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What a weapon was killed Kolovrat. Bogatyr Evpathy Kolovrat: True and fiction. Apparently, Kolovrat really was a formidable warrior

The times of tragic events of the invasion of Mongol-Tatar appeared a lot of examples of the courage and dedication of our ancestors. Mongol-Tatar Igo notified in Russian land. But, despite the strength and cruelty of the enemy, no one was going to subjugate to powerful conquerors without a fight. In all Russian principalities, they answered a decisive refusal to propose to recognize the slave dependence on the Mongols. The adventures of the Ryazan hero of Evpatiya Kolovrat, the defenders of Kozelsk and Kiev and many other famous and unknown heroes of that distant era.

At the end of 1237, Halior Batiy approached the boundaries of the Ryazan land. The ambassadors who arrived on Russia demanded to submit to Mongolian Khan. The conquerors had an overwhelming numerical advantage. According to the "Tale of the Ryazan Batym", Ryazan Prince Yuri Ingvarevich sent to Batya to negotiate his son Fyodor. Mongols deliberately presented unacceptable conditions, and, having received a refusal from Fyodor, killed a young prince. And the wife of His, Eupraxia, soon died: Mongols were going to deliver her to Hanu, and the princess, so as not to get into the hands of enemies, rushed with a high tower and crashed to death. Then Ryazan, Prison, Murom princes decided not to subjugate the enemy, and, despite the huge numerical superiority of the enemy, boldly entered into battle with him. With his troops, they met the hordes of the Mongols "in the field." The story tells us about the battle for Ryazan: "And there was a shadow of evil and terrible ... Batievs were the forces of the Great and unprovers; One Ryazan fought with a thousand, and two with ten thousand ... and beat so hard and mercilessly, that the earth itself groaned, and Batiev shelves mixed everything. And barely overwhelmed their shelves strong Tatar. There were killed in that sash ... Many princes are local, and the governors are strong, and the host ... - they still died and the one cup of death was perfect. None of them turned reversal, but everyone together was laid dead ... And in the sixth day, the splashing went to the city - one with lights, other with trumpet tools, and the third with countless stairs - and took Grad Ryazan in the 21st day of December. And they came to Church of the Cathedral Most Holy Theotokos, and the Great Princess Agrippin, the mother of the Grand Duke, and the Swords and other princesses were given to swords, and the bishop and priests were betrayed - in the Holy Church fade. And in the city of many people, and wives, and children were in swords, and others were sinful in the river ... And the whole hail burned, and the whole beauty is the famous and wealth of Ryazanskoye ... And there was no living alive left in the city: they still died and the whole bowl of death was died . There was no moaning, nor crying - no father and mother about Chad, nor the Chad about the father and mother, no affinities of the affinations, but all together lay dead ... "

Having learned about the ruin of Ryazan Batym, Evpathy Kolovrat with "Maldoy," hastily moved home to Ryazan. "And Ryazanskaya arrived in the land and saw her empty, cities were ruined, the churches are born, people were killed ...", "... sovereigns of killed and many people of the deceased: some were killed and seen, others are burned, and other sweeps." And then Evpathy excreted that there was a power in their soul souls.

The thirst for righteous retaliation overcomes Evpathy. He wants to catch the Tatar shelves at any cost and enter into battle with them, although he understands that he is waiting for the fate of all the fallen in the defense of the city of Ryazantsev. Then Evpathy "gathered a small squad - a thousand seven hundred people, observed (saved) by God outside the city. And he chased in front of the godless king, and barely caught him in the land of Suzdal, and suddenly attacked Batiev's mills. And they began to bring without grace ... "

Ordans carried big losses. We did not expect hit by the empty of them of Ryazan land, they came to horror. "It seemed that these were rebelled to revenge for themselves." Batya is solved to send his shrini against Kovovrat - Hostov's hero. He self-confidently boasted that he was captivated and would lead the Ryazan Voyage alive. In the course of the battle, the Russian and Mongolian Bogatyri came to beat one on one, and Kolovrat Rumadd Hostess in half, to the saddle. "And he began to hover the power of Tatar, and many of the famous Bathyde Batyuyev's right here."

There is a legend that the Muscan of Batya, sent to the negotiations, asked Evpathy - "What do you want?" And received the answer: "Dish!" "And then the Tatars were raised, seeing what Evpathy strong gigid. And they brought a lot of guns for throwing stones on it, and began to beat them from countless vices (kamnets), and barely killed him. And they brought his body to the king of Batu. The king was also sent for Murza, and princes, and the Sunchakbey commander, and the courage of the courage and the fortress, and the courage of the army of Ryazansky. And they told the king of Murza, Prince and Sunchaki: "We are with many kings, in many lands, on many battles were not seen, and they did not see such deals, and our fathers did not tell us. These are the people winged, they do not know death and so tight and courageously on horsebacks are fighting - one with a thousand, and two with ten thousand. None of them will eat alive with everybody. " And said Baty, looking at the body of Evatvaevo: "Oh Kolovrat Evpathy! Well, you caught me with little myself, my friend, and many boggers broke my horde, and broke a lot of regiments. If I used to serve me, "he would hold him his heart." And I gave the body of Evpathy remaining in living people from his squads, whom they captured on a closer. And told the king Baty to let them go and harm them. " On January 11, 1238, the solemn funerals in the Ryazan Cathedral took place. The memory of this hero and his feat lived in the historical consciousness of the people. "And the story about the bogatyr in the cities was also in the villages - throughout our Holy Earth."

Evpathy Kolovrat - Voevoda, Ryazan Boyarin, Bogatyr, Hero of People's Leaks about the events of the thirteenth century. The feat of the Russian strongman is described in detail in the "Tale of Ryazan Ryazan".

The exact date of the birth of Evpathy Kolovrat is unknown. According to some sources, the bogatyr was born about 1200. This date is considered to be the year of the birth of Evpathy.

One of the sources mentioned the patronymic of Boyarin - Lvovich. It is also known that in the earliest legends, the hero was named Evpathy Fury. Motherland Vityaz consider the village of Frolovo Shilovskaya parish. Evpathy is a native of the Ryazan region, Patriot, the hero of local resistance of the Tatar-Mongolian invasion.

Boyar at the court

Kolovrat was a governor at the court of Ryazan Prince Yuri. The bogatyr was distinguished by a huge physical force, was an experienced warrior, a respected commander of the troops. At the time of the invasion of Ordans, Vityazu was about 35-37 years. Prince Yuri understood that Ryazan would not be against the many thousands of troops, and sent ambassadors to Prince Chernigov for help. Among the envoys was Evpathy.

The trip to Chernihiv saved Kolovrat from death. Waiting for the news from the faithful subjects, Prince Yuri did the Khan gifts to put his vigilance. Baty demanded to lead to him the first beauty of the principality, which was a Snow of the Ryazan ruler. As a result of the refusal, the young Prince Fedor was killed, his wife and son died, and the Ryazan Prince's army was exterminated in the battle of the Voronezh River.

Prince Yuri took death from the enemy on the battlefield. When the ambassadors returned to Ryazan, they found the mountains of corpses and the scorched land.

The feat of Russian bogatyri

When Evpathy returned to his homeland, he learned that the young prince Fedor was killed, his wife and heir died, and the people of Ryazan were exterminated. Collecting from the surviving men a small regiment, Kolovrat went in the footsteps of the Ordanes. His miniature army consisted of only seventeen hundred soldiers.

Evpatiya detachment used tactical tricks. The warriors attacked the forest, at night or under the cover of fog. Ordans began to believe that they fight angry spirits. In the army of Khan began fermentation. Baty sent to the fight against the enemy of the best soldiers under the leadership of his shurr. Russians were cut off from the way to their shelter and surrounded. It did not work out the leader of Ryazan resistance. Brother's wife Batiya hosted fell in battle, and Russian warriors did not give up.

Evpathy Kolovrat at the head of the man

The final point in the battle was made by stones throwing machines. The weapon that was usually used for the siege of the city walls was sent against the squad of Ryazan Vitya. Almost all the soldiers were clogged with stones. Alive found only six people. Evpathy Kolovrat died on the battlefield.

The body of the governor was given to the surviving soldiers his squad so that they spend a worthy rite of burial. The legend states that a similar gesture of Batya was evidence of its respect for the military valor of Kolovrat.

Tale of Ryazan Batym

This Old Russian literary work is the most complete source of information about Evpato Kolovrat. The story story talks about the attack of Batya to the Grand Duchy of Ryazan in 1237. The most ancient surviving texts of this work are dated by the sixteenth century, until that time, the legend was transmitted orally.

For three years, the story covered in detail and inaccuracies. There is at least three versions of this story. All of them tell about who Evpathy Kolovrat fought and how Valiantly graduated from her life.

Personal life

The main source of information about the fate of Ryazan Boyar is the folk response. The personal life of the warrior is not described in it. Perhaps Evpathy had a beloved or wife, but the facts in favor of this version were not preserved.


Evpathy Kolovrat became the hero of Russian folklore along with such heroes, like Ilya Muromets, Ratibor, Dobrynya Nikitich, Nikita Kozhemyaka. The story of Vityaz fells was one of the evidence of the strength of the Russian spirit. In 1985, a cartoon film "Tale of Evpathy Kolovrat" was created on the basis of the people's legends.

Bogatyry installed three monuments in the territory of the Ryazan region. Two monument are located near the alleged place of the birthplace of the hero. The third monument was established in 2007 at the Postal Square in Ryazan.

In 2014, it became known that the director Rustam Mosafir began to shoot the film "Evpathy Kolovrat. Climb. " The film was planned to be made as close as possible to historical events. A year later, the first frames of the tape appeared on the Internet, but for an unknown reason the project was frozen.

At that time, the first information also appeared that the Russian film company "Central Partnership" plans to release the film "Legend of Kovrovrat". Photo from filming and trailer appeared on the Internet in the autumn of 2016. The premiere of paintings was appointed for May 2017.

A historic fighter with elements of Fantasy entered the list of the most anticipated films of the year. The plot of ribbons has an indirect attitude towards historical events of the time of the invasion of Batya. The filmmakers decided to present the viewer a fantasy version of the history of the thirteenth century, focusing on the characters and their feelings

Evpathy Kolovrat (SC. 1237/38), Ryazan Welject, Voevod and Bogatyr. With a detachment of 1,700 people who survived from the Tatar-Mongolian defeat of Ryazan, attacked Stan Khan Batya and led the invaders to confusion, having interrupted many "deliberate" Mongolian warriors. Tatars managed to overcome the detachment of the Kovovrat after they applied the "villocks" against him - a stone chamber. Evpathy died in the battle and won the highest praise even from his enemies - Khan Batya and his environments.

Evpathy Kolovrat and other heroes of battles with Ordans

The tragic events of 1237-1241 showed a lot of examples of the courage and dedication of our ancestors. No one was going without a fight to subjugate to powerful conquerors. In all Russian principalities, they answered a decisive refusal to propose to recognize the slave dependence on the Mongols. The adventures of the Ryazan hero of Evpatiya Kolovrat, the defenders of Kozelsk and Kiev and many other famous and unknown heroes of that distant era. But the valor of Russian warriors could not compensate for the absence of unity and cohesion in the face of enemies. For breakdowns and civil workers had to pay silent defeats, and then two hundred-year subordination to ingenians.

The first victim of the Mongolian invasion was the Ryazan Principality, located in the south-east of the country and bordering the territories with seized enemy. Rules in Ryazan, Murom, Prier descendants of Chernihiv Prince Svyatoslav Yaroslavich (the third son of Yaroslav Wise) - close relatives of the princes of Chernigov, Novgorod Seversky, Putivly. However, no less close relationships than with Chernihiv Earth had the Ryazan Principality with the neighboring Grand Durability Vladimir. Back in the XII century, under the Vladimir Prince in Vsevolod, a large nest, Ryazan princes were in vassal dependence on the latter. When, at the end of 1237, the enemy hordes approached the borders of the Ryazan land, when the ambassadors arrived on Russia demanded to conquer Mongolian Khan, Ryazan Prince Yuri Ingvarevich turned to Vladimir to Vladimir to Vladimir with a request to assist him in the reflection of aggression. However, even if other princes sent their shelves to protect Ryazan, still an overwhelming numerical advantage would be on the side of the conquerors. Stop the Ordane Hordes of Rus Rus in those conditions was almost impossible. And every prince, caring first of all about the safety of its territory, did not want to waste the forces necessary for the defense of their own possessions. Ryazans had to be alone to confront the terrible enemies.

The old monuments - the chronicles, historical stories, the lives of the Saints - the tragic events of the winter of 1237-1238 will differ in different ways.

According to the information "Tale of Ryazan Batym", Ryazan Prince Yuri Ingvarevich sent to Bat for the negotiations of his son Fyodor. Mongols deliberately presented unacceptable conditions and, having received a refusal from Fedor Yuryevich, killed a young prince. And the wife of His, Eupraxia, soon died: Mongols were going to deliver her to Hanu, and the princess, so as not to get into the hands of enemies, rushed with a high tower and crashed to death.

Without having received help from the neighbors, failed in attempts to reconcile with the battle at reasonable conditions, Ryazan, Prison, Murom Princes with their troops met the hordes of the Mongols "in the field", not far from the border, "and there was an evil and terrible." Describing the huge numerical superiority of enemies, the witness adds that the Russians beat "one with a thousand, and two with dirty" (tens of thousands). Mongols won in this battle and on December 16, 1237 approached Ryazan. Within five days, the ordinance of the Ordans stormed the city. The numerous of the troops allowed them to replace the tired in battle, detachments with fresh forces, and Ryazan defenders did not have time to relax. For the sixth day, December 21, 1237, when many Ryazans died in battle, and the remaining were injured or exhausted from a continuous battle, Mongols broke into the fortress. Ryazan underwent terrible defeat, most citizens died. "And there was no living alive left in the city: they still died and the whole bowl was died. Not there was neither the moaning, nor a crying father and mother about children, no children about the father and mother, nor a brother about his brother, no spocks about Slods, but all together lay dead. " Having devastated some other cities of the Ryazan land, the Bate headed on, intending to conquer the rest of the Russian principalities.

However, not all Ryazans died. Some left the hometown of trade or for any other reason. It was not in Ryazan in the fatal hour of one of the most valiant soldiers of Prince Yuri Ingvarevich - Boyarin Evpato Kolovrat. He was in Chernigov - Obviously, on behalf of his Mr., negotiations were negotiating the provision of the victims of the princess to the aggression. But it came to the sorrowful news of the death of Ryazan and about the death of Prince Yuri Ingvarevich. Further stay in Chernigov lost its meaning for Kovovrat, and he considered that he should be where the fate of his land was solved in mortal battles. You need to get out the path of the enemy, take revenge on Ryazan, to protect the city and settlements still not captured by the Mongols.

And Evpathy Kolovrat with her little retinue hurriedly returns to the ashes of Ryazan, perhaps, still hoping to get anyone from their relatives and friends. But on the site of the most recently recently the city of Kolovrat and his satellites opened a terrible sight: "I saw the city ruined, sovereigns of the dead and many people flew away: some killed and linked, others are born, and other in the river Skill." The heart was filled with an unspeakened sorrow, Evpathy gathered the surviving groanie warriors (about a thousand seven people were now numbered in a squad) and went after the Mongols. Occuping the enemies succeeded already within the Suzdal Earth. Evpathy Kolovrat and his warriors suddenly attacked the Ordanes and merciless Mongols mercilessly. "And all the shelves of Tatar ... Evpathy mixed up, through the passing strong shelves Tatar, beat them mercilessly. And I went to the regiments of Tatar brave and courageous," the ancient author reports. Strong damage was applied to the enemy. Ordans, who did not expect strike from the side by them by the Ryazan land, came terrified, - it seemed that these were the dead to revenge for themselves. Doubts retreated only when they managed to capture five Russian warriors wounded. They were led to Bat, and to the question of Khan, who they were followed by the answer: "We are the people of Christian faith, and the warriors of the Grand Prince Yuri Ingvarevich Ryazansky, and from the regiment of Evpato Kolovrat. We sent you, a strong king, to experience and honestly And the honor of you to pay. Yes, do not be divided, the king, that we do not have time to pour bowls [mortals] on the great strength - Raint Tatar. " Bati was surprised by their answer. And one of the noble mongols, the mighty hostess, volunteered to defeat the leader of Ryazantians in the duel, capture him and alive to deliver to Khan. It turned out, however, quite otherwise. When the battle was resumed, Russian and Mongolian Bogatyrs came to beat one on one, and Kolovrat Skatwood hosted in half, to the saddle. Some other strongest Mongolian warriors also folded their heads on the battlefield. I failed to cope with a handful of bravers in an open battle, frightened Ordans sent against Evpathy Kolovrat and his squad of the guns for throwing stones that were used during the storming of fortifications. Only now the enemies managed to kill Russian Vityaz, although it had to destroy their many. When the remaining Ryazan warriors died in an unequal battle, Mongols brought to the Bat by the Dead Kovovrat. Approximate Khan admired the courage of Russian heroes. Bate himself exclaimed: "Oh Kolovrat Evpathy! Many you beat the warriors of a strong horde, and many shelves fell. If I had served such, I would hold it against my heart. "Han ordered to let go of Ryazant's captured in the battle and give them the Body of Kolovrat to buried him in their custom.

Such is the story of Evpatiya Kolovrat Ryazan's hero of Evpatiya Kolovrat and his brave of a squad, who behaved with ancient military story (created, most likely in the XIV century). In other sources about Evpathy Kovovrat, there are no references. However, from some chronicles it is known that the remains of Ryazan and Prison regiments under the leadership of Prince Roman Ingvarevich fought with Mongols already within the Suzdal Earth.

In January 1238, Kolomna occurred a major and stubborn battle with Mongols. To this fortress, covered the path to the capital Vladimir, sent his shelves Grand Prince Georgy Vsevolodovich. The surviving Ryazan warriors came here. According to some researchers, in this case an attempt was made attempt to hold the further onset of the Ordans, and the battle near Kolomna is one of the most significant in the period of the invasion of Batya on Russia. On the part of the Mongols in the battle, the united army of all twelve Tsarevichi-Chingisids, aimed at conquering Russia participated. According to historians, the severity of the battle under Kolomna is evidenced by the fact that there was killed by one of the Chanov-Chingisids - Culkan, and this could only happen in the case of a large battle, accompanied by deep breakthroughs of the Mongols, Behind the combat lines). Just because of the huge numerical superiority, Batu managed to win. Almost all Russian warriors (including Prince Roman) died in battle. The path to Moscow and Vladimir was opened. However, such stubborn battles, as it, washed the forces of the conquerors and were able to delay enemies for a long time. It was not by chance that Bati could not get to Veliky Novgorod, Pskov, Polotsk, Smolensk.

Details of what happened under Kolomna, the names of the distinguished warriors are unknown - too brief, concise posts of chronicles. Perhaps with these events and the feats of Ryazan boyar Evpathy Kolovrat and his small squad are connected with these events. Probably, the Ryazans who lost their relatives and loved ones through the fault of the Mongols, showed extraordinary courage under Kolomnaya. They did not come out alive from the battle, but the memory of these heroes could have been kept in oral legends for several decades, which were subsequently recorded and became part of the "Tale of Ryazan Bati".

The idea of \u200b\u200bfinding the last refuge of Evpathy Kolovrat firmly lit in my head, another fifteen years ago, when I read the "original". Something in his image, so vividly outlined Selidor, attracted me inexorably. I really wanted to visit those places, to touch the Hero's glory slammed in the earth, so desperately and selflessly defended his homeland.

Apparently it is not by chance that it is not far from the intended place of his burial, I now know my generic nest. The small village of Sennitsa, where I try to rebuild the house, it is approximately sixty kilometers from the River of the Veszh, on the shores of which, according to legend, and was buried the legendary, who was horror on the Mongols of Berrik, Lyuto, bent for the ruin of his native land, tormenting the rear of the Mongolian invasion with her desperate detachment; The epic bogatyr, destroyed to the saddle in a ritual fight, in front of his last battle, Shurin Batiya, the Ordane Bogatyr Hostavrula.

The nearest city of Zaraysk is just fifteen kilometers from Sennitsa. For eight years I have been there quite often. He began to direct certificates in the local local history museum. By the way, I did not receive any clear information. Of course, about the fact that somewhere under Zarai is he was buried, they knew there, but nothing concrete about the place of his burial was not told, recommended to contact the historic archive of Ryazan. I did not reach there, but suddenly almost accidentally in this 2008, I stumbled upon such information on the official Zarai website:

Historic chronograph G. Zagaisk:
1237 December 28 (?). Russian Bogatyr-Voevoda Ryazan Evpathy Kolovrat, who returned from Chernigov and who visited the looted and bedroom Ryazan, arrived in Red (Zaraisk) and, according to legend, on a great field formed a squad of 1700 warriors.
1238 January (?) The squad of Evpathia Kolovrat climb on the Suzdal land of the shelves of Batya and attacked their mills
March 4. The decisive battle of the squad of Evpathy Kolovrat with Mongol-Tatars on the River Sit; In this battle, Evpathy died.
March, April (?). The survivors "extended from the Great RAS" Five Russian Vityazy delivered the body of Evpathy Kolovrat on Zagaigskaya Earth and buried, as the People's Molver says, on the left bank of the rivers, between the villages of Kitaevo and Nikolo-Kobyl; This place in the people is known as the grave of the hero.

In the book "The Art of the Partizan War" Selidor refers to the article of a certain V. Polyaknyeva "The Last Neva Evpatiya Kolovrat?", I published in April 1986 in the Lenin Banner newspaper. I will give excerpts from the book:
"... From Zagaisk, a mourning procession (with the body of the governor) continued the path to the south, to Ryazan.
Announted on the way ... The river under the pressure was swept under the head, and it became impossible to overcome it. Warriors understood: Save the body of Evpathy from Tlen will not succeed, and they decide to bury him immediately on the banks of the river ... "Next, the researcher writes that it has been given to meetings with the old-timers of the cloying villages. In these places the ancient road was held in these places In the batch of Batya Ryazan ambassadors. Total in the verst from the road - the village of Ostrukhovo, on the bay meadow, which stretches between the old Zaraky villages of China and Nikolo-Kobylsky, there and Evpathy Kolovrat is reproached. His grave is called the "chapel" because it was a chapel before her . When in the thirties, the chapel was dismantled, experiencing in the collective farm in the bricks, found a stone underground, under which there was a grave of "some epic hero."

Having downloaded a map of the area on the Internet, I noticed that the Nikolo-Kobylskoe and Otyrukhovo village was not marked there, it was necessary to go and in all of the place.

As soon as possible, I went there. Walking from Zaraysk, I think, I would have a whole day and sought the place for the same time, but the hiking campaign did not enter my plans. Since there was little time there was a normal weekend, on Monday to work, - Favorite and children need attention, therefore I decided to combine a pleasant with useful: took the whole family with me, the benefit of the car allowed.

Korean all-wheel drive "Hyundai Tuscon", on the occasion I got at work, as it should not be better approached for this campaign: he is still more crossover than a jeep, the passability is better than that of ordinary cars, but worse than the SUVs. Nevertheless, with the task, the car quite coped.

Having left Zaraski to the side of the village of Carino, after 25 km I turned to a seeking road at the village of Kobyl. Judging by the map, through the villages of Vereikovo and Klichino, I can easily get to Kitaev through some 10-12 km. However, the realities of the off-road of the middle band made their own adjustments. We had to travel around the ravines, unknown on the card of the streams and summer cottages. Finding in the end in the unknown on the Nikolo-Kobylskoe map, I realized that there was no match for the map, it was more embarrassed by the fact that the rivers of the Vescribes are not near here and in risen, it proceeds much south. He decided to move to the village of Kitaevo, at least it is mentioned in the article and there is a map.

After three hours of wanderings on the rougham forest road, I left for the village of Kalinovka, standing by the forest of the River of the river over the forest from both banks.
Judging by the map, I was very nearby the desired Kitaevo. Passing the locals, I moved in the right direction. On the outskirts of Kalinovka (for some reason, the association with a Kaliny bridge across the river of oblivion) \u200b\u200bI noticed a lonely standing hill, as if leaning against a small forest.

The road went just around the hill, he stood very well - I climbed on it and made several pictures of the surroundings. The view was opened by impressive: the expathed fields with a picturesque fleet. Below was the Vine River. I tried to imagine how much she could spill in the spring: if the meadow is at the bottom of the fuel, then the water could well reach the foot of this hill.

It turns out that theoretically, this hill could well be a funeral mound of a frantic warrior! The place is the highest in the district, for sure there was the same "chapel." And indeed, the locals already from the village of Kitaevo nodded towards the hill: "Well, yes, the chapel is, the grave of the hero of the hero - is known!"

I, exhausted dear, was happy lucky, but later doubts appeared: would you be able to pour out a rather impressive kurgan? For 770 years, the landscape of the terrain could change more than once. Even the surrounding villages changed the name since 1986: Otyrukhovo - Kalinovka?
It was not possible to figure out this, as well as the Nikolo-Kobylsky turned out to be much north of the River Veszh.

In other words, it would not say that this "Korgan Kolovrat", I will not become, but I propose an expedition to organize in the summer of 2009 in the summer of 2009, it is advisable to adjust specialists in this matter, people with geological and archaeological education, stocking of satellite navigators. In short, carry out a detailed study of this issue.

I think it will be interesting to many. After all, the history of Evpathy Kolovrat is the history of the real Old Russian hero - warrior and the governor. This is our story with you, our land and our people. She should not be forgotten! How not pathetic it sounds, but it is actually so.

When Evpathy Kolovrat was born

The story begins a message about the arrival of the "godless king" of Batya to Russian land, his stop on the Voronezh River and the Tatar embassy to the Ryazan prince demanding Dani. The great Ryazan Prince Yuri Ingorievich applied for help to the Great Prince Vladimirsky, and having received a refusal, convened the Council of Ryazan Princes, who decided to send an embassy with gifts to Tatars.

The embassy was headed by the Son of the Grand Prince Yuri Fedor. Han Bati, having learned about the beauty of Fedor's wife, demanded that the prince gives him to know the beauty of his wife. Fedor with indignation rejected this offer and was killed. Having learned about the death of a husband, the spouse of Prince Fedor Evpraxia rushed with his son Ivan from a high temple and crashed to death.

Paying the death of the son, the Grand Duke Yuri began to prepare for the Enemians. Russian troops opposed Batya and met him with Ryazan borders. Many shelves of Batiev fell out of the broken battle, and the Russian warriors "fought with a thousand, and two - with dirty." In battle fell David Muromsky. Prince Yuri again turned to the Ryazan bravests, and the battle broke out again, and barely overwhelmed their strong shelves Tatar. Many princes are local - and the governors are persistent, and the army of uniforms and bravets, the color and decoration of Ryazan, - anyway, "one cup was perfect." The captive Oleg Ingorievich Red Bati tried to attract to his side, and after ordered to execute. Razing Ryazan Earth, Baty went to Vladimir.

At that moment, Evpathy Kolovrat rushed to Ryazan, who was during the Tatar-Mongolian invasion in Chernigov. Having gathered a squad in a thousand seven hundred people, he suddenly attacked the Tatars and so "hesitated mercilessly" that even swords were stuck, and "Tatar swords and sequels were mercilessly." Tatars were able to capture five wounded Ryazan bravets, and they finally recognized them from them, who brightests his shelves. Evpathy managed to defeat Christrshlura - Shurin of Batya himself, but he himself fell in battle, struggled from a stone tool.

Ends "Tale of Ryazan by Ryazan" by the story about the return of Ingvar Ingorievich from Chernigov to Ryazan Earth, his plan, the praise of Ryazan princes and the description of the recovery of Ryazan.

For the first time, N. M. Karamzin drew attention to the story. Since then, she has been dealt with by many researchers, writers and poets appealed to it. Back in 1808, G. R. Derzhavin wrote his tragedy "Euptraction", whose heroines became the wife of Prince Fedor. D. Venevitinov, who created the poem "Euptraction" in 1824, appealed to the same plot. In the same 1824 he writes his poem "Evpathy" and N. M. Languages. In the late 50s of the XIX century, L. A. May creates a "song about Boyarin Evpato Kolovrat". In the 20th century, the poem of Evpathi Kolovrat S. A. Yesenin wrote to the story "Test"; Her poetic translation created Ivan Novikov. The material of the Old Russian "Tale of Ryazan Batym" was used by D. Yang in the story "Bati" and V. Ryakhovsky in the story "Evpathy Kolovrat". With a wide circle of readers, she is known in the retelling of the school textbook and on its numerous publications.

Addressed to "Tale of Ryazan Batym" and many researchers. Their works are collected dozens of her manuscripts, various editions were allocated and the relationship between them was determined. However, the question of the time of creating this masterpiece of the Old Russian literature still remains open. V. L. Komarovich and A. G. Kuzmin tend to dating her XVI century, D. S. Likhachev belongs to the "Tale" by the end of the XIII - the beginning of the XIV century. The last point of view was entrenched in the textbooks on the Old Russian literature, was reflected in the "Tale" editions, was used in studies on the history of the literature of ancient Russia. The work of V. L. Komarovich and A. G. Kuzmina for some reason did not come even to a solid academic reference book.

Perhaps this provision with dating "Tale of Ryazan Batym" is explained by the peculiarities of the monument itself. Indeed, what may be doubts in the early appearance of it? After all, Batueva's events against Russia are taken as the plot. The author describes the invasion of emotionally and colorfully, reports many details, among which there are also those who have not retained the pages of Old Russian Chronicles. In addition, such monuments of the ancient Russian literature, as "Zadonchina", "the story of the invasion of Tokhtamysh to Moscow", "the word about the life and the press of the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich, the King of the Russian", the story of Nestor-Iskander, have lines similar to the text "Tale About the ruin of Ryazan Batym ", from which it would seem, we can conclude about the fame of this story by Russian scribes of the XIV-XV centuries.

But if everything was so easy! After all, the author can choose as a plot for his work not only recent events, but also the affairs of the past days. Facts unknown by other chronicles may testify not only about the awareness of the Creator "Tale", but also about his artistic imagination and cause doubts about the accuracy of the information they communicate.

At the same time, a number of oddities that are alarming are striking about the ruin of Ryazan Baty. Perfectly describing fallen warriors, whose bodies are blocked by snow on the battlefield, blackened from the inside of the wall of the city cathedral, the author forgets the names of Ryazan princes, their relatives. So, named among the fallen in the battle with Tatars David Muromsky and Vsevolod Prischi died to the Tatar-Mongol invasion. I did not live to ruin Ryazan and Mikhail Vsevolodovich, who, according to "Tale", had to restore Prisz after Batya. Oleg Ingorievich Red, who, by the way, was not a brother, but the nephew of the Ryazan Prince Yuri, did not fell from the Tatar knives. The terrible death attributed to him by the author of the story, waiting after 33 years of his son of the novel.

Bishop Ryazan also did not die in a deposited city, and managed to leave him shortly before the arrival of the Tatars. Since the ancestors of Ryazan princes, Svyatoslav Olgovich and Intern Svyatoslavich were named, in fact, not the experts of the Ryazan Princely House. The title itself, Yuri Inertievich "Grand Prince Ryazan" appeared only in the last quarter of the XIV century. Finally, the definition of the squad of Evpathy Kolovrat, which has numbered 1,700 people, as a small one does not correspond to the realities of the Domongolskaya and the specific Rus.

Let's look at the text "Tale". Among the ten of her editions, the oldest are those who named D.S. Likhachev main a and basic B. The latter has been preserved in two types. It is to them that all other editions of "Tale" are uptened.

The similarity of individual fragments of the text "Tale of Ryazan Batym" with some monuments of literature of the end of the XIV-XV century is no doubt and noted by many researchers. But it can be generated by general literary stamps used by the Old Russian scribes in describing certain events. The relationship may also be inverse, that is, not the "story" influenced the monuments of the literature of the XV century, but, on the contrary, they served as a source to create a work.

If you look closely into the text, then we can say that the similarity of the "story" with the "Zadonshchina" is explained by the uniform genre nature of monuments. Both warrior stories do not have literal textual coincidences. These coincidences are between the "tag about the ruin of Ryazan Batym" and "Talk about the invasion of Tokhtamysh to Moscow." But on the basis of these texts it is impossible to say which of the monuments was ancient. But this can be said about the "Word of the life and the press of the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich, the king of the Russian": Evdokia Tsar Dmitry from this monument did certainly served as the basis for the "crying of Ingvar Ingorievich" from "Tale of Ryazan Batym". This is evidenced by the use of Ingvarem in relation to many fallen appeals in the singular ("Mr.", "My Red", "sweeping").

These words that do not correspond about the divided of Ryazan Earth were appropriate in the mouth of Evdokia, contacting her husband. But "The Word on Life and Pluttering Dmitry Ivanovich" is included in the Trestle of the events of the last quarter of the XIV - the beginning of the XV century, compiled for the chronicle of 1448. To their number belongs to the "Tale of the invasion of Tokhtamysh to Moscow." Consequently, she was the source of "Tale of Ryazan Ryazan." More than one monument of the 15th century "the story" bind expressions "one beats from a thousand, two - with chimney", "Giant Sylow", "Sanchakbey". We find these words and speech turns into the story of Nestor-Iskander on Taking Tsargrad Turks in 1453. But the title of "Sanchakbey" is connected with the organization of the Turkish army and could not be borrowed by Nestor-Iskander from the story of the Mongolian invasion. The dependence of the Ryazan Tale from the essay of the second half of the XV century is more likely.

In addition, the "Tale of Ryazan Batym" reached us as part of the led cycles about Nikola's threshold. This cycle united literary monuments, various in nature, informativeness and artistic advantages. In addition to our "story", the story was included "the story of the Icon of Nikol Korsunsky in Ryazan", closely connected with her "the story of the death of Prince Fedor and his family", "the pedigrement of priests who served at the Icons of Nicola", and "Tale of Miracles from the icon in 1513 and 1531. " Some foundation for dating "Tale of Ryazan Batym" can give an analysis of this literary convoy.

The cycle reached us in various editions, but in most cases it opens "the story about bringing the icon of Nikola Korsunsky to Ryazan." Most likely, Eustafia was written by the second, the son of the priest of Eustiatia Craki, which brought an icon. The former independent existence of this text is confirmed by the end of the phrase in some editors: "Our Glory God," appropriate in the absence of further other works of the Nikolo-Prazi cycle. The time to create this story is the XIII century.

It is closely connected with the story about bringing an icon of the second story of the Nikolo-Prazen cycle, which tells about the death of Prince Fedor during the embassy to Bathy and about the suicide of his wife, who rushed from a high temple down. This legend is the nature of toponymic legend. It ends with the phrase: "And from the Say of the guilt is called the Grand Chusudtiets Nikolae Zarachy, Yako Blagoveryaa Euuproxa with the son of Prince Ivan herself infection," which indicates that the literary processing of folk etymology is toponym brought. But the toponymic legend cannot appear before the appearance of the point with the name. "The list of Russian cities of the distant and neighbors", compiled at the end of the XIV century, does not know the town of Browsing, from which it is possible to conclude about the appearance of the legend of Prince Fedor and his family not earlier than the XV century.

But after all, "the story of the death of Prince Fedor and his family" preceded the "Tale of Ryazan Ryazan". The latter almost literally repeats the text of the thorough legend, which is why it is duplicated within a single cycle. Consequently, our "story" has developed no earlier than the XV century. But when?
The answer to this question can suggest "the genealogy of priests who served the icon of Nikola's infrared" and "the tale of the miracle from the icon that happened in 1513."

The source of priests (or Rod Popovsky) has two main edits: listed 9 generations without specifying the term of free-free service of the genus from the icon and lists the 10 generations serving 335 years. It is significant that the first edition is usually preceded by the "Tale of Ryazan Batuy", following the "tag about the death of Prince Fedor", and the second is placed on the tale of the Batiow invasion to Ryazan.

Consequently, we have the right to assume that the priests, consisting of 9 generations and initially completing the story about bringing the icon and the death of Prince Fedor, was added "a story about Ryazan's ruin." After one generation, this story began to immediately adjoin the story about the death of Prince Fedor, and the genus Rod Popovsky began to complete the entire cycle.

It is easy to calculate that the main editors of the first-type A and B arose until 1560. On this date, it is indicated by the term of the vague service of one priest. But since for one generation, the author of the genealogy assigns 33.5 years (335 years to divide by 10 generations), then the oldest editorial office "Tale on Ryazan Batym" was created after 1526 (1560 minus 33.5), since he was preceded by a genealogy, compiled on One generation earlier.
Even more clarify this date helps the "Tale of the Miracle of 1513", following the oldest editors "Tale". It was created up to 1530, because in appeal to the prayer about the state of health as heir, the brother of the Grand Duke was named, which would be unthinkable after birth on August 25, 1530 Ivan Grozny.

So, the oldest editorial office "Tale of Ryazan Batym" was written after 1526, but until 1530. This conclusion is of great importance.

What gives us a new dating of the monument? First of all, it obliges us to change their attitude to the unique details reported by the author "Tale of Ryazan Ryazan," because he was worked in the XVI century, and not in XIII.
Secondly, our ideas about the history of Old Russian literature are changing. Rus, confused by the Mongolian invasion, turned out to be unable to create such a monument as "a story about the ruin of Ryazan Batym". The performed tragedy of Paphos of this work was based on confidence in the unconditional final victory over the enemy. Such a level of realization of events was still unavailable by Russian people in the first years of Mongolian yoke. With a new dating "Tale", the verdicts of the author become clear, more characteristic of the XV-XVI centuries, rather than for the XIII century.

The "story" itself was created on the basis of Ryazan legend of the Batiow invasion, preserved in the Novgorod first chronicle and complemented by the local legend of Prince Fyodor, the story of the death of Oleg Red, a legend of Evpato Kolovrat and crying Ingvar Ingorievich. As sources, the author in addition to the Novgorod first chronicle used the Code of 1448 (first of all "the word about the life and the press of the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich, the king of the Russian" and "the story of the invasion of Tokhtamysh to Moscow") and the lives of Jacob Peresky. A special place among sources is "praised the genus of Ryazan princes", introduced in the final part of the "Tale". Composed on the basis of praise home Novgorod-Seversk princes, it contains many archaism. So, among the advantages of the princes, their struggle with Polovtsy was named ("And the Polovtsy is madman for the saints of the Church and the Orthodox faith"). Perhaps we have the remnants of the monument of the XII century.

With all this dated XVI century "Tale of Ryazan Bati" as a source does not lose its value. Its value lies not in the message of our new details about the Mongolian invasion, but in the reflection of this event in the public consciousness of Russia on the eve of the takes of Russian Kazan. The appeal to the theme of the ruin of Russian lands at the moment when the growing Russian state was preparing for the last fight with once dangerous, but an increasingly weakening opponent. The author does not leave the story in the history of space for 250 years of yoke. In his opinion, pronounced in the last rows of text, people who survived the Batiev defeat were already delighted by God from the Tatar. In some lists, this story continues a fantastic story about the killing of Batya.

In the abundance of prayers, in appeals to get up against the "soldiers on the Christian faith" manifests the author of the "Tale" of the opposition of Russian and Tatars as a religious struggle, and the special role of the Church in the formation of public opinion on the Tatar issue. It is important that in this struggle of the forest and steppe, the national question did not occupy a large place in the consciousness of people of the XVI century. As the enemies, they are one and half for them (they are mentioned in the "praise of the Ryazan princes"), and the Mongols, and the Crimeans (present in the "Tale of Miracles").

Of particular interest is the colorful description of Evpatia Kolovrat's feat. Of course, we have recording the epic tale of the hero. Even death is unusual. Evpathy is striking from siege machines, which is impossible in the real field battle. + This image is close to the whole pleiad of such images, reflected in the Russian literature of the XV-XVII centuries. Mercury Smolensky, Demyan Kudenyevich, Sukhman - all of them are suddenly faced with the enemy, independently decide on the enemy, leads a fight with the superior enemy forces, win and die, but not in a duel, but as a result of any enemy trick; The feat originally does not have witnesses.

The story of Evpathi Kolovrat, as well as the lives of Mercury Smolensky and Nikonovsky chronicle, records the process of forming this legend. Not yet established the name of the hero, nor the place of action (Ryazan, Smolensk, Pereyaslavl Russian). All this will acquire a final appearance only in the XVII century in the "Tale of Sukhman." Consequently, reading the page "Tale of Ryazan Batym", we are present at the birth of the epic of the XVI-XVII centuries.

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In December 1237, the Mongolian Khan Batya's army invaded Rus. The Ryazan Principality was subjected to the first of the Russian lands. This event is described in many ancient chronicles. The artistic work has been preserved - "the story of Ryazan Batym". It contains many details that are not reported in the chronicles. Among other things, there is talking about the feud of Evpathy Kolovrat.

According to "Tale", Evpathy Kolovrat was one of the noble boyars of the Ryazan Principality. When he inspired the news of the invasion of Batya to Ryazan, he was in Chernigov along with one of Ryazan princes, Ingvarem Ingvarevich. Obviously, Kolovrat was one of the boyars by the princely suite. When Kolovrat learned about the invasion of Mongol-Tatars, he threw his prince and with a small, as they write, a friend (obviously, it was his own squad of Boyarin, not prince) rushed from Chernigov to Ryazan. But on the site of Ryazan Kolovrat saw only corpses and ashes. Nevertheless, he somehow managed to collect a squad at 1,700 people and speak in the footsteps of Batya. He caught up with the army of the Terrible Conqueror somewhere in the Suzdal Earth.

There, the squad of Kovovrat suddenly attacked "Batiev's mills. And they began to bring without grace, and all the shelves of Tatar was mixed. And Tatars became exactly drunk or insane. And they beat them Evpathy so mercilessly, that both swords were dulled ... It was rebelled by the Tatars that the dead rebelled. " The frightened Bate sent to grab Evpatiya live, the hero of Hostowed, the son of his shurr. But Kolovrat destroyed hosted in half. The Tatars were able to defeat the squad, only with the help of a trumpet catapult. Evpathy died. His body brought Bat. Han praised the courage of the battle enemy and gave his body taken captivated by his deugers, whom, from respect for the validity of their leader, let go. Some of the "Tale" editions report additional information about Evpathia. In particular, he was Lviv. The warriors brought his body to Ryazan, where it was solemnly buried in January 1238.

Now let's try to figure out this information and compare them with well-known facts. "The story", as it should be the heroic legend, replete with fantastic episodes and epic exaggerations. It is clear that it is absolutely ineffective to use trumpet guns against the living force in the field battle - is absolutely inefficient, and that these guns (called "vices") are mentioned only in order to emphasize the rage of Kolovratova squad. Apparently, it was the "villocks" most of all struck the Russians from the whole military arsenal of Mongols, and the Russians attributed to these instruments the properties of a miracle weapon.

It is not clear where Kolovrat from, on arrival in Ryazan land, was able to collect a squad of 1700 brave and mighty husbands, if the Ryazan land was devastating before this, and all the tightening people were settled in battles. If this is not a complete fiction, it is involuntarily asked: where and why did they sit down at the time when their countrymen were sitting in an unequal struggle with the invaders? However, ancient sources always sin with exaggerations regarding the number of troops, the number of victims of wars, the scale of natural disasters, etc. The mention of the fact that Kolovrat before the burial was sent to Ryazan's Cathedral, shows that the city was not completely destroyed by the Mongols, unless, of course, the episode with a solemn funeral was not invented later.

But there are details that no need to invent. So, the son of Shurin Batya is named after - hosted. This name is clearly not Mongolian and not Turkic. As far as is known, so far none of the historians tried to explain or its origin, nor what the name of the Khan Shurin's son could be known from where the author of the story.

The "story" is known for several lists, the most ancient of which is not earlier than the second half of the XVI century, that is, it is worthy of the events described by more than three centuries. True, comparing them with other monuments, the experts of the ancient Russian literature believe that the "story" was folded until the end of the XIII century. But it should be borne in mind that dating of other monuments attributable by this time is also hypothetical.

Historians doubt the existence of the prince of Ingvar Ingvarevich himself, if it, of course, is not Ingvar Igorevich, Ryazan Prince, ruled from 1217. True, he died in 1235, but the news of his death is one year, and one cannot exclude that he was alive in 1237. "Tale" says that in Ryazan they had resistance to the Batya Princes Yuri and Oleg Ingvarevichi (that is, his sons), and both were killed. What kind of prince could be in Chernihiv Kolovrat, it is impossible to determine exactly. But there is nothing impossible in the fact that he was there at the time of Batueva invasion. As you know, Ryazan princes were the branch of Olgovichi, who were contacted in Chernigov. A close relationship was maintained between two princely houses.

Despite the abundance of implausible details, quite explained by the genome of the heroic work, Evpathy Kolovrat may well be recognized as a historical person. There is no contraindications that Ryazan boyar with the same name really was that he was in December 1237 in a friendly Ryazan Chernigov, that he did not have time to go home to the decisive fight of fellow countrymen with the Batoye Reli, that he with a crowd of surviving warriors attacked then the retained Mongols detachments (partisanl, in other words). People's Solve eventually asked Evpathy unprecedented feats and fell into the plot of heroic saga.

By the way, Kolovrat is not a surname, as for some reason, many think. The surnames in those days were not at all. On his father, as already mentioned, Evpathy was Lvivich. Kolovrat could be a nickname or second name. The princes of Rurikova at home was carried at the time Slavic and Scandinavian names, and are more famous for them, and not under Christian names, which gave them when baptism. Until the XVII century in Russia, even among the nobles, a tradition was retained to be called the second name associated with some human quality or feeling (luck, fun, insult, source, etc.). Kolovrat means handling, turning. Perhaps this nickname was endowed with his dexterity in hand-to-hand combat. The most popular etymology named Kolovrat from the conversion of the Sun in the sky does not have scientific confirmation.

Unlike many other heroes of Epos, Evpathy Kolovrat Real man in history. For some things you need to revenge, wash off the blood for the ruin of the native land and the murder of loved ones. The detachment of Evpathy Kolovrat, acting in the rear, caused a real panic in the ranks of Mongols, inflicting the heavy defeat of the army of the invaders.

When the Batya Ambassador came to the detachment of Kolovrat with the question "What do you want?", In response, he heard: "Just die!".


In the XIII century, the history of our country was divided into "to" and "after". "Before" remained close ties with Europe, the rapid development of culture, architecture, science ... Start almost from the beginning of our ancestors, after the terrible invasion of nomads, headed by Batu, who fell on Rus in 1237.

The external threat came to the deadlock - the Russian state entered into the period of feudal fragmentation and to resist the aggressors with a single front turned out to be unable.

The number of Tatar-Mongolian troops, invading Rus, was unprecedented. According to different estimates, in the ranks of the Army, Batya was from 300 to 600 thousand soldiers. This Armada was well trained and perfectly managed. According to historians, the Russian principalities even when uniting all the forces into a single fist, which was not achieved in practice, could not oppose nomads no more than 100 thousand warriors.

The first strike of Batiya's troops assumed the Ryazan Principality. Battered, stopping at the southern borders of the principality, demanded from Ryazan Prince Yuri payments to Dani and recognition of his power.

Messenger Prince

Yuri, realizing that alone Ryazan would not be, sent the envoy for help to the Vladimir prince Yury and to Prince Chernigov Mikhail.

Prince Ingvar Ingvarevich was sent to Chernigov, among whose accompanying was Ryazan boyar Evpathy Kolovrat.

From the era of the Mongolian invasion, quite a few sources have survived, and the folk tales turn the personality of Kovovrat into a half-philanthic, but historians believe that, unlike many other heroes of the epic, in this case we are talking about a real person.

At the time of the invasion of Batya Evpathia Kovovrat was about 35 years old. The native of the village of Frolovo Schilovskaya Vosti occupied a prominent place in the Ryazan Prince and was a governor. Apparently, Kolovrat was a man of great physical strength, an experienced warrior and a talented commander.

While the Ryazan embassy was in Chernigov, the events in the Ryazan principality developed rapidly.

Ryazan Prince sent a Batya Embassy to the camp led by his son Fedor. The Baty found that Russian ambassadors did not show enough humility and ordered them to kill them all, with the exception of one person who was sent with this news to Ryazan.

The death of Ryazan

After the death of Ambassadors Yuri Ryazan, and not waiting for help, decided to give Mongols the battle in the field.

The widow of the victim of Prince Fedor, the Euptraction committed suicide with him, along with a little son rushing from the fortress wall.

The battle of the Ryazan troops, which made several thousand people, against the 100-thousandth army of the Mongols, which occurred on the Voronezh River, ended with the defeat of the Russians.

The Army of Batya approached the walls of Ryazan. The defense of the city began on December 16, 1237. Ryazan people skillfully reflected the attacks of the enemy, but the forces were too equal. The outcome of the battle was predetermined after the Mongols pulled a trumpet car to the fortress. On the night of September 20-21, 1237, the Ordans broke the city wall and in the light of the torches burst into the city.

Ryazan began a massacre. Prince Yuri died, led by the defense city, along with most citizens.

An ancient city was destroyed in fact completely and no longer restored. Ryazan, which we know today, is actually the city of Pereyaslav-Ryazan, who has become the capital of the Ryazan Prince after the invasion. The name Ryazan per city has consolidated from the middle of the XIV century.

"Mustache perfume"

Evpathy Kolovrat After receiving news about the battle on the Voronezh River, together with the detachment, at the embassy of the Ryazan warriors, hurried to help the native city.

However, in Ryazan, he arrived after the Batya's army moved further, leaving behind the scorched land.

Kolovrat was shocked - in Ryazan, the Mongols did not spare not women nor children or old people. He decided to pursue the Tatars who moved to the Limit of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, and attack them. They were joined by those who managed to survive in the vicinity of Ryazan. In total, the detachment of Kolovrat numbered about 1,700 people.

The strike from the rear of the Batya Army did not expect, confident that Ryazan squads were completely destroyed. Therefore, the attack of the Kolovrat squad to the Ariřard of Mongols was for the last completely sudden. Russian warriors attacked the enemy from the forest, defeating them to the mill and inflicting heavy defeat.

About how many battles spent a detachment of Kovovrat with Tatars, there is also no consensus. Some believe that Ryazans caused several successful partisan strikes through the Army of Batya, causing a real panic in the ranks of Mongols.

Baty's warriors were pagans and believed that they were not fighting people, but angry spirits of fallen Ryazans.

The last fight

Batty himself was seriously disturbed by blows in the rear and significant losses. He immediately unfolded a large strength against Ryazant's squad.

The advantage in the number and decided the outcome of the confrontation. Mongols, who overtook the detachment of Evpathy Kolovrat, managed to cut off the Russian soldiers from the forest, imposing them to the field battle in fact in full surroundings.

The "stripping" was headed by the Mongolian commander Hostowrule, Brother's wife of Bathiya himself, who intended to take a living daring Russian commander.

However, the attacks of Mongols did not have success. Moreover, Hosted himself was killed. The Mongolian army carried the hardest losses in the fight with a handful of stubborn Russians, which were bleeding, but refused to conquer.

It was possible to finish with the resistance of the Kolovrat detachment only when they were allowed against the circumferential Russian warriors, intended for the destruction of fortifications.

Of the 1700 Russians, only six-wound fighters have managed to take alive Mongols. Evpathy Kolovrat died on the battlefield.

Honor above all

Battered through Tolmach asked the prisoners who they were and why they pursued and killed him. The captives answered that they were Ryazans, Mondly Mongolas for the ruin of their native land and the murder of loved ones. The surviving warriors behaved confidently and advised Batya not to postpone their own execution.

Battered commanded the body of the deceased Russian commander. He looked at the face of Kolovrat for a long time, and then said:

With thousands of such warmers, like this Russian knight, I could conquer the whole world!

As a sign of respect for the courage of the Russians, Bate ordered to free the prisoners and give them the body of Evpathy Kolovrat so that they could bury him with honors.

Nine days after that, January 20, 1238, Tatars took the small town of Vladimir-Suzdal Principality - Moscow.

This little town also had to unite Russian lands, reset the chains of the IGA and start writing a new history of the country.

And the ancient Rus went into the past, leaving after his death the courage of his last defenders who saved her honor. Such as Evpathy Kolovrat.

Legend of Kovrovrat. Movie Trailer (2017)