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Kyrie eleison. Kyrie elison Kyrie elison translation

All the services of the Orthodox Church are imbued with a prayer cry: "Kyrie eleison" - "Lord, have mercy." This is the oldest human prayer. The tradition of the Church says that our forefathers, who sinned and were expelled from paradise, sitting "right in paradise," began their blessed path of repentance, which ensured the possibility of the salvation of the human race by Christ, precisely with this repentant cry of the soul: "Have mercy! Merciful, have mercy on me, fallen one!"

The most sacred Old Testament creations, psalms and prophecies tirelessly repeat this word: "Have mercy. Have mercy on me, God, according to Thy great mercy" (). "Pray to God to have mercy on us," says the prophet Malachi ().

The first prayer that was heard in the first temple of the true God built on earth was: "Lord God, hear and have mercy!" ().

This is the first prayer that an Orthodox child learns, and this is the last prayer that the dying consciousness of the dying person repeats.

And if on calm days, in the quagmire of everyday everyday life, the words "Lord, have mercy!" Are very often indifferently repeated, like a familiar recalled chorus, then at moments when either danger, or torment, or the burning consciousness of the abyss of their fall shake the soul , then this short prayer cry is suddenly saturated with the deepest meaning and power. And as a condemned to death before a judge, in whose eyes he reads the last hope for pardon, as a dangerously sick person in a prayer to a doctor who can save, a human soul begins to shout to Almighty God: "Lord, have mercy!"

Many inspired, brightest prayers have been composed by humanity. But when death looks into the eyes or when the intolerable fire of shame burns the soul, then a person cannot find the strength to repeat the calm words of prayers, but instead of all other prayers, he cries out: "Lord, have mercy!" - finding in these two words the subsoil basis of all prayer requests.

And when, more than all hopes, it turns out that this cry has been heard, when a merciful hand deflects the seemingly inevitable mortal danger or leads the soul out of a seemingly hopeless dead end, then the saved soul will fall in love with this short prayer "Lord, have mercy!" and already calmly and enlightened begins to repeat it in all light and dark, in sorrowful and joyful moments of his life.

That is why the chorus "Lord, have mercy!" Orthodox divine service is saturated. If Orthodoxy, as Metropolitan Anthony teaches, is primarily a religion of repentance, if, according to the teachings of the same saint, it is the sanctuary of all mankind and everything that is truly good, valuable, and correct in the universe, wherever it is, essentially belongs to Orthodox Church, then, of course, here, in an Orthodox church, in Orthodox prayer, in its proper place, in innumerable prayer repetitions, there should be the most fundamental prayer of mankind - "Lord, have mercy!" - both as the cry of a soul that sees itself on the brink of death, and as a calm, joyful, grateful repetition of this prayer that brought salvation.

Both the individual, and the peoples, and all of humanity have already stood on the brink of destruction many times and have been saved from it by God's merciful hand many times. How many times can one not repeat "Lord, have mercy"? How not to repeat these attested words of salvation, when death has come nearer to humanity to an unprecedented extent, took on clearly tangible forms and stubbornly looks into his eyes ?!

We undoubtedly foresee that this first prayer of the human race, first uttered by the lips of our sinned ancestors in the bitter hour of exile from paradise, will also be the last prayer of human lips when in fire and storm, in the trumpet of the Archangelsk, human history ends and in the trembling of the pre-end human souls will have neither the strength nor the time for other prayers, except for this one - the shortest and deepest deepest: "Lord, have mercy! Have mercy and have mercy!"

- [kir (i) je] ou kyrie eleison [kir (i) jeeleisɔn] n. m. inv. 1840; kirie leyson v. 1170; gr. Kurie "Seigneur" et eleêson "aie pitié" ♦ Invocation par laquelle commencent les litanies, au cours de la messe; musique sur laquelle se chante ... ... Encyclopédie Universelle

Kýrie - (Vokativ, also Anredeform, des griech. Κύριος, “Herr”; im heutigen Griechisch kírië ausgesprochen) ist das erste Wort einer kurzen, meist dreigliedrigen Litanei, die die gleich bleibenden Teile (Ordinarium Miss. Der Ruf…… Deutsch Wikipedia

kyrie - s.f. (muz.) 1. (Şi în sintagma kyrie eleison) Invocaţie a divinităţii adoptată în cultul creştin. 2. Parte a misei (care se deschide prin kyrie 1). - cuv. gr. Trimis de catalin caba, 26.02.2002. Sursa: DEX 98 KYRIE s.f. (muz… Dicționar Român

kyrié - kyrié, ou kyrié éléison (ky ri é ou ki ri é élé i son) s. m. Terme de liturgie. Partie de la messe qui renferme une triple invocation à Dieu répétée trois fois. La musique composée sur les paroles du Kyrié. Un beau Kyrié. ÉTYMOLOGIE Du ... ... Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d "Émile Littré

Kyrie - Kyr i * e, n. See (Kyrie eleison). ... The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

kyrie - valkyrie walkyrie ... Dictionnaire des rimes

kyrie - | quíriè | s. m. 1. Invocação a Deus que se faz no princípio da missa. 2. Cântico feito com essa invocação. Sinônimo geral: QUÍRIE ‣ Etimologia: transcrição latina do grego kúrie, vocativo de kúrios, senhor ... Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

Kyrie - For other uses, see Kyrie (disambiguation). Kyrie, from the Roman Gradual Kyrie, a transliteration of Greek κύριε (kyrie), vocative case of κύριος (kyrios), meaning Lord, is the common name of an important prayer of Christian liturgy, which is…… Wikipedia

Kyrie - Chant grégorien Plain chant Neumes Modalite grégorienne ... Wikipédia en Français

Kyrie - Kyr i e (kîrʹē ā) n. 1.a. A brief petition and response used in various liturgies of several Christian churches, beginning with or composed of the words "Lord, have mercy." b. A brief petition and response that together comprise the first item ... ... Universalium

Kyrie - Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demselben Wort bezeichneter Begriffe. Kyrie ist der Beginn einer Litanei im christlichen Gottesdienst - siehe Kyrie eleison ein Lied von ... Deutsch Wikipedia


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