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How to accurately tell fortunes for the old New Year. “My dear, where are you?”: fortune telling for the Old New Year. Let's pour wax - predict fate

During the celebration of the Old New Year, everyone can tell fortunes and find out what awaits them in the future. This day is filled strong energy, so any rituals will be especially effective.

The Old New Year is a mystical time that can be used to fulfill your desires. Believe in your strength and do not forget that fortune telling and rituals should not cause harm to the people around you, otherwise troubles will not be avoided.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year

The best way It will be a prophetic dream to find out what awaits you in the future. To see it, you need to focus on the main question, write it on a piece of paper and put it under your pillow. The answer to it will come to you in a dream.

You can also tell fortunes for your betrothed on the night of January 13-14. To do this, take a red thread and a white wax candle, tie it with a thread and set it on fire. Peer into the flame. If it burns evenly and the candle does not smoke, then happiness in your personal life awaits you in 2018. A smoking candle and a restless flame speak of problems and obstacles on the path to happiness.

You can do it with wax. To do this, you need to pour wax from a candle into water, and then examine the resulting patterns. This way you can prepare for what awaits you and also avoid trouble.

The truest and most popular is fortune telling by shoes. Unmarried girl throws her shoe over her shoulder into the street, and where the toe of the shoe points, she will go into marriage. If the sock points to your father’s house, then you don’t have to wait for a wedding in the coming year.

You can find out whether marriage is coming soon by looking at the towel. Previously, girls hung them out the window at night and looked at the results in the morning. A wet towel indicated that the lucky woman would soon get married.

Ask the name of the first man you meet. According to legend, this is what your betrothed will be called.

Rituals for the Old New Year

Perform a ritual for financial well-being to always be in abundance. To do this, place a few coins under the tree, and the next morning put them in your wallet.

You can also attract goodness with the help of fruits. Design a beautiful fruit slice, saying: “Beauty saves the world, wealth and benefits come to me. I treat everyone with fruits and call for prosperity.”

You can bring happiness and prosperity into your home by cleaning. Clean the house, and then walk through all the rooms with a lit white candle. This way you will get rid of negativity and renew the energy in your living space.

At midnight, open the window, place a coin on the windowsill and say: “Generosity pays off, it comes back in spades.” Leave the coin until the morning. If you don’t find it, then soon a “treasure” awaits you. You can find a sum of money, get a salary increase, win the lottery. If the coin remains, then make it your talisman of wealth and prosperity.

Attract happiness to the Old New Year. Call several unfamiliar numbers and wish your interlocutors good luck and prosperity. Sincere kindness will definitely come back to you.

Hang over front door heart, coin, key, bag of cereal. Leave them for a month to bring prosperity into your home.

Any of the rituals must be performed in high spirits. Drive away sadness and be confident in your abilities. Remember that you can attract what you want with the power of thought if you sincerely believe in miracles. We wish you happiness and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

13.01.2018 04:01

A person's birthday is not only a reason to celebrate. Since ancient times, such days have been used...

Corporate party for the Old New Year


Didn't believe astrologers until then
until I talked to a fortune teller.

The most powerful and dangerous fortune telling takes place at midnight on the Old New Year. Therefore, the office is not suitable for holding them.

If possible, complete all work tasks so that thoughts about work do not distract you from what’s ahead, walk part of the way home to get into a peaceful mood, have dinner and start fortune-telling.

Our editors have selected 10 fortune telling for the Old New Year, which are considered especially powerful.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year with inducing a dream about your betrothed

They write the boy’s name on a piece of paper, kiss the word with painted lips (so that a mark remains), put it on a small mirror and hide it under the pillow.

You can put three bay leaves under your pillow. On one they write “Ananius”, on the other - “Azarius”, on the third - “Mikhail” and say the spell: “From Monday to Tuesday I look at the windowsill, whoever dreams about me, let him dream about me.”

Fortune telling for the Old New Year before going to bed on the night from Monday to Tuesday

If Old New Year's Eve falls on Monday, then you can do fortune-telling using a twig before going to bed.

Take a spruce branch and place it at the head of the bed overnight.

At the same time they say: “I go to bed on Monday, put a spruce tree at my head, I dream of someone who thinks about me.”

Whoever dreams is the one who loves you.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year before bed on the night from Thursday to Friday

When going to bed they say:

“Thursday with Wednesday, Tuesday with Monday, Sunday with Saturday. Friday is alone and I, young, alone. I’m lying on the Zion Mountains, three angels in my heads: one sees, another will tell, the third will indicate fate.”

Fortune telling for the groom for the Old New Year

Girls tell fortunes if they go to bed where they have never had to before.

Before going to bed they say: “In a new place, dream of the bridegroom.”

You will see your fiance in a dream.

Fortune telling on cards for the Old New Year

Before going to bed, they put four kings under the pillow and say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will appear in my dreams.”

If you dream about the king of spades, the groom will be an old man and jealous, the king of hearts means young and rich, the king of the cross - expect matchmakers from a military man or businessman, and the king of diamonds - from the desired one.

Fortune telling with wax for the Old New Year

They melt the wax in a mug, pour milk into a saucer and place it at the threshold of an apartment or house.

The following words are said: “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk and eat wax.”

WITH last words pour melted wax into the milk and carefully observe what is happening.

Frozen cross portends some illnesses in the new year.

If cross It just seems that in the coming year financial affairs will not go too well, and in your personal life you will be overcome by troubles, but not too serious.

If it blooms flower- get married, get married or find a loved one.

If it seems beast, be careful: you will have some kind of enemy.

If the wax runs stripes, roads and crossings lie ahead of you, but it will fall asterisks- Expect good luck in your service and studies.

If it forms human figurine, you will find a friend.

Fortune telling with a cat for the Old New Year

Make a wish, call your cat.

If she crosses the threshold of the room with her left paw, her wish will come true.

If it's right, it's not meant to be.

Hair fortune telling for the Old New Year

At midnight, water is poured into a bowl and a pinch of ash, a pinch of sugar and a pinch of salt are added. Everything is thoroughly mixed, and when the water “calms down,” two hairs are thrown into it: one of your own, and the other of a loved one.

The bowl is left until the morning.

If the next morning the hair is intertwined, then the wedding will happen soon.

If the hairs are at some distance from each other, it means that the hour of separation is near.

A drowned hair predicts a serious illness, and possibly the death of the one to whom it belongs.

Fortune telling with a mirror for the Old New Year

Fortune-telling with a mirror at Christmas time was considered the most accurate, but at the same time the most dangerous, during which the fortune-telling girl or woman often lost consciousness.

The fact is that the mirror, according to ancient beliefs, represents the border dividing real world and the world of spirits. There are many signs and customs associated with this.

For example, according to one of them, broken mirror certainly promises imminent disaster. Misfortune will also happen if you look in the mirror during a thunderstorm.

By the way, most of the “thin” signs are associated precisely with the reflection in the mirror. A woman was strictly forbidden to look at it at those moments of her life when she could most easily violate the invisible boundary between the world of the living and the world of the dead: during pregnancy, after the birth of a child and the entire postpartum period, when she was considered “unclean.”

About the Mirror

The soul of the mirror, its inhabitant and ruler is called the Mirror. She lives in that world of reflections that changes every time with the reflected picture.

The Mirror is invisible to anyone, it does not have a specific appearance at all: what the Mirror sees in front of it is what it takes on.

The mirror becomes attached to its habitat as tightly as the brownie: it loves to look at familiar faces, familiar objects.

When everyone is asleep, the sleepless Mirror sometimes amuses herself by showing herself everything that she remembers during the day, so knowledgeable people do not advise looking in the mirror at night: you never know what you can see there!

The mirror lives in the other world, and therefore knows the future. She is willingly ready to predict him, but there are too many prohibitions for her, and therefore the Mirror can only reveal her betrothed to the girl at night Christmas fortune telling or predict the fate of a baby... which will scare him, if not to death, then certainly to epilepsy. That’s why you should never show your child in the mirror.

If someone dies in the house, the Mirror is terribly worried, grieving and calls the deceased to her: she shows his face in the mirror, as if luring him to her. The soul of the deceased, which does not leave its former home for the first three days, is also not averse to revealing its appearance and being reflected in the mirror. Any other inhabitant of the house can accidentally see this. It’s hard not to die of fear here! That is why there is a custom of covering the mirror with a scarf when there is a dead person in the house.

The mirror does not like evil spirits and does not at all want to take on its appearance, which is why brownies, kikimoras, vostrukhi, nimny and other evil spirits, as well as ghosts, are not reflected in the mirror. If this still happens, it means that the Mirror was corrupted by the evil sorcerer, fell into his complete power and became hostile to people.

If there are several mirrors in the rooms, their mistresses are jealous of the owners of each other and strive to spoil their rival, sending harm to her in their own supernatural manner, unknown to people. Then the mirrors dim, crack, and distort the image.

The greatest joy for the Mirror is when its mirror lets sunbeams. In that brief moment, while the sun looks into the mirror, its inhabitant leaves her limits, breaks free into our world and, having become, as it were, part of daylight, manages to look around the immeasurable distances of the earth and the Universe, and then returns to her mirror refreshed, renewed and happy.

Mirror properties

Currently, the technology for producing mirrors has changed: instead of silver coating, lead is used, which has a very short “memory” and is therefore less aggressive. Although, to this day, old people do not recommend holding a newborn up to a mirror for fear that his fragile soul may split into two and the child will turn into an evil sorcerer or a bloodthirsty vampire.

However, a mirror can also serve as a powerful amulet. Reflected in him devilry immediately loses its magical power and forever loses the ability to cause harm to people.

How to tell fortunes with a mirror

Fortune telling with a mirror is best in a bathhouse, an unclean place, and at midnight, when the boundary marked by the mirror is most permeable.

The fortuneteller should be completely alone in the room, let her hair down and remove her belt, if any.

You need to put two cutlery, a mirror and a candle on the table. Then the fortuneteller must sit in front of the mirror and say: “Betrothed, mummer, come to me for dinner.”

At the stroke of midnight, she will see a man looking over her shoulder. After the fortuneteller examines his face, she must quickly cast the amulet spell: “Cheer out of this place!” After these words, the image of the man will disappear, and the fortuneteller will be out of danger.

A variation of this fortune telling is the ritual with two mirrors, which are placed opposite each other so that they repeat their reflections.

One of the mirrors should be placed on the table with two candles on the sides. At midnight, light the candles, undress, sit on a chair between the mirrors and carefully peer at your reflection.

If the mirrors are placed correctly, then the reflections form a long gallery in which the image of the betrothed should appear.

Fortune telling for love for the Old New Year

This fortune telling is for those who are lonely but passionate about finding true love.

At midnight, go to the nearest church and walk around it 12 times.

It is believed that this ritual destroys loneliness and promotes the emergence of new love.

It has long been believed that fortune telling for the old New Year helps determine what will happen in the next 12 months. In addition, New Year's Eve - the right time to make a bright and sincere wish. You can rest assured that it will come true.

How to make a wish on the night of January 14th?

“Wishing a lot means seeing nothing,” says the wisdom. Guided by the rule, choose the most significant, sincere dream. for the old New Year you need it when you are at the peak of an emotional upsurge. In the morning, at lunch, in the evening, you felt that you were as happy as possible, satisfied with life - make a wish. This will increase the power of the magical day.

The second rule is do not talk about what you have planned until the desire comes true.

Psychic Alexander Litvin, known for winning the TV show “Battle of Psychics 6,” shared a secret that will help you realize your wish. Specifics are the key to success. Work your desire down to the smallest detail:

  • find the ideal wife - describe appearance, character, habits;
  • money - write down what you will spend it on;
  • invest in a business - describe where the office will be located and what you will do.

To check whether your wish will come true or not, pour cereal into a glass. Think about the desire, scoop up the cereal. Count the grains. If there are an even number of them, it will come true.

Is it possible to guess on this holiday?

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The attitude of the church towards such rituals is clear. Clerics do not support magical actions.

But people have been practicing divination for many centuries certain days, received truthful answers from higher powers. Only you can decide whether to guess for the old New Year or not, and who to listen to.

Fortune telling for the Old New Year from Alena Kurilova

The psychic who became the winner of the television show “Battle of Psychics” is Alena Kurilova. Her advice helps people find happiness, love, and get rich. The psychic believes that for the old New Year it is better to give up fortune telling on mirrors and cards. Manipulation will attract evil spirits to fortune tellers. You can find out the future by telling fortunes using dumplings.

The hostess or all the guests can sculpt. Select several dumplings that will be the object of fortune telling. Place an item in each. During the feast, participants take a dumpling and receive a prediction. Explanation:

  • beans - the appearance of children;
  • button - purchase;
  • dill - good health;
  • coin - money;
  • a piece of bread - well-being;
  • white thread - travel;
  • black thread - you will spend a year without traveling;
  • ring - wedding;
  • bay leaf - glory;
  • raisins - fans;
  • cabbage - wedding, happy family life;
  • carrots - meeting;
  • pepper - change;
  • caramel - love;
  • cucumbers - wealth;
  • nut - a pleasant surprise;
  • rice - happiness;
  • fish - pregnancy;
  • garlic - difficulties;
  • peas - happy life;
  • buckwheat - wealth;
  • cranberry - unhappy love;
  • cherry - good luck;
  • dried apricots - love;
  • tape - problems;
  • meat - money, stability.

Fortune telling on the night of the Old New Year for marriage

There are many known relationship fortune telling, marriage for men and women. Before the divination, prepare: let your hair down, get rid of belts, belts, bracelets, rings and chains.

Ritual with paper

Prepare 2 sheets of paper. Put any mark on one. IN New Year's Eve put the sheets under the pillow. When you wake up, take one out at random. Got it with a note - get married.

Fortune telling on a nut shell

This method will help you find out who loves you. Cut several strips of paper and write the name of your intended suitor on each one. Pour water into the container and glue notes with names along the edges. Place a small candle in the nut shell and light it. Place the small boat in the center of the container.

Wait until the shell floats to the piece of paper. This person is in love with you. Stopped between two leaves, men have feelings for you equally.

Ritual with candles

Take 2 candles. One symbolizes you, the other - the person of interest. Place them next to each other and light them.

  1. They burn evenly and do not crackle - the relationship will be calm and harmonious.
  2. If your candle smokes, you will change your attitude towards your partner.
  3. The flame fluctuates strongly, smokes - a rupture is possible.
  4. The candles are burning with a bang - it will be very difficult together.

You can learn more about relationships using classical fortune telling on wax.

Fortune telling with a towel

Ritual with the help prophetic dream will allow you to find out what your other half will look like. On the night of January 13-14, place a basin of water next to your bed. You will need a new, white towel. Place it next to the container. Tell:

Betrothed (betrothed) come. Wash with water and dry with a towel.

Go to bed, in your dream you will see the image of a potential partner.

Fortune telling for the future January 13

Old New Year is a time when you can find out the future. Don't miss the moment, take advantage ancient fortune telling to fate.

Ritual with cups

Prepare a ring, a coin, bread, sugar, onion, salt, and a container of water. Place each item in a small cup. Everyone taking part in the ritual, with eyes closed choose one. Explanation:

  • ring - marriage, happy married life;
  • coin - money;
  • bread - abundance;
  • sugar - happiness;
  • onion - sadness;
  • salt - troubles;
  • a bowl of water - no change is expected.

Fortune telling yes or no

With the help of a pendulum you can get answers to any questions. The only thing: he answers “yes” or “no”. A ring, a needle, or a talisman stone can be used as a pendulum. Hang the selected item on a thread or chain. Take it in your hand, the weight should hang calmly, without moving. Say “Yes” and rock the weight back and forth. Wait until he calms down. Say “No” and swing the weight left and right.

Wait until the pendulum stops and ask the question that interests you. By the oscillations of the pendulum you will understand whether a higher power gives a positive or negative answer.

Fortune telling from a book

Used for fortune telling romance novels. Today, girls also prefer to cast a spell based on the book “The Master and Margarita.” Ask a question, select a page number and line number. The phrase written at this place is a prediction.

Ritual with a chain

You can only use your own gold chain. Someone else's or one made from another metal will not give the correct answer. Guess in absolute solitude. Rub it between your palms and throw it on the floor or any other surface.
Look at the pattern the chain has formed:

  • circle - troubles;
  • straight stripe - good luck;
  • node - disease;
  • geometric figure - victory in love;
  • bow - marriage;
  • wavy line - betrayal.

Fortune telling with an egg

You will need a fresh egg and warm water. At midnight, pour the protein into the water.

  1. The donkey has sunk to the bottom - no change is expected.
  2. Became a cobweb - enemies weave webs.
  3. Long stripes from top to bottom - changes, important events.
  4. Most of the part at the top is uplifting, joyful.

Ritual with newspaper

If you don't have newspaper, you can use any sheets of paper. Crumple the paper and set it on fire. Look at the shadow of the paper and flame.

  1. Looks like a human figure - an important meeting.
  2. An animal is a faithful companion.
  3. Intricate figures are important decisions.
  4. A straight, even flame casts the same shadow - the road will be smooth, everything will work out.

Fortune telling with leaves

Take a few pieces of paper and write predictions, for example: wealth, love, joyful meeting. The number of leaves is not limited. At the stroke of midnight, guests must choose one of each. This way they will receive a prediction for the next year.

On the night of January 13-14, you can make your wish come true and find out what is in store for the next year. Don't miss the chance to lift the veil of secrets. But you shouldn’t take everything as an axiom. After all, everything in life can change and the future depends on you.

Fortune telling has been a favorite pastime for a huge number of people since time immemorial, but it is especially popular during Christmas time - the Old New Year and Epiphany.

For centuries, people believed that fortune telling was particularly accurate and reliable during the Old New Year and Epiphany. This means that every person can lift the veil into the future and find out what awaits him during Christmas time, and quite independently.

And although the Church condemns any attempts to find out the future with the help of divination and magic, people have been guessing and continue to guess. The unknown and mystery have always attracted people, so many rush to these holidays tell fortunes for your betrothed, for the future, or perform a ritual to attract money and good luck.

Fortune telling for the future and for the betrothed has always aroused the greatest interest among girls who longed to find out the name of their future spouse, or what is even “cooler” - to see his reflection in the mirror or in a wedding ring.

Sputnik Georgia asked what rituals and fortune telling for the betrothed and for the future were performed on the Old New Year and Epiphany and which of them were the most popular.

Fortune telling

In the old days, Christmas evenings were dedicated to divination and fortune-telling; accordingly, everyone who wants to look, according to the traditions of their ancestors, into their future, can do this before the Epiphany, on any evening, including on the night of the Old New Year.

You can choose any fortune telling. The most popular of them are fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish, for the future and, naturally, for the betrothed or betrothed.

In the old days, fortune telling was done on everything that came to hand - on rings, mirrors, beans, shoes, rice, onions, brooms, apples and even on fence boards, which is not difficult to do in our time.

The girl, with her arms outstretched, tried to grab as many boards in the fence as possible, and then counted them - an even number indicated imminent marriage, and an odd number indicated loneliness.

For the betrothed

It is very easy to find out the name of your future husband - you just need to go out into the street and ask the first man you meet to tell him his name.

On Old New Year and Epiphany, girls could not only find out the name of their betrothed, but even see his face in the mirror. To do this, in the midnight darkness, they sat down between two mirrors, lit candles and began to peer into the reflection, hoping to see their betrothed.

Girls also wondered with a mirror on the street. Standing at the crossroads with your back to the month, looking in the mirror and wishing: “Betrothed, mummer, show yourself to me in the mirror.” As some claim, the betrothed appears in the mirror after some time.

People considered fortune telling on the night of the Old New Year to be the most truthful, and they said that it was at this time that you could see your future spouse in a dream.

In particular, the girl let down and combed her hair, then put the comb under the pillow, calling magic words future spouse: “Betrothed, come and comb my head.”

And it was possible to find out what kind of betrothed one would be by fortune telling with card kings. To do this, on the night before the Old New Year, before going to bed, you need to put cards with images of kings under your pillow, and in the morning, without looking, pull out one card.

In the old days, people believed that the kind of king you get, the same will be your husband: king of diamonds- the betrothed will be desirable, the hearts will be young and rich, the clubs will be military, and the spades will be old and jealous.

Where to look for a betrothed

During Christmas time you can also find out the place where to look for your betrothed. This will help next fortune telling: Place several multi-colored buttons, preferably the same size, in an opaque bag.

Tune in and ask the question: “My dear, where are you?” and then take one of them out of the bag. According to the button, the answer will indicate where you will meet your destiny.

The meaning of buttons: simple black - at work, green - in the store, brown - with friends, white - on a trip, yellow - in transport, iron - he will be in the military, with rhinestones - in the cinema, theater or village club, blue - by chance street.

Ancient fortune telling

One of the most popular fortune telling for the Old New Year and Epiphany for young girls who wanted to know their future was “inviting the betrothed to dinner.”

Before starting fortune telling, the girl in empty room She covered the table with a tablecloth, put down, in addition to the knife and fork, the cutlery and said: “The betrothed-mummer, come to dinner with me.” Then she locked the windows and doors and waited alone for her betrothed.

The howling of the wind and blows on the windows and door indicated the approach of the groom, and then he appeared, sat down at the table and began to entertain her with conversation. The girl, without moving, was supposed to silently notice facial features and clothing and not answer questions.

Then, suddenly perking up, she asked point blank: “What’s your name?” The betrothed called his name and took something out of his pocket. At that moment the girl should have said: “Forget me!” - and the groom simply disappeared.

In the old days, people used to tell fortunes on Christmastide using a candle. They took a deep bowl and filled it halfway with water. On the edges of the bowl, pieces of paper were fastened on which questions were pre-written, such as “will I get married this year,” “will I have luck,” and so on.

Then a small candle was attached to a small wooden plank and lit so that the flame reached the edge of the attached pieces of paper. They lowered a board with a candle onto the water and looked. The prediction was that piece of paper with a question that the candle would burn.

Other fortune telling

The potential bride or groom, with their eyes closed, takes out a grain from a canvas bag of beans and examines it. If there are no spots or chips on the grain, then they will soon have a wedding. And if there are spots, then their number indicates how many years to wait before the wedding.

Fortune telling was popular among girls. future life on things. They took a felt boot and put several different objects there. For example, a piece of sugar, meaning a happy and comfortable life, a ring - marriage, a scarf - a handsome husband, a rag - a poor husband, an onion - tears, a coin - a rich husband, and so on.

They shook the felt boots and, without looking, took out the object that came to hand first, and used it to predict fate.

The girls and their friends were guessing using a thread. They cut the threads to the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out faster than others will marry first. And if the thread immediately goes out or burns only halfway, then, alas, you are not destined to get married.

They also guessed from the book. They took a book and, before opening it, wished for the page number and the line at the top or bottom. Then the book was opened and read in the hidden place. What was read was interpreted in accordance with the wish made for marriage, prosperity, future, and so on.

In the Old New Year they also used fortune telling. On January 13, before going to bed, they wrote 12 wishes on separate pieces of paper, folded the sheets neatly and put them under the pillow. Waking up, in the morning they pulled out three of them, which were sure to be fulfilled in the new year.

Some take fortune telling very seriously, others with a bit of humor, as one of the pastimes during the holidays. And we can only wish you good luck and happiness in the coming Old New Year.

The material was prepared based on open sources

Our ancestors believed that fortune-telling during Christmas time was particularly accurate and reliable. This means that every person can lift the veil into the future and find out what awaits him on Old New Year and Epiphany, and quite independently.

And although the Church condemns any attempts to find out the future with the help of divination and magic, people have been guessing and continue to guess. The unknown and mystery have always attracted people, so many people rush on these holidays to tell fortunes about their betrothed, about the future, or to perform a ritual to attract money and good luck.

Fortune telling for the future and for the betrothed has always aroused the greatest interest among girls who longed to find out the name of their future spouse, or what is even “cooler” - to see his reflection in the mirror or in a wedding ring.

Sputnik Georgia asked what rituals and fortune telling for the betrothed and for the future were performed on the Old New Year and Epiphany and which of them were the most popular.

In the old days, Christmas evenings were dedicated to divination and fortune-telling; accordingly, everyone who wants to look, according to the traditions of their ancestors, into their future, can do this before the Epiphany, on any evening, including on the night of the Old New Year.

You can choose any fortune telling. The most popular of them are fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish, for the future and, naturally, for the betrothed or betrothed.

In the old days, fortune telling was done on everything that came to hand - on rings, mirrors, beans, shoes, rice, onions, brooms, apples and even on fence boards, which is not difficult to do in our time.

The girl, with her arms outstretched, tried to grab as many boards in the fence as possible, and then counted them - an even number indicated imminent marriage, and an odd number indicated loneliness.

For the betrothed

It is very easy to find out the name of your future husband - you just need to go out into the street and ask the first man you meet to tell him his name.

On Old New Year and Epiphany, girls could not only find out the name of their betrothed, but even see his face in the mirror. To do this, in the midnight darkness, they sat down between two mirrors, lit candles and began to peer into the reflection, hoping to see their betrothed.

Girls also wondered with a mirror on the street. Standing at the crossroads with your back to the month, looking in the mirror and wishing: “Betrothed, disguised, show yourself to me in the mirror.” As some claim, the betrothed appears in the mirror after some time.

People considered fortune telling on the night of the Old New Year to be the most truthful, and they said that it was at this time that you could see your future spouse in a dream.

In particular, the girl let down and combed her hair, then put the comb under the pillow, calling with magical words to her future husband: “Mummer, come comb my head.”

And it was possible to find out what kind of betrothed one would be by fortune telling with card kings. To do this, on the night before the Old New Year, before going to bed, you need to put cards with images of kings under your pillow, and in the morning, without looking, pull out one card.

In the old days, people believed that whichever king they got, so would the husband: the king of diamonds - the betrothed one would be desired, the king of hearts - young and rich, the king of clubs - military, and the king of spades - old and jealous.

Where to look for a betrothed

During Christmas time you can also find out the place where to look for your betrothed. The following fortune telling will help with this: put several multi-colored buttons, preferably the same size, into an opaque bag.

Tune in and ask the question: “My dear, where are you?” and then take one of them out of the bag. According to the button, the answer will indicate where you will meet your destiny.

The meaning of buttons: simple black - at work, green - in the store, brown - with friends, white - on a trip, yellow - in transport, iron - he will be in the military, with rhinestones - in the cinema, theater or village club, blue - by chance street.

Ancient fortune telling

One of the most popular fortune telling for the Old New Year and Epiphany for young girls who wanted to know their future was “inviting the betrothed to dinner.”

Before starting fortune-telling, the girl in an empty room covered the table with a tablecloth, put down, in addition to the knife and fork, the utensil and said: “The betrothed-mummer, come to dinner with me.” Then she locked the windows and doors and waited alone for her betrothed.

The howling of the wind and blows on the windows and door indicated the approach of the groom, and then he appeared, sat down at the table and began to entertain her with conversation. The girl, without moving, was supposed to silently notice facial features and clothing and not answer questions.

Then, suddenly perking up, she asked point blank: “What’s your name?” The betrothed called his name and took something out of his pocket. At this moment the girl should have said: “Forget me!” - and the groom simply disappeared.

In the old days, people used to tell fortunes on Christmastide using a candle. They took a deep bowl and filled it halfway with water. On the edges of the bowl, pieces of paper were fastened on which questions were pre-written, such as “will I get married this year,” “will I have luck,” and so on.

Then a small candle was attached to a small wooden plank and lit so that the flame reached the edge of the attached pieces of paper. They lowered a board with a candle onto the water and looked. The prediction was that piece of paper with a question that the candle would burn.

Other fortune telling

The potential bride or groom, with their eyes closed, takes out a grain from a canvas bag of beans and examines it. If there are no spots or chips on the grain, then they will soon have a wedding. And if there are spots, then their number indicates how many years to wait before the wedding.

Fortune telling on things for the future was popular among girls. They took a felt boot and put several different objects there. For example, a piece of sugar, meaning a happy and comfortable life, a ring - marriage, a scarf - a handsome husband, a rag - a poor husband, an onion - tears, a coin - a rich husband, and so on.

They shook the felt boots and, without looking, took out the object that came to hand first, and used it to predict fate.

The girls and their friends were guessing using a thread. They cut the threads to the same length and set them on fire at the same time. Whose thread burns out faster than others will marry first. And if the thread immediately goes out or burns only halfway, then, alas, you are not destined to get married.

They also guessed from the book. They took a book and, before opening it, wished for the page number and the line at the top or bottom. Then the book was opened and read in the hidden place. What was read was interpreted in accordance with the wish made for marriage, prosperity, future, and so on.

In the Old New Year they also used fortune telling. On January 13, before going to bed, they wrote 12 wishes on separate pieces of paper, folded the sheets neatly and put them under the pillow. Waking up, in the morning they pulled out three of them, which were sure to be fulfilled in the new year.

Some take fortune telling very seriously, others with a bit of humor, as one of the pastimes during the holidays. And we can only wish you good luck and happiness in the coming Old New Year.

The material was prepared based on open sources