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Old man and goldfish. gold fish

Listen to a fairy tale about fisherman and fish

He lived an old man with his old woman
In the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years.
Old man caught a non-child fish
The old woman has nailed its yarn.
Since he threw the native to the sea, -
She came a nemid with one tina.
He threw the nem to another time,
He came nemid with herbal grass.
For the third time he threw the nemid, -
I came with a niddle with one fish,
With not easy fish, - gold.
How the goldfish will be cheating!
Move with a voice:
"Let you go, older, I'm in the sea,
Dear ladies Fucking:
I will bother than just wish. "
The old man was surprised, frightened:
He was fishing thirty years and three years
And did not hear, so that the fish spoke.
He let go fish gold
And she told her affectionate word:
"God with you, Goldfish!
Your sputter does not need me;

Go to myself in the blue sea,
Walk there yourself at the spacious. "
Stressed old man to an old woman
He told her a great miracle.
"I caught a fish today,
Goldfish, not a simple;
In our opinion, the fish spoke,
Home in the sea was asked blue,
Dear price was bought off:
I bought off what only wish.
I did not dare to take a ransom from her;
So let her go to the blue sea. "
The old man of the old woman passed:
"Durachina you, dive!
You did not know how to take a redemption from the fish!
At least you took a trough from her,
Our whole split. "

Here he went to the blue sea;
Sees, - the sea spiked slightly.

Says to him fish and asked:
"What are you needed, older?"

"Smolesya, the sovereign of the fish,
My old woman broke me
Does not give an old man to me:
It is needed by a new trough;
Our whole split. "
Goldfish answers:

There will be a new trough. "
Stressed old man to an old woman
The old woman has a new trough.
An old woman is still scolding:
"Durachina you, dive!
Screwd, foolish, trough!
In the trough a lot of korear?
TURN, Durachina, you are to the fish;
Booked in her, scarce the hut. "

Here he went to the blue sea,
(Pozhetiloshai blue sea.)
He began to click gold fish,

"What are you needed, older?"

"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!
Still the old woman is scorn
Does not give an old man to me:
Izbu asks the grumpling woman. "
Goldfish answers:
"It's not sad, go to yourself with God,
So be: you will be the hut. "
He went to his dugout,
And the dugouts are not a trace;
In front of him with a belft,
With brick, whiten pipe,
With oak, tested gates.
The old woman is sitting under the window,
What the light stands the husband scolds.
"Durachin you, straight outfill!
Screw, duplicate, hut!
Boots, bow fish:
I do not want to be a black peasant,
I want to be a pillaby nobleman. "

The old man went to the blue sea;
(Not peaceful blue sea.)

Says a fish to him, asked:
"What are you needed, older?"
To her with a bow, the old man answers:
"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!
The forest of the old old woman was screamed,
Does not give an old man to me:
It does not want to be a peasant,
Wants to be a pillaby nobleman. "
Goldfish answers:
"Not sad, go to yourself with God."

Stretched old man for an old woman.
What does he see? High Terem.
On the porch stands his old woman
In an expensive sable shower,
Parchka on the patch of the sick,
Pearls loose neck,
On the hands of golden rings,
On the legs of red boots.
In front of her diligent servants;
She hits them, for Chuprong pulls.
He says the old man with his old woman:
"Hello, a lady of madamy noble!
Tea, now your darling is pleased. "
The old woman fastened on him
On the stable serve him sent.

Here is a week, the other passes,
Another old woman was swept away:
Again, the old man sends to the fish.
"Boots, bow fish:
I do not want to be a pillaby noble
And I want to be an outdoor queen. "
The old man was frightened, prayed:
"What are you, Baba, whlen are smoked?
Neither step, you can't call
Mine you are a whole kingdom. "
Exacerbated the old woman
Husband struck her cheek.
"How dare you, a man, argue with me,
With me, noble pillars? -
Go to the sea, tell you the honor,
You won't go, will be mistaken. "

The old man went to the sea,
(Soooed blue sea.)
He began to click gold fish.
Says a fish to him, asked:
"What are you needed, older?"
To her with a bow, the old man answers:
"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!
Again my old woman rebuke:

It doesn't want to be nobility,
Wants to be a free kanitsa. "
Goldfish answers:
"Not sad, go to yourself with God!
Good! It will be the oldest queen! "
An old man has grown up.
Well? Before Him, the royal chambers.
In the wards sees her old woman,
At the table she sits the queen,
Serve her boyars yes nobles
Pour to her overseas guilt;
She is covered with a gingerbread printed;
It is terrible for a terrible guard,
On the shoulders of the hatchers hold.
As the old man saw, - frightened!
On his feet, he bowed to the old woman,
Milns: "Hello, Grozny Queen!
Well, now your darling is pleased. "
On him the old woman did not look
Only with the soles to drive him ordered.
Ran up boyars and nobles,
The old man was chopped out.
And in the doorway, the guard ran up,
The axes almost cut the axes.
And the people have grown over him:
"Five to you, an old misfortune!
In the last on you, nevezh, science:
Do not sit in your sleigh! "

Here is a week, the other passes,
Another old woman was swept away:
The Rodantores are sending for her husband,
I found an old man led to her.
Says the old man's old woman:
"Boots, bow fish.
I do not want to be a free queen,
I want to be a lord of the naval,
To live me in the outskirts of the sea,
To serve me golden fish
And I used me on the parcels. "

The old man did not dare to first
I did not stick the words again to call.
He goes to the blue sea,
Sees the black storm at the sea:
So, the angry waves sank,
So go, so we will be treated.
He began to click gold fish.
Says a fish to him, asked:
"What are you needed, older?"
Her old man with a bow replies:
"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!
What should I do with a curse woman?
It doesn't want to be a queen,
Wants to be a lady of the naval;
To live her in the outstanding sea,
So that you herself served to her
And it would be on parcels. "
Nothing said the fish,
Only the tail on the water splashed
And went into the deep sea.
Long by the sea was waiting for a response,
Did not wait, grown to the old woman -
Whee: Again in front of him, earthlock;
On the threshold sits his old woman,
And before it is broken trough.

Orthodox explanation of the fairy tale about fisherman and fish. Monk Konstantin Sabelnikov

The old man (mind) with the old man (heart) lived by the sea 33 years. This means that a person lived a conscious life (lived with the mind and heart) and became ready to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, who at the age of 3rd died and resurrected.
The old woman has spilled yarn - in this life every person with his thoughts, in words and affairs creates a moral state of the soul, which will be her clothes in eternity.
The old man caught fish - every person is looking for the benefits in earthly life.
Once he first pulled the nemid with a tina and grass, and then with a goldfish - one day a person understands the temporary life time, and this helps him believe in eternity and in God.
Fish is an ancient symbol of Christ, and gold is a symbol of grace. The fish asked to let her go, although it didn't need it, because he had power even over the fate of people - the Lord calls for a person to show mercy to someone, and it brings to God most of all, opens a heart for faith in him.
The old woman made the old man first of all ask the trough - a man, having come to faith, begins a spiritual life with cleansing his conscience from sins. Ap. Peter said to those who believed the Jews: "Refer, and it is baptized by each of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins ..." (). Unbelievers do not have such funds and do not know how to facilitate conscience.
The old woman scolds the old man and calls him "foolish one", because a person acts at the behest of the heart and, as Larochefuku said, the mind is always in the fools at the heart. When the old man went to ask the trough, the sea was played out - because God is unagnain, when a person who believed in him wants to not serve him, but to use him for his personal goals, even be good.
Having received a new trough, the old woman did not thank the fish, but sent an old man with another request - believers rarely sincerely thank God for which he makes it possible to cleanse the sins in the saint of confession. Having started a church life, they tend to ask God for health and well-being in the family and at work (new horses).
Then the old woman demanded to be a nobleman and the queen - a person begins to ask God for serving the satisfaction of the vanity and pride (in this case the power). The Lord sometimes pops up to a person to receive asking, to, getting, he has increased in faith in God, and then, disintegrating his passion, began to fight them and the sake of God refused to feed them.
When the old woman became a nobleman, she began to beat the servants, because when a person gets the honor and glory and nourishes his vanity, his heart is firing towards people. She hit the old man who tried to argue with her - because when the passion of vanity increases, she strongerly subordinates the human mind.
The old woman demanded to become a queen - from the desire of Glory a person passes to the wishes of power. The old woman demanded power over the Golden Fish - Avva Dorofey says that pride in front of people leads to pride in front of God.
The old man could not understand that his main problem was the character of grandmother. He had to ask the goldfish to change the old woman, but he just complained about her. So the person must understand the mind that his main problem is the passion of the heart, and, having come to faith, he does not just have to confess in his sins (complaining about the old woman), but to ask God to change his heart.
In the fairy tale, it is shown that it happens with people who are trying to change their lives with God, but not. At first they really improve life, but then they do not serve God, but by their passions, although they themselves do not notice. If a person does not fight passions, they fight it. The Lord said: "Who does not collect me, that crops" (). Avva Dorofey said that in spiritual life a person cannot stand still, it becomes or worse, or better. There is no third. Because of pride, a person remains a broken trough. Over time, he still loses earth goods: with retirement or due to illness loses position, influence on people. Having lost these benefits, he understands that, having received a lot for a while in this life, he did not get the most important thing - he did not become different.

Mikhail Semenovich Kazinik, violinist, lectureth musicologist, teacher, publisher writer:

Ask any Philologist's teacher at school, what about Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin's fairy tale about fisherman and fish? Everyone will say: "This fairy tale about the greedy old woman who remained at the broken trough."
My good, stupidity is another! This Pushkin will spend time to condemn the next greedy old woman! This is a fairy tale of love. ABOUT unconditional love Old man. Easy to love a beautiful, generous, smart woman. You try to love old, dirty, greedy old woman. And the proof is: I ask any philologist, how the tale of a fisherman and fish begins. I all say: "lived ...". Yes, right. "There were an old man with an old woman at the very blue sea!", Right? "That's right!", "Philologists say. "That's right!", Academicians say. "That's right!", "Said Professor. "That's right!", Pupils say. "There were an old man and an old woman at the very blue sea. An old man caught a neigh ... ". Wrong! It would not be Pushkin. "There were an old man with an old woman" - this is the most ordinary start of a fairy tale. Pushkin: "An old man lived with his old man." Do you feel the difference? Because still so far! Pushkin gives code! Your own, native: thirty years and three years together. Flesh from flesh! Greedy - there are both old women! Liu Bi-Ma-I!
Next: where did they live? At the very blue sea. I ask Philologists: where? - "Well, like, by the sea. At the very sea! " Not true. At the very blue sea. This is the second Pushkin code. As the old woman desires, she ceases to be "her", and the sea changes color. Remember? "Looked, shining the blue sea." The sea ceases to be blue.

In the summer of 1831, A.S. Pushkin moved to residence from Moscow to St. Petersburg - to the royal village, where his adolescent years were held. The poet settled in a modest rustic House with balcony and mezzanine. In Maison, he arranged his own study: there was a big round table, sofa, books on the shelves. From the windows of the cabinet, a picturesque view of the Tsarskoyell Park was opened.
The poet again found himself "in the circle of cute memories." In the royal village, after many years of separation, Pushkin in Straught with the poet V.A. Zhukovsky. Evenings, talking about art, they wandered around the lake for a long time ... In one of these days, the poets decided to arrange a contest - who will better write a fairy tale in verses. V.A. Zhukovsky opted his choice on a fairy tale about Tsar Berendee, and Pushkin was sentenced to write a fairy tale about Tsar Saltan.
... On the same evening, after a conversation with Zhukovsky, Pushkin began to fairy tales. The work quickly moved forward. On the paper, one of the wonderful poetic lines were located:
Three maidens by the window
Ruck late in the evening.
At the end of August, the "tale of Tsar Saltan" was completed. Then the poet read it to his friends. According to unanimous opinion, the winner of this unusual tournament of the two famous poetries, Pushkin became.
To lower a few days, as if inspired by the success of the "king of Saltan", the poet starts working on another fairy tale - "On the Pop and an employee of his Bald." Lucava This Pushkin Tale, a lot of inadequate, non-evaluated, just as in those fairy tales, which heard in the Mikhailovskaya link from the call of obstacles ...
On the days of work on the "fairy tale about the Pop and his employee of his Bald" Pushkin often mentally moved to his favorite Mikhailovskoye, recalled the noisy rural fairs, spread under the walls of the Saint-Mone Monastery. Beautiful Fair: Everywhere, where you do not throw a look, you are with the goods, bolagans, the painted carousels are spinning, the swings take off, rings laughter, sounds songs. And a little away, sitting right on the grass, the wanderers and calibiums disaccurate telling the wonderful were yes fairy tales. The hero of these fairy tales is a clever, a seamless peasant, and fooled always rich - a merchant, a landowner or pop.
Do not sin leave in fools of a greedy and inept ass. Does not sow pop, does not plow, but eats for seven and even laughing over the peasant, almost the eyes call him a bald ...
Her Hero Pushkin also called - a ballad. The guy does not miss this ballad, the hell likes around the finger. Where is the ass with a smart peasant, you will have to have to have to pay forehead for your distortion. As Pop thinks about this, the cold sweat is firmly stitched ... It is good that Popads applied to send a bald to hell for the lifting. But in vain rejoiced pop, still it was necessary to pay him for his greed and stupidity ...
Pushkinskaya "Tale of the Pop and an employee of his Bald" for a long time Not published. Only after the death of the poet, with the assistance of V.A. Zhukovsky, it appeared in one of the magazines.
In the autumn of 1833, in Boldino Pushkin wrote his third wonderful fairy tale - "A fairy tale about fisherman and a fish." September 30, 1833 Old road tarantas drove into a wide yard of the Dedovsky House. For three years, the past from the day of the first arrival of Pushkin in Boldino, nothing has changed here. Everything is also Grozny, Oak Falcolt, the surrounding house, rushed a huge gate ...
In Boldino, the poet spent six weeks. Here he wrote two fairy tales - "a fairy tale about the dead princess and seven heroes" and "a fairy tale about fisherman and fish."
The hero of Pushkin's "Fairy Tales about Fisherman and Fish" had little fun: Thirty-three years old I caught an old woman, and only once smiled at him - a goldfish brought a native. And in fact, this fish was golden: a fisherman appeared and new house, and new trough ...
The final of this philosophical fairy tale to everyone, of course, is known ...
A.S. Pushkin written five poems fairy tales. Each of them is a treasury of poetry and wisdom.

He lived an old man with his old woman
In the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years.
Old man caught a non-child fish
The old woman has nailed its yarn.
Since he threw the nem to the sea -
Came a nemid with one tina.

He tried the nem to another time -
Came a nemid with grass of the sea.
For the third time he threw the nem -
Came a nemid with one fish,
With not a good fish - gold.
How the goldfish will be cheating!
Move with a voice:
"Let you go, older, I'm in the sea!
Dear ladies Fucking:
I will bite what only you wish. "
The old man was surprised, frightened:
He was fishing thirty years and three years
And did not hear, so that the fish spoke.
He let go fish gold
And she told her affectionate word:
"God with you, Goldfish!
Your sputter does not need me;
Go to myself in the blue sea,
Walk there yourself at the spacious. "

Stressed old man to an old woman
Tell her a great miracle:
"I caught a fish today,
Goldfish, not a simple;
In our opinion, the fish spoke,
Home in the sea was asked blue,
Dear price was bought off:
Bought off what only wish
I did not dare to take a ransom from it;
So let her go to the blue sea. "
The old man of the old woman passed:
"Durachina you, dive!
You did not know how to take a redemption from the fish!
At least you took a trough from it,
Our whole split. "

Here he went to the blue sea;
She sees - the sea spiked slightly.

Sailed a fish to him and asked;
"What are you needed, older?"

"Smolesya, the sovereign of the fish,
My old woman broke me
Doesn't give an old man to me:
It is needed by a new trough;
Our whole split. "
Goldfish answers:
"Not sad, go to yourself with God.
There will be a new trough. "

Stressed old man to an old woman
The old woman has a new trough.
Even the old woman is scolding:
"Durachina you, dive!
Screwd, foolish, trough!
In the trough a lot of korear?
TURN, Durachina, you are to the fish;
Booked in her, scarce the hut. "

I went to the blue sea
(Pour of the blue sea).
He began to click gold fish.

"What are you needed, older?"

"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!
An old woman is still scolding
Doesn't give an old man to me:
Izbu asks the grumpling woman. "
Goldfish answers:
"It's not sad, go to yourself with God,
So be: you will be the hut. "

He went to his dugout,
And the dugouts are not a trace;
In front of him with a light
With brick, white pipe,
With oak, tested gates.
The old woman is sitting under the window,
What light stands the husband scolds:
"Durachin you, straight outfill!
Screw, duplicate, hut!
Boots, worship in fish:
I do not want to be a black peasant,
I want to be a pillaby nobleman. "

Went old man to the blue sea
(Restless blue sea).
He began to click gold fish.
Says a fish to him, asked:
"What are you needed, older?"
To her with a bow, the old man answers:
"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!
The forest of the old old woman was screamed,
Doesn't give an old man to me:
It doesn't want to be a peasant
Wants to be a pillaby nobleman. "
Goldfish answers:
"Not sad, go to yourself with God."

Stressed old man to an old woman
What does he see? High Terem.
On the porch stands his old woman
In an expensive sable shower,
Parching on the patch of the sick,
Pearls loose neck,
On the hands of golden rings,
On the legs of red boots.
In front of her diligent servants;
She hits them, for Chuprong pulls.
He says the old man with his old woman:
"Hello, a lamament of a firing latice!
Tea, now your darling is pleased. "
The old woman fastened on him
On the stable serve him sent.

Here is a week, the other passes,
An old woman was still swept away;
Again to the fish, the old man sends:
"Boots, worship in fish:
I do not want to be a pillars noble.
And I want to be an outdoor queen. "
The old man was frightened, prayed:
"What are you, Baba, whlen are smoked?
Neither step, you can't call.
Mine you are a whole kingdom. "
Exacerbated the old woman
Husband struck her cheek.
"How dare you, a man, argue with me,
With me, noble pillars?
Go to the sea, tell you the honor;
You won't go, they will be mistaken. "

An old man went to the sea
(Soooed blue sea).
He began to click gold fish.
Says a fish to him, asked:
"What are you needed, older?"
To her with a bow, the old man answers:
"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!
Again my old woman rebuke:
It doesn't want to be nobility,
Wants to be a free kanitsa. "
Goldfish answers:
"Not sad, go to yourself with God!
Good! It will be the oldest queen! "

An old man has grown old
Well? before him the royal chambers,
In the wards sees her old woman,
At the table she sits the queen,
Serve her boyars yes nobles
Pour to her overseas wines;
She is covered with a gingerbread printed;
There is a terrible burda around it,
On the shoulders of the hatchers hold.
As the old man came scared!
On his feet, he bowed to the old woman,
Milns: "Hello, Grozny Queen!
Well, now your darling is pleased? "
On him the old woman did not look
Only with the soles to drive him ordered.
Ran up boyars and nobles,
The old man was shrouded.
And in the doorway, the guard ran up,
The axes almost cut off
And the people have grown over him:
"Five to you, an old misfortune!
In the last on you, nevezh, science:
Do not sit in your sleigh! "

Here is a week, the other passes,
An old woman was still swept away:
The concedes by her husband sends.
I found an old man led to her.
Says the old man's old woman:
"Boots, bow fish.
I do not want to be a free queen,
I want to be a lord of the naval,
To live me in the outskirts of the sea,
To serve me golden fish
And I used me on the parcels. "

The old man did not dare to first
I did not dare across the words to call.
Here he goes to the blue sea,
Sees the Black Storm at the sea:
So, the angry waves sank,
So go, so we will be treated.
He began to click gold fish.
Says a fish to him, asked:
"What are you needed, older?"
Her old man with a bow replies:
"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!
What should I do with a curse woman?
It doesn't want to be a queen,
Wants to be a lady with a marine:
To live her in the outstanding sea,
So that you herself served to her
And it would be on parcels. "
Nothing said the fish,
Only the tail on the water splashed
And went into the deep sea.
Long by the sea was waiting for a response,
Did not wait for the old woman
Whee: Again in front of him, earthlock;
On the threshold sits his old woman,
And before it is broken trough.

Which of us from childhood is not familiar with the "fairy tale about fisherman and fish"? Someone read it in childhood, someone first met her, seeing cartoon on the television screen. The plot of works is undoubtedly familiar to everyone. But here about how and when it was written, not many know. It is about creating, the origins and characters of this work we will talk in our article. And also consider modern alterations of fairy tales.

Who wrote a fairy tale about and when?

The fairy tale was written by the Great Russian poet Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin in the village of Boldino on October 14, 1833. This period in the work of the writer is customary to call the second Boldin autumn. For the first time published the work was in 1835 on the pages of the Library for Reading Library. At the same time, Pushkin created another famous work - "a fairy tale about the dead princess and seven heroes."

History of creation

Even in the early action, A. S. Pushkin began to be interested folk creativity. Fairy tales, who heard them still in the cradle from the beloved Nyanyushka, were preserved in his memory for all their lives. In addition, later, already in the 20s of the 19th century, the poet was studying the folk folklore in the village of Mikhailovsky. It was then that he began to appear for future fairy tales.

However, Pushkin appealed directly to the folk scenes only in the 30s. He began to try himself in creating fairy tales. One of them became a fairy tale about a goldfish. In this work, the poet tried to show the peoples of Russian literature.

Who wrote the fairy tales A. S. Pushkin?

Pushkin wrote fairy tales to the highest flourishing of his creativity. And initially they were not intended for children, although they immediately entered the circle of their reading. The fairy tale about the Golden Fish is not just entertainment for children with morality at the end. This is primarily a sample of creativity, traditions and beliefs of the Russian people.

Nevertheless, the plot of fairy tales itself is not an accurate retelling of folk works. In fact, a little from Russian folklore was reflected in it. Many researchers argue that most of the poet's fairy tales, including a fairy tale about the Golden Fish (the text of the work confirms this), was borrowed from the German fairy tales collected by the Brothers Grimm.

Pushkin chose his favorite plot, reworked him at his discretion and enjoyed him in a poetic shape, not worrying about how authentive stories would be. However, the poet managed to convey if not the plot, the spirit and nature of the Russian people.

Images of major heroes

The fairy tale about the goldfish is not rich in characters - they are only three, however, it is enough for an exciting and instructive plot.

Images of the old man and the old women are diametrically opposed, and their views on life are completely different. They are both poor, but reflect different sides of poverty. So, the old man is always uncanyten and is ready to help in trouble, because he himself was more than once in the same position and knows what grief is. He is kind and calm, even when he fell good luck, he does not use the fishing of the fish, but simply lets her free.

Old woman, despite the same social situation, arrogant, cruel and greed. She wakes up an old man, it assimilates him, constantly scolding and forever everyone is unhappy. For this she will be punished at the end of the fairy tale, remaining with a broken trick.

However, the old man does not receive any remuneration, because the will of the old woman is unable to resist. For his humility he did not deserve best Life. Here Pushkin describes one of the main features of the Russian people - long-suffering. It is it that does not allow to live better and calmer.

The image of the fish is incredibly poetic and impregnated with folk wisdom. She acts as higher powerwhich is still ready to fulfill desires before time. However, its patience is not limitless.

The fairy tale about the old man and the gold fish begins with the description of the blue sea, at the shore of which an old man with an old woman lives in the dugout for 33 years. They live very poorly and the only thing that feeds them is the sea.

Once the old man goes to fish. He throws the nem twice, but both times he brings only marine tire. On the third time, the old man is lucky - goldfish gets in his network. She tells a human voice and asks to let her go, promising to fulfill the desire. The old man did not ask for nothing at the fish, and just let her go.

Returning home, he told all his wife. The old woman began to scold him and ordered to go back, asking the fish new trough. The old man went, bowed to the fish, and received the old woman what she asked.

But this was not enough for her. She demanded a new home. Fish performed this desire. Then the old woman wanted to become a pillaby nobleman. The old man went to the fish again, and again she fulfilled the desire. The fisherman himself was sent to the evil wife to work on the stable.

But this was not enough. She ordered the old woman to go to her husband again to the sea and ask to make it a king. This desire was fulfilled. But it did not satisfy the greed of the old woman. He again called the old man to him and ordered to ask from the fish to make it by the Tsaritzia Sea, and herself served in her parcels.

Pass the fisherman of the Word Words. But nothing answered the fish, only splashed the tail and sailed into the sea depths. Long standing by the sea, waiting for an answer. But no more fish appeared, and the old man has grown home. And there he was waiting for the old woman with a broken trough, sitting at the old dugout.

Source scene

As noted above, the fairy tale about the fisherman and the gold fish goes its roots not only in Russian, but also in the foreign folklore. So, the plot of this work is often compared with the fairy tale "greedy old", which was part of the collection of brothers Grimm. However, this similarity is very distant. German authors emphasized all the attention in a magazine on the moral conclusion - greed does not communicate before good, you need to be able to be content with what you have.

The actions in also unfold on the seashore, however, instead of goldfish, Kambala appears in the role of the artist, which later turns out to be enchanted by the Prince. Pushkin replaced this image with goldfish, symbolizing wealth in Russian culture and good luck.

Tale about Golden Fish on a new way

Today you can find a lot of alterations of this fairy tale on new way. Characterized for them change time. That is, from the old, the main characters are transferred to a modern world, where there is also a lot of poverty and injustice. The moment of catching goldfish remains unchanged, as the most magic heroine itself. But the desire for the old woman is changing. Now she needs the car "Indesit", new boots, villa, "Ford". She wishes to be blonde with long legs.

In some alterations, the end of the story changes. The fairy tale can end happy family life Old man and old women, smoking for 40 years. However, such an end is rather an exception than the rule. Usually the end either close to the original or tells about the death of an old man or an old woman.


Thus, the fairy tale about the gold fish lives still and remains relevant. This is confirmed by a multitude of its alterations. Sound to a new way gives her new life, However, the problems laid down by Pushkin, even in alterations remain unchanged.

All about the same heroes are told these new options, all the same and greedy old women, and a humble old man, and the executive wishes of the fish, which speaks of incredible skills and the talent of Pushkin, who managed to write a work that remains relevant and after almost two centuries.

He lived an old man with his old woman
In the very blue sea;
They lived in a dilapidated dugout
Exactly thirty years and three years.
Old man caught a non-child fish
The old woman has nailed its yarn.
Since he threw the nem to the sea -
Came a nemid with one tina.
He tried the nem to another time -
Came a nemid with grass of the sea.
For the third time he threw the nem -
Came a nemid with one fish,
With not a good fish - gold.
How the goldfish will be cheating!
Move with a voice:
"Let you go, older, I'm in the sea!
Dear ladies Fucking:
I will bite what only you wish. "
The old man was surprised, frightened:
He was fishing thirty years and three years
And did not hear, so that the fish spoke.
He let go fish gold
And she told her affectionate word:
"God with you, Goldfish!
Your sputter does not need me;
Go to myself in the blue sea,
Walk there yourself at the spacious. "

Stressed old man to an old woman
Tell her a great miracle:
"I caught a fish today,
Goldfish, not a simple;
In our opinion, the fish spoke,
Home in the sea was asked blue,
Dear price was bought off:
Bought off what only wish
I did not dare to take a ransom from it;
So let her go to the blue sea. "
The old man of the old woman passed:
"Durachina you, dive!
You did not know how to take a redemption from the fish!
At least you took a trough from it,
Our whole split. "

Here he went to the blue sea;
She sees - the sea spiked slightly.

Sailed a fish to him and asked;
"What are you needed, older?"

"Smolesya, the sovereign of the fish,
My old woman broke me
Doesn't give an old man to me:
It is needed by a new trough;
Our whole split. "
Goldfish answers:
"Not sad, go to yourself with God.
There will be a new trough. "

Stressed old man to an old woman
The old woman has a new trough.
Even the old woman is scolding:
"Durachina you, dive!
Screwd, foolish, trough!
In the trough a lot of korear?
TURN, Durachina, you are to the fish;
Booked in her, scarce the hut. "

I went to the blue sea
(Pour of the blue sea).
He began to click gold fish.

"What are you needed, older?"

"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!
An old woman is still scolding
Doesn't give an old man to me:
Izbu asks the grumpling woman. "
Goldfish answers:
"It's not sad, go to yourself with God,
So be: you will be the hut. "

He went to his dugout,
And the dugouts are not a trace;
In front of him with a light
With brick, white pipe,
With oak, tested gates.
The old woman is sitting under the window,
What light stands the husband scolds:
"Durachin you, straight outfill!
Screw, duplicate, hut!
Boots, worship in fish:
I do not want to be a black peasant,
I want to be a pillaby nobleman. "

Went old man to the blue sea
(Restless blue sea).
He began to click gold fish.
Says a fish to him, asked:
"What are you needed, older?"
To her with a bow, the old man answers:
"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!
The forest of the old old woman was screamed,
Doesn't give an old man to me:
It doesn't want to be a peasant
Wants to be a pillaby nobleman. "
Goldfish answers:
"Not sad, go to yourself with God."

Stressed old man to an old woman
What does he see? High Terem.
On the porch stands his old woman
In an expensive sable shower,
Parching on the patch of the sick,
Pearls loose neck,
On the hands of golden rings,
On the legs of red boots.
In front of her diligent servants;
She hits them, for Chuprong pulls.
He says the old man with his old woman:
"Hello, a lamament of a firing latice!
Tea, now your darling is pleased. "
The old woman fastened on him
On the stable serve him sent.

Here is a week, the other passes,
An old woman was still swept away;
Again to the fish, the old man sends:
"Boots, worship in fish:
I do not want to be a pillars noble.
And I want to be an outdoor queen. "
The old man was frightened, prayed:
"What are you, Baba, whlen are smoked?
Neither step, you can't call.
Mine you are a whole kingdom. "
Exacerbated the old woman
Husband struck her cheek.
"How dare you, a man, argue with me,
With me, noble pillars?
Go to the sea, tell you the honor;
You won't go, they will be mistaken. "

An old man went to the sea
(Soooed blue sea).
He began to click gold fish.
Says a fish to him, asked:
"What are you needed, older?"
To her with a bow, the old man answers:
"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!
Again my old woman rebuke:
It doesn't want to be nobility,
Wants to be a free kanitsa. "
Goldfish answers:
"Not sad, go to yourself with God!
Good! It will be the oldest queen! "

An old man has grown old
Well? before him the royal chambers,
In the wards sees her old woman,
At the table she sits the queen,
Serve her boyars yes nobles
Pour to her overseas wines;
She is covered with a gingerbread printed;
There is a terrible burda around it,
On the shoulders of the hatchers hold.
As the old man came scared!
On his feet, he bowed to the old woman,
Milns: "Hello, Grozny Queen!
Well, now your darling is pleased? "
On him the old woman did not look
Only with the soles to drive him ordered.
Ran up boyars and nobles,
The old man was shrouded.
And in the doorway, the guard ran up,
The axes almost cut off
And the people have grown over him:
"Five to you, an old misfortune!
In the last on you, nevezh, science:
Do not sit in your sleigh! "

Here is a week, the other passes,
An old woman was still swept away:
The concedes by her husband sends.
I found an old man led to her.
Says the old man's old woman:
"Boots, bow fish.
I do not want to be a free queen,
I want to be a lord of the naval,
To live me in the outskirts of the sea,
To serve me golden fish
And I used me on the parcels. "

The old man did not dare to first
I did not dare across the words to call.
Here he goes to the blue sea,
Sees the Black Storm at the sea:
So, the angry waves sank,
So go, so we will be treated.
He began to click gold fish.
Says a fish to him, asked:
"What are you needed, older?"
Her old man with a bow replies:
"Smoom, Fishman's Selfary!
What should I do with a curse woman?
It doesn't want to be a queen,
Wants to be a lady with a marine:
To live her in the outstanding sea,
So that you herself served to her
And it would be on parcels. "
Nothing said the fish,
Only the tail on the water splashed
And went into the deep sea.
Long by the sea was waiting for a response,
Did not wait for the old woman
Whee: Again in front of him, earthlock;
On the threshold sits his old woman,
And before it is broken trough.