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Guards abnormal flag. USSR Naval Flag. Description of the Guards Option

The Russian Naval Flag was approved on July 21, 1992 and regulated by the ship charter of the Navy of the Russian Federation.

The flag is a rectangular white cloth with the Andreevsky Cross of Dark Blue.

The flag has a 2: 3 proportion.

The Flag of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation is incorporated into the State heraldic register of the Russian Federation at number 6.

The flag symbolizes the state affiliation of the ship, as well as the willingness to protect the interests of Russia in aquatic space.

The flag is similar to the flag of Scotland. In fact, flags are inverted versions of each other, although it is known that the flag of Scotland appeared earlier than the flag of the Navy of Russia.

The flag was used since the beginning of the XVIII century. Petr first made eight sketches (projects) flag. Description of the eighth flag project: " Flag white, across it there is a blue Andreevsky cross, which Russia dubbed"Thus, the flag takes its start from the period of 1699-1712 and until 1917.

After 1917, the flag with the Andreevsky Cross was not used on the territory of the RSFSR and the USSR.

Andreevsky flag in religious institutions

Russian Navy flags are located in the Nikolsky Cathedral, located in Krotadt.

Marine Nikolsky Cathedral conceived as a temple and as a monument to all the fallen seafarers of Russia. Inside the temple are black and white boards made from marble. On the blacks are located the names of officers who died in battles, as well as in the performance of official debt; The lower marine ranks are located not by name, were placed in a total number, excluding those who made a feat. On white places from marble, the names of clergy who served on the vessels of the Navy and died on the water were located.

Historical flags of the Navy of Russia

Flags of the Navy of the USSR

The flag was approved on May 27, 1935 and canceled on July 26, 1992. The flag was a rectangular cloth with a horizontal blue band at the bottom of the flag. A five-pointed red star was closer to the tree. In the other side there were crossed hammer and a red sickle. The flag had the aspect ratio of 2: 3. During the existence of the USSR, the USSR Navy flag changed three times.

Historic naval flags of the USSR


  • Ship charter NMF. Chapter 15.
  • Ship Charter of the Navy of the USSR.
  • Flot order from September 11, 1923
  • Order of the Revolutionary Military Council of the Republic of September 6, 1923 No. 1981.
  • Federal Law of 29.12.2000 No. 162-FZ "On the banner of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the banner of the navy, a different kinds of other types of armed forces of the Russian Federation and the signs of other troops."
  • Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 1992 No. 798 "On the naval flags and pennants of the Russian Federation."
  • Photos belong to the site portal.

Each division, the kind of troops, has its own symbolism, reflecting the features of its activities. The Navy did not exception. The main symbolic element is the flag that has its own story. Moreover, the Navy never had only one flag, denoting the identity of something to a specific type of troops. This species has already had 4 types of flag: naval flag, red-known naval flag, Guards Naval Flag and Guards Red-known naval flag. If the first indicated these troops as a whole, the following three said that a separate ship or a whole fleet was awarded any title or award.

History of the USSR Navy.

The USSR Navy existed since the formation of the USSR until his decay. The main functions assigned to these forces were the protection of water borders of the Soviet Union, conducting hostilities in wartime, transportation of technical and human resources into strategically important points. By the way, the last task was extremely rare, as the aviation was most often attracted for this. It is worth saying that the Fleet of the USSR did not always wore such a name. Officially, the troops received such a name only in 1938. The USSR Navy consisted of several divisions, each of which performed its tasks, but acted among themselves in agreement. There were underwater, intro forces, coastal troops, marine infantry and even sea aviation, which was found to the fleet despite the presence of air force. Coastal troops ensured the safety of waters from the shore due to the presence of anti-aircraft missile systems. Marine infantry consisted of human resources and was used, in particular, to conquer the coast, coastal buildings and even settlements, ports and, less often, other ships.

The development of the USSR Navy can be divided into several stages. The largest amount of changes in the equipment, the preparation of troops and even the legal regulation of the activities of the Navy took place in the period from 1923 to 1936. The pre-war years distinguished by the huge rate of increasing the fleet resources. People's Commissar RKKF of the time N.G. Kuznetsov gave orders to prepare a fleet to possible military actions. It can be said that only thanks to these orders, the fleet found the power that allowed him to resist the forces of the enemy in the Great Patriotic War. The number of military marine equipment has increased dramatically. Some types of ships numbered hundreds, and before this "reform" there were all units. During the war, the main opponent of the fleet was not he, but enemy, and aviation and infantry. The main military actions were carried on land, so the fleet turned out to be a little wrong with affairs, however, he continued to fulfill his tasks, adjusting to the situation on land, having air and infantry under his beginnings. A lot of people from the sea were sent to serve to land.

Flag of the USSR Navy.

As already mentioned, the navy has 4 flags. They differ from each other with their appearance. Three of them are issued for various circumstances. The most common flag is naval. He also underwent two changes in its appearance. The first flag established in 1923 was based on the flag of the Military Fleet of Japan. It looked like a rectangular canvas of red, against whose white "sun" is located - the circle in the middle of the flag. 8 expanding white rays differ from it. In the center of the circle there is a Red Star, and in the middle of the stars - a white sickle and hammer, which symbolizes the USSR. In 1935, the flag changed the first time. In view of the incoming situation in the Far East, it was decided to change the appearance of the flag because of its similarity with the Japanese flag of the naval forces. The second flag looked as follows: its form has not changed, downstairs along the entire length there was a strip of blue color, symbolizing the aqueous space. A red star and sickle and hammer were placed on both sides of the center. In this form, the flag stayed until 1950. This year, he changed again, however, the changes concerned only the proportions of the above-mentioned elements, the elements themselves did not change. So the flag stayed until 1992 (before the emergence of the Navy of Russia).

The second flag of the USSR Navy is the red-known naval flag, which until 1950 was called the honorary revolutionary naval flag. As can be seen from the name, it was used only by those crews who were awarded awards for special merits and feats. This symbolism resembled the first described standard flag, however, there were changes. Until 1935, the flag repeated the appearance of the standard, only in the left upper quarter the flag was absent. There was just a white background with a red edging, in the center of which was the drawing of the Order of the Red Banner. Thus, the ships were allocated among others who did not receive any incentive signs. After replacing the usual naval flag, respectively, it has changed it. The appearance of the usual appearance was used, but instead of a red star was also a sign of the Order of the Red Banner. Its proportions together with the proportions of the remaining elements of the flag were changed in 1950.

The third flag is the Guards Naval. This flag was established in view of the appearance of the so-called guards compounds in 1941. Accordingly, it was used by the ships and their compounds that were awarded the Guards title. Since this flag has appeared after the abolition of the flag with the figure of the "Sun", he has the original look copied the view of the naval flag, but the guards tape was located under the star and sickle with a hammer. Accordingly, in 1950, the flag's proportion was also changed. Fourth flag - Guards Red-known naval flag. By analogy with the usual red-known, they were distinguished by ships, who received the awards for special merits along with the Guards rank. The appearance of the fourth flag was copied from the third, instead of a star lay a sign of the Red Banner Order. In 1950, the proportions of the elements were changed.

Like the symbolism of any other kind of troops, the flags of the Navy are extremely important for everyone who served in these troops and in general has any attitude towards them. Although historically Navy of the USSR did not play such a big role as aviation or landing troops, there will always be a reason to be proud of them, as they invariably contributed to the defense of their country and to maintain peace on its territory.

The appearance of the first naval flag of Russia is associated with the construction in 1669 of the first Russian warship "Orel". According to the preserved testimony for the "Eagle" in 1668, a flag consisting of white, blue and red colors was made, however, the exact location of the colors is not known, but it is known that on the flag by the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich dated April 24, 1669 It was ordered to "write" the Russian state coat of arms. The first view is that when choosing a picture of the first Russian naval flag, Alexey Mikhailovich and interested persons have had a cross flags of Western European powers, similar to the figure of the banners of the Moscow Archers, and the colors of the royal banners and the colors of the Moscow coat of deployment indicated On Russian colors: white, blue and red. But the well-known reformer Tsar Peter I decided not to stop at what was achieved, and in October 1699 in the draft of the Declaration of the Messenger in Istanbul E. I. Ukrainians depicted drawings of two fleet flags: with three horizontal equilibrium strips (marked - "White", "Blue "And" red ") and with a blue oblique oblique cross on top of these strips. From 1699 to 1712, Peter I drew another eight flag projects that were consistently accepted in the fleet. The latter (eighth) and the final version was so described by Peter I: "The flag is white, the blue of this is there is a blue Andreevsky cross, in which Russia christened." In such a form, the Andreevsky flag existed in the Russian fleet until November 1917. It is curious that the Andreev flag continued to be used on the ships "White" during and after the civil war. Only in December 1924 in the city of Bizert in North Africa, the launch of the last White Guard ships. The first version of the flag of the USSR Navy was developed on the basis of the naval flag of Japan by the captain of the first rank of N. I. Oryovsky, but his similarity with the flag of another country did not give him a long time for afloat, so to speak, and in 1935 was approved, among Other, New Flag of the USSR Military Forces. Over time, the flag was modified, the proportions of the star and sickle changed with a hammer, but the idea remained all the same. And until 1992, the Navy flag of the USSR existed in this form, in which it is represented by our online store. The USSR Navy Flag is a white cloth with a blue stripe running along the bottom edge of the flag. A red five-pointed star and crossed sickle and a hammer of red-colored red, although he was loaded with socialist characters, but nevertheless reminded, at least in color, reminded the Andreev flag of the Russian Fleet. What to please the sailor, who believed faithfully on the Fleet of the Union State? It is enough to buy the flag of the Navy of the USSR, and at first glance, only the bright moments of such a difficult service will be overlooked. The material from which the flag is performed is quite reliable, the flaple grid has a large mechanical strength, and when washing, the color will remain as bright as when purchasing.

Feed flags

USSR Naval Flag, 1935 - 1950.
On May 27, 1935, he was introduced by the Government Decree (Decree of the CEC and SCS of the USSR No. 1982/341 "On the Naval Flags of the SSR Union"), and on July 1, the new Naval Flag of the USSR is solemnly raised. It became a white cloth with a narrow blue stripe along the bottom edge; In the left side of the flag (from the larger), a red star was depicted, and in the right - red sickle and hammer. The width of the flag of the NAMF should have been equal to 2/3 of length. Flag, although it was loaded by socialist symbols, but nevertheless remotely, at least a color, reminded the St. Andrew's Flag of the Russian Fleet.

Honorary Revolutionary Naval Flag, 1935 - 1950.

The Red-known Naval Flag (in the decision of the CEC on marine flags 27.5.1935 - the honorary revolutionary naval flag) repeated the flag of the Navy, but in the center of the star was placed the Order of the Red Banner.

Guards Naval Flag, 1942-1950.

On June 19, 1942, the Gvardary Naval Flag of the USSR is approved by the Order of the Nark Military Flag, and the Guards Red Banner Naval Flag appeared later. They differed from ordinary flags in one detail - the St. George ribbon drawn under the star and sickle and the hammer. Georgievskaya tape symbolized in the USSR the concept of "Guard".

Guards Red-known Naval Flag, 1942

(officially not approved, but was used)
The Guards Red Banner Naval Flag of the USSR is a Guards Naval Flag, on which an image of a red banner of a red banner is placed on top of a red star. The magnitude of the Order in the diameter (horizontally) is 1/4 of the width of the flag. At the naval flags of ships awarded by other orders of the Soviet Union, an image of the Order, which was awarded the ship was placed on top of the Red Star.

Honorary Revolutionary Naval Flag of the Aurora cruiser.

Taste Gyus and Fortress Flag (Marine Forties)
Decree of the CEC and SCC of the USSR dated July 7, 1932 (July 12, ... "

Flags of officials

Flag of the People's Commissar Defense of the USSR and his deputies

The flag of the People's Commissar of Defense (1935) repeated the flag of the Navy, but the star was inside the golden laurel wreath.

Flag of headquarters of the RKKK

Flag of the Chief of the General Staff of the Republic of Redek (1935; and then the head of the General Staff of the USSR Armed Forces until 1964) repeated the flag of the Navy, but behind the star were two crossed three-line rifles with bayonets and natural belts.

Flag of Chief of Chief Maritime Staff RKVMF

The flag of the Chief of the Main Maritime Staff of the Workers' and Peasant Navy repeated the flag of the Navy, but the star was a blue anchor in the pillar.

Flag of Marine Inspector RKKK

The Flags of the Inspector of the Marine Forces and the head of the Naval Forces of the Republic of Red Army approved by the decision of the CEC and SCC of the USSR on May 27, 1935, canceled by order of the People's Commissar of Narch No. 251 dated December 31, 1938 on the basis of the Government Decree No. 276 dated December 7, 1938 .. on the inspector flag (1935) The red star was surrounded by five small blue stars.

Flag of Head of the Marine Rark Forces

And on the flag of the head of the Marine Forces of the Red Army (1935), the star was superimposed on two blue crossed anchors.
In connection with the formation of the NCMF, the Flags of the Narkom of the NCMF, Deputy Commissar of the NCOMP and the head of the Chief Maritime Headquarters (Order of the Narc Commission No. 251 of December 31, 1938, were introduced on December 7, 1938 from December 31, 1938 on December 7, 1938).

Flag of the People's Commissar Navy of the USSR

Flag of the People's Commissar of the USSR Navy (1938) - Red with the flag of the defense addict in the canton. The flag existed before the abolition of the NCMP.

Flag of Deputy People's Commissioner Navy of the USSR

The Deputy People's Commissar of the Navy (1938) had the same flag, but in the canton was just the flag of the Navy (without a laurel wreath).

Flag of the fleet commander

Flag with three stars - commander of the fleet; The flag rose to the grotto, and at one mast - on the shadow with the descent of the pennant.

Flag of senior flagship, commander of military ships

Flag of two stars - Senior flagship, commander of flotilla, squadron; The flag rose to the shape with a pennant descent.

Flag of the Junior Flag of Commander Combination of War Ships

Flag with one white star - Junior flagship, commander of the junction of ships; The flag rose to the shape with a pennant descent.

Flags of auxiliary vessels Navy

Forage flag of auxiliary and port courts of the Naval Forces of the RKKK

Auxiliary and port vessels, as in the Russian Empire, carried the blue flag with the naval flag in the canton. At first there was a flag of the Navy of the 1923 sample, and then, on the flag of the auxiliary and port vessels of the MS RKKA, the flag of the 1935 sample. Such a flag of auxiliary ships is described in the "Regulations on banners, flags, salutes and military celebrations on MS RKKKI ships" 1936.

Feed Order Flag of Auxiliary and Port Ships

Known the Order of the auxiliary ships - with the Order of Lenin, superimposed on the star. Such a flag raised the icebreaker "Ermak"

Forage Flag of Rescue Ships Navy

Flag of rescue ships (approved. 1943) - blue with flag of the Navy in the canton and emblem in the free part. The emblem was a stylized image of a diving helmet. In the decision on naval flags (1964), this flag is somewhat changed, named "flag of emergency-rescue ships of the Navy of the USSR", the presence of black edging at the white circle and its size is half the width of the panels.

Feed flag of hydrographic and pilot courts, as well as floating lighthouses

Flag of Hydrographic Courts of the Navy of the USSR (1935-1964) of the Emblem in the form of a lighthouse sign in a white circle. The description of this flag was already in the Regulations on the banners, flags, salutes and military celebrations on the ships of the MS RKKA 1936, where he was called "Flag of Hydrographic, Lots-Macey Courts and Floor Lighthouses." Then in the description it was said only about the "Lane Sign on the White Circle".

Military Port Commander Flag

Blue flag, in a hint flag of the Navy, in the free part below the white Admiralty anchor ry up.

Flag of the Fleet Rescue Service (Flotilla)
03.09.1943 — 16.11.1950

Flag of Military Lotsmana

The order of the People's Commissar of the NARF №317 of September 3, 1943 was approved by the flag of Lotsman Navy - White-Red Plotto with the Naval Flag in the canton. Apparently, this flag existed not long. In the decision of the Council of Ministers No. 4662 "On the Naval Flags of the SSR Union" of November 16, 1950, it is already absent. (information provided by A.N. Basov).

Light flag (for floating lighthouses)

Yellow with a blue straight cross. This flag entered the set of approved in 1924 flags, but it existed earlier (still in the Russian royal fleet).

Brand Watch Flag

Blue cloth in the form of a trapezium.

Flags of the border troops

Feed flag of the border guards of the NKVD of the USSR

After changing the flag of the Navy in 1935, the green flag with the naval flag in the canton was first the feed flag of the border guard ships of the NKVD of the USSR (Decree of the CEC and SNK dated May 27, 1935 "On the Naval Flags of the USSR"), then became naval Flag of ships and ships of the border troops of the USSR.

Flag of the People's Commissar of the internal affairs of the USSR

Flag of the People's Commissar of the Interior (1935-1950) was a green cloth with an image in the Canton of the USSR Naval Flag, the star on the flag was surrounded by a laurel wreath. The flag approved by Decree of CEC and SNK dated May 27, 1935 "On the Naval Flags of the USSR".

Red-known naval flag of ships (boats) border troops MGB USSR

The red-known naval flag of ships and vessels of the border troops was also green with the Red Banner Naval Flag of the USSR in a hatch.

Guards Naval Flag of ships (boats) border troops MGB of the USSR

Feed Guards Flag of Border Ships Navy of the USSR (1950-1964) - green cloth with the Guards Naval Flag in Horce.

Guards of the Red Banner Naval Flag of Ships (boats) of the Border Troops MGB of the USSR

The fodder red-known Guards flag of the border ships of the USSR (1950-1964) is the same, but with the Order of the Red Banner over the star.

Vimpels and Breid Vimpels of the USSR warships

Vympril warships of the USSR (sample 1935)

Cracy with the image of the naval flag from the larger. This pennant has not changed to the collapse of the USSR.

Breid Vimpel Commander of the Division Ships of the Marine RKKA

Breed pennant commander of ships - red with naval flag in the head. Breid-pennant rises to the grotto-wall and carry around the clock.

Braid Vimpel Commander of the RKKKA Maritime Rack Boats

Breid pennant commander of the ship division - blue with the naval flag in the head. Breid-pennant rises to the grotto-wall and carry around the clock.

Braid-pennant of the senior maritime boss on the raid

Breed-pennant older on the raid - white with the naval flag in the head. Breid-pennant rises to the grotto under pennant and carry around the clock.

Breid Vimpel Chief of the Hydrographic Detachment

Breid Vimpel Chief of the Council of Hydrographic Ships of the USSR Navy (1935-1950) Blue with the Naval Flag in the head and the emblem of hydrographic ships on Kosice.

Breed Vimpel Commander of the Emergency Rescue Detachment and River Rescue Detachment

Breid Vimpel Chief of the Emergency Rescue Service of the Fleet (Flotilla) (1943-1950) Blue with the Naval Flag in the head and emblem of rescue ships on Kosice.

Vympel of border ships of the USSR

Green, in the head Flag of border ships.

Braid Vimpel Commander of the Division of Watchman (boats) of border troops

Breed pennant commander of the junction of border troops was the same, but shorter: the length of the braid-pennant was 5 times more width.

In the Soviet Navy, such practices of the lifting of flags operated this practice (however, it was adopted in most countries):
The main symbol of the service of a warter to the Navy of the USSR was the naval flag. On the go, the naval flag is worn on a hafel (or on a fed flagpole). In the parking lot - rises on the fed flagpole.
During the battle or in mind the enemy, the Naval Flag rose on all the vehicle walls except the grotto, where the USSR state flag was rising.
Pennant climbed onto the grotto (in the case of one mast - on the fortress) and rushed constantly (day and night, in any weather), while the ship was in the campaign. Only descended if the flag or brad-pennance of an official rose on the wall.
Flags of officials rose to form or grotto. Breed pennants were rising there.

The Fleet of the USSR used its, different from the international arch, the system of signal flags. The same flags were used as flags of coloring.

Consultations of the leading Flaught Marinist CIS A. Basova

On October 12, 1923, the chairman of the RVS L. Trotsky approved the album project "Flags of the Marine Chiefs and Courts of the RCF." By the decision of the USSR SCC dated October 30, 1923, an interdepartmental commission on the flags of the USSR was created. As a result of her work, the decision of the CEC and SCC of the USSR "On Flags and Features of the USSR" of August 11, 1924 was born. This document contained drawings and descriptions of more than 50 flags and pennants of the Navy, Air Force, etc. Services, 20 pennants of shipping companies. Part of these flags was planned to introduce SNK's decrees. A secondary set of flags of the working and peasant red fleet flags approved by the decision of the CEC and SCC of the USSR of August 29, 1924 "On Flags and Features of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics". On September 12, 1924, an order was published on the fleet No. 220, which was adopted by the "album of Flags of the RKKF and the Maritime Agency". Finally, once again (already the third) set of flags of the Navy approved CEC and SCC of the USSR on May 25, 1925, in the "Album of Flags and Vimpels of the USSR", then the flags of the Union republics, departments are included.

The decree on flags of August 29.1924 was repeatedly made changes and additions (the list of documents we exist, see the "Departmental Flags of the USSR").

The flags of the new sample were introduced on May 27, 1935, the decision of the CEC and SCC of the USSR No. 1982/341 "On the Naval Flags of the SSR Union", the set of flags was approved by Decree SSR from April 21, 1964 "On the USSR Naval Flags". Then the flags with numerous decisions of state bodies, were described in naval charters and other documents; Published in the albums produced by the Navy People's Commissariat and the Ministry of Defense (for example, the Album of Flags .... "Narkoat Navy 1939, Album" Naval Flags of the Union of the USSR "of the Naval Ministry of the USSR 1951, etc.).

The First Naval Flag of the USSR was first raised on November 7, 1923 according to the order of the RVSR No. 1981 dated September 6, 1923 and the order on the fleet No. 371 of September 11, 1923, and was approved at the meeting of the Presidium of the USSR CEC on August 24, 1923 [Information A . Basova]. He later confirmed by the Decree of the Presidium of the USSR CEC dated August 29, 1924:

"Rectangular red flag with a length ratio to 3: 2. 2. In the center of the flag of the white circle (sun), inside which the red five-pointed star facing one end up. Inside the star placed white sickle and hammer. The circle has a diameter equal to half the width of the flag, And the star 5/6 of the diameter of the circle. From the white circle (sun) to the corners and middle of the parties - eight diverging white rays, the width of which at the circle of 1/24, and at the edge of the flag of 1/10 of the latter.

According to A. Basova, the naval flag was developed by N.I. Orynsky (later - in captain of 1 rank) shortly after a trip to the Far East, apparently, according to the model of the Japanese military flag.