopted a resolution "On the restructuring of literary and artistic organizations", which provided for their dissolution and the creation of united creative unions. In August 1934, the Writers' Union of the USSR was formed. The very first congress ordered the workers of Soviet art to use exclusively the method of socialist realism, the principles of which are partisanship, communist ideology, nationality, "the depiction of reality in its revolutionary development." Along with the Writers' Union, the Union of Artists, the Union of Composers, etc. later arose. The Arts Committee was formed under the government to guide and control artistic creation.

Thus, the Bolshevik Party completely placed Soviet literature and art at the service of communist ideology, turning them into an instrument of propaganda. From now on, they were intended to instill in the minds of people Marxist-Leninist ideas, to convince them of the advantages of a socialist community, of the infallible wisdom of party leaders. Artists and literary figures who met these requirements received large fees, Stalin's and other prizes, dachas, creative business trips, trips abroad and other benefits from the Bolshevik leadership.

The fate of those who did not submit to the communist dictate was, as a rule, tragic. The most talented representatives of Soviet culture perished in the concentration camps and the dungeons of the NKVD: The paths of ideological and political self-determination and the life fates of many people of art were not easy at this turning point. For various reasons and in different years, great Russian talents turned out to be abroad. Many theatrical collectives arose. The Bolshoi Drama Theater in Leningrad played an important role in the development of theatrical art. The mid-1920s saw the emergence of Soviet drama, which had a tremendous impact on the development of theatrical art. If drama theaters restructured their repertoire by the end of the first Soviet decade, the main place in the activities of opera and ballet groups was still occupied by the classics. Soviet sculptors focused on creating monuments depicting V.I. Lenin, I.V. Stalin, other leaders of the party and state. In each city there were several monuments to the leaders. The sculptural group "Worker and Collective Farm Woman" created by V. Mukhina, depicting two steel giants, was considered a masterpiece of monumental art of that time. Literary and art magazines played an important role in the artistic life of the country. Such new magazines as Novy Mir, Krasnaya Nov ', Molodaya Gvardiya, Oktyabr, Zvezda, Print and Revolution became popular. For the first time, many outstanding works of Soviet literature were published on their pages, critical articles were published, and heated discussions were conducted. The production of newspapers, magazines and books has increased. In addition to all-union and republican newspapers, almost every enterprise, plant, mine, state farm published its own large-circulation or wall newspaper. Books have been published in more than 100 languages ​​of the world. The country was radioed. Radio broadcasting was conducted by 82 stations in 62 languages. There were 4 million radio points in the country. A network of libraries and museums developed. During this period, scientists - social scientists, advocating the preservation of the new economic policy, were repressed. Thus, prominent Russian economists A.V. Chayanov and N. D. Kondratyev. Cultural ties with foreign countries developed. The membership of the Russian Academy of Sciences in international organizations was renewed. Domestic scientists took part in international conferences, in foreign scientific expeditions. However, the strengthening of the command-administrative system, the tightening of control led to a narrowing of the amount of information coming from abroad.

Personal contacts with foreigners and staying abroad became the reasons for undeserved accusations of espionage of Soviet citizens.

The control over the departure of scientists and representatives of culture abroad was tightened. A huge amount of work has been done to eradicate illiteracy. On the eve of the October Revolution, about 68% of the adult population could not read and write. Particularly bleak was the situation in the countryside, where the illiterate accounted for about 80%, and in the national regions the percentage of illiterates reached 99.5%. On December 26, 1919, the Council of People's Commissars adopted a decree "On the elimination of illiteracy among the population of the RSFSR", according to which the entire population from 8 to 50 years old was obliged to learn to read and write in their native language or Russian. The decree provided for a reduction in the working day for students with the preservation of wages, the organization of registration of illiterates, the provision of premises for classes in educational programs, the construction of new schools. In 1920, the All-Russian Extraordinary Commission for the Elimination of Illiteracy was created, which existed until 1930 under the People's Commissariat for Education of the RSFSR. The school experienced enormous material difficulties, especially in the early years of the NEP. 90% of schools were transferred from the state budget to the local one. As a temporary measure, in 1922, tuition fees were introduced in cities and urban-type settlements, which were established depending on the family's wealth. As the country's economic situation improved overall, government spending on education increased; the patronage of enterprises and institutions to schools has become widespread. All this allowed the state in August 1925 to adopt the decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR "On the introduction of universal primary education in the RSFSR and the construction of a school network." By the 10th anniversary of the October Revolution, in a number of regions, this task was accomplished. According to the 1926 census, the share of the literate population doubled in comparison with pre-revolutionary times and amounted to 60.9%. There remained a noticeable gap in literacy rates between urban and rural areas - 85% and 55%, and between men and women - 77.1% and 46.4%. An increase in the educational level of the population had a direct impact on the process of democratization of higher education. Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR of August 2, 1918 “On the rules for admission to higher educational institutions of the RSFSR,” proclaimed that everyone who has reached the age of 16, regardless of citizenship and nationality, gender and religion, was admitted to universities without examinations, and it was not required to provide a document of secondary education.

The preference in enrollment was given to the workers and the poorest peasantry. In addition, starting from 1919, workers' faculties began to be created in the country. At the end of the recovery period, workers' faculty graduates accounted for half of the students admitted to universities. By 1927, the network of higher educational institutions and technical schools of the RSFSR consisted of 90 universities (in 1914 - 72 universities) and 672 technical schools (in 1914 - 297 technical schools). By 1930, the capital appropriations for the school had grown more than tenfold in comparison with 1925-26. During this period, almost 40 thousand schools were opened. On July 25, 1930, the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks adopted a resolution "On universal compulsory primary education", which was introduced for children 8-10 years old in the volume of 4 grades. By the end of the 30s, the difficult legacy of tsarism - mass illiteracy - had been overcome. According to the 1939 census, the percentage of literate people aged 9-49 was 89.7% in the RSFSR. Differences between town and country, between men and women in terms of literacy remained insignificant. So, literacy of men was 96%, women - 83.9%, urban population - 94.9%, rural - 86.7%. However, there were still many illiterates among the population over 50 years old. By the end of the 1930s, there were more than 10 million specialists in the USSR, including about 900 thousand people with higher education. There were twice as many engineers with higher education than in the United States. However, the level of their qualifications remained significantly lower. In the 1930s, Soviet science switched to a planned system. Many scientific institutions have sprung up on the periphery. Branches of the Academy of Sciences were created in the Transcaucasian republics, the Urals, the Far East, and Kazakhstan. The party demanded that science serve the practice of socialist construction, have a direct impact on production, and help strengthen the country's military might. A major breakthrough was made by Soviet physicists in the study of the atomic nucleus. Scientists' research contributed to the creation of Soviet atomic weapons and nuclear power plants in the future. The culture of the USSR followed its own special path, largely determined by the Communist Party.

¡In the 1920s-1940s, a powerful cultural shift undoubtedly took place in the USSR. If the social revolution destroyed the semi-medieval estate in the country, which divided society into "people" and "upper classes", then cultural transformations in two decades moved it along the path of overcoming the civilizational gap in the daily life of many tens of millions of people. In an unimaginably short period of time, the material capabilities of people ceased to be a significant barrier between them and at least an elementary culture, the introduction to it became much less dependent on the social and professional status of people. Both in scale and in pace, these changes can indeed be considered a nationwide "cultural revolution".

¡¡¡However, the cultural transformation, firstly, turned out to be broad, but very poor. They gave rise, in essence, to a "semi-culture" mixed with the bizarre spiritual marginality * of millions and millions of people. But this is not a mistake and not a fault of the Soviet regime in those years - it could not be otherwise: the grandeur of the scale and the lightning speed of the high quality of culture do not provide. Secondly, culture was "imposed" on the people: by the rigid regulation of rural life - by the collective farm system, and the urban "mobilization capabilities" of factory shock construction projects, by the organizational and propagandistic onslaught of state "outreach" plans, Komsomol campaigns, and trade union competitions. Thus, the germination of the need for culture was replaced, in essence, by the dictates of social structures and the pressure of the social atmosphere. This was already a historical mistake, engendered by the belief in the omnipotence of the "revolutionary onslaught." The zeal with which the system, hyper-politicized by the revolution, strove to create a "culture of a new type" in our country, already in the 1920s received a "Marxist" theoretical foundation. These "basic features" were "established"; communist ideology and partisanship, collectivism, internationalism and patriotism, leadership of the CPSU and the Soviet state by the planned development of culture. This is precisely what was announced as "a new step in the spiritual development of mankind", its "peak". In our country, there has been a violent break with the cultural and historical tradition. The fight against the "vices of the old culture" has led to a significant impoverishment, and in many respects, to the destruction of this tradition. * MARGINALITY (lat. Margo - edge, border) - the borderline position of the individual in relation to any social community, which leaves a certain imprint on her psyche and way of life.

Reform in the field of education and science. ¡¡¡During the period under review, the cultural life of the country developed very ambiguously. However, significant advances have been made in many areas of cultural development. These primarily include the education sector. The historical legacy of the tsarist regime was a significant proportion of the illiterate population. Meanwhile, the need for rapid industrialization of the country required a huge number of competent productive workers. The systematic efforts of the Soviet state, which began in the early 1920s, led to the fact that the proportion of the literate population in Russia was steadily growing. By 1939, the number of literate people in the RSFSR was already 89 percent. Compulsory primary education was introduced in the 1930/31 academic year. In addition, by the thirties, the Soviet school gradually moved away from many revolutionary innovations that had not justified themselves: the class-lesson system was restored, subjects previously excluded from the curriculum as "bourgeois" (primarily history, general and domestic) were returned to the schedule. Since the beginning of the 30s. the number of educational institutions that trained engineering and technical, agricultural and pedagogical personnel grew rapidly. In 1936, the All-Union Committee for Higher Education was established.

¡At the same time, Stalinist totalitarianism created serious obstacles to the normal development of scientific knowledge. The autonomy of the Academy of Sciences was eliminated. In 1934 she was transferred from Leningrad to Moscow and subordinated to the Council of People's Commissars. The approval of administrative methods of guiding science led to the fact that many promising areas of research (for example, genetics, cybernetics) were arbitrarily frozen for many years by the party. In an atmosphere of widespread denunciations and gaining momentum of repression, academic discussions often ended in reprisals, when one of the opponents, being accused (albeit unreasonably) of political unreliability, was not only deprived of the opportunity to work, but was physically destroyed. A similar fate was destined for very many representatives of the intelligentsia. Such prominent scientists as the biologist, the founder of Soviet genetics, academician N.I. Vavilov, scientist and designer of rocketry, in the future academician and twice Hero of Socialist Labor S.P.Korolev and many others became victims of repression.

Features of the development of literature ¡The situation in the literature has changed significantly. In the early 30s. the existence of free creative circles and groups came to an end. By the decree of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks dated April 23, 1932, "On the restructuring of literary and artistic organizations", the RAPP was liquidated. And in 1934, at the First All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers, the "Union of Writers" was organized, in which all people who were engaged in literary work were forced to join. The Writers' Union has become an instrument of total control over the creative process by the authorities. It was impossible not to be a member of the Union, because in this case the writer was deprived of the opportunity to publish his works and, moreover, could be prosecuted for "parasitism". M. Gorky stood at the origins of this organization, but his chairmanship in it did not last long. After his death in 1936, A. A. Fadeev (formerly RAPP member) became the chairman, who remained in this post throughout the entire Stalin era (until his suicide in 1956). In addition to the "Union of Writers", other "creative" unions were organized: "Union of Artists", "Union of Architects", "Union of Composers". A period of uniformity was beginning in Soviet art. M. Gorky

¡¡The so-called "socialist realism" became the defining style in literature, painting and other forms of art. This style had little in common with real realism. With outward "living likeness", he did not reflect reality in its present form, but tried to pass off as reality what should only have been from the point of view of the official ideology. The function of educating society within the strictly defined framework of communist morality was imposed on art. Labor enthusiasm, universal devotion to the ideas of Lenin and Stalin, Bolshevik adherence to principles - this is what the heroes of the works of official art of that time lived for. The reality was much more complex and, on the whole, far from the proclaimed ideal. Despite the ideological diktat and total control, free literature continued to develop. Under the threat of reprisals, under the fire of loyal criticism, without hope for publication, writers continued to work, not wanting to mutilate their work for the sake of Stalin's propaganda. Many of them never saw their works published, this happened after their death.

Visual arts, architecture, theater and cinema. ¡¡¡During this period there are significant changes in the visual arts. Despite the fact that the Association of Traveling Exhibitions and the Union of Russian Artists continued to exist in the 1920s, new associations appeared in the spirit of the times - the Association of Artists of Proletarian Russia, the Association of Proletarian Artists. The works of B.V. Ioganson became classics of socialist realism in the visual arts. In 1933, the painting "Interrogation of the Communists" was painted. The culmination of the development of sculpture of socialist realism was the composition "Worker and Collective Farm Woman" by Vera Ignatievna Mukhina (1889 - 1953). The sculptural group was made by V. I. Mukhina for the Soviet pavilion at the World Exhibition in Paris in 1937. In architecture in the early 30s. Constructivism continues to be the leading one, widely used for the construction of public and residential buildings. The aesthetics of simple geometric shapes inherent in constructivism influenced the architecture of the Lenin Mausoleum, built in 1930 according to the project of A. V. Shchusev. Cinematography is developing rapidly. The number of pictures taken is increasing. New opportunities opened up with the advent of sound films. In 1938, S. M. Eisenstein's film "Alexander Nevsky" was released. Films on revolutionary themes are being shot.

Results: ¡The results of the transformations of the first years of Soviet power in the field of culture were far from unambiguous. On the one hand, certain successes were achieved in eliminating illiteracy, there was an increase in the activity of the creative intelligentsia, which was expressed in the organization of new and the revival of old societies and associations, the creation of values ​​in the field of spiritual and material culture. On the other hand, culture has become a part of state policy, falling under the control of the party and government apparatus.

Cultural revolution in the USSR during the years

The main goal of the cultural transformation carried out by the Bolsheviks in the 1920s – 1930s was the subordination of science and art to Marxist ideology. A huge deal for Russia was the elimination of illiteracy (educational program). A unified state system of public education was created, a Soviet school of several levels arose. In the 1st five-year plan, a compulsory four-year education was introduced, and in the 2nd five-year plan - a seven-year education. Universities and technical schools were opened, workers' faculties were opened (faculties for preparing workers for entering higher and secondary educational institutions). The training was ideological in nature. A new, Soviet intelligentsia was formed, and the Bolshevik authorities treated the old intelligentsia with suspicion.

In literature and art, the method of "socialist realism" was introduced, the glorification of the party, its leader, the heroics of the revolution. Among the writers were A. N. Tolstoooy, M. A. Sholokhov, A. A. Fadeev, A. T. Tvardovskiyoy. The works of S. S. Prokofiev (music for the film "Alexander Nevskiyoy"), A. I. Khachaturyan (music for the film "Masquerade"), D. D. Shostakovich (opera "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District", banned in 1936 for formalism). Songs by I. Dunaevsky, A. Alexandrov, V. Solovyov-Sedoy gained wide popularity. A significant step in its development was made by cinematography. The most outstanding sculpture of the 1930s. became the monument to V. Mukhinoooy "Worker and Collective Farm Woman". Through various creative unions, the state directed and controlled all the activities of the creative intelligentsia.

Socialist realism was recognized as the only artistic method, the principles of which were first formulated in the "Charter of the Union of the Writers of the USSR" (1934). The main tenet of socialist realism was party spirituality, socialist ideology. The aesthetic concept of "realism" was voluntarily combined with the political definition of "socialist", which in practice led to the subordination of literature and art to the principles of ideology and politics, to the emasculation of the very content of art. Socialist realism was a universal method prescribed, in addition to literature, music, cinema, visual art and even ballet. An entire era in Russian culture has passed under his flag. Many artists, whose work did not fit into the Procrustean bed of socialist realism, at best excommunicated literature and art, at worst were subjected to repression (Mandelstam, Meouerhold, Pilnyak, Babel, Kharms, Pavel Vasiliev, etc.). Socialist realism

In 1918, the implementation of Lenin's plan for monumental propaganda began. In accordance with this plan, monuments were removed that did not represent, in the opinion of the new authorities, historical and artistic value, for example, the monuments to Alexander III in St. Petersburg and to General Skobelev in Moscow. At the same time, monuments (busts, figures, steles, memorial plaques) to heroes of the revolution, public figures, writers, and artists began to be created. The new monuments were supposed to make the ideas of socialism pictorially visual. Both famous masters (S.T.Konenkov, N.A. Andreev) and young sculptors from different schools and directions, including students of art schools, were involved in the work. In total, 25 monuments were erected in Moscow, 15 in Petrograd. Many monuments have not survived mainly because they were made in temporary materials (gypsum, concrete, wood). Sculpture

In Petrograd, a monument to the "Fighters of the Revolution", the Field of Mars, is being created over the years. The project of the architect L.V. Rudnev.

Obelisk in honor of the first Soviet Constitution in Moscow. Concrete gg. Has not survived. Architect D. N. Osipov.

The sculptural group "Worker and Collective Farm Woman". They hold in their outstretched hands the hammer and sickle that make up the coat of arms of the Soviet Union. The author of this work is V. I. Mukhina, a large-scale sculptor of this era, one of the most famous women in the country.

Architecture Constructivism, which sought to use new techniques to create simple, logical, functionally justified forms, and expedient construction, became the leading direction in architecture of the ies. Techniques characteristic of constructivism are the combination of one-piece flat-wall with large glazed surfaces, a combination of volumes of different composition. Soviet constructivism is presented in the works of V.E. Tatlin. He tried to use a wide variety of materials to build his technical structures, including wire, glass, and sheet metal. The scope of club construction can be judged by the fact that 480 clubs were built in the country alone in years, including 66 in Moscow. A whole series of clubs, original in terms of architecture, were built during this period according to the designs of the architect K.S. Melnikov in Moscow and the Moscow region.

Rusakov Club in Sokolniki (gg.)

The Likhachev Palace of Culture, created according to the project of the great Soviet masters brothers L.A., V.A., A.A. Vesnin.

Painting and Graphics In the 1920s, the most mobile, operative and widespread type of fine art was graphics: magazine and newspaper drawings, posters. They responded most quickly to the events of the time due to their brevity and clarity. During these years, two types of posters, heroic and satirical, developed, the most prominent representatives of which were Moor and Denis. Moor (DS Orlov) owns political posters that have become classic Soviet graphics "Have you volunteered?" (1920), "Help!" (). Denis's (V.N.Denisov's) posters are built on a different principle. They are satirical, accompanied by poetic texts, the influence of popular popular prints is noticeable in them. Denis also makes extensive use of the cartoon portrait technique. He is the author of such famous posters as "Either death to capital, or death under the fifth capital" (1919), "Fist the world eater" (1921).

Moor (DS Orlov) "Have you signed up as a volunteer?" (1920), "Help!" ().

Denis (VN Denisov) "Either death to capital, or death under the fifth capital" (1919), "Fist the world eater" (1921).

In the post-revolutionary years, a completely innovative form of propaganda art appeared - "Windows ROSTA" (the Russian telegraph agency), in which MM Cheremnykh, VV Mayakovskiyoy, and Moor played a special role. The posters, accompanied by sharp text, responded to the most pressing issues: they called for the defense of the country, cleared out deserters, and campaigned for new things in everyday life. They were pasted in shop windows or windows, in clubs, at train stations. "Windows ROSTA" had a great influence on the timeline of the Great Patriotic War.

In addition to graphics, the main forms of painting also developed in the years. In the visual arts during these years, there were different directions. The art of the Russian avant-garde not only continued to develop, but also experienced a true heyday. The time of revolutionary transformations attracted artists to new creative experiments. In Russia, such avant-garde trends as cubism, futurism, abstractionism became widespread. Largest representatives of the Russian avant-garde - M.3. Chagall, N.S. Goncharova, K.S. Malevich, V.V. Kandinskyooy, M.F. Larionov, A.V. Lentulov, P.N. Filonov. The avant-gardists were intolerant of the representatives of classical art, they considered themselves revolutionary artists creating a new proletarian art. They held in their hands many printed organs and exhibition spaces.

Civil war 1917-1922 and foreign intervention in Russia

Causes of the revolution:

· Dispersal of the Constituent Assembly by the Bolsheviks;

· The desire of the Bolsheviks who received power to retain it by any means;

· The readiness of all participants to use violence as a way to resolve the conflict;

· Signing in March 1918 of the Brest Peace with Germany;

· The solution by the Bolsheviks of the most acute agrarian question contrary to the interests of large landowners;

· Nationalization of real estate, banks, means of production;

· The activity of food detachments in the villages, which led to an exacerbation of relations between the new government and the peasantry.

Intervention - Aggressive intervention by one or more states, advantage armed, in the internal affairs of some n. country.

Scientists distinguish 3 stages of the civil war. The first stage lasted from October 1917 to November 1918. This is the time when the Bolsheviks came to power.... From October 1917, individual armed clashes gradually turned into full-scale hostilities. It is characteristic that the beginning of the civil war 1917 - 1922, unfolded against the background a larger military conflict - First world th. This was the main reason for the subsequent intervention of the Entente. It should be noted that each of the Entente countries had their own reasons for participating in the intervention (). So, Turkey wanted to establish itself in the Transcaucasus, France - to extend its influence to the north of the Black Sea region, Germany - to the Kola Peninsula, Japan was interested in Siberian territories. The goal of England and the United States was both to expand their own spheres of influence and to prevent the rise of Germany.

The second stage dates from November 1918 - March 1920. It was at this time that the decisive events of the civil war took place. In connection with the cessation of hostilities on the fronts of the First World War and the defeat of Germany, the fighting on the territory of Russia gradually lost its intensity. But, at the same time, a turning point came in favor of the Bolsheviks, who controlled most of the country's territory.

The final stage in the chronology of the Civil War lasted from March 1920 to October 1922. Military operations of this period were conducted mainly on the outskirts of Russia (the Soviet-Polish war, military clashes in the Far East). It is worth noting that there are other, more detailed, options for the periodization of the civil war.

The end of the civil war was marked by the victory of the Bolsheviks. Historians cite the widespread support of the popular masses as its most important reason. Seriously influenced the development of the situation and the fact that weakened by the First World War, the Entente countries were unable to coordinate their actions and strike at the territory of the former Russian Empire with all their might.

Military communism

War Communism (the policy of War Communism) is the name of the domestic policy of Soviet Russia, carried out during the Civil War of 1918-1921.

The essence of War Communism was to prepare the country for a new, communist society, towards which the new authorities were oriented. War communism was characterized by such features as:

· The extreme degree of centralization of management of the entire economy;

· Nationalization of industry (from small to large);

· A ban on private trade and curtailment of commodity-money relations;

· State monopolization of many branches of agriculture;

· Militarization of labor (focus on the military industry);

· Total equalization, when everyone received an equal amount of goods and goods.

It was on the basis of these principles that it was planned to build a new state, where there are no rich and poor, where everyone is equal and everyone gets exactly as much as is necessary for a normal life.

Question 41. The political development of the USSR in 1920-1930.

In the period from 1928 to 1937. in the USSR, a totalitarian state was finally formed.

Market mechanisms were established by state regulation, and a regime of total control was established in all spheres of society, carried out by the party-state apparatus.

There were also other signs of a totalitarian system:

1) monoparty;

2) lack of opposition;

3) merging of the state and party apparatus;

4) the actual elimination of the separation of powers;

5) destruction of political and civil liberties;

6) unification of public life;

7) the cult of the leader of the country;

8) control over society with the help of all-encompassing mass public organizations.

At the top of the political pyramid was the general secretary of the CPSU (b) I. V. Stalin.

By the beginning of the 1930s. he managed to win the inner-party struggle for power, which unfolded after the death of V. I. Lenin between the leading party leaders (L. D. Trotsky, L. B. Kamenev, G. E. Zinoviev, N. I. Bukharin). and approved the regime of a personal dictatorship in the USSR. The main structures of this political system were:

1) party;

2) management of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b);

3) the Politburo;

4) state security agencies operating under the direct leadership of I. V. Stalin.

Mass repression as one of the main instruments of the regime pursued several goals:

1) the elimination of opponents of the Stalinist methods of building socialism;

2) the destruction of the free-thinking part of the nation;

3) keeping the party and state machinery in constant tension.

Strictly regulating not only the behavior, but also the thinking of each of its members, the ideologized official organizations were called upon from childhood to educate a person in the spirit of the norms of communist morality.

In fact, each of them was just one or another modification of the state ideology for different social groups. So, the most privileged and honorable was membership in the CPSU (b) (about 2 million people) and Soviets (about 3.6 million deputies and activists). For young people, there was the Komsomol (Komsomol) and the pioneer organization. For workers and employees there were trade unions, and for the intelligentsia - unions, depending on the type of activity.

Logical continuation the political course of the party was the adoption on December 5, 1936 at the VIII All-Union Extraordinary Congress of Soviets of the new Constitution of the USSR. It fixed the creation of two forms of ownership:

1) state;

2) collective farm cooperative.

The system of state power has also undergone changes:

1) the Supreme Soviet of the USSR remained the supreme body;

2) in the intervals between its sessions, the Presidium of the Supreme Council possessed power.

Question 42. "Cultural Revolution" in the USSR (1920-30s)

In the culture of the 1920s – 1930s. three directions can be distinguished:

1. Official culture supported by the Soviet state.

2. Unofficial culture persecuted by the Bolsheviks.

3. The culture of the Russian diaspora (emigre).

Cultural Revolution - changes in the spiritual life of society, carried out in the USSR in the 20-30s. XX century, the creation of a socialist culture. The term "cultural revolution" was introduced by V. I. Lenin in 1923 in his work "On Cooperation".

The goals of the cultural revolution.

1. Re-education of the masses - the establishment of the Marxist-Leninist, communist ideology as a state one.

2. Creation of a "proletarian culture" oriented towards the lower strata of society, based on communist education.

3. "Communization" and "Sovietization" of mass consciousness through the Bolshevik ideologization of culture.

4. Elimination of illiteracy, development of education, dissemination of scientific and technical knowledge.

5. Break with the pre-revolutionary cultural heritage.

6. Creation and education of the new Soviet intelligentsia.

The main goal of the cultural transformations carried out by the Bolsheviks in the 1920s – 1930s was the subordination of science and art to Marxist ideology.

A great deal for Russia was the elimination of illiteracy (educational program). Results of the Cultural Revolution in the USSR

The successes of the Cultural Revolution include an increase in the literacy rate to 87.4% of the population (according to the 1939 census), the creation of a wide system of general education schools, and the significant development of science and art.

Characteristic features of NEP. Reasons for the defeat of anti-Soviet forces. Reasons for the clotting of NEP. Characteristic features of the Soviet totalitarian regime. Economic transformation. The consequences of the civil war. All-Union Congress of Soviets. V. I. Lenin's conclusion. "The Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Power." The ideological basis of the course is the Stalinist concept of the country's development. Results in the political sphere. End of the 20s. - clotting of NEPA.

"Culture in the USSR 1920-1930" - Art Cathedral of Christ the Savior. "Launch into life" 1931, Pudovkin. Plans ... "New Moscow". We will succeed in communism. Resolution 1932 Worker and Kolkhoz Woman, 1937 Steel. Multicolored and marvelous ... .. ". "Deputy of the Baltic". What happened. "Mastering the tractor". "At the construction sites of new workshops" 1932. "Future pilots" 1938. Art. The walls of Kitai-gorod. Sculptor Vera Mukhina. "Tractor drivers", 1939 S. Kirsanov “Our hands will learn everything. We will pull out all the riddles on a string.

"Building Communism" - How long does it take? A state with strict rules. How did the new house turn out. The Soviet people managed to raise the country in such a short time. The working people elected the Soviets of People's Deputies. Who will build. Devastation. Who will lead the construction. The disaffected were severely punished. Our house. All the people took part in the construction. We are building a house. How people imagined the new house-state. Hunger. A war between the inhabitants of one state for power in the country.

"Politics of the NEP" - Property of the Church. Instruction. Changes. Proletarian culture. New economic policy. Private hands. Workers' control. Chervonets. The public sector was marginal. New economic policy. The need for a transition to NEP. High rates of economic growth. Krzhizhanovsky. Food squad. Ilyich's light bulb. Comedies. The NEP years. Danger. Cannibals. Suppression of the Kronstadt rebellion. Party censorship. Replacement of surplus appropriation by tax in kind.

"NEP in Siberia" - The system of economic reforms of the NEP period. NEP: new strategy or new tactics. Krasnoyarye: five centuries of history. NEP: gains and losses. Comparison of the reforms of the NEP period and post-Soviet Russia. Krasnoyarsk Territory in the History of the Fatherland. External labor migration during the NEP period. It should be noted that the interpretation of the NEP gradually changed. NEP in Siberia. The New Economic Policy (NEP) has had a positive impact.

"Development of the USSR in the 20-30s." - NEP. Concession. Foreign policy of the USSR in the 20s. Characteristic. The main stages of industrialization. Social and political life in the 30s. Culture of the USSR in the 20-30s. Relations with Western countries. Collectivization. The main problems. Industrialization of the USSR. USSR in the 20-30s. Foreign policy of the USSR in the 30s. Nation-building. Genoa Conference. Three different periods of cultural construction.