Repair Design Furniture

Drilling holes in walls. How to make holes for pipes in a wall - tools and rules for performing work Is it possible to drill a concrete wall with a drill

A structure whose surface is far from easy to damage, as well as drilled. But if such a need nevertheless arose, then with the help of special equipment and compliance with certain rules it is still possible to do this. And now about everything in more detail.

General provisions

Let's first consider why a concrete wall is not drilled using conventional methods. And everything lies in the structure of such a durable material:

As you can see, the action of all components is aimed at increasing the strength qualities of the finished product. Especially critical for conventional drills is crushed stone, which instantly dulls their cutting edges.

And with all the complexity of processing a concrete wall, the need for this can arise very often.

For example, if you need:

  • Hang the shelf on the wall or any other furniture interior.

  • Finish with drywall.

  • Electrical wiring, installation of new sockets and switches. At the same time, for laying the wire, cutting of reinforced concrete with diamond wheels is also performed.

  • Plumbing connection.

Execution technology

We have dealt with the need and the difficulties that arise, now we will consider how to properly drill a concrete wall.

Tool selection

First of all, let's decide how to drill a concrete wall. of course they don't fit.

Choose from the following options:

  • Drill bits with Pobedit tipped. But it should be borne in mind that in this case, in addition to rotation, an impact function will also be required.

Tip: Don't use a cutting tool with a pobedit to drill through iron or wood, as it will crush them.

  • Drill bits with diamond coating. Such edges can cut stone even without impact, but their price is much higher.

But the question of how to drill a concrete wall is not limited to the choice of consumables.

You also need to decide on the tool:

  • conventional drill. Only if you have nothing more suitable and you only need to make 2-3 holes. And in this case, from time to time, you will have to break through a layer of concrete with a steel pin with your own hands.
  • Drill with impact function. It will cope with a small amount of work even if the diameter of the required holes does not exceed 13 mm. The fact is that the blow in such an apparatus is carried out due to the metal "ratchet", which is quickly erased under intense load.

  • Perforator. It can handle large volumes and can even use special nozzles in the form of crowns, which are ideal for drilling nests for sockets. In it, the blow is carried out due to the piston system, which is much more powerful and less likely to fail than the “ratchet” of the drill.

The following generalized table will help to summarize and give a final answer to the question of what is the best way to drill concrete walls:

Carrying out work

Now let's figure out how to drill a concrete wall. To do this, take a puncher as a clear winner of impromptu competitions.

Its operating instructions are as follows:

  1. We check the shaft shaft for debris. If it is found, delete it.
  2. Insert the drill until it clicks. In this case, in some models, it may be necessary to pull the slider part of the “nose” of the tool towards you.
  3. We bring it strictly perpendicular and start drilling, slightly pressing on it.

Tip: Moisten the working part of the drill with water from time to time. This will protect it from overheating and extend the service life.

  1. During drilling, the drill may get stuck. In this case, do not try to loosen it in order to pull it out, as you can break off the tip. Just remove the tool from the device, insert a drill of a smaller diameter and try to expand the hole with it and release the captive product.
  2. Keep an eye on the equipment, letting it cool down.


We looked at how to drill through a concrete wall, the process itself is not that complicated. The main thing is to choose the right tools and follow some rules during work. The most practical and rational solution would be to use a puncher with victorious drills.

The video in this article will provide you with additional information regarding the materials presented. Be careful and you will succeed!

Concrete structures, walls and ceilings are not uncommon in our houses and apartments. In multi-storey construction, they are generally used with particular frequency, since houses with concrete walls are the most reliable. The reliability of concrete is determined by the good strength of such a material, which is achieved through the use of the correct components of the concrete mixture and the quality work done on its construction.

And here we are proud of our strong walls. But usually it becomes necessary to drill a hole in this very wall. And this may be needed quite often, for example:

  • when finishing walls and ceilings;
  • during the installation of air conditioners;
  • when installing plumbing;
  • when embedding furniture;
  • when working with electrical wiring, its installation;
  • the need for holes for mounting a picture or other interior items.

As you can see, there are many reasons to drill a wall. The main thing is not only to do the job well, but also to make life easier for yourself using the right good tool. Which one can I choose to drill concrete?

It would seem that there is such a thing here: just take yourself a regular drill and drill. But no, in fact, in the process of performing this task, many difficulties can arise. Firstly, concrete walls are very strong and hard to take, and secondly, their structure is heterogeneous, and you can easily run the risk of falling on gravel or a piece of reinforcement. You can get stuck with an ordinary concrete wall for a long time and never drill anything in the end.

How to drill a hole?

The answer to this question will not be too difficult. The fact is that drilling a wall of concrete, as mentioned above, is an extremely difficult process. To solve this issue, it is worth using one of two types of tools: either a puncher or a drill.

Both will be good in certain conditions. I'll explain why. It is best, of course, to use a hammer drill: it is intended specifically for concrete walls and it is common practice to use it. After all, the puncher easily breaks through both stone and concrete surfaces. Another of its advantages is the ability to drill holes of large diameter, which a drill cannot do.

But, if you have a foam concrete wall in front of you, or if you need to drill a few small holes, a drill is quite suitable. In this case, the puncher can split the surface of the wall, which is not very successful. But, as already mentioned, do not count on large holes, only with a diameter of no more than 12-15 cm. In addition, drilling a concrete wall has its own nuances, which we will consider below.

How to drill a concrete wall with a conventional drill?

Let's talk a little about drilling with a conventional drill. So, let's start with the fact that the usual one is unlikely to fit here. Those. theoretically it is, of course, possible. But in practice it is extremely difficult. In this case, it is imperative to use a special pobedit drill bit for working on concrete with a tip coated with a hard alloy composition.

The best way is to use a special impact drill. How is it different from the usual one? The fact that in such a drill the movements of the drill are carried out due to special ratchets with teeth interacting with each other. Such a drill is not difficult to use to carry out high-quality work. To do this, simply transfer the drill from the normal mode, rotational, to the shock rotation mode.

But no matter what type of drill you use, how relevant is the use of specialized nozzles. Nozzles (crowns) are sold in two configurations: for impact or non-impact drilling.

The classification of nozzles is as follows:

Crowns gear for drilling with impact function. A concrete wall can be drilled with these hole saws with a cutting edge made of separately soldered hard alloy teeth. For keyless chucks, drills are available for such drills with SDS tails. Their strength is so high that it is possible to cut the metal, only the impact mode contributes to their destruction, creating unacceptable loads. That is why such drills are used to drill a hole between the reinforcement of reinforced concrete slabs or brick walls.

Diamond core bit for unstressed drilling. These are more modern nozzles that simplify the task several times better than usual ones. Abrasive edges with cutouts on them are created by diamond spraying or corundum sand spraying. As you know, diamond is distinguished by its unprecedented strength. That is why it easily copes with the reinforcement of a concrete wall. Such a nozzle can make a hole at least 1.5 meters deep and more than half a meter in diameter. This type of nozzle is already used by professionals, but nozzles with a diameter of up to 100 mm may well be used in domestic conditions.

KS standard crowns. Crowns with diamond crystals embedded on the cutting edge. They can be used for slabs, rocky soils, monolithic concrete structures made of high-strength grades. It can easily replace carbide serrated bits.

Based on your conditions, you can safely choose the necessary drill for the drill and drill a hole. But there are also a number of recommendations for working with a conventional drill that is not equipped with an impact function.

To do this, you start drilling the wall, but are periodically interrupted. You need to drive a pointed drill into the concrete surface with your hands and destroy the concrete with metal punches. We take our drill or a chisel, other metal devices of the appropriate and necessary diameter for us and hit them with a hammer / sledgehammer. Rotate the punch periodically. Then take the drill again.

Please note that when drilling a hole in a concrete wall with a conventional drill, you risk breaking the tool. Be sure to give a low-power drill a rest. Drills also tend to heat up, so you need to cool them with water. At the same time, take a break every 10-15 minutes of work, leaving the same amount of time for the tool to take a break.

How to drill a hole in concrete without a hammer drill, see the video:

Construction, interior decoration, repair, installation of equipment - this is an incomplete list of works that cannot be done without drilling holes in the walls. Holes are needed for laying communications, power and telephone lines, heating and sewage pipes. And even if you just need to hang a mirror in the hallway, you have to drill. After all, you can't drive a nail into a concrete wall.

Electric drill or hammer drill

Concrete itself is a very durable material. In addition, it often contains pieces of natural stone, which is added to the cement mortar to give additional strength. Drilling such a wall with a conventional drill is useless. There are two ways to solve this problem:

  • use a drill with a victorious tip;
  • use a diamond drill.

Both a drill and a hammer drill are designed for drilling holes. But if the drill just turns the drill bit or other attachment, then the puncher combines the functions of torsion and impact. The drill can drill iron, wood, brick or foam block walls. There are drills that combine the functions of torsion and impact. Their power is enough to drill a concrete wall even without a puncher with a Pobedite or diamond drill with a diameter of no more than 10-12 millimeters. The perforator has more power and is able to punch larger holes in the walls.

Which tool to choose depends on the task at hand. If you need to make a couple of holes in the wall in order to hang a locker, then an ordinary drill with a drill bit will also cope with this task.

If you have to work a lot and often, then only a perforator will help out. Especially if you need to perform drilling in load-bearing structures with increased concrete strength.

From theory to practice

In order to drill a small hole in a concrete wall, even a non-impact electric drill with a pobedit drill is enough. To do this, the drill will have to help a little. The hole formed in the wall must be hammered from time to time with a metal pin-punch with a diameter of no more than the hole itself. After a few strokes, you can continue drilling. In this way, alternating drilling with punching, you can make a hole of the desired depth. It's long, but doable.

For the same task, you can use drills with diamond coating. Then you don't have to punch anything. It is only necessary to drill the concrete wall correctly, making sure that the electric drill and drill do not overheat.

A puncher with a pobedit drill is the most versatile solution where you need to make a large number of holes of not very large diameter.

If, when drilling the slab, the drill rested against the reinforcement, you need to change it to the usual one. The Pobeditovy drill crumbles material, but does not cut it.

Large diameter crowns

The problem of drilling large holes can arise when laying, for example, sewerage or ventilation systems. To make holes of considerable diameter, special nozzles are used, which are called crowns. Their main difference from drills and drills is that they are hollow inside. This allows you to spend much less energy on drilling. A crown for drilling concrete is a hollow metal pipe. From one end of it there are several cutting protrusions with diamond coating. On the other, a shank is welded for installation in a punch or drill chuck. Crowns are available in various lengths and diameters.

Drilling with a diamond crown can also be done manually. But not all such work can be done by hand. It is impossible to drill a hole in concrete for a large diameter pipe, and even with a hand tool. Holes in thick load-bearing walls are drilled using a whole set of equipment, which includes:

  • guide post;
  • drive unit;
  • electric motor with clamping chuck;
  • crown of the desired diameter.

The drilling process is as follows. A guide post is attached to the wall. A drive with an electric motor installed on it will move along it. A crown of the desired diameter is clamped into the chuck of the electric motor. Cold water is continuously supplied to the drilling site, which cools the tool and prevents the formation of dust.

Holes drilled in this way have very clear boundaries. and smooth inner surface. It is also important that such installations allow drilling at a certain angle. This allows you to lay communications with minimal damage to the walls.

Diamond drilling rigs are not cheap, so don't buy them just for the sake of making a couple of small holes in the wall.

Precautionary measures

Of course, anyone can drill a couple of small holes in a concrete wall. It is enough to have a good drill with an impact function or a hammer drill, as well as a victorious or diamond drill of the right size. If you have to pull pipes of large diameter, for example, to bring a ventilation pipe from a gas boiler to the street, then it is better to entrust this matter to professionals. This will allow you to perform work at the lowest cost and damage, and also save the psyche of not only the owner of the apartment, but also his neighbors.

When drilling concrete walls, do not forget about personal protective equipment. In order not to swallow dust, you need to use a respirator. And special goggles will protect your eyes from getting small concrete chips into them.

Sooner or later, most people living in houses with concrete walls need to hang a cabinet, a lamp, a shelf or a picture. At this point, the burning question of how to drill through a concrete wall comes up. It's no secret that every home master has encountered this problem at least once in his life, but not everyone knows how to solve it. Many courageously torture the drill and their own strength, but, not achieving the desired result, they give up everything until the next attempt to make a hole in the wall. But the drill eventually breaks, and the shelves remain standing somewhere in the corner of the room or gathering dust in the pantry. But there are still options - you just need to know them and be able to use them.

Concrete structures are strong enough and difficult to drill. In addition, quite often, drills stumble upon crushed stone, which is part of the concrete mix, from which wall and ceiling slabs are molded.

Holes in concrete have to be made quite often, especially in the process:

  • finishing works;
  • furniture installations;
  • air conditioner hangers;
  • additional electrical wiring device;
  • plumbing installation.

There are two ways to solve the problem of holes in a concrete wall:

  • impact drill, and preferably a puncher, with a drill bit;
  • diamond drilling.

It is worth noting that it will not work to make a hole in a concrete wall with ordinary drills, therefore, before starting work, it is necessary to purchase drills with specially soldered plates made of high-strength pobedit alloy, which do an excellent job with concrete and brick. But for soft materials, it is not recommended to use them, since the Pobedite drills do not cut them, but crumble them.

What will help the home master?

In domestic conditions, when it is necessary to make 2-3 holes in concrete, you can get by with an ordinary drill, without a shock function. To do this, it is necessary, as the drill drill is immersed into the body of the wall, from time to time to break the concrete with a strong metal pin (punch) that matches in size with the diameter of the hole. It is used in the case when the drill begins to "stop" in the wall. At this moment, a steel punch is inserted into the hole and they begin to hit it with a hammer or sledgehammer, trying to crush too dense areas and punch the hole deeper. In this case, the pin is rotated a little. Then the hammerless drill can again come into operation.

All the above steps are repeated one after another until the hole is enlarged to the required depth. This method is quite laborious and tedious, but for a couple of holes it is quite acceptable.

Alternatively, when drilling a hole in concrete, you can use universal diamond-coated drill bits. They are highly effective when working with metal, crushed stone and concrete. They can only be installed on a conventional electric drill, or on a tool with the vibration function turned off.

It is necessary to work with a drill very carefully, otherwise it will fail too quickly. The advice that professionals give is to avoid overheating the drill, it should be wetted with cold water from time to time.

How to decide on a tool?

For more work, you need a hammer drill or drill with a percussion function, and drills with victorious tips. An impact drill combines rotational with reciprocating motion, which helps it cope well with lightweight concrete, and there is a simple answer to the question of how to drill a concrete wall, which is a load-bearing one - a hammer drill will be the best assistant, the main purpose of which is punching concrete fences. There is one more difference:

  • impact drill is designed for drilling holes no more than 12 mm in diameter;
  • The hammer drill is capable of drilling large holes.

Drilling the reinforcement caught in the body of a concrete wall should be drilled for metal.

What are big holes drilled with?

Professionals who are constantly faced with the problem of drilling holes in concrete use special equipment, which includes:

  • powerful electric motor;
  • drilling drive;
  • diamond drill bits of different diameters;
  • guide post fixed on the base.

Diamond drilling allows you to make holes of large diameter - up to 40 cm. The process is fast enough, efficient, without unnecessary dust and noise. Water is automatically supplied to the drilling site, which simultaneously cools the diamond bit and washes away dust.

Holes for the installation of electrical cables, electrical equipment, electrical networks and pipes can be made mechanically, or manually - that is, punching.

In order to manually punch a hole, you will need a jumper. The bolt is installed strictly perpendicular to the wall. Then you need to hit it with a sledgehammer, while turning around the axis. We must not forget to periodically clean the holes from dust and pieces of brick.

If you need a rectangular hole, then a jackhammer or skarpel is used. The top brick is beaten off first, and only then the next one is beaten off. This is done with a scarpel hammered into a vertical seam.

But still, this method is very laborious and time consuming, so it is advisable to use a mechanized method.

At the moment, production does not stand still and a huge number of pneumatic, drilling, electric machines are produced: hammers, perforators and furrowers. It became possible to use modern tools equipped with hard alloy plates and diamond drills.

When considering the option of drilling with a drill, you need to remember that not every hole can be made with it. The diameter of the hole plays a role here, for a drill it does not exceed 50mm, and in some cases even 30mm

There is another important point that occurs in the process of drilling concrete with a drill, this is reinforcement in the wall. If the drill hits metal, the cutting tool immediately burns out. It can also pass tangentially to the reinforcement, and it is clamped, as a result of which drilling stops and it is impossible to continue it.

A tool called "Carbide crown" suggests the ability to make holes already with a diameter of 50mm to 450mm.

A way to install adapters is possible, but there may be several disadvantages: if the size of the crown that is installed on the punch is larger than the existing one, there is a possibility of tool breakage; drilling will carry a huge danger.

When working with a victorious crown, there is a chance to stumble upon the reinforcement, in which case the teeth of the crown will most likely break or become dull. The crown can cut through thin reinforcement with the help of hard-alloy soldering. And secondly, when drilling with a crown, you need to take into account the depth of the crown bowl.

Of course, you can make a through hole using a crown for concrete sockets, while alternately using a crown and a peak on a puncher. Those. once you have gone deep, move on to the crown. Then knock out the core of the hole with a lance, and so on, until the desired result is obtained. And finally - remember, when drilling concrete with carbide crowns, there will be a huge amount of dust in the room.

And finally, the most used drilling at the moment is diamond. It has many advantages.

1. Versatility. The diamond core drill can handle both concrete and rebar (which is an integral part of concrete structures). Everything is explained very easily: the hardest mineral in nature is diamond.

2. The design of the diamond crown. Due to its tubularity, the crown makes it possible to drill holes of the required depth. You just drill out a single piece. Also, thanks to this tubular design, you make the hole clear and accurate in diameter, you have no runout deviation.

3. Possibility to use water cooling of the diamond bit during operation. During the drilling process, dust does not accumulate, which greatly improves working conditions and results.

4. Versatility in use. A diamond crown can process not only concrete, but also brick, porcelain stoneware, granite.

And of course, like everything else, it has its drawbacks. Here they are quite natural, this is the cost of this method. Here you need to take into account the cost of both the crown itself and the instrument on which it is installed.